/* * Copyright (C) 2018 KeePassXC Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Merger.h" #include "core/Clock.h" #include "core/Database.h" #include "core/Entry.h" #include "core/Metadata.h" Merger::Merger(const Database* sourceDb, Database* targetDb) : m_mode(Group::Default) { if (!sourceDb || !targetDb) { Q_ASSERT(sourceDb && targetDb); return; } m_context = MergeContext{ sourceDb, targetDb, sourceDb->rootGroup(), targetDb->rootGroup(), sourceDb->rootGroup(), targetDb->rootGroup()}; } Merger::Merger(const Group* sourceGroup, Group* targetGroup) : m_mode(Group::Default) { if (!sourceGroup || !targetGroup) { Q_ASSERT(sourceGroup && targetGroup); return; } m_context = MergeContext{sourceGroup->database(), targetGroup->database(), sourceGroup->database()->rootGroup(), targetGroup->database()->rootGroup(), sourceGroup, targetGroup}; } void Merger::setForcedMergeMode(Group::MergeMode mode) { m_mode = mode; } void Merger::resetForcedMergeMode() { m_mode = Group::Default; } QStringList Merger::merge() { // Order of merge steps is important - it is possible that we // create some items before deleting them afterwards ChangeList changes; changes << mergeGroup(m_context); changes << mergeDeletions(m_context); changes << mergeMetadata(m_context); // qDebug("Merged %s", qPrintable(changes.join("\n\t"))); // At this point we have a list of changes we may want to show the user if (!changes.isEmpty()) { m_context.m_targetDb->markAsModified(); } return changes; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::mergeGroup(const MergeContext& context) { ChangeList changes; // merge entries const QList sourceEntries = context.m_sourceGroup->entries(); for (Entry* sourceEntry : sourceEntries) { Entry* targetEntry = context.m_targetRootGroup->findEntryByUuid(sourceEntry->uuid()); if (!targetEntry) { changes << tr("Creating missing %1 [%2]").arg(sourceEntry->title(), sourceEntry->uuidToHex()); // This entry does not exist at all. Create it. targetEntry = sourceEntry->clone(Entry::CloneIncludeHistory); moveEntry(targetEntry, context.m_targetGroup); } else { // Entry is already present in the database. Update it. const bool locationChanged = targetEntry->timeInfo().locationChanged() < sourceEntry->timeInfo().locationChanged(); if (locationChanged && targetEntry->group() != context.m_targetGroup) { changes << tr("Relocating %1 [%2]").arg(sourceEntry->title(), sourceEntry->uuidToHex()); moveEntry(targetEntry, context.m_targetGroup); } changes << resolveEntryConflict(context, sourceEntry, targetEntry); } } // merge groups recursively const QList sourceChildGroups = context.m_sourceGroup->children(); for (Group* sourceChildGroup : sourceChildGroups) { Group* targetChildGroup = context.m_targetRootGroup->findGroupByUuid(sourceChildGroup->uuid()); if (!targetChildGroup) { changes << tr("Creating missing %1 [%2]").arg(sourceChildGroup->name(), sourceChildGroup->uuidToHex()); targetChildGroup = sourceChildGroup->clone(Entry::CloneNoFlags, Group::CloneNoFlags); moveGroup(targetChildGroup, context.m_targetGroup); TimeInfo timeinfo = targetChildGroup->timeInfo(); timeinfo.setLocationChanged(sourceChildGroup->timeInfo().locationChanged()); targetChildGroup->setTimeInfo(timeinfo); } else { bool locationChanged = targetChildGroup->timeInfo().locationChanged() < sourceChildGroup->timeInfo().locationChanged(); if (locationChanged && targetChildGroup->parent() != context.m_targetGroup) { changes << tr("Relocating %1 [%2]").arg(sourceChildGroup->name(), sourceChildGroup->uuidToHex()); moveGroup(targetChildGroup, context.m_targetGroup); TimeInfo timeinfo = targetChildGroup->timeInfo(); timeinfo.setLocationChanged(sourceChildGroup->timeInfo().locationChanged()); targetChildGroup->setTimeInfo(timeinfo); } changes << resolveGroupConflict(context, sourceChildGroup, targetChildGroup); } MergeContext subcontext{context.m_sourceDb, context.m_targetDb, context.m_sourceRootGroup, context.m_targetRootGroup, sourceChildGroup, targetChildGroup}; changes << mergeGroup(subcontext); } return changes; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::resolveGroupConflict(const MergeContext& context, const Group* sourceChildGroup, Group* targetChildGroup) { Q_UNUSED(context); ChangeList changes; const QDateTime timeExisting = targetChildGroup->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(); const QDateTime timeOther = sourceChildGroup->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(); // only if the other group is newer, update the existing one. if (timeExisting < timeOther) { changes << tr("Overwriting %1 [%2]").arg(sourceChildGroup->name(), sourceChildGroup->uuidToHex()); targetChildGroup->setName(sourceChildGroup->name()); targetChildGroup->setNotes(sourceChildGroup->notes()); if (sourceChildGroup->iconNumber() == 0) { targetChildGroup->setIcon(sourceChildGroup->iconUuid()); } else { targetChildGroup->setIcon(sourceChildGroup->iconNumber()); } targetChildGroup->setExpiryTime(sourceChildGroup->timeInfo().expiryTime()); TimeInfo timeInfo = targetChildGroup->timeInfo(); timeInfo.setLastModificationTime(timeOther); targetChildGroup->setTimeInfo(timeInfo); } return changes; } bool Merger::markOlderEntry(Entry* entry) { entry->attributes()->set( "merged", tr("older entry merged from database \"%1\"").arg(entry->group()->database()->metadata()->name())); return true; } void Merger::moveEntry(Entry* entry, Group* targetGroup) { Q_ASSERT(entry); Group* sourceGroup = entry->group(); if (sourceGroup == targetGroup) { return; } const bool sourceGroupUpdateTimeInfo = sourceGroup ? sourceGroup->canUpdateTimeinfo() : false; if (sourceGroup) { sourceGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); } const bool targetGroupUpdateTimeInfo = targetGroup ? targetGroup->canUpdateTimeinfo() : false; if (targetGroup) { targetGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); } const bool entryUpdateTimeInfo = entry->canUpdateTimeinfo(); entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); entry->setGroup(targetGroup); entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(entryUpdateTimeInfo); if (targetGroup) { targetGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(targetGroupUpdateTimeInfo); } if (sourceGroup) { sourceGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(sourceGroupUpdateTimeInfo); } } void Merger::moveGroup(Group* group, Group* targetGroup) { Q_ASSERT(group); Group* sourceGroup = group->parentGroup(); if (sourceGroup == targetGroup) { return; } const bool sourceGroupUpdateTimeInfo = sourceGroup ? sourceGroup->canUpdateTimeinfo() : false; if (sourceGroup) { sourceGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); } const bool targetGroupUpdateTimeInfo = targetGroup ? targetGroup->canUpdateTimeinfo() : false; if (targetGroup) { targetGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); } const bool groupUpdateTimeInfo = group->canUpdateTimeinfo(); group->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); group->setParent(targetGroup); group->setUpdateTimeinfo(groupUpdateTimeInfo); if (targetGroup) { targetGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(targetGroupUpdateTimeInfo); } if (sourceGroup) { sourceGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(sourceGroupUpdateTimeInfo); } } void Merger::eraseEntry(Entry* entry) { Database* database = entry->database(); // most simple method to remove an item from DeletedObjects :( const QList deletions = database->deletedObjects(); Group* parentGroup = entry->group(); const bool groupUpdateTimeInfo = parentGroup ? parentGroup->canUpdateTimeinfo() : false; if (parentGroup) { parentGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); } delete entry; if (parentGroup) { parentGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(groupUpdateTimeInfo); } database->setDeletedObjects(deletions); } void Merger::eraseGroup(Group* group) { Database* database = group->database(); // most simple method to remove an item from DeletedObjects :( const QList deletions = database->deletedObjects(); Group* parentGroup = group->parentGroup(); const bool groupUpdateTimeInfo = parentGroup ? parentGroup->canUpdateTimeinfo() : false; if (parentGroup) { parentGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); } delete group; if (parentGroup) { parentGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(groupUpdateTimeInfo); } database->setDeletedObjects(deletions); } Merger::ChangeList Merger::resolveEntryConflict_Duplicate(const MergeContext& context, const Entry* sourceEntry, Entry* targetEntry) { ChangeList changes; const int comparison = compare(targetEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), sourceEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds); // if one entry is newer, create a clone and add it to the group if (comparison < 0) { Entry* clonedEntry = sourceEntry->clone(Entry::CloneNewUuid | Entry::CloneIncludeHistory); moveEntry(clonedEntry, context.m_targetGroup); markOlderEntry(targetEntry); changes << tr("Adding backup for older target %1 [%2]").arg(targetEntry->title(), targetEntry->uuidToHex()); } else if (comparison > 0) { Entry* clonedEntry = sourceEntry->clone(Entry::CloneNewUuid | Entry::CloneIncludeHistory); moveEntry(clonedEntry, context.m_targetGroup); markOlderEntry(clonedEntry); changes << tr("Adding backup for older source %1 [%2]").arg(sourceEntry->title(), sourceEntry->uuidToHex()); } return changes; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::resolveEntryConflict_KeepLocal(const MergeContext& context, const Entry* sourceEntry, Entry* targetEntry) { Q_UNUSED(context); ChangeList changes; const int comparison = compare(targetEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), sourceEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds); if (comparison < 0) { // we need to make our older entry "newer" than the new entry - therefore // we just create a new history entry without any changes - this preserves // the old state before merging the new state and updates the timestamp // the merge takes care, that the newer entry is sorted inbetween both entries // this type of merge changes the database timestamp since reapplying the // old entry is an active change of the database! changes << tr("Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2]") .arg(targetEntry->title(), targetEntry->uuidToHex()); Entry* agedTargetEntry = targetEntry->clone(Entry::CloneNoFlags); targetEntry->addHistoryItem(agedTargetEntry); } return changes; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::resolveEntryConflict_KeepRemote(const MergeContext& context, const Entry* sourceEntry, Entry* targetEntry) { Q_UNUSED(context); ChangeList changes; const int comparison = compare(targetEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), sourceEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds); if (comparison > 0) { // we need to make our older entry "newer" than the new entry - therefore // we just create a new history entry without any changes - this preserves // the old state before merging the new state and updates the timestamp // the merge takes care, that the newer entry is sorted inbetween both entries // this type of merge changes the database timestamp since reapplying the // old entry is an active change of the database! changes << tr("Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2]") .arg(targetEntry->title(), targetEntry->uuidToHex()); targetEntry->beginUpdate(); targetEntry->copyDataFrom(sourceEntry); targetEntry->endUpdate(); // History item is created by endUpdate since we should have changes } return changes; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::resolveEntryConflict_MergeHistories(const MergeContext& context, const Entry* sourceEntry, Entry* targetEntry, Group::MergeMode mergeMethod) { Q_UNUSED(context); ChangeList changes; const int comparison = compare(targetEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), sourceEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds); if (comparison < 0) { Group* currentGroup = targetEntry->group(); Entry* clonedEntry = sourceEntry->clone(Entry::CloneIncludeHistory); qDebug("Merge %s/%s with alien on top under %s", qPrintable(targetEntry->title()), qPrintable(sourceEntry->title()), qPrintable(currentGroup->name())); changes << tr("Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2]").arg(targetEntry->title(), targetEntry->uuidToHex()); moveEntry(clonedEntry, currentGroup); mergeHistory(targetEntry, clonedEntry, mergeMethod); eraseEntry(targetEntry); } else { qDebug("Merge %s/%s with local on top/under %s", qPrintable(targetEntry->title()), qPrintable(sourceEntry->title()), qPrintable(targetEntry->group()->name())); const bool changed = mergeHistory(sourceEntry, targetEntry, mergeMethod); if (changed) { changes << tr("Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2]").arg(targetEntry->title(), targetEntry->uuidToHex()); } } return changes; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::resolveEntryConflict(const MergeContext& context, const Entry* sourceEntry, Entry* targetEntry) { ChangeList changes; // We need to cut off the milliseconds since the persistent format only supports times down to seconds // so when we import data from a remote source, it may represent the (or even some msec newer) data // which may be discarded due to higher runtime precision Group::MergeMode mergeMode = m_mode == Group::Default ? context.m_targetGroup->mergeMode() : m_mode; switch (mergeMode) { case Group::Duplicate: changes << resolveEntryConflict_Duplicate(context, sourceEntry, targetEntry); break; case Group::KeepLocal: changes << resolveEntryConflict_KeepLocal(context, sourceEntry, targetEntry); changes << resolveEntryConflict_MergeHistories(context, sourceEntry, targetEntry, mergeMode); break; case Group::KeepRemote: changes << resolveEntryConflict_KeepRemote(context, sourceEntry, targetEntry); changes << resolveEntryConflict_MergeHistories(context, sourceEntry, targetEntry, mergeMode); break; case Group::Synchronize: case Group::KeepNewer: // nothing special to do since resolveEntryConflictMergeHistories takes care to use the newest entry changes << resolveEntryConflict_MergeHistories(context, sourceEntry, targetEntry, mergeMode); break; default: // do nothing break; } return changes; } bool Merger::mergeHistory(const Entry* sourceEntry, Entry* targetEntry, Group::MergeMode mergeMethod) { Q_UNUSED(mergeMethod); const auto targetHistoryItems = targetEntry->historyItems(); const auto sourceHistoryItems = sourceEntry->historyItems(); const int comparison = compare(sourceEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), targetEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime(), CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds); const bool preferLocal = mergeMethod == Group::KeepLocal || comparison < 0; const bool preferRemote = mergeMethod == Group::KeepRemote || comparison > 0; QMap merged; for (Entry* historyItem : targetHistoryItems) { const QDateTime modificationTime = Clock::serialized(historyItem->timeInfo().lastModificationTime()); if (merged.contains(modificationTime) && !merged[modificationTime]->equals(historyItem, CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds)) { ::qWarning("Inconsistent history entry of %s[%s] at %s contains conflicting changes - conflict resolution " "may lose data!", qPrintable(sourceEntry->title()), qPrintable(sourceEntry->uuidToHex()), qPrintable(modificationTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-zzz"))); } merged[modificationTime] = historyItem->clone(Entry::CloneNoFlags); } for (Entry* historyItem : sourceHistoryItems) { // Items with same modification-time changes will be regarded as same (like KeePass2) const QDateTime modificationTime = Clock::serialized(historyItem->timeInfo().lastModificationTime()); if (merged.contains(modificationTime) && !merged[modificationTime]->equals(historyItem, CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds)) { ::qWarning( "History entry of %s[%s] at %s contains conflicting changes - conflict resolution may lose data!", qPrintable(sourceEntry->title()), qPrintable(sourceEntry->uuidToHex()), qPrintable(modificationTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss-zzz"))); } if (preferRemote && merged.contains(modificationTime)) { // forcefully apply the remote history item delete merged.take(modificationTime); } if (!merged.contains(modificationTime)) { merged[modificationTime] = historyItem->clone(Entry::CloneNoFlags); } } const QDateTime targetModificationTime = Clock::serialized(targetEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime()); const QDateTime sourceModificationTime = Clock::serialized(sourceEntry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime()); if (targetModificationTime == sourceModificationTime && !targetEntry->equals(sourceEntry, CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds | CompareItemIgnoreHistory | CompareItemIgnoreLocation)) { ::qWarning("Entry of %s[%s] contains conflicting changes - conflict resolution may lose data!", qPrintable(sourceEntry->title()), qPrintable(sourceEntry->uuidToHex())); } if (targetModificationTime < sourceModificationTime) { if (preferLocal && merged.contains(targetModificationTime)) { // forcefully apply the local history item delete merged.take(targetModificationTime); } if (!merged.contains(targetModificationTime)) { merged[targetModificationTime] = targetEntry->clone(Entry::CloneNoFlags); } } else if (targetModificationTime > sourceModificationTime) { if (preferRemote && !merged.contains(sourceModificationTime)) { // forcefully apply the remote history item delete merged.take(sourceModificationTime); } if (!merged.contains(sourceModificationTime)) { merged[sourceModificationTime] = sourceEntry->clone(Entry::CloneNoFlags); } } bool changed = false; const int maxItems = targetEntry->database()->metadata()->historyMaxItems(); const auto updatedHistoryItems = merged.values(); for (int i = 0; i < maxItems; ++i) { const Entry* oldEntry = targetHistoryItems.value(targetHistoryItems.count() - i); const Entry* newEntry = updatedHistoryItems.value(updatedHistoryItems.count() - i); if (!oldEntry && !newEntry) { continue; } if (oldEntry && newEntry && oldEntry->equals(newEntry, CompareItemIgnoreMilliseconds)) { continue; } changed = true; break; } if (!changed) { qDeleteAll(updatedHistoryItems); return false; } // We need to prevent any modification to the database since every change should be tracked either // in a clone history item or in the Entry itself const TimeInfo timeInfo = targetEntry->timeInfo(); const bool blockedSignals = targetEntry->blockSignals(true); bool updateTimeInfo = targetEntry->canUpdateTimeinfo(); targetEntry->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); targetEntry->removeHistoryItems(targetHistoryItems); for (Entry* historyItem : merged) { Q_ASSERT(!historyItem->parent()); targetEntry->addHistoryItem(historyItem); } targetEntry->truncateHistory(); targetEntry->blockSignals(blockedSignals); targetEntry->setUpdateTimeinfo(updateTimeInfo); Q_ASSERT(timeInfo == targetEntry->timeInfo()); Q_UNUSED(timeInfo); return true; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::mergeDeletions(const MergeContext& context) { ChangeList changes; Group::MergeMode mergeMode = m_mode == Group::Default ? context.m_targetGroup->mergeMode() : m_mode; if (mergeMode != Group::Synchronize) { // no deletions are applied for any other strategy! return changes; } const auto targetDeletions = context.m_targetDb->deletedObjects(); const auto sourceDeletions = context.m_sourceDb->deletedObjects(); QList deletions; QMap mergedDeletions; QList entries; QList groups; for (const auto& object : (targetDeletions + sourceDeletions)) { if (!mergedDeletions.contains(object.uuid)) { mergedDeletions[object.uuid] = object; auto* entry = context.m_targetRootGroup->findEntryByUuid(object.uuid); if (entry) { entries << entry; continue; } auto* group = context.m_targetRootGroup->findGroupByUuid(object.uuid); if (group) { groups << group; continue; } deletions << object; continue; } if (mergedDeletions[object.uuid].deletionTime > object.deletionTime) { mergedDeletions[object.uuid] = object; } } while (!entries.isEmpty()) { auto* entry = entries.takeFirst(); const auto& object = mergedDeletions[entry->uuid()]; if (entry->timeInfo().lastModificationTime() > object.deletionTime) { // keep deleted entry since it was changed after deletion date continue; } deletions << object; if (entry->group()) { changes << tr("Deleting child %1 [%2]").arg(entry->title(), entry->uuidToHex()); } else { changes << tr("Deleting orphan %1 [%2]").arg(entry->title(), entry->uuidToHex()); } // Entry is inserted into deletedObjects after deletions are processed eraseEntry(entry); } while (!groups.isEmpty()) { auto* group = groups.takeFirst(); if (!(group->children().toSet() & groups.toSet()).isEmpty()) { // we need to finish all children before we are able to determine if the group can be removed groups << group; continue; } const auto& object = mergedDeletions[group->uuid()]; if (group->timeInfo().lastModificationTime() > object.deletionTime) { // keep deleted group since it was changed after deletion date continue; } if (!group->entriesRecursive(false).isEmpty() || !group->groupsRecursive(false).isEmpty()) { // keep deleted group since it contains undeleted content continue; } deletions << object; if (group->parentGroup()) { changes << tr("Deleting child %1 [%2]").arg(group->name(), group->uuidToHex()); } else { changes << tr("Deleting orphan %1 [%2]").arg(group->name(), group->uuidToHex()); } eraseGroup(group); } // Put every deletion to the earliest date of deletion if (deletions != context.m_targetDb->deletedObjects()) { changes << tr("Changed deleted objects"); } context.m_targetDb->setDeletedObjects(deletions); return changes; } Merger::ChangeList Merger::mergeMetadata(const MergeContext& context) { // TODO HNH: missing handling of recycle bin, names, templates for groups and entries, // public data (entries of newer dict override keys of older dict - ignoring // their own age - it is enough if one entry of the whole dict is newer) => possible lost update ChangeList changes; auto* sourceMetadata = context.m_sourceDb->metadata(); auto* targetMetadata = context.m_targetDb->metadata(); for (const auto& iconUuid : sourceMetadata->customIconsOrder()) { if (!targetMetadata->hasCustomIcon(iconUuid)) { QImage customIcon = sourceMetadata->customIcon(iconUuid); targetMetadata->addCustomIcon(iconUuid, customIcon); changes << tr("Adding missing icon %1").arg(QString::fromLatin1(iconUuid.toRfc4122().toHex())); } } // Merge Custom Data if source is newer const auto targetCustomDataModificationTime = targetMetadata->customData()->getLastModified(); const auto sourceCustomDataModificationTime = sourceMetadata->customData()->getLastModified(); if (!targetMetadata->customData()->contains(CustomData::LastModified) || (targetCustomDataModificationTime.isValid() && sourceCustomDataModificationTime.isValid() && targetCustomDataModificationTime < sourceCustomDataModificationTime)) { const auto sourceCustomDataKeys = sourceMetadata->customData()->keys(); const auto targetCustomDataKeys = targetMetadata->customData()->keys(); // Check missing keys from source. Remove those from target for (const auto& key : targetCustomDataKeys) { // Do not remove protected custom data if (!sourceMetadata->customData()->contains(key) && !sourceMetadata->customData()->isProtectedCustomData(key)) { auto value = targetMetadata->customData()->value(key); targetMetadata->customData()->remove(key); changes << tr("Removed custom data %1 [%2]").arg(key, value); } } // Transfer new/existing keys for (const auto& key : sourceCustomDataKeys) { // Don't merge this meta field, it is updated automatically. if (key == CustomData::LastModified) { continue; } auto sourceValue = sourceMetadata->customData()->value(key); auto targetValue = targetMetadata->customData()->value(key); // Merge only if the values are not the same. if (sourceValue != targetValue) { targetMetadata->customData()->set(key, sourceValue); changes << tr("Adding custom data %1 [%2]").arg(key, sourceValue); } } } return changes; }