/* Part of this code come from zxcvbn-c example. Copyright (c) 2015, Tony Evans Copyright (c) 2016, KeePassXC Team See zxcvbn/zxcvbn.cpp for complete COPYRIGHT Notice */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "zxcvbn/zxcvbn.h" /* For pre-compiled headers under windows */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include "stdafx.h" #endif static void calculate(const char *pwd, int advanced) { double e; int len = strlen(pwd); if (advanced == 0){ e = ZxcvbnMatch(pwd, 0, 0); printf("Pass '%s' \tLength %d\tEntropy %.3f\tLog10 %.3f\n", pwd, len, e, e * 0.301029996); } else { int ChkLen; ZxcMatch_t *info, *p; double m = 0.0; e = ZxcvbnMatch(pwd, 0, &info); for(p = info; p; p = p->Next) { m += p->Entrpy; } m = e - m; printf("Pass '%s' \tLength %d\tEntropy %.3f\tLog10 %.3f\n Multi-word extra bits %.1f\n", pwd, len, e, e * 0.301029996, m); p = info; ChkLen = 0; while(p) { int n; switch(static_cast<int>(p->Type)) { case BRUTE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Bruteforce "); break; case DICTIONARY_MATCH: printf(" Type: Dictionary "); break; case DICT_LEET_MATCH: printf(" Type: Dict+Leet "); break; case USER_MATCH: printf(" Type: User Words "); break; case USER_LEET_MATCH: printf(" Type: User+Leet "); break; case REPEATS_MATCH: printf(" Type: Repeated "); break; case SEQUENCE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Sequence "); break; case SPATIAL_MATCH: printf(" Type: Spatial "); break; case DATE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Date "); break; case BRUTE_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Bruteforce(Rep)"); break; case DICTIONARY_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Dictionary(Rep)"); break; case DICT_LEET_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Dict+Leet(Rep) "); break; case USER_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: User Words(Rep)"); break; case USER_LEET_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: User+Leet(Rep) "); break; case REPEATS_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Repeated(Rep) "); break; case SEQUENCE_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Sequence(Rep) "); break; case SPATIAL_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Spatial(Rep) "); break; case DATE_MATCH+MULTIPLE_MATCH: printf(" Type: Date(Rep) "); break; default: printf(" Type: Unknown%d ", p->Type); break; } ChkLen += p->Length; printf(" Length %d Entropy %6.3f (%.2f) ", p->Length, p->Entrpy, p->Entrpy * 0.301029996); for(n = 0; n < p->Length; ++n, ++pwd) { printf("%c", *pwd); } printf("\n"); p = p->Next; } ZxcvbnFreeInfo(info); if (ChkLen != len) printf("*** Password length (%d) != sum of length of parts (%d) ***\n", len, ChkLen); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("KeePassXC Entropy Meter, based on zxcvbn-c.\nEnter your password below or pass it as argv\n"); printf(" Usage: entropy-meter [-a] [pwd1 pwd2 ...]\n> "); int i, advanced; if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-') && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-a"))) { advanced = 1; } i = 2; if (i >= argc) { /* No test passwords on command line, so get them from stdin */ char line[500]; while(fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin)) { /* Drop the trailing newline character */ for(i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(sizeof line - 1); ++i) { if (line[i] < ' ') { line[i] = 0; break; } } if (line[0]) calculate(line,advanced); printf("> "); } } else { /* Do the test passwords on the command line */ for(; i < argc; ++i) { calculate(argv[i],advanced); } } return 0; }