/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Felix Geyer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "TestGroup.h" #include #include #include #include "tests.h" #include "core/Database.h" #include "core/Group.h" #include "crypto/Crypto.h" void TestGroup::initTestCase() { qRegisterMetaType("Entry*"); qRegisterMetaType("Group*"); Crypto::init(); } void TestGroup::testParenting() { Database* db = new Database(); QPointer rootGroup = db->rootGroup(); Group* tmpRoot = new Group(); QPointer g1 = new Group(); QPointer g2 = new Group(); QPointer g3 = new Group(); QPointer g4 = new Group(); g1->setParent(tmpRoot); g2->setParent(tmpRoot); g3->setParent(tmpRoot); g4->setParent(tmpRoot); g2->setParent(g1); g4->setParent(g3); g3->setParent(g1); g1->setParent(db->rootGroup()); QVERIFY(g1->parent() == rootGroup); QVERIFY(g2->parent() == g1); QVERIFY(g3->parent() == g1); QVERIFY(g4->parent() == g3); QVERIFY(g1->database() == db); QVERIFY(g2->database() == db); QVERIFY(g3->database() == db); QVERIFY(g4->database() == db); QCOMPARE(tmpRoot->children().size(), 0); QCOMPARE(rootGroup->children().size(), 1); QCOMPARE(g1->children().size(), 2); QCOMPARE(g2->children().size(), 0); QCOMPARE(g3->children().size(), 1); QCOMPARE(g4->children().size(), 0); QVERIFY(rootGroup->children().at(0) == g1); QVERIFY(g1->children().at(0) == g2); QVERIFY(g1->children().at(1) == g3); QVERIFY(g3->children().contains(g4)); QSignalSpy spy(db, SIGNAL(groupDataChanged(Group*))); g2->setName("test"); g4->setName("test"); g3->setName("test"); g1->setName("test"); g3->setIcon(Uuid::random()); g1->setIcon(2); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 6); delete db; QVERIFY(rootGroup.isNull()); QVERIFY(g1.isNull()); QVERIFY(g2.isNull()); QVERIFY(g3.isNull()); QVERIFY(g4.isNull()); delete tmpRoot; } void TestGroup::testSignals() { Database* db = new Database(); QPointer root = db->rootGroup(); Group* g1 = new Group(); Group* g2 = new Group(); g1->setParent(root); g2->setParent(root); QSignalSpy spyAboutToAdd(db, SIGNAL(groupAboutToAdd(Group*,int))); QSignalSpy spyAdded(db, SIGNAL(groupAdded())); QSignalSpy spyAboutToRemove(db, SIGNAL(groupAboutToRemove(Group*))); QSignalSpy spyRemoved(db, SIGNAL(groupRemoved())); g2->setParent(root, 0); QCOMPARE(spyAboutToAdd.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyAdded.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyAboutToRemove.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyRemoved.count(), 1); delete db; QVERIFY(root.isNull()); } void TestGroup::testEntries() { Group* group = new Group(); QPointer entry1 = new Entry(); entry1->setGroup(group); QPointer entry2 = new Entry(); entry2->setGroup(group); QCOMPARE(group->entries().size(), 2); QVERIFY(group->entries().at(0) == entry1); QVERIFY(group->entries().at(1) == entry2); delete group; QVERIFY(entry1.isNull()); QVERIFY(entry2.isNull()); } void TestGroup::testDeleteSignals() { Database* db = new Database(); Group* groupRoot = db->rootGroup(); Group* groupChild = new Group(); Group* groupChildChild = new Group(); groupRoot->setObjectName("groupRoot"); groupChild->setObjectName("groupChild"); groupChildChild->setObjectName("groupChildChild"); groupChild->setParent(groupRoot); groupChildChild->setParent(groupChild); QSignalSpy spyAboutToRemove(db, SIGNAL(groupAboutToRemove(Group*))); QSignalSpy spyRemoved(db, SIGNAL(groupRemoved())); delete groupChild; QVERIFY(groupRoot->children().isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(spyAboutToRemove.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyRemoved.count(), 1); delete db; Group* group = new Group(); Entry* entry = new Entry(); entry->setGroup(group); QSignalSpy spyEntryAboutToRemove(group, SIGNAL(entryAboutToRemove(Entry*))); QSignalSpy spyEntryRemoved(group, SIGNAL(entryRemoved())); delete entry; QVERIFY(group->entries().isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(spyEntryAboutToRemove.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyEntryRemoved.count(), 1); delete group; Database* db2 = new Database(); Group* groupRoot2 = db2->rootGroup(); Group* group2 = new Group(); group2->setParent(groupRoot2); Entry* entry2 = new Entry(); entry2->setGroup(group2); QSignalSpy spyEntryAboutToRemove2(group2, SIGNAL(entryAboutToRemove(Entry*))); QSignalSpy spyEntryRemoved2(group2, SIGNAL(entryRemoved())); delete group2; QCOMPARE(spyEntryAboutToRemove2.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(spyEntryRemoved2.count(), 0); delete db2; } KEEPASSX_QTEST_CORE_MAIN(TestGroup)