* Fix detecting AES-256/GCM cipher, fixes#8964
When you generate a ssh key using the aes-256/gcm cipher, the cipher name in the keyfile includes an @openssh.com at the end.
* Use separate iv length for getting iv data, the assumption that the block size and iv size are equal does not hold for every cipher mode (e.g., GCM)
* Disable AES-256/GCM for now in ssh keys
Currently, the granularity for the botan gcm implementation is too large. To fix a problem with another algorithm in the library, they are multiplying
the blocksize, so by default the granularity is 64. This causes issues since the encrypted data in the key is only guaranteed to have a length that is a multiple of the block size (16).
currently, when keepassxc is not running, the command `keepassxc --lock` opens a new keepass window and blocks until the window is closed.
Especially in locking scripts this is rather unexpected and Ican't think of a case where someone explicitly starts keepass with --lock and wants this behaviour.
Rather --lock should always ensure, that there are no unlocked instances and exiting afterwards
* Fixes#8626
* Also remove old feature to set the title of a new entry to the current search text. This only made sense before advanced searching was made available.
This was noted as a problem in several issues and it finally occurred to me and I traced it to the fact that a timing issue sometimes allowed the file watcher to trigger a "file changed" alert right when saving starts. I fixed this by moving where the mutex lock is made for saving and preventing database reload during a save operation.
* Fix focus issues with new PasswordWidget
* Fix focus wrapping when DatabaseTabWidget is not showing the tab bar
* Fix focus wrapping in EditWidget views to move between category list and contents. This is not a perfect fix, but Qt has a mind of its own with these complex widgets. This will be fixed in future Ui improvements that move away from the category widget.
* Fix#8099
* Clean up code that connects groups to the entry view. Instead of connecting ALL groups from ALL databases, we only need to connect the groups that entries actually belong to. This solves the bug and also reduces overhead.
* Fix#7139 - when opening database files from the command line, ensure the correct case is fed to the program to prevent case changes during saves.
* Cleanup old code (checking for .json extension) from when KeePassXC app could act as a proxy.
if you use the CLI with -t/--totp flag, the program prints out: "Entry's "password" attribute copied to the clipboard!"
expected output is "Entry's "totp" attribute copied to the clipboard!" the same when you run with -a totp
* Fix#8356 - Qt does not enable numeric aware sorting when using locale sort. Extracted both Windows and macOS locale aware sorting code and added the appropriate numeric aware flag.
Note: There is no std library way to do this so Linux is out of luck for now.
* Rename "Database Tags" to "Searches and Tags"
* Separate searching for all entries and resetting the search
* Support selecting multiple tags to search against
* Fix using escaped quotes in search terms
* Make tag searching more precise
* Support `is:expired-#` to search for entries expiring within # days. Exclude recycled entries from expired search.
* Don't list tags from entries that are recycled
* Force hide tag auto-completion menu when tag editing widget is hidden. On rare occasions the focus out signal is not called when the tag view is hidden (entry edit is closed), this resolves that problem.
* Remove spaces from before and after tags to prevent seemingly duplicate tags from being created.
* Also fix some awkward signal/slot dances that were setup over time with the entry view and preview widget.
Allow changing tags for multiple entries through context menu
* Closes#8277 - show context menu with currently available tags in database and checks those that are set on one or more selected entries. When a tag is selected it is either set or unset on all entries depending on its checked state.
* Add ability to save searches and recall them from the "Searches and Tags" view
* Add ability to remove a tag from all entries from the "Searches and Tags" view
* Cleanup tag handling and widgets