Jonathan White b5554e05d8
Improve application icons
* Add icons for Database Import, Database Export, and Recent Databases
* Change app exit icon to be distinct from export icon
* Updated and ran
2020-05-29 10:00:32 -04:00

1 line
617 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="mdi-close-circle-outline" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22C17.53,22 22,17.53 22,12C22,6.47 17.53,2 12,2M14.59,8L12,10.59L9.41,8L8,9.41L10.59,12L8,14.59L9.41,16L12,13.41L14.59,16L16,14.59L13.41,12L16,9.41L14.59,8Z" /></svg>