Add additional column 'Paperclip' to entry view table:
- add column itself
- add display role data provider
- add sort role data provider
- update total column count
Update state syncer (class DatabaseWidgetStateSync) to account for new
- properly sync view state when switching tabs
- properly read/write view state from/to config
Update classes EntryModel and EntryView to consistenly name list/search
modes. Before, both classes defined list mode as 'group mode' and search
mode as 'entry list mode', which differed from naming in other classes
such as DatabaseWidget.
Add 'copy-on-doubleclick' feature to entry view table by extending
already existing DatabaseWidget::entryActivationSignalReceived().
Currently, username, password and notes are copyied on doubleclick,
while doubleclicking URL still opens browser as before.
Can easily be extended to account for other/additional columns
Add header context menu to entry view table (accessible using right
click on header), providing:
- Actions to toggle 'Hide Usernames' / 'Hide Passwords'
- Actions to toggle column visibility
- Actions to resize columns
- Action to reset view to defaults
Add additional columns 'Password', 'Notes', 'Expires', 'Created',
'Modified', 'Accessed' and 'Attachments' to entry view table:
- add columns themselves
- add display role data providers
- introduce/apply sort role
- add sort role data providers
- add settings to display usernames/passwords visible/hidden
- minor addition to EntryModel::columnCount() as advised by Qt
* Adds KDBX4 reader/writer interfaces
* Adds KDBX4 XML reader/write interfaces
* Implements test cases for KDBX4
* Fully compatible with KeePass2
* Corrects minor issues with Argon2 KDF
Note: This implementation is not yet connected to the
database itself and will corrupt existing kdbx3 db's.
* Implemented memory and parallelism parameters for Argon2Kdf
* Using libargon2; libsodium does not support Argon2d algorithm
* Moved basic rounds parameter into Kdf class
* Reimplemented benchmark algorithm; previous was utterly broken
You now get an error when you try to save incorrect autotype statements and warnings if you have high delays or much repetiton in your statement.
Also you will now only get one warning if you want to perfom high delayed or often repeated statements.