* Fix data loss on failed reload
- External modifications to the db file can no longer be missed.
- Fixed dialogFinished signal of DatabaseOpenDialog was not emitted when dialog was closed via the 'X' (close) button
- For reloading with a modified db, an additional choice has been added to allow the user to ignore the changes in the file on disk.
- User is now presented with an unlock database dialog if reload fails to open the db automatically. For example when the user removed the YubiKey, failed to touch the YubiKey within the timeout period, or db pw has been changed.
- Mark db as modified when db file is gone or invalid.
- Prevent saving when db is being reloaded
- If merge is triggered by a save action, continue on with the save action after the user makes their choice
Co-authored-by: vuurvlieg <>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan White <>
This change avoids a situation where the open file has changed or an entry in the application has changed (possibly to be implemented in the future) and when you open that entry the editor shows you outdated data.
* Fixes bug from previous attachments preview commit
* Fix logic error when creating new attachment
* When running the build outside of a visual studio environment, PCSC libraries may not be discoverable. This change explicitly adds Windows SDK's to the search path.
* This change adds a new opportunity to add attachments that don’t require a real file in the file system.
* Add a new dialog window to add and preview attachments and integrate it into the EntryAttachmentsWidget.
* Attachment preview support for images and plain text files.
Additional enhancements:
* Fix sizing of attachment columns
* Add padding to attachment table items
* Fix targeting of preview widget styling to not impact unintended children
Also fix delayed polling on window activation
Co-authored-by: w15dev <>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan White <>
* Clean up removed elements in qt stylesheets
* Disable main window when saving
* Fixed triangle size in group view
Co-authored-by: Jonathan White <>
* An additional approach to create passphrases with one random word being in UPPERCASE.
* Also remove duplicate character count from passphrase generator
Co-authored-by: Stephan Heffner <>
Co-authored-by: Jonathan White <>
* Closes#7293
* Move existing T-CONV and T-REPLACE-RX code from AutoType to Entry. Replumb AutoType to use the entry functions.
* Improve placeholder code in various place
* Added kSecAccessControlDevicePasscode to accessControlflags when feature is enabled in settings and no biometrics are available
* Able to use either biometry or password, if touchid is unavailable
* Additional check if TouchID is enrolled:
With that we can add the "kSecAccessControlBiometryCurrentSet" Flag even though Biometry is unavailable due to closed lid or unpaired keyboard. Adding this flag when TouchID is not enrolled results in an error when trying to save the secret.
The kSecAccessControlWatch Flag for apple watch compatibility does not have this limitation. With that we can also offer quick unlock with only apple watch or password
* Fallback to quick unlock without touchid if saving key fails with selected flags, might fix quick unlock on a hackintosh
* Prevent group pane from being hidden just by dragging. Introduce new View menu setting to hide the group pane.
* Replace the preview panel "close" icon with a "collapse down" icon making the intention clearer.
* Better organize the view menu