AboutDialog About KeePassXC Quant al KeePassXC About Quant a Report bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a> Reporteu errors a: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a> KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3. KeepassXC es distribueix sota els termes de la Llicència Pública General GNU (GPL) versió 2 o (segons la vostra opció) versió 3. Project Maintainers: Mantenidors del projecte: Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX. Agraïments de l'equip de KeePassXC a debfx per crear el KeePassX original. Contributors Contribuïdors <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a> <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">Vegeu les contribucions a GitHub</a> Debug Info Informació de depuració Include the following information whenever you report a bug: Inclogueu la següent informació a l'hora de reportar un error: Copy to clipboard Copia al porta-retalls AccessControlDialog KeePassXC - Access Request Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> Name Nom PID PID Executable Executable Command Line Línia d'ordres Your decision for above entries will be remembered for the duration the requesting client is running. Details Remember Recorda Allow Selected Permet la selecció Deny All Denegar tot AccessControlDialog::DenyButton Deny for this program AgentSettingsWidget Enable SSH Agent integration Activar integració de l'agent SSH Use Pageant Use OpenSSH Fes servir OpenSSH SSH_AUTH_SOCK override SSH_AUTH_SOCK value Valor SSH_AUTH_SOCK (empty) (buit) SSH_SK_PROVIDER value Valor SSH_SK_PROVIDER SSH_SK_PROVIDER override No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. SSH Agent connection is working! ApplicationSettingsWidget Application Settings Configuració de l'aplicació General General Security Seguretat Access error for config file %1 Error d'accés al fitxer de configuració %1 Icon only Només la icona Text only Només text Text beside icon Text al costat de la icona Text under icon Text sota la icona Follow style Segueix l'estil Monochrome Monocrom Monochrome (light) Monocrom (clar) Monochrome (dark) Monocrom (fosc) Colorful Colors You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now? Reset Settings? Restableix la configuració? Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default? Esteu segur que voleu reinicialitzar totes les configuracions generals i de seguretat als valors predeterminats? Select backup storage directory ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral Basic Settings Configuració bàsica Startup Inicialització Start only a single instance of KeePassXC Inicia només una instància del KeePassXC Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup Executar KeePassXC a l'inici del sistema Minimize window at application startup Minimitza la finestra en obrir l'aplicació Minimize window after unlocking database Minimitza la finestra després de desbloquejar la base de dades Remember previously used databases Recorda les bases de dades utilitzades prèviament Load previously open databases on startup Carrega les bases de dades obertes prèviament a l'inici Remember database key files and security dongles Recorda els fitxers clau i les motxilles de seguretat Check for updates at application startup once per week Comprova si hi ha actualitzacions a l'inici de l'aplicació un cop per setmana Include beta releases when checking for updates Inclou les versions beta quan es comprovin les actualitzacions On database unlock, show entries that have expired On database unlock, show entries that... days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days dies will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... caducarà en File Management Gestió de fitxers Automatically save after every change Desa després de cada canvi de forma automàtica Automatically save when locking database Desa automàticament en bloquejar la base de dades Automatically save non-data changes when locking database Desa automàticament els canvis que no són de dades en bloquejar la base de dades Automatically reload the database when modified externally Torna a carregar automàticament la base de dades quan sigui modificada de forma externa Backup database file before saving Fes una còpia de seguretat abans de desar Backup destination Destí de la còpia de seguretat Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx Choose... Escull... Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) Temporary file moved into place Directly write to database file (dangerous) Entry Management Gestió d'entrades Use group icon on entry creation Utilitza la icona del grup en crear una entrada Minimize when opening a URL Minimitza en obrir una URL Hide window when copying to clipboard Oculta la finestra al copiar al porta-retalls Minimize Minimitza Drop to background Envia al fons Favicon download timeout: Favicon - Temps d'espera de la descàrrega: Website icon download timeout in seconds Temps d'espera en segons de la descàrrega d'icones sec Seconds s User Interface Interfície d'usuari Toolbar button style Estil dels botons de la barra d'eines Movable toolbar Barra d'eines mòbil Language selection Selecció d'idioma Language: Idioma: (restart program to activate) (reinicieu per activar-ho) Toolbar button style: Estil de la barra d'eines Use monospaced font for notes Usa lletra monoespaiada per a les notes Minimize instead of app exit Minimitza en lloc de sortir de l'aplicació Show a system tray icon Mostreu una icona a la safata del sistema Tray icon type Tipus d'icona de la safata Tray icon type: Tipus d'icona de la safata del sistema Hide window to system tray when minimized Amaga la finestra a la safata del sistema en minimitzar Reset settings to default… Valors de configuració per defecte... Auto-Type Compleció automàtica Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type Usa el títol de l'entrada per coincidir amb la finestra per la compleció automàtica global Use entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type Usa l'URL d'entrada per lligar amb la finestra per la compleció automàtica global Always ask before performing Auto-Type Pregunta sempre abans d'efectuar la compleció automàtica Hide expired entries from Auto-Type Amaga les entrades caducades del tecleig automàtic Re-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-Type Torna a blocar la base de dades després d'una compleció automàtica Auto-Type start delay: Retard d'inici de la compleció automàtica: Global Auto-Type shortcut: Drecera global de compleció automàtica: Auto-type start delay milliseconds Retard d'inici en mil·lisegons de la compleció automàtica ms Milliseconds ms Auto-Type typing delay: Retard d'escriptura de la compleció automàtica: Global auto-type shortcut Drecera global de compleció automàtica Auto-type character typing delay milliseconds Retard d'escriptura en mil·lisegons de la compleció automàtica Remember last typed entry for: ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity Timeouts Temps excedits Database lock timeout seconds Segons de temps d'espera per a bloquejar la base de dades sec Seconds s Clear clipboard after Esborra el porta-retalls després de Clear search query after Elimina la teva cerca després de min Minutes min Clipboard clear seconds Segons de la neteja del porta-retalls Lock databases after inactivity of Bloca les bases de dades després d'una inactivitat de Convenience Conveniència Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed Bloca les bases de dades quan la sessió es bloquegi o es tanqui la tapa Lock databases after minimizing the window Bloca les bases de dades després de minimitzar la finestra Require password repeat when it is visible Demana altre cop la contrasenya quan és visible Hide passwords when editing them Oculta les contrasenyes a l'editar-les Use placeholder for empty password fields Usa un marcador per als camps de contrasenya buits Hide passwords in the entry preview panel Oculta les contrasenyes al panell de previsualització de l'entrada Hide entry notes by default Oculta les notes de l'entrada per defecte Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation Mou les entrades a la paperera sense confirmació Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns Privacy Privacitat Use DuckDuckGo service to download website icons Usa DuckDuckGo per a descarregar icones de llocs web AutoType The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: Auto-Type Error Permission Required Permís necessari KeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. Invalid entry provided Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2 Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 Invalid conversion type: %1 Invalid conversion syntax: %1 Invalid regular expression syntax %1 %2 Invalid placeholder: %1 AutoTypeAssociationsModel Window Finestra Sequence Seqüència (empty) (buit) Default sequence Seqüència per omissió AutoTypeMatchModel Group Grup Title Títol Username Nom d'usuari Sequence Seqüència AutoTypePlatformX11 Trying to send invalid keysym. Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user Unable to get valid keycode for key: AutoTypeSelectDialog Auto-Type - KeePassXC Compleció automàtica - KeePassXC Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search: <p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/> Ctrl+F - Toggle database search<br/> Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Search all open databases Search… Type Sequence Cancel Cancel·lar Type {USERNAME} Type {PASSWORD} Type {TOTP} Copy Username Copy Password Copy TOTP Use Virtual Keyboard BrowserAccessControlDialog KeePassXC - Browser Access Request %1 is requesting access to the following entries: %1 demana accés a les entrades següents: Remember access to checked entries Remember Recorda Allow access to entries Permetre accés a les entrades Allow Selected Permet els seleccionats Deny All Denega-ho tot Disable for this site Deshabilita per aquest lloc BrowserEntrySaveDialog KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry Ok D'acord Cancel Cancel·lar You have multiple databases open. Please select the correct database for saving credentials. Teniu diverses bases de dades obertes. Seleccioneu la base de dades correcta per desar les credencials. BrowserService KeePassXC: Create a new group KeePassXC: crea un grup nou A request for creating a new group "%1" has been received. Do you want to create this group? KeePassXC: New key association request KeePassXC: Nova petició de associació de clau You have received an association request for the following database: %1 Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example: chrome-laptop. Save and allow access Desa i autoritza l'accès KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? KeePassXC: Voleu sobreescriure la clau existent? A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Ja existeix una clau de xifrat compartida amb el nom "%1". Voleu sobreescriure-la? KeePassXC: Update Entry KeePassXC: Actualitza l'entrada Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? Voleu actualitzar la informació en %1 - %2? KeePassXC: Delete entry Suprimir entrada A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. Do you want to delete the entry? Converting attributes to custom data… Conversió d'atributs a dades personalitzades... Abort Avorta KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributes KeePassXC: atributs convertits de KeePassHTTP Successfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s). Moved %2 keys to custom data. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. Les claus %n s'han desplaçat correctament a dades personalitzades.S'han mogut correctament %n claus a dades personalitzades. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! KeePassXC: No s'ha trobat cap entrada amb atributs KeePassHTTP The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes. La base de dades activa no conté cap entrada amb atributs KeePassHTTP Don't show this warning again No tornis a mostrar aquest avís KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings. This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections. Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? BrowserSettingsWidget Dialog Diàleg This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser Requerit per a l'accés a les teves bases de dades amb el navegador KeePassXC Enable browser integration Habilita la integració del navegador General General Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported. Actualment, no s'admeten els navegadors instal·lats com a Snaps. Enable integration for these browsers: Habilita la integració amb els següents navegadors: Vivaldi Vivaldi &Edge &Edge Firefox Firefox Tor Browser Tor Browser Brave Brave Google Chrome Google Chrome Chromium Chromium Show a notification when credentials are requested Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Mostra una notificació quan es sol·licitin les credencials Request to unlock the database if it is locked Sol·licita desbloquejar la base de dades si està bloquejada Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. Match URL scheme (e.g., https://example.com) Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. Només retorna les millors coincidències per a una adreça URL específica en lloc de totes les entrades per al domini. Return only best-matching credentials Returns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title. Allow returning expired credentials All databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials. Search in all opened databases for matching credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Advanced Avançat Never ask before accessing credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Never ask before updating credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension Do not ask permission for HTTP Basic Auth An extra HTTP Basic Auth setting Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported. L'actualització o creació de camps de test no està suportada. Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: " Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings. Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration. Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup. Actualitza la ruta binària de KeePassXC o keepassxc-proxy automàticament als scripts de missatgeria nativa a l'inici. Update native messaging manifest files at startup Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually. Usa una ubicació personalitzada de servidor intermediari si s'ha instal·lat el servidor intermediari manualment Use a custom proxy location: Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-Browser Custom proxy location field Browser for custom proxy file Browse… Button for opening file dialog Use a custom browser configuration location: Browser type: Tipus de navegador: Toolbar button style Estil dels botons de la barra d'eines Config Location: Custom browser location field Browse for custom browser path Custom extension ID: Custom extension ID Due to Snap sandboxing, you must run a script to enable browser integration.<br />You can obtain this script from %1 KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3. %4 Please see special instructions for browser extension use below Vegeu a sota les instruccions especials per a l'ús d'extensions del navegador <b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location cannot be found!<br/>Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application. <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! <b>Atenció:</b> Canviar les següents opcions és perillós! Executable Files Fitxers executables All Files Tots els fitxers Select custom proxy location Seleccioneu la ubicació personalitzada del servidor intermediari Select native messaging host folder location CloneDialog Clone Entry Options Append ' - Clone' to title Afegeix ' - clon' al títol Replace username and password with references Substitueix el nom d'usuari i la contrasenya amb referències Copy history Còpia el historial CsvImportWidget Import CSV fields Importació de fitxer CSV filename nom del fitxer size, rows, columns mida, files, columnes Column Association Password Contrasenya Username Nom d'usuari Title Títol Group Grup URL URL Notes Notes TOTP TOTP Created Creat Last Modified Darrera modificació Icon Icona Encoding Codificació Codec Còdec Text is qualified by Text està qualificat per Text qualification Fields are separated by Els camps estan separats per Field separation Separador de camp Comments start with Els comentaris comencen amb Header lines skipped Number of header lines to discard Nombre de línies de la capçalera a descartar First line has field names La primera línia té els noms dels camps Consider '\' an escape character Considera ' \' com un caràcter d'escapada Preview Visualització prèvia CSV import preview Previsualització de la importació CSV Not Present Column %1 Columna %1 Imported from CSV file Importats d'un fitxer CSV Original data: Dades originals: Error(s) detected in CSV file! S'han detectat errors al fitxer CSV! [%n more message(s) skipped] [% n més missatges s'ha omès][s'ha/n omès %n missatge/s més] Error Error CSV import: writer has errors: %1 Importació CSV: writer té errors: %1 CsvParserModel %1, %2, %3 file info: bytes, rows, columns %1, %2, %3 %n byte(s) %n byte(s)%n byte(s) %n row(s) %n fila(es)%n fila(es) %n column(s) %n columna(es)%n columna(es) Database Passwords Root group name Contrasenyes File %1 does not exist. El fitxer %1 no existeix. Unable to open file %1. No es pot obrir el fitxer %1. Error while reading the database: %1 S'ha produït un error al llegir la base de dades: %1 Could not save, database does not point to a valid file. No s'ha pogut desar, la base de dades no apunta a un fitxer vàlid. Database save is already in progress. El desat de la base de dades està en curs. Could not save, database has not been initialized! No s'ha pogut desar, la base de dades no ha estat inicialitzada! Database file has unmerged changes. El fitxer de base de dades té canvis no fusionats. %1 Backup database located at %2 %1 Còpia de seguretat de la base de dades situada a %2 Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers. Recycle Bin Paperera DatabaseOpenDialog Unlock Database - KeePassXC Desbloca la base de dades - KeePassXC DatabaseOpenWidget Unlock KeePassXC Database Desbloqueja la base de dades de KeePassXC Enter Password: Introduïu la contrasenya: Password field Camp de contrasenya Enter Additional Credentials (if any): Introduïu credencials addionals (si cal): Key File: Fitxer clau: <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> Key file help Hardware key slot selection Selecció de la ranura de la motxilla Hardware Key: Motxilla: <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> <p>Click for more information…</p> Hardware key help Ajuda de la motxilla Key file to unlock the database Browse for key file Browse… Refresh hardware tokens Refresca els testimonis de maquinari Refresh Actualitza Unlock Database Cancel Cancel·lar Unlock Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… Database Version Mismatch The database you are trying to open was most likely created by a newer version of KeePassXC. You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. Open database anyway Database unlock canceled. Unlock failed and no password given El desbloqueig ha fallat i no s'ha donat cap contrasenya Unlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password. Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead? To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password. Retry with empty password Torna-ho a provar amb la contrasenya buida Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello Failed to authenticate with Touch ID Failed to open key file: %1 No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de clau: %1 Old key file format You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database &gt; Database Security &gt; Change Key File.</strong><br> Don't show this warning again No tornis a mostrar aquest avís All files Tots els fitxers Key files Fitxers de clau Select key file Seleccioneu el fitxer de clau Cannot use database file as key file You cannot use your database file as a key file. If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Detecting hardware keys… No hardware keys detected Select hardware key… DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData Passwords Contrasenyes DatabaseSettingsDialog Advanced Settings Configuració avançada General General Security Seguretat Database Credentials Encryption Settings Configuració del xifrat Browser Integration Integració amb el navegador Maintenance DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser KeePassXC-Browser settings KeePassXC-Configuració del navegador Convert KeePassHTTP data Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data Refresh database root group ID Disconnect all browsers Desconnecta tots els navegadors Forget all site-specific settings on entries Stored keys Claus emmagatzemades Stored browser keys Remove selected key Suprimeix la clau seleccionada Remove Suprimeix Delete the selected key? Voleu eliminar la clau seleccionada? Do you really want to delete the selected key? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. Key Clau Value Valor Created Creat Enable Browser Integration to access these settings. Permet que la integració del navegador accedeixi a aquesta configuració. Do you really want to disconnect all browsers? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. Esteu segur que voleu desconnectar tots els navegadors? Això pot impedir la connexió al connector del navegador. KeePassXC: No keys found KeePassXC: No s'han trobat claus No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings. KeePassXC: Removed keys from database KeePassXC: Claus de la base de dades eliminades Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? Permissions to access entries will be revoked. Removing stored permissions… Eliminant permisos emmagatzemats... Abort Avorta KeePassXC: Removed permissions KeePassXC: Permisos eliminats Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! KeePassXC: No s'ha trobat cap entrada amb permisos! The active database does not contain an entry with permissions. La base de dades activa no conté cap entrada amb permisos. Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom data Desplaça els atributs de KeePassHTTP a dades personalitzades Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. Refresh database ID Do you really want refresh the database ID? This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect. DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey Add additional protection… No password set Sense contrasenya WARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged! Are you sure you want to continue without a password? Continue without password Continua sense contrasenya No encryption key added No s'ha afegit cap clau de xifrat You must add at least one encryption key to secure your database! S'ha d'afegir com a mínim una clau d'encriptació per assegurar la base de dades! Unknown error Error desconegut Failed to change database credentials DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryption Decryption Time: Temps de desxifrat: Change existing decryption time Canvia el temps de desxifrat existent Change Canvia Decryption time in seconds Temps de desxifrat en segons Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer. Els valors més alts ofereixen més protecció, però es trigarà més a obrir la base de dades. Database format: Format de la base de dades: Database format Format de la base de dades Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. Encryption Algorithm: Algorisme de d’encriptatge: Encryption algorithm Algoritme de xifrat AES: 256 Bit (default) AES: 256 bits (per defecte) Twofish: 256 Bit Twofish: 256 bits Key Derivation Function: Funció de derivació de clau: Key derivation function Funció de derivació de clau Transform rounds: Transformar rondes: Transform rounds Rondes de transformació Memory Usage: Ús de memòria: Memory usage Ús de la memòria Parallelism: Paral·lelisme: Parallelism Paral·lelisme KDBX 4 (recommended) KDBX 3 unchanged Database decryption time is unchanged Inalterat Number of rounds too high Key transformation rounds Nombre de rondes massa alt You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. Understood, keep number Cancel Cancel·lar Number of rounds too low Key transformation rounds Nombre de rondes massa baix You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. KDF unchanged KDF sense canvis Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) MiB MiB thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) Thread (s)Fil(s) DatabaseSettingsWidgetFdoSecrets Exposed Entries Don't expose this database No exposis aquesta base de dades Expose entries under this group: Enable Secret Service to access these settings. DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneral Database Metadata Database name: Nom de base de dades: Database name field Camp de nom de la base de dades Database description: Descripció de la base de dades: Database description field Camp de descripció de la base de dades Default username: Usuari per defecte: Default username field Camp d'usuari predeterminat History Settings Configuració de l'historial Maximum number of history items per entry Max. history items: Nombre màxim d'elements a l'historial: Maximum size of history per entry Maximitzar el tamany de l'històric per entrada Max. history size: Mida màxima de l'historial: MiB MiB Use recycle bin Utilitza la paperera Additional Database Settings Configuració addicional de la base de dades Enable compression (recommended) Delete Recycle Bin Netejar paperera Do you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents? This action is not reversible. (old) (antic) DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare Sharing Compartició Breadcrumb Ruta de navegació Type Tipus Path Camí Last Signer Últim signant Certificates Certificats > Breadcrumb separator > DatabaseSettingsWidgetMaintenance Manage Custom Icons Gestionar les icones del client Delete selected icon(s) Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group Purge unused icons Confirm Deletion At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? Custom Icons Are In Use All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group. Purged Unused Icons Purged %n icon(s) from the database. DatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimple Database Name: Nom de la base de dades: Database name field Camp de nom de la base de dades Description: Descripció: Database description field Camp de descripció de la base de dades DatabaseTabWidget Database creation error Error de creació de la base de dades The created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it. This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. KeePass 2 Database Base de dades de KeePass 2 All files Tots els fitxers Open database Obre la base de dades Failed to open %1. It either does not exist or is not accessible. CSV file Fitxer CSV Select CSV file Selecciona un fitxer CSV Merge database Fusiona la base de dades KeePass 1 database Base de dades de KeePass 1 Open KeePass 1 database Obre base de dades de KeePass 1 Open OPVault Export database to CSV file Exporta la base de dades a un fitxer CSV Writing the CSV file failed. Ha fallat l'escriptura al fitxer CSV. Writing the HTML file failed. Export Confirmation Confirmació de l'exportació You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? New Database Base de dades nova %1 [New Database] Database tab name modifier %1 [nova base de dades] %1 [Locked] Database tab name modifier %1 [bloquejat] DatabaseWidget Database Tags Searching… Shared group… Confirm Auto-Type Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? Execute command? Execute l'ordre? Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br> Voleu executar la següent ordre? <br><br>%1<br> Remember my choice Recordar la meva elecció Delete group Suprimeix el grup Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? Realment voleu suprimir el grup "%1" per sempre? Move group to recycle bin? Vols moure el grup a la Paperera de reciclatge? Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin? Esteu segur que voleu moure el grup "%1" a la paperera de reciclatge? Expired entries No current database. Cap base de dades actual. No source database, nothing to do. Cap base de dades, res a veure. Successfully merged the database files. S'han fusionat correctament els arxius de base de dades. Database was not modified by merge operation. La base de dades no s'ha modificat amb l'operació de fusionat. Search Results (%1) Resultats de la cerca (%1) No Results No hi ha resultats Lock Database? Voleu bloquejar la base de dades? You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? Esteu editant una entrada. Voleu descartar els canvis i bloquejar de totes maneres? "%1" was modified. Save changes? "%1" ha canviat. Voleu desar els canvis? Database was modified. Save changes? S'ha modificat la base de dades. Voleu desar els canvis? Save changes? Voleu desar els canvis? File has changed El fitxer ha canviat The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? El fitxer de base de dades ha canviat. Voleu carregar els canvis? Merge Request Petició de combinació The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. Do you want to merge your changes? El fitxer de base de dades ha canviat i teniu canvis sense desar. Voleu fusionar els canvis? Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload. Error: %1 No es pot obrir el nou fitxer de base de dades mentre intenteu la recàrrega automàtica. Error: %1 Disable safe saves? Voleu deshabilitar el desat segur? KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file. Disable safe saves and try again? KeePassXC no ha pogut desar la base de dades. És probable que un servei de sincronització de fitxers estiguin bloquejant el fitxer de la base de dades. Voleu deshabilitar el desat segur i provar-ho un altre cop? Writing the database failed: %1 Passwords Contrasenyes Save database as Desa la base de dades com a KeePass 2 Database Base de dades de KeePass 2 Save database backup Desa una còpia de seguretat de la base de dades Empty recycle bin? Buida la paperera? Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? Esteu segur que voleu suprimir permanentment tot el contingut de la paperera? Could not find database file: %1 Entries expiring within %1 day(s) EditEntryWidget Entry Entrada Advanced Avançat Icon Icona Auto-Type Compleció automàtica Browser Integration Integració amb el navegador <empty URL> <empty URL> Confirm Removal Confirma l'eliminació Are you sure you want to remove this URL? Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquesta URL? Properties Propietats History Historial SSH Agent Agent SSH n/a n/a (encrypted) (encriptat) Select private key Selecciona una clau privada Entry history Historial de l'entrada Add entry Afegiu una entrada Edit entry Edita l'entrada Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. Invalid Entry An external merge operation has invalidated this entry. Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. Auto-Type Validation Error An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: %1 Would you like to correct it? An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": %2 Would you like to correct it? Entry updated successfully. L'entrada s'ha actualitzat correctament. Unsaved Changes Would you like to save changes to this entry? New attribute Nou atribut New attribute %1 Atribut nou %1 Are you sure you want to remove this attribute? Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquest atribut? Reveal Revela [PROTECTED] Press Reveal to view or edit Hide Oculta Tomorrow Demà %n week(s) % n setmana/es%n setmana/es %n month(s) % n mes/s%n mes/os %n year(s) % n any/s%n any/s EditEntryWidgetAdvanced Additional attributes Atributs addicionals Attribute selection Attribute value Add a new attribute Add Afegiu Remove selected attribute Suprimeix l'atribut seleccionat Remove Suprimiu Edit attribute name Edit Name Edita el nom Toggle attribute protection Protect Protegeix Show a protected attribute Reveal Revela Attachments Fitxers adjunts If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. Exclude from database reports Exclou dels informes de la base de dades Foreground Color: Color del primer pla: Foreground color selection Selecció del color de primer pla Background Color: Color de fons: Background color selection Selecció del color de fons EditEntryWidgetAutoType Enable Auto-Type for this entry Permetre la compleció automàtica per a aquesta entrada Inherit default Auto-Type sequence from the group Hereda la seqüència de compleció automàtica del grup Use custom Auto-Type sequence: Usa una seqüència de compleció automàtica personalitzada: Custom Auto-Type sequence Seqüència de compleció automàtica personalitzada Open Auto-Type help webpage Window Associations Associacions de finestra Existing window associations Add new window association Remove selected window association Suprimeix l'associació de finestres seleccionada Window title: Títol de la finestra: You can use an asterisk (*) to match everything Set the window association title You can use an asterisk to match everything Use a specific sequence for this association: Usa una seqüència específica per a aquesta associació: Custom Auto-Type sequence for this window Seqüència de compleció automàtica personalitzada per a aquesta finestra + Add item + - Remove item - EditEntryWidgetBrowser These settings affect to the entry's behaviour with the browser extension. General General Hide this entry from the browser extension Skip Auto-Submit for this entry Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection. Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth Additional URL's Add Afegiu Remove Suprimiu Edit Edita EditEntryWidgetHistory Entry history selection Show entry at selected history state Show Mostra Restore entry to selected history state Restore Restaura Delete selected history state Delete Suprimeix Delete all history Delete all Suprimeix tots EditEntryWidgetMain Edit Entry Notes field Camp de notes Toggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section. Activeu la casella de selecció per mostrar la secció notes. Username field Camp d'usuari Toggle notes visible Commuta la visibilitat de les notes Notes: Notes: Expiration field Expiration Presets Expiration presets Presets Configuracions Password: Contrasenya: URL: URL: Url field Camp d'URL Download favicon for URL Descarrega el favicon de URL Title: Títol: Title field Camp de títol Username: Nom d'usuari: Password field Camp de contrasenya Toggle expiration Expires: Caduca: Tags: Tags list EditEntryWidgetSSHAgent Form Formulari Remove key from agent when database is closed/locked Elimina la clau de l'agent quan la base de dades està tancada/bloquejada Comment Comentari Add key to agent when database is opened/unlocked Afegeix la clau a l'agent quan la base de dades s'obri o es desbloquegi Decrypt Desxifrar Fingerprint Empremta digital Copy to clipboard Copia al porta-retalls Public key Clau pública Private key Clau privada External file Fitxer extern Browser for key file Browse… Button for opening file dialog Attachment Adjunt External key file Add to agent Afegeix-lo a l'agent Remove from agent Suprimeix-lo de l'agent Select attachment file Require user confirmation when this key is used Demana confirmació de l'usuari quan s'utilitzi aquesta clau n/a n/a Remove key from agent after Suprimeix la clau de l'agent després Remove key from agent after specified seconds Suprimeix la clau de l'agent després dels segons especificats seconds segons EditGroupWidget Group Grup Icon Icona Browser Integration Integració amb el navegador Properties Propietats Add group Afegeix un grup Edit group Edita el grup Group has unsaved changes Enable Habilita Disable Inhabilita Inherit from parent group (%1) Hereta de grup pare (%1) EditGroupWidgetBrowser Edit Group These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. Hide entries from browser extension: Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups Skip Auto-Submit for entries: Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups EditGroupWidgetKeeShare Sharing mode field Password field Camp de contrasenya Type: Tipus: Password: Contrasenya: Path: Camí: Path to share file field Browse for share file Browse… Clear fields Clear Neteja Inactive Inactiu Import Importa Export Exporta Synchronize Sincronitza Your KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type. Supported extensions are: %1. %1 is already being exported by this database. %1 is already being imported by this database. %1 is being imported and exported by different groups in this database. KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings. KeeShare is a proper noun Database export is currently disabled by application settings. Database import is currently disabled by application settings. KeeShare container KeeShare signed container Select import source Select export target Select import/export file EditGroupWidgetMain Edit Group Toggle expiration Expires: Caduca: Name field Expiration field Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group Auto-Type: Search: Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groups Notes: Notes: Default auto-type sequence field Camp de seqüència de compleció automàtica per defecte Notes field Camp de notes Name: Set default Auto-Type sequence Search toggle for this and sub groups EditWidgetIcons Use default icon Usa la icona per defecte Use custom icon Usa una icona personalitzada Choose icon… Set the URL to use to search for a favicon Favicon URL Download favicon for URL Descarrega el favicon de URL Download favicon Descarrega el favicon Apply selected icon to subgroups and entries Apply icon to… Apply to this group only Also apply to child groups Also apply to child entries Also apply to all children Unable to fetch favicon. No es pot descarregar el favicon. You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Tools -> Settings -> Security Existing icon selected. Images Imatges All files Tots els fitxers Select Image(s) Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) No icons were loaded No s'ha carregat cap icona %n icon(s) already exist in the database % n icona (s) ja existeix a la base de dadesJa existeix/en %n icona/es a la base de dades The following icon(s) failed: La icona (s) següent (es) ha fallat:Han fallat la/les icona/es següent/s: EditWidgetProperties Created: Creat: Datetime created Modified: Modificat: Datetime modified Accessed: Accedit: Datetime accessed Uuid: UUID: Unique ID Plugin Data Dades del connector Plugin data Remove selected plugin data Suprimeix les dades del connector seleccionat Remove Suprimiu Delete plugin data? Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data? This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Key Clau Value Valor Entry %1 - Clone %1 - Clon EntryAttachments Cannot open file "%1" EntryAttachmentsModel Name Nom Size Mida EntryAttachmentsWidget Form Formulari Attachments Fitxers adjunts Add new attachment Afegeix un nou adjunt Add Afegiu Remove selected attachment Suprimeix el fitxer adjunt seleccionat Remove Suprimiu Rename selected attachment Rename Open selected attachment Open Obre Save selected attachment to disk Save Desa Select files Confirm remove Confirma l'eliminació Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? Esteu segur que voleu eliminar %n fitxer(s) adjunt(s)?Esteu segur que voleu suprimir %n adjunt(s)? Save attachments Desa els fitxers adjunts Unable to create directory: %1 No s'ha pogut crear el directori: %1 Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment? Confirm overwrite Confirma la sobreescriptura Unable to save attachments: %1 Unable to open attachment: %1 Unable to open attachments: %1 Unable to open file(s): %1 Confirm Overwrite Attachment Attachment "%1" already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? Confirm Attachment %1 is a big file (%2 MB). Your database may get very large and reduce performance. Are you sure to add this file? Attachment modified The attachment '%1' was modified. Do you want to save the changes to your database? Saving attachment failed Saving updated attachment failed. Error: %1 EntryAttributesModel Name Nom EntryHistoryModel Current (%1) Last modified Darrera modificació Age Difference Size Mida Title Títol Username Nom d'usuari Password Contrasenya URL URL Notes Notes Custom Attributes Icon Icona Color Expiration Venciment TOTP TOTP Custom Data Attachments Fitxers adjunts Auto-Type Compleció automàtica EntryModel Ref: Reference abbreviation Ref: Never Mai Group Grup Title Títol Username Nom d'usuari Password Contrasenya URL URL Notes Notes Expires Expira Created Creat Modified Modificat Accessed Accedit Attachments Fitxers adjunts Size Mida Group name Nom del grup Entry title Password Strength Entry notes Entry expires at Creation date Last modification date Last access date Attached files Entry size Has attachments Has TOTP EntryPreviewWidget Display current TOTP value Close Tanca General General Password Contrasenya Notes Notes Expiration Venciment Tags Tags list Username Nom d'usuari URL URL Advanced Avançat Attachments Fitxers adjunts Attributes Atributs Autotype Tecleig automàtic Default Sequence Window Finestra Sequence Seqüència Searching S'està cercant Share Comparteix Search Cerca Clear Neteja Never Mai Enabled Habilitat Disabled Inhabilitat EntryURLModel Invalid URL EntryView Fit to window Ajusta a la finestra Fit to contents Ajusta al contingut Reset to defaults Reinicialitza-la als valors predeterminats ExportDialog Export options Sort entries by... You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! database order name (ascending) name (descending) unknown Export database to HTML file Exporta la base de dades a un fitxer HTML HTML file Fitxer HTML FdoSecrets::DBusMgr Failed to deliver message Failed to send reply on DBus Unknown Unknown PID Unknown Unknown executable path <i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i> <i>PID: 1234, Executable: /path/to/exe</i> Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration. Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/> Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1' Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1' Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' FdoSecrets::Item Entry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3 FdoSecrets::Service %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application FdoSecrets::SettingsClientModel Unknown Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. FdoSecrets::SettingsDatabaseModel Unlock to show None FdoSecrets::UnlockPrompt %1 (PID: %2) FdoSecretsPlugin <b>Fdo Secret Service:</b> %1 Group [empty] group has no children [buit] %1 - Clone %1 - Clon HibpDownloader Online password validation failed IconDownloaderDialog Download Favicons Descarrega els favicons Cancel Cancel·la Having trouble downloading icons? You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings. Close Tanca URL URL Status Estat Please wait, processing entry list… Downloading… Ok D'acord Already Exists Download Failed La descàrrega ha fallat Downloading favicons (%1/%2)… KMessageWidget &Close &Tancar Close message Tancar missatge Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers Unable to calculate database key Impossible calcular la clau de base dades Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Header doesn't match hash La capçalera no coincideix amb el hash Invalid header id size Mida de l'identificador de capçalera no vàlida Invalid header field length: field %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found Kdbx3Writer Invalid symmetric cipher IV size. IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 Unable to calculate database key Impossible calcular la clau de base dades Kdbx4Reader missing database headers Unable to calculate database key: %1 Invalid header checksum size Header SHA256 mismatch Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. (HMAC mismatch) Unknown cipher Invalid header id size Mida de l'id de capçalera no vàlid Invalid header field length: field %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header Unsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parameters Legacy header fields found in KDBX4 file. Invalid inner header id size Mida de l'identificador intern d'encapçalament no vàlida Invalid inner header field length: field %1 Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found Invalid inner header binary size Unsupported KeePass variant map version. Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry name length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry name data Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry value data Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map Bool entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map Int32 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map UInt32 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map Int64 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map UInt64 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map entry type Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Invalid variant map field type size Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data Kdbx4Writer Invalid symmetric cipher algorithm. Algorisme de xifrat simètric no vàlid. Invalid symmetric cipher IV size. IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher Unable to calculate database key: %1 Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant map Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data KdbxReader Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2) Unable to parse UUID: %1 Unsupported cipher Invalid compression flags length Unsupported compression algorithm Algoritme de compressió no admès Invalid master seed size Invalid transform seed size Invalid transform rounds size Invalid start bytes size Invalid random stream id size Invalid inner random stream cipher Failed to read database file. The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb). You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. Not a KeePass database. No és una base de dades KeePass. Unsupported KeePass 2 database version. KdbxXmlReader XML parsing failure: %1 No root group No hi ha cap grup arrel XML error: %1 Line %2, column %3 Missing icon uuid or data Missing custom data key or value Multiple group elements Múltiples elements de grup Null group uuid Invalid group icon number Invalid EnableAutoType value Valor d'EnableAutoType invàlid Invalid EnableSearching value No group uuid found Null DeleteObject uuid Missing DeletedObject uuid or time Null entry uuid Invalid entry icon number History element in history entry No entry uuid found History element with different uuid Duplicate custom attribute found Entry string key or value missing Entry binary key or value missing Auto-type association window or sequence missing Invalid bool value Invalid date time value Invalid color value Invalid color rgb part Invalid number value Invalid uuid value Unable to decompress binary Translator meant is a binary data inside an entry KeeAgentSettings Invalid KeeAgent settings file structure. Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided. Private key is empty File too large to be a private key Fitxer massa gran per ser una clau privada Failed to open private key No s'ha pogut obrir la clau privada KeePass1OpenWidget Import KeePass1 Database Importa una base de dades de KeePass 1 Unable to open the database. No es pot obrir la base de dades. KeePass1Reader Unable to read keyfile. No es pot llegir el fitxer de claus. Not a KeePass database. No és una base de dades KeePass. Unsupported encryption algorithm. Algoritme d'encriptació no admès. Unsupported KeePass database version. Versió de base de dades KeePass no admesa. Unable to read encryption IV IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher Invalid number of groups Invalid number of entries Invalid content hash size Invalid transform seed size Invalid number of transform rounds Unable to construct group tree Root Arrel Unable to calculate database key Impossible calcular la clau de base dades unable to seek to content position Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Key transformation failed Invalid group field type number Invalid group field size Read group field data doesn't match size Incorrect group id field size Incorrect group creation time field size Incorrect group modification time field size Incorrect group access time field size Incorrect group expiry time field size Incorrect group icon field size Incorrect group level field size Invalid group field type Missing group id or level Missing entry field type number Invalid entry field size Read entry field data doesn't match size Invalid entry UUID field size Invalid entry group id field size Invalid entry icon field size Invalid entry creation time field size Invalid entry modification time field size Invalid entry expiry time field size Invalid entry field type KeeShare Invalid sharing reference Inactive share %1 Imported from %1 Importat de %1 Exported to %1 Exportat a %1 Synchronized with %1 Import is disabled in settings La importació està inhabilitada a la configuració Export is disabled in settings L'exportació està deshabilitada a la configuració Inactive share Imported from Importat de Exported to Exportat a Synchronized with KeyComponentWidget Key Component Key Component Description Cancel Cancel·lar Key Component set, click to change or remove KeyFileEditWidget Generate a new key file Genera un fitxer clau nou Generate Genera Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database. Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. Browse for key file Browse… Old key file format You selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead. Error loading the key file '%1' Message: %2 Key File Add Key File Change Key File Remove Key File Key File set, click to change or remove <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> Key files Fitxers de clau All files Tots els fitxers Create Key File… Error creating key file Unable to create key file: %1 Select a key file Seleccioneu un fitxer clau Invalid Key File You cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file. Suspicious Key File The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever. Are you sure you want to continue with this file? MacUtils Invalid key code Global shortcut already registered to %1 Could not register global shortcut MainWindow &Database &Base de dades &Recent Databases Bases de dades &recents &Import & Importa &Export &Exporta &Help &Ajuda &Entries &Entrades Copy Att&ribute Copia l'&atribut TOTP TOTP &Groups &Grups &Tools &Eines View Visualització Theme Tema &Quit Tanca &About &Quant a &Check for Updates &Comprova si hi ha actualitzacions &Open Database… &Obre la base de dades… &Save Database De&sa la base de dades &Close Database Tanca la base de dades &New Database… Base de dades &nova Create a new database Crea una nova base de dades &Merge From Database… Fusiona des d'una base de dades… Merge from another KDBX database Fusiona amb una altra base de dades KDBX &New Entry… &Nova entrada... Add a new entry Afegeix una nova entrada &Edit Entry… &Edita l'entrada… View or edit entry Mostra o edita l'entrada &Delete Entry… Elimina l'entrada… &New Group… &Nou grup… Add a new group Afegeix un grup nou &Edit Group… &Edita el grup… &Delete Group… Elimina el grup… Download All &Favicons… Baixa tots els &Favicons… Sort &A-Z Ordena &A-Z Sort &Z-A Ordena &Z-A Sa&ve Database As… Database &Security… &Seguretat de la base de dades... Database &Reports… Statistics, health check, etc. Estadístiques, comprovació de salut, etc. &Database Settings… Configuració de la base de dades… Database settings Configuració de la base de dades &Clone Entry… &Clona l'entrada… Move u&p Mou am&unt Move entry one step up Mou l'entrada un graó cap amunt Move do&wn Mou avall Move entry one step down Baixa l'entrada una posició Copy &Username Copia el nom d'&usuari Copy username to clipboard Còpia el nom d'usuari al porta-retalls Copy &Password Copia la contrasenya Copy password to clipboard Còpia la contrasenya al porta-retalls &Settings &Configuració &Password Generator Generador de contrasenyes Perform &Auto-Type Fes una compleció automàtica Download &Favicon Descarrega el &Favicon Open &URL Obre la &URL &Lock Database Lock &All Databases &Title &Títol Copy title to clipboard Copia el títol al porta-retalls &URL &URL Copy URL to clipboard Copia l'URL al porta-retalls &Notes &Notes Copy notes to clipboard Copia les notes al porta-retalls &CSV File… &HTML File… KeePass 1 Database… Import a KeePass 1 database Importa una base de dades de KeePass 1 1Password Vault… Import a 1Password Vault Importa un 1Password Vault CSV File… Import a CSV file Importa un fitxer CSV Show TOTP Mostra TOTP Show QR Code Set up TOTP… Copy &TOTP Còpia &TOTP E&mpty recycle bin &Donate Fes un &donatiu Report a &Bug Informeu d'un error &Getting Started Primers passos Open Getting Started Guide &Online Help Ajuda &online Go to online documentation &User Guide Guia d'&usuari Open User Guide &Keyboard Shortcuts Dreceres de teclat Save Database Backup… Add key to SSH Agent Remove key from SSH Agent Suprimeix la clau de l'agent SSH Compact Mode Mode compacte Automatic Light Dark Classic (Platform-native) Show Toolbar Mostra la barra d'eines Show Preview Panel Mostra el plafó de vista prèvia Always on Top Sempre a la part superior Hide Usernames Oculta els noms d'usuari Hide Passwords Oculta les contrasenyes Clone Group... Clear history Esborra l'historial Access error for config file %1 Error d'accés al fitxer de configuració %1 Don't show again for this version No mostrar un altre cop per a aquesta versió WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC. There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. This version is not meant for production use. NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC. Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes. WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Restore Entry(s) Settings Configuració Check for updates on startup? Voleu comprovar si hi ha actualitzacions a l'inici? Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup? Voleu que KeePassXC comprovi si hi ha actualitzacions a l'inici? You can always check for updates manually from the application menu. Sempre pots comprovar si hi ha actualitzacions manualment als menús de l'aplicació. Toggle window Activar finestra Quit KeePassXC Tanca KeePassXC Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… Restart Application? You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? ManageDatabase Database settings Configuració de la base de dades Edit database settings Edita la configuració de la base de dades Unlock database Desbloqueja la base de dades Unlock database to show more information Lock database Bloqueja la base de dades ManageSession Disconnect Disconnect this application Merger Creating missing %1 [%2] Relocating %1 [%2] Overwriting %1 [%2] older entry merged from database "%1" entrada antiga fusionada de la base de dades "%1" Adding backup for older target %1 [%2] Adding backup for older source %1 [%2] Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2] Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2] Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2] Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2] Deleting child %1 [%2] Deleting orphan %1 [%2] Changed deleted objects Adding missing icon %1 Removed custom data %1 [%2] S' han suprimit les dades personalitzades %1 [%2] Adding custom data %1 [%2] NewDatabaseWizard Create a new KeePassXC database… Root Root group Arrel NewDatabaseWizardPage WizardPage Encryption Settings Configuració del xifrat Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. Aquí podeu ajustar la configuració del xifrat de la base de dades. També ho podeu canviar més endavant a la configuració de la base de dades. Advanced Settings Configuració avançada Simple Settings NewDatabaseWizardPageDatabaseKey Database Credentials A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database. NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryption Encryption Settings Opcions de xifrat Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. Aquí podeu ajustar la configuració del xifrat de la base de dades. També ho podeu canviar més endavant a la configuració de la base de dades. NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaData General Database Information Informació general de la base de dades Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database: NixUtils Password Manager Global shortcut already registered to %1 Could not register global shortcut OpData01 Invalid OpData01, does not contain header Unable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1 Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1 Unable to read all HMAC signature bytes Malformed OpData01 due to a failed HMAC Unable to process clearText in place Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2 OpVaultOpenWidget Read Database did not produce an instance %1 OpVaultReader Directory .opvault must exist Directory .opvault must be readable Directory .opvault/default must exist Directory .opvault/default must be readable Unable to decode masterKey: %1 Unable to derive master key: %1 OpenSSHKey Invalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key PEM boundary mismatch Base64 decoding failed Key file way too small. Key file magic header id invalid Found zero keys Failed to read public key. Corrupted key file, reading private key failed Unsupported key type: %1 No private key payload to decrypt Unknown cipher: %1 Passphrase is required to decrypt this key Cal la contrasenya per desxifrar aquesta clau Key derivation failed: %1 Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf Unknown KDF: %1 Failed to initialize cipher: %1 Decryption failed: %1 Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? El desxifrat ha fallat, la frase de contrasenya és errònia? Unexpected EOF while reading key Unsupported key part Unexpected EOF while reading public key Unknown key type: %1 Unexpected EOF while reading private key Can't write public key as it is empty Unexpected EOF when writing public key Can't write private key as it is empty Unexpected EOF when writing private key PasswordEdit Passwords do not match Passwords match so far Toggle Password (%1) Generate Password (%1) Warning: Caps Lock enabled! PasswordEditWidget Enter password: Introduïu la contrasenya: Password field Camp de contrasenya Confirm password: Confirma la contrasenya: Repeat password field Password Contrasenya Add Password Change Password Remove Password Password set, click to change or remove <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> Passwords do not match. PasswordGeneratorWidget Generate Password strength Password strength força entropy entropia Generated password %p% %p % Regenerate password Copy password Copia la contrasenya Password Contrasenya &Length: &Longitud: Password length Switch to advanced mode Canvia al mode avançat Advanced Avançat Character Types Tipus de caràcter Special characters Quotes Punctuation Dashes and Slashes Upper-case letters Lletra majúscula Numbers Números Lower-case letters Lletra minúscula Math Symbols Extended ASCII ASCII estès Braces Do not include: No incloure: Additional characters to use for the generated password Additional characters Add non-hex letters to "do not include" list Afegeix caràcters no-hexadecimals a la llista "no incloure" Hex Passwords Hex Character set to exclude from generated password Excluded characters Caràcters exclosos Also choose from: Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" Exclude look-alike characters Excloure caràcters d'aspecte semblant Pick characters from every group Tria caràcters de tots els grups Passphrase Contrasenya Word Separator: Separador de paraula: Wordlist: Llista de paraules: Word Count: Nombre de paraules: Character Count: Word Case: Delete selected wordlist Add custom wordlist character Close Tanca Esc Apply Password Regenerate password (%1) lower case minúscules UPPER CASE MAJÚSCULES Title Case (SYSTEM) Entropy: %1 bit Entropia: %1 bit(s) Confirm Delete Wordlist Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? Failed to delete wordlist Wordlists All files Tots els fitxers Select Custom Wordlist Overwrite Wordlist? Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? Failed to add wordlist Logograms Special Characters Caràcters especials Password Quality: %1 Qualitat de la contrasenya: %1 Poor Password quality Pobre Weak Password quality Feble Good Password quality Bona Excellent Password quality Excel·lent PickcharsDialog KeePassXC - Pick Characters Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. Press &Tab between characters QMessageBox Overwrite Delete Suprimeix Move Mou Empty Remove Suprimiu Skip Disable Inhabilita Merge Fusiona Continue QObject Database not opened Database hash not available Client public key not received Cannot decrypt message Action cancelled or denied Acció cancel·lada o denegada Message encryption failed. KeePassXC association failed, try again Encryption key is not recognized Incorrect action Empty message received No URL provided No logins found No groups found Cannot create new group No es pot crear un grup nou No valid UUID provided Unknown error Error desconegut Browser Integration Integració amb el navegador Browser Plugin Failure Could not save the native messaging script file for %1. Username for the entry. Nom d'usuari de l'entrada. username URL for the entry. URL URL Notes for the entry. Notes Notes Prompt for the entry's password. Generate a password for the entry. Add a new entry to a database. Path of the entry to add. Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. Could not create entry with path %1. Enter password for new entry: Writing the database failed %1. Successfully added entry %1. Adds a new group to a database. Afegeix un grup nou a una base de dades. Path of the group to add. Group %1 already exists! Group %1 not found. Successfully added group %1. Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords. FILENAME Path to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP file okon-cli Analyze passwords for weaknesses and problems. Cannot find HIBP file: %1 Evaluating database entries using okon… Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2 Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! Password for '%1' has been leaked! Export an attachment of an entry. Path of the entry with the target attachment. Name of the attachment to be exported. Path to which the attachment should be exported. Could not find entry with path %1. Could not find attachment with name %1. No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. Could not open output file %1. Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. Overwrite existing attachments. Imports an attachment to an entry. Path of the entry. Name of the attachment to be added. Path of the attachment to be imported. Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. Could not open attachment file %1. Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. Remove an attachment of an entry. Name of the attachment to be removed. Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. Don't translate "password", it refers to the attribute. Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp"). Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. Path of the entry to clip. clip = copy to clipboard Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). Invalid timeout value %1. Multiple entries matching: Using matching entry: %1 Entry %1 not found. ERROR: Please specify one of --attribute or --totp, not both. Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up. ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2. Attribute "%1" not found. Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard! Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... Clipboard cleared! Close the currently opened database. Tanca la base de dades oberta. Display this help. Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs. Key file of the database. path Deactivate password key for the database. Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). slot[:serial] Missing positional argument(s). Too many arguments provided. Target decryption time in MS for the database. time Set the key file for the database. Set a password for the database. Create a new database. Crea una nova base de dades. Path of the database. Camí de la base de dades. Invalid decryption time %1. Target decryption time must be between %1 and %2. Failed to set database password. Loading the key file failed No key is set. Aborting database creation. Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay. Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function. error while setting database key derivation settings. File %1 already exists. Failed to save the database: %1. No s'ha pogut desar la base de dades: %1 Successfully created new database. Word count for the diceware passphrase. Recompte de paraules per a la frase de contrasenya amb llançament de daus. count CLI parameter Wordlist for the diceware generator. [Default: EFF English] Llista de paraules per al generador de llançament de daus. [Per defecte: EFF English] Generate a new random diceware passphrase. Genera una frase de contrasenya nova amb llançament de daus. Invalid word count %1 The word list is too small (< 1000 items) Title for the entry. title títol Edit an entry. Edita una entrada. Path of the entry to edit. Ruta de l'entrada a editar. Not changing any field for entry %1. Enter new password for entry: Writing the database failed: %1 Successfully edited entry %1. L'entrada %1 s'ha editat correctament. Perform advanced analysis on the password. Fes una anàlisi avançada de la contrasenya. Password for which to estimate the entropy. Estimate the entropy of a password. Length %1 Entropy %1 Log10 %1 Multi-word extra bits %1 Type: Bruteforce Type: Dictionary Type: Dict+Leet Type: User Words Type: User+Leet Type: Repeated Type: Sequence Type: Spatial Type: Date Type: Bruteforce(Rep) Type: Dictionary(Rep) Type: Dict+Leet(Rep) Type: User Words(Rep) Type: User+Leet(Rep) Type: Repeated(Rep) Type: Sequence(Rep) Type: Spatial(Rep) Type: Date(Rep) Type: Unknown (%1) Entropy %1 (%2) *** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) *** Exit interactive mode. Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'. Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format. Unable to export database to XML: %1 Unsupported format %1 Length of the generated password Longitud de la contrasenya generada length Use lowercase characters Usa lletres en minúscula Use uppercase characters Usa caràcters en majúscules Use numbers Use special characters Usa caràcters especials Use extended ASCII Usa l'ASCII ampliat Exclude character set Exclou el conjunt de caràcters chars caràcters Use custom character set Exclude similar looking characters Exclou caràcters d'aspecte similar Include characters from every selected group Generate a new random password. Invalid password length %1 Invalid password generator after applying all options Display command help. Available commands: Import the contents of an XML database. Path of the XML database export. Path of the new database. Unable to import XML database: %1 Successfully imported database. La base de dades s'ha importat correctament. Show a database's information. UUID: Name: Description: Cipher: KDF: Recycle bin is enabled. Recycle bin is not enabled. Location Ubicació Database created Last saved Desat per darrera vegada Unsaved changes Canvis no desats yes no no Number of groups Nombre de grups Number of entries Nombre d'entrades Number of expired entries Nombre d'entrades caducades Unique passwords Contrasenyes úniques Non-unique passwords Maximum password reuse Number of short passwords Nombre de contrasenyes curtes Number of weak passwords Nombre de contrasenyes febles Entries excluded from reports Average password length Longitud mitjana de les contrasenyes %1 characters %1 caràcters Unknown command %1 Available commands: Name of the command to execute. Nom de l'ordre a executar. Displays debugging information. Invalid command %1. Recursively list the elements of the group. Flattens the output to single lines. List database entries. Llista les entrades de la base de dades. Path of the group to list. Default is / Camí del grup a llistar. Per defecte és / Cannot find group %1. Use the same credentials for both database files. Key file of the database to merge from. Fitxer clau de la base de dades amb la que es fusiona. Deactivate password key for the database to merge from. Desactiva la clau per la base de dades que volem fusionar. Only print the changes detected by the merge operation. Mostra només els canvis detectats per l'operació de fusió. Yubikey slot for the second database. slot Merge two databases. Fusiona dues bases de dades Path of the database to merge from. Camí de la base de dades de destí a fusionar. Error reading merge file: %1 Error en la lectura del fitxer de fusió: %1 Unable to save database to file : %1 No s'ha pogut desar la base de dades al fitxer: %1 Successfully merged %1 into %2. S'ha fusionat amb èxit %1 a %2. Database was not modified by merge operation. La base de dades no s'ha modificat amb l'operació de fusionat. Moves an entry to a new group. Mou una entrada a un grup nou. Path of the entry to move. Ruta de l'entrada a moure. Path of the destination group. Could not find group with path %1. Entry is already in group %1. Successfully moved entry %1 to group %2. S'ha mogut correctament l'entrada %1 al grup %2 Open a database. Path of the entry to remove. Ruta de l'entrada a eliminar. Unable to save database to file: %1 No s'ha pogut desar la base de dades al fitxer: %1 Successfully recycled entry %1. Successfully deleted entry %1. L'entrada %1 s'ha suprimit correctament. Path of the group to remove. Ruta del grup a suprimir. Cannot remove root group from database. No es pot suprimir el grup arrel de la base de dades. Successfully recycled group %1. Successfully deleted group %1. Find entries quickly. Search term. Terme de cerca. Show the entry's current TOTP. Show the protected attributes in clear text. Show the attachments of the entry. Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. attribute Show an entry's information. Name of the entry to show. Nom de l'entrada a mostrar. ERROR: unknown attribute %1. No attachments present. Attachments: Failed to open database file %1: not found Failed to open database file %1: not a plain file Failed to open database file %1: not readable Enter password to unlock %1: Failed to load key file %1: %2 WARNING: You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may stop supporting in the future. Please consider generating a new key file. Invalid YubiKey slot %1 Invalid YubiKey serial %1 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… Enter password to encrypt database (optional): Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]: Repeat password: Error: Passwords do not match. No program defined for clipboard manipulation All clipping programs failed. Tried %1 Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2 Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2 HIBP file, line %1: parse error To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) Could not start okon process: %1 Error: okon process did not finish Failed to load okon processed database: %1 Very weak password Password entropy is %1 bits Weak password Used in %1/%2 Password is used %1 time(s) Password has expired Password expiry was %1 Password expires on %1 Password is about to expire Password expires in %1 day(s) Password will expire soon Version %1 Build Type: %1 Revision: %1 Revisió: %1 Distribution: %1 Distribució: %1 Debugging mode is disabled. Debugging mode is enabled. Operating system: %1 CPU architecture: %2 Kernel: %3 %4 Sistema operatiu: %1 Arquitectura de la CPU: %2 Nucli: %3 %4 Auto-Type Compleció automàtica SSH Agent Agent SSH KeeShare YubiKey Quick Unlock Secret Service Integration None Enabled extensions: Extensions habilitades: over %1 year(s) about %1 month(s) %1 week(s) %1 day(s) %1 hour(s) %1 minute(s) Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 Cryptographic libraries: AES (%1 rounds) Argon2%1 (%2 rounds, %3 KB) SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode. SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2. Cipher not initialized prior to use. Cannot process 0 length data. unknown executable (DBus address %1) %1 (invalid executable path) NULL device Dispositiu nul error reading from device error de lectura del dispositiu file empty fitxer buit malformed string cadena mal formada missing closing quote falta la cometa de tancament %1: (row, col) %2,%3 AES 256-bit Twofish 256-bit ChaCha20 256-bit Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) Argon2id (KDBX 4) AES-KDF (KDBX 4) AES-KDF (KDBX 4) AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. El fitxer de bloqueig d'instància única no és vàlid. Execute una instància nova. The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled. No s'ha pogut crear l'arxiu de bloqueig. Inhabilitat el mode de instància única. Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… Group Grup Title Títol Username Nom d'usuari Password Contrasenya TOTP TOTP Icon Icona Last Modified Darrera modificació Created Creat Benchmark %1 delay %1 ms milliseconds %1 s seconds Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? Delete entry(s)? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? Move entry(s) to recycle bin? Replace references to entry? Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? User name Browser Statistics Health Check HIBP Statistics Unsupported key file version: %1 Checksum mismatch! Key file may be corrupt. Unexpected key file data! Key file may be corrupt. KeePassXC - cross-platform password manager KeePassXC - gestor de contrasenyes multi-plataforma filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx) Noms de les bases de dades de contrasenya per a obrir (*.kdbx) path to a custom config file camí cap a un fitxer personalitzat de configuració path to a custom local config file lock all open databases key file of the database Arxiu clau de la base de dades read password of the database from stdin llegiu la contrasenya de la base de dades des de l'entrada estàndard (stdin) allow app screen recordering and screenshots Locked databases. Database failed to lock. Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. Ja s'està executant una altra instància de KeePassXC. Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions. Error mentre es provava les funcions criptogràfiques. KeePassXC - Error KeePassXC - Error Warning: Failed to prevent screenshots on a top level window! Database password: Invalid Settings TOTP La configuració no és vàlida Invalid Key TOTP Clau no vàlida Failed to create Windows Hello credential. Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. QtIOCompressor Internal zlib error when compressing: Error intern de zlib mentre s'estava comprimint. Error writing to underlying device: Error d'escriptura al dispositiu subjacent: Error opening underlying device: Error a l'obrir el dispositiu subjacent: Error reading data from underlying device: Error de lectura al dispositiu subjacent: Internal zlib error when decompressing: Error intern de zlib al descomprimir: QtIOCompressor::open The gzip format not supported in this version of zlib. gzip no és un format compatible amb aquesta versió de zlib. Internal zlib error: Error intern de zlib: ReportsWidgetBrowserStatistics Exclude expired entries from the report Show only entries which have URL set Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data Double-click entries to edit. List of entry URLs Entry has no URLs set Allowed URLs Entry has no Browser Integration settings Denied URLs (Excluded) This entry is being excluded from reports Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. Title Títol Path Camí URLs Edit Entry… Delete Entry(s)… Exclude from reports ReportsWidgetHealthcheck Exclude expired entries from the report Also show entries that have been excluded from reports Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit. Poseu-vos damunt del motiu per veure més detalls. Feu doble clic per editar l'entrada. Bad Password quality Bad — password must be changed Poor Password quality Pobre Poor — password should be changed Weak Password quality Feble Weak — consider changing the password (Excluded) This entry is being excluded from reports Please wait, health data is being calculated… Congratulations, everything is healthy! Title Títol Path Camí Score Puntuació Reason Motiu Edit Entry… Delete Entry(s)… Exclude from reports ReportsWidgetHibp CAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service (https://haveibeenpwned.com). If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service. Perform Online Analysis Also show entries that have been excluded from reports This build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases. Congratulations, no exposed passwords! Title Títol Path Camí Password exposed… (Excluded) This entry is being excluded from reports once Password exposure amount up to 10 times Password exposure amount up to 100 times Password exposure amount up to 1000 times Password exposure amount up to 10,000 times Password exposure amount up to 100,000 times Password exposure amount up to a million times Password exposure amount millions of times Password exposure amount Edit Entry… Delete Entry(s)… Exclude from reports ReportsWidgetStatistics Hover over lines with error icons for further information. Name Nom Value Valor Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… Database name Nom de la base de dades Description Descripció Location Ubicació Database created Last saved Desat per darrera vegada Unsaved changes Canvis no desats yes no no The database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk. Number of groups Nombre de grups Number of entries Nombre d'entrades Number of expired entries Nombre d'entrades caducades The database contains entries that have expired. Unique passwords Contrasenyes úniques Non-unique passwords More than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible. Maximum password reuse Some passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible. Number of short passwords Nombre de contrasenyes curtes Recommended minimum password length is at least 8 characters. La longitud mínima recomanada de la contrasenya és d'almenys 8 caràcters. Number of weak passwords Nombre de contrasenyes febles Recommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'. Entries excluded from reports Excluding entries from reports, e. g. because they are known to have a poor password, isn't necessarily a problem but you should keep an eye on them. Average password length Longitud mitjana de les contrasenyes %1 characters %1 caràcters Average password length is less than ten characters. Longer passwords provide more security. La longitud mitjana de les contrasenyes és inferior a 10 caràcters. Les contrasenyes més llargues proporcionen més seguretat. SSHAgent Agent connection failed. Agent protocol error. No agent running, cannot add identity. Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add. Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include: The key has already been added. Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options). A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options). Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. No agent running, cannot remove identity. No hi ha cap agent en execució, no es pot suprimir la identitat. No agent running, cannot list identities. SearchHelpWidget Search Help Cerca l'ajuda Search terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["] Els termes de cerca són així: [modificadors] [camp:] ["] terme ["] Every search term must match (ie, logical AND) Cada terme de cerca ha de coincidir (p.e. I lògica) Modifiers Modificadors exclude term from results exclou el terme dels resultats match term exactly el terme ha de coincidir exactament use regex in term usa regex al terme Fields Term Wildcards Comodins match anything concorda amb qualsevol cosa match one concorda amb un logical OR operador lògic O Examples SearchWidget Search Cerca Search Help Cerca l'ajuda Search (%1)… Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut Case sensitive Limit search to selected group Limitar la cerca al grup seleccionat SettingsClientModel Application Aplicació PID PID DBus Address Manage Gestiona SettingsDatabaseModel File Name Group Grup Manage Gestiona SettingsWidgetFdoSecrets Options Enable KeepassXC Freedesktop.org Secret Service integration Habilita la integració amb el Freedesktop.org Secret Service General General Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> Confirm when clients request entry deletion <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> Prompt to unlock database before searching Exposed database groups: Authorization Autorització These applications are currently connected: Aquestes aplicacions estan ara connectades: <b>Warning:</b> Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section. SettingsWidgetKeeShare Active Allow KeeShare imports Permet les importacions de KeeShare Allow import Permet la importació Allow KeeShare exports Permet les exportacions de KeeShare Allow export Permet l'exportació Only show warnings and errors Mostra només els avisos i els errors Own certificate Certificat propi Signer: Signant: Generate new certificate Generate Genera Fingerprint: Signer name field Fingerprint Empremta digital ShareExport Could not write export container. ShareImport Successful import ShareObserver Import from %1 failed (%2) La importació de %1 ha fallat (%2) Import from %1 successful (%2) Imported from %1 Importat de %1 Multiple import source path to %1 in %2 Conflicting export target path %1 in %2 Export to %1 failed (%2) L'exportació a %1 ha fallat (%2) Export to %1 successful (%2) L'exportació a %1 s'ha realitzat amb èxit (%2) Export to %1 Exporta a %1 TagModel All Expired Weak Passwords TotpDialog Timed Password Contrasenya per temps Copy Còpia Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) Caduca en <b>%n</b> segonCaduca en <b>%n</b> segons TotpExportSettingsDialog Copy Còpia NOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators. TOTP QR code dialog warning NOTA: aquestes configuracions del TOTP són personalitzades i pot ser que no funcionin amb altres autentificadors. There was an error creating the QR code. Closing in %1 seconds. Tancant en %1 segons. TotpSetupDialog Setup TOTP Organització TOTP Secret Key: Secret key must be in Base32 format Secret key field Default settings (RFC 6238) Steam® settings Custom settings: Custom Settings Paràmetres a mida Algorithm: Algoritme: Time step: Intervals: Time step field sec Seconds sec Code size: Mida del codi: digits Invalid TOTP Secret You have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format. Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Confirm Remove TOTP Settings Are you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry? Esteu segur que voleu suprimir la configuració TOTP de l'entrada? URLEdit Invalid URL UpdateCheckDialog Checking for updates Comprovant si hi ha actualitzacions Checking for updates… Close Tanca Software Update Actualització de programari An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. <strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="https://keepassxc.org/download/">downloaded here</a>. You have the latest version of KeePassXC WelcomeWidget Start storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC database Comenceu a emmagatzemar les vostres contrasenyes de manera segura en una base de dades KeePassXC Create new database Crea una nova base de dades Open existing database Obre una base de dades existent Import from KeePass 1 Importa de KeePass 1 Import from 1Password Importa des de 1Password Import from CSV Importa d'un fitxer CSV Recent databases Bases de dades obertes recentment Open a recent database Obre una base de dades recent Welcome to KeePassXC %1 Benvinguts/des al KeePassXC %1 WinUtils Invalid key code Global shortcut already registered to %1 Could not register global shortcut WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. Failed to encrypt key data. Failed to get Windows Hello credential. Failed to decrypt key data. YubiKey %1 No interface, slot %2 General: Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. YubiKeyEditWidget Refresh hardware tokens Refresca els testimonis de maquinari Refresh Actualitza Hardware key slot selection Selecció de la ranura de la motxilla Could not find any hardware keys! Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! Challenge-Response Add Challenge-Response Change Challenge-Response Remove Challenge-Response Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://www.yubico.com/products/services-software/challenge-response/">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> Detecting hardware keys… No hardware keys detected YubiKeyInterface %1 Invalid slot specified - %2 YubiKeyInterfacePCSC (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. Hardware key is currently in use. Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. Hardware key was not found or is not configured. Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 YubiKeyInterfaceUSB Unknown (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3 (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 Press USB Challenge-Response Key interaction request Prem Passive USB Challenge-Response Key no interaction required Passiu The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized. Hardware key is currently in use. Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue. Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction. A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1