#!/usr/bin/env bash # fetch KeePass database passwords from keychain ### change the path to suit your installation or set KDBX_SEARCH before calling ### : ${KDBX_SEARCH:=~/.KeePass/*.kdbx} PROG="$(basename $0)" KeePassXC=$(ls -f {/usr/local,/Applications}/KeePassXC.app/Contents/MacOS/KeePassXC 2>/dev/null | head -1) function daemon_main { declare -A DBs for DBPATH in $KDBX_SEARCH; do DBs[$(python -c "import os; print os.path.realpath('$DBPATH')")]=$(security find-generic-password -a $USER -s "${DBPATH##*/}" -w) done # launch keepassxc IFS=$'\n\n\n' $KeePassXC --pw-stdin "${!DBs[@]}" <<<"${DBs[*]}" & } if [[ '-d' = "$1" ]]; then exec >&~/tmp/$PROG.log set -vx daemon_main else cd / daemon_main </dev/null >&/dev/null & disown fi