Wolfram Rösler 97b034dbcb Ignore system icon theme, always use our own icons
With the Material Design icons, any other icons brought in through
the system icon theme will look inconsistent.

Also remove the KEEPASSXC_IGNORE_ICON_THEME environment variable
(which was introduced during development of the new icons to
disable the system icon theme and is thus no longer needed).

Fixes #475
2020-01-29 19:18:54 -05:00

158 lines
7.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copy icon files from the Material Design icon set.
# Copyright (C) 2020 Wolfram Rösler
# Copyright (C) 2020 KeePassXC team <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option)
# version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# How to use: (assuming you check out stuff in ~/src)
# 0. Make sure to have a clean working tree
# 1. Download the Material Design icon set:
# $ cd ~/src
# $ git clone
# 2. Go to the icon source directory:
# $ cd ~/src/keepassxc/share/icons
# 3. Create the icons:
# $ bash ../../utils/ ~/src/MaterialDesign
# 4. Re-build and run KeePassXC:
# $ cd ~/keepassxc/build
# $ make keepassxc && src/keepassxc
# Material icons:
if [ $# != 1 ];then
echo "Usage: $0 MATERIAL"
echo "MATERIAL is the check-out directory of the material icons repository"
echo "(git clone".
if [ ! -d "$MATERIAL" ];then
echo "Material check-out directory doesn't exist: $MATERIAL"
exit 1
if [ ! -d application ];then
echo "Please run this script from within the share/icons directory"
echo "of the KeePassXC source distribution."
exit 1
# Map KeePassXC icon names to Material icon names.
# $1 is the name of the icon file in the KeePassXC source (without
# path and without extension, e. g. "document-new").
# Writes the name of the Material icon (without path and without
# extension, e. g. "folder-plus") to stdout.
# If the icon name is unknown, outputs nothing.
map() {
case "$1" in
application-exit) echo exit-to-app ;;
auto-type) echo keyboard-variant ;;
bugreport) echo bug-outline ;;
chronometer) echo clock-outline ;;
configure) echo settings-outline ;;
database-change-key) echo key ;;
database-close) echo close ;;
database-lock) echo lock-outline ;;
database-merge) echo merge ;;
dialog-close) echo close ;;
dialog-error) echo alert-octagon ;;
dialog-information) echo information-outline ;;
dialog-ok) echo checkbox-marked-circle ;;
dialog-warning) echo alert-outline ;;
document-close) echo close ;;
document-edit) echo pencil ;;
document-new) echo plus ;;
document-open) echo folder-open-outline ;;
document-properties) echo file-edit-outline ;;
document-save) echo content-save-outline ;;
document-save-as) echo content-save-all-outline ;;
donate) echo gift-outline ;;
edit-clear-locationbar-ltr) echo backspace-reverse-outline ;;
edit-clear-locationbar-rtl) echo backspace-outline ;;
entry-clone) echo comment-multiple-outline ;;
entry-delete) echo comment-remove-outline ;;
entry-edit) echo comment-edit-outline ;;
entry-new) echo comment-plus-outline ;;
favicon-download) echo download ;;
getting-started) echo lightbulb-on-outline ;;
group-delete) echo folder-remove-outline ;;
group-edit) echo folder-edit-outline ;;
group-empty-trash) echo trash-can-outline ;;
group-new) echo folder-plus-outline ;;
help-about) echo information-outline ;;
internet-web-browser) echo web ;;
key-enter) echo keyboard-variant ;;
keyboard-shortcuts) echo apple-keyboard-command ;;
message-close) echo close ;;
object-locked) echo lock-outline ;;
object-unlocked) echo lock-open-variant-outline ;;
paperclip) echo paperclip ;;
password-copy) echo key-arrow-right ;;
password-generate) echo dice-3-outline ;;
password-generator) echo dice-3-outline ;;
password-show-off) echo eye-off-outline ;;
password-show-on) echo eye-outline ;;
preferences-other) echo file-document-edit-outline ;;
preferences-desktop-icons) echo emoticon-happy-outline ;;
preferences-system-network-sharing) echo lan ;;
security-high) echo shield-outline ;;
sort-alphabetical-ascending) echo sort-alphabetical-ascending ;;
sort-alphabetical-descending) echo sort-alphabetical-descending ;;
statistics) echo chart-line ;;
system-help) echo help ;;
system-search) echo magnify ;;
system-software-update) echo cloud-download-outline ;;
url-copy) echo earth-arrow-right ;;
user-guide) echo book-open-outline ;;
username-copy) echo account-arrow-right-outline ;;
utilities-terminal) echo console-line ;;
view-history) echo timer-sand-empty ;;
web) echo web ;;
# Now do the actual work
find application -type f -name "*.svg" | while read -r DST;do
# Find the icon name (base name without extender)
NAME=$(basename $DST .svg)
# Find the base name of the svg file for this icon
MAT=$(map $NAME)
if [[ -z $MAT ]];then
echo "Warning: Don't know about $NAME"
# So the source file is:
if [ ! -f "$SRC" ];then
echo "Error: Source for $NAME doesn't exist: $SRC"
exit 1
# Replace the icon file with the source file
cp "$SRC" "$DST" || exit