/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Felix Geyer <debfx@fobos.de> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "TestKeys.h" #include <QBuffer> #include <QTest> #include "config-keepassx-tests.h" #include "core/Database.h" #include "core/Metadata.h" #include "crypto/Crypto.h" #include "format/KeePass2Reader.h" #include "format/KeePass2Writer.h" #include "keys/CompositeKey.h" #include "keys/FileKey.h" #include "keys/PasswordKey.h" QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestKeys) void TestKeys::initTestCase() { QVERIFY(Crypto::init()); } void TestKeys::testComposite() { CompositeKey* compositeKey1 = new CompositeKey(); PasswordKey* passwordKey1 = new PasswordKey(); PasswordKey* passwordKey2 = new PasswordKey("test"); bool ok; QString errorString; // make sure that addKey() creates a copy of the keys compositeKey1->addKey(*passwordKey1); compositeKey1->addKey(*passwordKey2); delete passwordKey1; delete passwordKey2; QByteArray transformed = compositeKey1->transform(QByteArray(32, '\0'), 1, &ok, &errorString); QVERIFY(ok); QCOMPARE(transformed.size(), 32); // make sure the subkeys are copied CompositeKey* compositeKey2 = compositeKey1->clone(); delete compositeKey1; QCOMPARE(compositeKey2->transform(QByteArray(32, '\0'), 1, &ok, &errorString), transformed); QVERIFY(ok); delete compositeKey2; CompositeKey* compositeKey3 = new CompositeKey(); CompositeKey* compositeKey4 = new CompositeKey(); // test clear() compositeKey3->addKey(PasswordKey("test")); compositeKey3->clear(); QCOMPARE(compositeKey3->rawKey(), compositeKey4->rawKey()); // test assignment operator compositeKey3->addKey(PasswordKey("123")); *compositeKey4 = *compositeKey3; QCOMPARE(compositeKey3->rawKey(), compositeKey4->rawKey()); // test self-assignment *compositeKey3 = *compositeKey3; QCOMPARE(compositeKey3->rawKey(), compositeKey4->rawKey()); delete compositeKey3; delete compositeKey4; } void TestKeys::testFileKey() { QFETCH(QString, type); QString name = QString("FileKey").append(type); KeePass2Reader reader; QString dbFilename = QString("%1/%2.kdbx").arg(QString(KEEPASSX_TEST_DATA_DIR), name); QString keyFilename = QString("%1/%2.key").arg(QString(KEEPASSX_TEST_DATA_DIR), name); CompositeKey compositeKey; FileKey fileKey; QVERIFY(fileKey.load(keyFilename)); QCOMPARE(fileKey.rawKey().size(), 32); compositeKey.addKey(fileKey); Database* db = reader.readDatabase(dbFilename, compositeKey); QVERIFY(db); QVERIFY(!reader.hasError()); QCOMPARE(db->metadata()->name(), QString("%1 Database").arg(name)); delete db; } void TestKeys::testFileKey_data() { QTest::addColumn<QString>("type"); QTest::newRow("Xml") << QString("Xml"); QTest::newRow("XmlBrokenBase64") << QString("XmlBrokenBase64"); QTest::newRow("Binary") << QString("Binary"); QTest::newRow("Hex") << QString("Hex"); QTest::newRow("Hashed") << QString("Hashed"); } void TestKeys::testCreateFileKey() { const QString dbName("testCreateFileKey database"); QBuffer keyBuffer; keyBuffer.open(QBuffer::ReadWrite); FileKey::create(&keyBuffer); keyBuffer.reset(); FileKey fileKey; QVERIFY(fileKey.load(&keyBuffer)); CompositeKey compositeKey; compositeKey.addKey(fileKey); Database* dbOrg = new Database(); QVERIFY(dbOrg->setKey(compositeKey)); dbOrg->metadata()->setName(dbName); QBuffer dbBuffer; dbBuffer.open(QBuffer::ReadWrite); KeePass2Writer writer; writer.writeDatabase(&dbBuffer, dbOrg); dbBuffer.reset(); delete dbOrg; KeePass2Reader reader; Database* dbRead = reader.readDatabase(&dbBuffer, compositeKey); QVERIFY(dbRead); QVERIFY(!reader.hasError()); QCOMPARE(dbRead->metadata()->name(), dbName); delete dbRead; } void TestKeys::testFileKeyError() { bool result; QString errorMsg; const QString fileName(QString(KEEPASSX_TEST_DATA_DIR).append("/does/not/exist")); FileKey fileKey; result = fileKey.load(fileName, &errorMsg); QVERIFY(!result); QVERIFY(!errorMsg.isEmpty()); errorMsg = ""; result = FileKey::create(fileName, &errorMsg); QVERIFY(!result); QVERIFY(!errorMsg.isEmpty()); errorMsg = ""; } void TestKeys::benchmarkTransformKey() { QByteArray env = qgetenv("BENCHMARK"); if (env.isEmpty() || env == "0" || env == "no") { QSKIP("Benchmark skipped. Set env variable BENCHMARK=1 to enable."); } PasswordKey pwKey; pwKey.setPassword("password"); CompositeKey compositeKey; compositeKey.addKey(pwKey); QByteArray seed(32, '\x4B'); bool ok; QString errorString; QBENCHMARK { compositeKey.transform(seed, 1e6, &ok, &errorString); } }