AboutDialog About KeePassXC O KeePassXC About O aplikaciji Report bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a> Пријавите грешке на: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a> KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3. KeePassXC се дистрибуира под условима ГНУ Опште Јавне Лиценце (GPL) верзије 2 (или уколико одаберете) верзије 3. Contributors Сарадници <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a> <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">Погледајте доприносе на GitHub</a> Debug Info Информације за отклањање грешака Include the following information whenever you report a bug: Укључите следеће информације приликом пријављивања грешке: Copy to clipboard Копирај Revision: %1 Ревизија %1 Distribution: %1 Дистрибуција: %1 Libraries: Библиотеке: Operating system: %1 CPU architecture: %2 Kernel: %3 %4 Оперативни систем: %1 Архитектура процесора: %2 Језгро: %3 %4 Enabled extensions: Укључена проширења: Project Maintainers: Вође пројекта: Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX. Version %1 Build Type: %1 Auto-Type Аутоматско-куцање Browser Integration Интеграција са прегледачем SSH Agent SSH Агент YubiKey TouchID None KeeShare (signed and unsigned sharing) KeeShare (only signed sharing) KeeShare (only unsigned sharing) AgentSettingsWidget Enable SSH Agent (requires restart) Омогући SSH агента (захтева поновно покретање апликације) Use OpenSSH for Windows instead of Pageant ApplicationSettingsWidget Application Settings General Опште Security Access error for config file %1 Грешка приликом приступа конфигурационој датотеци %1 Icon only Text only Text beside icon Text under icon Follow style ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral Basic Settings Startup Start only a single instance of KeePassXC Remember last databases Remember last key files and security dongles Load previous databases on startup Minimize window at application startup File Management Safely save database files (may be incompatible with Dropbox, etc) Backup database file before saving Automatically save after every change Automatically save on exit Don't mark database as modified for non-data changes (e.g., expanding groups) Automatically reload the database when modified externally Entry Management Use group icon on entry creation Minimize when copying to clipboard Hide the entry preview panel General Опште Hide toolbar (icons) Minimize instead of app exit Show a system tray icon Dark system tray icon Hide window to system tray when minimized Language Auto-Type Аутоматско-куцање Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type Use entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type Always ask before performing Auto-Type Global Auto-Type shortcut Auto-Type typing delay ms Milliseconds Auto-Type start delay Check for updates at application startup Include pre-releases when checking for updates Movable toolbar Button style ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity Timeouts Clear clipboard after sec Seconds Lock databases after inactivity of min Forget TouchID after inactivity of Convenience Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed Forget TouchID when session is locked or lid is closed Lock databases after minimizing the window Re-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-Type Don't require password repeat when it is visible Don't hide passwords when editing them Don't use placeholder for empty password fields Hide passwords in the entry preview panel Hide entry notes by default Privacy Use DuckDuckGo as fallback for downloading website icons AutoType Couldn't find an entry that matches the window title: Ставка која одговара наведеном наслову прозора није пронађена: Auto-Type - KeePassXC Autoматско-Куцање - KeePassXC Auto-Type Аутоматско-куцање The Syntax of your Auto-Type statement is incorrect! This Auto-Type command contains a very long delay. Do you really want to proceed? This Auto-Type command contains very slow key presses. Do you really want to proceed? This Auto-Type command contains arguments which are repeated very often. Do you really want to proceed? AutoTypeAssociationsModel Window Прозор Sequence Секвенца Default sequence Подразумевани редослед AutoTypeMatchModel Group Група Title Наслов Username Корисничко име Sequence Редослед AutoTypeSelectDialog Auto-Type - KeePassXC Autoматско-Куцање - KeePassXC Select entry to Auto-Type: Одаберите ставку за Аутоматско-Куцање BrowserAccessControlDialog KeePassXC-Browser Confirm Access Remember this decision Запамти ову одлуку Allow Допусти Deny Одбаци %1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s). Please select whether you want to allow access. %1 тражи приступ лозинкама за следеће ставке. Молим вас одаберите да ли желите да одобрите приступ. BrowserEntrySaveDialog KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry Ok Cancel You have multiple databases open. Please select the correct database for saving credentials. BrowserOptionDialog Dialog Дијалог This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser Enable KeepassXC browser integration General Опште Enable integration for these browsers: &Google Chrome &Firefox &Chromium &Vivaldi Show a &notification when credentials are requested Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Re&quest to unlock the database if it is locked Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ...) are returned. &Match URL scheme (e.g., https://...) Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. &Return only best-matching credentials Sort &matching credentials by title Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Sort matching credentials by &username Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Advanced Напредно Never &ask before accessing credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Never ask before &updating credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Only the selected database has to be connected with a client. Searc&h in all opened databases for matching credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported. &Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: " Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup. Update &native messaging manifest files at startup Support a proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extension. Use a &proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extension Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually. Use a &custom proxy location Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-Browser Browse... Button for opening file dialog Разгледај... <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! Select custom proxy location We're sorry, but KeePassXC-Browser is not supported for Snap releases at the moment. KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2. &Tor Browser <b>Warning</b>, the keepassxc-proxy application was not found!<br />Please check the KeePassXC installation directory or confirm the custom path in advanced options.<br />Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application.<br />Expected Path: Executable Files All Files Do not ask permission for HTTP &Basic Auth An extra HTTP Basic Auth setting BrowserService KeePassXC: New key association request You have received an association request for the above key. If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database, give it a unique name to identify and accept it. Save and allow access KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? KeePassXC: Update Entry Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? Abort Converting attributes to custom data… KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributes Successfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s). Moved %2 keys to custom data. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes. KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected Legacy browser integration settings have been detected. Do you want to upgrade the settings to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. CloneDialog Clone Options Клонирај Опције Append ' - Clone' to title Додај наслову суфикс ' - дупликат' Replace username and password with references Замените корисничко име и лозинку са референцама Copy history Копирај историју CsvImportWidget Import CSV fields Увези CSV поља filename датотека size, rows, columns величина, редови, колоне Encoding Кодирање Codec Кодек Text is qualified by Текст је означен са Fields are separated by Поља су одвојена са Comments start with Коментари почињу са First record has field names Први ред садржи имена колона Number of headers line to discard Прескочи колико првих линија Consider '\' an escape character Третирај '\' као командни знак Preview Приказ Column layout Распоред по колонама Not present in CSV file Није присутан у CSV датотеци Imported from CSV file Увезено из CSV датотеке Original data: Изворни подаци: Error Грешка Empty fieldname %1 column %1 Error(s) detected in CSV file! [%n more message(s) skipped] CSV import: writer has errors: %1 CsvParserModel %n column(s) %1, %2, %3 file info: bytes, rows, columns %n byte(s) %n row(s) Database Root Root group name Корен File %1 does not exist. Unable to open file %1. Error while reading the database: %1 Could not save, database has no file name. File cannot be written as it is opened in read-only mode. DatabaseOpenDialog Unlock Database - KeePassXC DatabaseOpenWidget Enter master key Унесите главни кључ Key File: Кључ-Датотека: Password: Лозинка: Browse Разгледај Refresh Освежи Challenge Response: Изазов Одговор: Legacy key file format You are using a legacy key file format which may become unsupported in the future. Please consider generating a new key file. Don't show this warning again All files Све датотеке Key files Датотеке са кључем Select key file Одаберите кључ-датотеку TouchID for quick unlock Unable to open the database: %1 Can't open key file: %1 DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData Passwords Лозинке DatabaseSettingsDialog Advanced Settings General Опште Security Master Key Encryption Settings Browser Integration Интеграција са прегледачем DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser KeePassXC-Browser settings &Disconnect all browsers Forg&et all site-specific settings on entries Move KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser &custom data Stored keys Remove Уклони Delete the selected key? Do you really want to delete the selected key? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. Key Value Enable Browser Integration to access these settings. Disconnect all browsers Do you really want to disconnect all browsers? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. KeePassXC: No keys found No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings. KeePassXC: Removed keys from database Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. Forget all site-specific settings on entries Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? Permissions to access entries will be revoked. Removing stored permissions… Abort KeePassXC: Removed permissions Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! The active database does not contain an entry with permissions. Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom data Do you really want to move all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryption Encryption Algorithm: AES: 256 Bit (default) AES: 256 Bit (подразумевано) Twofish: 256 Bit Twofish: 256 Bit Key Derivation Function: Transform rounds: Benchmark 1-second delay Memory Usage: Parallelism: Decryption Time: ?? s Change 100 ms 5 s Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer. Database format: This is only important if you need to use your database with other programs. KDBX 4.0 (recommended) KDBX 3.1 unchanged Database decryption time is unchanged Number of rounds too high Key transformation rounds You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. If you keep this number, your database may take hours or days (or even longer) to open! Understood, keep number Cancel Number of rounds too low Key transformation rounds You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. If you keep this number, your database may be too easy to crack! KDF unchanged Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) %1 ms milliseconds %1 s seconds DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneral Database Meta Data Database name: Име базе података: Database description: Опис базе података: Default username: Подразумевано корисничко име: History Settings Max. history items: Максималан број ставки из историје: Max. history size: Максималан број ставки у историји: MiB MiB Use recycle bin Користи корпу за отпатке Additional Database Settings Enable &compression (recommended) DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare Sharing Breadcrumb Type Path Last Signer Certificates > Breadcrumb separator DatabaseSettingsWidgetMasterKey Add additional protection... No encryption key added You must add at least one encryption key to secure your database! No password set WARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged! Are you sure you want to continue without a password? Unknown error Failed to change master key DatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimple Database Name: Description: DatabaseTabWidget KeePass 2 Database KeePass 2 База података All files Све датотеке Open database Отвори базу података CSV file CSV датотека Merge database Удружи базу података Open KeePass 1 database Отвори KeePass 1  базу података KeePass 1 database KeePass 1 база података Export database to CSV file Извези базу података у CSV датотеку Writing the CSV file failed. Уписивање у CSV датотеку није успело. Database creation error The created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it. This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. The database file does not exist or is not accessible. Select CSV file New Database %1 [New Database] Database tab name modifier %1 [Locked] Database tab name modifier %1 [Read-only] Database tab name modifier DatabaseWidget Searching... Претрага је у току... Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете ставку "%1"? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? Да ли сте сигурни да желите да преместите ставку "%1" у корпу за отпатке? Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? Execute command? Изврши команду? Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br> Да ли сте сигурни да желите да извршите следећу команду? <br><br>%1<br> Remember my choice Запамти мој избор Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете групу "%1"? No current database. Нема тренутне базе података. No source database, nothing to do. Нема изворне базе података, нема шта да се уради. Search Results (%1) Резултати претраге (%1) No Results Нема резултата File has changed The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? Датотека базе података је измењена. Да ли желите да учитате измене? Merge Request Споји захтев The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. Do you want to merge your changes? Empty recycle bin? Испразни корпу за отпатке Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? Да ли сте сигурни да желите да желите да трајно обришете све ставке из корпе за отпатке? Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? Delete entry(s)? Move entry(s) to recycle bin? File opened in read only mode. Датотека је отворена у моду само за читање. Lock Database? You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? "%1" was modified. Save changes? "%1" је измењен. Сачувај измене? Database was modified. Save changes? Save changes? Сними измене? Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload. Error: %1 Disable safe saves? KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file. Disable safe saves and try again? Writing the database failed. %1 Passwords Лозинке Save database as Сними базу података као KeePass 2 Database KeePass 2 База података Replace references to entry? Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? Delete group Move group to recycle bin? Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin? Successfully merged the database files. Database was not modified by merge operation. EditEntryWidget Entry Унос Advanced Напредно Icon Икона Auto-Type Аутоматско-куцање Properties Особине History Историја SSH Agent SSH Агент n/a / (encrypted) (енкриптовано) Select private key Одаберите приватни кључ File too large to be a private key Датотека је превелика да би била приватни кључ Failed to open private key Неуспешно отварање приватног кључа Entry history Историја уноса Add entry Додај унос Edit entry Измени унос Different passwords supplied. Унете су две различите лозинке. New attribute Нови атрибут Are you sure you want to remove this attribute? Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уклоните атрибут? Tomorrow Сутра %n week(s) %n month(s) Apply generated password? Do you want to apply the generated password to this entry? Entry updated successfully. Entry has unsaved changes New attribute %1 [PROTECTED] Press reveal to view or edit %n year(s) Confirm Removal EditEntryWidgetAdvanced Additional attributes Додатни атрибути Add Додај Remove Уклони Edit Name Измени име Protect Заштити Reveal Откриј Attachments Прилози Foreground Color: Background Color: EditEntryWidgetAutoType Enable Auto-Type for this entry Омогући Аутоматско-Куцање за овај унос Inherit default Auto-Type sequence from the &group Наследи подразумевану секвенцу за Аутоматско-Куцање од &group &Use custom Auto-Type sequence: &Користи посебну секвенцу за Аутоматско-Куцање: Window Associations Везе са прозорима + + - - Window title: Наслов прозора: Use a specific sequence for this association: EditEntryWidgetHistory Show Прикажи Restore Обнови Delete Обриши Delete all Обриши све EditEntryWidgetMain URL: URL: Password: Лозинка: Repeat: Понови: Title: Наслов: Notes Белешке Presets Предефинисани Toggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section. Штиклирај поље жа потврду да бисте приказали секцију за белешке. Username: Корисничко име: Expires Истиче EditEntryWidgetSSHAgent Form Форма Remove key from agent after Уклони кључ са агента након акције seconds секунди Fingerprint Отисак прста Remove key from agent when database is closed/locked Уклони кључ са агента када је база података затворена/закључана Public key Јавни кључ Add key to agent when database is opened/unlocked Додај кључ агенту када је база података отворена/откључана Comment Коментар Decrypt Декриптуј n/a / Copy to clipboard Копирај Private key Приватни кључ External file Спољашња датотека Browse... Button for opening file dialog Разгледај... Attachment Прилог Add to agent Додај агенту Remove from agent Уклони са агента Require user confirmation when this key is used Захтевај потврду приликом коришћења овог кључа EditGroupWidget Group Група Icon Икона Properties Особине Add group Додај групу Edit group Измени групу Enable Омогући Disable Онемогући Inherit from parent group (%1) Наследи од родитељске групе (%1) EditGroupWidgetKeeShare Form Форма Type: Path: ... Password: Лозинка: Inactive Import from path Export to path Synchronize with path Your KeePassXC version does not support sharing your container type. Please use %1. Database sharing is disabled Database export is disabled Database import is disabled KeeShare unsigned container KeeShare signed container Select import source Select export target Select import/export file EditGroupWidgetMain Name Име Notes Белешке Expires Истиче Search Претрага Auto-Type Аутоматско-куцање &Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group Користи подразумевану секвенцу за Аутоматско-Куцање од родитељске групе Set default Auto-Type se&quence Унеси подразумевану секвенцу за Аутоматско-Куцање EditWidgetIcons &Use default icon Користи подражумевану иконицу Use custo&m icon Користи посебну иконицу Add custom icon Додај посебну икону Delete custom icon Обриши посебну икону Download favicon Преузми икону са сајта Unable to fetch favicon. Неуспело добављање иконе са сајта. Images Слике All files Све датотеке Custom icon already exists Посебна иконица већ постоји Confirm Delete Потврди брисање Custom icon successfully downloaded Hint: You can enable DuckDuckGo as a fallback under Tools>Settings>Security Select Image(s) Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) No icons were loaded %n icon(s) already exist in the database The following icon(s) failed: This icon is used by %n entry(s), and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it? EditWidgetProperties Created: Креирано: Modified: Измењено: Accessed: Приступљено: Uuid: Uuid: Plugin Data Remove Уклони Delete plugin data? Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data? This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Key Value Entry %1 - Clone EntryAttachmentsModel Name Име Size EntryAttachmentsWidget Form Форма Add Додај Remove Уклони Open Отвори Save Сними Select files Одаберите датотеке Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? Save attachments Сними прилоге Unable to create directory: %1 Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment? Confirm overwrite Потврди пребрисање Unable to save attachments: %1 Unable to open attachment: %1 Unable to open attachments: %1 Confirm remove Unable to open file(s): %1 EntryAttributesModel Name Име EntryHistoryModel Last modified Последњи пут измењено Title Наслов Username Корисничко име URL URL EntryModel Ref: Reference abbreviation Референца: Group Група Title Наслов Username Корисничко име URL URL Never Никада Password Лозинка Notes Белешке Expires Истиче Created Modified Accessed Attachments Прилози Yes TOTP EntryPreviewWidget Generate TOTP Token Генериши TOTP токен Close Затвори General Опште Username Корисничко име Password Лозинка Expiration Датум истека URL URL Attributes Атрибути Attachments Прилози Notes Белешке Autotype Аутоматско куцање Window Прозор Sequence Редослед Searching Претрага је у току... Search Претрага Clear Очисти Never Никада [PROTECTED] [ЗАШТИЋЕНО] <b>%1</b>: %2 attributes line Enabled Омогућено Disabled Онемогућено Share EntryView Customize View Hide Usernames Hide Passwords Fit to window Fit to contents Reset to defaults Attachments (icon) Group Recycle Bin Корпа за отпатке [empty] group has no children GroupModel %1 Template for name without annotation HostInstaller KeePassXC: Cannot save file! Cannot save the native messaging script file. KMessageWidget &Close Затвори Close message Затвори поруку Kdbx3Reader Unable to calculate master key Није могуће израчунати главни кључ Unable to issue challenge-response. Издавање изазов-одговора није успело. Wrong key or database file is corrupt. Неисправан кључ или неисправна база података. missing database headers Header doesn't match hash Invalid header id size Invalid header field length Invalid header data length Kdbx3Writer Unable to issue challenge-response. Издавање изазов-одговора није успело. Unable to calculate master key Није могуће израчунати главни кључ Kdbx4Reader missing database headers Unable to calculate master key Није могуће израчунати главни кључ Invalid header checksum size Header SHA256 mismatch Wrong key or database file is corrupt. (HMAC mismatch) Unknown cipher Invalid header id size Invalid header field length Invalid header data length Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header Unsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parameters Legacy header fields found in KDBX4 file. Invalid inner header id size Invalid inner header field length Invalid inner header binary size Unsupported KeePass variant map version. Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry name length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry name data Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry value data Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map Bool entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map Int32 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map UInt32 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map Int64 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map UInt64 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry type Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map field type size Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Kdbx4Writer Invalid symmetric cipher algorithm. Invalid symmetric cipher IV size. IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher Unable to calculate master key Није могуће израчунати главни кључ Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant map Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data KdbxReader Unsupported cipher Invalid compression flags length Unsupported compression algorithm Invalid master seed size Invalid transform seed size Invalid transform rounds size Invalid start bytes size Invalid random stream id size Invalid inner random stream cipher Not a KeePass database. Није KeePass база података The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb). You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database...'. This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. Unsupported KeePass 2 database version. Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2) Unable to parse UUID: %1 Failed to read database file. KdbxXmlReader XML parsing failure: %1 No root group Missing icon uuid or data Missing custom data key or value Multiple group elements Null group uuid Invalid group icon number Invalid EnableAutoType value Invalid EnableSearching value No group uuid found Null DeleteObject uuid Missing DeletedObject uuid or time Null entry uuid Invalid entry icon number History element in history entry No entry uuid found History element with different uuid Duplicate custom attribute found Entry string key or value missing Duplicate attachment found Entry binary key or value missing Auto-type association window or sequence missing Invalid bool value Invalid date time value Invalid color value Invalid color rgb part Invalid number value Invalid uuid value Unable to decompress binary Translator meant is a binary data inside an entry XML error: %1 Line %2, column %3 KeePass1OpenWidget Import KeePass1 database Увези KeePass1 базу података Unable to open the database. Није могуће отворити базу података. KeePass1Reader Unable to read keyfile. Није могуће прочитати Кључ-Датотеку: Not a KeePass database. Није KeePass база података Unsupported encryption algorithm. Енкрипциони алгоритам није подржан. Unsupported KeePass database version. Верзија KeePass базе података није подржана. Unable to read encryption IV IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher Invalid number of groups Invalid number of entries Invalid content hash size Invalid transform seed size Invalid number of transform rounds Unable to construct group tree Root Корен Unable to calculate master key Није могуће израчунати главни кључ Wrong key or database file is corrupt. Неисправан кључ или неисправна база података. Key transformation failed Invalid group field type number Invalid group field size Read group field data doesn't match size Incorrect group id field size Incorrect group creation time field size Incorrect group modification time field size Incorrect group access time field size Incorrect group expiry time field size Incorrect group icon field size Incorrect group level field size Invalid group field type Missing group id or level Missing entry field type number Invalid entry field size Read entry field data doesn't match size Invalid entry uuid field size Invalid entry group id field size Invalid entry icon field size Invalid entry creation time field size Invalid entry modification time field size Invalid entry expiry time field size Invalid entry field type unable to seek to content position KeeShare Disabled share Import from Export to Synchronize with KeyComponentWidget Key Component Key Component Description Cancel Key Component set, click to change or remove Add %1 Add a key component Change %1 Change a key component Remove %1 Remove a key component %1 set, click to change or remove Change or remove a key component KeyFileEditWidget Browse Преглед Generate Генериши Key File <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out!</p> Legacy key file format You are using a legacy key file format which may become unsupported in the future. Please go to the master key settings and generate a new key file. Error loading the key file '%1' Message: %2 Key files Кључ-Датотеке All files Све датотеке Create Key File... Креирај Кључ-Датотеку... Error creating key file Unable to create key file: %1 Select a key file Одаберите кључ-датотеку MainWindow &Database База података &Recent databases Скорашње базе података &Help Помоћ E&ntries Уноси &Groups Групе &Tools Алатке &Quit Напусти &About О апликацији &Open database... &Отвори базу података... &Save database Сними базу података &Close database Затвори базу података &Delete entry Обриши унос &Edit group Измени групу &Delete group Обриши групу Sa&ve database as... Сачувај базу података као... Database settings Подешавања базе података &Clone entry Направи дупликат уноса Copy &username Копирај корисничко име Copy username to clipboard Копирај корисничко име Copy password to clipboard Копирај лозинку &Settings Подешавања Password Generator Генератор Лозинки &Lock databases Закључај базу података &Title Наслов Copy title to clipboard Копирај назив &URL &URL Copy URL to clipboard Копирај URL &Notes Белешке Copy notes to clipboard Копирај белешке &Export to CSV file... Извези у CSV датотеку Set up TOTP... Подеси TOTP... Copy &TOTP Копирај &TOTP E&mpty recycle bin Испразни корпу за отпатке Clear history Очисти историју Access error for config file %1 Грешка приликом приступа конфигурационој датотеци %1 Settings Подешавања Toggle window Quit KeePassXC Напусти KeePassXC Please touch the button on your YubiKey! WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC! There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. This version is not meant for production use. &Donate Report a &bug WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard! We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. &Import Copy att&ribute... TOTP... &New database... Create a new database &Merge from database... Merge from another KDBX database &New entry Add a new entry &Edit entry View or edit entry &New group Add a new group Change master &key... &Database settings... Copy &password Perform &Auto-Type Open &URL KeePass 1 database... Import a KeePass 1 database CSV file... Import a CSV file Show TOTP... Show TOTP QR Code... Check for Updates... Share entry NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC! Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is not meant for production use. Check for updates on startup? Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup? You can always check for updates manually from the application menu. Merger Creating missing %1 [%2] Relocating %1 [%2] Overwriting %1 [%2] older entry merged from database "%1" Adding backup for older target %1 [%2] Adding backup for older source %1 [%2] Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2] Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2] Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2] Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2] Deleting child %1 [%2] Deleting orphan %1 [%2] Changed deleted objects Adding missing icon %1 NewDatabaseWizard Create a new KeePassXC database... Root Root group Корен NewDatabaseWizardPage WizardPage En&cryption Settings Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. Advanced Settings Simple Settings NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryption Encryption Settings Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. NewDatabaseWizardPageMasterKey Database Master Key A master key known only to you protects your database. NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaData General Database Information Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database: OpenSSHKey Invalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key Неисправна датотека са кључем, очекује се OpenSSH кључ PEM boundary mismatch Base64 decoding failed Декодирање Base64 није успело Key file way too small. Кључ-датотека је превише мала. Key file magic header id invalid Идентификатор магичног заглавља Кључ-датотеке није валидан Found zero keys Није пронађен ниједан кључ Failed to read public key. Није могуће прочитати јавни кључ. Corrupted key file, reading private key failed Кључ-датотека је корумпирана, није успело ишчитавање приватног кључа No private key payload to decrypt Нема приватног кључа за декриптовање Trying to run KDF without cipher Passphrase is required to decrypt this key Key derivation failed, key file corrupted? Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? Unexpected EOF while reading public key Unexpected EOF while reading private key Can't write public key as it is empty Није могуће записати јавни кључ јер је празан Unexpected EOF when writing public key Неочекиван крај датотеке приликом уписивања јавног кључа Can't write private key as it is empty Није могуће записати приватни кључ јер је празан Unexpected EOF when writing private key Неочекиван крај датотеке приликом уписивања приватног кључа Unsupported key type: %1 Unknown cipher: %1 Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf Unknown KDF: %1 Unknown key type: %1 PasswordEditWidget Enter password: Унесите лозинку: Confirm password: Password Лозинка <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> Password cannot be empty. Passwords do not match. Generate master password PasswordGeneratorWidget %p% %p% Password: Лозинка: strength Password strength јачина entropy ентропија Password Лозинка Character Types Типови карактера Upper Case Letters Велика слова Lower Case Letters Мала слова Numbers Бројеви Special Characters Посебни карактери Extended ASCII Проширени ASCII Exclude look-alike characters Изостави сличне карактере Pick characters from every group Обезбеди да лозинка садржи карактере из сваке групе &Length: Дужина: Passphrase Фразална Лозинка Wordlist: Листа речи: Word Separator: Разделник Фраза: Copy Кпирај Accept Прихвати Close Затвори Entropy: %1 bit Ентропија: %1 бит Password Quality: %1 Квалитет Лозинке: %1 Poor Password quality Слаб Weak Password quality Слаб Good Password quality Добар Excellent Password quality Одличан ExtendedASCII Switch to advanced mode Advanced Напредно Upper Case Letters A to F A-Z A-Z Lower Case Letters A to F a-z a-z 0-9 0-9 Braces {[( Punctuation .,:; Quotes " ' Math <*+!?= Dashes \_|-/ Logograms #$%&&@^`~ Switch to simple mode Simple Character set to exclude from generated password Do not include: Add non-hex letters to "do not include" list Hex Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" Word Co&unt: Regenerate QApplication KeeShare QFileDialog Select QMessageBox Overwrite Delete Обриши Move Empty Remove Уклони Skip Disable Онемогући Merge QObject Database not opened Database hash not available Client public key not received Cannot decrypt message Action cancelled or denied KeePassXC association failed, try again Encryption key is not recognized Incorrect action Empty message received No URL provided No logins found Unknown error Add a new entry to a database. Додај нови унос у базу података. Path of the database. Путања до базе података. Key file of the database. Кључ-Датотека базе података. path путања Username for the entry. Корисничко име за овај унос. username корисничко име URL for the entry. URL за овај унос. URL URL Prompt for the entry's password. Питај за лозинку уноса. Generate a password for the entry. Генериши лозинку за овај унос. Length for the generated password. Дужина генерисане лозинке. length дужина Path of the entry to add. Путања уноса који треба да се дода. Copy an entry's password to the clipboard. Копирај лозинку Path of the entry to clip. clip = copy to clipboard Timeout in seconds before clearing the clipboard. Edit an entry. Измени унос. Title for the entry. Наслов уноса. title наслов Path of the entry to edit. Estimate the entropy of a password. Password for which to estimate the entropy. Perform advanced analysis on the password. Extract and print the content of a database. Path of the database to extract. Insert password to unlock %1: WARNING: You are using a legacy key file format which may become unsupported in the future. Please consider generating a new key file. Available commands: Доступне команде: Name of the command to execute. List database entries. Path of the group to list. Default is / Find entries quickly. Search term. Merge two databases. Path of the database to merge into. Path of the database to merge from. Use the same credentials for both database files. Key file of the database to merge from. Show an entry's information. Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. attribute Name of the entry to show. NULL device NULL уређај error reading from device грешка приликом читања са уређаја malformed string неисправна ниска missing closing quote недостаје завршни наводник Group Група Title Наслов Username Корисничко име Password Лозинка Notes Белешке Last Modified Created Browser Integration Интеграција са прегледачем YubiKey[%1] Challenge Response - Slot %2 - %3 Press Притисни Passive Пасивно SSH Agent SSH Агент Generate a new random diceware passphrase. Word count for the diceware passphrase. Wordlist for the diceware generator. [Default: EFF English] Generate a new random password. Invalid value for password length %1. Could not create entry with path %1. Enter password for new entry: Writing the database failed %1. Successfully added entry %1. Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard. Invalid timeout value %1. Entry %1 not found. Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up. Entry's current TOTP copied to the clipboard! Entry's password copied to the clipboard! Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... Clipboard cleared! Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs. count CLI parameter Invalid value for password length: %1 Could not find entry with path %1. Not changing any field for entry %1. Enter new password for entry: Writing the database failed: %1 Successfully edited entry %1. Length %1 Entropy %1 Log10 %1 Multi-word extra bits %1 Type: Bruteforce Type: Dictionary Type: Dict+Leet Type: User Words Type: User+Leet Type: Repeated Type: Sequence Type: Spatial Type: Date Type: Bruteforce(Rep) Type: Dictionary(Rep) Type: Dict+Leet(Rep) Type: User Words(Rep) Type: User+Leet(Rep) Type: Repeated(Rep) Type: Sequence(Rep) Type: Spatial(Rep) Type: Date(Rep) Type: Unknown%1 Entropy %1 (%2) *** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) *** Failed to load key file %1: %2 File %1 does not exist. Unable to open file %1. Error while reading the database: %1 Error while parsing the database: %1 Length of the generated password Use lowercase characters Use uppercase characters Use numbers. Use special characters Use extended ASCII Exclude character set chars Exclude similar looking characters Include characters from every selected group Recursively list the elements of the group. Cannot find group %1. Error reading merge file: %1 Unable to save database to file : %1 Unable to save database to file: %1 Successfully recycled entry %1. Successfully deleted entry %1. Show the entry's current TOTP. ERROR: unknown attribute %1. No program defined for clipboard manipulation Unable to start program %1 file empty %1: (row, col) %2,%3 AES: 256-bit Twofish: 256-bit ChaCha20: 256-bit Argon2 (KDBX 4 – recommended) AES-KDF (KDBX 4) AES-KDF (KDBX 3.1) Invalid Settings TOTP Invalid Key TOTP Message encryption failed. No groups found Create a new database. File %1 already exists. Loading the key file failed No key is set. Aborting database creation. Failed to save the database: %1. Successfully created new database. Insert password to encrypt database (Press enter to leave blank): Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2 Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2 Remove an entry from the database. Path of the entry to remove. Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled. KeePassXC - cross-platform password manager filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx) path to a custom config file key file of the database read password of the database from stdin Parent window handle Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. Друга инстанца KeePassXC апликације је већ активна. Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions. KeePassXC - Error KeePassXC - Грешка Database password: QtIOCompressor Internal zlib error when compressing: Error writing to underlying device: Error opening underlying device: Error reading data from underlying device: Internal zlib error when decompressing: QtIOCompressor::open The gzip format not supported in this version of zlib. Internal zlib error: SSHAgent Agent connection failed. Agent protocol error. No agent running, cannot add identity. No agent running, cannot remove identity. Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include: The key has already been added. Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options). A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options). SearchHelpWidget Search Help Search terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["] Every search term must match (ie, logical AND) Modifiers exclude term from results match term exactly use regex in term Fields Term Wildcards match anything match one logical OR Examples SearchWidget Search Претрага Clear Очисти Limit search to selected group Search Help Search (%1)... Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut Case sensitive SettingsWidgetKeeShare Active Allow export Allow import Own certificate Fingerprint: Certificate: Signer Key: Generate Генериши Import Увези Export Imported certificates Trust Ask Untrust Remove Уклони Path Status Fingerprint Отисак прста Certificate Trusted Untrusted Unknown key.share Filetype for KeeShare key KeeShare key file All files Све датотеке Select path Exporting changed certificate The exported certificate is not the same as the one in use. Do you want to export the current certificate? %1.%2 Template for KeeShare key file ShareObserver Import from container without signature We cannot verify the source of the shared container because it is not signed. Do you really want to import from %1? Import from container with certificate Do you want to trust %1 with the fingerprint of %2 from %3 Not this time Never Никада Always Just this time Import from %1 failed (%2) Import from %1 successful (%2) Imported from %1 Signed share container are not supported - import prevented File is not readable Invalid sharing container Untrusted import prevented Successful signed import Unexpected error Unsigned share container are not supported - import prevented Successful unsigned import File does not exist Unknown share container type Overwriting signed share container is not supported - export prevented Could not write export container (%1) Could not embed signature (%1) Could not embed database (%1) Overwriting unsigned share container is not supported - export prevented Could not write export container Unexpected export error occurred Export to %1 failed (%2) Export to %1 successful (%2) Export to %1 TotpDialog Timed Password 000000 Copy Кпирај Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) TotpExportSettingsDialog Copy Кпирај NOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators. TOTP QR code dialog warning There was an error creating the QR code. Closing in %1 seconds. TotpSetupDialog Setup TOTP Key: Default RFC 6238 token settings Steam token settings Use custom settings Custom Settings Time step: sec Seconds Code size: 6 digits 7 digits 8 digits UpdateCheckDialog Checking for updates Checking for updates... Close Затвори Update Error! An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later. Software Update A new version of KeePassXC is available! KeePassXC %1 is now available — you have %2. Download it at keepassxc.org You're up-to-date! KeePassXC %1 is currently the newest version available WelcomeWidget Start storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC database Create new database Open existing database Import from KeePass 1 Import from CSV Recent databases Welcome to KeePassXC %1 YubiKeyEditWidget Refresh Освежи YubiKey Challenge-Response <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The YubiKey requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://www.yubico.com/products/services-software/personalization-tools/challenge-response/">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> No YubiKey detected, please ensure it's plugged in. No YubiKey inserted.