AboutDialogAbout KeePassXCTentang KeePassXCAboutTentangReport bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>Laporkan bug di: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.KeePassXC didistribusikan di bawah Lisensi Publik Umum GNU (GPL) versi 2 atau (sesuai pilihan Anda) versi 3.Project Maintainers:Pengelola Proyek:Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX.Terima kasih dari tim KeePassXC kepada debfx yang telah membuat KeepassX original.ContributorsKontributor<a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a><a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">Lihat Semua Kontribusi di GitHub</a>Debug InfoInfo AwakutuInclude the following information whenever you report a bug:Sertakan informasi berikut setiap kali Anda melaporkan kutu:Copy to clipboardSalin ke papan klipAccessControlDialogKeePassXC - Access RequestKeePassXC - Permintaan AksesNon-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit.Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit.<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>meminta akses ke entri berikut:</p></body></html>NameNamaPIDPIDExecutableExecutableCommand LineBaris PerintahDetailsDetailYour decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running.Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running.RememberIngatAllow SelectedIzinkan Yang DipilihDeny All && FutureDeny All && FutureAllow All && &FutureIzinkan semua && & Ke DepannyaAccessControlDialog::DenyButtonDeny for this programTolakj untuk program iniAgentSettingsWidgetEnable SSH Agent integrationAktifkan Integrasi Agen SSHUse PageantGunakan PageantUse OpenSSHGunakan OpenSSHUse both agentsGunakan kedua agenSSH_AUTH_SOCK overrideTimpa SSH_AUTH_SOCKSSH_AUTH_SOCK valueNilai SSH_AUTH_SOCK(empty)(kosong)SSH_SK_PROVIDER valueNilai SSH_SK_PROVIDERSSH_SK_PROVIDER overrideTimpaan SSH_SK_PROVIDERNo SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override.Tidak ada soket Agen SSH yang ditemukan. Pastikan variabel sistem SSH_AUTH_SOCK ada atau atur timpaan.SSH Agent connection is working!Koneksi Agen SSH berhasil!ApplicationSettingsWidgetApplication SettingsPengaturan AplikasiGeneralUmumSecurityKeamananThis setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled.Pengaturan ini tidak dapat difungsikan ketika diminimumkan saat buka kunci difungsikan.Access error for config file %1Galat akses untuk berkas konfigurasi %1Icon onlyHanya ikonText onlyHanya teksText beside iconTeks di sebelah ikonText under iconTeks di bawah ikonFollow styleIkuti gayaMonochromeMonokromMonochrome (light)Monokrom (terang)Monochrome (dark)Monokrom (gelap)ColorfulBerwarnaYou must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Anda harus memulai ulang aplikasi untuk menerapkan bahasa. Apakah Anda ingin memulai ulang sekarang?Reset Settings?Atur Ulang Pengaturan?Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengatur ulang pengaturan umum dan keamanan ke nilai bawaan?Select backup storage directoryPilih direktori penyimpanan cadanganApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneralBasic SettingsPengaturan DasarStartupMemulaiStart only a single instance of KeePassXCHanya mulai satu aplikasi KeePassXCAutomatically launch KeePassXC at system startupOtomatis jalankan KeePassXC pada saat perangkat dinyalakanMinimize window at application startupMinimalkan jendela saat memulai aplikasiMinimize window after unlocking databaseMinimalkan jendela setelah membuka basis dataRemember previously used databasesIngat basis data yang sebelumnya digunakan recent filesberkas baru-baru iniLoad previously open databases on startupMuat basis data yang sebelumnya terbuka saat memulaiRemember database key files and security donglesIngat berkas kunci dan dongle kemananCheck for updates at application startup once per weekPeriksa pembaruan saat memulai aplikasi sekali semingguInclude beta releases when checking for updatesTermasuk rilis beta saat memeriksa pembaruanOn database unlock, show entries that Pada pembukaan kunci basis data, tampilkan entri yanghave expiredOn database unlock, show entries that...telah kedaluwarsa daysOn database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 dayshariwill expire within On database unlock, show entries that...akan kedaluwarsa dalam masaFile ManagementManajemen BerkasAutomatically save after every changeOtomatis simpan setelah setiap perubahanAutomatically save when locking databaseOtomatis simpan saat mengunci basis dataAutomatically save non-data changes when locking databaseOtomatis simpan perubahan non-data saat mengunci basis dataAutomatically reload the database when modified externallyMuat ulang basis data secara otomatis ketika diubah secara eksternalBackup database file before savingCadangkan basis data sebelum disimpanBackup destinationDestinasi cadanganSpecifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbxChoose...Pilih...Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Gunakan metode penyimpanan alternatif (mungkin akan mengatasi masalah dengan Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, dll.)Temporary file moved into placeBerkas temporer dipindah ke tempatnyaDirectly write to database file (dangerous)Langsung simpan ke berkas basis data (berbahaya)Entry ManagementManajemen EntriUse group icon on entry creationGunakan ikon grup pada pembuatan entriMinimize when opening a URLMinimalkan saat membuka URLHide window when copying to clipboardSembunyikan jendela saat menyalin ke papan klipMinimizeMinimalkanDrop to backgroundBeralih ke latar belakangFavicon download timeout:Batas waktu mengunduh favicon:Website icon download timeout in secondsBatas waktu mengunduh ikon situs web dalam detik secSecondsdetUser InterfaceAntarmuka PenggunaToolbar button styleGaya tombol bilah perkakasMovable toolbarBilah perkakas dapat dipindahLanguage selectionPemilihan bahasaLanguage:Bahasa:(restart program to activate)(mulai ulang program untuk mengaktifkan)Toolbar button style:Gaya tombol bilah alat:Show passwords in colorTampilkan kata sandi dalam warnaUse monospaced font for notesGunakan fon monospace untuk catatanMinimize instead of app exitsembunyikan jendela ke baki sistemShow a system tray iconTampilkan ikon baki sistemTray icon typeTipe ikon bakiTray icon type:Tipe ikon baki:Hide window to system tray when minimizedSembunyikan jendela ke baki sistem ketika diminimalkanReset settings to default…Mengatur ulang pengaturan ke bawaan…Auto-TypeKetik-OtomatisUse entry title to match windows for global Auto-TypeGunakan judul entri untuk mencocokkan jendela untuk Ketik-Otomatis globalUse entry URL to match windows for global Auto-TypeGunakan URL entri untuk mencocokkan jendela untuk Ketik-Otomatis globalAlways ask before performing Auto-TypeSelalu bertanya sebelum menjalankan Ketik-OtomatisHide expired entries from Auto-TypeSembunyikan entri kedaluwarsa dari Ketik-OtomatisRe-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-TypeKunci ulang basis data yang sebelumnya terkunci setelah menjalankan Ketik-OtomatisAuto-Type start delay:Tundaan mulai Ketik-Otomatis:Global Auto-Type shortcut:Pintasan Ketik-Otomatis global:Auto-type start delay millisecondsTundaan mulai ketik-otomatis dalam milidetik msMillisecondsmdAuto-Type typing delay:Tundaan pengetikan Ketik-Otomatis:Global auto-type shortcutPintasan ketik-otomatis globalAuto-type character typing delay millisecondsTundaan pengetikan karakter ketik-otomatis dalam milidetikRemember last typed entry for:Ingat entri yang terakhir diketikkan untuk:ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurityTimeoutsWaktu KedaluwarsaDatabase lock timeout secondsLama waktu habis penguncian basis data secSecondsdetClear clipboard afterKosongkan papan klip setelahClear search query afterHapus kueri pencarian setelah minMinutes minClipboard clear secondsDetik menghapus papan klipLock databases after inactivity ofKunci basis data setelah tidak aktif selamaConvenienceKenyamananEnable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello)Aktifkan buka kunci cepat (Touch ID / Windows Hello)Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closedKunci basis data ketika sesi dikunci atau lid ditutupLock databases after minimizing the windowKunci basis data setelah meminimalkan jendelaHide passwords when editing themSembunyikan sandi saat penyuntinganUse placeholder for empty password fieldsGunakan placeholder untuk ruas sandi yang kosongHide passwords in the entry preview panelSembunyikan sandi di panel pratinjau entriHide entry notes by defaultSembunyikan catatan secara bawaanMove entries to recycle bin without confirmationHapus entri ke keranjang sampah tanpa konfirmasiEnable double click to copy the username/password entry columnsKlik dua kali untuk menyalin kolom entri nama pengguna/sandiPrivacyPrivasiUse DuckDuckGo service to download website iconsGunakan layanan DuckDuckGo untuk mengunduh ikon situs webHide TOTP in the entry preview panelSembunyikan TOTP di panel pratinjau entriAutoTypeThe requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error:The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error:Auto-Type ErrorGalat Auto-TypePermission RequiredMembutuhkan IzinKeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC.KeePassXC membutuhkan izin Aksesibilitas untuk menjalankan Ketik-Otomatis entri. Jika Anda sudah memberikan izin, Anda perlu memulai ulang KeePassXC.KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC.KeePassXC membutuhkan izin Aksesibilitas dan Perekaman Layar untuk menjalankan Ketik-Otomatis secara global. Perekaman Layar dibutuhkan untuk mengakses judul jendela dari entri terkait. Jika Anda sudah memberikan izin, Anda perlu memulai ulang KeePassXC.Invalid entry providedEntri yang diberikan tidak sahBracket imbalance detected, found extra { or }Terdeteksi kurung kurawal yang tak seimbang, ditemukan { atau } ekstraToo many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2Terlalu banyak pengulangan yang terdeteksi, maksimal adalah %1: %2Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2Terdeteksi penekanan tombol yang sangat lambat, maks adalah %1: %2Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2Terdeteksi tundaan sangat lama, maks adalah %1: %2Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Entri tidak memiliki atribut untuk PICKCHARS: %1Invalid conversion type: %1Tipe konversi tidak valid: %1Invalid conversion syntax: %1Sintaks konversi tidak valid: %1Invalid regular expression syntax %1
%2Sintaks ekspresi reguler %1 tidak valid
%2Invalid placeholder: %1Invalid placeholder: %1AutoTypeAssociationsModelWindowJendelaSequenceUrutan(empty)(kosong)Default sequenceUrutan bakuAutoTypeMatchModelGroupGrupTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaSequenceUrutanAutoTypePlatformX11Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is onUrutan digugurkan: Caps Lock menyalaSequence aborted: Modifier keys held by userUrutan digugurkan: Tombol pengubah ditahan oleh penggunaUnable to get valid keycode for key: Tidak bisa memperoleh kode tombol yang valid untuk tombol:Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.AutoTypeSelectDialogAuto-Type - KeePassXCKetik-Otomatis - KeePassXCDouble click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search:Klik ganda suatu baris untuk melakukan Ketik-Otomatis atau mencari suatu entri memakai pencarian:<p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/>
Ctrl+F - Toggle database search<br/>
Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/>
Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/>
Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/>
Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p><p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/>
Ctrl+F - Toggle database search<br/>
Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/>
Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/>
Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/>
Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>Search all open databasesCari semua basis data terbukaSearch…Cari…Type SequenceKetikkan UrutanCancelBatalType {USERNAME}Ketikkan {NAMA PENGGUNA}Type {PASSWORD}Ketikkan {KATA SANDI}Type {TOTP}Ketikkan {TOTP}Copy UsernameSalinkan Nama PenggunaCopy PasswordSalinkan Kata SandiCopy TOTPSalin TOTPUse Virtual KeyboardGunakan Papan Ketik VirtualBrowserAccessControlDialogKeePassXC - Browser Access RequestKeePassXC - Permintaan Akses Peramban%1 is requesting access to the following entries:%1 meminta akses ke entri berikut ini:Remember access to checked entriesIngat akses ke entri yang dipilihRememberIngatAllow access to entriesIzinkan akses ke entriAllow SelectedIzinkan Yang DipilihDeny AllTolak SemuaDisable for this siteNonaktifkan untuk situs iniUndoUrungkanBrowserEntrySaveDialogOkOkCancelBatalYou have multiple databases open.
Please select the correct database for saving credentials.Ada beberapa basis data yang terbuka.
Silakan pilih basis data yang digunakan untuk menyimpan kredensial.KeePassXC - Select DatabaseKeePassXC - Pilih Basis DataBrowserPasskeysConfirmationDialogCancelBatalUpdatePerbaruiAuthenticateAutentikasiRegister newDaftarkan baruRegisterDaftarkanTimeout in <b>%n</b> seconds...Waktu habis dalam <b>%n</b> detik…Relying Party: %1Username: %1KeePassXC - Passkey credentialsAdd to existing entryExisting passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.Authenticate passkey credentials for:Do you want to register a passkey for:BrowserServiceA request for creating a new group "%1" has been received.
Do you want to create this group?
Permintaan untuk membuat grup "%1" telah diterima.
Apakah Anda ingin membuat grup ini?
You have received an association request for the following database:
Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example:
chrome-laptop.Anda telah menerima permintaan asosiasi untuk basis data berikut:
Berikan koneksi nama yang unik atau ID, sebagai contoh:
chrome-laptop.Save and allow accessSimpan dan izinkan aksesA shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?Kunci enkripsi bersama dengan nama "%1" sudah ada.
Apakah Anda ingin menimpanya ulang?Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2?Apakah Anda ingin memperbarui informasi di dalam %1 - %2?A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received.
Do you want to delete the entry?
A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received.
Do you want to delete the entry?
%1 (Passkey)KeePassXC - Create a new groupDisableNonaktifkanKeePassXC - Overwrite existing key?KeePassXC - Timpa kunci yang sudah ada?KeePassXC - Update EntryKeePassXC - Delete entryKeePassXC - New key association requestPasskeyKeePassXC - Passkey credentialsRegister a new passkey to this entry:KeePassXC - Update passkeyEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?RegisterDaftarkanBrowserSettingsWidgetDialogDialogThis is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-BrowserIni dibutuhkan untuk mengakses basis data Anda menggunakan KeePassXC-BrowserEnable browser integrationAktifkan integrasi perambanGeneralUmumBrowsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.Peramban yang dipasang sebagai snap saat ini tidak didukung.Enable integration for these browsers:Aktifkan integrasi untuk peramban ini:VivaldiVivaldi&Edge&EdgeFirefoxFirefoxTor BrowserTor BrowserBraveBraveGoogle ChromeGoogle ChromeChromiumChromiumShow a notification when credentials are requestedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionTampilkan notifikasi saat permintaan kredensialRequest to unlock the database if it is lockedMinta untuk membuka basis data jika terkunciOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned.Hanya entri dengan skema yang sama (http://, https://, ...) dikembalikan.Match URL scheme (e.g., https://example.com)Match URL scheme (e.g., https://example.com)Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.Hanya tampilkan kecocokan terbaik untuk URL tertentu bukan semua entri untuk keseluruhan domain.Return only best-matching credentialsHanya tampilkan kredensial dengan kecocokan terbaikReturns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title.Mengembalikan kredensial yang kedaluwarsa. Karakter [kedaluwarsa] ditambahkan ke judul.Allow returning expired credentialsIzinkan pengembalian kredensial kedaluwarsaAll databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials.Semua basis data yang terhubung ke ekstensi akan mengembalikan kredensial yang cocok.Search in all opened databases for matching credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionCari kredensial yang cocok di semua basis data yang terbukaAdvancedTingkat LanjutNever ask before accessing credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionJangan pernah bertanya sebelum mengakses kredensialNever ask before updating credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionJangan pernah bertanya sebelum memperbarui kredensialDo not ask permission for HTTP Basic AuthAn extra HTTP Basic Auth settingJangan minta izin untuk Otentikasi Dasar HTTPAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.Membuat atau memperbarui ruas lema secara otomatis tidak didukung.Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "Tampilkan ruas lema tingkat lanjut yang dimulai dengan "KPH: "Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings.Jangan pernah tampilkan popup yang menyarankan migrasi pengaturan KeePassHTTP versi lama.Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration.Jangan ingatkan untuk migrasi pengaturan KeePassHTTP.Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup.Otomatis perbarui jalur binari KeePassXC atau keepassxc-proxy ke skrip perpesanan native saat memulai.Update native messaging manifest files at startupPerbarui berkas manifest perpesanan bawaan saat memulaiUse a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually.Gunakan lokasi proksi khusus jika Anda memasang proksi secara manual.Use a custom proxy location:Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-BrowserGunakan lokasi proksi khusus:Custom proxy location fieldRuas lokasi proksi khususBrowser for custom proxy filePeramban untuk berkas proksi khususBrowse…Button for opening file dialogTelusuri…Use a custom browser configuration location:Gunakan lokasi konfigurasi peramban khusus:Browser type:Tipe peramban:Toolbar button styleGaya tombol bilah perkakasConfig Location:Lokasi Konfigurasi:Custom browser location fieldRuas lokasi peramban khususBrowse for custom browser pathJelajahi jalur peramban khususCustom extension ID:ID ekstensi khusus:Custom extension IDID ekstensi khususExecutable FilesBerkas ExecutableAll FilesSemua BerkasSelect custom proxy locationPilih lokasi proksi khususSelect native messaging host folder locationPilih lokasi folder hos perpesanan bawaanAllow keepassxc-proxy to list all entries with their title, URL and UUID in connected databases.Allow limited access to all entries in connected databases (ignores site access restrictions)<b>Warning:</b> Only adjust these settings if necessary.<b>Peringatan:</b> Hanya setel pengaturan ini bila perlu.The custom proxy location does not exist.Lokasi proksi ubahan tidak ada.<b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location does not exist. Correct this in the advanced settings tab.<b>Galat:</b> Lokasi proksi ubahan tidak ada. Perbaiki ini dalam tab pengaturan tingkat lanjut.<b>Error:</b> The installed proxy executable is missing from the expected location: %1<br/>Please set a custom proxy location in the advanced settings or reinstall the application.<b>Galat:</b> Executable proksi yang terpasang hilang dari lokasi yang diharapkan: %1<br/>Harap atur suatu lokasi proksi ubahan dalam pengaturan tingkat lanjut atau pasang ulang aplikasi.Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.Allow using localhost with passkeysKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.CloneDialogClone Entry OptionsClone Entry OptionsAppend ' - Clone' to titleTambahkan ' - Salinan' ke judulReplace username and password with referencesGanti nama pengguna dan sandi dengan referensiCopy historySalin riwayatCsvImportWidgetsize, rows, columnsukuran, baris, kolomColumn AssociationAsosiasi KolomPasswordSandiUsernameNama penggunaTitleJudulGroupGrupURLURLNotesCatatanTOTPTOTPCreatedDibuatLast ModifiedTerakhir DiubahIconIkonEncodingEnkodeCodecKodekText is qualified byTeks dikualifikasikan olehText qualificationKualifikasi teksFields are separated byRuas dipisahkan denganField separationPemisahan ruasComments start withKomentar dimulai denganHeader lines skippedGaris tajukan terlewatNumber of header lines to discardJumlah baris tajuk untuk dibuangFirst line has field namesBaris pertama memiliki nama ruasConsider '\' an escape characterAnggap '\' sebagai karakter escapePreviewPratinjauCSV import previewPratinjau impor CSVNot PresentTidak TersediaColumn %1Kolom %1[%n more message(s) skipped][%n pesan dilewati]Failed to parse CSV file: %1Imported from CSV file: %1No Title SelectedNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?CsvParserModel%n row(s)CSV row count%n baris%n column(s)CSV column count%n kolomDatabasePasswordsRoot group nameSandiFile %1 does not exist.Berkas %1 tidak ada.Unable to open file %1.Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1.Error while reading the database: %1Terjadi kesalahan saat membaca basis data: %1Could not save, database does not point to a valid file.Tidak bisa menyimpan, basis data tidak merujuk ke berkas yang valid.Database save is already in progress.Proses menyimpan basis data sedang berjalan.Could not save, database has not been initialized!Tidak bisa menyimpan, basis data belum aktif!Database file has unmerged changes.Berkas basis data memiliki perubahan yang belum digabung.%1
Backup database located at %2%1
Lokasi cadangan basis data ada di %2Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers.Kunci tidak berubah. Ini adalah bug, harap laporkan ke developer.Recycle BinKeranjang SampahDatabaseOpenDialogUnlock Database - KeePassXCBuka Kunci Basis Data - KeePassXCDatabaseOpenWidgetUnlock KeePassXC DatabaseBuka Kunci Basis Data KeePassXCEnter Password:Masukkan Sandi:Password fieldRuas sandiHardware key slot selectionPemilihan slot kunci perangkat kerasKey file to unlock the databaseBerkas kunci untuk membuka basis dataBrowse for key fileTelusuri berkas kunciBrowse…Telusuri…Unlock DatabaseBuka Kunci Basis DataCancelBatalUnlockBuka KunciPlease present or touch your YubiKey to continue…Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue…Database Version MismatchVersi Basis Data Tidak CocokThe database you are trying to open was most likely
created by a newer version of KeePassXC.
You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete
and saving any changes may incur data loss.
We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation.The database you are trying to open was most likely
created by a newer version of KeePassXC.
You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete
and saving any changes may incur data loss.
We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation.Open database anywayTetap buka pangkalan dataDatabase unlock canceled.Pembukaan kunci basis data dibatalkan.Unlock failed and no password givenGagal membuka dan sandi tidak tersediaUnlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password.
Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead?
To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password.Membuka kunci basis data gagal dan Anda tidak memasukkan kata sandi.
Apakah Anda ingin mencoba kembali dengan kata sandi "kosong"?
Untuk mencegah munculnya kesalahan ini, Anda harus ke "Pengaturan Basis Data / Keamanan" dan mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda.Retry with empty passwordUlangi dengan sandi kosongFailed to open key file: %1Gagal untuk membuka berkas kunci: %1Old key file formatFormat berkas kunci lamaYou are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database > Database Security > Change Key File.</strong><br>Anda menggunakan sebuah format berkas kunci lama yang mungkin <br> tidak akan didukung lagi oleh KeePassXC di masa depan. <br><br> Mohon buat sebuah berkas kunci baru dengan menuju ke: <br><strong>Basis Data > Keamanan Basis Data > Ubah Berkas Kunci.</strong><br>Don't show this warning againJangan tampilkan peringatan ini lagiAll filesSemua BerkasKey filesBerkas kunciSelect key filePilih berkas kunciCannot use database file as key fileTidak bisa menggunakan berkas basis data sebagai berkas kunciauthenticate to access the databaseotentikasi untuk mengakses basis dataFailed to authenticate with Quick Unlock: %1Select Key File:<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>Click to add a key file.<a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Use hardware keyYour database file is NOT a key file!
If you don't have a key file or don't know what that is, you don't have to select one.KeePassXC database file selectedThe file you selected looks like a database file.
A database file is NOT a key file!
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.No hardware keys found.Refresh Hardware KeysDatabaseSettingWidgetMetaDataPasswordsSandiDatabaseSettingsDialogGeneralUmumSecurityKeamananDatabase CredentialsKredensial Basis DataEncryption SettingsPengaturan EnkripsiBrowser IntegrationIntegrasi PerambanMaintenancePemeliharaanRemote SyncDatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowserKeePassXC-Browser settingsPengaturan KeePassXC-BrowserDisconnect all browsersPutuskan koneksi semua perambanForget all site-specific settings on entriesLupakan semua pengaturan spesifik situs pada entriRefresh database root group IDSegarkan ID grup root basis dataStored keysKunci tersimpanStored browser keysSimpan kunci perambanRemove selected keyBuang kunci yang dipilihRemoveBuangDelete the selected key?Hapus kunci yang dipilih?Do you really want to delete the selected key?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus kunci yang dipilih?
Tindakan ini akan memutus koneksi ke pengaya peramban.KeyKunciValueNilaiCreatedDibuatEnable Browser Integration to access these settings.Aktifkan Integrasi Peramban untuk mengakses pengaturan ini.Do you really want to disconnect all browsers?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.Apakah Anda ingin memutus koneksi semua peramban?
Tindakan ini akan memutus koneksi ke pengaya peramban.No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings.TIdak ada kunci enkripsi bersama yang ditemukan di dalam pengaturan KeePassXC.Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings.Berhasil membuang %n kunci enkripsi dari pengaturan KeePassXC.Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry?
Permissions to access entries will be revoked.Apakah Anda ingin melupakan semua pengaturan spesifik situs pada semua entri?
Izin untuk mengakses entri akan dicabut.Removing stored permissions…Membuang perizinan yang disimpan...AbortBatalSuccessfully removed permissions from %n entry(s).Berhasil membuang perizinan dari %n entri.The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.Basis Data aktif tidak berisi entri dengan izin.Refresh database IDSegarkan ID basis dataDo you really want refresh the database ID?
This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect.Apakah Anda yakin ingin menyegarkan ID basis data?
Ini hanya diperlukan jika basis data Anda adalah salinan dari basis data yang lain dan ekstensi peramban tidak bisa tersambung.Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom dataKonversikan atribut KeePassHTTP lama ke data kustom yang kompatibel dengan KeePassXC-BrowserNo keys foundRemoved keys from databaseRemoved permissionsNo entry with permissions found!DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKeyAdd additional protection…Tambahkan proteksi lain...No password setSandi belum di aturWARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged!
Are you sure you want to continue without a password?PERINGATAN! Anda belum mengatur sandi. Menggunakan basis data tanpa sandi amat sangat tidak disarankan!
Apakah Anda tetap ingin melanjutkan tanpa mengatur sandi?Continue without passwordLanjutkan tanpa sandiNo encryption key addedTidak ada kunci enkripsi yang ditambahkanYou must add at least one encryption key to secure your database!Anda harus menambahkan paling tidak satu kunci enkripsi untuk mengamankan basis data Anda!Unknown errorGalat tidak diketahuiFailed to change database credentialsGagal mengubah kredensial basis dataWeak passwordKata sandi lemahThis is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryptionDecryption Time:Waktu Dekripsi:Decryption time in secondsWaktu dekripsi dalam detikHigher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer.Nilai yang lebih tinggi memberikan perlindungan lebih, tetapi membuka basis data akan menjadi lebih lama.Database format:Format basis data:Database formatFormat basis dataFormat cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 featuresFormat cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 featuresUnless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format.Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format.Encryption Algorithm:Algoritma Enkripsi:Encryption algorithmAlgoritma enkripsiAES: 256 Bit (default)AES: 256 Bit (bawaan)Twofish: 256 BitTwofish: 256 BitKey Derivation Function:Fungsi Derivasi Kunci:Key derivation functionFungi derivasi kunciTransform rounds:Jumlah transformasi:Transform roundsTransform roundsMemory Usage:Penggunaan Memori:Memory usagePenggunaan memoriParallelism:Paralelisme:ParallelismParalelismeKDBX 4 (recommended)KDBX 4 (direkomendasikan)KDBX 3KDBX 3Number of rounds too highKey transformation roundsJumlah transformasi terlalu tinggiYou are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2.
If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open.You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2.
If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open.Understood, keep numberMengerti, tetap simpanCancelBatalNumber of rounds too lowKey transformation roundsJumlah transformasi terlalu rendahYou are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF.
If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks.You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF.
If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks.KDF unchangedKDF tidak berubahFailed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged.Gagal mentransformasi kunci menggunakan parameter KDF baru; KDF tidak berubah. MiBAbbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) MiB thread(s)Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings)Encryption Settings:BasicAdvancedTingkat LanjutDatabaseSettingsWidgetFdoSecretsExposed EntriesEntri Yang DieksposDon't expose this databaseJangan ekspos basis data iniExpose entries under this group:Ekspos entri di bawah grup ini:Enable Secret Service to access these settings.Aktifkan Layanan Rahasia utnuk mengakses pengaturan ini.DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralDatabase MetadataMetadata Basis DataDatabase name:Nama basis data:Database name fieldRuas nama basis dataDatabase description:Deskripsi basis data:Database description fieldRuas deskripsi basis dataDefault username:Nama pengguna baku:Default username fieldRuas nama pengguna bakuHistory SettingsPengaturan RiwayatMaximum number of history items per entryJumlah maksimum item riwayat per entriMaximum size of history per entryUkuran maksimum riwayat per entri MiB MiBUse recycle binGunakan keranjang sampahAdditional Database SettingsPengaturan Basis Data TambahanEnable compression (recommended)Aktifkan kompresi (direkomendasikan)Delete Recycle BinHapus Keranjang SampahDo you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents?
This action is not reversible.Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus keranjang sampah dan semua isinya?
Tidakan ini tidak bisa diurungkan. (old)(lama)When saving this setting or editing an entry
the oldest history items of an entry will be
removed such that only the specified amount
of entries remain at most.Saat menyimpan pengaturan ini atau mengedit entri
item riwayat tertua dari entri akan
dikeluarkan sedemikian rupa sehingga hanya jumlah entri
yang ditentukan akan tetap tinggal.Limit the amount of history items per entry to:Batasi jumlah item histori per entri menjadi:When saving this setting or editing an entry
the oldest history items of an entry will be
removed such that the remaining history items
add up to the specified amount at most.Saat menyimpan pengaturan ini atau mengedit entri
item riwayat tertua dari sebuah entri akan
dihapus sehingga item riwayat yang tersisa
menambahkan hingga jumlah yang ditentukan paling banyak.Limit the total size of history items per entry to:Batasi ukuran total item histori per entri menjadi:Move entries to a recycle bin group
instead of deleting them from the database.
Entries deleted from the recycle bin are
removed from the database.Pindahkan entri ke kelompok tempat sampah
dan jangan menghapusnya dari basis data.
Entri yang dihapus dari kotak sampah
dipindahkan dari basis data.Autosave delay since last changeAutosave delayAutosave delay since last change in minutes min minAutosave delay since last change checkboxDatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShareSharingBerbagiBreadcrumbBreadcrumbTypeTipePathJalurLast SignerPenanda Tangan TerakhirCertificatesSertifikat > Breadcrumb separator > DatabaseSettingsWidgetMaintenanceManage Custom IconsManage Custom IconsDelete selected icon(s)Delete selected icon(s)Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or groupDelete all custom icons not in use by any entry or groupPurge unused iconsPurge unused iconsConfirm DeletionKonfirmasi PenghapusanAt least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use?At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use?Custom Icons Are In UseCustom Icons Are In UseAll custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group.All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group.Purged Unused IconsPurged Unused IconsPurged %n icon(s) from the database.DatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimpleDatabase Name:Nama Basis Data:Database name fieldRuas nama basis dataDescription:Deskripsi:Database description fieldRuas deskripsi basis dataDatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync CommandsRemoveBuangCommand SettingsNameNamaSaveSimpanDownloadCommand:Download command fielde.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:Download input fieldUploadUpload command fielde.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input fieldName cannot be empty.TestDownload command cannot be empty.Download failed with error: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.Download successful.Save Remote SettingsYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?e.g.:
get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
DatabaseTabWidgetDatabase creation errorKesalahan dalam membuat basis dataThe created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it.
This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.Basis Data yang dibuat tidak memiliki kunci atau KDF, aplikasi tidak bisa menyompannya.
Masalah ini jelas sebuah bug, silakan laporkan ke pengembang.KeePass 2 DatabaseBasis Data KeePass 2All filesSemua BerkasOpen databaseBuka basis dataFailed to open %1. It either does not exist or is not accessible.Gagal untuk membuka %1. Mungkin tidak ada atau tidak bisa diakses.CSV fileBerkas CSVMerge databaseGabung basis dataExport database to CSV fileEkspor basis data ke berkas CSVWriting the CSV file failed.Gagal membuat berkas CSV.Writing the HTML file failed.Gagal menyimpan ke berkas HTML.Export database to XML fileEkspor basis data ke berkas XMLXML fileBerkas XMLWriting the XML file failedPenulisan berkas XML gagalExport ConfirmationKonfirmasi EksporYou are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue?Anda akan mengekspor basis data Anda ke berkas tanpa enkripsi. Ini akan membuat sandi dan informasi sensitif lainnya menjadi sangat rentan. Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?%1 [Locked]Database tab name modifier%1 [Dikunci]%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifierDatabaseWidgetSearches and TagsPencarian dan TagSearching…Sedang mencari…Shared group…Grup bersama…Confirm Auto-TypeConfirm Auto-TypePerform Auto-Type into the previously active window?Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window?Execute command?Jalankan perintah?Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br>Apakah Anda yakin ingin menjalankan perintah berikut?<br><br>%1<br>Remember my choiceIngat pilihan sayaDelete groupHapus grupDo you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus grup "%1" untuk selamanya?Move group to recycle bin?Pindahkan grup ke keranjang sampah?Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin?Apakah Anda yakin ingin memindahkan grup "%1" ke keranjang sampah?Expired entriesEntri kedaluwarsaEntries expiring within %1 day(s)No current database.Tidak ada basis data.No source database, nothing to do.Tidak ada sumber basis data, tidak perlu melakukan apa-apa.Successfully merged the database files.Berhasil menggabungkan berkas basis data.Database was not modified by merge operation.Basis Data tidak ada perubahan yang diakibatkan oleh proses penggabungan.Search Results (%1)Hasil Pencarian (%1)No ResultsTidak Ada HasilSaveSimpanEnter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list:Masukkan sebuah nama unik atau timpa pencarian yang ada dari daftar:Save SearchSimpan pencarianLock Database?Kunci Basis Data?You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway?Anda sedang menyunting entri. Abaikan ubahan dan tetap mengunci?"%1" was modified.
Save changes?"%1" telah dimodifikasi.
Simpan perubahan?Database was modified.
Save changes?Basis Data telah diubah.
Simpan perubahan?Save changes?Simpan perubahan?File has changedBerkas telah berubahThe database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?Berkas basis data telah berubah. Apakah Anda ingin memuat perubahannya?Merge RequestPermintaan PenggabunganThe database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
Do you want to merge your changes?Berkas basis data telah berubah dan Anda memiliki ubahan yang belum disimpan.
Apakah Anda ingin menggabungkan ubahan Anda?Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
Error: %1Tidak bisa membuka berkas basis data baru saat mencoba untuk memuat ulang.
Galat: %1Disable safe saves?Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman?KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file.
Disable safe saves and try again?KeePassXC telah beberapa kali gagal menyimpan basis data. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh layanan sinkronisasi berkas yang menghalangi berkas yang akan disimpan.
Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman dan coba lagi?Writing the database failed: %1Gagal menyimpan basis data: %1PasswordsSandiSave database asSimpan basis data sebagaiKeePass 2 DatabaseBasis Data KeePass 2Save database backupSimpan cadangan basis dataEmpty recycle bin?Kosongkan keranjang sampah?Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semuanya secara permanen dari keranjang sampah?Could not find database file: %1Tidak bisa menemukan berkas basis data: %1New DatabaseBasis Data Baru%1 [New Database]Database tab name modifier%1 [Basis Data Baru]Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2Error while saving database %1: %2Downloading...Mengunduh...Uploading...Syncing...Remove passkey from entryDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?EditEntryWidgetEntryEntriAdvancedTingkat LanjutIconIkonAuto-TypeKetik-OtomatisBrowser IntegrationIntegrasi Peramban<empty URL><empty URL>Confirm RemovalKonfirmasi PenghapusanAre you sure you want to remove this URL?Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuang URL ini?PropertiesPropertiHistoryRiwayatSSH AgentSSH Agentn/at/aSelect private keyPilih kunci privatEntry historyRiwayat entriAdd entryTambah entriEdit entrySunting entriSome Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings.Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings.Invalid EntryEntri Tidak ValidAn external merge operation has invalidated this entry.
Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost.An external merge operation has invalidated this entry.
Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost.Auto-Type Validation ErrorAuto-Type Validation ErrorAn error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence:
Would you like to correct it?An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence:
Would you like to correct it?An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1":
Would you like to correct it?An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1":
Would you like to correct it?Entry updated successfully.Entri berhasil diperbarui.Unsaved ChangesPerubahan Belum DisimpanWould you like to save changes to this entry?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menyimpan perubahan ke entri ini?New attributeAtribut baruNew attribute %1Atribut baru %1Are you sure you want to remove this attribute?Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuang atribut ini?RevealTampilkan[PROTECTED] Press Reveal to view or edit[DILINDUNGI] Tekan Tampilkan untuk melihat atau menyuntingHideSembunyikan%n hour(s)%n week(s)%n minggu%n month(s)%n bulan%n year(s)%n tahunFailed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.EditEntryWidgetAdvancedAdditional attributesAtribut tambahanAttribute selectionPemilihan atributAttribute valueNilai atributAdd a new attributeTambah atribut baruAddTambahRemove selected attributeBuang atribut yang dipilihRemoveBuangEdit attribute nameSunting nama atributEdit NameSunting NamaToggle attribute protectionAktif/Nonaktifkan proteksi atributProtectProteksiShow a protected attributeTampilkan atribut yang dilindungiRevealTampilkanAttachmentsLampiranIf checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements.If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements.Exclude from database reportsKecualikan dari laporan basis dataForeground Color:Warna Latar Depan:Foreground color selectionPemilihan warna latar depanBackground Color:Warna Latar Belakang:Background color selectionPemilihan warna latar belakangEditEntryWidgetAutoTypeEnable Auto-Type for this entryAktifkan Ketik-Otomatis untuk entri iniInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the groupMengikuti urutan Ketik-Otomatis baku grupUse custom Auto-Type sequence:Gunakan urutan Ketik-Otomatis ubahsuai:Custom Auto-Type sequenceUrutan Ketik-Otomatis khususOpen Auto-Type help webpageBuka laman bantuan Ketik-OtomatisWindow AssociationsAsosiasi JendelaExisting window associationsAsosiasi jendela yang adaAdd new window associationTambah asosiasi jendela baru+Add item+Remove selected window associationBuang asosiasi jendela yang dipilih-Remove item-Window title:Judul jendela:You can use an asterisk (*) to match everythingAnda bisa menggunakan asterik (*) untuk mencocokkan semuanyaSet the window association titleAtur judul asosiasi jendelaYou can use an asterisk to match everythingAnda bisa menggunakan asterik untuk mencocokkan semuanyaUse a specific sequence for this association:Gunakan sekuens spesifik untuk asosiasi ini:Custom Auto-Type sequence for this windowUrutan Ketik-Otomatis khusus untuk jendela iniEditEntryWidgetBrowserGeneralUmumHide this entry from the browser extensionSembunyikan entri ini dari ekstensi perambanSkip Auto-Submit for this entryLewati Kirim-Otomatis untuk entri iniOnly send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.Hanya kirim pengaturan ini ke peramban untuk dialog Otentikasi HTTP. Jika diaktifkan, formulir masuk yang normal tidak akan menampilkan entri ini untuk dipilih.Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthHanya gunakan entri ini dengan Otentikasi Dasar HTTPDo not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthJangan gunakan entri ini dengan Otentikasi Dasar HTTPAddTambahRemoveBuangEditSuntingThese settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.Additional URLsEditEntryWidgetHistoryEntry history selectionPemilihan riwayat entriShow entry at selected history stateTampilkan entri pada status riwayat yang dipilihShowTampilkanRestore entry to selected history statePulihkan entri ke status riwayat yang dipilihRestoreKembalikanDelete selected history stateHapus status riwayat yang dipilihDeleteHapusDelete all historyHapus semua riwayatDelete allHapus semuaEditEntryWidgetMainEdit EntrySunting EntriNotes fieldRuas catatanUsername fieldRuas nama penggunaExpiration fieldRuas kedaluwarsaExpiration PresetsPrasetel KedaluwarsaExpiration presetsPrasetel kedaluwarsaPresetsPrasetelUrl fieldRuas urlDownload favicon for URLUntuk favicon untuk URLTitle fieldRuas judulPassword fieldRuas sandiToggle expirationAktif/Nonaktifkan kedaluwarsaTags listDaftar tag&Username:Nama Pengg&una:&Title:&Judul:&Password:Kata &Sandi:UR&L:UR&L:&Notes:Catata&n:Toggle notes visibilityJungkitkan kenampakan catatanT&ags:T&ag:&Expires:K&edaluwarsa:EditEntryWidgetSSHAgentFormFormulirRemove key from agent when database is closed/lockedBuang kunci dari agent saat basis data ditutup/dikunciCommentKomentarAdd key to agent when database is opened/unlockedTambahkan kunci ke agent saat basis data dibuka/tak terkunciDecryptDekripsiFingerprintTanda tanganCopy to clipboardSalin ke papan klipPublic keyKunci publikPrivate keyKunci privatAttachmentLampiranExternal key fileBerkas kunci eksternalAdd to agentTambahkan ke agentRemove from agentBuang dari agentExternal fileBerkas eksternalBrowser for key filePeramban untuk berkas kunciBrowse…Button for opening file dialogTelusuri…GenerateBuatSelect attachment filePilih berkas lampiranRequire user confirmation when this key is usedMembutuhkan konfirmasi pengguna saat kunci ini digunakann/at/aRemove key from agent afterBuang kunci dari agent setelahRemove key from agent after specified secondsHapus kunci dari agen setelah detik yang ditentukan secondsdetikEditGroupWidgetGroupGrupIconIkonPropertiesPropertiAdd groupTambah grupEdit groupSunting grupGroup has unsaved changesGrup memiliki perubahan yang belum disimpanBrowser IntegrationIntegrasi PerambanEnableAktifkanDisableNonaktifkanInherit from parent group (%1)Mengikuti grup induk (%1)EditGroupWidgetBrowserThese settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension.These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension.Hide entries from browser extension:Hide entries from browser extension:Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groupsHide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groupsSkip Auto-Submit for entries:Skip Auto-Submit for entries:Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groupsSkip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groupsUse entries only with HTTP Basic Auth:Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth:Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groupsOnly HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groupsDo not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth:Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth:Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groupsDo not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groupsOmit WWW subdomain from matching:Abaikan subdomain WWW dari pencocokan:Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groupsHilangkan subdomain WWW dari toggle yang cocok untuk ini dan subgrupRestrict matching to given browser key:Restrict matching to given browser key toggle for this and sub groupsEditGroupWidgetKeeShareSharing mode fieldRuas mode berbagiPassword fieldRuas sandiType:Tipe:Password:Sandi:Path:Jalur:Path to share file fieldRuas jalur ke berkas yang dibagikanBrowse for share fileTelusuri berkas berbagiBrowse…Telusuri…Clear fieldsKosongkan ruasClearBersihkanInactiveTidak aktifImportImporExportEksporSynchronizeSinkronkanYour KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type.
Supported extensions are: %1.Versi KeePassXC Anda tidak mendukung fitur berbagi untuk tipe kontainer ini.
Ekstensi yang didukung adalah: %1.%1 is already being exported by this database.%1 telah diekspor oleh basis data ini.%1 is already being imported by this database.%1 telah diimpor oleh basis data ini.%1 is being imported and exported by different groups in this database.%1 sedang diimpor dan diekspor oleh berbagai grup dalam basis data ini.KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings.KeeShare is a proper nounSaat ini KeeShare dinonaktifkan. Anda dapat mengaktifkan impor/ekspor di pengaturan aplikasi.Database export is currently disabled by application settings.Ekspor basis data saat ini dinonaktifkan oleh pengaturan aplikasi.Database import is currently disabled by application settings.Impor basis data saat ini dinonaktifkan oleh pengaturan aplikasi.KeeShare containerKeeShare containerKeeShare signed containerKontainer KeeShare bertanda tanganSelect import sourcePilih sumber imporSelect export targetPilih target eksporSelect import/export filePilih berkas impor/eksporEditGroupWidgetMainEdit GroupSunting GrupToggle expirationAktif/Nonaktifkan kedaluwarsaExpires:Kedaluwarsa:Name fieldRuas namaExpiration fieldRuas kedaluwarsaUse default Auto-Type sequence of parent groupGunakan urutan Ketik-Otomatis bawaan dari grup indukAuto-Type:Ketik-Otomatis:Search:Cari:Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groupsAktif/Nonaktifkan Ketik-Otomatis untuk ini dan sub grupNotes:Catatan:Default auto-type sequence fieldRuas urutan ketik-otomatis bakuNotes fieldRuas catatanName:Nama:Set default Auto-Type sequenceTetapkan urutan Ketik-Otomatis yang bakuSearch toggle for this and sub groupsAktif/Nonaktifkan pencarian untuk ini dan sub grupEditWidgetIconsUse default iconGunakan ikon bakuUse custom iconGunakan ikon ubahsuaiChoose icon…Pilih ikonSet the URL to use to search for a faviconMengatur URL yang dipakai untuk mencari faviconFavicon URLURL FaviconDownload favicon for URLUntuk favicon untuk URLDownload faviconUnduh faviconApply selected icon to subgroups and entriesTerapkan ikon yang dipilih ke subgrup dan entriApply icon to…Terapkan ikon ke...Apply to this group onlyHanya terapkan ke grup iniAlso apply to child groupsJuga terapkan ke grup di dalamnyaAlso apply to child entriesJuga terapkan ke entri di dalamnyaAlso apply to all childrenJuga terapkan ke semua grup dan entriUnable to fetch favicon.Tidak bisa mengunduh favicon.Existing icon selected.Ikon yang sudah ada dipilih.ImagesGambarAll filesSemua BerkasSelect Image(s)Pilih GambarSuccessfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s)Berhasil memuat %1 dari %n ikonNo icons were loadedTidak ada ikon yang dimuat%n icon(s) already exist in the database%n ikon sudah ada didalam basis dataThe following icon(s) failed:Ikon berikut gagal:You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Application Settings -> SecurityEditWidgetPropertiesCreated:Dibuat:Datetime createdTanggal waktu dibuatModified:Dimodifikasi:Datetime modifiedTanggal waktu dimodifikasiAccessed:Diakses:Datetime accessedTanggal waktu diaksesUuid:Uuid:Unique IDID UnikPlugin DataData PengayaPlugin dataData pengayaRemove selected plugin dataBuang data pengaya yang dipilihRemoveBuangDelete plugin data?Hapus data pengaya?Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus data pengaya?
Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan pengaya menjadi tidak berfungsi.KeyKunciValueNilaiEntry%1 - Clone%1 - SalinanPasskeyEntryAttachmentsCannot open file "%1"Tidak bisa membuka berkas "%1"EntryAttachmentsModelNameNamaSizeUkuranEntryAttachmentsWidgetFormFormulirAttachmentsLampiranAdd new attachmentTambah lampiran baruAddTambahRemove selected attachmentBuang lampiran yang dipilihRemoveBuangRename selected attachmentGantikan nama lampiran terpilihRenameGanti namanyaOpen selected attachmentBuka lampiran yang dipilihOpenBukaSave selected attachment to diskSimpan lampiran yang dipilih ke diskaSaveSimpanSelect filesPilih berkasConfirm removeKonfirmasi buangAre you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)?Apakah Anda yakin ingin membuang %n lampiran?Save attachmentsSimpan lampiranUnable to create directory:
%1Tidak bisa membuat direktori:
%1Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menimpa ulang berkas "%1" yang ada dengan berkas lampiran?Confirm overwriteKonfirmasi menimpa ulangUnable to save attachments:
%1Tidak bisa menyimpan lampiran:
%1Unable to open attachment:
%1Tidak bisa membuka lampiran:
%1Unable to open attachments:
%1Tidak bisa membuka lampiran:
%1Unable to open file(s):
%1Tidak bisa membuka berkas:
%1Confirm Overwrite AttachmentConfirm Overwrite AttachmentConfirm AttachmentKonfirmasi Lampiran%1 is a big file (%2 MB).
Your database may get very large and reduce performance.
Are you sure to add this file?%1 adalah berkas yang sangat besar (%2 MB).
Basis Data Anda akan menjadi sangat besar dan akan mengurangi performa kinerja.
Apakah Anda yakin ingin menambahkan berkas ini?Attachment modifiedAttachment modifiedThe attachment '%1' was modified.
Do you want to save the changes to your database?The attachment '%1' was modified.
Do you want to save the changes to your database?Saving attachment failedSaving attachment failedSaving updated attachment failed.
Error: %1Saving updated attachment failed.
Error: %1Attachment "%1" already exists.
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?Attachment "%1" already exists.
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?EntryAttributesModelNameNamaEntryHistoryModelCurrent (%1)Current (%1)Last modifiedTerakhir dimodifikasiAgeUsiaDifferencePerbedaanSizeUkuranTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaPasswordSandiURLURLNotesCatatanCustom AttributesAtribut UbahanIconIkonColorWarnaExpirationKedaluwarsaTOTPTOTPCustom DataData UbahanAttachmentsLampiranAuto-TypeKetik-OtomatisTagsTagEntryModelRef: Reference abbreviationRef: NeverTidak PernahGroupGrupTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaPasswordSandiURLURLNotesCatatanExpiresKedaluwarsaCreatedDibuatModifiedDiubahAccessedDiaksesAttachmentsLampiranSizeUkuranGroup nameNama grupEntry titleJudul entriPassword StrengthKekuatan Kata SandiEntry notesCatatan entriEntry expires atEntri kedaluwarsa padaCreation dateTanggal dibuatLast modification dateTanggal diubah terakhirLast access dateTanggal terakhir diaksesAttached filesBerkas terlampirEntry sizeUkuran entriHas attachmentsMemiliki lampiranHas TOTPMemiliki TOTPBackground ColorEntryPreviewWidgetDisplay current TOTP valueTampilkan nilai TOTP saat iniCloseTutupGeneralUmumPasswordSandiURLURLExpirationKedaluwarsaTagsTagTags listDaftar tagUsernameNama penggunaNotesCatatanAdvancedTingkat LanjutAttachmentsLampiranAttributesAtributAutotypeKetikOtomatisDefault SequenceSekuens BawaanWindowJendelaSequenceUrutanSearchingPencarianShareBagikanSearchCariClearBersihkanNeverTidak PernahDouble click to copy valueKlik ganda untuk menyalin nilaiEnabledDiaktifkanDisabledDinonaktifkanDouble click to copy to clipboardKlik ganda untuk menyalin ke papan klipEntryURLModelInvalid URLURL tidak validDuplicate URLDuplikatkan URLEntryViewFit to windowPaskan ke jendelaFit to contentsPaskan ke kontenReset to defaultsKembalikan ke setelan bawaan+ %1 entry(s)...+ %1 entri...ExportDialogExport optionsOpsi eksporSort entries by...Sort entries by...You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file.
This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file.
This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
database orderdatabase ordername (ascending)nama (urut naik)name (descending)nama (urut turun)unknownunknownExport database to HTML fileEkspor basis data ke berkas HTMLHTML fileBerkas HTMLFdoSecrets::DBusMgrFailed to deliver messageGagal mengirim pesanFailed to send reply on DBusGagal mengirim jawaban pada DBusUnknownUnknown PIDTidak diketahuiUnknownUnknown executable pathTidak diketahui<i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i><i>PID: 1234, Executable: /path/to/exe</i><i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i>Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration.Layanan rahasia lain sedang berjalan (%1).<br/>Harap hentikan/hapus sebelum mengaktifkan kembali Integrasi Layanan Rahasia.Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/>Gagal mendaftarkan layanan DBus pada %1.<br/>Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1'Gagal mendaftarkan layanan pada DBus di path '%1'Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1'Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1'Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1'Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1'Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1'Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1'Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1'Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1'FdoSecrets::ItemEntry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3Entri "%1" dari basis data "%2" telah digunakan oleh %3FdoSecrets::Service%n Entry(s) was used by %1%1 is the name of an application%n Entri telah digunakan oleh %1FdoSecrets::SettingsClientModelUnknownTidak diketahuiNon-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit.Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit.FdoSecrets::SettingsDatabaseModelUnlock to showBuka kunci untuk menampilkanNoneNihilFdoSecrets::UnlockPrompt%1 (PID: %2)%1 (PID: %2)FdoSecretsPlugin<b>Fdo Secret Service:</b> %1<b>Layanan Rahasia Fdo:</b> %1Group[empty]group has no children[kosong]%1 - Clone%1 - SalinanHibpDownloaderOnline password validation failedValidasi sandi daring gagalIconDownloaderDialogDownload FaviconsUnduh FaviconCancelBatalHaving trouble downloading icons?
You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings.Mengalami masalah ketika mengunduh ikon?
Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dalam pengaturan aplikasi.CloseTutupURLURLStatusStatusPlease wait, processing entry list…Please wait, processing entry list…Downloading…Mengunduh...OkOkAlready ExistsSudah AdaDownload FailedGagal MengunduhDownloading favicons (%1/%2)…Mengunduh favicon (%1/%2)...ImportWizardImport WizardImportWizardPageReviewWizardPageLamanPemanduEntry count: %1GroupGrupTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaPasswordSandiUrlImportWizardPageSelectFormFormulirImport File SelectionPassword:Sandi:Key File:Berkas Kunci:Browse…Telusuri…Import Into:New DatabaseBasis Data BaruNo unlocked databases availableExisting Database:Import File:Comma Separated Values (.csv)1Password Export (.1pux)1Password Vault (.opvault)Bitwarden (.json)KeePass 1 Database (.kdb)Open OPVaultBuka OPVaultSelect import fileAll filesSemua berkasKey filesBerkas kunciSelect key filePilih berkas kunciComma Separated Values1Password ExportBitwarden JSON Export1Password VaultKeePass1 DatabaseKMessageWidget&Close&TutupClose messageTutup pesanKdbx3ReaderMissing database headersMissing database headersUnable to calculate database keyTIdak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci basis dataUnable to issue challenge-response: %1Tidak dapat mengeluarkan respons tantangan: %1Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.Kredensial yang diberikan tidak valid, silakan coba lagi.
Jika terus berulang, maka basis data Anda mungkin rusak.Header doesn't match hashHeader tidak cocok dengan hashInvalid header id sizeUkuran id tajuk tidak validInvalid header field length: field %1Invalid header field length: field %1Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 foundInvalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 foundKdbx3WriterInvalid symmetric cipher IV size.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherUkuran cipher IV simetrik tidak valid.Unable to issue challenge-response: %1Tidak dapat mengeluarkan respons tantangan: %1Unable to calculate database keyTIdak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci basis dataKdbx4Readermissing database headerskehilangan tajuk basis dataUnable to calculate database key: %1Tidak dapat mengkalkulasi kunci basis data: %1Invalid header checksum sizeUkuran checksum tajuk tidak validHeader SHA256 mismatchTajuk SHA256 tidak cocokInvalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.Kredensial yang diberikan tidak valid, silakan coba lagi.
Jika terus berulang, maka basis data Anda mungkin rusak.(HMAC mismatch)(HMAC tidak cocok)Unknown cipherCipher tidak dikenalInvalid header id sizeUkuran id tajuk tidak validInvalid header field length: field %1Invalid header field length: field %1Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 foundInvalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 foundFailed to open buffer for KDF parameters in headerGagal membuka buffer untuk parameter KDF di dalam tajukUnsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parametersFungsi derivasi kunci tidak didukung (KDF) atau parameter tidak validLegacy header fields found in KDBX4 file.Ditemukan ruas tajuk legacy di dalam berkas KDBX4.Invalid inner header id sizeInvalid inner header id sizeInvalid inner header field length: field %1Invalid inner header field length: field %1Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 foundInvalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 foundInvalid inner header binary sizeInvalid inner header binary sizeUnsupported KeePass variant map version.Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataVersi map variasi KeePass tidak didukung.Invalid variant map entry name lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nama entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry name dataTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataData nama entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry value dataTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataData nilai entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map Bool entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri Bool map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map Int32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri Int32 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map UInt32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri UInt32 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map Int64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri Int64 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map UInt64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataPanjang nilai entri UInt64 map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map entry typeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataTipe entri map variasi tidak validInvalid variant map field type sizeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataUkuran tipe entri map variasi tidak validKdbx4WriterInvalid symmetric cipher algorithm.Algoritma cipher simetrik tidak valid.Invalid symmetric cipher IV size.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherUkuran cipher IV simetrik tidak valid.Unable to calculate database key: %1Tidak dapat mengkalkulasi kunci basis data: %1Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant mapTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataGagal menserialisasi map variasi parameter KDFKdbxReaderInvalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2)Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2)Unable to parse UUID: %1Tidak bisa mengurai UUID: %1Unsupported cipherCipher tidak didukungInvalid compression flags lengthInvalid compression flags lengthUnsupported compression algorithmAlgoritma kompresi tidak didukungInvalid master seed sizeInvalid master seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform rounds sizeInvalid transform rounds sizeInvalid start bytes sizeUkuran byte awal tidak validInvalid random stream id sizeUkuran id stream acak tidak validInvalid inner random stream cipherInvalid inner random stream cipherFailed to read database file.Gagal membaca berkas basis data.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.Not a KeePass database.Bukan basis data KeePass.Unsupported KeePass 2 database version.Versi basis data KeePass 2 tidak didukung.KdbxXmlReaderXML parsing failure: %1Gagal mengurai XML: %1No root groupTidak ada grup rootXML error:
Line %2, column %3Galat XML:
Baris %2, kolom %3Missing icon uuid or dataKehilangan data atau uuid ikonMissing custom data key or valueKehilangan nilai atau kunci data khususMultiple group elementsBeberapa elemen grupNull group uuidUuid grup nullInvalid group icon numberNomor ikon grup tidak validInvalid EnableAutoType valueNilai EnableAutoType tidak validInvalid EnableSearching valueNilai EnableSearching tidak validNo group uuid foundTidak ditemukan uuid grupNull DeleteObject uuidUuid DeleteObject nullMissing DeletedObject uuid or timeKehilangan waktu atau uuid DeletedObjectNull entry uuidUuid entri nullInvalid entry icon numberNomor ikon entri tidak validHistory element in history entryElemen riwayat di dalam entri riwayatNo entry uuid foundTidak ditemukan uuid entriHistory element with different uuidElemen riwayat dengan uuid yang berbedaDuplicate custom attribute foundDitemukan atribut khusus gandaEntry string key or value missingKehilangan nilai atau kunci lema entriEntry binary key or value missingKehilangan nilai atau kunci binari entriAuto-type association window or sequence missingKehilangan asosiasi jendela atau urutan ketik-otomatisInvalid bool valueNilai bool tidak validInvalid date time valueWaktu tanggal tidak validInvalid color valueWarna tidak validInvalid color rgb partWarna rgb tidak validInvalid number valueAngka tidak validInvalid uuid valueUuid tidak validUnable to decompress binaryTranslator meant is a binary data inside an entryTidak bisa mengurai kompresi binariKeeAgentSettingsInvalid KeeAgent settings file structure.Invalid KeeAgent settings file structure.Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided.Kunci privat adalah lampiran tetapi tidak ada lampiran yang tersedia.Private key is emptyKunci privat kosongFile too large to be a private keyBerkas terlalu besar untuk jadi kunci privatFailed to open private keyGagal membuka kunci privatKeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.Tidak bisa membaca berkas kunci.Not a KeePass database.Bukan basis data KeePass.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Algoritma enkripsi tidak didukung.Unsupported KeePass database version.Versi basis data KeePass tidak didukung.Unable to read encryption IVIV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherTidak bisa membaca enkripsi IVInvalid number of groupsJumlah grup tidak validInvalid number of entriesJumlah entri tidak validInvalid content hash sizeUkuran hash konten tidak validInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid number of transform roundsInvalid number of transform roundsUnable to construct group treeUnable to construct group treeRootRootUnable to calculate database keyTIdak bisa mengkalkulasi kunci basis dataunable to seek to content positionunable to seek to content positionInvalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.Kredensial yang diberikan tidak valid, silakan coba lagi.
Jika terus berulang, maka basis data Anda mungkin rusak.Key transformation failedTransformasi kunci gagalInvalid group field type numberAngka tipe ruas grup tidak validInvalid group field sizeUkuran ruas grup tidak validRead group field data doesn't match sizeData ruas grup baca tidak cocok dengan ukurannyaIncorrect group id field sizeUkuran ruas id grup salahIncorrect group creation time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu pembuatan grup salahIncorrect group modification time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu perubahan grup salahIncorrect group access time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu akses grup salahIncorrect group expiry time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu kedaluwarsa grup salahIncorrect group icon field sizeUkuran ruas ikon grup salahIncorrect group level field sizeUkuran ruas level grup salahInvalid group field typeTipe ruas grup tidak validMissing group id or levelKehilangan level atau id grupMissing entry field type numberKehilangan nomor tipe ruas entriInvalid entry field sizeUkuran ruas entri tidak validRead entry field data doesn't match sizeData ruas entri baca tidak cocok dengan ukurannyaInvalid entry UUID field sizeInvalid entry UUID field sizeInvalid entry group id field sizeUkuran ruas id grup entri tidak validInvalid entry icon field sizeUkuran ruas ikon entri tidak validInvalid entry creation time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu pembuatan entri tidak validInvalid entry modification time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu perubahan entri tidak validInvalid entry expiry time field sizeUkuran ruas waktu kedaluwarsa entri tidak validInvalid entry field typeTipe ruas entri tidak validKeeShareInvalid sharing referenceReferensi pembagian tidak validInactive share %1Bagian tidak aktif %1Imported from %1Diimpor dari %1Exported to %1Diekspor ke %1Synchronized with %1Disinkronkan dengan %1Import is disabled in settingsImpor dinonaktifkan di dalam pengaturanExport is disabled in settingsEkspor dinonaktifkan di dalam pengaturanInactive shareInactive shareImported fromDiimpor dariExported toDiekspor dariSynchronized withDisinkronkan denganKeyComponentWidgetKey ComponentKomponen KunciKey Component DescriptionDeskripsi Komponen KunciCancelBatalKey Component set, click to change or removeKomponen Kunci sudah diatur, klik untuk mengubah atau buangKeyFileEditWidgetGenerate a new key fileBuat berkas kunci baruGenerateBuatGenerate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database.Buat sebuah berkas kunci baru atau pilih yang sudah ada untuk melindungi basis data Anda.Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database.Catatan: JANGAN gunakan berkas yang dapat berubah karena itu akan mencegah Anda membuka kunci basis data Anda!Browse for key fileTelusuri berkas kunciBrowse…Telusuri…Old key file formatFormat berkas kunci lamaYou selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead.Anda memilih sebuah berkas kunci dalam sebuah format lama yang mungkin tidak didukung lagi oleh KeePassXC <br> dalam masa depan. <br><br> Mohon buat sebuah berkas kunci yang baru saja.Error loading the key file '%1'
Message: %2Galat memuat berkas kunci '%1'
Pesan: %2Key FileBerkas KunciAdd Key FileTambah Berkas KunciChange Key FileUbah Berkas KunciRemove Key FileHapus Berkas KunciKey File set, click to change or removeBerkas Kunci telah diatur, klik untuk mengubah atau menghapus<p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p><p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p>Key filesBerkas kunciAll filesSemua BerkasCreate Key File…Buat Berkas Kunci...Error creating key fileGalat membuat berkas kunciUnable to create key file: %1Tidak bisa membuat berkas: %1Select a key filePilih berkas kunciInvalid Key FileBerkas Kunci Tidak ValidYou cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file.Anda tidak dapat menggunakan basis data sekarang sebagai kunci berkasnya sendiri. Harap pilih berkas berbeda atau hasilkan kunci berkas baru.Suspicious Key FileBerkas Kunci MencurigakanThe chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever.
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?Kunci berkas yang dipilih terlihat seperti kata sandi basis data. Kunci berkas harus berkas statis yang tidak pernah berubah atau Anda akan kehilangan akses ke basis data Anda selamanya.
Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan dengan berkas ini?MacUtilsInvalid key codeInvalid key codeGlobal shortcut already registered to %1Pintasan global telah didaftarkan ke %1Could not register global shortcutTidak bisa mendaftar pintasan globalMainWindow&DatabaseBasis&data&Recent DatabasesBasis Data Ba&ru-baru Ini&Export&Ekspor&Help&Bantuan&Entries&EntriCopy Att&ributeSalin At&ributTOTPTOTPTagsTag&Groups&Grup&Tools&PerkakasViewTampilanThemeTema&Quit&Keluar&About&Tentang&Check for UpdatesPeriksa &Pembaruan&Open Database…&Buka Basis Data…&Save Database&Simpan Basis Data&Close Database&Tutup Basis Data&New Database…Basis Data &Baru…&Merge From Database…&Gabung Dari Basis Data…&New Entry…Entri &Baru…&Edit Entry…&Sunting Entri…&Delete Entry…&Hapus Entri…&New Group…Grup &Baru…&Edit Group…&Sunting Grup…&Delete Group…&Hapus Grup…Download All &Favicons…Unduh Semua &Favicon…Sort &A-ZUrutkan &A-ZSort &Z-AUrutkan &Z-ASa&ve Database As…Sim&pan Basis Data Sebagai…Database &Security…&Keamanan Basis Data…Database &Reports…Database &Reports…&Database Settings…Pengaturan Basis&data…&Clone Entry…&Gandakan Entri…Move u&pPindah ke &atasMove do&wnPindah ke &bawahCopy &UsernameSalin &Nama PenggunaCopy &PasswordSalin &Sandi&Settings&Pengaturan&Password Generator&Pembuat SandiPerform &Auto-TypeJalankan &Ketik-OtomatisDownload &FaviconUnduh &FaviconOpen &URLBuka &URL&Lock Database&Kunci Pangkalan DataLock &All DatabasesKunci &Semua Basis Data&Title&JudulCopy &URLSalin &URL&Notes&Catatan&CSV File…Berkas &CSV…&HTML File…Berkas &HTML…KeePass 1 Database…Basis Data KeePass 1…1Password Vault…Brankas 1Password…CSV File…Berkas CSV…Show TOTPTampilkan TOTPShow QR CodeTampilkan Kode QRSet up TOTP…Siapkan TOTP…Copy &TOTPSalin &TOTPCopy Password and TOTPSalin Sandi dan TOTPE&mpty recycle binKosongkan keranjang sa&mpah&Donate&DonasiReport a &BugLaporkan &Bug&Getting Started&MemulaiOpen Getting Started GuideBuka Panduan Memulai&Online Help&Bantuan Daring&User GuidePand&uan PenggunaOpen User GuideBuka Panduan Pengguna&Keyboard ShortcutsPintasan &KiborSave Database Backup…Simpan Cadangan Basis Data...Add key to SSH AgentTambahkan kunci ke Agen SSHRemove key from SSH AgentBuang kunci dari Agen SSHCompact ModeMode RingkasAutomaticOtomatisLightTerangDarkGelapClassic (Platform-native)Klasik (Native-platform)Show MenubarShow ToolbarTampilkan Bilah AlatShow Preview PanelTampilkan Panel PratinjauAlways on TopSelalu di AtasHide UsernamesSembunyikan Nama PenggunaHide PasswordsSembunyikan SandiClone Group...Clone Group...&XML File…Berkas &XML...Clear historyBersihkan riwayatAccess error for config file %1Galat akses untuk berkas konfigurasi %1Don't show again for this versionJangan tampilkan lagu untuk versi iniWARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC.
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.PERINGATAN: Anda menggunakan versi tidak stabil dari KeePassXC.
Kemungkinan besar akan terjadi korup, pelihara cadangan basis data Anda.
Versi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan sehari-hari.NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.CATATAN: Anda menggunakan versi pra-rilis KeePassXC.
Ada beberapa kutu dan masalah-masalah kecil, versi ini ditujukan untuk penggunaan percobaan.WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.No TagsTidak Ada TagRestore Entry(s)SettingsPengaturanCheck for updates on startup?Periksa pembaruan saat memulai?Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup?Apakah Anda ingin KeePassXC memeriksa pembaruan setiap memulai aplikasi?You can always check for updates manually from the application menu.Anda selalu bisa memeriksa pembaruan secara manual dari menu aplikasi.Toggle windowJungkit jendelaQuit KeePassXCKeluar KeePassXC%1 Entry(s)Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue…Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue…Restart Application?Mulai Ulang Aplikasi?You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now?Anda harus memulai ulang aplikasi untuk menerapkan pengaturan ini. Apakah Anda ingin memulai ulang sekarang?Allow Screen CaptureIzinkan Tangkapan Layar1Password 1PUX...Import a 1Password 1PUX fileImport…Passkeys…Import PasskeyQuit ApplicationOpen About DialogOpen DatabaseCreate DatabaseMerge From DatabaseCreate EntryEdit EntrySunting EntriDelete EntryCreate GroupEdit GroupSunting GrupDelete GroupDownload All FaviconsSort Groups A-ZSort Groups Z-ASave Database AsShow Database SecurityShow Database ReportsShow Database SettingsShow PasskeysClone EntryMove Entry UpMove Entry DownCopy UsernameSalin Nama PenggunaCopy PasswordSalin Kata SandiShow Application SettingsShow Password GeneratorPerform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {TOTP}Copy TitleCopy URLCopy NotesExport to CSVExport to HTMLImport KeePass1 DatabaseImpor Basis Data KeePass1Import 1Password VaultImport CSV FileShow TOTP QR CodeSet up TOTPEmpty Recycle BinOpen Donation WebsiteOpen Bug ReportOpen Online DocumentationOpen Keyboard Shortcuts GuideSave Database BackupSSH Agent: Add KeySSH Agent: Remove KeyToggle Compact ModeSet Theme: AutomaticSet Theme: LightSet Theme: DarkSet Theme: ClassicToggle Show MenubarToggle Show ToolbarToggle Show Preview PanelToggle Always on TopToggle Hide UsernamesToggle Hide PasswordsExport to XMLToggle Allow Screen CaptureRemote S&ync…Remove Passkey From EntrySetup Remote Sync…ManageDatabaseDatabase settingsPengaturan basis dataEdit database settingsSunting pengaturan basis dataUnlock databaseBuka kunci basis dataUnlock database to show more informationBuka kunci basis data untuk menampilkan lebih banyak informasiLock databaseKunci basis dataManageSessionDisconnectPutuskan koneksiDisconnect this applicationPutuskan koneksi aplikasi iniResetResetReset any remembered decisions for this applicationReset any remembered decisions for this applicationMergerCreating missing %1 [%2]Creating missing %1 [%2]Relocating %1 [%2]Memindahkan %1 [%2]Overwriting %1 [%2]Menyimpan ulang %1 [%2]Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2]Menyinkronkan dengan sumber yang lebih baru %1 [%2]Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2]Menyinkronkan dengan sumber yang lebih lama %1 [%2]Deleting child %1 [%2]Deleting child %1 [%2]Deleting orphan %1 [%2]Deleting orphan %1 [%2]Changed deleted objectsMengubah objek yang telah dihapusAdding missing icon %1Menambahkan ikon %1 yang hilangRemoved custom data %1 [%2] Data khusus yang dihapus %1[%2]Adding custom data %1 [%2]Menambahkan data khusus %1[%2]NewDatabaseWizardCreate a new KeePassXC database…Create a new KeePassXC database…RootRoot groupRootNewDatabaseWizardPageWizardPageLamanPemanduEncryption SettingsPengaturan EnkripsiHere you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.Di sini Anda bisa menyesuaikan pengaturan enkripsi basis data. Jangan khawatir, Anda bisa mengubahnya lagi nanti di pengaturan basis data.NewDatabaseWizardPageDatabaseKeyDatabase CredentialsKredensial Basis DataA set of credentials known only to you that protects your database.Kredensial yang hanya diketahui oleh Anda yang melindungi basis data Anda.NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryptionEncryption SettingsPengaturan EnkripsiHere you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.Di sini Anda bisa menyesuaikan pengaturan enkripsi basis data. Jangan khawatir, Anda bisa mengubahnya lagi nanti di pengaturan basis data.NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaDataGeneral Database InformationInformasi Basis Data UmumPlease fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database:Silakan masukkan nama dan deskripsi opsional untuk basis data Anda yang baru:NixUtilsPassword ManagerPengelola SandiGlobal shortcut already registered to %1Pintasan global telah didaftarkan ke %1Could not register global shortcutTidak bisa mendaftar pintasan globalOpData01Invalid OpData01, does not contain headerInvalid OpData01, does not contain headerUnable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1Tidak dapat membaca semua IV bytes, seharusnya 16 tetapi mendapat %1Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1Unable to read all HMAC signature bytesTidak dapat membaca semua HMAC signature bytesMalformed OpData01 due to a failed HMACBentuk OpData01 tidak benar karena HMAC yang salahUnable to process clearText in placeUnable to process clearText in placeExpected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2OpVaultReaderDirectory .opvault must existDirektori .opvault harus adaDirectory .opvault must be readableDirektori .opvault harus bisa dibacaDirectory .opvault/default must existDirektori .opvault/default harus adaDirectory .opvault/default must be readableDirektori .opvault/default harus bisa dibacaUnable to decode masterKey: %1Tidak dapat mendekodekan kuncimaster: %1Unable to derive master key: %1Unable to derive master key: %1OpenSSHKeyInvalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH keyBerkas kunci tidak valid, mengharapkan kunci OpenSSHPEM boundary mismatchPEM boundary tidak cocok.Base64 decoding failedDekode base64 gagalKey file way too small.Berkas kunci terlalu kecil.Key file magic header id invalidKey file magic header id invalidFound zero keysTidak ada key yang ditemukanFailed to read public key.Gagal membaca kunci publik.Corrupted key file, reading private key failedBerkas kunci rusak, gagal membaca kunci privatUnsupported key type: %1Jenis key tidak didukung: %1No private key payload to decryptTidak ada isi dari private key untuk didekripsiUnknown cipher: %1Cipher tidak diketahui: %1AES-256/GCM is currently not supportedAES-256/GCM saat ini tidak didukungPassphrase is required to decrypt this keyMembutuhkan frasa sandi untuk mendekripsi kunci iniKey derivation failed: %1Derivasi kunci gagal: %1Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdfCipher IV terlalu pendek untuk MD5 kdfUnknown KDF: %1KDF tidak diketahui: %1Failed to initialize cipher: %1Failed to initialize cipher: %1Decryption failed: %1Pendekripsian gagal: %1Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?Dekripsi gagal, frasa sandi salah?Unexpected EOF while reading keyUnexpected EOF while reading keyUnsupported key partUnsupported key partUnexpected EOF while reading public keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat membaca kunci publikUnknown key type: %1Jenis key tidak diketahui: %1Unexpected EOF while reading private keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat membaca kunci privatCan't write public key as it is emptyTidak bisa membuat public key karena tidak ada isinyaUnexpected EOF when writing public keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat menulis kunci publikCan't write private key as it is emptyTidak bisa membuat private key karena tidak ada isinyaUnexpected EOF when writing private keyEOF yang tidak terduga saat menulis kunci privat(encrypted)(terenkripsi)OpenSSHKeyGenDialogSSH Key GeneratorTypeTipeBitsCommentKomentarPasskeyExportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey ExportFilenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.Export entriesExport SelectedCancelBatalExport to folderExport the following passkey entries.PasskeyExporterKeePassXC: Passkey ExportFile "%1.passkey" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?
Cannot open fileCannot open file "%1" for writing.Cannot write to filePasskeyImportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey ImportUsername: %1GroupGrupDatabaseBasis dataImport PasskeyImportImporCancelBatalEntryEntriCreate new entryRelying Party: %1Import the following passkey:Import the following passkey to this entry:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)PasskeyImporterPasskey fileAll filesSemua berkasCannot open fileCannot open file "%1" for reading.Open passkey fileCannot import passkeyCannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.PasswordEditWidgetEnter password:Masukkan sandi:Password fieldRuas sandiConfirm password:Konfirmasi sandi:Repeat password fieldRuas pengulangan sandiPasswordSandiAdd PasswordTambahkan Kata SandiChange PasswordChange PasswordRemove PasswordRemove PasswordPassword set, click to change or removePassword set, click to change or remove<p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p><p>Kata sandi adalah metode utama untuk mengamankan basis data Anda.</p><p>Kata sandi yang bagus adalah unik dan panjang. KeePassXC dapat menghasilkan satu untuk Anda.</p> Passwords do not match.Sandi tidak sama.PasswordGeneratorWidgetGenerate PasswordBuat SandistrengthPassword strengthkekuatanentropyentropiGenerated passwordSandi yang dibuat%p%%p%Regenerate passwordBuat ulang sandiCopy passwordSalin sandiPasswordSandi&Length:&Panjang:Password lengthPanjang sandiSwitch to advanced modeBeralih ke mode lanjutanAdvancedTingkat LanjutCharacter TypesTipe KarakterSpecial charactersKarakter spesialQuotesTanda PetikPunctuationTanda BacaDashes and SlashesGaris Tengah dan MiringUpper-case lettersHuruf besarNumbersAngkaLower-case lettersHuruf kecilMath SymbolsSimbol MatematikaExtended ASCIIASCII LanjutanBracesTanda KurungDo not include:Jangan sertakan:Additional characters to use for the generated passwordKarakter tambahan yang digunakan untuk membuat sandiAdditional charactersKarakter tambahanAdd non-hex letters to "do not include" listTambahkan huruf bukan-hex ke daftar "jangan sertakan"Hex PasswordsSandi HexHexHexCharacter set to exclude from generated passwordKarakter yang dikecualikan dari sandi yang dibuatExcluded charactersKarakter yang dikecualikanAlso choose from:Juga pilih dari:Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"Karakter yang dikecualikan: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"Exclude look-alike charactersKecualikan karakter miripPick characters from every groupPilih karakter dari setiap grupPassphraseFrasa SandiWord Separator:Pemisah Kata:Wordlist:Daftar Kata:Word Count:Jumlah Kata:Character Count:Cacah Karakter:Word Case:Besar Kecil Kata:Delete selected wordlistDelete selected wordlistAdd custom wordlistAdd custom wordlistcharacterkarakterCloseTutupEscEscApply PasswordTerapkan kata sandiRegenerate password (%1)Buat ulang sandi (%1)lower casehuruf kecilUPPER CASEHURUF BESARTitle CaseBesar Kecil Judul(SYSTEM)(SYSTEM)Entropy: %1 bitEntropi: %1 bitPassword Quality: %1Kualitas Sandi: %1PoorPassword qualityBurukWeakPassword qualityLemahGoodPassword qualityBaikExcellentPassword qualitySempurnaConfirm Delete WordlistConfirm Delete WordlistDo you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"?Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"?Failed to delete wordlistFailed to delete wordlistWordlistsWordlistsAll filesSemua BerkasSelect Custom WordlistSelect Custom WordlistOverwrite Wordlist?Overwrite Wordlist?Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist.
Do you want to overwrite it?Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist.
Do you want to overwrite it?Failed to add wordlistFailed to add wordlistLogogramsLogogramSpecial CharactersKarakter SpesialPasswordWidgetPasswords do not matchSandi tidak samaPasswords match so farKata sandi cocok sejauh iniToggle Password (%1)Aktif/Nonaktifkan Sandi (%1)Generate Password (%1)Buat Sandi (%1)Warning: Caps Lock enabled!Peringatan: Caps Lock aktif!Quality: %1Kualitas: %1PoorPassword qualityBurukWeakPassword qualityLemahGoodPassword qualityBaikExcellentPassword qualitySempurnaToggle password visibility using Control + H. Open the password generator using Control + G.PickcharsDialogKeePassXC - Pick CharactersKeePassXC - Pick CharactersSelect characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits.Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits.Press &Tab between charactersPress &Tab between charactersQMessageBoxOverwriteTimpaDeleteHapusMovePindahEmptyKosongRemoveBuangSkipLewatiDisableNonaktifkanMergeGabungContinueLanjutkanContinue with weak passwordQObjectDatabase not openedBasis Data tidak terbukaDatabase hash not availableHash basis data tidak tersediaClient public key not receivedKunci publik klien tidak diterimaCannot decrypt messageTidak bisa mendekripsi pesanAction cancelled or deniedTindakan dibatalkan atau ditolakMessage encryption failed.Enkripsi pesan gagal.KeePassXC association failed, try againAsosiasi KeePassXC gagal, coba lagiEncryption key is not recognizedKunci enkripsi tidak dikenaliIncorrect actionTindakan salahEmpty message receivedPesan kosong diterimaNo URL providedURL tidak adaNo logins foundTidak ditemukan log masukNo groups foundTidak ada grup yang ditemukanCannot create new groupTidak bisa membuat grup baruNo valid UUID providedNo valid UUID providedUnknown errorGalat tidak diketahuiBrowser IntegrationIntegrasi PerambanBrowser Plugin FailureKegagalan Pengaya PerambanCould not save the native messaging script file for %1.Could not save the native messaging script file for %1.Username for the entry.Nama pengguna untuk entri.usernamenama penggunaURL for the entry.URL untuk entri.URLURLNotes for the entry.Notes for the entry.NotesCatatanPrompt for the entry's password.Ingatkan sandi entri.Generate a password for the entry.Buat sandi entri.Add a new entry to a database.Tambahkan entri baru ke basis data.Path of the entry to add.Jalur entri yang akan ditambahkan.Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time.Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time.Could not create entry with path %1.Tidak bisa membuat entri dengan jalur %1.Enter password for new entry: Masukkan sandi untuk entri baru:Writing the database failed %1.Gagal menyimpan basis data %1.Successfully added entry %1.Berhasil menambahkan entri %1.Adds a new group to a database.Menambahkan grup baru ke basis data.Path of the group to add.Jalur dari grup yang ingin ditambahkan.Group %1 already exists!Grup %1 sudah ada!Group %1 not found.Grup %1 tidak ditemukan.Successfully added group %1.Berhasil menambahkan grup %1.Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.Periksa apakah ada kata sandi yang dibocorkan secara publik. NAMABERKAS harus menjadi jalur dari daftar berkas kata sandi hash SHA-1 yang bocor dalam format HIBP, sebagaimana tersedia dari https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.FILENAMENAMABERKASPath to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP filePath to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP fileokon-cliokon-cliAnalyze passwords for weaknesses and problems.Menganalisa kata sandi untuk kelemahan dan masalah.Cannot find HIBP file: %1Cannot find HIBP file: %1Evaluating database entries using okon…Evaluating database entries using okon…Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2Gagal membuka berkas HIBP %1: %2Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while…Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while…Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)!Kata sandi untuk '%1' telah bocor %2 kali!Password for '%1' has been leaked!Password for '%1' has been leaked!Export an attachment of an entry.Export an attachment of an entry.Path of the entry with the target attachment.Path of the entry with the target attachment.Name of the attachment to be exported.Name of the attachment to be exported.Path to which the attachment should be exported.Path to which the attachment should be exported.Could not find entry with path %1.Tidak bisa menemukan entri dengan jalur %1.Could not find attachment with name %1.Could not find attachment with name %1.No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'.No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'.Could not open output file %1.Could not open output file %1.Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3.Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3.Overwrite existing attachments.Overwrite existing attachments.Imports an attachment to an entry.Imports an attachment to an entry.Path of the entry.Path of the entry.Name of the attachment to be added.Name of the attachment to be added.Path of the attachment to be imported.Path of the attachment to be imported.Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2.Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2.Could not open attachment file %1.Could not open attachment file %1.Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3.Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3.Remove an attachment of an entry.Remove an attachment of an entry.Name of the attachment to be removed.Name of the attachment to be removed.Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2.Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2.Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified.Don't translate "password", it refers to the attribute.Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified.Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp").Salin TOTP saat ini ke papan klip (setara dengan "-a totp").Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown.Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown.Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard.Salin atribut entri ke papan klip.Path of the entry to clip.clip = copy to clipboardJalur entri yang akan di salin.Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited).Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited).Invalid timeout value %1.Nilai waktu habis tidak valid %1.Multiple entries matching:Multiple entries matching:Using matching entry: %1Using matching entry: %1Entry %1 not found.Entri %1 tidak ditemukan.ERROR: Please specify one of --attribute or --totp, not both.ERROR: Harap tentukan salah satu dari --attribute atau -totp, bukan keduanya.Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up.Entri dengan jalur %1 belum memiliki TOTP.ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2.ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2.Attribute "%1" not found.Atribut "%1" tidak ditemukan.Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard!Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard!Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)...Menghapus entri papan klip dalam %1 detik...Clipboard cleared!Entri papan klip dihapus!Close the currently opened database.Tutup basis data yang saat ini dibuka.Display this help.Tampilkan bantuan ini.Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs.Jangan tampilkan pengingat sandi dan kaluaran sekunder lainnya.Key file of the database.Berkas kunci dari basis data.pathjalurDeactivate password key for the database.Nonaktifkan kunci kata sandi untuk basis data.Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001).Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001).slot[:serial]slot[:serial]Missing positional argument(s).Missing positional argument(s).Too many arguments provided.Too many arguments provided.Path of the database.Jalur ke basis data.Target decryption time in MS for the database.Target waktu pendekripsian dalam MD untuk basis data.timewaktuSet the key file for the database.Atur berkas kunci untuk basis data.Set a password for the database.Atur kata sandi untuk basis data.Create a new database.Buat basis data baru.Invalid decryption time %1.Waktu dekripsi tidak valid %1.Target decryption time must be between %1 and %2.Waktu dekripsi target harus antara %1 dan %2.Failed to set database password.Gagal mengatur kata sandi basis data.Loading the key file failedPemuatan berkas kunci gagalNo key is set. Aborting database creation.Tidak ada kunci yang diatur. Membatalkan pembuatan basis data.Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay.Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay.Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function.Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function.error while setting database key derivation settings.terjadi kesalahan ketika mengatur pengaturan derivasi kunci basis data.File %1 already exists.Berkas %1 sudah ada.Failed to save the database: %1.Gagal menyimpan basis data: %1.Successfully created new database.Berhasil membuat basis data baru.Unset the password for the database.Batal atur kata sandi untuk basis data.Unset the key file for the database.Batal atur berkas kunci untuk basis data.Edit a database.Edit basis data.Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time.Tidak dapat menggunakan %1 dan %2 secara bersamaan.Could not change the database key.Tidak dapat mengubah kunci database.Database was not modified.Basis data tidak dimodifikasi.Writing the database failed: %1Gagal menyimpan basis data: %1Successfully edited the database.Berhasil mengedit database.Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password.Tidak dapat menghapus kata sandi: Database tidak memiliki kata sandi.Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key.Tidak dapat menghapus kunci file: Database tidak memiliki kunci file.Loading the new key file failed: %1Gagal memuat file kunci baru: %1Found unexpected Key type %1Ditemukan tipe Kunci tidak terduga %1Cannot remove all the keys from a database.Tidak dapat menghapus semua kunci dari database.Show a database's information.Tampilkan informasi basis data.UUID: UUID:Name: Nama:Description: Deskripsi:Cipher: Sandi Cipher:KDF: KDF:Recycle bin is enabled.Keranjang sampah diaktifkan.Recycle bin is not enabled.Keranjang sampah tidak diaktifkan.LocationLokasiDatabase createdDatabase createdLast savedTerakhir disimpanUnsaved changesBerubahan belum disimpanyesyanotidakNumber of groupsJumlah grupNumber of entriesJumlah entriNumber of expired entriesJumlah entri yang kedaluwarsaUnique passwordsKata sandi unikNon-unique passwordsKata sandi tidak unikMaximum password reusePenggunaan ulang kata sandi maksimalNumber of short passwordsJumlah kata sandi singkatNumber of weak passwordsJumlah kata sandi yang lemahEntries excluded from reportsEntri dikecualikan dari laporanAverage password lengthPanjang rata-rata kata sandi%1 characters%1 karakterWord count for the diceware passphrase.Jumlah kata untuk frasa sandi diceware.countCLI parameterjumlahWordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]Daftar kata untuk generator diceware.
[Bawaan: Inggris EFF]Generate a new random diceware passphrase.Buat frasa sandi diceware acak yang baru.Invalid word count %1Jumlah kata tidak valid %1The word list is too small (< 1000 items)Daftar kata terlalu kecil (<1000 item)Title for the entry.Judul entri.titlejudulEdit an entry.Sunting sebuah entri.Path of the entry to edit.Jalur entri yang akan disunting.Not changing any field for entry %1.Not changing any field for entry %1.Enter new password for entry: Masukkan sandi baru untuk entri:Successfully edited entry %1.Berhasil menyunting entri %1.Perform advanced analysis on the password.Jalankan analisis tingkat lanjut pada sandi.Password for which to estimate the entropy.Sandi untuk diestimasi entropinya.Estimate the entropy of a password.Estimasi entropi sandi.Length %1Panjang %1Entropy %1Entropi %1Log10 %1Log10 %1Multi-word extra bits %1Multi-word extra bits %1Type: BruteforceTipe: BruteforceType: DictionaryTipe: DictionaryType: Dict+LeetTipe: Dict+LeetType: User WordsTipe: User WordsType: User+LeetTipe: User+LeetType: RepeatedTipe: RepeatedType: SequenceTipe: SequenceType: SpatialTipe: SpatialType: DateTipe: TanggalType: Bruteforce(Rep)Type: Bruteforce(Rep)Type: Dictionary(Rep)Type: Dictionary(Rep)Type: Dict+Leet(Rep)Type: Dict+Leet(Rep)Type: User Words(Rep)Type: User Words(Rep)Type: User+Leet(Rep)Type: User+Leet(Rep)Type: Repeated(Rep)Type: Repeated(Rep)Type: Sequence(Rep)Type: Sequence(Rep)Type: Spatial(Rep)Type: Spatial(Rep)Type: Date(Rep)Type: Date(Rep)Type: Unknown (%1)Type: Unknown (%1)Entropy %1 (%2)Entropi %1 (%2)*** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) ****** Panjang kata sandi (%1) != jumlah panjang bagian (%2) ***Exit interactive mode.Keluar dari mode interaktif.Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.Format yang digunakan ketika mengekspor. Pilihan yang tersedia adalah 'xml' atau 'csv'. Standarnya adalah 'xml'.Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Ekspor konten dari basis data ke keluaran standar dalam format yang ditentukan.Unable to export database to XML: %1Tidak bisa mengekspor basis data ke XML: %1Unsupported format %1Format tidak didukung %1Length of the generated passwordPanjang dari sandi yang dibuatlengthpanjangUse lowercase charactersGunakan karakter huruf kecilUse uppercase charactersGunakan karakter huruf besarUse numbersGunakan angkaUse special charactersGunakan karakter spesialUse extended ASCIIGunakan ASCII lanjutanExclude character setKecualikan karaktercharskarakterUse custom character setUse custom character setExclude similar looking charactersKecualikan karakter yang miripInclude characters from every selected groupSertakan karakter dari setiap grup yang dipilihGenerate a new random password.Buat kata sandi baru secara acak.Invalid password length %1Panjang sandi tidak valid %1Invalid password generator after applying all optionsInvalid password generator after applying all optionsDisplay command help.Tampilkan bantuan perintah.Available commands:Perintah yang tersedia:Import the contents of an XML database.Impor konten dari basis data XML.Path of the XML database export.Jalur ke berkas XML hasil ekspor basis data.Path of the new database.Jalur dari basis data baru.Unable to import XML database: %1Tidak bisa mengimpor basis data XML: %1Successfully imported database.Berhasil mengimpor basis data.Unknown command %1Perintah tidak diketahui %1
Available commands:
Perintah yang tersedia:
Name of the command to execute.Nama perintah untuk dijalankan.Displays debugging information.Tampilkan informasi pengawakutuan.Invalid command %1.Perintah tidak valid %1.Recursively list the elements of the group.Tampilkan daftar semua elemen dari grup.Flattens the output to single lines.Ratakan keluaran menjadi satu baris.List database entries.Daftar entri basis data.Path of the group to list. Default is /Jalur grup untuk ditampilkan. Bawaan adalah /Cannot find group %1.Tidak bisa menemukan grup %1.Use the same credentials for both database files.Gunakan kredensial yang sama untuk kedua berkas basis data.Key file of the database to merge from.Berkas kunci dari basis data yang akan digabungkan.Deactivate password key for the database to merge from.Nonaktifkan kunci kata sandi untuk menggabungkan basis data.Only print the changes detected by the merge operation.Hanya cetak perubahan yang terdeteksi oleh operasi gabungan.Yubikey slot for the second database.Slot Yubikey untuk basis data kedua.slotslotMerge two databases.Gabungkan dua basis data.Path of the database to merge from.Jalur sumber basis data untuk digabungkan.Error reading merge file:
%1Terjadi kesalahan saat menggabungkan berkas:
%1Unable to save database to file : %1Tidak bisa menyimpan basis data ke berkas : %1Successfully merged %1 into %2.Berhasil menggabungkan %1 ke %2.Database was not modified by merge operation.Basis Data tidak ada perubahan yang diakibatkan oleh proses penggabungan.Moves an entry to a new group.Pindah entri ke grup baruPath of the entry to move.Jalur dari entri yang ingin dipindahkanPath of the destination group.Jalur dari destinasi grup.Could not find group with path %1.Tidak bisa menemukan grup dengan jalur %1.Entry is already in group %1.Entri sudah ada di dalam grup %1.Successfully moved entry %1 to group %2.Berhasil memindahkan entri %1 ke grup %2Open a database.Buka basis data.Path of the entry to remove.Jalur entri untuk dibuang.Unable to save database to file: %1Tidak bisa menyimpan basis data ke berkas: %1Successfully recycled entry %1.Berhasil mendaur ulang entri: %1.Successfully deleted entry %1.Berhasil menghapus entri %1.Path of the group to remove.Jalur dari grup yang ingin dihapus.Cannot remove root group from database.Tidak dapat menghapus grup root dari basis data.Successfully recycled group %1.Berhasil memulihkan grup %1.Successfully deleted group %1.Berhasil menghapus grup %1.Find entries quickly.Temukan entri dengan cepat.Search term.Lema pencarian.Show the entry's current TOTP.Tampilkan TOTP entri.Show the protected attributes in clear text.Tampilkan atribut yang dilindungi dalam teks yang jelas.Show all the attributes of the entry.Tampilkan semua atribut entri.Show the attachments of the entry.Show the attachments of the entry.Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.Nama atribut yang akan ditampilkan. Opsi ini bisa digunakan lebih dari sekali, dengan masing-masing atribut ditampilkan satu per baris sesuai dengan urutannya. Jika tidak ada atribut, ringkasan atribut bawaan akan ditampilkan.attributeatributShow an entry's information.Tampilkan informasi entri.Name of the entry to show.Nama entri untuk ditampilkan.ERROR: unknown attribute %1.GALAT: atribut tidak diketahui %1.No attachments present.No attachments present.Attachments:Attachments:Failed to open database file %1: not foundGagal membuka berkas basis data %1: tidak ditemukanFailed to open database file %1: not a plain fileGagal membuka berkas basis data %1: bukan berkas biasaFailed to open database file %1: not readableGagal membuka berkas basis data %1: tidak terbacaEnter password to unlock %1: Masukkan sandi untuk membuka %1:Failed to load key file %1: %2Gagal memuat berkas kunci %1: %2WARNING: You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may
stop supporting in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.PERINGATAN: Anda menggunakan sebuah format berkas kunci lama yang mungkin
tidak akan didukung lagi oleh KeePassXC di masa depan.
Mohon buat berkas kunci yang baru saja.Invalid YubiKey slot %1Slot YubiKey tidak valid %1Invalid YubiKey serial %1Serial YubiKey tidak valid %1Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue.Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue.Enter password to encrypt database (optional): Masukkan sandi untuk mengenkripsi basis data (opsional):Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]: Apakah Anda ingin membuat basis data dengan kata sandi kosong? [y/N]:Repeat password: Ulangi kata sandi:Error: Passwords do not match.Error: kata sandi tidak sesuai.No program defined for clipboard manipulationTidak ada program yang bisa digunakan untuk manipulasi papan klipAll clipping programs failed. Tried %1
All clipping programs failed. Tried %1
Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2Membuat BerkasKunci %1 gagal: %2Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2Memuat BerkasKunci %1 gagal: %2HIBP file, line %1: parse errorBerkas HIBP, baris %1: galat uraiTo use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon)To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon)Could not start okon process: %1Could not start okon process: %1Error: okon process did not finishError: okon process did not finishFailed to load okon processed database: %1Failed to load okon processed database: %1Very weak passwordKata sandi sangat lemahPassword entropy is %1 bitsEntropi sandi adalah %1 bitWeak passwordKata sandi lemahUsed in %1/%2Digunakan di %1/%2Password is used %1 time(s)Kata sandi telah digunakan %1 kaliPassword has expiredKata sandi kedaluwarsaPassword expiry was %1Sandi kedaluwarsa pada %1Password expires on %1Kata sandi kedaluwarsa pada %1Password is about to expireKata sandi akan kedaluwarsaPassword expires in %1 day(s)Kata sandi kedaluwarsa dalam %1 hariPassword will expire soonKata sandi akan segera kedaluwarsaVersion %1Versi %1Build Type: %1Tipe Build: %1Revision: %1Revisi: %1Distribution: %1Distribusi: %1Debugging mode is disabled.Mode debugging dinonaktifkan.Debugging mode is enabled.Mode debugging diaktifkan.Operating system: %1
CPU architecture: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Sistem operasi: %1
Arsitektur CPU: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Auto-TypeKetik-OtomatisSSH AgentSSH AgentKeeShareKeeShareYubiKeyYubiKeyQuick UnlockBuka Kunci CepatSecret Service IntegrationIntegrasi Layanan RahasiaNoneNihilEnabled extensions:Ekstensi aktif:over %1 year(s)lebih dari %1 tahunabout %1 month(s)sekitar %1 bulan%1 week(s)%1 minggu%1 day(s)%1 hari%1 hour(s)%1 jam%1 minute(s)%1 menitBotan library must be at least %1, found %2.%3.%4Pustaka Botan mesti setidaknya %1, ditemukan %2.%3.%4Cryptographic libraries:Pustaka kriptografi:AES (%1 rounds)AES (%1 ronde)Argon2%1 (%2 rounds, %3 KB)Argon2%1 (%2 ronde, %3 KB)SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode.SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode.SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2.SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2.Cipher not initialized prior to use.Cipher not initialized prior to use.Cannot process 0 length data.Cannot process 0 length data.unknown executable (DBus address %1)unknown executable (DBus address %1)%1 (invalid executable path)%1 (invalid executable path)NULL devicePerangkat NULLerror reading from devicegalat membaca dari perangkatfile emptyberkas kosongmalformed stringlema rusakmissing closing quotekehilangan tanda kutip tutup%1: (row, col) %2,%3%1: (baris, kolom) %2,%3AES 256-bitAES 256-bitTwofish 256-bitTwofish 256-bitChaCha20 256-bitChaCha20 256-bitArgon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended)Argon2d (KDBX 4 – direkomendasikan)Argon2id (KDBX 4)Argon2id (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 3)AES-KDF (KDBX 3)Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled.Berkas penguncian tidak bisa dibuat. Mode aplikasi tunggal dinonaktifkan.Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)…Menghapus papan klip dalam %1 detik...GroupGrupTitleJudulUsernameNama penggunaPasswordSandiTOTPTOTPIconIkonLast ModifiedTerakhir DiubahCreatedDibuatBenchmark %1 delayBenchmark %1 delay%1 msmilliseconds%1 mili detik%1 sseconds%1 detikDo you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus entri "%1" untuk selamanya?Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus %n entri untuk selamanya?Delete entry(s)?Hapus masukan?Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?Apakah Anda yakin ingin memindahkan "%1" ke keranjang sampah?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?Move entry(s) to recycle bin?Pindahkan entri ke tempat sampah?Replace references to entry?Ganti referensi ke entri?Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway?Entri "%1" memiliki %2 rujukan. Anda ingin menimpa rujukan dengan nilai, lewatkan entri ini, atau hapus saja?User nameNama penggunaBrowser StatisticsStatistik PerambanHealth CheckPemeriksaan KesehatanHIBPHIBPStatisticsStatistikUnsupported key file version: %1Versi berkas kunci tidak didukung: %1Checksum mismatch! Key file may be corrupt.Checksum tidak cocok! Berkas kunci mungkin korup.Unexpected key file data! Key file may be corrupt.Data berkas kunci tidak terduga! Berkas kunci mungkin korup.KeePassXC - cross-platform password managerKeePassXC - pengelola sandi lintas platformfilenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)nama berkas basis data sandi untuk dibuka (*.kdbx)path to a custom config filejalur ke berkas konfigurasi khususpath to a custom local config filejalur ke berkas konfigurasi lokal khususlock all open databaseskunci semua basis data yang terbukakey file of the databaseberkas kunci basis dataread password of the database from stdinbaca sandi basis data dari stdinDatabase failed to lock.Basis Data gagal dikunci.Another instance of KeePassXC is already running.Aplikasi KeePassXC lainnya sudah berjalan.KeePassXC is not running. No open database to lockKeePassXC tidak berjalan. Tidak ada database terbuka untuk dikunciFatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.Galat saat menguji fungsi kriptografi.KeePassXC - ErrorKeePassXC - GalatDatabase password: Sandi basis data:Invalid SettingsTOTPPengaturan Tidak ValidInvalid KeyTOTPKunci Tidak ValidFailed to create Windows Hello credential.Failed to create Windows Hello credential.Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello.Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello.Warning: Failed to block screenshot capture on a top-level window.Peringatan: Gagal memblokir tangkapan layar pada jendela tingkat atas.Invalid CipherCipher tidak validInvalid KDFKDF tidak validAccess to all entries is deniedAkses pada semua masukan ditolakallow screenshots and app recording (Windows/macOS)izinkan pencuplikan layar dan perekaman aplikasi (Windows/macOS)Set the key file for the database.
This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.Databases have been locked.Attestation not supportedCredential is excludedPasskeys request canceledInvalid user verificationEmpty public keyInvalid URL providedPasskeysAES initialization failedAES encrypt failedFailed to store in Linux KeyringPolkit returned an error: %1Could not locate key in keyringCould not read key in keyringAES decrypt failedNo Polkit authentication agent was availablePolkit authorization failedNo Quick Unlock provider is availableFailed to init KeePassXC crypto.Gagal menginisialisasi kripto KeePassXC.Failed to encrypt key data.Gagal mengenkripsi data kunci.Failed to get Windows Hello credential.Gagal mendapatkan kredensial Windows Hello.Failed to decrypt key data.Gagal mendekripsi data kunci.Origin is empty or not allowedEffective domain is not a valid domainOrigin and RP ID do not matchNo supported algorithms were providedWait for timer to expireChallenge is shorter than required minimum lengthuser.id does not match the required lengthFavoriteTag for favorite entriesFile does not exist.Cannot open file: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2Failed to decrypt json file: %1Invalid encKeyValidation fieldInvalid cipher list within encKeyValidation fieldWrong passwordInvalid encrypted data fieldInvalid cipher list within encrypted data fieldCannot initialize cipherCannot decrypt dataBitwarden ImportArchivedTag for archived entriesInvalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data1Password ImportEnter ShortcutActionShortcutsUnknown passkeys errorInvalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json fileUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protectedOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json fileQtIOCompressorInternal zlib error when compressing: Galat zlib internal ketika memampatkan:Error writing to underlying device: Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan ke perangkat:Error opening underlying device: Terjadi kesalahan saat membuka perangkat:Error reading data from underlying device: Terjadi kesalahan saat membaca data dari perangkat:Internal zlib error when decompressing: Galat zlib internal ketika dekompres:QtIOCompressor::openThe gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.Format gzip tidak didukung pada versi zlib ini.Internal zlib error: Galat zlib internal:RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.Invalid download parameters provided.Command `%1` failed to download database.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2ReportsWidgetBrowserStatisticsDouble-click entries to edit.Double-click entries to edit.List of entry URLsList of entry URLsEntry has no URLs setEntry has no URLs setAllowed URLsAllowed URLsEntry has no Browser Integration settingsEntry has no Browser Integration settingsDenied URLsDenied URLs (Excluded)(Dikecualikan)This entry is being excluded from reportsEntri ini sedang dikecualikan dari laporanPlease wait, browser statistics is being calculated…Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated…No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved.No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved.TitleJudulPathJalurURLsURLsEdit Entry…Edit Entry…Delete Entry(s)…Hapus Masukan...Exclude from reportsKecualikan dari laporanOnly show entries that have a URLOnly show entries that have been explicitly allowed or deniedShow expired entries (Expired)ReportsWidgetHealthcheckHover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.Layangi di atas alasan untuk menampilkan detail lanjutan. Klik dua kali pada entri untuk mengedit.BadPassword qualityBurukBad — password must be changedBuruk — kata sandi harus diubahPoorPassword qualityBurukPoor — password should be changedKurang baik — kata sandi harus diubahWeakPassword qualityLemahWeak — consider changing the passwordLemah — pertimbangkan untuk mengubah kata sandi (Excluded)(Dikecualikan)This entry is being excluded from reportsEntri ini sedang dikecualikan dari laporanPlease wait, health data is being calculated…Please wait, health data is being calculated…Congratulations, everything is healthy!Selamat, semuanya sehat!TitleJudulPathJalurScoreSkorReasonAlasanEdit Entry…Edit Entry…Delete Entry(s)…Hapus Masukan...Exclude from reportsKecualikan dari laporanShow expired entriesShow entries that have been excluded from reports (Expired)ReportsWidgetHibpCAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service (https://haveibeenpwned.com). If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service.PERHATIAN: Laporan ini membutuhkan pengiriman informasi ke layanan online Have I Been Pwned (https://haveibeenpwned.com). Jika Anda melanjutkan, kata sandi basis data Anda akan diacak secara kriptografis dan lima karakter pertama dari hash tersebut akan dikirim dengan aman ke layanan ini. Basis Data Anda tetap aman dan tidak dapat dibangun kembali dari informasi ini. Namun, jumlah kata sandi yang Anda kirim dan alamat IP Anda akan terpapar ke layanan ini.Perform Online AnalysisJalankan Analisis DaringAlso show entries that have been excluded from reportsTampilkan juga entri yang telah dikecualikan dari laporanThis build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases.Versi KeePassXC ini tidak memiliki fungsi konektivitas jaringan. Konektivitas jaringan diperlukan untuk memeriksa kata sandi Anda terhadap basis data Have I Been Pwned.Congratulations, no exposed passwords!Selamat, tidak ada kata sandi yang terekspos!TitleJudulPathJalurPassword exposed…Kata sandi terekspos... (Excluded)(Dikecualikan)This entry is being excluded from reportsEntri ini sedang dikecualikan dari laporanoncePassword exposure amountsekaliup to 10 timesPassword exposure amounthingga 10 kaliup to 100 timesPassword exposure amounthingga 100 kaliup to 1000 timesPassword exposure amounthingga 1000 kaliup to 10,000 timesPassword exposure amounthingga 10,000 kaliup to 100,000 timesPassword exposure amounthingga 100,000 kaliup to a million timesPassword exposure amounthingga 1 juta kalimillions of timesPassword exposure amountjutaan kaliEdit Entry…Edit Entry…Delete Entry(s)…Hapus Masukan...Exclude from reportsKecualikan dari laporanReportsWidgetPasskeysExportEksporImportImporList of entry URLsDaftar entri URLTitleJudulPathJalurUsernameNama penggunaURLsURLEdit Entry…Edit Entri...Delete Entry(s)…Hapus Masukan...Relying PartyShow expired entries (Expired)Export ConfirmationKonfirmasi EksporThe passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…No entries with passkeys.ReportsWidgetStatisticsHover over lines with error icons for further information.Layang di atas garis dengan ikon kesalahan untuk informasi lanjut.NameNamaValueNilaiPlease wait, database statistics are being calculated…Please wait, database statistics are being calculated…Database nameNama basis dataDescriptionDeskripsiLocationLokasiDatabase createdDatabase createdLast savedTerakhir disimpanUnsaved changesBerubahan belum disimpanyesyanotidakThe database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk.Basis Data telah dimodifikasi, tetapi perubahan belum disimpan ke penyimpanan.Number of groupsJumlah grupNumber of entriesJumlah entriNumber of expired entriesJumlah entri yang kedaluwarsaThe database contains entries that have expired.Basis Data berisi entri yang sudah kedaluwarsa.Unique passwordsKata sandi unikNon-unique passwordsKata sandi tidak unikMore than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible.Lebih dari 10% kata sandi digunakan kembali. Gunakan kata sandi unik jika memungkinkan.Maximum password reusePenggunaan ulang kata sandi maksimalSome passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible.Beberapa kata sandi digunakan lebih dari tiga kali. Gunakan kata sandi unik jika memungkinkan.Number of short passwordsJumlah kata sandi singkatRecommended minimum password length is at least 8 characters.Panjang kata sandi minimum yang disarankan minimal 8 karakter.Number of weak passwordsJumlah kata sandi yang lemahRecommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'.Disarankan menggunakan kata sandi panjang dan acak dengan peringkat 'bagus' atau 'bagus sekali'Entries excluded from reportsEntri dikecualikan dari laporanExcluding entries from reports, e. g. because they are known to have a poor password, isn't necessarily a problem but you should keep an eye on them.Tidak termasuk entri dari laporan mis. karena mereka diketahui untuk memiliki kata sandi yang buruk, bukan hal bermasalah tetapi Anda seharusnya mengawasinya.Average password lengthPanjang rata-rata kata sandi%1 characters%1 karakterAverage password length is less than ten characters. Longer passwords provide more security.Panjang rata-rata kata sandi kurang dari sepuluh karakter. Kata sandi yang lebih panjang memberikan keamanan yang lebih.SSHAgentAgent connection failed.Koneksi agen gagal.Agent protocol error.Galat protokol agen.No agent running, cannot add identity.Tidak ada agen yang berjalan, tidak dapat menambahkan identitas.Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add.Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add.Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include:Agen menolak identitas ini. Alasan yang mungkin meliputi:The key has already been added.Kunci sudah ditambahkan.Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options).Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options).A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options).A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options).Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable.Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable.No agent running, cannot remove identity.Tidak ada agen yang berjalan, tidak dapat menghapus identitas.No agent running, cannot list identities.Tidak ada agen yang berjalan, tidak dapat mendaftarkan identitas.SearchHelpWidgetSearch HelpCari BantuanSearch terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["]Kata pencarian seperti berikut ini: [modifiers][field:]["]term["]Every search term must match (ie, logical AND)Every search term must match (ie, logical AND)ModifiersModifiersexclude term from resultskecualikan kata dari hasil pencarianmatch term exactlymatch term exactlyuse regex in termuse regex in termFieldsKolomTerm WildcardsTerm Wildcardsmatch anythingmatch anythingmatch onematch onelogical ORlogical ORExamplesContohSearchWidgetSearchCariSearch HelpCari BantuanSave SearchSimpan pencarianSearch (%1)…Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcutCari (%1)...Case sensitiveSensitif besar kecil hurufLimit search to selected groupBatasi pencarian ke grup yang dipilihSettingsClientModelApplicationAplikasiPIDPIDDBus AddressDBus AddressManageKelolaSettingsDatabaseModelFile NameNama BerkasGroupGrupManageKelolaSettingsWidgetFdoSecretsOptionsPilihanEnable KeepassXC Freedesktop.org Secret Service integrationAktifkan KeepassXC Freedesktop.org Integrasi Layanan RahasiaGeneralUmumShow notification when passwords are retrieved by clientsShow notification when passwords are retrieved by clients<html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html>Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clientsConfirm when passwords are retrieved by clientsConfirm when clients request entry deletionConfirm when clients request entry deletionPrompt to unlock database before searchingTanya untuk membuka basis data sebelum mencariExposed database groups:Grup basis data yang terekspos:AuthorizationOtorisasiThese applications are currently connected:Aplikasi ini sedang terhubung:<b>Warning:</b> <b>Peringatan:</b>Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section.Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section.<html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>SettingsWidgetKeeShareActiveAktifAllow KeeShare importsIzinkan impor KeeShareAllow importIzinkan imporAllow KeeShare exportsIzinkan ekspor KeeShareAllow exportIzinkan eksporOnly show warnings and errorsHanya tampilkan peringatan dan errorOwn certificateSertifikat milik pribadiSigner:Signer:Generate new certificateHasilkan sertifikat baruGenerateBuatFingerprint:Sidik Jari:Signer name fieldKolom nama penandatanganFingerprintTanda tanganShareExportCould not write export container.Could not write export container.ShareImportSuccessful importSuccessful importShareObserverImport from %1 failed (%2)Impor dari %1 gagal (%2)Import from %1 successful (%2)Impor dari %1 berhasil (%2)Imported from %1Diimpor dari %1Multiple import source path to %1 in %2Multiple import source path to %1 in %2Conflicting export target path %1 in %2Conflicting export target path %1 in %2Export to %1 failed (%2)Ekspor ke %1 gagal (%2)Export to %1 successful (%2)Ekspor ke %1 berhasil (%2)Export to %1Ekspor ke %1ShortcutSettingsWidgetDouble click an action to change its shortcutShortcut ConflictFilter...Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?Reset ShortcutsTagModelClear SearchHapus PencarianAll EntriesSemua EntriExpiredKedaluwarsaWeak PasswordsKata Sandi LemahTagViewRemove SearchHapus PencarianRemove TagHapus TagConfirm Remove TagKonfirmasi Hapus TagRemove tag "%1" from all entries in this database?Hapus tag "%1" dari semua entri di database ini?TotpDialogTimed PasswordSandi BerwaktuCopySalinExpires in <b>%n</b> second(s)Kedaluwarsa dalam <b>%n</b> detikTotpExportSettingsDialogCopySalinNOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators.TOTP QR code dialog warningCATATAN: Pengaturan TOTP ini sangat khusus dan mungkin tidak akan bekerja dengan otentikator lainnya.There was an error creating the QR code.Ada kesalahan saat membuat kode QR.Closing in %1 seconds.Akan ditutup dalam %1 detik.TotpSetupDialogSetup TOTPSiapkan TOTPSecret Key:Kunci Rahasia:Secret key must be in Base32 formatKunci rahasia harus dalam format Base32Secret key fieldKolom kunci rahasiaDefault settings (RFC 6238)Default settings (RFC 6238)Steam® settingsSteam® settingsCustom settings:Custom settings:Custom SettingsPengaturan KhususAlgorithm:Algoritma:Time step:Interval waktu:Time step fieldTime step field secSecondsdetCode size:Ukuran kode: digitsangkaInvalid TOTP SecretTOTP Secret tidak validYou have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format.
Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXPAnda telah memasukkan kunci rahasia yang tidak valid. Kuncinya harus dalam format Base32.
Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXPConfirm Remove TOTP SettingsKonfirmasi Penghapusan Pengaturan TOTPAre you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus pengaturan TOTP untuk entri ini?URLEditInvalid URLURL tidak validUpdateCheckDialogChecking for updatesMemeriksa pembaruanChecking for updates…Checking for updates…CloseTutupSoftware UpdatePembaruan Perangkat LunakAn error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later.An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later.<strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="https://keepassxc.org/download/">downloaded here</a>.<strong>Sebuah versi baru tersedia.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 dapat <a href="https://keepassxc.org/download/">diunduh di sini</a>.You have the latest version of KeePassXCYou have the latest version of KeePassXCWelcomeWidgetStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC databaseMulai menyimpan sandi Anda dengan aman di dalam basis data KeePassXCRecent databasesBasis Data baru-baru iniOpen a recent databaseBuka basis data terbaruWelcome to KeePassXC %1Selamat datang di KeePassXC %1Create DatabaseOpen DatabaseImport FileWinUtilsInvalid key codeInvalid key codeGlobal shortcut already registered to %1Pintasan global telah didaftarkan ke %1Could not register global shortcutTidak bisa mendaftar pintasan globalYubiKeyGeneral: Umum:Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue.Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue.YubiKeyEditWidgetHardware key slot selectionPemilihan slot kunci perangkat kerasCould not find any hardware keys!Tidak dapat menemukan kunci perangkat keras apa pun!Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response!Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response!Challenge-ResponseChallenge-ResponseAdd Challenge-ResponseAdd Challenge-ResponseChange Challenge-ResponseChange Challenge-ResponseRemove Challenge-ResponseRemove Challenge-ResponseChallenge-Response set, click to change or removeChallenge-Response set, click to change or removeDetecting hardware keys…Mendeteksi kunci perangkat keras…No hardware keys detectedTidak mendeteksi kunci perangkat keras<p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>Refresh hardware keysYubiKeyInterfacePCSCThe YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized.The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized.Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue.Kunci perangkat keras terkunci atau kehabisan waktu. Buka kunci atau presentasikan ulang untuk melanjutkan.Hardware key was not found or is not configured.Hardware key was not found or is not configured.Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1(NFC) %1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4YubiKey display fieldsPressUSB Challenge-Response Key interaction requestTekanPassiveUSB Challenge-Response Key no interaction requiredPasifYubiKeyInterfaceUSBUnknownTidak diketahuiPressUSB Challenge-Response Key interaction requestTekanPassiveUSB Challenge-Response Key no interaction requiredPasifThe YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized.The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized.Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue.Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue.Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction.Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction.A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1%1 [%2] - Slot %3YubiKey NEO display fields%1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4YubiKey display fields