/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Sami Vänttinen * Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "BrowserAction.h" #include "BrowserSettings.h" #include "sodium.h" #include "sodium/crypto_box.h" #include "sodium/randombytes.h" #include "config-keepassx.h" BrowserAction::BrowserAction(BrowserService& browserService) : m_mutex(QMutex::Recursive), m_browserService(browserService), m_associated(false) { } QJsonObject BrowserAction::readResponse(const QJsonObject& json) { if (json.isEmpty()) { return QJsonObject(); } const QString action = json.value("action").toString(); if (action.isEmpty()) { return QJsonObject(); } QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (action.compare("change-public-keys", Qt::CaseSensitive) != 0 && !m_browserService.isDatabaseOpened()) { if (m_clientPublicKey.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_RECEIVED); } else if (!m_browserService.openDatabase()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_DATABASE_NOT_OPENED); } } return handleAction(json); } // Private functions /////////////////////// QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleAction(const QJsonObject& json) { QString action = json.value("action").toString(); if (action.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_INCORRECT_ACTION); } if (action.compare("change-public-keys", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleChangePublicKeys(json, action); } else if (action.compare("get-databasehash", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleGetDatabaseHash(json, action); } else if (action.compare("associate", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleAssociate(json, action); } else if (action.compare("test-associate", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleTestAssociate(json, action); } else if (action.compare("get-logins", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleGetLogins(json, action); } else if (action.compare("generate-password", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleGeneratePassword(json, action); } else if (action.compare("set-login", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleSetLogin(json, action); } else if (action.compare("lock-database", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { return handleLockDatabase(json, action); } // Action was not recognized return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_INCORRECT_ACTION); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleChangePublicKeys(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString clientPublicKey = json.value("publicKey").toString(); if (clientPublicKey.isEmpty() || nonce.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_RECEIVED); } m_associated = false; unsigned char pk[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; unsigned char sk[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES]; crypto_box_keypair(pk, sk); const QString publicKey = getBase64FromKey(pk, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES); const QString secretKey = getBase64FromKey(sk, crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES); m_clientPublicKey = clientPublicKey; m_publicKey = publicKey; m_secretKey = secretKey; QJsonObject response = buildMessage(incrementNonce(nonce)); response["action"] = action; response["publicKey"] = publicKey; return response; } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleGetDatabaseHash(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { const QString hash = getDatabaseHash(); const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString encrypted = json.value("message").toString(); const QJsonObject decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, nonce, action); if (decrypted.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } if (hash.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_DATABASE_HASH_NOT_RECEIVED); } QString command = decrypted.value("action").toString(); if (!command.isEmpty() && command.compare("get-databasehash", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { QJsonObject message; message["hash"] = hash; message["version"] = KEEPASSX_VERSION; return buildResponse(action, message, incrementNonce(nonce)); } return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleAssociate(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { const QString hash = getDatabaseHash(); const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString encrypted = json.value("message").toString(); const QJsonObject decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, nonce, action); if (decrypted.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } const QString key = decrypted.value("key").toString(); if (key.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_ASSOCIATION_FAILED); } QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (key.compare(m_clientPublicKey, Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { const QString id = m_browserService.storeKey(key); if (id.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_ACTION_CANCELLED_OR_DENIED); } m_associated = true; const QString newNonce = incrementNonce(nonce); QJsonObject message = buildMessage(newNonce); message["hash"] = hash; message["id"] = id; return buildResponse(action, message, newNonce); } return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_ASSOCIATION_FAILED); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleTestAssociate(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { const QString hash = getDatabaseHash(); const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString encrypted = json.value("message").toString(); const QJsonObject decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, nonce, action); if (decrypted.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } const QString responseKey = decrypted.value("key").toString(); const QString id = decrypted.value("id").toString(); if (responseKey.isEmpty() || id.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_DATABASE_NOT_OPENED); } QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); const QString key = m_browserService.getKey(id); if (key.isEmpty() || key.compare(responseKey, Qt::CaseSensitive) != 0) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_ASSOCIATION_FAILED); } m_associated = true; const QString newNonce = incrementNonce(nonce); QJsonObject message = buildMessage(newNonce); message["hash"] = hash; message["id"] = id; return buildResponse(action, message, newNonce); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleGetLogins(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { const QString hash = getDatabaseHash(); const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString encrypted = json.value("message").toString(); QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!m_associated) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_ASSOCIATION_FAILED); } const QJsonObject decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, nonce, action); if (decrypted.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } const QString url = decrypted.value("url").toString(); if (url.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_NO_URL_PROVIDED); } const QString id = decrypted.value("id").toString(); const QString submit = decrypted.value("submitUrl").toString(); const QJsonArray users = m_browserService.findMatchingEntries(id, url, submit, ""); if (users.isEmpty()) { return QJsonObject(); // No logins found. Not an error, return an empty JSON object. } const QString newNonce = incrementNonce(nonce); QJsonObject message = buildMessage(newNonce); message["count"] = users.count(); message["entries"] = users; message["hash"] = hash; message["id"] = id; return buildResponse(action, message, newNonce); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleGeneratePassword(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString password = BrowserSettings::generatePassword(); const QString bits = QString::number(BrowserSettings::getbits()); // For some reason this always returns 1140 bits? if (nonce.isEmpty() || password.isEmpty()) { return QJsonObject(); } QJsonArray arr; QJsonObject passwd; passwd["login"] = QString::number(password.length() * 8); //bits; passwd["password"] = password; arr.append(passwd); const QString newNonce = incrementNonce(nonce); QJsonObject message = buildMessage(newNonce); message["entries"] = arr; return buildResponse(action, message, newNonce); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleSetLogin(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { const QString hash = getDatabaseHash(); const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString encrypted = json.value("message").toString(); QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!m_associated) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_ASSOCIATION_FAILED); } const QJsonObject decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, nonce, action); if (decrypted.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } const QString url = decrypted.value("url").toString(); if (url.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_NO_URL_PROVIDED); } const QString id = decrypted.value("id").toString(); const QString login = decrypted.value("login").toString(); const QString password = decrypted.value("password").toString(); const QString submitUrl = decrypted.value("submitUrl").toString(); const QString uuid = decrypted.value("uuid").toString(); const QString realm; if (uuid.isEmpty()) { m_browserService.addEntry(id, login, password, url, submitUrl, realm); } else { m_browserService.updateEntry(id, uuid, login, password, url); } const QString newNonce = incrementNonce(nonce); QJsonObject message = buildMessage(newNonce); message["count"] = QJsonValue::Null; message["entries"] = QJsonValue::Null; message["error"] = ""; message["hash"] = hash; return buildResponse(action, message, newNonce); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::handleLockDatabase(const QJsonObject& json, const QString& action) { const QString hash = getDatabaseHash(); const QString nonce = json.value("nonce").toString(); const QString encrypted = json.value("message").toString(); const QJsonObject decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, nonce, action); if (decrypted.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } if (hash.isEmpty()) { return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_DATABASE_HASH_NOT_RECEIVED); } QString command = decrypted.value("action").toString(); if (!command.isEmpty() && command.compare("lock-database", Qt::CaseSensitive) == 0) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_browserService.lockDatabase(); const QString newNonce = incrementNonce(nonce); QJsonObject message = buildMessage(newNonce); return buildResponse(action, message, newNonce); } return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_DATABASE_HASH_NOT_RECEIVED); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::getErrorReply(const QString& action, const int errorCode) const { QJsonObject response; response["action"] = action; response["errorCode"] = QString::number(errorCode); response["error"] = getErrorMessage(errorCode); return response; } QJsonObject BrowserAction::buildMessage(const QString& nonce) const { QJsonObject message; message["version"] = KEEPASSX_VERSION; message["success"] = "true"; message["nonce"] = nonce; return message; } QJsonObject BrowserAction::buildResponse(const QString& action, const QJsonObject& message, const QString& nonce) { QJsonObject response; response["action"] = action; response["message"] = encryptMessage(message, nonce); response["nonce"] = nonce; return response; } QString BrowserAction::getErrorMessage(const int errorCode) const { switch (errorCode) { case ERROR_KEEPASS_DATABASE_NOT_OPENED: return "Database not opened"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_DATABASE_HASH_NOT_RECEIVED: return "Database hash not available"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_RECEIVED: return "Client public key not received"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE: return "Cannot decrypt message"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_TIMEOUT_OR_NOT_CONNECTED: return "Timeout or cannot connect to KeePassXC"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_ACTION_CANCELLED_OR_DENIED: return "Action cancelled or denied"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_ENCRYPT_MESSAGE: return "Cannot encrypt message or public key not found. Is Native Messaging enabled in KeePassXC?"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_ASSOCIATION_FAILED: return "KeePassXC association failed, try again"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_KEY_CHANGE_FAILED: return "Key change was not successful"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_UNRECOGNIZED: return "Encryption key is not recognized"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_NO_SAVED_DATABASES_FOUND: return "No saved databases found"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_INCORRECT_ACTION: return "Incorrect action"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_EMPTY_MESSAGE_RECEIVED: return "Empty message received"; case ERROR_KEEPASS_NO_URL_PROVIDED: return "No URL provided"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } QString BrowserAction::getDatabaseHash() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash( (m_browserService.getDatabaseRootUuid() + m_browserService.getDatabaseRecycleBinUuid()).toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Sha256).toHex(); return QString(hash); } QString BrowserAction::encryptMessage(const QJsonObject& message, const QString& nonce) { if (message.isEmpty() || nonce.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } const QString reply(QJsonDocument(message).toJson()); if (!reply.isEmpty()) { return encrypt(reply, nonce); } return QString(); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::decryptMessage(const QString& message, const QString& nonce, const QString& action) { if (message.isEmpty() || nonce.isEmpty()) { return QJsonObject(); } QByteArray ba = decrypt(message, nonce); if (!ba.isEmpty()) { return getJsonObject(ba); } return getErrorReply(action, ERROR_KEEPASS_CANNOT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE); } QString BrowserAction::encrypt(const QString plaintext, const QString nonce) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); const QByteArray ma = plaintext.toUtf8(); const QByteArray na = base64Decode(nonce); const QByteArray ca = base64Decode(m_clientPublicKey); const QByteArray sa = base64Decode(m_secretKey); std::vector m(ma.cbegin(), ma.cend()); std::vector n(na.cbegin(), na.cend()); std::vector ck(ca.cbegin(), ca.cend()); std::vector sk(sa.cbegin(), sa.cend()); std::vector e; e.resize(max_length); if (m.empty() || n.empty() || ck.empty() || sk.empty()) { return QString(); } if (crypto_box_easy(e.data(), m.data(), m.size(), n.data(), ck.data(), sk.data()) == 0) { QByteArray res = getQByteArray(e.data(), (crypto_box_MACBYTES + ma.length())); return res.toBase64(); } return QString(); } QByteArray BrowserAction::decrypt(const QString encrypted, const QString nonce) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); const QByteArray ma = base64Decode(encrypted); const QByteArray na = base64Decode(nonce); const QByteArray ca = base64Decode(m_clientPublicKey); const QByteArray sa = base64Decode(m_secretKey); std::vector m(ma.cbegin(), ma.cend()); std::vector n(na.cbegin(), na.cend()); std::vector ck(ca.cbegin(), ca.cend()); std::vector sk(sa.cbegin(), sa.cend()); std::vector d; d.resize(max_length); if (m.empty() || n.empty() || ck.empty() || sk.empty()) { return QByteArray(); } if (crypto_box_open_easy(d.data(), m.data(), ma.length(), n.data(), ck.data(), sk.data()) == 0) { return getQByteArray(d.data(), std::char_traits::length(reinterpret_cast(d.data()))); } return QByteArray(); } QString BrowserAction::getBase64FromKey(const uchar* array, const uint len) { return getQByteArray(array, len).toBase64(); } QByteArray BrowserAction::getQByteArray(const uchar* array, const uint len) const { QByteArray qba; qba.reserve(len); for (uint i = 0; i < len; ++i) { qba.append(static_cast(array[i])); } return qba; } QJsonObject BrowserAction::getJsonObject(const uchar* pArray, const uint len) const { QByteArray arr = getQByteArray(pArray, len); QJsonParseError err; QJsonDocument doc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(arr, &err)); return doc.object(); } QJsonObject BrowserAction::getJsonObject(const QByteArray ba) const { QJsonParseError err; QJsonDocument doc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(ba, &err)); return doc.object(); } QByteArray BrowserAction::base64Decode(const QString str) { return QByteArray::fromBase64(str.toUtf8()); } QString BrowserAction::incrementNonce(const QString& nonce) { const QByteArray nonceArray = base64Decode(nonce); std::vector n(nonceArray.cbegin(), nonceArray.cend()); sodium_increment(n.data(), n.size()); return getQByteArray(n.data(), n.size()).toBase64(); } void BrowserAction::removeSharedEncryptionKeys() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_browserService.removeSharedEncryptionKeys(); } void BrowserAction::removeStoredPermissions() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_browserService.removeStoredPermissions(); }