The GUI features depend on windowing system used, not just OS.
There is an issue with the WM sometimes producing an event that keepassxc interprets as request to hide the main window just after it is shown. A workaround with immediately firing a timer was implemented. However, there is no guarantee on execution ordering of the timer callback and other application code. Remove the timer and override
show() and hide() on main window to only hide if the window has not been shown recently.
The user can set an option to hide window instead of minimizing when tray icon is enabled. This is not honored in most places where the main windows is minimized. Fix it. This also allows using the tray icon as a workaround for minimization not working under some circumstances in X11.
Signed-off-by: Michal Suchanek <>
* Create history-based merging that keeps older data in history instead of discarding or deleting it
* Extract merge logic into the Merger class
* Allows special merge behavior
* Improve handling of deletion and changes on groups
* Enable basic change tracking while merging
* Prevent unintended timestamp changes while merging
* Handle differences in timestamp precision
* Introduce comparison operators to allow for more sophisticated comparisons (ignore special properties, ...)
* Introduce Clock class to handle datetime across the app
Merge Strategies:
* Default (use inherited/fallback method)
* Duplicate (duplicate conflicting nodes, apply all deletions)
* KeepLocal (use local values, but apply all deletions)
* KeepRemote (use remote values, but apply all deletions)
* KeepNewer (merge history only)
* Synchronize (merge history, newest value stays on top, apply all deletions)