The database wasn't saved properly and lockfiles were not removed when receiving the signals SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGQUIT or SIGHUP. This patch implements signal handling and performs a clean shutdown after receiving SIGINT SIGTERM or SIGQUIT and ignores SIGHUP.
Since this uses POSIX syscalls for signal and socket handling, there is no Windows implementation at the moment.
* Clear the YubiKey detected list on each load.
* In the event the YubiKey was removed, it will no longer be displayed.
* If it's still present it won't be duplicated.
* Clear the YubiKey detected list on each load.
* In the event the YubiKey was removed, it will no longer be displayed.
* If it's still present it won't be duplicated.
* Pressing down arrow will always focus on entry view
* Pressing enter opens currently selected entry
* Pressing CTRL+F focuses and selects search text
* Rewrote test cases to cover the new functionality
* Save the master seed upon first challenge so it can be used as a
challenge at a later point.
* When verifyKey() is called, verify that the challenge is successful.
* Uncheck YubiKey box to not leak information about how the database is
Signed-off-by: Kyle Manna <>
- The copy action (Control+C) when no text is selected copies the
password of the current entry. This should be reasonable when
Control+B copies the username.
- Down at EOL moves the focus to the entry view. Enter and Tab should
do that, but it would be handy for user to be able to get to the third
entry by hitting Down three times.
* Ignore autoreload on save / save-as
* Consolidated db save code
* Corrected bug (crash) in merge entry code due to not cloning the entry
* Enhanced known modified status of database
* Implemented test cases for autoreload
* Add Standalone Password Generator. Closes#18
* Add an entropy meter for passwords. Closes#84
* Don't require password repeat when it is visible. Fixes#27
* Hide window on startup when configured to start minimized, fixes#105
* Decouple different systray and minimization options, fixes#64
* Commit missing changes in main.cpp to minimize at startup
* Remove obsolete code
* Add unlockdialog on autotype. Fix#10
* Show default autotype sequence for existing entries
* NOTE: New entries/groups do not show the default autotype sequence
* Moved search bar to toolbar and consolidated search options into dropdown list
* Updated GUI tests to be atomic and rewrote search tests
* Searches are saved between databases
* Search is cleared when all databases are closed
* Implemented global search shortcut (CTRL+F) and a notification bar when in search mode
* Replace favicon fetching using Google with fetching from the root of the website
* Follow up to 3 http redirects for the favicon
* Add download favicon from Google as fallback
* Move code responsible for fetching the favicon from Google on its own function to reduce repetitiveness.