Use built-in facilities of Qt to traverse QLocale::uiLanguages() to find a valid "most preferred"
language, but still respect user's choice in the application settings.
Fixes#3030. Fixes#1924.
When selecting another attribute in the advanced tab, do not mark the entry as modified
(nothing was changed). Also do not mark as modified when the notes checkbox is
checked/unchecked (doesn't change entry). Fixes#3013.
This is useful when keepassxc is minimized/hidden to the tray, and all
the plumbing is already in place from the lock icon button in the main
window UI.
In case of a modified group, pressing cancel in the confirmation dialog
of cancel led to discarding the changes instead of returning to the edit widget.
- Fix database deletion when using unsafe saves to a different file system [#2889]
- Fix opening databases with legacy key files that contain '/' [#2872]
- Fix opening database files from the command line [#2919]
- Fix crash when editing master key [#2836]
- Fix multiple issues with apply button behavior [#2947]
- Fix issues on application startup (tab order, --pw-stdin, etc.) [#2830]
- Fix building without WITH_XC_KEESHARE
- Fix reference entry coloring on macOS dark mode [#2984]
- Hide window when performing entry auto-type on macOS [#2969]
- Improve UX of update checker; reduce checks to every 7 days [#2968]
- KeeShare improvements [#2946, #2978, #2824]
- Re-enable Ctrl+C to copy password from search box [#2947]
- Add KeePassXC-Browser integration for Brave browser [#2933]
- SSH Agent: Re-Add keys on database unlock [#2982]
- SSH Agent: Only remove keys on app exit if they are removed on lock [#2985]
- CLI: Add --no-password option [#2708]
- CLI: Improve database extraction to XML [#2698]
- CLI: Don't call mandb on build [#2774]
- CLI: Add debug info [#2714]
- Improve support for Snap theming [#2832]
- Add support for building on Haiku OS [#2859]
- Ctrl+PgDn now goes to the next tab and Ctrl+PgUp to the previous
- Fix compiling on GCC 5 / Xenial [#2990]
- Add .gitrev output to tarball for third-party builds [#2970]
- Add WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK compile flag to toggle the update checker [#2968]
Introduce modification-based change tracking in BulkFileWatcher to
reduce emitted signals caused by file changes within the same directory.
* Keys that were previously added do not show an error message (they are most likely still in the agent)
* Shifted to using the KeeAgentSettings class to guide behavior of addIdentity function
* Fixes#2902
* Reduce initial update check notification to 500 ms to prevent inappropriately stealing focus from user
* Add build flag WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK which defaults to ON
* Update checks are resolved every 7 days instead of every time the application is started
* Better checks for beta builds; ignore snapshots
* Increase test cases
* Introduce .gitrev file to tarball generation
* Correct labeling of builds based on supplied parameters to CMake
* Convert supplied key file path to absolute when building under MSYS
* Support OVERRIDE_VERSION to build properly version numbered snapshots
* Do not build tests for any build
* ShareObserver watches all shares
ShareObserver watches all shares to and considers settings only on
checking for changes. This fixes an assertion when an export group
signal is received, but export was disabled.
* Extend share message in group view
Extended the message for shared groups to indicate deactivate
import/export and errors when the share was not correctly configured.
* Don't show apply button when creating new entries or groups (Fix#2191)
* Don't mark entry/group as dirty when first creating a new one (prevents unnecessary discard dialog on cancel)
* Properly enable/disable apply button when changes are made to entries and groups
* Don't show discard change warning when locking database unless their are actual changes made
NOTE: Extra pages in the group edit widget are not watched for changes yet. Requires a major refactor.
* Mark database dirty if saving fails
* Restore database file from backup if unsafe save fails between deleting database file and copying temporary file into place
* Improve error message display for opening and saving database files
* Do not automatically retry saving after failure. This prevents deletion of the backup database file and improves user awareness of issues.
* Fix#2888
* Qt has an undocumented rename implementation for QTemporaryFile that does not fallback to the copy implementation. Forcing the use of QFile::rename(...) allows for this fallback and protects against cross-device link errors.
* When removing portions of the master key, the key is marked dirty for saving
* Properly clear password and other fields in edit entry widget and password widgets
* Fix#2877 - password is unchecked by default
* Smarter activation of key components based on contents of text entry fields
* Prevent multiple copies of the same database from opening when the canonicalFileName != fileName
* Order of previously open databases are preserved when closing the application
* The active database on closing remains active after startup
* Nested open previous databases and remember key files under the remember previously open databases setting
* Fix#1675
[TIP]: # ( Provide a general summary of your changes in the title above ^^ )
## Type of change
[NOTE]: # ( Please remove all lines which don't apply. )
- ✅ New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
## Description and Context
[NOTE]: # ( Describe your changes in detail, why is this change required? )
[NOTE]: # ( Describe the context of your change. Explain large code modifications. )
[NOTE]: # ( If it fixes an open issue, please add "Fixes #XXX" as necessary )
Originally submitted by @diversys in #2696
## Checklist:
[NOTE]: # ( Please go over all the following points. )
[NOTE]: # ( Again, remove any lines which don't apply. )
[NOTE]: # ( Pull Requests that don't fulfill all [REQUIRED] requisites are likely )
[NOTE]: # ( to be sent back to you for correction or will be rejected. )
- ✅ I have read the **CONTRIBUTING** document. **[REQUIRED]**
- ✅ My code follows the code style of this project. **[REQUIRED]**
- ✅ All new and existing tests passed. **[REQUIRED]**
- ✅ I have compiled and verified my code with `-DWITH_ASAN=ON`. **[REQUIRED]**
- ✅ My change requires a change to the documentation, and I have updated it accordingly.