/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Felix Geyer * Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Group.h" #include "core/Clock.h" #include "core/Config.h" #include "core/DatabaseIcons.h" #include "core/Global.h" #include "core/Metadata.h" const int Group::DefaultIconNumber = 48; const int Group::RecycleBinIconNumber = 43; const QString Group::RootAutoTypeSequence = "{USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}"; Group::CloneFlags Group::DefaultCloneFlags = static_cast(Group::CloneNewUuid | Group::CloneResetTimeInfo | Group::CloneIncludeEntries); Entry::CloneFlags Group::DefaultEntryCloneFlags = static_cast(Entry::CloneNewUuid | Entry::CloneResetTimeInfo); Group::Group() : m_customData(new CustomData(this)) , m_updateTimeinfo(true) { m_data.iconNumber = DefaultIconNumber; m_data.isExpanded = true; m_data.autoTypeEnabled = Inherit; m_data.searchingEnabled = Inherit; m_data.mergeMode = Default; connect(m_customData, SIGNAL(modified()), this, SIGNAL(modified())); connect(this, SIGNAL(modified()), SLOT(updateTimeinfo())); } Group::~Group() { setUpdateTimeinfo(false); // Destroy entries and children manually so DeletedObjects can be added // to database. const QList entries = m_entries; for (Entry* entry : entries) { delete entry; } const QList children = m_children; for (Group* group : children) { delete group; } if (m_db && m_parent) { DeletedObject delGroup; delGroup.deletionTime = Clock::currentDateTimeUtc(); delGroup.uuid = m_uuid; m_db->addDeletedObject(delGroup); } cleanupParent(); } Group* Group::createRecycleBin() { Group* recycleBin = new Group(); recycleBin->setUuid(QUuid::createUuid()); recycleBin->setName(tr("Recycle Bin")); recycleBin->setIcon(RecycleBinIconNumber); recycleBin->setSearchingEnabled(Group::Disable); recycleBin->setAutoTypeEnabled(Group::Disable); return recycleBin; } template inline bool Group::set(P& property, const V& value) { if (property != value) { property = value; emit modified(); return true; } else { return false; } } bool Group::canUpdateTimeinfo() const { return m_updateTimeinfo; } void Group::updateTimeinfo() { if (m_updateTimeinfo) { m_data.timeInfo.setLastModificationTime(Clock::currentDateTimeUtc()); m_data.timeInfo.setLastAccessTime(Clock::currentDateTimeUtc()); } } void Group::setUpdateTimeinfo(bool value) { m_updateTimeinfo = value; } const QUuid& Group::uuid() const { return m_uuid; } const QString Group::uuidToHex() const { return QString::fromLatin1(m_uuid.toRfc4122().toHex()); } QString Group::name() const { return m_data.name; } QString Group::notes() const { return m_data.notes; } QImage Group::icon() const { if (m_data.customIcon.isNull()) { return databaseIcons()->icon(m_data.iconNumber); } else { Q_ASSERT(m_db); if (m_db) { return m_db->metadata()->customIcon(m_data.customIcon); } else { return QImage(); } } } QPixmap Group::iconPixmap() const { if (m_data.customIcon.isNull()) { return databaseIcons()->iconPixmap(m_data.iconNumber); } else { Q_ASSERT(m_db); if (m_db) { return m_db->metadata()->customIconPixmap(m_data.customIcon); } else { return QPixmap(); } } } QPixmap Group::iconScaledPixmap() const { if (m_data.customIcon.isNull()) { // built-in icons are 16x16 so don't need to be scaled return databaseIcons()->iconPixmap(m_data.iconNumber); } else { Q_ASSERT(m_db); if (m_db) { return m_db->metadata()->customIconScaledPixmap(m_data.customIcon); } else { return QPixmap(); } } } int Group::iconNumber() const { return m_data.iconNumber; } const QUuid& Group::iconUuid() const { return m_data.customIcon; } const TimeInfo& Group::timeInfo() const { return m_data.timeInfo; } bool Group::isExpanded() const { return m_data.isExpanded; } QString Group::defaultAutoTypeSequence() const { return m_data.defaultAutoTypeSequence; } /** * Determine the effective sequence that will be injected * This function return an empty string if the current group or any parent has autotype disabled */ QString Group::effectiveAutoTypeSequence() const { QString sequence; const Group* group = this; do { if (group->autoTypeEnabled() == Group::Disable) { return QString(); } sequence = group->defaultAutoTypeSequence(); group = group->parentGroup(); } while (group && sequence.isEmpty()); if (sequence.isEmpty()) { sequence = RootAutoTypeSequence; } return sequence; } Group::TriState Group::autoTypeEnabled() const { return m_data.autoTypeEnabled; } Group::TriState Group::searchingEnabled() const { return m_data.searchingEnabled; } Group::MergeMode Group::mergeMode() const { if (m_data.mergeMode == Group::MergeMode::Default) { if (m_parent) { return m_parent->mergeMode(); } return Group::MergeMode::KeepNewer; // fallback } return m_data.mergeMode; } Entry* Group::lastTopVisibleEntry() const { return m_lastTopVisibleEntry; } bool Group::isExpired() const { return m_data.timeInfo.expires() && m_data.timeInfo.expiryTime() < Clock::currentDateTimeUtc(); } CustomData* Group::customData() { return m_customData; } const CustomData* Group::customData() const { return m_customData; } bool Group::equals(const Group* other, CompareItemOptions options) const { if (!other) { return false; } if (m_uuid != other->m_uuid) { return false; } if (!m_data.equals(other->m_data, options)) { return false; } if (m_customData != other->m_customData) { return false; } if (m_children.count() != other->m_children.count()) { return false; } if (m_entries.count() != other->m_entries.count()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < m_children.count(); ++i) { if (m_children[i]->uuid() != other->m_children[i]->uuid()) { return false; } } for (int i = 0; i < m_entries.count(); ++i) { if (m_entries[i]->uuid() != other->m_entries[i]->uuid()) { return false; } } return true; } void Group::setUuid(const QUuid& uuid) { set(m_uuid, uuid); } void Group::setName(const QString& name) { if (set(m_data.name, name)) { emit dataChanged(this); } } void Group::setNotes(const QString& notes) { set(m_data.notes, notes); } void Group::setIcon(int iconNumber) { if (iconNumber >= 0 && (m_data.iconNumber != iconNumber || !m_data.customIcon.isNull())) { m_data.iconNumber = iconNumber; m_data.customIcon = QUuid(); emit modified(); emit dataChanged(this); } } void Group::setIcon(const QUuid& uuid) { if (!uuid.isNull() && m_data.customIcon != uuid) { m_data.customIcon = uuid; m_data.iconNumber = 0; emit modified(); emit dataChanged(this); } } void Group::setTimeInfo(const TimeInfo& timeInfo) { m_data.timeInfo = timeInfo; } void Group::setExpanded(bool expanded) { if (m_data.isExpanded != expanded) { m_data.isExpanded = expanded; if (config()->get("IgnoreGroupExpansion").toBool()) { updateTimeinfo(); return; } emit modified(); } } void Group::setDefaultAutoTypeSequence(const QString& sequence) { set(m_data.defaultAutoTypeSequence, sequence); } void Group::setAutoTypeEnabled(TriState enable) { set(m_data.autoTypeEnabled, enable); } void Group::setSearchingEnabled(TriState enable) { set(m_data.searchingEnabled, enable); } void Group::setLastTopVisibleEntry(Entry* entry) { set(m_lastTopVisibleEntry, entry); } void Group::setExpires(bool value) { if (m_data.timeInfo.expires() != value) { m_data.timeInfo.setExpires(value); emit modified(); } } void Group::setExpiryTime(const QDateTime& dateTime) { if (m_data.timeInfo.expiryTime() != dateTime) { m_data.timeInfo.setExpiryTime(dateTime); emit modified(); } } void Group::setMergeMode(MergeMode newMode) { set(m_data.mergeMode, newMode); } Group* Group::parentGroup() { return m_parent; } const Group* Group::parentGroup() const { return m_parent; } void Group::setParent(Group* parent, int index) { Q_ASSERT(parent); Q_ASSERT(index >= -1 && index <= parent->children().size()); // setting a new parent for root groups is not allowed Q_ASSERT(!m_db || (m_db->rootGroup() != this)); bool moveWithinDatabase = (m_db && m_db == parent->m_db); if (index == -1) { index = parent->children().size(); if (parentGroup() == parent) { index--; } } if (m_parent == parent && parent->children().indexOf(this) == index) { return; } if (!moveWithinDatabase) { cleanupParent(); m_parent = parent; if (m_db) { recCreateDelObjects(); // copy custom icon to the new database if (!iconUuid().isNull() && parent->m_db && m_db->metadata()->containsCustomIcon(iconUuid()) && !parent->m_db->metadata()->containsCustomIcon(iconUuid())) { parent->m_db->metadata()->addCustomIcon(iconUuid(), icon()); } } if (m_db != parent->m_db) { recSetDatabase(parent->m_db); } QObject::setParent(parent); emit aboutToAdd(this, index); Q_ASSERT(index <= parent->m_children.size()); parent->m_children.insert(index, this); } else { emit aboutToMove(this, parent, index); m_parent->m_children.removeAll(this); m_parent = parent; QObject::setParent(parent); Q_ASSERT(index <= parent->m_children.size()); parent->m_children.insert(index, this); } if (m_updateTimeinfo) { m_data.timeInfo.setLocationChanged(Clock::currentDateTimeUtc()); } emit modified(); if (!moveWithinDatabase) { emit added(); } else { emit moved(); } } void Group::setParent(Database* db) { Q_ASSERT(db); Q_ASSERT(db->rootGroup() == this); cleanupParent(); m_parent = nullptr; recSetDatabase(db); QObject::setParent(db); } QStringList Group::hierarchy() const { QStringList hierarchy; const Group* group = this; const Group* parent = m_parent; hierarchy.prepend(group->name()); while (parent) { group = group->parentGroup(); parent = group->parentGroup(); hierarchy.prepend(group->name()); } return hierarchy; } Database* Group::database() { return m_db; } const Database* Group::database() const { return m_db; } QList Group::children() { return m_children; } const QList& Group::children() const { return m_children; } QList Group::entries() { return m_entries; } const QList& Group::entries() const { return m_entries; } QList Group::entriesRecursive(bool includeHistoryItems) const { QList entryList; entryList.append(m_entries); if (includeHistoryItems) { for (Entry* entry : m_entries) { entryList.append(entry->historyItems()); } } for (Group* group : m_children) { entryList.append(group->entriesRecursive(includeHistoryItems)); } return entryList; } Entry* Group::findEntryByUuid(const QUuid& uuid) const { if (uuid.isNull()) { return nullptr; } for (Entry* entry : entriesRecursive(false)) { if (entry->uuid() == uuid) { return entry; } } return nullptr; } Entry* Group::findEntryByPath(QString entryPath) { if (entryPath.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } // Add a beginning slash if the search string contains a slash // We don't add a slash by default to allow searching by entry title QString normalizedEntryPath = entryPath; if (!normalizedEntryPath.startsWith("/") && normalizedEntryPath.contains("/")) { normalizedEntryPath = "/" + normalizedEntryPath; } return findEntryByPathRecursive(normalizedEntryPath, "/"); } Entry* Group::findEntryByPathRecursive(QString entryPath, QString basePath) { // Return the first entry that matches the full path OR if there is no leading // slash, return the first entry title that matches for (Entry* entry : entries()) { if (entryPath == (basePath + entry->title()) || (!entryPath.startsWith("/") && entry->title() == entryPath)) { return entry; } } for (Group* group : children()) { Entry* entry = group->findEntryByPathRecursive(entryPath, basePath + group->name() + "/"); if (entry != nullptr) { return entry; } } return nullptr; } Group* Group::findGroupByPath(QString groupPath) { // normalize the groupPath by adding missing front and rear slashes. once. QString normalizedGroupPath; if (groupPath.isEmpty()) { normalizedGroupPath = QString("/"); // root group } else { normalizedGroupPath = (groupPath.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + groupPath + (groupPath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); } return findGroupByPathRecursive(normalizedGroupPath, "/"); } Group* Group::findGroupByPathRecursive(QString groupPath, QString basePath) { // paths must be normalized Q_ASSERT(groupPath.startsWith("/") && groupPath.endsWith("/")); Q_ASSERT(basePath.startsWith("/") && basePath.endsWith("/")); if (groupPath == basePath) { return this; } for (Group* innerGroup : children()) { QString innerBasePath = basePath + innerGroup->name() + "/"; Group* group = innerGroup->findGroupByPathRecursive(groupPath, innerBasePath); if (group != nullptr) { return group; } } return nullptr; } QString Group::print(bool recursive, int depth) { QString response; QString indentation = QString(" ").repeated(depth); if (entries().isEmpty() && children().isEmpty()) { response += indentation + tr("[empty]", "group has no children") + "\n"; return response; } for (Entry* entry : entries()) { response += indentation + entry->title() + "\n"; } for (Group* innerGroup : children()) { response += indentation + innerGroup->name() + "/\n"; if (recursive) { response += innerGroup->print(recursive, depth + 1); } } return response; } QList Group::groupsRecursive(bool includeSelf) const { QList groupList; if (includeSelf) { groupList.append(this); } for (const Group* group : asConst(m_children)) { groupList.append(group->groupsRecursive(true)); } return groupList; } QList Group::groupsRecursive(bool includeSelf) { QList groupList; if (includeSelf) { groupList.append(this); } for (Group* group : asConst(m_children)) { groupList.append(group->groupsRecursive(true)); } return groupList; } QSet Group::customIconsRecursive() const { QSet result; if (!iconUuid().isNull()) { result.insert(iconUuid()); } const QList entryList = entriesRecursive(true); for (Entry* entry : entryList) { if (!entry->iconUuid().isNull()) { result.insert(entry->iconUuid()); } } for (Group* group : m_children) { result.unite(group->customIconsRecursive()); } return result; } Group* Group::findGroupByUuid(const QUuid& uuid) { if (uuid.isNull()) { return nullptr; } for (Group* group : groupsRecursive(true)) { if (group->uuid() == uuid) { return group; } } return nullptr; } Group* Group::findChildByName(const QString& name) { for (Group* group : asConst(m_children)) { if (group->name() == name) { return group; } } return nullptr; } /** * Creates a duplicate of this group. * Note that you need to copy the custom icons manually when inserting the * new group into another database. */ Group* Group::clone(Entry::CloneFlags entryFlags, Group::CloneFlags groupFlags) const { Group* clonedGroup = new Group(); clonedGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); if (groupFlags & Group::CloneNewUuid) { clonedGroup->setUuid(QUuid::createUuid()); } else { clonedGroup->setUuid(this->uuid()); } clonedGroup->m_data = m_data; clonedGroup->m_customData->copyDataFrom(m_customData); if (groupFlags & Group::CloneIncludeEntries) { const QList entryList = entries(); for (Entry* entry : entryList) { Entry* clonedEntry = entry->clone(entryFlags); clonedEntry->setGroup(clonedGroup); } const QList childrenGroups = children(); for (Group* groupChild : childrenGroups) { Group* clonedGroupChild = groupChild->clone(entryFlags, groupFlags); clonedGroupChild->setParent(clonedGroup); } } clonedGroup->setUpdateTimeinfo(true); if (groupFlags & Group::CloneResetTimeInfo) { QDateTime now = Clock::currentDateTimeUtc(); clonedGroup->m_data.timeInfo.setCreationTime(now); clonedGroup->m_data.timeInfo.setLastModificationTime(now); clonedGroup->m_data.timeInfo.setLastAccessTime(now); clonedGroup->m_data.timeInfo.setLocationChanged(now); } return clonedGroup; } void Group::copyDataFrom(const Group* other) { m_data = other->m_data; m_customData->copyDataFrom(other->m_customData); m_lastTopVisibleEntry = other->m_lastTopVisibleEntry; } void Group::addEntry(Entry* entry) { Q_ASSERT(entry); Q_ASSERT(!m_entries.contains(entry)); emit entryAboutToAdd(entry); m_entries << entry; connect(entry, SIGNAL(dataChanged(Entry*)), SIGNAL(entryDataChanged(Entry*))); if (m_db) { connect(entry, SIGNAL(modified()), m_db, SIGNAL(modifiedImmediate())); } emit modified(); emit entryAdded(entry); } void Group::removeEntry(Entry* entry) { Q_ASSERT_X(m_entries.contains(entry), Q_FUNC_INFO, QString("Group %1 does not contain %2").arg(this->name(), entry->title()).toLatin1()); emit entryAboutToRemove(entry); entry->disconnect(this); if (m_db) { entry->disconnect(m_db); } m_entries.removeAll(entry); emit modified(); emit entryRemoved(entry); } void Group::recSetDatabase(Database* db) { if (m_db) { disconnect(SIGNAL(dataChanged(Group*)), m_db); disconnect(SIGNAL(aboutToRemove(Group*)), m_db); disconnect(SIGNAL(removed()), m_db); disconnect(SIGNAL(aboutToAdd(Group*, int)), m_db); disconnect(SIGNAL(added()), m_db); disconnect(SIGNAL(aboutToMove(Group*, Group*, int)), m_db); disconnect(SIGNAL(moved()), m_db); disconnect(SIGNAL(modified()), m_db); } for (Entry* entry : asConst(m_entries)) { if (m_db) { entry->disconnect(m_db); } if (db) { connect(entry, SIGNAL(modified()), db, SIGNAL(modifiedImmediate())); } } if (db) { connect(this, SIGNAL(dataChanged(Group*)), db, SIGNAL(groupDataChanged(Group*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToRemove(Group*)), db, SIGNAL(groupAboutToRemove(Group*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(removed()), db, SIGNAL(groupRemoved())); connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToAdd(Group*, int)), db, SIGNAL(groupAboutToAdd(Group*, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(added()), db, SIGNAL(groupAdded())); connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToMove(Group*, Group*, int)), db, SIGNAL(groupAboutToMove(Group*, Group*, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(moved()), db, SIGNAL(groupMoved())); connect(this, SIGNAL(modified()), db, SIGNAL(modifiedImmediate())); } m_db = db; for (Group* group : asConst(m_children)) { group->recSetDatabase(db); } } void Group::cleanupParent() { if (m_parent) { emit aboutToRemove(this); m_parent->m_children.removeAll(this); emit modified(); emit removed(); } } void Group::recCreateDelObjects() { if (m_db) { for (Entry* entry : asConst(m_entries)) { m_db->addDeletedObject(entry->uuid()); } for (Group* group : asConst(m_children)) { group->recCreateDelObjects(); } m_db->addDeletedObject(m_uuid); } } bool Group::resolveSearchingEnabled() const { switch (m_data.searchingEnabled) { case Inherit: if (!m_parent) { return true; } else { return m_parent->resolveSearchingEnabled(); } case Enable: return true; case Disable: return false; default: Q_ASSERT(false); return false; } } bool Group::resolveAutoTypeEnabled() const { switch (m_data.autoTypeEnabled) { case Inherit: if (!m_parent) { return true; } else { return m_parent->resolveAutoTypeEnabled(); } case Enable: return true; case Disable: return false; default: Q_ASSERT(false); return false; } } QStringList Group::locate(QString locateTerm, QString currentPath) const { // TODO: Replace with EntrySearcher QStringList response; if (locateTerm.isEmpty()) { return response; } for (const Entry* entry : asConst(m_entries)) { QString entryPath = currentPath + entry->title(); if (entryPath.toLower().contains(locateTerm.toLower())) { response << entryPath; } } for (const Group* group : asConst(m_children)) { for (const QString& path : group->locate(locateTerm, currentPath + group->name() + QString("/"))) { response << path; } } return response; } Entry* Group::addEntryWithPath(QString entryPath) { if (entryPath.isEmpty() || findEntryByPath(entryPath)) { return nullptr; } QStringList groups = entryPath.split("/"); QString entryTitle = groups.takeLast(); QString groupPath = groups.join("/"); Group* group = findGroupByPath(groupPath); if (!group) { return nullptr; } Entry* entry = new Entry(); entry->setTitle(entryTitle); entry->setUuid(QUuid::createUuid()); entry->setGroup(group); return entry; } bool Group::GroupData::operator==(const Group::GroupData& other) const { return equals(other, CompareItemDefault); } bool Group::GroupData::operator!=(const Group::GroupData& other) const { return !(*this == other); } bool Group::GroupData::equals(const Group::GroupData& other, CompareItemOptions options) const { if (::compare(name, other.name, options) != 0) { return false; } if (::compare(notes, other.notes, options) != 0) { return false; } if (::compare(iconNumber, other.iconNumber) != 0) { return false; } if (::compare(customIcon, other.customIcon) != 0) { return false; } if (timeInfo.equals(other.timeInfo, options) != 0) { return false; } // TODO HNH: Some properties are configurable - should they be ignored? if (::compare(isExpanded, other.isExpanded, options) != 0) { return false; } if (::compare(defaultAutoTypeSequence, other.defaultAutoTypeSequence, options) != 0) { return false; } if (::compare(autoTypeEnabled, other.autoTypeEnabled, options) != 0) { return false; } if (::compare(searchingEnabled, other.searchingEnabled, options) != 0) { return false; } if (::compare(mergeMode, other.mergeMode, options) != 0) { return false; } return true; }