AboutDialogAbout KeePassXCAbout KeePassXCAboutAboutReport bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>Report bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.ContributorsContributors<a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a><a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a>Debug InfoDebug InfoInclude the following information whenever you report a bug:Include the following information whenever you report a bug:Copy to clipboardCopy to clipboardVersion %1
Version %1
Revision: %1Revision: %1Distribution: %1Distribution: %1Libraries:Libraries:Operating system: %1
CPU architecture: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Operating system: %1
CPU architecture: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Enabled extensions:Enabled extensions:Project Maintainers:Project Maintainers:Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX.Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX.Build Type: %1
Build Type: %1
AccessControlDialogKeePassXC HTTP Confirm AccessKeePassXC HTTP Confirm AccessRemember this decisionRemember this decisionAllowAllowDenyDeny%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.AgentSettingsWidgetEnable SSH Agent (requires restart)Enable SSH Agent (requires restart)AutoTypeCouldn't find an entry that matches the window title:Couldn't find an entry that matches the window title:Auto-Type - KeePassXCAuto-Type - KeePassXCAuto-TypeAuto-TypeThe Syntax of your Auto-Type statement is incorrect!The Syntax of your Auto-Type statement is incorrect!This Auto-Type command contains a very long delay. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains a very long delay. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains very slow key presses. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains very slow key presses. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains arguments which are repeated very often. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains arguments which are repeated very often. Do you really want to proceed?AutoTypeAssociationsModelWindowWindowSequenceSequenceDefault sequenceDefault sequenceAutoTypeMatchModelGroupGroupTitleTitleUsernameUsernameSequenceSequenceAutoTypeSelectDialogAuto-Type - KeePassXCAuto-Type - KeePassXCSelect entry to Auto-Type:Select entry to Auto-Type:BrowserAccessControlDialogKeePassXC-Browser Confirm AccessKeePassXC-Browser Confirm AccessRemember this decisionRemember this decisionAllowAllowDenyDeny%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.BrowserOptionDialogDialogDialogThis is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-BrowserThis is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-BrowserEnable KeepassXC browser integrationEnable KeePassXC browser integrationGeneralGeneralEnable integration for these browsers:Enable integration for these browsers:&Google Chrome&Google Chrome&Firefox&Firefox&Chromium&Chromium&Vivaldi&VivaldiShow a ¬ification when credentials are requestedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionShow a ¬ification when credentials are requestedRe&quest to unlock the database if it is lockedRe&quest to unlock the database if it is lockedOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ...) are returned.Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ...) are returned.&Match URL scheme (e.g., https://...)&Match URL scheme (e.g., https://...)Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.&Return only best-matching credentials&Return only best-matching credentialsSort &matching credentials by titleCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSort &matching credentials by titleSort matching credentials by &usernameCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSort matching credentials by &username&Disconnect all browsers&Disconnect all browsersForget all remembered &permissionsForget all remembered &permissionsAdvancedAdvancedNever &ask before accessing credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionNever &ask before accessing credentialsNever ask before &updating credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionNever ask before &updating credentialsOnly the selected database has to be connected with a client.Only the selected database has to be connected with a client.Searc&h in all opened databases for matching credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSearc&h in all opened databases for matching credentialsAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup.Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup.Update &native messaging manifest files at startupUpdate &native messaging manifest files at startupSupport a proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extension.Support a proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extension.Use a &proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extensionUse a &proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extensionUse a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually.Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually.Use a &custom proxy locationMeant is the proxy for KeePassXC-BrowserUse a &custom proxy locationBrowse...Button for opening file dialogBrowse...<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!Executable Files (*.exe);;All Files (*.*)Executable Files (*.exe);;All Files (*.*)Executable Files (*)Executable Files (*)Select custom proxy locationSelect custom proxy locationWe're sorry, but KeePassXC-Browser is not supported for Snap releases at the moment.We're sorry, but KeePassXC-Browser is not supported for Snap releases at the moment.BrowserServiceKeePassXC: New key association requestKeePassXC: New key association requestYou have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database,
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.You have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database,
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.Save and allow accessSave and allow accessKeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?KeePassXC: Update EntryKeePassXC: Update EntryDo you want to update the information in %1 - %2?Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2?KeePassXC: Database locked!KeePassXC: Database locked!The active database is locked!
Please unlock the selected database or choose another one which is unlocked.The active database is locked!
Please unlock the selected database or choose another one which is unlocked.KeePassXC: Settings not available!KeePassXC: Settings not available!The active database does not contain a settings entry.The active database does not contain a settings entry.KeePassXC: No keys foundKeePassXC: No keys foundNo shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC Settings.No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC Settings.KeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseKeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseSuccessfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings.Successfully removed %n encryption key from KeePassXC settings.Successfully removed %n encryption keys from KeePassXC settings.Removing stored permissions…Removing stored permissions…AbortAbortKeePassXC: Removed permissionsKeePassXC: Removed permissionsSuccessfully removed permissions from %n entry(s).Successfully removed permissions from %n entry.Successfully removed permissions from %n entries.KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.ChangeMasterKeyWidgetPasswordPasswordEnter password:Enter password:Repeat password:Repeat password:&Key file&Key fileBrowseBrowseCreateCreateCha&llenge ResponseCha&llenge ResponseRefreshRefreshKey filesKey filesAll filesAll filesCreate Key File...Create Key File...Unable to create Key File : Unable to create Key File : Select a key fileSelect a key fileEmpty passwordEmpty passwordDo you really want to use an empty string as password?Do you really want to use an empty string as password?Different passwords supplied.Different passwords supplied.Failed to set %1 as the Key file:
%2Failed to set %1 as the Key file:
%2Legacy key file formatLegacy key file formatYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.You are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.Changing master key failed: no YubiKey inserted.Changing master key failed: no YubiKey inserted.CloneDialogClone OptionsClone OptionsAppend ' - Clone' to titleAppend ' - Clone' to titleReplace username and password with referencesReplace username and password with referencesCopy historyCopy historyCsvImportWidgetImport CSV fieldsImport CSV fieldsfilenamefilenamesize, rows, columnssize, rows, columnsEncodingEncodingCodecCodecText is qualified byText is qualified byFields are separated byFields are separated byComments start withComments start withFirst record has field namesFirst record has field namesNumber of headers line to discardNumber of headers line to discardConsider '\' an escape characterConsider '\' an escape characterPreviewPreviewColumn layoutColumn layoutNot present in CSV fileNot present in CSV fileEmpty fieldname Empty fieldname column column Imported from CSV fileImported from CSV fileOriginal data: Original data: Error(s) detected in CSV file !Error(s) detected in CSV file ! more messages skipped] more messages skipped]ErrorErrorCSV import: writer has errors:
CSV import: writer has errors:
CsvImportWizardErrorErrorUnable to calculate master keyUnable to calculate master keyCsvParserModel%n byte(s), %n byte, %n bytes, %n row(s), %n row, %n rows, %n column(s)%n column%n columnsDatabaseOpenWidgetEnter master keyEnter master keyKey File:Key File:Password:Password:BrowseBrowseRefreshRefreshChallenge Response:Challenge Response:Unable to open the database.Unable to open the database.Can't open key fileCan't open key fileLegacy key file formatLegacy key file formatYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.You are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.Don't show this warning againDon't show this warning againAll filesAll filesKey filesKey filesSelect key fileSelect key fileDatabaseRepairWidgetRepair databaseRepair databaseErrorErrorCan't open key fileCan't open key fileUnable to open the database.Unable to open the database.Database opened fine. Nothing to do.Database opened fine. Nothing to do.SuccessSuccessThe database has been successfully repaired
You can now save it.The database has been successfully repaired
You can now save it.Unable to repair the database.Unable to repair the database.DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralGeneralEncryptionEncryptionNumber of rounds too highKey transformation roundsNumber of rounds too highYou are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2.
If you keep this number, your database may take hours or days (or even longer) to open!You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2.
If you keep this number, your database may take hours or days (or even longer) to open!Understood, keep numberUnderstood, keep numberCancelCancelNumber of rounds too lowKey transformation roundsNumber of rounds too lowYou are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF.
If you keep this number, your database may be too easy to crack!You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF.
If you keep this number, your database may be too easy to crack!KDF unchangedKDF unchangedFailed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged.Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. MiBAbbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) MiB MiB thread(s)Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) thread threadsDatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryptionEncryption Algorithm:Encryption Algorithm:AES: 256 Bit (default)AES: 256 Bit (default)Twofish: 256 BitTwofish: 256 BitKey Derivation Function:Key Derivation Function:Transform rounds:Transform rounds:Benchmark 1-second delayBenchmark 1-second delayMemory Usage:Memory Usage:Parallelism:Parallelism:DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralDatabase Meta DataDatabase Meta DataDatabase name:Database name:Database description:Database description:Default username:Default username:History SettingsHistory SettingsMax. history items:Max. history items:Max. history size:Max. history size: MiB MiBUse recycle binUse recycle binAdditional Database SettingsAdditional Database SettingsEnable &compression (recommended)Enable &compression (recommended)DatabaseTabWidgetRootRoot groupRootKeePass 2 DatabaseKeePass 2 DatabaseAll filesAll filesOpen databaseOpen databaseFile not found!File not found!Unable to open the database.Unable to open the database.File opened in read only mode.File opened in read only mode.Open CSV fileOpen CSV fileCSV fileCSV fileAll files (*)All files (*)Merge databaseMerge databaseOpen KeePass 1 databaseOpen KeePass 1 databaseKeePass 1 databaseKeePass 1 databaseClose?Close?"%1" is in edit mode.
Discard changes and close anyway?"%1" is in edit mode.
Discard changes and close anyway?Save changes?Save changes?"%1" was modified.
Save changes?"%1" was modified.
Save changes?Writing the database failed.Writing the database failed.PasswordsPasswordsSave database asSave database asExport database to CSV fileExport database to CSV fileWriting the CSV file failed.Writing the CSV file failed.New databaseNew databaselockedlockedLock databaseLock databaseCan't lock the database as you are currently editing it.
Please press cancel to finish your changes or discard them.Can't lock the database as you are currently editing it.
Please press cancel to finish your changes or discard them.This database has been modified.
Do you want to save the database before locking it?
Otherwise your changes are lost.This database has been modified.
Do you want to save the database before locking it?
Otherwise your changes are lost.Disable safe saves?Disable safe saves?KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file.
Disable safe saves and try again?KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file.
Disable safe saves and try again?DatabaseWidgetSearching...Searching...Change master keyChange master keyDelete entry?Delete entry?Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?Delete entries?Delete entries?Do you really want to delete %1 entries for good?Do you really want to delete %1 entries for good?Move entry to recycle bin?Move entry to recycle bin?Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?Move entries to recycle bin?Move entries to recycle bin?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?Execute command?Execute command?Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br>Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br>Remember my choiceRemember my choiceDelete group?Delete group?Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?Unable to calculate master keyUnable to calculate master keyNo current database.No current database.No source database, nothing to do.No source database, nothing to do.Search Results (%1)Search Results (%1)No ResultsNo ResultsFile has changedFile has changedThe database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?Merge RequestMerge RequestThe database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
Do you want to merge your changes?The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
Do you want to merge your changes?Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload this database.Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload this database.Empty recycle bin?Empty recycle bin?Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?DetailsWidgetGenerate TOTP TokenGenerate TOTP TokenCloseCloseGeneralGeneralPasswordPasswordURLURLExpirationExpirationUsernameUsernameAutotypeAuto-TypeSearchingSearchingAttributesAttributesAttachmentsAttachmentsNotesNotesWindowWindowSequenceSequenceSearchSearchClearClearNeverNever[PROTECTED][PROTECTED]DisabledDisabledEnabledEnabledEditEntryWidgetEntryEntryAdvancedAdvancedIconIconAuto-TypeAuto-TypePropertiesPropertiesHistoryHistorySSH AgentSSH Agentn/an/a(encrypted)(encrypted)Select private keySelect private keyFile too large to be a private keyFile too large to be a private keyFailed to open private keyFailed to open private keyEntry historyEntry historyAdd entryAdd entryEdit entryEdit entryDifferent passwords supplied.Different passwords supplied.New attributeNew attributeConfirm RemoveConfirm RemoveAre you sure you want to remove this attribute?Are you sure you want to remove this attribute?[PROTECTED][PROTECTED]Press reveal to view or editPress reveal to view or editTomorrowTomorrow%n week(s)%n week(s)%n week(s)%n month(s)%n month(s)%n month(s)1 year1 yearApply generated password?Apply generated password?Do you want to apply the generated password to this entry?Do you want to apply the generated password to this entry?Entry updated successfully.Entry updated successfully.EditEntryWidgetAdvancedAdditional attributesAdditional attributesAddAddRemoveRemoveEdit NameEdit NameProtectProtectRevealRevealAttachmentsAttachmentsForeground Color:Foreground Color:Background Color:Background Color:EditEntryWidgetAutoTypeEnable Auto-Type for this entryEnable Auto-Type for this entryInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the &groupInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the &group&Use custom Auto-Type sequence:&Use custom Auto-Type sequence:Window AssociationsWindow Associations++--Window title:Window title:Use a specific sequence for this association:Use a specific sequence for this association:EditEntryWidgetHistoryShowShowRestoreRestoreDeleteDeleteDelete allDelete allEditEntryWidgetMainURL:URL:Password:Password:Repeat:Repeat:Title:Title:NotesNotesPresetsPresetsToggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section.Toggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section.Username:Username:ExpiresExpiresEditEntryWidgetSSHAgentFormFormRemove key from agent afterRemove key from agent after seconds secondsFingerprintFingerprintRemove key from agent when database is closed/lockedRemove key from agent when database is closed/lockedPublic keyPublic keyAdd key to agent when database is opened/unlockedAdd key to agent when database is opened/unlockedCommentCommentDecryptDecryptn/an/aCopy to clipboardCopy to clipboardPrivate keyPrivate keyExternal fileExternal fileBrowse...Button for opening file dialogBrowse...AttachmentAttachmentAdd to agentAdd to agentRemove from agentRemove from agentRequire user confirmation when this key is usedRequire user confirmation when this key is usedEditGroupWidgetGroupGroupIconIconPropertiesPropertiesAdd groupAdd groupEdit groupEdit groupEnableEnableDisableDisableInherit from parent group (%1)Inherit from parent group (%1)EditGroupWidgetMainNameNameNotesNotesExpiresExpiresSearchSearchAuto-TypeAuto-Type&Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group&Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent groupSet default Auto-Type se&quenceSet default Auto-Type se&quenceEditWidgetIcons&Use default icon&Use default iconUse custo&m iconUse custo&m iconAdd custom iconAdd custom iconDelete custom iconDelete custom iconDownload faviconDownload faviconUnable to fetch favicon.Unable to fetch favicon.Hint: You can enable Google as a fallback under Tools>Settings>SecurityHint: You can enable Google as a fallback under Tools>Settings>SecurityImagesImagesAll filesAll filesSelect ImageSelect ImageCan't read iconCan't read iconCustom icon already existsCustom icon already existsConfirm DeleteConfirm DeleteThis icon is used by %1 entries, and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it?This icon is used by %1 entries, and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it?EditWidgetPropertiesCreated:Created:Modified:Modified:Accessed:Accessed:Uuid:Uuid:Plugin DataPlugin DataRemoveRemoveDelete plugin data?Delete plugin data?Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.KeyKeyValueValueEntry - CloneSuffix added to cloned entries - CloneEntryAttachmentsModelNameNameSizeSizeEntryAttachmentsWidgetFormFormAddAddRemoveRemoveOpenOpenSaveSaveSelect filesSelect filesAre you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)?Are you sure you want to remove %n attachments?Are you sure you want to remove %n attachments?Confirm RemoveConfirm RemoveSave attachmentsSave attachmentsUnable to create directory:
%1Unable to create directory:
%1Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?Confirm overwriteConfirm overwriteUnable to save attachments:
%1Unable to save attachments:
%1Unable to open attachment:
%1Unable to open attachment:
%1Unable to open attachments:
%1Unable to open attachments:
%1Unable to open files:
%1Unable to open files:
%1EntryAttributesModelNameNameEntryHistoryModelLast modifiedLast modifiedTitleTitleUsernameUsernameURLURLEntryModelRef: Reference abbreviationRef: GroupGroupTitleTitleUsernameUsernameURLURLNeverNeverPasswordPasswordNotesNotesExpiresExpiresCreatedCreatedModifiedModifiedAccessedAccessedAttachmentsAttachmentsEntryViewCustomize ViewCustomize ViewHide UsernamesHide UsernamesHide PasswordsHide PasswordsFit to windowFit to windowFit to contentsFit to contentsReset to defaultsReset to defaultsAttachments (icon)Attachments (icon)GroupRecycle BinRecycle BinHostInstallerKeePassXC: Cannot save file!KeePassXC: Cannot save file!Cannot save the native messaging script file.Cannot save the native messaging script file.HttpPasswordGeneratorWidgetLength:Length:Character TypesCharacter TypesUpper Case LettersUpper Case LettersA-ZA-ZLower Case LettersLower Case Lettersa-za-zNumbersNumbers0-90-9Special CharactersSpecial Characters/*_& .../*_& ...Exclude look-alike charactersExclude look-alike charactersEnsure that the password contains characters from every groupEnsure that the password contains characters from every groupExtended ASCIIExtended ASCIIKMessageWidget&Close&CloseClose messageClose messageKdbx3ReaderUnable to calculate master keyUnable to calculate master keyUnable to issue challenge-response.Unable to issue challenge-response.Wrong key or database file is corrupt.Wrong key or database file is corrupt.Kdbx3WriterUnable to issue challenge-response.Unable to issue challenge-response.Unable to calculate master keyUnable to calculate master keyKdbx4Readermissing database headersmissing database headersUnable to calculate master keyUnable to calculate master keyInvalid header checksum sizeInvalid header checksum sizeHeader SHA256 mismatchHeader SHA256 mismatchWrong key or database file is corrupt. (HMAC mismatch)Wrong key or database file is corrupt. (HMAC mismatch)Unknown cipherUnknown cipherInvalid header id sizeInvalid header id sizeInvalid header field lengthInvalid header field lengthInvalid header data lengthInvalid header data lengthFailed to open buffer for KDF parameters in headerFailed to open buffer for KDF parameters in headerUnsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parametersUnsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parametersLegacy header fields found in KDBX4 file.Legacy header fields found in KDBX4 file.Invalid inner header id sizeInvalid inner header id sizeInvalid inner header field lengthInvalid inner header field lengthInvalid inner header binary sizeInvalid inner header binary sizeUnsupported KeePass variant map version.Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataUnsupported KeePass variant map version.Invalid variant map entry name lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry name lengthInvalid variant map entry name dataTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry name dataInvalid variant map entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry value lengthInvalid variant map entry value dataTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry value dataInvalid variant map Bool entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Bool entry value lengthInvalid variant map Int32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Int32 entry value lengthInvalid variant map UInt32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map UInt32 entry value lengthInvalid variant map Int64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Int64 entry value lengthInvalid variant map UInt64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map UInt64 entry value lengthInvalid variant map entry typeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry typeInvalid variant map field type sizeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map field type sizeKdbx4WriterInvalid symmetric cipher algorithm.Invalid symmetric cipher algorithm.Invalid symmetric cipher IV size.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherInvalid symmetric cipher IV size.Unable to calculate master keyUnable to calculate master keyFailed to serialize KDF parameters variant mapTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataFailed to serialize KDF parameters variant mapKdbxReaderInvalid cipher uuid lengthInvalid cipher UUID lengthUnsupported cipherUnsupported cipherInvalid compression flags lengthInvalid compression flags lengthUnsupported compression algorithmUnsupported compression algorithmInvalid master seed sizeInvalid master seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform rounds sizeInvalid transform rounds sizeInvalid start bytes sizeInvalid start bytes sizeInvalid random stream id sizeInvalid random stream id sizeInvalid inner random stream cipherInvalid inner random stream cipherNot a KeePass database.Not a KeePass database.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database...'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database...'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.Unsupported KeePass 2 database version.Unsupported KeePass 2 database version.KdbxXmlReaderXML parsing failure: %1XML parsing failure: %1No root groupNo root groupMissing icon uuid or dataMissing icon UUID or dataMissing custom data key or valueMissing custom data key or valueMultiple group elementsMultiple group elementsNull group uuidNull group UUIDInvalid group icon numberInvalid group icon numberInvalid EnableAutoType valueInvalid EnableAutoType valueInvalid EnableSearching valueInvalid EnableSearching valueNo group uuid foundNo group UUID foundNull DeleteObject uuidNull DeleteObject UUIDMissing DeletedObject uuid or timeMissing DeletedObject UUID or timeNull entry uuidNull entry UUIDInvalid entry icon numberInvalid entry icon numberHistory element in history entryHistory element in history entryNo entry uuid foundNo entry UUID foundHistory element with different uuidHistory element with different UUIDUnable to decrypt entry stringUnable to decrypt entry stringDuplicate custom attribute foundDuplicate custom attribute foundEntry string key or value missingEntry string key or value missingDuplicate attachment foundDuplicate attachment foundEntry binary key or value missingEntry binary key or value missingAuto-type association window or sequence missingAuto-Type association window or sequence missingInvalid bool valueInvalid bool valueInvalid date time valueInvalid date time valueInvalid color valueInvalid color valueInvalid color rgb partInvalid color rgb partInvalid number valueInvalid number valueInvalid uuid valueInvalid UUID valueUnable to decompress binaryTranslator meant is a binary data inside an entryUnable to decompress binaryKeePass1OpenWidgetImport KeePass1 databaseImport KeePass1 databaseUnable to open the database.Unable to open the database.KeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.Unable to read keyfile.Not a KeePass database.Not a KeePass database.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Unsupported KeePass database version.Unsupported KeePass database version.Unable to read encryption IVIV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherUnable to read encryption IVInvalid number of groupsInvalid number of groupsInvalid number of entriesInvalid number of entriesInvalid content hash sizeInvalid content hash sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid number of transform roundsInvalid number of transform roundsUnable to construct group treeUnable to construct group treeRootRootUnable to calculate master keyUnable to calculate master keyWrong key or database file is corrupt.Wrong key or database file is corrupt.Key transformation failedKey transformation failedInvalid group field type numberInvalid group field type numberInvalid group field sizeInvalid group field sizeRead group field data doesn't match sizeRead group field data doesn't match sizeIncorrect group id field sizeIncorrect group id field sizeIncorrect group creation time field sizeIncorrect group creation time field sizeIncorrect group modification time field sizeIncorrect group modification time field sizeIncorrect group access time field sizeIncorrect group access time field sizeIncorrect group expiry time field sizeIncorrect group expiry time field sizeIncorrect group icon field sizeIncorrect group icon field sizeIncorrect group level field sizeIncorrect group level field sizeInvalid group field typeInvalid group field typeMissing group id or levelMissing group id or levelMissing entry field type numberMissing entry field type numberInvalid entry field sizeInvalid entry field sizeRead entry field data doesn't match sizeRead entry field data doesn't match sizeInvalid entry uuid field sizeInvalid entry uuid field sizeInvalid entry group id field sizeInvalid entry group id field sizeInvalid entry icon field sizeInvalid entry icon field sizeInvalid entry creation time field sizeInvalid entry creation time field sizeInvalid entry modification time field sizeInvalid entry modification time field sizeInvalid entry expiry time field sizeInvalid entry expiry time field sizeInvalid entry field typeInvalid entry field typeKeePass2AES: 256-bitAES: 256-bitTwofish: 256-bitTwofish: 256-bitChaCha20: 256-bitChaCha20: 256-bitAES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 3.1)AES-KDF (KDBX 3.1)Argon2 (KDBX 4 – recommended)Argon2 (KDBX 4 – recommended)MainExisting single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled.The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled.Another instance of KeePassXC is already running.Another instance of KeePassXC is already running.Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.KeePassXC - ErrorKeePassXC - ErrorMainWindow&Database&Database&Recent databases&Recent databasesImportImport&Help&HelpE&ntriesE&ntriesCopy att&ribute to clipboardCopy att&ribute to clipboardTime-based one-time passwordTime-based one-time password&Groups&Groups&Tools&Tools&Quit&Quit&About&About&Open database...&Open database...&Save database&Save database&Close database&Close database&New database&New databaseMerge from KeePassX databaseMerge from KeePassXC database&Add new entry&Add new entry&View/Edit entry&View/Edit entry&Delete entry&Delete entry&Add new group&Add new group&Edit group&Edit group&Delete group&Delete groupSa&ve database as...Sa&ve database as...Change &master key...Change &master key...&Database settings&Database settingsDatabase settingsDatabase settings&Clone entry&Clone entry&Find&FindCopy &usernameCopy &usernameCopy username to clipboardCopy username to clipboardCop&y passwordCop&y passwordCopy password to clipboardCopy password to clipboard&Settings&SettingsPassword GeneratorPassword Generator&Perform Auto-Type&Perform Auto-Type&Open URL&Open URL&Lock databases&Lock databases&Title&TitleCopy title to clipboardCopy title to clipboard&URL&URLCopy URL to clipboardCopy URL to clipboard&Notes&NotesCopy notes to clipboardCopy notes to clipboard&Export to CSV file...&Export to CSV file...Import KeePass 1 database...Import KeePass 1 database...Import CSV file...Import CSV file...Re&pair database...Re&pair database...Show TOTPShow TOTPSet up TOTP...Set up TOTP...Copy &TOTPCopy &TOTPE&mpty recycle binE&mpty recycle binClear historyClear historyAccess error for config file %1Access error for config file %1<p>It looks like you are using KeePassHTTP for browser integration. This feature has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.<br>Please switch to KeePassXC-Browser instead! For help with migration, visit our <a class="link" href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/keepassxc-browser-migration">migration guide</a> (warning %1 of 3).</p><p>It looks like you are using KeePassHTTP for browser integration. This feature has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.<br>Please switch to KeePassXC-Browser instead! For help with migration, visit our <a class="link" href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/keepassxc-browser-migration">migration guide</a> (warning %1 of 3).</p>read-onlyread-onlySettingsSettingsToggle windowToggle windowQuit KeePassXCQuit KeePassXCKeePass 2 DatabaseKeePass 2 DatabaseAll filesAll filesOpen databaseOpen databaseSave repaired databaseSave repaired databaseWriting the database failed.Writing the database failed.Please touch the button on your YubiKey!Please touch the button on your YubiKey!WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC!
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC!
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.OpenSSHKeyInvalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH keyInvalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH keyPEM boundary mismatchPEM boundary mismatchBase64 decoding failedBase64 decoding failedKey file way too small.Key file way too small.Key file magic header id invalidKey file magic header id invalidFound zero keysFound zero keysFailed to read public key.Failed to read public key.Corrupted key file, reading private key failedCorrupted key file, reading private key failedNo private key payload to decryptNo private key payload to decryptTrying to run KDF without cipherTrying to run KDF without cipherPassphrase is required to decrypt this keyPassphrase is required to decrypt this keyKey derivation failed, key file corrupted?Key derivation failed, key file corrupted?Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?Unexpected EOF while reading public keyUnexpected EOF while reading public keyUnexpected EOF while reading private keyUnexpected EOF while reading private keyCan't write public key as it is emptyCan't write public key as it is emptyUnexpected EOF when writing public keyUnexpected EOF when writing public keyCan't write private key as it is emptyCan't write private key as it is emptyUnexpected EOF when writing private keyUnexpected EOF when writing private keyUnsupported key type: %1Unsupported key type: %1Unknown cipher: %1Unknown cipher: %1Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdfCipher IV is too short for MD5 kdfUnknown KDF: %1Unknown KDF: %1Unknown key type: %1Unknown key type: %1OptionDialogDialogDialogThis is required for accessing your databases from ChromeIPass or PassIFoxThis is required for accessing your databases from ChromeIPass or PassIFoxEnable KeePassHTTP serverEnable KeePassHTTP serverGeneralGeneralSh&ow a notification when credentials are requestedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSh&ow a notification when credentials are requestedOnly returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.&Return only best matching entries&Return only best matching entriesRe&quest to unlock the database if it is lockedRe&quest to unlock the database if it is lockedOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ftp://, ...) are returned.Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ftp://, ...) are returned.&Match URL schemes&Match URL schemesSort matching entries by &usernameSort matching entries by &usernameSort &matching entries by titleSort &matching entries by titleR&emove all shared encryption keys from active databaseR&emove all shared encryption keys from active databaseRe&move all stored permissions from entries in active databaseRe&move all stored permissions from entries in active databasePassword GeneratorPassword GeneratorAdvancedAdvancedAlways allow &access to entriesAlways allow &access to entriesAlways allow &updating entriesAlways allow &updating entriesOnly the selected database has to be connected with a client.Only the selected database has to be connected with a client.Searc&h in all opened databases for matching entriesSearc&h in all opened databases for matching entriesAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "HTTP Port:HTTP Port:Default port: 19455Default port: 19455KeePassXC will listen to this port on will listen to this port on<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!<p>KeePassHTTP has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.<br>Please switch to KeePassXC-Browser instead! For help with migration, visit our <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/keepassxc-browser-migration">migration guide</a>.</p><p>KeePassHTTP has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.<br>Please switch to KeePassXC-Browser instead! For help with migration, visit our <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/keepassxc-browser-migration">migration guide</a>.</p>Cannot bind to privileged portsCannot bind to privileged portsCannot bind to privileged ports below 1024!
Using default port 19455.Cannot bind to privileged ports below 1024!
Using default port 19455.PasswordGeneratorWidget%p%%p%Password:Password:strengthPassword strengthstrengthentropyentropyPasswordPasswordCharacter TypesCharacter TypesUpper Case LettersUpper Case LettersLower Case LettersLower Case LettersNumbersNumbersSpecial CharactersSpecial CharactersExtended ASCIIExtended ASCIIExclude look-alike charactersExclude look-alike charactersPick characters from every groupPick characters from every group&Length:&Length:PassphrasePassphraseWordlist:Wordlist:Word Count:Word Count:Word Separator:Word Separator:GenerateGenerateCopyCopyAcceptAcceptCloseCloseApplyApplyEntropy: %1 bitEntropy: %1 bitPassword Quality: %1Password Quality: %1PoorPassword qualityPoorWeakPassword qualityWeakGoodPassword qualityGoodExcellentPassword qualityExcellentQObjectDatabase not openedDatabase not openedDatabase hash not availableDatabase hash not availableClient public key not receivedClient public key not receivedCannot decrypt messageCannot decrypt messageTimeout or cannot connect to KeePassXCTimeout or cannot connect to KeePassXCAction cancelled or deniedAction cancelled or deniedCannot encrypt message or public key not found. Is Native Messaging enabled in KeePassXC?Cannot encrypt message or public key not found. Is Native Messaging enabled in KeePassXC?KeePassXC association failed, try againKeePassXC association failed, try againKey change was not successfulKey change was not successfulEncryption key is not recognizedEncryption key is not recognizedNo saved databases foundNo saved databases foundIncorrect actionIncorrect actionEmpty message receivedEmpty message receivedNo URL providedNo URL providedNo logins foundNo logins foundUnknown errorUnknown errorAdd a new entry to a database.Add a new entry to a database.Path of the database.Path of the database.Key file of the database.Key file of the database.pathpathUsername for the entry.Username for the entry.usernameusernameURL for the entry.URL for the entry.URLURLPrompt for the entry's password.Prompt for the entry's password.Generate a password for the entry.Generate a password for the entry.Length for the generated password.Length for the generated password.lengthlengthPath of the entry to add.Path of the entry to add.Copy an entry's password to the clipboard.Copy an entry's password to the clipboard.Path of the entry to clip.clip = copy to clipboardPath of the entry to clip.Timeout in seconds before clearing the clipboard.Timeout in seconds before clearing the clipboard.Edit an entry.Edit an entry.Title for the entry.Title for the entry.titletitlePath of the entry to edit.Path of the entry to edit.Estimate the entropy of a password.Estimate the entropy of a password.Password for which to estimate the entropy.Password for which to estimate the entropy.Perform advanced analysis on the password.Perform advanced analysis on the password.Extract and print the content of a database.Extract and print the content of a database.Path of the database to extract.Path of the database to extract.Insert password to unlock %1: Insert password to unlock %1: Failed to load key file %1 : %2Failed to load key file %1 : %2WARNING: You are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.WARNING: You are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.
Available commands:
Available commands:
Name of the command to execute.Name of the command to execute.List database entries.List database entries.Path of the group to list. Default is /Path of the group to list. Default is /Find entries quickly.Find entries quickly.Search term.Search term.Merge two databases.Merge two databases.Path of the database to merge into.Path of the database to merge into.Path of the database to merge from.Path of the database to merge from.Use the same credentials for both database files.Use the same credentials for both database files.Key file of the database to merge from.Key file of the database to merge from.Show an entry's information.Show an entry's information.Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.attributeattributeName of the entry to show.Name of the entry to show.NULL deviceNULL deviceerror reading from deviceerror reading from devicefile empty !
file empty !
malformed stringmalformed stringmissing closing quotemissing closing quoteGroupGroupTitleTitleUsernameUsernamePasswordPasswordNotesNotesLast ModifiedLast ModifiedCreatedCreatedLegacy Browser IntegrationLegacy Browser IntegrationBrowser IntegrationBrowser IntegrationYubiKey[%1] Challenge Response - Slot %2 - %3YubiKey[%1] Challenge Response - Slot %2 - %3PressPressPassivePassiveSSH AgentSSH AgentGenerate a new random diceware passphrase.Generate a new random diceware passphrase.Word count for the diceware passphrase.Word count for the diceware passphrase.countcountWordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]Wordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]Generate a new random password.Generate a new random password.Length of the generated password.Length of the generated password.Use lowercase characters in the generated password.Use lowercase characters in the generated password.Use uppercase characters in the generated password.Use uppercase characters in the generated password.Use numbers in the generated password.Use numbers in the generated password.Use special characters in the generated password.Use special characters in the generated password.Use extended ASCII in the generated password.Use extended ASCII in the generated password.QtIOCompressorInternal zlib error when compressing: Internal zlib error when compressing: Error writing to underlying device: Error writing to underlying device: Error opening underlying device: Error opening underlying device: Error reading data from underlying device: Error reading data from underlying device: Internal zlib error when decompressing: Internal zlib error when decompressing: QtIOCompressor::openThe gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.The gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.Internal zlib error: Internal zlib error: SearchWidgetSearch...Search...SearchSearchClearClearCase SensitiveCase SensitiveLimit search to selected groupLimit search to selected groupServiceKeePassXC: New key association requestKeePassXC: New key association requestYou have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.You have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?A shared encryption-key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?A shared encryption-key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?KeePassXC: Update EntryKeePassXC: Update EntryDo you want to update the information in %1 - %2?Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2?KeePassXC: Database locked!KeePassXC: Database locked!The active database is locked!
Please unlock the selected database or choose another one which is unlocked.The active database is locked!
Please unlock the selected database or choose another one which is unlocked.KeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseKeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseSuccessfully removed %n encryption-key(s) from KeePassX/Http Settings.Successfully removed %n encryption key from KeePassHTTP Settings.Successfully removed %n encryption keys from KeePassHTTP Settings.KeePassXC: No keys foundKeePassXC: No keys foundNo shared encryption-keys found in KeePassHttp Settings.No shared encryption-keys found in KeePassHttp Settings.KeePassXC: Settings not available!KeePassXC: Settings not available!The active database does not contain an entry of KeePassHttp Settings.The active database does not contain an entry of KeePassHttp Settings.Removing stored permissions...Removing stored permissions...AbortAbortKeePassXC: Removed permissionsKeePassXC: Removed permissionsSuccessfully removed permissions from %n entries.Successfully removed permissions from %n entry.Successfully removed permissions from %n entries.KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.SettingsWidgetApplication SettingsApplication SettingsGeneralGeneralSecuritySecurityAccess error for config file %1Access error for config file %1SettingsWidgetGeneralBasic SettingsBasic SettingsStart only a single instance of KeePassXCStart only a single instance of KeePassXCRemember last databasesRemember last databasesRemember last key files and security donglesRemember last key files and security donglesLoad previous databases on startupLoad previous databases on startupAutomatically save on exitAutomatically save on exitAutomatically save after every changeAutomatically save after every changeAutomatically reload the database when modified externallyAutomatically reload the database when modified externallyMinimize when copying to clipboardMinimize when copying to clipboardMinimize window at application startupMinimize window at application startupUse group icon on entry creationUse group icon on entry creationDon't mark database as modified for non-data changes (e.g., expanding groups)Don't mark database as modified for non-data changes (e.g., expanding groups)Hide the Details viewHide the Details viewShow a system tray iconShow a system tray iconHide window to system tray when minimizedHide window to system tray when minimizedHide window to system tray instead of app exitHide window to system tray instead of app exitDark system tray iconDark system tray iconLanguageLanguageAuto-TypeAuto-TypeUse entry title to match windows for global Auto-TypeUse entry title to match windows for global Auto-TypeUse entry URL to match windows for global Auto-TypeUse entry URL to match windows for global Auto-TypeAlways ask before performing Auto-TypeAlways ask before performing Auto-TypeGlobal Auto-Type shortcutGlobal Auto-Type shortcutAuto-Type delayAuto-Type delay msMilliseconds msStartupStartupFile ManagementFile ManagementSafely save database files (may be incompatible with Dropbox, etc)Safely save database files (may be incompatible with Dropbox, etc)Backup database file before savingBackup database file before savingEntry ManagementEntry ManagementGeneralGeneralSettingsWidgetSecurityTimeoutsTimeoutsClear clipboard afterClear clipboard after secSeconds secLock databases after inactivity ofLock databases after inactivity ofConvenienceConvenienceLock databases when session is locked or lid is closedLock databases when session is locked or lid is closedLock databases after minimizing the windowLock databases after minimizing the windowDon't require password repeat when it is visibleDon't require password repeat when it is visibleShow passwords in cleartext by defaultShow passwords in cleartext by defaultHide passwords in the preview panelHide passwords in the preview panelHide entry notes by defaultHide entry notes by defaultPrivacyPrivacyUse Google as fallback for downloading website iconsUse Google as fallback for downloading website iconsRe-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-TypeRe-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-TypeSetupTotpDialogSetup TOTPSetup TOTPKey:Key:Default RFC 6238 token settingsDefault RFC 6238 token settingsSteam token settingsSteam token settingsUse custom settingsUse custom settingsNote: Change these settings only if you know what you are doing.Note: Change these settings only if you know what you are doing.Time step:Time step:8 digits8 digits6 digits6 digitsCode size:Code size: secSeconds secTotpDialogTimed PasswordTimed Password000000000000CopyCopyExpires inExpires insecondssecondsUnlockDatabaseWidgetUnlock databaseUnlock databaseWelcomeWidgetStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC databaseStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC databaseCreate new databaseCreate new databaseOpen existing databaseOpen existing databaseImport from KeePass 1Import from KeePass 1Import from CSVImport from CSVRecent databasesRecent databasesWelcome to KeePassXC %1Welcome to KeePassXC %1mainRemove an entry from the database.Remove an entry from the database.Path of the database.Path of the database.Path of the entry to remove.Path of the entry to remove.KeePassXC - cross-platform password managerKeePassXC - cross-platform password managerfilenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)path to a custom config filepath to a custom config filekey file of the databasekey file of the databaseread password of the database from stdinread password of the database from stdinParent window handleParent window handle