/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Felix Geyer * Copyright (C) 2017 Lennart Glauer * Copyright (C) 2017 KeePassXC Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Tools.h" #include "config-keepassx.h" #include "core/Config.h" #include "core/Translator.h" #include "git-info.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include // for Sleep() #endif #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX #include // for nanosleep() #endif namespace Tools { QString debugInfo() { QString debugInfo = "KeePassXC - "; debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Version %1").arg(KEEPASSXC_VERSION).append("\n")); #ifndef KEEPASSXC_BUILD_TYPE_RELEASE debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Build Type: %1").arg(KEEPASSXC_BUILD_TYPE).append("\n")); #endif QString commitHash; if (!QString(GIT_HEAD).isEmpty()) { commitHash = GIT_HEAD; } if (!commitHash.isEmpty()) { debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Revision: %1").arg(commitHash.left(7)).append("\n")); } #ifdef KEEPASSXC_DIST debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Distribution: %1").arg(KEEPASSXC_DIST_TYPE).append("\n")); #endif // Qt related debugging information. debugInfo.append("\n"); debugInfo.append("Qt ").append(QString::fromLocal8Bit(qVersion())).append("\n"); #ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Debugging mode is disabled.").append("\n")); #else debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Debugging mode is enabled.").append("\n")); #endif debugInfo.append("\n"); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 4, 0) debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Operating system: %1\nCPU architecture: %2\nKernel: %3 %4") .arg(QSysInfo::prettyProductName(), QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture(), QSysInfo::kernelType(), QSysInfo::kernelVersion())); debugInfo.append("\n\n"); #endif QString extensions; #ifdef WITH_XC_AUTOTYPE extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("Auto-Type"); #endif #ifdef WITH_XC_BROWSER extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("Browser Integration"); #endif #ifdef WITH_XC_SSHAGENT extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("SSH Agent"); #endif #if defined(WITH_XC_KEESHARE_SECURE) && defined(WITH_XC_KEESHARE_INSECURE) extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("KeeShare (signed and unsigned sharing)"); #elif defined(WITH_XC_KEESHARE_SECURE) extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("KeeShare (only signed sharing)"); #elif defined(WITH_XC_KEESHARE_INSECURE) extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("KeeShare (only unsigned sharing)"); #endif #ifdef WITH_XC_YUBIKEY extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("YubiKey"); #endif #ifdef WITH_XC_TOUCHID extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("TouchID"); #endif #ifdef WITH_XC_FDOSECRETS extensions += "\n- " + QObject::tr("Secret Service Integration"); #endif if (extensions.isEmpty()) extensions = " " + QObject::tr("None"); debugInfo.append(QObject::tr("Enabled extensions:").append(extensions).append("\n")); return debugInfo; } QString humanReadableFileSize(qint64 bytes, quint32 precision) { constexpr auto kibibyte = 1024; double size = bytes; QStringList units = QStringList() << "B" << "KiB" << "MiB" << "GiB"; int i = 0; int maxI = units.size() - 1; while ((size >= kibibyte) && (i < maxI)) { size /= kibibyte; i++; } return QString("%1 %2").arg(QLocale().toString(size, 'f', precision), units.at(i)); } bool readFromDevice(QIODevice* device, QByteArray& data, int size) { QByteArray buffer; buffer.resize(size); qint64 readResult = device->read(buffer.data(), size); if (readResult == -1) { return false; } else { buffer.resize(readResult); data = buffer; return true; } } bool readAllFromDevice(QIODevice* device, QByteArray& data) { QByteArray result; qint64 readBytes = 0; qint64 readResult; do { result.resize(result.size() + 16384); readResult = device->read(result.data() + readBytes, result.size() - readBytes); if (readResult > 0) { readBytes += readResult; } } while (readResult > 0); if (readResult == -1) { return false; } else { result.resize(static_cast(readBytes)); data = result; return true; } } QString imageReaderFilter() { const QList formats = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); QStringList formatsStringList; for (const QByteArray& format : formats) { for (char codePoint : format) { if (!QChar(codePoint).isLetterOrNumber()) { continue; } } formatsStringList.append("*." + QString::fromLatin1(format).toLower()); } return formatsStringList.join(" "); } bool isHex(const QByteArray& ba) { for (const uchar c : ba) { if (!std::isxdigit(c)) { return false; } } return true; } bool isBase64(const QByteArray& ba) { constexpr auto pattern = R"(^(?:[a-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[a-z0-9+/]{3}=|[a-z0-9+/]{2}==)?$)"; QRegExp regexp(pattern, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QString base64 = QString::fromLatin1(ba.constData(), ba.size()); return regexp.exactMatch(base64); } void sleep(int ms) { Q_ASSERT(ms >= 0); if (ms == 0) { return; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Sleep(uint(ms)); #else timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = ms / 1000; ts.tv_nsec = (ms % 1000) * 1000 * 1000; nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); #endif } void wait(int ms) { Q_ASSERT(ms >= 0); if (ms == 0) { return; } QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); if (ms <= 50) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, ms); sleep(qMax(ms - static_cast(timer.elapsed()), 0)); } else { int timeLeft; do { timeLeft = ms - timer.elapsed(); if (timeLeft > 0) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, timeLeft); sleep(10); } } while (!timer.hasExpired(ms)); } } // Escape common regex symbols except for *, ?, and | auto regexEscape = QRegularExpression(R"re(([-[\]{}()+.,\\\/^$#]))re"); QRegularExpression convertToRegex(const QString& string, bool useWildcards, bool exactMatch, bool caseSensitive) { QString pattern = string; // Wildcard support (*, ?, |) if (useWildcards) { pattern.replace(regexEscape, "\\\\1"); pattern.replace("*", ".*"); pattern.replace("?", "."); } // Exact modifier if (exactMatch) { pattern = "^" + pattern + "$"; } auto regex = QRegularExpression(pattern); if (!caseSensitive) { regex.setPatternOptions(QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); } return regex; } QString uuidToHex(const QUuid& uuid) { return QString::fromLatin1(uuid.toRfc4122().toHex()); } QUuid hexToUuid(const QString& uuid) { return QUuid::fromRfc4122(QByteArray::fromHex(uuid.toLatin1())); } Buffer::Buffer() : raw(nullptr) , size(0) { } Buffer::~Buffer() { clear(); } void Buffer::clear() { if (size > 0) { free(raw); } raw = nullptr; size = 0; } QByteArray Buffer::content() const { return QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(raw), size); } } // namespace Tools