Many lines were not conformant with the project's formatting rules.
This patch should fix all formatting and whitespace issues in the code
A clang-format directive was put around the connect() calls containing
SIGNALs and SLOTs whose signatures would be denormalized because of the
formatting rules.
* Move mutex lock to right before challenge call and wait for up to 1 second for unlock
* Fix bug where ALREADY_RUNNING was interpreted as success and causing database corruption
The Database, DatabaseWidget, and DatabaseTabWidget classes share many responsibilities in inconsistent ways resulting in impenetrable and unmaintainable code and a diverse set of bugs and architecture restrictions. This patch reworks the architecture, responsibilities of, and dependencies between these classes.
The core changes are:
* Move loading and saving logic from widgets into the Database class
* Get rid of the DatabaseManagerStruct and move all the information contained in it into the Database
* Let database objects keep track of modifications and dirty/clean state instead of handing this to external widgets
* Move GUI interactions for loading and saving from the DatabaseTabWidget into the DatabaseWidget (resolves#2494 as a side-effect)
* Heavily clean up DatabaseTabWidget and degrade it to a slightly glorified QTabWidget
* Use QSharedPointers for all Database objects
* Remove the modifiedImmediate signal and replace it with a markAsModified() method
* Implement proper tabName() method instead of reading back titles from GUI widgets (resolves#1389 and its duplicates #2146#855)
* Fix unwanted AES-KDF downgrade if database uses Argon2 and has CustomData
* Improve code
This patch is also the first major step towards solving issues #476 and #2322.
* Support ! modifier (same as '-')
* Create reusable PopupHelpWidget as self-contained popup that can
be positioned around a parent widget and will follow the movement
and sizing of the window
* Eliminated KEEPASSXC_MAIN_WINDOW macro and replaced with
getMainWindow() function
* Add tests to cover search help show/hide
Use nullptr instead of 0 or NULL to initialize a null pointer. In some
cases, readability was enhanced by replacing 0 with more meaningful
values according to the type of the pointer being initialized.
This patch aims at reducing the number of copies for obejcts that could
be referenced rather than copied, because they're not modified during
the computation.
This patch implements a new database wizard to guide users through the process
of setting up a new database and choosing sane encryption settings.
It also reimplements the master key settings to be more
user-friendly. Users can now add, change, or remove individual composite
key components instead of having to set all components at once. This
avoids confusion about a password being reset if the user only wants to
add a key file.
With these changes comes a major refactor of how database composite keys and key
components are handled. Copying of keys is prohibited and each key
exists only once in memory and is referenced via shared pointers. GUI
components for changing individual keys are encapsulated into separate
classes to be more reusable. The password edit and generator widgets
have also been refactored to be more reusable.
* Fixed database not showing modified after failed save
* Fixed Yubikey not being redetected after replug
* Fixed single shot challenge resulting in failed saves
* If a removed Yubikey is to blame, re-inserting the Yubikey won't
resolve the issue. Hot plug isn't supported at this point.
* The caller should detect the error and cancel the database write.
Signed-off-by: Kyle Manna <>
* Implement a YubiKey challenge response class. One object will be
created for each challenge response key available.
Signed-off-by: Kyle Manna <>
* Use compile time detection of the YubiKey libraries and link against
the libraries if present. Can be disabled with:
* A stub file provides empty calls for all the function calls integrated
in to the UI to support this. In the future a more modular approach
maybe better, but opting for simplicity initially.
Signed-off-by: Kyle Manna <>