Introduce missing CustomData-attributes of KDBX4 format to allow
storing of plugin data for groups and entries - adopt Metadata to use
the same storage mechanism
Add simple view for CustomData as part of EditWidgetProperties
Tracking of CustomData-Modification using SIGNAL-SLOT update-mechanism
* Rename saveEntry to commitEntry to accurately capture its purpose
* Add message to user when commit is successful
* Made all inline messages in edit entry view 2 sec visibility
* User is prompted to disable safe saves after three failed attempts
* Completely retooled basic settings to group settings logically
* Added setting for "atomic saves"
- Fix crash when deleting TOTP entry
- Fix memory leak when selecting TOTP entries
- Fix TOTP update timeout on DetailsWidget
- Fix TOTP settings attributes not being applied before first call to totpSeed()
Add additional column 'Paperclip' to entry view table:
- add column itself
- add display role data provider
- add sort role data provider
- update total column count
Update state syncer (class DatabaseWidgetStateSync) to account for new
- properly sync view state when switching tabs
- properly read/write view state from/to config
Update classes EntryModel and EntryView to consistenly name list/search
modes. Before, both classes defined list mode as 'group mode' and search
mode as 'entry list mode', which differed from naming in other classes
such as DatabaseWidget.
Add 'copy-on-doubleclick' feature to entry view table by extending
already existing DatabaseWidget::entryActivationSignalReceived().
Currently, username, password and notes are copyied on doubleclick,
while doubleclicking URL still opens browser as before.
Can easily be extended to account for other/additional columns
Add header context menu to entry view table (accessible using right
click on header), providing:
- Actions to toggle 'Hide Usernames' / 'Hide Passwords'
- Actions to toggle column visibility
- Actions to resize columns
- Action to reset view to defaults