= keepassxc(1) :docdate: 2020-07-05 :doctype: manpage :manmanual: General Commands Manual == NAME keepassxc - password manager == SYNOPSIS *keepassxc* [_options_] [_filename(s)_] == DESCRIPTION *KeePassXC* is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. The complete database is always encrypted with the industry-standard AES (alias Rijndael) encryption algorithm using a 256 bit key. KeePassXC uses a database format that is compatible with KeePass Password Safe. Your wallet works offline and requires no Internet connection. == OPTIONS *-h*, *--help*:: Displays this help. *-v*, *--version*:: Displays version information. *--config* <__config__>:: Path to a custom config file *--keyfile* <__keyfile__>:: Key file of the database *--pw-stdin*:: Read password of the database from stdin *--pw*, *--parent-window* <__handle__>:: Parent window handle *--debug-info*:: Displays debugging information. == AUTHOR This manual page is maintained by the KeePassXC Team .