= KeePassXC - Reference include::.sharedheader[] :imagesdir: ../images // tag::content[] == Reference This section contains full details on advanced features available in KeePassXC. === Entry Placeholders [grid=rows, frame=none, width=90%] |=== |Placeholder |Description |{TITLE} |Entry Title |{USERNAME} |Username |{PASSWORD} |Password |{URL} |URL |{NOTES} |Notes |{TOTP} |Current TOTP value (if configured) |{S:<ATTRIBUTE_NAME>} |Value for the given attribute (case sensitive) |{URL:RMVSCM} |URL without scheme (e.g., https) |{URL:WITHOUTSCHEME} |URL without scheme |{URL:SCM} |URL Scheme |{URL:SCHEME} |URL Scheme |{URL:HOST} |URL Host (e.g., example.com) |{URL:PORT} |URL Port |{URL:PATH} |URL Path (e.g., /path/to/page.html) |{URL:QUERY} |URL Query String |{URL:FRAGMENT} |URL Fragment |{URL:USERINFO} |URL Username:Password |{URL:USERNAME} |URL Username |{URL:PASSWORD} |URL Password |{DT_SIMPLE} |Current Date-Time (yyyyMMddhhmmss) |{DT_YEAR} |Current Year (yyyy) |{DT_MONTH} |Current Month (MM) |{DT_DAY} |Current Day (dd) |{DT_HOUR} |Current Hour (hh) |{DT_MINUTE} |Current Minutes (mm) |{DT_SECOND} |Current Seconds (ss) |{DT_UTC_SIMPLE} |Current UTC Date-Time (yyyyMMddhhmmss) |{DT_UTC_YEAR} |Current UTC Year (yyyy) |{DT_UTC_MONTH} |Current UTC Month (MM) |{DT_UTC_DAY} |Current UTC Day (dd) |{DT_UTC_HOUR} |Current UTC Hour (hh) |{DT_UTC_MINUTE} |Current UTC Minutes (mm) |{DT_UTC_SECOND} |Current UTC Seconds (ss) |{DB_DIR} |Absolute directory path of database file |=== === Entry Cross-Reference A reference to another entry's field is possible using the short-hand syntax: `{REF:<FIELD>@<SEARCH_IN>:<SEARCH_TEXT>}` `<FIELD>` and `<SEARCH_IN>` can be one of following: * T - Title * U - Username * P - Password * A - URL * N - Notes * I - UUID (found on entry properties page) * O - Custom Attribute _(SEARCH_IN only)_ Examples: + `{REF:U@I:033054D445C648C59092CC1D661B1B71}` + `{REF:P@T:Other Entry}` + `{REF:A@O:Attribute 1}` === Auto-Type Actions [grid=rows, frame=none, width=90%] |=== |Action Code |Description |{TAB}, {ENTER}, {SPACE}, {INSERT}, {DELETE}, {HOME}, {END}, {PGUP}, {PGDN}, {BACKSPACE}, {CAPSLOCK}, {ESC} |Press the corresponding keyboard key |{UP}, {DOWN}, {LEFT}, {RIGHT} |Press the corresponding arrow key |{F1}, {F2}, ..., {F16} |Press F1, F2, etc. |{LEFTBRACE}, {RIGHTBRACE} |Press `{` or `}`, respectively |{<KEY> X} |Repeat <KEY> X times (e.g., {SPACE 5} inserts five spaces) |{DELAY=X} |Set delay between key presses to X milliseconds |{DELAY X} |Pause typing for X milliseconds |{CLEARFIELD} |Clear the input field |{PICKCHARS} |Pick specific password characters from a dialog |=== [grid=rows, frame=none, width=90%] |=== |Modifier |Description |+ |SHIFT |^ |CTRL |% |ALT |# |WIN/CMD |=== *Text Conversions:* `{T-CONV:/<PLACEHOLDER>/<METHOD>/}` + Convert resolved placeholder (e.g., {USERNAME}, {PASSWORD}, etc.) using the following methods: UPPER, LOWER, BASE64, HEX, URI, URI-DEC. `{T-REPLACE-RX:/<PLACEHOLDER>/<SEARCH>/<REPLACE>/}` + Use regular expressions to find and replace data from a resolved placeholder. Refer to match groups using $1, $2, etc. // end::content[]