AboutDialogAbout KeePassXKeePassX is distributed under the term of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.RevisionUsing:AutoTypeAuto-Type - KeePassXCouldn't find an entry that matches the window title:AutoTypeAssociationsModelWindowSequenceDefault sequenceAutoTypeSelectDialogAuto-Type - KeePassXSelect entry to Auto-Type:ChangeMasterKeyWidgetPasswordEnter password:Repeat password:Key fileBrowseCreateKey filesAll filesCreate Key File...ErrorUnable to create Key File : Select a key fileQuestionDo you really want to use an empty string as password?Different passwords supplied.Failed to set key fileFailed to set %1 as the Key file:
%2DatabaseOpenWidgetEnter master keyKey File:Password:BrowseErrorUnable to open the database.Can't open key fileAll filesKey filesSelect key fileDatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabase name:Database description:Transform rounds:Default username:Use recycle bin: MiBBenchmarkMax. history items:Max. history size:DatabaseTabWidgetRootKeePass 2 DatabaseAll filesOpen databaseWarningFile not found!Open KeePass 1 databaseKeePass 1 databaseAll files (*)Close?Save changes?"%1" was modified.
Save changes?ErrorWriting the database failed.Save database asNew databaselockedThe database you are trying to open is locked by another instance of KeePassX.
Do you want to open it anyway? Alternatively the database is opened read-only.Lock databaseCan't lock the database as you are currently editing it.
Please press cancel to finish your changes or discard them.This database has never been saved.
You can save the database or stop locking it.This database has been modified.
Do you want to save the database before locking it?
Otherwise your changes are lost."%1" is in edit mode.
Discard changes and close anyway?Export database to CSV fileCSV fileWriting the CSV file failed.The database you are trying to save as is locked by another instance of KeePassX.
Do you want to save it anyway?DatabaseWidgetChange master keyDelete entry?Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?Delete entries?Do you really want to delete %1 entries for good?Move entries to recycle bin?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?Delete group?Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?Current groupErrorUnable to calculate master keyEditEntryWidgetEntryAdvancedIconAuto-TypePropertiesHistoryEntry historyAdd entryEdit entryErrorDifferent passwords supplied.New attributeSelect fileUnable to open fileSave attachmentUnable to save the attachment:
Tomorrow%n week(s)%n month(s)1 yearEditEntryWidgetAdvancedAdditional attributesAddEditRemoveAttachmentsSaveOpenEditEntryWidgetAutoTypeEnable Auto-Type for this entryInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the groupUse custom Auto-Type sequence:+-Window title:Use default sequenceSet custom sequence:EditEntryWidgetHistoryShowRestoreDeleteDelete allEditEntryWidgetMainTitle:Username:Password:Repeat:Gen.URL:ExpiresPresetsNotes:EditGroupWidgetGroupIconPropertiesAdd groupEdit groupEnableDisableInherit from parent group (%1)EditGroupWidgetMainNameNotesExpiresSearchAuto-typeUse default auto-type sequence of parent groupSet default auto-type sequenceEditWidgetIconsUse default iconUse custom iconAdd custom iconDelete custom iconImagesAll filesSelect ImageCan't delete icon!Can't delete icon. Still used by %n item(s).EditWidgetPropertiesCreated:Modified:Accessed:Uuid:EntryAttributesModelNameEntryHistoryModelLast modifiedTitleUsernameURLEntryModelGroupTitleUsernameURLGroupRecycle BinKeePass1OpenWidgetImport KeePass1 databaseErrorUnable to open the database.KeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.Not a KeePass database.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Unsupported KeePass database version.RootUnable to calculate master keyKeePass2ReaderNot a KeePass database.Unsupported KeePass database version.Wrong key or database file is corrupt.Unable to calculate master keyThe selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.MainFatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.KeePassX - ErrorMainWindowDatabaseRecent databasesHelpEntriesCopy attribute to clipboardGroupsViewQuitAboutOpen databaseSave databaseClose databaseNew databaseAdd new entryView/Edit entryDelete entryAdd new groupEdit groupDelete groupSave database asChange master keyDatabase settingsImport KeePass 1 databaseClone entryFindCopy username to clipboardCopy password to clipboardSettingsPerform Auto-TypeOpen URLLock databasesTitleURLNotesShow toolbarread-onlyToggle windowToolsCopy usernameCopy passwordExport to CSV filePasswordGeneratorWidgetPassword:Length:Character TypesUpper Case LettersLower Case LettersNumbersSpecial CharactersExclude look-alike charactersEnsure that the password contains characters from every groupAcceptQCommandLineParserDisplays version information.Displays this help.Unknown option '%1'.Unknown options: %1.Missing value after '%1'.Unexpected value after '%1'.[options]Usage: %1Options:Arguments:QSaveFileExisting file %1 is not writableWriting canceled by applicationPartial write. Partition full?QtIOCompressorInternal zlib error when compressing: Error writing to underlying device: Error opening underlying device: Error reading data from underlying device: Internal zlib error when decompressing: QtIOCompressor::openThe gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.Internal zlib error: SearchWidgetFind:Case sensitiveCurrent groupRoot groupSettingsWidgetApplication SettingsGeneralSecuritySettingsWidgetGeneralRemember last databasesOpen previous databases on startupAutomatically save on exitAutomatically save after every changeMinimize when copying to clipboardUse group icon on entry creationGlobal Auto-Type shortcutUse entry title to match windows for global auto-typeLanguageShow a system tray iconHide window to system tray when minimizedRemember last key filesSettingsWidgetSecurityClear clipboard after secLock databases after inactivity ofShow passwords in cleartext by defaultAlways ask before performing auto-typeUnlockDatabaseWidgetUnlock databaseWelcomeWidgetWelcome!mainKeePassX - cross-platform password managerfilename of the password database to open (*.kdbx)path to a custom config filekey file of the database