AppImage recipes are the legacy method for building AppImages, whereas linuxdeploy is meant to replace them. It takes care of finding and deploying all needed libraries and Qt plugins automagically, but it's still under heavy development, so some manual work using appimagetool and a few fixes are required to make it work for KeePassXC. This patch moves building of AppImages directly into the release-tool, both as a separate module (release-tool appimage) as well as a flag (--appimage) for the build module. The release and CI Dockerfiles were updated accordingly to support the new build process. The release Dockerfile also received a Qt update to version 5.10.1. In theory, it is now possible to use release-tool appsign for embedding PGP signatures into AppImages, but it fails in practice due to ELF header size limitations.
About KeePassXC
KeePassXC is a cross-platform community fork of KeePassX. Our goal is to extend and improve it with new features and bugfixes to provide a feature-rich, fully cross-platform and modern open-source password manager.
The KeePassXC QuickStart gets you started using KeePassXC on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer using pre-compiled binaries from the downloads page.
Additionally, individual Linux distributions may ship their own versions, so please check out your distribution's package list to see if KeePassXC is available.
Additional features compared to KeePassX
- Auto-Type on all three major platforms (Linux, Windows, macOS)
- Twofish encryption
- YubiKey challenge-response support
- TOTP generation
- CSV import
- Command line interface
- DEP and ASLR hardening
- Stand-alone password and passphrase generator
- Password strength meter
- Using website favicons as entry icons
- Merging of databases
- Automatic reload when the database changed on disk
- Browser integration with KeePassHTTP-Connector for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome or Chromium, and passafari in Safari. [See note about KeePassHTTP]
- Browser integration with KeePassXC-Browser using native messaging for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome or Chromium
- Many bug fixes
For a full list of features and changes, read the CHANGELOG document.
Building KeePassXC
Detailed instructions are available in the Build and Install page or on the Wiki page.
We are always looking for suggestions how to improve our application. If you find any bugs or have an idea for a new feature, please let us know by opening a report in our issue tracker on GitHub or join us on IRC on freenode channels #keepassxc or #keepassxc-dev.
You can of course also directly contribute your own code. We are happy to accept your pull requests.
Please read the CONTRIBUTING document for further information.
Note about KeePassHTTP
The KeePassHTTP protocol is not a highly secure protocol. It has a certain flaw which could allow an attacker to decrypt your passwords should they manage to impersonate the web browser extension from a remote address.
To minimize the risk, KeePassXC strictly limits communication between itself and the browser plugin to your local computer (localhost). This makes your passwords quite safe, but as with all open source software, use it at your own risk!