Auto-Type: Abort keystroke if modifiers held on X11

Releasing lock modifiers during Auto Type does not work reliably
on X11 and can cause some modifiers to get stuck and more precisely
layout switching can get stuck.

Instead of trying to find out what modifiers to release we can just
abort when the user is holding modifiers that may affect the typing

Fixes #6350
This commit is contained in:
Toni Spets 2021-03-27 08:57:05 +02:00 committed by Jonathan White
parent 371bd2e51b
commit ca8abecc4b

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@ -309,6 +309,11 @@ void AutoTypePlatformX11::updateKeymap()
/* explicitly disallow requiring lock modifiers (Caps Lock and Num Lock) */
if (mask & (LockMask | Mod2Mask)) {
m_keymap.append(AutoTypePlatformX11::KeyDesc{sym, ckeycode, cgroup, mask});
@ -411,7 +416,7 @@ AutoTypeAction::Result AutoTypePlatformX11::sendKey(KeySym keysym, unsigned int
XkbGetState(m_dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, &state);
group_active =;
/* tell GeyKeycode we would prefer a key from active group */
/* tell GetKeycode we would prefer a key from active group */
group = group_active;
/* determine keycode, group and mask for the given keysym */
@ -429,68 +434,32 @@ AutoTypeAction::Result AutoTypePlatformX11::sendKey(KeySym keysym, unsigned int
XSync(m_dpy, False);
XQueryPointer(m_dpy, m_rootWindow, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &x, &y, &original_mask);
// modifiers that need to be pressed but aren't
unsigned int press_mask = wanted_mask & ~original_mask;
// modifiers that are pressed but maybe shouldn't
unsigned int release_check_mask = original_mask & ~wanted_mask;
// modifiers we need to release before sending the keycode
unsigned int release_mask = 0;
if (!modifiers) {
// check every release_check_mask individually if it affects the keysym we would generate
// if it doesn't we probably don't need to release it
for (int mod_index = ShiftMapIndex; mod_index <= Mod5MapIndex; mod_index++) {
if (release_check_mask & (1 << mod_index)) {
unsigned int mods_rtrn;
KeySym keysym_rtrn;
XkbTranslateKeyCode(m_xkb, keycode, wanted_mask | (1 << mod_index), &mods_rtrn, &keysym_rtrn);
if (keysym_rtrn != keysym) {
release_mask |= (1 << mod_index);
// finally check if the combination of pressed modifiers that we chose to ignore affects the keysym
unsigned int mods_rtrn;
KeySym keysym_rtrn;
m_xkb, keycode, wanted_mask | (release_check_mask & ~release_mask), &mods_rtrn, &keysym_rtrn);
if (keysym_rtrn != keysym) {
// oh well, release all the modifiers we don't want
release_mask = release_check_mask;
} else {
release_mask = release_check_mask;
/* fail permanently if Caps Lock is on */
if (original_mask & LockMask) {
return AutoTypeAction::Result::Failed(tr("Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on"));
/* retry if keysym affecting modifier is held except Num Lock (Mod2Mask) */
if (original_mask & (ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask)) {
return AutoTypeAction::Result::Retry(tr("Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user"));
/* modifiers that need to be held but aren't */
unsigned int press_mask = wanted_mask & ~original_mask;
/* change layout group if necessary */
if (group_active != group) {
XkbLockGroup(m_dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, group);
/* set modifiers mask */
if ((release_mask | press_mask) & LockMask) {
SendModifiers(LockMask, true);
SendModifiers(LockMask, false);
SendModifiers(release_mask & ~LockMask, false);
SendModifiers(press_mask & ~LockMask, true);
/* press and release release key */
/* hold modifiers and press key */
SendModifiers(press_mask, true);
SendKeyEvent(keycode, true);
SendKeyEvent(keycode, false);
/* restore previous modifiers mask */
SendModifiers(press_mask & ~LockMask, false);
SendModifiers(release_mask & ~LockMask, true);
if ((release_mask | press_mask) & LockMask) {
SendModifiers(LockMask, true);
SendModifiers(LockMask, false);
/* release key and release modifiers */
SendKeyEvent(keycode, false);
SendModifiers(press_mask, false);
/* reset layout group if necessary */
if (group_active != group) {