AboutDialog About KeePassXC About O programu Contributors Debug Info Copy to clipboard Version %1 Revision: %1 Libraries: Operating system: %1 CPU architecture: %2 Kernel: %3 %4 Enabled extensions: Report bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a> KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3. Project Maintainers: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a> Include the following information whenever you report a bug: Distribution: %1 AccessControlDialog Remember this decision Allow Deny %1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s). Please select whether you want to allow access. KeePassXC HTTP Confirm Access AutoType Couldn't find an entry that matches the window title: Ne najdem vnosa, ki bi ustrezal: Auto-Type - KeePassXC AutoTypeAssociationsModel Window Okno Sequence Sekvenca Default sequence Privzeta sekvenca AutoTypeSelectDialog Select entry to Auto-Type: Izberi vnos za samodejno tipkanje: Auto-Type - KeePassXC ChangeMasterKeyWidget Password Geslo Enter password: Vnesi geslo: Repeat password: Ponovi geslo: Browse Prebrskaj Create Ustvari novo Key files Datoteke s ključi All files Vse datoteke Create Key File... Ustvari datoteko s ključi... Unable to create Key File : Ustvarjanje datoteke s ključi ni uspelo: Select a key file Izberi datoteko s kljući Do you really want to use an empty string as password? Ali res želite uporabiti prazen niz kot geslo? Different passwords supplied. Vnešeni gesli sta različni. Failed to set %1 as the Key file: %2 Nastavljanje %1 kot datoteko s ključi ni uspelo: %2 &Key file Cha&llenge Response Refresh Empty password Changing master key failed: no YubiKey inserted. CloneDialog Clone Options Replace username and password with references Copy history Append ' - Clone' to title CsvImportWidget Import CSV fields filename size, rows, columns Encoding Codec Text is qualified by Fields are separated by Comments start with First record has field names Number of headers line to discard Consider '\' an escape character Preview Column layout Not present in CSV file Empty fieldname column Imported from CSV file Original data: Error(s) detected in CSV file ! more messages skipped] Error Napaka CSV import: writer has errors: CsvImportWizard Import CSV file Error Napaka Unable to calculate master key Izračun glavnega ključa ni uspel CsvParserModel byte, rows, columns DatabaseOpenWidget Enter master key Vnesi glavno geslo Key File: Datoteka s ključi: Password: Geslo: Browse Prebrskaj Unable to open the database. Odpiranje podatkovne baze ni uspelo. Can't open key file Odpiranje datoteke s ključi ni uspelo All files Vse datoteke Key files Datoteke s ključi Select key file Izberi datoteko s ključi Refresh Challenge Response: DatabaseRepairWidget Repair database Error Napaka Can't open key file Odpiranje datoteke s ključi ni uspelo Database opened fine. Nothing to do. Unable to open the database. Odpiranje podatkovne baze ni uspelo. Success The database has been successfully repaired You can now save it. Unable to repair the database. DatabaseSettingsWidget Database name: Ime podatkovne baze: Database description: Opis podatkovne baze: Transform rounds: Transform rounds: Default username: Privzeto uporabniško ime: MiB MiB Benchmark Primerjalni preizkus (benchmark) Max. history items: Max. vnosov zgodovine: Max. history size: Max. velikost zgodovine: Use recycle bin AES: 256 Bit (default) Twofish: 256 Bit Algorithm: DatabaseTabWidget Root Koren KeePass 2 Database KeePass 2 podatkovna baza All files Vse datoteke Open database Odpri podatkovno bazo File not found! Datoteke ni mogoče najti! Open KeePass 1 database Odpri KeePass 1 podatkovno bazo KeePass 1 database KeePass 1 podatkovna baza All files (*) Vse datoteke (*) Close? Zapri? Save changes? Shrani spremembe? "%1" was modified. Save changes? "%1" spremenjeno. Shrani spremembe? Writing the database failed. Zapis podatkovne baze ni uspel. Save database as Shrani podatkovno bazo kot New database Nova podatkovna baza locked zaklenjeno Lock database Zakleni podatkovno bazo Can't lock the database as you are currently editing it. Please press cancel to finish your changes or discard them. Podatkovna baza je trenutno v urejanju, zato je ni mogoče zakleniti. Dokončajte spremembe in poskusite znova. This database has never been saved. You can save the database or stop locking it. Podatkovna baza še ni bila shranjena. Lahko jo shranite ali prekinete z zaklepanjem. This database has been modified. Do you want to save the database before locking it? Otherwise your changes are lost. Podatkovna baza je bila spremenjena. Ali jo želite shraniti? V nasprotnem primeru bodo spremembe izgubljene. "%1" is in edit mode. Discard changes and close anyway? "%1" je v urejanju. Zavrži spremembe in zapri? Export database to CSV file Izvozi podatkovno bazo v CSV datoteko CSV file CSV datoteka Writing the CSV file failed. Pisanje v CSV datoteko ni uspelo Unable to open the database. Odpiranje podatkovne baze ni uspelo. Merge database The database you are trying to save as is locked by another instance of KeePassXC. Do you want to save it anyway? Passwords Database already opened The database you are trying to open is locked by another instance of KeePassXC. Do you want to open it anyway? Open read-only File opened in read only mode. Open CSV file DatabaseWidget Change master key Spremeni glavni ključ Delete entry? Izbris vnosa? Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? Ali res želite izbrisati "%1"? Delete entries? Izbris vnosov? Do you really want to delete %1 entries for good? Ali res želite izbrisati %1 vnosov? Move entries to recycle bin? Premik vnosov v koš? Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? Ali res želite premakniti %n vnos v koš?Ali res želite premakniti %n vnosa v koš?Ali res želite premakniti %n vnose v koš?Ali res želite premakniti %n - vnosov v koš? Delete group? Izbris skupine? Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? Ali res želite izbrisati skupino "%1"? Unable to calculate master key Izračun glavnega ključa ni uspel Move entry to recycle bin? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? Searching... No current database. No source database, nothing to do. Search Results (%1) No Results Execute command? Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br> Remember my choice Autoreload Request The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? Merge Request The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.Do you want to merge your changes? Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload this database. Empty recycle bin? Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? EditEntryWidget Entry Vnos Advanced Napredno Icon Ikona Auto-Type Samodejno tipkanje Properties Lastnosti History Zgodovina Entry history Zgodovina vnosov Add entry Dodaj vnos Edit entry Uredi vnos Different passwords supplied. Gesli se ne ujemata. New attribute Nov atribut Select file Izberi datoteko Unable to open file Datoteke ni mogoče odpreti Save attachment Shrani priponko Unable to save the attachment: Priponke ni bilo mogoče shraniti: Tomorrow Jutri %n week(s) %n teden%n tedna%n tedni%n tednov %n month(s) %n mesec%n meseca%n meseci%n mesecev 1 year 1 leto Confirm Remove Are you sure you want to remove this attribute? [PROTECTED] Press reveal to view or edit Are you sure you want to remove this attachment? EditEntryWidgetAdvanced Additional attributes Dodatni atributi Add Dodaj Remove Odstrani Attachments Priponke Save Shrani Open Odpri Edit Name Protect Reveal EditEntryWidgetAutoType Enable Auto-Type for this entry Omogoči samodejno tipkanje za ta vnos + + - - Window title: Naslov okna: Inherit default Auto-Type sequence from the &group &Use custom Auto-Type sequence: Use default se&quence Set custo&m sequence: Window Associations EditEntryWidgetHistory Show Prikaži Restore Obnovi Delete Izbriši Delete all Izbriši vse EditEntryWidgetMain Title: Naslov: Username: Uporabniško ime: Password: Geslo: Repeat: Ponovi geslo: URL: URL: Expires Poteče Presets Prednastavljeno Notes: Opombe: EditGroupWidget Group Skupina Icon Ikona Properties Lastnosti Add group Dodaj skupino Edit group Uredi skupino Enable Omogoči Disable Onemogoči Inherit from parent group (%1) Podeduj iz nadrejene skupine (%1) EditGroupWidgetMain Name Ime Notes Opombe Expires Poteče Search Išči Auto-Type Samodejno tipkanje &Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group Set default Auto-Type se&quence EditWidgetIcons Add custom icon Dodaj poljubno ikono Delete custom icon Izbriši ikono Images Slike All files Vse datoteke Select Image Izberi sliko Download favicon Unable to fetch favicon. Can't read icon &Use default icon Use custo&m icon Confirm Delete This icon is used by %1 entries, and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it? Hint: You can enable Google as a fallback under Tools>Settings>Security Custom icon already exists EditWidgetProperties Created: Ustvarjeno: Modified: Spremenjeno: Accessed: Zadnji dostop: Uuid: Uuid: Entry - Clone EntryAttributesModel Name Ime EntryHistoryModel Last modified Zadnja sprememba Title Naslov Username Uporabniško ime URL URL EntryModel Group Skupina Title Naslov Username Uporabniško ime URL URL Ref: Reference abbreviation Group Recycle Bin Koš HttpPasswordGeneratorWidget Length: Dolžina: Character Types Tipi znakov Upper Case Letters Velike črke A-Z Lower Case Letters Male črke a-z Numbers Številke 0-9 Special Characters Posebni znaki /*_& ... Exclude look-alike characters Izključi podobne znake Ensure that the password contains characters from every group Geslo naj vsebuje znake iz vsake skupine KMessageWidget &Close Close message KeePass1OpenWidget Import KeePass1 database Uvozi KeePass1 podatkovno bazo Unable to open the database. Odpiranje podatkovne baze ni uspelo. KeePass1Reader Unable to read keyfile. Branje datoteke s ključi ni uspelo. Not a KeePass database. Datoteka ni KeePass podatkovna baza. Unsupported encryption algorithm. Algoritem za enkripcijo ni podprt. Unsupported KeePass database version. Različica KeePass podatkovne baze ni podprta. Root Koren Unable to calculate master key Izračun glavnega ključa ni uspel Wrong key or database file is corrupt. Napačno geslo ali pa je podatkovna baza poškodovana. KeePass2Reader Not a KeePass database. Datoteka ni KeePass podatkovna baza. Unsupported KeePass database version. Različica KeePass podatkovne baze ni podprta. Wrong key or database file is corrupt. Napačno geslo ali pa je podatkovna baza poškodovana. Unable to calculate master key Izračun glavnega ključa ni uspel Unable to issue challenge-response. The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb). You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database...'. This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. KeePass2Writer Unable to issue challenge-response. Unable to calculate master key Izračun glavnega ključa ni uspel Main Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions. Napaka pri testiranju kriptografskih funkcij. KeePassXC - Error The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled. Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. MainWindow Open database Odpri podatkovno bazo Database settings Nastavitve podatkovne baze Copy username to clipboard Kopiraj uporabniško ime v odložišče Copy password to clipboard Kopiraj geslo v odložišče Settings Nastavitve Show toolbar Prikaži orodno vrstico read-only samo za branje Toggle window Preklopi okno KeePass 2 Database KeePass 2 podatkovna baza All files Vse datoteke Save repaired database Writing the database failed. Zapis podatkovne baze ni uspel. &Recent databases E&ntries Copy att&ribute to clipboard &Groups &View &Quit &About &Save database &Close database &New database Merge from KeePassX database &Add new entry &View/Edit entry &Delete entry &Add new group &Edit group &Delete group &Database settings &Clone entry Timed one-time password Copy &TOTP Show TOTP &Find Copy &username Cop&y password &Settings &Perform Auto-Type &Open URL &Lock databases &Title &URL &Notes Password Generator Clear history &Database Import &Tools Empty recycle bin Access error for config file %1 Quit KeePassXC Please touch the button on your YubiKey! &Help &Open database... Sa&ve database as... Change &master key... &Export to CSV file... Import KeePass 1 database... Import CSV file... Re&pair database... Set up TOTP... OptionDialog Dialog General Splošno Sh&ow a notification when credentials are requested Sort matching entries by &username Re&move all stored permissions from entries in active database Advanced Napredno Always allow &access to entries Always allow &updating entries Searc&h in all opened databases for matching entries HTTP Port: Default port: 19455 Re&quest to unlock the database if it is locked Sort &matching entries by title KeePassXC will listen to this port on Cannot bind to privileged ports Cannot bind to privileged ports below 1024! Using default port 19455. R&emove all shared encryption keys from active database &Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: " Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported. This is required for accessing your databases from ChromeIPass or PassIFox Enable KeePassHTTP server Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. &Return only best matching entries Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ftp://, ...) are returned. &Match URL schemes Password Generator Only the selected database has to be connected with a client. The following options can be dangerous! Change them only if you know what you are doing. PasswordGeneratorWidget Password: Geslo: Character Types Tipi znakov Upper Case Letters Velike črke Lower Case Letters Male črke Numbers Številke Special Characters Posebni znaki Exclude look-alike characters Izključi podobne znake Accept Sprejmi %p% strength entropy &Length: Pick characters from every group Generate Close Apply Entropy: %1 bit Password Quality: %1 Poor Weak Good Excellent Password Geslo Extended ASCII Passphrase Wordlist: Word Count: Word Separator: Copy QObject NULL device error reading from device file empty ! malformed string missing closing quote INTERNAL - unget lower bound exceeded Group Skupina Title Naslov Username Uporabniško ime Password Geslo URL URL Notes Opombe Browser Integration YubiKey[%1] Challenge Response - Slot %2 - %3 Press Passive QtIOCompressor Internal zlib error when compressing: Notranja zlib napaka pri stiskanju: Error writing to underlying device: Napaka pri pisanju na napravo: Error opening underlying device: Napaka pri odpiranju naprave: Error reading data from underlying device: Napak pri branju iz naprave: Internal zlib error when decompressing: Notranja zlib napaka pri dekompresiranju: QtIOCompressor::open The gzip format not supported in this version of zlib. Ta različica zlib ne podpira gzip formata. Internal zlib error: Notranja zlib napaka: SearchWidget Case Sensitive Search Išči Clear Search... Limit search to selected group Service A shared encryption-key with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? The active database is locked! Please unlock the selected database or choose another one which is unlocked. Successfully removed %1 encryption-%2 from KeePassX/Http Settings. No shared encryption-keys found in KeePassHttp Settings. The active database does not contain an entry of KeePassHttp Settings. Removing stored permissions... Abort Successfully removed permissions from %1 %2. The active database does not contain an entry with permissions. KeePassXC: New key association request You have received an association request for the above key. If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database give it a unique name to identify and accept it. KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? KeePassXC: Update Entry KeePassXC: Database locked! KeePassXC: Removed keys from database KeePassXC: No keys found KeePassXC: Settings not available! KeePassXC: Removed permissions KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! SettingsWidget Application Settings Nastavitve aplikacije General Splošno Security Varnost Access error for config file %1 SettingsWidgetGeneral Remember last databases Zapomni si zadnje podatkovne baze Automatically save on exit Samodejno shrani ob izhodu Automatically save after every change Samodejno shrani po vsaki spremembi Minimize when copying to clipboard Minimiziraj pri kopiranju v odložišče Use group icon on entry creation Za nove vnose uporabi ikono skupine Global Auto-Type shortcut Globalna bližnjica za samodejno tipkanje Language Jezik Show a system tray icon Pokaži ikono v sistemski vrstici Hide window to system tray when minimized Minimiziraj v sistemsko vrstico Load previous databases on startup Automatically reload the database when modified externally Hide window to system tray instead of app exit Minimize window at application startup Basic Settings Remember last key files and security dongles Don't mark database as modified for non-data changes (e.g., expanding groups) Auto-Type Samodejno tipkanje Use entry title and URL to match windows for global Auto-Type Always ask before performing Auto-Type Auto-Type delay ms Start only a single instance of KeePassXC SettingsWidgetSecurity Clear clipboard after Pobriši odložišče po sec sekundah Lock databases after inactivity of Zakleni podatkovne baze po neaktivnosti Show passwords in cleartext by default Gesla privzeto v čistopisu Lock databases after minimizing the window Don't require password repeat when it is visible Timeouts Convenience Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed Privacy Use Google as fallback for downloading website icons SetupTotpDialog Setup TOTP Key: Use custom settings Note: Change these settings only if you know what you are doing. Time step: 8 digits 6 digits Code size: sec sekundah TotpDialog Timed Password 000000 Copy Expires in seconds UnlockDatabaseWidget Unlock database Odkleni podatkovno bazo WelcomeWidget Welcome to KeePassXC Start storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC database Create new database Open existing database Import from KeePass 1 Import from CSV Recent databases Nedavne podatkovne baze main path to a custom config file pot do konfiguracijske datoteke po meri key file of the database datoteka s ključi podatkovne baze KeePassXC - cross-platform password manager read password of the database from stdin filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx) Copy a password to the clipboard Path of the database. Use a GUI prompt unlocking the database. Name of the entry to clip. Extract and print the content of a database. Path of the database to extract. Name of the command to execute. List database entries. Path of the group to list. Default is / Print the UUIDs of the entries and groups. Merge two databases. Path of the database to merge into. Path of the database to merge from. Use the same password for both database files. Show a password. Name of the entry to show.