AboutDialogAbout KeePassXCAboutReport bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.Contributors<a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/graphs/contributors">See Contributions on GitHub</a>Debug InfoInclude the following information whenever you report a bug:Copy to clipboardProject Maintainers:Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX.AgentSettingsWidgetEnable SSH Agent (requires restart)Use OpenSSH for Windows instead of PageantApplicationSettingsWidgetApplication SettingsGeneralSecurityAccess error for config file %1Icon onlyText onlyText beside iconText under iconFollow styleReset Settings?Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneralBasic SettingsStartupStart only a single instance of KeePassXCMinimize window at application startupFile ManagementSafely save database files (may be incompatible with Dropbox, etc)Backup database file before savingAutomatically save after every changeAutomatically save on exitDon't mark database as modified for non-data changes (e.g., expanding groups)Automatically reload the database when modified externallyEntry ManagementUse group icon on entry creationHide the entry preview panelGeneralHide toolbar (icons)Minimize instead of app exitShow a system tray iconDark system tray iconHide window to system tray when minimizedAuto-TypeUse entry title to match windows for global Auto-TypeUse entry URL to match windows for global Auto-TypeAlways ask before performing Auto-TypeGlobal Auto-Type shortcutAuto-Type typing delayMilliseconds msAuto-Type start delayMovable toolbarRemember previously used databasesLoad previously open databases on startupRemember database key files and security donglesCheck for updates at application startup once per weekInclude beta releases when checking for updatesButton style:Language:(restart program to activate)Minimize window after unlocking databaseMinimize when opening a URLHide window when copying to clipboardMinimizeDrop to backgroundFavicon download timeout:Website icon download timeout in secondsSeconds secToolbar button styleUse monospaced font for notesLanguage selectionReset Settings to DefaultGlobal auto-type shortcutAuto-type character typing delay millisecondsAuto-type start delay millisecondsApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurityTimeoutsClear clipboard afterSeconds secLock databases after inactivity of minForget TouchID after inactivity ofConvenienceLock databases when session is locked or lid is closedForget TouchID when session is locked or lid is closedLock databases after minimizing the windowRe-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-TypeDon't require password repeat when it is visibleDon't hide passwords when editing themDon't use placeholder for empty password fieldsHide passwords in the entry preview panelHide entry notes by defaultPrivacyUse DuckDuckGo service to download website iconsClipboard clear secondsTouch ID inactivity resetDatabase lock timeout secondsMinutes minClear search query afterAutoTypeCouldn't find an entry that matches the window title:Auto-Type - KeePassXCAuto-TypeThe Syntax of your Auto-Type statement is incorrect!This Auto-Type command contains a very long delay. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains very slow key presses. Do you really want to proceed?This Auto-Type command contains arguments which are repeated very often. Do you really want to proceed?AutoTypeAssociationsModelWindowSequenceDefault sequenceAutoTypeMatchModelGroupTitleUsernameSequenceAutoTypeMatchViewCopy &usernameCopy &passwordAutoTypeSelectDialogAuto-Type - KeePassXCSelect entry to Auto-Type:Search...BrowserAccessControlDialogKeePassXC-Browser Confirm AccessRemember this decisionAllowDeny%1 has requested access to passwords for the following item(s).
Please select whether you want to allow access.Allow accessDeny accessBrowserEntrySaveDialogKeePassXC-Browser Save EntryOkCancelYou have multiple databases open.
Please select the correct database for saving credentials.BrowserOptionDialogDialogThis is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-BrowserGeneralEnable integration for these browsers:&Google Chrome&Firefox&Chromium&VivaldiCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionShow a ¬ification when credentials are requestedRe&quest to unlock the database if it is lockedOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, ...) are returned.&Match URL scheme (e.g., https://...)Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.&Return only best-matching credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSort &matching credentials by titleCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSort matching credentials by &usernameAdvancedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionNever &ask before accessing credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionNever ask before &updating credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extensionSearc&h in all opened databases for matching credentialsAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.&Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup.Update &native messaging manifest files at startupSupport a proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extension.Use a &proxy application between KeePassXC and browser extensionUse a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually.Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-BrowserUse a &custom proxy locationButton for opening file dialogBrowse...<b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous!Select custom proxy location&Tor BrowserExecutable FilesAll FilesAn extra HTTP Basic Auth settingDo not ask permission for HTTP &Basic AuthDue to Snap sandboxing, you must run a script to enable browser integration.<br />You can obtain this script from %1Please see special instructions for browser extension use belowKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2. %3&BraveReturns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title.&Allow returning expired credentials.Enable browser integrationBrowsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.All databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials.Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings.&Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration.Custom proxy location fieldBrowser for custom proxy file<b>Warning</b>, the keepassxc-proxy application was not found!<br />Please check the KeePassXC installation directory or confirm the custom path in advanced options.<br />Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application.<br />Expected Path: %1BrowserServiceKeePassXC: New key association requestYou have received an association request for the above key.
If you would like to allow it access to your KeePassXC database,
give it a unique name to identify and accept it.Save and allow accessKeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?KeePassXC: Update EntryDo you want to update the information in %1 - %2?AbortConverting attributes to custom data…KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributesSuccessfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s).
Moved %2 keys to custom data.Successfully moved %n keys to custom data.Successfully moved %n keys to custom data.KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found!The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes.KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detectedKeePassXC: Create a new groupA request for creating a new group "%1" has been received.
Do you want to create this group?
Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings.
This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections.
Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?Don't show this warning againCloneDialogClone OptionsAppend ' - Clone' to titleReplace username and password with referencesCopy historyCsvImportWidgetImport CSV fieldsfilenamesize, rows, columnsEncodingCodecText is qualified byFields are separated byComments start withFirst record has field namesConsider '\' an escape characterPreviewColumn layoutNot present in CSV fileImported from CSV fileOriginal data: ErrorEmpty fieldname %1column %1Error(s) detected in CSV file![%n more message skipped][%n more messages skipped]CSV import: writer has errors:
%1Text qualificationField separationNumber of header lines to discardCSV import previewCsvParserModel%n column%n columnsfile info: bytes, rows, columns%1, %2, %3%n byte%n bytes%n row%n rowsDatabaseRoot group nameRootFile %1 does not exist.Unable to open file %1.Error while reading the database: %1File cannot be written as it is opened in read-only mode.Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers!%1
Backup database located at %2Could not save, database does not point to a valid file.Could not save, database file is read-only.Database file has unmerged changes.Recycle BinDatabaseOpenDialogUnlock Database - KeePassXCDatabaseOpenWidgetKey File:RefreshLegacy key file formatYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.Don't show this warning againAll filesKey filesSelect key fileFailed to open key file: %1Select slot...Unlock KeePassXC DatabaseEnter Password:Password fieldToggle password visibilityEnter Additional Credentials:Key file selectionHardware key slot selectionBrowse for key fileBrowse...Refresh hardware tokensHardware Key:<p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p>
<p>Click for more information...</p>Hardware key helpTouchID for Quick UnlockClearClear Key FileSelect file...Unlock failed and no password givenUnlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password.
Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead?
To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password.Retry with empty passwordDatabaseSettingWidgetMetaDataPasswordsDatabaseSettingsDialogAdvanced SettingsGeneralSecurityMaster KeyEncryption SettingsBrowser IntegrationDatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowserKeePassXC-Browser settings&Disconnect all browsersForg&et all site-specific settings on entriesMove KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser &custom dataStored keysRemoveDelete the selected key?Do you really want to delete the selected key?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.KeyValueEnable Browser Integration to access these settings.Disconnect all browsersDo you really want to disconnect all browsers?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.KeePassXC: No keys foundNo shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings.KeePassXC: Removed keys from databaseSuccessfully removed %n encryption key from KeePassXC settings.Successfully removed %n encryption keys from KeePassXC settings.Forget all site-specific settings on entriesDo you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry?
Permissions to access entries will be revoked.Removing stored permissions…AbortKeePassXC: Removed permissionsSuccessfully removed permissions from %n entry.Successfully removed permissions from %n entries.KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom dataDo you really want to move all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard?
This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin.Stored browser keysRemove selected keyDatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryptionEncryption Algorithm:AES: 256 Bit (default)Twofish: 256 BitKey Derivation Function:Transform rounds:Benchmark 1-second delayMemory Usage:Parallelism:Decryption Time:?? sChange100 ms5 sHigher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer.Database format:This is only important if you need to use your database with other programs.KDBX 4.0 (recommended)KDBX 3.1Database decryption time is unchangedunchangedKey transformation roundsNumber of rounds too highYou are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2.
If you keep this number, your database may take hours or days (or even longer) to open!Understood, keep numberCancelKey transformation roundsNumber of rounds too lowYou are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF.
If you keep this number, your database may be too easy to crack!KDF unchangedFailed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged.Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) MiB MiBThreads for parallel execution (KDF settings) thread threadsmilliseconds%1 ms%1 msseconds%1 s%1 sChange existing decryption timeDecryption time in secondsDatabase formatEncryption algorithmKey derivation functionTransform roundsMemory usageParallelismDatabaseSettingsWidgetFdoSecretsExposed EntriesDon't e&xpose this databaseExpose entries &under this group:Enable fd.o Secret Service to access these settings.DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralDatabase Meta DataDatabase name:Database description:Default username:History SettingsMax. history items:Max. history size: MiBUse recycle binAdditional Database SettingsEnable &compression (recommended)Database name fieldDatabase description fieldDefault username fieldMaximum number of history items per entryMaximum size of history per entryDelete Recycle BinDo you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents?
This action is not reversible. (old)DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShareSharingBreadcrumbTypePathLast SignerCertificatesBreadcrumb separator > DatabaseSettingsWidgetMasterKeyAdd additional protection...No encryption key addedYou must add at least one encryption key to secure your database!No password setWARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged!
Are you sure you want to continue without a password?Unknown errorFailed to change master keyContinue without passwordDatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimpleDatabase Name:Description:Database name fieldDatabase description fieldDatabaseSettingsWidgetStatisticsStatisticsHover over lines with error icons for further information.NameValueDatabase nameDescriptionLocationLast savedUnsaved changesyesnoThe database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk.Number of groupsNumber of entriesNumber of expired entriesThe database contains entries that have expired.Unique passwordsNon-unique passwordsMore than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible.Maximum password reuseSome passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible.Number of short passwordsRecommended minimum password length is at least 8 characters.Number of weak passwordsRecommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'.Average password length%1 charactersAverage password length is less than ten characters. Longer passwords provide more security.DatabaseTabWidgetKeePass 2 DatabaseAll filesOpen databaseCSV fileMerge databaseOpen KeePass 1 databaseKeePass 1 databaseExport database to CSV fileWriting the CSV file failed.Database creation errorThe created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it.
This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.Select CSV fileNew DatabaseDatabase tab name modifier%1 [New Database]Database tab name modifier%1 [Locked]Database tab name modifier%1 [Read-only]Failed to open %1. It either does not exist or is not accessible.Export database to HTML fileHTML fileWriting the HTML file failed.Export ConfirmationYou are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue?DatabaseWidgetSearching...Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?Do you really want to move %n entry to the recycle bin?Do you really want to move %n entries to the recycle bin?Execute command?Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br>Remember my choiceDo you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?No current database.No source database, nothing to do.Search Results (%1)No ResultsFile has changedThe database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?Merge RequestThe database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
Do you want to merge your changes?Empty recycle bin?Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?Do you really want to delete %n entry for good?Do you really want to delete %n entries for good?Delete entry?Delete entries?Move entry to recycle bin?Move entries to recycle bin?Lock Database?You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway?"%1" was modified.
Save changes?Database was modified.
Save changes?Save changes?Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
Error: %1Disable safe saves?KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file.
Disable safe saves and try again?PasswordsSave database asKeePass 2 DatabaseReplace references to entry?Entry "%1" has %2 reference. Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway?Entry "%1" has %2 references. Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway?Delete groupMove group to recycle bin?Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin?Successfully merged the database files.Database was not modified by merge operation.Shared group...Writing the database failed: %1This database is opened in read-only mode. Autosave is disabled.EditEntryWidgetEntryAdvancedIconAuto-TypePropertiesHistorySSH Agentn/a(encrypted)Select private keyFile too large to be a private keyFailed to open private keyEntry historyAdd entryEdit entryDifferent passwords supplied.New attributeAre you sure you want to remove this attribute?Tomorrow%n week%n weeks%n month%n monthsApply generated password?Do you want to apply the generated password to this entry?Entry updated successfully.Entry has unsaved changesNew attribute %1[PROTECTED] Press reveal to view or edit%n year%n yearsConfirm RemovalBrowser Integration<empty URL>Are you sure you want to remove this URL?EditEntryWidgetAdvancedAdditional attributesAddRemoveEdit NameProtectRevealAttachmentsForeground Color:Background Color:Attribute selectionAttribute valueAdd a new attributeRemove selected attributeEdit attribute nameToggle attribute protectionShow a protected attributeForeground color selectionBackground color selectionEditEntryWidgetAutoTypeEnable Auto-Type for this entryInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the &group&Use custom Auto-Type sequence:Window Associations+-Window title:Use a specific sequence for this association:Custom Auto-Type sequenceOpen Auto-Type help webpageExisting window associationsAdd new window associationRemove selected window associationYou can use an asterisk (*) to match everythingSet the window association titleYou can use an asterisk to match everythingCustom Auto-Type sequence for this windowEditEntryWidgetBrowserThese settings affect to the entry's behavior with the browser extension.GeneralSkip Auto-Submit for this entryHide this entry from the browser extensionAdditional URL'sAddRemoveEditEditEntryWidgetHistoryShowRestoreDeleteDelete allEntry history selectionShow entry at selected history stateRestore entry to selected history stateDelete selected history stateDelete all historyEditEntryWidgetMainURL:Password:Repeat:Title:NotesPresetsToggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section.Username:ExpiresUrl fieldDownload favicon for URLRepeat password fieldToggle password generatorPassword fieldToggle password visibilityToggle notes visibleExpiration fieldExpiration PresetsExpiration presetsNotes fieldTitle fieldUsername fieldToggle expirationEditEntryWidgetSSHAgentFormRemove key from agent after secondsFingerprintRemove key from agent when database is closed/lockedPublic keyAdd key to agent when database is opened/unlockedCommentDecryptn/aCopy to clipboardPrivate keyExternal fileButton for opening file dialogBrowse...AttachmentAdd to agentRemove from agentRequire user confirmation when this key is usedRemove key from agent after specified secondsBrowser for key fileExternal key fileSelect attachment fileEditGroupWidgetGroupIconPropertiesAdd groupEdit groupEnableDisableInherit from parent group (%1)Entry has unsaved changesEditGroupWidgetKeeShareFormType:Path:...Password:InactiveKeeShare unsigned containerKeeShare signed containerSelect import sourceSelect export targetSelect import/export fileClearImportExportSynchronizeYour KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type.
Supported extensions are: %1.%1 is already being exported by this database.%1 is already being imported by this database.%1 is being imported and exported by different groups in this database.KeeShare is a proper nounKeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings.Database export is currently disabled by application settings.Database import is currently disabled by application settings.Sharing mode fieldPath to share file fieldBrowser for share filePassword fieldToggle password visibilityToggle password generatorClear fieldsEditGroupWidgetMainNameNotesExpiresSearchAuto-Type&Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent groupSet default Auto-Type se&quenceName fieldNotes fieldToggle expirationAuto-Type toggle for this and sub groupsExpiration fieldSearch toggle for this and sub groupsDefault auto-type sequence fieldEditWidgetIcons&Use default iconUse custo&m iconAdd custom iconDelete custom iconDownload faviconUnable to fetch favicon.ImagesAll filesConfirm DeleteSelect Image(s)Successfully loaded %1 of %n iconSuccessfully loaded %1 of %n iconsNo icons were loaded%n icon already exists in the database%n icons already exist in the databaseThe following icon failed:The following icons failed:This icon is used by %n entry, and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it?This icon is used by %n entries, and will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete it?You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Tools -> Settings -> SecurityDownload favicon for URLApply selected icon to subgroups and entriesApply icon &to ...Apply to this onlyAlso apply to child groupsAlso apply to child entriesAlso apply to all childrenExisting icon selected.EditWidgetPropertiesCreated:Modified:Accessed:Uuid:Plugin DataRemoveDelete plugin data?Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.KeyValueDatetime createdDatetime modifiedDatetime accessedUnique IDPlugin dataRemove selected plugin dataEntry%1 - CloneEntryAttachmentsModelNameSizeEntryAttachmentsWidgetFormAddRemoveOpenSaveSelect filesAre you sure you want to remove %n attachment?Are you sure you want to remove %n attachments?Save attachmentsUnable to create directory:
%1Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?Confirm overwriteUnable to save attachments:
%1Unable to open attachment:
%1Unable to open attachments:
%1Confirm removeUnable to open file:
%1Unable to open files:
%1AttachmentsAdd new attachmentRemove selected attachmentOpen selected attachmentSave selected attachment to diskEntryAttributesModelNameEntryHistoryModelLast modifiedTitleUsernameURLEntryModelReference abbreviationRef: GroupTitleUsernameURLNeverPasswordNotesExpiresCreatedModifiedAccessedAttachmentsYesTOTPEntryPreviewWidgetCloseGeneralUsernamePasswordExpirationURLAttributesAttachmentsNotesAutotypeWindowSequenceSearchingSearchClearNever[PROTECTED]attributes line<b>%1</b>: %2EnabledDisabledShareDisplay current TOTP valueAdvancedEntryViewCustomize ViewHide UsernamesHide PasswordsFit to windowFit to contentsReset to defaultsAttachments (icon)FdoSecrets::ItemEntry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3FdoSecrets::ServiceFailed to register DBus service at %1: another secret service is running.%1 is the name of an application%n entry was used by %1%n entries was used by %1FdoSecretsPluginFdo Secret Service: %1Groupgroup has no children[empty]HostInstallerKeePassXC: Cannot save file!Cannot save the native messaging script file.IconDownloaderDialogDownload FaviconsCancelHaving trouble downloading icons?
You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings.CloseURLStatusPlease wait, processing entry list...Downloading...OkAlready ExistsDownload FailedDownloading favicons (%1/%2)...KMessageWidget&CloseClose messageKdbx3ReaderUnable to calculate master keyUnable to issue challenge-response.missing database headersHeader doesn't match hashInvalid header id sizeInvalid header field lengthInvalid header data lengthInvalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.Kdbx3WriterUnable to issue challenge-response.Unable to calculate master keyKdbx4Readermissing database headersUnable to calculate master keyInvalid header checksum sizeHeader SHA256 mismatchUnknown cipherInvalid header id sizeInvalid header field lengthInvalid header data lengthFailed to open buffer for KDF parameters in headerUnsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parametersLegacy header fields found in KDBX4 file.Invalid inner header id sizeInvalid inner header field lengthInvalid inner header binary sizeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataUnsupported KeePass variant map version.Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry name lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry name dataTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry value lengthTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry value dataTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Bool entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Int32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map UInt32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map Int64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map UInt64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map entry typeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataInvalid variant map field type sizeInvalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.(HMAC mismatch)Kdbx4WriterInvalid symmetric cipher algorithm.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherInvalid symmetric cipher IV size.Unable to calculate master keyTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta dataFailed to serialize KDF parameters variant mapKdbxReaderUnsupported cipherInvalid compression flags lengthUnsupported compression algorithmInvalid master seed sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid transform rounds sizeInvalid start bytes sizeInvalid random stream id sizeInvalid inner random stream cipherNot a KeePass database.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database...'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.Unsupported KeePass 2 database version.Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2)Unable to parse UUID: %1Failed to read database file.KdbxXmlReaderXML parsing failure: %1No root groupMissing icon uuid or dataMissing custom data key or valueMultiple group elementsNull group uuidInvalid group icon numberInvalid EnableAutoType valueInvalid EnableSearching valueNo group uuid foundNull DeleteObject uuidMissing DeletedObject uuid or timeNull entry uuidInvalid entry icon numberHistory element in history entryNo entry uuid foundHistory element with different uuidDuplicate custom attribute foundEntry string key or value missingDuplicate attachment foundEntry binary key or value missingAuto-type association window or sequence missingInvalid bool valueInvalid date time valueInvalid color valueInvalid color rgb partInvalid number valueInvalid uuid valueTranslator meant is a binary data inside an entryUnable to decompress binaryXML error:
Line %2, column %3KeePass1OpenWidgetUnable to open the database.Import KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.Not a KeePass database.Unsupported encryption algorithm.Unsupported KeePass database version.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipherUnable to read encryption IVInvalid number of groupsInvalid number of entriesInvalid content hash sizeInvalid transform seed sizeInvalid number of transform roundsUnable to construct group treeRootUnable to calculate master keyKey transformation failedInvalid group field type numberInvalid group field sizeRead group field data doesn't match sizeIncorrect group id field sizeIncorrect group creation time field sizeIncorrect group modification time field sizeIncorrect group access time field sizeIncorrect group expiry time field sizeIncorrect group icon field sizeIncorrect group level field sizeInvalid group field typeMissing group id or levelMissing entry field type numberInvalid entry field sizeRead entry field data doesn't match sizeInvalid entry uuid field sizeInvalid entry group id field sizeInvalid entry icon field sizeInvalid entry creation time field sizeInvalid entry modification time field sizeInvalid entry expiry time field sizeInvalid entry field typeunable to seek to content positionInvalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.KeeShareInvalid sharing referenceInactive share %1Imported from %1Exported to %1Synchronized with %1Import is disabled in settingsExport is disabled in settingsInactive shareImported fromExported toSynchronized withKeyComponentWidgetKey ComponentKey Component DescriptionCancelKey Component set, click to change or removeAdd a key componentAdd %1Change a key componentChange %1Remove a key componentRemove %1Change or remove a key component%1 set, click to change or removeKeyFileEditWidgetGenerateKey File<p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out!</p>Legacy key file formatYou are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please go to the master key settings and generate a new key file.Error loading the key file '%1'
Message: %2Key filesAll filesCreate Key File...Error creating key fileUnable to create key file: %1Select a key fileKey file selectionBrowse for key fileBrowse...Generate a new key fileNote: Do not use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database!Invalid Key FileYou cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file.Suspicious Key FileThe chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever.
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?MainWindow&Database&Recent databases&HelpE&ntries&Groups&Tools&Quit&About&Open database...&Save database&Close database&Delete entry&Edit group&Delete groupSa&ve database as...Database settings&Clone entryCopy &usernameCopy username to clipboardCopy password to clipboard&Settings&Lock databases&TitleCopy title to clipboard&URLCopy URL to clipboard&NotesCopy notes to clipboard&Export to CSV file...Set up TOTP...Copy &TOTPE&mpty recycle binClear historyAccess error for config file %1SettingsToggle windowQuit KeePassXCPlease touch the button on your YubiKey!WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC!
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.&DonateReport a &bugWARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard!
We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.&ImportCopy att&ribute...TOTP...&New database...Create a new database&Merge from database...Merge from another KDBX database&New entryAdd a new entry&Edit entryView or edit entry&New groupAdd a new groupChange master &key...&Database settings...Copy &passwordPerform &Auto-TypeOpen &URLKeePass 1 database...Import a KeePass 1 databaseCSV file...Import a CSV fileShow TOTP...Show TOTP QR Code...NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC!
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is not meant for production use.Check for updates on startup?Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup?You can always check for updates manually from the application menu.&Export&Check for Updates...Downlo&ad all faviconsSort &A-ZSort &Z-A&Password GeneratorDownload favicon&Export to HTML file...1Password Vault...Import a 1Password Vault&Getting StartedOpen Getting Started Guide PDF&Online Help...Go to online documentation (opens browser)&User GuideOpen User Guide PDF&Keyboard ShortcutsMergerCreating missing %1 [%2]Relocating %1 [%2]Overwriting %1 [%2]older entry merged from database "%1"Adding backup for older target %1 [%2]Adding backup for older source %1 [%2]Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2]Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2]Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2]Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2]Deleting child %1 [%2]Deleting orphan %1 [%2]Changed deleted objectsAdding missing icon %1Removed custom data %1 [%2]Adding custom data %1 [%2]NewDatabaseWizardCreate a new KeePassXC database...Root groupRootNewDatabaseWizardPageWizardPageEn&cryption SettingsHere you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.Advanced SettingsSimple SettingsNewDatabaseWizardPageEncryptionEncryption SettingsHere you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.NewDatabaseWizardPageMasterKeyDatabase Master KeyA master key known only to you protects your database.NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaDataGeneral Database InformationPlease fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database:OpData01Invalid OpData01, does not contain headerUnable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1Unable to read all HMAC signature bytesMalformed OpData01 due to a failed HMACUnable to process clearText in placeExpected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2OpVaultOpenWidgetRead Database did not produce an instance
%1OpVaultReaderDirectory .opvault must existDirectory .opvault must be readableDirectory .opvault/default must existDirectory .opvault/default must be readableUnable to decode masterKey: %1Unable to derive master key: %1OpenSSHKeyInvalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH keyPEM boundary mismatchBase64 decoding failedKey file way too small.Key file magic header id invalidFound zero keysFailed to read public key.Corrupted key file, reading private key failedNo private key payload to decryptTrying to run KDF without cipherPassphrase is required to decrypt this keyKey derivation failed, key file corrupted?Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?Unexpected EOF while reading public keyUnexpected EOF while reading private keyCan't write public key as it is emptyUnexpected EOF when writing public keyCan't write private key as it is emptyUnexpected EOF when writing private keyUnsupported key type: %1Unknown cipher: %1Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdfUnknown KDF: %1Unknown key type: %1PasswordEditPasswords do not matchPasswords match so farPasswordEditWidgetEnter password:Confirm password:Password<p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p>Passwords do not match.Generate master passwordPassword fieldToggle password visibilityRepeat password fieldToggle password generatorPasswordGeneratorWidget%p%Password:Password strengthstrengthentropyPasswordCharacter TypesNumbersExtended ASCIIExclude look-alike charactersPick characters from every group&Length:PassphraseWordlist:Word Separator:CopyAcceptCloseEntropy: %1 bitPassword Quality: %1Password qualityPoorPassword qualityWeakPassword qualityGoodPassword qualityExcellentExtendedASCIISwitch to advanced modeAdvancedA-Za-z0-9Braces{[(Punctuation.,:;Quotes" '<*+!?=\_|-/Logograms#$%&&@^`~Switch to simple modeSimpleCharacter set to exclude from generated passwordDo not include:Add non-hex letters to "do not include" listHexExcluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"Word Co&unt:RegenerateGenerated passwordUpper-case lettersLower-case lettersSpecial charactersMath SymbolsDashes and SlashesExcluded charactersHex PasswordsPassword lengthWord Case:Regenerate passwordCopy passwordAccept passwordlower caseUPPER CASETitle CaseToggle password visibilityQApplicationKeeShareStatisticsQMessageBoxOverwriteDeleteMoveEmptyRemoveSkipDisableMergeContinueQObjectDatabase not openedDatabase hash not availableClient public key not receivedCannot decrypt messageAction cancelled or deniedKeePassXC association failed, try againEncryption key is not recognizedIncorrect actionEmpty message receivedNo URL providedNo logins foundUnknown errorAdd a new entry to a database.Path of the database.Key file of the database.pathUsername for the entry.usernameURL for the entry.URLPrompt for the entry's password.Generate a password for the entry.lengthPath of the entry to add.Copy an entry's password to the clipboard.clip = copy to clipboardPath of the entry to clip.Timeout in seconds before clearing the clipboard.Edit an entry.Title for the entry.titlePath of the entry to edit.Estimate the entropy of a password.Password for which to estimate the entropy.Perform advanced analysis on the password.WARNING: You are using a legacy key file format which may become
unsupported in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.
Available commands:
Name of the command to execute.List database entries.Path of the group to list. Default is /Find entries quickly.Search term.Merge two databases.Path of the database to merge from.Use the same credentials for both database files.Key file of the database to merge from.Show an entry's information.Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.attributeName of the entry to show.NULL deviceerror reading from devicemalformed stringmissing closing quoteGroupTitleUsernamePasswordNotesLast ModifiedCreatedBrowser IntegrationPressPassiveSSH AgentGenerate a new random diceware passphrase.Word count for the diceware passphrase.Wordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]Generate a new random password.Could not create entry with path %1.Enter password for new entry: Writing the database failed %1.Successfully added entry %1.Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard.Invalid timeout value %1.Entry %1 not found.Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up.Entry's current TOTP copied to the clipboard!Entry's password copied to the clipboard!Clearing the clipboard in %1 second...Clearing the clipboard in %1 seconds...Clipboard cleared!Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs.CLI parametercountCould not find entry with path %1.Not changing any field for entry %1.Enter new password for entry: Writing the database failed: %1Successfully edited entry %1.Length %1Entropy %1Log10 %1Multi-word extra bits %1Type: BruteforceType: DictionaryType: Dict+LeetType: User WordsType: User+LeetType: RepeatedType: SequenceType: SpatialType: DateType: Bruteforce(Rep)Type: Dictionary(Rep)Type: Dict+Leet(Rep)Type: User Words(Rep)Type: User+Leet(Rep)Type: Repeated(Rep)Type: Sequence(Rep)Type: Spatial(Rep)Type: Date(Rep)Type: Unknown%1Entropy %1 (%2)*** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) ***Failed to load key file %1: %2Length of the generated passwordUse lowercase charactersUse uppercase charactersUse special charactersUse extended ASCIIExclude character setcharsExclude similar looking charactersInclude characters from every selected groupRecursively list the elements of the group.Cannot find group %1.Error reading merge file:
%1Unable to save database to file : %1Unable to save database to file: %1Successfully recycled entry %1.Successfully deleted entry %1.Show the entry's current TOTP.ERROR: unknown attribute %1.No program defined for clipboard manipulationUnable to start program %1file empty%1: (row, col) %2,%3AES: 256-bitTwofish: 256-bitChaCha20: 256-bitArgon2 (KDBX 4 – recommended)AES-KDF (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 3.1)TOTPInvalid SettingsTOTPInvalid KeyMessage encryption failed.No groups foundCreate a new database.File %1 already exists.Loading the key file failedNo key is set. Aborting database creation.Failed to save the database: %1.Successfully created new database.Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2Path of the entry to remove.Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled.KeePassXC - cross-platform password managerfilenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)path to a custom config filekey file of the databaseread password of the database from stdinParent window handleAnother instance of KeePassXC is already running.Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.KeePassXC - ErrorDatabase password: Cannot create new groupDeactivate password key for the database.Displays debugging information.Deactivate password key for the database to merge from.Version %1Build Type: %1Revision: %1Distribution: %1Debugging mode is disabled.Debugging mode is enabled.Operating system: %1
CPU architecture: %2
Kernel: %3 %4Auto-TypeKeeShare (signed and unsigned sharing)KeeShare (only signed sharing)KeeShare (only unsigned sharing)YubiKeyTouchIDNoneEnabled extensions:Cryptographic libraries:Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time!Adds a new group to a database.Path of the group to add.Group %1 already exists!Group %1 not found.Successfully added group %1.Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.FILENAMEAnalyze passwords for weaknesses and problems.Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while...Close the currently opened database.Display this help.Yubikey slot used to encrypt the database.slotInvalid word count %1The word list is too small (< 1000 items)Exit interactive mode.Format to use when exporting. Available choices are xml or csv. Defaults to xml.Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Unable to export database to XML: %1Unsupported format %1Use numbersInvalid password length %1Display command help.Available commands:Import the contents of an XML database.Path of the XML database export.Path of the new database.Unable to import XML database export %1Successfully imported database.Unknown command %1Flattens the output to single lines.Only print the changes detected by the merge operation.Yubikey slot for the second database.Successfully merged %1 into %2.Database was not modified by merge operation.Moves an entry to a new group.Path of the entry to move.Path of the destination group.Could not find group with path %1.Entry is already in group %1.Successfully moved entry %1 to group %2.Open a database.Path of the group to remove.Cannot remove root group from database.Successfully recycled group %1.Successfully deleted group %1.Failed to open database file %1: not foundFailed to open database file %1: not a plain fileFailed to open database file %1: not readableEnter password to unlock %1: Invalid YubiKey slot %1Please touch the button on your YubiKey to unlock %1Enter password to encrypt database (optional): HIBP file, line %1: parse errorSecret Service IntegrationUser name%1[%2] Challenge Response - Slot %3 - %4Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time!Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 times!Invalid password generator after applying all optionsQtIOCompressorInternal zlib error when compressing: Error writing to underlying device: Error opening underlying device: Error reading data from underlying device: Internal zlib error when decompressing: QtIOCompressor::openThe gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.Internal zlib error: SSHAgentAgent connection failed.Agent protocol error.No agent running, cannot add identity.No agent running, cannot remove identity.Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include:The key has already been added.Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options).A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options).SearchHelpWidgetSearch HelpSearch terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["]Every search term must match (ie, logical AND)Modifiersexclude term from resultsmatch term exactlyuse regex in termFieldsTerm Wildcardsmatch anythingmatch onelogical ORExamplesSearchWidgetSearchClearLimit search to selected groupSearch HelpSearch placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcutSearch (%1)...Case sensitiveSettingsWidgetFdoSecretsOptionsEnable KeepassXC Freedesktop.org Secret Service integrationGeneralShow notification when credentials are requested<html><head/><body><p>If recycle bin is enabled for the database, entries will be moved to recycle bin directly. Otherwise, they will be deleted without confirmation.</p><p>You will still be prompted if any entries are referenced by others.</p></body></html>Don't confirm when entries are deleted by clients.Exposed database groups:File NameGroupManageAuthorizationThese applications are currently connected:ApplicationDisconnectDatabase settingsEdit database settingsUnlock databaseUnlock database to show more informationLock databaseUnlock to showNoneSettingsWidgetKeeShareActiveAllow exportAllow importOwn certificateFingerprint:Certificate:SignerKey:GenerateImportExportImported certificatesTrustAskUntrustRemovePathStatusFingerprintCertificateTrustedUntrustedUnknownFiletype for KeeShare keykey.shareKeeShare key fileAll filesSelect pathExporting changed certificateThe exported certificate is not the same as the one in use. Do you want to export the current certificate?Signer:Allow KeeShare importsAllow KeeShare exportsOnly show warnings and errorsKeySigner name fieldGenerate new certificateImport existing certificateExport own certificateKnown sharesTrust selected certificateAsk whether to trust the selected certificate every timeUntrust selected certificateRemove selected certificateShareExportOverwriting signed share container is not supported - export preventedCould not write export container (%1)Could not embed signature: Could not open file to write (%1)Could not embed signature: Could not write file (%1)Could not embed database: Could not open file to write (%1)Could not embed database: Could not write file (%1)Overwriting unsigned share container is not supported - export preventedCould not write export containerUnexpected export error occurredShareImportImport from container without signatureWe cannot verify the source of the shared container because it is not signed. Do you really want to import from %1?Import from container with certificateDo you want to trust %1 with the fingerprint of %2 from %3? {1 ?} {2 ?}Not this timeNeverAlwaysJust this timeSigned share container are not supported - import preventedFile is not readableInvalid sharing containerUntrusted import preventedSuccessful signed importUnexpected errorUnsigned share container are not supported - import preventedSuccessful unsigned importFile does not existUnknown share container typeShareObserverImport from %1 failed (%2)Import from %1 successful (%2)Imported from %1Export to %1 failed (%2)Export to %1 successful (%2)Export to %1Multiple import source path to %1 in %2Conflicting export target path %1 in %2TotpDialogTimed Password000000CopyExpires in <b>%n</b> secondExpires in <b>%n</b> secondsTotpExportSettingsDialogCopyTOTP QR code dialog warningNOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators.There was an error creating the QR code.Closing in %1 seconds.TotpSetupDialogSetup TOTPDefault RFC 6238 token settingsSteam token settingsUse custom settingsCustom SettingsTime step:Seconds secCode size:Secret Key:Secret key must be in Base32 formatSecret key fieldAlgorithm:Time step field digitsInvalid TOTP SecretYou have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format.
Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXPConfirm Remove TOTP SettingsAre you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry?UpdateCheckDialogChecking for updatesChecking for updates...CloseUpdate Error!An error occurred in retrieving update information.Please try again later.Software UpdateA new version of KeePassXC is available!KeePassXC %1 is now available — you have %2.Download it at keepassxc.orgYou're up-to-date!KeePassXC %1 is currently the newest version availableWelcomeWidgetStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC databaseCreate new databaseOpen existing databaseImport from KeePass 1Import from CSVRecent databasesWelcome to KeePassXC %1Import from 1PasswordOpen a recent databaseYubiKeyEditWidgetRefreshYubiKey Challenge-Response<p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The YubiKey requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://www.yubico.com/products/services-software/personalization-tools/challenge-response/">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>No YubiKey detected, please ensure it's plugged in.No YubiKey inserted.Refresh hardware tokensHardware key slot selection