mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 17:46:38 -04:00
1135 lines
50 KiB
Executable File
1135 lines
50 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2025 KeePassXC Team <team@keepassxc.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option)
# version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import argparse
import ctypes
from datetime import datetime
import hashlib
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import platform
import random
import re
import signal
import shutil
import stat
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
# Ctrl+F TOC
# class Check(Command)
# class Merge(Command)
# class Build(Command)
# class AppSign(Command)
# class GPGSign(Command)
# class I18N(Command)
# Errors and Logging
class Error(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
self.msg = msg
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __str__(self):
return self.msg % self.args
class SubprocessError(Error):
def _term_colors_on():
return 'color' in os.getenv('TERM', '') or 'FORCE_COLOR' in os.environ or sys.platform == 'win32'
_TERM_BOLD = '\x1b[1m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_RES_BOLD = '\x1b[22m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_RED = '\x1b[31m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_BRIGHT_RED = '\x1b[91m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_YELLOW = '\x1b[33m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_BLUE = '\x1b[34m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_GREEN = '\x1b[32m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_RES_CLR = '\x1b[39m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
_TERM_RES = '\x1b[0m' if _term_colors_on() else ''
class LogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
_FMT = {
logging.DEBUG: f'{_TERM_BOLD}[%(levelname)s]{_TERM_RES} %(message)s',
logging.INFO: f'{_TERM_BOLD}[{_TERM_BLUE}%(levelname)s{_TERM_RES_CLR}]{_TERM_RES} %(message)s',
logging.WARNING: f'{_TERM_BOLD}[{_TERM_YELLOW}%(levelname)s{_TERM_RES_CLR}]{_TERM_RES}{_TERM_YELLOW} %(message)s{_TERM_RES}',
logging.ERROR: f'{_TERM_BOLD}[{_TERM_RED}%(levelname)s{_TERM_RES_CLR}]{_TERM_RES}{_TERM_RED} %(message)s{_TERM_RES}',
logging.CRITICAL: f'{_TERM_BOLD}[{_TERM_BRIGHT_RED}%(levelname)s{_TERM_RES_CLR}]{_TERM_RES}{_TERM_BRIGHT_RED} %(message)s{_TERM_RES}',
def format(self, record):
return logging.Formatter(self._FMT.get(record.levelno, '%(message)s')).format(record)
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
logger.setLevel(os.getenv('LOGLEVEL') if 'LOGLEVEL' in os.environ else logging.INFO)
# Helper Functions
def _get_bin_path(build_dir=None):
if not build_dir:
return os.getenv('PATH')
build_dir = Path(build_dir)
path_sep = ';' if sys.platform == 'win32' else ':'
return path_sep.join(list(map(str, build_dir.rglob('vcpkg_installed/*/tools/**/bin'))) + [os.getenv('PATH')])
def _yes_no_prompt(prompt, default_no=True):
sys.stderr.write(f'{prompt} {"[y/N]" if default_no else "[Y/n]"} ')
yes_no = input().strip().lower()
if default_no:
return yes_no == 'y'
return yes_no == 'n'
def _choice_prompt(prompt, choices):
while True:
sys.stderr.write(prompt + '\n')
for i, c in enumerate(choices):
sys.stderr.write(f' {i + 1}) {c}\n')
sys.stderr.write('\nYour choice: ')
choice = input().strip()
if not choice.isnumeric() or int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > len(choices):
logger.error('Invalid choice: %s', choice)
return int(choice) - 1
def _run(cmd, *args, cwd, path=None, env=None, input=None, capture_output=True, timeout=None, check=True,
docker_image=None, docker_privileged=False, docker_mounts=None, docker_platform=None, **run_kwargs):
Run a command and return its output.
Raises an error if ``check`` is ``True`` and the process exited with a non-zero code.
if not cmd:
raise ValueError('Empty command given.')
if not env:
env = os.environ.copy()
if path:
env['PATH'] = path
if _term_colors_on():
env['FORCE_COLOR'] = '1'
if docker_image:
docker_cmd = ['docker', 'run', '--rm', '--tty=true', f'--workdir={cwd}', f'--user={os.getuid()}:{os.getgid()}']
docker_cmd.extend([f'--env={k}={v}' for k, v in env.items() if k in ['FORCE_COLOR', 'CC', 'CXX']])
if path:
if docker_mounts:
docker_cmd.extend([f'--volume={Path(d).absolute()}:{Path(d).absolute()}:rw' for d in docker_mounts])
if docker_privileged:
docker_cmd.extend(['--cap-add=SYS_ADMIN', '--security-opt=apparmor:unconfined', '--device=/dev/fuse'])
if docker_platform:
cmd = docker_cmd + cmd
logger.debug('Running command: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
return subprocess.run(
cmd, *args,
except FileNotFoundError:
raise Error('Command not found: %s', cmd[0] if type(cmd) in [list, tuple] else cmd)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.stderr:
err_txt = e.stderr
if type(err_txt) is bytes:
err_txt = err_txt.decode()
raise SubprocessError('Command "%s" exited with non-zero code: %s',
cmd[0], err_txt, **e.__dict__)
raise SubprocessError('Command "%s" exited with non-zero code.', cmd[0], **e.__dict__)
def _cmd_exists(cmd, path=None):
"""Check if command exists."""
return shutil.which(cmd, path=path) is not None
def _git_working_dir_clean(*, cwd):
"""Check whether the Git working directory is clean."""
return _run(['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--'], check=False, cwd=cwd).returncode == 0
def _git_get_branch(*, cwd):
"""Get current Git branch."""
return _run(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], cwd=cwd, text=True).stdout.strip()
def _git_branches_related(branch1, branch2, *, cwd):
"""Check whether branch is ancestor or descendant of another."""
return (_run(['git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', branch1, branch2], cwd=cwd).returncode == 0 or
_run(['git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', branch2, branch1], cwd=cwd).returncode == 0)
def _git_checkout(branch, *, cwd):
"""Check out Git branch."""
_GIT_ORIG_BRANCH_CWD = (_git_get_branch(cwd=cwd), cwd)
logger.info('Checking out branch "%s"...', branch)
_run(['git', 'checkout', branch], cwd=cwd, text=True)
except SubprocessError as e:
raise Error('Failed to check out branch "%s". %s', branch, e)
def _git_commit_files(files, message, *, cwd, sign_key=None):
"""Commit changes to files or directories."""
_run(['git', 'reset'], cwd=cwd)
_run(['git', 'add', *files], cwd=cwd)
if _git_working_dir_clean(cwd=cwd):
logger.info('No changes to commit.')
logger.info('Committing changes...')
commit_args = ['git', 'commit', '--message', message]
if sign_key:
commit_args.extend(['--gpg-sign', sign_key])
_run(commit_args, cwd=cwd, capture_output=False)
def _cleanup():
"""Post-execution cleanup."""
logger.info('Checking out original branch...')
_git_checkout(_GIT_ORIG_BRANCH_CWD[0], cwd=_GIT_ORIG_BRANCH_CWD[1])
return 0
except Exception as e:
logger.critical('Exception occurred during cleanup:', exc_info=e)
return 1
def _split_version(version):
if type(version) is not str or not re.match(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$', version):
raise Error('Invalid version number: %s', version)
return version.split('.')
# CLI Commands
class Command:
"""Command base class."""
def __init__(self, arg_parser):
self._arg_parser = arg_parser
def setup_arg_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
def run(self, **kwargs):
class Check(Command):
"""Perform a pre-merge dry-run check, nothing is changed."""
def setup_arg_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='Release version number or name.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-dir', help='Source directory.', default='.')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--release-branch', help='Release source branch (default: inferred from --version).')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--check-tools', help='Check for necessary build tools.', action='store_true')
def run(self, version, src_dir, release_branch, check_tools):
if not version:
logger.warning('No version specified, performing only basic checks.')
if check_tools:
if version:
self.perform_version_checks(version, src_dir, release_branch)
logger.info('All checks passed.')
def perform_tool_checks(cls):
logger.info('Checking for required build tools...')
def perform_basic_checks(cls, src_dir):
logger.info('Performing basic checks...')
def perform_version_checks(cls, version, src_dir, git_ref=None, version_exists=False, checkout=True):
logger.info('Performing version checks...')
major, minor, patch = _split_version(version)
if version_exists:
git_ref = git_ref or version
cls.check_release_exists(git_ref, src_dir)
git_ref = git_ref or f'release/{major}.{minor}.x'
cls.check_release_does_not_exist(version, src_dir)
cls.check_branch_exists(git_ref, src_dir)
if checkout:
_git_checkout(git_ref, cwd=src_dir)
logger.info('Attempting to find "%s" version string in source files...', version)
cls.check_version_in_cmake(version, src_dir)
cls.check_changelog(version, src_dir)
cls.check_app_stream_info(version, src_dir)
def check_src_dir_exists(src_dir):
if not src_dir:
raise Error('Empty source directory given.')
if not Path(src_dir).is_dir():
raise Error(f'Source directory "{src_dir}" does not exist!')
def check_git_repository(cwd):
if _run(['git', 'rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree'], check=False, cwd=cwd).returncode != 0:
raise Error('Not a valid Git repository: %s', e.msg)
def check_release_exists(tag_name, cwd):
if not _run(['git', 'tag', '--list', tag_name], check=False, cwd=cwd).stdout:
raise Error('Release tag does not exists: %s', tag_name)
def check_release_does_not_exist(tag_name, cwd):
if _run(['git', 'tag', '--list', tag_name], check=False, cwd=cwd).stdout:
raise Error('Release tag already exists: %s', tag_name)
def check_working_tree_clean(cwd):
if not _git_working_dir_clean(cwd=cwd):
raise Error('Current working tree is not clean! Please commit or unstage any changes.')
def check_branch_exists(branch, cwd):
if _run(['git', 'rev-parse', branch], check=False, cwd=cwd).returncode != 0:
raise Error(f'Branch or tag "{branch}" does not exist!')
def check_version_in_cmake(version, cwd):
cmakelists = Path('CMakeLists.txt')
if cwd:
cmakelists = Path(cwd) / cmakelists
if not cmakelists.is_file():
raise Error('File not found: %s', cmakelists)
cmakelists_text = cmakelists.read_text()
major = re.search(r'^set\(KEEPASSXC_VERSION_MAJOR "(\d+)"\)$', cmakelists_text, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
minor = re.search(r'^set\(KEEPASSXC_VERSION_MINOR "(\d+)"\)$', cmakelists_text, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
patch = re.search(r'^set\(KEEPASSXC_VERSION_PATCH "(\d+)"\)$', cmakelists_text, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
cmake_version = '.'.join([major, minor, patch])
if cmake_version != version:
raise Error(f'Version number in {cmakelists} not updated! Expected: %s, found: %s.', version, cmake_version)
def check_changelog(version, cwd):
changelog = Path('CHANGELOG.md')
if cwd:
changelog = Path(cwd) / changelog
if not changelog.is_file():
raise Error('File not found: %s', changelog)
major, minor, patch = _split_version(version)
if not re.search(rf'^## {major}\.{minor}\.{patch} \(.+?\)\n+', changelog.read_text(), re.MULTILINE):
raise Error(f'{changelog} has not been updated to the "%s" release.', version)
def check_app_stream_info(version, cwd):
appstream = Path('share/linux/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.appdata.xml')
if cwd:
appstream = Path(cwd) / appstream
if not appstream.is_file():
raise Error('File not found: %s', appstream)
major, minor, patch = _split_version(version)
if not re.search(rf'^\s*<release version="{major}\.{minor}\.{patch}" date=".+?">',
appstream.read_text(), re.MULTILINE):
raise Error(f'{appstream} has not been updated to the "%s" release.', version)
def check_xcode_setup():
if sys.platform != 'darwin':
if not _cmd_exists('xcrun'):
raise Error('xcrun command not found! Please check that you have correctly installed Xcode.')
def check_gnupg():
if not _cmd_exists('gpg'):
raise Error('GnuPG not installed.')
class Merge(Command):
"""Merge release branch into main branch and create release tags."""
def setup_arg_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument('version', help='Release version number or name.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-dir', help='Source directory.', default='.')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--release-branch', help='Release source branch (default: inferred from version).')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag-name', help='Name of tag to create (default: same as version).')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--no-latest', help='Don\'t advance "latest" tag.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--sign-key', help='PGP key for signing release tags (default: ask).')
parser.add_argument('--no-sign', help='Don\'t sign release tags (for testing only!)', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-y', '--yes', help='Bypass confirmation prompts.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--skip-translations', help='Skip pulling translations from Transifex', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--tx-resource', help='Transifex resource name.', choices=['master', 'develop'])
parser.add_argument('--tx-min-perc', choices=range(0, 101), metavar='[0-100]',
help='Minimum percent complete for Transifex pull (default: %(default)s).')
def run(self, version, src_dir, release_branch, tag_name, no_latest, sign_key, no_sign, yes,
skip_translations, tx_resource, tx_min_perc):
major, minor, patch = _split_version(version)
Check.perform_version_checks(version, src_dir, release_branch)
sign_key = GPGSign.get_secret_key(sign_key)
# Update translations
if not skip_translations:
i18n = I18N(self._arg_parser)
i18n.run_tx_pull(src_dir, i18n.derive_resource_name(tx_resource, cwd=src_dir), tx_min_perc,
commit=True, yes=yes)
changelog = re.search(rf'^## ({major}\.{minor}\.{patch} \(.*?\)\n\n+.+?)\n\n+## ',
(Path(src_dir) / 'CHANGELOG.md').read_text(), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
if not changelog:
raise Error(f'No changelog entry found for version {version}.')
changelog = 'Release ' + changelog.group(1)
tag_name = tag_name or version
logger.info('Creating "%s%" tag...', tag_name)
tag_cmd = ['git', 'tag', '--annotate', tag_name, '--message', changelog]
if not no_sign:
tag_cmd.extend(['--sign', '--local-user', sign_key])
_run(tag_cmd, cwd=src_dir)
if not no_latest:
logger.info('Advancing "latest" tag...')
tag_cmd = ['git', 'tag', '--annotate', 'latest', '--message', 'Latest stable release', '--force']
if not no_sign:
tag_cmd.extend(['--sign', '--local-user', sign_key])
_run(tag_cmd, cwd=src_dir)
log_msg = ('All done! Don\'t forget to push the release branch and the new tags:\n'
f' {_TERM_BOLD}git push origin {release_branch}{_TERM_RES}\n'
f' {_TERM_BOLD}git push origin tag {tag_name}{_TERM_RES}')
if not no_latest:
log_msg += f'\n {_TERM_BOLD}git push origin tag latest --force{_TERM_RES}'
class Build(Command):
"""Build and package binary release from sources."""
def setup_arg_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument('version', help='Release version number or name.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-dir', help='Source directory.', default='.')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag-name', help='Name of the tag to check out (default: same as version).')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', default='release',
help='Build output directory (default: %(default)s.')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--cmake-generator', help='Override default CMake generator.')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--install-prefix', default='/usr/local',
help='Build install prefix (default: %(default)s).')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-source-tarball', help='Don\'t create a source tarball.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--snapshot', help='Build snapshot from current HEAD.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--use-system-deps', help='Use system dependencies instead of vcpkg.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--parallelism', default=os.cpu_count(), type=int,
help='Build parallelism (default: %(default)s).')
parser.add_argument('-y', '--yes', help='Bypass confirmation prompts.', action='store_true')
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
parser.add_argument('--macos-target', default=12, metavar='MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET',
help='macOS deployment target version (default: %(default)s).')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform-target', default=platform.uname().machine,
help='Build target platform (default: %(default)s).', choices=['x86_64', 'arm64'])
elif sys.platform == 'linux':
parser.add_argument('-d', '--docker-image', help='Run build in Docker image (overrides --use-system-deps).')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform-target', help='Build target platform (default: %(default)s).',
choices=['x86_64', 'aarch64'], default=platform.uname().machine)
parser.add_argument('-a', '--appimage', help='Build an AppImage.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--cmake-opts', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='Additional CMake options (no other arguments can be specified after this).')
def run(self, version, src_dir, output_dir, tag_name, snapshot, no_source_tarball, cmake_generator, yes, **kwargs):
src_dir = Path(src_dir).resolve()
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
if output_dir.is_dir():
logger.warning(f'Output directory "{output_dir}" already exists.')
if not yes and not _yes_no_prompt('Reuse existing output directory?'):
raise Error('Build aborted!')
logger.debug('Creating output directory...')
tag_name = tag_name or version
cmake_opts = [
'-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=' + kwargs['install_prefix'],
if not kwargs['use_system_deps'] and not kwargs.get('docker_image'):
if snapshot:
logger.info('Building a snapshot from HEAD.')
Check.check_version_in_cmake(version, src_dir)
except Error as e:
logger.warning(e.msg, *e.args)
version += '-snapshot'
tag_name = 'HEAD'
Check.perform_version_checks(version, src_dir, tag_name, version_exists=True, checkout=True)
if cmake_generator:
cmake_opts.extend(['-G', cmake_generator])
kwargs['cmake_opts'] = cmake_opts + (kwargs['cmake_opts'] or [])
if not no_source_tarball:
self.build_source_tarball(version, tag_name, src_dir, output_dir)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return self.build_windows(version, src_dir, output_dir, **kwargs)
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
return self.build_macos(version, src_dir, output_dir, **kwargs)
if sys.platform == 'linux':
return self.build_linux(version, src_dir, output_dir, **kwargs)
raise Error('Unsupported build platform: %s', sys.platform)
def _get_vcpkg_toolchain_file(path=None):
vcpkg = shutil.which('vcpkg', path=path)
if not vcpkg:
raise Error('vcpkg not found in PATH (use --use-system-deps to build with system dependencies instead).')
toolchain = Path(vcpkg).parent / 'scripts' / 'buildsystems' / 'vcpkg.cmake'
if not toolchain.is_file():
raise Error('Toolchain file not found in vcpkg installation directory.')
return toolchain.resolve()
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def build_source_tarball(self, version, tag_name, src_dir, output_dir):
if not shutil.which('tar'):
logger.warning('tar not installed, skipping source tarball creation.')
logger.info('Building source tarball...')
prefix = f'keepassxc-{version}'
output_file = Path(output_dir) / f'{prefix}-src.tar'
_run(['git', 'archive', '--format=tar', f'--prefix={prefix}/', f'--output={output_file.absolute()}', tag_name],
# Add .version and .gitrev files to tarball
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
tpref = Path(tmp) / prefix
fver = tpref / '.version'
frev = tpref / '.gitrev'
git_rev = _run(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short=7', tag_name], cwd=src_dir, text=True).stdout.strip()
_run(['tar', '--append', f'--file={output_file.absolute()}',
str(frev.relative_to(tmp)), str(fver.relative_to(tmp))], cwd=tmp)
logger.debug('Compressing source tarball...')
comp = shutil.which('xz')
if not comp:
logger.warning('xz not installed, falling back to bzip2.')
comp = 'bzip2'
_run([comp, '-6', '--force', str(output_file.absolute())], cwd=src_dir)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def build_windows(self, version, src_dir, output_dir, *, parallelism, cmake_opts, **_):
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def build_macos(self, version, src_dir, output_dir, *, use_system_deps, parallelism, cmake_opts,
macos_target, platform_target, **_):
if not use_system_deps:
cmake_opts.append(f'-DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET={platform_target.replace("86_", "")}-osx-dynamic-release')
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as build_dir:
logger.info('Configuring build...')
_run(['cmake', *cmake_opts, str(src_dir)], cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False)
logger.info('Compiling sources...')
_run(['cmake', '--build', '.', f'--parallel', str(parallelism)], cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False)
logger.info('Packaging application...')
_run(['cpack', '-G', 'DragNDrop'], cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False)
output_file = Path(build_dir) / f'KeePassXC-{version}.dmg'
output_file.rename(output_dir / f'KeePassXC-{version}-{platform_target}-unsigned.dmg')
logger.info('All done! Please don\'t forget to sign the binaries before distribution.')
def _download_tools_if_not_available(toolname, bin_dir, url, docker_args=None):
if _run(['which', toolname], cwd=None, check=False, **(docker_args or {})).returncode != 0:
logger.info(f'Downloading {toolname}...')
outfile = bin_dir / toolname
urlretrieve(url, outfile)
outfile.chmod(outfile.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
def build_linux(self, version, src_dir, output_dir, *, install_prefix, parallelism, cmake_opts, use_system_deps,
platform_target, appimage, docker_image, **_):
if use_system_deps and platform_target != platform.uname().machine and not docker_image:
raise Error('Need --docker-image for cross-platform compilation when not building with vcpkg!')
docker_args = dict(
if docker_image:
logger.info('Pulling Docker image...')
_run(['docker', 'pull', f'--platform=linux/{platform_target}', docker_image],
cwd=None, capture_output=False)
if appimage:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as build_dir:
logger.info('Configuring build...')
_run(['cmake', *cmake_opts, str(src_dir)], cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False, **docker_args)
logger.info('Compiling sources...')
_run(['cmake', '--build', '.', '--parallel', str(parallelism)],
cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False, **docker_args)
logger.info('Bundling AppDir...')
app_dir = Path(build_dir) / f'KeePassXC-{version}-{platform_target}.AppDir'
_run(['cmake', '--install', '.', '--strip',
'--prefix', (app_dir.absolute() / install_prefix.lstrip('/')).as_posix()],
cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False, **docker_args)
shutil.copytree(app_dir, output_dir / app_dir.name, symlinks=True)
if appimage:
version, src_dir, output_dir, app_dir, build_dir, install_prefix, platform_target, docker_args)
def _build_linux_appimage(self, version, src_dir, output_dir, app_dir, build_dir, install_prefix,
platform_target, docker_args):
if (app_dir / 'AppRun').exists():
raise Error('AppDir has already been run through linuxdeploy! Please create a fresh AppDir and try again.')
bin_dir = Path(build_dir) / 'bin'
'linuxdeploy', bin_dir,
'https://github.com/linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy/releases/download/continuous/' +
'linuxdeploy-plugin-qt', bin_dir,
'https://github.com/linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy-plugin-qt/releases/download/continuous/' +
'appimagetool', bin_dir,
'https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/' +
env_path = ':'.join([bin_dir.as_posix(), _get_bin_path()])
install_prefix = app_dir / install_prefix.lstrip('/')
desktop_file = install_prefix / 'share/applications/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop'
icon_file = install_prefix / 'share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/keepassxc.png'
executables = (install_prefix / 'bin').glob('keepassxc*')
app_run = src_dir / 'share/linux/appimage-apprun.sh'
logger.info('Building AppImage...')
logger.debug('Running linuxdeploy...')
_run(['linuxdeploy', '--plugin=qt', f'--appdir={app_dir}', f'--custom-apprun={app_run}',
f'--desktop-file={desktop_file}', f'--icon-file={icon_file}',
*[f'--executable={ex}' for ex in executables]],
cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False, path=env_path, **docker_args)
logger.debug('Running appimagetool...')
appimage_name = f'KeePassXC-{version}-{platform_target}.AppImage'
desktop_file.write_text(desktop_file.read_text().strip() + f'\nX-AppImage-Version={version}\n')
_run(['appimagetool', '--updateinformation=gh-releases-zsync|keepassxreboot|keepassxc|latest|' +
app_dir.as_posix(), (output_dir.absolute() / appimage_name).as_posix()],
cwd=build_dir, capture_output=False, path=env_path, **docker_args, docker_privileged=True)
class AppSign(Command):
"""Sign binaries with code signing certificates on Windows and macOS."""
def setup_arg_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument('file', help='Input file(s) to sign.', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--identity', help='Key or identity used for the signature (default: ask).')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-dir', help='Source directory (default: %(default)s).', default='.')
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
parser.add_argument('-n', '--notarize', help='Notarize signed file(s).', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--keychain-profile', default='notarization-creds',
help='Read Apple credentials for notarization from a keychain (default: %(default)s).')
def run(self, file, identity, src_dir, **kwargs):
for i, f in enumerate(file):
f = Path(f)
if not f.exists():
raise Error('Input file does not exist: %s', f)
file[i] = f
if sys.platform == 'win32':
for f in file:
self.sign_windows(f, identity, Path(src_dir))
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
if kwargs['notarize']:
identity = self._macos_get_codesigning_identity(identity)
for f in file:
out_file = self.sign_macos(f, identity, Path(src_dir))
if kwargs['notarize'] and out_file.suffix == '.dmg':
self.notarize_macos(out_file, kwargs['keychain_profile'])
raise Error('Unsupported platform.')
logger.info('All done.')
def sign_windows(self, file, identity, src_dir):
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _macos_validate_keychain_profile(self, keychain_profile):
if _run(['security', 'find-generic-password', '-a',
f'com.apple.gke.notary.tool.saved-creds.{keychain_profile}'], cwd=None, check=False).returncode != 0:
raise Error(f'Keychain profile "%s" not found! Run\n'
f' {_TERM_BOLD}xcrun notarytool store-credentials %s [...]{_TERM_RES_BOLD}\n'
f'to store your Apple notary service credentials in a keychain as "%s".',
keychain_profile, keychain_profile, keychain_profile)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _macos_get_codesigning_identity(self, user_choice=None):
result = _run(['security', 'find-identity', '-v', '-p', 'codesigning'], cwd=None, text=True)
identities = [l.strip() for l in result.stdout.strip().split('\n')[:-1]]
identities = [i.split(' ', 2)[1:] for i in identities]
if not identities:
raise Error('No codesigning identities found.')
if not user_choice and len(identities) == 1:
logger.info('Using codesigning identity %s.', identities[0][1])
return identities[0][0]
elif not user_choice:
return identities[_choice_prompt(
'The following code signing identities were found. Which one do you want to use?',
[' '.join(i) for i in identities])][0]
for i in identities:
# Exact match of ID or substring match of description
if user_choice == i[0] or user_choice in i[1]:
return i[0]
raise Error('Invalid identity: %s', user_choice)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def sign_macos(self, file, identity, src_dir):
logger.info('Signing "%s"', file)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
tmp = Path(tmp).absolute()
app_dir = tmp / 'app'
out_file = file.parent / file.name.replace('-unsigned', '')
if file.is_file() and file.suffix == '.dmg':
logger.debug('Unpacking disk image...')
mnt = tmp / 'mnt'
_run(['hdiutil', 'attach', '-noautoopen', '-mountpoint', mnt.as_posix(), file.as_posix()], cwd=None)
shutil.copytree(mnt, app_dir, symlinks=True)
_run(['hdiutil', 'detach', mnt.as_posix()], cwd=None)
elif file.is_dir() and file.suffix == '.app':
logger.debug('Copying .app directory...')
shutil.copytree(file, app_dir, symlinks=True)
logger.warning('Skipping non-app file "%s"', file)
app_dir_app = list(app_dir.glob('*.app'))[0]
logger.debug('Signing libraries and frameworks...')
_run(['xcrun', 'codesign', f'--sign={identity}', '--force', '--options=runtime', '--deep',
app_dir_app.as_posix()], cwd=None)
# (Re-)Sign main executable with --entitlements
logger.debug('Signing main executable...')
_run(['xcrun', 'codesign', f'--sign={identity}', '--force', '--options=runtime',
'--entitlements', (src_dir / 'share/macosx/keepassxc.entitlements').as_posix(),
(app_dir_app / 'Contents/MacOS/KeePassXC').as_posix()], cwd=None)
tmp_out = out_file.with_suffix(f'.{"".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=8))}{file.suffix}')
if file.suffix == '.dmg':
logger.debug('Repackaging disk image...')
dmg_size = sum(f.stat().st_size for f in app_dir.rglob('*'))
_run(['hdiutil', 'create', '-volname', 'KeePassXC', '-srcfolder', app_dir.as_posix(),
'-fs', 'HFS+', '-fsargs', '-c c=64,a=16,e=16', '-format', 'UDBZ',
'-size', f'{dmg_size}k', tmp_out.as_posix()],
elif file.suffix == '.app':
shutil.copytree(app_dir, tmp_out, symlinks=True)
if tmp_out.is_file():
elif tmp_out.is_dir():
shutil.rmtree(tmp_out, ignore_errors=True)
# Replace original file if all went well
if tmp_out.exists():
if tmp_out.is_dir():
logger.info('File signed successfully and written to: "%s".', out_file)
return out_file
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def notarize_macos(self, file, keychain_profile):
logger.info('Submitting "%s" for notarization...', file)
_run(['xcrun', 'notarytool', 'submit', f'--keychain-profile={keychain_profile}', '--wait',
file.as_posix()], cwd=None, capture_output=False)
logger.debug('Stapling notarization ticket...')
_run(['xcrun', 'stapler', 'staple', file.as_posix()], cwd=None)
_run(['xcrun', 'stapler', 'validate', file.as_posix()], cwd=None)
logger.info('Notarization successful.')
class GPGSign(Command):
"""Sign previously compiled release packages with GPG."""
def setup_arg_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument('file', help='Input file(s) to sign', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--gpg-key', help='GnuPG key for signing input files (default: ask).')
def get_secret_key(user_choice):
keys = _run(['gpg', '--list-secret-keys', '--keyid-format=long'], cwd=None, text=True)
keys = re.findall(r'^sec#?\s+(.+?/[A-F0-9]+) .+?\n\s+(.+?)\nuid .+?] (.+?)\n', keys.stdout, re.MULTILINE)
if not keys:
raise Error('No secret keys found!')
if not user_choice and len(keys) == 1:
logger.info('Using secret key %s %s.', keys[0][0]. keys[0][2])
return keys[0][1]
elif not user_choice:
return keys[_choice_prompt(
'The following secret keys were found. Which one do you want to use?',
[' '.join([k[0], k[2]]) for k in keys])][1]
for i in keys:
if user_choice in i[1] or user_choice in i[2]:
return i[1]
raise Error('Invalid key ID: %s', user_choice)
def run(self, file, gpg_key):
for i, f in enumerate(file):
f = Path(f)
if not f.is_file():
raise Error('File "%s" does not exist or is not a file!', f)
file[i] = f
key_id = self._get_secret_key(gpg_key)
for f in file:
logger.info('Signing "%s"...', f)
_run(['gpg', '--armor', f'--local-user={key_id}', '--detach-sig',
f'--output={f.with_suffix(f.suffix + ".sig")}', str(f)], cwd=None)
logger.info('Creating digest file...')
h = hashlib.sha256(f.read_bytes()).hexdigest()
f.with_suffix(f.suffix + '.DIGEST').write_text(f'{h} {f.name}\n')
logger.info('All done.')
class I18N(Command):
"""Update translation files and pull from or push to Transifex."""
TRANSIFEX_RESOURCE = 'keepassxc.share-translations-keepassxc-en-ts--{}'
def setup_arg_parser(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-dir', help='Source directory.', default='.')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help='Branch to operate on.')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Subcommands', dest='subcmd')
push = subparsers.add_parser('tx-push', help='Push source translation file to Transifex.')
push.add_argument('-r', '--resource', help='Transifex resource name.', choices=['master', 'develop'])
push.add_argument('-y', '--yes', help='Don\'t ask before pushing source file.', action='store_true')
push.add_argument('tx_args', help='Additional arguments to pass to tx subcommand.', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
pull = subparsers.add_parser('tx-pull', help='Pull updated translations from Transifex.')
pull.add_argument('-r', '--resource', help='Transifex resource name.', choices=['master', 'develop'])
pull.add_argument('-m', '--min-perc', help='Minimum percent complete for pull (default: %(default)s).',
choices=range(0, 101), metavar='[0-100]', default=cls.TRANSIFEX_PULL_PERC)
pull.add_argument('-c', '--commit', help='Commit changes.', action='store_true')
pull.add_argument('-y', '--yes', help='Don\'t ask before pulling translations.', action='store_true')
pull.add_argument('tx_args', help='Additional arguments to pass to tx subcommand.', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
lupdate = subparsers.add_parser('lupdate', help='Update source translation file from C++ sources.')
lupdate.add_argument('-d', '--build-dir', help='Build directory for looking up lupdate binary.')
lupdate.add_argument('-c', '--commit', help='Commit changes.', action='store_true')
lupdate.add_argument('lupdate_args', help='Additional arguments to pass to lupdate subcommand.',
def check_transifex_cmd_exists():
if not _cmd_exists('tx'):
raise Error(f'Transifex tool "tx" is not installed! Installation instructions: '
def check_transifex_config_exists(src_dir):
if not (Path(src_dir) / '.tx' / 'config').is_file():
raise Error('No Transifex config found in source dir.')
if not (Path.home() / '.transifexrc').is_file():
raise Error('Transifex API key not configured. Run "tx status" first.')
def check_lupdate_exists(path):
if _cmd_exists('lupdate', path=path):
result = _run(['lupdate', '-version'], path=path, check=False, cwd=None, text=True)
if result.returncode == 0 and result.stdout.startswith('lupdate version 5.'):
raise Error('lupdate command not found. Make sure it is installed and the correct version.')
def run(self, subcmd, src_dir, branch, **kwargs):
if not subcmd:
logger.error('No subcommand specified.')
self._arg_parser.parse_args(['i18n', '--help'])
if branch:
Check.check_branch_exists(branch, src_dir)
_git_checkout(branch, cwd=src_dir)
if subcmd.startswith('tx-'):
kwargs['resource'] = self.derive_resource_name(kwargs['resource'], cwd=src_dir)
kwargs['resource'] = self.TRANSIFEX_RESOURCE.format(kwargs['resource'])
kwargs['tx_args'] = kwargs['tx_args'][1:]
if subcmd == 'tx-push':
self.run_tx_push(src_dir, **kwargs)
elif subcmd == 'tx-pull':
self.run_tx_pull(src_dir, **kwargs)
elif subcmd == 'lupdate':
kwargs['lupdate_args'] = kwargs['lupdate_args'][1:]
self.run_lupdate(src_dir, **kwargs)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def derive_resource_name(self, override_resource=None, *, cwd):
if override_resource:
res = override_resource
elif _git_branches_related('develop', 'HEAD', cwd=cwd):
logger.info(f'Branch derives from develop, using {_TERM_BOLD}"develop"{_TERM_RES_BOLD} resource.')
res = 'develop'
logger.info(f'Release branch, using {_TERM_BOLD}"master"{_TERM_RES_BOLD} resource.')
res = 'master'
return self.TRANSIFEX_RESOURCE.format(res)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def run_tx_push(self, src_dir, resource, yes, tx_args):
sys.stderr.write(f'\nAbout to push the {_TERM_BOLD}"en"{_TERM_RES} source file from the '
f'current branch to Transifex:\n')
sys.stderr.write(f' {_TERM_BOLD}{_git_get_branch(cwd=src_dir)}{_TERM_RES}'
f' -> {_TERM_BOLD}{resource}{_TERM_RES}\n')
if not yes and not _yes_no_prompt('Continue?'):
logger.error('Push aborted.')
logger.info('Pushing source file to Transifex...')
_run(['tx', 'push', '--source', '--use-git-timestamps', *tx_args, resource],
cwd=src_dir, capture_output=False)
logger.info('Push successful.')
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def run_tx_pull(self, src_dir, resource, min_perc, commit=False, yes=False, tx_args=None):
sys.stderr.write(f'\nAbout to pull translations for {_TERM_BOLD}"{resource}"{_TERM_RES_BOLD}.\n')
if not yes and not _yes_no_prompt('Continue?'):
logger.error('Pull aborted.')
logger.info('Pulling translations from Transifex...')
tx_args = tx_args or []
_run(['tx', 'pull', '--all', '--use-git-timestamps', f'--minimum-perc={min_perc}', *tx_args, resource],
cwd=src_dir, capture_output=False)
logger.info('Pull successful.')
files = [f.relative_to(src_dir) for f in Path(src_dir).glob('share/translations/*.ts')]
if commit:
_git_commit_files(files, 'Update translations.', cwd=src_dir)
def run_lupdate(self, src_dir, build_dir=None, commit=False, lupdate_args=None):
path = _get_bin_path(build_dir)
logger.info('Updating translation source files from C++ sources...')
_run(['lupdate', '-no-ui-lines', '-disable-heuristic', 'similartext', '-locations', 'none',
'-extensions', 'c,cpp,h,js,mm,qrc,ui', '-no-obsolete', 'src',
'-ts', str(Path(f'share/translations/keepassxc_en.ts')), *(lupdate_args or [])],
cwd=src_dir, path=path, capture_output=False)
logger.info('Translation source files updated.')
if commit:
'Update translation sources.', cwd=src_dir)
# CLI Main
def main():
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# Enable terminal colours
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleMode(ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11), 7)
f'{_TERM_BOLD} Release Preparation Tool{_TERM_RES}\n')
sys.stderr.write(f'Copyright (C) 2016-{datetime.now().year} KeePassXC Team <https://keepassxc.org/>\n\n')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True)
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands')
check_parser = subparsers.add_parser('check', help=Check.__doc__)
merge_parser = subparsers.add_parser('merge', help=Merge.__doc__)
build_parser = subparsers.add_parser('build', help=Build.__doc__)
appsign_parser = subparsers.add_parser('appsign', help=AppSign.__doc__)
gpgsign_parser = subparsers.add_parser('gpgsign', help=GPGSign.__doc__)
i18n_parser = subparsers.add_parser('i18n', help=I18N.__doc__)
args = parser.parse_args()
if '_cmd' not in args:
return 1
return args._cmd(parser).run(**{k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if k != '_cmd'}) or 0
def _sig_handler(_, __):
logger.error('Process interrupted.')
sys.exit(3 | _cleanup())
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _sig_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _sig_handler)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ret = 0
ret = main()
except Error as e:
logger.error(e.msg, *e.args, extra=e.kwargs)
ret = e.kwargs.get('returncode', 1)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.error('Process interrupted.')
ret = 3
except Exception as e:
logger.critical('Unhandled exception:', exc_info=e)
ret = 4
except SystemExit as e:
ret = e.code
ret |= _cleanup()