/* * Copyright (C) 2018 KeePassXC Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or (at your option) * version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "KdbxXmlReader.h" #include "KeePass2RandomStream.h" #include "core/Global.h" #include "core/Tools.h" #include "core/Entry.h" #include "core/Group.h" #include "core/DatabaseIcons.h" #include "core/Endian.h" #include "streams/QtIOCompressor" #include #include /** * @param version KDBX version */ KdbxXmlReader::KdbxXmlReader(quint32 version) : m_kdbxVersion(version) { } /** * @param version KDBX version * @param binaryPool binary pool */ KdbxXmlReader::KdbxXmlReader(quint32 version, const QHash& binaryPool) : m_kdbxVersion(version) , m_binaryPool(binaryPool) { } /** * Read XML contents from a file into a new database. * * @param device input file * @return pointer to the new database */ Database* KdbxXmlReader::readDatabase(const QString& filename) { QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); return readDatabase(&file); } /** * Read XML stream from a device into a new database. * * @param device input device * @return pointer to the new database */ Database* KdbxXmlReader::readDatabase(QIODevice* device) { auto db = new Database(); readDatabase(device, db); return db; } /** * Read XML contents from a device into a given database using a \link KeePass2RandomStream. * * @param device input device * @param db database to read into * @param randomStream random stream to use for decryption */ #include "QDebug" void KdbxXmlReader::readDatabase(QIODevice* device, Database* db, KeePass2RandomStream* randomStream) { m_error = false; m_errorStr.clear(); m_xml.clear(); m_xml.setDevice(device); m_db = db; m_meta = m_db->metadata(); m_meta->setUpdateDatetime(false); m_randomStream = randomStream; m_headerHash.clear(); m_tmpParent.reset(new Group()); bool rootGroupParsed = false; if (m_xml.hasError()) { raiseError(tr("XML parsing failure: %1").arg(m_xml.error())); return; } if (m_xml.readNextStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "KeePassFile") { rootGroupParsed = parseKeePassFile(); } if (!rootGroupParsed) { raiseError(tr("No root group")); return; } if (!m_tmpParent->children().isEmpty()) { qWarning("KdbxXmlReader::readDatabase: found %d invalid group reference(s)", m_tmpParent->children().size()); } if (!m_tmpParent->entries().isEmpty()) { qWarning("KdbxXmlReader::readDatabase: found %d invalid entry reference(s)", m_tmpParent->children().size()); } const QSet poolKeys = m_binaryPool.keys().toSet(); const QSet entryKeys = m_binaryMap.keys().toSet(); const QSet unmappedKeys = entryKeys - poolKeys; const QSet unusedKeys = poolKeys - entryKeys; if (!unmappedKeys.isEmpty()) { qWarning("Unmapped keys left."); } for (const QString& key : unusedKeys) { qWarning("KdbxXmlReader::readDatabase: found unused key \"%s\"", qPrintable(key)); } QHash >::const_iterator i; for (i = m_binaryMap.constBegin(); i != m_binaryMap.constEnd(); ++i) { const QPair& target = i.value(); target.first->attachments()->set(target.second, m_binaryPool[i.key()]); } m_meta->setUpdateDatetime(true); QHash::const_iterator iGroup; for (iGroup = m_groups.constBegin(); iGroup != m_groups.constEnd(); ++iGroup) { iGroup.value()->setUpdateTimeinfo(true); } QHash::const_iterator iEntry; for (iEntry = m_entries.constBegin(); iEntry != m_entries.constEnd(); ++iEntry) { iEntry.value()->setUpdateTimeinfo(true); const QList historyItems = iEntry.value()->historyItems(); for (Entry* histEntry : historyItems) { histEntry->setUpdateTimeinfo(true); } } } bool KdbxXmlReader::strictMode() const { return m_strictMode; } void KdbxXmlReader::setStrictMode(bool strictMode) { m_strictMode = strictMode; } bool KdbxXmlReader::hasError() const { return m_error || m_xml.hasError(); } QString KdbxXmlReader::errorString() const { if (m_error) { return m_errorStr; }if (m_xml.hasError()) { return QString("XML error:\n%1\nLine %2, column %3") .arg(m_xml.errorString()) .arg(m_xml.lineNumber()) .arg(m_xml.columnNumber()); } return QString(); } void KdbxXmlReader::raiseError(const QString& errorMessage) { m_error = true; m_errorStr = errorMessage; } QByteArray KdbxXmlReader::headerHash() const { return m_headerHash; } bool KdbxXmlReader::parseKeePassFile() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "KeePassFile"); bool rootElementFound = false; bool rootParsedSuccessfully = false; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Meta") { parseMeta(); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Root") { if (rootElementFound) { rootParsedSuccessfully = false; qWarning("Multiple root elements"); } else { rootParsedSuccessfully = parseRoot(); rootElementFound = true; } continue; } skipCurrentElement(); } return rootParsedSuccessfully; } void KdbxXmlReader::parseMeta() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Meta"); while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Generator") { m_meta->setGenerator(readString()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "HeaderHash") { m_headerHash = readBinary(); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DatabaseName") { m_meta->setName(readString()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DatabaseNameChanged") { m_meta->setNameChanged(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DatabaseDescription") { m_meta->setDescription(readString()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DatabaseDescriptionChanged") { m_meta->setDescriptionChanged(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DefaultUserName") { m_meta->setDefaultUserName(readString()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DefaultUserNameChanged") { m_meta->setDefaultUserNameChanged(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "MaintenanceHistoryDays") { m_meta->setMaintenanceHistoryDays(readNumber()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "Color") { m_meta->setColor(readColor()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "MasterKeyChanged") { m_meta->setMasterKeyChanged(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "MasterKeyChangeRec") { m_meta->setMasterKeyChangeRec(readNumber()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "MasterKeyChangeForce") { m_meta->setMasterKeyChangeForce(readNumber()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "MemoryProtection") { parseMemoryProtection(); } else if (m_xml.name() == "CustomIcons") { parseCustomIcons(); } else if (m_xml.name() == "RecycleBinEnabled") { m_meta->setRecycleBinEnabled(readBool()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "RecycleBinUUID") { m_meta->setRecycleBin(getGroup(readUuid())); } else if (m_xml.name() == "RecycleBinChanged") { m_meta->setRecycleBinChanged(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "EntryTemplatesGroup") { m_meta->setEntryTemplatesGroup(getGroup(readUuid())); } else if (m_xml.name() == "EntryTemplatesGroupChanged") { m_meta->setEntryTemplatesGroupChanged(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "LastSelectedGroup") { m_meta->setLastSelectedGroup(getGroup(readUuid())); } else if (m_xml.name() == "LastTopVisibleGroup") { m_meta->setLastTopVisibleGroup(getGroup(readUuid())); } else if (m_xml.name() == "HistoryMaxItems") { int value = readNumber(); if (value >= -1) { m_meta->setHistoryMaxItems(value); } else { qWarning("HistoryMaxItems invalid number"); } } else if (m_xml.name() == "HistoryMaxSize") { int value = readNumber(); if (value >= -1) { m_meta->setHistoryMaxSize(value); } else { qWarning("HistoryMaxSize invalid number"); } } else if (m_xml.name() == "Binaries") { parseBinaries(); } else if (m_xml.name() == "CustomData") { parseCustomData(m_meta->customData()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "SettingsChanged") { m_meta->setSettingsChanged(readDateTime()); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } } void KdbxXmlReader::parseMemoryProtection() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "MemoryProtection"); while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "ProtectTitle") { m_meta->setProtectTitle(readBool()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "ProtectUserName") { m_meta->setProtectUsername(readBool()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "ProtectPassword") { m_meta->setProtectPassword(readBool()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "ProtectURL") { m_meta->setProtectUrl(readBool()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "ProtectNotes") { m_meta->setProtectNotes(readBool()); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } } void KdbxXmlReader::parseCustomIcons() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "CustomIcons"); while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Icon") { parseIcon(); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } } void KdbxXmlReader::parseIcon() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Icon"); Uuid uuid; QImage icon; bool uuidSet = false; bool iconSet = false; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "UUID") { uuid = readUuid(); uuidSet = !uuid.isNull(); } else if (m_xml.name() == "Data") { icon.loadFromData(readBinary()); iconSet = true; } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } if (uuidSet && iconSet) { m_meta->addCustomIcon(uuid, icon); return; } raiseError(tr("Missing icon uuid or data")); } void KdbxXmlReader::parseBinaries() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Binaries"); while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() != "Binary") { skipCurrentElement(); continue; } QXmlStreamAttributes attr = m_xml.attributes(); QString id = attr.value("ID").toString(); QByteArray data; if (attr.value("Compressed").compare(QLatin1String("True"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { data = readCompressedBinary(); } else { data = readBinary(); } if (m_binaryPool.contains(id)) { qWarning("KdbxXmlReader::parseBinaries: overwriting binary item \"%s\"", qPrintable(id)); } m_binaryPool.insert(id, data); } } void KdbxXmlReader::parseCustomData(CustomData *customData) { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "CustomData"); while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Item") { parseCustomDataItem(customData); continue; } skipCurrentElement(); } } void KdbxXmlReader::parseCustomDataItem(CustomData *customData) { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Item"); QString key; QString value; bool keySet = false; bool valueSet = false; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Key") { key = readString(); keySet = true; } else if (m_xml.name() == "Value") { value = readString(); valueSet = true; } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } if (keySet && valueSet) { customData->set(key, value); return; } raiseError(tr("Missing custom data key or value")); } bool KdbxXmlReader::parseRoot() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Root"); bool groupElementFound = false; bool groupParsedSuccessfully = false; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Group") { if (groupElementFound) { groupParsedSuccessfully = false; raiseError(tr("Multiple group elements")); continue; } Group* rootGroup = parseGroup(); if (rootGroup) { Group* oldRoot = m_db->rootGroup(); m_db->setRootGroup(rootGroup); delete oldRoot; groupParsedSuccessfully = true; } groupElementFound = true; } else if (m_xml.name() == "DeletedObjects") { parseDeletedObjects(); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } return groupParsedSuccessfully; } Group* KdbxXmlReader::parseGroup() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Group"); auto group = new Group(); group->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); QList children; QList entries; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "UUID") { Uuid uuid = readUuid(); if (uuid.isNull()) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Null group uuid")); } else { group->setUuid(Uuid::random()); } } else { group->setUuid(uuid); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Name") { group->setName(readString()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Notes") { group->setNotes(readString()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "IconID") { int iconId = readNumber(); if (iconId < 0) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Invalid group icon number")); } iconId = 0; } else if (iconId >= DatabaseIcons::IconCount) { qWarning("KdbxXmlReader::parseGroup: icon id \"%d\" not supported", iconId); iconId = DatabaseIcons::IconCount - 1; } group->setIcon(iconId); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "CustomIconUUID") { Uuid uuid = readUuid(); if (!uuid.isNull()) { group->setIcon(uuid); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Times") { group->setTimeInfo(parseTimes()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "IsExpanded") { group->setExpanded(readBool()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "DefaultAutoTypeSequence") { group->setDefaultAutoTypeSequence(readString()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "EnableAutoType") { QString str = readString(); if (str.compare("null", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { group->setAutoTypeEnabled(Group::Inherit); } else if (str.compare("true", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { group->setAutoTypeEnabled(Group::Enable); } else if (str.compare("false", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { group->setAutoTypeEnabled(Group::Disable); } else { raiseError(tr("Invalid EnableAutoType value")); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "EnableSearching") { QString str = readString(); if (str.compare("null", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { group->setSearchingEnabled(Group::Inherit); } else if (str.compare("true", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { group->setSearchingEnabled(Group::Enable); } else if (str.compare("false", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { group->setSearchingEnabled(Group::Disable); } else { raiseError(tr("Invalid EnableSearching value")); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "LastTopVisibleEntry") { group->setLastTopVisibleEntry(getEntry(readUuid())); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Group") { Group* newGroup = parseGroup(); if (newGroup) { children.append(newGroup); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Entry") { Entry* newEntry = parseEntry(false); if (newEntry) { entries.append(newEntry); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "CustomData") { parseCustomData(group->customData()); continue; } skipCurrentElement(); } if (group->uuid().isNull() && !m_strictMode) { group->setUuid(Uuid::random()); } if (!group->uuid().isNull()) { Group* tmpGroup = group; group = getGroup(tmpGroup->uuid()); group->copyDataFrom(tmpGroup); group->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); delete tmpGroup; } else if (!hasError()) { raiseError(tr("No group uuid found")); } for (Group* child : asConst(children)) { child->setParent(group); } for (Entry* entry : asConst(entries)) { entry->setGroup(group); } return group; } void KdbxXmlReader::parseDeletedObjects() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "DeletedObjects"); while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "DeletedObject") { parseDeletedObject(); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } } void KdbxXmlReader::parseDeletedObject() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "DeletedObject"); DeletedObject delObj{{}, {}}; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "UUID") { Uuid uuid = readUuid(); if (uuid.isNull()) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Null DeleteObject uuid")); } continue; } delObj.uuid = uuid; continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "DeletionTime") { delObj.deletionTime = readDateTime(); continue; } skipCurrentElement(); } if (!delObj.uuid.isNull() && !delObj.deletionTime.isNull()) { m_db->addDeletedObject(delObj); return; } if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Missing DeletedObject uuid or time")); } } Entry* KdbxXmlReader::parseEntry(bool history) { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Entry"); auto entry = new Entry(); entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); QList historyItems; QList binaryRefs; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "UUID") { Uuid uuid = readUuid(); if (uuid.isNull()) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Null entry uuid")); } else { entry->setUuid(Uuid::random()); } } else { entry->setUuid(uuid); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "IconID") { int iconId = readNumber(); if (iconId < 0) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Invalid entry icon number")); } iconId = 0; } entry->setIcon(iconId); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "CustomIconUUID") { Uuid uuid = readUuid(); if (!uuid.isNull()) { entry->setIcon(uuid); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "ForegroundColor") { entry->setForegroundColor(readColor()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "BackgroundColor") { entry->setBackgroundColor(readColor()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "OverrideURL") { entry->setOverrideUrl(readString()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Tags") { entry->setTags(readString()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Times") { entry->setTimeInfo(parseTimes()); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "String") { parseEntryString(entry); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Binary") { QPair ref = parseEntryBinary(entry); if (!ref.first.isNull() && !ref.second.isNull()) { binaryRefs.append(ref); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "AutoType") { parseAutoType(entry); continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "History") { if (history) { raiseError(tr("History element in history entry")); } else { historyItems = parseEntryHistory(); } continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "CustomData" ){ parseCustomData(entry->customData()); continue; } skipCurrentElement(); } if (entry->uuid().isNull() && !m_strictMode) { entry->setUuid(Uuid::random()); } if (!entry->uuid().isNull()) { if (history) { entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); } else { Entry* tmpEntry = entry; entry = getEntry(tmpEntry->uuid()); entry->copyDataFrom(tmpEntry); entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); delete tmpEntry; } } else if (!hasError()) { raiseError(tr("No entry uuid found")); } for (Entry* historyItem : asConst(historyItems)) { if (historyItem->uuid() != entry->uuid()) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("History element with different uuid")); } else { historyItem->setUuid(entry->uuid()); } } entry->addHistoryItem(historyItem); } for (const StringPair& ref : asConst(binaryRefs)) { m_binaryMap.insertMulti(ref.first, qMakePair(entry, ref.second)); } return entry; } void KdbxXmlReader::parseEntryString(Entry* entry) { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "String"); QString key; QString value; bool protect = false; bool keySet = false; bool valueSet = false; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Key") { key = readString(); keySet = true; continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Value") { QXmlStreamAttributes attr = m_xml.attributes(); value = readString(); bool isProtected = attr.value("Protected") == "True"; bool protectInMemory = attr.value("ProtectInMemory") == "True"; if (isProtected && !value.isEmpty()) { if (m_randomStream) { QByteArray ciphertext = QByteArray::fromBase64(value.toLatin1()); bool ok; QByteArray plaintext = m_randomStream->process(ciphertext, &ok); if (!ok) { value.clear(); raiseError(m_randomStream->errorString()); } else { value = QString::fromUtf8(plaintext); } } else { raiseError(tr("Unable to decrypt entry string")); continue; } } protect = isProtected || protectInMemory; valueSet = true; continue; } skipCurrentElement(); } if (keySet && valueSet) { // the default attributes are always there so additionally check if it's empty if (entry->attributes()->hasKey(key) && !entry->attributes()->value(key).isEmpty()) { raiseError(tr("Duplicate custom attribute found")); return; } entry->attributes()->set(key, value, protect); return; } raiseError(tr("Entry string key or value missing")); } QPair KdbxXmlReader::parseEntryBinary(Entry* entry) { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Binary"); QPair poolRef; QString key; QByteArray value; bool keySet = false; bool valueSet = false; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Key") { key = readString(); keySet = true; continue; } if (m_xml.name() == "Value") { QXmlStreamAttributes attr = m_xml.attributes(); if (attr.hasAttribute("Ref")) { poolRef = qMakePair(attr.value("Ref").toString(), key); m_xml.skipCurrentElement(); } else { // format compatibility value = readBinary(); bool isProtected = attr.hasAttribute("Protected") && (attr.value("Protected") == "True"); if (isProtected && !value.isEmpty()) { if (!m_randomStream->processInPlace(value)) { raiseError(m_randomStream->errorString()); } } } valueSet = true; continue; } skipCurrentElement(); } if (keySet && valueSet) { if (entry->attachments()->hasKey(key)) { raiseError(tr("Duplicate attachment found")); } else { entry->attachments()->set(key, value); } } else { raiseError(tr("Entry binary key or value missing")); } return poolRef; } void KdbxXmlReader::parseAutoType(Entry* entry) { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "AutoType"); while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Enabled") { entry->setAutoTypeEnabled(readBool()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DataTransferObfuscation") { entry->setAutoTypeObfuscation(readNumber()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "DefaultSequence") { entry->setDefaultAutoTypeSequence(readString()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "Association") { parseAutoTypeAssoc(entry); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } } void KdbxXmlReader::parseAutoTypeAssoc(Entry* entry) { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Association"); AutoTypeAssociations::Association assoc; bool windowSet = false; bool sequenceSet = false; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Window") { assoc.window = readString(); windowSet = true; } else if (m_xml.name() == "KeystrokeSequence") { assoc.sequence = readString(); sequenceSet = true; } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } if (windowSet && sequenceSet) { entry->autoTypeAssociations()->add(assoc); return; } raiseError(tr("Auto-type association window or sequence missing")); } QList KdbxXmlReader::parseEntryHistory() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "History"); QList historyItems; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "Entry") { historyItems.append(parseEntry(true)); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } return historyItems; } TimeInfo KdbxXmlReader::parseTimes() { Q_ASSERT(m_xml.isStartElement() && m_xml.name() == "Times"); TimeInfo timeInfo; while (!m_xml.hasError() && m_xml.readNextStartElement()) { if (m_xml.name() == "LastModificationTime") { timeInfo.setLastModificationTime(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "CreationTime") { timeInfo.setCreationTime(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "LastAccessTime") { timeInfo.setLastAccessTime(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "ExpiryTime") { timeInfo.setExpiryTime(readDateTime()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "Expires") { timeInfo.setExpires(readBool()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "UsageCount") { timeInfo.setUsageCount(readNumber()); } else if (m_xml.name() == "LocationChanged") { timeInfo.setLocationChanged(readDateTime()); } else { skipCurrentElement(); } } return timeInfo; } QString KdbxXmlReader::readString() { return m_xml.readElementText(); } bool KdbxXmlReader::readBool() { QString str = readString(); if (str.compare("True", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return true; } if (str.compare("False", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return false; } if (str.length() == 0) { return false; } raiseError(tr("Invalid bool value")); return false; } QDateTime KdbxXmlReader::readDateTime() { static QRegularExpression b64regex("^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$"); QString str = readString(); if (b64regex.match(str).hasMatch()) { QByteArray secsBytes = QByteArray::fromBase64(str.toUtf8()).leftJustified(8, '\0', true).left(8); qint64 secs = Endian::bytesToSizedInt(secsBytes, KeePass2::BYTEORDER); return QDateTime(QDate(1, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0, 0, 0), Qt::UTC).addSecs(secs); } QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromString(str, Qt::ISODate); if (dt.isValid()) { return dt; } if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Invalid date time value")); } return QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); } QColor KdbxXmlReader::readColor() { QString colorStr = readString(); if (colorStr.isEmpty()) { return {}; } if (colorStr.length() != 7 || colorStr[0] != '#') { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Invalid color value")); } return {}; } QColor color; for (int i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) { QString rgbPartStr = colorStr.mid(1 + 2 * i, 2); bool ok; int rgbPart = rgbPartStr.toInt(&ok, 16); if (!ok || rgbPart > 255) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Invalid color rgb part")); } return {}; } if (i == 0) { color.setRed(rgbPart); } else if (i == 1) { color.setGreen(rgbPart); } else { color.setBlue(rgbPart); } } return color; } int KdbxXmlReader::readNumber() { bool ok; int result = readString().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { raiseError(tr("Invalid number value")); } return result; } Uuid KdbxXmlReader::readUuid() { QByteArray uuidBin = readBinary(); if (uuidBin.isEmpty()) { return {}; } if (uuidBin.length() != Uuid::Length) { if (m_strictMode) { raiseError(tr("Invalid uuid value")); } return {}; } return Uuid(uuidBin); } QByteArray KdbxXmlReader::readBinary() { return QByteArray::fromBase64(readString().toLatin1()); } QByteArray KdbxXmlReader::readCompressedBinary() { QByteArray rawData = readBinary(); QBuffer buffer(&rawData); buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QtIOCompressor compressor(&buffer); compressor.setStreamFormat(QtIOCompressor::GzipFormat); compressor.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QByteArray result; if (!Tools::readAllFromDevice(&compressor, result)) { //: Translator meant is a binary data inside an entry raiseError(tr("Unable to decompress binary")); } return result; } Group* KdbxXmlReader::getGroup(const Uuid& uuid) { if (uuid.isNull()) { return nullptr; } if (m_groups.contains(uuid)) { return m_groups.value(uuid); } auto group = new Group(); group->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); group->setUuid(uuid); group->setParent(m_tmpParent.data()); m_groups.insert(uuid, group); return group; } Entry* KdbxXmlReader::getEntry(const Uuid& uuid) { if (uuid.isNull()) { return nullptr; } if (m_entries.contains(uuid)) { return m_entries.value(uuid); } auto entry = new Entry(); entry->setUpdateTimeinfo(false); entry->setUuid(uuid); entry->setGroup(m_tmpParent.data()); m_entries.insert(uuid, entry); return entry; } void KdbxXmlReader::skipCurrentElement() { qWarning("KdbxXmlReader::skipCurrentElement: skip element \"%s\"", qPrintable(m_xml.name().toString())); m_xml.skipCurrentElement(); }