* Deprecated qSort() -> std::sort()
* Replace QDateTime::toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate) with Clock::toString()
* Replace QDateTime::toString(Qt::SystemLocaleShortDate) with QLocale::system().toString(..., QLocale::ShortFormat)
* Use QDateTime::startOfDay() instead of QDate(QDateTime)
Note: QDateTime::startOfDay() is only available in Qt 5.14, we need to guard it
* Replace QString::SkipEmptyParts with Qt::SkipEmptyParts
Note: Its designated replacement, Qt::SplitBehavior, was only added in Qt 5.14.
* Don't call deprecated QFlags(nullptr) constructor
* QSet::{toList->values}
* Replace QList::toSet, QSet::fromList with Tools::asSet()
* QHash::insertMulti -> QMultiHash::insert
* QProcess::startDetached: non-deprecated overload
* QProcess::{pid->processId}
* QPainter::{HighQuality->}Antialiasing
* QPalette::{background->window}()
* Use Qt::{Background,Foreground}Role
* endl -> Qt::endl, flush -> Qt::flush
* Make YubiKey::s_interfaceMutex non-recursive
* OpenSSHKeyGenDialog: use non-deprecated QComboBox::sizeAdjustPolicy setting
Supported key types are RSA, ECDSA and Ed25519.
Includes tests to compare writing out keys produce the exact same private key if read from OpenSSH format and tests against ssh-agent to ensure all no generated key is rejected.