/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Felix Geyer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Metadata.h" #include #include "core/Clock.h" #include "core/Entry.h" #include "core/Group.h" #include "core/Tools.h" const int Metadata::DefaultHistoryMaxItems = 10; const int Metadata::DefaultHistoryMaxSize = 6 * 1024 * 1024; Metadata::Metadata(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) , m_customData(new CustomData(this)) , m_updateDatetime(true) { init(); connect(m_customData, SIGNAL(customDataModified()), SIGNAL(metadataModified())); } void Metadata::init() { m_data.generator = QStringLiteral("KeePassXC"); m_data.maintenanceHistoryDays = 365; m_data.masterKeyChangeRec = -1; m_data.masterKeyChangeForce = -1; m_data.historyMaxItems = DefaultHistoryMaxItems; m_data.historyMaxSize = DefaultHistoryMaxSize; m_data.recycleBinEnabled = true; m_data.protectTitle = false; m_data.protectUsername = false; m_data.protectPassword = true; m_data.protectUrl = false; m_data.protectNotes = false; QDateTime now = Clock::currentDateTimeUtc(); m_data.nameChanged = now; m_data.descriptionChanged = now; m_data.defaultUserNameChanged = now; m_recycleBinChanged = now; m_entryTemplatesGroupChanged = now; m_masterKeyChanged = now; m_settingsChanged = now; } void Metadata::clear() { init(); m_customIcons.clear(); m_customIconCacheKeys.clear(); m_customIconScaledCacheKeys.clear(); m_customIconsOrder.clear(); m_customIconsHashes.clear(); m_customData->clear(); } template bool Metadata::set(P& property, const V& value) { if (property != value) { property = value; emit metadataModified(); return true; } else { return false; } } template bool Metadata::set(P& property, const V& value, QDateTime& dateTime) { if (property != value) { property = value; if (m_updateDatetime) { dateTime = Clock::currentDateTimeUtc(); } emit metadataModified(); return true; } else { return false; } } void Metadata::setUpdateDatetime(bool value) { m_updateDatetime = value; } void Metadata::copyAttributesFrom(const Metadata* other) { m_data = other->m_data; } QString Metadata::generator() const { return m_data.generator; } QString Metadata::name() const { return m_data.name; } QDateTime Metadata::nameChanged() const { return m_data.nameChanged; } QString Metadata::description() const { return m_data.description; } QDateTime Metadata::descriptionChanged() const { return m_data.descriptionChanged; } QString Metadata::defaultUserName() const { return m_data.defaultUserName; } QDateTime Metadata::defaultUserNameChanged() const { return m_data.defaultUserNameChanged; } int Metadata::maintenanceHistoryDays() const { return m_data.maintenanceHistoryDays; } QString Metadata::color() const { return m_data.color; } bool Metadata::protectTitle() const { return m_data.protectTitle; } bool Metadata::protectUsername() const { return m_data.protectUsername; } bool Metadata::protectPassword() const { return m_data.protectPassword; } bool Metadata::protectUrl() const { return m_data.protectUrl; } bool Metadata::protectNotes() const { return m_data.protectNotes; } QImage Metadata::customIcon(const QUuid& uuid) const { return m_customIcons.value(uuid); } QPixmap Metadata::customIconPixmap(const QUuid& uuid) const { QPixmap pixmap; if (!m_customIcons.contains(uuid)) { return pixmap; } QPixmapCache::Key& cacheKey = m_customIconCacheKeys[uuid]; if (!QPixmapCache::find(cacheKey, &pixmap)) { pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(m_customIcons.value(uuid)); QPixmapCache::insert(pixmap); } return pixmap; } QPixmap Metadata::customIconScaledPixmap(const QUuid& uuid, const QSize& size) const { QPixmap pixmap; if (!m_customIcons.contains(uuid)) { return pixmap; } QImage image = m_customIcons.value(uuid).scaled(size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image); return pixmap; } bool Metadata::containsCustomIcon(const QUuid& uuid) const { return m_customIcons.contains(uuid); } QHash Metadata::customIcons() const { return m_customIcons; } QHash Metadata::customIconsScaledPixmaps(const QSize& size) const { QHash result; for (const QUuid& uuid : m_customIconsOrder) { result.insert(uuid, customIconScaledPixmap(uuid, size)); } return result; } QList Metadata::customIconsOrder() const { return m_customIconsOrder; } bool Metadata::recycleBinEnabled() const { return m_data.recycleBinEnabled; } Group* Metadata::recycleBin() { return m_recycleBin; } const Group* Metadata::recycleBin() const { return m_recycleBin; } QDateTime Metadata::recycleBinChanged() const { return m_recycleBinChanged; } const Group* Metadata::entryTemplatesGroup() const { return m_entryTemplatesGroup; } QDateTime Metadata::entryTemplatesGroupChanged() const { return m_entryTemplatesGroupChanged; } const Group* Metadata::lastSelectedGroup() const { return m_lastSelectedGroup; } const Group* Metadata::lastTopVisibleGroup() const { return m_lastTopVisibleGroup; } QDateTime Metadata::masterKeyChanged() const { return m_masterKeyChanged; } int Metadata::masterKeyChangeRec() const { return m_data.masterKeyChangeRec; } int Metadata::masterKeyChangeForce() const { return m_data.masterKeyChangeForce; } int Metadata::historyMaxItems() const { return m_data.historyMaxItems; } int Metadata::historyMaxSize() const { return m_data.historyMaxSize; } CustomData* Metadata::customData() { return m_customData; } const CustomData* Metadata::customData() const { return m_customData; } void Metadata::setGenerator(const QString& value) { set(m_data.generator, value); } void Metadata::setName(const QString& value) { set(m_data.name, value, m_data.nameChanged); } void Metadata::setNameChanged(const QDateTime& value) { Q_ASSERT(value.timeSpec() == Qt::UTC); m_data.nameChanged = value; } void Metadata::setDescription(const QString& value) { set(m_data.description, value, m_data.descriptionChanged); } void Metadata::setDescriptionChanged(const QDateTime& value) { Q_ASSERT(value.timeSpec() == Qt::UTC); m_data.descriptionChanged = value; } void Metadata::setDefaultUserName(const QString& value) { set(m_data.defaultUserName, value, m_data.defaultUserNameChanged); } void Metadata::setDefaultUserNameChanged(const QDateTime& value) { Q_ASSERT(value.timeSpec() == Qt::UTC); m_data.defaultUserNameChanged = value; } void Metadata::setMaintenanceHistoryDays(int value) { set(m_data.maintenanceHistoryDays, value); } void Metadata::setColor(const QString& value) { set(m_data.color, value); } void Metadata::setProtectTitle(bool value) { set(m_data.protectTitle, value); } void Metadata::setProtectUsername(bool value) { set(m_data.protectUsername, value); } void Metadata::setProtectPassword(bool value) { set(m_data.protectPassword, value); } void Metadata::setProtectUrl(bool value) { set(m_data.protectUrl, value); } void Metadata::setProtectNotes(bool value) { set(m_data.protectNotes, value); } void Metadata::addCustomIcon(const QUuid& uuid, const QImage& icon) { Q_ASSERT(!uuid.isNull()); Q_ASSERT(!m_customIcons.contains(uuid)); m_customIcons[uuid] = icon; // reset cache in case there is also an icon with that uuid m_customIconCacheKeys[uuid] = QPixmapCache::Key(); m_customIconScaledCacheKeys[uuid] = QPixmapCache::Key(); // remove all uuids to prevent duplicates in release mode m_customIconsOrder.removeAll(uuid); m_customIconsOrder.append(uuid); // Associate image hash to uuid QByteArray hash = hashImage(icon); m_customIconsHashes[hash] = uuid; Q_ASSERT(m_customIcons.count() == m_customIconsOrder.count()); emit metadataModified(); } void Metadata::addCustomIconScaled(const QUuid& uuid, const QImage& icon) { QImage iconScaled; // scale down to 128x128 if icon is larger if (icon.width() > 128 || icon.height() > 128) { iconScaled = icon.scaled(QSize(128, 128), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { iconScaled = icon; } addCustomIcon(uuid, iconScaled); } void Metadata::removeCustomIcon(const QUuid& uuid) { Q_ASSERT(!uuid.isNull()); Q_ASSERT(m_customIcons.contains(uuid)); // Remove hash record only if this is the same uuid QByteArray hash = hashImage(m_customIcons[uuid]); if (m_customIconsHashes.contains(hash) && m_customIconsHashes[hash] == uuid) { m_customIconsHashes.remove(hash); } m_customIcons.remove(uuid); QPixmapCache::remove(m_customIconCacheKeys.value(uuid)); m_customIconCacheKeys.remove(uuid); QPixmapCache::remove(m_customIconScaledCacheKeys.value(uuid)); m_customIconScaledCacheKeys.remove(uuid); m_customIconsOrder.removeAll(uuid); Q_ASSERT(m_customIcons.count() == m_customIconsOrder.count()); emit metadataModified(); } QUuid Metadata::findCustomIcon(const QImage& candidate) { QByteArray hash = hashImage(candidate); return m_customIconsHashes.value(hash, QUuid()); } void Metadata::copyCustomIcons(const QSet& iconList, const Metadata* otherMetadata) { for (const QUuid& uuid : iconList) { Q_ASSERT(otherMetadata->containsCustomIcon(uuid)); if (!containsCustomIcon(uuid) && otherMetadata->containsCustomIcon(uuid)) { addCustomIcon(uuid, otherMetadata->customIcon(uuid)); } } } QByteArray Metadata::hashImage(const QImage& image) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) auto data = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(image.bits()), static_cast(image.sizeInBytes())); #else auto data = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(image.bits()), image.byteCount()); #endif return QCryptographicHash::hash(data, QCryptographicHash::Md5); } void Metadata::setRecycleBinEnabled(bool value) { set(m_data.recycleBinEnabled, value); } void Metadata::setRecycleBin(Group* group) { set(m_recycleBin, group, m_recycleBinChanged); } void Metadata::setRecycleBinChanged(const QDateTime& value) { Q_ASSERT(value.timeSpec() == Qt::UTC); m_recycleBinChanged = value; } void Metadata::setEntryTemplatesGroup(Group* group) { set(m_entryTemplatesGroup, group, m_entryTemplatesGroupChanged); } void Metadata::setEntryTemplatesGroupChanged(const QDateTime& value) { Q_ASSERT(value.timeSpec() == Qt::UTC); m_entryTemplatesGroupChanged = value; } void Metadata::setLastSelectedGroup(Group* group) { set(m_lastSelectedGroup, group); } void Metadata::setLastTopVisibleGroup(Group* group) { set(m_lastTopVisibleGroup, group); } void Metadata::setMasterKeyChanged(const QDateTime& value) { Q_ASSERT(value.timeSpec() == Qt::UTC); m_masterKeyChanged = value; } void Metadata::setMasterKeyChangeRec(int value) { set(m_data.masterKeyChangeRec, value); } void Metadata::setMasterKeyChangeForce(int value) { set(m_data.masterKeyChangeForce, value); } void Metadata::setHistoryMaxItems(int value) { set(m_data.historyMaxItems, value); } void Metadata::setHistoryMaxSize(int value) { set(m_data.historyMaxSize, value); } QDateTime Metadata::settingsChanged() const { return m_settingsChanged; } void Metadata::setSettingsChanged(const QDateTime& value) { Q_ASSERT(value.timeSpec() == Qt::UTC); m_settingsChanged = value; }