AboutDialogAbout KeePassXCTentang KeePassXCAboutTentangReport bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>Laporkan bug di: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.KeePassXC didistribusikan di bawah GNU General Public License (GPL) versi 2 atau (terserah pilihan Anda) versi 3.ContributorsKontributor<a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a><a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">Lihat Semua Kontribusi di GitHub</a>Debug InfoInfo AwakutuInclude the following information whenever you report a bug:Sertakan informasi berikut setiap Anda melaporkan bug:Copy to clipboardSalin ke papan klipRevision: %1Revisi: %1Distribution: %1Distribusi: %1Libraries:Pustaka:Operating system: %1
CPU architecture: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Sistem operasi: %1
Arsitektur CPU: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Enabled extensions:Ekstensi aktif:Project Maintainers:Pengelola Proyek:Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX.Terima kasih dari tim KeePassXC kepada debfx yang telah membuat KeepassX original.Version %1Versi %1Build Type: %1Tipe Build: %1Auto-TypeKetik-OtomatisBrowser IntegrationIntegrasi PerambanSSH AgentSSH AgentYubiKeyYubiKeyTouchIDTouchIDNoneNihilKeeShare (signed and unsigned sharing)KeeShare (only signed sharing)KeeShare (only unsigned sharing)AgentSettingsWidgetEnable SSH Agent (requires restart)Aktifkan SSH Agent (butuh memulai ulang)Use OpenSSH for Windows instead of PageantApplicationSettingsWidgetApplication SettingsPengaturan AplikasiGeneralUmumSecurityKeamananAccess error for config file %1Galat akses untuk berkas konfigurasi %1Icon onlyText onlyText beside iconText under iconFollow styleApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneralBasic SettingsPengaturan DasarStartupMemulaiStart only a single instance of KeePassXCHanya mulai satu aplikasi KeePassXCRemember last databasesIngat basis data terakhirRemember last key files and security donglesIngat berkas kunci dan dongle keamanan terakhirLoad previous databases on startupMuat basis data sebelumnya saat mulaiMinimize window at application startupMinimalkan jendela saat memulai aplikasiFile ManagementManajemen BerkasSafely save database files (may be incompatible with Dropbox, etc)Secara aman menyimpan berkas basis data (mungkin tidak kompatibel dengan Dropbox, dll)Backup database file before savingCadangkan basis data sebelum disimpanAutomatically save after every changeOtomatis simpan setelah setiap perubahanAutomatically save on exitOtomatis simpan ketika keluarDon't mark database as modified for non-data changes (e.g., expanding groups)Jangan tandai basis data telah diubah untuk perubahan non-data (mis. melebarkan grup)Automatically reload the database when modified externallyMuat ulang basis data secara otomatis ketika diubah secara eksternalEntry ManagementManajemen EntriUse group icon on entry creationGunakan ikon grup pada pembuatan entriMinimize when copying to clipboardMinimalkan ketika menyalin ke papan klipHide the entry preview panelSembunyikan panel pratinjau entriGeneralUmumHide toolbar (icons)Sembunyikan bilah perkakas (ikon)Minimize instead of app exitShow a system tray iconTampilkan ikon baki sistemDark system tray iconIkon baki sistem gelapHide window to system tray when minimizedSembunyikan jendela ke baki sistem ketika diminimalkanLanguageBahasaAuto-TypeKetik-OtomatisUse entry title to match windows for global Auto-TypeGunakan judul entri untuk mencocokkan jendela untuk Ketik-Otomatis globalUse entry URL to match windows for global Auto-TypeGunakan URL entri untuk mencocokkan jendela untuk Ketik-Otomatis globalAlways ask before performing Auto-TypeSelalu bertanya sebelum menjalankan Ketik-OtomatisGlobal Auto-Type shortcutPintasan global Ketik-OtomatisAuto-Type typing delay msMillisecondsmdAuto-Type start delayCheck for updates at application startupInclude pre-releases when checking for updatesMovable toolbarButton styleApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurityTimeoutsWaktu KedaluwarsaClear clipboard afterKosongkan papan klip setelah secSecondsdetLock databases after inactivity ofKunci basis data setelah tidak aktif selama min minForget TouchID after inactivity ofConvenienceKenyamananLock databases when session is locked or lid is closedKunci basis data ketika sesi dikunci atau lid ditutupForget TouchID when session is locked or lid is closedLock databases after minimizing the windowKunci basis data setelah meminimalkan jendelaRe-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-TypeKunci ulang basis data yang sebelumnya terkunci setelah menjalankan Ketik-OtomatisDon't require password repeat when it is visibleTidak membutuhkan pengulangan sandi ketika ruas bisa dilihatDon't hide passwords when editing themJangan sembunyikan sandi saat penyuntinganDon't use placeholder for empty password fieldsJangan gunakan placeholder untuk ruas sandi yang kosongHide passwords in the entry preview panelSembunyikan sandi di panel pratinjau entriHide entry notes by defaultSembunyikan catatan secara bawaanPrivacyPrivasiUse DuckDuckGo as fallback for downloading website iconsGunakan DuckDuckGo sebagai cadangan untuk mengunduh ikon websiteAutoTypeCouldn't find an entry that matches the window title:Tidak bisa menemukan entri yang cocok dengan judul jendela:Auto-Type - KeePassXCKetik-Otomatis - KeePassXCAuto-TypeKetik-OtomatisThe Syntax of your Auto-Type statement is incorrect!Sintaksis perintah Ketik-Otomatis Anda salah!This Auto-Type command contains a very long delay. Do you really want to proceed?Perintah Ketik-Otomatis ini berisi tundaan yang sangat lama. Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin melanjutkan?This Auto-Type command contains very slow key presses. Do you really want to proceed?Perintah Ktik-Otomatis ini berisi tindakan tekan tombol berdurasi sangat lambat. Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin melanjutkan?This Auto-Type command contains arguments which are repeated very often. Do you really want to proceed?Perintah Ketik-Otomatis ini berisi argumen yang diulang berkali-kali. Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin melanjutkan?AutoTypeAssociationsModelWindowJendelaSequenceUrutanDefault sequenceUrutan bakuAutoTypeMatchModelGroupGrupTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaSequenceUrutanAutoTypeSelectDialogAuto-Type - KeePassXCKetik-Otomatis - KeePassXCSelect entry to Auto-Type:Pilih entri untuk Ketik-Otomatis:BrowserAccessControlDialogKeePassXC-Browser Confirm AccessKonfirmasi Akses KeePassXC-BrowserRemember this decisionIngat tindakan iniAllowIzinkanDenyTolak%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.%1 telah meminta akses sandi untuk item berikut.
Silakan pilih apakah Anda ingin mengizinkannya.BrowserEntrySaveDialogKeePassXC-Browser Save EntryOkOkCancelBatalYou have multiple databases open.
Please select the correct database for saving credentials.BrowserOptionDialogDialogDialogThis is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-BrowserIni dibutuhkan untuk mengakses basis data Anda menggunakan KeePassXC-BrowserEnable KeepassXC browser integrationAktifkan integrasi peramban KeePassXCGeneralUmumEnable integration for these browsers:Aktifkan integrasi untuk peramban ini:&Google Chrome&Google Chrome&Firefox&Firefox&Chromium&Chromium&Vivaldi&VivaldiShow a ¬ification when credentials are requestedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionTampilkan ¬ifikasi saat permintaan kredensialRe&quest to unlock the database if it is locked&Minta untuk membuka basis data jika terkunciOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ...) are returned.Hanya entri dengan skema yang sama (http://, https://, ...).&Match URL scheme (e.g., https://...)&Cocok skema URL (mis., https://...)Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.Hanya tampilkan kecocokan terbaik untuk URL tertentu bukan semua entri untuk keseluruhan domain.&Return only best-matching credentialsHanya &tampilkan kredensial dengan kecocokan terbaikSort &matching credentials by titleCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionUrutkan kredensial yang &cocok berdasarkan judulSort matching credentials by &usernameCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionUrutkan kredensial yang cocok berdasarkan &nama penggunaAdvancedTingkat LanjutNever &ask before accessing credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionJangan pernah ber&tanya sebelum mengakses kredensialNever ask before &updating credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionJangan pernah bertanya sebelum memper&barui kredensialOnly the selected database has to be connected with a client.Hanya basis data terpilih yang harus terkoneksi dengan klien.Searc&h in all opened databases for matching credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionCari kredensial yang cocok di semua basis data yang terbukaAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.Membuat atau memperbarui ruas lema secara otomatis tidak didukung.&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "&Tampilkan ruas lema tingkat lanjut yang dimulai dengan "KPH: "Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup.Otomatis perbarui jalur binari KeePassXC atau keepassxc-proxy ke skrip perpesanan native saat memulai.Update &native messaging manifest files at startupPerbarui berkas manifest perpesanan &native saat memulaiSupport a proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extension.Dukung aplikasi proksi antara KeePassXC dan ekstensi peramban.Use a &proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extensionGunakan aplikasi &proksi antara KeePassXC dan ekstensi perambanUse a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually.Gunakan lokasi proksi khusus jika Anda memasangnya secara manual.Use a &custom proxy locationMeant is the proxy for KeePassXC-BrowserGunakan lokasi proksi &khususBrowse...Button for opening file dialogTelusuri...<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!<b>Peringatan:</b> Opsi berikut bisa berbahaya!Select custom proxy locationPilih lokasi proksi khususWe're sorry, but KeePassXC-Browser is not supported for Snap releases at the moment.Maaf, KeePassXC-Browser saat ini tidak mendukung rilisan Snap.KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2.Membutuhkan KeePassXC-Browser agar integrasi peramban bisa bekerja. <br />Unduh di %1 dan %2.&Tor BrowserPeramban &Tor<b>Warning</b>, the keepassxc-proxy application was not found!<br />Please check the KeePassXC installation directory or confirm the custom path in advanced options.<br />Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application.<br />Expected Path: Executable FilesAll FilesSemua BerkasDo not ask permission for HTTP &Basic AuthAn extra HTTP Basic Auth settingBrowserServiceKeePassXC: New key association requestKeePassXC: Permintaan asosiasi kunci baruYou have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database,
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.Anda menerima permintaan asosiasi untuk kunci di atas.
Jika Anda ingin mengizinkannya mengakses basis data KeePassXC Anda,
berikan nama yang unik untuk identifikasi dan terimalah.Save and allow accessSimpan dan izinkan aksesKeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?KeePassXC: Timpa kunci yang ada?A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?Kunci enkripsi bersama dengan nama "%1" sudah ada.
Apakah Anda ingin menimpanya ulang?KeePassXC: Update EntryKeePassXC: Perbarui EntriDo you want to update the information in %1 - %2?Apakah Anda ingin memperbarui informasi dalam %1 - %2?AbortBatalConverting attributes to custom data…Mengkonversi atribut ke data khusus...KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributesSuccessfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s).
Moved %2 keys to custom data.Successfully moved %n keys to custom data.KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found!The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes.KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detectedLegacy browser integration settings have been detected.
Do you want to upgrade the settings to the latest standard?
This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin.CloneDialogClone OptionsOpsi PenggandaanAppend ' - Clone' to titleTambahkan ' - Salinan' ke judulReplace username and password with referencesGanti nama pengguna dan sandi dengan referensiCopy historySalin riwayatCsvImportWidgetImport CSV fieldsImpor ruas CSVfilenamenama berkassize, rows, columnsukuran, baris, kolomEncodingEnkodeCodecKodekText is qualified byTeks dikualifikasikan olehFields are separated byRuas dipisahkan denganComments start withKomentar dimulai denganFirst record has field namesRekam pertama memiliki nama ruasNumber of headers line to discardJumlah baris tajuk untuk dibuangConsider '\' an escape characterAnggap '\' sebagai karakter escapePreviewPratinjauColumn layoutTata letak kolomNot present in CSV fileTidak ada di dalam berkas CSVImported from CSV fileDiimpor dari berkas CSVOriginal data: Data original:ErrorGalatEmpty fieldname %1column %1kolom %1Error(s) detected in CSV file![%n more message(s) skipped]CSV import: writer has errors:
%1CsvParserModel%n column(s)%n kolom%1, %2, %3file info: bytes, rows, columns%n byte(s)%n byte%n row(s)%n barisDatabaseRootRoot group nameRootFile %1 does not exist.Berkas %1 tidak ada.Unable to open file %1.Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1.Error while reading the database: %1Terjadi kesalahan saat membaca basis data: %1Could not save, database has no file name.File cannot be written as it is opened in read-only mode.DatabaseOpenDialogUnlock Database - KeePassXCBuka Kunci Basis Data - KeePassXCDatabaseOpenWidgetEnter master keyMasukkan kunci utamaKey File:Berkas Kunci:Password:Sandi:BrowseTelusuriRefreshSegarkanChallenge Response:Legacy key file formatFormat berkas kunci legacyYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.Anda menggunakan format berkas kunci legacy yang
tidak akan lagi didukung di masa depan.
Harap pertimbangkan membuat berkas kunci baru.Don't show this warning againJangan tampilkan peringatan ini lagiAll filesSemua BerkasKey filesBerkas kunciSelect key filePilih berkas kunciTouchID for quick unlockTouchID untuk membuka kunci cepatUnable to open the database:
%1Tidak bisa membuka basis data:
%1Can't open key file:
%1Tidak bisa membuka berkas kunci:
%1DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaDataPasswordsSandiDatabaseSettingsDialogAdvanced SettingsPengaturan LanjutanGeneralUmumSecurityKeamananMaster KeyKunci MasterEncryption SettingsPengaturan EnkripsiBrowser IntegrationIntegrasi PerambanDatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowserKeePassXC-Browser settingsPengaturan KeePassXC-Browser&Disconnect all browsers&Putuskan koneksi semua perambanForg&et all site-specific settings on entriesMove KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser &custom dataStored keysKunci tersimpanRemoveBuangDelete the selected key?Hapus kunci yang dipilih?Do you really want to delete the selected key?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.KeyKunciValueNilaiEnable Browser Integration to access these settings.Aktifkan Integrasi Peramban untuk mengakses pengaturan ini.Disconnect all browsersPutuskan koneksi semua perambanDo you really want to disconnect all browsers?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.KeePassXC: No keys foundKeePassXC: Tidak ada kunci yang ditemukanNo shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings.KeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseKeePassXC: Buang kunci dari basis dataSuccessfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings.Berhasil membuang %n kunci enkripsi dari pengaturan KeePassXC.Forget all site-specific settings on entriesDo you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry?
Permissions to access entries will be revoked.Removing stored permissions…Membuang perizinan yang disimpan...AbortBatalKeePassXC: Removed permissionsKeePassXC: Buang izinSuccessfully removed permissions from %n entry(s).Berhasil membuang perizinan dari %n entri.KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!KeePassXC: Tidak entri dengan izin yang ditemukan!The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.Basis data aktif tidak berisi entri dengan izin.Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom dataPindahkan atribut KeePassHTTP ke data khususDo you really want to move all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard?
This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin.DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryptionEncryption Algorithm:Algoritma Enkripsi:AES: 256 Bit (default)AES: 256 Bit (bawaan)Twofish: 256 BitTwofish: 256 BitKey Derivation Function:Fungsi Derivasi Kunci:Transform rounds:Benchmark 1-second delayTunda benchmark 1-detikMemory Usage:Penggunaan Memori:Parallelism:Paralelisme:Decryption Time:Waktu Dekripsi:?? s?? dChangeUbah100 ms100 md5 s5 dHigher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer.Database format:Format basis data:This is only important if you need to use your database with other programs.Hal ini penting jika Anda ingin menggunakan basis data menggunakan program lain.KDBX 4.0 (recommended)KDBX 4.0 (direkomendasikan)KDBX 3.1KDBX 3.1unchangedDatabase decryption time is unchangedtidak berubahNumber of rounds too highKey transformation roundsYou are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2.
If you keep this number, your database may take hours or days (or even longer) to open!Understood, keep numberMengerti, tetap simpanCancelBatalNumber of rounds too lowKey transformation roundsYou are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF.
If you keep this number, your database may be too easy to crack!KDF unchangedKDF tidak berubahFailed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged.Gagal mentransformasi kunci menggunakan parameter KDF baru; KDF tidak berubah. MiBAbbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) MiB thread(s)Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings)%1 msmilliseconds%1 md%1 sseconds%1 dDatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralDatabase Meta DataData Meta Basis DataDatabase name:Nama basis data:Database description:Deskripsi basis data:Default username:Nama pengguna baku:History SettingsPengaturan RiwayatMax. history items:Maks. item riwayat:Max. history size:Maks. ukuran riwayat: MiB MiBUse recycle binGunakan keranjang sampahAdditional Database SettingsPengaturan Basis Data TambahanEnable &compression (recommended)Aktifkan &kompresi (direkomendasikan)DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShareSharingBreadcrumbTypePathLast SignerCertificates > Breadcrumb separatorDatabaseSettingsWidgetMasterKeyAdd additional protection...Tambah proteksi tambahan...No encryption key addedYou must add at least one encryption key to secure your database!No password setWARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged!
Are you sure you want to continue without a password?Unknown errorGalat tidak diketahuiFailed to change master keyGagal mengubah kunci masterDatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimpleDatabase Name:Nama Basis Data:Description:Deskripsi:DatabaseTabWidgetKeePass 2 DatabaseBasis Data KeePass 2All filesSemua BerkasOpen databaseBuka basis dataCSV fileBerkas CSVMerge databaseGabung basis dataOpen KeePass 1 databaseBuka basis data KeePass 1KeePass 1 databaseBasis data KeePass 1Export database to CSV fileEkspor basis data ke berkas CSVWriting the CSV file failed.Gagal membuat berkas CSV.Database creation errorThe created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it.
This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.The database file does not exist or is not accessible.Select CSV filePilih berkas CSVNew DatabaseBasis Data Baru%1 [New Database]Database tab name modifier%1 [Basis Data Baru]%1 [Locked]Database tab name modifier%1 [Dikunci]%1 [Read-only]Database tab name modifier%1 [Hanya-baca]DatabaseWidgetSearching...Mencari...Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin menghapus entri "%1" untuk selamanya?Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin memindahkan "%1" ke keranjang sampah?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin memindahkan %n entri ke keranjang sampah?Execute command?Jalankan perintah?Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br>Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin menjalankan perintah berikut?<br><br>%1<br>Remember my choiceIngat pilihan sayaDo you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin menghapus grup "%1" untuk selamanya?No current database.Tidak ada basis data.No source database, nothing to do.Tidak ada sumber basis data, tidak perlu melakukan apa-apa.Search Results (%1)Hasil Pencarian (%1)No ResultsTidak Ada HasilFile has changedBerkas telah berubahThe database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?Berkas basis data telah berubah. Apakah Anda ingin memuat perubahannya?Merge RequestPermintaan PenggabunganThe database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
Do you want to merge your changes?Berkas basis data telah berubah dan Anda memiliki ubahan yang belum disimpan.
Apakah Anda ingin menggabungkan ubahan Anda?Empty recycle bin?Kosongkan keranjang sampah?Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semuanya secara permanen dari keranjang sampah?Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good?Delete entry(s)?Hapus entri?Move entry(s) to recycle bin?Pindahkan entri ke keranjang sampah?File opened in read only mode.Berkas terbuka dalam mode baca-saja.Lock Database?Kunci Basis Data?You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway?"%1" was modified.
Save changes?"%1" telah dimodifikasi.
Simpan perubahan?Database was modified.
Save changes?Basis data telah diubah.
Simpan perubahan?Save changes?Simpan perubahan?Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
Error: %1Disable safe saves?Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman?KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file.
Disable safe saves and try again?KeePassXC telah beberapa kali gagal menyimpan basis data. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh layanan sinkronisasi berkas yang menghalangi berkas yang akan disimpan.
Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman dan coba lagi?Writing the database failed.
%1PasswordsSandiSave database asSimpan basis data sebagaiKeePass 2 DatabaseBasis Data KeePass 2Replace references to entry?Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway?Delete groupHapus grupMove group to recycle bin?Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin?Successfully merged the database files.Database was not modified by merge operation.EditEntryWidgetEntryEntriAdvancedTingkat LanjutIconIkonAuto-TypeKetik-OtomatisPropertiesPropertiHistoryRiwayatSSH AgentSSH Agentn/at/a(encrypted)(terenkripsi)Select private keyPilih kunci privatFile too large to be a private keyBerkas terlalu besar untuk jadi kunci privatFailed to open private keyGagal membuka kunci privatEntry historyRiwayat entriAdd entryTambah entriEdit entrySunting entriDifferent passwords supplied.Sandi berbeda.New attributeAtribut baruAre you sure you want to remove this attribute?Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuang atribut ini?TomorrowBesok%n week(s)%n minggu%n month(s)%n bulanApply generated password?Gunakan sandi yang dibuat?Do you want to apply the generated password to this entry?Apakah Anda ingin menggunakan sandi yang dibuat untuk entri ini?Entry updated successfully.Entri berhasil diperbarui.Entry has unsaved changesEntri memiliki perubahan yang belum disimpanNew attribute %1Atribut baru %1[PROTECTED] Press reveal to view or edit[DILINDUNGI] Tekan tampilkan untuk meninjau atau mnyunting%n year(s)%n tahunConfirm RemovalEditEntryWidgetAdvancedAdditional attributesAtribut tambahanAddTambahRemoveBuangEdit NameSunting NamaProtectProteksiRevealTampilkanAttachmentsLampiranForeground Color:Warna Latar Depan:Background Color:Warna Latar Belakang:EditEntryWidgetAutoTypeEnable Auto-Type for this entryAktifkan Ketik-Otomatis untuk entri iniInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the &groupIkuti urutan Ketik-Otomatis bawaan &grup&Use custom Auto-Type sequence:Gunakan &urutan Ketik-Otomatis khusus:Window AssociationsAsosiasi Jendela++--Window title:Judul jendela:Use a specific sequence for this association:EditEntryWidgetHistoryShowTampilkanRestoreKembalikanDeleteHapusDelete allHapus semuaEditEntryWidgetMainURL:URL:Password:Sandi:Repeat:Ulangi:Title:Judul:NotesCatatanPresetsPrasetelToggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section.Pilih kotak centang untuk mengungkap bagian catatan.Username:Nama pengguna:ExpiresKedaluwarsaEditEntryWidgetSSHAgentFormRemove key from agent afterBuang kunci dari agent setelah secondsdetikFingerprintTanda tanganRemove key from agent when database is closed/lockedBuang kunci dari agent saat basis data ditutup/dikunciPublic keyKunci publikAdd key to agent when database is opened/unlockedTambahkan kunci ke agent saat basis data dibuka/tak terkunciCommentKomentarDecryptDekripsin/at/aCopy to clipboardSalin ke papan klipPrivate keyKunci privatExternal fileBerkas eksternalBrowse...Button for opening file dialogTelusuri...AttachmentLampiranAdd to agentTambahkan ke agentRemove from agentBuang dari agentRequire user confirmation when this key is usedMembutuhkan konfirmasi pengguna saat kunci ini digunakanEditGroupWidgetGroupGrupIconIkonPropertiesPropertiAdd groupTambah grupEdit groupSunting grupEnableAktifkanDisableNonaktifkanInherit from parent group (%1)Mengikuti grup induk (%1)EditGroupWidgetKeeShareFormType:Path:...Password:Sandi:InactiveImport from pathExport to pathSynchronize with pathYour KeePassXC version does not support sharing your container type. Please use %1.Database sharing is disabledDatabase export is disabledDatabase import is disabledKeeShare unsigned containerKeeShare signed containerSelect import sourceSelect export targetSelect import/export fileEditGroupWidgetMainNameNamaNotesCatatanExpiresKedaluwarsaSearchCariAuto-TypeKetik-Otomatis&Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent groupGunakan &urutan Ketik-Otomatis bawaan grup indukSet default Auto-Type se&quenceTetapkan uru&tan baku Ketik-OtomatisEditWidgetIcons&Use default iconG&unakan ikon bawaanUse custo&m iconGunakan ikon &khususAdd custom iconTambah ikon khususDelete custom iconHapus ikon khususDownload faviconUnduh faviconUnable to fetch favicon.Tidak bisa mengunduh favicon.ImagesGambarAll filesSemua BerkasCustom icon already existsIkon khusus sudah adaConfirm DeleteKonfirmasi HapusCustom icon successfully downloadedIkon khusus berhasil diunduhHint: You can enable DuckDuckGo as a fallback under Tools>Settings>SecuritySelect Image(s)Pilih GambarSuccessfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s)Berhasil memuat %1 dari %n ikonNo icons were loaded%n icon(s) already exist in the database%n ikon sudah ada didalam basis dataThe following icon(s) failed:This icon is used by %n entry(s), and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it?EditWidgetPropertiesCreated:Dibuat:Modified:Dimodifikasi:Accessed:Diakses:Uuid:Uuid:Plugin DataData PluginRemoveBuangDelete plugin data?Hapus data plugin?Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin menghapus data plugin?
Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan plugin terkait tidak berfungsi.KeyKunciValueNilaiEntry%1 - Clone%1 - SalinanEntryAttachmentsModelNameNamaSizeUkuranEntryAttachmentsWidgetFormAddTambahRemoveBuangOpenBukaSaveSimpanSelect filesPilih berkasAre you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)?Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuang %n lampiran?Save attachmentsSimpan lampiranUnable to create directory:
%1Tidak bisa membuat direktori:
%1Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menimpa ulang berkas "%1" yang ada dengan berkas lampiran?Confirm overwriteKonfirmasi menimpa ulangUnable to save attachments:
%1Tidak bisa menyimpan lampiran:
%1Unable to open attachment:
%1Tidak bisa membuka lampiran:
%1Unable to open attachments:
%1Tidak bisa membuka lampiran:
%1Confirm removeUnable to open file(s):
%1EntryAttributesModelNameNamaEntryHistoryModelLast modifiedTerakhir dimodifikasiTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaURLURLEntryModelRef: Reference abbreviationRef: GroupGrupTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaURLURLNeverTidak PernahPasswordSandiNotesCatatanExpiresKedaluwarsaCreatedDibuatModifiedDiubahAccessedDiaksesAttachmentsLampiranYesYaTOTPTOTPEntryPreviewWidgetGenerate TOTP TokenBuat Token TOTPCloseTutupGeneralUmumUsernameNama penggunaPasswordSandiExpirationKedaluwarsaURLURLAttributesAtributAttachmentsLampiranNotesCatatanAutotypeKetikOtomatisWindowJendelaSequenceUrutanSearchingPencarianSearchCariClearBersihkanNeverTidak Pernah[PROTECTED][DILINDUNGI]<b>%1</b>: %2attributes line<b>%1</b>: %2EnabledDiaktifkanDisabledDinonaktifkanShareEntryViewCustomize ViewUbahsuai TampilanHide UsernamesSembunyikan Nama PenggunaHide PasswordsSembunyikan SandiFit to windowPaskan ke jendelaFit to contentsPaskan ke kontenReset to defaultsKembalikan ke setelan bawaanAttachments (icon)Lampiran (ikon)GroupRecycle BinTong Sampah[empty]group has no children[kosong]GroupModel%1Template for name without annotationHostInstallerKeePassXC: Cannot save file!KeePassXC: Tidak bisa menyimpan berkas!Cannot save the native messaging script file.Tidak bisa menyimpan berkas perpesanan native.KMessageWidget&Close&TutupClose messageTutup pesanKdbx3ReaderUnable to calculate master keyTidak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci utamaUnable to issue challenge-response.Wrong key or database file is corrupt.Kunci salah atau berkas basis data rusak.missing database headerskehilangan tajuk basis dataHeader doesn't match hashInvalid header id sizeUkuran id tajuk tidak validInvalid header field lengthPanjang ruas tajuk tidak validInvalid header data lengthPanjang data tajuk tidak validKdbx3WriterUnable to issue challenge-response.Unable to calculate master keyTidak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci utamaKdbx4Readermissing database headerskehilangan tajuk basis dataUnable to calculate master keyTidak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci utamaInvalid header checksum sizeUkuran checksum tajuk tidak validHeader SHA256 mismatchTajuk SHA256 tidak cocokWrong key or database file is corrupt. (HMAC mismatch)Kunci salah atau berkas basis data rusak. (HMAC tidak cocok)Unknown cipherCipher tidak dikenalInvalid header id sizeUkuran id tajuk tidak validInvalid header field lengthPanjang ruas tajuk tidak validInvalid header data lengthPanjang data tajuk tidak validFailed to open buffer for KDF parameters in headerGagal membuka buffer untuk parameter KDF di dalam tajukUnsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parametersFungsi derivasi kunci tidak didukung (KDF) atau parameter tidak validLegacy header fields found in KDBX4 file.Ditemukan ruas tajuk legacy di dalam berkas KDBX4.Invalid inner header id sizeInvalid inner header field lengthInvalid inner header binary sizeUnsupported KeePass variant map version.Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataVersi map variasi KeePass tidak didukung.Invalid variant map entry name lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nama entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry name dataTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataData nama entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry value dataTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataData nilai entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map Bool entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri Bool map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map Int32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri Int32 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map UInt32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri UInt32 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map Int64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri Int64 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map UInt64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri UInt64 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry typeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataTipe entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map field type sizeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataUkuran tipe entri map variasi tidak validKdbx4WriterInvalid symmetric cipher algorithm.Algoritma cipher simetrik tidak valid.Invalid symmetric cipher IV size.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherUkuran cipher IV simetrik tidak valid.Unable to calculate master keyTidak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci utamaFailed to serialize KDF parameters variant mapTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataGagal menserialisasi map variasi parameter KDFKdbxReaderUnsupported cipherCipher tidak didukungInvalid compression flags lengthUnsupported compression algorithmAlgoritma kompresi tidak didukungInvalid master seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform rounds sizeInvalid start bytes sizeUkuran byte awal tidak validInvalid random stream id sizeUkuran id stream acak tidak validInvalid inner random stream cipherNot a KeePass database.Bukan basis data KeePass.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database...'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.Berkas yang dipilih adalah basis data lama KeePass 1 (.kdb).
Anda bisa mengimpornya dengan mengklik Basis Data > 'Impor basis data KeePass 1...'.
Ini adalah migrasi satu arah. Anda tidak akan bisa membuka basis data yang diimpor dengan versi lama KeePassX 0.4.Unsupported KeePass 2 database version.Versi basis data KeePass 2 tidak didukung.Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2)Unable to parse UUID: %1Tidak bisa mengurai UUID: %1Failed to read database file.KdbxXmlReaderXML parsing failure: %1Gagal mengurai XML: %1No root groupTidak ada grup rootMissing icon uuid or dataKehilangan data atau uuid ikonMissing custom data key or valueKehilangan nilai atau kunci data khususMultiple group elementsBeberapa elemen grupNull group uuidUuid grup nullInvalid group icon numberNomor ikon grup tidak validInvalid EnableAutoType valueNilai EnableAutoType tidak validInvalid EnableSearching valueNilai EnableSearching tidak validNo group uuid foundTidak ditemukan uuid grupNull DeleteObject uuidUuid DeleteObject nullMissing DeletedObject uuid or timeKehilangan waktu atau uuid DeletedObjectNull entry uuidUuid entri nullInvalid entry icon numberNomor ikon entri tidak validHistory element in history entryElemen riwayat di dalam entri riwayatNo entry uuid foundTidak ditemukan uuid entriHistory element with different uuidElemen riwayat dengan uuid yang berbedaDuplicate custom attribute foundDitemukan atribut khusus gandaEntry string key or value missingKehilangan nilai atau kunci lema entriDuplicate attachment foundDitemukan lampiran gandaEntry binary key or value missingKehilangan nilai atau kunci binari entriAuto-type association window or sequence missingKehilangan asosiasi jendela atau urutan ketik-otomatisInvalid bool valueNilai bool tidak validInvalid date time valueWaktu tanggal tidak validInvalid color valueWarna tidak validInvalid color rgb partWarna rgb tidak validInvalid number valueAngka tidak validInvalid uuid valueUuid tidak validUnable to decompress binaryTranslator meant is a binary data inside an entryTidak bisa mengurai kompresi binariXML error:
Line %2, column %3Galat XML:
Baris %2, kolom %3KeePass1OpenWidgetImport KeePass1 databaseImpor basis data KeePass1Unable to open the database.Tidak bisa membuka basis data.KeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.Tidak bisa membaca berkas kunci.Not a KeePass database.Bukan basis data KeePass.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Algoritma enkripsi tidak didukung.Unsupported KeePass database version.Versi basis data KeePass tidak didukung.Unable to read encryption IVIV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherTidak bisa membaca enkripsi IVInvalid number of groupsJumlah grup tidak validInvalid number of entriesJumlah entri tidak validInvalid content hash sizeUkuran hash konten tidak validInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid number of transform roundsUnable to construct group treeRootRootUnable to calculate master keyTidak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci utamaWrong key or database file is corrupt.Kunci salah atau berkas basis data rusak.Key transformation failedTransformasi kunci gagalInvalid group field type numberAngka tipe ruas grup tidak validInvalid group field sizeUkuran ruas grup tidak validRead group field data doesn't match sizeData ruas grup baca tidak cocok dengan ukurannyaIncorrect group id field sizeUkuran ruas id grup salahIncorrect group creation time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu pembuatan grup salahIncorrect group modification time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu perubahan grup salahIncorrect group access time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu akses grup salahIncorrect group expiry time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu kedaluwarsa grup salahIncorrect group icon field sizeUkuran ruas ikon grup salahIncorrect group level field sizeUkuran ruas level grup salahInvalid group field typeTipe ruas grup tidak validMissing group id or levelKehilangan level atau id grupMissing entry field type numberKehilangan nomor tipe ruas entriInvalid entry field sizeUkuran ruas entri tidak validRead entry field data doesn't match sizeData ruas entri baca tidak cocok dengan ukurannyaInvalid entry uuid field sizeUkuran ruas uuid entri tidak validInvalid entry group id field sizeUkuran ruas id grup entri tidak validInvalid entry icon field sizeUkuran ruas ikon entri tidak validInvalid entry creation time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu pembuatan entri tidak validInvalid entry modification time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu perubahan entri tidak validInvalid entry expiry time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu kedaluwarsa entri tidak validInvalid entry field typeTipe ruas entri tidak validunable to seek to content positionKeeShareDisabled shareImport fromExport toSynchronize withKeyComponentWidgetKey ComponentKey Component DescriptionCancelBatalKey Component set, click to change or removeAdd %1Add a key componentTambah %1Change %1Change a key componentUbah %1Remove %1Remove a key componentBuang %1%1 set, click to change or removeChange or remove a key componentKeyFileEditWidgetBrowseTelusuriGenerateBuatKey FileBerkas Kunci<p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out!</p>Legacy key file formatFormat berkas kunci legacyYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please go to the master key settings and generate a new key file.Error loading the key file '%1'
Message: %2Galat memuat berkas kunci '%1'
Pesan: %2Key filesBerkas kunciAll filesSemua BerkasCreate Key File...Buat Berkas Kunci...Error creating key fileGalat membuat berkas kunciUnable to create key file: %1Tidak bisa membuat berkas: %1Select a key filePilih berkas kunciMainWindow&DatabaseBasis &data&Recent databasesBasis data ba&ru-baru ini&Help&BantuanE&ntriesE&ntri&Groups&Grup&Tools&Perkakas&Quit&Keluar&About&Tentang&Open database...&Buka basis data...&Save database&Simpan basis data&Close database&Tutup basis data&Delete entry&Hapus entri&Edit group&Sunting grup&Delete group&Hapus grupSa&ve database as...&Simpan basis data sebagai...Database settingsPengaturan basis data&Clone entry&Gandakan entriCopy &usernameSalin &nama penggunaCopy username to clipboardSalin nama pengguna ke papan klipCopy password to clipboardSalin sandi ke papan klip&Settings&PengaturanPassword GeneratorPembuat Sandi&Lock databases&Kunci basis data&Title&JudulCopy title to clipboardSalin judul ke papan klip&URL&URLCopy URL to clipboardSalin URL ke papan klip&Notes&CatatanCopy notes to clipboardSalin catatan ke papan klip&Export to CSV file...&Ekspor ke berkas CSV...Set up TOTP...Siapkan TOTP...Copy &TOTPSalin &TOTPE&mpty recycle binKosongkan keranjang sa&mpahClear historyBersihkan riwayatAccess error for config file %1Galat akses untuk berkas konfigurasi %1SettingsPengaturanToggle windowJungkit jendelaQuit KeePassXCKeluar KeePassXCPlease touch the button on your YubiKey!Silakan sentuh tombol pada YubiKey Anda!WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC!
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.PERINGATAN! Anda menggunakan versi tidak stabil dari KeePassXC!
Tinggi kemungkinan terjadi kerusakan, harap kelola salinan basis data anda dengan baik.
Versi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan sehari-hari.&Donate&DonasiReport a &bugLaporkan &bugWARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard!
We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.&Import&ImporCopy att&ribute...Salin at&ribut...TOTP...TOTP...&New database...Basis data bar&u...Create a new databaseBuat basis data baru&Merge from database...Merge from another KDBX databaseGabung dari basis data KDBX lainnya&New entryE&ntri baruAdd a new entryTambahkan entri baru&Edit entry&Sunting entriView or edit entryLihat atau sunting entri&New group&Grup baruAdd a new groupTambahkan grup baruChange master &key...Ganti &kunci master...&Database settings...Pengaturan basis &data...Copy &passwordSalin &sandiPerform &Auto-TypeJalankan &Ketik-OtomatisOpen &URLBuka &URLKeePass 1 database...Basis data KeePass 1...Import a KeePass 1 databaseImpor basis data KeePass 1CSV file...Berkas CSV...Import a CSV fileImpor berkas CSVShow TOTP...Tampilkan TOTP...Show TOTP QR Code...Tampilkan Kode QR TOTP...Check for Updates...Share entryNOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC!
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is not meant for production use.Check for updates on startup?Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup?You can always check for updates manually from the application menu.MergerCreating missing %1 [%2]Relocating %1 [%2]Memindahkan %1 [%2]Overwriting %1 [%2]older entry merged from database "%1"Adding backup for older target %1 [%2]Adding backup for older source %1 [%2]Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2]Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2]Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2]Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2]Deleting child %1 [%2]Deleting orphan %1 [%2]Changed deleted objectsAdding missing icon %1NewDatabaseWizardCreate a new KeePassXC database...Buat basis data KeePassXC baru...RootRoot groupRootNewDatabaseWizardPageWizardPageLamanPemanduEn&cryption SettingsPengaturan En&kripsiHere you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.Advanced SettingsPengaturan LanjutanSimple SettingsPengaturan DasarNewDatabaseWizardPageEncryptionEncryption SettingsPengaturan EnkripsiHere you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.NewDatabaseWizardPageMasterKeyDatabase Master KeyKunci Master Basis DataA master key known only to you protects your database.NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaDataGeneral Database InformationInformasi Basis Data UmumPlease fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database:OpenSSHKeyInvalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH keyBerkas kunci tidak valid, mengharapkan kunci OpenSSHPEM boundary mismatchPEM boundary tidak cocok.Base64 decoding failedDekode base64 gagalKey file way too small.Berkas kunci terlalu kecil.Key file magic header id invalidFound zero keysTidak ada key yang ditemukanFailed to read public key.Gagal membaca kunci publik.Corrupted key file, reading private key failedBerkas kunci rusak, gagal membaca kunci privatNo private key payload to decryptTidak ada isi dari private key untuk didekripsiTrying to run KDF without cipherMencoba menjalankan KDF tanpa cipherPassphrase is required to decrypt this keyMembutuhkan frasa sandi untuk mendekripsi kunci iniKey derivation failed, key file corrupted?Derivasi kunci gagal, berkas kunci rusak?Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?Dekripsi gagal, frasa sandi salah?Unexpected EOF while reading public keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat membaca kunci publikUnexpected EOF while reading private keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat membaca kunci privatCan't write public key as it is emptyTidak bisa membuat public key karena tidak ada isinyaUnexpected EOF when writing public keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat menulis kunci publikCan't write private key as it is emptyTidak bisa membuat private key karena tidak ada isinyaUnexpected EOF when writing private keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat menulis kunci privatUnsupported key type: %1Jenis key tidak didukung: %1Unknown cipher: %1Cipher tidak diketahui: %1Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdfCipher IV terlalu pendek untuk MD5 kdfUnknown KDF: %1KDF tidak diketahui: %1Unknown key type: %1Jenis key tidak diketahui: %1PasswordEditWidgetEnter password:Masukkan sandi:Confirm password:Konfirmasi sandi:PasswordSandi<p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p>Password cannot be empty.Sandi tidak boleh kosong.Passwords do not match.Sandi tidak sama.Generate master passwordBuat sandi masterPasswordGeneratorWidget%p%%p%Password:Sandi:strengthPassword strengthkekuatanentropyentropiPasswordSandiCharacter TypesTipe KarakterUpper Case LettersHuruf BesarLower Case LettersHuruf KecilNumbersAngkaSpecial CharactersKarakter SpesialExtended ASCIIASCII LanjutanExclude look-alike charactersKecualikan karakter miripPick characters from every groupPilih karakter dari setiap grup&Length:&Panjang:PassphraseFrasa SandiWordlist:Daftar Kata:Word Separator:Pemisah Kata:CopySalinAcceptTerimaCloseTutupEntropy: %1 bitEntropi: %1 bitPassword Quality: %1Kualitas Sandi: %1PoorPassword qualityBurukWeakPassword qualityLemahGoodPassword qualityBaikExcellentPassword qualitySempurnaExtendedASCIIASCIILanjutanSwitch to advanced modeBeralih ke mode lanjutanAdvancedTingkat LanjutUpper Case Letters A to FHuruf Besar A sampai FA-ZA-ZLower Case Letters A to FHuruf Kecil A sampai Fa-za-z0-90-9BracesTanda Kurung{[({[(PunctuationTanda Baca.,:;.,:;QuotesTanda Petik" '" 'MathTanda Hitung<*+!?=<*+!?=Dashes\_|-/\_|-/LogogramsLogogram#$%&&@^`~#$%&&@^`~Switch to simple modeBeralih ke mode dasarSimpleDasarCharacter set to exclude from generated passwordKarakter yang dikecualikan dari sandi yang dibuatDo not include:Jangan sertakan:Add non-hex letters to "do not include" listTambahkan huruf bukan-hex ke daftar "jangan sertakan"HexHexExcluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"Karakter yang dikecualikan: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"Word Co&unt:&Jumlah Kata:RegenerateBuat ulangQApplicationKeeShareQFileDialogSelectQMessageBoxOverwriteDeleteHapusMoveEmptyRemoveBuangSkipDisableNonaktifkanMergeQObjectDatabase not openedBasis data tidak terbukaDatabase hash not availableHash basis data tidak tersediaClient public key not receivedCannot decrypt messageTidak bisa mendekripsi pesanAction cancelled or deniedTindakan dibatalkan atau ditolakKeePassXC association failed, try againAsosiasi KeePassXC gagal, coba lagiEncryption key is not recognizedKunci enkripsi tidak dikenaliIncorrect actionTindakan salahEmpty message receivedPesan kosong diterimaNo URL providedURL tidak adaNo logins foundTidak ditemukan log masukUnknown errorGalat tidak diketahuiAdd a new entry to a database.Tambahkan entri baru ke basis data.Path of the database.Jalur ke basis data.Key file of the database.Berkas kunci dari basis data.pathjalurUsername for the entry.Nama pengguna untuk entri.usernamenama penggunaURL for the entry.URL untuk entri.URLURLPrompt for the entry's password.Ingatkan sandi entri.Generate a password for the entry.Buat sandi entri.Length for the generated password.Panjang sandi yang akan dibuat.lengthpanjangPath of the entry to add.Jalur entri yang akan ditambahkan.Copy an entry's password to the clipboard.Salin sandi entri ke papan klip.Path of the entry to clip.clip = copy to clipboardJalur entri yang akan di salin.Timeout in seconds before clearing the clipboard.Waktu kedaluwarsa dalam detik sebelum mengosongkan papan klip.Edit an entry.Sunting sebuah entri.Title for the entry.Judul entri.titlejudulPath of the entry to edit.Jalur entri yang akan disunting.Estimate the entropy of a password.Estimasi entropi sandi.Password for which to estimate the entropy.Sandi untuk diestimasi entropinya.Perform advanced analysis on the password.Jalankan analisis tingkat lanjut pada sandi.Extract and print the content of a database.Ekstrak dan tampilkan isi basis data.Path of the database to extract.Jalur basis data untuk diekstrak.Insert password to unlock %1: Masukkan sandi untuk membuka %1: WARNING: You are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.PERINGATAN: Anda menggunakan format berkas kunci legacy
yang mungkin tidak akan lagi didukung di masa depan.
Harap pertimbangkan membuat berkas kunci baru.
Available commands:
Perintah yang tersedia:
Name of the command to execute.Nama perintah untuk dijalankan.List database entries.Daftar entri basis data.Path of the group to list. Default is /Jalur grup untuk ditampilkan. Bawaan adalah /Find entries quickly.Temukan entri dengan cepat.Search term.Lema pencarian.Merge two databases.Gabungkan dua basis data.Path of the database to merge into.Jalur tujuan basis data untuk digabungkan.Path of the database to merge from.Jalur sumber basis data untuk digabungkan.Use the same credentials for both database files.Gunakan kredensial yang sama untuk kedua berkas basis data.Key file of the database to merge from.Berkas kunci dari basis data yang akan digabungkan.Show an entry's information.Tampilkan informasi entri.Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.Nama atribut yang akan ditampilkan. Opsi ini bisa digunakan lebih dari sekali, dengan masing-masing atribut ditampilkan satu per baris sesuai dengan urutannya. Jika tidak ada atribut, ringkasan atribut bawaan akan ditampilkan.attributeatributName of the entry to show.Nama entri untuk ditampilkan.NULL devicePerangkat NULLerror reading from devicegalat membaca dari perangkatmalformed stringlema rusakmissing closing quotekehilangan tanda kutip tutupGroupGrupTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaPasswordSandiNotesCatatanLast ModifiedTerakhir DiubahCreatedDibuatBrowser IntegrationIntegrasi PerambanYubiKey[%1] Challenge Response - Slot %2 - %3PressTekanPassivePasifSSH AgentSSH AgentGenerate a new random diceware passphrase.Buat frasa sandi diceware acak yang baru.Word count for the diceware passphrase.Jumlah kata untuk frasa sandi diceware.Wordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]Daftar kata untuk generator diceware.
[Bawaan: Inggris EFF]Generate a new random password.Buat kata sandi baru secara acak.Invalid value for password length %1.Could not create entry with path %1.Enter password for new entry: Masukkan sandi untuk entri baru:Writing the database failed %1.Successfully added entry %1.Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard.Invalid timeout value %1.Entry %1 not found.Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up.Entry's current TOTP copied to the clipboard!Entry's password copied to the clipboard!Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)...Clipboard cleared!Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs.countCLI parameterInvalid value for password length: %1Could not find entry with path %1.Not changing any field for entry %1.Enter new password for entry: Writing the database failed: %1Successfully edited entry %1.Length %1Entropy %1Log10 %1Multi-word extra bits %1Type: BruteforceType: DictionaryType: Dict+LeetType: User WordsType: User+LeetType: RepeatedType: SequenceType: SpatialType: DateType: Bruteforce(Rep)Type: Dictionary(Rep)Type: Dict+Leet(Rep)Type: User Words(Rep)Type: User+Leet(Rep)Type: Repeated(Rep)Type: Sequence(Rep)Type: Spatial(Rep)Type: Date(Rep)Type: Unknown%1Entropy %1 (%2)*** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) ***Failed to load key file %1: %2File %1 does not exist.Berkas %1 tidak ada.Unable to open file %1.Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1.Error while reading the database:
%1Error while parsing the database:
%1Length of the generated passwordUse lowercase charactersUse uppercase charactersUse numbers.Use special charactersUse extended ASCIIExclude character setcharsExclude similar looking charactersInclude characters from every selected groupRecursively list the elements of the group.Cannot find group %1.Error reading merge file:
%1Unable to save database to file : %1Unable to save database to file: %1Successfully recycled entry %1.Successfully deleted entry %1.Show the entry's current TOTP.ERROR: unknown attribute %1.No program defined for clipboard manipulationUnable to start program %1file empty%1: (row, col) %2,%3AES: 256-bitAES: 256-bitTwofish: 256-bitTwofish: 256-bitChaCha20: 256-bitChaCha20: 256-bitArgon2 (KDBX 4 – recommended)Argon2 (KDBX 4 – direkomendasikan)AES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 3.1)AES-KDF (KDBX 3.1)Invalid SettingsTOTPInvalid KeyTOTPMessage encryption failed.No groups foundCreate a new database.File %1 already exists.Loading the key file failedNo key is set. Aborting database creation.Failed to save the database: %1.Successfully created new database.Insert password to encrypt database (Press enter to leave blank): Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2Remove an entry from the database.Buang sebuah entri dari basis data.Path of the entry to remove.Jalur entri untuk dibuang.Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled.Berkas penguncian tidak bisa dibuat. Mode aplikasi tunggal dinonaktifkan.KeePassXC - cross-platform password managerKeePassXC - pengelola sandi lintas platformfilenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)nama berkas basis data sandi untuk dibuka (*.kdbx)path to a custom config filejalur ke berkas konfigurasi khususkey file of the databaseberkas kunci basis dataread password of the database from stdinbaca sandi basis data dari stdinParent window handleAnother instance of KeePassXC is already running.Aplikasi KeePassXC lainnya sudah berjalan.Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.Galat saat menguji fungsi kriptografi.KeePassXC - ErrorKeePassXC - GalatDatabase password: Sandi basis data:QtIOCompressorInternal zlib error when compressing: Galat zlib internal ketika memampatkan:Error writing to underlying device: Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan ke perangkat:Error opening underlying device: Terjadi kesalahan saat membuka perangkat:Error reading data from underlying device: Terjadi kesalahan saat membaca data dari perangkat:Internal zlib error when decompressing: Galat zlib internal ketika dekompres:QtIOCompressor::openThe gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.Format gzip tidak didukung pada versi zlib ini.Internal zlib error: Galat zlib internal:SSHAgentAgent connection failed.Agent protocol error.No agent running, cannot add identity.No agent running, cannot remove identity.Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include:The key has already been added.Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options).A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options).SearchHelpWidgetSearch HelpSearch terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["]Every search term must match (ie, logical AND)Modifiersexclude term from resultsmatch term exactlyuse regex in termFieldsTerm Wildcardsmatch anythingmatch onelogical ORExamplesSearchWidgetSearchCariClearBersihkanLimit search to selected groupBatasi pencarian ke grup yang dipilihSearch HelpSearch (%1)...Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcutCase sensitiveSensitif besar kecil hurufSettingsWidgetKeeShareActiveAllow exportAllow importOwn certificateFingerprint:Certificate:SignerKey:Kunci:GenerateBuatImportImporExportImported certificatesTrustAskUntrustRemoveBuangPathStatusFingerprintTanda tanganCertificateTrustedUntrustedUnknownkey.shareFiletype for KeeShare keyKeeShare key fileAll filesSemua BerkasSelect pathExporting changed certificateThe exported certificate is not the same as the one in use. Do you want to export the current certificate?%1.%2Template for KeeShare key fileShareObserverImport from container without signatureWe cannot verify the source of the shared container because it is not signed. Do you really want to import from %1?Import from container with certificateDo you want to trust %1 with the fingerprint of %2 from %3Not this timeNeverTidak PernahAlwaysJust this timeImport from %1 failed (%2)Import from %1 successful (%2)Imported from %1Signed share container are not supported - import preventedFile is not readableInvalid sharing containerUntrusted import preventedSuccessful signed importUnexpected errorUnsigned share container are not supported - import preventedSuccessful unsigned importFile does not existUnknown share container typeOverwriting signed share container is not supported - export preventedCould not write export container (%1)Could not embed signature (%1)Could not embed database (%1)Overwriting unsigned share container is not supported - export preventedCould not write export containerUnexpected export error occurredExport to %1 failed (%2)Export to %1 successful (%2)Export to %1TotpDialogTimed PasswordSandi Berwaktu000000000000CopySalinExpires in <b>%n</b> second(s)TotpExportSettingsDialogCopySalinNOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators.TOTP QR code dialog warningThere was an error creating the QR code.Closing in %1 seconds.TotpSetupDialogSetup TOTPSiapkan TOTPKey:Kunci:Default RFC 6238 token settingsPengaturan bawaan token RFC 6238Steam token settingsPengaturan token steamUse custom settingsGunakan pengaturan khususCustom SettingsTime step:Interval waktu: secSecondsdetCode size:Ukuran kode:6 digits6 angka7 digits8 digits8 angkaUpdateCheckDialogChecking for updatesChecking for updates...CloseTutupUpdate Error!An error occurred in retrieving update information.Please try again later.Software UpdateA new version of KeePassXC is available!KeePassXC %1 is now available — you have %2.Download it at keepassxc.orgYou're up-to-date!KeePassXC %1 is currently the newest version availableWelcomeWidgetStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC databaseMulai menyimpan sandi Anda dengan aman di dalam basis data KeePassXCCreate new databaseBuat basis data baruOpen existing databaseBuka basis data yang adaImport from KeePass 1Impor dari KeePass 1Import from CSVImpor dari CSVRecent databasesBasis data baru-baru iniWelcome to KeePassXC %1Selamat datang di KeePassXC %1YubiKeyEditWidgetRefreshSegarkanYubiKey Challenge-Response<p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The YubiKey requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://www.yubico.com/products/services-software/personalization-tools/challenge-response/">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>No YubiKey detected, please ensure it's plugged in.No YubiKey inserted.