* Eliminate TOTP logic from GUI elements
* Consolidate TOTP functionality under the Totp namespace
* Eliminate guessing about state and encoders
* Increased test cases
* Add entry view column for TOTP [#2132]
* General code cleanup, reduction of unnecessary steps, separation of concerns
* Rename SetupTotpDialog to TotpSetupDialog for consistency
The 'text' property of the QAction gets mangled by KDE when it adds its
own accelerator shortcuts. But the data property is ours. Use that for
keying instead.
Signed-off-by: Steven Noonan <steven@uplinklabs.net>
* Rename saveEntry to commitEntry to accurately capture its purpose
* Add message to user when commit is successful
* Made all inline messages in edit entry view 2 sec visibility
Update state syncer (class DatabaseWidgetStateSync) to account for new
- properly sync view state when switching tabs
- properly read/write view state from/to config
Update classes EntryModel and EntryView to consistenly name list/search
modes. Before, both classes defined list mode as 'group mode' and search
mode as 'entry list mode', which differed from naming in other classes
such as DatabaseWidget.
Add 'copy-on-doubleclick' feature to entry view table by extending
already existing DatabaseWidget::entryActivationSignalReceived().
Currently, username, password and notes are copyied on doubleclick,
while doubleclicking URL still opens browser as before.
Can easily be extended to account for other/additional columns
* Adds KDBX4 reader/writer interfaces
* Adds KDBX4 XML reader/write interfaces
* Implements test cases for KDBX4
* Fully compatible with KeePass2
* Corrects minor issues with Argon2 KDF
* Add the concept of custom TOTP encoders, each with potential for custom
code alphabet, length, step interval and code direction (i.e. reversed)
* Select custom encoder via overload of the digits field of a loaded entry
* Allow selection of custom encoders via the "TOTP Settings" field's
size, as currently done by KeeTrayTOTP for Steam. Use "S" for the
short name of the Steam custom encoder
* Allow selection of custom encoders via the "otp" field by appending
a "&encoder=<name>" field to the URL query. For example,
* Update TOTP set-up dialog to permit selection between (default,
steam, custom) settings.