AboutDialogAbout KeePassXCOm KeePassXCAboutOmReport bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>Meld fra om feil på: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.KeePassXC er distribuert under vilkårene i GNU General Public License (GPL) versjon 2 eller (etter eget valg) versjon 3.ContributorsBidragsytere<a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a><a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">Se bidrag på GitHub</a>Debug InfoFeilsøkingsinformasjonInclude the following information whenever you report a bug:Hvis du vil rapportere en feil, inkluder følgende informasjon:Copy to clipboardKopier til utklippstavlaVersion %1
Versjon %1
Revision: %1Revisjon: %1Distribution: %1Distribusjon: %1Libraries:Biblioteker:Operating system: %1
CPU architecture: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Operativsystem: %1
CPU-arkitektur: %2
Kjerne: %3 %4Enabled extensions:Aktive utvidelser:Project Maintainers:Prosjektets vedlikeholdere:Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX.En spesiell takk fra KeePassXC-laget går til debfx, utvikler av programmet KeePassX.Build Type: %1
AccessControlDialogKeePassXC HTTP Confirm AccessKeePassXC HTTP: Bekreft tilgangRemember this decisionHusk dette valgetAllowTillatDenyAvvis%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.%1 spør om passordtilgang for følgende elementer.
Velg om du vil gi tilgang eller ikke.AgentSettingsWidgetEnable SSH Agent (requires restart)Slå på SSH-agenten (krever programomstart)AutoTypeCouldn't find an entry that matches the window title:Finner ingen oppføring som samsvarer med vindustittelen:Auto-Type - KeePassXCAutoskriv - KeePassXCAuto-TypeAutoskrivThe Syntax of your Auto-Type statement is incorrect!Syntaksen til Autoskrivuttrykket er galt.This Auto-Type command contains a very long delay. Do you really want to proceed?Denne Autoskrivkommandoen inneholder en lang forsinkelse. Vil du fortsette?This Auto-Type command contains very slow key presses. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains arguments which are repeated very often. Do you really want to proceed?AutoTypeAssociationsModelWindowVinduSequenceRekkefølgeDefault sequenceStandard rekkefølgeAutoTypeMatchModelGroupGruppeTitleTittelUsernameBrukernavnSequenceRekkefølgeAutoTypeSelectDialogAuto-Type - KeePassXCAutoskriv - KeePassXCSelect entry to Auto-Type:BrowserAccessControlDialogKeePassXC-Browser Confirm AccessRemember this decisionHusk dette valgetAllowTillatDenyAvvis%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.%1 spør om passordtilgang for følgende elementer.
Velg om du vil gi tilgang eller ikke.BrowserOptionDialogDialogVinduThis is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-BrowserEnable KeepassXC browser integrationSlå på integrasjon for nettlesereGeneralGenerellEnable integration for these browsers:Slå på integrasjon for disse nettleserne:&Google Chrome&Google Chrome&Firefox&Firefox&Chromium&Chromium&Vivaldi&VivaldiShow a ¬ification when credentials are requestedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionVis et &varsel når legitimasjon blir forespurtRe&quest to unlock the database if it is lockedSpør om å låse opp dersom databasen er låstOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ...) are returned.&Match URL scheme (e.g., https://...)Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.&Return only best-matching credentialsSort &matching credentials by titleCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSorter samsvarende berettigelsesbevis etter &tittelSort matching credentials by &usernameCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSorter samsvarende berettigelsesbevis etter &brukernavn&Disconnect all browsersKople &fra alle nettleserneForget all remembered &permissionsGlem alle lagrede &tillatelserAdvancedAvansertNever &ask before accessing credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSpør &aldri før tilgang til berettigelsesbevis gisNever ask before &updating credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSpør aldri før berettigelsesbevis &oppdateresOnly the selected database has to be connected with a client.Kun den valgte databasen behøver å kobles til en klient.Searc&h in all opened databases for matching credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extension&Søk i de åpnede databasene etter samsvarende berettigelsesbevisAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup.Update &native messaging manifest files at startupSupport a proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extension.Use a &proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extensionBruk en &mellomtjener til å forbinde KeePassXC og nettlesertilleggetUse a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually.Oppgi en selvvalgt mellomtjener dersom du installerte mellomtjeneren manuelt.Use a &custom proxy locationMeant is the proxy for KeePassXC-BrowserOppgi en &selvvalgt mellomtjerneradresseBrowse...Button for opening file dialogBla gjennom...<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!<b>Advarsel:</b> Disse innstillingene kan medføre risiko.Executable Files (*.exe);;All Files (*.*)Programfiler (*.exe);;Alle filer (*.*)Executable Files (*)Kørbare filer (*)Select custom proxy locationOppgi en selvvalgt mellomtjerneradresseWe're sorry, but KeePassXC-Browser is not supported for Snap releases at the moment.KeePassXC sin nettleserintegrasjon er ikke tilgjengelig for «Snap»-utgaver enda.BrowserServiceKeePassXC: New key association requestYou have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database,
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.Save and allow accessLagre og tillat aksessKeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?KeePassXC: Update EntryDo you want to update the information in %1 - %2?KeePassXC: Database locked!KeePassXC: Database låst!The active database is locked!
Please unlock the selected database or choose another one which is unlocked.KeePassXC: Settings not available!KeePassXC: Innstillinger ikke tilgjengelig!The active database does not contain a settings entry.KeePassXC: No keys foundKeePassXC: Ingen nøkler funnetNo shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC Settings.KeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseKeePassXC: Fjernet nøkler fra databaseSuccessfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings.Removing stored permissions…AbortAvbrytKeePassXC: Removed permissionsSuccessfully removed permissions from %n entry(s).KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.ChangeMasterKeyWidgetPasswordPassordEnter password:Angi passord:Repeat password:Gjenta passord:&Key fileBrowseBlaCreateOpprettCha&llenge ResponseRefreshLast på nyKey filesNøkkelfilerAll filesAlle filerCreate Key File...Opprett nøkkelfil ...Unable to create Key File : Kan ikke opprette nøkkelfil :Select a key fileVelg en nøkkelfilEmpty passwordTomt passordDo you really want to use an empty string as password?Different passwords supplied.Forskjellige passord oppgitt.Failed to set %1 as the Key file:
%2Legacy key file formatEldre nøkkelfilformatYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.Nøkkelfilen du bruker er av et eldre filformat som kan miste støtten i framtidige programversjoner.
Vurder å opprette en ny nøkkelfil.Changing master key failed: no YubiKey inserted.KlonevalgCloneDialogClone OptionsKlonevalgAppend ' - Clone' to titleReplace username and password with referencesCopy historyKopier historieCsvImportWidgetImport CSV fieldsImporter CSV-felterfilenamefilnavnsize, rows, columnsstørrelse, rader, kolonnerEncodingCodecKodekText is qualified byTekst er kvalifisert avFields are separated byFelt er separert avComments start withKommentarer starter medFirst record has field namesNumber of headers line to discardConsider '\' an escape characterPreviewForhåndsvisColumn layoutNot present in CSV fileEmpty fieldname Tomt filnavncolumn kolonneImported from CSV fileImportert fra CSV-filOriginal data: Originale data:Error(s) detected in CSV file !Feil oppdaget i CSV filen ! more messages skipped]hoppet over flere meldinger]ErrorFeilCSV import: writer has errors:
CSV import: skriver har feil:CsvImportWizardErrorFeilUnable to calculate master keyKan ikke kalkulere hovednøkkelCsvParserModel%n byte(s), %n row(s), %n column(s)DatabaseOpenWidgetEnter master keyAngi hovednøkkelKey File:Nøkkelfil:Password:Passord:BrowseBla gjennomRefreshLast på nyChallenge Response:Unable to open the database.Klarte ikke åpne databasen.Can't open key fileKlarte ikke åpne nøkkelfilen.Legacy key file formatEldre nøkkelfilformatYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.Nøkkelfilen du bruker er av et eldre filformat som kan miste støtten i framtidige programversjoner.
Vurder å opprette en ny nøkkelfil.Don't show this warning againIkke vis denne advarselen igjenAll filesAlle filerKey filesNøkkelfilerSelect key fileVelg nøkkelfilDatabaseRepairWidgetRepair databaseReparer databaseErrorFeilCan't open key fileKlarte ikke åpne nøkkelfilen.Unable to open the database.Klarte ikke åpne databasen.Database opened fine. Nothing to do.Databasen ble åpnet uten feil. Ikke mer å gjøre.SuccessVellykketThe database has been successfully repaired
You can now save it.Databasen er reparert.
Du kan nå lagre den.Unable to repair the database.Klarte ikke reparere databasen.DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralGenereltEncryptionKrypteringNumber of rounds too highKey transformation roundsYou are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2.
If you keep this number, your database may take hours or days (or even longer) to open!Understood, keep numberCancelAvbrytNumber of rounds too lowKey transformation roundsYou are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF.
If you keep this number, your database may be too easy to crack!KDF unchangedFailed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. MiBAbbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) thread(s)Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings)DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryptionEncryption Algorithm:KrypteringsalgoritmeAES: 256 Bit (default)AES: 256 Bit (standard)Twofish: 256 BitTwofish: 256 BitKey Derivation Function:Transform rounds:Benchmark 1-second delayMemory Usage:Minnebruk:Parallelism:DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralDatabase Meta DataDatabase name:Databasenavn:Database description:Databasens beskrivelse:Default username:Standard brukernavn:History SettingsMax. history items:Max. history size: MiBUse recycle binAdditional Database SettingsEnable &compression (recommended)DatabaseTabWidgetRootRoot groupRotKeePass 2 DatabaseKeePass 2 DatabaseAll filesAlle filerOpen databaseÅpne databaseFile not found!Finner ikke filen!Unable to open the database.Kunne ikke åpne databasen.File opened in read only mode.Fil åpnet i skrivebeskyttet modus.Open CSV fileÅpne CSV filCSV fileCSV filAll files (*)Alle filer (*)Merge databaseSlå sammen databaseOpen KeePass 1 databaseÅpne KeePass 1 databaseKeePass 1 databaseKeePass 1 databaseClose?Lukk?"%1" is in edit mode.
Discard changes and close anyway?"%1" blir redigert.
Vil du likevel avvise endringene?Save changes?Lagre endringer?"%1" was modified.
Save changes?Writing the database failed.PasswordsPassordSave database asLagre database somExport database to CSV fileEksporter database til CSV filWriting the CSV file failed.Skriving av CSV fil feilet.New databaseNy databaselockedlåstLock databaseLås databaseCan't lock the database as you are currently editing it.
Please press cancel to finish your changes or discard them.This database has been modified.
Do you want to save the database before locking it?
Otherwise your changes are lost.Disable safe saves?KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file.
Disable safe saves and try again?DatabaseWidgetSearching...Søker...Change master keyEndre hovednøkkelDelete entry?Slette oppføring?Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?Vil du virkelig slette oppføringen "%1" for godt?Delete entries?Slett oppføringer?Do you really want to delete %1 entries for good?Move entry to recycle bin?Flytte oppføring til søppelkurven?Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?Move entries to recycle bin?Flytt oppføringer til søppelkurven?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?Execute command?Utfør kommando?Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br>Remember my choiceHusk mitt valgDelete group?Slett gruppeDo you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?Unable to calculate master keyKan ikke kalkulere hovednøkkelNo current database.No source database, nothing to do.Search Results (%1)Søkeresultater (%1)No ResultsIngen resultaterFile has changedThe database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?Merge RequestThe database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
Do you want to merge your changes?Databasefila er endra og du har ulagra endringer.
Vil du slå sammen fila med endringene dine?Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload this database.Empty recycle bin?Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?DetailsWidgetGenerate TOTP TokenCloseLukkGeneralGenerellPasswordPassordURLAdresseExpirationUsernameBrukernavnAutotypeSearchingSøkingAttributesAttributterAttachmentsVedleggNotesNotaterWindowVinduSequenceRekkefølgeSearchSøkClearNeverAldri[PROTECTED]DisabledEnabledEditEntryWidgetEntryOppføringAdvancedAvansertIconIkonAuto-TypeAutoskrivPropertiesEgenskaperHistoryHistorikkSSH Agentn/a(encrypted)(kryptert)Select private keyVelg privat nøkkelFile too large to be a private keyFailed to open private keyEntry historyAdd entryEdit entryRediger oppføringDifferent passwords supplied.Forskjellige passord oppgitt.New attributeNy attributtConfirm RemoveAre you sure you want to remove this attribute?[PROTECTED]Press reveal to view or editTomorrowI morgen%n week(s)%n month(s)1 year1 årApply generated password?Bruk generert passord?Do you want to apply the generated password to this entry?Vil du bruke det genererte passordet for denne oppføringen?Entry updated successfully.Oppføring oppdatert.EditEntryWidgetAdvancedAdditional attributesEkstra attributterAddRemoveEdit NameProtectRevealAttachmentsVedleggForeground Color:Forgrunnsfarge:Background Color:Bakgrunnsfarge:EditEntryWidgetAutoTypeEnable Auto-Type for this entrySlå på Autoskriv for denne oppføringaInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the &group&Use custom Auto-Type sequence:Window AssociationsVindustilknytninger+-Window title:Vindustittel:Use a specific sequence for this association:Bruk en spesiell sekvens for denne tilknytningen:EditEntryWidgetHistoryShowRestoreDeleteDelete allEditEntryWidgetMainURL:Adresse:Password:Passord:Repeat:Gjenta:Title:Tittel:NotesNotaterPresetsToggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section.Username:Brukernavn:ExpiresUtløperEditEntryWidgetSSHAgentFormRemove key from agent after secondssekunderFingerprintRemove key from agent when database is closed/lockedPublic keyAdd key to agent when database is opened/unlockedCommentKommentarDecryptDekryptern/aCopy to clipboardKopier til utklippstavlaPrivate keyPrivat nøkkelExternal fileEkstern filBrowse...Button for opening file dialogBla gjennom...AttachmentVedleggAdd to agentRemove from agentRequire user confirmation when this key is usedEditGroupWidgetGroupGruppeIconIkonPropertiesEgenskaperAdd groupLag ny gruppeEdit groupEnableDisableInherit from parent group (%1)EditGroupWidgetMainNameNavnNotesNotaterExpiresUtløperSearchSøkAuto-TypeAutoskriv&Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent groupSet default Auto-Type se&quenceEditWidgetIcons&Use default icon&Bruk et standardikonUse custo&m iconBruk et &selvvalgt ikonAdd custom iconLegg til selvvalgt ikonDelete custom iconFjern selvvalgt ikonDownload faviconLast ned ikonerUnable to fetch favicon.Hint: You can enable Google as a fallback under Tools>Settings>SecurityImagesAll filesAlle filerSelect ImageCan't read iconCustom icon already existsConfirm DeleteThis icon is used by %1 entries, and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it?EditWidgetPropertiesCreated:Opprettet:Modified:Endret:Accessed:Åpnet:Uuid:Plugin DataData for programtilleggRemoveDelete plugin data?Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.KeyNøkkelValueVerdiEntry - CloneSuffix added to cloned entriesEntryAttachmentsModelNameNavnSizeEntryAttachmentsWidgetFormAddRemoveOpenSaveSelect filesAre you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)?Confirm RemoveSave attachmentsUnable to create directory:
%1Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?Confirm overwriteUnable to save attachments:
%1Unable to open attachment:
%1Unable to open attachments:
%1Unable to open files:
%1EntryAttributesModelNameNavnEntryHistoryModelLast modifiedSist endretTitleTittelUsernameBrukernavnURLAdresseEntryModelRef: Reference abbreviationGroupGruppeTitleTittelUsernameBrukernavnURLAdresseNeverAldriPasswordPassordNotesNotaterExpiresUtløperCreatedModifiedAccessedAttachmentsVedleggEntryViewCustomize ViewHide UsernamesHide PasswordsFit to windowFit to contentsReset to defaultsAttachments (icon)GroupRecycle BinPapirkurvHostInstallerKeePassXC: Cannot save file!Cannot save the native messaging script file.HttpPasswordGeneratorWidgetLength:Character TypesTegntyperUpper Case LettersA-ZLower Case Lettersa-zNumbers0-9Special Characters/*_& ...Exclude look-alike charactersEkskluder tegn som er nesten makneEnsure that the password contains characters from every groupExtended ASCIIUtvida ASCIIKMessageWidget&CloseClose messageKdbx3ReaderUnable to calculate master keyKan ikke kalkulere hovednøkkelUnable to issue challenge-response.Wrong key or database file is corrupt.Kdbx3WriterUnable to issue challenge-response.Unable to calculate master keyKan ikke kalkulere hovednøkkelKdbx4Readermissing database headersUnable to calculate master keyKan ikke kalkulere hovednøkkelInvalid header checksum sizeHeader SHA256 mismatchWrong key or database file is corrupt. (HMAC mismatch)Unknown cipherInvalid header id sizeInvalid header field lengthInvalid header data lengthFailed to open buffer for KDF parameters in headerUnsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parametersLegacy header fields found in KDBX4 file.Invalid inner header id sizeInvalid inner header field lengthInvalid inner header binary sizeUnsupported KeePass variant map version.Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry name lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry name dataTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry value dataTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Bool entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Int32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map UInt32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Int64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map UInt64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry typeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map field type sizeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataKdbx4WriterInvalid symmetric cipher algorithm.Invalid symmetric cipher IV size.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherUnable to calculate master keyKan ikke kalkulere hovednøkkelFailed to serialize KDF parameters variant mapTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataKdbxReaderInvalid cipher uuid lengthUnsupported cipherInvalid compression flags lengthUnsupported compression algorithmInvalid master seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform rounds sizeInvalid start bytes sizeInvalid random stream id sizeInvalid inner random stream cipherNot a KeePass database.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database...'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.Den valgte fila er en gammel KeePass 1-database (.kdb).
Du kan importere den ved å velge «Database → Importer KeePass 1-database...»
Dette er en en-veis-migrasjon. Du kan ikke åpne den importerte databasen med den gamle versjonen KeePassX 0.4. Unsupported KeePass 2 database version.KdbxXmlReaderXML parsing failure: %1No root groupMissing icon uuid or dataMissing custom data key or valueMultiple group elementsNull group uuidInvalid group icon numberInvalid EnableAutoType valueInvalid EnableSearching valueNo group uuid foundNull DeleteObject uuidMissing DeletedObject uuid or timeNull entry uuidInvalid entry icon numberHistory element in history entryNo entry uuid foundHistory element with different uuidUnable to decrypt entry stringDuplicate custom attribute foundEntry string key or value missingDuplicate attachment foundEntry binary key or value missingAuto-type association window or sequence missingInvalid bool valueInvalid date time valueInvalid color valueInvalid color rgb partInvalid number valueInvalid uuid valueUnable to decompress binaryTranslator meant is a binary data inside an entryKeePass1OpenWidgetImport KeePass1 databaseImporter KeePass 1-databaseUnable to open the database.Kunne ikke åpne databasen.KeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.Not a KeePass database.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Unsupported KeePass database version.Unable to read encryption IVIV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherInvalid number of groupsInvalid number of entriesInvalid content hash sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid number of transform roundsUnable to construct group treeRootRotUnable to calculate master keyKan ikke kalkulere hovednøkkelWrong key or database file is corrupt.Key transformation failedInvalid group field type numberInvalid group field sizeRead group field data doesn't match sizeIncorrect group id field sizeIncorrect group creation time field sizeIncorrect group modification time field sizeIncorrect group access time field sizeIncorrect group expiry time field sizeIncorrect group icon field sizeIncorrect group level field sizeInvalid group field typeMissing group id or levelMissing entry field type numberInvalid entry field sizeRead entry field data doesn't match sizeInvalid entry uuid field sizeInvalid entry group id field sizeInvalid entry icon field sizeInvalid entry creation time field sizeInvalid entry modification time field sizeInvalid entry expiry time field sizeInvalid entry field typeKeePass2AES: 256-bitTwofish: 256-bitChaCha20: 256-bitAES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 3.1)Argon2 (KDBX 4 – recommended)MainExisting single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled.Another instance of KeePassXC is already running.Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.KeePassXC - ErrorMainWindow&Database&Database&Recent databasesN&ylige databaserImportImporter&Help&HjelpE&ntries&OppføringerCopy att&ribute to clipboardKopier attributt til &utklippstavlaTime-based one-time password&Tidsbasert engangspassord&Groups&Grupper&Tools&Verktøy&Quit&Avslutt&About&Open database...&Åpne database&Save database&Lagre database&Close database&Lukk database&New database&Ny databaseMerge from KeePassX databaseSlå sammen med en KeePassX-database&Add new entry&Lag ny oppføring&View/Edit entry&Vis/Rediger oppføring&Delete entry&Slett oppføring&Add new group&Lag ny gruppe&Edit group&Rediger gruppe&Delete group&Slett gruppeSa&ve database as...La&gre database som...Change &master key...Endre &hovednøkkel&Database settings&DatabaseoppsettDatabase settings&Clone entry&Klon oppføring&FindCopy &usernameKopier &brukernavnCopy username to clipboardCop&y passwordKopier &passordCopy password to clipboard&Settings&OppsettPassword GeneratorPassordgenerator&Perform Auto-TypeKjør &Autoskriv&Open URLÅpne &nettadresse&Lock databases&Lås databaser&TitleCopy title to clipboard&URLCopy URL to clipboard&NotesCopy notes to clipboard&Export to CSV file...&Eksporter som CSV-fil...Import KeePass 1 database...Importer KeePass 1-database...Import CSV file...Importer CSV-fil...Re&pair database...&Reparer databaseShow TOTPSet up TOTP...Copy &TOTPKopier &TOTPE&mpty recycle bin&Tøm papirkurvClear historyAccess error for config file %1Feil ved tilgang for filen %1<p>It looks like you are using KeePassHTTP for browser integration. This feature has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.<br>Please switch to KeePassXC-Browser instead! For help with migration, visit our <a class="link" href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/keepassxc-browser-migration">migration guide</a> (warning %1 of 3).</p>read-onlySettingsToggle windowVis vinduetQuit KeePassXCAvslutt KeePassXCKeePass 2 DatabaseKeePass 2 DatabaseAll filesAlle filerOpen databaseÅpne databaseSave repaired databaseWriting the database failed.Please touch the button on your YubiKey!WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC!
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.OpenSSHKeyInvalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH keyPEM boundary mismatchBase64 decoding failedKey file way too small.Key file magic header id invalidFound zero keysFailed to read public key.Corrupted key file, reading private key failedNo private key payload to decryptTrying to run KDF without cipherPassphrase is required to decrypt this keyKey derivation failed, key file corrupted?Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?Unexpected EOF while reading public keyUnexpected EOF while reading private keyCan't write public key as it is emptyUnexpected EOF when writing public keyCan't write private key as it is emptyUnexpected EOF when writing private keyUnsupported key type: %1Unknown cipher: %1Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdfUnknown KDF: %1Unknown key type: %1OptionDialogDialogVinduThis is required for accessing your databases from ChromeIPass or PassIFoxEnable KeePassHTTP serverGeneralGenerellSh&ow a notification when credentials are requestedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionOnly returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.&Return only best matching entriesRe&quest to unlock the database if it is lockedSpør om å låse opp dersom databasen er låstOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ftp://, ...) are returned.&Match URL schemesSort matching entries by &usernameSort &matching entries by titleR&emove all shared encryption keys from active databaseRe&move all stored permissions from entries in active databasePassword GeneratorPassordgeneratorAdvancedAvansertAlways allow &access to entriesAlways allow &updating entriesOnly the selected database has to be connected with a client.Kun den valgte databasen behøver å kobles til en klient.Searc&h in all opened databases for matching entriesAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "HTTP Port:Default port: 19455KeePassXC will listen to this port on<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!<b>Advarsel:</b> Disse innstillingene kan medføre risiko.<p>KeePassHTTP has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.<br>Please switch to KeePassXC-Browser instead! For help with migration, visit our <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/keepassxc-browser-migration">migration guide</a>.</p>Cannot bind to privileged portsCannot bind to privileged ports below 1024!
Using default port 19455.PasswordGeneratorWidget%p%Password:Passord:strengthPassword strengthentropyPasswordPassordCharacter TypesTegntyperUpper Case LettersLower Case LettersNumbersSpecial CharactersExtended ASCIIUtvida ASCIIExclude look-alike charactersEkskluder tegn som er nesten maknePick characters from every groupBruk tegn fra hver gruppe&Length:&LengdePassphraseAdgangsfraseWordlist:Word Count:Antall ord:Word Separator:Skilleord:GenerateGenererCopyKopierAcceptCloseLukkApplyBrukEntropy: %1 bitEntropi: %1 bitPassword Quality: %1Passordkvalitet: %1PoorPassword qualityWeakPassword qualityGoodPassword qualityExcellentPassword qualityQObjectDatabase not openedDatabase hash not availableClient public key not receivedCannot decrypt messageTimeout or cannot connect to KeePassXCAction cancelled or deniedCannot encrypt message or public key not found. Is Native Messaging enabled in KeePassXC?KeePassXC association failed, try againKey change was not successfulEncryption key is not recognizedNo saved databases foundIncorrect actionEmpty message receivedNo URL providedNo logins foundUnknown errorAdd a new entry to a database.Path of the database.Key file of the database.pathUsername for the entry.usernameURL for the entry.URLURLPrompt for the entry's password.Generate a password for the entry.Length for the generated password.lengthPath of the entry to add.Copy an entry's password to the clipboard.Path of the entry to clip.clip = copy to clipboardTimeout in seconds before clearing the clipboard.Edit an entry.Title for the entry.titlePath of the entry to edit.Estimate the entropy of a password.Password for which to estimate the entropy.Perform advanced analysis on the password.Extract and print the content of a database.Path of the database to extract.Insert password to unlock %1: Failed to load key file %1 : %2WARNING: You are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.
Available commands:
Name of the command to execute.List database entries.Path of the group to list. Default is /Find entries quickly.Search term.Merge two databases.Path of the database to merge into.Path of the database to merge from.Use the same credentials for both database files.Key file of the database to merge from.Show an entry's information.Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.attributeName of the entry to show.NULL deviceerror reading from devicefile empty !
malformed stringmissing closing quoteGroupGruppeTitleTittelUsernameBrukernavnPasswordPassordNotesNotaterLast ModifiedCreatedLegacy Browser IntegrationEldre nettlesertilleggBrowser IntegrationNettlesertilleggYubiKey[%1] Challenge Response - Slot %2 - %3PressPassiveSSH AgentGenerate a new random diceware passphrase.Word count for the diceware passphrase.countWordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]Generate a new random password.Length of the generated password.Use lowercase characters in the generated password.Use uppercase characters in the generated password.Use numbers in the generated password.Use special characters in the generated password.Use extended ASCII in the generated password.Bruk utvida ASCII i det genererte passordet.QtIOCompressorInternal zlib error when compressing: Error writing to underlying device: Error opening underlying device: Error reading data from underlying device: Internal zlib error when decompressing: QtIOCompressor::openThe gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.Internal zlib error: SearchWidgetSearch...SearchSøkClearCase SensitiveLimit search to selected groupServiceKeePassXC: New key association requestYou have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?A shared encryption-key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?KeePassXC: Update EntryDo you want to update the information in %1 - %2?KeePassXC: Database locked!KeePassXC: Database låst!The active database is locked!
Please unlock the selected database or choose another one which is unlocked.KeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseKeePassXC: Fjernet nøkler fra databaseSuccessfully removed %n encryption-key(s) from KeePassX/Http Settings.KeePassXC: No keys foundKeePassXC: Ingen nøkler funnetNo shared encryption-keys found in KeePassHttp Settings.KeePassXC: Settings not available!KeePassXC: Innstillinger ikke tilgjengelig!The active database does not contain an entry of KeePassHttp Settings.Removing stored permissions...AbortAvbrytKeePassXC: Removed permissionsSuccessfully removed permissions from %n entries.KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.SettingsWidgetApplication SettingsGeneralGenereltSecuritySikkerhetAccess error for config file %1Feil ved tilgang for filen %1SettingsWidgetGeneralBasic SettingsGrunnleggendeStart only a single instance of KeePassXCKjør kun én instans av KeePassXC om gangenRemember last databasesHusk de sist brukte databaseneRemember last key files and security donglesHusk de sist brukte nøkkelfilene og kopibeskyttelsesnøkleneLoad previous databases on startupÅpne sist brukte databaser ved oppstartAutomatically save on exitLagre automatisk ved avslutning Automatically save after every changeLagre automatisk etter enhver endringAutomatically reload the database when modified externallyLast databasen automatisk på nytt hvis den blir endret eksternt Minimize when copying to clipboardMinimer ved kopiering til utklippstavlaMinimize window at application startupMinimer ved programstartUse group icon on entry creationDon't mark database as modified for non-data changes (e.g., expanding groups)Hide the Details viewShow a system tray iconVis et ikon i systemkurvenHide window to system tray when minimizedHide window to system tray instead of app exitDark system tray iconMørkt ikon i systemkurvenLanguageSpråkAuto-TypeAutoskrivUse entry title to match windows for global Auto-TypeUse entry URL to match windows for global Auto-TypeAlways ask before performing Auto-TypeGlobal Auto-Type shortcutAuto-Type delay msMillisecondsStartupOppstartFile ManagementFilhåndteringSafely save database files (may be incompatible with Dropbox, etc)Backup database file before savingEntry ManagementGeneralGenerellSettingsWidgetSecurityTimeoutsClear clipboard after secSecondsLock databases after inactivity ofLås databaser etter inaktivitet iConvenienceLock databases when session is locked or lid is closedLås databaser når økta låses eller lokket lukkesLock databases after minimizing the windowLås databaser når vinduet minimeresDon't require password repeat when it is visibleShow passwords in cleartext by defaultHide passwords in the preview panelHide entry notes by defaultPrivacyUse Google as fallback for downloading website iconsRe-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-TypeSetupTotpDialogSetup TOTPKey:Default RFC 6238 token settingsSteam token settingsUse custom settingsNote: Change these settings only if you know what you are doing.Time step:8 digits6 digitsCode size: secSecondsTotpDialogTimed Password000000CopyKopierExpires insecondsUnlockDatabaseWidgetUnlock databaseLås opp databasenWelcomeWidgetStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC databaseBegynn å lagre passordene dine i en trygg KeePassXC-databaseCreate new databaseOpprett ny databaseOpen existing databaseÅpne eksisterende databaseImport from KeePass 1Importer fra KeePass 1Import from CSVImporter fra CSVRecent databasesNylige databaserWelcome to KeePassXC %1Velkommen til KeePassXC %1mainRemove an entry from the database.Path of the database.Path of the entry to remove.KeePassXC - cross-platform password managerKeePassXC - en multiplattforms passordhåndtererfilenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)path to a custom config filekey file of the databaseread password of the database from stdinParent window handle