/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Felix Geyer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Entry.h" #include "core/Database.h" #include "core/DatabaseIcons.h" #include "core/Group.h" #include "core/Metadata.h" Entry::Entry() { m_group = 0; m_db = 0; m_updateTimeinfo = true; m_iconNumber = 0; m_autoTypeEnabled = true; m_autoTypeObfuscation = 0; m_attributes = new EntryAttributes(this); connect(m_attributes, SIGNAL(modified()), this, SIGNAL(modified())); connect(m_attributes, SIGNAL(defaultKeyModified()), SLOT(emitDataChanged())); m_attachments = new EntryAttachments(this); connect(m_attachments, SIGNAL(modified()), this, SIGNAL(modified())); } Entry::~Entry() { if (m_group) { m_group->removeEntry(this); } qDeleteAll(m_history); } template bool Entry::set(T& property, const T& value) { if (property != value) { property = value; if (m_updateTimeinfo) { m_timeInfo.setLastModificationTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); m_timeInfo.setLastAccessTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } Q_EMIT modified(); return true; } else { return false; } } void Entry::setUpdateTimeinfo(bool value) { m_updateTimeinfo = value; } Uuid Entry::uuid() const { return m_uuid; } QImage Entry::icon() const { if (m_customIcon.isNull()) { return databaseIcons()->icon(m_iconNumber); } else { // TODO check if m_db is 0 return m_db->metadata()->customIcon(m_customIcon); } } QPixmap Entry::iconPixmap() const { if (m_customIcon.isNull()) { return databaseIcons()->iconPixmap(m_iconNumber); } else { QPixmap pixmap; if (!QPixmapCache::find(m_pixmapCacheKey, &pixmap)) { // TODO check if m_db is 0 pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(m_db->metadata()->customIcon(m_customIcon)); *const_cast(&m_pixmapCacheKey) = QPixmapCache::insert(pixmap); } return pixmap; } } int Entry::iconNumber() const { return m_iconNumber; } Uuid Entry::iconUuid() const { return m_customIcon; } QColor Entry::foregroundColor() const { return m_foregroundColor; } QColor Entry::backgroundColor() const { return m_backgroundColor; } QString Entry::overrideUrl() const { return m_overrideUrl; } QString Entry::tags() const { return m_tags; } TimeInfo Entry::timeInfo() const { return m_timeInfo; } bool Entry::autoTypeEnabled() const { return m_autoTypeEnabled; } int Entry::autoTypeObfuscation() const { return m_autoTypeObfuscation; } QString Entry::defaultAutoTypeSequence() const { return m_defaultAutoTypeSequence; } const QList& Entry::autoTypeAssociations() const { return m_autoTypeAssociations; } QString Entry::title() const { return m_attributes->value("Title"); } QString Entry::url() const { return m_attributes->value("URL"); } QString Entry::username() const { return m_attributes->value("UserName"); } QString Entry::password() const { return m_attributes->value("Password"); } QString Entry::notes() const { return m_attributes->value("Notes"); } EntryAttributes* Entry::attributes() { return m_attributes; } const EntryAttributes* Entry::attributes() const { return m_attributes; } EntryAttachments* Entry::attachments() { return m_attachments; } const EntryAttachments* Entry::attachments() const { return m_attachments; } void Entry::setUuid(const Uuid& uuid) { Q_ASSERT(!uuid.isNull()); set(m_uuid, uuid); } void Entry::setIcon(int iconNumber) { Q_ASSERT(iconNumber >= 0); if (m_iconNumber != iconNumber || !m_customIcon.isNull()) { m_iconNumber = iconNumber; m_customIcon = Uuid(); m_pixmapCacheKey = QPixmapCache::Key(); Q_EMIT modified(); } } void Entry::setIcon(const Uuid& uuid) { Q_ASSERT(!uuid.isNull()); if (m_customIcon != uuid) { m_customIcon = uuid; m_iconNumber = 0; m_pixmapCacheKey = QPixmapCache::Key(); Q_EMIT modified(); } } void Entry::setForegroundColor(const QColor& color) { set(m_foregroundColor, color); } void Entry::setBackgroundColor(const QColor& color) { set(m_backgroundColor, color); } void Entry::setOverrideUrl(const QString& url) { set(m_overrideUrl, url); } void Entry::setTags(const QString& tags) { set(m_tags, tags); } void Entry::setTimeInfo(const TimeInfo& timeInfo) { m_timeInfo = timeInfo; } void Entry::setAutoTypeEnabled(bool enable) { set(m_autoTypeEnabled, enable); } void Entry::setAutoTypeObfuscation(int obfuscation) { set(m_autoTypeObfuscation, obfuscation); } void Entry::setDefaultAutoTypeSequence(const QString& sequence) { set(m_defaultAutoTypeSequence, sequence); } void Entry::addAutoTypeAssociation(const AutoTypeAssociation& assoc) { m_autoTypeAssociations << assoc; Q_EMIT modified(); } void Entry::setTitle(const QString& title) { m_attributes->set("Title", title, m_attributes->isProtected("Title")); } void Entry::setUrl(const QString& url) { m_attributes->set("URL", url, m_attributes->isProtected("URL")); } void Entry::setUsername(const QString& username) { m_attributes->set("UserName", username, m_attributes->isProtected("UserName")); } void Entry::setPassword(const QString& password) { m_attributes->set("Password", password, m_attributes->isProtected("Password")); } void Entry::setNotes(const QString& notes) { m_attributes->set("Notes", notes, m_attributes->isProtected("Notes")); } QList Entry::historyItems() { return m_history; } const QList& Entry::historyItems() const { return m_history; } void Entry::addHistoryItem(Entry* entry) { Q_ASSERT(!entry->parent()); m_history.append(entry); Q_EMIT modified(); } Group* Entry::group() { return m_group; } void Entry::setGroup(Group* group) { if (m_group) { m_group->removeEntry(this); } group->addEntry(this); m_group = group; m_db = group->database(); QObject::setParent(group); } void Entry::emitDataChanged() { Q_EMIT dataChanged(this); }