Patrick Klein 57af7c131d Fix favicon download from URL with non-standard port.
Fixes .

The favicon download URL was constructed from scheme and host only. This is fixed by simply replacing the path of the original URL with "/favicon.ico", thus keeping scheme, host, auth and port intact.

Further modification: URL's with a non-http schema are now rejected.
2021-03-01 21:42:19 -05:00

72 lines
3.9 KiB

#include "TestIconDownloader.h"
#include <QTest>
#include <gui/IconDownloader.h>
void TestIconDownloader::testIconDownloader()
QFETCH(QString, url);
QFETCH(QStringList, expectation);
IconDownloader downloader;
QStringList resolved_urls;
for (const auto& resolved_url : downloader.m_urlsToTry) {
QCOMPARE(resolved_urls, expectation);
void TestIconDownloader::testIconDownloader_data()
const QString keepassxc_favicon("");
QTest::newRow("Invalid URL") << "http:sk/" << QStringList{};
QTest::newRow("Unsupported schema") << "" << QStringList{};
QTest::newRow("Missing schema") << "" << QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("Missing host") << "https:///register" << QStringList{};
QTest::newRow("URL with path") << "" << QStringList{keepassxc_favicon};
QTest::newRow("URL with path and query")
<< "" << QStringList{keepassxc_favicon};
QTest::newRow("URL with port") << ""
<< QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("2nd level domain") << ""
<< QStringList{"", keepassxc_favicon};
QTest::newRow("2nd level domain with additional fields")
<< ""
<< QStringList{"",
QTest::newRow("2nd level domain ( special case), with subdomain")
<< ""
<< QStringList{"", ""};
QTest::newRow("2nd level domain special case")
<< "" << QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("2nd level domain with several subdomains")
<< ""
<< QStringList{"", keepassxc_favicon};
QTest::newRow("Raw IP with schema") << ""
<< QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("Raw IP") << "" << QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("Raw IP with schema and path")
<< "" << QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("Raw IP with schema (https), path, and port")
<< "" << QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("Raw IP with schema (http), path, and port")
<< "" << QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("URL with username and password")
<< "" << QStringList{""};
QTest::newRow("URL with username and password, several subdomains")
<< ""
<< QStringList{"",
QTest::newRow("Raw IP with username and password")
<< "https://user:password@" << QStringList{"https://user:password@"};