This patch removes redundant lock widget members of the DatabaseWidget
and consolidates all unlocking functionality into a single
DatabaseOpenWidget (with the exception of KeePass1OpenWidget).
Distinction between different unlock actions is now done via a dedicated
Intent enum class instead of using individual widgets.
Further, the DatabaseUnlockDialog has been generalized so that it is
usable for unlock intents other than just Auto-Type and is now also
used for merging databases which is less confusing to the user.
The KeePassXC main window is no longer a parent of the
DatabaseUnlockDialog and has the Qt::ForeignWindow flag set, which
should cause fewer issues with Auto-Type trying to type into KeePassXC
after unlock instead of the intended target window.
In addition, its instance has been moved into the DatabaseTabWidget
class so that it is no longer bound to individual DatabaseWidgets,
potentially allowing for database selection during Auto-Type. The actual
selection has not yet been implemented, but Auto-Type has been adjusted
to use the currently selected tab instead of the first one as an
intermediary improvement.
* Fix SSHAgent identity removal on database lock
* Refactor storage and manipulation of SSHAgent keys to streamline process with multiple db's
* Clear password field when widget is hidden, resolves#2502
The Database, DatabaseWidget, and DatabaseTabWidget classes share many responsibilities in inconsistent ways resulting in impenetrable and unmaintainable code and a diverse set of bugs and architecture restrictions. This patch reworks the architecture, responsibilities of, and dependencies between these classes.
The core changes are:
* Move loading and saving logic from widgets into the Database class
* Get rid of the DatabaseManagerStruct and move all the information contained in it into the Database
* Let database objects keep track of modifications and dirty/clean state instead of handing this to external widgets
* Move GUI interactions for loading and saving from the DatabaseTabWidget into the DatabaseWidget (resolves#2494 as a side-effect)
* Heavily clean up DatabaseTabWidget and degrade it to a slightly glorified QTabWidget
* Use QSharedPointers for all Database objects
* Remove the modifiedImmediate signal and replace it with a markAsModified() method
* Implement proper tabName() method instead of reading back titles from GUI widgets (resolves#1389 and its duplicates #2146#855)
* Fix unwanted AES-KDF downgrade if database uses Argon2 and has CustomData
* Improve code
This patch is also the first major step towards solving issues #476 and #2322.
* Support ! modifier (same as '-')
* Create reusable PopupHelpWidget as self-contained popup that can
be positioned around a parent widget and will follow the movement
and sizing of the window
* Eliminated KEEPASSXC_MAIN_WINDOW macro and replaced with
getMainWindow() function
* Add tests to cover search help show/hide
* Search clears if the search box does not have focus for 5 minutes (fixes#2178)
* Goto group from search results after double clicking the group name (fixes#2043)
* Cleanup entry change notification with entryview focus in/out
* Change Open URL shortcut to CTRL+SHIFT+U to conform with an "action"
including SHIFT
* Change Copy URL shortcut to CTRL+U to conform with "copy" without SHIFT
* Entry specific toolbar and menu items are disabled unless the entry
row has focus (prevents unintended actions)
* Reword security setting for password visibility in entry edit view
* Add shortcut to hide/unhide usernames (CTRL+SHIFT+B)
* Organize entry menu
* Fix#1588 - show keyboard shortcuts in context menu
* Fix#2403 - Change auto-type shortcut to CTRL + SHIFT + V
* Fix#2096 - Add (CTRL+F) to search bar background
* Fix#2031 & Fix#2266 - add shortcut to hide/unhide passwords (CTRL+SHIFT+C)
* Fix#2166 - Add reveal password button to entry preview
Use nullptr instead of 0 or NULL to initialize a null pointer. In some
cases, readability was enhanced by replacing 0 with more meaningful
values according to the type of the pointer being initialized.
The sole purpose of a few objects was calling a static member of the
class they belonged to. This is not needed, as you can access a static
member with the <class_name>::<member_name> notation.
This patch aims at reducing the number of copies for obejcts that could
be referenced rather than copied, because they're not modified during
the computation.
The arg() function of the QString class has a variable length argument
which allows to reduce the number of chained calls to the same function.
With proper formatting, readability is not affected.
Performing a dev build against the latest version of Qt failed
because of some deprecated members. They have been replaced
according to the Qt documentation.
Further, Q_OS_MACOS is now the only macro available to identify a
machine running macOS, the others are now deprecated.
See and
The {group,entry}CloseButton QToolButton, had the "checkable" property set.
This caused it to act like a toggle flip flop instead of a momentary push
button. After removing that property, the signal it was changed to use
was clicked() instead of toggled(bool). Trigger upon click is
consistent with the rest of the UI's momentary buttons.
This enables coordinate system scaling for high-DPI
displays, which enforces correct proportions even
on small 4k displays. The icons are scaled up without
interpolation, which makes them crisp, but a bit
pixelated. A new scalable icon set will solve this
problem, but is not scope of this patch.
Resolves#548, #1381, #1710, #1888
In addition, this patch enforces the KeePassXC icon
theme for the KMessageBox close icon, since using
the system theme produces very ugly icons on some
Linux systems.
* Fix MainWindow startup when minimize to tray was enabled
* Reduce duplicate code in DatabaseWidget.cpp
* Fix snapcraft build dependencies
* Add support for CTRL+TAB, CTRL+PGUP, CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, CTRL+PGDN to control database tabs from any focus location
* Add CTRL+SHIFT+M shortcut to minimize to tray
* Allow minimize instead of app exit without tray icon
The CLI module was lacking unit test coverage and showed some severe
coding style violations, which this patch addresses.
In addition, all uses of qCritical() with untranslatble raw char*
sequences were removed in favor of proper locale strings. These are
written to STDERR through QTextStreams and support output
redirection for testing purposes. With this change, error messages don't
depend on the global Qt logging settings and targets anymore and go
directly to the terminal or into a file if needed.
This patch also fixes a bug discovered during unit test development,
where the extract command would just dump the raw XML contents without
decrypting embedded Salsa20-protected values first, making the XML
export mostly useless, since passwords are scrambled.
Lastly, all CLI commands received a dedicated -h/--help option.
* Resolves#764
* Add libqrencode and qtsvg dependencies
* Ensure QR code remains square
* Auto-close QR code dialog when database is locked
* Add databaseLocked() Signal to databaseWidget
* Correct otpauth URI output in Totp::writeSettings(...)
Rename UI elements involved with the bottom preview panel to use the
terminology "entry preview panel" instead of "details view" or "preview
panel". Change all associated variables, widgets, and classes to
reference EntryPreviewPanel. Create Config::upgrade() function and
deprecation mapping to help rename/remove previous config settings in a
clean manner.
* Add source folder keeshare for sharing with corresponding define WITH_XC_KEESHARE
* Move common crypto parts to src/crypto/ssh
* Extended OpenSSHKey
* Move filewatching to own file (currently in two related classes DelayedFileWatcher and BulkFileWatcher)
* Small improvements for style and code in several classes
* Sharing is secured using RSA-Keys which are generated on demand
* Publisher signs the container using their private key
* Client can verify the signed container and choose to decline an import,
import only once or trust the publisher and automatically import all
data of this source henceforth
* Integration of settings into Group-Settings, Database-Settings and Application-Settings
* Introduced dependency QuaZip as dependency to allow combined export of
key container and the (custom format) certificate
* Create history-based merging that keeps older data in history instead of discarding or deleting it
* Extract merge logic into the Merger class
* Allows special merge behavior
* Improve handling of deletion and changes on groups
* Enable basic change tracking while merging
* Prevent unintended timestamp changes while merging
* Handle differences in timestamp precision
* Introduce comparison operators to allow for more sophisticated comparisons (ignore special properties, ...)
* Introduce Clock class to handle datetime across the app
Merge Strategies:
* Default (use inherited/fallback method)
* Duplicate (duplicate conflicting nodes, apply all deletions)
* KeepLocal (use local values, but apply all deletions)
* KeepRemote (use remote values, but apply all deletions)
* KeepNewer (merge history only)
* Synchronize (merge history, newest value stays on top, apply all deletions)
AppImage recipes are the legacy method for building AppImages, whereas
linuxdeploy is meant to replace them. It takes care of finding and
deploying all needed libraries and Qt plugins automagically, but it's
still under heavy development, so some manual work using appimagetool
and a few fixes are required to make it work for KeePassXC.
This patch moves building of AppImages directly into the release-tool,
both as a separate module (release-tool appimage) as well as a flag
(--appimage) for the build module. The release and CI Dockerfiles were
updated accordingly to support the new build process. The release
Dockerfile also received a Qt update to version 5.10.1.
In theory, it is now possible to use release-tool appsign for embedding
PGP signatures into AppImages, but it fails in practice due to ELF
header size limitations.
Add optional length parameter to PasswordGeneratorWidget::reset()
(default=0), which when >0 sets the legth SpinBox's value to the value
passed in. The EditEntryWidget already called reset() when the password
was known, so the current length was just added to this call (accounts
for empty passwords)
If entry edit is cancelled, return the password generator length to the
application default or last committed length if available. This is done
by calling reseting the password generator in EditEntryWidget::cancel()
when the edit page is being closed
This patch implements a new database wizard to guide users through the process
of setting up a new database and choosing sane encryption settings.
It also reimplements the master key settings to be more
user-friendly. Users can now add, change, or remove individual composite
key components instead of having to set all components at once. This
avoids confusion about a password being reset if the user only wants to
add a key file.
With these changes comes a major refactor of how database composite keys and key
components are handled. Copying of keys is prohibited and each key
exists only once in memory and is referenced via shared pointers. GUI
components for changing individual keys are encapsulated into separate
classes to be more reusable. The password edit and generator widgets
have also been refactored to be more reusable.
KeepassXC tries to load the theme icon first and then falls back to the internal icon unless the check is explicitely disabled. Remove the check from most icons
* Replace Google with DuckDuckGo for optional fallback favicon fetch URL
Modify the work initially done in #36, and most recently modified in #1786,
to use DuckDuckGo's
favicon endpoint.
* Close failed favicon fetch progress bars
Name the UrlFetchProgressDialog() with the corresponding URL in order to
be identified by name by its parent when the failed request is handeled
in EditWidgetIcons::fetchFinished(). fetchFinished() retrieves the
relevant UrlFetchProgressDialog() and calls close() on it.
Fixes: #2265
* Eliminate TOTP logic from GUI elements
* Consolidate TOTP functionality under the Totp namespace
* Eliminate guessing about state and encoders
* Increased test cases
* Add entry view column for TOTP [#2132]
* General code cleanup, reduction of unnecessary steps, separation of concerns
* Rename SetupTotpDialog to TotpSetupDialog for consistency