* Fix#6593 - force close any modal dialogs associated with a database widget that is being locked.
* Partial fix for #721 but doesn't address the problem of needing to save a modified entry or database while locking.
* Also improves import dialog behavior if databases(s) lock while it is visible.
* Fix#10653 - prevent category switching if no category was actually hidden/visible. Also properly select a new category when a change is made instead of just changing the widget page.
* Fix apply button still being enabled after it is pressed and successfully committed
* Set default value of DatabasePasswordMinimumQuality to 3 (do not accept a master password that is less than Good)
* Add custom message box button "Continue with weak password"
This issue previously caused parent databases to be marked as modified on unlock. This was because of the new protections against byte-by-byte side channel attacks adds a randomized string to the database custom data. We should never be merging database custom data with keeshare or imports since we are merging groups only.
Also prevent overwrite of auto-generated custom data fields, Last Modified and Random Slug.
* Avoids using QDialog which breaks the standalone password generator
Revert "Fix password dialog close button"
This reverts commit 5b47190fcc4b2f51fb11849cef7f53346e8fe439.
* Fixes#10455
* Fixes#10432
* Fixes#10415
Prevent setting critical key components to nullptr when database data is cleared. This can result in a crash due to race condition between threads.
Added a bunch of asserts to detect this problem and if guards to prevent actual crashes.
Remove the advanced settings checkbox and replace with a dedicated tab widget interface to toggle between basic and advanced encryption settings.
Add a new propery autosaveDelay in Metadata of the db.
The property is saved in customData to not affect database structure as this setting is unique to keepasxc.
The propery sets delay to wait since last modification before saving.
Co-authored-by: jNullj <jNullj@users.noreply.github.com>
* This removes the application setting to require typing the password in again even though it is visible.
* Removed automatic password repeat when the password is made visible on changing.
* Closes#7545 - Support 1Password 1PUX import format based on https://support.1password.com/1pux-format/
* Closes#8367 - Support Bitwarden JSON import format (both unencrypted and encrypted) based on https://bitwarden.com/help/encrypted-export/
* Fixes#9577 - OPVault import when fields have the same name or type
* Introduce the import wizard to handle all import tasks (CSV, KDBX1, OPVault, 1PUX, JSON)
* Clean up CSV parser code to make it much more efficient and easier to read
* Combine all importer tests (except CSV) into one test file
* Previously our base style sheet added roughly 20px of margin to the top and bottom of all QGroupBox. This caused visual errors where that margin was not needed/desired.
* Transferred padding to the specific layouts instead where it belongs.
Refactors the Passkey implementation to include more checks and a structure that is more aligned with the official specification.
Notable changes:
- _BrowserService_ no longer does the checks by itself. A new class _BrowserPasskeysClient_ constructs the relevant objects, acting as a client. _BrowserService_ only acts as a bridge between the client and _BrowserPasskeys_ (authenticator) and calls the relevant popups for user interaction.
- A new helper class _PasskeyUtils_ includes the actual checks and parses the objects.
- _BrowserPasskeys_ is pretty much intact, but some functions have been moved to PasskeyUtils.
- Fixes Ed25519 encoding in _BrowserCBOR_.
- Adds new error messages.
- User confirmation for Passkey retrieval is also asked even if `discouraged` is used. This goes against the specification, but currently there's no other way to verify the user.
- `cross-platform` is also accepted for compatibility. This could be removed if there's a potential issue with it.
- Extension data is now handled correctly during Authentication.
- Allowed and excluded credentials are now handled correctly.
- Adds a new option "Allow localhost with Passkeys" to Browser Integration -> Advanced tab. By default it's not allowed to access HTTP sites, but `http://localhost` can be allowed for debugging and testing purposes for local servers.
- Add tag `Passkey` to a Passkey entry, or an entry with an imported Passkey.
* Fix#9847 - don't provide TOTP values if settings are blank or completely wrong
* Fix#6838 - don't reset the ui when creating a new entry and applying TOTP to it
* Move totp source into the core folder