Jonathan White
Make snap helper script more robust
* Fix #5127 - use `which keepassxc.proxy` to find the path of the snap proxy. Warn the user if the snap proxy was not found and bail out early.
2020-10-13 22:38:03 -04:00 |
Jonathan White
Make snap helper script POSIX compliant
2020-07-06 12:35:29 -04:00 |
Jonathan White
Add integration with Brave browser
Fixes #2414
2019-04-07 21:00:15 -04:00 |
Jonathan White
Allow snap builds to use keepassxc-proxy
* Updated browser extension settings for snap usage
* Support Snap 3.0 Changes
* Add missing stage packages
* Correct proxy communication with snaps
2019-03-19 14:46:29 -04:00 |