* Cleanup entry change notification with entryview focus in/out
* Change Open URL shortcut to CTRL+SHIFT+U to conform with an "action"
including SHIFT
* Change Copy URL shortcut to CTRL+U to conform with "copy" without SHIFT
* Entry specific toolbar and menu items are disabled unless the entry
row has focus (prevents unintended actions)
* Reword security setting for password visibility in entry edit view
* Add shortcut to hide/unhide usernames (CTRL+SHIFT+B)
* Organize entry menu
* Fix#1588 - show keyboard shortcuts in context menu
* Fix#2403 - Change auto-type shortcut to CTRL + SHIFT + V
* Fix#2096 - Add (CTRL+F) to search bar background
* Fix#2031 & Fix#2266 - add shortcut to hide/unhide passwords (CTRL+SHIFT+C)
* Fix#2166 - Add reveal password button to entry preview
* Eliminate TOTP logic from GUI elements
* Consolidate TOTP functionality under the Totp namespace
* Eliminate guessing about state and encoders
* Increased test cases
* Add entry view column for TOTP [#2132]
* General code cleanup, reduction of unnecessary steps, separation of concerns
* Rename SetupTotpDialog to TotpSetupDialog for consistency
Add additional column 'Paperclip' to entry view table:
- add column itself
- add display role data provider
- add sort role data provider
- update total column count
Update state syncer (class DatabaseWidgetStateSync) to account for new
- properly sync view state when switching tabs
- properly read/write view state from/to config
Update classes EntryModel and EntryView to consistenly name list/search
modes. Before, both classes defined list mode as 'group mode' and search
mode as 'entry list mode', which differed from naming in other classes
such as DatabaseWidget.
Add header context menu to entry view table (accessible using right
click on header), providing:
- Actions to toggle 'Hide Usernames' / 'Hide Passwords'
- Actions to toggle column visibility
- Actions to resize columns
- Action to reset view to defaults
Add additional columns 'Password', 'Notes', 'Expires', 'Created',
'Modified', 'Accessed' and 'Attachments' to entry view table:
- add columns themselves
- add display role data providers
- introduce/apply sort role
- add sort role data providers
- add settings to display usernames/passwords visible/hidden
- minor addition to EntryModel::columnCount() as advised by Qt