* Fix#6242 - pinned taskbar shortcuts are not removed on upgrade or uninstall. Icons will be preserved between upgrades.
* Fix#6627 - properly set checkboxes for desktop shortcut and autostart of login based on current settings during install
* Add documentation shortcuts to the start menu
* Auto-accept license if upgrading application
Original source of icons is the icon8 library (http://icons8.com/c/flat-color-icons) and Paomedia (https://github.com/paomedia/small-n-flat). All icons used are licensed MIT or CC0; annotated in COPYING.
* Closes#4071
* Increase default size of database icons to 24px and entry preview panel to 48px
* Add shell script to assemble the database icons
* Use QIcon to seamlessly support High DPI displays and pixmap caching
* Add badge support for KeeShare groups and expired entries.
* Guard against use of QPixmap::fromImage without a GUI
* Add SVG minify and improve `make icons`
Co-authored-by: Wolfram Rösler <wolfram@roesler-ac.de>
* Include checkboxes to install a desktop shortcut (default no) and start on login (default yes)
* Fix closing KeePassXC.exe and keepassxc-proxy.exe before installation starts
* Improve styling of launch after exit checkbox
* Use KeePassXC executable icon for the start menu shortcut on Windows to prevent the icon from being deleted on installation of a new version. Fixes#4226
* Support improvements to windeployqt in Qt 5.14.1+
* Fix#1846, kdbx is registered to KeePassXC with
an icon (locked database icon)
* Fix#2489, OpenSSL and Crypto libraries are packaged
to support https connections
* Fix minor typo in KeeShare (missing "?")