/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Felix Geyer * Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "EditWidgetIcons.h" #include "ui_EditWidgetIcons.h" #include #include #include "core/Config.h" #include "core/Group.h" #include "core/Metadata.h" #include "core/Tools.h" #include "gui/IconModels.h" #include "gui/MessageBox.h" #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING #include #include #endif IconStruct::IconStruct() : uuid(QUuid()) , number(0) { } EditWidgetIcons::EditWidgetIcons(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_ui(new Ui::EditWidgetIcons()) , m_db(nullptr) #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING , m_netMgr(new QNetworkAccessManager(this)) , m_reply(nullptr) #endif , m_defaultIconModel(new DefaultIconModel(this)) , m_customIconModel(new CustomIconModel(this)) { m_ui->setupUi(this); m_ui->defaultIconsView->setModel(m_defaultIconModel); m_ui->customIconsView->setModel(m_customIconModel); // clang-format off connect(m_ui->defaultIconsView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(updateRadioButtonDefaultIcons())); connect(m_ui->customIconsView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(updateRadioButtonCustomIcons())); connect(m_ui->defaultIconsRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateWidgetsDefaultIcons(bool))); connect(m_ui->customIconsRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateWidgetsCustomIcons(bool))); connect(m_ui->addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addCustomIconFromFile())); connect(m_ui->deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(removeCustomIcon())); connect(m_ui->faviconButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(downloadFavicon())); connect(m_ui->defaultIconsRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(widgetUpdated())); connect(m_ui->defaultIconsRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(widgetUpdated())); connect(m_ui->defaultIconsView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SIGNAL(widgetUpdated())); connect(m_ui->customIconsView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SIGNAL(widgetUpdated())); // clang-format on m_ui->faviconButton->setVisible(false); m_ui->addButton->setEnabled(true); } EditWidgetIcons::~EditWidgetIcons() { } IconStruct EditWidgetIcons::state() { Q_ASSERT(m_db); Q_ASSERT(!m_currentUuid.isNull()); IconStruct iconStruct; if (m_ui->defaultIconsRadio->isChecked()) { QModelIndex index = m_ui->defaultIconsView->currentIndex(); if (index.isValid()) { iconStruct.number = index.row(); } else { Q_ASSERT(false); } } else { QModelIndex index = m_ui->customIconsView->currentIndex(); if (index.isValid()) { iconStruct.uuid = m_customIconModel->uuidFromIndex(m_ui->customIconsView->currentIndex()); } else { iconStruct.number = -1; } } return iconStruct; } void EditWidgetIcons::reset() { m_db.reset(); m_currentUuid = QUuid(); } void EditWidgetIcons::load(const QUuid& currentUuid, QSharedPointer database, const IconStruct& iconStruct, const QString& url) { Q_ASSERT(database); Q_ASSERT(!currentUuid.isNull()); m_db = database; m_currentUuid = currentUuid; setUrl(url); m_customIconModel->setIcons(database->metadata()->customIconsScaledPixmaps(), database->metadata()->customIconsOrder()); QUuid iconUuid = iconStruct.uuid; if (iconUuid.isNull()) { int iconNumber = iconStruct.number; m_ui->defaultIconsView->setCurrentIndex(m_defaultIconModel->index(iconNumber, 0)); m_ui->defaultIconsRadio->setChecked(true); } else { QModelIndex index = m_customIconModel->indexFromUuid(iconUuid); if (index.isValid()) { m_ui->customIconsView->setCurrentIndex(index); m_ui->customIconsRadio->setChecked(true); } else { m_ui->defaultIconsView->setCurrentIndex(m_defaultIconModel->index(0, 0)); m_ui->defaultIconsRadio->setChecked(true); } } } void EditWidgetIcons::setUrl(const QString& url) { #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING m_url = QUrl(url); m_ui->faviconButton->setVisible(!url.isEmpty()); #else Q_UNUSED(url); m_ui->faviconButton->setVisible(false); #endif } #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING namespace { // Try to get the 2nd level domain of the host part of a QUrl. For example, // "foo.bar.example.com" would become "example.com", and "foo.bar.example.co.uk" // would become "example.co.uk". QString getSecondLevelDomain(const QUrl& url) { QString fqdn = url.host(); fqdn.truncate(fqdn.length() - url.topLevelDomain().length()); QStringList parts = fqdn.split('.'); QString newdom = parts.takeLast() + url.topLevelDomain(); return newdom; } QUrl convertVariantToUrl(const QVariant& var) { QUrl url; if (var.canConvert()) url = var.toUrl(); return url; } QUrl getRedirectTarget(QNetworkReply* reply) { QVariant var = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); QUrl url = convertVariantToUrl(var); return url; } } // namespace #endif void EditWidgetIcons::downloadFavicon() { #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING m_ui->faviconButton->setDisabled(true); m_redirects = 0; m_urlsToTry.clear(); QString fullyQualifiedDomain = m_url.host(); QString secondLevelDomain = getSecondLevelDomain(m_url); // Attempt to simply load the favicon.ico file if (fullyQualifiedDomain != secondLevelDomain) { m_urlsToTry.append(QUrl(m_url.scheme() + "://" + fullyQualifiedDomain + "/favicon.ico")); } m_urlsToTry.append(QUrl(m_url.scheme() + "://" + secondLevelDomain + "/favicon.ico")); // Try to use alternative fallback URL, if enabled if (config()->get("security/IconDownloadFallback", false).toBool()) { QUrl fallbackUrl = QUrl("https://icons.duckduckgo.com"); fallbackUrl.setPath("/ip3/" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(fullyQualifiedDomain) + ".ico"); m_urlsToTry.append(fallbackUrl); } startFetchFavicon(m_urlsToTry.takeFirst()); #endif } void EditWidgetIcons::fetchReadyRead() { #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING m_bytesReceived += m_reply->readAll(); #endif } void EditWidgetIcons::fetchFinished() { #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING QImage image; bool fallbackEnabled = config()->get("security/IconDownloadFallback", false).toBool(); bool error = (m_reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError); QUrl url = m_reply->url(); QUrl redirectTarget = getRedirectTarget(m_reply); m_reply->deleteLater(); m_reply = nullptr; if (!error) { if (redirectTarget.isValid()) { // Redirected, we need to follow it, or fall through if we have // done too many redirects already. if (m_redirects < 5) { m_redirects++; if (redirectTarget.isRelative()) redirectTarget = m_fetchUrl.resolved(redirectTarget); startFetchFavicon(redirectTarget); return; } } else { // No redirect, and we theoretically have some icon data now. image.loadFromData(m_bytesReceived); } } if (!image.isNull()) { if (!addCustomIcon(image)) { emit messageEditEntry(tr("Custom icon already exists"), MessageWidget::Information); } else if (!this->isVisible()) { // Show confirmation message if triggered from Entry tab download button emit messageEditEntry(tr("Custom icon successfully downloaded"), MessageWidget::Positive); } } else if (!m_urlsToTry.empty()) { m_redirects = 0; startFetchFavicon(m_urlsToTry.takeFirst()); return; } else { if (!fallbackEnabled) { emit messageEditEntry( tr("Unable to fetch favicon.") + "\n" + tr("Hint: You can enable DuckDuckGo as a fallback under Tools>Settings>Security"), MessageWidget::Error); } else { emit messageEditEntry(tr("Unable to fetch favicon."), MessageWidget::Error); } } m_ui->faviconButton->setDisabled(false); #endif } void EditWidgetIcons::fetchCanceled() { #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING if (m_reply) { m_reply->abort(); } #endif } void EditWidgetIcons::startFetchFavicon(const QUrl& url) { #ifdef WITH_XC_NETWORKING m_bytesReceived.clear(); m_fetchUrl = url; QNetworkRequest request(url); m_reply = m_netMgr->get(request); connect(m_reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &EditWidgetIcons::fetchFinished); connect(m_reply, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &EditWidgetIcons::fetchReadyRead); #else Q_UNUSED(url); #endif } void EditWidgetIcons::addCustomIconFromFile() { if (m_db) { QString filter = QString("%1 (%2);;%3 (*)").arg(tr("Images"), Tools::imageReaderFilter(), tr("All files")); auto filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Select Image(s)"), "", filter); if (!filenames.empty()) { QStringList errornames; int numexisting = 0; for (const auto& filename : filenames) { if (!filename.isEmpty()) { auto icon = QImage(filename); if (icon.isNull()) { errornames << filename; } else if (!addCustomIcon(icon)) { // Icon already exists in database ++numexisting; } } } int numloaded = filenames.size() - errornames.size() - numexisting; QString msg; if (numloaded > 0) { msg = tr("Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s)", "", filenames.size()).arg(numloaded); } else { msg = tr("No icons were loaded"); } if (numexisting > 0) { msg += "\n" + tr("%n icon(s) already exist in the database", "", numexisting); } if (!errornames.empty()) { // Show the first 8 icons that failed to load errornames = errornames.mid(0, 8); emit messageEditEntry(msg + "\n" + tr("The following icon(s) failed:", "", errornames.size()) + "\n" + errornames.join("\n"), MessageWidget::Error); } else if (numloaded > 0) { emit messageEditEntry(msg, MessageWidget::Positive); } else { emit messageEditEntry(msg, MessageWidget::Information); } } } } bool EditWidgetIcons::addCustomIcon(const QImage& icon) { bool added = false; if (m_db) { // Don't add an icon larger than 128x128, but retain original size if smaller auto scaledicon = icon; if (icon.width() > 128 || icon.height() > 128) { scaledicon = icon.scaled(128, 128); } QUuid uuid = m_db->metadata()->findCustomIcon(scaledicon); if (uuid.isNull()) { uuid = QUuid::createUuid(); m_db->metadata()->addCustomIcon(uuid, scaledicon); m_customIconModel->setIcons(m_db->metadata()->customIconsScaledPixmaps(), m_db->metadata()->customIconsOrder()); added = true; } // Select the new or existing icon updateRadioButtonCustomIcons(); QModelIndex index = m_customIconModel->indexFromUuid(uuid); m_ui->customIconsView->setCurrentIndex(index); emit widgetUpdated(); } return added; } void EditWidgetIcons::removeCustomIcon() { if (m_db) { QModelIndex index = m_ui->customIconsView->currentIndex(); if (index.isValid()) { QUuid iconUuid = m_customIconModel->uuidFromIndex(index); const QList allEntries = m_db->rootGroup()->entriesRecursive(true); QList entriesWithSameIcon; QList historyEntriesWithSameIcon; for (Entry* entry : allEntries) { if (iconUuid == entry->iconUuid()) { // Check if this is a history entry (no assigned group) if (!entry->group()) { historyEntriesWithSameIcon << entry; } else if (m_currentUuid != entry->uuid()) { entriesWithSameIcon << entry; } } } const QList allGroups = m_db->rootGroup()->groupsRecursive(true); QList groupsWithSameIcon; for (Group* group : allGroups) { if (iconUuid == group->iconUuid() && m_currentUuid != group->uuid()) { groupsWithSameIcon << group; } } int iconUseCount = entriesWithSameIcon.size() + groupsWithSameIcon.size(); if (iconUseCount > 0) { QMessageBox::StandardButton ans = MessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirm Delete"), tr("This icon is used by %n entry(s), and will be replaced " "by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it?", "", iconUseCount), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); if (ans == QMessageBox::No) { // Early out, nothing is changed return; } else { // Revert matched entries to the default entry icon for (Entry* entry : asConst(entriesWithSameIcon)) { entry->setIcon(Entry::DefaultIconNumber); } // Revert matched groups to the default group icon for (Group* group : asConst(groupsWithSameIcon)) { group->setIcon(Group::DefaultIconNumber); } } } // Remove the icon from history entries for (Entry* entry : asConst(historyEntriesWithSameIcon)) { entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); entry->setIcon(0); entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(true); } // Remove the icon from the database m_db->metadata()->removeCustomIcon(iconUuid); m_customIconModel->setIcons(m_db->metadata()->customIconsScaledPixmaps(), m_db->metadata()->customIconsOrder()); // Reset the current icon view updateRadioButtonDefaultIcons(); if (m_db->rootGroup()->findEntryByUuid(m_currentUuid) != nullptr) { m_ui->defaultIconsView->setCurrentIndex(m_defaultIconModel->index(Entry::DefaultIconNumber)); } else { m_ui->defaultIconsView->setCurrentIndex(m_defaultIconModel->index(Group::DefaultIconNumber)); } emit widgetUpdated(); } } } void EditWidgetIcons::updateWidgetsDefaultIcons(bool check) { if (check) { QModelIndex index = m_ui->defaultIconsView->currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid()) { m_ui->defaultIconsView->setCurrentIndex(m_defaultIconModel->index(0, 0)); } else { m_ui->defaultIconsView->setCurrentIndex(index); } m_ui->customIconsView->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); m_ui->deleteButton->setEnabled(false); } } void EditWidgetIcons::updateWidgetsCustomIcons(bool check) { if (check) { QModelIndex index = m_ui->customIconsView->currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid()) { m_ui->customIconsView->setCurrentIndex(m_customIconModel->index(0, 0)); } else { m_ui->customIconsView->setCurrentIndex(index); } m_ui->defaultIconsView->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); m_ui->deleteButton->setEnabled(true); } } void EditWidgetIcons::updateRadioButtonDefaultIcons() { m_ui->defaultIconsRadio->setChecked(true); } void EditWidgetIcons::updateRadioButtonCustomIcons() { m_ui->customIconsRadio->setChecked(true); }