diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ar.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ar.ts
index 6ea600ca3..741ca960c 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ar.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ar.ts
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
AboutDialogAbout KeePassXC
- حَول KeePassXC
+ حول KeePassXCAbout
- حَول
+ حولReport bugs at: <a href="https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues" style="text-decoration: underline;">https://github.com</a>
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?يجب إعادة تشغيل التطبيق لتعيين اللغة الجديدة. هل تريد إعادة التشغيل الآن ؟
- Reset Settings?
- إعادة تعيّين الإعدادات؟
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إعادة تعيّين كافة الإعدادات العامة وإعدادات الأمن إلى وضعها الافتراضي؟
- Select backup storage directoryاختر مجلد النسخ الاحتياطي
+ Confirm Reset
+ أكّد إعادة التعيين
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إعادة تعيين كافة الإعدادات إلى الوضع الافتراضي؟
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ استورد إعدادات KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ فشل استيراد الإعدادات من %1، ملف إعدادات غير صالح.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ صدّر إعدادات KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesضمّن النسخ التجريبية عند البحث عن التحديثات
- On database unlock, show entries that
- عند إلغاء قفل قاعدة البيانات، أظهر الإدخالات التي
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- انتهت الصلاحية
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- لأيام
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ستنتهي صلاحيتها في غضون
- File Managementإدارة الملفات
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingإحتفظ بنسخة من ملف قاعدة البيانات قبل الحفظ
- Backup destination
- وجهة الدعم الاحتياطي
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- تحديد موقع ملف النسخ الاحتياطي لقاعدة البيانات. يتم استبدال تكرارات "{DB_FILENAME}" باسم ملف قاعدة البيانات المحفوظة بدون امتداد. يتم استبدال {TIME:<format>} بوقت النسخ الاحتياطي، راجع https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> الإعدادات الافتراضية لتنسيق السلسلة "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".</format></format>
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)استخدم طريقة حفظ بديلة (قد تحل مشاكل Dropbox و Google Drive و GVFS وما إلى ذلك)
@@ -506,6 +507,73 @@
Remember last typed entry for:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ عند فتح قاعدة البيانات، اعرض الإدخالات التي ستنتهي صلاحيتها خلال
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ عند فتح قاعدة البيانات، اعرض الإدخالات التي ستنتهي صلاحيتها خلال
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ لأيام
+ Destination format:
+ تنسيق الوجهة:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ اختر المجلد...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ أظهِر التأكيد قبل نقل الإدخالات إلى سلة المهملات
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ انسخ البيانات عند النقر المزدوج على الحقل في عرض الإدخال
+ Show toolbar
+ أظهِر شريط الأدوات
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ أظهِر شريط القائمة
+ Import settings…
+ استورد الإعدادات…
+ Export settings…
+ إعدادات التصدير…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ افتح المتصفح عن طريق النقر المزدوج على حقل عنوان URL في عرض الإدخال
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -571,18 +639,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panel اخفي كلمات السر في لوحة إستعراض المدخلات
- Hide entry notes by default
- إخفاء مُدخل الملاحظات إفتراضيًا
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- نقل الإدخالات إلى سلة المحذوفات دون تأكيد
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- قم بتمكين النقر المزدوج لنسخ اسم المستخدم / كلمة المرور
- Privacyالخصوصية
@@ -595,6 +651,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelإخفاء TOTP في لوحة المعاينة
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ اقفل قواعد البيانات عند تبديل المستخدم
+ Lock Options
+ خيارات القفل
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ اخفِ الملاحظات في لوحة معاينة الإدخال
+ AutoType
@@ -643,20 +711,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1لا يحتوي الإدخال على سمة ل PICKCHARS: ٪1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- نوع التحويل غير صالح: ٪1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- هيئة التحويل غير صالحة: ٪1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- هيئة التعبير غير صالحة ٪1
- Invalid placeholder: %1عنصر النيابة غير صالح: ٪1
@@ -716,7 +770,7 @@
Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
+ محاولة إرسال رمز لوحة المفاتيح غير صالح.
@@ -819,7 +873,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
+ تراجع
@@ -840,7 +894,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
KeePassXC - Select Database
+ KeePassXC - تحديد قاعدة البيانات
@@ -855,11 +909,11 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
+ استَوثِقRegister new
+ سجلّ جديدRegister
@@ -883,7 +937,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Add to existing entry
+ أضِف إلى الإدخال الموجودExisting passkey found.
@@ -963,11 +1017,11 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
KeePassXC - Update Entry
+ KeePassXC - حدّث الإدخالKeePassXC - Delete entry
+ KeePassXC - احذف الإدخالKeePassXC - New key association request
@@ -1017,10 +1071,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- المتصفحات المثبتة كsnaps غير مدعومة حاليا.
- Enable integration for these browsers:تفعيل التكامل لهذه المتصفحات:
@@ -1242,6 +1292,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ يلزم وجود KeePassXC-Browser لكي يعمل تكامل المتصفح. <br />نزله لـ %1 و %2 و %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1380,7 +1434,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Failed to parse CSV file: %1
+ فشل تحليل ملف CSV: %1Imported from CSV file: %1
@@ -1395,6 +1449,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ وسوم
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1458,19 +1516,27 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Binسلة المهملات
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialogUnlock Database - KeePassXC
- فتح قاعدة البيانات - KEEPASSXC
+ افتح قاعدة البيانات - KeePassXCDatabaseOpenWidgetUnlock KeePassXC Database
- فتح قاعدة بيانات KEEPASSXC
+ افتح قاعدة بيانات KeePassXCEnter Password:
@@ -1498,7 +1564,7 @@ Backup database located at %2
Unlock Database
- فتح قاعدة البيانات
+ افتح قاعدة البياناتCancel
@@ -1506,7 +1572,7 @@ Backup database located at %2
- فتح
+ افتحPlease present or touch your YubiKey to continue…
@@ -1596,54 +1662,63 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Failed to authenticate with Quick Unlock: %1
+ فشل المصادقة مع Windows Hello: %1Select Key File:
+ حدّد ملف المفتاح:<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <p>بالإضافة إلى كلمة المرور، يمكنك استخدام ملف سري لتعزيز أمان قاعدة بياناتك. يمكن توليد هذا الملف في إعدادات أمان قاعدة بياناتك.</p><p>هذا <strong>ليس</strong> ملف قاعدة بيانات *.kdbx الخاص بك!Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
+ استخدم مفتاح حماية عتادي [الرقم التسلسلي: %1]Use hardware key
+ استخدم مفتاح الأجهزةYour database file is NOT a key file!
If you don't have a key file or don't know what that is, you don't have to select one.
+ ملف قاعدة البيانات الخاص بك ليس key file!
+إذا لم يكن لديك ملف مفتاح أو لا تعرف ما هو، فلا داعي لتحديد واحد.KeePassXC database file selected
+ حدّدت ملف قاعدة بيانات KeePassXCThe file you selected looks like a database file.
A database file is NOT a key file!
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ يبدو أن الملف الذي حددته هو ملف قاعدة بيانات.
+ملف قاعدة البيانات ليس key file!
+هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد الاستمرار بهذا الملف؟No hardware keys found.
+ لم يتم العثور على مفتاح حماية عتادي.Refresh Hardware Keys
+ أنعش مفاتيح الحماية العتادي
+ Click to add a key file.
+ انقر لإضافة ملف مفتاح.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">لدي ملف مفتاح</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
@@ -1680,10 +1755,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1797,7 +1884,7 @@ This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser ext
No keys found
+ لم يتم العثور على مفاتيحRemoved keys from database
@@ -1852,15 +1939,15 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
Weak password
+ كلمة المرور ضعيفةThis is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.
+ هذه كلمة مرور ضعيفة! لحماية أسرارك بشكل أفضل، يجب عليك اختيار كلمة مرور أقوى.The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ كلمة المرور المقدمة لا تلبي الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الجودة.
@@ -2003,11 +2090,11 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at
Encryption Settings:
+ إعدادات التعميةBasic
+ أساسيAdvanced
@@ -2163,6 +2250,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ بيانات الوصفية لقاعدة البيانات العامة
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ تحذير: الإعدادات التالية غير مُعمَّاة.
+ Display name:
+ اسم العرض:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ اسم العرض المرئي للعامة المستخدم في مربع حوار إلغاء القفل
+ Database public display name
+ اسم العرض العام لقاعدة البيانات
+ Display color:
+ لون العرض:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ أداة اختيار لون العرض العام لقاعدة البيانات
+ Clear
+ مسح
+ Display icon:
+ أيقونة العرض:
+ Select Database Icon
+ حدد أيقونة قاعدة البيانات
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2282,7 +2413,7 @@ removed from the database.
+ نزلCommand:
@@ -2306,7 +2437,7 @@ removed from the database.
+ ارفعUpload command field
@@ -2372,6 +2503,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ ثواني
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2574,26 +2713,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedالملف تغير
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- قاعدة البيانات تغيرت. هل تريد تحميل التغييرات؟
- Merge Request
- دمج الطلب
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- تم تغيير ملف قاعدة البيانات ولديك تغييرات لم يتم حفظها.
-هل تريد دمج التغييرات؟
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- تعذر فتح ملف قاعدة البيانات الجديد أثناء محاولة التحميل التلقائي.
-الخطأ: %1
- Disable safe saves?هل تريد تعطيل الحفظ الآمن؟
@@ -2675,12 +2794,56 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remove passkey from entry
+ أزِل passkey من الإدخالDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -2836,7 +2999,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ فشل فك تعمية مفتاح SSH، تأكد من صحة كلمة المرور.
@@ -3009,18 +3172,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryتخطي الإرسال التلقائي لهذا الإدخال
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- أرسل هذا الإعداد إلى المتصفح فقط لمربع حوار مصادقة HTTP. في حالة التفعيل ، لن تعرض نماذج تسجيل الدخول العادية هذا المٌدخل للاختيار.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Authاستخدم هذا الإدخال فقط مع مصادقة HTTP البدائية
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- لا ترسل هذا الإعداد إلى المتصفح لمربعات حوار مصادقة HTTP. في حالة التمكين، لن تعرض مربعات حوار مصادقة HTTP هذا المُدخل للاختيار.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Authلا تستخدم هذا الإدخال مع مصادقة HTTP البدائية
@@ -3043,6 +3198,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ عناوين URL الإضافية
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
@@ -3267,6 +3430,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3631,7 +3798,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Application Settings -> Security
+ يمكنك تفعيل خدمة أيقونة موقع DuckDuckGo ضمن إعدادات التطبيق -> الأمان
@@ -3713,6 +3880,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ نوع تحويل غير صالح: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ هيئة التحويل غير صالحة: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ هيئة التعبير غير صالحة %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3721,6 +3902,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
لا يمكن فتح الملف "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ النموذج
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3758,14 +3954,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- إعادة تسمية المرفق المحدد
- Rename
- اعادة تسمية
- Open selected attachmentفتح المرفق المحدد
@@ -3885,6 +4073,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
المرفق "%1" موجود بالفعل.
هل ترغب في الكتابة فوق المرفق الموجود؟
+ New
+ Preview
+ معاينة
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ فشل معاينة المرفق: لم يتم العثور على المرفق
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4083,6 +4283,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4444,7 +4648,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
ImportWizardImport Wizard
+ استورد المساعد
@@ -4477,6 +4681,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Urlعنوان Url
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4486,7 +4698,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Import File Selection
+ استيراد اختيار الملفPassword:
@@ -4510,7 +4722,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
No unlocked databases available
+ لا تتوفر قواعد بيانات مفتوحةExisting Database:
@@ -4526,11 +4738,11 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
1Password Export (.1pux)
+ تصدير 1Password (.1pux)1Password Vault (.opvault)
+ 1Password مخزن (.opvault)Bitwarden (.json)
@@ -4546,7 +4758,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Select import file
+ حدد ملف الاستيرادAll files
@@ -4566,20 +4778,58 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
1Password Export
+ صدّر 1PasswordBitwarden JSON Export
+ تصدير JSON من Bitwarden1Password Vault
+ مخزن 1PasswordKeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ تصدير JSON إلى Proton Pass
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -4854,7 +5104,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.
+ الملف المحدد عبارة عن قاعدة بيانات KeePass 1 قديمة (.kdb).
+يمكنك استيرادها بالنقر فوق قاعدة البيانات > "استيراد قاعدة بيانات KeePass 1…'.
+هذه عملية انتقال في اتجاه واحد. لن تتمكن من فتح قاعدة البيانات المستوردة باستخدام إصدار KeePassX 0.4 القديم.Not a KeePass database.
@@ -4991,7 +5245,7 @@ Line %2, column %3
KeeAgentSettingsInvalid KeeAgent settings file structure.
+ بنية ملف إعدادات KeeAgent غير صالحة.Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided.
@@ -5266,7 +5520,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
You selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead.
+ لقد قمت بتحديد ملف مفتاح بتنسيق قديم قد يتوقف KeePassXC<br> عن دعمه في المستقبل.<br><br>يُرجى التفكير في إنشاء ملف مفتاح جديد بدلاً من ذلك.Error loading the key file '%1'
@@ -5328,7 +5582,7 @@ Message: %2You cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file.
+ لا يمكنك استخدام قاعدة البيانات الحالية كkeyfile خاص بها. يُرجى اختيار ملف مختلف أو إنشاء ملف مفتاح جديد.Suspicious Key File
@@ -5337,7 +5591,8 @@ Message: %2
The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever.
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
+ يبدو ملف المفتاح المختار كملف قاعدة بيانات كلمة المرور. يجب أن يكون ملف المفتاح ملفًا ثابتًا لا يتغير أبدًا وإلا ستفقد الوصول إلى قاعدة بياناتك إلى الأبد.
+هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الاستمرار في هذا الملف؟
@@ -5483,7 +5738,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Database &Reports…
+ قاعدة البيانات والتقارير…&Database Settings…
@@ -5555,7 +5810,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
&HTML File…
+ ملف &HTML…KeePass 1 Database…
@@ -5563,7 +5818,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
1Password Vault…
+ مخزن 1Password…CSV File…
@@ -5631,11 +5886,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Add key to SSH Agent
+ أضِف مفتاح إلى عميل SSHRemove key from SSH Agent
+ أزِل المفتاح من SSH AgentCompact Mode
@@ -5659,7 +5914,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Show Menubar
+ أظهِر شريط القائمةShow Toolbar
@@ -5705,25 +5960,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC.
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.
+ تحذير: أنت تستخدم إصدارًا غير مستقر من KeePassXC.
+هناك خطر كبير للفساد، احتفظ بنسخة احتياطية من قواعد بياناتك.
+هذا الإصدار ليس مخصصًا للاستخدام الإنتاجي.NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- No Tagsلا وسومRestore Entry(s)
+ استعد الإدخالاتاستعد الإدخالاتاستعد الإدخالاتاستعد الإدخالاتاستعد الإدخالاتاستعد الإدخالاتSettings
@@ -5731,15 +5983,15 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Check for updates on startup?
+ التحقق من وجود تحديثات عند بدء التشغيل؟Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup?
+ هل ترغب في أن يقوم KeePassXC بالتحقق من التحديثات عند بدء التشغيل؟You can always check for updates manually from the application menu.
+ يمكنك دائمًا التحقق من التحديثات يدويًا من قائمة التطبيق.Toggle window
@@ -5771,15 +6023,15 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
1Password 1PUX...
+ 1Password 1PUX...Import a 1Password 1PUX file
+ استورد ملف 1Password 1PUXImport…
+ استورد…Passkeys…
@@ -5790,16 +6042,20 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
استورِد Passkey
- Quit Application
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
+ أنهِ التطبيق
+ Open About DialogOpen Database
+ افتح قاعدة بياناتCreate Database
@@ -5893,6 +6149,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -5955,7 +6215,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Empty Recycle Bin
+ إفراغ سلة المهملاتOpen Donation Website
@@ -6007,7 +6267,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Toggle Show Menubar
+ بدّل إظهار شريط القائمةToggle Show Toolbar
@@ -6038,17 +6298,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ مولد كلمة السر
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6066,7 +6342,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Unlock database to show more information
+ افتح قاعدة البيانات لإظهار المزيد من المعلوماتLock database
@@ -6085,11 +6361,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ صفّرReset any remembered decisions for this application
+ صفّر أي قرارات تم تذكرها لهذا التطبيق
@@ -6163,7 +6439,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.
+ يمكنك هنا ضبط إعدادات تعمية قاعدة البيانات. لا تقلق، يمكنك تغييرها لاحقًا في إعدادات قاعدة البيانات.
@@ -6174,7 +6450,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database.
+ مجموعة من بيانات الاعتماد المعروفة لك فقط والتي تحمي قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بك.
@@ -6185,7 +6461,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.
+ يمكنك هنا ضبط إعدادات تعمية قاعدة البيانات. لا تقلق، يمكنك تغييرها لاحقًا في إعدادات قاعدة البيانات.
@@ -6196,6 +6472,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database:
+ يُرجى ملء اسم العرض والوصف الاختياري لقاعدة البيانات الجديدة الخاصة بك:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ احفظ المرفق
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6203,7 +6498,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
NixUtilsPassword Manager
+ مدير كلمة المرورGlobal shortcut already registered to %1
@@ -6238,11 +6533,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Unable to process clearText in place
+ غير قادر على معالجة النص الواضح في مكانهExpected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2
+ من المتوقع وجود %1 بايت من النص العادي، وتم العثور على %2
@@ -6414,7 +6709,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
PasskeyExportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Export
+ KeePassXC - تصدير PasskeyFilenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.
@@ -6422,11 +6717,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Export entries
+ تصدير الإدخالاتExport Selected
+ تصدير المحددCancel
@@ -6434,18 +6729,18 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Export to folder
+ صدّر إلى مجلدExport the following passkey entries.
+ تصدير إدخالات passkey التالية.PasskeyExporterKeePassXC: Passkey Export
+ KeePassXC: تصدير PasskeyFile "%1.passkey" already exists.
@@ -6455,15 +6750,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Cannot open file
+ لا يمكن فتح الملفCannot open file "%1" for writing.
+ لا يمكن فتح الملف "%1" للكتابة.Cannot write to file
+ لا يمكن الكتابة إلى الملف
@@ -6533,15 +6828,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Cannot open file
+ لا يمكن فتح الملفCannot open file "%1" for reading.
+ لا يمكن فتح الملف "%1" للقراءة.Open passkey file
+ فتح ملف مفتاح المرورCannot import passkey
@@ -6574,11 +6869,11 @@ The following data is missing:
Confirm password:
+ تأكيد كلمة المرور:Repeat password field
+ حقل تكرار كلمة المرورPassword
@@ -6586,7 +6881,7 @@ The following data is missing:
Add Password
+ أضِف كلمة المرورChange Password
@@ -6602,11 +6897,11 @@ The following data is missing:
<p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p>
+ <p>كلمة المرور هي الطريقة الأساسية لتأمين قاعدة بياناتك.</p><p>كلمات المرور الجيدة طويلة وفريدة من نوعها. يمكن لـ KeePassXC إنشاء واحد لك.</p>Passwords do not match.
+ كلمة المرور غير مطابقة.
@@ -6650,7 +6945,7 @@ The following data is missing:
Password length
+ طول كلمة المرورSwitch to advanced mode
@@ -6714,7 +7009,7 @@ The following data is missing:
Additional characters
+ أحرف إضافيةAdd non-hex letters to "do not include" list
@@ -6722,7 +7017,7 @@ The following data is missing:
Hex Passwords
+ كلمات المرور السداسيةHex
@@ -6740,10 +7035,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:اختر أيضا من:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- استبعاد المِحرَفات: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersاستبعاد الرموز التي تبدو على حد سواء
@@ -6768,10 +7059,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:عدد الكلمات:
- Character Count:
- عدد المِحرَفات:
- Word Case:حالة أحرف الكلمات:
@@ -6784,10 +7071,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistإضافة قائمة كلمات مخصصة
- character
- Closeإغلاق
@@ -6798,7 +7081,7 @@ The following data is missing:
Apply Password
+ طبّق كلمة المرورRegenerate password (%1)
@@ -6893,16 +7176,32 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Charactersمحارف خاصة
+ passwordLength
+ طول كلمة المرور
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidgetPasswords do not match
+ كلمة المرور غير مطابقةPasswords match so far
+ كلمات المرور متطابقة حتى الآنToggle Password (%1)
@@ -6914,7 +7213,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Warning: Caps Lock enabled!
+ تحذير: Caps Lock مُفعّل!Quality: %1
@@ -6960,6 +7259,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ معاينة إدخال المرفق
+ No preview available
+ لا يوجد معاينة متاحة
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7000,7 +7314,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Continue with weak password
+ تابع بكلمة مرور ضعيفة
@@ -7027,7 +7341,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Message encryption failed.
+ فشل تعمية الرسالة.KeePassXC association failed, try again
@@ -7163,7 +7477,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.
+ تحقق مما إذا كان قد تم تسريب أي كلمات مرور علنًا. يجب أن يكون FILENAME هو مسار ملف يسرد تجزئات SHA-1 لكلمات المرور المسربة بتنسيق HIBP، كما هو متاح من https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.FILENAME
@@ -7292,7 +7606,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp").
+ انسخ TOTP الحالي إلى الحافظة (أي ما يعادل "-a totp").Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown.
@@ -7333,7 +7647,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up.
+ الإدخال ذو المسار %1 ليس له إعداد TOTP.ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2.
@@ -7361,11 +7675,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Display this help.
+ عرض هذه المساعدة.Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs.
+ إسكات كلمة المرور والمخرجات الثانوية الأخرى.Key file of the database.
@@ -7377,7 +7691,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Deactivate password key for the database.
+ إلغاء تنشيط مفتاح كلمة المرور لقاعدة البيانات.Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001).
@@ -7401,7 +7715,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Target decryption time in MS for the database.
+ وقت فك التشفير المستهدف بالميجا بايت لقاعدة البيانات.time
@@ -7413,7 +7727,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Set a password for the database.
+ عيّن كلمة مرور لقاعدة البيانات.Create a new database.
@@ -7421,15 +7735,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid decryption time %1.
+ وقت فك التعمية غير صالح ٪1.Target decryption time must be between %1 and %2.
+ يجب أن يكون وقت فك التعمية المستهدف بين %1 و%2.Failed to set database password.
+ فشل في تعيين كلمة مرور قاعدة البيانات.Loading the key file failed
@@ -7449,7 +7763,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
error while setting database key derivation settings.
+ خطأ أثناء تعيين إعدادات اشتقاق مفتاح قاعدة البيانات.File %1 already exists.
@@ -7465,7 +7779,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Unset the password for the database.
+ ألغِ تعيين كلمة المرور لقاعدة البيانات.Unset the key file for the database.
@@ -7541,11 +7855,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Recycle bin is enabled.
+ سلة المهملات مُفعّلة.Recycle bin is not enabled.
+ سلة المهملات غير مُفعّلة.Location
@@ -7569,7 +7883,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ لاNumber of groups
@@ -7585,19 +7899,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Unique passwords
+ كلمات مرور فريدةNon-unique passwords
+ كلمات مرور غير فريدةMaximum password reuse
+ الحد الأقصى لإعادة استخدام كلمة المرورNumber of short passwords
+ عدد كلمات المرور القصيرةNumber of weak passwords
@@ -7605,11 +7919,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Entries excluded from reports
+ الإدخالات المستبعدة من التقاريرAverage password length
+ متوسط طول كلمة المرور%1 characters
@@ -7638,10 +7952,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1عدد كلمات غير صالح ٪1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Title for the entry.عنوان المُدخل
@@ -7780,23 +8090,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
*** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) ***
+ *** طول كلمة المرور (%1) != مجموع طول الأجزاء (%2) ***Exit interactive mode.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.
+ يقوم بتصدير محتوى قاعدة البيانات إلى إخراج قياسي بالتنسيق المحدد.Unable to export database to XML: %1
+ غير قادر على تصدير قاعدة البيانات إلى XML: %1Unsupported format %1
@@ -7856,15 +8162,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid password length %1
+ طول كلمة المرور %1 غير صالحInvalid password generator after applying all options
+ مولّد كلمة المرور غير صالح بعد تطبيق جميع الخياراتDisplay command help.
+ عرض تعليمات الأمر.Available commands:
@@ -7876,7 +8182,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Path of the XML database export.
+ مسار تصدير قاعدة بيانات XML.Path of the new database.
@@ -7910,7 +8216,7 @@ Available commands:
Displays debugging information.
+ يعرض معلومات التصحيح.Invalid command %1.
@@ -7946,7 +8252,7 @@ Available commands:
Deactivate password key for the database to merge from.
+ قم بإلغاء تنشيط مفتاح كلمة المرور لقاعدة البيانات المراد الدمج منها.Only print the changes detected by the merge operation.
@@ -7971,7 +8277,8 @@ Available commands:
Error reading merge file:
+ خطأ في قراءة ملف الدمج:
+%1Unable to save database to file : %1
@@ -8011,7 +8318,7 @@ Available commands:
Open a database.
+ افتح قاعدة البيانات.Path of the entry to remove.
@@ -8055,7 +8362,7 @@ Available commands:
Show the entry's current TOTP.
+ أظهِر TOTP الحالي للمدخل.Show the protected attributes in clear text.
@@ -8099,15 +8406,15 @@ Available commands:
Failed to open database file %1: not found
+ فشل فتح ملف قاعدة البيانات %1: غير موجودFailed to open database file %1: not a plain file
+ فشل فتح ملف قاعدة البيانات %1: ليس ملفًا عاديًاFailed to open database file %1: not readable
+ فشل فتح ملف قاعدة البيانات %1: غير قابل للقراءةEnter password to unlock %1:
@@ -8122,7 +8429,10 @@ Available commands:
stop supporting in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.
+ تحذير: أنت تستخدم تنسيق ملف مفتاح قديم قد يتوقف KeePassXC
+عن دعمة في المستقبل.
+يُرجى النظر في إنشاء ملف مفتاح جديد.Invalid YubiKey slot %1
@@ -8138,23 +8448,23 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Enter password to encrypt database (optional):
+ أدخل كلمة المرور لتعمية قاعدة البيانات (اختياري):Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]:
+ هل تريد إنشاء قاعدة بيانات بكلمة مرور فارغة؟ [y/N]:Repeat password:
+ اعِد كلمة المرور:Error: Passwords do not match.
+ خطأ: كلمات المرور غير متطابقة.No program defined for clipboard manipulation
+ لم يُعرّف أي برنامج لمعالجة الحافظةAll clipping programs failed. Tried %1
@@ -8163,11 +8473,11 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2
+ فشل إنشاء KeyFile %1: %2Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2
+ فشل تحميل KeyFile %1: %2HIBP file, line %1: parse error
@@ -8183,7 +8493,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Error: okon process did not finish
+ خطأ: لم تنتهي عملية okonFailed to load okon processed database: %1
@@ -8191,15 +8501,15 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Very weak password
+ كلمة المرور ضعيفة جدًاPassword entropy is %1 bits
+ احتمال كلمة المرور هي %1 بتWeak password
+ كلمة المرور ضعيفةUsed in %1/%2
@@ -8207,7 +8517,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Password is used %1 time(s)
+ استخدُمت كلمة المرور %1 مرةاستخدُمت كلمة المرور مرةاستخدُمت كلمة المرور مرتاناستخدُمت كلمة المرور %1 مراتاستخدُمت كلمة المرور %1 مرةاستخدُمت كلمة المرور %1 مرةPassword has expired
@@ -8215,7 +8525,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Password expiry was %1
+ انتهاء صلاحية كلمة المرور كان %1Password expires on %1
@@ -8275,7 +8585,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
+ KeeShareYubiKey
@@ -8335,7 +8645,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Argon2%1 (%2 rounds, %3 KB)
+ Argon2%1 (%2 جولات، %3 ك.بايت)SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode.
@@ -8373,18 +8683,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyملف فارغ
- malformed string
- سلسلة غير صحيحة
- missing closing quote
- إغلاق الإقتباس مفقود
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bit
@@ -8399,11 +8697,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended)
+ Argon2d (KDBX 4 – موصى به)Argon2id (KDBX 4)
+ Argon2id (KDBX 4)AES-KDF (KDBX 4)
@@ -8485,15 +8783,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?
+ هل تريد حقًا نقل الإدخال "%1" إلى سلة المهملات؟Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?
+ هل تريد حقًا نقل %n إدخالاً إلى سلة المهملات؟هل تريد حقًا نقل %n إدخالاً إلى سلة المهملات؟هل تريد حقًا نقل %n إدخالاً إلى سلة المهملات؟هل تريد حقًا نقل %n إدخالاً إلى سلة المهملات؟هل تريد حقًا نقل %n إدخالاً إلى سلة المهملات؟هل تريد حقًا نقل %n إدخالاً إلى سلة المهملات؟Move entry(s) to recycle bin?
+ انقل الإدخالات إلى سلة المهملات؟انقل الإدخال إلى سلة المهملات؟انقل الإدخالات إلى سلة المهملات؟انقل الإدخالات إلى سلة المهملات؟انقل الإدخالات إلى سلة المهملات؟انقل الإدخالات إلى سلة المهملات؟Replace references to entry?
@@ -8513,7 +8811,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Health Check
+ فحص الصحةHIBP
@@ -8632,7 +8930,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Databases have been locked.
+ لقد قُفلت قواعد البيانات.Attestation not supported
@@ -8644,7 +8942,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Passkeys request canceled
+ أُلغِيَ طلب PasskeysInvalid user verification
@@ -8652,7 +8950,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Empty public key
+ المفتاح العام فارغInvalid URL provided
@@ -8708,7 +9006,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Failed to encrypt key data.
+ فشل في تعمية البيانات الرئيسية.Failed to get Windows Hello credential.
@@ -8716,7 +9014,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Failed to decrypt key data.
+ فشل فك تعمية البيانات الرئيسية.Origin is empty or not allowed
@@ -8736,7 +9034,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Wait for timer to expire
+ انتظر حتى انتهاء الوقتChallenge is shorter than required minimum length
@@ -8749,7 +9047,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
FavoriteTag for favorite entries
+ المفضلةFile does not exist.
@@ -8757,7 +9055,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Cannot open file: %1
+ لا يمكن فتح الملف: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
@@ -8765,7 +9063,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Failed to decrypt json file: %1
+ فشل فك تعمية ملف json: %1Invalid encKeyValidation field
@@ -8777,15 +9075,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Wrong password
+ كلمة مرور خاطئةInvalid encrypted data field
+ حقل بيانات مُعمَّاة غير صالحةInvalid cipher list within encrypted data field
+ قائمة تعمية غير صالحة ضمن حقل البيانات المُعمَّاةCannot initialize cipher
@@ -8793,16 +9091,16 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Cannot decrypt data
+ لا يمكن فك تعمية البياناتBitwarden Import
+ استورد BitwardenArchivedTag for archived entries
+ مؤرشفInvalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.
@@ -8810,11 +9108,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data
+ تنسيق ملف 1PUX غير صالح: بيانات التصدير مفقودة1Password Import
+ استورد 1PasswordEnter Shortcut
@@ -8834,16 +9132,84 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ تكرارات KDF غير صالحة، لا يمكن فك تشفير ملف jsonUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ التنسيق غير مدعوم، تأكد من أن تصدير Bitwarden الخاص بك محمي بكلمة مرورOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ يتم دعم PBKDF وArgon2 فقط، ولا يمكن فك تعمية ملف json
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ لا يتم دعم الملفات المشفرة.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ استورد Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ حذف بيانات الإضافة؟
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ وسوم
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8938,11 +9304,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ (مستبعد)This entry is being excluded from reports
+ تم استبعاد هذا الإدخال من التقاريرPlease wait, browser statistics is being calculated…
@@ -8974,7 +9340,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports
+ استبعاد من التقارير
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -8982,57 +9352,54 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only show entries that have been explicitly allowed or denied
+ أظهِر فقط الإدخالات التي تم السماح بها أو رفضها بشكل صريحShow expired entries
+ أظهِر الإدخالات منتهية الصلاحية (Expired)
+ (منتهي)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- تحوم فوق السبب لعرض تفاصيل إضافية. قم بالنقر المزدوج على الإدخالات للتعديل.
+ Show expired entries
+ أظهِر الإدخالات منتهية الصلاحية
- Bad
- Password quality
- سيئ
+ (Expired)
+ (منتهي)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ تحوم فوق السبب لعرض تفاصيل إضافية. قم بالنقر المزدوج على الإدخالات للتعديل.Bad — password must be changedسيئ - يجب تغيير كلمة المرور
- Poor
- Password quality
- ضعيف جدا
- Poor — password should be changedضعيف - يجب تغيير كلمة المرور
- Weak
- Password quality
- ضعيفة
- Weak — consider changing the passwordضعيف — فكر بتغير كلمة المرور (Excluded)
+ (مستبعد)This entry is being excluded from reports
+ تم استبعاد هذا الإدخال من التقاريرPlease wait, health data is being calculated…
@@ -9068,26 +9435,22 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports
+ استبعاد من التقارير
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
+ أظهِر الإدخالات التي تم استبعادها من التقاريرReportsWidgetHibpCAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service (https://haveibeenpwned.com). If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service.
+ تنبيه: يتطلب هذا التقرير إرسال معلومات إلى خدمة Have I Been Pwned عبر الإنترنت (https://haveibeenpwned.com). إذا تابعت، فسيتم تجزئة كلمات مرور قاعدة بياناتك بطريقة مُعمَّاة وسيتم إرسال الأحرف الخمسة الأولى من هذه التجزئة بشكل آمن إلى هذه الخدمة. تظل قاعدة بياناتك آمنة ولا يمكن إعادة تشكيلها من هذه المعلومات. ومع ذلك، سيتم عرض عدد كلمات المرور التي ترسلها وعنوان IP الخاص بك لهذه الخدمة.Perform Online Analysis
@@ -9095,15 +9458,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Also show entries that have been excluded from reports
+ أظهِر أيضًا الإدخالات التي تم استبعادها من التقاريرThis build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases.
+ لا يحتوي هذا الإصدار من KeePassXC على وظائف الشبكة. يلزم الاتصال بالشبكة للتحقق من كلمات مرورك في قواعد بيانات Have I Been Pwned.Congratulations, no exposed passwords!
+ تهانينا، لا توجد كلمات مرور مكشوفة!Title
@@ -9115,15 +9478,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Password exposed…
+ كلمة المرور مُسرّبة… (Excluded)
+ (مستبعد)This entry is being excluded from reports
+ تم استبعاد هذا الإدخال من التقاريرonce
@@ -9175,7 +9538,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports
+ استبعاد من التقارير
+ Expire Entry(s)…
@@ -9222,11 +9589,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Show expired entries
+ أظهِر الإدخالات منتهية الصلاحية (Expired)
+ (منتهي)Export Confirmation
@@ -9238,7 +9605,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
+ الرجاء الانتظار، جارٍ تحديث قائمة الإدخالات التي تحتوي على مفاتيح المرور...No entries with passkeys.
@@ -9249,7 +9616,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
ReportsWidgetStatisticsHover over lines with error icons for further information.
+ مرّر فوق الخطوط التي تحتوي على أيقونات الأخطاء للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات.Name
@@ -9265,11 +9632,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Database name
+ اسم قاعدة البياناتDescription
+ الوصفLocation
@@ -9293,7 +9660,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ لاThe database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk.
@@ -9313,35 +9680,35 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
The database contains entries that have expired.
+ تحتوي قاعدة البيانات على إدخالات منتهية الصلاحية.Unique passwords
+ كلمات مرور فريدةNon-unique passwords
+ كلمات مرور غير فريدةMore than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible.
+ يتم إعادة استخدام أكثر من 10% من كلمات المرور. استخدم كلمات مرور فريدة عندما يكون ذلك ممكنًا.Maximum password reuse
+ الحد الأقصى لإعادة استخدام كلمة المرورSome passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible.
+ يتم استخدام بعض كلمات المرور أكثر من ثلاث مرات. استخدم كلمات مرور فريدة عندما يكون ذلك ممكنًا.Number of short passwords
+ عدد كلمات المرور القصيرةRecommended minimum password length is at least 8 characters.
+ الحد الأدنى الموصى به لطول كلمة المرور هو 8 أحرف على الأقل.Number of weak passwords
@@ -9349,19 +9716,19 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Recommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'.
+ نوصي باستخدام كلمات مرور طويلة وعشوائية بتقييم "جيد" أو "ممتاز".Entries excluded from reports
+ الإدخالات المستبعدة من التقاريرExcluding entries from reports, e. g. because they are known to have a poor password, isn't necessarily a problem but you should keep an eye on them.
+ باستثناء الإدخالات من التقارير، مثال: نظرًا لأنه من المعروف أن كلمات المرور الخاصة بهم سيئة، فهذا لا يمثل مشكلة بالضرورة ولكن يجب عليك مراقبتهم.Average password length
+ متوسط طول كلمة المرور%1 characters
@@ -9369,22 +9736,22 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Average password length is less than ten characters. Longer passwords provide more security.
+ متوسط طول كلمة المرور أقل من عشرة أحرف. توفر كلمات المرور الأطول مزيدًا من الأمان.SSHAgentAgent connection failed.
+ فشل اتصال العميل.Agent protocol error.
+ خطأ في بروتوكول العميل.No agent running, cannot add identity.
+ لا يوجد عميل قيد التشغيل، ولا يمكن إضافة هوية.Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add.
@@ -9392,7 +9759,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include:
+ رفض العميل هذه الهوية. تشمل الأسباب المحتملة ما يلي:The key has already been added.
@@ -9400,22 +9767,30 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options).
+ لا يدعم العميل مدة الحياة المقيدة (حدد الخيارات).A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options).
+ طلب التأكيد غير مدعوم من قبل الوكيل (حدد الخيارات).Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable.
+ مفاتيح الأمان غير مدعومة من قبل الوكيل أو أن موفر مفتاح الأمان غير متوفر.No agent running, cannot remove identity.
+ لا يوجد عميل قيد التشغيل، ولا يمكن إزالة الهوية.No agent running, cannot list identities.
+ لا يوجد عميل قيد التشغيل، ولا يمكن إدراج الهويات.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
@@ -9495,7 +9870,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Case sensitive
+ حساس لحالة الأحرفLimit search to selected group
@@ -9518,7 +9893,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ أدِر
@@ -9533,7 +9908,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ أدِر
@@ -9552,7 +9927,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients
+ أظهِر الإشعارات عند استرداد كلمات المرور من قبل العملاء<html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html>
@@ -9560,7 +9935,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients
+ تأكيد متى يتم استرداد كلمات المرور من قبل العملاءConfirm when clients request entry deletion
@@ -9568,7 +9943,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Prompt to unlock database before searching
+ المطالبة بإلغاء قفل قاعدة البيانات قبل البحثExposed database groups:
@@ -9576,7 +9951,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ التفويضThese applications are currently connected:
@@ -9584,7 +9959,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ <b>تحذير:</b> Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section.
@@ -9596,14 +9971,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
<html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>يؤدي ذلك إلى تحسين التوافق مع بعض التطبيقات التي تبحث عن كلمة المرور دون فتح قاعدة البيانات أولاً. </p><p> لكن تمكين هذا قد يؤدي أيضًا إلى تعطل العميل إذا تعذر إلغاء قفل قاعدة البيانات خلال مهلة معينة. (عادةً 25 ثانية، ولكن قد يتم تعيين قيمة مختلفة في التطبيقات.) </p></body></html>SettingsWidgetKeeShareActive
+ نشطAllow KeeShare imports
@@ -9615,7 +9990,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Allow KeeShare exports
+ اسمح بتصدير KeeShareAllow export
@@ -9627,7 +10002,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Own certificate
+ شهادة خاصةSigner:
@@ -9658,14 +10033,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
ShareExportCould not write export container.
+ لم يتمكن من كتابة حاوية التصدير.ShareImportSuccessful import
+ نجح الاستيراد
@@ -9688,42 +10063,19 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Conflicting export target path %1 in %2
+ مسار هدف التصدير المتعارض %1 في %2Export to %1 failed (%2)
+ فشل التصدير إلى %1 (%2)Export to %1 successful (%2)
+ صُدّر إلى %1 بنجاح (%2)Export to %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
+ صدّر إلى %1
@@ -9788,11 +10140,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
NOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators.TOTP QR code dialog warning
+ ملاحظة: إعدادات TOTP هذه مخصّصة وقد لا تعمل مع الموثقين الآخرين.There was an error creating the QR code.
+ حدث خطأ أثناء إنشاء رمز QR.Closing in %1 seconds.
@@ -9807,7 +10159,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Secret Key:
+ المفتاح السري:Secret key must be in Base32 format
@@ -9819,7 +10171,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Default settings (RFC 6238)
+ الإعدادات الافتراضية (RFC 6238)Steam® settings
@@ -9860,7 +10212,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid TOTP Secret
+ سر TOTP غير صالحYou have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format.
@@ -9869,11 +10221,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXPConfirm Remove TOTP Settings
+ أكّد إزالة إعدادات TOTPAre you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry?
+ هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف إعدادات TOTP لهذا الإدخال؟
@@ -9887,11 +10239,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
UpdateCheckDialogChecking for updates
+ جارِ التحقق من وجود تحديثاتChecking for updates…
+ جارِ التحقق من وجود تحديثات…Close
@@ -9899,19 +10251,19 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Software Update
+ تحديث النظامAn error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later.
+ حدث خطأ أثناء محاولة استرداد معلومات التحديث، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى لاحقًا.<strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="https://keepassxc.org/download/">downloaded here</a>.
+ <strong>تتوفر نسخة جديدة.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 يمكن <a href="https://keepassxc.org/download/">تنزيلها هنا</a>.You have the latest version of KeePassXC
+ لديك أحدث إصدار من KeePassXC
@@ -9938,11 +10290,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Open Database
+ افتح قاعدة بياناتImport File
+ استورد الملف
@@ -9968,7 +10320,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue.
+ لم نتمكن من العثور على واجهة لمفتاح حماية عتادي بالرقم التسلسلي %1. يرجى توصيله للمتابعة.
@@ -9983,7 +10335,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response!
+ فتحة مفتاح الحماية العتادية المُحددة لا تدعم ميزة التحدي والاستجابة!Challenge-Response
@@ -10014,11 +10366,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
يم يتم الكشف عن أي مفتاح الأجهزة
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ أنعش مفاتيح الحماية العتادية
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keys
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
@@ -10030,15 +10386,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue.
+ تعذر العثور على مفتاح حماية عتادي الذي يحمل الرقم التسلسلي %1 أو الوصول إليه. يرجى تقديمه للمتابعة.Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue.
+ مفتاح حماية عتادي مُقفل أو انتهت مهلته. قم بإلغاء قفله أو إعادة تقديمه للمتابعة.Hardware key was not found or is not configured.
+ لم يتم العثور على مفتاح حماية عتادي أو لم يتم تكوينه.Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1
@@ -10082,15 +10438,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue.
+ لم نتمكن من العثور على مفتاح حماية عتادي بالرقم التسلسلي %1. يرجى توصيله للمتابعة.Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction.
+ انتهت مهلة مفتاح حماية عتادي في انتظار تفاعل المستخدم.A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1
+ حدث خطأ USB عند الوصول إلى المفتاح الحماية العتادي: %1Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts
index 8af9a97a4..87173aecc 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?За да настроите нов език, приложението трябва да рестартира. Желаете ли приложението да рестартира сега?
- Reset Settings?
- Да бъдат ли нулирани настройките?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Желаете ли основните настройки и настройките на сигурността да бъдат нулирани?
- Select backup storage directoryИзберете папка, в която да бъдат за запазвани резервните копия
+ Confirm Reset
+ Потвърждаване на нулиране
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Желаете ли всички настройки да бъдат нулирани?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Внасяне на настройки на KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Грешка при внасяне на настройки от %1: не е приемлив файл с настройки.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Изнасяне на настройки на KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Малък
+ Normal
+ Стандартен
+ Medium
+ Среден
+ Large
+ Голям
+ Custom
+ Потребителски
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -270,7 +302,7 @@
Remember database key files and security dongles
- Запомняне на файловете-ключ и преносимите защитни устройства за хранилищата
+ Запомняне на файловете с ключ и преносимите защитни устройства за хранилищатаCheck for updates at application startup once per week
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesПри проверка за обновяване да се проверяват и бета изданията
- On database unlock, show entries that
- При отключване на хранилище се показват записите
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- с изтекла давност
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- дни
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- с давност до
- File ManagementУправление на файлове
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingРезервно копие на хранилището преди запазване
- Backup destination
- Път към резервно копие
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Указва местонахождението на файла, съдържащ резервното копие на хранилището. Където се среща низът „{DB_FILENAME}“ се заменя с името на файла на запазеното хранилище без разширението. {TIME:<format>} се заменя с времето на създаване на резервното копие, повече на https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> връща формата на низа по подразбиране: „dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss“.
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Избиране…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Използване на алтернативен метод за запазване (при проблеми с Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, и т.н.)
@@ -487,7 +488,7 @@
- мс
+ мсAuto-Type typing delay:
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Запомняне на последния въведен запис за:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ При отключване на хранилище се показват записите, с изтичаща валидност след
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ При отключване на хранилище се показват записите, с изтичаща валидност след
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ дни
+ Destination format:
+ Целеви формат:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> се заменя с името на файла на хранилището, но без разширението</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> се заменя с избрания формат на датата (стандартно: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>За подробности прочетете ръководството на потребителя</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Избиране на папка…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Потвърждаване при преместване на записи в кошчето
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Копиране на данните при двойно щракване върху поле в изгледа за въвеждане
+ Show toolbar
+ Лентата с инструменти
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ При натискане на клавиш Alt се показва лентата с менюто
+ Show menubar
+ Лента с менюто
+ Import settings…
+ Внасяне на настройки…
+ Export settings…
+ Изнасяне на настройки…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Отваряне на мрежовия четец при двойно щракване върху интернет адрес в изгледа за въвеждане
+ Font size:
+ Размер на шрифта
+ Font size selection
+ Списък с размери на шрифта
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -568,19 +634,7 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panel
- Премахване на паролите от панела за преглед на записи
- Hide entry notes by default
- Бележките са скрити по подразбиране
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Преместване на записите в кошчето без потвърждаване
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Двукратното щракване копира потребителско име/парола
+ Скриване на паролите в панела за преглед на записPrivacy
@@ -592,7 +646,19 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
- Премахване на TOTP от панела за преглед на записи
+ Скриване на TOTP в панела за преглед на запис
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Заключване на хранилищата при смяна на потребител
+ Lock Options
+ Настройки на заключване
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Скриване на бележката в панела за преглед на запис
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Записът няма атрибут за PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Неправилен тип на преобразуване: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Неправилен синтаксис на преобразуване: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Неправилен синтаксис на регулярен израз %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Неправилен заместител: %1
@@ -1018,16 +1070,12 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Enable browser integration
- Разрешаване на съчетаването с мрежовия четец
+ Разрешаване на съчетаване с мрежови четциGeneralОсновни
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Мрежови четци, инсталирани от пакети на Snap не се поддържат.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Съчетаване с мрежови четци:
@@ -1087,11 +1135,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Returns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title.
- Връща самоличност с изтекла давност. Към заглавието е добавен низът „[изтекъл]“.
+ Връща самоличност с изтекла давност. Към заглавието е добавен низът „(изтекла давност)“.Allow returning expired credentials
- Позволяване на връщане на самоличности с изтекла давност
+ Връщане и на записи с изтекла давностAll databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials.
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Разширението KeePassXC-Browser е необходимо, за да работи съчетаването с мрежовия четец.<br />Изтеглете за %1 и %2 и %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Не се поддържат мрежови четци, инсталирани от Снап или Флатпак, с изключение на Firefox, инсталиран от Снап.
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
Не е избрана колона за заглавие, следователно записите ще бъдат трудни за разграничаване.
Желаете ли внасянето да бъде извършено?
+ Tags
+ Етикети
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle BinКошче
+ Database file read error.
+ Грешка при четене на файла на хранилището.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Не е зададен път до файл.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1494,11 +1558,11 @@ Backup database located at %2
Key file to unlock the database
- Файл-ключ за отключване на хранилището
+ Файл с ключ за отключване на хранилищетоBrowse for key file
- Избор на файл-ключ
+ Избор на файл с ключBrowse…
@@ -1566,7 +1630,7 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Failed to open key file: %1
- Грешка при отваряне на файл-ключ: %1
+ Грешка при отваряне на файл с ключ: %1Old key file format
@@ -1586,15 +1650,15 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Key files
- Файл-ключове
+ Файлове с ключSelect key file
- Избор на файл-ключ
+ Избор на файл с ключCannot use database file as key file
- Файл на хранилище не може да бъде използван като файл-ключ.
+ Файл на хранилище не може да бъде използван като файл с ключ.authenticate to access the database
@@ -1612,14 +1676,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>В допълнение към паролата, можете да използвате таен файл за подобряване на защитата на хранилището. Този файл може да бъде създаден в настройките за защита на хранилището.</p><p>Това <strong>не</strong> е файл на *.kdbx с хранилище!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- За да добавите файл с ключ щракнете тук.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Имам файл с ключ</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Използване на хардуерен ключ [Сериен № %1]
@@ -1654,6 +1710,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware KeysПрезареждане на хардуерните ключове
+ Click to add a key file.
+ За да добавите файл с ключ щракнете тук.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Имам файл с ключ</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Открити са хардуерни ключове, но без настроени слотове.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1678,20 +1746,32 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Encryption Settings
- Настройки на шифроване
+ Настройки на шифрованетоBrowser Integration
- Съчетаване с мрежовия четец
+ Съчетаване с мрежов четецMaintenanceПрофилактика
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Съчетаване с Услуга за тайни
+ Remote SyncОтдалечено синхронизиране
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Настройки на хранилището: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1705,7 +1785,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Forget all site-specific settings on entries
- Премахване на всички специфични за страниците настройки на записите
+ Премахване на специфичните за страници настройки от записитеRefresh database root group ID
@@ -1765,7 +1845,7 @@ This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.
Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings.
- Успешно отстранен %n шифроващ ключ от настройките на KeePassXC.Успешно отстранен %n ключ(а) за шифроване от настройките на KeePassXC.
+ Успешно е отстранен %n шифроващ ключ от настройките на KeePassXC.Успешно са отстранени %n шифроващи ключа от настройките на KeePassXC.Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry?
@@ -1801,7 +1881,7 @@ This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser ext
Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data
- Преобразуване на стари KeePassHTTP свойствa в съвместими с KeePassXC-Browser такива
+ Преобразуване на изведени от употреба атрибути на KeePassHTTP в съвместими с KeePassXC-BrowserNo keys found
@@ -1943,11 +2023,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
- Паралелно изпълняване:
+ Паралелно изпълнение:Parallelism
- Паралелно изпълняване
+ Паралелно изпълнениеKDBX 4 (recommended)
@@ -2007,11 +2087,11 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at
thread(s)Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings)
- резба(и) нишка(и)
+ нишка нишкиEncryption Settings:
- Настройки на шифроване:
+ Настройки на шифроването:Basic
@@ -2163,12 +2243,56 @@ removed from the database.
- мин
+ минAutosave delay since last change checkboxОтметка на изчакването на автоматичното запазване след промяна
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Публични описателни данни на хранилището
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Внимание: следните настройки не са шифровани.
+ Display name:
+ Име:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Общодостъпно име, използвано в диалога за отключване
+ Database public display name
+ Публично име на хранилището
+ Display color:
+ Цвят:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Общодостъпен цвят, използван в диалога за отключване
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Контрол за избор на цвят на хранилището
+ Clear
+ Изчистване
+ Display icon:
+ Пиктограма:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Избор на пиктограма на хранилището
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2230,7 +2354,7 @@ removed from the database.
Custom Icons Are In Use
- Потребителски пиктограми се използват
+ Потребителските пиктограми се използватAll custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group.
@@ -2389,6 +2513,14 @@ exit
Командата трябва да завърши. В случая на `sftp` последната изпратена команда трябва да бъде `exit`
+ Timeout:
+ Време на изчакване:
+ seconds
+ секунди
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2591,26 +2723,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedФайлът е променен
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Файлът с хранилището е променен. Желаете ли промените да бъдат заредени?
- Merge Request
- Заявка за сливане
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Файлът с хранилището е променен, а имате незаписани промени.
-Желаете ли да промените да бъдат сляти?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- При опит за автоматично презареждане новият файл на хранилището не е отворен.
-Грешка: %1
- Disable safe saves?Забраняване на безопасно запазване?
@@ -2664,15 +2776,15 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Отдалеченото синхронизиране не съдържа команди за изтегляне или качване.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Отдалеченото синхронизиране „%1“ завърши!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Отдалеченото синхронизиране „%1“ завърши с грешка: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
@@ -2698,6 +2810,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Желаете ли този passkey да бъде премахнат от записа?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Файлът на хранилището „%1“ е променен от друго приложение
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Желаете ли промените да бъдат заредени?
+ Reload database
+ Презареждане на хранилището
+ Reloading database…
+ Презареждане на хранилището…
+ Reload canceled
+ Презареждането е прекъснато
+ Reload successful
+ Успешно презаредено
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Презареждането изчаква действие от потребителя…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Файлът на хранилището „%1“ е променен от друго приложение<br>Как желаете да продължите?<br><br>Сливане на промените<br>Пренебрегване на промените на диска до запазване<br>Отказ от незапазените промени
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Файлът на хранилището „%1“ е променен от друго приложение<br>Как желаете да продължите?<br><br>Сливане на промените<br>Презаписване на промените на диска<br>Отказ от незапазените промени
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Файлът на хранилището е презаписан.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Файлът на хранилището не може да бъде отключено с текущите данни за отключване.<br>За да продължите въведете данните за отключване и/или включете хардуерен ключ.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3026,18 +3182,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryБез автоматично изпращане на формуляр с този запис
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Изпраща към мрежовия четец този запис само при диалози за HTTP Auth. Ако е отметнато, този запис няма да е достъпен за обикновените формуляри за вход.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthИзползване на записа само с HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Не изпраща към мрежовия четец този запис при диалози за HTTP Auth. Ако е отметнато, този запис няма да е достъпен за диалозите за HTTP Auth.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthБез използване на записа с HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3062,6 +3210,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLsДопълнителни адреси
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Изпраща към мрежовия четец този запис само при диалози за HTTP Auth. Ако е отметнато, този запис няма да е достъпен за обикновените формуляри за вход.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Не изпраща към мрежовия четец този запис при диалози за HTTP Auth. Ако е отметнато, този запис няма да е достъпен за диалозите за HTTP Auth.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3233,7 +3389,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
External key file
- Външен файл-ключ
+ Външен файл с ключAdd to agent
@@ -3249,7 +3405,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Browser for key file
- Избор на файл-ключ
+ Избор на файл с ключBrowse…
@@ -3284,6 +3440,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds секунди
+ Clear agent
+ Изчистване на агента
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3730,6 +3890,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Неправилен тип на преобразуване: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Неправилен синтаксис на преобразуване: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Неправилен синтаксис на регулярен израз %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3738,6 +3912,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Файлът „%1“ не може да бъде отворен
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Формуляр
+ File name
+ Име на файл
+ File contents...
+ Съдържание…
@@ -3775,14 +3964,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Преименуване на избрания прикачен файл
- Rename
- Преименуване
- Open selected attachmentОтваряне на избрания прикачен файл
@@ -3899,6 +4080,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Желаете ли
Желаете ли съществуващият прикачен файл да бъде презаписан?
+ New
+ Добавяне
+ Preview
+ Преглед
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Грешка: прикачен файл не е намерен
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -3963,7 +4156,7 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
- Давност
+ Изтичаща давностTOTP
@@ -4047,7 +4240,7 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Group name
- Име на група
+ Име на групатаEntry title
@@ -4097,6 +4290,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background ColorЦвят на фона
+ Group Path
+ Път на групата
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4122,7 +4319,7 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
- Давност
+ Изтичаща давностTags
@@ -4491,6 +4688,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Грешка при зареждане на файл с ключ.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Грешка при отваряне на отдалечено хранилище. Паролата или файлът с ключ вероятно са грешни.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4508,7 +4713,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Key File:
- Файл-ключ:
+ Файл с ключ:Browse…
@@ -4572,7 +4777,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Select key file
- Избор на файл-ключ
+ Избор на файл с ключComma Separated Values
@@ -4594,6 +4799,49 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseХранилище на KeePass 1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Изнесен JSON от Proton Pass
+ Temporary Database
+ Временно хранилище
+ Command:
+ Команда:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ напр.: „sftp user@hostname“ или „scp user@hostname:отдалечено-хранилище.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}“
+ Input:
+ Въвеждане:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ напр.:
+get отдалечено-хранилище.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+Низът {TEMP_DATABASE} се използва за заместител на временното местоположение на хранилището
+Командата трябва да завърши. В случая на `sftp` последната изпратена команда трябва да бъде `exit`
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Отдалечено хранилище (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5033,7 +5281,7 @@ Line %2, column %3
KeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.
- Файлът-ключ не може да бъде прочетен.
+ Файлът с ключ не може да бъде прочетен.Not a KeePass database.
@@ -5735,12 +5983,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
ЗАБЕЛЕЖКА: Използвате предварително издание на KeePassXC!
Очаквайте дефекти и несъществени проблеми, изданието е предназначено за изпитателни цели.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ВНИМАНИЕ: Използваното издание на Qt може да доведе до срив на KeePassXC при работа с екранна клавиатура!
-Препоръчваме да използвате AppImage, достъпен от страницата за изтегляне.No Tags
@@ -5814,6 +6056,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import PasskeyВнасяне на Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Отдалечено &синхронизиране…
+ Quit ApplicationИзлиза от приложението
@@ -5918,6 +6164,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password GeneratorПоказва екрана за създаване на пароли
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Премахване на passkey от запис
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Извършва автоматично въвеждане: {USERNAME}
@@ -6063,16 +6313,32 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Превключва разрешението за правене на екранни снимки
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Показване на панела „Група“
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Премахване на passkey от запис
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Превключване на панела „Група“Setup Remote Sync…
+ Настройка на отдалеч. синхронизиране…
+ Password Generator
+ Създаване на парола
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Прекратяване на &давността…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Изчистване на агента на SSH
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Изчистване на самоличностите в ssh-agent
@@ -6206,7 +6472,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryptionEncryption Settings
- Настройки на шифроване
+ Настройки на шифрованетоHere you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.
@@ -6224,6 +6490,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Въведете име и незадължително описание на новото хранилище:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Името на прикачения файл не може да е празно
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Прикачен файл със същото име вече съществува
+ Save attachment
+ Запазване
+ New entry attachment
+ Прикачен файл към нов запис
@@ -6769,10 +7054,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Допълнителни знаци:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Изключени знаци: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersИзключване на еднакво изглеждащите знаци
@@ -6797,10 +7078,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Брой думи:
- Character Count:
- Брой знаци:
- Word Case:Регистър на думите:
@@ -6813,10 +7090,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistДобавяне на потребителски списък с думи
- character
- знак
- CloseЗатваряне
@@ -6923,6 +7196,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersСпециални знаци
+ passwordLength
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ Знаци: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Смесване на регистри
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Изключени знаци: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6990,6 +7279,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Натиснете &Табулатор между знаците
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Преглед на прикачен файл към запис
+ No preview available
+ Не е възможен преглед
+ Image format not supported
+ Този вид изображения не се поддържат
@@ -7668,10 +7972,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Неприемлив брой думи %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Списъкът с думи е твърде къс (< 1000 елемента)
- Title for the entry.Заглавие на записа.
@@ -7816,10 +8116,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Излизане от интерактивен режим.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Формат при изнасяне. Възможностите са „xml“ и „csv“. По подразбиране е „xml“.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Изнася съдържанието на хранилището към стандартния изход в указания формат.
@@ -8249,7 +8545,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Password expiry was %1
- Давността на паролата е до %1
+ Давността на паролата е била до %1Password expires on %1
@@ -8257,7 +8553,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Password is about to expire
- Давността на паролата скоро ще изтече
+ Давността на паролата изтичаPassword expires in %1 day(s)
@@ -8265,7 +8561,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Password will expire soon
- Давността на паролата ще изтече скоро
+ Давността на паролата изтичаVersion %1
@@ -8407,18 +8703,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyпразен файл
- malformed string
- повреден низ
- missing closing quote
- липсваща затваряща кавичка
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (ред, колона) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 разряден
@@ -8719,7 +9003,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Could not read key in keyring
- Ключ не може да бъде прочетен от ключодържател
+ Ключ не може да бъде прочетен в ключодържателяAES decrypt failed
@@ -8869,15 +9153,83 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Неподдържан брой преобразувания с ФИК, файлът с JSON не може да бъде разшифрованUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Неподдържан формат, уверете се, че изнесеното от Bitwarden е защитено с паролаOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Поддържат се само PBKDF и Argon2, файлът с JSON не може да бъде разшифрован
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Нулиране на клавишни комбинации
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ За да промените клавишната комбинация щракнете двукратно върху желаното действие.
+ Filter...
+ Филтър…
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Конфликт на клавишни комбинации
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Комбинацията %1 е в конфликт с „%2“. Презаписване на клавишната комбинация?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Не може да бъде създадена приемлива парола, защото списъкът с думи е твърде кратък.
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Не се поддържат шифровани файлове.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Внасяне от Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Изтриване на данни от разширението?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Премахване на информация от добавката от запис?Премахване на информация от добавката от записи?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Формат при изнасяне. Възможностите са „xml“, „csv“ и „html“ . По подразбиране е „xml“.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ стартиране скрито в областта за известия
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ не добре форматиран низ вероятно има разделител без избягващ знак
+ missing closing delimiter
+ липсващ затварящ разделител
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1, ред: %2, колона: %3
+ Tags
+ Етикети
@@ -8918,31 +9270,31 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Командата `%1` не завърши навреме. Процесът ѝ е спрян.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Грешка при качване на слятото хранилище. Командата `%1` не завърши навреме. Процесът ѝ е спрян.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Подадени са недействителни параметри за изтеглянето.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ Командата `%1` успя да изтегли хранилище.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ Недействителен указател към хранилище или подадени недействителни параметри за качването.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Командата `%1` завърши с код на състоянието: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Грешка при качване на слятото хранилище. Командата `%1` завърши с код на състоянието: %2
@@ -9011,6 +9363,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИзключване от отчети
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Прекратяване на давносттаПрекратяване на давността
+ Only show entries that have a URLПоказване само на записи с адреси
@@ -9025,38 +9381,35 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- (Изтекла давност)
+ (изтекла давност)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Премахване на информация от добавката от запис…Премахване на информация от добавката от записи…ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- За подробности, задръжте показалеца на мишката върху причината. За да промените запис, щракнете двукратно върху него.
+ Show expired entries
+ Показване на записи с изтекла давност
- Bad
- Password quality
- Много лоша
+ (Expired)
+ (изтекла давност)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ За подробности, задръжте показалеца на мишката върху причината. За да промените запис, щракнете двукратно върху него.Bad — password must be changedМного лоша — паролата трябва да бъде променена
- Poor
- Password quality
- Лоша
- Poor — password should be changedЛоша — добре е паролата да бъде променена
- Weak
- Password quality
- Слаба
- Weak — consider changing the passwordСлаба — помислете за промяна на паролата
@@ -9105,18 +9458,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИзключване от отчети
- Show expired entries
- Показване на записи с изтекла давност
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Прекратяване на давносттаПрекратяване на давносттаShow entries that have been excluded from reportsПоказване и на изключените от отчети записи
- (Expired)
- (Изтекла давност)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9212,6 +9561,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИзключване от отчети
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Прекратяване на давносттаПрекратяване на давността
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9261,7 +9614,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- (Изтекла давност)
+ (изтекла давност)Export Confirmation
@@ -9453,6 +9806,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Няма работещ агент, самоличностите не могат да бъдат изброени.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Грешка при изчистване на самоличностите от ssh-agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Самоличностите са изчистени от агента на SSH.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9738,29 +10099,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Изнасяне в %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- За да промените клавишната комбинация щракнете двукратно върху желаното действие.
- Shortcut Conflict
- Конфликт на клавишни комбинации
- Filter...
- Филтър…
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Комбинацията %1 е в конфликт с „%2“. Презаписване на клавишната комбинация?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Нулиране на клавишни комбинации
@@ -10049,14 +10387,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedНе са открити хардуерни ключове
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Ако разполагате с ключ като <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> или <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, можете да го използвате като допълнителна защита.</p><p> За целта, една от позициите на ключа трябва да е настроена като <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">Предизвикване-отговор HMAC-SHA1</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysПрезареждане на хардуерните ключове
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Ако разполагате със защитно устройство като <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> или <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, можете да го използвате като допълнителна защита.</p><p>За целта, една от позициите на ключа трябва да е настроена като <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Предизвикване-отговор</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Открити са хардуерни ключове, но без настроени слотове.
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts
index 84b7f5f11..a594c8eb2 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Aby se změna jazyka projevila, je třeba aplikaci restartovat. Chcete to provést nyní?
- Reset Settings?
- Vrátit nastavení do výchozích hodnot?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Opravdu chcete vrátit veškerá obecná nastavení a nastavení zabezpečení do výchozích hodnot?
- Select backup storage directoryVybrat složku pro ukládání záloh
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesPři zjišťování případných aktualizací brát v potaz i vývojové testovací verze
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Při odemknutí databáze zobrazovat položky kterým
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- platnost skončila
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dnů
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- skončí platnost za
- File ManagementSpráva souboru
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingPřed uložením zazálohovat databázový soubor
- Backup destination
- Cíl zálohy
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{NAZEV_SOUBOR_S_DB}.stare.kdbx
- Choose...
- Zvolit
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Použít alternativní metodu ukládání (může vyřešit problémy s se službami Dropbox, Google Drive, vrstvami typu GVFS, atp.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Pamatovat si naposledy zadanou položku po dobu:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dnů
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Zobrazovat lištu nástrojů
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelSkrýt hesla v panelu náhledu položky
- Hide entry notes by default
- Skrývat ve výchozím stavu poznámky k položkám
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Přesunout záznamy do Koše?
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Zapnout kopírování dvojklikem na sloupce s uživatelským jménem / heslem
- PrivacySoukromí
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelSkrýt TOTP v panelu náhledu položky
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Záznam nemá atribut pro PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Neplatný typ převodu: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Neplatná syntaxe převodu: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Neplatná forma zápisu regulárního výrahu %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Neplatná výplň: %1
@@ -1019,10 +1071,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Prohlížeče, nainstalované formou snap balíčků, zatím nejsou podporované.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Zapnout propojení pro tyto prohlížeče:
@@ -1246,6 +1294,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1397,6 +1449,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Štítky
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1460,6 +1516,14 @@ Záložní databáze se nachází v %2
Recycle BinKoš
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1606,14 +1670,6 @@ Abyste tomu, aby se tato chyba objevovala, je třeba přejít do „Nastavení d
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Mám klíčový soubor</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Použít hardwarový klíč [Serial: %1]
@@ -1650,6 +1706,18 @@ Opravdu chcete pokračovat s tímto souborem?.
Refresh Hardware KeysAktualizace hardwarových klíčů
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Mám klíčový soubor</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1684,10 +1752,22 @@ Opravdu chcete pokračovat s tímto souborem?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Zapnout napojení na Secret Service
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2158,6 +2238,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Vyčistit
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2367,6 +2491,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ sekund
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2569,26 +2701,6 @@ Uložit změny?
File has changedSoubor byl změněn
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Soubor s databází byl změněn. Načíst změny?
- Merge Request
- Požadavek na sloučení
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Databázový soubor byl změněn a máte neuložené změny.
-Přejete si je zahrnout?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Nepodařilo se otevřít nový soubor s databází během pokusu o její opětovné načtení.
-Chyba: %1
- Disable safe saves?Vypnout bezpečná ukládání?
@@ -2676,6 +2788,50 @@ Vypnout bezpečné ukládání a zkusit to znovu?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3004,18 +3160,10 @@ Chcete ji opravit?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryPřeskočit automatické odeslání pro tento záznam
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Toto nastavení posílat do prohlížeče pouze pro dialogy HTTP Auth. Pokud je zapnuto, běžné přihlašovací formuláře nezobrazí tuto položku pro výběr.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthTuto položku použít pouze ve spojení se základním HTTP ověřováním se
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthTuto položku nepoužívat ve spojení se základním HTTP ověřováním se
@@ -3040,6 +3188,14 @@ Chcete ji opravit?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3262,6 +3418,10 @@ Chcete ji opravit?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3708,6 +3868,20 @@ Dotčený zásuvný modul to může rozbít.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Neplatný typ převodu: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Neplatná syntaxe převodu: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Neplatná forma zápisu regulárního výrahu %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3716,6 +3890,21 @@ Dotčený zásuvný modul to může rozbít.
Soubor „%1 se nedaří otevřít.
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulář
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3753,14 +3942,6 @@ Dotčený zásuvný modul to může rozbít.
- Rename selected attachment
- Přejmenovat označenou přílohu
- Rename
- Přejmenovat
- Open selected attachmentOtevřít označenou přílohu
@@ -3878,6 +4059,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Příloha „%1“ už existuje.
Chcete stávající přílohu přepsat?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Náhled
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4076,6 +4269,10 @@ Chcete stávající přílohu přepsat?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4471,6 +4668,14 @@ Můžete zapnout službu pro stahování ikon z DuckDuckGo v sekci zabezpečení
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4574,6 +4779,44 @@ Můžete zapnout službu pro stahování ikon z DuckDuckGo v sekci zabezpečení
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5714,12 +5957,6 @@ Tato verze není určena pro produkční použití.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
UPOZORNĚNÍ: Používáte vývojové sestavení KeePassXC.0
Očekávejte chyby a drobné problémy, tato verze je určena pouze pro účely testování.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- VAROVÁNÍ: Vámi používaná verze Qt může způsobovat, že při použití klávesnice na obrazovce KeePassXC zhavaruje.
-Doporučujeme použít AppImage, které je k dispozici v sekci stahování našich stránek.No Tags
@@ -5793,6 +6030,10 @@ Doporučujeme použít AppImage, které je k dispozici v sekci stahování naši
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5897,6 +6138,10 @@ Doporučujeme použít AppImage, které je k dispozici v sekci stahování naši
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6042,17 +6287,33 @@ Doporučujeme použít AppImage, které je k dispozici v sekci stahování naši
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Vytváření hesel
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6203,6 +6464,25 @@ Doporučujeme použít AppImage, které je k dispozici v sekci stahování naši
Vyplňte zobrazovaný název a volitelný popis nové databáze:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Uložit přílohu
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6744,10 +7024,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Také zvolte z:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Vynechané znaky: „0“, „1“, „l“, „I“, „O“, „|“, „ . “
- Exclude look-alike charactersVynechat podobně vypadající znaky (předejití záměně)
@@ -6772,10 +7048,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Počet slov:
- Character Count:
- Počet znaků:
- Word Case:Velikost písmen:
@@ -6788,10 +7060,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistPřidat uživatelsky určený seznam slov
- character
- znak
- CloseZavřít
@@ -6898,6 +7166,22 @@ Chcete ho přepsat?
Special CharactersZvláštní znaky
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6965,6 +7249,21 @@ Chcete ho přepsat?
Mezi znaky stisknout &tabulátor
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7643,10 +7942,6 @@ Chcete ho přepsat?
Invalid word count %1Neplatný počet slov %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Seznam slov je příliš krátký (< 1000 položek)
- Title for the entry.Titulek pro záznam.
@@ -7791,10 +8086,6 @@ Chcete ho přepsat?
Exit interactive mode.Opustit interaktivní režim.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formát který použít pro export. Možnosti jsou „xml“ nebo „csv“. Výchozí je „xml“.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exportuje obsah databáze na standardní výstup v zadaném formátu.
@@ -8384,18 +8675,6 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4
file emptysoubor je prázdný
- malformed string
- špatně formovaný řetězec
- missing closing quote
- chybějící uzavírací uvozovka
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (řádek, sloupec) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8855,6 +9134,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Smazat data zásuvného modulu?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Štítky
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8987,6 +9334,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsVynechat z přehledů
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -9003,36 +9354,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
(Expired) (Platnost vypršela)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Najeďte ukazatelem myši a zobrazí se další podrobnosti. Položky upravíte dvojklikem.
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Špatné
+ (Expired)
+ (Platnost vypršela)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Najeďte ukazatelem myši a zobrazí se další podrobnosti. Položky upravíte dvojklikem.Bad — password must be changedŠpatné — heslo je nutné změnit
- Poor
- Password quality
- Velmi slabá
- Poor — password should be changedSlabé — heslo by se mělo změnit
- Weak
- Password quality
- Slabá
- Weak — consider changing the passwordSlabé — zvažte změnu hesla
@@ -9081,18 +9429,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsVynechat z přehledů
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- (Platnost vypršela)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9188,6 +9532,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsVynechat z přehledů
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9429,6 +9777,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Není spuštěný žádný agent, není proto možné vypsat identity
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9714,29 +10070,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exportovat do %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10026,12 +10359,16 @@ Příklad: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Nenalezeny žádné hardwarové klíče
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ Znovu načíst hardwarové klíče
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keys
- Znovu načíst hardwarové klíče
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts
index 3d0b231d0..6e31310e3 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts
@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>fordert Zugriff auf die folgenden Einträge an:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>fordert Zugriff auf die folgenden Einträge: </p></body></html>
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@
Allow All && &Future
- Alle erlauben && Zukünftige
+ Alle erlauben && &Zukünftige
@@ -219,18 +218,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Zum Ändern der Sprache müssen Sie die Anwendung neu starten. Möchten Sie jetzt neu starten?
- Reset Settings?
- Einstellungen zurücksetzen?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Wollen Sie alle allgemeinen und Sicherheitseinstellungen auf die Voreinstellung zurücksetzen?
- Select backup storage directoryVerzeichnis für die Datensicherung auswählen
+ Confirm Reset
+ Zurücksetzen bestätigen
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Einstellungen auf die Standardwerte zurücksetzen wollen?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC-Einstellungen importieren
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Fehler beim Importieren von Einstellungen aus %1, keine gültige Einstellungsdatei.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC-Einstellungen exportieren
+ Small
+ Klein
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Groß
+ Custom
+ Benutzerdefiniert
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -260,7 +291,7 @@
Remember previously used databases
- Zuletzt verwendete Datenbanken merken
+ Zuletzt verwendete Datenbanken merken: recent files
@@ -282,25 +313,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesBetaversionen bei Update-Prüfung einbeziehen
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Beim Entsperren der Datenbank Einträge anzeigen, die
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- abgelaufen sind
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- Tagen
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ablaufen innerhalb von
- File ManagementDateiverwaltung
@@ -325,25 +337,13 @@
Backup database file before savingVor dem Speichern Backup der Datenbank erstellen
- Backup destination
- Sicherungsziel
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Gibt den Speicherort der Datenbank-Sicherungsdatei an. Das Vorkommen von „{DB_FILENAME}“ wird durch den Dateinamen der gesicherten Datenbank ohne Erweiterung ersetzt. {TIME:<format>} wird durch die Sicherungszeit ersetzt, siehe https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format>Standardmäßig wird die Formatzeichenfolge „dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss“ verwendet.
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.alt.kdbx
- Choose...
- Auswählen…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
- Alternative Speichermethode verwenden (kann Probleme von Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS usw. lösen)
+ Alternative Speichermethode verwenden (kann Probleme mit Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS usw. lösen)Temporary file moved into place
@@ -507,6 +507,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Zuletzt eingegebenen Eintrag merken für:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Beim Entsperren der Datenbank Einträge anzeigen, die ablaufen in:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Beim Entsperren der Datenbank Einträge anzeigen, die ablaufen in:
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ Tagen
+ Destination format:
+ Zielformat:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> wird durch den Dateinamen der gespeicherten Datenbank ohne Erweiterung ersetzt</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> wird durch das angegebene Zeitformat ersetzt (Standard: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie im Benutzerhandbuch</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Ordner auswählen…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Bestätigung vor dem Verschieben von Einträgen in den Papierkorb anzeigen
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Daten beim Doppelklick auf ein Feld in der Eintragsansicht kopieren
+ Show toolbar
+ Symbolleiste anzeigen
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Menüleiste durch Drücken der Alt-Taste anzeigen
+ Show menubar
+ Menüleiste anzeigen
+ Import settings…
+ Einstellungen importieren…
+ Export settings…
+ Einstellungen exportieren…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Browser bei Doppelklick auf das URL-Feld in der Eintragsansicht öffnen
+ Font size:
+ Schriftgröße:
+ Font size selection
+ Auswahl der Schriftgröße
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -572,18 +637,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelPasswörter im Eintrags-Vorschau-Panel verstecken
- Hide entry notes by default
- Eintrags-Notizen standardmäßig verstecken
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Einträge ohne Bestätigung in den Papierkorb verschieben
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Benutzernamen/Passwort per Doppelklick kopieren
- PrivacyDatenschutz
@@ -596,6 +649,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelTOTP in der Eintragsvorschau verstecken
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Datenbanken beim Benutzerwechsel sperren
+ Lock Options
+ Optionen sperren
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Notizen in der Eintragsvorschau verstecken
+ AutoType
@@ -643,20 +708,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Eintrag hat kein Attribut für PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Ungültiger Konvertierungstyp: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Ungültige Konvertierungssyntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Ungültige Syntax des regulären Ausdrucks %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Ungültiger Platzhalter: %1
@@ -1025,10 +1076,6 @@ Möchten Sie den Passkey in %1 - %2 überschreiben?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Browser, die als Snaps installiert sind, werden derzeit nicht unterstützt.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Integration für diese Browser aktivieren:
@@ -1110,12 +1157,12 @@ Möchten Sie den Passkey in %1 - %2 überschreiben?
Never ask before accessing credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extension
- Niemals fragen, bevor auf Anmeldedaten zugegriffen wird
+ Niemals vor dem Zugriff auf Anmeldeinformationen fragenNever ask before updating credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extension
- Niemals fragen, bevor Anmeldedaten aktualisiert werden
+ Niemals vor der Aktualisierung der Anmeldedaten fragenDo not ask permission for HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -1161,7 +1208,7 @@ Möchten Sie den Passkey in %1 - %2 überschreiben?
Browser for custom proxy file
- Browser für benutzerdefinierte Proxydatei
+ Browser für benutzerdefinierte Proxy-DateiBrowse…
@@ -1250,7 +1297,11 @@ Möchten Sie den Passkey in %1 - %2 überschreiben?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser wird für die Browserintegration benötigt. <br />Laden Sie ihn für %1 und %2 und %3 herunter.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Mit Snap oder Flatpak installierte Browser werden nicht unterstützt, mit Ausnahme von Firefox, der mit Snap installiert wurde.
@@ -1401,9 +1452,13 @@ Möchten Sie den Passkey in %1 - %2 überschreiben?
No title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
- Es wurde keine Titelspalte ausgewählt, so dass die Einträge schwer zu unterscheiden sind.
+ Es wurde keine Titelspalte ausgewählt, sodass die Einträge schwer zu unterscheiden sind.
Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie importieren möchten?
+ Tags
+ Tags
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1467,6 +1522,14 @@ Sicherungskopie der Datenbank ist in %2
Recycle BinPapierkorb
+ Database file read error.
+ Fehler beim Lesen der Datenbankdatei.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Es wurde kein Dateipfad angegeben.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1615,14 +1678,6 @@ Um diesen Fehler zu vermeiden, müssen Sie zu „Datenbankeinstellungen → Sich
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Zusätzlich zu einem Passwort können Sie eine geheime Datei verwenden, um die Sicherheit Ihrer Datenbank zu erhöhen. Diese Datei kann in den Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihrer Datenbank erzeugt werden.</p><p>Dies ist <strong>nicht</strong> Ihre *.kdbx-Datenbankdatei!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Durch Anklicken können Sie eine Schlüsseldatei hinzufügen.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Ich habe eine Schlüsseldatei</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Hardwareschlüssel verwenden [Seriennummer: %1]
@@ -1659,6 +1714,18 @@ Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dieser Datei fortfahren wollen?
Refresh Hardware KeysHardwareschlüssel aktualisieren
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Durch Anklicken können Sie eine Schlüsseldatei hinzufügen.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Ich habe eine Schlüsseldatei</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Hardwareschlüssel gefunden, es sind aber keine Slots konfiguriert.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1693,10 +1760,22 @@ Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dieser Datei fortfahren wollen?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Secret-Service-Integration
+ Remote SyncFernsynchronisierung
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Datenbankeinstellungen: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2176,6 +2255,50 @@ aus der Datenbank entfernt.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxVerzögerung beim automatischen Speichern seit der letzten Änderung (Checkbox)
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Öffentliche Datenbank-Metadaten
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Warnung: Die folgenden Einstellungen sind nicht verschlüsselt.
+ Display name:
+ Anzeigename:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Öffentlich sichtbarer Anzeigename, der im Entsperrdialog verwendet wird
+ Database public display name
+ Öffentlicher Anzeigename der Datenbank
+ Display color:
+ Anzeigefarbe:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Öffentlich sichtbare Farbe, die im Entsperrdialog verwendet wird
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Öffentliche Anzeigefarbwahl der Datenbank
+ Clear
+ Löschen
+ Display icon:
+ Anzeigesymbol:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Datenbanksymbol auswählen
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2397,6 +2520,14 @@ exit
Der Befehl muss beendet werden. Im Falle von `sftp` muss als letzter Befehl `exit` gesendet werden
+ Timeout:
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ Sekunden
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2600,26 +2731,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedDatei hat sich geändert
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Die Datenbank wurde verändert. Änderungen laden?
- Merge Request
- Anfrage zum Zusammenführen
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Die Datenbank wurde verändert, und Sie haben nicht gespeicherte Änderungen.
-Möchten Sie Ihre Änderungen zusammenführen?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Datenbank konnte während der automatischen Aktualisierung nicht geöffnet werden.
-Fehler: %1
- Disable safe saves?Sicheres Speichern deaktivieren?
@@ -2648,7 +2759,7 @@ Sicheres Speichern deaktivieren und erneut versuchen?
Save database backup
- Datenbank-Backup speichern
+ Sicherungskopie der Datenbank speichernEmpty recycle bin?
@@ -2689,15 +2800,15 @@ Sicheres Speichern deaktivieren und erneut versuchen?
- Herunterladen...
+ Herunterladen…Uploading...
- Hochladen...
+ Hochladen…Syncing...
- Synchronisieren...
+ Synchronisieren…Remove passkey from entry
@@ -2707,6 +2818,50 @@ Sicheres Speichern deaktivieren und erneut versuchen?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Möchten Sie den Passkey aus diesem Eintrag entfernen?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Die Datenbankdatei „%1“ wurde extern geändert
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Möchten Sie die Änderungen laden?
+ Reload database
+ Datenbank neu laden
+ Reloading database…
+ Datenbank wird neu geladen…
+ Reload canceled
+ Neuladen abgebrochen
+ Reload successful
+ Neuladen erfolgreich abgeschlossen
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Anstehende Benutzeraktion neu laden…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Die Datenbankdatei „%1“ wurde extern geändert.<br>Wie möchten Sie vorgehen?<br><br>Alle Änderungen zusammenführen<br>Änderungen auf der Festplatte bis zum Speichern ignorieren<br>Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen verwerfen
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Die Datenbankdatei „%1“ wurde extern geändert.<br>Wie möchten Sie vorgehen?<br><br>Alle Änderungen zusammenführen und dann speichern<br>Änderungen auf der Festplatte überschreiben<br>Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen verwerfen
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Datenbankdatei überschrieben.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Die Datenbankdatei auf der Festplatte kann mit den aktuellen Anmeldedaten nicht entsperrt werden. Geben Sie neue Zugangsdaten ein und/oder benutzen Sie den Hardwareschlüssel, um fortzufahren.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3035,18 +3190,10 @@ Korrigieren?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryAuto-Submit für diesen Eintrag überspringen
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Diese Einstellung wird nur bei HTTP-Authentifizierungsdialogen an den Browser gesendet. Wenn aktiviert, wird dieser Eintrag in normalen Anmeldeformularen nicht zur Auswahl angezeigt.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthDiesen Eintrag nur mit HTTP-Basisauthentifizierung verwenden
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Diese Einstellung nicht für HTTP-Authentifizierungsdialoge an den Browser senden. Wenn aktiviert, wird dieser Eintrag in HTTP-Authentifizierungsdialogen nicht zur Auswahl angezeigt.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthDiesen Eintrag nicht mit HTTP-Basisauthentifizierung verwenden
@@ -3071,6 +3218,14 @@ Korrigieren?
Additional URLsZusätzliche URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Sendet diesen Eintrag nur bei HTTP-Auth-Dialogen an den Browser. Wenn aktiviert, wird dieser Eintrag in normalen Anmeldeformularen nicht zur Auswahl angezeigt.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Diesen Eintrag nicht an den Browser für HTTP-Auth-Dialoge senden. Wenn aktiviert, zeigen HTTP-Auth-Dialoge diesen Eintrag nicht zur Auswahl an.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3293,6 +3448,10 @@ Korrigieren?
+ Clear agent
+ Agent löschen
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3739,6 +3898,20 @@ Das kann dazu führen, dass die betroffenen Plugins nicht mehr richtig funktioni
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Ungültiger Konvertierungstyp: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Ungültige Konvertierungssyntax: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Ungültige Syntax des regulären Ausdrucks %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3747,6 +3920,21 @@ Das kann dazu führen, dass die betroffenen Plugins nicht mehr richtig funktioni
Datei „%1“ kann nicht geöffnet werden
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formular
+ File name
+ Dateiname
+ File contents...
+ Dateiinhalt…
@@ -3784,14 +3972,6 @@ Das kann dazu führen, dass die betroffenen Plugins nicht mehr richtig funktioni
- Rename selected attachment
- Ausgewählten Anhang umbenennen
- Rename
- Umbenennen
- Open selected attachmentAusgewählten Anhang öffnen
@@ -3907,6 +4087,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Anhang „%1“ existiert bereits.
Existierenden Anhang überschreiben?
+ New
+ Neu
+ Preview
+ Vorschau
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Vorschau eines Anhangs konnte nicht angezeigt werden: Anhang nicht gefunden
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4105,6 +4297,10 @@ Existierenden Anhang überschreiben?
Background ColorHintergrundfarbe
+ Group Path
+ Gruppenpfad
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4499,6 +4695,14 @@ Sie können den DuckDuckGo-Dienst unter „Anwendungseinstellungen → Sicherhei
+ Could not load key file.
+ Schlüsseldatei konnte nicht geladen werden.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Ferndatenbank konnte nicht geöffnet werden. Das Passwort oder die Schlüsseldatei ist möglicherweise falsch.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4602,6 +4806,50 @@ Sie können den DuckDuckGo-Dienst unter „Anwendungseinstellungen → Sicherhei
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass 1-Datenbank
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON exportieren
+ Temporary Database
+ Temporäre Datenbank
+ Command:
+ Befehl:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ z. B.: „sftp user@hostname“ oder „scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}“
+ Input:
+ Eingabe:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ z. B.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} wird als Platzhalter verwendet, um die Datenbank an einem temporären Ort zu speichern
+Der Befehl muss beendet werden. Im Falle von `sftp` muss als letzter Befehl `exit` gesendet werden
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Ferndatenbank (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5655,7 +5903,7 @@ Wollen Sie wirklich mit dieser Datei fortfahren?
Save Database Backup…
- Datenbank-Backup speichern…
+ Sicherungskopie der Datenbank speichern…Add key to SSH Agent
@@ -5742,12 +5990,6 @@ Diese Version ist nicht für den Produktiveinsatz gedacht.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
HINWEIS: Sie verwenden eine Vorabversion von KeePassXC.
Rechnen Sie mit Fehlern und kleineren Problemen. Diese Version ist für Testzwecke gedacht.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- WARNUNG: Ihre Qt-Version kann zum Absturz von KeePassXC mit einer Bildschirmtastatur führen.
-Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite verfügbar ist.No Tags
@@ -5821,6 +6063,10 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v
Import PasskeyPasskey importieren
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Ferns&ynchronisierung…
+ Quit ApplicationAnwendung beenden
@@ -5925,6 +6171,10 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v
Show Password GeneratorPasswortgenerator anzeigen
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Passkey aus Eintrag entfernen
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Auto-Type ausführen: {BENUTZERNAME}
@@ -6007,7 +6257,7 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v
Save Database Backup
- Datenbank-Backup speichern
+ Sicherungskopie der Datenbank speichernSSH Agent: Add Key
@@ -6039,27 +6289,27 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v
Toggle Show Menubar
- Menüleiste ausblenden
+ 'Menüleiste anzeigen' umschaltenToggle Show Toolbar
- Symbolleiste ausblenden
+ 'Symbolleiste anzeigen' umschaltenToggle Show Preview Panel
- Vorschau-Panel ausblenden
+ 'Vorschaupanel anzeigen' umschaltenToggle Always on Top
- Immer im Vordergrund umschalten
+ 'Immer im Vordergrund' umschaltenToggle Hide Usernames
- Benutzernamen verstecken
+ 'Benutzernamen verstecken' umschaltenToggle Hide Passwords
- Passwörter verstecken
+ 'Passwörter verstecken' umschaltenExport to XML
@@ -6067,19 +6317,35 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v
Toggle Allow Screen Capture
- Bildschirmaufnahme zulassen umschalten
+ 'Bildschirmaufnahme zulassen' umschalten
- Remote S&ync…
- Ferns&ynchronisierung...
+ Show Group Panel
+ Gruppenpanel anzeigen
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Passkey aus Eintrag entfernen
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ 'Gruppenpanel anzeigen' umschaltenSetup Remote Sync…
- Fernsynchronisierung einrichten...
+ Fernsynchronisierung einrichten…
+ Password Generator
+ Passwortgenerator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Abge&laufener Eintrag…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ SSH-Agent löschen
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Alle Identitäten im SSH-Agent löschen
@@ -6231,6 +6497,25 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v
Bitte geben Sie den Namen und (optional) eine Beschreibung der neuen Datenbank ein:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Name des Anhangs darf nicht leer sein
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Anhang mit demselben Namen existiert bereits
+ Save attachment
+ Anhang speichern
+ New entry attachment
+ Neuer Eintragsanhang
@@ -6776,10 +7061,6 @@ Die folgenden Daten fehlen:
Also choose from:Auch wählen aus:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Ausgeschlossene Zeichen: „0“, „1“, „l“, „I“, „O“, „|“, „﹒“
- Exclude look-alike charactersGleichaussehende Zeichen ausschließen
@@ -6804,10 +7085,6 @@ Die folgenden Daten fehlen:
Word Count:Wortanzahl:
- Character Count:
- Zeichenanzahl:
- Word Case:Groß-/Kleinschreibung:
@@ -6820,10 +7097,6 @@ Die folgenden Daten fehlen:
Add custom wordlistBenutzerdefinierte Wortliste hinzufügen
- character
- Zeichen
- CloseSchließen
@@ -6930,6 +7203,22 @@ Möchten Sie diese überschreiben?
Special CharactersSonderzeichen
+ passwordLength
+ Passwortlänge
+ Characters: %1
+ Zeichen: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Ausgeschlossene Zeichen: „0“, „1“, „l“, „I“, „O“, „|“, „﹒“, „B“, „8“, „G“, „6“
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6997,6 +7286,21 @@ Möchten Sie diese überschreiben?
Taste &Tab zwischen Zeichen drücken
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Vorschau des Eintragsanhangs
+ No preview available
+ Keine Vorschau verfügbar
+ Image format not supported
+ Bildformat wird nicht unterstützt
@@ -7675,10 +7979,6 @@ Möchten Sie diese überschreiben?
Invalid word count %1Ungültige Wortanzahl %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Die Wortliste ist zu kurz (< 1000 Einträge)
- Title for the entry.Titel für diesen Eintrag.
@@ -7823,10 +8123,6 @@ Möchten Sie diese überschreiben?
Exit interactive mode.Interaktiven Modus beenden.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Zu benutzendes Format für den Export. Verfügbare Optionen sind 'xml' oder 'csv'. Standard ist 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exportiert den Inhalt einer Datenbank im angegebenen Format auf die Standardausgabe.
@@ -8415,18 +8711,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyDatei leer
- malformed string
- Ungültige Zeichenfolge
- missing closing quote
- Schließendes Anführungszeichen fehlt
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (Zeile, Spalte) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-Bit
@@ -8881,12 +9165,80 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file.
Unsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
- Nicht unterstütztes Format, stelle sicher, dass dein Bitwarden-Export passwortgeschützt ist.
+ Nicht unterstütztes Format, stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Bitwarden-Export passwortgeschützt ist.Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json fileNur PBKDF und Argon2 werden unterstützt, JSON-Datei kann nicht entschlüsselt werden.
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Tastenkürzel zurücksetzen
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Doppelklick auf eine Aktion, um das Tastenkürzel zu ändern
+ Filter...
+ Filtern…
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Tastenkürzelkonflikt
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Tastenkürzel %1 steht im Konflikt mit '%2'. Tastenkürzel überschreiben?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Es können keine gültigen Passphrasen erzeugt werden, da die Wortliste zu kurz ist
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Verschlüsselte Dateien werden nicht unterstützt.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass importieren
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Plugin-Daten löschen?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Plugin-Daten aus Eintrag löschen?Plugin-Daten aus Einträgen löschen?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Für den Export zu verwendendes Format. Zur Auswahl stehen „xml“, „csv“ oder „html“. Standard ist „xml“.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ Minimiert in der Taskleiste starten
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Tags
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9019,6 +9371,10 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file.Exclude from reports
Von Berichten ausschließen
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Abgelaufener Eintrag…Abgelaufene Einträge…
+ Only show entries that have a URLNur Einträge anzeigen, die eine URL enthalten
@@ -9035,36 +9391,33 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file. (Expired)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Plugin-Daten aus Eintrag löschen…Plugin-Daten aus Einträgen löschen…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Für weitere Informationen mit der Maus über den Grund fahren. Doppelklick auf Einträge zum Bearbeiten.
+ Show expired entries
+ Abgelaufene Einträge anzeigen
- Bad
- Password quality
- Sehr schlecht
+ (Expired)
+ (abgelaufen)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Für weitere Informationen mit der Maus über den Grund fahren. Doppelklick auf Einträge zum Bearbeiten.Bad — password must be changedSehr schlecht — Passwort muss geändert werden
- Poor
- Password quality
- Schlecht
- Poor — password should be changedSchlecht — Passwort sollte geändert werden
- Weak
- Password quality
- Schwach
- Weak — consider changing the passwordSchwach — Passwortänderung sollte erwogen werden
@@ -9113,18 +9466,14 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file.Exclude from reports
Von Berichten ausschließen
- Show expired entries
- Abgelaufene Einträge anzeigen
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Abgelaufener Eintrag…Abgelaufene Einträge…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsEinträge anzeigen, die von Berichten ausgeschlossen wurden
- (Expired)
- (abgelaufen)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9220,16 +9569,20 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file.Exclude from reports
Von Berichten ausschließen
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Abgelaufener Eintrag…Abgelaufene Einträge…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeysExport
- Export
+ Exportieren…Import
- Importieren
+ Importieren…List of entry URLs
@@ -9461,6 +9814,14 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file.No agent running, cannot list identities.
Kein Agent ausgeführt, kann keine Identitäten auflisten.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Das Entfernen aller SSH-Identitäten vom Agent ist fehlgeschlagen.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Alle SSH-Identitäten wurden vom Agent entfernt.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9639,7 +10000,7 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file.
<html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Dies verbessert die Kompatibilität mit bestimmten Anwendungen, die nach dem Passwort suchen, ohne die Datenbank vorher zu entsperren.</p><p>Die Aktivierung dieser Option kann jedoch auch zum Absturz des Clients führen, wenn die Datenbank nicht innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeitspanne entsperrt werden kann. (In der Regel 25s, kann aber auch ein anderer Wert sein, der in den Anwendungen eingestellt ist.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Dies verbessert die Kompatibilität mit bestimmten Anwendungen, die nach dem Passwort suchen, ohne die Datenbank vorher zu entsperren.</p><p>Die Aktivierung dieser Option kann jedoch auch zum Absturz des Clients führen, wenn die Datenbank nicht innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeitspanne entsperrt werden kann. (In der Regel 25 s, kann aber auch ein anderer Wert sein, der in den Anwendungen eingestellt ist.) </p></body></html>
@@ -9746,29 +10107,6 @@ Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file.Export in %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Doppelklick auf eine Aktion, um das Tastenkürzel zu ändern
- Shortcut Conflict
- Tastenkürzelkonflikt
- Filter...
- Filtern…
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Tastenkürzel %1 steht im Konflikt mit '%2'. Tastenkürzel überschreiben?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Tastenkürzel zurücksetzen
@@ -10057,14 +10395,18 @@ Beispiel: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedKeine Hardwareschlüssel erkannt
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Wenn Sie einen <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> oder <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> besitzen, können Sie ihn für zusätzliche Sicherheit verwenden.</p><p>Für den Schlüssel muss einer seiner Steckplätze als <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a> programmiert werden.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysHardwareschlüssel aktualisieren
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Wenn Sie einen <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> oder <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> besitzen, können Sie ihn für zusätzliche Sicherheit verwenden.</p><p>Dazu muss einer seiner Slots als <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a> programmiert sein.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Hardwareschlüssel gefunden, es sind aber keine Slots konfiguriert
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts
index 43b0c4c9d..bc7e202a5 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Πρέπει να επανεκκινήσετε την εφαρμογή για να οριστεί η νέα γλώσσα. Θέλετε να κάνετε επανεκκίνηση τώρα;
- Reset Settings?
- Επαναφορά Ρυθμίσεων;
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να επαναφέρετε όλες τις γενικές και ασφαλείας ρυθμίσεις στις προεπιλογές;
- Select backup storage directoryΕπιλογή καταλόγου αποθήκευσης αντιγράφων ασφαλείας
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesΣυμπεριλάβετε εκδόσεις beta κατά τον έλεγχο για ενημερώσεις
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Στο ξεκλείδωμα της βάσης δεδομένων, εμφανίστε τις καταχωρήσεις που
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- έχουν λήξει
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- ημέρες
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- θα λήξουν εντός
- File ManagementΔιαχείριση αρχείων
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingΔημιουργία αντίγραφου ασφαλείας του αρχείου της βάσης δεδομένων πριν την αποθήκευση
- Backup destination
- Προορισμός αντιγράφων ασφαλείας
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Καθορίζει τη θέση του αρχείου αντιγράφων ασφαλείας της βάσης δεδομένων. Οι εμφανίσεις του "{ΒΔ_ΟΝΟΜΑ ΑΡΧΕΙΟΥ}" αντικαθίστανται με το όνομα αρχείου της αποθηκευμένης βάσης δεδομένων χωρίς επέκταση. {ΩΡΑ:<format>} αντικαθίσταται με το χρόνο δημιουργίας αντιγράφων ασφαλείας, ανατρέξτε https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> Προεπιλογές για τη μορφοποίηση συμβολοσειράς "dd_MM_yyyy_hh mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{ΒΔ_ΟΝΟΜΑ ΑΡΧΕΙΟΥ}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Επιλογή...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Χρήση εναλλακτικής μεθόδου αποθήκευσης (μπορεί να επιλύσει προβλήματα με το Dropbox, το Google Drive, GVFS κ.λπ.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Να θυμάστε την τελευταία πληκτρολογημένη καταχώρηση για:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ ημέρες
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Εμφάνιση γραμμής εργαλείων
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelΑπόκρυψη κωδικών πρόσβασης στο πάνελ προεπισκόπησης καταχώρησης
- Hide entry notes by default
- Να αποκρύπτονται εξ ορισμού οι σημειώσεις καταχωρήσεων
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Μετακίνηση καταχωρήσεων στον Κάδο Ανακύκλωσης χωρίς επιβεβαίωση
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Ενεργοποίηση διπλού κλικ για αντιγραφή των στηλών εισαγωγής ονόματος χρήστη/κωδικού πρόσβασης
- PrivacyΙδιωτικότητα
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelΑπόκρυψη TOTP στον πίνακα προεπισκόπησης καταχώρησης
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Η καταχώρηση δεν έχει χαρακτηριστικό για PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Μη έγκυρος τύπος μετατροπής: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Μη έγκυρη σύνταξη μετατροπής: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Μη έγκυρη σύνταξη κανονικής έκφρασης % 1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Μη έγκυρο σύμβολο υποκατάστασης: %1
@@ -1022,10 +1074,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Προς το παρόν δεν υποστηρίζονται προγράμματα περιήγησης που έχουν εγκατασταθεί ως snaps.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Ενεργοποίηση της ενσωμάτωσης για αυτά τα προγράμματα περιήγησης:
@@ -1249,6 +1297,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1400,6 +1452,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Ετικέτες
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1463,6 +1519,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle BinΚάδος Ανακύκλωσης
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1675,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Εκτός από έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα μυστικό αρχείο για να βελτιώσετε την ασφάλεια της βάσης δεδομένων σας. Αυτό το αρχείο μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί στις ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας της βάσης δεδομένων σας.</p> <p>Αυτό <strong>δεν</strong> είναι το αρχείο βάσης δεδομένων *.kdbx!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Κάντε κλικ για να προσθέσετε ένα κλειδί αρχείου.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Έχω ένα αρχείο κλειδί</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Χρησιμοποιήστε κλειδί υλικού [Serial: %1]
@@ -1655,6 +1711,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware KeysΑνανέωση Κλειδιών Υλικού
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Κάντε κλικ για να προσθέσετε ένα κλειδί αρχείου.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Έχω ένα αρχείο κλειδί</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1689,10 +1757,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Ενσωμάτωση Secret Service
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2172,6 +2252,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxΚαθυστέρηση αυτόματης αποθήκευσης από την τελευταία αλλαγή του checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Καθαρισμός
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2381,6 +2505,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ δευτερόλεπτα
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2583,26 +2715,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedΤο αρχείο έχει αλλάξει
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Το αρχείο βάσης δεδομένων έχει αλλάξει. Θέλετε να φορτώσετε τις αλλαγές;
- Merge Request
- Αίτημα Συγχώνευσης
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Το αρχείο βάσης δεδομένων έχει αλλάξει και έχετε μη αποθηκευμένες αλλαγές.
-Θέλετε να συγχωνεύσετε τις αλλαγές σας;
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Δεν ήταν δυνατό το άνοιγμα του νέου αρχείου βάσης δεδομένων κατά την προσπάθεια αυτόματης φόρτωσης.
-Σφάλμα: %1
- Disable safe saves?Απενεργοποίηση ασφαλών αποθηκεύσεων;
@@ -2690,6 +2802,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3018,18 +3174,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryΠαράλειψη Αυτόματης Υποβολής για αυτήν την καταχώρηση
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Μόνο αποστολή αυτής της ρύθμισης στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης για παράθυρα διαλόγου HTTP Auth. Εάν ενεργοποιηθεί, οι κανονικές φόρμες σύνδεσης δεν θα εμφανίζουν αυτήν την καταχώρηση για επιλογή.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthΧρήση αυτής της καταχώρησης μόνο με HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Μην στέλνετε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης για παράθυρα διαλόγου HTTP Auth. Εάν είναι ενεργοποιημένο, τα παράθυρα διαλόγου HTTP Auth δεν θα εμφανίζουν αυτήν την καταχώρηση για επιλογή.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthΜην χρησιμοποιείτε αυτήν την καταχώρηση με το HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3054,6 +3202,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3276,6 +3432,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds δευτερόλεπτα
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3722,6 +3882,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Μη έγκυρος τύπος μετατροπής: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Μη έγκυρη σύνταξη μετατροπής: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Μη έγκυρη σύνταξη κανονικής έκφρασης % 1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3730,6 +3904,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Δεν είναι δυνατό το άνοιγμα του αρχείου "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Μορφή
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3767,14 +3956,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Μετονομασία επιλεγμένου συνημμένου
- Rename
- Μετονομασία
- Open selected attachmentΆνοιγμα επιλεγμένου συνημμένου
@@ -3890,6 +4071,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Το συνημμένο "%1" υπάρχει ήδη.
Θέλετε να αντικαταστήσετε το υπάρχον συνημμένο;
+ New
+ Preview
+ Προεπισκόπηση
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4088,6 +4281,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background ColorΧρώμα Φόντου
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4482,6 +4679,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4585,6 +4790,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5725,12 +5968,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Χρησιμοποιείτε μια έκδοση πριν από την κανονική κυκλοφορία του KeePassXC.
Περιμένετε ορισμένα σφάλματα και μικρά ζητήματα, αυτή η έκδοση προορίζεται για σκοπούς δοκιμών.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Η έκδοση Qt ενδέχεται να προκαλέσει αιφνίδια διακοπή λειτουργίας του KeePassXC με Πληκτρολόγιο Οθόνης.
-Σας συνιστούμε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το AppImage που είναι διαθέσιμο στη σελίδα λήψεων.No Tags
@@ -5804,6 +6041,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import PasskeyΕισαγωγή Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit ApplicationΈξοδος Εφαρμογής
@@ -5908,6 +6149,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password GeneratorΕμφάνιση Γεννήτριας Κωδικών Πρόσβασης
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Εκτέλεση Αυτόματης-Πληκτρολόγησης: {USERNAME}
@@ -6053,17 +6298,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Εναλλαγή Επιτρεπόμενης Καταγραφής Οθόνης
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Γεννήτρια Κωδικών
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6214,6 +6475,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Συμπληρώστε το εμφανιζόμενο όνομα και μια προαιρετική περιγραφή για τη νέα σας βάση δεδομένων:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Αποθήκευση συνημμένου
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6757,10 +7037,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Επιλέξτε επίσης από:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Εξαιρούμενοι χαρακτήρες: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", ".".
- Exclude look-alike charactersΕξαίρεση παρόμοιων χαρακτήρων
@@ -6785,10 +7061,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Αριθμός Λέξεων:
- Character Count:
- Αριθμός Χαρακτήρων:
- Word Case:Κουτί Λέξεων:
@@ -6801,10 +7073,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistΠροσθήκη προσαρμοσμένης λίστας λέξεων
- character
- χαρακτήρας
- CloseΚλείσιμο
@@ -6911,6 +7179,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersΕιδικοί χαρακτήρες
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6978,6 +7262,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Πατήστε το πλήκτρο &Τab μεταξύ χαρακτήρων
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7656,10 +7955,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Μη έγκυρος αριθμός λέξεων %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Η λίστα λέξεων είναι πολύ μικρή (< 1000 στοιχεία)
- Title for the entry.Τίτλος για την καταχώρηση.
@@ -7804,10 +8099,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Έξοδος από διαδραστική λειτουργία.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Μορφή για χρήση κατά την εξαγωγή. Οι διαθέσιμες επιλογές είναι «xml» ή «csv». Προεπιλογή σε "xml".
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Εξάγει το περιεχόμενο μιας βάσης δεδομένων σε τυπική έξοδο στην καθορισμένη μορφή.
@@ -8396,18 +8687,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyκενό αρχείο
- malformed string
- παραμορφωμένο string
- missing closing quote
- Λείπει το τελείωμα αποσπάσματος
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (γραμμή, στήλη) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8867,6 +9146,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Επαναφορά Συντομεύσεων
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Κάντε διπλό κλικ σε μια ενέργεια για να αλλάξετε τη συντόμευσή της.
+ Filter...
+ Φίλτρο...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Διένεξη Συντομεύσεων
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Η συντόμευση %1 έρχεται σε διένεξη με την '%2'. Να αντικατασταθεί η συντόμευση;
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Διαγραφή δεδομένων πρόσθετου;
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Ετικέτες
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8999,6 +9346,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsΕξαίρεση από αναφορές
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLΕμφάνιση μόνο καταχωρίσεων που έχουν διεύθυνση URL
@@ -9015,36 +9366,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
(Expired)(Εχει λήξει)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Τοποθετήστε το δείκτη του ποντικιού για να εμφανίσετε επιπλέον λεπτομέρειες. Κάντε διπλό κλικ στις καταχωρήσεις για επεξεργασία.
+ Show expired entries
+ Εμφάνιση καταχωρήσεων που έχουν λήξει
- Bad
- Password quality
- Κακός
+ (Expired)
+ (Εχει λήξει)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Τοποθετήστε το δείκτη του ποντικιού για να εμφανίσετε επιπλέον λεπτομέρειες. Κάντε διπλό κλικ στις καταχωρήσεις για επεξεργασία.Bad — password must be changedκακός — ο κωδικός πρόσβασης πρέπει να αλλάξει
- Poor
- Password quality
- Φτωχός
- Poor — password should be changedΦτωχός — ο κωδικός πρόσβασης πρέπει να αλλάξει
- Weak
- Password quality
- Αδύναμος
- Weak — consider changing the passwordΑδύναμος — εξετάστε το ενδεχόμενο αλλαγής του κωδικού πρόσβασης
@@ -9093,18 +9441,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsΕξαίρεση από αναφορές
- Show expired entries
- Εμφάνιση καταχωρήσεων που έχουν λήξει
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reportsΕμφάνιση καταχωρήσεων που έχουν εξαιρεθεί από τις αναφορές
- (Expired)
- (Εχει λήξει)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9200,6 +9544,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsΕξαίρεση από αναφορές
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9441,6 +9789,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Κανένας agent δεν εκτελείται, δεν μπορεί να αναφέρει τις ταυτότητες.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9726,29 +10082,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Εξαγωγή σε %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Κάντε διπλό κλικ σε μια ενέργεια για να αλλάξετε τη συντόμευσή της.
- Shortcut Conflict
- Διένεξη Συντομεύσεων
- Filter...
- Φίλτρο...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Η συντόμευση %1 έρχεται σε διένεξη με την '%2'. Να αντικατασταθεί η συντόμευση;
- Reset Shortcuts
- Επαναφορά Συντομεύσεων
@@ -10038,11 +10371,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Δεν εντοπίστηκαν hardware κλειδιά
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Εάν είστε ιδιοκτήτης ενός <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ή <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, μπορείτε να το χρησιμοποιήσετε για πρόσθετη ασφάλεια.</p> <p>Το κλειδί απαιτεί μία από τις υποδοχές του να προγραμματιστεί ως <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Πρόκληση-Απόκριση</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts
index 87f2eae27..1bc6cbad6 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?
- Reset Settings?
- Reset Settings?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Select backup storage directorySelect backup storage directory
+ Confirm Reset
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Large
+ Custom
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesInclude beta releases when checking for updates
- On database unlock, show entries that
- On database unlock, show entries that
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- have expired
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- days
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- will expire within
- File ManagementFile Management
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingBackup database file before saving
- Backup destination
- Backup destination
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Choose...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Remember last typed entry for:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ days
+ Destination format:
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelHide passwords in the entry preview panel
- Hide entry notes by default
- Hide entry notes by default
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Enable double-click to copy the username/password entry columns
- PrivacyPrivacy
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelHide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Invalid placeholder: %1
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Enable integration for these browsers:
@@ -1249,6 +1297,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1395,12 +1447,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ No Title SelectedNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ No title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
+Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Tags
@@ -1465,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle BinRecycle Bin
+ Database file read error.
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1613,14 +1678,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1657,6 +1714,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware KeysRefresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1691,9 +1760,21 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Remote Sync
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Database Settings: %1
@@ -1871,7 +1952,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
@@ -2174,6 +2255,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxAutosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialogue
+ Database public display name
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Display colour:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Publically visible colour used on the unlock dialogue
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Database public display colour chooser
+ Clear
+ Clear
+ Display icon:
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2273,7 +2398,7 @@ removed from the database.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ Sync CommandsRemove
@@ -2281,7 +2406,7 @@ removed from the database.
Command Settings
+ Command SettingsName
@@ -2293,75 +2418,75 @@ removed from the database.
+ DownloadCommand:
+ Command:Download command field
+ Download command fielde.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ Input:Download input field
+ Download input fieldUpload
+ UploadUpload command field
+ Upload command fielde.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input field
+ Upload input fieldName cannot be empty.
+ Name cannot be empty.Test
+ TestDownload command cannot be empty.
+ Download command cannot be empty.Download failed with error: %1
+ Download failed with error: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.Download successful.
+ Download successful.Save Remote Settings
+ Save Remote SettingsYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ You have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?e.g.:
@@ -2371,7 +2496,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ e.g.:
@@ -2381,7 +2512,21 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ e.g.:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ seconds
@@ -2460,7 +2605,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Temporary]
@@ -2585,26 +2730,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedFile has changed
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Merge Request
- Merge Request
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Disable safe saves?Disable safe saves?
@@ -2658,31 +2783,31 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Remote sync '%1' failed: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Error while saving database %1: %2Downloading...
+ Downloading...Uploading...
+ Uploading...Syncing...
+ Syncing...Remove passkey from entry
@@ -2692,6 +2817,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload cancelled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3020,18 +3189,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entrySkip Auto-Submit for this entry
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogues. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthUse this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogues. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogues will not show this entry for selection.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthDo not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3056,6 +3217,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLsAdditional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogues. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogues. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogues will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3278,6 +3447,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds seconds
+ Clear agent
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3724,6 +3897,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3732,6 +3919,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Cannot open file "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Form
+ File name
+ File name
+ File contents...
+ File contents...
@@ -3769,14 +3971,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Rename selected attachment
- Rename
- Rename
- Open selected attachmentOpen selected attachment
@@ -3892,6 +4086,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Attachment "%1" already exists.
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ New
+ Preview
+ Preview
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4090,6 +4296,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background ColorBackground Colour
+ Group Path
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4485,6 +4695,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4588,6 +4806,50 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5728,12 +5990,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC.
Expect some bugs and minor issues; this version is meant for testing purposes.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.No Tags
@@ -5807,6 +6063,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import PasskeyImport Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit ApplicationQuit Application
@@ -5911,6 +6171,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password GeneratorShow Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6056,16 +6320,32 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Toggle Allow Screen Capture
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Setup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
@@ -6217,6 +6497,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6762,10 +7061,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Also choose from:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersExclude look-alike characters
@@ -6790,10 +7085,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Word Count:
- Character Count:
- Character Count:
- Word Case:Word Case:
@@ -6806,10 +7097,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistAdd custom wordlist
- character
- character
- CloseClose
@@ -6916,6 +7203,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersSpecial Characters
+ passwordLength
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6983,6 +7286,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Press &Tab between characters
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7661,10 +7979,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Invalid word count %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Title for the entry.Title for the entry.
@@ -7809,10 +8123,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Exit interactive mode.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.
@@ -8401,18 +8711,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyfile empty
- malformed string
- malformed string
- missing closing quote
- missing closing quote
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8863,16 +9161,84 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json fileUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Unsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protectedOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Tags
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8912,31 +9278,31 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Invalid download parameters provided.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ Command `%1` failed to download database.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Command `%1` exited with status code: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
@@ -9005,6 +9371,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclude from reports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expire Entry(s)…Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLOnly show entries that have a URL
@@ -9021,36 +9391,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
(Expired) (Expired)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Show expired entries
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Bad
+ (Expired)
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.Bad — password must be changedBad — password must be changed
- Poor
- Password quality
- Poor
- Poor — password should be changedPoor — password should be changed
- Weak
- Password quality
- Weak
- Weak — consider changing the passwordWeak — consider changing the password
@@ -9099,18 +9466,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclude from reports
- Show expired entries
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expire Entry(s)…Expire Entry(s)…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsShow entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9206,6 +9569,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclude from reports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expire Entry(s)…Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9447,6 +9814,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.No agent running. Cannot list identities.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9732,29 +10107,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Export to %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10043,14 +10395,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedNo hardware keys detected
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysRefresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts
index a08a268fd..334f79c29 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?
- Reset Settings?
- Reset Settings?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Select backup storage directorySelect backup storage directory
+ Confirm Reset
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Large
+ Custom
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesInclude beta releases when checking for updates
- On database unlock, show entries that
- On database unlock, show entries that
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- have expired
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- days
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- will expire within
- File ManagementFile Management
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingBackup database file before saving
- Backup destination
- Backup destination
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Choose...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Remember last typed entry for:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ days
+ Destination format:
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelHide passwords in the entry preview panel
- Hide entry notes by default
- Hide entry notes by default
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- PrivacyPrivacy
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelHide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Invalid placeholder: %1
@@ -714,7 +766,7 @@
Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
+ Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
@@ -822,7 +874,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
+ Undo
@@ -886,24 +938,25 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Add to existing entry
+ Add to existing entryExisting passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
+ Existing passkey found.
+Do you want to register a new passkey for:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
+ Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
+ Authenticate passkey credentials for:Do you want to register a passkey for:
+ Do you want to register a passkey for:
@@ -988,16 +1041,17 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
Register a new passkey to this entry:
+ Register a new passkey to this entry:KeePassXC - Update passkey
+ KeePassXC - Update passkeyEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ Entry already has a passkey.
+Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?Register
@@ -1022,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Enable integration for these browsers:
@@ -1239,15 +1289,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
+ Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.Allow using localhost with passkeys
+ Allow using localhost with passkeysKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1393,12 +1447,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ No Title SelectedNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ No title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
+Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Tags
@@ -1463,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle BinRecycle Bin
+ Database file read error.
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1678,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1645,7 +1704,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
The file you selected looks like a database file.
A database file is NOT a key file!
-Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
No hardware keys found.
@@ -1655,6 +1714,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware KeysRefresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1689,10 +1760,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1865,11 +1948,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
This is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.
+ This is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
@@ -2012,11 +2095,11 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at
Encryption Settings:
+ Encryption Settings:Basic
+ BasicAdvanced
@@ -2154,15 +2237,15 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change
+ Autosave delay since last changeAutosave delay
+ Autosave delayAutosave delay since last change in minutes
+ Autosave delay since last change in minutes min
@@ -2170,7 +2253,51 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Clear
+ Display icon:
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Select Database Icon
@@ -2381,6 +2508,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ seconds
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2583,26 +2718,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedFile has changed
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Merge Request
- Merge Request
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Disable safe saves?Disable safe saves?
@@ -2684,11 +2799,55 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remove passkey from entry
+ Remove passkey from entryDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -2845,7 +3004,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
@@ -3018,18 +3177,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entrySkip Auto-Submit for this entry
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthUse this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthDo not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3048,11 +3199,19 @@ Would you like to correct it?
These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.Additional URLs
+ Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
@@ -3241,7 +3400,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Browser for key file
- Browser for key file
+ Browse filesystem for key fileBrowse…
@@ -3276,6 +3435,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds seconds
+ Clear agent
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3722,6 +3885,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3730,6 +3907,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Cannot open file "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Form
+ File name
+ File name
+ File contents...
+ File contents...
@@ -3767,14 +3959,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Rename selected attachment
- Rename
- Rename
- Open selected attachmentOpen selected attachment
@@ -3890,6 +4074,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Attachment "%1" already exists.
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ New
+ Preview
+ Preview
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4086,7 +4282,11 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Background Color
+ Group Path
+ Group Path
@@ -4483,6 +4683,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4508,7 +4716,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Import Into:
+ Import Into:New Database
@@ -4516,35 +4724,35 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
No unlocked databases available
+ No unlocked databases availableExisting Database:
+ Existing Database:Import File:
+ Import File:Comma Separated Values (.csv)
+ Comma Separated Values (.csv)1Password Export (.1pux)
+ 1Password Export (.1pux)1Password Vault (.opvault)
+ 1Password Vault (.opvault)Bitwarden (.json)
+ Bitwarden (.json)KeePass 1 Database (.kdb)
+ KeePass 1 Database (.kdb)Open OPVault
@@ -4552,7 +4760,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Select import file
+ Select import fileAll files
@@ -4568,24 +4776,62 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Comma Separated Values
+ Comma Separated Values1Password Export
+ 1Password ExportBitwarden JSON Export
+ Bitwarden JSON Export1Password Vault
+ 1Password VaultKeePass1 Database
+ KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5671,7 +5917,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Show Menubar
+ Show MenubarShow Toolbar
@@ -5726,12 +5972,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.No Tags
@@ -5787,22 +6027,26 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
1Password 1PUX...
+ 1Password 1PUX...Import a 1Password 1PUX file
+ Import a 1Password 1PUX fileImport…
+ Import…Passkeys…
+ Passkeys…Import Passkey
+ Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
@@ -5815,11 +6059,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Open Database
+ Open DatabaseCreate Database
+ Create DatabaseMerge From Database
@@ -5909,6 +6153,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -5971,7 +6219,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Empty Recycle Bin
+ Empty Recycle BinOpen Donation Website
@@ -6023,7 +6271,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Toggle Show Menubar
+ Toggle Show MenubarToggle Show Toolbar
@@ -6054,17 +6302,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6215,6 +6479,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6430,19 +6713,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
PasskeyExportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Export
+ KeePassXC - Passkey ExportFilenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.
+ Filenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.Export entries
+ Export entriesExport Selected
+ Export SelectedCancel
@@ -6450,43 +6733,45 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Export to folder
+ Export to folderExport the following passkey entries.
+ Export the following passkey entries.PasskeyExporterKeePassXC: Passkey Export
+ KeePassXC: Passkey ExportFile "%1.passkey" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?
+ File "%1.passkey" already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+Cannot open file
+ Cannot open fileCannot open file "%1" for writing.
+ Cannot open file "%1" for writing.Cannot write to file
+ Cannot write to filePasskeyImportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Import
+ KeePassXC - Passkey ImportUsername: %1
@@ -6498,11 +6783,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ DatabaseImport Passkey
+ Import PasskeyImport
@@ -6518,7 +6803,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Create new entry
+ Create new entryRelying Party: %1
@@ -6526,22 +6811,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Import the following passkey:
+ Import the following passkey:Import the following passkey to this entry:
+ Import the following passkey to this entry:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
+ Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)PasskeyImporterPasskey file
+ Passkey fileAll files
@@ -6549,33 +6834,35 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Cannot open file
+ Cannot open fileCannot open file "%1" for reading.
+ Cannot open file "%1" for reading.Open passkey file
+ Open passkey fileCannot import passkey
+ Cannot import passkeyCannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
+ Cannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
+ Cannot import passkey file "%1".
+The following data is missing:
+%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
+ Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
@@ -6756,10 +7043,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Also choose from:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersExclude look-alike characters
@@ -6784,10 +7067,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Word Count:
- Character Count:
- Character Count:
- Word Case:Word Case:
@@ -6800,10 +7079,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistAdd custom wordlist
- character
- character
- CloseClose
@@ -6910,6 +7185,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersSpecial Characters
+ passwordLength
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6977,6 +7268,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Press &Tab between characters
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7017,7 +7323,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Continue with weak password
+ Continue with weak password
@@ -7655,10 +7961,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Invalid word count %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Title for the entry.Title for the entry.
@@ -7803,10 +8105,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Exit interactive mode.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.
@@ -8395,18 +8693,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyfile empty
- malformed string
- malformed string
- missing closing quote
- missing closing quote
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8641,48 +8927,49 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Access to all entries is denied
+ Access to all entries is deniedallow screenshots and app recording (Windows/macOS)
+ allow screenshots and app recording (Windows/macOS)Set the key file for the database.
This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Set the key file for the database.
+This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.Databases have been locked.
+ Databases have been locked.Attestation not supported
+ Attestation not supportedCredential is excluded
+ Credential is excludedPasskeys request canceled
+ Passkeys request canceledInvalid user verification
+ Invalid user verificationEmpty public key
+ Empty public keyInvalid URL provided
+ Invalid URL providedPasskeys
+ PasskeysAES initialization failed
@@ -8742,101 +9029,101 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Origin is empty or not allowed
+ Origin is empty or not allowedEffective domain is not a valid domain
+ Effective domain is not a valid domainOrigin and RP ID do not match
+ Origin and RP ID do not matchNo supported algorithms were provided
+ No supported algorithms were providedWait for timer to expire
+ Wait for timer to expireChallenge is shorter than required minimum length
+ Challenge is shorter than required minimum lengthuser.id does not match the required length
+ user.id does not match the required lengthFavoriteTag for favorite entries
+ FavoriteFile does not exist.
+ File does not exist.Cannot open file: %1
+ Cannot open file: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
+ Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2Failed to decrypt json file: %1
+ Failed to decrypt json file: %1Invalid encKeyValidation field
+ Invalid encKeyValidation fieldInvalid cipher list within encKeyValidation field
+ Invalid cipher list within encKeyValidation fieldWrong password
+ Wrong passwordInvalid encrypted data field
+ Invalid encrypted data fieldInvalid cipher list within encrypted data field
+ Invalid cipher list within encrypted data fieldCannot initialize cipher
+ Cannot initialize cipherCannot decrypt data
+ Cannot decrypt dataBitwarden Import
+ Bitwarden ImportArchivedTag for archived entries
+ ArchivedInvalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.
+ Invalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data
+ Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data1Password Import
+ 1Password ImportEnter Shortcut
@@ -8852,20 +9139,88 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Unknown passkeys error
+ Unknown passkeys errorInvalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json fileUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Unsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protectedOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry?Delete plugin data from Entries?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Tags
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8998,52 +9353,53 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclude from reports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expire Entry…Expire Entries…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
+ Only show entries that have a URLOnly show entries that have been explicitly allowed or denied
+ Only show entries that have been explicitly allowed or deniedShow expired entries
+ Show expired entries (Expired)
+ (Expired)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Delete plugin data from Entry…Delete plugin data from Entries…ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Show expired entries
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Bad
+ (Expired)
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.Bad — password must be changedBad — password must be changed
- Poor
- Password quality
- Poor
- Poor — password should be changedPoor — password should be changed
- Weak
- Password quality
- Weak
- Weak — consider changing the passwordWeak — consider changing the password
@@ -9092,17 +9448,13 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclude from reports
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expire Entry…Expire Entries…Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
@@ -9199,6 +9551,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclude from reports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expire Entry…Expire Entries…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9240,15 +9596,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Relying Party
+ Relying PartyShow expired entries
+ Show expired entries (Expired)
+ (Expired)Export Confirmation
@@ -9256,15 +9612,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
+ The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
+ Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…No entries with passkeys.
+ No entries with passkeys.
@@ -9440,6 +9796,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.No agent running, cannot list identities.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9614,11 +9978,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
<html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
@@ -9725,29 +10089,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Export to %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -9957,15 +10298,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Create Database
+ Create DatabaseOpen Database
+ Open DatabaseImport File
+ Import File
@@ -10037,12 +10378,16 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detected
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
@@ -10070,7 +10415,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
(NFC) %1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4YubiKey display fields
+ (NFC) %1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4Press
@@ -10122,12 +10467,12 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
%1 [%2] - Slot %3YubiKey NEO display fields
+ %1 [%2] - Slot %3%1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4YubiKey display fields
+ %1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts
index 9f6217262..502575fa3 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3.
- KeePassXC se distribuye bajo la Licencia Pública General de GNU (GPL) versión 2 o versión 3 (si así lo prefiere).
+ KeePassXC se distribuye bajo los términos de la Licencia Pública General de GNU (GPL) versión 2 o (a tu elección) versión 3.Project Maintainers:
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Debe reiniciar la aplicación para establecer el nuevo lenguage. ¿Desea reiniciar ahora?
- Reset Settings?
- ¿Restablecer configuración?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- predeterminado¿Desea restablecer toda la configuración general y de seguridad a sus valores por defecto?
- Select backup storage directorySeleccionar la carpeta de copia de seguridad
+ Confirm Reset
+ Confirmar Reinicio
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ ¿Estás seguro de que quieres restablecer todos los ajustes por defecto?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importar la configuración de KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ No se pudo importar la configuración de %1, no es un archivo de configuración válido.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Exportar la configuración de KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Pequeño
+ Normal
+ normal
+ Medium
+ mediano
+ Large
+ largo
+ Custom
+ Personalizado
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesIncluir versiones beta al comprobar actualizaciones
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Al desbloquear la base de datos, mostrar apuntes que
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ha expirado
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- días
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- expirarán en
- File ManagementGestión de archivos
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingHacer una copia de seguridad de la base de datos antes de guardar
- Backup destination
- Destino de la copia de seguridad
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Especifica la localización del archivo de la copia de seguridad de la base de datos. Las ocurrencias de «{DB_FILENAME}» son reemplazadas con el nombre de archivo de la base de datos guardada sin la extensión. {TIME:<format>} es reemplazado con la hora de la copia de seguridad, ver https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> su cadena de formato por defecto es «dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss».
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Elegir...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Usar método alternativo de guardado (puede resolver problemas con Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Recordar último apunte para:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Al desbloquear la base de datos, mostrar las entradas que caducarán en un plazo de
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Al desbloquear la base de datos, mostrar las entradas que caducarán en un plazo de
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ días
+ Destination format:
+ Formato de destino:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> se sustituye por el nombre de archivo de la base de datos guardada sin extensión</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> se sustituye por el formato de hora especificado (por defecto: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Para más información, consulte la Guía del usuario</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Elegir carpeta...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Mostrar confirmación antes de mover entradas a papelera
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Copiar datos al hacer doble clic en un campo de la vista de entrada
+ Show toolbar
+ Mostrar barra de herramientas
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Mostrar la barra de menús pulsando la tecla Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Mostrar barra de menú
+ Import settings…
+ Importar ajustes....
+ Export settings…
+ Exportar ajustes...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Abrir el navegador al hacer doble clic en el campo URL en la vista de entrada
+ Font size:
+ Tamaño fuente:
+ Font size selection
+ Selección de tamaño de fuente
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelOcultar contraseñas en el apunte del panel de vista previa
- Hide entry notes by default
- Ocultar notas del apunte predeterminado
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Mover apuntes a la papelera de reciclaje sin confirmación
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Activar pulsación doble para copiar las columnas de apunte de usuario/contraseña
- PrivacyPrivacidad
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelOcultar TOTP en el panel de vista previa de apunte
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Bloquear bases de datos al cambiar de usuario
+ Lock Options
+ Opciones de bloqueo
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Ocultar notas en el panel de vista previa de apunte
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1El apunte no tiene atributo para PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Tipo de conversión no válido: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Sintaxis de conversión no válida: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Sintaxis de expresión regular no válida %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Marcador inválido: %1
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Los navegadores instalados como snaps no son admitidos.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Habilitar integración a estos navegadores:
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser es necesario para el funcionamiento de la integración con el navegador. Descargalo por %1 y %2 y %3
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Los navegadores instalados mediante Snap o Flatpak no son compatibles, a excepción de Firefox instalado mediante Snap.
@@ -1395,12 +1447,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ Sin titulo seleccinadoNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ No se ha seleccionado un título para la columna, será difícil asignar los registros correctamente.
+¿Desea continuar con la importación?
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
@@ -1465,6 +1522,14 @@ Respaldo de base de datos ubicado en %2
Recycle BinPapelera
+ Database file read error.
+ Error de lectura del archivo de base de datos.
+ No file path was provided.
+ No se ha proporcionado ninguna ruta de archivo.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1613,14 +1678,6 @@ Para prevenir que aparezca este error, debe ir a «Configuraciones de base de da
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Adicionalmente a una contraseña, puede usar un archivo secreto para mejorar la seguridad de su base de datos. Este archivo puede ser generado en sus preferencia de seguridad de base de datos.</p><p>Esto <strong>no</strong> es su archivo de base de datos *.kdbx.</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Clic para añadir un archivo clave.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Tengo un archivo clave</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Usar clave hardware [Serial: %1]
@@ -1657,6 +1714,18 @@ Un archivo de base de datos no es un archivo clave.
Refresh Hardware KeysActualizando claves hardware
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Clic para añadir un archivo clave.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Tengo un archivo clave</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Se han encontrado claves de hardware, pero no se han configurado ranuras.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1691,10 +1760,22 @@ Un archivo de base de datos no es un archivo clave.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integración con servicio de secretos
+ Remote SyncSincronización remota
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Configuraciones de la base de datos: 1%
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1871,7 +1952,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ La contraseña entregada no cumple con los requisitos de calidad minimos
@@ -2174,6 +2255,50 @@ papelera son eliminados de la BdD.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxRetardo de autoguardado desde úlimo cambio de caja de seleección
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Metadatos de bases de datos públicas
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Advertencia: los siguientes ajustes no están encriptados.
+ Display name:
+ Mostrar nombre:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Nombre visible públicamente utilizado en el cuadro de diálogo de desbloqueo
+ Database public display name
+ Nombre público de la base de datos
+ Display color:
+ Mostrar color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Color visible públicamente utilizado en el cuadro de diálogo de desbloqueo
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Selector de color de la base de datos pública
+ Clear
+ Limpiar
+ Display icon:
+ Mostrar icono:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Seleccionar icono de base de datos
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2393,6 +2518,14 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} es usado como marcador para guardar la base de datos en una localización temporal
El comando tiene que finalizar. En caso de «sftp» como último comando ha de ser enviado «exit»
+ Timeout:
+ Intervalos
+ seconds
+ segundos
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2595,25 +2728,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedEl archivo ha cambiado
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- El archivo de la base de datos ha cambiado. ¿Desea cargar los cambios?
- Merge Request
- Solicitud de combinación
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- El archivo de la base de datos ha cambiado y tiene modificaciones sin guardar. ¿Desea combinar sus modificaciones?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- No se pudo abrir el fichero nuevo de base de datos al intentar cargar automáticamente.
-Error: %1
- Disable safe saves?¿Desactivar almacenajes seguros?
@@ -2701,6 +2815,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?¿Desea eliminar el passkey de este apunte?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ El archivo de base de datos "%1" ha sido modificado externamente
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ ¿Quieres cargar los cambios?
+ Reload database
+ Recargar base de datos
+ Reloading database…
+ Recargando base de datos...
+ Reload canceled
+ Recarga cancelada
+ Reload successful
+ Recarga correcta
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Recargar acción pendiente del usuario...
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ El archivo de base de datos "%1" ha sido modificado externamente.<br>¿Cómo le gustaría proceder?<br><br>Combinar todos los cambios<br>Ignorar los cambios en disco hasta guardar<br>Descartar los cambios no guardados
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ El archivo de base de datos "%1" ha sido modificado externamente.<br>¿Cómo le gustaría proceder?<br><br>Combinar todos los cambios y guardar<br>Sobrescribir los cambios en el disco<br>Descartar los cambios no guardados
+ Database file overwritten.
+ archivo de base de datos sobreescrito
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ El archivo de base de datos en disco no se puede desbloquear con las credenciales actuales.<br>Introduzca nuevas credenciales y/o presente la llave hardware para continuar.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3029,18 +3187,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryDescartar autoenvío para este apunte
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Solo enviar esta configuración al navegador para los diálogos de autenticación HTTP. Si se habilita, los formularios de autenticación no mostrarán este apunte para su selección.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthUsar este apunte solo con autenticación básica HTTP
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- No enviar esta configuración al navegador para los diálogos de autenticación HTTP. Si se habilita, los formularios de autenticación no mostrarán este apunte para su selección.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNo usar este apunte con autenticación básica HTTP
@@ -3065,6 +3215,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLsURLs adiccionales
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Sólo mandar este registro al navegador para los diálogos de Autenticación HTTP. Si está activo, los formularios de registro normales no mostrarán la selección de este registro.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ No enviar este registro al navegador para los diálogos de Autenticación HTTP. Si está activo, los diálogos de Autenticación HTTP no mostrarán la selección de este registro.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3287,6 +3445,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds segundos
+ Clear agent
+ Vaciar campos
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3733,6 +3895,20 @@ Esto puede causar un mal funcionamiento de los complementos afectados.Passkey
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Tipo de conversión no válido: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Sintaxis de conversión no válida: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Sintaxis de expresión regular no válida %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3741,6 +3917,21 @@ Esto puede causar un mal funcionamiento de los complementos afectados.No se puede abrir el archivo «%1»
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulario
+ File name
+ Nombre de archivo
+ File contents...
+ Contenido del archivo...
@@ -3778,14 +3969,6 @@ Esto puede causar un mal funcionamiento de los complementos afectados.Remove
- Rename selected attachment
- Renombrar adjunto seleccionado
- Rename
- Renombrar
- Open selected attachmentAbrir adjunto seleccionado
@@ -3902,6 +4085,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
El adjunto «%1» ya existe.
¿Desea sobrescribir el adjunto existente?
+ New
+ Nuevo
+ Preview
+ Vista previa
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Error al previsualizar un archivo adjunto: Archivo adjunto no encontrado
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4100,6 +4295,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background ColorColor del fondo
+ Group Path
+ Ruta de grupo
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4495,6 +4694,14 @@ Puede habilitar el servicio de iconos del sitio web DuckDuckGo en la sección se
+ Could not load key file.
+ No se puede leer clave en llavero
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ No se ha podido abrir la base de datos remota. La contraseña o el archivo de claves pueden ser incorrectos.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4598,6 +4805,50 @@ Puede habilitar el servicio de iconos del sitio web DuckDuckGo en la sección se
KeePass1 DatabaseBase de datos KeePass1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Exportación JSON de Proton Pass
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Exportación JSON de Proton Pass
+ Temporary Database
+ Base de datos temporal
+ Command:
+ Comando:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Entrada:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ p. ej.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} se utiliza como marcador de posición para almacenar la base de datos en una ubicación temporal
+El comando tiene que salir. En el caso de `sftp` como último comando `exit` tiene que ser enviado
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Base de datos remota (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5738,12 +5989,6 @@ Esta versión no es para uso de producción.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
NOTA: Está utilizando una versión preliminar de KeePassXC.
Espere algunos defectos y problemas menores, esta versión está destinada para uso en pruebas.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ADVERTENCIA: Su versión de Qt puede hacer que KeePassXC se bloquee con un teclado virtual.
-Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descargas.No Tags
@@ -5817,6 +6062,10 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg
Import PasskeyImportar passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ &Sincronización remota...
+ Quit ApplicationSalir
@@ -5921,6 +6170,10 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg
Show Password GeneratorMostrar generador de contraseñas
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Eliminar passkey de apunte
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Realizar escritura automatica: {USERNAME}
@@ -6066,17 +6319,33 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg
Alternar permitir captura de pantalla
- Remote S&ync…
- &Sincronización remota...
+ Show Group Panel
+ Mostrar panel de grupo
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Eliminar passkey de apunte
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Alternar Mostrar panel de grupoSetup Remote Sync…Configurar sincronización remota...
+ Password Generator
+ Generador de contraseñas
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Ca&ducar entrada...
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Borrar agente SSH
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Borrar todas las identidades en ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6227,6 +6496,25 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg
Por favor complete el nombre, y agregue una descripción opcional, para su nueva base de datos:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ El nombre del archivo adjunto no puede estar vacío
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Ya existe un archivo adjunto con el mismo nombre
+ Save attachment
+ Guardar adjunto
+ New entry attachment
+ Nuevo archivo adjunto de entrada
@@ -6771,10 +7059,6 @@ Falta los siguientes datos:
Also choose from:Seleccionar también de:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Caracteres excluidos: «0», «1», «l», «I», «O», «|», «﹒»
- Exclude look-alike charactersExcluir caracteres similares
@@ -6799,10 +7083,6 @@ Falta los siguientes datos:
Word Count:Cantidad de palabras:
- Character Count:
- Número de caracteres:
- Word Case:Capitalización de palabra:
@@ -6815,10 +7095,6 @@ Falta los siguientes datos:
Add custom wordlistAñadir lista de palabras personalizada
- character
- caracter
- CloseCerrar
@@ -6925,6 +7201,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersCaracteres especiales
+ passwordLength
+ Longitud de la contraseña
+ Characters: %1
+ caracteres: %1
+ MIXED case
+ MEZCLAR Mayús/minús
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Carácteres excluidos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6992,6 +7284,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Pulse la tecla &Tab entre caracteres
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Vista previa del archivo adjunto
+ No preview available
+ No hay vista previa disponible
+ Image format not supported
+ Formato de imagen no compatible
@@ -7670,10 +7977,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Número de palabras inválido %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- El listado de palabras es demasiado pequeña (< 1000 elementos)
- Title for the entry.Título para el apunte.
@@ -7818,10 +8121,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Salir de modo interactivo.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formato a usar al exportar. Las opciones disponibles son «xml» o «csv». Por defecto «xml».
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exporta el contenido de la base de datos en la salida estándar en el formato especificado.
@@ -8410,18 +8709,6 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4
file emptyarchivo vacío
- malformed string
- cadena de caracteres mal formada
- missing closing quote
- comilla de cierre faltante
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (fila, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8872,16 +9159,84 @@ Esta opción está obsoleta, use --set-key-file.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Iteracion KDF invalida, no se pudo desencriptar el archivo jsonUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Formato no soportado, asegurate de que tu exportacion Bitwarden esta protegido con contraseñaOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Solo se soportan PBKDF y Argon2, no se uedo desencriptar archivo json
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Restablecer atajos
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Doble clic a una accion para cambiar el atajo
+ Filter...
+ Filtrar...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Conflicto de atajos
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Atajo %1 está en conflicto con «%2». ¿Sobreescribir atajo?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ No se puede generar una frase de contraseña válida porque la lista de palabras es demasiado corta
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Los archivos cifrados no son compatibles.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Importación de Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ ¿Eliminar los datos del complemento?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ ¿Eliminar los datos del complemento del apunte?¿Eliminar los datos del complemento de los apuntes?¿Eliminar los datos del complemento de los apuntes?
+ Passkey
+ Cerrojo
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Formato que se utilizará al exportar. Las opciones disponibles son 'xml', 'csv' o 'html'. Por defecto es 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ iniciar minimizado en la bandeja del sistema
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9014,6 +9369,10 @@ Esta opción está obsoleta, use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir de los informes
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Caducar apunte(s)...Caducar apunte(s)...Caducar entrada(s)...
+ Only show entries that have a URLMostrar solo apuntes que tienen una URL
@@ -9030,36 +9389,33 @@ Esta opción está obsoleta, use --set-key-file.
(Expired) (Expirado)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Eliminando los datos del complemento del apunte...Eliminando los datos del complemento de los apuntes...Eliminando los datos del complemento de los apuntes...
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Pasar por encima del motivo para mostrar detalles adicionales. Doble clic para editar.
+ Show expired entries
+ Mostrar apuntes expirados
- Bad
- Password quality
- Mal
+ (Expired)
+ (Expirado)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Pasar por encima del motivo para mostrar detalles adicionales. Doble clic para editar.Bad — password must be changedMal — la contraseña debe ser cambiada
- Poor
- Password quality
- Pobre
- Poor — password should be changedPobre — la contraseña debería ser cambiada
- Weak
- Password quality
- Débil
- Weak — consider changing the passwordDébil — considere cambiar la contraseña
@@ -9108,18 +9464,14 @@ Esta opción está obsoleta, use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir de los informes
- Show expired entries
- Mostrar apuntes expirados
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Caducar apunte(s)...Caducar apunte(s)...Caducar entrada(s)...Show entries that have been excluded from reportsMostrar apuntes que han sido excluidos de los informes
- (Expired)
- (Expirado)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9215,6 +9567,10 @@ Esta opción está obsoleta, use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir de los informes
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Caducar apunte(s)...Caducar apunte(s)...Caducar entrada(s)...
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9456,6 +9812,14 @@ Esta opción está obsoleta, use --set-key-file.
No agent running, cannot list identities.No hay ningún agente ejecutándose, no se pueden listar identidades.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Error al eliminar todas las identidades SSH del agente.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Todas las identidades SSH eliminadas del agente.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9741,29 +10105,6 @@ Esta opción está obsoleta, use --set-key-file.
Exportar a %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Doble clic a una accion para cambiar el atajo
- Shortcut Conflict
- Conflicto de atajos
- Filter...
- Filtrar...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Atajo %1 está en conflicto con «%2». ¿Sobreescribir atajo?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Restablecer atajos
@@ -10052,14 +10393,18 @@ Ejemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedNo se detectaron claves hardware
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Si posee una <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> o <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, puede usarla para seguridad adicional.</p><p>La clave requiere que una de sus ranuras sea programada como <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysActualizar claves hardware
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Si posee un <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> o <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, puede utilizarlo para mayor seguridad.</p><p>La llave requiere que una de sus ranuras esté programada con <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Se han encontrado llaves hardware, pero no hay ranuras configuradas
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts
index aac84fbec..6628d47cc 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Keele vahetamiseks tuleb KeePassXC uuesti käivitada. Kas teha seda kohe?
- Reset Settings?
- Seadete lähtestamise kinnitus
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Kas oled kindel, et tahad kõik üld- ja turvaseaded lähtestada?
- Select backup storage directoryVarundamise sihtkataloogi valimine
+ Confirm Reset
+ Lähtestamise kinnitus
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Kas oled kindel, et tahad kõik seaded lähtestada?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC seadete importimine
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Failist „%1” seadete importimine ei õnnestunud, tegemist pole korrektse seadete failiga.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC seadete eksportimine
+ Small
+ väike
+ Normal
+ tavaline
+ Medium
+ keskmine
+ Large
+ suur
+ Custom
+ kohandatud
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesSobivad ka beetaversioonid
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Andmebaasi avamisel näidatakse kirjeid, mis
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- on aegunud
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- päeva jooksul
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- aeguvad
- File ManagementFailihaldus
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingEnne salvestamist tehakse andmebaasifailist varukoopia
- Backup destination
- Varundamise sihtkoht:
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Määrab andmebaasi varukoopia salvestuskoha. „{DB_FILENAME}” asendatakse salvestatud andmebaasi failinimega (ilma laiendita). {TIME:<vorming>} asendatakse varundamisajaga, vaata https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. Vaikimisi on <vorming> „dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss” (s.t nt 15_04_2022_13-25-46).
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.vana.kdbx
- Choose...
- Vali...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Alternatiivse salvestusmeetodi kasutamine (võib lahendada probleemid Dropboxi, Google Drive’i, GVFS-i jms-ga)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Viimati sisestatud kirjet mäletatakse:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Andmebaasi avamisel näidatakse kirjeid, mis aeguvad
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Andmebaasi avamisel näidatakse kirjeid, mis aeguvad
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ päeva jooksul
+ Destination format:
+ Sihtfaili nimevorming:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> tähistab salvestatud andmebaasi failinime ilma laiendita.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<vorming>}</span> tähistab määratud vormingus ajaväärtust (vaikimisi: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss).</p><p>Lisateavet leiad käsiraamatust.</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Vali kaust…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Kirjete prügikasti viskamisel küsitakse kinnitust
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Kirjevaates kopeerib topeltklõps väljal selle sisu lõikepuhvrisse
+ Show toolbar
+ Tööriistariba nähtaval
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Peidetud menüüriba puhul saab menüü avada Alt-klahviga
+ Show menubar
+ Menüüriba nähtaval
+ Import settings…
+ Impordi seaded…
+ Export settings…
+ Ekspordi seaded…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Kirjevaates avab topeltklõps URL-il selle brauseris
+ Font size:
+ Fondi suurus:
+ Font size selection
+ Fondisuuruse valik
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelKirjete eelvaatepaneelil varjatakse paroolid täppidega
- Hide entry notes by default
- Vaikimisi peidetakse kirjete märkmed
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Kirjete prügikasti viskamisel kinnitust ei küsita
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Topeltklõps kasutajanime/parooli veerus kopeerib selle lõikepuhvrisse
- PrivacyPrivaatsus
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelKirjete eelvaatepaneelil varjatakse TOTP kood
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Andmebaasid lukustatakse kasutaja vahetamisel
+ Lock Options
+ Lukustamise seaded
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Kirjete eelvaatepaneelil varjatakse märkmed
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1PICKCHARS-automaatsisestuseks määratud atribuuti „%1” kirjes ei leidu.
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Vigane teisendustüüp: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Vigane teisendussüntaks: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Vigane regulaaravaldise süntaks %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Vigane kohahoidja: %1
@@ -891,20 +943,20 @@ Vali, millisesse neist tunnused salvestada tuleks.
Existing passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
- Leidsime olemasoleva pääsuvõtme.
-Kas sa soovid siia registreerida uue pääsuvõtme:
+ Leiti olemasolev pääsuvõti.
+Vali kirje, millele uus pääsuvõti registreerida:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
- Asendamiseks vali olemasolev pääsuvõti ning vajuta „Uuenda“.
+ Vali olemasolev pääsuvõti ja klõpsa selle asendamiseks „Uuenda”.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
- Autendi pääsuvõtme tunnused kirjele:
+ Pääsuvõtme tunnuste autentimine:Do you want to register a passkey for:
- Kas sa soovid sellele kirjele registreerida uue pääsuvõtme:
+ Kirje, millele uus pääsuvõti registreerida:
@@ -989,17 +1041,17 @@ Kas lubad selle kirje kustutada?
Register a new passkey to this entry:
- Registreeri uus pääsuvõti selle kirje jaoks:
+ Registreeri uus pääsuvõti sellesse kirjesse:KeePassXC - Update passkey
- KeePassXC - Uuenda pääsuvõti
+ Pääsuvõtme uuendamine – KeePassXCEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Kirjel „%1“ on juba pääsuvõti.
-Kas soovid %1 uue pääsuvõtmega %2 üle kirjutada?
+ Kirjel „%1” on juba pääsuvõti.
+Kas soovid selle uue pääsuvõtmega (%2) üle kirjutada?Register
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Kas soovid %1 uue pääsuvõtmega %2 üle kirjutada?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- <i>Snap</i>’ina paigaldatud brausereid praegu ei toetata.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Lubatakse lõimimine järgmiste brauseritega:
@@ -1241,15 +1289,19 @@ Kas soovid %1 uue pääsuvõtmega %2 üle kirjutada?
Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
- Märkimisel saad pääsuvõtmete testimiseks kasutada ebaturvalist aadressi http://localhost.
+ Märkimisel lubatakse pääsuvõtmete testimiseks kasutada ebaturvalist aadressi http://localhost.Allow using localhost with passkeys
- Lubata localhosti kasutamist pääsuvõtmetega
+ Lubatakse localhosti kasutamine pääsuvõtmetegaKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Lõimingu toimimiseks peab brauserile olema paigaldatud laiendus KeePassXC-Browser. <br />See on saadaval %1i, %2’i ja %3’i jaoks.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Kui paigaldatud veebibrauser on pakendatud Snapina või Flatpakina, siis KeepassXC tugi puudub, välja arvatud Snapina paigaldatud Firefoxi puhul.
@@ -1395,12 +1447,17 @@ Kas soovid %1 uue pääsuvõtmega %2 üle kirjutada?
No Title Selected
+ Pealkirja pole valitudNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Pealkirjaveergu ei määratud, seega saab olema raske kirjeid eristada.
+Kas oled kindel, et soovid importida?
+ Tags
+ Sildid
@@ -1465,6 +1522,14 @@ Varuandmebaasi asukoht: %2
Recycle BinPrügikast
+ Database file read error.
+ Viga andmebaasifaili lugemisel.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Faili askukohta ei antud.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1613,14 +1678,6 @@ Selle veateate ilmumise vältimiseks peaksid avama andmebaasi seadetes turvalisu
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Lisaks paroolile saab andmebaasi turvalisuse suurendamiseks kasutada võtmefaili. Selle saab genereerida andmebaasi turvaseadetes.</p><p>See <strong>ei ole</strong> sinu *.kdbx andmebaasifail!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Klõpsa võtmefaili lisamiseks.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Mul on võtmefail</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Riistvaralise võtme kasutamine (seerianumber: %1)
@@ -1657,6 +1714,18 @@ Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle failiga jätkata?
Refresh Hardware KeysVärskenda riistvaraliste võtmete loendit
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Klõpsa võtmefaili lisamiseks.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Mul on võtmefail</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Leiti riistvaraline võti, kuid ühtki pesa pole seadistatud.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1691,9 +1760,21 @@ Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle failiga jätkata?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Saladuste teenuse lõiming
+ Remote Sync
+ Sünkimine
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Andmebaasi seaded: %1
@@ -1871,7 +1952,7 @@ Kas oled kindel, et soovid jätkata ilma paroolita?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ Sisestatud parool ei vasta kvaliteedinõuetele.
@@ -2174,6 +2255,50 @@ eemaldatakse kirje andmebaasist.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxAutomaatsalvestusega viivitamise märkeruut
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Andmebaasi avalikud metaandmed
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ <b>Hoiatus:</b> need seaded pole krüptitud.
+ Display name:
+ Kuvatav nimi:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Luku avamise dialoogis näidatav nimi
+ Database public display name
+ Andmebaasi avalikult kuvatav nimi
+ Display color:
+ Kuvatav värv:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Luku avamise dialoogis näidatav värv
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Andmebaasi avalikult kuvatava värvi valimine
+ Clear
+ Puhasta
+ Display icon:
+ Kuvatav ikoon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Andmebaasi ikooni valimine
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2273,7 +2398,7 @@ eemaldatakse kirje andmebaasist.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ SünkimiskäsudRemove
@@ -2281,7 +2406,7 @@ eemaldatakse kirje andmebaasist.
Command Settings
+ KäsuseadedName
@@ -2293,75 +2418,75 @@ eemaldatakse kirje andmebaasist.
+ AllalaadimineCommand:
+ Käsk:Download command field
+ Allalaadimiskäsu välie.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ nt „sftp kasutaja@masinanimi” või „scp kasutaja@masinanimi:Andmebaas_kaugarvutis.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}”Input:
+ Sisend:Download input field
+ Allalaadimise sisendiväliUpload
+ ÜleslaadimineUpload command field
+ Üleslaadimiskäsu välie.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ nt „sftp kasutaja@masinanimi” või „scp {TEMP_DATABASE} kasutaja@masinanimi:Andmebaas_kaugarvutis.kdbx”Upload input field
+ Üleslaadimise sisendiväliName cannot be empty.
+ Nimi ei saa olla tühi.Test
+ TestiDownload command cannot be empty.
+ Allalaadimiskäsk ei saa olla tühi.Download failed with error: %1
+ Allalaadimine ebaõnnestus, veateade: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ Allalaadimine lõpetati, aga faili „%1” ei leitud.Download successful.
+ Allalaadimine valmis.Save Remote Settings
+ Salvesta sünkimisseadistusYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ Sul on salvestamata muudatusi. Kas tahad need salvestada?e.g.:
@@ -2371,7 +2496,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ nt:
+get Andmebaas_kaugarvutis.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} on kohahoidja, mis tähistab ajutisse asukohta salvestatud andmebaasi.
+Käsk peab oma töö lõpetama, nt „sftp” puhul peab viimane saadetav käsk olema „exit”.
+ e.g.:
@@ -2381,7 +2512,21 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ nt:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} Andmebaas_kaugarvutis.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} on kohahoidja, mis tähistab ajutisse asukohta salvestatud andmebaasi.
+Käsk peab oma töö lõpetama, nt „sftp” puhul peab viimane saadetav käsk olema „exit”.
+ Timeout:
+ Ajalimiit:
+ seconds
+ sekundit
@@ -2460,7 +2605,7 @@ See on kahtlemata programmiviga – palun anna sellest arendajatele teada!
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [ajutine]
@@ -2585,26 +2730,6 @@ Kas salvestada muudatused?
File has changedFaili on muudetud
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Andmebaasifaili on muudetud. Kas tahad selle uuesti avada?
- Merge Request
- Mestimistaotlus
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Andmebaasifaili on muudetud, aga sinul on salvestamata muudatusi.
-Kas tahad oma muudatused mestida?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Automaatse taaslaadimise käigus polnud uut andmebaasifaili võimalik avada.
-Veateade: %1
- Disable safe saves?Turvalise salvestamise keelamine
@@ -2658,19 +2783,19 @@ Kas keelata turvaline salvestamine ja proovida seejärel uuesti?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Sünkimisseadistus ei sisalda alla- ega üleslaadimiskäske.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Sünkimine „%1” kenasti lõpetatud!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Sünkimine „%1” ebaõnnestus: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Andmebaasi „%1” salvestamisel tekkis tõrge: %2Downloading...
@@ -2678,19 +2803,63 @@ Kas keelata turvaline salvestamine ja proovida seejärel uuesti?
+ Üleslaadimine...Syncing...
+ Sünkimine...Remove passkey from entry
- Eemalda pääsuvõti kirjelt
+ Kirjelt pääsuvõtme eemaldamineDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
- Kas sa soovid eemalda selle pääsuvõtme sellelt kirjelt?
+ Kas soovid sellelt kirjelt pääsuvõtme eemaldada?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Andmebaasifaili „%1” on väljastpoolt muudetud
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Kas tahad muudatused laadida?
+ Reload database
+ Laadi andmebaas uuesti
+ Reloading database…
+ Andmebaasi uuestilaadimine…
+ Reload canceled
+ Uuestilaadimine tühistati
+ Reload successful
+ Uuestilaadimine valmis
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Uuestilaadimine ootab kasutaja tegevust…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Andmebaasifaili „%1” on väljastpoolt muudetud.<br>Kuidas soovid jätkata?<br><br>Mesti kõik muudatused<br>Eira muudatusi kuni salvestamiseni<br>Loobu salvestamata muudatustest
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Andmebaasifaili „%1” on väljastpoolt muudetud.<br>Kuidas soovid jätkata?<br><br>Mesti kõik muudatused ja seejärel salvesta andmebaas<br>Kirjuta muudetud fail üle<br>Loobu salvestamata muudatustest
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Andmebaasifail ülekirjutatud.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Praegu kehtivate tunnustega ei õnnestunud andmebaasifaili lukku avada.<br>Jätkamiseks sisesta uued tunnused ja/või ühenda riistvaraline võti.
@@ -2847,7 +3016,7 @@ Kas soovid vea parandada?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
- SSH-võtme dekrüptimine ei õnnestunud. Palun kontrolli, et kasutad õiget salasõna.
+ SSH-võtme lahtikrüptimine ebaõnnestus. Vaata, et parool oleks õige.
@@ -3022,18 +3191,10 @@ isegi kui see ei vasta kvaliteedinõuetele. Märgi see ruut, kui parooli keeruku
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryAutomaatsisestus jäetakse selle kirje puhul vahele
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Märkimisel saadetakse see kirje brauserile ainult HTTP autentimisdialoogide puhul ning tavaliste sisselogimisvormide korral seda kirjet valida ei saa.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthSeda kirjet kasutatakse vaid HTTP lihtautentimisel
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Märkimisel seda kirjet HTTP autentimisdialoogide puhul brauserile ei saadeta ning HTTP autentimisdialoogides seda kirjet valida ei saa.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthSeda kirjet HTTP lihtautentimisel ei kasutata
@@ -3056,7 +3217,15 @@ isegi kui see ei vasta kvaliteedinõuetele. Märgi see ruut, kui parooli keeruku
Additional URLs
- Täiendavad URLid
+ Lisa-URL-id
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Märkimisel saadetakse see kirje brauserile ainult HTTP autentimisdialoogide puhul ning tavaliste sisselogimisvormide korral seda kirjet valida ei saa.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Märkimisel seda kirjet HTTP autentimisdialoogide puhul brauserile ei saadeta ning HTTP autentimisdialoogides seda kirjet valida ei saa.
@@ -3280,6 +3449,10 @@ isegi kui see ei vasta kvaliteedinõuetele. Märgi see ruut, kui parooli keeruku
seconds sekundit
+ Clear agent
+ Tühjenda agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3435,7 +3608,7 @@ isegi kui see ei vasta kvaliteedinõuetele. Märgi see ruut, kui parooli keeruku
- sünkroonimine
+ sünkimineYour KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type.
@@ -3726,6 +3899,20 @@ See võib põhjustada asjaomaste pluginate töös tõrkeid.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Vigane teisendustüüp: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Vigane teisendussüntaks: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Vigane regulaaravaldise süntaks %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3734,6 +3921,21 @@ See võib põhjustada asjaomaste pluginate töös tõrkeid.
Faili „%1” avamine pole võimalik
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Vorm
+ File name
+ Faili nimi
+ File contents...
+ Faili sisu…
@@ -3771,14 +3973,6 @@ See võib põhjustada asjaomaste pluginate töös tõrkeid.
- Rename selected attachment
- Muuda valitud kaasatud faili nime
- Rename
- Muuda nime
- Open selected attachmentAva valitud kaasatud fail
@@ -3894,6 +4088,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Kaasatud fail nimega „%1” on juba olemas.
Kas soovid selle faili uuega üle kirjutada?
+ New
+ Uus
+ Preview
+ Eelvaade
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Kaasatud faili eelvaate loomine ebaõnnestus: kaasatud faili ei leitud
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4092,6 +4298,10 @@ Kas soovid selle faili uuega üle kirjutada?
Background ColorTaustavärv
+ Group Path
+ Grupi asukoht
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4486,6 +4696,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Võtmefaili ei õnnestunud laadida.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Võrguandmebaasi ei õnnestunud avada. Küllap oli parool või võtmefail vale.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4589,6 +4807,50 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass 1 andmebaas
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Passi JSON-eksport
+ Temporary Database
+ Ajutisse andmebaasi
+ Command:
+ Käsk:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ nt „sftp kasutaja@masinanimi” või „scp kasutaja@masinanimi:Andmebaas_kaugarvutis.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}”
+ Input:
+ Sisend:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ nt:
+get Andmebaas_kaugarvutis.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} on kohahoidja, mis tähistab ajutisse asukohta salvestatud andmebaasi.
+Käsk peab oma töö lõpetama, nt „sftp” puhul peab viimane saadetav käsk olema „exit”.
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Andmebaas võrgus (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5202,7 +5464,7 @@ Kui probleem püsib, võib andmebaasifail olla rikutud.
Synchronized with %1
- Sünkroonitud asukohaga „%1”
+ Süngitud asukohaga „%1”Import is disabled in settings
@@ -5226,7 +5488,7 @@ Kui probleem püsib, võib andmebaasifail olla rikutud.
Synchronized with
- Sünkroonitud asukohaga
+ Süngitud asukohaga
@@ -5674,7 +5936,7 @@ Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle failiga jätkata?
Show Menubar
- Näita menüüriba
+ &Menüüriba nähtavalShow Toolbar
@@ -5730,12 +5992,6 @@ See versioon ei ole mõeldud töökeskkonnas kasutamiseks.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
NB: kasutad KeePassXC testversiooni.
Eeldatavasti leidub selles programmivigu ja muid väiksemaid hädasid – see versioon on mõeldud testimiseks, mitte töökeskkonnas kasutamiseks.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- HOIATUS: sinu Qt versioon võib põhjustada KeePassXC kokkujooksmist ekraaniklaviatuuri kasutamisel.
-Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.No Tags
@@ -5809,6 +6065,10 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.Import Passkey
Impordi pääsuvõti
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Sünkimine...
+ Quit ApplicationVälju rakendusest
@@ -5913,6 +6173,10 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.Show Password Generator
Kuva parooligeneraator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Eemalda kirjelt pääsuvõti
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Soorita automaatsisestus: {USERNAME}
@@ -6058,16 +6322,32 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.Lülita akna pildistamise lubamist
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Gruppide paneel nähtaval
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Eemalda pääsuvõti kirjelt
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Lülita gruppide paneeli nähtavustSetup Remote Sync…
+ Seadista sünkimine...
+ Password Generator
+ Parooligeneraator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Märgi kirje &aegunuks…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Tühjenda SSH agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Eemalda SSH agendilt kõik identiteedid
@@ -6128,11 +6408,11 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.
Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2]
- Sünkroonimine uuema allikaga „%1” [%2]
+ Sünkimine uuema allikaga „%1” [%2]Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2]
- Sünkroonimine vanema allikaga „%1” [%2]
+ Sünkimine vanema allikaga „%1” [%2]Deleting child %1 [%2]
@@ -6219,6 +6499,25 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.Sisesta oma uuele andmebaasile kuvanimi ja soovi korral kirjeldus:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Kaasatud faili nimi ei saa olla tühi.
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Sellise nimega kaasatud fail on juba olemas.
+ Save attachment
+ Kaasatud faili salvestamine
+ New entry attachment
+ Uus kaasatud fail
@@ -6458,7 +6757,7 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.
Export the following passkey entries.
- Ekspordi järgnevad pääsuvõtme kirjed.
+ Eksportimisel on järgnevad pääsuvõtmekirjed.
@@ -6531,15 +6830,15 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
Import the following passkey:
- Impordi järgnev pääsuvõti:
+ Importimisel on järgnev pääsuvõti:Import the following passkey to this entry:
- Impordi järgnev pääsuvõti sellele kirjele:
+ Importimisel on järgnev pääsuvõti sellesse kirjesse:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
- Vaikimisi pääsuvõtmete grupp („Imporditud pääsuvõtmed“)
+ Vaikimisi pääsuvõtmete grupp („Imporditud pääsuvõtmed”)
@@ -6562,7 +6861,7 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
Open passkey file
- Ava pääsuvõtme fail
+ Pääsuvõtmefaili avamineCannot import passkey
@@ -6570,19 +6869,19 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
Cannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
- Pääsuvõtmefaili „%1“ importimine pole võimalik. Andmed on puudu.
+ Pääsuvõtmefaili „%1” importimine pole võimalik. Andmed on puudu.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
- Pääsuvõtmefaili „%1“ importimine pole võimalik.
+ Pääsuvõtmefaili „%1” importimine pole võimalik.
Järgmised andmed on puudu:
%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
- Pääsuvõtmefaili „%1“ importimine pole võimalik. Privaatvõti on puudu või vigane.
+ Pääsuvõtmefaili „%1” importimine pole võimalik. Privaatvõti on puudu või vigane.
@@ -6763,10 +7062,6 @@ Järgmised andmed on puudu:
Also choose from:Lisamärgid:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Määrab, kas välistada märgid nagu „0”, „O”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „|”, „﹒”
- Exclude look-alike charactersSarnase välimusega märgid jäetakse välja
@@ -6791,10 +7086,6 @@ Järgmised andmed on puudu:
Word Count:Sõnade arv:
- Character Count:
- Märkide arv:
- Word Case:Täheregister:
@@ -6807,10 +7098,6 @@ Järgmised andmed on puudu:
Add custom wordlistLisa kohandatud sõnaloend
- character
- märk
- CloseSulge
@@ -6917,6 +7204,22 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
Special CharactersErimärgid
+ passwordLength
+ parooli_pikkus
+ Characters: %1
+ Märkide arv: %1
+ MIXED case
+ MÕLEMAD vaheldumisi
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Määrab, kas välistada märgid nagu „0”, „O”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „|”, „﹒”, „B”, „8”, „G”, „6”
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6984,6 +7287,21 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
Märkide vahel „vajutatakse” &tabeldusklahvi
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Kaasatud faili eelvaade
+ No preview available
+ Eelvaade pole saadaval
+ Image format not supported
+ Toetamata pildivorming
@@ -7662,10 +7980,6 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
Invalid word count %1Sobimatu sõnade arv %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Sõnaloend on liiga väike (< 1000 elementi)
- Title for the entry.Kirje pealkiri
@@ -7810,10 +8124,6 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
Exit interactive mode.Väljumine interaktiivsest režiimist.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Eksportimisel kasutatav vorming. Valida on "xml" ja "csv". Vaikimisi "xml".
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Andmebaasi sisu määratavas vormingus standardväljundisse eksportimine.
@@ -8402,18 +8712,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyfail on tühi
- malformed string
- vigane string
- missing closing quote
- puuduv lõpujutumärk
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (rida, veerg) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES: 256-bitine
@@ -8657,8 +8955,8 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Set the key file for the database.
This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- Määra andmebaasi jaoks võtmefail.
-See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
+ Andmebaasile võtmefaili määramine.
+See argument on iganenud, kasuta parem "--set-key-file".Databases have been locked.
@@ -8750,7 +9048,7 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
Origin is empty or not allowed
- Lähtedomeen on puudu või keelatud
+ Lähtedomeen on tühi või lubamatuEffective domain is not a valid domain
@@ -8758,7 +9056,7 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
Origin and RP ID do not match
- Lähtedomeen ja RP ID ei kattu omavahel
+ Lähtedomeeni ja sõltlase ID ei klapiNo supported algorithms were provided
@@ -8860,19 +9158,87 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
Unknown passkeys error
- Pääsuvõtmega seotud tundmatu viga
+ Tundmatu tõrge pääsuvõtmegaInvalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Sobimatu KDF-i iteratsioonide arv, JSON-faili lahtikrüptimine pole võimalikUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Toetamata vorming, vaata, et Bitwardeni eksport oleks parooliga kaitstudOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Toetatud on ainult PBKDF ja Argon2, JSON-faili lahtikrüptimine pole võimalik
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Lähtesta kiirklahvid
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Kiirklahvi muutmiseks tee vastaval real topeltklõps.
+ Filter...
+ Filter…
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Kiirklahvide konflikt
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Kiirklahviga %1 on juba seotud toiming „%2”. Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Sobivaid paroolifraase pole võimalik genereerida, kuna sõnaloend on liiga lühike
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Krüptitud faile ei toetata
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Passist imporditud
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Plugina andmete kustutamise kinnitus
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Kas kustutada kirjest plugina andmed?Kas kustutada kirjetest plugina andmed?
+ Passkey
+ Pääsuvõti
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Eksportimisel kasutatav vorming. Valikus on „xml“, „csv“ ja „html“. Vaikimisi vorming on „xml“.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ Käivitamine süsteemisalve minimeerituna.
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ vigases vormis sõne, võimalik mitteeemaldatud eraldaja
+ missing closing delimiter
+ lõpetav eraldaja on puudu
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1, rida: %2, veerg: %3
+ Tags
+ Sildid
@@ -8913,31 +9279,31 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Käsk „%1” ei lõpetanud tööd mõistliku aja jooksul. Protsess lõpetati sunniviisiliselt.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Mestitud andmebaasi üleslaadmine ebaõnnestus. Käsk „%1” ei lõpetanud tööd mõistliku aja jooksul. Protsess lõpetati sunniviisiliselt.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Anti sobimatud allalaadimisparameetrid.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ Käsul „%1” ei õnnestunud andmebaasi alla laadida.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ Anti sobimatu adnmebaasiviide või sobimatud üleslaadimisparameetrid.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Käsk „%1” lõpetas töö olekukoodiga %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Mestitud andmebaasi üleslaadmine ebaõnnestus. Käsk „%1” lõpetas töö olekukoodiga %2
@@ -9004,54 +9370,55 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
Exclude from reports
- Jäta aruannetest välja
+ Jäetakse aruannetest välja
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Märgi kirje aegunuks…Märgi kirjed aegunuks…Only show entries that have a URL
- Näita ainult kirjeid, millel on URL määratud
+ Näidatakse ainult kirjeid, millel on URL määratudOnly show entries that have been explicitly allowed or denied
- Näita ainult kirjeid, mis on üheselt lubatud või keelatud
+ Näidatakse ainult kirjeid, millel on lubatud või keelatud URLShow expired entries
- Näita ka aegunud kirjeid
+ Näidatakse ka aegunud kirjeid (Expired) (aegunud)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Kustuta kirjest plugina andmed…Kustuta kirjetest plugina andmed…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Põhjuse kohta täpsema teabe saamiseks hoia hiirekursorit selle kohal. Kirje muutmiseks tee topeltklõps.
+ Show expired entries
+ Näidatakse ka aegunud kirjeid
- Bad
- Password quality
- Kohutav
+ (Expired)
+ (aegunud)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Põhjuse kohta täpsema teabe saamiseks hoia hiirekursorit selle kohal. Kirje muutmiseks tee topeltklõps.Bad — password must be changedKohutav – palun muuda parooli
- Poor
- Password quality
- Kehv
- Poor — password should be changedKehv – parooli tuleks muuta
- Weak
- Password quality
- Nõrk
- Weak — consider changing the passwordNõrk – kaalu parooli muutmist
@@ -9100,18 +9467,14 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
Exclude from reportsJäetakse aruannetest välja
- Show expired entries
- Näidatakse ka aegunud kirjeid
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Märgi kirje aegunuks…Märgi kirjed aegunuks…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsNäidatakse ka muidu aruannetest välja jäetavaid kirjeid
- (Expired)
- (aegunud)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9207,6 +9570,10 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
Exclude from reportsJäetakse aruannetest välja
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Märgi kirje aegunuks…Märgi kirjed aegunuks…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9264,15 +9631,15 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
- Kui pääsuvõtme fail jääb turvamata, siis on võimalik teda varastada ja väärkasutada. Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid jätkata?
+ Kui jätad pääsuvõtmetega faili turvamata, võidakse see varastada või seda ilma loata kasutada. Kas oled kindel, et soovid jätkata?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
- Palun oota, uuendame pääsuvõtmega kirjete nimekirja…
+ Palun oota, pääsuvõtmega kirjete nimekirja uuendatakse…No entries with passkeys.
- Ühtegi pääsuvõtmega kirjet ei leidu.
+ Ühtegi pääsuvõtmega kirjet pole.
@@ -9448,6 +9815,14 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Ükski agent ei tööta, identiteete pole võimalik loetleda.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Kõigi identiteetide eemaldamine SSH agendilt ebaõnnestus.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Kõik identiteedid SSH agendilt eemaldatud.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9622,15 +9997,11 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
<html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>See valik ei asenda prügikasti kasutuselt eemaldamise kinnitusi</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Selle ruudu märkimisel pole mõju, kui prügikasti viskamisel kinnituse küsimine on välja lülitatud.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>See valik parandab ühilduvust teatud rakendustega,
- mis otsivad parooli ilma esmalt andmebaasi lukku avamata.</p><p>Samas võib see
- põhjustada kliendi kokkujooksmise, kui andmebaasi lukku piisavalt kiiresti ei õnnestu avada.
- (Tavaline ajalimiit on 25 s, aga selle võib eri rakenduste puhul erinevalt määrata.)</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Märkimine parandab ühilduvust teatud rakendustega, mis otsivad parooli ilma esmalt andmebaasi lukku avamata.</p><p>Samas võib see põhjustada kliendi kokkujooksmise, kui andmebaasi lukku piisavalt kiiresti ei avata. (Tavaline ajalimiit on 25 s, aga see võib eri rakenduste puhul erineda.)</p></body></html>
@@ -9737,29 +10108,6 @@ See valik on aegunud, pigem kasuta „--set-key-file“.
Eksportimine asukohta „%1”
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Kiirklahvi muutmiseks tee vastaval real topeltklõps.
- Shortcut Conflict
- Kiirklahvide konflikt
- Filter...
- Filter
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Kiirklahviga %1 on juba seotud toiming „%2”. Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Lähtesta kiirklahvid
@@ -10048,14 +10396,18 @@ Näide: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedriistvaralisi võtmeid ei tuvastatud
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Kui sul on <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> või <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> turvavõti, võid lisaturvalisuse nimel seda kasutada.</p><p>Võtme ühe pesa peab programmeerima <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 pretensiooni ja vastusena</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysVärskenda riistvaraliste võtmete loendit
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Kui sul on <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> või <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> turvavõti, võid lisaturvalisuse nimel seda kasutada.</p><p>Võtme ühe pesa peab programmeerima <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">pretensiooni ja vastusena</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Leiti riistvaraline võti, kuid ühtki pesa pole seadistatud
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts
index 94ce062c1..57a12471c 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Ohjelma täytyy käynnistää uudelleen, jotta uusi kieli voidaan ottaa käyttöön. Haluatko käynnistää uudelleen nyt?
- Reset Settings?
- Palauta asetukset?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Haluatko varmasti palauttaa kaikki yleiset ja turvallisuusasetukset oletuksiin?
- Select backup storage directoryValitse varmuuskopion hakemistopolku
+ Confirm Reset
+ Vahvista palauttaminen
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Haluatko varmasti palauttaa kaikki asetukset oletuksiinsa?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Tuo KeePassXC-asetukset
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Ei voitu tuoda asetuksia tiedostosta %1: ei ole kelvollinen asetustiedosto.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Vie KeePassXC-asetukset
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesSisällytä betajulkaisut päivityksiä tarkistaessa
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Tietokannan avauksen yhteydessä, näytä tietueet jotka
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ovat vanhentuneet
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- päivää
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- vanhentuvat ajan sisällä
- File ManagementTiedostohallinta
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingOta tietokannasta varmuuskopio ennen tallentamista
- Backup destination
- Varmuuskopion sijainti
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Määrittää tietokannan varmuuskopion sijainnin. "{DB_FILENAME}" -merkkijonot korvataan tietokannan tiedostonimellä ilman tiedostopäätettä. {TIME:<format>} korvataan varmuuskopion aikaleimalla (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString).<format>Aikaleiman vakiomuoto on "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Valitse...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Käytä vaihtoehtoista tallennusmetodia (voi ratkaista ongelmia Dropboxin, Google Driven GVFS:n, ymv. kanssa)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Muista edellinen syötetty tietue:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Tietokannan lukitusta avattaessa näytä tietueet, jotka vanhenevat
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Tietokannan lukitusta avattaessa näytä tietueet, jotka vanhenevat
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ päivää
+ Destination format:
+ Kohdemuoto:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> korvataan tallennettavan tietokannan päätteettömällä tiedostonimellä</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> korvataan määrityksen mukaisella aikaleimalla (oletus: pp_KK_vvvv_tt-mm-ss)</p><p>Lisätietoa löytyy käyttöoppaasta</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Valitse kansio…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Pyydä vahvistus ennen tietueiden siirtämistä roskakoriin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Kopioi tiedot kaksoisnapsautettaessa kenttää tietuenäkymässä
+ Show toolbar
+ Näytä työkalupalkki
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Näytä valikko painettaessa Alt-näppäintä
+ Show menubar
+ Näytä valikkorivi
+ Import settings…
+ Tuo asetukset…
+ Export settings…
+ Vie asetukset…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Avaa selain kaksoisnapsautettaessa verkko-osoitekenttää tietuenäkymässä
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelPiilota salasanat tietueiden esikatselupaneelissa
- Hide entry notes by default
- Piilota tietueiden muistiinpanot
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Siirrä tietueet roskakoriin ilman varmistusta
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Ota tuplaklikkaus käyttöön kopioidaksesi käyttäjätunnuksen/salasanan sarakkeita
- PrivacyYksityisyys
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelPiilota TOTP merkinnän esikatselupaneelista
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lukitse tietokanta, jos käyttäjää vaihdetaan
+ Lock Options
+ Lukitse valinnat
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Piilota muistiinpanot tietueen esikatselupaneelista
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Merkintä ei sisällä attribuuttia PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Virheellinen muunnoksen tyyppi: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Virheellinen muutoksen syntaksi: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Virheellinen Regex-syntaksi %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Virheellinen paikkamerkki: %1
@@ -882,7 +934,7 @@ Valitse tietokanta, johon tiedot tallennetaan.
KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
- KeePassXC - Passkeyn tunnistetiedot
+ KeePassXC - Pääsyavaimen tunnistetiedotAdd to existing entry
@@ -891,20 +943,20 @@ Valitse tietokanta, johon tiedot tallennetaan.
Existing passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
- Olemassa oleva passkey löytyi
-Haluatko rekisteröidä uuden passkeyn sivustolle:
+ Olemassa oleva pääsyavain löytyi
+Haluatko rekisteröidä uuden pääsyavaimen sivustolle:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
- Valitse olemassa oleva passkey ja klikkaa Päivitä korvataksesi se.
+ Valitse olemassa oleva pääsyavain ja klikkaa Päivitä korvataksesi se.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
- Kirjaudu passkey-tunnuksilla sivustolle:
+ Kirjaudu pääsyavaimella sivustolle:Do you want to register a passkey for:
- Haluatko rekisteröidä passkeyn sivustolle:
+ Haluatko rekisteröidä pääsyavaimen sivustolle:
@@ -952,7 +1004,7 @@ Haluatko poistaa tietueen?
%1 (Passkey)
- %1 (passkey)
+ %1 (pääsyavain)KeePassXC - Create a new group
@@ -980,25 +1032,25 @@ Haluatko poistaa tietueen?
- Passkey
+ PääsyavainKeePassXC - Passkey credentials
- KeePassXC - Passkeyn tunnistetiedot
+ KeePassXC - Pääsyavaimen tunnistetiedotRegister a new passkey to this entry:
- Rekisteröi uusi passkey tähän tietueeseen:
+ Rekisteröi uusi pääsyavain tähän tietueeseen:KeePassXC - Update passkey
- KeePassXC - Päivitä passkey
+ KeePassXC - Päivitä pääsyavainEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Tietueella on jo passkey.
-Haluatko ylikirjoittaa passkeyn %1 - %2?
+ Tietueella on jo pääsyavain.
+Haluatko ylikirjoittaa pääsyavaimen %1 - %2?Register
@@ -1023,10 +1075,6 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa passkeyn %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Snapin kautta asennetut selaimet eivät ole tällä hetkellä tuettuja.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Käytä integraatiota seuraaville selaimille:
@@ -1240,14 +1288,18 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa passkeyn %1 - %2?
Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
- Sallii turvattoman http://localhost:in käyttämisen passkeyn kanssa testaamistarkoituksessa.
+ Sallii turvattoman http://localhost:in käyttämisen pääsyavainten kanssa testaamistarkoituksessa.Allow using localhost with passkeys
- Salli localhostin käyttö passkeyn kanssa
+ Salli localhostin käyttö pääsyavainten kanssaKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser tarvitaan selainintegraation toimimista varten.<br />Lataa se seuraaville selaimille: %1, %2 ja %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1394,12 +1446,17 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa passkeyn %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ Otsikkoa ei ole valittuNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tietueet voi olla hankala erottaa toisistaan, sillä otsikkosaraketta ei ole valittu.
+Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa tuontia?
+ Tags
+ Tagit
@@ -1464,6 +1521,14 @@ Tietokannan varmuuskopio paikannettu: %2
Recycle BinRoskakori
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1612,14 +1677,6 @@ Jos et halua nähdä tätä virhettä uudestaan, mene "Tietokannan asetukse
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Pääsalasanan lisäksi voit käyttää salaista tiedostoa tietokantasi tietoturvan vahvistamiseksi. Tämä tiedosto voidaan tarvittaessa luoda tietokantasi turvallisuusasetuksista.</p><p>Tämä salainen tiedosto <strong>ei</strong> ole *.kdbx -tietokantatiedosto!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Klikkaa asettaaksesi avaintiedosto
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Minulla on avaintiedosto</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Käytä laiteavainta [Sarjanumero: %1]
@@ -1656,6 +1713,18 @@ Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa tämän tiedoston käyttämistä?Refresh Hardware Keys
Uudista laiteavaimet
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Klikkaa asettaaksesi avaintiedosto
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Minulla on avaintiedosto</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1690,10 +1759,22 @@ Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa tämän tiedoston käyttämistä?Maintenance
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Secret Service -integraatio
+ Remote SyncEtäsynkronointi
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1870,7 +1951,7 @@ Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa ilman salasanaa?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ Annettu salasana ei täytä laadullisia minimivaatimuksia.
@@ -2163,6 +2244,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxMuutosta seuraavan automaattitallennuksen viiveen valintalaatikko
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Varoitus: seuraavia asetuksia ei ole salattu.
+ Display name:
+ Näyttönimi:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Lukituksen avausikkunassa julkisesti näkyvä näyttönimi
+ Database public display name
+ Tietokannan julkinen näyttönimi
+ Display color:
+ Näyttöväri:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Lukituksen avausikkunassa julkisesti näkyvä väri
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Tietokannan julkisen näyttövärin valitsin
+ Clear
+ Tyhjennä
+ Display icon:
+ Näyttökuvake:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Valitse tietokantakuvake
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2384,6 +2509,14 @@ exit
Komennon täytyy suoriutua. `sftp` -komennon ollessa viimeinen komento, `exit` täytyy lähettää.
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ sekuntia
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2586,26 +2719,6 @@ Tallenna muutokset?
File has changedTiedosto on muuttunut
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Tietokantatiedosto on muuttunut. Haluatko ladata muutokset?
- Merge Request
- Yhdistämispyyntö
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Tietokantatiedosto on muuttunut, ja sinulla on tallentamattomia muutoksia.
-Haluatko yhdistää muutoksesi?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Uutta tietokantaa ei voitu avata automaattisen uudelleenlatauksen yhteydessä.
-Virhe: %1
- Disable safe saves?Ota turvallinen tallennus pois käytöstä?
@@ -2687,11 +2800,55 @@ Ota turvallinen tallennus pois käytöstä ja yritä uudelleen?
Remove passkey from entry
- Poista passkey tietueesta
+ Poista pääsyavain tietueestaDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
- Haluatko poistaa passkeyn tästä tietueesta?
+ Haluatko poistaa pääsyavaimen tästä tietueesta?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -3021,18 +3178,10 @@ Haluatko korjata sen?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryÄlä salli automaattisyöttöä tälle tietueelle
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Lähetä tämä tietue vain HTTP-autentikaatiodialogeihin. Jos asetus on päällä, tavalliset kirjautumiskentät eivät näytä tätä tietuetta listassa.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthKäytä tietuetta vain HTTP Basic -autentikaatioon
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Älä lähetä tätä tietuetta HTTP-autentikaatiodialogeihin. Jos asetus on päällä, tämä tietue näkyy vain tavallisissa kirjautumiskentissä.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthÄlä käytä tätä tietuetta HTTP Basic -autentikaatioon
@@ -3057,6 +3206,14 @@ Haluatko korjata sen?
Additional URLsLisäosoitteet
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Lähetä tämä tietue vain HTTP-autentikaatiodialogeihin. Jos asetus on päällä, tavalliset kirjautumiskentät eivät näytä tätä tietuetta listassa.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Älä lähetä tätä tietuetta HTTP-autentikaatiodialogeihin. Jos asetus on päällä, tämä tietue näkyy vain tavallisissa kirjautumiskentissä.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3279,6 +3436,10 @@ Haluatko korjata sen?
seconds sekuntia
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3723,7 +3884,21 @@ Tämä voi vikaannuttaa tietoa käyttävän liitännäisen.
- Passkey
+ Pääsyavain
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Virheellinen muunnoksen tyyppi: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Virheellinen muutoksen syntaksi: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Virheellinen Regex-syntaksi %1
@@ -3733,6 +3908,21 @@ Tämä voi vikaannuttaa tietoa käyttävän liitännäisen.
Tiedostoa "%1" ei voitu avata
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Lomake
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3770,14 +3960,6 @@ Tämä voi vikaannuttaa tietoa käyttävän liitännäisen.
- Rename selected attachment
- Nimeä valittu liite uudelleen
- Rename
- Nimeä uudelleen
- Open selected attachmentAvaa valittu liite
@@ -3893,6 +4075,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Liitetiedosto "%1" on jo olemassa.
Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Esikatselu
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4091,6 +4285,10 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?
Background ColorTaustaväri
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4486,6 +4684,14 @@ Voit aktivoida DuckDuckGon kuvakepalvelun sovelluksen suojausasetuksista.Url
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4589,6 +4795,44 @@ Voit aktivoida DuckDuckGon kuvakepalvelun sovelluksen suojausasetuksista.KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass -JSON-vienti
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ Komento:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Esim. "sftp user@hostname" tai "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Syöte:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Etätietokanta (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5729,12 +5973,6 @@ Tätä versiota ei ole tarkoitettu päivittäiseen käyttöön.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
HUOM: Käytät KeePassXC:n esiversiota!
Bugeja ja ongelmia voi esiintyä. Tämä versio on tarkoitettu vain testikäyttöön.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- VAROITUS: Qt-versiosi voi aiheuttaa KeePassXC:n kaatumisen näytöllä näkyvällä näppäimistöllä!
-Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.No Tags
@@ -5802,11 +6040,15 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.
- Passkeyt...
+ Pääsyavaimet...Import Passkey
- Tuo passkey
+ Tuo pääsyavain
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Etäs&ynkronointi...Quit Application
@@ -5882,7 +6124,7 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.
Show Passkeys
- Näytä passkeyt
+ pääsyavaimetClone Entry
@@ -5912,6 +6154,10 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.
Show Password GeneratorNäytä salasanageneraattori
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Poista pääsyavain tietueesta
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Suorita automaattisyöttö: {USERNAME}
@@ -6057,17 +6303,33 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.
Aseta: salli kuvankaappaus
- Remote S&ync…
- Etäs&ynkronointi...
+ Show Group Panel
+ Näytä ryhmäpaneeli
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Poista passkey tietueesta
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Näytä tai piilota ryhmäpaneeliSetup Remote Sync…Määritä etäsynkronointi
+ Password Generator
+ Salasanageneraattori
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6218,6 +6480,25 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.
Ole hyvä ja täytä tietokantasi nimi ja vapaaehtoinen kuvaus:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Tallenna liite
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6433,7 +6714,7 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.
PasskeyExportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Export
- KeePassXC - Passkeyn vienti
+ KeePassXC - Pääsyavaimen vientiFilenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.
@@ -6457,14 +6738,14 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.
Export the following passkey entries.
- Vie seuraavat passkey-tietueet.
+ Vie seuraavat pääsyavaintietueet.PasskeyExporterKeePassXC: Passkey Export
- KeePassXC: Passkey-vienti
+ KeePassXC: Pääsyavaimen vientiFile "%1.passkey" already exists.
@@ -6491,7 +6772,7 @@ haluatko korvata sen?
PasskeyImportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Import
- KeePassXC - Passkey-vienti
+ KeePassXC - Pääsyavaimen vientiUsername: %1
@@ -6507,7 +6788,7 @@ haluatko korvata sen?
Import Passkey
- Tuo passkey
+ Tuo pääsyavainImport
@@ -6531,22 +6812,22 @@ haluatko korvata sen?
Import the following passkey:
- Tuo seuraava passkey:
+ Tuo seuraava pääsyavain:Import the following passkey to this entry:
- Tuo seuraava passkey tähän tietueeseen:
+ Tuo seuraava pääsyavain tähän tietueeseen:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
- Passkeys-oletusryhmä (Tuodut passkeyt)
+ Pääsyavainten oletusryhmä (Tuodut pääsyavaimet)PasskeyImporterPasskey file
- Passkey-tiedosto
+ PääsyavaintiedostoAll files
@@ -6562,27 +6843,27 @@ haluatko korvata sen?
Open passkey file
- Avaa passkey-tiedosto
+ Avaa pääsyavaintiedostoCannot import passkey
- Passkeytä ei voitu tuoda
+ Pääsyavainta ei voitu tuodaCannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
- Passkey-tiedostoa "%1" ei voitu tuoda. Tietoja puuttuu.
+ Pääsyavaintiedostoa "%1" ei voitu tuoda. Tietoja puuttuu.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
- Passkey-tiedostoa ei voida tuoda "%1".
+ Pääsyavaintiedostoa ei voida tuoda "%1".
Seuraavat tiedot puuttuvat:
%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
- Passkey-tiedostoa ei voida tuoda "%1". Yksityinen avain puuttuu tai on virheellinen.
+ Pääsyavaintiedostoa ei voida tuoda "%1". Yksityinen avain puuttuu tai on virheellinen.
@@ -6763,10 +7044,6 @@ Seuraavat tiedot puuttuvat:
Also choose from:Valitse myös:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Poissuljetut kirjaimet: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersPoissulje samannäköiset merkit
@@ -6791,10 +7068,6 @@ Seuraavat tiedot puuttuvat:
Word Count:Sanamäärä:
- Character Count:
- Merkkien lukumäärä:
- Word Case:Aakkoslaji:
@@ -6807,10 +7080,6 @@ Seuraavat tiedot puuttuvat:
Add custom wordlistLisää mukautettu sanalista
- character
- merkki
- CloseSulje
@@ -6917,6 +7186,22 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?
Special CharactersErikoismerkit
+ passwordLength
+ salasanan pituus
+ Characters: %1
+ Krijaimia: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Pois suljetut merkit: ”0”, ”1”, ”l”, ”I”, ”O”, ”|”, ”﹒”, ”B”, ”8”, ”G”, ”6”
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6984,6 +7269,21 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?
Paina &Tab merkkien välillä
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7662,10 +7962,6 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?
Invalid word count %1Väärä sanamäärä %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Sanalista on liian pieni (< 1000 sanaa)
- Title for the entry.Tietueen nimi
@@ -7810,10 +8106,6 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen?
Exit interactive mode.Poistu interaktiivisesta tilasta.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Viennissä käytettävä formaatti. Mahdolliset vaihtoehdot ovat 'xml' tai 'csv'. Oletus on 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Vie tietokannan sisällön standardiin tulosteeseen (stdout) halutussa formaatissa.
@@ -8402,18 +8694,6 @@ Ydin: %3 %4
file emptytyhjä tiedosto
- malformed string
- Viallinen merkkijono
- missing closing quote
- lainausmerkki puuttuu lopusta
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (rivi, sarake) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8674,7 +8954,7 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
Passkeys request canceled
- Passkey-pyyntö peruttiin
+ Pääsyavainpyyntö peruttiinInvalid user verification
@@ -8690,7 +8970,7 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
- Passkeyt
+ PääsyavaimetAES initialization failed
@@ -8860,20 +9140,88 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
Unknown passkeys error
- Tuntematon passkeys-virhe
+ Tuntematon pääsyavainvirheInvalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Virheellinen KDF-iteraation. JSON-tiedostoa ei voitu purkaa.Unsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Tiedostomuoto ei ole tuettu. Varmista, että Bitwarden-tiedostosi on salasanasuojattu.Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Vain PBKDF ja Argon2 ovat tuettuja. JSON-tiedostoa ei voitu purkaa.
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Nollaa pikanäppäimet
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Tuplaklikkaa toimintoa vaihtaaksesi sen pikanäppäintä
+ Filter...
+ Suodata...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Pikanäppäimen ristiriita
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Pikanäppäin %1 on ristiriidassa '%2' kanssa. Ylikirjoita pikanäppäin?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Salalausetta ei voitu luoda, sillä sanalista on liian lyhyt.
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Salattuja tiedostoja ei tueta.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass -tuonti
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Poista liitännäistiedot?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Poista liitännäistiedot tietueesta?Poista liitännäistiedot tietueista?
+ Passkey
+ Pääsyavain
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Tagit
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9006,6 +9354,10 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
Exclude from reportsPoissulje raporteista
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLNäytä vain URL-osoitteen sisältävät tietueet
@@ -9022,36 +9374,33 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
(Expired) (erääntynyt)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Poista liitännäistiedot tietueesta…Poista liitännäistiedot tietueista…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Siirrä kursori syyn päälle nähdäksesi lisätietoja. Tuplaklikkaa tietueita muokataksesi niitä.
+ Show expired entries
+ Näytä erääntyneet tietueet
- Bad
- Password quality
- Paha
+ (Expired)
+ (erääntynyt)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Siirrä kursori syyn päälle nähdäksesi lisätietoja. Tuplaklikkaa tietueita muokataksesi niitä.Bad — password must be changedPaha - salasana on vaihdettava
- Poor
- Password quality
- Huono
- Poor — password should be changedHeikko - salasana on vaihdettava
- Weak
- Password quality
- Heikko
- Weak — consider changing the passwordHeikohko - salasana on vaihdettava
@@ -9100,18 +9449,14 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
Exclude from reportsPoissulje raporteista
- Show expired entries
- Näytä erääntyneet tietueet
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reportsNäytä tietueet, joita ei sisällytetä raportteihin.
- (Expired)
- (erääntynyt)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9207,6 +9552,10 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
Exclude from reportsPoissulje raporteista
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9264,15 +9613,15 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
- Passkey-tiedosto on altis varkauksille ja väärinkäyttöön, jos sitä ei suojata. Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa?
+ Pääsyavaintiedosto on altis varkauksille ja väärinkäyttöön, jos sitä ei suojata. Oletko varma, että haluat jatkaa?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
- Odota kun passkey-tietueiden lista päivittyy...
+ Odota kun pääsyavaintietueiden lista päivittyy...No entries with passkeys.
- Passkeyn sisältäviä tietueita ei ole.
+ Pääsyavaimia sisältäviä tietueita ei ole.
@@ -9448,6 +9797,14 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
No agent running, cannot list identities.Agentti ei ole päällä, tunnisteita ei voi listata.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9733,29 +10090,6 @@ Asetus on vanhentunut, käytä sen sijaan "--set-key-file" -määritys
Vie kohteeseen %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Tuplaklikkaa toimintoa vaihtaaksesi sen pikanäppäintä
- Shortcut Conflict
- Pikanäppäimen ristiriita
- Filter...
- Suodata...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Pikanäppäin %1 on ristiriidassa '%2' kanssa. Ylikirjoita pikanäppäin?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Nollaa pikanäppäimet
@@ -10044,14 +10378,18 @@ Esimerkiksi: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedLaiteavaimia ei havaittu
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Jos omistat <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKeyn</a>tai <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKeyn</a>, voit käyttää sitä lisäturvakeinona.</p><p>Avain vaatii yhden paikan asettamista <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 -haaste-vastaukseksi</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysUudista laiteavaimet
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Jos sinulla on <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> tai <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, sitä voi käyttää lisäturvaksi</p><p>Avain vaatii, että yksi sen kentistä ohjelmoidaan <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>-ohjelmalla.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_fil.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_fil.ts
index 3cb5200fa..e88a55c8d 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_fil.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_fil.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?
- Reset Settings?
- I-reset ang Mga Setting?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Sigurado ka bang nais mong i-reset ang pangkalahatan at mga setting ng seguridad sa default?
- Select backup storage directoryPiliin ang direktoryo ng backup na storage
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesIsama ang mga nilabas na beta kapag tumitingin ng mga update
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Sa pag-unlock ng database, ipakita ang mga entry na
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- nag-expire na
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- araw
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ay mawawalan ng bisa sa loob ng
- File ManagementPamamahala ng File
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingI-backup ang database file bago i-save
- Backup destination
- Backup na destinasyon
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Tinutukoy ang lokasyon ng backup file ng database. Mga pangyayari ng "{DB_FILENAME}" ay pinalitan ng filename ng naka-save na database nang walang extension. {TIME:<format>} ay pinalitan ng oras ng pag-backup, tingnan ang https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> default sa pag-format ng string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Pumili...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Gumamit ng alternatibong paraan ng pag-save (maaaring malutas ang mga problema sa Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, atbp.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Tandaan ang huling na-type na entry para sa:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ araw
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelItago ang mga password sa panel ng preview ng entry
- Hide entry notes by default
- Itago ang mga note ng entry bilang default
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Ilipat ang mga entry sa recycle bin nang walang kumpirmasyon
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- I-enable ang double click para kopyahin ang mga column ng username/password entry
- PrivacyPrivacy
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Ang entry ay walang attribute para sa PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid na uri ng conversion: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid na conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid na syntax ng regular na expression na %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Invalid na placeholder: %1
@@ -1022,10 +1074,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Ang mga browser na naka-install bilang mga snap ay kasalukuyang hindi suportado.
- Enable integration for these browsers:I-enable ang integration para sa mga browser na ito:
@@ -1249,6 +1297,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1400,6 +1452,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Mga tag
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1463,6 +1519,14 @@ Backup database na matatagpuan sa %2
Recycle BinRecycle Bin
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1675,6 @@ Para maiwasan ang paglabas ng error na ito, dapat kang pumunta sa "Settings
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1651,6 +1707,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1685,10 +1753,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2168,6 +2248,50 @@ na-delete mula sa database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ I-clear
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2377,6 +2501,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ segundo
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2579,26 +2711,6 @@ I-save ang mga pagbabago?
File has changedNagbago ang file
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Nagbago ang database file. Gusto mo bang i-load ang mga pagbabago?
- Merge Request
- Pagsamahin ang Kahilingan
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Ang file ng database ay nabago at mayroon kang mga hindi na-save na mga pagbabago.
-Gusto mo bang pagsamahin ang mga binago mo?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Hindi mabuksan ang bagong database file habang sinusubukang i-autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Disable safe saves?I-disable ang ligtas na pag-save?
@@ -2686,6 +2798,50 @@ I-disable ang safe save at subukang muli?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3014,18 +3170,10 @@ Gusto mo bang itama ito?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryLaktawan ang Auto-Submit para sa entry na ito:
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Ipadala lamang ang setting na ito sa browser para sa mga dialog ng HTTP Auth. Kung na-enable, hindi ipapakita ng mga normal na form sa pag-log in ang entry na ito para sa pagpili.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthGamitin lamang ang entry na ito sa HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Huwag ipadala ang setting na ito sa browser para sa mga dialog ng HTTP Auth. Kung naka-enable, hindi ipapakita ng mga dialog ng HTTP Auth ang entry na ito para sa pagpili.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthHuwag gamitin ang entry na ito sa HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3050,6 +3198,14 @@ Gusto mo bang itama ito?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3272,6 +3428,10 @@ Gusto mo bang itama ito?
seconds segundo
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3718,6 +3878,20 @@ Maaari itong maging sanhi ng hindi paggana ng mga apektadong plugin.Passkey
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Invalid na uri ng conversion: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid na conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Invalid na syntax ng regular na expression na %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3726,6 +3900,21 @@ Maaari itong maging sanhi ng hindi paggana ng mga apektadong plugin.Hindi mabuksan ang file na "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Form
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3763,14 +3952,6 @@ Maaari itong maging sanhi ng hindi paggana ng mga apektadong plugin.Remove
- Rename selected attachment
- Pangalanan muli ang napiling attachment
- Rename
- Pangalanan muli
- Open selected attachmentBuksan ang napiling attachment
@@ -3886,6 +4067,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Umiiral na ang attachment na "%1".
Gusto mo bang i-overwrite ang kasalukuyang attachment?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Preview
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4084,6 +4277,10 @@ Gusto mo bang i-overwrite ang kasalukuyang attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4479,6 +4676,14 @@ Puwede mong i-enable ang icon service ng website ng DuckDuckGo sa seksyon ng seg
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4582,6 +4787,44 @@ Puwede mong i-enable ang icon service ng website ng DuckDuckGo sa seksyon ng seg
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5722,12 +5965,6 @@ Ang bersyon na ito ay hindi para sa paggamit ng produksyon.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
TANDAAN: Gumagamit ka ng paunang labas na bersyon ng KeePassXC.
Asahan ang ilang mga bug at maliliit na isyu, ang bersyon na ito ay para sa mga pagsubok na layunin.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- BABALA: Ang bersyon ng Qt mo ay maaaring magdulot ng pag-crash ng KeePassXC gamit ang On-Screen Keyboard.
-Inirerekomenda naming gamitin mo ang AppImage na available sa aming pahina ng mga pag-download.No Tags
@@ -5801,6 +6038,10 @@ Inirerekomenda naming gamitin mo ang AppImage na available sa aming pahina ng mg
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5905,6 +6146,10 @@ Inirerekomenda naming gamitin mo ang AppImage na available sa aming pahina ng mg
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6050,17 +6295,33 @@ Inirerekomenda naming gamitin mo ang AppImage na available sa aming pahina ng mg
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6211,6 +6472,25 @@ Inirerekomenda naming gamitin mo ang AppImage na available sa aming pahina ng mg
Pakipunan ang display name at isang opsyonal na paglalarawan para sa iyong bagong database:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6752,10 +7032,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Gayundin, pumili mula sa:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Mga ibinukod na character: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersIbukod ang mga halos katulad na karakter
@@ -6780,10 +7056,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Bilang ng Salita:
- Character Count:
- Bilang ng Character:
- Word Case:Word Case:
@@ -6796,10 +7068,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistMagdagdag ng custom wordlist
- character
- character
- CloseI-close
@@ -6906,6 +7174,22 @@ Gusto mo bang i-overwrite ito?
Special CharactersMga Espesyal na Character
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6973,6 +7257,21 @@ Gusto mo bang i-overwrite ito?
Pindutin ang &Tab sa pagitan ng mga character
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7651,10 +7950,6 @@ Gusto mo bang i-overwrite ito?
Invalid word count %1Invalid na word count na %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Masyadong maliit ang listahan ng salitang (< 1000 item)
- Title for the entry.Pamagat para sa entry
@@ -7799,10 +8094,6 @@ Gusto mo bang i-overwrite ito?
Exit interactive mode.Lumabas sa interactive mode.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format na gagamitin kapag nag-e-export. Ang mga available na pagpipilian ay 'xml' o 'csv'. Default sa 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Nai-export na ang nilalaman ng isang database sa karaniwang output sa tinukoy na format.
@@ -8391,18 +8682,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptywalang lamang file
- malformed string
- malformed na string
- missing closing quote
- nawawalang closing quote
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8862,6 +9141,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ I-delete ang data ng plugin?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Mga tag
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8994,6 +9341,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsIbukod mula sa mga ulat
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -9010,36 +9361,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Mag-hover sa itaas para makita ng mga karagdagang detalye. I-double click ang mga entry para i-edit.
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Hindi maganda
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Mag-hover sa itaas para makita ng mga karagdagang detalye. I-double click ang mga entry para i-edit.Bad — password must be changedHindi maganda — dapat palitan ang password
- Poor
- Password quality
- Mahina
- Poor — password should be changedMahina — dapat palitan ang password
- Weak
- Password quality
- Mahina
- Weak — consider changing the passwordMahina — isaalang-alang ang pagpapalit ng password
@@ -9088,18 +9436,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsIbukod mula sa mga ulat
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9195,6 +9539,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsIbukod mula sa mga ulat
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9436,6 +9784,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Walang gumaganang ahente, hindi makakapaglista ng mga pagkakakilanlan.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9721,29 +10077,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
I-export sa %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10034,11 +10367,15 @@ Halimbawa: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Walang nakitang hardware key
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts
index 1a7e61a26..d809f8d39 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled.
- Ce paramètre ne peut pas être activé lorsque l’option Réduire au déverrouillage est activée.
+ Ce paramètre ne peut pas être activé si l’option Réduire au déverrouillage est activée.Access error for config file %1
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Pour appliquer la nouvelle langue, vous devez redémarrer l’application. Voulez-vous la démarrer maintenant ?
- Reset Settings?
- Réinitialiser les paramètres ?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser tous les paramètres généraux et de sécurité à leur valeur par défaut ?
- Select backup storage directorySélectionner le dossier de sauvegarde
+ Confirm Reset
+ Confirmez la remise à zéro
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Etes-vous sûr que vous voulez rétablir la valeur par défault de tous les réglages?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importation des réglages de KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Impossible d'importer les réglages, %1 n'est pas fichier de réglages valide.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Exporter les réglages de KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Petite
+ Normal
+ Normale
+ Medium
+ Moyenne
+ Large
+ Grande
+ Custom
+ Personnalisée
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesInclure les versions bêta lors de la vérification de la présence de mises à jour
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Lors du déverrouillage d’une base de données, montrer les entrées qui
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ont expiré
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- jours
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- expireront dans
- File ManagementGestion des fichiers
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingSauvegarder le fichier de la base de données avant d’enregistrer
- Backup destination
- Destination de sauvegarde
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Spécifie l’emplacement du fichier de sauvegarde de la base de données. Les occurrences de « {DB_FILENAME} » sont remplacées par le nom de fichier de la base de données sauvegardée sans extension. {TIME:<format>} est remplacé par l’heure de sauvegarde (consulter https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString). Par défaut, <format>utilise par défaut le format « dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss ».
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.ancienne.kdbx
- Choose...
- Choisir…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Utiliser une méthode d’enregistrement de remplacement (peut résoudre des problèmes avec Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.).
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@
Show passwords in color
- Montrer les mots de passe en couleur
+ Afficher les mots de passe en couleurUse monospaced font for notes
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Mémoriser la dernière entrée saisie pendant :
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Lors du déverrouillage d’une base de données, montrer les entrées qui vont expirer dans
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Lors du déverrouillage d’une base de données, montrer les entrées qui vont expirer dans
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ jours
+ Destination format:
+ Format de destination :
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> est remplacé par le nom de fichier de la base de données sauvegardée sans extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> est remplacé par le format de temps spécifié (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Voir le Guide Utilisateur pour plus de détails</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Choisissez le répertoire...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Afficher une confirmation avant de déplacer les entrées dans la corbeille
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Copier les données en double-cliquant sur le champ de l'entrée affichée
+ Show toolbar
+ Afficher la barre d'outils
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Afficher la barre des menus en pressant la touche Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Afficher la barre de menus
+ Import settings…
+ Importer les réglages...
+ Export settings…
+ Exporter les réglages...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Ouvrir le navigateur en double-cliquant sur le champ URL de l'entrée affichée
+ Font size:
+ Taille de la police :
+ Font size selection
+ Sélection de la taille de police
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelCacher les mots de passe dans le panneau de prévisualisation des entrées
- Hide entry notes by default
- Par défaut, cacher les notes des entrées
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Déplacer les entrées vers la corbeille sans confirmation
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Activer le double-clic pour copier le nom d’utilisateur et le mot de passe des colonnes d’entrées
- PrivacyConfidentialité
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelCacher le TOTP dans le panneau d’aperçu des entrées
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Verrouiller les bases de données lors d’un changement d’utilisateur
+ Lock Options
+ Options de Verrouillage
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Cacher les notes dans le panneau d'aperçu des entrées
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1L'entrée n'a pas d'attribut pour PICKCHARS : %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Le type de conversion est invalide : %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- La syntaxe de conversion est invalide : %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- La syntaxe de l’expression rationnelle est invalide %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1L’espace réservé est invalide : %1
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Les navigateurs installés en tant que snap ne sont pas pris en charge actuellement.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Activer l’intégration pour ces navigateurs :
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser est nécessaire pour que l'intégration avec le navigateur fonctionne. <br />Téléchargez le pour %1 et %2 et %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Les navigateurs installés à l'aide de Snap ou de Flatpak ne sont pas pris en charge, à l'exception de Firefox installé à l'aide de Snap.
@@ -1260,7 +1312,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Append ' - Clone' to title
- Ajouter ’ – Clone’ au titre
+ Ajouter « – Clone » au titre Replace username and password with references
@@ -1400,7 +1452,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Les entrées seront difficiles à distinguer, car aucune titre de colonne n'a été sélectionné. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir importer ?
+ Tags
+ Étiquettes
@@ -1465,6 +1521,14 @@ La base de données de sauvegarde est située sur %2
Recycle BinCorbeille
+ Database file read error.
+ Erreur de lecture du fichier de base de données.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Aucun chemin d’accès de fichier n’a été fourni.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1675,6 @@ Afin d’empêcher que cette erreur survienne, vous devez accéder à « Param
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Vous pouvez utiliser un fichier secret en plus du mot de passe pour renforcer la sécurité de votre base de données. Ce fichier peut être généré à partir des paramètres de sécurité de votre base.</p><p>Il ne s'agit <strong>pas</strong> de votre fichier de base de données *.kdbx !</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Cliquer pour ajouter un fichier clé
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Je dispose d'un fichier clé</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Utiliser une clé matérielle [N° de série : %1]
@@ -1654,6 +1710,18 @@ Voulez-vous poursuivre avec ce fichier ?
Refresh Hardware KeysActualiser les clés logicielles
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Cliquer pour ajouter un fichier clé
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Je dispose d'un fichier clé</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Clés matérielles trouvées, mais aucun emplacement n'est configuré.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1688,8 +1756,20 @@ Voulez-vous poursuivre avec ce fichier ?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Intégration au Secret Service
+ Remote Sync
+ Synchronisation à distance
+ Database Settings: %1
@@ -1867,7 +1947,7 @@ Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre sans mot de passe ?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ Le mot de passe fourni ne répond pas aux exigences minimales demandées.
@@ -2170,6 +2250,50 @@ de la base de données.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxCase à cocher de durée entre dernière modification et sauvegarde automatique
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Métadonnées de la Base de données Publique
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Avertissement : les paramètres suivants ne sont pas chiffrés.
+ Display name:
+ Nom d'affichage :
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Nom d'affichage publiquement visible utilisé sur la boîte de dialogue de déverrouillage
+ Database public display name
+ Nom d'affichage public de la base de données
+ Display color:
+ Couleur d'affichage:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Couleur publiquement visible utilisé sur la boîte de dialogue de déverrouillage
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Sélecteur de couleur d'affichage publique de la base de donnée
+ Clear
+ Effacer
+ Display icon:
+ Icône d'affichage :
+ Select Database Icon
+ Sélectionner l'Icône de Base de données
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2269,7 +2393,7 @@ de la base de données.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ Commandes de synchronisation.Remove
@@ -2277,7 +2401,7 @@ de la base de données.
Command Settings
+ Paramètres de la commandeName
@@ -2289,75 +2413,75 @@ de la base de données.
+ TéléchargementCommand:
+ Commande:Download command field
+ Champ de la commande de téléchargemente.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Par exemple : "sftp login@machine" ou "scp login@machine:BaseDeDonneesDistante.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ Entrée :Download input field
+ Champ d'entrée de téléchargementUpload
+ TéléverserUpload command field
+ Champ de la commande de téléversemente.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ Par exemple : "sftp login@machine" ou "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} login@machine:BaseDeDonneesDistante.kdbx"Upload input field
+ Champ d'entrée de téléversementName cannot be empty.
+ Le nom ne peut pas être vide.Test
+ TestDownload command cannot be empty.
+ La commande de téléchargement ne peut pas être vide.Download failed with error: %1
+ Le téléchargement a échoué avec l'erreur: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ Le téléchargement est fini, mais le fichier %1 n'a pas pu être trouvé.Download successful.
+ Téléchargement réussi.Save Remote Settings
+ Enregistrer les paramètres distantYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ Vous avez des modifications non sauvegardées. Voulez vous les enregistrer ?e.g.:
@@ -2367,7 +2491,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Par exemple :
+get BaseDeDonneesDistante.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} est utilisé comme motif de remplacement pour stocker la base de données dans un emplacement temporaire
+La commande doit terminer. Dans le cas de "sftp" la dernière commande envoyée doit être "exit"
@@ -2377,8 +2507,22 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Par exemple :
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} BaseDeDonneesDistante.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} est utilisé comme motif de remplacement pour stocker la base de données dans un emplacement temporaire
+La commande doit terminer. Dans le cas de "sftp" la dernière commande envoyée doit être "exit"
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ secondes
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2456,7 +2600,7 @@ C’est très certainement un bogue, veuillez le signaler aux développeurs.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Temporaire]
@@ -2581,26 +2725,6 @@ Enregistrer les changements ?
File has changedLe fichier a été modifié
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Le fichier de la base de données a été modifié. Voulez-vous le recharger ?
- Merge Request
- Demande de fusion
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Le fichier de la base de données a été modifié et vos changements ne sont pas enregistrés.
-Voulez-vous fusionner vos changements ?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Impossible d’ouvrir le nouveau fichier de base de données en tentant de la recharger automatiquement.
-Erreur : % 1
- Disable safe saves?Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés ?
@@ -2654,19 +2778,19 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Synchronisation à distance ne contient aucune commande de téléversement ou de téléchargement.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Synchronisation à distance « %1 » réussie !Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Synchronisation à distance « %1 » échouée : %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Erreur pendant l'enregistrement de la base de données %1 : %2Downloading...
@@ -2674,11 +2798,11 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ?
+ Téléversement...Syncing...
+ Synchronisation...Remove passkey from entry
@@ -2688,6 +2812,50 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Voulez-vous supprimer la clé d'accès de cette entrée ?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Le fichier de base de données « %1 » a été modifié de manière externe
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Voulez-vous charger les changements ?
+ Reload database
+ Recharger la base de données
+ Reloading database…
+ Rechargement de la base de données…
+ Reload canceled
+ Rechargement annulé
+ Reload successful
+ Rechargement réussi
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Rechargement en attente d'une action de l'utilisateur…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Le fichier de base de données "%1" a été modifiée extérieurement.<br>Comment souhaitez-vous procéder ?<br><br>Fusionner tous les changements<br>Ignorer les changements sur le disque jusqu'à l'enregistrement<br>Annuler les modifications non sauvegardées
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Le fichier de base de données "%1" a été modifié extérieurement.<br>Comment souhaitez-vous procéder ?<br><br>Fusionner tous les changements puis enregistrer<br>Écraser les changements sur le disque<br>Annuler les changements non enregistrés
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Fichier de base de données écrasé.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Le fichier de base de données sur le disque ne peut pas être déverrouillé avec les identifiants actuels.<br>Saisissez de nouveaux identifiants et/ou présentez la clé matérielle pour poursuivre.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3016,18 +3184,10 @@ Voulez-vous la corriger ?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryIgnorer l’envoi automatique pour cette entrée
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- N’envoyer ce paramètre au navigateur que pour les boîtes de dialogue d’authentification HTTP. Si cette option est activée, cette entrée ne sera pas présentée par les formulaires d’authentification normaux comme possibilité de sélection.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthN’utiliser cette entrée qu’avec l’authentification HTTP Basic
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Ne pas envoyer ce paramètre au navigateur pour les boîtes de dialogue d’authentification HTTP. Si cette option est activée, cette entrée ne sera pas présentée comme possibilité de sélection par les boîtes de dialogue d’authentification HTTP.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNe pas utiliser cette entrée avec l’authentification HTTP Basic
@@ -3052,6 +3212,14 @@ Voulez-vous la corriger ?
Additional URLsAutres URL
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Envoyez cette entrée au navigateur uniquement pour les boîtes de dialogue d'authentification HTTP. Si cette option est activée, les formulaires de connexion normaux n'afficheront pas cette entrée pour la sélection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ N'envoyez pas cette entrée au navigateur pour les boîtes de dialogue d'authentification HTTP. Si cette option est activée, les boîtes de dialogue d'authentification HTTP n'afficheront pas cette entrée pour la sélection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3274,6 +3442,10 @@ Voulez-vous la corriger ?
seconds secondes
+ Clear agent
+ Vider l'agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3718,6 +3890,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
PasskeyClé d'accès
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Le type de conversion est invalide : %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ La syntaxe de conversion est invalide : %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ La syntaxe de l’expression rationnelle est invalide %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3726,6 +3912,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier « %1 »
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ File name
+ Nom de fichier
+ File contents...
+ Contenu du fichier
@@ -3763,14 +3964,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Renommer le fichier joint sélectionné
- Rename
- Renommer
- Open selected attachmentOuvrir le fichier joint sélectionné
@@ -3887,6 +4080,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Le fichier joint « %1 » existe déjà.
Voulez-vous écraser le fichier joint existant ?
+ New
+ Nouvelle
+ Preview
+ Aperçu
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Échec de l'aperçu du fichier joint : fichier introuvable
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4085,6 +4290,10 @@ Voulez-vous écraser le fichier joint existant ?
Background ColorCouleur d’arrière-plan
+ Group Path
+ Chemin du Groupe
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4479,6 +4688,14 @@ Vous pouvez activer le service d’icônes de sites Web de DuckDuckGo dans la se
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4572,7 +4789,7 @@ Vous pouvez activer le service d’icônes de sites Web de DuckDuckGo dans la se
Bitwarden JSON Export
- exportation Bitwarden JSON
+ Export JSON pour Bitwarden 1Password Vault
@@ -4582,6 +4799,44 @@ Vous pouvez activer le service d’icônes de sites Web de DuckDuckGo dans la se
KeePass1 DatabaseBase de données KeePass1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Export JSON pour Proton Pass
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ Commande:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Par exemple : "sftp login@machine" ou "scp login@machine:BaseDeDonneesDistante.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Entrée :
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Base de données distante (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5722,12 +5977,6 @@ Cette version ne devrait pas être utilisée en production.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
NOTE : vous utilisez une pré-version de KeePassXC.
Mise à part certains bogues et dysfonctionnements mineurs, cette version est destinée à des fins de test.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- AVERTISSEMENT : votre version de Qt pourrait entraîner le plantage de KeePassXC avec un clavier virtuel.
-Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de téléchargement.No Tags
@@ -5801,13 +6050,17 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Import PasskeyImporter une clé d'accès
+ Remote S&ync…
+ S&ynchronisation à distance...
+ Quit Application
+ Quitter l'applicationOpen About Dialog
+ Ouvrir la fenêtre À propos.Open Database
@@ -5819,11 +6072,11 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Merge From Database
+ Fusionner depuis la base de donnéesCreate Entry
+ Créer une entréeEdit Entry
@@ -5831,11 +6084,11 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Delete Entry
+ Supprimer l'entréeCreate Group
+ Créer un groupeEdit Group
@@ -5843,51 +6096,51 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Delete Group
+ Supprimer le groupeDownload All Favicons
+ Télécharger tous les favicons.Sort Groups A-Z
+ Trier les groupes de A-ZSort Groups Z-A
+ Trier les groupes de Z-ASave Database As
+ Enregistrer la base de données sous...Show Database Security
+ Afficher les informations de sécurité de la base de donnéesShow Database Reports
+ Afficher un rapport sur la base de donnéesShow Database Settings
+ Afficher les paramètres de la base de donnéesShow Passkeys
+ Afficher les clés d'accèsClone Entry
+ Cloner l'entréeMove Entry Up
+ Monter l'entréeMove Entry Down
+ Descendre l'entréeCopy Username
@@ -5899,51 +6152,55 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Show Application Settings
+ Afficher les paramètres de l'applicationShow Password Generator
+ Afficher le générateur de mot de passe
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Supprimer la clé d'accès de l'entréePerform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
+ Remplir automatiquement : {LOGIN}Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}
+ Remplir automatiquement : {LOGIN}{ENTRÉE}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}
+ Remplir automatiquement : {MOTDEPASSE}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
+ Remplir automatiquement : {MOTDEPASSE}{ENTRÉE}Perform Auto-Type: {TOTP}
+ Remplir automatiquement : {TOTP}Copy Title
+ Copier le titreCopy URL
+ Copier l'URLCopy Notes
+ Copier les notesExport to CSV
+ Exporter en CSVExport to HTML
+ Exporter au format HTMLImport KeePass1 Database
@@ -5951,15 +6208,15 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Import 1Password Vault
+ Importer depuis un coffre-fort 1PasswordImport CSV File
+ Importer un fichier CSVShow TOTP QR Code
+ Afficher le QR Code TOTPSet up TOTP
@@ -5967,55 +6224,55 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Empty Recycle Bin
+ Vider la corbeilleOpen Donation Website
+ Faire un donOpen Bug Report
+ Ouvrir un rapport de bogueOpen Online Documentation
+ Ouvrir la documentation en ligneOpen Keyboard Shortcuts Guide
+ Ouvrir le guide des raccourcis clavierSave Database Backup
+ Enregistrer une copie de sécurité de la base de donnéesSSH Agent: Add Key
+ SSH Agent : ajouter une cléSSH Agent: Remove Key
+ SSH Agent : supprimer une cléToggle Compact Mode
+ Permuter le mode de compatibilitéSet Theme: Automatic
+ Définir le thème : automatiqueSet Theme: Light
+ Définir le thème : clairSet Theme: Dark
+ Définir le thème : foncéSet Theme: Classic
+ Définir le thème : classiqueToggle Show Menubar
@@ -6023,43 +6280,59 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Toggle Show Toolbar
+ Permuter l'affichage de la barre d'outilsToggle Show Preview Panel
+ Permuter l'affichage du panneau d'aperçuToggle Always on Top
+ Permuter le mode Toujours devantToggle Hide Usernames
+ Permuter la masquage des noms d'utilisateurToggle Hide Passwords
+ Permuter la masquage des mots de passeExport to XML
+ Exporter au format XMLToggle Allow Screen Capture
+ Permuter l'autorisation de capture d'écran
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Afficher le panneau de groupe
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Supprimer la clé d'accès de l'entrée
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Permuter l'affichage du panneau d'aperçuSetup Remote Sync…
+ Configurer la synchronisation à distance...
+ Password Generator
+ Générateur de mots de passe
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Faire expirer l'entrée…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Vider l'agent SSH
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Effacer toutes les identités dans ssh-agent
@@ -6211,6 +6484,25 @@ Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de té
Veuillez saisir le nom d’affichage et une description facultative pour votre nouvelle base de données :
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Le nom du fichier joint ne peut pas être vide
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Un fichier joint avec un nom identique existe déjà
+ Save attachment
+ Enregistrer le fichier attaché
+ New entry attachment
+ Nouveau fichier joint de l'entrée
@@ -6755,10 +7047,6 @@ La donnée suivante est manquante :
Also choose from:Choisir aussi parmi :
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Les caractères exclus sont : « 0 », « 1 », « l », « I », « O », « | », « . »
- Exclude look-alike charactersExclure les caractères qui se ressemblent
@@ -6783,10 +7071,6 @@ La donnée suivante est manquante :
Word Count:Nombre de mots :
- Character Count:
- Nombres de caractères :
- Word Case:Casse des mots :
@@ -6799,10 +7083,6 @@ La donnée suivante est manquante :
Add custom wordlistAjout d'une liste de mots personnalisée
- character
- caractère
- CloseFermer
@@ -6909,6 +7189,22 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ?
Special CharactersCaractères spéciaux
+ passwordLength
+ longueurMotdepasse
+ Characters: %1
+ Caractères : %1
+ MIXED case
+ Casse mixte
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Caractères exclus: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6976,6 +7272,21 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ?
Appuyez sur &Tabulation entre les caractères
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Aperçu du fichier joint de l'entrée
+ No preview available
+ Aucun aperçu disponible
+ Image format not supported
+ Format d’image non pris en charge
@@ -7247,7 +7558,7 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ?
No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'.
- Pas de cible d'export fourni. Merci d'utiliser '--stdout' ou spécifier un 'fichier d'export'.
+ Pas de cible d'export fourni. Merci d'utiliser « --stdout » ou spécifier un « fichier d'export ».Could not open output file %1.
@@ -7654,10 +7965,6 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ?
Invalid word count %1Le nombre de mots %1 est invalide
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- La liste de mots est trop courte (moins de 1 000 articles)
- Title for the entry.Titre de l’entrée.
@@ -7802,10 +8109,6 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ?
Exit interactive mode.Quitter le mode interactif.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format à utiliser lors de l’exportation. Les choix proposés sont « xml » ou « csv ». La valeur par défaut est « xml ».
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exporte au format indiqué le contenu de la base de données vers la sortie standard.
@@ -8393,18 +8696,6 @@ Noyau : %3 %4
file emptyfichier vide
- malformed string
- chaîne mal formée
- missing closing quote
- Le guillemet fermant manque
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1 : (ligne, colonne) %2, %3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 bits
@@ -8839,15 +9130,15 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
Enter Shortcut
+ Saisir le raccourciAction
+ ActionShortcuts
+ Raccourcis Unknown passkeys error
@@ -8855,16 +9146,84 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Itérations KDF invalides, impossible de déchiffrer le fichier json.Unsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Format non pris en charge, assurez-vous que l'export Bitwarden protège les mots de passeOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Seuls PBKDF et Argon2 sont pris en charge, impossible de déchiffrer le fichier json.
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Réinitialiser les raccourcis
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Double-cliquez sur une action pour modifier son raccourci
+ Filter...
+ Filtrer...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Conflit de raccourcis
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Le raccourci %1 est en conflit avec « %2 » : faut-il écraser le raccourci ?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Impossible de générer des phrases de passe valides, car la liste de mots est trop courte.
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Les fichiers chiffrés ne sont pas pris en charge.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Import pour Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Supprimer les données de l’extension ?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Supprimer les données du greffon depuis l'entrée?Supprimer les données du greffon depuis les entrées?Supprimer les données du greffon depuis l(es) entrée(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Clé d'accès
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Format à utiliser lors de l'exportation. Les choix proposés sont « xml », « csv » ou « html ». La valeur par défaut est « xml ».
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ Démarrer réduit à la zone de notification système
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Étiquettes
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8904,31 +9263,31 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ La commande « %1 » n'a pas terminé à temps. Le processus a été tué.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Échec du téléversement de la base de données fusionnée. La commande "%1" n'a pas terminé à temps. Le processus a été tué.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Les paramètres de téléchargement fournis sont incorrects.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ La commande « %1 » n’a pas pu télécharger la base de données.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ L'adresse de base de données ou les paramètres de téléversement fournis sont incorrects.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ La commande « %1 » s'est terminée avec le code d'état : %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Échec du téléversement de la base de données fusionnée. La commande "%1" s'est terminée avec le code d'état : %2
@@ -8997,6 +9356,10 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExclure des rapports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Entrée expiréeEntrées expiréesEntrée(s) expirée(s)
+ Only show entries that have a URLN’afficher que les entrées disposant d'une URL
@@ -9013,36 +9376,33 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Supprimer les données du greffon depuis l'entrée…Supprimer les données du greffon depuis les entrées…Supprimer les données du greffon depuis l(es) entrée(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Survolez la raison pour afficher des détails supplémentaires. Double-cliquez sur les entrées pour les modifier.
+ Show expired entries
+ Afficher les entrées expirées
- Bad
- Password quality
- Mauvais
+ (Expired)
+ (expirée)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Survolez la raison pour afficher des détails supplémentaires. Double-cliquez sur les entrées pour les modifier.Bad — password must be changedMauvais – le mot de passe doit être changé
- Poor
- Password quality
- Plutôt mauvais
- Poor — password should be changedPlutôt mauvais – le mot de passe doit être changé
- Weak
- Password quality
- Faible
- Weak — consider changing the passwordFaible – envisagez de changer le mot de passe
@@ -9091,18 +9451,14 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExclure des rapports
- Show expired entries
- Afficher les entrées expirées
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Entrée expiréeEntrées expiréesEntrée(s) expirée(s)Show entries that have been excluded from reportsAfficher les entrées exclues des rapports
- (Expired)
- (expirée)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9198,6 +9554,10 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExclure des rapports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Entrée expiréeEntrées expiréesEntrée(s) expirée(s)
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9439,6 +9799,14 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Aucun agent n’est en cours d’exécution, il est impossible de lister les identités.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Impossible de supprimer toutes les identités SSH de l’agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Toutes les identités SSH sont supprimées de l'agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9725,29 +10093,6 @@ Cette option est obsolète, utilisez plutôt --set-key-file.
Exporter vers %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10036,14 +10381,18 @@ Exemple : JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedAucune clé matérielle n’a été détectée
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysActualiser les clés matérielles
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Si vous possédez une <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ou <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour renforcer la sécurité.</p><p>La clé nécessite que l'un de ses emplacements soit programmé avec <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">défi'réponse</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Des clés matérielles ont été trouvées, mais aucun emplacement n'est configuré
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts
index f17f69d1d..4529da1aa 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Pour appliquer la nouvelle langue, vous devez redémarrer l’application. Voulez-vous la démarrer maintenant?
- Reset Settings?
- Réinitialiser les paramètres?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser tous les paramètres généraux et de sécurité à leur valeur par défaut?
- Select backup storage directorySélectionner le dossier de sauvegarde
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesInclure les versions bêta lors de la vérification de la présence de mises à jour
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Lors du déverrouillage d’une base de données, montrer les entrées qui
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ont expiré
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- jours
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- expirera dans
- File ManagementGestion des fichiers
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingSauvegarder le fichier de la base de données avant d’enregistrer
- Backup destination
- Destination de sauvegarde
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Spécifie l’emplacement du fichier de sauvegarde de la base de données. Les occurrences de « {DB_FILENAME} » sont remplacées par le nom de fichier de la base de données sauvegardée sans extension. {TIME:<format>} est remplacé par l’heure de sauvegarde (voir https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString). Par défaut, <format>utilise le format « dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss ».
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.ancienne.kdbx
- Choose...
- Choisir…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Utiliser une méthode alternative de sauvegarde (peut résoudre des problèmes avec Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.).
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Mémoriser la dernière entrée saisie pendant :
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ jours
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelCacher les mots de passe dans le panneau de prévisualisation des entrées
- Hide entry notes by default
- Par défaut, cacher les notes des entrées
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Déplacer les entrées vers la corbeille sans confirmation
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Activer le double-clic pour copier le nom d'utilisateur/mot de passe des colonnes d'entrées
- PrivacyConfidentialité
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1L'entrée n'a pas d'attribut pour PICKCHARS : %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Type de conversion invalide : %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Syntaxe de conversion invalide : %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Syntaxe d'expression régulière invalide %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Espace réservé invalide : %1
@@ -1022,10 +1074,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Les navigateurs installés en tant que snap ne sont pas pris en charge actuellement.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Activer l’intégration pour ces navigateurs :
@@ -1249,6 +1297,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1400,6 +1452,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1463,6 +1519,14 @@ La base de données de sauvegarde est située sur %2
Recycle BinCorbeille
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1605,14 +1669,6 @@ Afin d’empêcher que cette erreur survienne, vous devez accéder à « Param
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1645,6 +1701,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1679,10 +1747,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Intégration à « Secret Service »
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2148,6 +2228,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Effacer
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2357,6 +2481,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ secondes
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2559,26 +2691,6 @@ Enregistrer les changements?
File has changedLe fichier a été modifié
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Le fichier de la base de données a été modifié. Voulez-vous le recharger?
- Merge Request
- Demande de fusion
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Le fichier de la base de données a été modifié et vos changements ne sont pas enregistrés.
-Voulez-vous fusionner vos changements?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Impossible d’ouvrir le nouveau fichier de base de données en tentant de la recharger automatiquement.
-Erreur : % 1
- Disable safe saves?Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés?
@@ -2666,6 +2778,50 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -2990,18 +3146,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryIgnorer l’envoi automatique pour cette entrée
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- N’envoyer ce paramètre au navigateur que pour les boîtes de dialogue d’authentification HTTP. Si cette option est activée, cette entrée ne sera pas présentée par les formulaires d’authentification normaux comme possibilité de sélection.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthN’utiliser cette entrée qu’avec l’authentification HTTP Basic
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Ne pas envoyer ce paramètre au navigateur pour les boîtes de dialogue d’authentification HTTP. Si cette option est activée, cette entrée ne sera pas présentée comme possibilité de sélection par les boîtes de dialogue d’authentification HTTP.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNe pas utiliser cette entrée avec l’authentification HTTP Basic
@@ -3026,6 +3174,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3248,6 +3404,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds secondes
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3692,6 +3852,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Type de conversion invalide : %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Syntaxe de conversion invalide : %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Syntaxe d'expression régulière invalide %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3700,6 +3874,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Impossible d’ouvrir le fichier "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3737,14 +3926,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Rename
- Renommer
- Open selected attachmentOuvrir le fichier joint sélectionné
@@ -3858,6 +4039,18 @@ Error: %1
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Aperçu
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4056,6 +4249,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4449,6 +4646,14 @@ Vous pouvez activer le service d’icônes de sites Web de DuckDuckGo dans la se
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4552,6 +4757,44 @@ Vous pouvez activer le service d’icônes de sites Web de DuckDuckGo dans la se
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5687,11 +5930,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- No Tags
@@ -5764,6 +6002,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5868,6 +6110,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6013,17 +6259,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6174,6 +6436,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Veuillez saisir le nom d’affichage et une description facultative pour votre nouvelle base de données :
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6715,10 +6996,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Choisir aussi parmi :
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersExclure les caractères qui se ressemblent
@@ -6743,10 +7020,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Nombre de mots :
- Character Count:
- Nombre de caractères:
- Word Case:Casse des mots :
@@ -6759,10 +7032,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistAjouter une liste de mots personnalisés
- character
- CloseFermer
@@ -6868,6 +7137,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersCaractères spéciaux
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6935,6 +7220,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7613,10 +7913,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Le nombre de mots %1 est invalide
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- La liste de mots est trop courte (moins de 1 000 articles)
- Title for the entry.Titre de l’entrée.
@@ -7761,10 +8057,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Quitter le mode interactif.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format à utiliser lors de l’exportation. Les choix proposés sont « xml » ou « csv ». La valeur par défaut est « xml ».
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exporte au format indiqué le contenu de la base de données vers la sortie standard.
@@ -8352,18 +8644,6 @@ Noyau : %3 %4
file emptyfichier vide
- malformed string
- chaîne mal formée
- missing closing quote
- Le guillemet fermant manque
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1 : (ligne, colonne) %2, %3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 bits
@@ -8823,6 +9103,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Supprimer les données de l’extension?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8955,6 +9303,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclure des rapports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -8971,36 +9323,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Survolez la raison pour afficher des détails supplémentaires. Double-cliquez sur les entrées pour les modifier.
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Mauvais
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Survolez la raison pour afficher des détails supplémentaires. Double-cliquez sur les entrées pour les modifier.Bad — password must be changedMauvais - le mot de passe doit être changé
- Poor
- Password quality
- Plutôt mauvais
- Poor — password should be changedPlutôt mauvais - le mot de passe doit être changé
- Weak
- Password quality
- Faible
- Weak — consider changing the passwordFaible - envisagez de changer le mot de passe
@@ -9049,18 +9398,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclure des rapports
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9156,6 +9501,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsExclure des rapports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9397,6 +9746,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Aucun agent n’est en cours d’exécution, il est impossible de lister les identités.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9682,29 +10039,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exporter vers %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -9994,11 +10328,15 @@ Exemple : JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Aucune clé matérielle n’a été détectée
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts
index 9ae5b99d8..7be663b90 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
- זכירה
+ לזכורAllow Selected
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
Use Pageant
- שימוש בפג'יאנט
+ שימוש בפיג'אנטUse OpenSSH
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?נא לאתחל את היישום כדי להגדיר את השפה החדשה. האם לאתחל כעת?
- Reset Settings?
- אפוס הגדרות?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- האם לאפס את כל הגדרות הכלליות והאבטחה לברירת המחדל?
- Select backup storage directoryבחירת מחיצת אחסן גיבוי
+ Confirm Reset
+ אישור שיצוב
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ האם לשצב את כל ההגדרות לבררת מחדל?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ ייבוא הגדרות KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ ייבוא הגדרות מ־%1 כשל, לא קובץ הגדרות תקין.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ ייצוא הגדרות KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -238,11 +270,11 @@
- איתחול
+ אתחולStart only a single instance of KeePassXC
- איתחול אֶדְגָּם KeePassXC יחיד בלבד
+ אתחול אדגם KeePassXC יחיד בלבדAutomatically launch KeePassXC at system startup
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesהכללת גרסאות בטא בבדיקת עדכונים
- On database unlock, show entries that
- עם נעילת מסד־נתונים, הצגת ערכים ש־
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- פג־תוקף
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- ימים
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- תפוגת תוקף בתוך
- File Managementניהול קבצים
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingגיבוי קובץ מסד־נתונים לפני שמירה
- Backup destination
- יעד גיבוי
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- ציון מיקום קובץ גיבוי מסד־נתונים. מופעים של "{DB_FILENAME}" יוחלפו בשם קובץ מסד־נתונים השמור, ללא הסיומת. {TIME:<format>} יוחלף במועד הגיבוי, למידע נוסף https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. ברירת המחדל של <format> היא תבנית המחרוזת "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- בחירה...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)שימוש בשיטת שמירה חלופית (עשוי לפתור בעיות עם דרופבוקס, גוגל דרייב, GVFS ודומיהם).
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:זכירת רשומה אחרונה שהוקלדה ל:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ עם שחרור נעילת מסד־נתונים, להציג ערכים שתוקפם יפוג בתוך
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ עם שחרור נעילת מסד־נתונים, להציג ערכים שתוקפם יפוג בתוך
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ ימים
+ Destination format:
+ תסדיר יעד:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ בחירת תיקייה...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ בקש אישור לפני העברת ערכים לסל המחזור
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ הצגת סרגל־כלים
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ הצגת סרגל תפריט
+ Import settings…
+ ייבוא הגדרות...
+ Export settings…
+ ייצוא הגדרות...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelהסתרת ססמאות בלוחית תצוגת רשומות מקדימה
- Hide entry notes by default
- הסתרת הערות רשומה כברירת מחדל
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- העברת רשומות לסל המחזור ללא אישור
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- איפשור הקשה כפולה להעתקת עמודות רשומה שם המשתמש/הססמה
- Privacyפרטיות
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelהסתרת TOTP בלוחית תצוגת רשומות מקדימה
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ נעילת מסדי־נתונים בהחלפת משתמש
+ Lock Options
+ אפשרויות נעילה
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1לרשומה אין תכונה עבור PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- סוג המרה לא תקין: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- תחביר המרה לא תקין: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- תחביר ביטוי רגיל לא תקין %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1מציין מיקום לא תקין: %1
@@ -870,11 +922,11 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Timeout in <b>%n</b> seconds...
+ פסק זמן בתוך שניה <b>%n</b>...פסק זמן בתוך <b>%n</b> שניות...פסק זמן בתוך <b>%n</b> שניות...Relying Party: %1
+ צד סומך: %1Username: %1
@@ -882,7 +934,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
+ נתוני אמנה Passkey - KeePassXCAdd to existing entry
@@ -891,19 +943,20 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Existing passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
+ נמצאו Passkey קיימים.
+האם לרשום Passkey חדש עבור:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
+ בחירת ה־Passkey הקיים ולחיצה על עדכון כדי להחליפו.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
+ אימות נתוני אמנת Passkey עבור:Do you want to register a passkey for:
+ האם לרשום Passkey עבור:
@@ -951,7 +1004,7 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
%1 (Passkey)
+ %1 (Passkey)KeePassXC - Create a new group
@@ -983,20 +1036,21 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
+ נתוני אמנה Passkey - KeePassXCRegister a new passkey to this entry:
+ רישום Passkey חדש לרשומה זו:KeePassXC - Update passkey
+ KeePassXC – עדכון PasskeyEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ קיים כבר Passkey לרשומה.
+האם לכתוב על ה־Passkey ב־%1 - %2?Register
@@ -1021,10 +1075,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- דפדפנים המותקנים כ־snaps לא נתמכים כעת.
- Enable integration for these browsers:איפשור שילוב עם דפדפנים אלה:
@@ -1222,7 +1272,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
<b>Warning:</b> Only adjust these settings if necessary.
+ <b>אזהרה:</b> לכוונן הגדרות אלו בלבד ככוש שנדרש.The custom proxy location does not exist.
@@ -1230,22 +1280,26 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
<b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location does not exist. Correct this in the advanced settings tab.
+ <b>שגיאה:</b> מיקום המתווך המותאם אישית לא קיים. נא לתקן זאת בלשונית הגדרות מתקדמות.<b>Error:</b> The installed proxy executable is missing from the expected location: %1<br/>Please set a custom proxy location in the advanced settings or reinstall the application.
+ <b>שגיאה:</b> המתווך הבציע המותקן חסר במיקום הצפוי: %1<br/> נא לקבוע מיקום מתווך מותאם אישית בהגדרות מתקדמות או להתקין מחדש את היישום.Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
+ אפשור שימוש ב־http://localhost לא מאובטח למטרות בדיקה.Allow using localhost with passkeys
+ אפשור שימוש ב־localhost עם passkeysKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ דפדפן – KeePassXC נדרש כדי שתכלול דפדפן יפעל. <br /> ניתן להורידו עבור %1 ו־%2 ו־%3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1388,16 +1442,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Imported from CSV file: %1
+ יובא מקובץ CSV: %1No Title Selected
+ לא נבחרה כותרתNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ לא נבחרה כותרת עמודה, יהיה קשה להבחין בין רשומות.
+האם לייבא?
+ Tags
+ תגים
@@ -1462,6 +1521,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Binסל־מחזור
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1568,11 +1635,11 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Old key file format
- תבנית קובץ מפתח ישן
+ תסדיר קובץ מפתח ישןYou are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database > Database Security > Change Key File.</strong><br>
- נעשה שימוש בתבנית קובץ מפתח ישן ש־KeePassXC עשוי<br>להפסיק לתמוך בעתיד.<br><br>נא שקול ליצור קובץ מפתח חדש מהתפריט:<br><strong>מסד־נתונים -> אבטחת מסד־נתונים -> שינוי קובץ מפתח.</strong><br>
+ נעשה שימוש בתסדיר קובץ מפתח ישן ש־KeePassXC עשוי<br>להפסיק לתמוך בעתיד.<br><br>נא שקול ליצור קובץ מפתח חדש מהתפריט:<br><strong>מסד־נתונים -> אבטחת מסד־נתונים -> שינוי קובץ מפתח.</strong><br>Don't show this warning again
@@ -1600,7 +1667,7 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Failed to authenticate with Quick Unlock: %1
+ אימות עם שחרור נעילה מהיר כשל: %1Select Key File:
@@ -1608,15 +1675,7 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- הקשה להוספת קובץ מפתח חדש.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">יש ברשותי קובץ מפתח</a>
+ <p> בנוסף לססמה, ניתן להשתמש בקובץ סודי להעצמת ביטחון מסד הנתונים. ניתן לחולל קובץ זה מהגדרות אבטחת מסד הנתונים.</p><p>זה <strong>לא</strong> קובץ מסד נתונים *.kdbx.Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1629,18 +1688,22 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Your database file is NOT a key file!
If you don't have a key file or don't know what that is, you don't have to select one.
+ קובץ מסד נתונים הוא לא קובץ מפתח.
+אם אין קובץ מפתח או לא ברור מה זה, לא נדרש לקבוע כזה.KeePassXC database file selected
+ קובץ מסד נתונים KeePassXCThe file you selected looks like a database file.
A database file is NOT a key file!
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ הקובץ שנבחר נראה כמו קובץ מסד נתונים.
+קובץ מסד נתונים הוא לא קובץ מפתח!
+האם להמשיך עם קובץ זה?No hardware keys found.
@@ -1650,6 +1713,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keysרענון מפתחות חומרה
+ Click to add a key file.
+ הקשה להוספת קובץ מפתח חדש.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">יש ברשותי קובץ מפתח</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1684,9 +1759,21 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ שילוב שירות חשאי
+ Remote Sync
+ סנכרון מרחוק
+ Database Settings: %1
+ הגדרות מסד־נתונים: %1
@@ -1859,11 +1946,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
This is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.
+ זוהי ססמה חלשה! להגנה טובה יותר על קבצים חשאיים נא לבחור בססמה חזקה יותר.The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ הססמה שסופקה לא עומדת בדרישת האיכות המזערית.
@@ -1882,19 +1969,19 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
Database format:
- תבנית מסד־נתונים:
+ תסדיר מסד־נתונים:Database format
- תבנית מסד־נתונים
+ תסדיר מסד־נתוניםFormat cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features
- לא ניתן לשנות תבנית: מסד־נתונים משתמש בתכונות KDBX 4
+ לא ניתן לשנות תסדיר: מסד־נתונים משתמש בתכונות KDBX 4Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format.
- אם את/ה צריכ/ה לפתוח את מסד־נתונים שלך עם תוכנות אחרות, תמיד תשתמש/י בפורמט האחרון (הכי עדכני).
+ יש להשתמש תמיד תסדיר האחרון (העדכני ביותר). אלא אם יידרש לפתוח את מסד הנתונים גם באמצעות תוכנות אחרות.Encryption Algorithm:
@@ -2154,7 +2241,7 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change in minutes
+ השהית שמירה אוטומטית בדקות מאז שינוי אחרון min
@@ -2162,6 +2249,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ תיבת סימון השהית שמירה אוטומטית בדקות מאז שינוי אחרון
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ שם מצג:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ צבע תצוגה:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ נקה
+ Display icon:
+ סמל תצוגה:
+ Select Database Icon
@@ -2263,7 +2394,7 @@ removed from the database.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ פקודות סנכרוןRemove
@@ -2271,7 +2402,7 @@ removed from the database.
Command Settings
+ הגדרות פקודהName
@@ -2283,75 +2414,75 @@ removed from the database.
+ הורדהCommand:
+ פקודה:Download command field
+ הורדת שדה פקודהe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ לדוגמה: "sftp user@hostname" או "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ קלט:Download input field
+ הורדת שדה קלטUpload
+ האלעהUpload command field
+ העלאת שדה פקודהe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ לדוגמה: "sftp user@hostname" או "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input field
+ העלאת שדה קלטName cannot be empty.
+ שם לא יכול להיות ריקTest
+ בדיקהDownload command cannot be empty.
+ פקודת הורדה לא יכול להיות ריקDownload failed with error: %1
+ פקודת הורדה עם שגיאה: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ הורדת קבצים שהסתיימו, אבל קובץ %1 לא נמצא.Download successful.
+ הורדה צלחה.Save Remote Settings
+ שמירת הגדרות מרוחקותYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ קיימים שינויים שלא נשמרו. האם לשמור אותם?e.g.:
@@ -2361,7 +2492,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ לדוגמה:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} משמש כשומר מקום לאחסון מסד הנתונים במיקום זמני.
+הפקודה אמורה להסתיים ב'יציאה'. במקרה של `sftp` כפקודה אחרונה, יש לשלוח פקודת `exit`
+ e.g.:
@@ -2371,8 +2508,22 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ לדוגמה:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} משמש כשומר מקום לאחסון מסד הנתונים במיקום זמני.
+הפקודה אמורה להסתיים ב'יציאה'. במקרה של `sftp` כפקודה אחרונה, יש לשלוח פקודת `exit`
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ שניות
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2450,7 +2601,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [זמני]
@@ -2575,26 +2726,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedהקובץ השתנה
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- קובץ מסד־נתונים השתנה. האם לטעון את השינויים?
- Merge Request
- בקשת מיזוג
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- קיימים שינויים בקובץ מסד־נתונים שלא נשמרו.
-האם למזג את השינויים?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- לא ניתן לפתוח את קובץ מסד־נתונים החדש בעת ניסיון אוטומטית טעינה מחדש .
-שגיאה: %1
- Disable safe saves?האם להשבית שמירות בטוחות?
@@ -2648,19 +2779,19 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ סנכרון מרוחק לא מכיל הורדה הורדה או העלאה.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ סנכרון מרוחק '%1' הושלם בהצלחה!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ סנכרון מרוחק '%1' כשל: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ שגיאה בעת שמירת מסד נתונים %1: %2Downloading...
@@ -2668,18 +2799,62 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
+ מתבצעת העלאה...Syncing...
+ מתבצע סנכרון...Remove passkey from entry
+ הסרת Passkey מרשומהDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ האם להסיר את ה־Passkey מרשומה זו?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -2837,7 +3012,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ פענוח מפתח SSH כשל, נא לוודא שהססמה תקינה.
@@ -3010,18 +3185,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryדלוג על Auto־Submit ברשומה זו
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- לשלח הגדרה זו רק לדפדפן עבור דו־שיח HTTP Auth. אם אופשר, טופסי התחברות רגילים לא יציגו רשומה זו לבחירה.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Authנא להשתמש ברשומה זו רק ב־HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- לא לשלח הגדרה זו לדפדפן לדו־שיח HTTP Auth. אם אופשר, דו־שיח HTTP Auth לא יציג רשומה זו לבחירה.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Authלא להשתמש ברשומה זו ב־HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3040,12 +3207,20 @@ Would you like to correct it?
These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ הגדרות אלו משפיעות על התנהגות הרשומה עם הרחבות הדפדפן.Additional URLsמעני URL נוספים
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ לשלוח ערך זה לדפדפן רק עבור תיבות דו־שיח HTTP Auth. אם מופעל, טפסי התחברות רגילים לא יציגו ערך זה לבחירה.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ לא לשלוח ערך זה לדפדפן עבור תיבות דו־שיח של HTTP Auth. אם מופעל, תיבות דו־שיח HTTP Auth לא יציגו ערך זה לבחירה.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3268,6 +3443,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds שניות
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3364,7 +3543,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Restrict matching to given browser key toggle for this and sub groups
+ להגביל התאמה כדי לספק מיתוג מפתח דפדפן עבור זה ועבור קבוצות משה.
@@ -3632,7 +3811,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Application Settings -> Security
+ ניתן לאפשור את שרות סמלי אתר מרשתת DuckDuckGo מתפריט הגדרות יישום -> אבטחה
@@ -3714,6 +3893,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ סוג המרה לא תקין: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ תחביר המרה לא תקין: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ תחביר ביטוי רגיל לא תקין %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3722,6 +3915,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
לא ניתן לפתוח קובץ "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ טופס
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3759,14 +3967,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- שנוי שם צרופה שנבחרה
- Rename
- שינוי שם
- Open selected attachmentפתיחת צרופה שנבחרה
@@ -3883,6 +4083,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
קיימת כבר צרופה "%1".
האם לכתוב־על הצרופה הקיימת?
+ New
+ Preview
+ תצוגה מקדימה
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4081,6 +4293,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Colorצבע רקע
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4186,7 +4402,7 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Double click to copy to clipboard
+ הקשה כפולה להעתיק ללוח גזירים
@@ -4216,7 +4432,7 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ %1 entry(s)...
+ רשומה + %1...+ %1 רשומות...+ %1 רשומות...
@@ -4477,6 +4693,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Urlמען URL
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4510,7 +4734,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
No unlocked databases available
+ אין מסדי נתונים לא נעולים זמיניםExisting Database:
@@ -4526,19 +4750,19 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
1Password Export (.1pux)
+ ייצוא 1Password (.1pux)1Password Vault (.opvault)
+ כספת 1Password (.opvault)Bitwarden (.json)
+ Bitwarden (.json)KeePass 1 Database (.kdb)
+ מסד נתונים KeePass 1 (.kdb)Open OPVault
@@ -4566,18 +4790,56 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
1Password Export
+ ייצוא 1PasswordBitwarden JSON Export
+ ייצוא Bitwarden JSON1Password Vault
+ כספת 1PasswordKeePass1 Database
+ מסד־נתונים KeePass 1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ פקודה:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ לדוגמה: "sftp user@hostname" או "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ קלט:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
@@ -5267,11 +5529,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Old key file format
- תבנית קובץ מפתח ישן
+ תסדיר קובץ מפתח ישןYou selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead.
- נבחר קובץ מפתח בתבנית ישנה ש־KeePassXC<br>עשוי להפסיק לתמוך בעתיד.<br><br>במקום זאת, נא לשקול ליצור קובץ מפתח חדש.
+ נבחר קובץ מפתח בתסדיר ישן ש־KeePassXC<br>עשוי להפסיק לתמוך בעתיד.<br><br>במקום זאת, נא לשקול ליצור קובץ מפתח חדש.Error loading the key file '%1'
@@ -5720,12 +5982,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
הערה: זוהי גרסת טרום שחרור של KeePassXC!
צפוי שיתרחשו תקלים וסוגיות קלות, גרסה זו מיועדת לשימוש כמערכת בדיקות.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- אזהרה: גרסת ה־Qt עלולה לגרום ל־KeePassXC לקרוס בשימוש במקלדת על המסך!
-אנו ממליצים להשתמש ב־AppImage הזמין בעמוד ההורדות שלנו.No Tags
@@ -5781,11 +6037,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
1Password 1PUX...
+ 1Password 1PUX...Import a 1Password 1PUX file
+ ייבוא קובץ 1Password 1PUXImport…
@@ -5799,6 +6055,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkeyייבוא Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ ס&נכרון מרוחק...
+ Quit Applicationלצאת מהיישומון
@@ -5861,31 +6121,31 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Database Security
+ הצגת אבטחת מסד נתוניםShow Database Reports
+ הצגת דוחות מסד נתוניםShow Database Settings
+ הצגת הגדרות מסד נתוניםShow Passkeys
+ הצגת PasskeysClone Entry
+ שכפול רשומהMove Entry Up
+ העברת רשומה מעלהMove Entry Down
+ העברת רשומה מטהCopy Username
@@ -5897,51 +6157,55 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Application Settings
+ הצגת הגדרות יישוםShow Password Generator
+ הצגת מחולל ססמאות
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ הסרת Passkey מרשומהPerform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
+ ביצוע הקלדה אוטומטית: {USERNAME}Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}
+ ביצוע הקלדה אוטומטית: {USERNAME}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}
+ ביצוע הקלדה אוטומטית: {PASSWORD}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
+ ביצוע הקלדה אוטומטית: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {TOTP}
+ ביצוע הקלדה אוטומטית: {TOTP}Copy Title
+ להעתיק תוארCopy URL
+ להעתיק מען URLCopy Notes
+ להעתיק הערותExport to CSV
+ ייצוא ל־CSVExport to HTML
+ ייצוא ל־HTMLImport KeePass1 Database
@@ -5949,114 +6213,130 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import 1Password Vault
+ ייבוא כספת 1PasswordImport CSV File
+ ייבוא קובץ CSVShow TOTP QR Code
+ הצגת קוד QR TOTPSet up TOTP
+ הגדרת TOTPEmpty Recycle Bin
+ לרוקן סל מחזורOpen Donation Website
+ לפתוח אתר מרשתת תרומהOpen Bug Report
+ לפתוח דוח תקליםOpen Online Documentation
+ לפתוח תיעוד מקווןOpen Keyboard Shortcuts Guide
+ לפתוח מדריך קיצורי־דרך מקלדתSave Database Backup
+ לשמור גיבוי מסד נתוניםSSH Agent: Add Key
+ סוכן SSH: הוספת מפתחSSH Agent: Remove Key
+ סוכן SSH: הסרת מפתחToggle Compact Mode
+ מיתוג מצב צמוםSet Theme: Automatic
+ קביעת ערכת נושא באופן אוטומטיSet Theme: Light
+ קביעת ערכת נושא: בהירהSet Theme: Dark
+ קביעת ערכת נושא: כההSet Theme: Classic
+ קביעת ערכת נושא: קלאסיToggle Show Menubar
+ מיתוג הצגת סרגל תפריטToggle Show Toolbar
+ מיתוג הצגת סרגל כליםToggle Show Preview Panel
+ מיתוג הצגת לוח תצוגה מקדימהToggle Always on Top
+ מיתוג תמיד עליוןToggle Hide Usernames
+ מיתוג הסתרת שם משתמשToggle Hide Passwords
+ מיתוג הסתרת ססמאותExport to XML
+ ייצוא ל־XMLToggle Allow Screen Capture
+ מיתוג אפשור לכידת מרקע
+ Show Group Panel
- Remote S&ync…
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ הגדרת סנכרון מרוחק...
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
@@ -6209,6 +6489,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
נא להזין את שם המצג ותיאור חלופי למסד־נתונים החדש:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6424,19 +6723,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
PasskeyExportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Export
+ ייצוא KeePassXC – PasskeyFilenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.
+ שמות קבצים יחוללו עם כותרת וסיומת קובץ Passkey.Export entries
+ ייצוא רשומותExport Selected
+ ייצוא בחירהCancel
@@ -6444,43 +6743,44 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Export to folder
+ ייצוא לתיקייהExport the following passkey entries.
+ ייצוא רשומות ה־Passkey הבאות.PasskeyExporterKeePassXC: Passkey Export
+ KeePassXC: ייצוא PasskeyFile "%1.passkey" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?
+ קובץ "%1.passkey" כבר קיים
+האם לכתוב עליו?Cannot open file
+ לא ניתן לפתוח קובץCannot open file "%1" for writing.
+ לא ניתן לפתוח קובץ "%1" לכתיבה.Cannot write to file
+ לא ניתן לכתוב לקובץPasskeyImportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Import
+ ייבוא KeePassXC – PasskeyUsername: %1
@@ -6492,7 +6792,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ DatabaseImport Passkey
@@ -6512,30 +6812,30 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Create new entry
+ יצירת רשומה חדשהRelying Party: %1
+ צד סומך: %1Import the following passkey:
+ ייבוא ה־ הבא:PasskeyImport the following passkey to this entry:
+ לייבא את ה־Passkey הבא לרשומה זו:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
+ קבוצה passkeys בררת מחדל (passkeys שיובאו)PasskeyImporterPasskey file
+ קובץ PasskeyAll files
@@ -6543,33 +6843,35 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Cannot open file
+ לא ניתן לפתוח קובץCannot open file "%1" for reading.
+ לא ניתן לפתוח קובץ "%1" לקריאה.Open passkey file
+ פתיחת קובץ PasskeyCannot import passkey
+ לא ניתן לייבוא PasskeyCannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
+ לא ניתן לייבוא קובץ Passkey "%1". חסרים נתונים.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
+ לא ניתן לייבא קובץ Passkey "%1".
+הנתון הבא חסר:
+%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
+ לא ניתן לייבא קובץ Passkey "%1". מפתח פרטי חסר או לוקה בתצורה.
@@ -6750,10 +7052,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:נא לבחור גם מבין:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- תווים שהוחרגו: "0", "O", "1", "l", "I", "|", "G", "6", "B", "8", "."
- Exclude look-alike charactersהחרגת תווים דומים
@@ -6778,10 +7076,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:ספירת מילים:
- Character Count:
- ספירת תווים:
- Word Case:גודל אות:
@@ -6794,10 +7088,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistהוספת רשימת־מילים מותאמת אישית
- character
- תו
- Closeסגירה
@@ -6904,6 +7194,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Charactersתווים מיוחדים
+ passwordLength
+ אורך ססמה
+ Characters: %1
+ תווים: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6953,7 +7259,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Toggle password visibility using Control + H. Open the password generator using Control + G.
+ מיתוג נראות ססמה תוך שימוש ב'קונטרול + H'. פתיחת מחולל ססמאות תוך שימוש ב'קונטרול + G'.
@@ -6971,6 +7277,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
הקשה על &Tab בין תווים
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7011,7 +7332,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Continue with weak password
+ להמשיך עם ססמה חלשה
@@ -7174,7 +7495,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.
- נא לבדוק אם ססמאות כלשהן הודלפו בפומבי. FILENAME חייב להיות הנתיב של קובץ המפרט HASS SHA־1 של ססמאות שדלפו בתבנית HIBP, כפי שזמין ב־https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.
+ נא לבדוק אם ססמאות כלשהן הודלפו בפומבי. FILENAME חייב להיות הנתיב של קובץ המפרט HASS SHA־1 של ססמאות שדלפו בתסדיר HIBP, כפי שזמין ב־https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.FILENAME
@@ -7649,10 +7970,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1ספירת מילים לא תקינה %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- רשימת המילים קטנה מדי (< 1000 פריטים)
- Title for the entry.כותרת הרשומה.
@@ -7797,13 +8114,9 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.יציאה ממצב הידודי.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- תבנית לשימוש בעת ייצוא. האפשרויות הזמינות הן 'xml' או 'csv'. ברירת המחדל היא 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.
- ייצוא תוכן מסד־נתונים לפלט רגיל בתבנית שצוינה.
+ ייצוא תוכן מסד־נתונים לפלט רגיל בתסדיר שצוין.Unable to export database to XML: %1
@@ -7811,7 +8124,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Unsupported format %1
- תבנית %1 לא נתמכת
+ תסדיר %1 לא נתמךLength of the generated password
@@ -8134,7 +8447,7 @@ Available commands:
stop supporting in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.
- אזהרה: נעשה שימוש בתבנית קובץ מפתח ישנה ש־KeePassXC עשוי
+ אזהרה: נעשה שימוש בתסדיר קובץ מפתח ישן ש־KeePassXC עשוי
להפסיק לתמוך בעתיד.
נא לשקול ליצור קובץ מפתח חדש.
@@ -8388,18 +8701,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyקובץ ריק
- malformed string
- מחרוזת פגומה
- missing closing quote
- חסרה מרכאה סוגרת
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (שורה, עמודה) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES- 256 סיביות
@@ -8638,40 +8939,41 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
allow screenshots and app recording (Windows/macOS)
+ אפשור תצלום מצג והקלטת יישום Iוינדוס/מאק OS)Set the key file for the database.
This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ קביעת קובץ המפתח למסד הנתונים.
+אפשרות זו הוצאה משימוש, במקום זאת יש להשתמש ב: ' --set-key-file'.Databases have been locked.
+ מסד נתונים ננעל.Attestation not supported
+ אימות לא נתמךCredential is excluded
+ נתוני אמנה הוחרגוPasskeys request canceled
+ בקשת Passkeys בוטלהInvalid user verification
+ אימות משתמש לא תקיןEmpty public key
+ מפתח ציבורי ריקInvalid URL provided
+ סופק מען URL לא תקיןPasskeys
@@ -8679,43 +8981,43 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
AES initialization failed
+ אתחול AES כשלAES encrypt failed
+ הצפנת AES כשלהFailed to store in Linux Keyring
+ אחסון ב־Keyring לינוקס כשלPolkit returned an error: %1
+ Polkit החזיר שגיאה: %1Could not locate key in keyring
+ לא ניתן לאתר מפתח ב־keyringCould not read key in keyring
+ לא ניתן לקרוא מפתח ב־keyringAES decrypt failed
+ פענוח AES כשלNo Polkit authentication agent was available
+ סוכן אימות Polkit לא זמיןPolkit authorization failed
+ הרשאת Polkit כשלהNo Quick Unlock provider is available
+ ספק שרות שחרור נעילה מהיר לא זמיןFailed to init KeePassXC crypto.
@@ -8735,76 +9037,76 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Origin is empty or not allowed
+ מקור ריק או לא מאופשרEffective domain is not a valid domain
+ התחום בפועל אינן תחום תקיןOrigin and RP ID do not match
+ מקור ומזהה RP לא תואמיםNo supported algorithms were provided
+ לא סופק אלגוריתם נתמךWait for timer to expire
+ המתנה לתפוגת קוצב זמןChallenge is shorter than required minimum length
+ אתגר מענה קצר מאורך מזערי נדרשuser.id does not match the required length
+ מזהה משתמש לא תואם לאורך הנדרשFavoriteTag for favorite entries
+ מועדףFile does not exist.
+ קובץ לא קיים.Cannot open file: %1
+ לא ניתן לפתוח קובץ: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
+ לא ניתן לפרק קובץ: %1 באיות %2Failed to decrypt json file: %1
+ פענוח קובץ json כשל: %1Invalid encKeyValidation field
+ שדה encKeyValidation לא תקיןInvalid cipher list within encKeyValidation field
+ רשימת צופן בתוך שדה צופן encKeyValidation לא תקינהWrong password
+ ססמה שגויהInvalid encrypted data field
+ שדה נתונים מוצפן לא תקיןInvalid cipher list within encrypted data field
+ רשימה צופן בתוך שדה נתונים מוצפן לא תקיןCannot initialize cipher
+ לא ניתן לאתחל צופןCannot decrypt data
@@ -8812,20 +9114,20 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Bitwarden Import
+ ייבוא BitwardenArchivedTag for archived entries
+ הועבר לארכיוןInvalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.
+ תסדיר קובץ 1PUX לא תקין: לא קובץ ZIP תקין.Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data
+ תסדיר קובץ 1PUX לא תקין: נתוני ייצוא חסרים1Password Import
@@ -8845,20 +9147,88 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Unknown passkeys error
+ שגיאת passkeys לא ידועהInvalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ חזרורי KDF לא תקינים, לא ניתן לפענח קובץ jsonUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ תסדיר לא נתמך, נא לוודא שייצוא Bitwarden מוגן בססמהOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ רק PBKDF ו־Argon2 נתמכים, לא ניתן לפענח קובץ json
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ שיצוב קיצורי־דרך
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ הקשה כפולה על פעולה לשינוי קיצור הדרך שלה
+ Filter...
+ סינון...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ התנגשות קיצור־דרך
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ קיצור־דרך %1 מתנגש עם %2'. לכתוב על קיצור־הדרך?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ לא ניתן לחולל ביטוי סיסמה תקין מכיוון שרשימת המילים קצרה מדי
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ האם למחוק נתוני מתקע?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ מחיקת נתוני מתקע מרשומות?מחיקת נתוני מתקע מרשומות?מחיקת נתוני מתקע מרשומה?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ תגים
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8887,7 +9257,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
QtIOCompressor::openThe gzip format not supported in this version of zlib.
- תבנית gzip אינה נתמכת בגרסה זו של zlib.
+ תסדיר gzip אינו נתמך בגרסה זו של zlib.Internal zlib error:
@@ -8898,31 +9268,31 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ פקודה `%1` לא הסתיימה בזמן. תהליך חוסל.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ העלאת מסד נתונים שמוזג כשל. פקודה `%1` לא הסתיימה בזמן. תהליך חוסל.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ סופקו פרמטרי הורדה לא תקינים.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ פקודה `%1` כשלה בהורדת מסד נתונים.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ סופקו מצביעי מסד נתונים או פרמטרי העלאה לא תקינים.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ פקודה `%1` יצאה עם קוד מצב: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ העלאת מסד נתונים שמוזג כשלה. פקודה `%1` יצאה עם קוד מצב: %2
@@ -8991,52 +9361,53 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsהחרגה מדוחות
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
+ להציג רק רשומות שיש להן מען URLOnly show entries that have been explicitly allowed or denied
+ להציג רק רשומות שאפשרו או נדחו במפורשShow expired entries
+ הצגת רשומות שפגו (Expired)(פג)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ מחיקת נתוני מתקע מרשומות?מחיקת נתוני מתקע מרשומות?מחיקת נתוני מתקע מרשומה?
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- ריחוף מעל סיבה להצגת פרטים נוספים. הקשה כפולה על רשומות לעריכה.
+ Show expired entries
+ הצגת רשומות שפגו
- Bad
- Password quality
- רע
+ (Expired)
+ (פג)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ ריחוף מעל סיבה להצגת פרטים נוספים. הקשה כפולה על רשומות לעריכה.Bad — password must be changedחלש — יש לשנות ססמה
- Poor
- Password quality
- עלוב
- Poor — password should be changedחלש — יש לשנות ססמה
- Weak
- Password quality
- חלש
- Weak — consider changing the passwordחלש — נא לשקול לשנות הססמה
@@ -9085,17 +9456,13 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsהחרגה מדוחות
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- (פג)
+ הצגת רשומות שהוחרגו מדוחות
@@ -9192,6 +9559,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsהחרגה מדוחות
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9233,11 +9604,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Relying Party
+ צד נסמךShow expired entries
+ הצגת רשומות שפגו (Expired)
@@ -9249,15 +9620,16 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
+ קובץ ה־Passkey יהיה פגיע לגנבה או שימוש לא מאושר.האם להמשיך?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
+ נא להמתין, מתבצעת העלאת רשימת רשומות עם passkeys
+...No entries with passkeys.
+ אין רשומות עם passkeys.
@@ -9433,6 +9805,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.אין סוכן פעיל, לא ניתן להוסיף זהויות.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9607,11 +9987,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
<html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>הגדרה זו does not לא עוקפת השבתת השבתת הנחיות סל מחזור </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>משפר תאימות עם יישומים מסוימים שמחפשים ססמה מבלי לשחרר את נעילת מסד הנתונים תחילה.</p><p>אבל הפעלת אפשרות זו עשויה גם לגרום ללקוח לקרוס אם נעילת מסד הנתונים ישתחרר בתוך פרק זמן מסוים. (בדרך כלל 25 שניות, אך עשוי להיות ערך שונה שהוגדר ביישומים.) </p></body></html>
@@ -9718,29 +10098,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
ייצוא ל־%1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- התנגשות קיצור־דרך
- Filter...
- סינון...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- קיצור־דרך %1 מתנגש עם %2'. לכתוב על קיצור־הדרך?
- Reset Shortcuts
- שיצוב קיצורי־דרך
@@ -9826,7 +10183,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Secret key must be in Base32 format
- מפתח סודי חייב להיות בתבנית Base32
+ מפתח סודי חייב להיות בתסדיר Base32Secret key field
@@ -9880,7 +10237,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
You have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format.
- הוזן מפתח סודי לא תקין. המפתח חייב להיות בתבנית Base32.
+ הוזן מפתח סודי לא תקין. המפתח חייב להיות בתסדיר Base32.
@@ -10030,12 +10387,16 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
לא זוהה מפתח חומרה
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ רענון מפתחות חומרה
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keys
- רענון מפתחות חומרה
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts
index 60ebd0f96..c61e1bf6c 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Az új nyelv beállításának érvényesítéséhez újra kell indítani az alkalmazást. Indítsuk újra most?
- Reset Settings?
- Beállítások visszaállítása?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Biztos, hogy vissza akarja állítani az összes általános és biztonsági beállítást az alapértelmezésre?
- Select backup storage directoryVálassza ki a biztonsági mentés könyvtárát.
+ Confirm Reset
+ Visszaállítás megerősítése
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Valóban visszaállítja az összes beállítást az alapértelmezésre?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC-beállítások importálása
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ A beállítások importálása sikertelen, mivel a beállításfájl nem érvényes: %1.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC-beállítások exportálása
+ Small
+ Kicsi
+ Normal
+ Normál
+ Medium
+ Közepes
+ Large
+ Nagy
+ Custom
+ Egyéni
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesA frissítések keresése a béta kiadásokra is terjedjen ki
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Az adatbázis feloldásakor azon bejegyzések megjelenítése, amelyek
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- lejártak
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- napon belül
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- lejárnak
- File ManagementFájlkezelés
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingKészüljön biztonsági mentés az adatbázisról mentés előtt
- Backup destination
- Biztonsági mentés célja
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Megadja az adatbázis biztonsági mentési fájljának helyét. A „{DB_FILENAME}” le lesz cserélve a mentett adatbázis nevére, kiterjesztés nélkül. A {TIME:<formátum>} le lesz cserélve a biztonsági mentés idejére, lásd a következő oldalt: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. A <formátum> alapértelmezett értéke „dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss”.
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Válasszon…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Alternatív mentési módszer alkalmazása (megoldhatja a Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, stb. mentési problémákat)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Utolsó beírt bejegyzés megjegyzése ehhez:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Az ennyi időn belül lejáró bejegyzések megjelenítése az adatbázis feloldásakor:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Az ennyi időn belül lejáró bejegyzések megjelenítése az adatbázis feloldásakor:
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ napon belül
+ Destination format:
+ Célformátum:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>A <span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> le lesz cserélve a mentett adatbázis kiterjesztés nélküli nevére</p><p>A <span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> le lesz cserélve a megadott időformátumra (alapértelmezés: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>További részletekért lásd a felhasználói útmutatót</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Válasszon mappát…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Megerősítés megjelenítése a bejegyzések kukába dobása előtt
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Adatok másolása a mezőre való dupla kattintásra bejegyzésnézetben
+ Show toolbar
+ Eszköztár megjelenítése
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ A menü megjelenítése az Alt gomb lenyomásakor
+ Show menubar
+ Menü megjelenítése
+ Import settings…
+ Beállítások importálása…
+ Export settings…
+ Beállítások exportálása…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Böngésző megnyitása az URL mezőre való dupla kattintásra bejegyzésnézetben
+ Font size:
+ Betűméret:
+ Font size selection
+ Betűméret kijelölése
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelJelszavak elrejtése a bejegyzés előnézeti panelen
- Hide entry notes by default
- Bejegyzések jegyzeteinek elrejtése alapértelmezetten
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Bejegyzések kukába dobása megerősítés nélkül.
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Dupla kattintás engedélyezése a felhasználónév/jelszó bejegyzésoszlopok másolására
- PrivacyAdatvédelem
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelTOTP elrejtése a bejegyzés előnézeti panelen
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Adatbázis zárolása felhasználóváltáskor
+ Lock Options
+ Zárolási beállítások
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Jegyzetek elrejtése a bejegyzés-előnézeti panelen
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1A bejegyzés nem rendelkezik PICKCHARS attribútummal: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Érvénytelen átalakítási típus: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Érvénytelen átalakítási szintaxis: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Érvénytelen reguláriskifejezés-szintaxis %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Érvénytelen helykitöltő: %1
@@ -1022,10 +1074,6 @@ Felülírja az itt található jelkulcsot: %1 – %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- A snappal telepített böngészők jelenleg nem támogatottak.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Böngészőintegráció engedélyezése a következőkhöz:
@@ -1247,7 +1295,11 @@ Felülírja az itt található jelkulcsot: %1 – %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ A böngészőintegráció működéséhez a KeePassXC-böngészőre van szükség. <br />Letölthető ezen böngészőkre: %1, %2 és %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ A Snap vagy Flatpak segítségével telepített böngészők nem támogatottak, kivéve a Snap által telepített Firefoxot.
@@ -1393,12 +1445,17 @@ Felülírja az itt található jelkulcsot: %1 – %2?
No Title Selected
+ Nincs cím kiválasztvaNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Nincs címoszlop kiválasztva, a bejegyzéseket nehéz lesz megkülönböztetni.
+Valóban importálja?
+ Tags
+ Címkék
@@ -1463,6 +1520,14 @@ Az adatbázis biztonsági másolata: %2
Recycle BinKuka
+ Database file read error.
+ Adatbázisfájl olvasási hiba.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Nem volt fájlútvonal megadva.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1676,6 @@ Ezen hiba megjelenése megelőzhető az Adatbázis-beállítások → Biztonság
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>A jelszó mellett egy titkos fájlt is használhat, hogy növelje az adatbázisa biztonságát. Ez a fájl az adatbázis biztonsági beállításaiban állítható elő.</p><p>Ez <strong>nem</strong> a *.kdbx adatbázisfájlja!
- Click to add a key file.
- Kattintson egy kulcsfájl hozzáadásához.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Van kulcsfájlom</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Hardverkulcs használata [Sorozatszám: %1]
@@ -1645,7 +1702,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
A kiválasztott fájl adatbázisfájlnak tűnik.
Az adatbázis NEM egy kulcsfájl.
-Biztos, hogy folytatja ezzel a fájllal?
+Valóban folytatja ezzel a fájllal?
No hardware keys found.
@@ -1655,6 +1712,18 @@ Biztos, hogy folytatja ezzel a fájllal?
Refresh Hardware KeysHardverkulcsok frissítése
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Kattintson egy kulcsfájl hozzáadásához.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Van kulcsfájlom</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ A hardverkulcs megtalálva, de a foglalatok nincsenek beállítva.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1689,10 +1758,22 @@ Biztos, hogy folytatja ezzel a fájllal?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Titkosító szolgáltatás integrációja
+ Remote SyncTávoli szinkronizálás
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Adatbázis-beállítások: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1869,7 +1950,7 @@ Valóban jelszó nélkül folytatja?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ A megadott jelszó nem felel meg a minimális minőségi elvárásoknak.
@@ -2172,6 +2253,50 @@ kerülnek az adatbázisból.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxAutomatikus mentési késleltetés az utolsó módosítás óta jelölőnégyzet
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Nyilvános adatbázis-metaadatok
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Figyelmeztetés: a következő beállítások nincsenek titkosítva.
+ Display name:
+ Megjelenítendő név:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Nyilvánosan látható megjelenítendő név, amely a feloldási párbeszédablakon használatos
+ Database public display name
+ Adatbázis nyilvános megjelenítendő neve
+ Display color:
+ Megjelenítendő szín:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Nyilvánosan látható szín, amely a feloldási párbeszédablakon használatos
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Adatbázis nyilvános megjelenítendő színének választója
+ Clear
+ Törlés
+ Display icon:
+ Megjelenítendő ikon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Válasszon adatbázisikont
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2393,6 +2518,14 @@ exit
A parancsnak ki kell lépnie, ezért az „sftp” esetében utolsó parancsként az „exit” parancsot el kell küldeni.
+ Timeout:
+ Időtúllépés:
+ seconds
+ másodperc
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2595,26 +2728,6 @@ Menti a változásokat?
File has changedA fájl módosult
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Az adatbázisfájl módosult. Betölti a módosításokat?
- Merge Request
- Egyesítési kérelem
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Az adatbázisfájl módosult és vannak nem mentett változások.
-Egyesíti a módosításokat?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Nem lehet megnyitni az új adatbázisfájlt egy újranyitási kísérlet közben.
-Hiba: %1
- Disable safe saves?Letiltható a biztonságos mentés?
@@ -2702,6 +2815,50 @@ Letiltható a biztonságos mentés és úgy megkísérelhető a mentés?Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
Valóban eltávolítja a jelkulcsot ebből a bejegyzésből?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ A(z) „%1” adatbázisfájl kívülről lett módosítva
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Betölti a módosításokat?
+ Reload database
+ Adatbázis újratöltése
+ Reloading database…
+ Adatbázis újratöltése…
+ Reload canceled
+ Újratöltés megszakítva
+ Reload successful
+ Újratöltés sikeres
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Függőben lévő felhasználói művelet újratöltése…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ A(z) „%1” adatbázisfájl külsőleg módosítva volt.<br>Hogyan folytatja?<br><br>Összes módosítás egyesítése<br>A módosítások figyelmen kívül hagyása a lemezre mentésig<br>Mentetlen módosítások elvetése
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ A(z) „%1” adatbázisfájl külsőleg módosítva volt.<br>Hogyan folytatja?<br><br>Összes módosítás egyesítése, majd mentés<br>A lemezen lévő módosítások felülírása<br>Mentetlen módosítások elvetése
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Adatbázisfájl felülírva.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ A lemezen lévő adatbázisfájl nem oldható fel a jelenlegi hitelesítő adatokkal.<br>A folytatáshoz adjon meg új hitelesítő adatokat, vagy mutasson fel hardverkulcsot.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3030,18 +3187,10 @@ Szeretné kijavítani?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryAutomatikus küldés kihagyása ennél a bejegyzésnél
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Ezt a beállítást csak a böngésző HTTP hitelesítési párbeszédablakának küldje. Bejelölve a normál bejelentkezési űrlapokon ez a bejegyzés nem fog kiválaszthatóként feltűnni.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthBejegyzés alkalmazása csak HTTP Basic hitelesítéssel
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Ne küldje ezt a beállítást a böngésző HTTP hitelesítési párbeszédablakának. Bejelölve a HTTP hitelesítési párbeszédablakokban ez a bejegyzés nem fog kiválaszthatóként feltűnni.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthBejegyzés tiltása HTTP Basic hitelesítéssel
@@ -3066,6 +3215,14 @@ Szeretné kijavítani?
Additional URLsTovábbi webcímek
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Ezt a bejegyzést csak a böngésző HTTP hitelesítési párbeszédablakának küldje el. Bejelölve a normál bejelentkezési űrlapokon ez a bejegyzés nem fog kiválaszthatóként feltűnni.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Ne küldje ezt a bejegyzést a böngésző HTTP hitelesítési párbeszédablakának. Bejelölve a HTTP hitelesítési párbeszédablakokban ez a bejegyzés nem fog kiválaszthatóként feltűnni.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3288,6 +3445,10 @@ Szeretné kijavítani?
+ Clear agent
+ Ügynök törlése
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3734,6 +3895,20 @@ Ez a kijelölt bővítmény hibás működését eredményezheti.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Érvénytelen átalakítási típus: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Érvénytelen átalakítási szintaxis: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Érvénytelen reguláriskifejezés-szintaxis %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3742,6 +3917,21 @@ Ez a kijelölt bővítmény hibás működését eredményezheti.
A(z) „%1” fájl nem nyitható meg
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Űrlap
+ File name
+ Fájlnév
+ File contents...
+ Fájltartalom…
@@ -3779,14 +3969,6 @@ Ez a kijelölt bővítmény hibás működését eredményezheti.
- Rename selected attachment
- Kijelölt melléklet átnevezése
- Rename
- Átnevezés
- Open selected attachmentKijelölt melléklet megnyitása
@@ -3827,7 +4009,7 @@ Ez a kijelölt bővítmény hibás működését eredményezheti.
Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?
- Valóban felül kívánja írni a meglévő „%1” fájl a melléklettel?
+ Valóban felülírja a meglévő „%1” fájlt a melléklettel?Confirm overwrite
@@ -3871,10 +4053,10 @@ Ez a kijelölt bővítmény hibás működését eredményezheti.
Your database may get very large and reduce performance.
Are you sure to add this file?
- %1 egy nagy fájl (%2 MB).
-Az adatbázis így nagyon nagy lesz és rontani fogja a teljesítményt.
+ A(z) %1 egy nagy fájl (%2 MB).
+Az adatbázis így nagyon nagy lesz, és rontani fogja a teljesítményt.
-Biztosan hozzáadható ez a fájl?
+Valóban hozzáadja ezt a fájlt?Attachment modified
@@ -3902,6 +4084,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
A mellélket már létezik: „%1”.
Valóban felülírható a meglévő melléklet?
+ New
+ Új
+ Preview
+ Előnézet
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ A melléklet előnézete sikertelen: a melléklet nem található
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4100,6 +4294,10 @@ Valóban felülírható a meglévő melléklet?
Background ColorHáttérszín
+ Group Path
+ Csoportútvonal
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4494,6 +4692,14 @@ A DuckDuckGo weboldal ikon szolgáltatást az alkalmazás beállításai közöt
+ Could not load key file.
+ A kulcsfájl nem tölthető be.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ A távoli adatbázis nem nyitható meg. A jelszó vagy a kulcsfájl helytelen lehet.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4597,6 +4803,50 @@ A DuckDuckGo weboldal ikon szolgáltatást az alkalmazás beállításai közöt
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass 1 adatbázis
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON-export
+ Temporary Database
+ Ideiglenes adatbázis
+ Command:
+ Parancs:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ pl.: „sftp felhasznalo@kiszolgalo” vagy „scp felhasznalo@kiszolgalo:TavoliAdatbazis.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}”
+ Input:
+ Bemenet:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ például:
+get TavoliAdatbazis.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+A {TEMP_DATABASE} helyőrzőként szolgál az adatbázis ideiglenes helyen történő tárolására.
+A parancsnak ki kell lépnie, ezért az „sftp” esetén utolsó parancsként el kell küldeni az „exit” parancsot.
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Távoli adatbázis (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5736,12 +5986,6 @@ Ez a verzió nem felhasználóknak készült.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
MEGJEGYZÉS: Ez egy előzetes kiadású KeePassXC verzió.
Néhány hiba és kisebb nehézségek várhatóak, ezért ez a verzió tesztelési célra való.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- FIGYELMEZTETÉS: A Qt verziója miatt a KeePassXC összeomolhat egy képernyő-billentyűzettel.
-Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.No Tags
@@ -5815,6 +6059,10 @@ Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.<
Import PasskeyJelkulcs importálása
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Távoli &szinkronizálás…
+ Quit ApplicationKilépés az alkalmazásból
@@ -5919,6 +6167,10 @@ Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.<
Show Password GeneratorJelszó-előállító megjelenítése
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Jelkulcs eltávolítása a bejegyzésből
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Automatikus beírás végrehajtása: {USERNAME}
@@ -6064,17 +6316,33 @@ Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.<
Képernyőrögzítés engedélyezése be/ki
- Remote S&ync…
- Távoli &szinkronizálás…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Csoport panel megjelenítése
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Jelkulcs eltávolítása a bejegyzésből
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Csoport panel megjelenítése be/kiSetup Remote Sync…Távoli szinkronizálás beállításai
+ Password Generator
+ Jelszógenerátor
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Bejegyzés &elévültté tétele…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ SSH-ügynök törlése
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Az ssh-agentben található összes személyazonosság törlése
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6225,6 +6493,25 @@ Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.<
Töltse ki a megjelenítendő nevet és a nem kötelező leírást az új adatbázishoz:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ A melléklet neve nem lehet üres
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Már létezik ugyanilyen nevű melléklet
+ Save attachment
+ Melléklet mentése
+ New entry attachment
+ Új bejegyzésmelléklet
@@ -6770,10 +7057,6 @@ A következő adatok hiányoznak:
Also choose from:Tartalmazhat ezekből is:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Kihagyott karakterek: „0”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „O”, „|”, „﹒”
- Exclude look-alike charactersHasonlóan kinéző karakterek kizárása
@@ -6798,10 +7081,6 @@ A következő adatok hiányoznak:
Word Count:Szavak száma:
- Character Count:
- Karakterszám:
- Word Case:Minden Szó Nagybetűs
@@ -6814,10 +7093,6 @@ A következő adatok hiányoznak:
Add custom wordlistEgyéni szólista hozzáadása
- character
- karakter
- CloseBezárás
@@ -6924,6 +7199,22 @@ Valóban felülírja?
Special CharactersSpeciális karakterek
+ passwordLength
+ jelszóhossz
+ Characters: %1
+ Karakterszám: %1
+ MIXED case
+ VEGYES eset
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Kihagyott karakterek: „0”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „O”, „|”, „﹒”, „B”, „8”, „G”, „6”
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6991,6 +7282,21 @@ Valóban felülírja?
Nyomja meg a &Tab billentyűt a karakterek között
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Bejegyzésmelléklet előnézete
+ No preview available
+ Nem érhető el előnézet
+ Image format not supported
+ A képformátum nem támogatott
@@ -7669,10 +7975,6 @@ Valóban felülírja?
Invalid word count %1Érvénytelen a szavak száma: %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- A szavak listája túl rövid (< 1000 elem)
- Title for the entry.Bejegyzés címe.
@@ -7817,10 +8119,6 @@ Valóban felülírja?
Exit interactive mode.Kilépés az interaktív módból.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Exportálási formátum. Lehetőségek: „xml” vagy „csv”. Az alapértelmezett az „xml”.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Szabványos kimenetre exportálja az adatbázis tartalmát a meghatározott formátumban.
@@ -8409,18 +8707,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptya fájl üres
- malformed string
- rosszul formázott karakterlánc
- missing closing quote
- hiányzó lezáró idézőjel
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (sor, oszlop) %2,%3
- AES 256-bit256 bites AES
@@ -8871,16 +9157,84 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Érvénytelen KDF iterációk, a JSON-fájl nem fejthető visszaUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Nem támogatott formátum, győződjön meg róla, hogy a Bitwarden exportja jelszóval védett.Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Csak a PBKDF és az Argon2 támogatott, a JSON-fájl nem fejthető vissza
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Gyorsbillentyűk visszaállítása
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Kattintson duplán egy műveletre a gyorsbillentyűje módosításához
+ Filter...
+ Szűrő…
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Gyorsbillentyű-ütközés
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ A(z) %1 gyorsbillentyű ütközik ezzel: „%2”. Felülírja?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Nem lehet érvényes jelszavakat generálni, mert a szólista túl rövid
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ A titkosított fájlok nem támogatottak
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass importálás
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Törölhetők a bővítmény adatai?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Törölhetők a bővítmény adatai a bejegyzésekből?Törölhetők a bővítmény adatai a bejegyzésekből?
+ Passkey
+ Jelkulcso
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Exportálási formátum. Lehetőségek: „xml”, „csv” vagy „html”. Az alapértelmezett az „xml”.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ indítás a rendszertálcára minimalizálva
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Címkék
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9013,6 +9367,10 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót.Exclude from reports
Kizárás a jelentésekből
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Bejegyzés elévültté tétele…Bejegyzések elévültté tétele…
+ Only show entries that have a URLCsak a webcímmel rendelkező bejegyzések megjelenítése
@@ -9029,36 +9387,33 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót. (Expired)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Bővítmény adatainak törlése a bejegyzésekből…Bővítmény adatainak törlése a bejegyzésekből…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Vigye az egérmutatót az ok felé a további részletek megjelenítéséhez. Kattintson duplán a bejegyzésekre a szerkesztéshez.
+ Show expired entries
+ Lejárt bejegyzések megjelenítése
- Bad
- Password quality
- Rossz
+ (Expired)
+ (Lejárt)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Vigye az egérmutatót az ok felé a további részletek megjelenítéséhez. Kattintson duplán a bejegyzésekre a szerkesztéshez.Bad — password must be changedRossz – a jelszót meg kell változtatni
- Poor
- Password quality
- Silány
- Poor — password should be changedSilány – a jelszót meg kellene változtatni
- Weak
- Password quality
- Gyenge
- Weak — consider changing the passwordGyenge - Megfontolandó a jelszó változtatása
@@ -9107,18 +9462,14 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót.Exclude from reports
Kizárás a jelentésekből
- Show expired entries
- Lejárt bejegyzések megjelenítése
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Bejegyzés elévültté tétele…Bejegyzések elévültté tétele…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsA jelentésekből kizárt bejegyzések megjelenítése
- (Expired)
- (Lejárt)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9214,6 +9565,10 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót.Exclude from reports
Kizárás a jelentésekből
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Bejegyzés elévültté tétele…Bejegyzések elévültté tétele…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9271,7 +9626,7 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót.
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
- A jelkulcsfájl védtelenül hagyva lopásnak és illetéktelen használatnak van kitéve. Biztos, hogy folytatni akarja?
+ A jelkulcsfájl védtelenül hagyva lopásnak és illetéktelen használatnak van kitéve. Valóban folytatja?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
@@ -9455,6 +9810,14 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót.No agent running, cannot list identities.
Nincs működő ügynök, identitások nem listázhatóak.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Az ügynök összes személyazonosságának törlése sikertelen
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Az ügynök összes személyazonossága törölve.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9741,29 +10104,6 @@ Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót.Exportálás: %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Kattintson duplán egy műveletre a gyorsbillentyűje módosításához
- Shortcut Conflict
- Gyorsbillentyű-ütközés
- Filter...
- Szűrő…
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- A(z) %1 gyorsbillentyű ütközik ezzel: „%2”. Felülírja?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Gyorsbillentyűk visszaállítása
@@ -10052,14 +10392,18 @@ Példa: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedNincsenek felismert hardverkulcsok.
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Ha van <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> vagy <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> eszköze, akkor használhatja a további biztonság érdekében.</p><p>Kulcs szükséges, hogy az egyik foglalata <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 kihívás-válaszként</a> legyen beállítva.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysHardverkulcsok frissítése
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Ha van <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> vagy <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> eszköze, akkor használhatja a további biztonság érdekében.</p><p>A kulcs megköveteli, hogy az egyik foglalata <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">kihívás-válaszként</a> legyen beprogramozva.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ A hardverkulcs megtalálva, de a foglalatok nincsenek beállítva
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts
index a97592ed5..585cb1a73 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Anda harus memulai ulang aplikasi untuk menerapkan bahasa. Apakah Anda ingin memulai ulang sekarang?
- Reset Settings?
- Atur Ulang Pengaturan?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengatur ulang pengaturan umum dan keamanan ke nilai bawaan?
- Select backup storage directoryPilih direktori penyimpanan cadangan
+ Confirm Reset
+ Konfirmasi Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Apakah Anda yakin ingin mereset semua pengaturan ke kondisi bawaan?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Impor Pengaturan KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Gagal mengimpor pengaturan dari %1, bukan berkas pengaturan yang valid.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Ekspor Pengaturan KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesTermasuk rilis beta saat memeriksa pembaruan
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Pada pembukaan kunci basis data, tampilkan entri yang
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- telah kedaluwarsa
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- hari
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- akan kedaluwarsa dalam masa
- File ManagementManajemen Berkas
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingCadangkan basis data sebelum disimpan
- Backup destination
- Destinasi cadangan
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Pilih...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Gunakan metode penyimpanan alternatif (mungkin akan mengatasi masalah dengan Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, dll.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Ingat entri yang terakhir diketikkan untuk:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Pada basis data tidak terkunci, tampilkan entri yang akan kedaluwarsa selama
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Pada basis data tidak terkunci, tampilkan entri yang akan kedaluwarsa selama
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ hari
+ Destination format:
+ Format yang diinginkan:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> telah diganti dengan nama file dari database yang disimpan tanpa ekstensi </p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> telah diganti dengan format waktu yang ditentukan (bawaan: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p> Lihat Panduan Pengguna untuk detail lebih lanjut </p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Pilih folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Tampilkan konfirmasi sebelum memindahkan entri ke tempat sampah
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Menyalin data dengan mengklik dua kali kolom di tampilan entri
+ Show toolbar
+ Tampilkan bilah alat
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Menampilkan bilah menu dengan menekan tombol Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Menampilkan bilah menu
+ Import settings…
+ Impor pengaturan...
+ Export settings…
+ Ekspor pengaturan...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Buka peramban dengan mengklik dua kali kolom URL di tampilan entri
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelSembunyikan sandi di panel pratinjau entri
- Hide entry notes by default
- Sembunyikan catatan secara bawaan
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Hapus entri ke keranjang sampah tanpa konfirmasi
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Klik dua kali untuk menyalin kolom entri nama pengguna/sandi
- PrivacyPrivasi
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelSembunyikan TOTP di panel pratinjau entri
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Mengunci basis data saat berpindah pengguna
+ Lock Options
+ Opsi Penguncian
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Sembunyikan catatan di panel pratinjau entri
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Entri tidak memiliki atribut untuk PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Tipe konversi tidak valid: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Sintaks konversi tidak valid: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Sintaks ekspresi reguler %1 tidak valid
- Invalid placeholder: %1Invalid placeholder: %1
@@ -714,7 +766,7 @@
Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
+ Mencoba mengirim simbol keyboard yang tidak valid.
@@ -874,36 +926,37 @@ Silakan pilih basis data yang digunakan untuk menyimpan kredensial.
Relying Party: %1
+ Pihak yang Mengandalkan: %1Username: %1
+ Nama pengguna: %1KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
+ KeePassXC - Kunci Akses DigitalAdd to existing entry
+ Tambahkan ke entri yang telah adaExisting passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
+ Kunci akses yang ada ditemukan.
+Anda ingin mendaftarkan kunci akses baru:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
+ Pilih kunci akses yang ada, lalu tekan Perbarui untuk menggantinya.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
+ Mengautentikasi kredensial kunci akses:Do you want to register a passkey for:
+ Apakah Anda ingin mendaftarkan kunci akses:
@@ -952,11 +1005,11 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
%1 (Passkey)
+ %1 (Kunci akses)KeePassXC - Create a new group
+ KeePassXC - Buat grup baruDisable
@@ -968,36 +1021,37 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
KeePassXC - Update Entry
+ KeePassXC - Perbarui EntriKeePassXC - Delete entry
+ KeePassXC - Hapus EntryKeePassXC - New key association request
+ KeePassXC - Permintaan asosiasi kunci baruPasskey
+ Kunci aksesKeePassXC - Passkey credentials
+ KeePassXC - Kunci Akses DigitalRegister a new passkey to this entry:
+ Daftarkan kunci akses baru ke entri ini:KeePassXC - Update passkey
+ KeePassXC - Perbarui kunci aksesEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ Entri sudah memiliki kunci akses.
+Apakah Anda ingin menimpa kunci akses di %1 - %2?Register
@@ -1022,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Peramban yang dipasang sebagai snap saat ini tidak didukung.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Aktifkan integrasi untuk peramban ini:
@@ -1215,11 +1265,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Allow keepassxc-proxy to list all entries with their title, URL and UUID in connected databases.
+ Izinkan keepassxc-proksi untuk menampilkan semua entri dengan judul, URL, dan UUID-nya di basis data yang terhubung.Allow limited access to all entries in connected databases (ignores site access restrictions)
+ Izinkan akses terbatas ke semua entri di basis data yang terhubung (abaikan pembatasan akses situs)<b>Warning:</b> Only adjust these settings if necessary.
@@ -1239,14 +1289,18 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
+ Mengizinkan penggunaan http://localhost yang tidak aman dengan kunci akses untuk tujuan pengujian.Allow using localhost with passkeys
+ Mengizinkan penggunaan host lokal dengan kunci aksesKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser diperlukan agar integrasi peramban dapat bekerja. <br />Unduh untuk %1 dan %2 dan %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1385,20 +1439,25 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Failed to parse CSV file: %1
+ Gagal untuk mengurai file CSV: %1Imported from CSV file: %1
+ Diimpor dari file CSV: %1No Title Selected
+ Tidak ada Judul yang DipilihNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tidak ada kolom judul yang dipilih, entri akan sulit dibedakan.
+Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengimpor?
+ Tags
+ Tag
@@ -1463,6 +1522,14 @@ Lokasi cadangan basis data ada di %2
Recycle BinKeranjang Sampah
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1600,54 +1667,62 @@ Untuk mencegah munculnya kesalahan ini, Anda harus ke "Pengaturan Basis Dat
Failed to authenticate with Quick Unlock: %1
+ Gagal mengautentikasi dengan Buka Kunci Cepat: %1Select Key File:
+ Pilih Berkas Kunci:<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <p> Selain kata sandi, Anda dapat menggunakan berkas rahasia untuk meningkatkan keamanan basis data Anda. Berkas ini dapat dibuat dalam pengaturan keamanan basis data Anda.</p><p>Ini <strong> bukanlah </strong> berkas basis data *.kdbx anda! </p>Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
+ Gunakan kunci perangkat keras [Serial: %1]Use hardware key
+ Gunakan kunci perangkat kerasYour database file is NOT a key file!
If you don't have a key file or don't know what that is, you don't have to select one.
+ Berkas basis data Anda BUKAN berkas kunci!
+Jika Anda tidak memiliki berkas kunci atau tidak paham apa itu berkas kunci, Anda tidak perlu memilihnya.KeePassXC database file selected
+ Berkas basis data KeePassXC dipilihThe file you selected looks like a database file.
A database file is NOT a key file!
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ Berkas yang Anda pilih terlihat seperti berkas basis data.
+Berkas basis data BUKAN berkas kunci!
+Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan dengan berkas ini?No hardware keys found.
+ Tidak ditemukan kunci perangkat keras.Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Segarkan kunci perangkat keras.
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Klik untuk tambahkan berkas kunci.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Aku punya berkas kunci</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
@@ -1684,9 +1759,21 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integrasi Layanan Rahasia
+ Remote Sync
+ Sinkronisasi Jarak Jauh
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Pengaturan basis data: %1
@@ -1801,19 +1888,19 @@ Ini hanya diperlukan jika basis data Anda adalah salinan dari basis data yang la
No keys found
+ Kunci tidak ditemukanRemoved keys from database
+ Kunci terhapus dari basis dataRemoved permissions
+ Izin terhapusNo entry with permissions found!
+ Tidak ditemukan entri yang memiliki izin!
@@ -1860,11 +1947,11 @@ Apakah Anda tetap ingin melanjutkan tanpa mengatur sandi?
This is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.
+ Ini adalah kata sandi yang lemah! Untuk perlindungan yang lebih baik terhadap rahasia Anda, Anda harus memilih kata sandi yang lebih kuat.The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ Kata sandi yang dimasukkan tidak memenuhi persyaratan standar minimum.
@@ -2003,15 +2090,15 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at
thread(s)Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings)
+ Untaian(s)Encryption Settings:
+ Pengaturan Enkripsi:Basic
+ DasarAdvanced
@@ -2149,15 +2236,15 @@ dipindahkan dari basis data.
Autosave delay since last change
+ Jeda penyimpanan otomatis sejak perubahan terakhirAutosave delay
+ Jeda penyimpanan otomatisAutosave delay since last change in minutes
+ Jeda penyimpanan otomatis sejak perubahan terakhir dalam menit min
@@ -2165,7 +2252,51 @@ dipindahkan dari basis data.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Kotak centang jeda penyimpanan otomatis sejak perubahan terakhir
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Metadata Basis data Publik
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Peringatan: pengaturan berikut ini tidak terenkripsi.
+ Display name:
+ Nama tampilan:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Nama tampilan yang dapat dilihat oleh publik yang digunakan pada obrolan terbuka
+ Database public display name
+ Nama tampilan publik basis data
+ Display color:
+ Warna tampilan:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Warna yang terlihat publik yang digunakan pada obrolan terbuka
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Pemilih warna tampilan publik basis data
+ Clear
+ Bersihkan
+ Display icon:
+ Ikon tampilan:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Pilih ikon Basis data
@@ -2240,7 +2371,7 @@ dipindahkan dari basis data.
Purged %n icon(s) from the database.
+ Menghapus ikon(s) %n dari basis data.
@@ -2266,7 +2397,7 @@ dipindahkan dari basis data.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ Perintah SinkronikasiRemove
@@ -2274,7 +2405,7 @@ dipindahkan dari basis data.
Command Settings
+ Pengaturan PerintahName
@@ -2286,75 +2417,75 @@ dipindahkan dari basis data.
+ UnduhCommand:
+ Perintah:Download command field
+ Kolom perintah unduhane.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ misal: "sftp user@hostname" atau "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ Input:Download input field
+ Kolom input unduhanUpload
+ UnggahUpload command field
+ Kolom perintah unggahane.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ misal: "sftp user@hostname" atau "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input field
+ Kolom input unggahanName cannot be empty.
+ Nama tidak boleh kosongTest
+ TesDownload command cannot be empty.
+ Perintah unduhan tidak boleh kosong.Download failed with error: %1
+ Pengunduhan gagal dengan galat: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ Pengunduhan selesai, tetapi berkas %1 tidak dapat ditemukan.Download successful.
+ Pengunduhan berhasil.Save Remote Settings
+ Simpan Pengaturan Jarak JauhYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ Anda memiliki perubahan yang belum disimpan. Apakah Anda ingin menyimpannya?e.g.:
@@ -2364,7 +2495,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ misal:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} digunakan sebagai penampung untuk menyimpan basis data di lokasi sementara
+Perintah tersebut harus keluar. Dalam kasus `sftp` sebagai perintah terakhir, `keluar` harus dilakukan
+ e.g.:
@@ -2374,7 +2511,21 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ misal:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} digunakan sebagai penampung untuk menyimpan basis data di lokasi sementara
+Perintah tersebut harus keluar. Dalam kasus `sftp` sebagai perintah terakhir, `keluar` harus dilakukan
+ Timeout:
+ Waktu habis.
+ seconds
+ detik
@@ -2453,7 +2604,7 @@ Masalah ini jelas sebuah bug, silakan laporkan ke pengembang.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Sementara]
@@ -2512,7 +2663,7 @@ Masalah ini jelas sebuah bug, silakan laporkan ke pengembang.
Entries expiring within %1 day(s)
+ Entri yang kedaluwarsa dalam waktu %1 hari(s)No current database.
@@ -2578,26 +2729,6 @@ Simpan perubahan?
File has changedBerkas telah berubah
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Berkas basis data telah berubah. Apakah Anda ingin memuat perubahannya?
- Merge Request
- Permintaan Penggabungan
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Berkas basis data telah berubah dan Anda memiliki ubahan yang belum disimpan.
-Apakah Anda ingin menggabungkan ubahan Anda?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Tidak bisa membuka berkas basis data baru saat mencoba untuk memuat ulang.
-Galat: %1
- Disable safe saves?Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman?
@@ -2651,19 +2782,19 @@ Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman dan coba lagi?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Sinkronisasi Jarak Jauh tidak berisi perintah unduh atau unggah.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Sinkronisasi jarak jauh '%1' berhasil diselesaikan!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Sinkronisasi jarak jauh '%1' gagal: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Kesalahan saat menyimpan basis data %1: %2Downloading...
@@ -2671,18 +2802,62 @@ Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman dan coba lagi?
+ Mengunggah...Syncing...
+ Menyinkronkan...Remove passkey from entry
+ Hapus kunci akses dari entriDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ Apakah Anda ingin menghapus kunci akses dari entri ini?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -2824,7 +2999,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
%n hour(s)
+ %n jam(s)%n week(s)
@@ -2840,7 +3015,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ Gagal mendekripsi kunci SSH, pastikan kata sandi sudah benar.
@@ -3013,18 +3188,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryLewati Kirim-Otomatis untuk entri ini
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Hanya kirim pengaturan ini ke peramban untuk dialog Otentikasi HTTP. Jika diaktifkan, formulir masuk yang normal tidak akan menampilkan entri ini untuk dipilih.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthHanya gunakan entri ini dengan Otentikasi Dasar HTTP
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthJangan gunakan entri ini dengan Otentikasi Dasar HTTP
@@ -3043,11 +3210,19 @@ Would you like to correct it?
These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ Pengaturan ini memengaruhi perilaku entri dengan ekstensi peramban.Additional URLs
+ URL Tambahan
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Hanya kirim entri ini ke peramban untuk menampilkan jendela Autentikasi HTTP. Jika diaktifkan, halaman masuk normal tidak akan menampilkan entri ini untuk dipilih.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Jangan kirim entri ini ke peramban untuk meminta Autentikasi HTTP. Jika diaktifkan, jendela Autentikasi HTTP tidak akan menampilkan entri ini untuk dipilih.
@@ -3271,6 +3446,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3363,11 +3542,11 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Restrict matching to given browser key:
+ Membatasi pencocokan dengan kunci peramban yang diberikan:Restrict matching to given browser key toggle for this and sub groups
+ Batasi pencocokan dengan tombol kunci peramban yang diberikan untuk grup ini dan anak grup
@@ -3635,7 +3814,7 @@ Ekstensi yang didukung adalah: %1.
You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Application Settings -> Security
+ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo melalui Pengaturan Aplikasi -> Keamanan
@@ -3715,7 +3894,21 @@ Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan pengaya menjadi tidak berfungsi.
+ Kunci akses
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Tipe konversi tidak valid: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Sintaks konversi tidak valid: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Sintaks ekspresi reguler %1 tidak valid
@@ -3725,6 +3918,21 @@ Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan pengaya menjadi tidak berfungsi.
Tidak bisa membuka berkas "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulir
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3762,14 +3970,6 @@ Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan pengaya menjadi tidak berfungsi.
- Rename selected attachment
- Gantikan nama lampiran terpilih
- Rename
- Ganti namanya
- Open selected attachmentBuka lampiran yang dipilih
@@ -3884,6 +4084,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Attachment "%1" already exists.
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Pratinjau
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4080,6 +4292,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Warna Latar belakang
+ Group Path
@@ -4444,7 +4660,7 @@ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dal
ImportWizardImport Wizard
+ Panduan Impor
@@ -4455,7 +4671,7 @@ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dal
Entry count: %1
+ Jumlah entri: %1Group
@@ -4475,6 +4691,14 @@ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dal
+ Alamat web
+ Could not load key file.
+ Tidak dapat memuat berkas kunci.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
@@ -4580,6 +4804,44 @@ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dal
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ Perintah:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ misalnya: "sftp user@hostname" atau "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5720,12 +5982,6 @@ Versi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan sehari-hari.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
CATATAN: Anda menggunakan versi pra-rilis KeePassXC.
Ada beberapa kutu dan masalah-masalah kecil, versi ini ditujukan untuk penggunaan percobaan.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.No Tags
@@ -5799,6 +6055,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5903,6 +6163,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6048,17 +6312,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Pembuat Sandi
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6209,6 +6489,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Silakan masukkan nama dan deskripsi opsional untuk basis data Anda yang baru:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Simpan lampiran
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6484,7 +6783,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Username: %1
+ Nama pengguna: %1Group
@@ -6516,7 +6815,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Relying Party: %1
+ Pihak yang Mengandalkan: %1Import the following passkey:
@@ -6750,10 +7049,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Juga pilih dari:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Karakter yang dikecualikan: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersKecualikan karakter mirip
@@ -6778,10 +7073,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Jumlah Kata:
- Character Count:
- Cacah Karakter:
- Word Case:Besar Kecil Kata:
@@ -6794,10 +7085,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistAdd custom wordlist
- character
- karakter
- CloseTutup
@@ -6904,6 +7191,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersKarakter Spesial
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6971,6 +7274,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Press &Tab between characters
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7649,10 +7967,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Jumlah kata tidak valid %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Daftar kata terlalu kecil (<1000 item)
- Title for the entry.Judul entri.
@@ -7797,10 +8111,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Keluar dari mode interaktif.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format yang digunakan ketika mengekspor. Pilihan yang tersedia adalah 'xml' atau 'csv'. Standarnya adalah 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Ekspor konten dari basis data ke keluaran standar dalam format yang ditentukan.
@@ -8389,18 +8699,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyberkas kosong
- malformed string
- lema rusak
- missing closing quote
- kehilangan tanda kutip tutup
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (baris, kolom) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8860,6 +9158,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Hapus data pengaya?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Kunci akses
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Tag
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8992,6 +9358,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsKecualikan dari laporan
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -9008,36 +9378,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Layangi di atas alasan untuk menampilkan detail lanjutan. Klik dua kali pada entri untuk mengedit.
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Buruk
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Layangi di atas alasan untuk menampilkan detail lanjutan. Klik dua kali pada entri untuk mengedit.Bad — password must be changedBuruk — kata sandi harus diubah
- Poor
- Password quality
- Buruk
- Poor — password should be changedKurang baik — kata sandi harus diubah
- Weak
- Password quality
- Lemah
- Weak — consider changing the passwordLemah — pertimbangkan untuk mengubah kata sandi
@@ -9086,18 +9453,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsKecualikan dari laporan
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9193,6 +9556,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsKecualikan dari laporan
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9434,6 +9801,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Tidak ada agen yang berjalan, tidak dapat mendaftarkan identitas.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9719,29 +10094,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Ekspor ke %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10031,11 +10383,15 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Tidak mendeteksi kunci perangkat keras
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts
index a91da2af5..f248c7bc2 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Per impostare la nuova lingua è necessario riavviare l'applicazione. Vuoi riavviare ora?
- Reset Settings?
- Vuoi ripristinare le impostazioni?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare tutte le impostazioni generali e di sicurezza predefinite?
- Select backup storage directorySeleziona cartella salvataggio backup
+ Confirm Reset
+ Conferma il ripristino
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare tutte le impostazioni ai valori predefiniti?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importa impostazioni KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Impossibile importare le impostazioni da %1, non è un file di impostazioni valido.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Esporta impostazioni KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Piccolo
+ Normal
+ Normale
+ Medium
+ Medio
+ Large
+ Grande
+ Custom
+ Personalizzato
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesIncludi versioni beta durante il controllo della disponibilità di aggiornamenti
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Allo sblocco del database, visualizza le voci che
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- sono scaduti
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- Giorni
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- scadranno entro
- File ManagementGestione dei file
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingEffettua una copia di sicurezza del database prima di salvarlo
- Backup destination
- Destinazione backup
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Specifica il percorso del file di backup del database. Le occorrenze di "{DB_FILENAME}" vengono sostituite con il nome del file del database salvato senza estensione. {TIME:<format>} viene sostituito con l'ora di backup, vedi https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format>per impostazione predefinita, formatta la stringa "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Scegli...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Usa un metodo di salvataggio alternativo (può risolvere problemi con Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, ecc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Ricorda l'ultima voce digitata per:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Allo sblocco del database, mostra le voci che scadranno entro
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Allo sblocco del database, mostra le voci che scadranno entro
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ Giorni
+ Destination format:
+ Formato destinazione:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span>viene sostituito con il nome del file del database salvato senza estensione</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> viene sostituito con il formato orario specificato (predefinito: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>vedere la Guida per l'utente per maggiori dettagli</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Scegli cartella...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Visualizza la conferma prima di spostare le voci nel cestino
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Copia i dati facendo doppio clic sul campo nella vista della voce
+ Show toolbar
+ Visualizza barra strumenti
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Visualizza la barra dei menu premendo il tasto Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Mostra barra dei menu
+ Import settings…
+ Importa impostazioni...
+ Export settings…
+ Esporta impostazioni...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Aprire il browser facendo doppio clic sul campo URL nella vista della voce
+ Font size:
+ Dimensione carattere:
+ Font size selection
+ Selezione dimensione carattere
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelNascondi la password nel pannello di anteprima della voce
- Hide entry notes by default
- per impostazione predefinita nascondi le note della voce
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Sposta le voci nel cestino senza conferma
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Abilita il doppio clic per copiare le colonne di immissione nome utente/password
- PrivacyRiservatezza
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelNascondi TOTP nel pannello di anteprima della voce
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Blocca il database quando si cambia utente
+ Lock Options
+ Opzioni di blocco
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Nascondi le note nel pannello di anteprima della voce
+ AutoType
@@ -643,20 +709,6 @@ Se hai già concesso il permesso, riavvia KeePassXC.
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1La voce non ha l'attributo per PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Tipo di conversione non valido: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Sintassi di conversione non valida: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Sintassi della espressione regolare non valida %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Segnaposto non valido: %1
@@ -716,7 +768,7 @@ Se hai già concesso il permesso, riavvia KeePassXC.
Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
+ Tentativo di invio di un simbolo non valido.
@@ -883,24 +935,25 @@ Seleziona il database corretto dove salvare le credenziali.
Add to existing entry
+ Aggiungi a voce esistenteExisting passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
+ Trovata una passkey esistente.
+Vuoi registrare una nuova passkey per:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
+ Seleziona la passkey esistente e premi Aggiorna per sostituirla.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
+ Autentica credenziali passkey per:Do you want to register a passkey for:
+ Vuoi registrare una passkey per:
@@ -984,16 +1037,17 @@ Vuoi eliminare questa voce?
Register a new passkey to this entry:
+ Registra una nuova passkey per questa voce:KeePassXC - Update passkey
+ KeePassXC - Aggiorna passkeyEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ La voce possiede già una passkey.
+Vuoi sovrascrivere la passkey in %1 - %2?Register
@@ -1018,10 +1072,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- I browser installati come snap non sono attualmente supportati.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Abilita integrazione per i seguenti browser:
@@ -1235,14 +1285,18 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
+ Permetti di utilizzare http://localhost (insicuro) con le passkeys per fini di test.Allow using localhost with passkeys
+ Permetti di utilizzare localhost con le passkeysKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser è necessario per il funzionamento dell'integrazione con il browser. Scaricalo per %1, %2 e %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1389,12 +1443,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ Nessun Titolo SelezionatoNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Non è stata selezionata alcuna colonna del titolo, le voci saranno difficili da distinguere.
+Sei sicuro di voler importare?
+ Tags
+ Etichette
@@ -1459,6 +1518,14 @@ Database di backup che si trova in %2
Recycle BinCestino
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1605,15 +1672,7 @@ Per evitare che questo errore venga visualizzato, è necessario andare alle &quo
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Clicca per aggiungere un file chiave.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <p>Oltre ad una password, puoi utilizzare un file segreto per migliorare la sicurezza del tuo database. Questo file può essere generato nelle impostazioni di sicurezza del tuo database.</p><p>Questo<strong>non</strong>è il tuo file database *.kdbx!</p>Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1638,7 +1697,10 @@ Se non hai un file key o non sai cosa sia, non selezionarlo.
A database file is NOT a key file!
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ Il file selezionato sembra essere un file database.
+Un file database NON è un file chiave.
+Sei sicuro di voler continuare con questo file?No hardware keys found.
@@ -1648,6 +1710,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware KeysAggiorna tasti hardware
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Clicca per aggiungere un file chiave.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Ho un file chiave</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Chiave hardware trovata, ma non è configurato nessuno slot.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1682,9 +1756,21 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integrazione Secret Service
+ Remote Sync
+ Sincronizzazione Remota
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Impostazioni database: %1
@@ -1862,7 +1948,7 @@ Vuoi continuare senza password?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ La password fornita non rispetta i requisiti qualitativi minimi.
@@ -2165,6 +2251,50 @@ rimosse dal database.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxCasella di controllo per l'intervallo di salvataggio automatico dall'ultimo cambiamento
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Metadati del database pubblico
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Attenzione: le seguenti impostazioni non sono crittografate.
+ Display name:
+ Nome di visualizzazione:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Nome visualizzato visibile pubblicamente utilizzato nella finestra di dialogo di sblocco
+ Database public display name
+ Nome pubblico del database visualizzato
+ Display color:
+ Colore di visualizzazione:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Colore visibile pubblicamente utilizzato nella finestra di dialogo di sblocco
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Selettore colore display pubblico del database
+ Clear
+ Azzera
+ Display icon:
+ Simbolo di visualizzazione:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Seleziona l'icona del database
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2264,7 +2394,7 @@ rimosse dal database.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ Comandi SincronizzazioneRemove
@@ -2272,7 +2402,7 @@ rimosse dal database.
Command Settings
+ Impostazioni ComandoName
@@ -2284,75 +2414,75 @@ rimosse dal database.
+ DownloadCommand:
+ Comando:Download command field
+ Scarica il campo del comandoe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ es.: "sftp user@hostname" oppure "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ Input:Download input field
+ Scarica il campo di inputUpload
+ CaricareUpload command field
+ Carica il campo del comandoe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ Ad esempio.: "sftp user@hostname" o "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input field
+ Carica il campo di inputName cannot be empty.
+ Il nome non può essere vuoto.Test
+ TestDownload command cannot be empty.
+ Il comando di download non può essere vuoto.Download failed with error: %1
+ Download non riuscito con errore: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ Download completato, ma il file %1 non è stato trovato.Download successful.
+ Download completato con successo.Save Remote Settings
+ Salva impostazioni remoteYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ Hai delle modifiche non salvate. Vuoi salvarle?e.g.:
@@ -2374,6 +2504,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ secondi
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2451,7 +2589,7 @@ Questo è sicuramente un bug, segnalalo agli sviluppatori.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Temporary]
@@ -2576,26 +2714,6 @@ Vuoi salvare le modifiche?
File has changedIl file è stato modificato
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Il file del database è stato modificato. Vuoi caricare le modifiche?
- Merge Request
- Richiesta di unione
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Il file del database è stato cambiato e ci sono cambiamenti non salvati
-Vuoi unire le modifiche?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Impossibile aprire il nuovo file database durante il tentativo di ricaricamento.
-Errore: %1
- Disable safe saves?Disabilita i salvataggi sicuri?
@@ -2649,19 +2767,19 @@ Vuoi disabilitare i salvataggi sicuri e riprovare?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ La sincronizzazione remota non conteneva alcun comando di download o upload.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Sincronizzazione remota '%1' completata con successo!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Sincronizzazione remota '%1' fallita: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Errore durante il salvataggio del database %1: %2Downloading...
@@ -2669,18 +2787,62 @@ Vuoi disabilitare i salvataggi sicuri e riprovare?
+ Caricamento...Syncing...
+ Sincronizzazione...Remove passkey from entry
+ Rimuovi passkey dalla voceDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ Vuoi rimuovere la passkey da questa voce?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -2838,7 +3000,7 @@ Vuoi correggerla?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ Impossibile decriptare la chiave SSH, assicurati che la password sia corretta.
@@ -3011,18 +3173,10 @@ Vuoi correggerla?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryIgnora invio automatico per questa voce
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Manda queste impostazioni al browser solo solo per l'autenticazione HTTP. Se abilitata, la pagina di login non mostrerà questa voce disponibile per la selezione.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthUsa questa voce solo con l'autenticazione semplice HTTP
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Non inviare questa impostazione al browser per le finestre di dialogo autenticazione HTTP. Se attivata, le finestre di dialogo autenticazione HTTP non mostreranno questa voce per la selezione.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNon usare questa voce con l'autenticazione semplice HTTP
@@ -3041,11 +3195,19 @@ Vuoi correggerla?
These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ Queste impostazioni influenzano il comportamento della voce con l'estensione browser.Additional URLs
+ URL aggiuntive
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Invia questa voce esclusivamente per finestre HTTP Auth. Se abilitato, le form di login normali non mostreranno questa voce come voce selezionabile.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Non inviare questa voce al browser per finestre HTTP Auth. Se abilitato, le finestre HTTP Auth non mostreranno questa voce come voce selezionabile.
@@ -3269,6 +3431,10 @@ Vuoi correggerla?
seconds secondi
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3715,6 +3881,20 @@ Questo potrebbe causare malfunzionamenti ai plugin interessati.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Tipo di conversione non valido: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Sintassi di conversione non valida: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Sintassi della espressione regolare non valida %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3723,6 +3903,21 @@ Questo potrebbe causare malfunzionamenti ai plugin interessati.
Impossibile aprire il file "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Modulo
+ File name
+ Nome file
+ File contents...
+ Contenuto del file...
@@ -3760,14 +3955,6 @@ Questo potrebbe causare malfunzionamenti ai plugin interessati.
- Rename selected attachment
- Rinomina l'allegato selezionato
- Rename
- Rinominare
- Open selected attachmentApri allegato selezionato
@@ -3884,6 +4071,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
L'allegato "%1" esiste già.
Vuoi sovrascrivere l'allegato esistente?
+ New
+ Nuovo
+ Preview
+ Anteprima
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Impossibile visualizzare l'anteprima di un allegato: allegato non trovato
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4082,6 +4281,10 @@ Vuoi sovrascrivere l'allegato esistente?
Background ColorColore di sfondo
+ Group Path
+ Percorso del Gruppo
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4477,6 +4680,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Impossibile caricare il file chiave.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Impossibile aprire il database remoto. La password o il file chiave potrebbero essere errati.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4530,7 +4741,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
1Password Vault (.opvault)
+ Vault 1Password (.opvault)Bitwarden (.json)
@@ -4580,6 +4791,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseDatabase KeePass1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Esportazione Proton Pass JSON
+ Temporary Database
+ Database temporaneo
+ Command:
+ Comando:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ es.: "sftp user@hostname" oppure "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Database remoto (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5665,7 +5914,7 @@ Sei sicuro di voler continuare con questo file?
Show Menubar
+ Mostra barra dei menùShow Toolbar
@@ -5720,12 +5969,6 @@ Questa versione non è destinata all'uso in produzione.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
NOTA: stai usando una versione non definitiva di KeePassXC.
Aspettatevi alcuni bug e problemi minori, questa versione è pensata per scopi di test.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ATTENZIONE: la versione di Qt potrebbe causare l'arresto anomalo di KeePassXC con una tastiera su schermo.
-Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download.No Tags
@@ -5799,6 +6042,10 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
Import PasskeyImporta Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ S&incronizzazione Remota...
+ Quit ApplicationEsci dall'applicazione
@@ -5903,6 +6150,10 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
Show Password GeneratorMostra generatore di password
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Rimuovi Passkey Dalla Voce
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Esegui digitazione automatica: {USERNAME}
@@ -5981,7 +6232,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
Open Keyboard Shortcuts Guide
+ Apri Guida Scorciatoie TastieraSave Database Backup
@@ -5989,11 +6240,11 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
SSH Agent: Add Key
+ SSH Agent: Aggiungi ChiaveSSH Agent: Remove Key
+ Agent SSH: Rimuovi ChiaveToggle Compact Mode
@@ -6017,7 +6268,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
Toggle Show Menubar
+ Abilita Mostra la barra dei menùToggle Show Toolbar
@@ -6048,15 +6299,31 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
Consenti cattura schermo
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Mostra pannello del gruppo
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Attiva/disattiva 'Visualizza pannello del gruppo'Setup Remote Sync…
+ Imposta Sincronizzazione Remota...
+ Password Generator
+ Genera password
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Sca&denza voce…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
@@ -6209,6 +6476,25 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
Compila il nome visualizzato e una descrizione facoltativa per il nuovo database:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Il nome dell'allegato non può essere vuoto
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Esiste già un allegato con lo stesso nome
+ Save attachment
+ Salva allegato
+ New entry attachment
+ Nuovo allegato di ingresso
@@ -6448,7 +6734,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di usare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina download
Export the following passkey entries.
+ Esporta le voci passkey seguenti.
@@ -6522,15 +6808,15 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo?
Import the following passkey:
+ Importa la seguente passkey:Import the following passkey to this entry:
+ Importa la passkey seguente in questa voce:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
+ Gruppo passkeys predefinito (Passkeys Importate)
@@ -6553,25 +6839,27 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo?
Open passkey file
+ Apri file passkeyCannot import passkey
+ Impossibile importare passkeyCannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
+ Impossibile importare il file passkey "%1". Mancano i dati.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
+ Impossibile importare il file passkey "%1".
+I dati seguenti mancano:
+%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
+ Impossibile importare il file passkey "%1". La chiave privata è mancante o malformata.
@@ -6752,10 +7040,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Scegli anche tra:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Caratteri esclusi: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersEscludi caratteri simili
@@ -6780,10 +7064,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Conteggio parole:
- Character Count:
- Conteggio caratteri:
- Word Case:Parole maiuscole/minuscole:
@@ -6796,10 +7076,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistAggiungi elenco parole personalizzato
- character
- Carattere
- CloseChiudi
@@ -6906,6 +7182,22 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo?
Special CharactersCaratteri speciali
+ passwordLength
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ Caratteri :%1
+ MIXED case
+ lettere maiuscole e minuscole
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Caratteri esclusi: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6973,6 +7265,21 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo?
Premi &Tab tra i caratteri
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Anteprima dell'allegato della voce
+ No preview available
+ Nessuna anteprima disponibile
+ Image format not supported
+ Formato immagine non supportato
@@ -7652,10 +7959,6 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'.Invalid word count %1
Conteggio parole non valido %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- L'elenco delle parole è troppo piccolo (< 1000 voci)
- Title for the entry.Titolo di una voce.
@@ -7800,10 +8103,6 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'.Exit interactive mode.
Uscire dalla modalità interattiva.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formato usabile per l'esportazione. È possibile scegliere tra 'xml' e 'csv'. L'impostazione predefinita è 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Esporta il contenuto di un database nell'output standard nel formato specificato.
@@ -8391,18 +8690,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyfile vuoto
- malformed string
- stringa non valida
- missing closing quote
- virgoletta di chiusura mancante
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (riga, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8646,11 +8933,12 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Set the key file for the database.
This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Imposta il file chiave per il database.
+Questa opzione è deprecata, utilizza invece --set-key-file.Databases have been locked.
+ I databases sono stati bloccati.Attestation not supported
@@ -8742,27 +9030,27 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Effective domain is not a valid domain
+ Il dominio effettivo non è un dominio validoOrigin and RP ID do not match
+ Origin e RP ID non corrispondonoNo supported algorithms were provided
+ Nessun algoritmo supportato è stato fornitoWait for timer to expire
+ Attendi la scadenza del timerChallenge is shorter than required minimum length
+ La sfida è inferiore alla lunghezza minima richiestauser.id does not match the required length
+ user.id non corrisponde alla lunghezza richiestaFavorite
@@ -8779,19 +9067,19 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
+ Impossibile processare il file: %1 alla posizione %2Failed to decrypt json file: %1
+ Impossibile decriptare il file json: %1Invalid encKeyValidation field
+ Campo encKeyValidation non validoInvalid cipher list within encKeyValidation field
+ Elenco di cifrari non valido nel campo encKeyValidationWrong password
@@ -8799,15 +9087,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid encrypted data field
+ Campo dati cifrati non validoInvalid cipher list within encrypted data field
+ Elenco di cifrari non valido nel campo dati cifratoCannot initialize cipher
+ Impossibile inizializzare il cifrarioCannot decrypt data
@@ -8824,11 +9112,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.
+ Formato file 1PUX non valido. Non è un file ZIP valido.Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data
+ Formato file 1PUX non valido. Manca export.data1Password Import
@@ -8836,32 +9124,100 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Enter Shortcut
+ Inserisci scorciatoiaAction
+ AzioneShortcuts
+ ScorciatoieUnknown passkeys error
+ Errore sconosciuto per le passkeysInvalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Numero di iterazioni KDF non valido, impossibile decriptare il file jsonUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Formato non supportato, assicurati che l'esportazione Bitwarden sia protetta da passwordOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Solo PBKDF e Argon2 sono supportati, non è possibile decriptare il file json
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Ripristina scorciatoie
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Doppioclicca un'azione per cambiare la sua scorciatoia
+ Filter...
+ Filtra...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Conflitto scorciatoie
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ La scorciatoia %1 è in conflitto con '%2'. Sovrascrivere la scorciatoia?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Impossibile generare passphrase valide perché l'elenco delle parole è troppo corto
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ I file crittografati non sono supportati.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Importa Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Vuoi eliminare i dati del plugin?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Eliminare i dati del plugin dalla voce?Eliminare i dati del plugin dalle voci?Eliminare i dati del plugin dalla/e voce/i?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Etichette
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8901,31 +9257,31 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Il comando `%1` non ha terminato nei tempi previsti. Il processo è stato ucciso.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Upload del database combinato fallito. Il comando `%1` non ha terminato nei tempi previsti. Il processo è stato ucciso. Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Parametri di download forniti non validi.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ Il comando `%1` ha fallito il download del database.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ Fornito puntatore al database/parametri di upload non corretto.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Il comando `%1` è terminato con status code: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Upload del database combinato fallito. Il comando `%1` è terminato con status code: %2
@@ -8994,6 +9350,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsEscludi dal rapporto
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Scadenza voce…Scadenza voci…Scadenza voce(i)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLMostra solo voci che hanno un URL
@@ -9010,36 +9370,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
(Expired) (scaduta)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Eliminare i dati del plugin dalla voce...Eliminare i dati del plugin dalle voci...Eliminare i dati del plugin dalla(e) voce(i)...
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Per visualizzzare dettagli aggiuntivi sposta il cursore sulla notifica. Doppio clic per modificare le voci.
+ Show expired entries
+ Mostra voci scadute
- Bad
- Password quality
- Scadente
+ (Expired)
+ (scaduta)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Per visualizzzare dettagli aggiuntivi sposta il cursore sulla notifica. Doppio clic per modificare le voci.Bad — password must be changedScadente: la password deve essere modificata
- Poor
- Password quality
- Debole
- Poor — password should be changedInefficace — la password dovrebbe essere modificata
- Weak
- Password quality
- Intermedia
- Weak — consider changing the passwordDebole — considera di modificare la password
@@ -9088,18 +9445,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsEscludi dal rapporto
- Show expired entries
- Mostra voci scadute
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Scadenza voce…Scadenza voci…Scadenza voce(i)…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsMostra voci che sono state escluse dai rapporti
- (Expired)
- (scaduta)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9196,6 +9549,10 @@ La funzionalità di rete è richiesta per verificare la password con i database
Exclude from reportsEscludi dal rapporto
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Scadenza voce…Scadenza voci…Scadenza voce(i)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9253,15 +9610,15 @@ La funzionalità di rete è richiesta per verificare la password con i database
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
+ Il file della passkey sarà esposto a furto oppure uso non autorizzato se lasciato insicuro. Sei sicuro di voler continuare? Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
+ Attendi, la lista delle voci con passkey è in aggiornamento...No entries with passkeys.
+ Nessuna voce con passkeys.
@@ -9437,6 +9794,14 @@ La funzionalità di rete è richiesta per verificare la password con i database
No agent running, cannot list identities.Nessun agente in esecuzione, impossibile elencare le identità.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9611,11 +9976,11 @@ La funzionalità di rete è richiesta per verificare la password con i database
<html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Questa impostazione non ha la precedenza sulla disabilitazione dei messaggi del cestino</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p> Questo migliora la compatibilità con alcune applicazioni che cercano la password senza prima sbloccare il database.</p><p>Tuttavia, abilitarlo potrebbe anche mandare in crash il client se il database non può essere sbloccato entro un certo timeout. (di solito 25s, ma potrebbe essere un valore diverso impostato nelle applicazioni.)</p></body></html>
@@ -9722,29 +10087,6 @@ La funzionalità di rete è richiesta per verificare la password con i database
Esporta in %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Conflitto scorciatoie
- Filter...
- Filtra...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Ripristina scorciatoie
@@ -10033,14 +10375,18 @@ Esempio: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedNessuna chiave hardware rilevata
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysAggiorna tasti hardware
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Se possiedi una <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> o <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, puoi usarla per una maggiore sicurezza.</p><p>La chiave richiede che uno dei suoi slot sia programmato con <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Chiave hardware trovata, ma non è configurato nessuno slot
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts
index 9d52a3e2f..5712c65c1 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
Allow All && &Future
- 今後も含めすべて許可する
+ 今後も含めすべて許可する(&F)
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?新しい言語を設定するには、このアプリケーションを再起動する必要があります。今すぐ再起動しますか?
- Reset Settings?
- 設定をリセットしますか?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- 本当に、すべての全般設定とセキュリティ設定を初期設定に戻しますか?
- Select backup storage directoryバックアップディレクトリーを選択
+ Confirm Reset
+ 初期化の確認
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ 本当に、すべての設定を初期設定に戻しますか?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXCの設定をインポート
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ データベースファイル %1 を開くのに失敗しました: 有効な設定ファイルではありません。
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXCの設定をエキスパート
+ Small
+ 小
+ Normal
+ 通常
+ Medium
+ 中
+ Large
+ 大
+ Custom
+ カスタム
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -262,7 +294,7 @@
recent files
- 最近使用したファイル
+ 件の最近使用したファイルLoad previously open databases on startup
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesベータ版も確認対象にする
- On database unlock, show entries that
- 次のエントリーをデータベースのロック解除時に表示する
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- 有効期限切れ
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- 日
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- 期限切れまであと
- File Managementファイル管理
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before saving保存する前にデータベースファイルをバックアップする
- Backup destination
- バックアップ先
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- データベースのバックアップファイルの場所を指定してください。"{DB_FILENAME}" は保存されたデータベースのファイル名から拡張子を取り除いたものに置き換えられます。{TIME:<format>} はバックアップした時刻に置き換えられます。https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString を確認してください。<format> 既定のフォーマットは "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss" です。
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- 選択...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)別の保存方法を使用する (Dropbox、Google Drive、GVFS などで生じる問題が解決する可能性があります)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:最後に入力したエントリーの記憶:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ データベースをロック解除した後、次の期間に期限を迎えるエントリーを表示する
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ データベースをロック解除した後、次の期間に期限を迎えるエントリーを表示する
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ 日
+ Destination format:
+ 出力形式:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> は保存したデータベースの拡張子を含まないファイル名で置き換えられます。</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> は、時間 (デフォルトでは: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss) で置き換えられます。</p><p>詳細はユーザーガイドを確認してください。</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ フォルダを選択…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ エントリーをゴミ箱に移動する前に確認を表示する
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ エントリー表示でフィールドをダブルクリックしてデータをコピーする
+ Show toolbar
+ ツールバーを表示
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Alt キーでメニューバーを表示
+ Show menubar
+ メニューバーを表示
+ Import settings…
+ 設定をインポート…
+ Export settings…
+ 設定をエキスパート…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ エントリー表示で URL フィールドをダブルクリックしてブラウザーを開く
+ Font size:
+ フォントサイズ:
+ Font size selection
+ フォントサイズの選択
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelエントリーのプレビューパネルのパスワードを非表示にする
- Hide entry notes by default
- エントリーのメモを既定で非表示にする
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- 確認なしでエントリーをゴミ箱に移動する
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- ダブルクリックでユーザー名/パスワードエントリーをコピーできるようにする
- Privacyプライバシー
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelエントリーのプレビューパネルで、TOTP を非表示にする
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ ユーザーを切り替えるときにデータベースをロックする
+ Lock Options
+ ロックのオプション
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ エントリーのプレビューパネルのメモを非表示にする
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1エントリーに PICKCHARS の属性がありません: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- 変換形式が正しくありません: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- 変換構文が正しくありません: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- 正規表現の構文が正しくありません: %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1無効なプレースホルダーです: %1
@@ -862,7 +914,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Register new
- 今すぐ登録
+ 新規登録Register
@@ -874,7 +926,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Relying Party: %1
- 対象サイト (Relying Party): %1
+ サービス提供者 (Relying Party): %1Username: %1
@@ -882,7 +934,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
- KeePassXC - パスキー認証資格情報
+ KeePassXC - パスキー認証情報Add to existing entry
@@ -892,7 +944,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Existing passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:既にパスキーが存在しています。
Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
@@ -904,7 +956,7 @@ Do you want to register a new passkey for:
Do you want to register a passkey for:
- パスキーを登録しますか?:
+ パスキーを登録しますか:
@@ -985,7 +1037,7 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
- KeePassXC - パスキー認証資格情報
+ KeePassXC - パスキー認証情報Register a new passkey to this entry:
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Snap 形式のブラウザーは現在サポートしていません。
- Enable integration for these browsers:これらのブラウザーの統合を有効にする:
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ ブラウザー統合の動作には KeePassXC-Browser が必要です。<br />%1 用、%2 用、%3 用からダウンロードしてください。
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Snap または Flatpak からインストールしたブラウザー (Snap 版 Firefox を除く) はサポートされていません。
@@ -1395,12 +1447,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ タイトルが選択されていませんNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ タイトル行が選択されておらず、エントリーは区別しにくくなります。
+ Tags
+ タグ
@@ -1465,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Binゴミ箱
+ Database file read error.
+ データベースの読み取りエラーです。
+ No file path was provided.
+ ファイルのパスが選択されていません。
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1517,7 +1582,7 @@ Backup database located at %2
Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue…
- YubiKey にタッチして続行、または YubiKey を正しく設定してください…
+ YubiKey を挿入またはタッチして続行します…Database Version Mismatch
@@ -1612,14 +1677,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>パスワードだけでなくシークレットファイルを使用することで、データベースのセキュリティを向上させることができます。シークレットファイルはデータベースのセキュリティ設定で生成できます。</p><p>これは *.kdbx データベースファイル<strong>ではありません</strong>!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- クリックしてキーファイルを追加します。
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">キーファイルがあります</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]ハードウェアキーを使用する [Serial: %1]
@@ -1656,6 +1713,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keysハードウェアキーを初期化
+ Click to add a key file.
+ クリックしてキーファイルを追加します。
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">キーファイルがあります</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ ハードウェアキーが見つかりましたが、スロットが設定されていません。
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1690,9 +1759,21 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ シークレットサービス統合
+ Remote Sync
+ リモート同期
+ Database Settings: %1
+ データベースの設定: %1
@@ -1715,11 +1796,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Stored keys
- 保存されたキー
+ 保存したキーStored browser keys
- 保存されたブラウザーキー
+ 保存したブラウザーキーRemove selected key
@@ -1836,9 +1917,9 @@ This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser ext
WARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged!
Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
- [警告] パスワードを設定していません。パスワードなしでのデータベースの使用は極力避けるべきです。
+ 警告!パスワードを設定していません。パスワードなしのデータベースは特に非推奨です!
+本当にパスワードなしで続行しますか?Continue without password
@@ -1862,7 +1943,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
Weak password
- 弱いパスワード
+ 脆弱なパスワードThis is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.
@@ -1870,18 +1951,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ 入力されたパスワードが品質要件の最低基準に達していません。DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryptionDecryption Time:
- 復号化時間:
+ 復号時間:Decryption time in seconds
- 復号化時間 (秒)
+ 復号時間 (秒)Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer.
@@ -2121,13 +2202,12 @@ the oldest history items of an entry will be
removed such that only the specified amount
of entries remain at most.
Limit the amount of history items per entry to:
- 各エントリーの履歴の数を制限する:
+ 各エントリーの履歴件数を制限する:When saving this setting or editing an entry
@@ -2173,6 +2253,50 @@ removed from the database.Autosave delay since last change checkbox最終更新後、自動保存を遅延させるチェックボックス
+ Public Database Metadata
+ データベースの公開メタデータ
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ 警告: 以下の設定は暗号化されません。
+ Display name:
+ 表示名:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ ロック解除ダイアログで使用される公開表示の表示名
+ Database public display name
+ データベースの公開表示名
+ Display color:
+ 表示色:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ ロック解除ダイアログで使用される公開表示の表示色
+ Database public display color chooser
+ データベースの公開表示色の選択ツール
+ Clear
+ 消去
+ Display icon:
+ 表示アイコン:
+ Select Database Icon
+ データベースのアイコンを選択
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2272,7 +2396,7 @@ removed from the database.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ 同期コマンドRemove
@@ -2280,7 +2404,7 @@ removed from the database.
Command Settings
+ コマンド設定Name
@@ -2292,75 +2416,75 @@ removed from the database.
+ ダウンロードCommand:
+ コマンド:Download command field
+ ダウンロードコマンドフィールドe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ 例: "sftp ユーザー名@ホスト名" または "scp ユーザー名@ホスト名:リモートのデータベース.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ 入力:Download input field
+ ダウンロード入力フィールドUpload
+ アップロードUpload command field
+ アップロードコマンドフィールドe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ 例: "sftp ユーザー名@ホスト名" または "scp {TEMP_DATABASE}ユーザー名@ホスト名:リモートのデータベース.kdbx "Upload input field
+ アップロード入力フィールドName cannot be empty.
+ 名前は空白にできません。Test
+ テストDownload command cannot be empty.
+ ダウンロードコマンドは空白にできません。Download failed with error: %1
+ ダウンロードは次のエラーで失敗しました: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ ダウンロードは完了しましたが、ファイル %1 が見つかりません。Download successful.
+ 正常にダウンロードを完了しました。Save Remote Settings
+ リモート設定を保存You have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ 未保存の変更があります。保存しますか?e.g.:
@@ -2370,7 +2494,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ 例:
+get リモートのデータベース.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} は一時的なデータベース保存先のプレースホルダーとして使用されます
+ e.g.:
@@ -2380,7 +2510,20 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ 例:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} リモートのデータベース.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} は一時的なデータベース保存先のプレースホルダーとして使用されます
+ Timeout:
+ タイムアウト:
+ seconds
+ 秒
@@ -2449,7 +2592,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue?
- データベースを暗号化せずにファイルへエクスポートしようとしています。これはパスワードや機密情報が脆弱な状態に置かれることを意味します。続行してもよろしいですか?
+ データベースを暗号化されないファイルへエクスポートしようとしています。これにより、パスワードや機密情報が脆弱な状態になります!本当に続行しますか?%1 [Locked]
@@ -2459,7 +2602,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [一時]
@@ -2562,7 +2705,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway?
- エントリーを編集中です。変更を破棄してロックしてもよろしいですか?
+ エントリーを編集中です。変更を破棄してロックしますか?"%1" was modified.
@@ -2584,26 +2727,6 @@ Save changes?File has changedファイルが変更されました
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- データベースファイルが変更されました。変更を読み込みますか?
- Merge Request
- マージリクエスト
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- データベースファイルが変更され、保存されていません。
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- 自動再読み込みしようとした際に、新しいデータベースファイルを開くことができませんでした。
-エラー: %1
- Disable safe saves?安全な保存を無効にしますか?
@@ -2640,7 +2763,7 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?
- ゴミ箱にある全項目を永久に削除してもよろしいですか?
+ 本当に、ごみ箱からすべてを永久に削除しますか?Could not find database file: %1
@@ -2657,19 +2780,20 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ リモート同期にダウンロードコマンドまたはアップロードコマンドがありません。Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ リモート同期「%1」は正常に完了しました!
+Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ リモート同期「%1」に失敗しました: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ データベース %1 の保存中にエラーが発生しました: %2Downloading...
@@ -2677,11 +2801,11 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
+ アップロード中...Syncing...
+ 同期中...Remove passkey from entry
@@ -2691,6 +2815,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?本当にこのエントリーからパスキーを削除しますか?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ データベースファイル "%1" は外部で編集されました
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ 変更を読み込みますか?
+ Reload database
+ データベースを再読み込み
+ Reloading database…
+ データベースを再読み込みしています...
+ Reload canceled
+ 再読み込みがキャンセルされました
+ Reload successful
+ 再読み込みしました
+ Reload pending user action…
+ 再読み込みはユーザーの操作の待機中です...
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ データベースファイル "%1" は外部で編集されました。<br>どのように続行するか選択してください。<br><br>すべての変更をマージ<br>保存するまでディスク上の変更を無視<br>保存されていない変更を破棄
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ データベースファイル "%1" は外部で編集されました。<br>どのように続行するか選択してください。<br><br>すべての変更をマージして保存<br>ディスク上の変更を上書き<br>保存されていない変更を破棄
+ Database file overwritten.
+ データベースファイルが上書きされました。
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ ディスク上のデータベースファイルは現在の資格情報ではロック解除できませんでした。<br>続行するには、新しい資格情報の入力またはハードウェアキーの挿入が必要です。
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -2724,7 +2892,7 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Are you sure you want to remove this URL?
- この URL を削除してもよろしいですか?
+ 本当にこの URL を削除しますか?Properties
@@ -2814,7 +2982,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Are you sure you want to remove this attribute?
- この属性を削除してもよろしいですか?
+ 本当にこの属性を削除しますか?Reveal
@@ -3019,18 +3187,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryこのエントリーの自動送信をスキップする
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- この設定をブラウザーの HTTP 認証ダイアログにのみ送信します。有効になっている場合、このエントリーは通常のログインフォームには表示されません。
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Authこのエントリーは HTTP ベーシック認証でのみ使用する
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- この設定をブラウザーの HTTP 認証ダイアログに送信しません。有効になっている場合、このエントリーは HTTP 認証ダイアログには表示されません。
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Authこのエントリーは HTTP ベーシック認証で使用しない
@@ -3055,6 +3215,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs追加 URL
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ HTTP 認証ダイアログのみでブラウザーにこのエントリーを送信します。有効にすると、このエントリーは通常のログインフィールドでは選択肢に表示しません。
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ HTTP 認証ダイアログではブラウザーにこのエントリーを送信しません。有効にすると、HTTP 認証ダイアログでこのエントリーを選択肢に表示しません。
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3175,7 +3343,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
- タグ(T):
+ タグ(A):&Expires:
@@ -3259,7 +3427,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Require user confirmation when this key is used
- このキーを使用する際に必ずユーザーに確認する
+ この鍵を使用するときに必ずユーザーに確認するn/a
@@ -3277,6 +3445,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds 秒
+ Clear agent
+ エージェントをクリア
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3361,11 +3533,11 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Omit WWW subdomain from matching:
- WWW サブドメインをマッチングから除外
+ WWW サブドメインをマッチングから除外する:Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups
+ このグループとサブグループで WWW サブドメインをマッチングから除外するかを変更しますRestrict matching to given browser key:
@@ -3723,6 +3895,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ 変換形式が正しくありません: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ 変換構文が正しくありません: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ 正規表現の構文が正しくありません: %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3731,6 +3917,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
ファイル "%1" を開けません
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ フォーム
+ File name
+ ファイル名
+ File contents...
+ ファイルの内容...
@@ -3768,14 +3969,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- 選択した添付ファイルの名前を変更
- Rename
- 名前を変更
- Open selected attachment選択した添付ファイルを開く
@@ -3802,7 +3995,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)?
- %n 個の添付ファイルを削除してもよろしいですか?
+ 本当に添付ファイル %n 個を削除しますか?Save attachments
@@ -3816,7 +4009,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?
- 既存のファイル "%1" を上書きしてもよろしいですか?
+ 既存のファイル "%1" を添付ファイルで上書きしますか?Confirm overwrite
@@ -3890,6 +4083,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
添付ファイル "%1" は既に存在します。
+ New
+ 新規作成
+ Preview
+ プレビュー
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ 添付ファイルをプレビューできませんでした: 添付ファイルが見つかりません
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4086,7 +4291,11 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ 背景色
+ Group Path
+ グループのパス
@@ -4219,7 +4428,7 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Reset to defaults
- 規定値に戻す
+ 既定値に戻す+ %1 entry(s)...
@@ -4483,6 +4692,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4516,7 +4733,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
No unlocked databases available
+ ロック解除された利用可能なデータベースはありませんExisting Database:
@@ -4586,6 +4803,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1 データベース
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON エクスポート
+ Temporary Database
+ 一時データベース
+ Command:
+ コマンド:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ 例: "sftp ユーザー名@ホスト名" または "scp ユーザー名@ホスト名:リモートのデータベース.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ 入力:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ リモートのデータベース (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -4616,7 +4871,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.不正な資格情報です。再試行してください。
Header doesn't match hash
@@ -4673,7 +4928,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.不正な資格情報です。再試行してください。
(HMAC mismatch)
@@ -5084,7 +5339,7 @@ Line %2, column %3
Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.不正な資格情報です。再試行してください。
Key transformation failed
@@ -5349,7 +5604,7 @@ Message: %2
The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever.
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?選択したキーファイルはパスワードデータベースファイルだと思われます。キーファイルは絶対に変更されることがない、静的なファイルである必要があります。変更される可能性があるファイルでは、データベースに永久にアクセスできなくなる恐れがあります。
@@ -5711,27 +5966,21 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Don't show again for this version
- 今後このバージョンについては表示しない
+ このバージョンについては今後表示しないWARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC.
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.
- 警告: KeePassXC の開発版を使用しています。
+ 警告: お使いの KeePassXC は不安定版です。
+このバージョンは使用を想定した製品版ではありません。NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.備考: KeePassXC のプレリリース版を使用しています。
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- 警告: オンスクリーンキーボード使用時に、Qt のバージョンが原因で KeePassXC がクラッシュする可能性があります。
-KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用することをお勧めします。No Tags
@@ -5739,7 +5988,7 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Restore Entry(s)
+ エントリーを復元Settings
@@ -5771,7 +6020,7 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue…
- YubiKey にタッチして続行、または YubiKey を正しく設定してください…
+ YubiKey を挿入またはタッチして続行します…Restart Application?
@@ -5805,13 +6054,17 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Import Passkeyパスキーをインポート
+ Remote S&ync…
+ リモート同期(S)...
+ Quit Application
+ アプリケーションを終了Open About Dialog
+ アプリについてダイアログを開くOpen Database
@@ -5823,11 +6076,11 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Merge From Database
+ データベースからマージCreate Entry
+ エントリーを作成Edit Entry
@@ -5835,11 +6088,11 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Delete Entry
+ エントリーを削除Create Group
+ グループを作成Edit Group
@@ -5847,39 +6100,39 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Delete Group
+ グループを削除Download All Favicons
+ すべてのファビコンをダウンロードSort Groups A-Z
+ グループを A-Z で並べ替えSort Groups Z-A
+ グループを Z-A で並べ替えSave Database As
+ データベースを別名で保存Show Database Security
+ データベースのセキュリティを表示Show Database Reports
+ データベースのレポートを表示Show Database Settings
+ データベースの設定を表示Show Passkeys
+ パスキーを表示Clone Entry
@@ -5887,11 +6140,11 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Move Entry Up
+ エントリーを上に移動Move Entry Down
+ エントリーを下に移動Copy Username
@@ -5903,31 +6156,35 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Show Application Settings
+ アプリケーションの設定を表示Show Password Generator
+ パスワードを生成
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ エントリーからパスキーを削除するPerform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
+ 自動入力を実行: {USERNAME}Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}
+ 自動入力を実行: {USERNAME}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}
+ 自動入力を実行: {PASSWORD}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
+ 自動入力を実行: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {TOTP}
+ 自動入力を実行: {TOTP}Copy Title
@@ -5963,63 +6220,63 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Show TOTP QR Code
+ TOTP の QR コードを表示Set up TOTP
+ TOTP をセットアップEmpty Recycle Bin
+ ゴミ箱を空にするOpen Donation Website
+ 寄付ウェブサイトを開くOpen Bug Report
+ バグレポートを開くOpen Online Documentation
+ オンラインドキュメントを開くOpen Keyboard Shortcuts Guide
+ キーボードショートカットガイドを開くSave Database Backup
+ データベースのバックアップを保存SSH Agent: Add Key
+ SSH エージェント: 鍵を追加SSH Agent: Remove Key
+ SSH エージェント: 鍵を削除Toggle Compact Mode
+ コンパクトモードを切り替えSet Theme: Automatic
+ テーマ設定: 自動Set Theme: Light
+ テーマ設定: ライトSet Theme: Dark
+ テーマ設定: ダークSet Theme: Classic
+ テーマ設定: クラシックToggle Show Menubar
@@ -6027,43 +6284,59 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Toggle Show Toolbar
+ ツールバーの表示を切り替えToggle Show Preview Panel
+ プレビューパネルの表示を切り替えToggle Always on Top
+ 常に最前面に表示設定を切り替えToggle Hide Usernames
+ ユーザー名の非表示を切り替えToggle Hide Passwords
+ パスワードの非表示を切り替えExport to XML
+ XML にエクスポートToggle Allow Screen Capture
+ スクリーンキャプチャーの許可を切り替え
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ グループパネルを表示
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- エントリーからパスキーを削除する
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ グループパネルの表示を切り替えSetup Remote Sync…
+ リモート同期をセットアップ...
+ Password Generator
+ パスワード生成
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ エントリーを有効期限切れにする(&X)…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ SSH エージェントをクリア
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ SSH エージェントのすべての ID をクリア
@@ -6215,6 +6488,25 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ 添付ファイルのファイル名は空白にできません
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ 同じファイル名の添付ファイルが既に存在します
+ Save attachment
+ 添付ファイルを保存
+ New entry attachment
+ エントリーの新しい添付ファイル
@@ -6360,11 +6652,11 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
Decryption failed: %1
- 復号化に失敗しました: %1
+ 復号に失敗しました: %1Decryption failed, wrong passphrase?
- 復号化に失敗しました。パスフレーズが間違っていませんか?
+ 復号に失敗しました。パスフレーズが間違っていませんか?Unexpected EOF while reading key
@@ -6419,7 +6711,7 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す
+ ビットComment
@@ -6524,7 +6816,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Relying Party: %1
- 対象サイト (Relying Party): %1
+ サービス提供者 (Relying Party): %1Import the following passkey:
@@ -6536,7 +6828,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
- デフォルトのパスキーグループ (インポートしたパスキー)
+ デフォルトのパスキーグループ (Imported Passkeys)
@@ -6760,10 +7052,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:次からも選択:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- 除外される文字: "0"、"1"、"l"、"I"、"O"、"|"、"﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersよく似た文字を除外する
@@ -6788,10 +7076,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:単語数:
- Character Count:
- 文字数:
- Word Case:単語の大小文字:
@@ -6804,10 +7088,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistカスタム単語リストを追加
- character
- 文字
- Close閉じる
@@ -6851,17 +7131,17 @@ The following data is missing:
PoorPassword quality
- 貧弱
+ 非常に脆弱WeakPassword quality
- 弱い
+ 脆弱GoodPassword quality
- 良い
+ 良好Excellent
@@ -6914,6 +7194,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Characters特殊文字
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ 文字: %1
+ MIXED case
+ 大文字小文字混在
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ 除外される文字: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6944,17 +7240,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
PoorPassword quality
- 貧弱
+ 非常に脆弱WeakPassword quality
- 弱い
+ 脆弱GoodPassword quality
- 良い
+ 良好Excellent
@@ -6981,6 +7277,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
文字間で Tab を押す(&T)
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ エントリーの添付ファイルをプレビュー
+ No preview available
+ プレビューできません
+ Image format not supported
+ 対応していない画像形式です
@@ -7330,8 +7641,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited).
- クリップボードを消去するまでの待ち時間 (規定は %1 秒
-で 0 にすると無制限)。
+ クリップボードを消去するまでの待機時間 (既定値は %1 秒、0 にすると無制限)。Invalid timeout value %1.
@@ -7487,27 +7797,27 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Unset the password for the database.
+ データベースのパスワードの設定を解除する。Unset the key file for the database.
+ データベースのキーファイルの設定を解除する。Edit a database.
+ データベースを編集。Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time.
+ %1 と %2 は同時に使用できません。Could not change the database key.
+ データベース鍵を変更できません。Database was not modified.
+ データベースは変更されていません。Writing the database failed: %1
@@ -7515,7 +7825,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Successfully edited the database.
+ 正常にデータベースを編集しました。Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password.
@@ -7531,7 +7841,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Found unexpected Key type %1
+ 想定されていない鍵の形式が見つかりました %1Cannot remove all the keys from a database.
@@ -7660,10 +7970,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1単語数 %1 は不正です
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- 単語リストが小さすぎます (< 1000 アイテム)
- Title for the entry.エントリーのタイトル。
@@ -7808,10 +8114,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.対話モードを終了する。
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- エクスポート時に使用するフォーマット。'xml' が既定で、'csv' も選択可能です。
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.データベースの内容を指定した形式で標準出力にエクスポートする。
@@ -8160,7 +8462,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue.
- YubiKey を挿入・タッチして続行してください。
+ YubiKey を挿入またはタッチして続行します。Enter password to encrypt database (optional):
@@ -8218,7 +8520,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Very weak password
- 非常に弱いパスワード
+ 非常に脆弱なパスワードPassword entropy is %1 bits
@@ -8226,7 +8528,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Weak password
- 弱いパスワード
+ 脆弱なパスワードUsed in %1/%2
@@ -8400,18 +8702,6 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2
file emptyファイルが空です
- malformed string
- 不正な形式の文字列
- missing closing quote
- 閉じ引用符がありません
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (行, 列) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 ビット
@@ -8600,7 +8890,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2
KeePassXC is not running. No open database to lock
+ KeePassXC が実行されていません。ロックできるデータベースがありませんFatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.
@@ -8638,15 +8928,15 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2
Invalid Cipher
+ 無効な暗号ですInvalid KDF
+ 無効な KDF ですAccess to all entries is denied
+ すべてのエントリーへのアクセスが拒否されましたallow screenshots and app recording (Windows/macOS)
@@ -8664,27 +8954,27 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Attestation not supported
+ 対応していない認証ですCredential is excluded
+ 資格情報が有効期限切れですPasskeys request canceled
+ パスキー要求がキャンセルされましたInvalid user verification
+ 不正なユーザー認証Empty public key
+ 公開鍵が空白ですInvalid URL provided
+ 無効な URL が提供されましたPasskeys
@@ -8748,19 +9038,19 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Origin is empty or not allowed
+ オリジンが空白または許可されていませんEffective domain is not a valid domain
+ Effective domain が有効なドメインではありませんOrigin and RP ID do not match
+ オリジンと RP ID が一致しませんNo supported algorithms were provided
+ 対応するアルゴリズムが提供されませんでしたWait for timer to expire
@@ -8768,11 +9058,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Challenge is shorter than required minimum length
+ チャレンジが最低文字数より短いですuser.id does not match the required length
+ user.id の文字数が規定に適合しませんFavorite
@@ -8781,11 +9071,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
File does not exist.
+ ファイルが存在しません。Cannot open file: %1
+ ファイルを開けません: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
@@ -8793,7 +9083,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Failed to decrypt json file: %1
+ json ファイルの復号化に失敗しました: %1Invalid encKeyValidation field
@@ -8805,7 +9095,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Wrong password
+ パスワードが間違っていますInvalid encrypted data field
@@ -8817,11 +9107,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Cannot initialize cipher
+ 暗号を初期化できませんでしたCannot decrypt data
+ データを復号できませんBitwarden Import
@@ -8834,11 +9124,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.
+ 無効な 1PUX ファイル形式: 有効な ZIP ファイルではありません。Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data
+ 無効な 1PUX ファイル形式: export.data が見つかりません。1Password Import
@@ -8846,15 +9136,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Enter Shortcut
+ ショートカットを入力Action
+ アクションShortcuts
+ ショートカットUnknown passkeys error
@@ -8862,16 +9152,84 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ 無効な KDF 反復、json ファイルを複合できませんでしたUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ 対応していないフォーマットです。Bitwarden エクスポートがパスワードで保護されているか確認してくださいOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ PBKDF と Argon2 に対応しており、json ファイルは復号できません
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ ショートカットをリセット
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ ショートカットを変更したいアクションをダブルクリック
+ Filter...
+ フィルター...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ ショートカット重複
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ ショートカット %1 は「%2」と重複しています。上書きしますか?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ 単語リストが短すぎるため、有効なパスフレーズを生成できませんでした
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ 暗号化されたファイルには対応していません。
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ プラグインデータを削除しますか?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ エントリーからプラグインデータを削除しますか?
+ Passkey
+ パスキー
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ タグ
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8950,7 +9308,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Entry has no URLs set
+ エントリーには URL が設定されていませんAllowed URLs
@@ -8958,7 +9316,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Entry has no Browser Integration settings
+ エントリーにはブラウザー統合設定がありませんDenied URLs
@@ -8974,11 +9332,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated…
+ ブラウザー統計の生成中です。しばらくお待ちください...No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved.
+ URL が設定されているエントリーが存在しないか、ブラウザー統合の設定が保存されていません。Title
@@ -9004,6 +9362,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsレポートから除外
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ エントリーを有効期限切れにする…
+ Only show entries that have a URLURL が登録されたエントリーのみ表示する
@@ -9020,39 +9382,36 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
(Expired) (期限切れ)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ エントリーからプラグインデータを削除...
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- 理由にマウスオーバーすると追加の詳細が表示されます。エントリーをダブルクリックすると編集できます。
+ Show expired entries
+ 期限切れのエントリーを表示する
- Bad
- Password quality
- 悪い
+ (Expired)
+ (期限切れ)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ 理由にマウスオーバーすると追加の詳細が表示されます。エントリーをダブルクリックすると編集できます。Bad — password must be changed悪い — パスワードを変更する必要があります
- Poor
- Password quality
- 貧弱
- Poor — password should be changed
- 貧弱 — パスワードを変更する必要があります
- Weak
- Password quality
- 弱い
+ 非常に脆弱 — パスワードを変更する必要がありますWeak — consider changing the password
- 弱い — パスワードの変更を検討してください
+ 脆弱 — パスワードの変更を検討してください (Excluded)
@@ -9098,18 +9457,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsレポートから除外
- Show expired entries
- 期限切れのエントリーを表示する
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ エントリーを有効期限切れにする…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsレポートから除外されたエントリーを表示
- (Expired)
- (期限切れ)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9205,6 +9560,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsレポートから除外
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ エントリーを有効期限切れにする…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9246,7 +9605,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Relying Party
- 対象サイト (Relying Party)
+ サービス提供者 (Relying Party)Show expired entries
@@ -9446,6 +9805,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.エージェントが実行されていないため、ID の一覧を取得できません。
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ SSH ID をエージェントから削除できませんでした。
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ すべての SSH ID をエージェントから削除しました。
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9731,29 +10098,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
%1 にエクスポート
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -9770,7 +10114,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Weak Passwords
- 弱いパスワード
+ 脆弱なパスワード
@@ -9902,7 +10246,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Are you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry?
- このエントリーの TOTP 設定を削除してもよろしいですか?
+ 本当にこのエントリーの TOTP 設定を削除しますか?
@@ -9947,7 +10291,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
WelcomeWidgetStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC database
- KeePassXC データベースに安全にパスワードを保管する
+ KeePassXC データベースで安全なパスワード保管の強化を開始しますRecent databases
@@ -10042,14 +10386,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detected検出したハードウェアキーはありません
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysハードウェアトークンを初期化
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p><a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> または <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> をお持ちの場合、セキュリティをさらに強化できます。</p><p><a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">チャレンジレスポンス</a>に設定されたスロットが 1 つ必要です。</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ ハードウェアキーを検出しましたが、スロットが設定されていません
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
@@ -10059,11 +10407,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue.
- シリアルナンバー %1 のハードウェアキーが見つからない、またはアクセスできませんでした。正しく設定して続行してください。
+ シリアルナンバー %1 のハードウェアキーが見つからない、またはアクセスできませんでした。続行するには正しく挿入してください。Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue.
- ハードウェアキーがロックされているか、タイムアウトしました。ロックを解除するか、正しく設定し直してから続行してください。
+ ハードウェアキーがロックされているか、タイムアウトしました。続行するにはロック解除または再挿入してください。Hardware key was not found or is not configured.
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_km.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_km.ts
index a76be4575..cd8dfdf59 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_km.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_km.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?អ្នកត្រូវចាប់ផ្តើមកម្មវិធីឡើងវិញ ដើម្បីកំណត់ភាសាថ្មី។ ចង់ចាប់ផ្តើមឡើងវិញទេ?
- Reset Settings?
- កំណត់ឡើងវិញ?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- តើអ្នកប្រាកដទេថាចង់កំណត់ឡើងវិញទូទៅទាំងអស់ និងកំណត់សុវត្ថិភាពទៅជាលំនាំដើមវិញ?
- Select backup storage directoryជ្រើសរើសការបម្រុងទុកបញ្ចីផ្ទុក
+ Confirm Reset
+ បញ្ជាក់ការកំណត់ឡើងវិញ
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ តើអ្នកប្រាកដទេថាចង់កំណត់ឡើងវិញទាំងអស់ទៅជាលំនាំដើមវិញ?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ នាំចូលការកំណត់ KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ បានបរាជ័យក្នុងការនាំចូលការកំណត់ %1 មិនមែនជាឯកសារកំណត់ត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ នាំចេញការកំណត់ KeePassXC
+ Small
+ តូច
+ Normal
+ ធម្មតា
+ Medium
+ មធ្យម
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesបញ្ចូលការចេញផ្សាយសាកល្បង ពេលឆែករកបច្ចុប្បន្ន
- On database unlock, show entries that
- ពេលបើកសោរឃ្លាំងទិន្នន័យ បង្ហាញធាតុដែល
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ផុតកំណត់ប្រើហើយ
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- ថ្ងៃ
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- នឹងផុតកំណត់ប្រើ ក្នុងរយៈពេល
- File Managementការគ្រប់គ្រងឯកសារ
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingបម្រុងទុកឯសារឃ្លាំងទិន្នន័យ មុនពេលរក្សាទុក។
- Backup destination
- គោលដៅបម្រុងទុក
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- បញ្ជាក់ពីទីតាំងឯកសារបម្រុងទុកមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យ។ ការកើតឡើងនៃ "{DB_FILENAME}" ត្រូវបានជំនួសដោយឈ្មោះឯកសារនៃមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យដែលបានរក្សាទុកដោយគ្មានកម្មវិធីបន្ថែម។ {TIME:<format>} ត្រូវបានជំនួសដោយពេលវេលាបម្រុងទុក សូមមើល https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> លំនាំដើម ដើម្បីធ្វើទ្រង់ទ្រាយខ្សែអក្សរ "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss"។
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- ជ្រើសរើស...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)ប្រើវិធីសន្សំជំនួស (អាចដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាជាមួយ Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS ជាដើម)
@@ -506,6 +507,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:ចងចាំការបញ្ចូលដោយសរសេរចុងក្រោយសម្រាប់:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ នៅលើការដោះសោមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យ បង្ហាញធាតុដែលនឹងផុតកំណត់នៅក្នុង
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ ថ្ងៃ
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ បង្ហាញរបាឧបករណ៍
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ បង្ហាញរបារឧបករណ៍ដោយចុចគ្រាប់ចុច Alt
+ Show menubar
+ បង្ហាញរបាឧបករណ៍
+ Import settings…
+ នាំចូលការកំណត់…
+ Export settings…
+ នាំចេញលការកំណត់…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -571,18 +637,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelលាក់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់នៅក្នុងផ្ទាំងមើលជាមុន
- Hide entry notes by default
- លាក់កំណត់ចំណាំចូលតាមលំនាំដើម
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- ផ្លាស់ទីធាតុរចូលទៅក្នុងធុងសំរាមដោយគ្មានការបញ្ចាក់
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- បើការចុចពីរដើម្បីចម្លង username/password លើជួរឈរ
- Privacyឯកជនភាព
@@ -595,6 +649,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelលាក់ TOTP នៅក្នុងបន្ទះមើលជាមុនធាតុ
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ ជម្រើសចាក់សោ
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -642,20 +708,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1ការបញ្ចូលមិនមានលក្ខណៈសម្រាប់ PICKCHARS៖ %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- ការបម្លែងមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ៖ %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- វាក្យសម្ព័ន្ធនៃការបំប្លែងមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ៖ %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- វាក្យសម្ព័ន្ធកន្សោមពាក្យធម្មតាមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1កន្លែងរក្សាទុកមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ៖ %1
@@ -1023,10 +1075,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- កម្មវិធីរុករកតាមអ៊ីនធឺណិតដែលបានដំឡើងជាខ្ទាស់ ថ្មីៗនេះមិនអាចប្រើប្រាស់បានទេ។
- Enable integration for these browsers:បើកការរួមបញ្ចូលសម្រាប់កម្មវិធីរុករកទាំងនេះ៖
@@ -1251,6 +1299,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1402,6 +1454,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ ស្លាក
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1465,6 +1521,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Binធុងសំរាម
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1610,14 +1674,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1650,6 +1706,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1684,10 +1752,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ ការដាក់បញ្ចូលសេវាពាក្យសម្ងាត់
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2167,6 +2247,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ ឈ្មោះបង្ហាញសាធារណៈមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យ
+ Display color:
+ ពណ៌បង្ហាញ៖
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ ជម្រះ
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2376,6 +2500,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ វិនាទី
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2578,26 +2710,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedឯកសារបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- ឯកសារមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យបានផ្លាស់ប្តូររួចហើយ។ តើអ្នកចង់ផ្ទុកការផ្លាស់ប្តូរឬទេ?
- Merge Request
- សំណើដាក់បញ្ចូល
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- ឯកសារមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យបានផ្លាស់ប្តូររួចរាល់ និងអ្នកមានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរដែលមិនបានរក្សាទុក។
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- មិនអាចបើកឯកសារមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យថ្មី នៅពេលកំពុងព្យាយាមផ្ទុកឡើងវិញដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ។
-បញ្ហា៖% 1
- Disable safe saves?បិទដំណើរការនៃការរក្សាទុកដោយសុវត្ថិភាព?
@@ -2685,6 +2797,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3013,18 +3169,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryរំលងការបញ្ជូនដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិសម្រាប់ការបញ្ចូលនេះ
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- ផ្ញើតែការកំណត់នេះទៅកម្មវិធីរុករកតាមអ៊ីនធឺណិតសម្រាប់ប្រអប់ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ភាពត្រឹមត្រូវ HTTP Auth ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ប្រសិនបើបានបើក ទម្រង់ចូលធម្មតានឹងមិនបង្ហាញទិន្នន័យបញ្ចូលនេះឱ្យជ្រើសរើសទេ។
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Authប្រើប្រាស់ទិន្នន័យបញ្ចូលនេះតែជាមួយ HTTP Basic Auth ប៉ុណ្ណោះ
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- សូមកុំផ្ញើការកំណត់នេះទៅកាន់កម្មវិធីរុករកតាមអ៊ីនធឺណិតសម្រាប់ប្រអប់ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ភាពត្រឹមត្រូវ HTTP Auth។ ប្រសិនបើបានបើកប្រអប់ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ភាពត្រឹមត្រូវ HTTP Auth នឹងមិនបង្ហាញទិន្នន័យបញ្ចូលនេះសម្រាប់ការជ្រើសរើសទេ។
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Authកុំប្រើទិន្នន័យបញ្ចូលនេះជាមួយ HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3049,6 +3197,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3271,6 +3427,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds វិនាទី
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3717,6 +3877,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ ប្រភេទនៃការបម្លែងមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ៖ %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ វាក្យសម្ព័ន្ធនៃការបំប្លែងមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ៖ %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ វាក្យសម្ព័ន្ធកន្សោមពាក្យធម្មតាមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3725,6 +3899,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
មិនអាចបើកឯកសារ "% 1" បានទេ
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ ទម្រង់
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3762,14 +3951,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- ប្តូរឈ្មោះឯកសារភ្ជាប់ដែលបានជ្រើសរើស
- Rename
- ប្តូរឈ្មោះ
- Open selected attachmentបើកឯកសារភ្ជាប់ដែលបានជ្រើសរើស
@@ -3880,6 +4061,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
ឯកសារភ្ជាប់ "% 1" មានស្រាប់ហើយ។
+ New
+ Preview
+ មើលជាមុន
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4078,6 +4271,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4473,6 +4670,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4576,6 +4781,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5714,12 +5957,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
ចំណាំ៖ អ្នកកំពុងប្រើប្រាស់កំណែមុនចេញផ្សាយរបស់កម្មវិធី KeePassXC។
កំហុស និងបញ្ហាតូចតាចមួយចំនួននឹងអាចកើតមានឡើង ដោយសារកំណែនេះមានគោលបំណងសម្រាប់ការធ្វើតេស្តតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ការព្រមាន៖ កំណែ Qt របស់អ្នកអាចបណ្តាលឱ្យ KeePassXC គាំងជាមួយនឹងក្តារចុចលើអេក្រង់។
-យើងសូមណែនាំអ្នកឱ្យប្រើប្រាស់ AppImage នេះដែលអាចប្រើប្រាស់បាននៅលើទំព័រទាញយករបស់យើង។No Tags
@@ -5793,6 +6030,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5897,6 +6138,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6042,17 +6287,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6203,6 +6464,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6744,10 +7024,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:ក៏អាចជ្រើសរើសពី៖
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- មិនរាប់បញ្ចូលតួអក្សរ៖ "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersមិនរាប់បញ្ចូលតួអក្សរដែលមានលក្ខណៈស្រដៀងគ្នា
@@ -6772,10 +7048,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:ចំនួនពាក្យ៖
- Character Count:
- ចំនួនតួអក្សរ៖
- Word Case:ពាក្យអក្សរតូច៖
@@ -6788,10 +7060,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistបន្ថែមបញ្ជីពាក្យផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន
- character
- តួអក្សរ
- Closeបិទ
@@ -6898,6 +7166,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Charactersតួអក្សរពិសេស
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6965,6 +7249,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
ចុច &ថេបរវាងតួអក្សរ
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7643,10 +7942,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1ចំនួនពាក្យមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- បញ្ជីពាក្យតូចពេក (< 1000 ធាតុ)
- Title for the entry.ចំណងជើងសម្រាប់ការបញ្ចូល។
@@ -7791,10 +8086,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.ចេញពីម៉ូដអន្តរកម្ម។
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- ទ្រង់ទ្រាយដែលត្រូវប្រើប្រាស់នៅពេលកំពុងនាំចេញ។ ជម្រើសដែលអាចប្រើប្រាស់គឺ 'xml' ឬ 'csv'។ លំនាំដើមទៅកាន់ 'xml'។
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.នាំចេញខ្លឹមសារនៃមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យទៅជាលទ្ធផលស្តង់ដារក្នុងទម្រង់ដែលបានបញ្ជាក់នេះ។
@@ -8383,18 +8674,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyឯកសារទទេ
- malformed string
- ជួរអក្សរដែលមានទម្រង់មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ
- missing closing quote
- កំពុងបាត់សម្រង់បិទ
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (ជួរដេក, ជួរឈរ) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 ប៊ីត
@@ -8854,6 +9133,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ លុបទិន្នន័យនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីជំនួយ?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ ស្លាក
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8986,6 +9333,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsមិនរាប់បញ្ចូលពីរបាយការណ៍
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -9002,36 +9353,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- ដាក់ពីលើហេតុផលដើម្បីបង្ហាញព័ត៌មានលម្អិតបន្ថែម។ ចុចទ្វេដងលើទិន្នន័យបញ្ចូលដើម្បីកែ។
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- មិនល្អ
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ ដាក់ពីលើហេតុផលដើម្បីបង្ហាញព័ត៌មានលម្អិតបន្ថែម។ ចុចទ្វេដងលើទិន្នន័យបញ្ចូលដើម្បីកែ។Bad — password must be changedមិនល្អ - ត្រូវតែផ្លាស់ប្តូរពាក្យសម្ងាត់
- Poor
- Password quality
- ខ្សោយ
- Poor — password should be changedខ្សោយ - គួរតែផ្លាស់ប្តូរពាក្យសម្ងាត់
- Weak
- Password quality
- ខ្សោយ
- Weak — consider changing the passwordខ្សោយ — សូមពិចារណាផ្លាស់ប្តូរពាក្យសម្ងាត់នេះ
@@ -9080,18 +9428,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsមិនរាប់បញ្ចូលពីរបាយការណ៍
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9187,6 +9531,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsមិនរាប់បញ្ចូលពីរបាយការណ៍
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9428,6 +9776,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.មិនអាចចុះបញ្ជីអត្តសញ្ញាណបានដោយសារគ្មានភ្នាក់ងារដែលកំពុងដំណើរការ ។
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9713,29 +10069,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
នាំចេញទៅ %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10025,11 +10358,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts
index 4df09d970..85f9e87c3 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?새 언어를 적용하려면 프로그램을 다시 시작해야 합니다. 지금 다시 시작하시겠습니까?
- Reset Settings?
- 설정을 초기화하시겠습니까?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- 모든 일반 설정과 보안 설정을 초기화하시겠습니까?
- Select backup storage directory백업 저장 디렉터리 선택
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -262,7 +294,7 @@
recent files
- 최근 파일
+ 개 최근 파일Load previously open databases on startup
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updates업데이트를 확인할 때 베타 릴리스 포함
- On database unlock, show entries that
- 데이터베이스 잠금을 해제할 때 다음 항목 표시
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- 이미 만료됨
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- 일 후에 만료됨
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- File Management파일 관리
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before saving저장하기 전에 데이터베이스 파일 백업
- Backup destination
- 백업 대상
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- yyyy_MM_dd_hh-mm-ss
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- 선택...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)대체 저장 방식 사용(Dropbox, Google 드라이브, GVFS 등 문제 해결)
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@
Show passwords in color
- 암호 표시 시 색상 적용
+ 암호 표시 시 글자 종류별로 색상 적용Use monospaced font for notes
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:마지막으로 입력한 항목 기억 시간:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ 일 내에 만료됨
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ 도구 모음 보이기
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panel항목 미리 보기 패널에서 암호 숨기기
- Hide entry notes by default
- 기본값으로 암호 숨기기
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- 항목을 묻지 않고 휴지통으로 이동
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- 두 번 클릭으로 사용자 이름/암호 항목 열에서 복사 사용
- Privacy개인 정보
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel항목 미리 보기 패널에서 TOTP 숨기기
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ 사용자를 전환할 때 데이터베이스 잠금
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1항목에 PICKCHARS 속성이 없음: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- 잘못된 변환 형식: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- 잘못된 변환 문법: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- 잘못된 정규 표현식 문법 %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1잘못된 자리 비움자: %1
@@ -714,7 +766,7 @@
Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
+ 잘못된 키보드 기호를 보내려고 시도하고 있습니다.
@@ -882,28 +934,29 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
- KeePassXC - Passkey 자격 증명
+ KeePassXC - 패스키 자격 증명Add to existing entry
+ 기존 항목에 추가Existing passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
+ 기존 패스키를 찾았습니다.
+다음에 대한 새 패스키를 등록하시겠습니까?:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
+ 기존 패스키를 선택한 후 업데이트를 누르면 대체합니다.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
+ 다음에 대하여 패스키 자격 증명 인증:Do you want to register a passkey for:
+ 다음에 대한 패스키를 등록하시겠습니까?:
@@ -952,7 +1005,7 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
%1 (Passkey)
- %1(Passkey)
+ %1(패스키)KeePassXC - Create a new group
@@ -980,24 +1033,25 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
- Passkey
+ 패스키KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
- KeePassXC - Passkey 자격 증명
+ KeePassXC - 패스키 자격 증명Register a new passkey to this entry:
+ 이 항목에 새 패스키 등록:KeePassXC - Update passkey
+ KeePassXC - 패스키 업데이트Entry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ 항목에 이미 패스키가 있습니다.
+%1 - %2에 패스키를 덮어쓰시겠습니까?Register
@@ -1022,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Snap으로 설치한 브라우저는 지원하지 않습니다.
- Enable integration for these browsers:다음 브라우저에 통합:
@@ -1239,14 +1289,18 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
+ 시험 목적으로 보안상 안전하지 않은 http://localhost에 패스키 사용을 허용합니다.Allow using localhost with passkeys
+ localhost에 패스키 사용 허용KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ 브라우저 통합을 사용하려면 KeePassXC-브라우저가 필요합니다.<br />%1, %2, %3용으로 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1393,12 +1447,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ 선택한 제목 없음No title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ 제목 열을 선택하지 않았습니다. 개별 항목을 구분하기 어려울 수 있습니다.
+계속 가져오시겠습니까?
+ Tags
+ 태그
@@ -1463,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Bin휴지통
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1678,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>데이터베이스 파일의 보안을 개선할 수 있도록 암호 외에도 비밀 파일을 사용할 수 있습니다. 해당 파일은 데이터베이스 보안 설정에서 생성할 수 있습니다.</p><p>이 파일은 *.kdbx 데이터베이스 파일이 <strong>아닙니다</strong>!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- 키 파일을 추가하려면 클릭하십시오.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">키 파일이 있음</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]하드웨어 키 사용 [일련 번호: %1]
@@ -1655,6 +1714,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys하드웨어 키 새로 고침
+ Click to add a key file.
+ 키 파일을 추가하려면 클릭하십시오.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">키 파일이 있음</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1689,8 +1760,20 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ 비밀 서비스 통합
+ Remote Sync
+ 원격 동기화
+ Database Settings: %1
@@ -1869,7 +1952,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ 지정한 암호가 최소 보안 조건을 만족하지 않습니다.
@@ -2140,7 +2223,7 @@ add up to the specified amount at most.
Limit the total size of history items per entry to:
- 항목별 과거 기록 개수 제한:
+ 항목별 과거 기록 총 크기 제한:Move entries to a recycle bin group
@@ -2172,6 +2255,50 @@ removed from the database.Autosave delay since last change checkbox마지막 체크 상자 변경 후 자동 저장 대기 시간
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ 비우기
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2271,7 +2398,7 @@ removed from the database.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ 동기화 명령Remove
@@ -2279,7 +2406,7 @@ removed from the database.
Command Settings
+ 명령 설정Name
@@ -2291,75 +2418,75 @@ removed from the database.
+ 다운로드Command:
+ 명령:Download command field
+ 다운로드 명령 필드e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ 예제: "sftp user@hostname" 또는 "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ 입력:Download input field
+ 다운로드 입력 필드Upload
+ 업로드Upload command field
+ 업로드 명령 필드e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ 예제: "sftp user@hostname" 또는 "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input field
+ 업로드 입력 필드Name cannot be empty.
+ 이름을 비워 둘 수 없습니다.Test
+ 시험Download command cannot be empty.
+ 다운로드 명령을 비워 둘 수 없습니다.Download failed with error: %1
+ 다운로드 실패, 오류: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ 다운로드가 완료되었지만 %1 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.Download successful.
+ 다운로드에 성공했습니다.Save Remote Settings
+ 원격 설정 저장You have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ 저장하지 않은 변경 사항이 있습니다. 저장하시겠습니까?e.g.:
@@ -2369,7 +2496,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ 예제.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE}는 임시 위치에 저장된 데이터베이스를 가리키는 자리 비움자입니다
+명령은 종료되어야 합니다. `sftp`의 경우 마지막 `exit` 명령을 전송해야 합니다
+ e.g.:
@@ -2379,8 +2512,22 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ 예제.:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE}는 임시 위치에 저장된 데이터베이스를 가리키는 자리 비움자입니다
+명령은 종료되어야 합니다. `sftp`의 경우 마지막 `exit` 명령을 전송해야 합니다
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ 초
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2458,7 +2605,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [임시]
@@ -2582,26 +2729,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changed파일 변경됨
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- 데이터베이스 파일이 변경되었습니다. 변경 사항을 불러오시겠습니까?
- Merge Request
- 요청 합치기
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- 데이터베이스 파일이 변경되었고 저장하지 않은 변경 사항이 있습니다.
-변경 사항을 합치겠습니까?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- 자동으로 다시 불러오려는 중 새 데이터베이스 파일을 열 수 없었습니다.
-오류: %1
- Disable safe saves?안전 저장을 비활성화 하시겠습니까?
@@ -2655,19 +2782,19 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ 원격 동기화에 다운로드나 업로드 명령이 없습니다.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ '%1' 원격 동기화에 성공했습니다!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ '%1' 원격 동기화 실패: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ %1 데이터베이스를 저장하는 중 오류 발생: %2Downloading...
@@ -2675,18 +2802,62 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
+ 업로드 중...Syncing...
+ 동기화 중...Remove passkey from entry
+ 항목에서 패스키 삭제Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ 이 항목에서 패스키를 삭제하시겠습니까?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -2844,7 +3015,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ SSH 키를 복호화할 수 없습니다. 암호가 올바른지 확인하십시오.
@@ -3017,18 +3188,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entry이 항목 자동 제출 건너뛰기
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- 웹 브라우저의 HTTP 인증 대화 상자에만 이 설정을 사용합니다. 활성화하면 일반 로그인 폼 선택 목록에 이 항목을 표시하지 않습니다.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthHTTP Basic 인증에만 이 항목 사용
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- 이 설정을 브라우저의 HTTP 인증 대화 상자로 보내지 않습니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 HTTP 인증 대화 상자에서 이 항목을 숨깁니다.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthHTTP Basic 인증에 이 항목 사용하지 않기
@@ -3047,11 +3210,19 @@ Would you like to correct it?
These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ 이 설정은 브라우저 확장 기능에서 항목을 사용하는 방법에 영향을 줍니다.Additional URLs
+ 추가 URL
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ 브라우저의 HTTP 인증 대화 상자에 이 항목만 보냅니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 일반 로그인 폼에는 이 항목을 선택할 수 있도록 표시하지 않습니다.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ 이 항목을 브라우저의 HTTP 인증 대화 상자에 보내지 않습니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 HTTP 인증 대화 상자에는 이 항목을 선택할 수 있도록 표시하지 않습니다.
@@ -3275,6 +3446,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3355,7 +3530,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups
- 이 그룹과 하위 그룹의 항목을 HTTP 인증에 사용하지 않기
+ 이 그룹과 하위 그룹의 항목을 HTTP 인증에 사용하지 않기 전환Omit WWW subdomain from matching:
@@ -3719,7 +3894,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Passkey
+ 패스키
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ 잘못된 변환 형식: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ 잘못된 변환 문법: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ 잘못된 정규 표현식 문법 %1
@@ -3729,6 +3918,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
파일 "%1"을(를) 열 수 없음
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ 폼
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3766,14 +3970,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- 선택한 첨부 파일 이름 바꾸기
- Rename
- 이름 바꾸기
- Open selected attachment선택한 첨부 파일 열기
@@ -3814,7 +4010,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?
- 기존 파일 "%1"의 내용을 첨부 항목으로 덮어 쓰시겠습니까?
+ 기존 파일 "%1"의 내용을 첨부 항목으로 덮어쓰시겠습니까?Confirm overwrite
@@ -3888,6 +4084,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
첨부 "%1"이(가) 이미 있습니다.
기존 첨부 항목을 덮어쓰시겠습니까?
+ New
+ Preview
+ 미리 보기
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4086,6 +4294,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color배경색
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4481,6 +4693,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4584,6 +4804,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1 데이터베이스
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ 명령:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ 예제: "sftp user@hostname" 또는 "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ 입력:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5669,7 +5927,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Show Menubar
+ 메뉴 표시줄 표시Show Toolbar
@@ -5724,12 +5982,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
알림: KeePassXC의 미리 보기 버전을 사용하고 있습니다.
이 버전은 시험용 버전이므로 버그나 사소한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- 경고: 사용 중인 Qt 버전에서 KeePassXC를 화상 키보드와 사용했을 때 충돌할 수 있습니다.
-다운로드 페이지에 있는 AppImage 사용을 추천합니다.No Tags
@@ -5797,11 +6049,15 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Passkey…
+ 패스키…Import Passkey
- Passkey 가져오기
+ 패스키 가져오기
+ Remote S&ync…
+ 원격 동기화(&Y)…Quit Application
@@ -5907,6 +6163,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator암호 생성기 표시
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ 항목에서 패스키 삭제
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}자동 입력 실행: {USERNAME}
@@ -6021,7 +6281,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Toggle Show Menubar
+ 메뉴 표시줄 표시 전환Toggle Show Toolbar
@@ -6052,15 +6312,31 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
화면 캡처 허용 전환
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ 원격 동기화 설정…
+ Password Generator
+ 암호 생성기
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
@@ -6213,6 +6489,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
새 데이터베이스 표시 이름과 추가 설명(선택)을 입력하십시오:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ 첨부 항목 저장
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6428,7 +6723,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
PasskeyExportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Export
- KeePassXC - Passkey 내보내기
+ KeePassXC - 패스키 내보내기Filenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.
@@ -6452,14 +6747,14 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Export the following passkey entries.
+ 지정한 패스키 항목을 내보냅니다.PasskeyExporterKeePassXC: Passkey Export
- KeePassXC: Passkey 내보내기
+ KeePassXC: 패스키 내보내기File "%1.passkey" already exists.
@@ -6486,7 +6781,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
PasskeyImportDialogKeePassXC - Passkey Import
- KeePassXC - Passkey 가져오기
+ KeePassXC - 패스키 가져오기Username: %1
@@ -6502,7 +6797,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Import Passkey
- Passkey 가져오기
+ 패스키 가져오기Import
@@ -6526,22 +6821,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Import the following passkey:
+ 다음 패스키 가져오기:Import the following passkey to this entry:
+ 이 항목으로 다음 패스키 가져오기:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
+ 기본 패스키 그룹(가져온 패스키)PasskeyImporterPasskey file
- Passkey 파일
+ 패스키 파일All files
@@ -6557,25 +6852,27 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Open passkey file
+ 패스키 파일 열기Cannot import passkey
+ 패스키를 가져올 수 없음Cannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
+ 패스키 파일 "%1"을(를) 열 수 없습니다. 데이터가 빠져 있습니다.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
+ 패스키 파일 "%1"을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다.
+다음 데이터가 빠졌습니다:
+%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
+ 패스키 파일 "%1"을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다. 개인 키가 빠졌거나 잘못되었습니다.
@@ -6756,10 +7053,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:다음에서도 선택:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- 제외할 글자: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike characters비슷하게 생긴 문자 제외
@@ -6784,10 +7077,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:단어 개수:
- Character Count:
- 글자 수:
- Word Case:대소문자:
@@ -6800,10 +7089,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlist사용자 정의 단어 목록 추가
- character
- 글자
- Close닫기
@@ -6910,6 +7195,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Characters특수 문자
+ passwordLength
+ 암호 길이
+ Characters: %1
+ 글자 수: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6977,6 +7278,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
글자를 입력할 때마다 Tab 키 누르기(&T)
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -6993,7 +7309,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
- 비어 있음
+ 삭제Remove
@@ -7655,10 +7971,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1잘못된 단어 개수 %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- 단어 목록이 너무 작음(1000개 미만)
- Title for the entry.항목의 제목입니다.
@@ -7803,10 +8115,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.대화형 모드를 종료합니다.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- 내보낼 때 사용할 형식입니다. 'xml', 'csv'를 사용할 수 있으며 기본값은 'xml'입니다.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.데이터베이스 내용을 지정한 형식으로 표준 출력으로 내보냅니다.
@@ -8357,7 +8665,7 @@ CPU 아키텍처: %2
Argon2%1 (%2 rounds, %3 KB)
- Argon2%1(%2회, %3 KB)
+ Argon2%1(%2라운드, %3 KB)SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode.
@@ -8395,18 +8703,6 @@ CPU 아키텍처: %2
file empty파일이 비어 있음
- malformed string
- 잘못된 문자열
- missing closing quote
- 닫는 따옴표 없음
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (줄, 칸) %2, %3
- AES 256-bitAES 256비트
@@ -8650,11 +8946,12 @@ CPU 아키텍처: %2
Set the key file for the database.
This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ 데이터베이스의 키 파일을 선택합니다.
+이 옵션은 삭제될 예정입니다. --set-key-file 옵션을 대신 사용하십시오.Databases have been locked.
+ 데이터베이스가 잠겼습니다.Attestation not supported
@@ -8666,7 +8963,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Passkeys request canceled
- Passkey 요청 취소됨
+ 패스키 요청 취소됨Invalid user verification
@@ -8682,7 +8979,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- Passkey
+ 패스키AES initialization failed
@@ -8852,20 +9149,88 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Unknown passkeys error
+ 알 수 없는 패스키 오류Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ 잘못된 KDF 반복 횟수, JSON 파일을 복호화할 수 없음Unsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ 지원하지 않는 형식, Bitwarden 내보내기 파일이 암호로 보호되었는지 확인하십시오Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ PBKDF와 Argon2만 지원함, JSON 파일을 복호화할 수 없음
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ 단축키 초기화
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ 동작을 두 번 클릭해서 단축키 변경
+ Filter...
+ 필터...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ 단축키 충돌
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ %1 단축키가 '%2'와(과) 충돌합니다. 단축키를 덮어쓰시겠습니까?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ 플러그인 데이터를 삭제하시겠습니까?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ 패스키
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ 태그
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8905,31 +9270,31 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ `%1` 명령이 시간 내에 완료되지 않았습니다. 프로세스가 종료되었습니다.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ 병합된 데이터베이스를 업로드하지 못했습니다. `%1` 명령이 시간 내에 완료되지 않았습니다. 프로세스가 종료되었습니다.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ 잘못된 다운로드 인자가 지정되었습니다.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ `%1` 명령으로 데이터베이스를 다운로드하지 못했습니다.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ 잘못된 데이터베이스 포인터나 업로드 인자가 지정되었습니다.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ `%1` 명령이 종료되면서 다음 상태 코드를 반환함: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ 병합된 데이터베이스를 업로드하지 못했습니다. `%1` 명령이 다음 상태 코드를 반환함: %2
@@ -8998,6 +9363,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports보고서에서 제외
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLURL이 있는 항목만 표시
@@ -9014,36 +9383,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- 이유 위에 마우스를 올려 두면 자세한 정보를 표시합니다. 항목을 두 번 클릭하면 편집할 수 있습니다.
+ Show expired entries
+ 만료된 항목 표시
- Bad
- Password quality
- 나쁨
+ (Expired)
+ (만료됨)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ 이유 위에 마우스를 올려 두면 자세한 정보를 표시합니다. 항목을 두 번 클릭하면 편집할 수 있습니다.Bad — password must be changed나쁨 — 암호를 변경해야 함
- Poor
- Password quality
- 매우 약함
- Poor — password should be changed매우 약함 — 암호 변경을 고려해야 함
- Weak
- Password quality
- 약함
- Weak — consider changing the password약함 — 암호 변경을 권장함
@@ -9092,18 +9458,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports보고서에서 제외
- Show expired entries
- 만료된 항목 표시
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports보고서에서 제외된 항목 표시
- (Expired)
- (만료됨)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9199,6 +9561,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports보고서에서 제외
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9256,15 +9622,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
+ 패스키 파일을 안전하게 보존하지 않으면 탈취 및 인증되지 않은 사용에 취약해질 수 있습니다. 계속 진행하시겠습니까?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
+ 잠시 기다려 주십시오. 패스키가 있는 항목을 업데이트하는 중…No entries with passkeys.
+ 패스키가 있는 항목이 없습니다.
@@ -9440,6 +9806,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.에이전트가 실행 중이지 않아서 식별자 목록을 표시할 수 없습니다.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9614,11 +9988,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
<html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>이 설정은 휴지통 프롬프트 비활성화를 재정의하지 않습니다 </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>이 옵션은 데이터베이스의 잠금을 해제하지 않고 암호를 검색하는 프로그램과의 호환성을 개선합니다.</p><p>그러나 이 옵션을 사용하면 데이터베이스가 지정한 시간 내에 잠금 해제될 수 없을 때 클라이언트를 충돌시킬 수도 있습니다.(대개 25초, 프로그램에 따라서 다른 설정을 사용할 수도 있음) </p></body></html>
@@ -9725,29 +10099,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
%1(으)로 내보내기
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- 동작을 두 번 클릭해서 단축키 변경
- Shortcut Conflict
- 단축키 충돌
- Filter...
- 필터...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- %1 단축키가 '%2'와(과) 충돌합니다. 단축키를 덮어쓰시겠습니까?
- Reset Shortcuts
- 단축키 초기화
@@ -10036,14 +10387,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detected인식된 하드웨어 키 없음
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p><a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a>나 <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>를 가지고 있다면 추가 보안에 사용할 수 있습니다</p><p>키 슬롯 중 하나를 <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a> 모드로 프로그램해야 합니다.</p>
- Refresh hardware keys하드웨어 키 새로 고침
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts
index 15ecfa56e..42f16efef 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Norėdami nustatyti naują kalbą, turite iš naujo paleisti programą. Ar norite iš naujo paleisti programą dabar?
- Reset Settings?
- Atstatyti nustatymus?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Ar tikrai norite atstatyti kaip buvo visus bendruosius ir saugumo nustatymus?
- Select backup storage directoryPasirinkite atsarginių kopijų saugojimo katalogą
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Ar norite atstatyti visus nustatymus į numatytąsias reikšmes?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importuoti KeePassXC nustatymus
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Eksportuoti KeePassXC nustatymus
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesĮtraukti beta versijas, kai tikrinami atnaujinimai
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Duomenų bazės atrakinimo metu rodyti įrašus, kurie
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- nustojo galioti
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dienos
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- nustos galioti per
- File ManagementFailų tvarkymas
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingIšsaugoti duomenų bazę prieš išsaugant
- Backup destination
- Atsarginės kopijos darymo vieta
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Nurodo duomenų bazės atsarginės kopijos failo vietą. Vietoj "{DB_FILENAME}" įrašomas išsaugotos duomenų bazės failo pavadinimas be plėtinio. {TIME:<format>} pakeičiamas atsarginės kopijos darymo laiku, žr. https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> Pagal numatytuosius nustatymus naudojama formato eilutė "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Pasirinkti...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Naudoti alternatyvų išsaugojimo būdą (gali išspręsti Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS ir kt. problemas).
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Prisiminti paskutinį įvestą įrašą:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dienos
+ Destination format:
+ Paskirties formatas:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Rodyti įrankių juostą
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Rodyti meniu juostą
+ Import settings…
+ Importuoti nustatymus…
+ Export settings…
+ Eksportuoti nustatymus…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Šrifto dydis:
+ Font size selection
+ Šrifto dydžio pasirinkimas
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelPaslėpti slaptažodžius įrašo peržiūros skydelyje
- Hide entry notes by default
- Pagal numatymą, slėpti įrašo pastabas
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Perkelti įrašus į šiukšliadėžę be patvirtinimo
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Įgalinkite dvigubą paspaudimą, kad nukopijuotumėte slapyvardžio ir slaptažodžio įrašų stulpelius
- PrivacyPrivatumas
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Užrakinti duomenų bazes perjungiant naudotoją
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,19 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Įrašas neturi PICKCHARS atributo: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Netinkamas vertimo tipas: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Netinkama vertimo sintaksė: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Netinkama regexp sintaksė
- Invalid placeholder: %1Netinkamas žymeklis: %1
@@ -821,7 +874,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - naudoti virtualią klaviatūrą (tik Windows)
+ Atšaukti
@@ -853,7 +906,7 @@ Prisijungimo duomenų įrašymui, pasirinkite teisingą duomenų bazę.
+ AtnaujintiAuthenticate
@@ -877,7 +930,7 @@ Prisijungimo duomenų įrašymui, pasirinkite teisingą duomenų bazę.
Username: %1
+ Naudotojo vardas: %1KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
@@ -1020,10 +1073,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Šiuo metu nepalaikomos naršyklės, įdiegtos kaip snapai.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Įjungti integraciją šioms naršyklėms:
@@ -1221,7 +1270,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
<b>Warning:</b> Only adjust these settings if necessary.
+ <b>Įspėjimas:</b> Derinkite šiuos nustatymus tik tuo atveju, jei to reikia.The custom proxy location does not exist.
@@ -1247,6 +1296,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1383,11 +1436,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Failed to parse CSV file: %1
+ Nepavyko išnagrinėti CSV failo: %1Imported from CSV file: %1
+ Importuota iš CSV failo: %1No Title Selected
@@ -1398,6 +1451,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Žymos
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1461,6 +1518,14 @@ Atsarginė duomenų bazė, esanti %2
Recycle BinŠiukšlinė
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1609,21 +1674,13 @@ Kad ši klaida nepasirodytų, turite eiti į "Duomenų bazės nustatymai /
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Use hardware key
+ Naudoti aparatinės įrangos raktąYour database file is NOT a key file!
@@ -1649,6 +1706,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Spustelėkite norėdami pridėti rakto failą.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Aš turiu rakto failą</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1683,10 +1752,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Duomenų bazės nustatymai: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1800,7 +1881,7 @@ Tai būtina tik tuo atveju, jei jūsų duomenų bazė yra kito kopija ir naršyk
No keys found
+ Nerasta jokių raktųRemoved keys from database
@@ -2006,7 +2087,7 @@ Jei išlaikysite šį numerį, jūsų duomenų bazė nebus apsaugota nuo brutali
Encryption Settings:
+ Šifravimo nustatymai:Basic
@@ -2157,6 +2238,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Išvalyti
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2276,11 +2401,11 @@ removed from the database.
+ AtsisiųstiCommand:
+ Komanda:Download command field
@@ -2320,11 +2445,11 @@ removed from the database.
+ IšbandytiDownload command cannot be empty.
+ Atsiuntimo komanda negali būti tuščia.Download failed with error: %1
@@ -2336,7 +2461,7 @@ removed from the database.
Download successful.
+ Atsiuntimas sėkmingas.Save Remote Settings
@@ -2366,6 +2491,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ sekundžių
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2568,26 +2701,6 @@ Išsaugoti pakeitimus?
File has changedFailas pasikeitė
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Duomenų bazės failas pasikeitė. Ar norite įkelti pakeitimus?
- Merge Request
- Suliejimo užklausa
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Duomenų bazės failas pasikeitė ir jūs turite neįrašytų pakeitimų.
-Ar norite sulieti savo pakeitimus?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Nepavyko atidaryti naujos duomenų bazės failo bandant automatiškai įkelti.
-Klaida: %1
- Disable safe saves?Išjungti saugų išsaugojimą?
@@ -2653,11 +2766,11 @@ Išjunkite saugų išsaugojimą ir bandykite dar kartą?
Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Klaida įrašant duomenų bazę %1: %2Downloading...
+ Atsiunčiama...Uploading...
@@ -2665,7 +2778,7 @@ Išjunkite saugų išsaugojimą ir bandykite dar kartą?
+ Sinchronizuojama...Remove passkey from entry
@@ -2675,6 +2788,50 @@ Išjunkite saugų išsaugojimą ir bandykite dar kartą?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3003,18 +3160,10 @@ Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryPraleisti šio įrašo automatinį pateikimą
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Siųskite šį parametrą tik į naršyklę HTTP Auth dialogo langams. Jei įjungta, įprastose prisijungimo formose šis pasirinkimo įrašas nebus rodomas.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthNaudokite šį įrašą tik su HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Nesiųskite šio parametro į naršyklę HTTP Auth dialogams. Jei įjungta, HTTP Auth dialogo languose šis pasirinkimo įrašas nebus rodomas.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNenaudokite šio įrašo su HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3039,6 +3188,14 @@ Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3135,7 +3292,7 @@ Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti?
+ Na&udotojo vardas:&Title:
@@ -3143,11 +3300,11 @@ Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti?
+ Sla&ptažodis:UR&L:
+ UR&L:&Notes:
@@ -3159,11 +3316,11 @@ Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti?
+ Ž&ymės:&Expires:
+ Ba&igia galioti:
@@ -3261,6 +3418,10 @@ Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti?
seconds sekundžių
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3707,6 +3868,20 @@ Dėl to gali sutrikti paveiktų papildinių veikimas.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Netinkamas vertimo tipas: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Netinkama vertimo sintaksė: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Netinkama regexp sintaksė %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3715,6 +3890,21 @@ Dėl to gali sutrikti paveiktų papildinių veikimas.
Nepavyko atidaryti failo "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Forma
+ File name
+ Failo pavadinimas
+ File contents...
+ Failo turinys...
@@ -3752,14 +3942,6 @@ Dėl to gali sutrikti paveiktų papildinių veikimas.
- Rename selected attachment
- Pervadinti pasirinktą priedą
- Rename
- Pervadinti
- Open selected attachmentAtverti pasirinktą priedą
@@ -3877,6 +4059,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Priedas "%1" jau egzistuoja.
Ar norite perrašyti esamą priedą?
+ New
+ Naujas
+ Preview
+ Peržiūra
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Nepavyko peržiūrėti priedo: Priedas nerastas
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4073,7 +4267,11 @@ Ar norite perrašyti esamą priedą?
Background Color
+ Fono spalva
+ Group Path
+ Grupės kelias
@@ -4180,7 +4378,7 @@ Ar norite perrašyti esamą priedą?
Double click to copy to clipboard
+ Spustelėkite du raktus norėdami nukopijuoti į iškarpinę
@@ -4436,7 +4634,7 @@ DuckDuckGo svetainės piktogramų paslaugą galite įjungti programos nustatymų
ImportWizardImport Wizard
+ Importavimo vediklis
@@ -4469,6 +4667,14 @@ DuckDuckGo svetainės piktogramų paslaugą galite įjungti programos nustatymų
+ Could not load key file.
+ Nepavyko įkelti rakto failo.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4494,7 +4700,7 @@ DuckDuckGo svetainės piktogramų paslaugą galite įjungti programos nustatymų
Import Into:
+ Importuoti į:New Database
@@ -4526,7 +4732,7 @@ DuckDuckGo svetainės piktogramų paslaugą galite įjungti programos nustatymų
Bitwarden (.json)
+ Bitwarden (.json)KeePass 1 Database (.kdb)
@@ -4572,6 +4778,44 @@ DuckDuckGo svetainės piktogramų paslaugą galite įjungti programos nustatymų
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Laikina duomenų bazė
+ Command:
+ Komanda:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5657,7 +5901,7 @@ Ar tikrai norite tęsti darbą su šiuo failu?
Show Menubar
+ Rodyti meniu juostąShow Toolbar
@@ -5712,12 +5956,6 @@ Egzistuoja didelė pažeidimų rizika, turėkite atsarginę duomenų bazių kopi
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
PASTABA: Jūs naudojate ankstyvąją KeePassXC versiją.
Tikėkitės klaidų ir nedidelių problemų, ši versija skirta testavimo tikslams.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ĮSPĖJIMAS: Dėl jūsų Qt versijos "KeePassXC" gali sugesti naudojant ekrano klaviatūrą.
-Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų puslapyje.No Tags
@@ -5781,7 +6019,7 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
+ Importuoti…Passkeys…
@@ -5791,6 +6029,10 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5801,11 +6043,11 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Open Database
+ Atverti duomenų bazęCreate Database
+ Sukurti duomenų bazęMerge From Database
@@ -5813,7 +6055,7 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Create Entry
+ Sukurti įrašąEdit Entry
@@ -5821,11 +6063,11 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Delete Entry
+ Ištrinti įrašąCreate Group
+ Sukurti grupęEdit Group
@@ -5833,7 +6075,7 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Delete Group
+ Ištrinti grupęDownload All Favicons
@@ -5873,11 +6115,11 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Move Entry Up
+ Pakelti įrašąMove Entry Down
+ Nuleisti įrašąCopy Username
@@ -5895,6 +6137,10 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -5921,7 +6167,7 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Copy URL
+ Kopijuoti URLCopy Notes
@@ -5929,11 +6175,11 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Export to CSV
+ Eksportuoti į CSVExport to HTML
+ Eksportuoti į HTMLImport KeePass1 Database
@@ -5945,7 +6191,7 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Import CSV File
+ Importuoti CSV failąShow TOTP QR Code
@@ -6033,24 +6279,40 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Export to XML
+ Eksportuoti į XMLToggle Allow Screen Capture
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Slaptažodžių generatorius
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6201,6 +6463,25 @@ Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų pu
Užpildykite rodomą pavadinimą ir pasirinktinį naujos duomenų bazės aprašymą:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Įrašyti priedą
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6457,15 +6738,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Cannot open file
+ Nepavyksta atverti failCannot open file "%1" for writing.
+ Nepavyksta atverti failo „%1“ rašymuiCannot write to file
+ Nepavyksta rašyti į failą
@@ -6476,7 +6757,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Username: %1
+ Naudotojo vardas: %1Group
@@ -6504,7 +6785,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Create new entry
+ Sukurti naują įrašąRelying Party: %1
@@ -6535,11 +6816,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Cannot open file
+ Nepavyksta atverti failCannot open file "%1" for reading.
+ Nepavyko atverti failo „%1“ skaitymui.Open passkey file
@@ -6742,10 +7023,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Taip pat pasirinkti iš:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Neįtraukti simboliai: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒".
- Exclude look-alike charactersPašalinti panašiai atrodančius simbolius
@@ -6770,10 +7047,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Žodžių skaičius:
- Character Count:
- Simbolių skaičius:
- Word Case:Žodžio atvejis:
@@ -6786,10 +7059,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistPridėti pasirinktinį žodžių sąrašą
- character
- simbolis
- CloseUžverti
@@ -6896,6 +7165,22 @@ Ar norite jį perrašyti?
Special CharactersSpecialūs simboliai
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6963,6 +7248,21 @@ Ar norite jį perrašyti?
Paspauskite ir tabuliuokite tarp simbolių
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7003,7 +7303,7 @@ Ar norite jį perrašyti?
Continue with weak password
+ Tęsti naudojant silpną slaptažodį
@@ -7641,10 +7941,6 @@ Ar norite jį perrašyti?
Invalid word count %1Neteisingas žodžių skaičius %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Žodžių sąrašas per mažas (< 1000 items)
- Title for the entry.Įrašo pavadinimas.
@@ -7789,10 +8085,6 @@ Ar norite jį perrašyti?
Exit interactive mode.Išeikite iš interaktyvaus režimo.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formatas, kurį naudoti eksportuojant. Galima pasirinkti 'xml' arba 'csv'. Numatytasis yra 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Eksportuoja duomenų bazės turinį į standartinę išvestį nurodytu formatu.
@@ -8380,18 +8672,6 @@ Branduolys: %3 %4
file emptyfailas tuščias
- malformed string
- netaisyklinga eilutė
- missing closing quote
- trūksta užveriamosios kabutės
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (eil., stulp.) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 bitų
@@ -8639,7 +8919,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Databases have been locked.
+ Duomenų bazės užrakintos.Attestation not supported
@@ -8760,11 +9040,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
File does not exist.
+ Failo nėra.Cannot open file: %1
+ Nepavyksta atverti failo: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
@@ -8784,7 +9064,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Wrong password
+ Neteisingas slaptažodisInvalid encrypted data field
@@ -8796,11 +9076,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Cannot initialize cipher
+ Nepavyksta inicijuoti šifroCannot decrypt data
+ Nepavyksta iššifruoti duomenųBitwarden Import
@@ -8851,6 +9131,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Ištrinti papildinių duomenis?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Žymos
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8983,6 +9331,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsNeįtraukti į ataskaitas
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -8993,42 +9345,39 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Show expired entries
+ Rodyti nebegaliojančius įrašus (Expired)
+ (Nebegalioja)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Užveskite pelės žymeklį virš priežasties, kad parodytumėte papildomą informaciją. Dukart spustelėkite įrašus, kuriuos norite redaguoti.
+ Show expired entries
+ Rodyti nebegaliojančius įrašus
- Bad
- Password quality
- Blogas
+ (Expired)
+ (Nebegalioja)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Užveskite pelės žymeklį virš priežasties, kad parodytumėte papildomą informaciją. Dukart spustelėkite įrašus, kuriuos norite redaguoti.Bad — password must be changedBlogas - slaptažodis turi būti pakeistas
- Poor
- Password quality
- Blogas
- Poor — password should be changedPrastas — slaptažodis turėtų būti pakeistas
- Weak
- Password quality
- Silpnas
- Weak — consider changing the passwordSilpnas — apsvarstykite galimybę pakeisti slaptažodį
@@ -9077,18 +9426,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsNeįtraukti į ataskaitas
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9184,6 +9529,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsNeįtraukti į ataskaitas
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9229,11 +9578,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Show expired entries
+ Rodyti nebegaliojančius įrašus (Expired)
+ (Nebegalioja)Export Confirmation
@@ -9425,6 +9774,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Joks agentas neveikia, negali išvardyti tapatybių.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9710,29 +10067,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Eksportas į %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -9942,15 +10276,15 @@ Pavyzdys: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Create Database
+ Sukurti duomenų bazęOpen Database
+ Atverti duomenų bazęImport File
+ Importuoti failą
@@ -10022,11 +10356,15 @@ Pavyzdys: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Neaptikti jokie aparatūros raktai
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ Iš naujo įkelti aparatinės įrangos raktus
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keys
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts
index 149f543fb..ca342676f 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?ဘာသာစကားသစ် သတ်မှတ်ရန် အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းကို ပြန်လည်စတင်ရပါမည်။ ယခု ပြန်စလိုပါသလား။
- Reset Settings?
- ဆက်တင်များကို ပြန်လည်သတ်မှတ်မလား။
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- ယေဘုယျနှင့် လုံခြုံရေး ဆက်တင်အားလုံးကို ပုံသေမူလအဖြစ် ပြန်လည်သတ်မှတ်လိုသည်မှာ သေချာပါသလား။
- Select backup storage directoryအရံသိမ်းဖိုင်ကို သိမ်းမည့် နေရာရွေးပါ။
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesအပ်ဒိတ်များကို စစ်ဆေးချိန်တွင် အစမ်းသုံး ထုတ်လုပ်မှုများ ပါဝင်ပါစေ
- On database unlock, show entries that
- ဒေတာဘေ့စ် ပွင့်နေလျင်, ........... သော ထည့်ပြီးသားအချက်အလက်များကို ပြပါ။
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- သက်တမ်းကုန်သွား
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- ရက်များ
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- အတွင်းမှာ သက်တမ်းကုန်မည်
- File Managementဖိုင်စီမံခန့်ခွဲမှု
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingမသိမ်းမီ ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ဖိုင်ကို အရန်ပြုပါ
- Backup destination
- အရံသိမ်းဖိုင် သိမ်းဆည်းရာနေရာ
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- ဒေတာဘေ့စ် အရံသိမ်းဖိုင်ကို သိမ်းရန်နေရာ သတ်မှတ်ပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ "{DB_FILENAME}" များကို တွေ့ရှိပါက ၄င်းတို့ကို ဖိုင်နာမည်ဖြင့် အစားထိုးသွားမည်ဖြစ်သည်။ {TIME: 1} ကို အရံသိမ်းဖိုင် သိမ်းရန်ကြာချိန် ဖြင့် အစားထိုးမည်။ https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString တွင်ကြည့်ပါ။ ရက်စွဲ နဂိုထည့်သွင်းပြီး ဖောမတ်မှာ "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss" ဖြစ်သည်။
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx[DB_FILENAME].old.kdbx
- Choose...
- ရွေးချယ်ပါ
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)အခြားရွေးချယ်နိုင်သော သိမ်းဆည်းသည့်နည်းလမ်းကို သုံးပါ (Dropbox၊ Google Drive၊ GVFS စသည်တို့ဖြင့် ပြဿနာများကို ဖြေရှင်းနိုင်ပါမည်)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:နောက်ဆုံးရိုက်ထည့်ခဲ့သော ထည့်သွင်းချက်ကိုမှတ်ထားပါ
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ ရက်များ
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelဖြည့်သွင်းချက် နမူနာ မျက်နှာပြင်ရှိ စကားဝှက်များကို ဝှက်ပါ
- Hide entry notes by default
- ဖြည့်သွင်းချက် မှတ်စုများကို ပုံသေ ဝှက်ပါ
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်များကို အတည်ပြုချက်မလိုဘဲ အမှိုက်ပုံးသို့ ရွှေ့ရန်
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- အသုံးပြုသူအမည်/စကားဝှက် ဖြည့်သွင်းချက် ကော်လံများကို ကူးရန် ကလစ်နှစ်ချက်နှိပ်ခြင်းကို ဖွင့်ထားပါ
- Privacyကိုယ်ရေးလုံခြုံမှု
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1ထည့်သွင်းမှုတွင် PICKCHARS အတွက် အရည်အချင်း မရှိပါ - %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- ပြောင်းလဲမှု အမျိုးအစား မမှန်ကန်ပါ - %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- ပြောင်းလဲမှု ဝါကျဖွဲ့စည်းပုံ မမှန်ကန်ပါ - %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- ပုံမှန်အသုံးအနှုန်း ဝါကျဖွဲ့စည်းပုံ မမှန်ကန်ပါ %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1placeholder မမှန်ကန်ပါ - %1
@@ -1022,10 +1074,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- snaps အဖြစ် တပ်ဆင်ထားသော ဘရောက်ဇာများကို လက်ရှိတွင် မပံ့ပိုးပါ။
- Enable integration for these browsers:ဤဘရောက်ဇာများအတွက် ပေါင်းစပ်ထည့်သွင်းမှုကို ဖွင့်ပါ -
@@ -1249,6 +1297,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1400,6 +1452,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ ပူးတွဲမှုများ
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1463,6 +1519,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Binအမှိုက်ပုံး
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1605,14 +1669,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1645,6 +1701,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1679,10 +1747,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ လျှို့ဝှက်ဝန်ဆောင်မှု ပေါင်းစပ်ထည့်သွင်းခြင်း
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2153,6 +2233,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ ရှင်းလင်းရန်
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2362,6 +2486,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ စက္ကန့်
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2564,26 +2696,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedဖိုင်ကို ပြောင်းလဲပြီးပါပြီ
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ဖိုင် ပြောင်းလဲပြီးပါပြီ။ ပြောင်းလဲမှုများကို တင်လိုပါသလား။
- Merge Request
- ပေါင်းစပ်ရန် တောင်းဆ
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ဖိုင် ပြောင်းလဲထားပြီး သင့်တွင် မသိမ်းရသေးသော ပြောင်းလဲမှုများ ရှိသည်။
-သင့်ပြောင်းလဲမှုများကို ပေါင်းစပ်လိုပါသလား။
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- အော်တိုပြန်တင်ရန် ကြိုးစားစဉ် ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ဖိုင်အသစ်ကို ဖွင့်၍မရပါ။
-ပြဿနာ - %1
- Disable safe saves?ဘေးကင်းသော သိမ်းထားမှုများကို ပယ်ဖျက်မလား။
@@ -2671,6 +2783,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -2999,18 +3155,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryဤဖြည့်သွင်းချက်အတွက် အလိုအလျောက် တင်သွင်းရန်ကို ကျော်ပါ
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- ဤဆက်တင်ကို HTTP Auth ဝင်းဒိုးငယ်များအတွက်သာ ဘရောက်ဇာသို့ ပို့ပါ။ ၎င်းကိုဖွင့်ထားစဉ် ပုံမှန် လော့ဂ်အင်ဝင်ရောက်မှု ပုံစံများသည် ဤဖြည့်သွင်းချက်ကို ရွေးချယ်နိုင်ရန် ပြမည်မဟုတ်ပါ။
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Authဤဖြည့်သွင်းချက်ကို HTTP Basic Auth နှင့်သာ သုံးပါ
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- ဤဆက်တင်ကို HTTP Auth ဝင်းဒိုးငယ်များအတွက် ဘရောက်ဇာသို့ မပို့ပါနှင့်။ ၎င်းကိုဖွင့်ထားစဉ် HTTP Auth ဝင်းဒိုးငယ်များသည် ဤဖြည့်သွင်းချက်ကို ရွေးချယ်နိုင်ရန် ပြမည်မဟုတ်ပါ။
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Authဤဖြည့်သွင်းချက်ကို HTTP Basic Auth ဖြင့် မသုံးပါနှင့်။
@@ -3035,6 +3183,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3257,6 +3413,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3703,6 +3863,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ ပြောင်းလဲမှု အမျိုးအစား မမှန်ကန်ပါ - %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ ပြောင်းလဲမှု ဝါကျဖွဲ့စည်းပုံ မမှန်ကန်ပါ - %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ ပုံမှန်အသုံးအနှုန်း ဝါကျဖွဲ့စည်းပုံ မမှန်ကန်ပါ %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3711,6 +3885,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
ဖိုင် "%1" ကို မဖွင့်နိုင်ပါ
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ ပုံစံ
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3748,14 +3937,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- ရွေးချယ်ထားသော ပူးတွဲဖိုင်ကို ပြန်လည်အမည်ပေးရန်
- Rename
- ပြန်လည်အမည်ပေးရန်
- Open selected attachmentရွေးချယ်ထားသော ပူးတွဲဖိုင်ကို ဖွင့်ရန်
@@ -3870,6 +4051,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
ဖိုင်တွဲ"%1" ရှိနေပါပြီ။
သင်လက်ရှိဖိုင်တွဲပေါ်တွင် ထပ်ရေးချင်ပါသလား?
+ New
+ Preview
+ အစမ်းကြည့်ခြင်း
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4068,6 +4261,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4461,6 +4658,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4564,6 +4769,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5704,12 +5947,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
မှတ်ချက် - သင်သည် KeePassXC မထွက်မီက ဗားရှင်းကို အသုံးပြုနေသည်။
ဤဗားရှင်းကို စမ်းသပ်ရန်အတွက်သာ ရည်ရွယ်သောကြောင့် စက်ချွတ်ယွင်းချက်နှင့် အသေးစား ပြဿနာအချို့ ဖြစ်နိုင်သည်။
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- သတိပေးချက် - သင်၏ Qt ဗားရှင်းသည် မျက်နှာပြင်ပေါ်ရှိကီးဘုတ် အသုံးပြုပါက KeePassXC ကို ရပ်တန့်စေနိုင်သည်။
-ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ ဒေါင်းလုဒ်စာမျက်နှာတွင် ရရှိနိုင်သော AppImage ကို သုံးရန် သင့်အား အကြံပြုပါသည်။No Tags
@@ -5783,6 +6020,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5887,6 +6128,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6032,17 +6277,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6193,6 +6454,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ သင့်ဒေတာဘေ့စ်အသစ်အတွက် ပြသရန်အမည်နှင့် ရွေးချယ်နိုင်သည့် ဖော်ပြချက်ကို ဖြည့်ပါ။
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6734,10 +7014,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:၎င်းတို့မှလည်း ရွေးပါ -
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- ဖယ်ထားသော စာလုံးများ - "0"၊ "1"၊ "l"၊ "I"၊ "O"၊ "|"၊ "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersဆင်တူစာလုံးများကို ဖယ်ရန်
@@ -6762,10 +7038,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:စလုံးအရေအတွက် -
- Character Count:
- စာလုံး အရေအတွက် -
- Word Case:စကားလုံးအလိုက် -
@@ -6778,10 +7050,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistစိတ်ကြိုက်ပြုလုပ်ထားသောစာလုံးစာရင်းအားထည့်သွင်းပါ
- character
- စာလုံး
- Closeပိတ်ရန်
@@ -6888,6 +7156,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Charactersအထူးစာလုံးများ
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6955,6 +7239,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
စာလုံးများကြားတွင် &Tab ကို နှိပ်ပါ
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7633,10 +7932,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1မမှန်ကန်သော စာလုံးအရေအတွက် %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- စကားလုံးစာရင်း သေးလွန်းသည် (ပါဝင်သည့်အရာ < 1000)
- Title for the entry.ဖြည့်သွင်းချက် ခေါင်းစဉ်။
@@ -7781,10 +8076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.ပြန်လှန်တုံ့ပြန်သောမုဒ်မှ ထွက်ပါ။
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- ပို့နေစဉ် သုံးရမည့် ဖောမက်။ ရရှိနိုင်သော ရွေးချယ်မှုများမှာ 'xml' သို့မဟုတ် 'csv' ဖြစ်သည်။ 'xml' သည် ပုံသေဖြစ်သည်။
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ပါ အကြောင်းအရာကို သတ်မှတ်ဖော်ပြထားသော ဖာမက်ဖြင့် စံရလဒ်အဖြစ် ပို့သည်။
@@ -8372,18 +8663,6 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2
file emptyဖိုင် လွတ်နေသည်
- malformed string
- စံမမှီသော စာကြောင်း
- missing closing quote
- အပိတ်အမှတ်အသား လိုနေသည်
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (အတန်း၊ ကော်လံ) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8843,6 +9122,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ ချိတ်ဆက်ပရိုဂရမ် အချက်အလက်ကို ဖျက်မလား။
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ ပူးတွဲမှုများ
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8975,6 +9322,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsအစီရင်ခံစာများမှ ဖယ်ရန်
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -8991,36 +9342,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- ထပ်ဆောင်း အသေးစိတ်အချက်အလက်များကို ပြရန် အကြောင်းရင်းပေါ်တွင် ထောက်ပါ။ ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်များကို တည်းဖြတ်ရန် နှစ်ချက်နှိပ်ပါ။
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- ဆိုးသည်
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ ထပ်ဆောင်း အသေးစိတ်အချက်အလက်များကို ပြရန် အကြောင်းရင်းပေါ်တွင် ထောက်ပါ။ ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်များကို တည်းဖြတ်ရန် နှစ်ချက်နှိပ်ပါ။Bad — password must be changedဆိုးသည် — စကားဝှက် ပြောင်းရမည်
- Poor
- Password quality
- ညံ့
- Poor — password should be changedညံ့သည် — စကားဝှက် ပြောင်းသင့်သည်
- Weak
- Password quality
- အားနည်း
- Weak — consider changing the passwordအားနည်းသည် — စကားဝှက်ပြောင်းရန် စဉ်းစားပါ
@@ -9069,18 +9417,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsအစီရင်ခံစာများမှ ဖယ်ရန်
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9176,6 +9520,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsအစီရင်ခံစာများမှ ဖယ်ရန်
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9417,6 +9765,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.လည်ပတ်နေသော အေးဂျင့် မရှိပါ၊ ကိုယ်ပိုင်အမှတ်သင်္ကေတများကို မဖော်ပြနိုင်ပါ။
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9702,29 +10058,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
%1 သို့ တင်ပို့ပါ
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10014,11 +10347,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
ဟာ့ဝဲ စကားဝှက်သော့များ ရှာမတွေ့ပါ
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts
index 1e8317a28..ab893851f 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Du må starte programmet på nytt for å angi det nye språket. Vil du starte på nytt nå?
- Reset Settings?
- Tilbakestill innstillinger?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Er du sikker på at du vil tilbakestille alle generelle og sikkerhetsinnstillinger til standard?
- Select backup storage directoryVelg lagringsmappe for sikkerhetskopiering
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesTa med betaversjoner når du ser etter oppdateringer
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Ved databaseopplåsing, vis oppføringer som
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- er utløpt
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dager
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- vil utløpe innen
- File ManagementFilhåndtering
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingSikkerhetskopier database-filen før lagring
- Backup destination
- Mål for sikkerhetskopiering
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Angir filplasseringen til database-sikkerhetskopien. Forekomster av {DB_FILENAME} erstattes med filnavnet til den lagrede databasen uten filtype. {TIME:<format>} erstattes med sikkerhetskopi-tidspunktet, se https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format>standardformatet er "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Velg…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Bruk alternativ lagringsmetode (kan løse problemer med Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Husk siste inntasta oppføring i:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dager
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelSkjul passord i oppføringspanelet
- Hide entry notes by default
- Skjul notater i oppføringa som standard
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Flytt oppføringer til søppelbøtte uten bekreftelse
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Aktiver dobbeltklikk for å kopiere brukernavn-/passord-oppføringer
- PrivacyPersonvern
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelSkjul TOTP i forhåndsvisningspanelet
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Oppføringen har ikke attributt for PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Ugyldig konverteringstype: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Ugyldig konverteringssyntaks: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Ugyldig syntaks for regulært uttrykk %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Ugyldig posisjonsmerke: %1
@@ -1022,10 +1074,6 @@ Vil du erstatte tilgangsnøkkelen i %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Nettlesere installert som Snap støttes ikke for øyeblikket.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Bruk tillegget i disse nettleserne:
@@ -1249,6 +1297,10 @@ Vil du erstatte tilgangsnøkkelen i %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1400,6 +1452,10 @@ Vil du erstatte tilgangsnøkkelen i %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Tagger
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1463,6 +1519,14 @@ Sikkerhetskopi av database lokalisert på %2
Recycle BinPapirkurv
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1675,6 @@ For å forhindre at denne feilen vises, må du gå til "Databaseinnstilling
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>I tillegg til passord, kan du bruke en nøkkelfil for å forbedre sikkerheten til databasen. Denne fila kan opprettes i databasens sikkerhetsinnstillinger.</p> <p>Dette er <strong>ikke</strong> *.kdbx-databasefilen din!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Trykk for å legge til en nøkkelfil
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Jeg har en nøkkelfil</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Bruk maskinvarenøkkel [Serial: %1]
@@ -1655,6 +1711,18 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette med denne filen?
Refresh Hardware KeysOppdater maskinvarenøkler
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Trykk for å legge til en nøkkelfil
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Jeg har en nøkkelfil</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1689,10 +1757,22 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette med denne filen?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integrasjon av 'Secret Service'
+ Remote SyncFjernsynkronisering
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2172,6 +2252,50 @@ fjernet fra databasen.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxAutolagringsforsinkelse siden siste endring i avkrysningsboksa
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Tøm
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2381,6 +2505,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ sekunder
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2583,26 +2715,6 @@ Lagre endringer?
File has changedFil er endret
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Databasen er endret. Ønsker du å laste inn endringene?
- Merge Request
- Forespørsel om sammenslåing
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Databasefila er endra og du har ulagra endringer.
-Vil du slå sammen fila med endringene dine?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Kunne ikke åpne den nye databasefilen under forsøk på å laste den inn på nytt automatisk.
-Feil: %1
- Disable safe saves?Deaktivere sikker lagring?
@@ -2690,6 +2802,50 @@ Deaktivere sikker lagring og prøve igjen?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Vil du fjerne tilgangsnøkkelen fra denne oppføringen?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3018,18 +3174,10 @@ Vil du rette den?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryHopp over automatisk utførelse for denne oppføringen
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Send denne innstillingen bare til nettleseren for «HTTP Auth»-dialoger. Hvis aktivert vil ikke vanlige påloggingsskjemaer få vist denne oppføringen for valg.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthBruk denne oppføringen bare med «HTTP Basic Auth»
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Ikke send denne innstillingen til nettleseren for «HTTP Auth»-dialoger. Hvis aktivert viser ikke «HTTP Auth»-dialoger denne oppføringen for valg.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthIkke bruk denne oppføringen med «HTTP Basic Auth»
@@ -3054,6 +3202,14 @@ Vil du rette den?
Additional URLsYtterligere URL-er
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3276,6 +3432,10 @@ Vil du rette den?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3722,6 +3882,20 @@ Dette kan føre til feil for de berørte programtilleggene.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Ugyldig konverteringstype: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Ugyldig konverteringssyntaks: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Ugyldig syntaks for regulært uttrykk %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3730,6 +3904,21 @@ Dette kan føre til feil for de berørte programtilleggene.
Kan ikke åpne filen %1
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Skjema
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3767,14 +3956,6 @@ Dette kan føre til feil for de berørte programtilleggene.
- Rename selected attachment
- Gi nytt navn til valgt vedlegg
- Rename
- Gi nytt navn
- Open selected attachmentÅpne valgt vedlegg
@@ -3890,6 +4071,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Vedlegg %1 finnes allerede.
Vil du erstatte det eksisterende vedlegget?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Forhåndsvis
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4088,6 +4281,10 @@ Vil du erstatte det eksisterende vedlegget?
Background ColorBakgrunnsfarge
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4483,6 +4680,14 @@ Du kan aktivere DuckDuckGo-ikonetjenesten i sikkerhetsdelen av applikasjonsinnst
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4586,6 +4791,44 @@ Du kan aktivere DuckDuckGo-ikonetjenesten i sikkerhetsdelen av applikasjonsinnst
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1-database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5726,12 +5969,6 @@ Denne versjonen er ikke ment for produksjonsmiljø.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
MERK: Du bruker en forhåndsversjon av KeePassXC.
Forvent enkelte feil og mindre problemer, denne versjonen er ment for testformål.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ADVARSEL: Qt-versjonen din kan føre til at KeePassXC krasjer med et skjermtastatur.
-Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene våre.No Tags
@@ -5805,6 +6042,10 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene
Import PasskeyImporter tilgangsnøkkel
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Fjernsynkronisering...
+ Quit ApplicationAvslutt programmet
@@ -5909,6 +6150,10 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene
Show Password GeneratorVis passordgenerator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Slett tilgangsnøkkel fra oppføring
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Utfør autoskriv: {BRUKERNAVN}
@@ -6054,17 +6299,33 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene
Veksle tillat skjermopptak av/på
- Remote S&ync…
- Fjernsynkronisering...
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Slett tilgangsnøkkel fra oppføring
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Setup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Passordgenerator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6215,6 +6476,25 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene
Fyll ut visningsnavnet og en valgfri beskrivelse av den nye databasen:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6757,10 +7037,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Velg også mellom:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Ekskluderte tegn: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersEkskluder tegn som er nesten makne
@@ -6785,10 +7061,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Antall ord:
- Character Count:
- Antall tegn:
- Word Case:Ord-format:
@@ -6801,10 +7073,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistLegg til egendefinert ordliste
- character
- tegn
- CloseLukk
@@ -6911,6 +7179,22 @@ Vil du erstatte den?
Special CharactersSpesialtegn
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6978,6 +7262,21 @@ Vil du erstatte den?
Trykk &Tab mellom tegn
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7656,10 +7955,6 @@ Vil du erstatte den?
Invalid word count %1Ugyldig ordtelling %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Ordlisten er for liten (< 1000 element)
- Title for the entry.Tittel for oppføringa.
@@ -7804,10 +8099,6 @@ Vil du erstatte den?
Exit interactive mode.Avslutt interaktiv modus.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format som skal brukes ved eksport. Tilgjengelige valg er XML eller CSV. Standardvalg er XML.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Eksporterer innholdet av en database til standard output i det angitte formatet.
@@ -8396,18 +8687,6 @@ Kjerne: %3 %4
file emptyfil tom
- malformed string
- Deformert streng
- missing closing quote
- Manglende avsluttende anførselstegn
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (rad, kolonne) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-biter
@@ -8867,6 +9146,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Tilbakestill snarveier
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Dobbeltrykk på en handling for å endre snarveien
+ Filter...
+ Filtrer...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Snarveikonflikt
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Slett programtillegg-data?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Tilgangsnøkkel
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Tagger
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8999,6 +9346,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsUtelat fra rapporter
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLVis bare oppføringer som har en URL
@@ -9015,36 +9366,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
(Expired) (Utløpt)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Hold pekeren over årsaken for å vise flere detaljer. Dobbeltklikk på oppføringer for å redigere.
+ Show expired entries
+ Vis utløpte oppføringer
- Bad
- Password quality
- Dårlig
+ (Expired)
+ (Utløpt)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Hold pekeren over årsaken for å vise flere detaljer. Dobbeltklikk på oppføringer for å redigere.Bad — password must be changedDårlig – passordet må endres
- Poor
- Password quality
- Dårlig
- Poor — password should be changedDårlig – passordet bør endres
- Weak
- Password quality
- Svak
- Weak — consider changing the passwordSvakt – vurder å endre passordet
@@ -9093,18 +9441,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsEkskluder fra rapporter
- Show expired entries
- Vis utløpte oppføringer
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reportsVis oppføringer som er ekskluderte fra rapporter
- (Expired)
- (Utløpt)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9200,6 +9544,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsEkskluder fra rapporter
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9441,6 +9789,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Ingen agent kjører, kan ikke liste opp identiteter.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9726,29 +10082,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Eksporter til %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Dobbeltrykk på en handling for å endre snarveien
- Shortcut Conflict
- Snarveikonflikt
- Filter...
- Filtrer...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Tilbakestill snarveier
@@ -10037,14 +10370,18 @@ Eksempel: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedIngen maskinvarenøkler oppdaget
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Hvis du eier en <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> eller <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, kan du bruke den for ekstra sikkerhet.</p><p>Nøkkelen krever at et av sporene er programmert som <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/utfordrerrespons.html">HMAC-SHA1 utfordrerrespons</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysOppdater maskinvarenøkler
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts
index 27784938a..83f50fe74 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts
@@ -215,19 +215,51 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?
- Om de nieuwe taal in te stellen, dient KeePassXC te worden herstart. Wil je dat nu doen?
- Reset Settings?
- Instellingen herstellen?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Weet je zeker dat je de algemene en beveiligingsinstellingen opnieuw wilt instellen?
+ Je moet de KeePassXC opnieuw opstarten om de nieuwe taal in te stellen. Wil je dat nu doen?Select backup storage directory
- Kies een map voor reservekopie
+ Selecteer een map voor reservekopie
+ Confirm Reset
+ Opnieuw instellen bevestigen
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Weet je zeker dat je alle instellingen naar standaard wilt herstellen?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC-instellingen importeren
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Kan instellingen niet importeren uit %1, geen geldig instellingenbestand.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC-instellingen exporteren
+ Small
+ Klein
+ Normal
+ Normaal
+ Medium
+ Gemiddeld
+ Large
+ Groot
+ Custom
+ Aangepast
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesOok zoeken naar bètaversies
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Na het ontgrendelen van een database: items tonen die
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- zijn verlopen
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dagen
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- zullen verlopen in
- File ManagementBestandsbeheer
@@ -323,33 +336,21 @@
Backup database file before savingReservekopie van database maken alvorens op te slaan
- Backup destination
- Bestemming van de reservekopie
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Hier kun je de locatie van het reservekopiebestand van de database opgeven. Items met "{DB_FILENAME}" worden vervangen door de bestandsnaam van de opgeslagen database, zonder de extensie. {TIME:<format>} wordt vervangen door de reservekopietijd (zie https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString). <format> is de standaard tekenreeks ‘dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss’.
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.oud.kdbx
- Choose...
- Kiezen…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Alternatieve opslagmethode gebruiken (kan problemen oplossen met Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Temporary file moved into place
- Het tijdelijke bestand is op zijn plaats gezet
+ Tijdelijk bestand verplaatst naar zijn plaatsDirectly write to database file (dangerous)
- Direct wegschrijven naar databasebestand (gevaarlijk)
+ Databasebestand direct overschrijven (gevaarlijk)Entry Management
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@
(restart program to activate)
- (herstart om de wijziging toe te passen)
+ (opnieuw starten om te activeren)Toolbar button style:
@@ -430,7 +431,7 @@
Show a system tray icon
- Pictogram tonen in systeemvak
+ Pictogram weergeven in systeemvakTray icon type
@@ -462,7 +463,7 @@
Always ask before performing Auto-Type
- Altijd vragen alvorens automatisch in te vullen
+ Altijd vragen voor automatisch invullenHide expired entries from Auto-Type
@@ -474,15 +475,15 @@
Auto-Type start delay:
- Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen:
+ Wachttijd bij automatisch invullen:Global Auto-Type shortcut:
- Algemene sneltoets van automatisch invullen:
+ Algemene sneltoets voor automatisch invullen:Auto-type start delay milliseconds
- Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen (in milliseconden)
+ Wachttijd bij automatisch invullen (milliseconden) ms
@@ -491,7 +492,7 @@
Auto-Type typing delay:
- Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen:
+ Wachttijd bij automatisch invullen:Global auto-type shortcut
@@ -499,11 +500,76 @@
Auto-type character typing delay milliseconds
- Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen (in milliseconden)
+ Wachttijd bij automatisch invullen (milliseconden)Remember last typed entry for:
- Laatstgebruikt item gebruiken voor:
+ Laatstgebruikt item onthouden:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Bij ontgrendeling van de database; items weergeven die verlopen binnen
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Bij ontgrendeling van de database; items weergeven die verlopen binnen
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dagen
+ Destination format:
+ Doelformaat:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> wordt vervangen door de bestandsnaam van de opgeslagen database zonder extensie </p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> wordt vervangen door de gespecifieerde tijdopmaak (standaard: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Lees de gebruikershandleiding voor meer details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Kies een map…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Om bevestiging vragen voordat items worden verplaatst naar de prullenbak
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Gegevens kopiëren bij dubbelklikken van veld in itemweergave
+ Show toolbar
+ Werkbalk weergeven
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Werkbalk weergeven met de Alt-toets
+ Show menubar
+ Menubalk weergeven
+ Import settings…
+ Instellingen importeren…
+ Export settings…
+ Instellingen exporteren…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Browser openen bij dubbelklik op URL-veld in itemweergave
+ Font size:
+ Lettergrootte
+ Font size selection
+ Selectie van lettergrootte
@@ -568,19 +634,7 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panel
- Wachtwoorden in voorbeeldvenster verbergen
- Hide entry notes by default
- Notities standaard verbergen
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Items zonder bevestiging naar prullenbak verplaatsen
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Dubbelklikken inschakelen om de kolommen voor gebruikersnaam/wachtwoordinvoer te kopiëren
+ Wachtwoorden verbergen in InformatiepaneelPrivacy
@@ -592,7 +646,19 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
- TOTP in het voorbeeldvenster verbergen
+ TOTP verbergen in Informatiepaneel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Databases vergrendelen bij het wisselen van gebruiker
+ Lock Options
+ Vergrendelingsopties
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Notities verbergen in Informatiepaneel
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Het item bevat geen kenmerk voor PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Ongeldig conversietype: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Ongeldige conversiesyntaxis: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Ongeldige syntaxis in reguliere uitdrukking ‘%1’
- Invalid placeholder: %1Ongeldige tijdelijke aanduiding: %1
@@ -735,11 +787,11 @@ Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/>
Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/>
Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
<p>Je kunt uitgebreide zoekopdrachten uitvoeren om items in de geopende databases te vinden. De volgende sneltoetsen zijn handig:<br/>
-Ctrl + F - Database doorzoeken tonen/verbergen<br/>
+Ctrl + F - Database doorzoeken<br/>
Ctrl + 1 - Gebruikersnaam invoeren<br/>
Ctrl + 2 - Wachtwoord invoeren<br/>
Ctrl + 3 - TOTP invoeren<br/>
-Ctrl + 4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen op Windows)</p>
+Ctrl + 4 - Virtueel toetsenbord (alleen Windows)</p>
Search all open databases
@@ -829,7 +881,7 @@ Ctrl + 4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen op Windows)</p>BrowserEntrySaveDialog
- OK
+ OkéCancel
@@ -839,7 +891,7 @@ Ctrl + 4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen op Windows)</p>You have multiple databases open.
Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Er zijn meerdere databases geopend.
-Kies de database waarin de inloggegevens dienen te worden opgeslagen.
+Selecteer de database waarin de inloggegevens dienen te worden opgeslagen.
KeePassXC - Select Database
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Wil je de passkey overschrijven in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Browsers die als snap zijn geïnstalleerd, worden momenteel niet ondersteund.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Integratie in de volgende browsers inschakelen:
@@ -1063,7 +1111,7 @@ Wil je de passkey overschrijven in %1 - %2?
Show a notification when credentials are requestedCredentials mean login data requested via browser extension
- Melding tonen als er om inloggegevens wordt gevraagd
+ Melding weergeven als er om inloggegevens wordt gevraagdRequest to unlock the database if it is locked
@@ -1209,11 +1257,11 @@ Wil je de passkey overschrijven in %1 - %2?
Select custom proxy location
- Kies een aangepaste proxy-locatie
+ Selecteer een aangepaste proxy-locatieSelect native messaging host folder location
- Kies de locatie van de native messaging-hostmap
+ Selecteer de locatie van de native messaging-hostmapAllow keepassxc-proxy to list all entries with their title, URL and UUID in connected databases.
@@ -1251,6 +1299,10 @@ Wil je de passkey overschrijven in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.KeePassXC-Browser is nodig om de integratie met de browser te laten werken. <br /> Download deze browserextensie voor %1 en %2 en %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Browsers die met Snap of Flatpak zijn geïnstalleerd, worden niet ondersteund, met uitzondering van Firefox die met Snap is geïnstalleerd.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1260,7 +1312,7 @@ Wil je de passkey overschrijven in %1 - %2?
Append ' - Clone' to title
- ' (duplicaat)' toevoegen aan titel
+ ' - Duplicaat' toevoegen aan titelReplace username and password with references
@@ -1387,7 +1439,7 @@ Wil je de passkey overschrijven in %1 - %2?
Failed to parse CSV file: %1
- CSV-bestand kon niet worden verwerkt: %1
+ Verwerking CSV-bestand mislukt: %1Imported from CSV file: %1
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
Er is geen titelkolom geselecteerd, items zijn zo moeilijk van elkaar te onderscheiden.
Weet je zeker dat je wilt importeren?
+ Tags
+ Labels
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ reservekopie van databestand in %2
Recycle BinPrullenbak
+ Database file read error.
+ Fout bij het lezen van de database.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Er is geen bestandspad opgegeven.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1580,7 +1644,7 @@ Als je deze foutmelding niet meer wilt zien, ga dan naar ‘Databaseinstellingen
Don't show this warning again
- Deze waarschuwing niet meer tonen
+ Deze waarschuwing niet meer weergevenAll files
@@ -1592,7 +1656,7 @@ Als je deze foutmelding niet meer wilt zien, ga dan naar ‘Databaseinstellingen
Select key file
- Kies een sleutelbestand
+ Selecteer een sleutelbestandCannot use database file as key file
@@ -1608,20 +1672,12 @@ Als je deze foutmelding niet meer wilt zien, ga dan naar ‘Databaseinstellingen
Select Key File:
- Kies een sleutelbestand:
+ Selecteer sleutelbestand:<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Naast een wachtwoord kun je een geheim bestand gebruiken om de beveiliging van je database te verbeteren. Dit bestand kan worden gegenereerd in de beveiligingsinstellingen van jouw database.</p><p>Dit is <strong>niet</strong> jouw *.kdbx-databasebestand!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Klik om een sleutelbestand toe te voegen.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Ik heb een <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">sleutelbestand</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Gebruik hardwaresleutel [Serienummer: %1]
@@ -1658,6 +1714,18 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand?
Refresh Hardware KeysHardwaresleutels vernieuwen
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Klik om een sleutelbestand toe te voegen.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Ik heb een <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">sleutelbestand</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Hardwaresleutels gevonden, echter zonder posities geconfigureerd.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1692,10 +1760,22 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integratie met Secret Service
+ Remote SyncSynchronisatie op afstand
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Database-instellingen: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1725,7 +1805,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand?
Remove selected key
- Gekozen sleutel verwijderen
+ Geselecteerde sleutel verwijderenRemove
@@ -1733,7 +1813,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand?
Delete the selected key?
- Gekozen sleutel verwijderen?
+ Geselecteerde sleutel verwijderen?Do you really want to delete the selected key?
@@ -1805,7 +1885,7 @@ Dit is alleen nodig als je database een kopie is van een andere en de browserext
Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data
- Converteer verouderde KeePassHTTP-kenmerken naar KeePassXC-Browser-compatibele aangepaste gegevens
+ Converteer verouderde KeePassHTTP-kenmerken naar KeePassXC-Browser-compatibele gegevensNo keys found
@@ -2130,7 +2210,7 @@ elementen in de geschiedenis bewaard blijft.
Limit the amount of history items per entry to:
- Beperk het aantal geschiedenisitems per item tot:
+ Aantal geschiedenisitems per item beperken tot:When saving this setting or editing an entry
@@ -2145,7 +2225,7 @@ maximaal de gespecificeerde hoeveelheid bedraagt.
Limit the total size of history items per entry to:
- Beperk de totale grootte van geschiedenisitems per item tot:
+ Totale grootte van geschiedenisitems per item beperken tot:Move entries to a recycle bin group
@@ -2177,6 +2257,50 @@ worden uit de database verwijderd.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxVertraging bij automatisch opslaan sinds laatste wijziging (selectievakje)
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Openbare database-metagegevens
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Let op: de volgende instellingen zijn niet versleuteld.
+ Display name:
+ Weergavenaam:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Openbaar zichtbare weergavenaam gebruikt in het dialoogvenster Ontgrendelen
+ Database public display name
+ Openbaar zichtbare databasenaam
+ Display color:
+ Weergavekleur:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Openbaar zichtbare kleur gebruikt in het dialoogvenster Ontgrendelen
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Openbaar zichtbare databasekleur kiezen
+ Clear
+ Wissen
+ Display icon:
+ Weergavepictogram:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Databasepictogram kiezen
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2398,6 +2522,14 @@ exit
De opdracht moet worden afgesloten. In het geval van `sftp` moet de laatste opdracht `exit` worden verzonden
+ Timeout:
+ Time-out:
+ seconds
+ seconden
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2498,7 +2630,7 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars.
Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window?
- Wilt u automatisch invullen gebruiken in het onlangs actieve venster?
+ Automatisch invullen uitvoeren in het vorige actieve venster?Execute command?
@@ -2600,26 +2732,6 @@ Wijzigingen opslaan?
File has changedBestand is gewijzigd
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Het database-bestand is gewijzigd. Wil je de aanpassingen inlezen?
- Merge Request
- Verzoek om samenvoegen
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Het databasebestand is bewerkt en er zijn niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen.
-Wil je de wijzigingen samenvoegen?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Het nieuwe databasebestand is niet geopend bij het automatisch opnieuw laden.
-Foutmelding: %1
- Disable safe saves?Veilig opslaan uitschakelen?
@@ -2707,6 +2819,50 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Wil je de passkey van dit item verwijderen?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Het databasebestand "%1" is extern gewijzigd
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Wil je de wijzigingen laden?
+ Reload database
+ Database opnieuw laden
+ Reloading database…
+ Database opnieuw laden…
+ Reload canceled
+ Opnieuw laden geannuleerd
+ Reload successful
+ Met succes opnieuw geladen
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Opnieuw laden wacht op actie van gebruiker…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Het databasebestand "%1" is extern gewijzigd.<br>Hoe wil je verder gaan?<br><br>Alle verschillen samenvoegen<br>De wijzigingen op de schijf negeren tot opslaan<br>Niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen negeren
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Het databasebestand "%1" is extern gewijzigd.<br>Hoe wil je verder gaan?<br><br>Alle wijzigingen samenvoegen en opslaan<br>De wijzigingen op de schijf overschrijven<br>Niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen negeren
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Databasebestand overschreven.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Databasebestand op schijf kan niet worden ontgrendeld met de huidige inloggegevens.<br>Voer nieuwe inloggegevens en/of een hardwaresleutel in om door te gaan.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -2760,7 +2916,7 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen?
Select private key
- Kies een persoonlijke sleutel
+ Selecteer een persoonlijke sleutelEntry history
@@ -2790,13 +2946,13 @@ Helaas zijn alle aangebrachte wijzigingen hierdoor verloren gegaan.
Auto-Type Validation Error
- Fout bij geldigverklaring automatisch invullen
+ Validatiefout bij Automatisch invullenAn error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence:
Would you like to correct it?
- Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de geldigverklaring van de aangepaste invulreeks:
+ Er is een fout opgetreden bij de validatie van de aangepaste invulreeks:
Wil je dit corrigeren?
@@ -2804,7 +2960,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1":
Would you like to correct it?
- Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de geldigverklaring van de aangepaste invulreeks ‘%1’:
+ Er is een fout opgetreden bij de validatie van de aangepaste invulreeks ‘%1’:
Wil je dit corrigeren?
@@ -2905,7 +3061,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Toggle attribute protection
- Kenmerkbeveiliging wisselen
+ Kenmerkbescherming wisselenProtect
@@ -2913,7 +3069,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Show a protected attribute
- Beschermd kenmerk tonen
+ Beschermd kenmerk weergevenReveal
@@ -2937,7 +3093,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Foreground color selection
- Keuze voorgrondkleur
+ Selectie voorgrondkleurBackground Color:
@@ -2945,7 +3101,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Background color selection
- Keuze achtergrondkleur
+ Selectie achtergrondkleur
@@ -2968,7 +3124,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Open Auto-Type help webpage
- Hulppagina omtrent automatisch invullen openen
+ Hulppagina over automatisch invullen openenWindow Associations
@@ -3035,18 +3191,10 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryAutomatisch indienen uitschakelen voor dit item
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Stuur deze instelling alleen naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters. Indien ingeschakeld, zullen normale aanmeldingsformulieren dit item niet als keuze tonen.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthItem alleen gebruiken met HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Stuur deze instelling niet naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters. Indien ingeschakeld, zullen HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters dit item niet als keuze tonen.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthItem niet gebruiken met HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3069,7 +3217,15 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Additional URLs
- Extra URL's
+ Aanvullende URL's
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Stuur deze instelling alleen naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters. Indien ingeschakeld, zullen normale aanmeldingsformulieren dit item niet als keuze tonen.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Stuur deze instelling niet naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters. Indien ingeschakeld, zullen HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters dit item niet als keuze tonen.
@@ -3084,7 +3240,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
- Tonen
+ WeergevenRestore entry to selected history state
@@ -3271,7 +3427,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Select attachment file
- Kies een bijlagebestand
+ Selecteer een bijlagebestandRequire user confirmation when this key is used
@@ -3293,6 +3449,10 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
+ Clear agent
+ Agent wissen
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3389,7 +3549,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren?
Restrict matching to given browser key toggle for this and sub groups
- Overeenkomst beperken tot gegeven browsersleutel voor deze en subgroepen
+ Overeenkomst beperken tot gegeven browsersleutel voor deze en onderliggende groepen
@@ -3491,15 +3651,15 @@ Ondersteunde extensies: %1.
Select import source
- Kies een te importeren bron
+ Selecteer een te importeren bronSelect export target
- Kies een exportlocatie
+ Selecteer een exportlocatieSelect import/export file
- Kies een im-/exportbestand
+ Selecteer een im-/exportbestand
@@ -3546,7 +3706,7 @@ Ondersteunde extensies: %1.
Default auto-type sequence field
- Standaard invulreeks
+ Standaard veld voor automatische invulreeksNotes field
@@ -3597,7 +3757,7 @@ Ondersteunde extensies: %1.
Apply selected icon to subgroups and entries
- Gekozen pictogram toepassen bij onderliggende groepen en items
+ Geselecteerd pictogram toepassen bij onderliggende groepen en itemsApply icon to…
@@ -3637,7 +3797,7 @@ Ondersteunde extensies: %1.
Select Image(s)
- Afbeeldingen selecteren
+ Afbeelding(en) selecterenSuccessfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s)
@@ -3739,6 +3899,20 @@ Hierdoor werken de plug-ins mogelijk niet goed meer.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Ongeldig conversietype: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Ongeldige conversiesyntaxis: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Ongeldige syntaxis in reguliere expressie %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3747,6 +3921,21 @@ Hierdoor werken de plug-ins mogelijk niet goed meer.
Bestand ‘%1’ is niet geopend
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulier
+ File name
+ Bestandsnaam
+ File contents...
+ Bestandsinhoud…
@@ -3784,14 +3973,6 @@ Hierdoor werken de plug-ins mogelijk niet goed meer.
- Rename selected attachment
- Geselecteerde bijlage hernoemen
- Rename
- Hernoemen
- Open selected attachmentGeselecteerde bijlage openen
@@ -3810,7 +3991,7 @@ Hierdoor werken de plug-ins mogelijk niet goed meer.
Select files
- Bestanden kiezen
+ Bestanden selecterenConfirm remove
@@ -3905,6 +4086,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
De bijlage ‘%1’ bestaat al.
Wil je de bestaande bijlage overschrijven?
+ New
+ Nieuw
+ Preview
+ Voorbeeld
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Geen voorbeeld van bijlage: bijlage niet aangetroffen
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4103,6 +4296,10 @@ Wil je de bestaande bijlage overschrijven?
Background ColorAchtergrondkleur
+ Group Path
+ Groepspad
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4311,7 +4508,7 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar!
Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration.
- Er is al een andere Secret Service actief (%1).<br/>Stop/Verwijder deze en probeer de integratie van Secret Service opnieuw in te schakelen.
+ Er is al een andere Secret Service actief (%1).<br/>Stop/Verwijder deze en probeer de integratie met Secret Service opnieuw in te schakelen.Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/>
@@ -4368,7 +4565,7 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar!
FdoSecrets::SettingsDatabaseModelUnlock to show
- Ontgrendelen om te bekijken
+ Ontgrendelen om weer te gevenNone
@@ -4446,7 +4643,7 @@ Je kunt de pictogrammenservice van de DuckDuckGo-website inschakelen in de secti
- OK
+ OkéAlready Exists
@@ -4498,6 +4695,14 @@ Je kunt de pictogrammenservice van de DuckDuckGo-website inschakelen in de secti
+ Could not load key file.
+ Kan sleutelbestand niet laden.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Kan externe database niet openen. Wachtwoord of sleutelbestand is mogelijk onjuist.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4567,7 +4772,7 @@ Je kunt de pictogrammenservice van de DuckDuckGo-website inschakelen in de secti
Select import file
- Kies importbestand
+ Selecteer importbestandAll files
@@ -4579,7 +4784,7 @@ Je kunt de pictogrammenservice van de DuckDuckGo-website inschakelen in de secti
Select key file
- Kies sleutelbestand
+ Selecteer sleutelbestandComma Separated Values
@@ -4601,6 +4806,50 @@ Je kunt de pictogrammenservice van de DuckDuckGo-website inschakelen in de secti
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass 1-database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Tijdelijke database
+ Command:
+ Opdracht:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ bv.: "sftp user@hostname" of "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Invoer:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ bv.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} wordt gebruikt als tijdelijke aanduiding om de database op een tijdelijke locatie op te slaan
+De opdracht moet worden afgesloten. In het geval van `sftp` moet `exit` als laatste worden verzonden
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Externe database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -4875,7 +5124,7 @@ Als dit nog een keer gebeurt, dan is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd.
- Het gekozen bestand is een oude KeePass 1-database (.kdb).
+ Het geselecteerde bestand is een oude KeePass 1-database (.kdb).
Je kan de database importeren via Database → ‘KeePass 1-database importeren’.
Let op: deze actie is onomkeerbaar. De geïmporteerde database kan niet meer worden geopend met de oude KeePassX-versie 0.4.
@@ -5292,7 +5541,7 @@ Als dit nog een keer gebeurt, dan is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd.
You selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead.
- Je hebt een sleutelbestand in een oud formaat gekozen dat KeePassXC in de toekomst mogelijk niet meer ondersteunt.<br><br>Overweeg in plaats daarvan een nieuw sleutelbestand te genereren.
+ Je hebt een sleutelbestand in een oud formaat geselecteerd dat KeePassXC in de toekomst mogelijk niet meer ondersteunt.<br><br>Overweeg in plaats daarvan een nieuw sleutelbestand te genereren.Error loading the key file '%1'
@@ -5346,7 +5595,7 @@ Bericht: %2Select a key file
- Kies een sleutelbestand
+ Selecteer een sleutelbestandInvalid Key File
@@ -5598,11 +5847,11 @@ Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt gebruiken?
- TOTP tonen
+ TOTP weergevenShow QR Code
- TOTP QR-code tonen
+ TOTP QR-code weergevenSet up TOTP…
@@ -5638,7 +5887,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt gebruiken?
&Online Help
- &Online hulp
+ &Online hulp (EN)&User Guide
@@ -5650,7 +5899,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt gebruiken?
&Keyboard Shortcuts
- &Sneltoetsen
+ &Sneltoetsen (EN)Save Database Backup…
@@ -5666,7 +5915,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt gebruiken?
Compact Mode
- Compacte weergave
+ Compacte modusAutomatic
@@ -5690,11 +5939,11 @@ Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt gebruiken?
Show Toolbar
- Werkbalk tonen
+ Werkbalk weergevenShow Preview Panel
- Voorbeeldvenster tonen
+ Informatiepaneel weergevenAlways on Top
@@ -5741,12 +5990,6 @@ Deze versie is niet bedoeld voor dagelijks gebruik.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
LET OP: je maakt gebruik van een pre-release versie van KeePassXC!
Houd rekening met fouten en kleine problemen. Deze versie is bedoeld voor testdoeleinden.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- WAARSCHUWING: jouw Qt-versie kan ervoor zorgen dat KeePassXC crasht met een schermtoetsenbord!
-We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagina.No Tags
@@ -5794,7 +6037,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now?
- Je moet de applicatie opnieuw opstarten om deze instelling toe te passen. Wil je nu opnieuw opstarten?
+ Je moet KeePassXC opnieuw opstarten om deze instelling toe te passen. Wil je dat nu doen?Allow Screen Capture
@@ -5820,6 +6063,10 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Import PasskeyPasskey importeren
+ Remote S&ync…
+ S&ynchronisatie op afstand…
+ Quit ApplicationProgramma afsluiten
@@ -5882,19 +6129,19 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Show Database Security
- Databasebeveiliging tonen
+ Database-beveiliging weergevenShow Database Reports
- Databaserapportage tonen
+ Database-rapportage weergevenShow Database Settings
- Database-instellingen tonen
+ Database-instellingen weergevenShow Passkeys
- Passkeys tonen
+ Passkeys weergevenClone Entry
@@ -5918,31 +6165,35 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Show Application Settings
- Programma-instellingen tonen
+ Programma-instellingen weergevenShow Password Generator
- Wachtwoordgenerator tonen
+ Wachtwoordgenerator weergeven
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Passkey van item verwijderenPerform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
- Auto-type uitvoeren: {USERNAME}
+ Automatisch invullen: {USERNAME}Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}
- Auto-type uitvoeren: {USERNAME}{ENTER}
+ Automatisch invullen: {USERNAME}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}
- Auto-type uitvoeren: {PASSWORD}
+ Automatisch invullen: {PASSWORD}Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
- Auto-type uitvoeren: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
+ Automatisch invullen: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}Perform Auto-Type: {TOTP}
- Auto-type uitvoeren: {TOTP}
+ Automatisch invullen: {TOTP}Copy Title
@@ -5978,7 +6229,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Show TOTP QR Code
- TOTP QR-code tonen
+ TOTP QR-code weergevenSet up TOTP
@@ -6018,7 +6269,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Toggle Compact Mode
- Compacte weergave wisselen
+ Compacte modus wisselenSet Theme: Automatic
@@ -6038,7 +6289,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Toggle Show Menubar
- Menubalk-weergave wisselen
+ Menubalk tonen/verbergenToggle Show Toolbar
@@ -6046,7 +6297,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Toggle Show Preview Panel
- Voorbeeldvenster tonen/verbergen
+ Informatiepaneel tonen/verbergenToggle Always on Top
@@ -6054,11 +6305,11 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Toggle Hide Usernames
- Gebruikersnaam tonen/verbergen
+ Gebruikersnamen tonen/verbergenToggle Hide Passwords
- Wachtwoord tonen/verbergen
+ Wachtwoorden tonen/verbergenExport to XML
@@ -6069,17 +6320,33 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Schermopname toestaan wisselen
- Remote S&ync…
- S&ynchronisatie op afstand…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Navigatiepaneel weergeven
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Passkey van item verwijderen
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Navigatiepaneel tonen/verbergenSetup Remote Sync…Synchronisatie op afstand instellen…
+ Password Generator
+ Wachtwoordgenerator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Item laten verlo&pen…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ SSH-agent wissen
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Alle identiteiten in SSH-agent wissen
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6097,7 +6364,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Unlock database to show more information
- Ontgrendel de database om meer informatie te tonen
+ Database ontgrendelen om meer informatie weer te gevenLock database
@@ -6230,6 +6497,25 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Geef de nieuwe database een weergavenaam en eventueel een beschrijving:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Naam van bijlage kan niet leeg zijn
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Er bestaat al een bijlage met dezelfde naam
+ Save attachment
+ Bijlage opslaan
+ New entry attachment
+ Nieuwe bijlage bij item
@@ -6383,7 +6669,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Unexpected EOF while reading key
- Onverwacht bestandseinde bij lezen sleutel
+ Onverwachte EOF bij lezen sleutelUnsupported key part
@@ -6391,7 +6677,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Unexpected EOF while reading public key
- Onverwacht bestandseinde bij lezen openbare sleutel
+ Onverwachte EOF bij lezen openbare sleutelUnknown key type: %1
@@ -6399,7 +6685,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Unexpected EOF while reading private key
- Onverwacht bestandseinde bij persoonlijke sleutel
+ Onverwachte EOF bij persoonlijke sleutelCan't write public key as it is empty
@@ -6407,7 +6693,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Unexpected EOF when writing public key
- Onverwacht bestandseinde bij schrijven openbare sleutel
+ Onverwachte EOF bij schrijven openbare sleutelCan't write private key as it is empty
@@ -6415,7 +6701,7 @@ We raden je aan de AppImage te gebruiken die beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagi
Unexpected EOF when writing private key
- Onverwacht bestandseinde bij schrijven persoonlijke sleutel
+ Onverwachte EOF bij schrijven persoonlijke sleutel(encrypted)
@@ -6775,10 +7061,6 @@ De volgende gegevens ontbreken:
Also choose from:Kies ook uit:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Uitgesloten tekens: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersOp elkaar lijkende tekens uitsluiten
@@ -6803,10 +7085,6 @@ De volgende gegevens ontbreken:
Word Count:Aantal woorden:
- Character Count:
- Aantal tekens:
- Word Case:Hoofdlettergebruik:
@@ -6819,10 +7097,6 @@ De volgende gegevens ontbreken:
Add custom wordlistAangepaste woordenlijst toevoegen
- character
- teken
- CloseSluiten
@@ -6929,6 +7203,22 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven?
Special CharactersSpeciale tekens
+ passwordLength
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ Karakters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ GEmengDe letters
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Uitgesloten tekens: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6996,6 +7286,21 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven?
Druk op &Tab tussen de tekens
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Voorbeeld van bijlage bij item
+ No preview available
+ Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar
+ Image format not supported
+ Afbeeldingsformaat niet ondersteund
@@ -7553,7 +7858,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven?
Show a database's information.
- Toon de informatie van een database.
+ Informatie van een database weergeven.UUID:
@@ -7674,10 +7979,6 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven?
Invalid word count %1Ongeldig aantal woorden %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- De woordenlijst is te klein (< 1000 items)
- Title for the entry.Titel van dit item.
@@ -7822,10 +8123,6 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven?
Exit interactive mode.Interactieve modus afsluiten.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formaat om te gebruiken bij het exporteren. Beschikbare keuzes zijn 'XML' of 'CSV'. Standaard ingesteld op 'XML'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exporteert de inhoud van een database naar standaarduitvoer in de opgegeven indeling.
@@ -8092,19 +8389,19 @@ Beschikbare opdrachten:
Show the entry's current TOTP.
- Toon de huidige TOTP van het item.
+ De huidige TOTP van het item weergeven.Show the protected attributes in clear text.
- Toon de beschermde kenmerken in tekst.
+ De beschermde kenmerken in tekst weergeven.Show all the attributes of the entry.
- Toon alle kenmerken van het item.
+ Alle kenmerken van het item weergeven.Show the attachments of the entry.
- Toon de bijlagen van het item.
+ De bijlagen van het item weergeven.Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.
@@ -8116,11 +8413,11 @@ Beschikbare opdrachten:
Show an entry's information.
- Toon de informatie van een item.
+ Informatie over een item weergeven.Name of the entry to show.
- Naam van de vermelding om te tonen.
+ Naam van het weer te geven item.ERROR: unknown attribute %1.
@@ -8328,7 +8625,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Secret Service Integration
- Integratie van Secret Service
+ Integratie met Secret ServiceNone
@@ -8414,18 +8711,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyleeg bestand
- malformed string
- misvormde tekenreeks
- missing closing quote
- afsluitend aanhalingsteken ontbreekt
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (rij, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8886,6 +9171,74 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json fileAlleen PBKDF en Argon2 worden ondersteund. Kan het json-bestand niet decoderen
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Sneltoetsen opnieuw instellen
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Dubbelklik op een actie om de sneltoets te wijzigen
+ Filter...
+ Filteren…
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Sneltoetsenconflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Sneltoets %1 conflicteert met '%2'. Sneltoets overschrijven?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Kan geen geldige wachtwoordzinnen genereren omdat de woordenlijst te kort is
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Versleutelde bestanden worden niet ondersteund
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Plugin-gegevens verwijderen?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Plugin-gegevens uit item verwijderen?Plugin-gegevens uit items verwijderen?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Toe te passen formaat bij het exporteren. Beschikbare keuzes zijn 'xml', 'csv' of 'html'. Standaard ingesteld op 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ start geminimaliseerd in het systeemvak
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ misvormde tekenreeks, mogelijk niet-verwerkt scheidingsteken
+ missing closing delimiter
+ afsluitend scheidingsteken ontbreekt
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1, rij: %2, kolom: %3
+ Tags
+ Labels
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9018,52 +9371,53 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsUitsluiten van rapportage
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Item laten verlopen…Items laten verlopen…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
- Toon alleen items met een URL
+ Alleen items met een URL weergevenOnly show entries that have been explicitly allowed or denied
- Toon alleen items die expliciet zijn toegestaan of geweigerd
+ Alleen items weergeven die expliciet zijn toegestaan of geweigerdShow expired entries
- Verlopen items tonen
+ Verlopen items weergeven (Expired)(Verlopen)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Plugin-gegevens uit item verwijderen…Plugin-gegevens uit items verwijderen…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Positioneer de muis boven een item om aanvullende details weer te geven. Dubbelklik om het te bewerken.
+ Show expired entries
+ Verlopen items weergeven
- Bad
- Password quality
- Slecht
+ (Expired)
+ (Verlopen)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Positioneer de muis boven een item om aanvullende details weer te geven. Dubbelklik om het te bewerken.Bad — password must be changedSlecht — wachtwoord moet worden gewijzigd
- Poor
- Password quality
- Matig
- Poor — password should be changedMatig — wachtwoord zou moeten worden gewijzigd
- Weak
- Password quality
- Zwak
- Weak — consider changing the passwordZwak — overweeg het wachtwoord te wijzigen
@@ -9112,17 +9466,13 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsUitsluiten van rapportage
- Show expired entries
- Verlopen items tonen
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Item laten verlopen…Items laten verlopen…Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- Toon items die zijn uitgesloten van rapporten
- (Expired)
- (Verlopen)
+ Items die zijn uitgesloten van rapporten weergeven
@@ -9137,7 +9487,7 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Also show entries that have been excluded from reports
- Toon ook vermeldingen die zijn uitgesloten van rapportage
+ Vermeldingen die zijn uitgesloten van rapportage ook weergevenThis build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases.
@@ -9219,6 +9569,10 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsUitsluiten van rapportage
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Item laten verlopen…Items laten verlopen…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9264,7 +9618,7 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Show expired entries
- Verlopen items tonen
+ Verlopen items weergeven (Expired)
@@ -9460,6 +9814,14 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Geen agent actief, kan geen identiteiten opsommen.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Niet alle SSH-identiteiten van de agent verwijderd.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Alle SSH-identiteiten verwijderd van agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9541,7 +9903,7 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Limit search to selected group
- Beperk het zoeken tot de geselecteerde groep
+ Zoekopdrachten beperken tot geselecteerde groep
@@ -9586,7 +9948,7 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Enable KeepassXC Freedesktop.org Secret Service integration
- De integratie van KeepassXC Freedesktop.org Secret Service inschakelen
+ De integratie van KeepassXC met Freedesktop.org Secret Service inschakelenGeneral
@@ -9745,29 +10107,6 @@ Deze optie is verouderd, gebruik in plaats daarvan --set-key-file.
Exporteren naar %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Dubbelklik op een actie om de sneltoets te wijzigen
- Shortcut Conflict
- Sneltoetsenconflict
- Filter...
- Filteren…
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Sneltoets %1 conflicteert met '%2'. Sneltoets overschrijven?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Sneltoetsen opnieuw instellen
@@ -10056,14 +10395,18 @@ Voorbeeld: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedGeen hardwaresleutels gedetecteerd
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Als je een <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> of <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> bezit, kun je deze gebruiken voor extra beveiliging.</p><p>De sleutel vereist dat een van zijn posities (slots) wordt geprogrammeerd als <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysHardwaresleutels vernieuwen
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Als je <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> of <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> bezit, dan kan je deze gebruiken voor aanvullende beveiliging.</p><p>Een van de positie in de sleutel moet dan worden geprogrammeerd met <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Hardwaresleutels gevonden, echter zonder posities geconfigureerd.
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts
index 1039d7095..55b9e4b0c 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Musisz uruchomić ponownie aplikację, aby ustawić nowy język. Czy chcesz teraz to zrobić?
- Reset Settings?
- Zresetować ustawienia?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować wszystkie ustawienia ogólne i zabezpieczeń do domyślnych?
- Select backup storage directoryWybierz katalog przechowywania kopii zapasowych
+ Confirm Reset
+ Potwierdź resetowanie
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić wszystkie ustawienia domyślne?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importuj ustawienia KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Nie udało się zaimportować ustawień z %1. To nie jest prawidłowy plik ustawień.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Eksportuj ustawienia KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Mały
+ Normal
+ Normalny
+ Medium
+ Średni
+ Large
+ Duży
+ Custom
+ Niestandardowy
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesUwzględnij wersje beta podczas sprawdzania aktualizacji
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Po odblokowaniu bazy danych pokaż wpisy, które
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- wygasły
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dni
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- wygasną w ciągu
- File ManagementZarządzanie plikami
@@ -317,28 +330,16 @@
Automatically reload the database when modified externally
- Automatycznie przeładuj bazę danych, gdy zostanie zmodyfikowana zewnętrznie
+ Automatycznie ładuj ponownie bazę danych, gdy zostanie zmodyfikowana zewnętrznieBackup database file before savingUtwórz kopię zapasową pliku bazy danych przed zapisaniem
- Backup destination
- Miejsce docelowe kopii zapasowej
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Określa lokalizację pliku kopii zapasowej bazy danych. Wystąpienia "{DB_FILENAME}" są zastępowane nazwą pliku zapisanej bazy danych bez rozszerzenia. {TIME:<format>} jest zastępowany czasem kopii zapasowej, zobacz https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> to domyślnie ciąg formatu "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Wybierz...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Użyj alternatywnej metody zapisywania (może rozwiązać problemy z usługami: Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS itp.)
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@
Hide window to system tray when minimized
- Schowaj okno do zasobnika podczas minimalizacji
+ Schowaj okno do zasobnika systemowego podczas minimalizacjiReset settings to default…
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Pamiętaj ostatnio wpisany wpis przez:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Podczas odblokowania bazy danych pokaż wpisy, które wygasną w ciągu
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Podczas odblokowania bazy danych pokaż wpisy, które wygasną w ciągu
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dni
+ Destination format:
+ Format docelowy:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> zostaje zastąpiony nazwą pliku zapisanej bazy danych bez rozszerzenia</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> zostaje zastąpiony określonym formatem czasu (domyślnie: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w podręczniku użytkownika</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Wybierz folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Pokaż potwierdzenie przed przeniesieniem wpisów do kosza
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Kopiuj dane po dwukrotnym kliknięciu pola w widoku wpisu
+ Show toolbar
+ Pokaż pasek narzędzi
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Pokaż pasek menu po naciśnięciu klawisza Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Pokaż pasek menu
+ Import settings…
+ Importuj ustawienia…
+ Export settings…
+ Eksportuj ustawienia…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Otwórz przeglądarkę po dwukrotnym kliknięciu pola adresu URL w widoku wpisu
+ Font size:
+ Rozmiar czcionki:
+ Font size selection
+ Wybór rozmiaru czcionki
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelUkryj hasła w panelu podglądu wpisu
- Hide entry notes by default
- Domyślnie ukrywaj wpisy notatek
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Przenieś wpisy do kosza bez potwierdzenia
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Włącz podwójne kliknięcie, aby kopiować kolumny wpisów nazwy użytkownika i hasła
- PrivacyPrywatność
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelUkryj TOTP w panelu podglądu wpisu
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Zablokuj bazy danych podczas zmiany użytkownika
+ Lock Options
+ Opcje blokowania
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Ukryj notatki w panelu podglądu wpisu
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Wpis nie ma atrybutu dla PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Nieprawidłowy typ konwersji: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Nieprawidłowa składnia konwersji: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Nieprawidłowa składnia wyrażenia regularnego %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Nieprawidłowy symbol zastępczy: %1
@@ -725,7 +777,7 @@
Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search:
- Kliknij dwukrotnie wiersz, aby wykonać autowpisywanie lub znajdź wpis za pomocą wyszukiwania:
+ Kliknij dwukrotnie wiersz, aby wykonać autowpisywanie, lub znajdź wpis za pomocą wyszukiwania:<p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/>
@@ -1014,7 +1066,7 @@ Czy chcesz zastąpić klucz dostępu w %1 - %2?
This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser
- Wymagane jest to aby uzyskać dostęp do baz danych za pomocą KeePassXC-Browser
+ Wymagane jest to, aby uzyskać dostęp do baz danych za pomocą KeePassXC-BrowserEnable browser integration
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Czy chcesz zastąpić klucz dostępu w %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Przeglądarki zainstalowane jako snapy są obecnie nieobsługiwane.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Włącz integrację z tymi przeglądarkami:
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Czy chcesz zastąpić klucz dostępu w %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser jest niezbędny do integracji z przeglądarką. <br />Pobierz go dla %1 oraz %2 i %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Przeglądarki zainstalowane przy użyciu pakietów Snap lub Flatpak nie są obsługiwane, z wyjątkiem przeglądarki Firefox zainstalowanej przy użyciu pakietu Snap.
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
Nie wybrano kolumny tytułu, wpisy będą trudne do odróżnienia.
Czy na pewno chcesz importować?
+ Tags
+ Tagi
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ Zapasowa baza danych znajduje się w %2
Recycle BinKosz
+ Database file read error.
+ Błąd odczytu pliku bazy danych.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Nie podano ścieżki dostępu do pliku.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1614,14 +1678,6 @@ Aby zapobiec pojawianiu się tego błędu, musisz przejść do "Ustawienia
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Oprócz hasła głównego można użyć pliku sekretnego w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa bazy danych. Ten plik można wygenerować w ustawieniach zabezpieczeń bazy danych.</p><p>To <strong>nie</strong> jest plik bazy danych *. kdbx!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Kliknij, aby dodać plik klucza.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Mam plik klucza</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Użyj klucza sprzętowego [Numer seryjny: %1]
@@ -1658,6 +1714,18 @@ Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować z tym plikiem?
Refresh Hardware KeysOdśwież klucze sprzętowe
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Kliknij, aby dodać plik klucza.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Mam plik klucza</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Znaleziono klucze sprzętowe, ale nie skonfigurowano żadnych gniazd.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1692,10 +1760,22 @@ Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować z tym plikiem?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integracja z usługą sekretną
+ Remote SyncZdalna synchronizacja
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Ustawienia bazy danych: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2175,6 +2255,50 @@ z kosza są usuwane z bazy danych.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxPole wyboru opóźnienia autozapisu od ostatniej zmian
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Publiczne metadane bazy danych
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Ostrzeżenie: poniższe ustawienia nie są szyfrowane.
+ Display name:
+ Wyświetlana nazwa:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Publicznie widoczna wyświetlana nazwa używana w oknie dialogowym odblokowywania
+ Database public display name
+ Wyświetlana nazwa publiczna bazy danych
+ Display color:
+ Wyświetlany kolor:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Publicznie widoczny kolor używany w oknie dialogowym odblokowywania
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Selektor wyświetlanego koloru publicznego bazy danych
+ Clear
+ Wyczyść
+ Display icon:
+ Wyświetlana ikona:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Wybierz ikonę bazy danych
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2306,7 +2430,7 @@ z kosza są usuwane z bazy danych.
e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
- np.: „sftp użytkownik@nazwahosta” lub „scp użytkownik@nazwahosta:ZdalnaBazaDanych.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}”
+ np.: "sftp użytkownik@nazwahosta" lub "scp użytkownik@nazwahosta:ZdalnaBazaDanych.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
@@ -2326,7 +2450,7 @@ z kosza są usuwane z bazy danych.
e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
- np.: „sftp użytkownik@nazwahosta” lub „scp {TEMP_DATABASE} użytkownik@nazwahosta:ZdalnaBazaDanych.kdbx”
+ np.: "sftp użytkownik@nazwahosta" lub "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} użytkownik@nazwahosta:ZdalnaBazaDanych.kdbx"Upload input field
@@ -2396,6 +2520,14 @@ exit
Polecenie musi się zakończyć. W przypadku `sftp` jako ostatniego polecenia należy wysłać `exit`
+ Timeout:
+ Przekroczenie limitu czasu:
+ seconds
+ sekundy
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2598,26 +2730,6 @@ Zapisać zmiany?
File has changedPlik się zmienił
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Plik bazy danych uległ zmianie. Czy chcesz załadować zmiany?
- Merge Request
- Żądanie scalenia
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Plik bazy danych został zmieniony, a masz niezapisane zmiany.
-Czy chcesz scalić Twoje zmiany?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Nie można otworzyć nowego pliku bazy danych podczas próby automatycznego przeładowania.
-Błąd: %1
- Disable safe saves?Wyłączyć bezpieczne zapisywanie?
@@ -2675,11 +2787,11 @@ Wyłączyć bezpieczne zapisywanie i spróbować ponownie?
Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
- Zdalna synchronizacja „%1” zakończona pomyślnie!
+ Zdalna synchronizacja '%1' zakończona pomyślnie!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
- Zdalna synchronizacja „%1” nie powiodła się: %2
+ Zdalna synchronizacja '%1' nie powiodła się: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
@@ -2705,6 +2817,50 @@ Wyłączyć bezpieczne zapisywanie i spróbować ponownie?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Czy chcesz usunąć klucz dostępu z tego wpisu?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Plik bazy danych "%1" został zmodyfikowany zewnętrznie
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Czy chcesz załadować zmiany?
+ Reload database
+ Załaduj ponownie bazę danych
+ Reloading database…
+ Ponowne ładowanie bazy danych…
+ Reload canceled
+ Anulowano ponowne ładowanie
+ Reload successful
+ Ponowne ładowanie powiodło się
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Załaduj ponownie oczekującą czynność użytkownika…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Plik bazy danych "%1" został zmodyfikowany zewnętrznie.<br>Jak chcesz kontynuować?<br><br>Scal wszystkie zmiany<br>Ignoruj zmiany na dysku do momentu zapisania<br>Odrzuć niezapisane zmiany
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Plik bazy danych "%1" został zmodyfikowany zewnętrznie.<br>Jak chcesz kontynuować?<br><br>Scal wszystkie zmiany, a następnie zapisz<br>Nadpisz zmiany na dysku<br>Odrzuć niezapisane zmiany
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Plik bazy danych został nadpisany.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Pliku bazy danych na dysku nie można odblokować przy użyciu bieżących danych uwierzytelniających.<br>Aby kontynuować, wprowadź nowe dane uwierzytelniające i/lub obecny klucz sprzętowy.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3033,18 +3189,10 @@ Czy chcesz go poprawić?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryPomiń autoprzesyłanie dla tego wpisu
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Wyślij to ustawienie do przeglądarki tylko w przypadku okien dialogowych uwierzytelniania HTTP. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, zwykłe formularze logowania nie będą wyświetlać tego wpisu do wyboru.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthUżyj tego wpisu tylko w przypadku podstawowego uwierzytelniania HTTP
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Nie wysyłaj tego ustawienia do przeglądarki w przypadku okien dialogowych uwierzytelniania HTTP. Jeśli jest włączone, okna dialogowe uwierzytelniania HTTP nie będą pokazywać tego wpisu do wyboru.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNie używaj tego wpisu z podstawowym uwierzytelnianiem HTTP
@@ -3069,6 +3217,14 @@ Czy chcesz go poprawić?
Additional URLsDodatkowe adresy URL
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Wysyłaj ten wpis do przeglądarki tylko w przypadku okien dialogowych uwierzytelniania HTTP. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, zwykłe formularze logowania nie będą wyświetlać tego wpisu do wyboru.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Nie wysyłaj tego wpisu do przeglądarki w przypadku okien dialogowych uwierzytelniania HTTP. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, okna dialogowe uwierzytelniania HTTP nie będą pokazywać tego wpisu do wyboru.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3291,6 +3447,10 @@ Czy chcesz go poprawić?
seconds sekundy
+ Clear agent
+ Wyczyść agenta
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3737,6 +3897,20 @@ Może to spowodować nieprawidłowe działanie wtyczek.
PasskeyKlucz dostępu
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Nieprawidłowy typ konwersji: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Nieprawidłowa składnia konwersji: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Nieprawidłowa składnia wyrażenia regularnego %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3745,6 +3919,21 @@ Może to spowodować nieprawidłowe działanie wtyczek.
Nie można otworzyć pliku "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formularz
+ File name
+ Nazwa pliku
+ File contents...
+ Zawartość pliku...
@@ -3782,14 +3971,6 @@ Może to spowodować nieprawidłowe działanie wtyczek.
- Rename selected attachment
- Zmień nazwę wybranego załącznika
- Rename
- Zmień nazwę
- Open selected attachmentOtwórz wybrany załącznik
@@ -3907,6 +4088,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Załącznik "%1" już istnieje.
Czy chcesz zastąpić istniejący załącznik?
+ New
+ Nowy
+ Preview
+ Podgląd
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Nie udało się wyświetlić podglądu załącznika: nie został on znaleziony
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4105,6 +4298,10 @@ Czy chcesz zastąpić istniejący załącznik?
Background ColorKolor tła
+ Group Path
+ Ścieżka grupy
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4500,6 +4697,14 @@ Możesz włączyć usługę ikon witryn DuckDuckGo w sekcji bezpieczeństwa usta
UrlAdres URL
+ Could not load key file.
+ Nie można załadować pliku klucza.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Nie można otworzyć zdalnej bazy danych. Hasło lub plik klucza mogą być nieprawidłowe.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4603,6 +4808,50 @@ Możesz włączyć usługę ikon witryn DuckDuckGo w sekcji bezpieczeństwa usta
KeePass1 DatabaseBaza danych KeePass 1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Eksport JSON Proton Pass
+ Temporary Database
+ Tymczasowa baza danych
+ Command:
+ Polecenie:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ np.: "sftp użytkownik@nazwahosta" lub "scp użytkownik@nazwahosta:ZdalnaBazaDanych.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Wejście:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ np.:
+get ZdalnaBazaDanych.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} służy jako symbol zastępczy do przechowywania bazy danych w tymczasowej lokalizacji
+Polecenie musi się zakończyć. W przypadku `sftp` jako ostatniego polecenia należy wysłać `exit`
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Zdalna baza danych (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5743,12 +5992,6 @@ Ta wersja nie jest przeznaczona do użytku produkcyjnego.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
UWAGA: Używasz wstępnej wersji KeePassXC.
Spodziewaj się pewnych błędów i drobnych problemów, ta wersja jest przeznaczona do celów testowych.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- OSTRZEŻENIE: Twoja wersja Qt może powodować awarie KeePassXC z klawiaturą ekranową.
-Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.No Tags
@@ -5822,6 +6065,10 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.Import Passkey
Importuj klucz dostępu
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Zdalna s&ynchronizacja…
+ Quit ApplicationZakończ aplikację
@@ -5926,6 +6173,10 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.Show Password Generator
Pokaż generator haseł
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Usuń klucz dostępu z wpisu
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Wykonaj autowpisywanie: {USERNAME}
@@ -6071,17 +6322,33 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.Przełącz zezwalanie na przechwytywanie ekranu
- Remote S&ync…
- Zdalna s&ynchronizacja…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Pokaż panel grup
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Usuń klucz dostępu z wpisu
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Przełącz pokazywanie panelu grupSetup Remote Sync…Skonfiguruj zdalną synchronizację…
+ Password Generator
+ Generator haseł
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Wy&gaś wpis…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Wyczyść agenta SSH
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Wyczyść wszystkie tożsamości w ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6232,6 +6499,25 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.Uzupełnij wyświetlaną nazwę i opcjonalny opis nowej bazy danych:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Nazwa załącznika nie może być pusta
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Załącznik o tej samej nazwie już istnieje
+ Save attachment
+ Zapisz załącznik
+ New entry attachment
+ Nowy załącznik wpisu
@@ -6777,10 +7063,6 @@ Brakuje następujących danych:
Also choose from:Wybierz także:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Wykluczone znaki: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersWyklucz podobnie wyglądające znaki
@@ -6805,10 +7087,6 @@ Brakuje następujących danych:
Word Count:Liczba słów:
- Character Count:
- Liczba znaków:
- Word Case:Rozmiar słowa:
@@ -6821,10 +7099,6 @@ Brakuje następujących danych:
Add custom wordlistDodaj niestandardową listę słów
- character
- znak
- CloseZamknij
@@ -6931,6 +7205,22 @@ Czy chcesz ją zastąpić?
Special CharactersZnaki specjalne
+ passwordLength
+ Długość hasła
+ Characters: %1
+ Znaki: %1
+ MIXED case
+ MIESZANE litery
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Wykluczone znaki: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6998,6 +7288,21 @@ Czy chcesz ją zastąpić?
Naciskaj &Tab między znakami
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Podgląd załącznika wpisu
+ No preview available
+ Brak podglądu
+ Image format not supported
+ Format obrazu nie jest obsługiwany
@@ -7676,10 +7981,6 @@ Czy chcesz ją zastąpić?
Invalid word count %1Nieprawidłowa liczba wyrazów %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Lista wyrazów jest za mała (< 1000 elementów)
- Title for the entry.Tytuł dla wpisu.
@@ -7824,10 +8125,6 @@ Czy chcesz ją zastąpić?
Exit interactive mode.Wyjdź z trybu interaktywnego.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formatowanie do użycia podczas eksportowania. Dostępne opcje to 'xml' lub 'csv'. Domyślnie wartość 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Eksportuje zawartość bazy danych do standardowego wyjścia w określonym formacie.
@@ -8110,7 +8407,7 @@ Dostępne polecenia:
Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.
- Nazwy atrybutów do wyświetlenia. Tą opcję można zastosować więcej niż jeden raz, podając każdy atrybut w osobnym wierszu w określonej kolejności. Jeśli atrybuty nie są określone, wyświetla się podsumowanie domyślnych atrybutów.
+ Nazwy atrybutów do wyświetlenia. Tę opcję można zastosować więcej niż jeden raz, podając każdy atrybut w osobnym wierszu i w określonej kolejności. Jeśli atrybuty nie są określone, wyświetla się podsumowanie domyślnych atrybutów.attribute
@@ -8416,18 +8713,6 @@ Jądro: %3 %4
file emptyplik pusty
- malformed string
- nieprawidłowy ciąg
- missing closing quote
- brak cytatu zamknięcia
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (rząd, kolumna) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bitowy
@@ -8888,6 +9173,74 @@ Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json fileObsługiwane są tylko PBKDF i Argon2, nie można odszyfrować pliku JSON
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Zresetuj skróty
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Kliknij dwukrotnie czynność, aby zmienić jej skrót
+ Filter...
+ Filtr...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Konflikt skrótów
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Skrót %1 powoduje konflikt z '%2'. Nadpisać skrót?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Nie można wygenerować prawidłowych haseł, ponieważ lista słów jest zbyt krótka
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Pliki zaszyfrowane nie są obsługiwane.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Import Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Usunąć dane wtyczki?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Usunąć dane wtyczki z wpisu?Usunąć dane wtyczki z wpisów?Usunąć dane wtyczki z wpisów?Usunąć dane wtyczki z wpisów?
+ Passkey
+ Klucz dostępu
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Format do użycia podczas eksportowania. Dostępne opcje to 'xml', 'csv' lub 'html'. Domyślnie 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ uruchom zminimalizowany do zasobnika systemowego
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ zniekształcony ciąg, prawdopodobnie ogranicznik bez ucieczki
+ missing closing delimiter
+ brak ogranicznika zamykającego
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1, wiersz: %2, kolumna: %3
+ Tags
+ Tagi
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9020,6 +9373,10 @@ Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsWyklucz z raportów
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Wygaś wpis…Wygaś wpisy…Wygaś wpisy…Wygaś wpisy…
+ Only show entries that have a URLPokaż tylko wpisy, które mają adres URL
@@ -9036,36 +9393,33 @@ Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file.
(Expired) (Wygasłe)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Usuń dane wtyczki z wpisu…Usuń dane wtyczki z wpisów…Usuń dane wtyczki z wpisów…Usuń dane wtyczki z wpisów…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Umieść wskaźnik myszy nad powodem, aby wyświetlić dodatkowe szczegóły. Kliknij dwukrotnie wpisy, aby edytować.
+ Show expired entries
+ Pokaż wygasłe wpisy
- Bad
- Password quality
- Zła
+ (Expired)
+ (Wygasłe)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Umieść wskaźnik myszy nad powodem, aby wyświetlić dodatkowe szczegóły. Kliknij dwukrotnie wpisy, aby edytować.Bad — password must be changedZłe — hasło musi zostać zmienione
- Poor
- Password quality
- Uboga
- Poor — password should be changedUbogie — hasło powinno zostać zmienione
- Weak
- Password quality
- Słaba
- Weak — consider changing the passwordSłabe — rozważ zmianę hasła
@@ -9114,18 +9468,14 @@ Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsWyklucz z raportów
- Show expired entries
- Pokaż wygasłe wpisy
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Wygaś wpis…Wygaś wpisy…Wygaś wpisy…Wygaś wpisy…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsPokaż wpisy, które zostały wykluczone z raportów
- (Expired)
- (Wygasłe)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9221,6 +9571,10 @@ Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsWyklucz z raportów
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Wygaś wpis…Wygaś wpisy…Wygaś wpisy…Wygaś wpisy…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9462,6 +9816,14 @@ Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Żaden agent uruchomiony, nie może wyświetlić listy tożsamości.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Nie udało się usunąć wszystkich tożsamości SSH agenta.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Wszystkie tożsamości SSH zostały usunięte z agenta.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9747,29 +10109,6 @@ Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file.
Eksportuj do %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Kliknij dwukrotnie czynność, aby zmienić jej skrót
- Shortcut Conflict
- Konflikt skrótów
- Filter...
- Filtr...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Skrót %1 powoduje konflikt z '%2'. Nadpisać skrót?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Zresetuj skróty
@@ -10058,14 +10397,18 @@ Przykład: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedNie wykryto kluczy sprzętowych
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Jeśli masz <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> lub <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, możesz go użyć do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa.</p><p>Wymaga on zaprogramowania jednego z jego gniazd jako <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">wyzwanie-odpowiedź HMAC-SHA1</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysOdśwież klucze sprzętowe
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Jeśli jesteś właścicielem <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> lub <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, możesz użyć takiego klucza do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa.</p><p>Wymaga on zaprogramowania jednego z jego gniazd w trybie <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">wyzwanie-odpowiedź</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Znaleziono klucze sprzętowe, ale nie skonfigurowano żadnych gniazd
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts
index 3f09e89d6..a81297047 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Você precisa reiniciar o aplicativo para aplicar o novo idioma. Você gostaria de reiniciar agora?
- Reset Settings?
- Restaurar as configurações?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Tem certeza que deseja restaurar todas as configurações gerais e as configurações de segurança para o padrão?
- Select backup storage directorySelecione o diretório onde o backup será armazenado
+ Confirm Reset
+ Confirmar Redefinição
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Tem certeza de que deseja redefinir todas as configurações para o padrão?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importar Configurações do KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Falha ao importar configurações de %1; arquivo de configurações inválido.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Exportar Configurações do KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Pequeno
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Médio
+ Large
+ Grande
+ Custom
+ Personalizado
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -262,7 +294,7 @@
recent files
- arquivos recentes
+ arquivos recentesLoad previously open databases on startup
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesIncluir versões betas durante a verificação de atualizações
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Ao desbloquear o banco de dados, mostrar entradas que
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- Caducou
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dias
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- irá expirar dentro de
- File ManagementGerenciador de arquivo
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingFazer cópia de segurança do banco de dados antes de salvar
- Backup destination
- Destino do backup
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Especifica a localização para o backup do banco de dados. As ocorrências de "{DB_FILENAME}" serão substituídas pelo nome do arquivo do banco de dados salvo mas sem extensão. {TIME:<format>} será substituído pelo horário do backup. Consulte https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> Os valores padrão a utilizar serão "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.antigo.kdbx
- Choose...
- Escolher...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Usar método alternativo de salvamento (pode resolver problemas com Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Lembrar última entrada digitada para:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ No desbloqueio do banco de dados, mostre as entradas que expirarão dentro
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ No desbloqueio do banco de dados, mostre as entradas que expirarão dentro
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dias
+ Destination format:
+ Formato de destino:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> é substituído pelo nome do arquivo do banco de dados salvo sem extensão</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> é substituído pelo formato de hora especificado (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Consulte o Guia do Usuário para obter mais detalhes</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Escolher a pasta:
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Mostrar confirmação antes de mover entradas para a lixeira
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Copie os dados no campo de clique duplo na entrada exibida
+ Show toolbar
+ Mostrar barra de ferramentas
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Mostrar a barra de menu pressionando a tecla Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Exibir barra de menu
+ Import settings…
+ Importar configurações...
+ Export settings…
+ Exportar configurações...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Abra o navegador clicando duas vezes no campo URL na entrada exibida
+ Font size:
+ Tamanho da fonte:
+ Font size selection
+ Seleção do tamanho da fonte
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelOcultar senhas no painel da prévia de entrada
- Hide entry notes by default
- Esconder notas de entrada por padrão
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Mover entradas para a lixeira sem confirmação
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Ativar duplo clique para copiar a entrada nome de utilizador/palavra-passe
- PrivacyPrivacidade
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelOcultar TOTP no painel de visualização da entrada
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Bloquear bancos de dados ao trocar de usuário
+ Lock Options
+ Opções de Bloqueio
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Ocultar notas no painel de visualização da entrada
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1A entrada não tem o atributo para PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Tipo de conversão inválido: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Sintaxe de conversão inválida: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Sintaxe de expressão regular inválida %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Marcador de posição inválido: %1
@@ -1026,10 +1078,6 @@ Deseja substituir a chave de acesso em %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Navegadores instalados como snaps atualmente não são suportados.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Habilitar integração para estes navegadores:
@@ -1251,7 +1299,11 @@ Deseja substituir a chave de acesso em %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser é necessário para que a integração do navegador funcione. <br />Baixe-o para %1 e %2 e %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Navegadores instalados usando Snap ou Flatpak não são suportados, com exceção do Firefox instalado usando Snap.
@@ -1397,12 +1449,17 @@ Deseja substituir a chave de acesso em %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ Nenhum Título SelecionadoNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Nenhuma coluna de título foi selecionada, será difícil distinguir as entradas.
+Tem certeza de que deseja importar?
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
@@ -1467,6 +1524,14 @@ Backup do banco de dados alocado em %2
Recycle BinLixeira
+ Database file read error.
+ Erro de leitura do arquivo de banco de dados.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Nenhum caminho de arquivo foi fornecido.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1615,14 +1680,6 @@ Para impedir que esses erros apareçam, você deve ir em "Configurações d
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Além de uma senha, você pode usar um arquivo secreto para aumentar a segurança do seu banco de dados. Este arquivo pode ser gerado nas configurações de segurança do seu banco de dados.</p><p>Este <strong>não é</strong> o seu arquivo de banco de dados *.kdbx!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Clique para adicionar um arquivo-chave.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Eu tenho um arquivo-chave</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Usar uma chave de hardware [Serial: %1]
@@ -1659,6 +1716,18 @@ Tem certeza de que deseja continuar com este arquivo?
Refresh Hardware KeysAtualizar Chaves de Hardware
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Clique para adicionar um arquivo-chave.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Eu tenho um arquivo-chave</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Chaves de hardware encontradas, mas nenhum slot configurado.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1693,9 +1762,21 @@ Tem certeza de que deseja continuar com este arquivo?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integração com Secret Service
+ Remote Sync
+ Sincronização Remota
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Configurações do Banco de Dados: %1
@@ -1873,7 +1954,7 @@ Tem certeza de que deseja continuar sem uma senha?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ A senha fornecida não atende aos requisitos mínimos de qualidade.
@@ -2012,7 +2093,7 @@ Se você manter este número, seu banco de dados não estará protegido de ataqu
thread(s)Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings)
- processo(s)processo(s)processo(s)
+ processo(s) processo(s) processo(s)Encryption Settings:
@@ -2176,6 +2257,50 @@ removidos do banco de dados
Autosave delay since last change checkboxAtraso de salvamento automático desde a última caixa de seleção
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Metadados do Banco de Dados Público
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Aviso: as configurações a seguir não são criptografadas.
+ Display name:
+ Nome de exibição:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Nome de exibição publicamente visível usado na caixa de diálogo de desbloqueio
+ Database public display name
+ Nome de exibição público do banco de dados
+ Display color:
+ Cor de exibição:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Cor publicamente visível usada na caixa de diálogo de desbloqueio
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Seletor de cores de exibição pública do banco de dados
+ Clear
+ Limpar
+ Display icon:
+ Ícone de exibição:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Selecionar o Ícone do Banco de Dados
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2275,7 +2400,7 @@ removidos do banco de dados
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ Comandos de SincronizaçãoRemove
@@ -2283,7 +2408,7 @@ removidos do banco de dados
Command Settings
+ Configurações de ComandoName
@@ -2295,75 +2420,75 @@ removidos do banco de dados
+ BaixarCommand:
+ Comando:Download command field
+ Campo do comando baixare.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ por exemplo: 'sftp user@hostname' ou 'scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}'Input:
+ Entrada:Download input field
+ Campo do comando baixarUpload
+ EnviarUpload command field
+ Campo do comando enviare.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ por exemplo: 'sftp user@hostname' ou 'scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx'Upload input field
+ Campo de entrada enviarName cannot be empty.
+ O nome não pode ficar vazio.Test
+ TestarDownload command cannot be empty.
+ O comando de baixar não pode estar vazio.Download failed with error: %1
+ Falha ao baixar com erro: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ O download foi concluído, mas o arquivo %1 não foi encontrado.Download successful.
+ Download bem-sucedido.Save Remote Settings
+ Salvar Configurações RemotasYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ Você tem alterações não salvas. Você quer salvá-los?e.g.:
@@ -2373,7 +2498,12 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ por exemplo:
+obtenha DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} é usado como espaço reservado para armazenar o banco de dados em um local temporário
+O comando tem que sair. No caso de `sftp` como último comando `exit` deve ser enviadoe.g.:
@@ -2383,7 +2513,20 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ por exemplo:
+coloque {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} é usado como espaço reservado para armazenar o banco de dados em um local temporário
+O comando tem que sair. No caso de `sftp` como último comando `exit` deve ser enviado
+ Timeout:
+ Esgotamento:
+ seconds
+ segundos
@@ -2462,7 +2605,7 @@ Este é definitivamente um bug, por favor denuncie para os desenvolvedores.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Temporário]
@@ -2587,26 +2730,6 @@ Salvar alterações?
File has changedO arquivo foi modificado
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- O banco de dados foi alterado. Deseja carregar as alterações?
- Merge Request
- Juntar Pedido
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- O arquivo de banco de dados foi alterado e você tem alterações não salvas.
-Você deseja combinar suas alterações?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Não foi possível abrir o novo arquivo de banco de dados ao tentar executar o carregamento automático.
-Erro: %1
- Disable safe saves?Desativar armazenamento seguro?
@@ -2660,19 +2783,19 @@ Deseja desabilitar salvamento seguro e tentar novamente?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ A Sincronização Remota não continha nenhum comando de download ou upload.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ A sincronização remota '%1' foi concluída com sucesso!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Falha na sincronização remota '%1': %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Erro ao salvar o banco de dados %1: %2Downloading...
@@ -2680,11 +2803,11 @@ Deseja desabilitar salvamento seguro e tentar novamente?
+ Enviando...Syncing...
+ Sincronizando...Remove passkey from entry
@@ -2694,6 +2817,50 @@ Deseja desabilitar salvamento seguro e tentar novamente?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Deseja remover a chave de acesso desta entrada?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ O arquivo de banco de dados "%1" foi modificado externamente
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Você quer carregar as alterações?
+ Reload database
+ Recarregar banco de dados
+ Reloading database…
+ Recarregando banco de dados...
+ Reload canceled
+ Recarregar cancelado
+ Reload successful
+ Recarregar com sucesso
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Recarregar pendente da ação do usuário...
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Arquivo de banco de dados substituído.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3022,18 +3189,10 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryIgnorar Auto-Envio para esta entrada
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Envia esta configuração apenas ao navegador para caixas de diálogo de Autenticação HTTP. Se ativado, os formulários de login normais não mostrarão esta entrada para seleção.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthUsar esta entrada somente com Autenticação HTTP Básica
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Não envia esta configuração para o navegador para caixas de diálogo de Autenticação HTTP. Se ativado, as caixas de diálogo de Autenticação HTTP não mostrarão esta entrada para seleção.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNão usar esta entrada com Autenticação HTTP Básica
@@ -3058,6 +3217,14 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Additional URLsURLs adicionais
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Envie esta entrada apenas para o navegador para caixas de diálogo de autenticação HTTP. Se ativado, os formulários de login normais não mostrarão esta entrada para seleção.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Não envie esta entrada ao navegador para caixas de diálogo de autenticação HTTP. Se ativado, as caixas de diálogo HTTP Auth não mostrarão esta entrada para seleção.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3280,6 +3447,10 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
+ Clear agent
+ Limpar agente
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3726,6 +3897,20 @@ Isto pode causar mal funcionamento dos plugins afetados.
PasskeyChave de acesso
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Tipo de conversão inválido: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Sintaxe de conversão inválida: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Sintaxe de expressão regular inválida %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3734,6 +3919,21 @@ Isto pode causar mal funcionamento dos plugins afetados.
Não é possível abrir o arquivo %1.
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulário
+ File name
+ Nome do arquivo
+ File contents...
+ Conteúdo do arquivo...
@@ -3771,14 +3971,6 @@ Isto pode causar mal funcionamento dos plugins afetados.
- Rename selected attachment
- Renomear anexo selecionado
- Rename
- Renomear
- Open selected attachmentAbrir anexo selecionado
@@ -3895,6 +4087,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
O anexo "%1" já existe.
Deseja fazer a substituição do anexo já existente?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Visualização
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Falha ao visualizar um anexo: Anexo não encontrado
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4093,6 +4297,10 @@ Deseja fazer a substituição do anexo já existente?
Background ColorCor de fundo
+ Group Path
+ Caminho do Grupo
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4487,6 +4695,14 @@ Você pode habilitar o serviço de ícones do DuckDuckGo na seção de seguranç
+ Could not load key file.
+ Não foi possível carregar o arquivo de chave.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Não foi possível abrir o banco de dados remoto. A senha ou o arquivo de chave podem estar incorretos.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4590,6 +4806,49 @@ Você pode habilitar o serviço de ícones do DuckDuckGo na seção de seguranç
KeePass1 DatabaseBanco de dados do KeePass1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Exportar para Proton Pass JSON
+ Temporary Database
+ Banco de Dados Temporário
+ Command:
+ Comando:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ por exemplo: 'sftp user@hostname' ou 'scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}'
+ Input:
+ Entrada:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ por exemplo:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} é usado como espaço reservado para armazenar o banco de dados em um local temporário
+O comando tem que sair. No caso de `sftp` como último comando `exit` deve ser enviado
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Banco de Dados Remoto (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5730,12 +5989,6 @@ Esta versão não deve ser utilizada em ambientes de produção.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
AVISO: você está usando uma versão de testes do KeePassXC!
Pode encontrar erros graves e esta versão não deve ser utilizada em ambientes de produção.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- AVISO: Sua versão do Qt pode fazer com que o KeePassXC trave com um teclado na tela!
-Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads.No Tags
@@ -5809,6 +6062,10 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads.
Import PasskeyImportar Chave de Acesso
+ Remote S&ync…
+ S&incronização Remota...
+ Quit ApplicationSair do Aplicativo
@@ -5913,6 +6170,10 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads.
Show Password GeneratorMostrar Gerador de Senhas
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Remover a chave de acesso da entrada
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Executar a Digitação Automática: {USERNAME}
@@ -6058,15 +6319,31 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads.
Alternar para Permitir Captura de Tela
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Mostrar Painel do Grupo
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- remover a chave de acesso da entrada
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Alternar Exibição do Painel do GrupoSetup Remote Sync…
+ Configurar Sincronização Remota...
+ Password Generator
+ Gerador de Senha
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Limpar agente SSH
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
@@ -6219,6 +6496,25 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads.
Por favor preencha o nome de exibição e uma descrição opcional para o seu novo banco de dados:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ O nome do anexo não pode estar vazio
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Anexo com o mesmo nome já existe
+ Save attachment
+ Salvar anexo
+ New entry attachment
+ Novo anexo da entrada
@@ -6764,10 +7060,6 @@ Os seguintes dados estão faltando:
Also choose from:Escolher também de:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Caracteres excluídos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersExcluir caracteres semelhantes
@@ -6792,10 +7084,6 @@ Os seguintes dados estão faltando:
Word Count:Número de Palavras:
- Character Count:
- Número de Caracteres:
- Word Case:Caixa da palavra:
@@ -6808,10 +7096,6 @@ Os seguintes dados estão faltando:
Add custom wordlistAdicionar lista de palavras personalizada
- character
- caractere
- CloseFechar
@@ -6918,6 +7202,22 @@ Tem certeza que deseja substitui-la?
Special CharactersCaracteres Especiais
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ Caracteres: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Caracteres excluídos: '0', '1', 'l', 'I', 'O', '|', '﹒', 'B', '8', 'G', '6'
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6985,6 +7285,21 @@ Tem certeza que deseja substitui-la?
Pressione &Tab entre os caracteres
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Nenhuma prévia disponível
+ Image format not supported
+ Formato de imagem não suportado
@@ -7663,10 +7978,6 @@ Tem certeza que deseja substitui-la?
Invalid word count %1Contador de palavra %1 inválido
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- A lista de palavras é muito pequena (<1000 itens)
- Title for the entry.Título para a entrada.
@@ -7811,10 +8122,6 @@ Tem certeza que deseja substitui-la?
Exit interactive mode.Sair do modo interativo.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formato usado ao exportar. Escolhas disponíveis são 'xml' ou 'csv'. O padrão é 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exportar o conteúdo do banco de dados para um padrão de saída no formato especificado.
@@ -8403,18 +8710,6 @@ Foi encontrada a versão %2.%3.%4
file emptyarquivo vazio
- malformed string
- sequência de caracteres malformada
- missing closing quote
- apóstrofo de fechamento ausente
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (linha, coluna) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8865,16 +9160,84 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Iterações KDF inválidas, não é possível descriptografar o arquivo jsonUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Formato não suportado, certifique-se de que sua exportação Bitwarden esteja protegida por senhaOnly PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Apenas PBKDF e Argon2 são suportados, não é possível descriptografar o arquivo json
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Redefinir Atalhos
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Clique duas vezes em uma ação para alterar seu atalho
+ Filter...
+ Filtro...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Conflito de Atalhos
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ O atalho %1 está em conflito com '%2'. Substituir o atalho?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Não é possível gerar senhas válidas porque a lista de palavras é muito curta
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Importar do Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Apagar dados do plugin?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Excluir dados do plugin da Entrada?Excluir dados do plugin da(s) Entrada(s)?Excluir dados do plugin da(s) Entrada(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Chave de acesso
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ iniciar minimizado na bandeja do sistema
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8922,7 +9285,7 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Parâmetros de download inválidos fornecidos.Command `%1` failed to download database.
@@ -8930,7 +9293,7 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ Ponteiro de banco de dados ou parâmetros de upload inválidos fornecidos.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
@@ -9007,6 +9370,10 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir dos relatórios
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLMostrar apenas entradas que tenham a URL
@@ -9023,36 +9390,33 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
(Expired) (Expirada)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Excluir dados de plugin da Entrada...Excluir dados de plugin(s) da(s) Entrada(s)...Excluir dados de plugin(s) da(s) Entrada(s)...
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Passe o mouse sobre o motivo para mostrar detalhes adicionais. Clique duas vezes nas entradas para editar.
+ Show expired entries
+ Mostrar entradas expiradas
- Bad
- Password quality
- Ruim
+ (Expired)
+ (Expirada)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Passe o mouse sobre o motivo para mostrar detalhes adicionais. Clique duas vezes nas entradas para editar.Bad — password must be changedRuim — a senha precisa ser mudada
- Poor
- Password quality
- Pobre
- Poor — password should be changedPobre — a senha precisa ser mudada
- Weak
- Password quality
- Fraco
- Weak — consider changing the passwordFraca — considere mudar a senha
@@ -9101,18 +9465,14 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir dos relatórios
- Show expired entries
- Mostrar entradas expiradas
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reportsMostrar entradas que foram excluídas dos relatórios
- (Expired)
- (Expirada)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9208,6 +9568,10 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir dos relatórios
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9449,6 +9813,14 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Nenhum agente em execução, não é possível listar identidades.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9734,29 +10106,6 @@ Essa opção está obsoleta; em vez disso, use --set-key-file.
Exportar para %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Clique duas vezes em uma ação para alterar seu atalho
- Shortcut Conflict
- Conflito de Atalhos
- Filter...
- Filtro...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- O atalho %1 está em conflito com '%2'. Substituir o atalho?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Redefinir Atalhos
@@ -10045,14 +10394,18 @@ Exemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedNenhuma chave física detectada
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Se você possui um <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ou <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, você pode usá-lo como uma segurança adicional.</p><p>A chave requer que um dos seus slots seja programado como <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysAtualizar chaves de hardware
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts
index d1d6d763c..f15877fe4 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit.
- O caminho do executável não existe ou não pode ser acedido. Deve verificar se a aplicação utilizada é legítima.
+ O caminho do executável não existente/acessível. Verifique se a aplicação utilizada é legítima.<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>está a solicitar acessos a estas entradas:</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>está a solicitar acesso a estas entradas:</p></body></html>Name
@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@
Use Pageant
- Usar Pageant
+ Utilizar "Pageant"Use OpenSSH
- Usar OpenSSH
+ Utilizar "OpenSSH"Use both agents
- Usar ambos os agentes
+ Utilizar ambos os agentesSSH_AUTH_SOCK override
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
SSH Agent connection is working!
- A ligação ao agente SSH está a funcionar!
+ A ligação ao agente SSH está funcional!
@@ -217,17 +217,49 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Tem que reiniciar a aplicação para aplicar o novo idioma. Reiniciar agora?
- Reset Settings?
- Repor definições?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Tem a certeza de que deseja repor todas as definições para os valores padrão?
- Select backup storage directory
- Selecione o diretório para a cópia de segurança
+ Selecione o diretório para o backup
+ Confirm Reset
+ Confirmação de reposição
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Tem a certeza de que pretende restaurar as definições padrão?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importar definições KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ %1 não é um ficheiro válido e não foi possível importar as definições.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Exportar definições KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Pequeno
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Médio
+ Large
+ Grande
+ Custom
+ Personalizado
@@ -246,7 +278,7 @@
Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup
- Iniciar o KeePassXC ao arrancar o sistema
+ Iniciar KeePassXC no arranque do sistema operativoMinimize window at application startup
@@ -266,7 +298,7 @@
Load previously open databases on startup
- Ao iniciar, carregar as últimas bases de dados utilizadas
+ Ao iniciar, carregar últimas bases de dados utilizadasRemember database key files and security dongles
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesIncluir versões beta ao procurar por atualizações
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Ao desbloquear a base de dados, mostrar entradas que
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- caducaram
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dias
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- irão caducar dentro de
- File ManagementGestão de ficheiros
@@ -321,24 +334,12 @@
Backup database file before saving
- Criar cópia de segurança da base de dados antes de guardar
- Backup destination
- Destino da cópia de segurança
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Especifica a localização para a cópia de segurança da base de dados. As ocorrências de "{DB_FILENAME}" serão substituídas pelo nome de ficheiro da base de dados exportada mas sem extensão. {TIME:<format>} será substituído pela hora da cópia de segurança. Consulte https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> Os valores padrão a utilizar serão "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
+ Criar backup da base de dados antes de guardar{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.antiga.kdbx
- Choose...
- Escolher…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Utilizar um método de guardar alternativo (pode resolver problemas com Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc)
@@ -377,7 +378,7 @@
Favicon download timeout:
- Tempo limite para descarregar o ícone de favoritos:
+ Tempo limite para descarregar os ícones:Website icon download timeout in seconds
@@ -430,19 +431,19 @@
Show a system tray icon
- Mostrar ícone na bandeja do sistema
+ Mostrar ícone na área de notificação do sistemaTray icon type
- Tipo de ícone na bandeja
+ Tipo de ícone na área de notificaçãoTray icon type:
- Ícone na bandeja:
+ Ícone na área de notificação:Hide window to system tray when minimized
- Ao minimizar, ocultar janela na bandeja do sistema
+ Ao minimizar, ocultar janela na área de notificação do sistemaReset settings to default…
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Memorizar última entrada digitada durante:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Ao desbloquear a base de dados, mostrar entradas que caduquem em
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Ao desbloquear a base de dados, mostrar entradas que caduquem em
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dias
+ Destination format:
+ Formato de destino:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> é substituido pelo nome de ficheiro da base de dados guardada, mas sem extensão</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> é substituido pelo formato de data/hora especificado (padrão: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Consulte o guia de utilizador para mais informações</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Escolha a pasta...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Mostrar diálogo de confirmação antes de mover entradas para a reciclagem
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Copiar dados ao clicar duas vezes no campo
+ Show toolbar
+ Mostrar barra de ferramentas
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Mostrar barra de menu ao premir a tecla ALT
+ Show menubar
+ Mostrar barra de menu
+ Import settings…
+ Importar definições...
+ Export settings…
+ Exportar definições...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Abrir navegador ao clicar duas vezes no campo URL
+ Font size:
+ Tamanho do tipo de letra:
+ Font size selection
+ Seleção do tamanho do tipo de letra
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -548,7 +614,7 @@
Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello)
- Ativar desbloqueio rápido da base de dados (Touch ID / Windows Hello)
+ Ativar desbloqueio rápido da base de dados (Touch ID/Windows Hello)Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelOcultar palavras-passe no painel de pré-visualização de entradas
- Hide entry notes by default
- Por definição, ocultar notas da entrada
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Mover entradas para a reciclagem sem confirmação
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Ativar duplo clique para copiar a entrada nome de utilizador/palavra-passe
- PrivacyPrivacidade
@@ -594,12 +648,24 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelOcultar TOTP no painel de pré-visualização
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Bloquear base de dados ao trocar de utilizador
+ Lock Options
+ Opções de bloqueio
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Ocultar notas no painel de pré-visualização
+ AutoTypeThe requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error:
- A sequência de escrita automática não pode ser utilizada por causa do seguinte erro:
+ A sequência de escrita automática não pode ser utilizada devido ao seguinte erro:Auto-Type Error
@@ -611,15 +677,15 @@
KeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC.
- KeePassXC necessita da permissão 'Acessibilidade' para poder executar a escrita automática. Se já concedeu esta permissão, pode ser necessário reiniciar a aplicação.
+ KeePassXC necessita da permissão 'Acessibilidade' para executar a escrita automática. Se já concedeu esta permissão, pode ser necessário reiniciar a aplicação.KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC.
- KeePassXC necessita das permissões 'Acessibilidade' e 'Gravador de ecrã' para poder executar a escrita automática. A permissão 'Gravador de ecrã' é necessária para associar o titulo da janela às entradas. Se já concedeu estas permissões, pode ser necessário reiniciar a aplicação.
+ KeePassXC necessita das permissões 'Acessibilidade' e 'Gravador de ecrã' para executar a escrita automática. A permissão 'Gravador de ecrã' é necessária para associar o titulo da janela às entradas. Se já concedeu estas permissões, pode ser necessário reiniciar a aplicação.Invalid entry provided
- Disponibilizada uma entrada inválida
+ Indicou uma entrada inválidaBracket imbalance detected, found extra { or }
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1A entrada não tem o atributo para PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Tipo de conversão inválido: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Sintaxe de conversão inválida: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Sintaxe de expressão regular inválida %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Marcador de posição inválido: %1
@@ -702,7 +754,7 @@
AutoTypePlatformX11Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on
- Sequência abortada: tecla de bloqueio de maiúsculas está ativa
+ Sequência abortada: Caps Lock está ativoSequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user
@@ -735,7 +787,7 @@ Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/>
Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/>
Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
<p>Pode utilizar a pesquisa avançada para localizar as entradas nas base de dados abertas. Os atalhos abaixo podem ser úteis:<br/>
-Ctrl+F - Alternar pesquisa nas bases de dados<br/>
+Ctrl+F - Comutar pesquisa nas bases de dados<br/>
Ctrl+1 - Escrever nome de utilizador<br/>
Ctrl+2 - Escrever palavra-passe<br/>
Ctrl+3 - Escrever TOTP<br/>
@@ -751,7 +803,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Utilizar teclado virtual (apenas Windows)</p>Type Sequence
- Escrever sequência
+ SequênciaCancel
@@ -947,7 +999,7 @@ Deseja substituir a chave existente?
A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received.
Do you want to delete the entry?
- Recebido um pedido para a eliminação da entrada "%1".
+ Recebido um pedido para eliminar a entrada "%1".
Deseja eliminar a entrada?
@@ -993,7 +1045,7 @@ Deseja eliminar a entrada?
KeePassXC - Update passkey
- KeePassXC - Atualizar a chave-mestra
+ KeePassXC - Atualizar chave-mestraEntry already has a passkey.
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Pretende substituir a chave-mestra em %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Ainda não existe suporte a navegadores no formato Snap
- Enable integration for these browsers:Ativar integração para estes navegadores:
@@ -1245,11 +1293,15 @@ Pretende substituir a chave-mestra em %1 - %2?
Allow using localhost with passkeys
- Permitir a utilização de localhost com chaves-mestras
+ Permitir utilização de "localhost" com chaves-mestrasKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
- É necessário o KeePassXC-Browser para que a integração do navegador de Internet funcione. <br />Descarregue-o para %1 e %2 e %3.
+ Requer KeePassXC-Browser para que a integração com o navegador de Internet funcione. <br />Descarregue-o para %1 e %2 e %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Com exceção do Firefox Snap, quaisquer navegadores instalados na forma de Snap ou Flatpak não são suportados.
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
Não selecionou um título de coluna e, assim, será difícil distinguir as entradas.
Tem a certeza de que pretende continuar com a importação?
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1456,7 +1512,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que pretende continuar com a importação?
Backup database located at %2%1
-Cópia de segurança da base de dados localizada em %2
+Backup localizada em %2
Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers.
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ Cópia de segurança da base de dados localizada em %2
Recycle BinReciclagem
+ Database file read error.
+ Erro de leitura do ficheiro da base de dados.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Não indicou o caminho do ficheiro.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1614,14 +1678,6 @@ Para impedir que este erro surja novamente, deve aceder a "Definições da
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Além de uma palavra-passe, pode utilizar um ficheiro secreto para melhorar a segurança da sua base de dados. Este ficheiro pode ser gerado nas definições de segurança da sua base de dados.</p><p>Este <strong>não</strong> é o seu ficheiro de base de dados *.kdbx!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Clique para adicionar um ficheiro-chave.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Eu tenho um ficheiro-chave</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Utilizar chave de hardware [Nº de série: %1]
@@ -1658,6 +1714,18 @@ Tem a certeza de que pretende continuar com este ficheiro?
Refresh Hardware KeysRecarregar chaves de hardware
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Clique para adicionar um ficheiro-chave.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Eu tenho um ficheiro-chave</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ A chave física foi encontrada mas não está configurada.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1692,10 +1760,22 @@ Tem a certeza de que pretende continuar com este ficheiro?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integração 'Secret Service'
+ Remote SyncSincronização remota
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Definições da base de dados: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1733,12 +1813,12 @@ Tem a certeza de que pretende continuar com este ficheiro?
Delete the selected key?
- Apagar chave selecionada?
+ Eliminar chave selecionada?Do you really want to delete the selected key?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.
- Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar a chave selecionada?
+ Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar a chave selecionada?
Esta ação pode impedir a ligação ao suplemento.
@@ -1899,7 +1979,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que deseja continuar?
Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features
- O formato não pode ser alterado. A base de dados utiliza recursos KDBX 4.
+ O formato não pode ser alterado: a base de dados utiliza recursos KDBX 4.Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format.
@@ -2049,7 +2129,7 @@ Se mantiver este número, a sua base de dados pode ser desbloqueada muito facilm
DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneralDatabase Metadata
- Meta-dados da base de dados
+ Metadados da base de dadosDatabase name:
@@ -2122,10 +2202,10 @@ Esta ação é irreversível.
the oldest history items of an entry will be
removed such that only the specified amount
of entries remain at most.
- Ao guardar esta definição ou editar uma entrada
-os itens mais antigos da história de uma entrada serão
-removidos de tal forma que apenas o número máximo especificado
-das entradas permanecem.
+ Ao guardar esta definição ou editar uma entrada,
+os itens mais antigos do histórico de uma entrada
+serão removidos e apenas o número máximo
+especificado das entradas permanecem.Limit the amount of history items per entry to:
@@ -2136,10 +2216,10 @@ das entradas permanecem.
the oldest history items of an entry will be
removed such that the remaining history items
add up to the specified amount at most.
- Ao guardar esta definição ou editar uma entrada
-os itens mais antigos da história de uma entrada serão
-removidos de tal forma que os itens de história restantes
-somam ao máximo do número especificado.
+ Ao guardar esta definição ou editar uma entrada,
+os itens mais antigos do histórico de uma entrada
+serão removidos de modo a que os itens de histórico
+sejam adicionados, no máximo, até ao valor especificado.Limit the total size of history items per entry to:
@@ -2175,6 +2255,50 @@ removidas da base de dados.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxAtraso para gravação automática após a última alteração da caixa de seleção
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Metadados públicos da base de dados
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Aviso: as definições seguintes não serão cifradas.
+ Display name:
+ Nome mostrado:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Nome mostrado no diálogo de desbloqueio
+ Database public display name
+ Nome público da base de dados:
+ Display color:
+ Cor mostrada:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Cor exibida no diálogo de desbloqueio
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Seletor de cores para a base de dados
+ Clear
+ Limpar
+ Display icon:
+ Ícone mostrado:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Selecione o ícone da base de dados
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2282,7 +2406,7 @@ removidas da base de dados.
Command Settings
- Definições de comando
+ Definições do comandoName
@@ -2302,11 +2426,11 @@ removidas da base de dados.
Download command field
- Campo de comando de descarregamento
+ Campo de comando de descargase.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
- por exemplo: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ por exemplo: "sftp user@hostname" ou "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
@@ -2314,15 +2438,15 @@ removidas da base de dados.
Download input field
- Campo de entrada para descarregar
+ Campo de entrada para descargasUpload
- Enviar
+ CarregarUpload command field
- Campo de comando de envio
+ Campo de comando para envioe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
@@ -2330,7 +2454,7 @@ removidas da base de dados.
Upload input field
- Campo de introdução de envio
+ Campo de introdução de carregamentoName cannot be empty.
@@ -2342,19 +2466,19 @@ removidas da base de dados.
Download command cannot be empty.
- O comando de descarregamento não pode estar vazio.
+ O comando de descarga não pode estar vazio.Download failed with error: %1
- O descarregamento falhou com o erro: %1
+ A descarga falhou com o erro: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
- O descarregamento foi concluído, mas não foi possível encontrar o ficheiro %1.
+ A descarga foi concluída, mas não foi possível encontrar o ficheiro %1.Download successful.
- Descarregamento bem sucedido.
+ Descarga efetuadaSave Remote Settings
@@ -2376,8 +2500,8 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
-{TEMP_DATABASE} é utilizado como espaço reservado para armazenar a base de dados numa localização temporária
-O comando tem que sair. No caso do `sftp` o último comando `exit` tem de ser enviado
+{TEMP_DATABASE} é utilizado como marcador de posição para guardar a base de dados numa localização temporária
+O comando tem que ser bem sucedido. No caso do 'sftp', o último comando 'exit' tem de ser enviado
@@ -2389,12 +2513,19 @@ exit
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
por exemplo:
-put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+coloque {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
-{TEMP_DATABASE} é utilizado como espaço reservado para armazenar a base de dados numa localização temporária
-O comando tem que sair. No caso do `sftp` o último comando `exit` tem de ser enviado
+{TEMP_DATABASE} é usado como espaço reservado para armazenar o banco de dados em um local temporário
+O comando tem que sair. No caso de `sftp` como último comando `exit` deve ser enviado
+ Timeout:
+ Tempo limite:
+ seconds
+ segundos
@@ -2473,7 +2604,7 @@ Existe aqui um erro que deve ser reportado aos programadores.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
- %1 [Temporário]
+ %1 [temporário]
@@ -2512,11 +2643,11 @@ Existe aqui um erro que deve ser reportado aos programadores.
Delete group
- Apagar grupo
+ Eliminar grupoDo you really want to delete the group "%1" for good?
- Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar permanentemente o grupo "%1"?
+ Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar permanentemente o grupo "%1"?Move group to recycle bin?
@@ -2598,26 +2729,6 @@ Guardar alterações?
File has changedFicheiro alterado
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- O ficheiro da base de dados foi alterado. Deseja carregar as alterações?
- Merge Request
- Pedido de combinação
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- A base de dados foi alterada e tem alterações não guardadas
-Deseja combinar as suas alterações?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Não foi possível abrir a nova base de dados durante o carregamento
-Erro: %1
- Disable safe saves?Desativar salvaguardas?
@@ -2646,7 +2757,7 @@ Desativar salvaguardas e tentar novamente?
Save database backup
- Guardar cópia de segurança da base de dados
+ Guardar backup da base de dadosEmpty recycle bin?
@@ -2654,11 +2765,11 @@ Desativar salvaguardas e tentar novamente?
Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?
- Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar permanentemente os itens da reciclagem?
+ Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar permanentemente os itens da reciclagem?Could not find database file: %1
- Não foi possível encontrar a base de dados: %1
+ Não foi possível encontrar o ficheiro da base de dados: %1New Database
@@ -2671,11 +2782,11 @@ Desativar salvaguardas e tentar novamente?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
- A sincronização remota não continha quaisquer comandos de descarregamento ou envio.
+ A sincronização remota não continha quaisquer comandos de descarga ou carregamento.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
- A sincronização remota '%1' foi concluída com êxito!
+ A sincronização remota '%1' foi concluída com sucesso!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
@@ -2691,7 +2802,7 @@ Desativar salvaguardas e tentar novamente?
- A enviar...
+ A carregar...Syncing...
@@ -2699,11 +2810,55 @@ Desativar salvaguardas e tentar novamente?
Remove passkey from entry
- Remover a chave-mestra da entrada
+ Remover chave-mestra da entradaDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
- Quer remover a chave-mestra desta entrada?
+ Deseja remover a chave-mestra desta entrada?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ O ficheiro da base de dados "%1" foi alterado externamente
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Deseja carregar as alterações?
+ Reload database
+ Recarregar base de dados
+ Reloading database…
+ A recarregar base de dados…
+ Reload canceled
+ Recarga cancelada
+ Reload successful
+ Recarga efetuada
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Recarga pendente de uma ação do utilizador…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ O ficheiro da base de dados "%1" foi alterado externamente.<br>Como pretende continuar?<br><br>Combinar todas as alterações<br>Ignorar alterações no disco até guardar<br>Descartar alterações não guardadas
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ O ficheiro da base de dados "%1" foi alterado externamente.<br>Como pretende continuar?<br><br>Combinar todas as alterações e guardar<br>Substituir alterações no disco<br>Descartar alterações não guardadas
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Ficheiro de base de dados substituído.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ O ficheiro da base de dados no disco não pode ser desbloqueado com as credenciais atuais.<br>Introduza as novas credenciais e/ou a chave de hardware para continuar.
@@ -2836,7 +2991,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
[PROTECTED] Press Reveal to view or edit
- [PROTEGIDO] Use o botão 'Mostrar' para ver ou editar
+ [PROTEGIDO] Utilize o botão 'Mostrar' para ver ou editarHide
@@ -2860,7 +3015,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
- Falha ao desencriptar a chave SSH, verifique se a palavra-passe está correta.
+ Falha ao decifrar a chave SSH, verifique se a palavra-passe está correta.
@@ -2903,7 +3058,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Toggle attribute protection
- Alternar proteção do atributo
+ Comutar proteção do atributoProtect
@@ -2923,7 +3078,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements.
- Se marcado, a entrada não aparecerá em relatórios como Health Check e HIBP, mesmo que não corresponda aos requisitos de qualidade.
+ Se ativa, a entrada não aparecerá em relatórios como Health Check e HIBP, mesmo que não corresponda aos requisitos de qualidade.Exclude from database reports
@@ -3033,18 +3188,10 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryIgnorar submissão automática para esta entrada
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Apenas enviar esta definição para o navegador em diálogos HTTP Auth. Se ativa, os formulários normais de acesso não mostrarão esta entrada para seleção.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthApenas utilizar esta entrada com HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Não enviar esta definição para o navegador em diálogos de HTTP Auth. Se ativa, as caixas de diálogo HTTP Auth não mostrarão esta entrada.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNão utilizar esta entrada com HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3067,7 +3214,15 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Additional URLs
- URLs adicionais
+ URL adicionais
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Enviar esta entrada ao navegador apenas para diálogos de autenticação HTTP. Se ativa, esta entrada não aparecerá nos formulários normais de autenticação.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Não enviar esta entrada ao navegador apenas para diálogos de autenticação HTTP. Se ativa, esta entrada não aparecerá nos de autenticação HTTP.
@@ -3094,19 +3249,19 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Delete selected history state
- Apagar estado do histórico selecionado
+ Eliminar estado do histórico selecionadoDelete
- Apagar
+ EliminarDelete all history
- Apagar todo o histórico
+ Eliminar todo o históricoDelete all
- Apagar tudo
+ Eliminar tudo
@@ -3145,7 +3300,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Download favicon for URL
- Descarregar ícone de um URL
+ Descarregar ícone deste URLTitle field
@@ -3157,7 +3312,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Toggle expiration
- Alternar caducidade
+ Comutar caducidadeTags list
@@ -3185,7 +3340,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Toggle notes visibility
- Alternar exibição das notas
+ Comutar exibição das notasT&ags:
@@ -3291,6 +3446,10 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
seconds segundos
+ Clear agent
+ Limpar agente
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3351,7 +3510,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Skip Auto-Submit for entries:
- Ignorar submissão automática para as entredas:
+ Ignorar submissão automática para as entradas:Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups
@@ -3387,7 +3546,7 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir?
Restrict matching to given browser key toggle for this and sub groups
- Restringir a correspondência a uma determinada chave do navegador para este e subgrupos
+ Restringir a correspondência a uma determinada chave do navegador para este e os seus subgrupos
@@ -3508,7 +3667,7 @@ As extensões suportadas são: %1.
Toggle expiration
- Alternar caducidade
+ Comutar caducidadeExpires:
@@ -3583,11 +3742,11 @@ As extensões suportadas são: %1.
Favicon URL
- URL do ícone de favoritos
+ URL do íconeDownload favicon for URL
- Descarregar ícone de um URL
+ Descarregar ícone deste URLDownload favicon
@@ -3619,7 +3778,7 @@ As extensões suportadas são: %1.
Unable to fetch favicon.
- Não foi possível obter o ícone de favoritos
+ Não foi possível obter o íconeExisting icon selected.
@@ -3710,12 +3869,12 @@ As extensões suportadas são: %1.
Delete plugin data?
- Apagar dados do suplemento?
+ Eliminar dados do suplemento?Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar os dados do suplemento?
+ Tem a certeza de que deseja Eliminar os dados do suplemento?
Esta ação pode implicar um funcionamento errático.
@@ -3737,6 +3896,20 @@ Esta ação pode implicar um funcionamento errático.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Tipo de conversão inválido: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Sintaxe de conversão inválida: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Sintaxe de expressão regular inválida %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3745,6 +3918,21 @@ Esta ação pode implicar um funcionamento errático.
Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulário
+ File name
+ Nome do ficheiro
+ File contents...
+ Conteúdo do ficheiro...
@@ -3782,14 +3970,6 @@ Esta ação pode implicar um funcionamento errático.
- Rename selected attachment
- Mudar nome do anexo selecioando
- Rename
- Mudar nome
- Open selected attachmentAbrir anexo selecionado
@@ -3906,6 +4086,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
O anexo "%1" já existe
Deseja substituir o anexo existente?
+ New
+ Novo
+ Preview
+ Pré-visualização
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Falha ao pré-visualizar: anexo não encontrado
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4104,6 +4296,10 @@ Deseja substituir o anexo existente?
Background ColorCor de fundo
+ Group Path
+ Caminho do grupo
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4413,7 +4609,7 @@ As suas palavras-passe e informações pessoais ficarão vulneráveis!
IconDownloaderDialogDownload Favicons
- Descarregar ícone de favoritos
+ Descarregar íconesCancel
@@ -4422,7 +4618,7 @@ As suas palavras-passe e informações pessoais ficarão vulneráveis!
Having trouble downloading icons?
You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings.
- Problemas para descarregar ícones?
+ Problemas ao descarregar os ícones?
Pode ativar o serviço DuckDuckGo na secção 'Segurança' das definições.
@@ -4459,7 +4655,7 @@ Pode ativar o serviço DuckDuckGo na secção 'Segurança' das defini
Downloading favicons (%1/%2)…
- A descarregar o ícone de favoritos (%1/%2)…
+ A descarregar o ícone (%1/%2)…
@@ -4499,6 +4695,14 @@ Pode ativar o serviço DuckDuckGo na secção 'Segurança' das defini
+ Could not load key file.
+ Não foi possível carregar o ficheiro-chave.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Não foi possível abrir a base de dados remota. Palavra-passe ou ficheiro-chave inválidos.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4602,6 +4806,50 @@ Pode ativar o serviço DuckDuckGo na secção 'Segurança' das defini
KeePass1 DatabaseBase de dados KeePass 1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Exportação JSON para Proton Pass
+ Temporary Database
+ Base de dados temporária
+ Command:
+ Comando:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ por exemplo: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Entrada:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ eexemplo:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} é utilizado como marcador de posição para guardar a base de dados numa localização temporária
+O comando tem que terminar (exit). No caso de `sftp` o último comando tem que ser `exit`.
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Base de dados remota (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5475,7 +5723,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que deseja utilizar este ficheiro?
&Delete Entry…
- Apagar entra&da…
+ Eliminar entra&da…&New Group…
@@ -5487,11 +5735,11 @@ Tem a certeza de que deseja utilizar este ficheiro?
&Delete Group…
- Apagar g&rupo…
+ Eliminar g&rupo…Download All &Favicons…
- Descarregar todos os ícones de &favoritos…
+ Descarregar &todos os ícones…Sort &A-Z
@@ -5551,7 +5799,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que deseja utilizar este ficheiro?
Download &Favicon
- Descarregar ícone de &favoritos
+ &Descarregar íconeOpen &URL
@@ -5631,11 +5879,11 @@ Tem a certeza de que deseja utilizar este ficheiro?
&Getting Started
- &Iniciação
+ &IntroduçãoOpen Getting Started Guide
- Abrir guia de iniciação
+ Abrir guia de introdução&Online Help
@@ -5655,7 +5903,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que deseja utilizar este ficheiro?
Save Database Backup…
- Guardar cópia de segurança da base de dados…
+ Guardar backup da base de dados…Add key to SSH Agent
@@ -5734,7 +5982,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que deseja utilizar este ficheiro?
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.
AVISO: está a utilizar uma versão instável do KeePassXC!
-Existe um risco elevado de corrupção de ficheiros. Deve criar uma cópia de segurança da base de dados.
+Existe um risco elevado de corrupção de ficheiros. Deve criar um backup da base de dados.
Esta versão não deve ser utilizada em ambientes de produção.
@@ -5742,12 +5990,6 @@ Esta versão não deve ser utilizada em ambientes de produção.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
AVISO: está a utilizar uma versão de testes do KeePassXC!
Pode encontrar erros graves e esta versão não deve ser utilizada em ambientes de produção.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- AVISO: a versão Qt do seu sistema pode causar o encerramento do KeePassXC se estiver a utilizar o teclado no ecrã (On-Screen Keyboard)!
-Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.No Tags
@@ -5775,7 +6017,7 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.
Toggle window
- Alternar janela
+ Comutar janelaQuit KeePassXC
@@ -5821,6 +6063,10 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.Import Passkey
Importar chave-mestra
+ Remote S&ync…
+ S&incronização remota...
+ Quit ApplicationSair da aplicação
@@ -5867,7 +6113,7 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.
Download All Favicons
- Descarregar todos os 'favicons'
+ Descarregar todos os íconesSort Groups A-Z
@@ -5925,6 +6171,10 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.Show Password Generator
Mostrar gerador de palavras-passe
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Remover a chave-mestra da entrada
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Executar escrita automática: {USERNAME}
@@ -6007,7 +6257,7 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.
Save Database Backup
- Guardar cópia de segurança da base de dados
+ Guardar backup da base de dadosSSH Agent: Add Key
@@ -6019,7 +6269,7 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.
Toggle Compact Mode
- Alternar "Modo compacto"
+ Comutar "Modo compacto"Set Theme: Automatic
@@ -6039,27 +6289,27 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.
Toggle Show Menubar
- Alternar mostrar barra de menus
+ Comutar "Mostrar barra de menus"Toggle Show Toolbar
- Alternar "Mostrar barra de ferramentas"
+ Comutar "Mostrar barra de ferramentas"Toggle Show Preview Panel
- Alternar "Mostrar painel de pré-visualização"
+ Comutar "Mostrar painel de pré-visualização"Toggle Always on Top
- Alternar "Sempre na frente"
+ Comutar "Sempre na frente"Toggle Hide Usernames
- Alternar "Ocultar nome de utilizador"
+ Comutar "Ocultar nome de utilizador"Toggle Hide Passwords
- Alternar "Ocultar palavras-passe"
+ Comutar "Ocultar palavras-passe"Export to XML
@@ -6067,20 +6317,36 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.
Toggle Allow Screen Capture
- Alternar "Permitir captura de ecrã"
+ Comutar "Permitir captura de ecrã"
- Remote S&ync…
- S&incronização remota...
+ Show Group Panel
+ Mostrar painel Grupo
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Remover a chave-mestra da entrada
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Comutar exibição do painel GrupoSetup Remote Sync…Configurar a sincronização remota…
+ Password Generator
+ Gerador de palavras-passe
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ E&xpirar entrada…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Limpar agente SSH
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Limpar todas as identidades no ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6156,7 +6422,7 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.
Changed deleted objects
- Objetos apagados alterados
+ Objetos elimnados alteradosAdding missing icon %1
@@ -6231,6 +6497,25 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.Preencha o nome e uma descrição adicional para a sua nova base de dados:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ O nome do anexo não pode estar vazio
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Já existe um anexo com este nome
+ Save attachment
+ Guardar anexo
+ New entry attachment
+ Anexo da nova entrada
@@ -6776,10 +7061,6 @@ Faltam os seguintes dados:
Also choose from:Escolher também de:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Caracteres excluídos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersExcluir caracteres semelhantes
@@ -6804,10 +7085,6 @@ Faltam os seguintes dados:
Word Count:Número de palavras:
- Character Count:
- Número de caracteres:
- Word Case:Tipo de letra:
@@ -6820,10 +7097,6 @@ Faltam os seguintes dados:
Add custom wordlistAdicionar lista personalizada
- character
- carácter
- CloseFechar
@@ -6930,6 +7203,22 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
Special CharactersCaracteres especiais
+ passwordLength
+ TamanhoPalavraPasse
+ Characters: %1
+ Caracteres: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Maiúsculas e minúsculas
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Caracteres excluídos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6943,7 +7232,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
Toggle Password (%1)
- Alternar palavra-passe (%1)
+ Comutar palavra-passe (%1)Generate Password (%1)
@@ -6979,7 +7268,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
Toggle password visibility using Control + H. Open the password generator using Control + G.
- Alterne a exibição da palavra-passe com Ctrl + H. Abra o gerador de palavras-passe com Ctrl + G.
+ Comutar exibição da palavra-passe com Ctrl + H. Abra o gerador de palavras-passe com Ctrl + G.
@@ -6997,6 +7286,21 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
Prima &Tab entre os caracteres
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Pré-visualizar anexo
+ No preview available
+ Pré-visualização indisponível
+ Image format not supported
+ Formato de imagem não suportado
@@ -7005,7 +7309,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
- Apagar
+ EliminarMove
@@ -7068,7 +7372,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
KeePassXC association failed, try again
- Não foi possível associar KeePassXC. Por favor tente novamente
+ Não foi possível associar o KeePassXC. Por favor tente novamenteEncryption key is not recognized
@@ -7675,10 +7979,6 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
Invalid word count %1Número de palavras inválido: %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- A lista de palavras é muito pequena (< 1000 itens)
- Title for the entry.Título para a entrada
@@ -7823,10 +8123,6 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir?
Exit interactive mode.Sair do modo interativo
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formato a utilizar para a exportação. As opções possíveis são 'xml' e 'csv'. Por definição, é utilizado o formato 'XML'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exporta o conteúdo da base de dados para o formato especificado
@@ -8065,7 +8361,7 @@ Comandos disponíveis:
Successfully deleted entry %1.
- A entrada %1 foi apagada
+ A entrada %1 foi eliminadaPath of the group to remove.
@@ -8081,7 +8377,7 @@ Comandos disponíveis:
Successfully deleted group %1.
- O grupo %1 foi apagado
+ O grupo %1 foi eliminadoFind entries quickly.
@@ -8415,18 +8711,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyficheiro vazio
- malformed string
- cadeira mal fomada
- missing closing quote
- carácter de fecho em falta
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (linha, coluna) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8543,7 +8827,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway?
- A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência. Deseja substituir a referência com valores, ignorar ou apagar a entrada?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referências. Deseja substituir as referências com valores, ignorar a entrada ou eliminar?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referências. Deseja substituir as referências com valores, ignorar a entrada ou eliminar?
+ A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência. Deseja substituir a referência com valores, ignorar ou eliminar?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referências. Deseja substituir as referências com valores, ignorar ou eliminar?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referências. Deseja substituir as referências com valores, ignorar ou eliminar?User name
@@ -8887,6 +9171,74 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json fileApenas existe suporte para PBKDF e Argon2. Não foi possível decifrar o ficheiro json.
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Repor atalhos
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Dois cliques na ação para alterar o atalho
+ Filter...
+ Filtro...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Conflito de atalhos
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ O atalho %1 está em conflito com '%2'. Substituir atalho?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Não foi possível gerar uma frase-chave válida porque a lista de palavras é pequena
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Os ficheiros cifrados não não suportados.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Importação de Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Eliminar dados do suplemento?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Eliminar dados do suplemento da entrada?Eliminar dados do suplemento das entradas?Eliminar dados do suplemento das entradas?
+ Passkey
+ Chave-mestra
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Formato a utilizar para a exportação. As escolhas possíveis são: 'xml', 'csv' e 'html'. Por omissão, é utilizado o formato 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ Iniciar minimizado na bandeja do sistema
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Etiquetas
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9019,6 +9371,10 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir dos relatórios
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expirar entrada...Expirar entradas...Expirar entradas...
+ Only show entries that have a URLMostrar apenas as entradas que tenham um URL
@@ -9035,36 +9391,33 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Eliminar dados do suplemento da entrada…Eliminar dados do suplemento das entradas…Eliminar dados do suplemento das entradas…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Passe com o rato pelo motivo para obter mais informação. Clique duas vezes na entrada para editar.
+ Show expired entries
+ Mostrar entradas caducadas
- Bad
- Password quality
- Má
+ (Expired)
+ (Caducadas)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Passe com o rato pelo motivo para obter mais informação. Clique duas vezes na entrada para editar.Bad — password must be changedMá - deve alterar a palavra-passe
- Poor
- Password quality
- Má
- Poor — password should be changedFraquinha - deve alterar a palavra-passe
- Weak
- Password quality
- Fraca
- Weak — consider changing the passwordFraca - considere alterar a palavra-passe
@@ -9113,18 +9466,14 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir dos relatórios
- Show expired entries
- Mostrar entradas caducadas
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expirar entrada...Expirar entradas...Expirar entradas...Show entries that have been excluded from reportsMostrar entradas que tenham sido excluídas dos relatórios
- (Expired)
- (Caducadas)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9220,6 +9569,10 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
Exclude from reportsExcluir dos relatórios
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Expirar entrada...Expirar entradas...Expirar entradas...
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9461,12 +9814,20 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
No agent running, cannot list identities.O agente não está em execução por isso não é possível listar as identidades.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Falha ao remover todas as identidades SSH do agente.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Todas as identidades SSH foram removidas do agente.
+ SearchHelpWidgetSearch Help
- Pesquisar na ajuda
+ Ajuda sobre pesquisasSearch terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["]
@@ -9525,7 +9886,7 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
Search Help
- Pesquisar na ajuda
+ Ajuda sobre pesquisasSave Search
@@ -9746,29 +10107,6 @@ Esta opção está obsoleta, em vez disso use --set-key-file.
Exportar para %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Dois cliques na ação para alterar o atalho
- Shortcut Conflict
- Conflito de atalhos
- Filter...
- Filtro...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- O atalho %1 está em conflito com '%2'. Substituir atalho?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Repor atalhos
@@ -9916,7 +10254,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Are you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry?
- Tem a certeza de que deseja remover as definições TOTP desta entrada?
+ Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar as definições TOTP desta entrada?
@@ -10056,14 +10394,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedNão foram detetadas chaves de hardware
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Se tiver uma <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ou <a href="https://onlykey.io">Only Key</a>, pode utilizá-la para mais segurança.</p><p>A chave requer que uma das suas ranhuras seja programada como <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysRecarregar chaves de hardware
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Se tiver uma <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ou <a href="https://onlykey.io">Only Key</a>, pode utilizar para manter uma segurança adicional.</p><p>A chave requer que uma das suas ranhuras seja programada como <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ A chave física foi encontrada mas não está configurada.
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts
index a6ec85ace..b9744cb6e 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts
@@ -218,18 +218,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Trebuie să reporniți aplicația pentru a seta noua limbă. Doriți să reporniți acum?
- Reset Settings?
- Resetare Setări?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Sigur resetați în mod implicit toate setările generale și de securitate ?
- Select backup storage directorySelectați directorul de stocare de backup
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -281,25 +313,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesIncludere versiuni beta la verificarea actualizărilor
- On database unlock, show entries that
- On database unlock, show entries that
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- au expirat
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- zile
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- va expira în termen de
- File ManagementGestionare fișiere
@@ -324,22 +337,10 @@
Backup database file before savingFă copie de rezervă fișierului bazei de date înainte de salvare
- Backup destination
- Destinație de backup
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Specifică locația fișierului de backup al bazei de date. Ocaziile "{DB_FILENAME}" sunt înlocuite cu numele de fișier al bazei de date salvate, fără extensie. {TIME:} se înlocuiește cu ora de salvare, a se vedea https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. Se utilizează în mod implicit șirul de formate "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Alegeți...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -506,6 +507,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Țineți minte ultima intrare introdusă pentru:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ zile
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -571,18 +637,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelAscunderea parolelor în panoul de previzualizare inregistrarii
- Hide entry notes by default
- Ascundere implicită notei inregistrarii
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Mutați intrările în coșul de reciclare fără confirmare
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Activați dublu clic pentru a copia coloanele de intrare nume de utilizator/parolă
- PrivacyConfidențialitate
@@ -595,6 +649,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelAscundeți TOTP în panoul de previzualizare a intrării
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -642,19 +708,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1
@@ -1022,10 +1075,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Browserele instalate ca snaps nu sunt acceptate momentan.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Activați integrarea pentru aceste browsere:
@@ -1249,6 +1298,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1400,6 +1453,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ Etichete
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1463,6 +1520,14 @@ Baza de date de rezervă localizată la %2
Recycle BinCoș de gunoi
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1676,6 @@ Pentru a preveni apariția acestei erori, trebuie să accesați „Setări baza
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>În plus față de o parolă, puteți utiliza un fișier secret pentru a spori securitatea bazei de date. Acest fișier poate fi generat în setările de securitate ale bazei dvs. de date.</p><p>Acesta<strong> nu este</strong> fișierul dvs. de bază de date *.kdbx!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1655,6 +1712,18 @@ Sunteți sigur că doriți să continuați cu acest fișier?.
Refresh Hardware KeysReîmprospătarea tastelor hardware
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1689,10 +1758,22 @@ Sunteți sigur că doriți să continuați cu acest fișier?.
+ KeeShare
+ De la KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integrarea serviciilor secrete
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2164,6 +2245,50 @@ eliminate din baza de date.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Golește
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2373,6 +2498,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ secunde
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2575,26 +2708,6 @@ Salvați modificările?
File has changedFișierul a fost modificat
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Fișierul bazei de date a fost modificat. Doriți să încărcați ultimele modificări?
- Merge Request
- Cerere îmbinare
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Fișierul bazei de date s-a modificat și aveți modificări nesalvate.
-Doriți să îmbinați modificările?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Imposibil de deschis noul fișier bază de date în timp ce încercați să autoreload.
-Eroare: %1
- Disable safe saves?Dezactivați salvarea sigură?
@@ -2682,6 +2795,50 @@ Dezactivați salvarea sigură și încercați din nou?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3009,18 +3166,10 @@ Doriți să o corectați?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entrySariți la Trimitere automată pentru această intrare
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Trimiteți această setare către browser numai pentru dialogurile de autentificare HTTP. Dacă este activată, formularele normale de autentificare nu vor afișa această intrare pentru selecție.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Nu trimiteți această setare către browser pentru dialogurile de autentificare HTTP. Dacă este activată, dialogurile de autentificare HTTP nu vor afișa această intrare pentru selecție.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3045,6 +3194,14 @@ Doriți să o corectați?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3267,6 +3424,10 @@ Doriți să o corectați?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3713,6 +3874,19 @@ Acest lucru poate provoca moduluri afectate la defecțiune.
PasskeyCheie de acces
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3721,6 +3895,21 @@ Acest lucru poate provoca moduluri afectate la defecțiune.
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formular
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3758,14 +3947,6 @@ Acest lucru poate provoca moduluri afectate la defecțiune.
Remove Înlătură
- Rename selected attachment
- Rename
- Open selected attachmentDeschideți atașamentul selectat
@@ -3877,6 +4058,18 @@ Error: %1
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Previzualizare
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4075,6 +4268,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4468,6 +4665,14 @@ Puteți activa serviciul pictogramelor site-ului web DuckDuckGo în secțiunea d
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4571,6 +4776,44 @@ Puteți activa serviciul pictogramelor site-ului web DuckDuckGo în secțiunea d
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5711,13 +5954,6 @@ Această versiune nu este destinată utilizării în producție.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- AVERTISMENT: Versiunea dvs. de Qt poate cauza blocarea KeePassXC cu o tastatură pe ecran.
-Vă recomandăm să folosiți AppImage disponibil pe pagina noastră de descărcări.
- No TagsFără etichete
@@ -5790,6 +6026,10 @@ Vă recomandăm să folosiți AppImage disponibil pe pagina noastră de descărc
Import PasskeyImportare cheie de acces
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5894,6 +6134,10 @@ Vă recomandăm să folosiți AppImage disponibil pe pagina noastră de descărc
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6039,17 +6283,33 @@ Vă recomandăm să folosiți AppImage disponibil pe pagina noastră de descărc
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Generator de parole
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6200,6 +6460,25 @@ Vă recomandăm să folosiți AppImage disponibil pe pagina noastră de descărc
Vă rugăm să completați numele afișat și o descriere opțională pentru noua bază de date:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Salvează atașament
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6743,10 +7022,6 @@ Următoarele date lipsesc:
Also choose from:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Caractere excluse: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "."
- Exclude look-alike charactersExclude caractere asemănătoare
@@ -6771,10 +7046,6 @@ Următoarele date lipsesc:
Word Count:Număr cuvinte:
- Character Count:
- Word Case:Registrul cuvântelor
@@ -6787,10 +7058,6 @@ Următoarele date lipsesc:
Add custom wordlist
- character
- CloseÎnchide
@@ -6896,6 +7163,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersCaractere speciale
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6963,6 +7246,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7641,10 +7939,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Număr de cuvinte nevalide %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Lista de cuvinte este prea mică (<1000 de articole)
- Title for the entry.Titlu pentru intrare.
@@ -7789,10 +8083,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Ieșiți din modul interactiv.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exportă conținutul unei baze de date până la ieșirea standard în formatul specificat.
@@ -8380,18 +8670,6 @@ Nucleu (Kernel): %3 %4
file emptyfișier gol
- malformed string
- șir incorect
- missing closing quote
- lipsă citat de închidere
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- % 1: (rând, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-biți
@@ -8851,6 +9129,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Ștergeți datele modulului?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Cheie de acces
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Etichete
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8983,6 +9329,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLAfișați numai intrările care au un URL
@@ -8999,36 +9349,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Treceți peste motiv pentru a afișa detalii suplimentare. Faceți dublu clic pe intrări pentru a le edita.
+ Show expired entries
+ Afișați intrările expirate
- Bad
- Password quality
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Treceți peste motiv pentru a afișa detalii suplimentare. Faceți dublu clic pe intrări pentru a le edita.
+ Bad — password must be changed
- Poor
- Password quality
- Inacceptabil
- Poor — password should be changed
- Weak
- Password quality
- Slab
- Weak — consider changing the password
@@ -9077,18 +9424,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports
- Show expired entries
- Afișați intrările expirate
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9184,6 +9527,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9425,6 +9772,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9710,29 +10065,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Export în %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -9946,7 +10278,7 @@ Exemplu: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Open Database
- Deschideți baza de date
+ Deschideți o bază de dateImport File
@@ -10022,12 +10354,16 @@ Exemplu: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ Reîmprospătarea tastelor hardware
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keys
- Reîmprospătarea tastelor hardware
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts
index 5c78532cf..a6816c8c7 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Необходимо перезапустить приложение, чтобы установить новый язык. Перезапустить сейчас?
- Reset Settings?
- Сбросить параметры?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Действительно сбросить все общие параметры и параметры безопасности к значениям, заданным по умолчанию?
- Select backup storage directoryВыбрать папку для резервной копии
+ Confirm Reset
+ Подтвердить сброс
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Сбросить все параметры по умолчанию?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Импортировать настройки KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Не удалось импортировать настройки из %1, не корректный файл настроек.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Экспортировать настройки KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Маленький
+ Normal
+ Обычный
+ Medium
+ Средний
+ Large
+ Большой
+ Custom
+ Пользовательский
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesВключить в проверку обновлений бета-релизы
- On database unlock, show entries that
- При разблокировке базы данных показывать записи, которые
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- истекли
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- дней
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- истекают в течение
- File ManagementУправление файлами
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingСоздавать резервную копию базы данных перед сохранением
- Backup destination
- Путь к резервной копии
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Указывает местоположение файла резервной копии базы данных. Встречающиеся «{DB_FILENAME}» заменяются именем файла сохранённой базы данных без расширения. {TIME:<format>} заменяется временем резервного копирования, см. https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> использует строку формата «дд_ММ_ггг_чч-мм-сс».
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Выбрать...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Использовать альтернативный метод хранения (может решить проблемы с Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS и т.д.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Запомнить последнюю введённую запись для:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ При разблокировке базы данных показать записи, срок действия которых истекает в течение
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ При разблокировке базы данных показать записи, срок действия которых истекает в течение
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ дн.
+ Destination format:
+ Формат назначения:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span>заменяется именем файла сохраненной базы данных без расширения</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span>заменяется на указанный формат времени (по умолчанию: dd_MM_yyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Подробнее см. в руководстве пользователя</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Выбрать папку...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Показывать подтверждение перед перемещением записей в корзину
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Копировать данные при двойном щелчке на поле в режиме просмотра записи
+ Show toolbar
+ Отображать панель инструментов
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Отобразить меню при нажатии клавишу Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Отображать меню
+ Import settings…
+ Импортировать настройки...
+ Export settings…
+ Экспортировать настройки...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Открывать URL-адрес в браузере при двойном щелчке по столбцу в режиме просмотра записей
+ Font size:
+ Размер шрифта:
+ Font size selection
+ Выбор размера шрифта
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelСкрывать пароли в панели предварительного просмотра записи
- Hide entry notes by default
- По умолчанию скрывать заметки к записи
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Переместить записи в корзину без подтверждения
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Разрешить копирование столбцов записей имени пользователя и пароля по двойному щелчку
- PrivacyКонфиденциальность
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelСкрыть TOTP на панели предварительного просмотра записей
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Блокировать базы данных при переключении пользователя
+ Lock Options
+ Параметры блокировки
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Скрыть заметки на панели предпросмотра
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Запись не имеет атрибута PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Недопустимый тип преобразования: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Недопустимый синтаксис преобразования: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Недопустимый синтаксис регулярного выражения %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Недопустимый заполнитель: %1
@@ -1023,10 +1075,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Браузеры, установленные в виде snap-пакетов, в настоящее время не поддерживаются.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Включить интеграцию для браузеров:
@@ -1248,7 +1296,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Для интеграции с браузерами требуется KeePassXC-Browser. <br />Загрузите его для %1 и %2 и %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Браузеры, установленные с помощью Snap или Flatpak, не поддерживаются, за исключением Firefox, установленного с помощью Snap.
@@ -1402,6 +1454,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
Не выбрано название столбца, записи будет трудно различить.
Хотите импортировать?
+ Tags
+ Теги
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1465,6 +1521,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle BinКорзина
+ Database file read error.
+ Ошибка чтения файла базы данных.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Не указан путь к файлу.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1613,14 +1677,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Кроме пароля, вы можете использовать секретный файл для усиления безопасности вашей базы данных. Этот файл может быть сгенерирован в настройках безопасности вашей базы данных. </p><p>Это <strong>не</strong> ваш файл базы данных *.kdbx!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Нажмите, чтобы добавить файл-ключ.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">У меня есть файл-ключ</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Использовать аппаратный ключ [Серийный номер: %1]
@@ -1657,6 +1713,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware KeysОбновить аппаратные ключи
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Нажмите, чтобы добавить файл-ключ.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">У меня есть файл-ключ</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Аппаратные ключи найдены, но ни один слот не настроен.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1691,10 +1759,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Интеграция с секретной службой
+ Remote SyncУдалённая синхронизация
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Параметры базы данных: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2174,6 +2254,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxЗадержка автосохранения с последнего изменения галочки
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Метаданные публичной базы данных
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Внимание: следующие параметры не зашифрованы.
+ Display name:
+ Отображаемое имя:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Публичное отображаемое имя, используемое в диалоге разблокировки
+ Database public display name
+ Публичное имя базы данных
+ Display color:
+ Отображаемый цвет:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Публично видимый цвет, используемый в диалоге разблокировки
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Выбор цвета для публичного отображения базы данных
+ Clear
+ Очистить
+ Display icon:
+ Отображаемый значок:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Выбрать значок базы данных
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2325,7 +2449,7 @@ removed from the database.
e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
- Напимер: "sftp user@hostname" или "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ Например: "sftp user@hostname" или "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input field
@@ -2395,6 +2519,14 @@ exit
Команда должна завершиться. В случае с `sftp` в качестве последней команды необходимо отправить `exit`.
+ Timeout:
+ Таймаут:
+ seconds
+ сек
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2597,26 +2729,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedФайл изменён
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Файл базы данных был изменён. Загрузить изменения?
- Merge Request
- Запрос на слияние
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- База данных была изменена, есть несохранённые изменения.
-Объединить изменения?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Не удалось открыть новый файл базы данных при попытке автоматически загрузить повторно.
-Ошибка: %1
- Disable safe saves?Отключить безопасное сохранение?
@@ -2704,6 +2816,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Удалить passkey из этой записи?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Файл базы данных "%1" был изменен извне
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Вы хотите загрузить изменения?
+ Reload database
+ Перезагрузить базу данных
+ Reloading database…
+ Перезагрузка базы данных...
+ Reload canceled
+ Перезагрузка отменена
+ Reload successful
+ Перезагрузка завершена
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Перезагрузка в ожидании действия пользователя...
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Файл базы данных "%1" был изменен извне.<br>Как вы хотите поступить?<br><br>Объединить все изменения<br>Игнорировать изменения на диске до сохранения<br>Отменить несохраненные изменения
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Файл базы данных "%1" был изменен извне.<br>Как вы хотите поступить?<br><br>Объединить все изменения и сохранить<br>Перезаписать изменения на диске<br>Отменить несохраненные изменения
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Файл базы данных перезаписан.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Файл базы данных на диске не может быть разблокирован с текущими учетными данными.<br>Введите новые учетные данные и/или используйте аппаратный ключ для продолжения.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3031,18 +3187,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryНе использовать автоматическую отправку данных форм для этой записи
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Отправлять эту настройку только браузерным диалогам для диалогов HTTP Auth. Если включено, обычные формы авторизации не покажут запись среди вариантов выбора.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthИспользовать эту запись только при обычной проверке подлинности HTTP
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Не отправлять эту настройку в браузер для диалогов HTTP Auth. Если включено, данные диалоги не покажутся для этой записи для выбора.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthНе использовать эту запись для базовой HTTP-авторизации
@@ -3067,6 +3215,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLsДополнительные URL-адреса
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Отправлять эту запись только браузерным диалогам HTTP Auth. Если включено, обычные формы авторизации не покажут запись среди вариантов выбора.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Не отправлять эту запись браузерным диалогам HTTP Auth. Если включено, в этих диалогах не будет выбора данной записи.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3289,6 +3445,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds с
+ Clear agent
+ Очистить агент
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3735,12 +3895,41 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Недопустимый тип преобразования: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Недопустимый синтаксис преобразования: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Недопустимый синтаксис регулярного выражения %1
+ EntryAttachmentsCannot open file "%1"
- Не удалось открыть файл «%1»
+ Не удалось открыть файл "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Форма
+ File name
+ Имя файла
+ File contents...
+ Содержимое файла...
@@ -3780,14 +3969,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Переименовать выбранное вложение
- Rename
- Переименовать
- Open selected attachmentОткрыть выбранное вложение
@@ -3905,6 +4086,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Вложение «%1» уже существует.
Перезаписать существующее вложение?
+ New
+ Новый
+ Preview
+ Просмотр
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Не удалось просмотреть вложение: Вложение не найдено
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4103,6 +4296,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background ColorЦвет фона
+ Group Path
+ Путь группы
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4497,6 +4694,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Не удалось загрузить файл-ключ.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Не удалось открыть удаленную базу данных. Пароль или файл-ключ могут быть неверными.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4600,6 +4805,50 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseБаза данных KeePass1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Экспорт из Proton Pass в JSON
+ Temporary Database
+ Временная база данных
+ Command:
+ Команда:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Например: "sftp user@hostname" или "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Ввод:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Например:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} используется в качестве заполнителя для хранения базы данных во временном месте.
+Команда должна завершиться. В случае с `sftp` в качестве последней команды необходимо отправить `exit`.
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Удалённая база данных (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5690,11 +5939,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Show Toolbar
- Показать панель инструментов
+ Отображать панель инструментовShow Preview Panel
- Показать панель предварительного просмотра
+ Отображать панель предпросмотраAlways on Top
@@ -5741,12 +5990,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
ВНИМАНИЕ: вы используете бета-версию KeePassXC!
В ней возможны ошибки и небольшие проблемы, она предназначена для тестирования.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- ВНИМАНИЕ: ваша версия Qt может привести к сбоям KeePassXC при работе с экранной клавиатурой.
-Рекомендуется использовать AppImage с нашей страницы загрузок.No Tags
@@ -5820,6 +6063,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import PasskeyИмпорт Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Удаленная с&инхронизация…
+ Quit ApplicationЗакрыть приложение
@@ -5924,6 +6171,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password GeneratorОткрыть генератор паролей
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Удалить passkey из записи
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Автоматический ввод: {USERNAME}
@@ -6069,17 +6320,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Разрешить скриншоты
- Remote S&ync…
- Удаленная с&инхронизация…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Отображать панель групп
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Удалить passkey из записи
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Отображать панель группSetup Remote Sync…Настройка удаленной синхронизации…
+ Password Generator
+ Генератор паролей
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ И&стекает запись...
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Очистить SSH-агент
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Очистить все идентификаторы в ssh-агенте
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6230,6 +6497,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Заполните отображаемое имя и, при желании, описание новой базы данных:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Имя вложения не может быть пустым
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Вложение с таким же именем уже существует
+ Save attachment
+ Сохранить вложение
+ New entry attachment
+ Новое вложение записи
@@ -6775,10 +7061,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Дополнительные символы:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Исключить символы: «0», «1», «l», «I», «O», «|», «﹒»
- Exclude look-alike charactersНе использовать визуально схожие символы
@@ -6803,10 +7085,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Количество слов:
- Character Count:
- Количество символов:
- Word Case:Регистр слов:
@@ -6819,10 +7097,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistДобавить свой словарь
- character
- символ
- CloseЗакрыть
@@ -6929,6 +7203,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersСпециальные символы
+ passwordLength
+ Длина пароля
+ Characters: %1
+ Символы: %1
+ MIXED case
+ СМЕШАННЫЙ регистр
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Исключить символы: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6996,6 +7286,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Нажимать &Tab между символами
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Предварительный просмотр вложения записи
+ No preview available
+ Предварительный просмотр недоступен
+ Image format not supported
+ Формат изображения не поддерживается
@@ -7674,10 +7979,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Количество неверных слов: %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Словарь слишком маленький (< 1000 слов)
- Title for the entry.Название записи.
@@ -7822,10 +8123,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Покинуть интерактивный режим.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Выбор формата файла для экспорта. Возможные варианты: XML (по умолчанию) или CSV.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Экспорт базы данных в заданном формате на устройство стандартного вывода.
@@ -8414,18 +8711,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyпустой файл
- malformed string
- неправильная строка
- missing closing quote
- отсутствует закрывающая кавычка
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (строка, столбец) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 бит
@@ -8886,6 +9171,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json fileПоддерживаются только PBKDF и Argon2, невозможно расшифровать json-файл
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Сброс комбинаций
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Дважды щелкните по действию, чтобы изменить его комбинацию
+ Filter...
+ Фильтр...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Конфликт комбинации
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Комбинация клавиш %1 конфликтует с '%2'. Перезаписать комбинацию?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Не удалось создать правильную парольную фразу, список слов слишком короткий
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Зашифрованные файлы не поддерживаются.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Импорт из Proton Pass
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Удалить данные модулей?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Удалить данные плагина из записи?Удалить данные плагина из записей?Удалить данные плагина из записей?Удалить данные плагина из записей?
+ Passkey
+ Ключ доступа
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Формат, который будет использоваться при экспорте. Доступны следующие варианты: 'xml', 'csv' или 'html'. По умолчанию используется 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ запустить скрыв в системном трее
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ некорректная строка, возможно, неэкранированный разделитель
+ missing closing delimiter
+ отсутствует закрывающий разделитель
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1, строка: %2, столбец: %3
+ Tags
+ Теги
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9018,6 +9371,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИсключить из отчётов
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Истекает запись...Истекают записи...Истекает записей...Истекает записей...
+ Only show entries that have a URLПоказывать только записи с URL-адресом
@@ -9034,36 +9391,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Удалить данные плагина из записи...Удалить данные плагина из записей..Удалить данные плагина из записей..Удалить данные плагина из записей..
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Наведите курсор, чтобы просмотреть дополнительные сведения. Для редактирования записи дважды щёлкните левой кнопкой мыши.
+ Show expired entries
+ Показать просроченные записи
- Bad
- Password quality
- Плохой
+ (Expired)
+ (Истекший)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Наведите курсор, чтобы просмотреть дополнительные сведения. Для редактирования записи дважды щёлкните левой кнопкой мыши.Bad — password must be changedПлохой — пароль должен быть изменён
- Poor
- Password quality
- Слабый
- Poor — password should be changedСлабый — пароль следует изменить
- Weak
- Password quality
- Очень слабый
- Weak — consider changing the passwordОчень слабый — пароль желательно изменить
@@ -9112,18 +9466,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИсключить из отчётов
- Show expired entries
- Показать просроченные записи
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Истекает запись...Истекают записи...Истекает записей...Истекает записей...Show entries that have been excluded from reportsПоказать записи, которые были исключены из отчетов
- (Expired)
- (Истекший)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9219,6 +9569,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИсключить из отчётов
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Истекает запись...Истекают записи...Истекает записей...Истекает записей...
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9460,6 +9814,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Агент не запущен, идентификационные данные недоступны.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Ошибка при удалении всех SSH-идентификаторов из агента
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Все SSH-идентификаторы удалены из агента.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9745,29 +10107,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Экспорт в %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Дважды щелкните по действию, чтобы изменить его комбинацию
- Shortcut Conflict
- Конфликт комбинации
- Filter...
- Фильтр...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Комбинация клавиш %1 конфликтует с '%2'. Перезаписать комбинацию?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Сброс комбинаций
@@ -10055,14 +10394,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedАппаратные ключи не обнаружены
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Если у вас есть <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> или <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, его можно использовать для дополнительной безопасности.</p><p>Для работы ключа необходимо, чтобы один из его слотов был запрограммирован как <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">вызов-ответ HMAC-SHA1</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysОбновить аппаратные ключи
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Если у вас есть <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> или <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, его можно использовать как дополнительную защиту.</p><p>Для работы ключа необходимо, чтобы один из его слотов был запрограммирован как <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">вызов-ответ</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Аппаратные ключи найдены, но ни один слот не настроен.
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts
index e599421b0..ed896116f 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?නව භාෂාව සැකසීමට ඔබ යෙදුම නැවත ආරම්භ කළ යුතුය. ඔබ දැන් නැවත ආරම්භ කිරීමට කැමතිද?
- Reset Settings?
- සැකසුම් යළි සකසන්නද?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- ඔබට සියලු සාමාන්ය සහ ආරක්ෂක සැකසුම් පෙරනිමියට යළි පිහිටුවීමට අවශ්ය බව විශ්වාසද?
- Select backup storage directoryඋපස්ථ ගබඩා නාමාවලිය තෝරන්න
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesයාවත්කාලීන සඳහා පරීක්ෂා කිරීමේදී බීටා නිකුතු ඇතුළත් කරන්න
- On database unlock, show entries that
- දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හැරීමේදී, එම ඇතුළත් කිරීම් පෙන්වන්න
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ඉකුත් වී ඇත
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- දවස්
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- ඉකුත් වීම
- File Managementගොනු කළමනාකරණය
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingසුරැකීමට පෙර දත්තසමුදාය උපස්ථ කරන්න
- Backup destination
- උපස්ථ ස්ථානය
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- දත්ත සමුදා උපස්ථ ගොනු ස්ථානය සඳහන් කරයි. "{DB_FILENAME}" සිදුවීම් දිගුවකින් තොරව සුරකින ලද දත්ත සමුදායේ ගොනු නාමයෙන් ප්රතිස්ථාපනය වේ. {TIME:<format>} උපස්ථ කාලය සමඟ ප්රතිස්ථාපනය වේ, https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString බලන්න. පෙළ "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss"ආකෘතිකරණය කිරීමට පෙරනිමි <format> ක්.
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- තෝරන්න...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)විකල්ප ඉතිරි කිරීමේ ක්රමයක් භාවිතා කරන්න (ඩ්රොප්බොක්ස්, ගූගල් ඩ්රයිව්, ජීවීඑෆ්එස්, ආදිය සමඟ ගැටලු විසඳා ගත හැක)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:අවසන් වරට ටයිප් කළ ප්රවේශය මතක තබා ගන්න:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ දවස්
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelඇතුල්වීමේ පෙරදසුන් පැනලයේ මුරපද සඟවන්න
- Hide entry notes by default
- ප්රවේශ සටහන් පෙරනිමියෙන් සඟවන්න
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- තහවුරු කිරීමකින් තොරව ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ප්රතිචක්රීකරණ බඳුනට ගෙන යන්න
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- පරිශීලක නාමය/මුරපද ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ තීරු පිටපත් කිරීමට ද්විත්ව ක්ලික් කිරීම සබල කරන්න
- Privacyරහස්යතාව
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1ප්රවේශයට PICKCHARS සඳහා ගුණාංග නොමැත: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- වලංගු නොවන පරිවර්තන වර්ගය: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- අවලංගු පරිවර්තන වාක්ය ඛණ්ඩය: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- වලංගු නොවන නිත්ය ප්රකාශන වාක්ය ඛණ්ඩ %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1වලංගු නොවන ස්ථාන දරණ: %1
@@ -1022,10 +1074,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- ස්නැප් ලෙස ස්ථාපනය කර ඇති බ්රව්සර් දැනට සහය නොදක්වයි.
- Enable integration for these browsers:මෙම බ්රව්සර් සඳහා ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සබල කරන්න:
@@ -1249,6 +1297,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1400,6 +1452,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ අනන්යන
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1463,6 +1519,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Binප්රතිචක්රීකරණ බඳුන
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1675,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1651,6 +1707,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1685,10 +1753,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ රහස් සේවා ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2159,6 +2239,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ පැහැදිලිව
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2368,6 +2492,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ තත්පර
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2570,26 +2702,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedගොනුව වෙනස් වී ඇත
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව වෙනස් වී ඇත. ඔබට වෙනස්කම් පූරණය කිරීමට අවශ්යද?
- Merge Request
- ඒකාබද්ධ ඉල්ලීම
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව වෙනස් වී ඇති අතර ඔබට නොසුරකින ලද වෙනස්කම් ඇත.
-ඔබට ඔබගේ වෙනස්කම් ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමට අවශ්යද?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- ස්වයංක්රීයව පූරණය කිරීමට උත්සාහ කරන අතරතුර නව දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව විවෘත කිරීමට නොහැකි විය.
-දෝෂය: %1
- Disable safe saves?ආරක්ෂිත සුරැකුම් අබල කරන්නද?
@@ -2677,6 +2789,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3005,18 +3161,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryමෙම ප්රවේශය සඳහා ස්වයංක්රීය ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම මඟ හරින්න
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- HTTP Auth සංවාද සඳහා පමණක් මෙම සැකසුම බ්රවුසරයට යවන්න. සබල කර ඇත්නම්, සාමාන්ය පිවිසුම් පෝරම තේරීම සඳහා මෙම ප්රවේශය නොපෙන්වයි.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Authමෙම ප්රවේශය HTTP Basic Auth සමඟ පමණක් භාවිතා කරන්න
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- HTTP Auth සංවාද සඳහා මෙම සැකසුම බ්රවුසරයට නොයවන්න. සබල කර ඇත්නම්, HTTP Auth සංවාද තේරීම සඳහා මෙම ප්රවේශය නොපෙන්වයි.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthHTTP Basic Auth සමඟ මෙම ප්රවේශය භාවිතා නොකරන්න
@@ -3041,6 +3189,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3263,6 +3419,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds තත්පර
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3709,6 +3869,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ වලංගු නොවන පරිවර්තන වර්ගය: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ අවලංගු පරිවර්තන වාක්ය ඛණ්ඩය: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ වලංගු නොවන නිත්ය ප්රකාශන වාක්ය ඛණ්ඩ %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3717,6 +3891,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
"%1"ගොනුව විවෘත කළ නොහැක
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ පෝරමය
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3754,14 +3943,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- තෝරාගත් ඇමුණුම නැවත නම් කරන්න
- Rename
- නැවත නම් කරන්න
- Open selected attachmentතෝරාගත් ඇමුණුම විවෘත කරන්න
@@ -3877,6 +4058,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
ඇමුණුම "%1" දැනටමත් පවතී.
පවතින ඇමුණුම උඩින් ලිවීමට ඔබ කැමතිද?
+ New
+ Preview
+ පෙරදසුන
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4075,6 +4268,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4470,6 +4667,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4573,6 +4778,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5713,12 +5956,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
සටහන: ඔබ KeePassXC හි පූර්ව නිකුතුවක් භාවිතා කරයි.
සමහර දෝෂ සහ සුළු ගැටළු බලාපොරොත්තු වන්න, මෙම අනුවාදය පරීක්ෂණ අරමුණු සඳහා අදහස් කෙරේ.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- අවවාදයයි: ඔබේ Qt අනුවාදය KeePassXC තිරයේ යතුරු පුවරුවක් සමඟ බිඳ වැටීමට හේතු විය හැක.
-අපගේ බාගැනීම් පිටුවේ ඇති AppImage භාවිතා කිරීමට අපි ඔබට නිර්දේශ කරමු.No Tags
@@ -5792,6 +6029,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5896,6 +6137,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6041,17 +6286,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6202,6 +6463,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
කරුණාකර ඔබගේ නව දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා සංදර්ශක නාමය සහ විකල්ප විස්තරයක් පුරවන්න:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6743,10 +7023,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:මේවායින් ද තෝරන්න:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- බැහැර කළ අක්ෂර: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "-"
- Exclude look-alike charactersපෙනුමට සමාන අක්ෂර බැහැර කරන්න
@@ -6771,10 +7047,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:වචන ගණන:
- Character Count:
- අක්ෂර ගණන:
- Word Case:වචන නඩුව:
@@ -6787,10 +7059,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistඅභිරුචි වචන ලැයිස්තුව එක් කරන්න
- character
- ස්වභාවය
- Closeවසන්න
@@ -6897,6 +7165,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Charactersවිශේෂ චරිත
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6964,6 +7248,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
අක්ෂර අතර ටැබ් ඔබන්න
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7642,10 +7941,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1වලංගු නොවන වචන ගණන %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- වචන ලැයිස්තුව කුඩා වැඩියි (අයිතම< 1000)
- Title for the entry.ඇතුල්වීම සඳහා මාතෘකාව.
@@ -7790,10 +8085,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.අන්තර්ක්රියාකාරී මාදිලියෙන් පිටවන්න.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- අපනයනය කිරීමේදී භාවිතා කළ යුතු ආකෘතිය. පවතින තේරීම් 'xml' හෝ 'csv'වේ. පෙරනිමිය 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.දත්ත සමුදායක අන්තර්ගතය නියමිත ආකෘතියේ සම්මත ප්රතිදානයට අපනයනය කරයි.
@@ -8382,18 +8673,6 @@ CPU ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පය: %2
file emptyගොනුව හිස්
- malformed string
- විකෘති තන්තුව
- missing closing quote
- අවසන් උපුටා දැක්වීම අතුරුදහන්
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (පේළිය, කොල්) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8853,6 +9132,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ ප්ලගින දත්ත මකන්නද?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ අනන්යන
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8985,6 +9332,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsවාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කරන්න
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -9001,36 +9352,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- අමතර විස්තර පෙන්වීමට හේතුව මත සැරිසරන්න. සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ද්විත්ව ක්ලික් කරන්න.
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- නරක
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ අමතර විස්තර පෙන්වීමට හේතුව මත සැරිසරන්න. සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ද්විත්ව ක්ලික් කරන්න.Bad — password must be changedනරකයි - මුරපදය වෙනස් කළ යුතුය
- Poor
- Password quality
- දුප්පත්
- Poor — password should be changedදුර්වල - මුරපදය වෙනස් කළ යුතුය
- Weak
- Password quality
- දුර්වල
- Weak — consider changing the passwordදුර්වලයි - මුරපදය වෙනස් කිරීම සලකා බලන්න
@@ -9079,18 +9427,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsවාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කරන්න
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9186,6 +9530,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsවාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කරන්න
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9427,6 +9775,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.කිසිදු නියෝජිතයෙකු ක්රියාත්මක නොවේ, අනන්යතා ලැයිස්තුගත කළ නොහැක.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9712,29 +10068,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
%1වෙත අපනයනය කරන්න
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10024,11 +10357,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
දෘඩාංග යතුරු අනාවරණය කර නොමැත
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts
index e7cc6f0eb..3539d4d4b 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Musíte reštartovať aplikáciu, aby sa tieto zmeny prejavili. Chcete ju reštartovať teraz?
- Reset Settings?
- Resetovať nastavenia?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Naozaj chcete obnoviť všetky všeobecné nastavenia na predvolené hodnoty?
- Select backup storage directoryVyberte priečinok pre uloženie zálohy
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesPri kontrole aktualizácii zahrnúť pred-vydania
- On database unlock, show entries that
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- File ManagementSpráva súborov
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingZálohovať databázu pri každom uložení
- Backup destination
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelSkryť heslá v paneli ukážky položky
- Hide entry notes by default
- Predvolene skryť poznámky položky
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Položky presunúť do koša bez potvrdenia
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Povoliť kopírovanie stĺpcov používateľské meno/heslo dvojklikom
- PrivacySúkromie
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Neplatný typ konverzie: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Neplatná syntax konverzie: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Neplatná syntax regulárneho výrazu %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1
@@ -1017,10 +1069,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Boli nainštalované prehliadače lebo "snaps" momentálne nie sú podporované.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Zapnúť integráciu v týchto prehliadačoch:
@@ -1244,6 +1292,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1395,6 +1447,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1458,6 +1514,14 @@ Zálohovať databázu nachádzajúcu sa na %2
Recycle BinKôš
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1600,14 +1664,6 @@ Ak chcete zabrániť zobrazovaniu tejto chyby, musíte ísť do "Nastavenia
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1640,6 +1696,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1674,10 +1742,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integrácia Tajnej služby
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2148,6 +2228,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Vymazať
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2357,6 +2481,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ sekundy
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2559,26 +2691,6 @@ Uložiť zmeny?
File has changedSúbor bol zmenený
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Súbor databázy bol zmenený. Chcete načítať zmeny?
- Merge Request
- Požiadavka zlúčenia
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Súbor databázy bol zmenený a Vy máte neuložené zmeny.
-Chcete zlúčiť svoje zmeny?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Nemožno otvoriť nový databázový súbor počas pokusu o automatické opätovné načítanie.
-Chyba: %1
- Disable safe saves?Vypnúť bezpečné ukladanie?
@@ -2666,6 +2778,50 @@ Vypnúť bezpečné ukladanie a skúsiť znova?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -2993,18 +3149,10 @@ Chcete to opraviť?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryZapnúť Automatické vypĺňanie pre túto položku
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Toto nastavenie posielať do prehliadača len pre dialógy HTTP Auth. Ak je zapnuté, bežné prihlasovacie formuláre nebudú na výber poskytovať túto položku.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthPoužiť položku len pre HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Toto nastavenie neposielať do prehliadača pre dialógy HTTP Auth. Ak je zapnuté, bežné prihlasovacie formuláre nebudú na výber poskytovať túto položku.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthNepoužiť túto položku pre HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3029,6 +3177,14 @@ Chcete to opraviť?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3251,6 +3407,10 @@ Chcete to opraviť?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3697,6 +3857,20 @@ Môže to spôsobiť nefunkčnosť dotknutých zásuvných modulov.Passkey
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Neplatný typ konverzie: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Neplatná syntax konverzie: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Neplatná syntax regulárneho výrazu %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3705,6 +3879,21 @@ Môže to spôsobiť nefunkčnosť dotknutých zásuvných modulov.Nemožno otvoriť súbor „%1”.
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulár
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3742,14 +3931,6 @@ Môže to spôsobiť nefunkčnosť dotknutých zásuvných modulov.Remove
- Rename selected attachment
- Premenovať zvolenú prílohu
- Rename
- Premenovať
- Open selected attachmentOtvoriť zvolenú prílohu
@@ -3867,6 +4048,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Príloha "%1" už existuje.
Prepísať existujúcu prílohu?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Ukážka
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4065,6 +4258,10 @@ Prepísať existujúcu prílohu?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4460,6 +4657,14 @@ V bezpečnostnej sekcii nastavení aplikácie môžete zapnúť webovú službu
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4563,6 +4768,44 @@ V bezpečnostnej sekcii nastavení aplikácie môžete zapnúť webovú službu
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5704,12 +5947,6 @@ Táto verzia nie je určená na produkčné použitie.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
UPOZORNENIE: Používate predbežnú verziu KeePassXC.
Očakávajte chyby a menšie problémy, tato verzia je určená pre testovacie účely.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- UPOZORNENIE: Vaša verzia Qt môže spôsobiť pád KeePassXC s klávesnicou na obrazovke!
-Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.No Tags
@@ -5783,6 +6020,10 @@ Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5887,6 +6128,10 @@ Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6032,17 +6277,33 @@ Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Generátor hesla
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6193,6 +6454,25 @@ Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.Prosím, vyplňte meno a prípadne aj popis svojej novej databázy:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6734,10 +7014,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Tiež vybrať z:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Vynechané znaky: „0”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „O”, „|”, „﹒”
- Exclude look-alike charactersVynechať podobne vyzerajúce znaky
@@ -6762,10 +7038,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Počet slov:
- Character Count:
- Počet znakov:
- Word Case:Slová veľkými:
@@ -6778,10 +7050,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistPridať vlastný zoznam slov
- character
- znak
- CloseZatvoriť
@@ -6887,6 +7155,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersŠpeciálne znaky
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6954,6 +7238,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7632,10 +7931,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Neplatný počet slov %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Zoznam slov je príliš krátky (< 1000 položiek)
- Title for the entry.Názov položky.
@@ -7780,10 +8075,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Ukončiť interaktívny režim.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Formát exportu. Dostupné voľby sú „xml” alebo „csv”. Predvolene „xml”.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exportuje obsah databázy na štandardný výstup v zadanom formáte.
@@ -8371,18 +8662,6 @@ Jadro: %3 %4
file emptyprázdny súbor
- malformed string
- zlý formát reťazca
- missing closing quote
- chýba koncová úvodzovka
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (riadok, stĺpec) %2, %3
- AES 256-bitAES 256b
@@ -8842,6 +9121,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Odstrániť dáta zásuvného modulu?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8974,6 +9321,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsVylúčiť z hlásení
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -8990,36 +9341,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Prejdite myšou na príčinou, na zobrazenie dodatočných podrobností. Dvojklikom na položku ju upravíte.
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Zlé
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Prejdite myšou na príčinou, na zobrazenie dodatočných podrobností. Dvojklikom na položku ju upravíte.Bad — password must be changedZlé — heslo treba zmeniť
- Poor
- Password quality
- Biedne
- Poor — password should be changedBiedne — heslo by ste mali zmeniť
- Weak
- Password quality
- Slabé
- Weak — consider changing the passwordSlabé — zvážte zmenu hesla
@@ -9068,18 +9416,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsVylúčiť z hlásení
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9175,6 +9519,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsVylúčiť z hlásení
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9416,6 +9764,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Nie je spustený agent, nemožno získať zoznam identít.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9701,29 +10057,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exportovať do %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -10013,11 +10346,15 @@ Napríklad: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Nenájdené žiadne hardvérové kľúče
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_sq.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_sq.ts
index ebcf8eca3..41f7e88b9 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_sq.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_sq.ts
@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@
+ Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running.
+ Vendimi juaj do të mbahet mend për kohëzgjatjen, teksa xhirojnë që të dy, klienti DHE KeePassXC-ja.
+ RememberMbaje mend
@@ -88,10 +92,6 @@
Allow SelectedLejo të Përzgjedhurin
- Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running.
- Vendimi juaj do të mbhet mend për kohëzgjatjen, teksa xhirojnë që të dy, klienti DHE KeePassXC-ja.
- Deny All && FutureMoho Krejt të && Ardhmet
@@ -122,6 +122,10 @@
Use OpenSSHPërdor OpenSSH
+ Use both agents
+ Përdoru të dy agjentët
+ SSH_AUTH_SOCK overrideAnashkalim SSH_AUTH_SOCK
@@ -144,16 +148,12 @@
No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override.
+ S’ka kanal Agjenti SSH të passhëm. Ose sigurohuni se ndryshorja SSH_AUTH_SOCK e mjedisit ekziston, ose caktoni për të një anashkalim.SSH Agent connection is working!Lidhja e Agjentit SSH funksionon!
- Use both agents
- Përdoru të dy agjentët
- ApplicationSettingsWidget
@@ -169,6 +169,10 @@
+ This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled.
+ Ky rregullim s’mund të aktivizohet, kur është aktivizuar “Minimizoje gjatë shkyçjes”.
+ Access error for config file %1Gabim hyrjeje në kartelë formësimi %1
@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@
Follow style
+ Ndiq stilinMonochrome
@@ -203,7 +207,7 @@
Monochrome (dark)
- Njëngjyrës (i errët)
+ Njëngjyrësh (i errët)Colorful
@@ -213,21 +217,49 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Që të caktoni gjuhën e re, duhet të rinisni aplikacionin. Do të donit të riniset tani?
- Reset Settings?
- Të Rikthehen Rregullimet Te Parazgjedhjet?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Jeni i sigurt se doni të rikthehen te parazgjedhjet krejt rregullimet e përgjithshme dhe ato të sigurisë?
- Select backup storage directoryPërzgjidhni drejtori depozitë kopjeruajtjesh
- This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled.
- Ky rregullim s’mund të aktivizohet, kur është aktivizuar “Minimizo gjatë shkyçjes”.
+ Confirm Reset
+ Ripohoni Kthimin te Parazgjedhja
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Jeni i sigurt se doni të kthehen krejt rregullimet te parazgedhjet?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importo Rregullime KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ S’u arrit të importoheshin rregullime nga %1, s’është kartelë rregullimesh e vlefshme.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Eksporto Rregullime KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
@@ -258,7 +290,11 @@
Remember previously used databases
- Mba mend baza të dhënash të mëparshme
+ Mbaj mend baza të dhënash të mëparshme
+ recent files
+ kartela së fundiLoad previously open databases on startup
@@ -266,7 +302,7 @@
Remember database key files and security dongles
+ Mbaj mend kartela kyçesh baze të dhënash dhe marifetesh sigurieCheck for updates at application startup once per week
@@ -276,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesKur kontrollohet për përditësime, përfshi hedhje beta në qarkullim
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Gjatë shkyçjeje baze të dhënash, shfaq zëra që
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- kanë skaduar
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- ditësh
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- do të skadojnë brenda
- File ManagementAdministrim Kartelash
@@ -319,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingKopjeruani kartelën e bazës tuaj të të dhënave, përpara ruajtjes
- Backup destination
- Vendmbërritje kopjeruajtjeje
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Përcakton vendndodhje kartele kopjeruajtjeje baze të dhënash. Hasje të “{DB_FILENAME}” zëvendësohen me emrin e kartelës së bazës së ruajtur të të dhënave, pa zgjatimin. {TIME:<format>} zëvendësohet me kohën e bërjes së kopjeruajtjes, shihni https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> parazgjedhje për formatim vargu “dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss”.
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Zgjidhni…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Përdorni metodë alternative ruajtje (mund të zgjidhë probleme me Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etj.)
@@ -369,7 +374,7 @@
Drop to background
+ Lëre në sfondFavicon download timeout:
@@ -377,7 +382,7 @@
Website icon download timeout in seconds
+ Mbarim kohe shkarkimi ikonash sajtesh, në sekonda sec
@@ -412,6 +417,10 @@
Toolbar button style:Stil butonash paneli:
+ Show passwords in color
+ Shfaqi fjalëkalimet me ngjyra
+ Use monospaced font for notesPër shënime përdor shkronja Monospace
@@ -446,11 +455,11 @@
Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type
+ Përdor titull zëri për kërkim dritaresh me përputhjeje, për Vetë-shtypje globaleUse entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type
+ Përdor URL zëri për kërkim dritaresh me përputhjeje, për Vetë-shtypje globaleAlways ask before performing Auto-Type
@@ -498,12 +507,69 @@
Mbaje mend zërin e fundit të shtypur për:
- recent files
- kartela së fundi
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Kur shkyçet bazë të dhënash, shfaq zëra që do të skadojnë brenda
- Show passwords in color
- Shfaqi fjalëkalimet me ngjyra
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Kur shkyçet bazë të dhënash, shfaq zëra që do të skadojnë brenda
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ ditësh
+ Destination format:
+ Format vendmbërritje:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> zëvendësohet me emrin e kartelës të bazës së të dhënave të ruajtur, pa zgjatim</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> zëvendësohet me formatin e përcaktuar të kohës (parazgjedhje: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Për më tepër hollësi, shihni Udhërrëfyes Përdoruesi</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Zgjidhni dosje…
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Shfaq hap ripohimi para kalimit të zërave te koshi i riciklimeve
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Me dyklikim të një fushe, te pamja e zërit, kopjo të dhënat
+ Show toolbar
+ Shfaq panelin
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Shfaq shtyllë menuje, kur shtypet tasti Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Shfaq shtyllë menuje
+ Import settings…
+ Importoni rregullime…
+ Export settings…
+ Eksportoni rregullime…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Me dyklikim të fushës së URL-së, te pamja e zërit, hap shfletuesin
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
@@ -514,7 +580,7 @@
Database lock timeout seconds
+ Sekonda mbarimi kohe kyçjeje baze të dhënash sec
@@ -536,7 +602,7 @@
Clipboard clear seconds
+ Sekonda spastrimi baze të dhënashLock databases after inactivity of
@@ -548,23 +614,19 @@
Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello)
+ Aktivizo shkyçje të shpejtë baze të dhënash (Touch ID / Windows Hello)Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed
+ Kyçi bazat e të dhënave, kur kyçet sesioni, ose mbyllet kapaku i portativitLock databases after minimizing the windowKyçi bazat e të dhënave pas minimizimit të dritares
- Require password repeat when it is visible
- Hide passwords when editing them
+ Fshihi fjalëkalimet, kur përpunohenUse placeholder for empty password fields
@@ -572,19 +634,7 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panel
- Hide entry notes by default
- Si parazgjedhje, fshihi shënimet mbi zëra
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
+ Fshihi fjalëkalimet, te paneli i paraparjes së zëravePrivacy
@@ -596,14 +646,26 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Fshih TOTP, te paneli i paraparjes së zërave
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Kyçi bazat e të dhënave, kur ndërrohet përdorues
+ Lock Options
+ Mundësi Kyçjeje
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Fshihi shënimet, te paneli i paraparjes së zëraveAutoTypeThe requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error:
+ Sekuenca e kërkuar për Vetë-shtypje s’mund të përdoret, për shkak të një gabimi:Auto-Type Error
@@ -615,53 +677,40 @@
KeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC.
+ KeePassXC-ja lyp leje Përdorimi Nga Persona Me Aftësi të Kufizuara, që të mund të kryejë Vetë-Shtypje të nivelit elementar. Nëse e keni akorduar tashmë lejen, mund t’ju duhet të rinisni KeePassXC-në.KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC.
+ KeePassXC-ja lyp leje Përdorimi Nga Persona Me Aftësi të Kufizuara dhe Regjistruesi Ekrani, që të mund të kryejë Vetë-Shtypje globale. Regjistrimi i Ekranit është i nevojshëm për të përdorur titullin e dritares për të gjetur zëra. Nëse e keni akorduar tashmë lejen, mund t’ju duhet të rinisni KeePassXC-në.Invalid entry provided
+ U dha zë i pavlefshëmBracket imbalance detected, found extra { or }
+ U pikas kllapë e pambyllur, u gjet { ose } ekstraToo many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2
+ U pikasën shumë përsëritje, maksimumi është %1: %2Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2
+ U pikas shtypje shumë e ngadaltë tastesh, maksimumi është %1: %2Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1
- Vendmbajtëse e pavlefshme: %1
+ U pikas shtypje shumë e gjatë tastesh, maksimumi është %1: %2Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Zëri s’ka atribut për PICKCHARS: %1
+ Invalid placeholder: %1
+ Vendmbajtëse e pavlefshme: %1
+ AutoTypeAssociationsModel
@@ -703,32 +752,32 @@
- Trying to send invalid keysym.
- Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on
+ Sekuenca u ndërpre: Caps Lock është aktivSequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user
+ Sekuenca u ndërpre: Taste ndryshues shtypur nga përdoruesiUnable to get valid keycode for key:
+ S’arrihet të merret kod i vlefshëm tasti për tastin:
+ Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
+ Po provohet të dërgohet simbol i pavlefshëm tastiere.AutoTypeSelectDialogAuto-Type - KeePassXC
+ Vetë-Shtypje - KeePassXCDouble click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search:
+ Dyklikoni mbi një rresht, që të kryhet Vetë-Shtypje, ose gjeni një zë duke përdorur kërkimin:<p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/>
@@ -737,7 +786,12 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/>
Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/>
Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/>
Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
+ <p>Mund të përdorni kërkim të thelluar, për të gjetur çfarëdo zëri në bazat tuaja të hapura të të dhënave. Janë të dobishme shkurtoret vijuese:<br/>
+Ctrl+F - Hap/Mbyll kërkim në bazë të dhënash<br/>
+Ctrl+1 - Shtypni emër përdoruesi<br/>
+Ctrl+2 - Shtypni fjalëkalim<br/>
+Ctrl+3 - Shtypni TOTP<br/>
+Ctrl+4 - Përdorni Tastierë Virtuale (Vetëm në Windows)</p>Search all open databases
@@ -757,15 +811,15 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
+ Shtypni {FJALËKALIM}Type {TOTP}
+ Shtypni {TOTP}Copy Username
@@ -788,15 +842,15 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
BrowserAccessControlDialogKeePassXC - Browser Access Request
+ KeePassXC - Kërkesë Për Hyrje Nga Shfletues%1 is requesting access to the following entries:
+ %1 po kërkon të hyjë te zërat vijuese:Remember access to checked entries
+ Mbaj mend hyrje te zërat e me shenjëRemember
@@ -818,13 +872,13 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p>
Disable for this siteÇaktivizoje për këtë sajt
+ Undo
+ Zhbëje
+ BrowserEntrySaveDialog
- KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry
- OkOk
@@ -839,22 +893,81 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Keni të hapura disa baza të dhënash.
Ju lutemi, përzgjidhni bazën e saktë të të dhënave për ruajtje kredencialesh.
+ KeePassXC - Select Database
+ KeePassXC - Përzgjidhni Bazë të Dhënash
+ BrowserPasskeysConfirmationDialog
+ Cancel
+ Anuloje
+ Update
+ Përditësoje
+ Authenticate
+ Bëni mirëfilltësimin
+ Register new
+ Regjistroni të ri
+ Register
+ Regjistroje
+ Timeout in <b>%n</b> seconds...
+ Mbarim kohe në <b>%n</b> sekondë…Mbarim kohe në <b>%n</b> sekonda…
+ Relying Party: %1
+ Username: %1
+ Emër përdoruesi: %1
+ KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
+ KeePassXC - Kredenciale kyçkalimi
+ Add to existing entry
+ Shtoje te zë ekzistues
+ Existing passkey found.
+Do you want to register a new passkey for:
+ U gjet kyçkalim ekzistues.
+Doni të regjistrohet një kyçkalim i ri për:
+ Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
+ Përzgjidhni kyçkalimin ekzistues dhe shtypni Përditësoje, që të zëvendësohet.
+ Authenticate passkey credentials for:
+ Bëj mirëfilltësimin e kredencialeve të kodkalimit për:
+ Do you want to register a passkey for:
+ Doni të regjistrohet një kyçkalim për:
+ BrowserService
- KeePassXC: Create a new group
- KeePassXC: Krijoni një grup të ri
- A request for creating a new group "%1" has been received.
Do you want to create this group?
- KeePassXC: New key association request
+ Është marrë një kërkesë për krijimin e një grupi të ri “%1”.
+Doni të krijohet ky grup?
+You have received an association request for the following database:
@@ -862,82 +975,87 @@ Do you want to create this group?
Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example:
+ Keni marrë një kërkesë përshoqërimi për bazën vijuese të të dhënave:
+Jepini lidhje një emër ose ID unike, për shembull:
+chrome-laptop.Save and allow accessRuaje dhe lejo hyrje
- KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key?
- KeePassXC: Të mbishkruhet kyçi ekzistues?
- A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?Ka tashmë një kyç të përbashkët fshehtëzimi me emrin “%1”.
Doni të mbishkruhet?
- KeePassXC: Update Entry
- KeePassXC: Përditëso Zërin
- Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2?Doni të përditësohet informacioni në %1 - %2 kb?
- KeePassXC: Delete entry
- KeePassXC: Fshije zërin
- A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received.
Do you want to delete the entry?
+ Është marrë një kërkesë për fshirjen e zërit “%1”.
+Doni të fshihet zëri?
- Converting attributes to custom data…
- Po shndërrohen atribute në të dhëna vetjake…
+ %1 (Passkey)
+ %1 (Kyçkalim)
- Abort
- Ndërprite
+ KeePassXC - Create a new group
+ KeePassXC - Krijoni një grup të ri
- KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributes
+ Disable
+ Çaktivizoje
- Successfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s).
-Moved %2 keys to custom data.
- Successfully moved %n keys to custom data.
+ KeePassXC - Overwrite existing key?
+ KeePassXC - Të mbishkruhet kyçi ekzistues?
- KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found!
+ KeePassXC - Update Entry
+ KeePassXC - Përditësoje Zërin
- The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes.
+ KeePassXC - Delete entry
+ KeePassXC - Fshije zërin
- Don't show this warning again
- Mos e shfaq më këtë sinjalizim
+ KeePassXC - New key association request
+ KeePassXC - Kërkesë për përshoqërim të ri kyçi
- KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected
+ Passkey
+ Kyçkalim
- Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings.
-This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections.
-Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
+ KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
+ KeePassXC - Kredenciale kyçkalimi
+ Register a new passkey to this entry:
+ Regjistroni një kyçkalim të ri për këtë zë:
+ KeePassXC - Update passkey
+ KeePassXC - Përditësoni kyçkalim
+ Entry already has a passkey.
+Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ Zëri ka tashmë një kyçkalim.
+Doni të mbishkruhet kyçkalimi te %1 - %2?
+ Register
+ Regjistroje
@@ -948,7 +1066,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser
+ Kjo është e domosdoshme për të hyrë në bazat tuaja të të dhënave me Shfletuesin KeePassXCEnable browser integration
@@ -958,13 +1076,9 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
GeneralTë përgjithshme
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Enable integration for these browsers:
+ Aktivizo integrim për këta shfletues:Vivaldi
@@ -1001,40 +1115,40 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Request to unlock the database if it is locked
+ Kërko të shkyçet baza e të dhënave, nëse është e kyçurOnly entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned.
+ Sillen vetëm zëra me të njëjtën skemë (http://, https://, …).Match URL scheme (e.g., https://example.com)
+ Kërko përkim me skemë URL-je (p.sh., https://example.com)Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain.
+ Sillen vetëm përkimet më të mira për një URL të dhënë, në vend se krejt zërat për përkatësinë si e tërë.Return only best-matching credentials
+ Sill vetëm kredencialet që përputhen më mirëReturns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title.
+ Sjell kredenciale të skaduara. Te titulli shtohet vargu [expired].Allow returning expired credentials
+ Lejo sjellje kredencialesh të skaduaraAll databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials.
+ Krejt bazat e të dhënave të lidhura me zgjerimin do të sjellin kredenciale me përkim.Search in all opened databases for matching credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extension
+ Kërko në krejt bazat e hapura të të dhënave për kredenciale me përkimAdvanced
@@ -1043,33 +1157,33 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Never ask before accessing credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extension
+ Mos pyet kurrë para hyrjes në kredencialeNever ask before updating credentialsCredentials mean login data requested via browser extension
+ Mos pyet kurrë para përditësimit të kredencialeveDo not ask permission for HTTP Basic AuthAn extra HTTP Basic Auth setting
+ Mos kërko leje për Mirëfillësim HTTP ElementarAutomatically creating or updating string fields is not supported.
+ Nuk mbulohet krijim apo përditësim i automatizuar i fushave të vargjeve.Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: "
+ Sill fusha të thelluara vargjesh që fillojnë me “KPH: ”Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings.
+ Mos e shfaq flluskën që sugjeron migrim të rregullimeve të dikurshme për KeePassHTTP.Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration.
+ Mos pyet për migrim rregullimesh për KeePassHTTP.Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup.
@@ -1081,20 +1195,20 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually.
+ Përdorni një vendndodhje vetjake ndërmjetësi, nëse instaluat dorazi një ndërmjetës.Use a custom proxy location:Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-Browser
+ Përdor një vendndodhje vetjake ndërmjetësi:Custom proxy location field
+ Fushë vendndodhjeje vetjake ndërmjetësiBrowser for custom proxy file
+ Shfletues për kartelë vetjake ndërmjetësiBrowse…
@@ -1103,7 +1217,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Use a custom browser configuration location:
+ Përdor një vendndodhje vetjake formësimi shfletuesi:Browser type:
@@ -1119,31 +1233,19 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Custom browser location field
+ Fushë vendndodhjeje vetjake shfletuesiBrowse for custom browser path
+ Shfletoni për shteg shfletuesi vetjakCustom extension ID:
+ ID zgjerimi vetjak:Custom extension ID
- Due to Snap sandboxing, you must run a script to enable browser integration.<br />You can obtain this script from %1
- KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3. %4
- Please see special instructions for browser extension use below
+ ID zgjerimi vetjakExecutable Files
@@ -1155,26 +1257,50 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Select custom proxy location
+ Përzgjidhni vendndodhje ndërmjetësi vetjakSelect native messaging host folder location
- <b>Warning:</b> Only adjust these settings if necessary.
+ Allow keepassxc-proxy to list all entries with their title, URL and UUID in connected databases.
+ Allow limited access to all entries in connected databases (ignores site access restrictions)
+ <b>Warning:</b> Only adjust these settings if necessary.
+ <b>Kujdes:</b> Këto rregullime përimtojini vetëm nëse është e nevojshme.
+ The custom proxy location does not exist.
+ Vendndodhja e ndërmjetësit vetjak s’ekziston.<b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location does not exist. Correct this in the advanced settings tab.
+ <b>Gabim:</b> Vendndodhja e ndërmjetësit vetjak s’ekziston. Ndreqeni këtë te skeda e rregullimeve të mëtejshme.<b>Error:</b> The installed proxy executable is missing from the expected location: %1<br/>Please set a custom proxy location in the advanced settings or reinstall the application.
+ <b>Gabim:</b> I ekzekutueshmi për ndërmjetësin e instaluar mungon te vendndodhja e pritur: %1<br/>Ju lutemi, caktoni një vendndodhje ndërmjetësi vetjak, te rregullimet e mëtejshme, ose riinstaloni aplikacionin.
+ Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
+ Lejon përdorim http://localhost jo të siguruar me kodkalime, për qëllime testimi.
+ Allow using localhost with passkeys
+ Lejo përdorim localhost-i me kodkalime
+ KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Që të funksionojë integrimi i shfletuesit, është i nevojshëm Shfletuesi KeePassXC. <br />Shkarkojeni për %1 dhe %2 dhe %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1186,7 +1312,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Append ' - Clone' to title
- ShtoAppend ' - Clone' te titulli
+ Shto “ - Clone” te titulliReplace username and password with references
@@ -1199,14 +1325,6 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
- Import CSV fields
- Importoni fusha CSV
- filename
- emër kartele
- size, rows, columnsmadhësi, rreshta, shtylla
@@ -1285,11 +1403,11 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Header lines skipped
+ U anashkaluan rreshta kryeshNumber of header lines to discard
+ Numër rreshtash kryesh për t’u anashkaluarFirst line has field names
@@ -1309,56 +1427,49 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Not Present
+ Jo i PranishëmColumn %1Shtylla %1
- Imported from CSV file
- Importuar prej kartele CSV
- Original data:
- Të dhëna origjinale:
- Error(s) detected in CSV file!
- Gabim(e) i pikasur në kartelë CSV!
- [%n more message(s) skipped][%n mesazh tjetër i anashkaluar][%n mesazhe të tjerë të anashkaluar]
- Error
- Gabim
+ Failed to parse CSV file: %1
+ S’u arrit të analizohej kartelë CSV: %1
- CSV import: writer has errors:
- Importim CSV: shkrimi ka gabime:
+ Imported from CSV file: %1
+ Importuar nga kartelë CSV: %1
+ No Title Selected
+ S’u Përzgjodh Titull
+ No title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
+Are you sure you want to import?
+ S’u përzgjodh shtyllë titujsh, do të jetë e vështirë të dallohen zërat njëri nga tjetri.
+Jeni i sigurt se doni të importohet?
+ Tags
+ EtiketaCsvParserModel
- %1, %2, %3
- file info: bytes, rows, columns
- %1, %2, %3
- %n byte(s)
- %n bajt(e)%n bajt(e)
- %n row(s)
- %n rresht(a)%n rresht(a)
+ CSV row count
+ %n rresht%n rreshta%n column(s)
+ CSV column count%n shtyllë%n shtylla
@@ -1383,7 +1494,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Could not save, database does not point to a valid file.
+ S’u ruajt dot, baza e të dhënave s’tregon ndonjë kartelë të vlefshme.Database save is already in progress.
@@ -1391,24 +1502,33 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now?
Could not save, database has not been initialized!
+ S’u ruajt dot, baza e të dhënave s’është gatitur!Database file has unmerged changes.
+ Kartela e bazës së të dhënave ka ndryshime të papërziera.%1
Backup database located at %2
+ %1
+Kopjeruaj bazë të dhënash që gjendet te %2Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers.
+ Kyçi s’u shndërrua. Kjo është një e metë, ju lutemi, njoftojuani zhvilluesve.Recycle Bin
- Kosh Hedhurinash
+ Kosh Riciklimesh
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
@@ -1432,29 +1552,9 @@ Backup database located at %2
Password fieldFushë fjalëkalimi
- Enter Additional Credentials (if any):
- Jepni Kredenciale Shtesë (në pastë):
- Key File:
- Kartelë Kyçi:
- Key file help
- Ndihmë për kartela kyçesh
- Hardware key slot selection
- Hardware Key:
- Kyç Hardware:
- Hardware key help
- Ndihmë për kyçe hardware
+ Përzgjedhje vendi kyçi hardwareKey file to unlock the database
@@ -1468,14 +1568,6 @@ Backup database located at %2
- Refresh hardware tokens
- Refresh
- Rifreskoje
- Unlock DatabaseShkyçe Bazën e të Dhënave
@@ -1490,7 +1582,7 @@ Backup database located at %2
Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue…
+ Ju lutemi, që të vazhdohet, paraqitni, ose prekni YubiKey-në tuaj…Database Version Mismatch
@@ -1504,7 +1596,14 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete
and saving any changes may incur data loss.
We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation.
+ Gjasat janë që baza e të dhënave që po provoni të hapni
+të qe krijuar nga një version më i ri i KeePassXC-së.
+Mund të provoni ta hapni, sido që të jetë, por mund të
+jetë e paplotë dhe ruajtja e çfarëdo ndryshimesh mund
+të sjellë humbje të dhënash.
+Rekomandojmë të përditësoni instalimin tuaj të KeePassXC-së.Open database anyway
@@ -1516,26 +1615,25 @@ We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation.
Unlock failed and no password given
+ Shkyçja dështoi dhe s’u dha fjalëkalimUnlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password.
Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead?
To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password.
+ Shkyçja e bazës së të dhënave dështoi dhe s’dhatë fjalëkalim.
+Në vend të kësaj, doni të riprovohet me një fjalëkalim “të zbrazët”?
+Që të pengoni shfaqjen e këtij gabimi, duhet të kaloni te “Rregullime baze të dhënash / Siguri” dhe të ricaktoni fjalëkalimin tuaj.Retry with empty passwordRiprovo me fjalëkalim të zbrazët
- Failed to authenticate with Touch ID
- S’u arrit të bëhej mirëfilltësim me Touch ID
- Failed to open key file: %1
- S’u arrit të hapej kartelë kyçesh: %1
+ S’u arrit të hapej kartelë kyç: %1Old key file format
@@ -1543,7 +1641,7 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database > Database Security > Change Key File.</strong><br>
+ Po përdorni një format të vjetër kartelash kyçesh, të cilin KeePassXC-ja mund <br>të reshtë ta mbulojë në të ardhmen.<br><br>Ju lutemi, shihni mundësinë e prodhimit të një kartelë të re kyçi, duke kaluar te:<br><strong>Bazë të dhënash > Siguri Baze të Dhënash > Ndryshoni Kartelë Kyç.</strong><br>Don't show this warning again
@@ -1563,44 +1661,70 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Cannot use database file as key file
- You cannot use your database file as a key file.
-If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty.
- Detecting hardware keys…
- Po pikasen kyçe hardware…
- No hardware keys detected
- S’u pikasën kyçe hardware
- Select hardware key…
- Përzgjidhni kyç hardware…
- <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p>
- <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p>
-<p>Click for more information…</p>
+ S’mund të përdoret kartelë baze të dhënash si kartelë kyçiauthenticate to access the database
+ që të hyni në bazën e të dhënave, bëni mirëfilltësimin
- Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello: %1
+ Failed to authenticate with Quick Unlock: %1
+ S’u arri të bëhej mirëfilltësimi me Shkyçje të Shpejtë: %1
- Windows Hello setup was canceled or failed. Quick unlock has not been enabled.
+ Select Key File:
+ Përzgjidhni Kartelë Kyçi:
+ <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
+ <p>Tej një fjalëkalimi, mund të përdorni një kartelë të fshehtë për të thelluar sigurinë e bazës suaj të të dhënave. Kjo kartelë mund të prodhohet që nga rregullimet e sigurisë së bazës suaj të të dhënave.</p><p>Kjo <strong>nuk</strong> është kartela juaj *.kdbx e bazës së të dhënave!</p>
+ Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
+ Përdor kyç hardware [Serial: %1]
+ Use hardware key
+ Përdor kyç hardware
+ Your database file is NOT a key file!
+If you don't have a key file or don't know what that is, you don't have to select one.
+ Kartela juaj e bazës së të dhënave NUK është kartelë kyçi!
+Nëse s’keni një kartelë kyçi, ose s’e dini se ç’është një e tillë, s’ju duhet të përzgjidhni një.
+ KeePassXC database file selected
+ U përzgjodh kartelë baze të dhënash KeePassXC
+ The file you selected looks like a database file.
+A database file is NOT a key file!
+Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ Kartela që përzgjodhët, duket si kartelë baze të dhënash.
+Një kartelë baze të dhënash NUK është kartelë kyçi!
+Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet me këtë kartelë?
+ No hardware keys found.
+ S’u gjet kyç hardware.
+ Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Rifresko Kyçe Hardware
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Klikoni që të shtohet një kartelë kyç.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Kam një kartelë kyç</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
@@ -1613,10 +1737,6 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty.
- Advanced Settings
- Rregullime të Mëtejshme
- GeneralTë përgjithshme
@@ -1641,6 +1761,22 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Integrim Shërbimi të Fshehtash
+ Remote Sync
+ Njëkohësim i Largët
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Rregullime Baze të Dhënash: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1648,25 +1784,17 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty.
KeePassXC-Browser settingsRregullime për KeePassXC-Browser
- Convert KeePassHTTP data
- Shndërroni të dhëna KeePassHTTP
- Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data
- Refresh database root group ID
- Disconnect all browsersShkëputi krejt shfletuesitForget all site-specific settings on entries
+ Harro krejt rregullimet specifike për sajte, te zërat
+ Refresh database root group ID
+ Rifresko ID grupi rrënjë baze të dhënashStored keys
@@ -1674,7 +1802,7 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty.
Stored browser keys
+ Kyçe shfletuesi të depozituarRemove selected key
@@ -1691,7 +1819,8 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty.
Do you really want to delete the selected key?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.
+ Doni vërtet të fshihet kyçi i përzgjedhur?
+Kjo mund të pengojë lidhjen me shtojcën e shfletuesit.Key
@@ -1712,28 +1841,22 @@ This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.
Do you really want to disconnect all browsers?
This may prevent connection to the browser plugin.
- KeePassXC: No keys found
- KeePassXC: S’u gjetën kyçe
+ Doni vërtet të shkëputen krejt shfletuesit?
+Kjo mund të pengojë lidhjen me shtojcën e shfletuesit.No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings.
- KeePassXC: Removed keys from database
+ Te rregullimet e KeePassXC-së s’u gjetën kyçe të përbashkët fshehtëzimi.Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings.
+ U hoq me sukses %n kyç fshehtëzimi që nga rregullimet e KeePassXC-së.U hoqën me sukses %n kyçe fshehtëzimi që nga rregullimet e KeePassXC-së.Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry?
Permissions to access entries will be revoked.
+ Doni vërtet të harrohen krejt rregullimet specifike për sajte, në çdo zë?
+Do të shfuqizohen leje për përdorim të zërave.Removing stored permissions…
@@ -1743,30 +1866,13 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked.
- KeePassXC: Removed permissions
- KeePassXC: U hoqën leje
- Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s).
- KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found!
- KeePassXC: S’u gjet zë me leje!
+ U hoq me sukses leje nga %n zë.U hoqën me sukses leje nga %n zëra.The active database does not contain an entry with permissions.
- Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom data
- Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard?
-This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin.
+ Baza aktive e të dhënave s’përmban zë me leje.Refresh database ID
@@ -1775,7 +1881,28 @@ This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin.
Do you really want refresh the database ID?
This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect.
+ Doni vërtet të rifreskohet ID-ja e bazës së të dhënave?
+Kjo është e nevojshme vetëm nëse baza juaj e të dhënave është një kopje e një tjetre dhe zgjerimi i shfletuesit s’bën dot lidhjen.
+ Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data
+ Shndërroni atribute KeePassHTTP të dikurshëm në të dhëna vetjake të përputhshme me KeePassXC-Browser
+ No keys found
+ S’u gjetën kyçe
+ Removed keys from database
+ U hoqën kyçe nga baza e të dhënave
+ Removed permissions
+ U hoqën leje
+ No entry with permissions found!
+ S’u gjet zë me leje!
@@ -1816,6 +1943,18 @@ Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet pa një fjalëkalim?
Failed to change database credentialsS’u arrit të ndryshohen kredenciale baze të dhënash
+ Weak password
+ Fjalëkalim i dobët
+ This is a weak password! For better protection of your secrets, you should choose a stronger password.
+ Ky është një fjalëkalim i dobët! Për mbrojtje më të mirë të të fshehtave tuaja, duhet të zgjidhni një fjalëkalim më të fortë.
+ The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ Fjalëkalimi i dhënë s’plotëson domosdoshmëritë minimum për cilësinë.
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryption
@@ -1823,21 +1962,13 @@ Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet pa një fjalëkalim?
Decryption Time:Kohë Shfshehtëzimi:
- Change existing decryption time
- Ndryshoni kohën ekzistuese të shfshehtëzimit
- Change
- Ndryshojeni
- Decryption time in secondsKohë shfshehtëzimi në sekondaHigher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer.
- Vlera më të mëdha ofrojnë më tepër mbrojtje, por hapja e bazës së të dhënave do të zgjasë më shumë
+ Vlera më të mëdha ofrojnë më tepër mbrojtje, por hapja e bazës së të dhënave do të zgjasë më shumë.Database format:
@@ -1857,7 +1988,7 @@ Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet pa një fjalëkalim?
Encryption Algorithm:
- Algoritëm Ffshehtëzimi:
+ Algoritëm Fshehtëzimi:Encryption algorithm
@@ -1911,11 +2042,6 @@ Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet pa një fjalëkalim?
- unchanged
- Database decryption time is unchanged
- Number of rounds too highKey transformation rounds
@@ -1968,6 +2094,18 @@ Nëse mbani këtë numër, baza juaj e të dhënave s’do të mbrohet nga sulme
Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) rrjedhë rrjedha
+ Encryption Settings:
+ Rregullime Fshehtëzimi:
+ Basic
+ Elementare
+ Advanced
+ Të mëtejshme
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetFdoSecrets
@@ -1985,7 +2123,7 @@ Nëse mbani këtë numër, baza juaj e të dhënave s’do të mbrohet nga sulme
Enable Secret Service to access these settings.
+ Aktivizo hyrjen e Shërbimit të Fshehtë te këto rregullime.
@@ -2024,11 +2162,11 @@ Nëse mbani këtë numër, baza juaj e të dhënave s’do të mbrohet nga sulme
Maximum number of history items per entry
+ Numër maksimum objektesh historiku për zëMaximum size of history per entry
+ Madhësi maksimum historiku për zë MiB
@@ -2036,7 +2174,7 @@ Nëse mbani këtë numër, baza juaj e të dhënave s’do të mbrohet nga sulme
Use recycle bin
- Përdor kosh hedhurinash
+ Përdor kosh riciklimeshAdditional Database Settings
@@ -2048,12 +2186,13 @@ Nëse mbani këtë numër, baza juaj e të dhënave s’do të mbrohet nga sulme
Delete Recycle Bin
- Fshi Kosh Hedhurinash
+ Fshi Kosh RiciklimeshDo you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents?
This action is not reversible.
+ Doni të fshihet koshi i tanishëm i riciklimeve dhe krejt lënda e tij?
+Ky veprim s’është i prapakthyeshëm. (old)
@@ -2064,29 +2203,102 @@ This action is not reversible.
the oldest history items of an entry will be
removed such that only the specified amount
of entries remain at most.
+ Kur ruhet ky rregullim, ose përpunohet një zë
+objektet më të vjetër të historikut të një zëri
+do të hiqen, që e shumta të mbetet vetëm sasia
+ e përcaktuar e zërave.Limit the amount of history items per entry to:
+ Kufizoje sasinë e objekteve të historikut për zë në:When saving this setting or editing an entry
the oldest history items of an entry will be
removed such that the remaining history items
add up to the specified amount at most.
+ Kur ruhet ky rregullim, ose përpunohet një zë
+objektet më të vjetër të historikut të një zëri
+do të hiqen, që objektet e mbetur te historiku
+të jenë e shumta deri sa sasia e përcaktuar.Limit the total size of history items per entry to:
+ Kufizoje sasinë e objekteve të historikut gjithsej për zë në:Move entries to a recycle bin group
instead of deleting them from the database.
Entries deleted from the recycle bin are
removed from the database.
+ Kaloji zërat te një grup koshi riciklimi
+në vend se t’i fshish nga baza e të dhënave.
+Zërat e fshirë nga koshi i riciklimeve
+hiqen nga baza e të dhënave.
+ Autosave delay since last change
+ Vonesë vetëruajtje që nga ndryshimi i fundit
+ Autosave delay
+ Vonesë vetëruajtjeje
+ Autosave delay since last change in minutes
+ Vonesë vetëruajtje që nga ndryshimi i fundit, në minuta
+ min
+ min
+ Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Vonesë vetëruajtje që nga ndryshimi i fundit, kutizë
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Tejtëdhëna Baze të Dhënash Publike
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Kujdes: rregullimet vijuese s’janë të fshehtëzuara.
+ Display name:
+ Emër në ekran:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Emër në ekran i dukshëm publikisht, i përdorur te dialogu i shkyçjeve
+ Database public display name
+ Emër publik në ekran baze të dhënash
+ Display color:
+ Ngjyrë ekrani:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Ngjyrë e dukshme publikisht, e përdorur te dialogu i shkyçjeve
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Zgjedhës ngjyre shfaqjeje publike baze të dhënash
+ Clear
+ Spastroji
+ Display icon:
+ Ikonë shfaqjeje:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Përzgjidhni Ikonë Baze të Dhënash
@@ -2183,6 +2395,129 @@ removed from the database.
Fushë përshkrimi baze të dhënash
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemote
+ Sync Commands
+ Urdhra njëkohësimi
+ Remove
+ Hiqe
+ Command Settings
+ Rregullime Urdhri
+ Name
+ Emër
+ Save
+ Ruaje
+ Download
+ Shkarkoje
+ Command:
+ Urdhër:
+ Download command field
+ Fushë urdhri shkarkimi
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ p.sh.: "sftp user@hostname" ose "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Download input field
+ Upload
+ Ngarkim
+ Upload command field
+ Fushë urdhri ngarkimi
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" ose "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ Upload input field
+ Name cannot be empty.
+ Emri s’mund të jetë i zbrazët.
+ Test
+ Download command cannot be empty.
+ Urdhri i shkarkimit s’mund të jetë i zbrazët.
+ Download failed with error: %1
+ Shkarkimi dështoi me gabimin: %1
+ Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ Shkarkimi përfundoi, por s’u gjeta kartela %1.
+ Download successful.
+ Shkarkim i suksesshëm
+ Save Remote Settings
+ You have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ Keni ndryshime të paruajtura. Doni të ruhen?
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ e.g.:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ Mbarime kohe:
+ seconds
+ sekonda
@@ -2192,7 +2527,8 @@ removed from the database.
The created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it.
This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
+ Baza e të dhënave e krijuar s’ka kyç, apo KDF, po hidhet poshtë ruajtja e saj.
+Kjo është përfundimisht një e metë, ju lutemi, njoftojuani zhvilluesve.KeePass 2 Database
@@ -2214,25 +2550,9 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
CSV fileKartelë CSV
- Select CSV file
- Përzgjidhni kartelë CSV
- Merge database
- Përzie bazë të dhënash
- KeePass 1 database
- Bazë të dhënash Keepass 1
- Open KeePass 1 database
- Hap bazë të dhënash Keepass 1
- Open OPVault
- Hap OPVault
+ Përzje bazë të dhënashExport database to CSV file
@@ -2246,28 +2566,6 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
Writing the HTML file failed.Shkrimi te kartela HTML dështoi.
- Export Confirmation
- Ripohim Eksportimi
- You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue?
- New Database
- Bazë e re të Dhënash
- %1 [New Database]
- Database tab name modifier
- %1 [Bazë e Re të Dhënash]
- %1 [Locked]
- Database tab name modifier
- %1 [E kyçur]
- Export database to XML fileEksportoje bazën e të dhënave te kartelë XML
@@ -2280,16 +2578,38 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
Writing the XML file failedShkrimi te kartela XML dështoi
+ Export Confirmation
+ Ripohim Eksportimi
+ You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue?
+ Ju ndan një hap nga eksportimi i bazës suaj të të dhënave te një kartelë e pafshehtëzuar. Kjo do t’i lërë të cenueshme fjalëkalimet dhe informacione me spec tuajat! Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet?
+ %1 [Locked]
+ Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [E kyçur]
+ %1 [Temporary]
+ Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [E përkohshme]
+ DatabaseWidget
+ Searches and Tags
+ Kërkime dhe Etiketa
+ Searching…Po kërkohet…Shared group…
+ Grup i përbashkët…Confirm Auto-Type
@@ -2297,7 +2617,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window?
+ Të kryhet Vetë-shtypje te dritarja e mëparshme aktive?Execute command?
@@ -2305,7 +2625,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br>
+ Doni vërtet të ekzekutohet urdhri vijues?<br><br>%1<br>Remember my choice
@@ -2321,16 +2641,20 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
Move group to recycle bin?
- Të shpihet grupi te koshi i hedhurinave?
+ Të shpihet grupi te koshi i riciklimeve?Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin?
+ Doni vërtet të shpihet grupi “%1” te koshi i riciklimeve?Expired entriesZëra të skaduar
+ Entries expiring within %1 day(s)
+ Zëra që skadojnë brenda %1 diteZëra që skadojnë brenda %1 ditësh
+ No current database.S’ka bazë të tanishme të dhënash.
@@ -2355,13 +2679,25 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
No ResultsS’ka Përfundime
+ Save
+ Ruaje
+ Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list:
+ Jepni një emër unik, ose mbishkruani një kërkim ekzistues prej listës:
+ Save Search
+ Ruaje Kërkimin
+ Lock Database?Të kyçet Baza e të Dhënave?You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway?
+ Po përpunoni një zë. Të hidhen tej ndryshimet dhe të kyçet, sido qoftë?"%1" was modified.
@@ -2383,33 +2719,15 @@ Të ruhen ndryshimet?
File has changedKartela ka ndryshuar
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Kartela e bazës së të dhënave ka ndryshuar. Doni të ngarkohen ndryshimet?
- Merge Request
- Kërkesë Përzierjeje
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Kartela e bazës së të dhënave ka ndryshuar dhe keni ndryshime të paruajtyra.
-Doni të përziehen ndryshimet tuaja?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Disable safe saves?
+ Të çaktivizohen ruajtje të parrezik?KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file.
Disable safe saves and try again?
+ KeePassXC ka dështuar disa herë të ruajë bazën e të dhënave. Kjo ka gjasa të jetë shkaktuar nga shërbime njëkohësimi kartelash që ruajnë një kyçje te kartela që duhet ruajtur.
+Të çaktivizohet ruajtje të parrezik dhe të riprovohet?Writing the database failed: %1
@@ -2433,35 +2751,104 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Empty recycle bin?
- Të zbrazet koshi i hedhurinave?
+ Të zbrazet koshi i riciklimeve?Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin?
- Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet përgjithmonë gjithçka prej koshit tuaj të hedhurinave?
+ Jeni i sigurt se doni të fshihet përgjithmonë gjithçka prej koshit tuaj të riciklimeve?Could not find database file: %1S’u gjet dot kartelë baze të dhënash: %1
- Entries expiring within %1 day(s)
- Zëra që skadojnë brenda %1 diteZëra që skadojnë brenda %1 ditësh
+ New Database
+ Bazë e re të Dhënash
- Searches and Tags
- Kërkime dhe Etiketa
+ %1 [New Database]
+ Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Bazë e Re të Dhënash]
- Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list:
- Jepni një emër unik, ose mbishkruani një kërkim ekzistues prej listës:
+ Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Njëkohësimi i Largët s’përmbante ndonjë urdhër shkarkimi ose ngarkimi.
- Save
- Ruaje
+ Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Njëkohësimi i largët “%1” u plotësua me sukses!
- Save Search
- Ruaje Kërkimin
+ Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Njëkohësimi i largët “%1” dështoi: %2
+ Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Gabim gjatë ruajtjes së bazës së të dhënave: %1: %2
+ Downloading...
+ Po shkarkohet…
+ Uploading...
+ Po ngarkohet…
+ Syncing...
+ Po njëkohësohet…
+ Remove passkey from entry
+ Hiq kodkalim nga zëri
+ Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ Doni të hiqet kyçkalimi nga ky zë?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -2514,10 +2901,6 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
- (encrypted)
- (i fshehtëzuar)
- Select private keyPërzgjidhni kyç privat
@@ -2604,6 +2987,10 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
+ %n hour(s)
+ %n orë%n orë
+ %n week(s)%n javë%n javë
@@ -2616,9 +3003,9 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
%n year(s)%n vit%n vjet
- %n hour(s)
- %n orë%n orë
+ Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ S’u arrit të shfshehtëzohej kyç, sigurohuni se fjalëkalimi është i saktë.
@@ -2708,11 +3095,11 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
EditEntryWidgetAutoTypeEnable Auto-Type for this entry
- Aktivizo Vetë-Shtypje për këtë zë
+ Aktivizoni Vetë-Shtypje për këtë zëInherit default Auto-Type sequence from the group
- Trashëgo sekuencë Vetë-Shtypjeje parazgjedhje prej grupit
+ Trashëgo prej grupit sekuencë parazgjedhje Vetë-ShtypjeUse custom Auto-Type sequence:
@@ -2738,9 +3125,19 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Add new window associationShtoni një përshoqërim të ri dritareje
+ +
+ Add item
+ +
+ Remove selected window association
+ Hiqe përshoqërimin e përzgjedhur të dritares
+ -
+ Remove item
+ -Window title:
@@ -2748,15 +3145,15 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
You can use an asterisk (*) to match everything
+ Mund të përdorni një yllth (*) për kërkim përkimesh për gjithçkaSet the window association title
+ Caktoni titull përshoqërimi dritarejeYou can use an asterisk to match everything
+ Mund të përdorni një yllth për kërkim përkimesh për gjithçkaUse a specific sequence for this association:
@@ -2764,25 +3161,11 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Custom Auto-Type sequence for this window
- +
- Add item
- +
- -
- Remove item
- -
+ Sekuencë vetjake Vetë-Shtypjeje për këtë dritareEditEntryWidgetBrowser
- These settings affect to the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
- GeneralTë përgjithshme
@@ -2795,25 +3178,13 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryAnashkalo Vetë-Parashtrim për këtë zë
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Këtë zë përdore vetëm me Mirëfilltësim Elementar HTTPDo not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth
- Additional URL's
+ Mos e përdor këtë zë me Mirëfilltësim Elementar HTTPAdd
@@ -2827,6 +3198,22 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
+ These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ Këto rregullime prekin sjelljen e zërit me zgjerimin e shfletuesit.
+ Additional URLs
+ URL-ra shtesë
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Këtë zë dërgoje te shfletuesi vetëm për dialogë Mirëfilltësimesh HTTP. Në u aktivizoftë, formularët normalë të hyrjes s’do ta shfaqin këtë zë për përzgjedhje.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Mos e dërgo këtë zë te shfletuesi për dialogë Mirëfilltësimesh HTTP. Në u aktivizoftë, dialogët e Mirëfilltësimeve HTTPf s’do ta shfaqin këtë zë për përzgjedhje.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -2836,7 +3223,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Show entry at selected history state
+ Shfaqe zërin në gjendjen e përzgjedhur të historikutShow
@@ -2844,7 +3231,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Restore entry to selected history state
+ Riktheje zërin në gjendjen e përzgjedhur të historikutRestore
@@ -2915,7 +3302,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Toggle expiration
+ Shfaq/fshih skadimTags list
@@ -2923,35 +3310,35 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
+ &Emër përdoruesi:&Title:
+ &Titull:&Password:
+ &Fjalëkalim:UR&L:
+ UR&L:&Notes:
+ Shën&ime:Toggle notes visibility
+ Shfaq/fshih shënimeT&ags:
+ &Etiketa:&Expires:
+ &Skadon më:
@@ -2962,7 +3349,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Remove key from agent when database is closed/locked
+ Hiqe kyçin nga agjenti, kur mbyllet/kyçet baza e të dhënaveComment
@@ -2970,7 +3357,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Add key to agent when database is opened/unlocked
+ Shtoje kyçin te agjenti, kur baza e të dhënave është e hapur/e shkyçurDecrypt
@@ -2992,19 +3379,6 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Private keyKyç privat
- External file
- Kartelë e jashtme
- Browser for key file
- Shfletues për kartelë kyçi
- Browse…
- Button for opening file dialog
- Shfletoni…
- AttachmentBashkëngjitje
@@ -3021,13 +3395,30 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Remove from agentHiqe prej agjenti
+ External file
+ Kartelë e jashtme
+ Browser for key file
+ Shfletues për kartelë kyçi
+ Browse…
+ Button for opening file dialog
+ Shfletoni…
+ Generate
+ Prodhoje
+ Select attachment filePërzgjidhni kartelë bashkëngjitjeRequire user confirmation when this key is used
+ Kërko doemos ripohim nga përdoruesi, kur përdoret ky kyçn/a
@@ -3035,16 +3426,20 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Remove key from agent after
+ Hiqe kyçin nga agjenti pasRemove key from agent after specified seconds
+ Hiqe kyçin nga agjenti pas sekondave të specifikuara seconds sekonda
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3056,10 +3451,6 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
- Browser Integration
- Integrim Shfletuesi
- PropertiesVeti
@@ -3076,6 +3467,10 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Group has unsaved changesGrupi ka ndryshime të paruajtura
+ Browser Integration
+ Integrim Shfletuesi
+ EnableAktivizoje
@@ -3093,11 +3488,11 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
EditGroupWidgetBrowserThese settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ Këto rregullime prekin sjelljen e grupit me zgjerimin e shfletuesit.Hide entries from browser extension:
+ Fshihi zërat nga zgjerimi i shfletuesit:Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups
@@ -3105,7 +3500,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Skip Auto-Submit for entries:
+ Anashkalo Vetëparashtrim për zërat:Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups
@@ -3113,7 +3508,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth:
+ Përdori zërat vetëm me Mirëfilltësim Elementar HTTP:Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups
@@ -3121,7 +3516,7 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth:
+ Mos përdor zëra me Mirëfilltësim Elementar HTTP:Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups
@@ -3129,18 +3524,26 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Omit WWW subdomain from matching:
+ Lër jashtë kërkimit për përkim nënpërkatësinë WWW:Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups
+ Restrict matching to given browser key:
+ Restrict matching to given browser key toggle for this and sub groups
+ EditGroupWidgetKeeShareSharing mode field
+ Fushë mënyre ndarjeje me të tjerëPassword field
@@ -3160,11 +3563,11 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Path to share file field
+ Fushë shtegu për të ndarë kartelë me të tjerëBrowse for share file
+ Shfletoni për kartelë për ndarjeBrowse…
@@ -3197,40 +3600,41 @@ Do të donit të ndreqet?
Your KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type.
Supported extensions are: %1.
+ Versioni juaj i KeePassXC-së nuk mbulon ndarje të këtij lloji kontejneri.
+Zgjatimet e mbuluara janë: %1.%1 is already being exported by this database.
+ %1 po eksportohet tashmë nga kjo bazë të dhënash.%1 is already being imported by this database.
+ %1 po importohet tashmë nga kjo bazë të dhënash.%1 is being imported and exported by different groups in this database.
+ %1 po importohet dhe eksportohet nga grupe të ndryshëm në këtë bazë të dhënash.KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings.KeeShare is a proper noun
+ KeeShare është aktualisht i çaktivizuar. Mund të aktivizoni importim/eksportim që nga rregullime aplikacioni.Database export is currently disabled by application settings.
+ Eksportimi i bazës së të dhënave është aktualisht i çaktivizuar që nga rregullime aplikacioni.Database import is currently disabled by application settings.
+ Importimi i bazës së të dhënave është aktualisht i çaktivizuar që nga rregullime aplikacioni.KeeShare container
+ Kontejner KeeShareKeeShare signed container
+ Kontejner KeeShare i nënshkruarSelect import source
@@ -3253,7 +3657,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
Toggle expiration
+ Shfaq/fshih skadimExpires:
@@ -3269,7 +3673,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group
+ Përdor sekuencë Vetë-Shtypjeje parazgjedhje të grupit mëmëAuto-Type:
@@ -3366,10 +3770,6 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
Unable to fetch favicon.S’arrihet të sillet favikonë.
- You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Tools -> Settings -> Security
- Existing icon selected.U përzgjodh ikonë ekzistuese.
@@ -3388,7 +3788,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s)
+ U ngarkua me sukses %1 nga %n ikonëU ngarkua me sukses %1 nga %n ikonaNo icons were loaded
@@ -3396,22 +3796,26 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
%n icon(s) already exist in the database
+ Te baza e të dhënave ekziston tashmë %n ikonëTe baza e të dhënave ekzistojnë tashmë %n ikonaThe following icon(s) failed:Ikona vijuese dështoi:Ikonat vijuese dështuan:
+ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Application Settings -> Security
+ Mund të aktivizoni shërbim ikonash sajti DuckDuckGo që nga Rregullime Aplikacioni -> Siguri
+ EditWidgetPropertiesCreated:
- Krijuar më
+ Krijuar më:Datetime created
+ Datë dhe kohë kur u krijuaModified:
@@ -3419,15 +3823,15 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
Datetime modified
+ Datë dhe kohë kur u ndryshuaAccessed:
+ Përdorur më:Datetime accessed
+ Datë dhe kohë kur u përdorUuid:
@@ -3447,7 +3851,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
Remove selected plugin data
+ Hiq të dhëna shtojce të përzgjedhurRemove
@@ -3455,12 +3859,13 @@ Supported extensions are: %1.
Delete plugin data?
+ Të hiqen të dhëna shtojce?Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data?
This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Doni vërtet të fshihen të dhënat e shtojcës së përzgjedhur?
+Kjo mund të bëjë të punojnë keq shtojcat e prekura.Key
@@ -3475,7 +3880,25 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Entry%1 - Clone
+ %1 - Klonoje
+ Passkey
+ Kyçkalim
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Lloj i pavlefshëm shndërrimi: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Sintaksë e pavlefshme shndërrimi: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Sintaksë e pavlefshme shprehjeje të rregullt: %1
@@ -3485,6 +3908,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
S’hapet dot kartela “%1”
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formular
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3522,14 +3960,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Riemërtojeni bashkëngjitjen e përzgjedhur
- Rename
- Riemërtojeni
- Open selected attachmentHape bashkëngjitjen e përzgjedhur
@@ -3556,7 +3986,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)?
- Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet %n bashkëngjitje?Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet %n bashkëngjitje?
+ Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet %n bashkëngjitje?Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqen %n bashkëngjitje?Save attachments
@@ -3570,7 +4000,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment?
+ Jeni i sigurt se doni të mbishkruhet kartela ekzistuese “%1” me bashkëngjitjen?Confirm overwrite
@@ -3605,11 +4035,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Confirm Overwrite AttachmentRipohoni Mbishkrim Bashkëngjitjeje
- Attachment "%1" already exists.
-Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
- Confirm AttachmentRipohoni Bashkëngjitje
@@ -3619,7 +4044,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Your database may get very large and reduce performance.
Are you sure to add this file?
+ %1 është një kartelë e madhe (%2 MB).
+Baza juaj e të dhënave mund të bëhet shumë e madhe dhe të bjerë funksionimi.
+Jeni i sigurt se doni të shtohet kjo kartelë?Attachment modified
@@ -3628,15 +4056,35 @@ Are you sure to add this file?
The attachment '%1' was modified.
Do you want to save the changes to your database?
+ Bashkëngjitja “%1” u ndryshua.
+Doni të ruhen ndryshimet te baza juaj e të dhënave?Saving attachment failed
+ Dështoi ruajtja e bashkëngjitjesSaving updated attachment failed.
Error: %1
+ Dështoi ruajtja e bashkëngjitjes së përditësuar.
+Gabim: %1
+ Attachment "%1" already exists.
+Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ Ka tashmë një bashkëngjitje “%1”.
+Doni të mbishkruhet bashkëngjitja ekzistuese?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Paraparje
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
@@ -3651,7 +4099,7 @@ Error: %1
EntryHistoryModelCurrent (%1)
+ I tanishmi (%1)Last modified
@@ -3731,7 +4179,7 @@ Error: %1
Ref: Reference abbreviation
+ Ref:Never
@@ -3775,7 +4223,7 @@ Error: %1
+ Përdorur mëAttachments
@@ -3815,7 +4263,7 @@ Error: %1
Last access date
+ Data e përdorimit të funditAttached files
@@ -3833,12 +4281,20 @@ Error: %1
+ Background Color
+ Ngjyrë Sfondi
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidgetDisplay current TOTP value
+ Shfaq vlerën e tanishme TOTPClose
@@ -3853,8 +4309,8 @@ Error: %1
- Notes
- Shënime
+ URLExpiration
@@ -3873,8 +4329,8 @@ Error: %1
Emër përdoruesi
+ Notes
+ ShënimeAdvanced
@@ -3890,7 +4346,7 @@ Error: %1
+ Vetë-shtypeDefault Sequence
@@ -3906,11 +4362,11 @@ Error: %1
+ Po kërkohetShare
+ Ndaje me të tjerëSearch
@@ -3924,6 +4380,10 @@ Error: %1
+ Double click to copy value
+ Që t’i kopjohet vlera, dyklikojeni
+ EnabledE aktivizuar
@@ -3932,35 +4392,31 @@ Error: %1
DisabledE çaktivizuar
- Double click to copy value
- Që t’i kopjohet vlera, dyklikojeni
- Double click to copy to clipboard
+ Që të kopjohet, dyklikojeniEntryURLModelInvalid URL
- URL e Pavlefshme
+ URL e pavlefshmeDuplicate URL
+ URL e përsëdyturEntryViewFit to window
+ Sa ta nxërë dritarjaFit to contents
+ Sa ta nxërë lëndaReset to defaults
@@ -3968,7 +4424,7 @@ Error: %1
+ %1 entry(s)...
+ + %1 zë…+ %1 zëra…
@@ -3985,7 +4441,9 @@ Error: %1
You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file.
This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
+ Ju ndan një hap nga eksportimi i bazës suaj të të dhënave si një kartelë e pafshehtëzuar.
+Kjo do t’i lërë të cenueshme fjalëkalimet tuaja dhe informacione me spec!
+database order
@@ -4016,61 +4474,61 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
FdoSecrets::DBusMgrFailed to deliver message
+ S’u arrit të dërgohej mesazheFailed to send reply on DBus
+ S’u arrit të dërgohej përgjigje në DBUSUnknownUnknown PID
+ I panjohurUnknownUnknown executable path
+ I panjohur<i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i><i>PID: 1234, Executable: /path/to/exe</i>
+ <i>PID: %1, I ekzekutueshëm: %2</i>Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration.
+ Po xhiron një tjetër shërbim i fshehtë (%1).<br/>Ju lutemi, ndaleni/hiqeni, para se të riaktivizohet Integrimi i Shërbimit të Fshehtë.Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/>
+ S’u arrit të regjistrohej shërbim DBus në %1.<br/>Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1'
+ S’u arrit të regjistrohej shërbim DBus në shtegun '%1'Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1'
+ S’u arrit të regjistrohej bazë të dhënash te DBus nën emrin '%1'Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1'
+ S’u arrit të regjistrohej sesion te DBus në shtegun '%1'Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1'
+ S’u arrit të regjistrohej objekt te DBus në shtegun '%1'Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1'
+ S’u arrit të regjistrohej objekt prompt te DBus në shtegun '%1'FdoSecrets::ItemEntry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3
+ Nga %3 u përdor zëri “%1” pre bazës së të dhënave “%2”
@@ -4078,14 +4536,14 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
%n Entry(s) was used by %1%1 is the name of an application
+ Nga %1 qe përdorur %n zëNga %1 qenë përdorur %n zëraFdoSecrets::SettingsClientModelUnknown
+ I panjohurNon-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit.
@@ -4096,7 +4554,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
FdoSecrets::SettingsDatabaseModelUnlock to show
+ Që të shfaqet, shkyçeniNone
@@ -4114,7 +4572,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
FdoSecretsPlugin<b>Fdo Secret Service:</b> %1
+ <b>Shërbim të Fshehtash Fdo:</b> %1
@@ -4126,21 +4584,21 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
%1 - Clone
+ %1 - KlonojeHibpDownloaderOnline password validation failed
+ Dështoi vlerësimi në internet i fjalëkalimitIconDownloaderDialogDownload Favicons
+ Shkarko FavikonaCancel
@@ -4149,7 +4607,8 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable!
Having trouble downloading icons?
You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings.
+ Keni probleme me shkarkim ikonash?
+Mund të aktivizoni shërbimin e ikonave të sajteve nga DuckDuckGo, te pjesa e sigurisë në rregullimet e aplikacionit.Close
@@ -4165,7 +4624,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Please wait, processing entry list…
+ Ju lutemi, prisni, po përpunohet listë zërash…Downloading…
@@ -4188,6 +4647,193 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Po shkarkohen favikona (%1/%2)…
+ ImportWizard
+ Import Wizard
+ Ndihmës Importimesh
+ ImportWizardPageReview
+ WizardPage
+ Faqe Ndihmësi
+ Entry count: %1
+ Numër zërash: %1
+ Group
+ Grup
+ Title
+ Titull
+ Username
+ Emër përdoruesi
+ Password
+ Fjalëkalim
+ Url
+ Could not load key file.
+ S’u ngarkua dot kartelë kyç.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ S’u hap dot bazë e largët të dhënash. Mund të jenë të pasaktë fjalëkalimi ose kartela kyç.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
+ Form
+ Formular
+ Import File Selection
+ Përzgjedhje Kartele Importimi
+ Password:
+ Fjalëkalim:
+ Key File:
+ Kartelë Kyçi:
+ Browse…
+ Shfletoni…
+ Import Into:
+ Importoje Te:
+ New Database
+ Bazë e re të Dhënash
+ No unlocked databases available
+ S’ka baza të dhënash të shkyçura
+ Existing Database:
+ Bazë Ekzistuese të Dhënash:
+ Import File:
+ Importo Kartelë:
+ Comma Separated Values (.csv)
+ Vlera Ndarë Me Presje (.csv)
+ 1Password Export (.1pux)
+ Eksportim 1Password (.1pux)
+ 1Password Vault (.opvault)
+ Kasafortë 1Password (.opvault)
+ Bitwarden (.json)
+ Bitwarden (.json)
+ KeePass 1 Database (.kdb)
+ Bazë të dhënash KeePass 1 (.kdb)
+ Open OPVault
+ Hap OPVault
+ Select import file
+ Përzgjidhni kartelë importimi
+ All files
+ Krejt kartelat
+ Key files
+ Kartela kyçesh
+ Select key file
+ Përzgjidhni kartelë kyçi
+ Comma Separated Values
+ Vlera Ndarë Me Presje
+ 1Password Export
+ Eksportim 1Password
+ Bitwarden JSON Export
+ Eksportim Bitwarden JSON
+ 1Password Vault
+ Kasafortë 1Password
+ KeePass1 Database
+ Bazë të Dhënash Keepass1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Bazë e përkohshme të Dhënash
+ Command:
+ Urdhër:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ p.sh.: "sftp user@hostname" ose "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Bazë të Dhënash e Largët (.kdbx)
@@ -4196,43 +4842,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Close message
+ Mbylle mesazhinKdbx3ReaderMissing database headers
+ Mungojnë krye baze të dhënashUnable to calculate database key
+ S’arrihet të llogaritet kyç baze të dhënashUnable to issue challenge-response: %1
+ S’arrihet të emetohet pyetje-përgjigje: %1Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
+ U dhanë kredenciale të pavlefshme, ju lutemi, riprovoni.
+Nëse kjo ndodh sërish, ahere baza juaj e të dhënave mund të jetë e dëmtuar.Header doesn't match hash
+ Kryet s’përputhen me hashinInvalid header id size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme ID-je kryeshInvalid header field length: field %1
+ Gjatësi e pavlefshme fushe kryesh: fushë %1Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found
+ Gjatësi e pavlefshme të dhënash kryesh: fushë %1, pritej %2, u gjet %3
@@ -4240,83 +4887,84 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Invalid symmetric cipher IV size.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme Vektori simetrik gatitjeje shifre.Unable to issue challenge-response: %1
+ S’arrihet të emetohet pyetje-përgjigje: %1Unable to calculate database key
+ S’arrihet të llogaritet kyç baze të dhënashKdbx4Readermissing database headers
+ mungojnë krye baze të dhënashUnable to calculate database key: %1
+ S’arrihet të llogaritet kyç baze të dhënash: %1Invalid header checksum size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme checksum-i kryeshHeader SHA256 mismatch
+ Mospërputhje kryesh SHA256Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
+ U dhanë kredenciale të pavlefshme, ju lutemi, riprovoni.
+Nëse kjo ndodh sërish, ahere baza juaj e të dhënave mund të jetë e dëmtuar.(HMAC mismatch)
+ (Mospërputhje HMAC)Unknown cipher
+ Shifër e panjohurInvalid header id size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme ID-je kryeshInvalid header field length: field %1
+ Gjatësi e pavlefshme fushe kryesh: fushë %1Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found
+ Gjatësi e pavlefshme të dhënash kryesh: fushë %1, pritej %2, u gjet %3Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header
+ S’u arrit të hapet “buffer” për parametra KDFte kryetUnsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parameters
+ Funksion i pambuluar derivimi kyçesh (KDF), ose parametra të pavlefshëmLegacy header fields found in KDBX4 file.
+ U gjetën fusha kryesh të dikurshme në kartelë KDBX4.Invalid inner header id size
+ Madhësi ID-je kryesh të brendshmeInvalid inner header field length: field %1
+ Gjatësi e pavlefshme fushe kryesh të brendshme: fusha %1Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found
+ Gjatësi e pavlefshme fushe kryesh të brendshme: fusha %1, pritej %2, u gjet %3Invalid inner header binary size
@@ -4387,16 +5035,16 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Kdbx4WriterInvalid symmetric cipher algorithm.
+ Algoritëm i pavlefshëm shifre simetrike.Invalid symmetric cipher IV size.IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme Vektori Gatitjeje shifre simetrike.Unable to calculate database key: %1
+ S’arrihet të llogaritet kyç baze të dhënash: %1Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant map
@@ -4408,15 +5056,15 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
KdbxReaderInvalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2)
+ Gjatësi e pavlefshme UUID-je shifre: %1 (gjatësi=%2)Unable to parse UUID: %1
+ S’arrihet të analizohet UUID: %1Unsupported cipher
+ Shifër e pambuluarInvalid compression flags length
@@ -4424,7 +5072,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Unsupported compression algorithm
+ Algoritëm i pambuluar ngjeshjeshInvalid master seed size
@@ -4436,11 +5084,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Invalid transform rounds size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme raundesh shndërrimiInvalid start bytes size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme bajtesh fillimiInvalid random stream id size
@@ -4452,14 +5100,17 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Failed to read database file.
+ S’u arrit të lexohej kartelë baze të dhënash.The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb).
You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'.
This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version.
+ Kartela e përzgjedhur është një bazë e vjetër të dhënash KeePass 1 (.kdb).
+Mund ta importoni duke klikuar te Bazë të dhënash > “Importoni bazë të dhënash KeePass 1…”.
+Ky është një migrim me një kah. S’do të jeni në gjendje të hapni bazën e importuar të të dhënave me versionin e vjetër KeePassX 0.4.Not a KeePass database.
@@ -4467,32 +5118,34 @@ This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported databas
Unsupported KeePass 2 database version.
+ Version i pambuluar baze të dhënash KeePass 2.KdbxXmlReaderXML parsing failure: %1
+ Dështim analizimi XML-je: %1No root group
+ S’ka grup rrënjëXML error:
Line %2, column %3
+ Gabim XML:
+Rreshti %2, shtylla %3Missing icon uuid or data
+ Mungon UUID ose të dhëna ikoneMissing custom data key or value
+ Mungon kyç, ose vlerë të dhënash vetjakeMultiple group elements
@@ -4504,19 +5157,19 @@ Line %2, column %3
Invalid group icon number
+ Numër i pavlefshëm ikonash grupiInvalid EnableAutoType value
+ Vlerë EnableAutoType e pavlefshmeInvalid EnableSearching value
+ Vlerë EnableSearching e pavlefshmeNo group uuid found
+ S’u gjet grup UUIDNull DeleteObject uuid
@@ -4524,7 +5177,7 @@ Line %2, column %3
Missing DeletedObject uuid or time
+ Mungon UUID ose kohë për DeletedObjectNull entry uuid
@@ -4532,23 +5185,23 @@ Line %2, column %3
Invalid entry icon number
+ Numër i pavlefshëm ikone zëriHistory element in history entry
+ Element historiku te zë historikuNo entry uuid found
+ S’u gjet UUID zëriHistory element with different uuid
+ Element historiku me UUDI të ndryshmeDuplicate custom attribute found
+ U gjet atribut vetjak i përsëdyturEntry string key or value missing
@@ -4560,77 +5213,66 @@ Line %2, column %3
Auto-type association window or sequence missing
+ Mungon dritare ose sekuencë përshoqërimi Vetë-shtypjejeInvalid bool value
+ Vlerë buelane e pavlefshmeInvalid date time value
+ Vlerë e pavlefshme date koheInvalid color value
+ Vlerë e pavlefshme ngjyreInvalid color rgb part
+ Pjesë e pavlefshme RGB ngjyreInvalid number value
+ Vlerë e pavlefshme numriInvalid uuid value
+ Vlerë UUID e pavlefshmeUnable to decompress binaryTranslator meant is a binary data inside an entry
+ S’arrihet të çngjeshet dyorKeeAgentSettingsInvalid KeeAgent settings file structure.
+ Strukturë e pavlefshme kartele rregullimesh KeeAgent.Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided.
+ Kyçi privat është një bashkëngjitje, por bashkëngjitje s’u dhanë.Private key is empty
+ Kyçi privat është i zbrazëtFile too large to be a private key
+ Kartelë shumë e madhe për të qenë një kyç privatFailed to open private key
- KeePass1OpenWidget
- Import KeePass1 Database
- Importo Bazë të Dhënash Keepass 1
- Unable to open the database.
- S’arrihet të hapet baza e të dhënave.
+ S’u arrit të hapej kyç privatKeePass1ReaderUnable to read keyfile.
- S’arrihet të lexohet kartelë kyçesh.
+ S’arrihet të lexohet kartelë kyç.Not a KeePass database.
@@ -4638,28 +5280,28 @@ Line %2, column %3
Unsupported encryption algorithm.
+ Algoritëm i pambuluar fshehtëzimesh.Unsupported KeePass database version.
+ Version i pambuluar baze të dhënash KeePass.Unable to read encryption IVIV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher
+ S’arrihet të lexohet VG fshehtëzimiInvalid number of groups
+ Numër i pavlefshëm grupeshInvalid number of entries
+ Numër i pavlefshëm zërashInvalid content hash size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme hashi lëndeInvalid transform seed size
@@ -4667,7 +5309,7 @@ Line %2, column %3
Invalid number of transform rounds
+ Numër i pavlefshëm raundesh shndërrimiUnable to construct group tree
@@ -4675,11 +5317,11 @@ Line %2, column %3
+ RrënjëUnable to calculate database key
+ S’arrihet të llogaritet kyç baze të dhënashunable to seek to content position
@@ -4688,19 +5330,20 @@ Line %2, column %3
Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.
If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
+ U dhanë kredenciale të pavlefshme, ju lutemi, riprovoni.
+Nëse kjo ndodh sërish, ahere baza juaj e të dhënave mund të jetë e dëmtuar.Key transformation failed
+ Shndërrimi i kyçit dështoiInvalid group field type number
+ Numër i pavlefshëm lloji fushe grupiInvalid group field size
+ Madhësi fushe grupi e pavlefshmeRead group field data doesn't match size
@@ -4708,47 +5351,47 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Incorrect group id field size
+ Madhësi e pasaktë fushe ID-je grupiIncorrect group creation time field size
+ Madhësi e pasaktë fushe kohe krijimi grupiIncorrect group modification time field size
+ Madhësi e pasaktë fushe kohe ndryshimi grupiIncorrect group access time field size
+ Madhësi e pasaktë fushe kohe përdorimi grupiIncorrect group expiry time field size
+ Madhësi e pasaktë fushe kohe skadimi grupiIncorrect group icon field size
+ Madhësi e pasaktë fushe ikone grupiIncorrect group level field size
+ Madhësi e pasaktë fushe niveli grupiInvalid group field type
+ Lloj i pavlefshëm fushe grupiMissing group id or level
+ Mungon ID ose nivel grupiMissing entry field type number
+ Mungon numër lloji fushe zëriInvalid entry field size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe zëriRead entry field data doesn't match size
@@ -4756,31 +5399,31 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Invalid entry UUID field size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe UUID zëriInvalid entry group id field size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe ID-je grupi zëriInvalid entry icon field size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe ikone zëriInvalid entry creation time field size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe kohe krijimi zëriInvalid entry modification time field size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe kohe ndryshimi zëriInvalid entry expiry time field size
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe kohe skadimi zëriInvalid entry field type
+ Madhësi e pavlefshme fushe zëri
@@ -4799,19 +5442,19 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Exported to %1
+ Eksportuar te %1Synchronized with %1
+ Njëkohësuar me %1Import is disabled in settings
+ Importimi është i çaktivizuar te rregullimetExport is disabled in settings
+ Eksportimi është i çaktivizuar te rregullimetInactive share
@@ -4819,15 +5462,15 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Imported from
+ Importuar ngaExported to
+ Eksportuar teSynchronized with
+ Njëkohësuar me
@@ -4853,7 +5496,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
KeyFileEditWidgetGenerate a new key file
+ Prodhoni një kartelë të re kyçiGenerate
@@ -4861,11 +5504,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database.
+ Prodhoni një kartelë të re kyçi, ose zgjidhni nëj ekzistuese, që të mbroni bazën tuaj të të dhënave.Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database.
+ Shënim: MOS përdorni një kartelë që mund të ndryshojë, ngaqë kjo do t’ju pengojë të shkyçni bazën tuaj të të dhënave.Browse for key file
@@ -4881,12 +5524,13 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt.
You selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead.
+ Përzgjodhët një kartelë kyçi në një format të vjetër. të cilin KeePassXC-ja<br>mund të reshtë së mbuluari në të ardhmen.<br><br>Ju lutemi, në vend të kësaj, shihni mundësinë e prodhimit të një kartele të re.Error loading the key file '%1'
Message: %2
+ Gabim në ngarkimin e kartelës së kyçit “%1”
+Mesazh: %2Key File
@@ -4906,11 +5550,11 @@ Message: %2
Key File set, click to change or remove
+ Kartela e Kyçit u ujdis, klikoni që ta ndryshoni, ose hiqni<p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p>
+ <p>Mund të shtoni një kartelë kyçi që përmban bajte kuturu, për më tepër siguri.</p><p>Duhet ta mbani të fshehtë dhe të mos e humbni kurrë, përndryshe do të kyçeni jashtë.</p>Key files
@@ -4930,7 +5574,8 @@ Message: %2
Unable to create key file: %1
+ S’arrihet të krijohet kartelë kyçi:
+%1Select a key file
@@ -4942,7 +5587,7 @@ Message: %2
You cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file.
+ S’mund të përdorni bazën e tanishme të të dhënave si kartelë kyçi për veten. Ju lutemi, zgjidhni një kartelë tjetër, ose prodhoni një kartelë të re kyçi.Suspicious Key File
@@ -4951,7 +5596,8 @@ Message: %2
The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever.
Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
+ Kartela e zgjedhur e kyçit duket si një kartelë fjalëkalimi baze të dhënash. Një kartelë kyçi duhet të jetë një kartelë statike që nuk ndryshon kurrë, ose përndryshe do të humbni përgjithmonë hyrjen te baza juaj e të dhënave.
+Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet me këtë kartelë?
@@ -4973,36 +5619,36 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
+ &Bazë të dhënash&Recent Databases
- &Import
+ Baza të dhënash Së &Fundi&Export
+ &Eksporto&Help
+ &Ndihmë&Entries
+ &ZëraCopy Att&ribute
+ Kopjo Atri&butTOTPTOTP
+ Tags
+ Etiketa
+ &Groups&Grupe
@@ -5021,7 +5667,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
+ &Mbylle&About
@@ -5029,227 +5675,163 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
&Check for Updates
+ &Kontrollo për Përditësime&Open Database…
+ &Hapni Bazë të Dhënash…&Save Database
+ &Ruaje Bazën e të Dhënave&Close Database
+ Mby&lle Bazën e të Dhënave&New Database…
- Create a new database
+ Bazë e R&e të Dhënash…&Merge From Database…
- Merge from another KDBX database
+ &Përzieni Prej Baze të Dhënash…&New Entry…
- Add a new entry
- Shtoni zë të ri
+ Zë i &Ri…&Edit Entry…
- View or edit entry
- Shihni ose përpunoni zë
+ Përp&unoni Zë…&Delete Entry…
+ &Fshini Zë…&New Group…
- Add a new group
+ &Grup i Ri…&Edit Group…
+ &Përpunoni Grup…&Delete Group…
+ &Fshini Grup…Download All &Favicons…
+ Shkarkoni Krejt F&avikonat…Sort &A-Z
+ Renditi sipas &A-ZSort &Z-A
+ Renditi sipas &Z-ASa&ve Database As…
+ R&uajeni Bazën e të Dhënave Si…Database &Security…
+ &Siguri Baze të Dhënash…Database &Reports…
- Statistics, health check, etc.
+ &Raporte Baze të Dhënash…&Database Settings…
- Database settings
- Rregullime baze të dhënash
+ Rregullime &Baze të Dhënash…&Clone Entry…
+ &Klononi Zë…Move u&p
- Move entry one step up
+ &Ngjite sipërMove do&wn
- Move entry one step down
+ Zbrite &poshtëCopy &Username
- Copy username to clipboard
+ &Kopjo Emër PërdoruesiCopy &Password
- Copy password to clipboard
- Kopjoje fjalëkalimin në të papastër
+ Kopjo &Fjalëkalimin&Settings
+ &Rregullime&Password Generator
+ Prodhues &FjalëkalimeshPerform &Auto-Type
+ kryej &Vetë-ShtypjeDownload &Favicon
+ Shkarko F&avikonëOpen &URL
+ Hape &URL-në&Lock Database
+ &Kyçe Bazën e të DhënaveLock &All Databases
+ Kyçi &Krejt Bazat e të Dhënave&Title
+ &Titull
- Copy title to clipboard
- Copy URL to clipboard
+ Copy &URL
+ Kopjoji &URL-në&Notes
- Copy notes to clipboard
+ Shëni&me&CSV File…
+ Kartelë &CSV…&HTML File…
+ Kartelë &HTML…KeePass 1 Database…
- Import a KeePass 1 database
+ Bazë të Dhënash Keepass 1…1Password Vault…
- Import a 1Password Vault
+ Kasafortë 1Password…CSV File…
- Import a CSV file
+ Kartelë CSV…Show TOTP
+ Shfaq TOTPShow QR Code
@@ -5263,9 +5845,13 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Copy &TOTPKopjo &TOTP
+ Copy Password and TOTP
+ Kopjo Fjalëkalim dhe TOTP
+ E&mpty recycle bin
- &Zbraz koshin e hedhurinave
+ &Zbraz koshin e riciklimeve&Donate
@@ -5287,10 +5873,6 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
&Online HelpNdihmë Në &Internet
- Go to online documentation
- Kalo te dokumentimi në internet
- &User Guide&Udhërrëfyes Përdoruesi
@@ -5321,7 +5903,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
+ AutomatikeLight
@@ -5333,7 +5915,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Classic (Platform-native)
+ Klasike(E brendshme e platformës)
+ Show Menubar
+ Shfaq shtyllë menushShow Toolbar
@@ -5359,6 +5945,10 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Clone Group...Klononi Grup…
+ &XML File…
+ Kartelë &XML…
+ Clear historySpastroje historikun
@@ -5375,21 +5965,23 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC.
There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases.
This version is not meant for production use.
+ KUJDES: Po përdorni një montim të paqëndrueshëm të KeePassXC-së.
+Ka një rrezik të lartë dëmtimi, mbani një kopjeruajtje të bazave tuaja të të dhënave.
+Ky version s’është menduar për përdorim të vërtetë.NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
+ SHËNIM: Po përdorni një version paraqarkullim të KeePassXC-së.
+Prisni ca të meta dhe probleme të vogla, ky version është menduar për qëllime testimi.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ No Tags
+ Pa EtiketaRestore Entry(s)
+ Riktheje ZërinRiktheji ZëratSettings
@@ -5401,23 +5993,27 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup?
+ Doni që KeePassXC-ja gjatë nisjes të kontrollojë për përditësime?You can always check for updates manually from the application menu.
+ Mundeni përherë të kontrolloni dorazi për përditësime, që nga menuja e aplikacionit.Toggle window
- Hap/Mbyll dritare
+ Shfaq/Fshih dritareQuit KeePassXCMbylle KeePassXC-ën
+ %1 Entry(s)
+ %1 Zë%1 Zëra
+ Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue…
+ Ju lutemi, që të vazhdohet, paraqitni, ose prekni YubiKey-n tuaj…Restart Application?
@@ -5425,38 +6021,314 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now?
- Tags
- Etiketa
- No Tags
- Pa Etiketa
- %1 Entry(s)
- %1 Zë%1 Zë
- Copy Password and TOTP
- &XML File…
- Kartelë &XML…
- XML File…
- Kartelë XML…
- Copy &URL
+ Që të aplikohet ky rregullim duhet të rinisni aplikacionin. Doni të riniset tani?Allow Screen Capture
+ Lejo Regjistrim Ekrani
+ 1Password 1PUX...
+ 1Password 1PUX…
+ Import a 1Password 1PUX file
+ Importoni një kartelë 1Password 1PUX
+ Import…
+ Importoni…
+ Passkeys…
+ Kyçkalime…
+ Import Passkey
+ Importoni Kyçkalim
+ Remote S&ync…
+ &Njëkohësim i Largët…
+ Quit Application
+ Mbylle Aplikacionin
+ Open About Dialog
+ Hap Dialogun “Mbi”
+ Open Database
+ Hap Bazë të Dhënash
+ Create Database
+ Krijo Bazë të Dhënash
+ Merge From Database
+ Përzieni Prej Baze të Dhënash
+ Create Entry
+ Krijoni Zë
+ Edit Entry
+ Përpunoni Zërin
+ Delete Entry
+ Fshini Zë
+ Create Group
+ Krijoni Grup
+ Edit Group
+ Përpunoni Grup
+ Delete Group
+ Fshije Grupin
+ Download All Favicons
+ Shkarkoji Krejt Favikonat
+ Sort Groups A-Z
+ Renditi Grupet sipas A-Z
+ Sort Groups Z-A
+ Renditi Grupet sipas Z-A
+ Save Database As
+ Ruaje Bazën e të Dhënave Si
+ Show Database Security
+ Shfaq Siguri Baze të Dhënash
+ Show Database Reports
+ Shfaq Raporte Baze të Dhënash
+ Show Database Settings
+ Shfaq Rregullime Baze të Dhënash
+ Show Passkeys
+ Shfaq Kyçkalime
+ Clone Entry
+ Klonoje Zërin
+ Move Entry Up
+ Ngjite Zërin Sipër
+ Move Entry Down
+ Zbrite Zërin Poshtë
+ Copy Username
+ Kopjo Emër Përdoruesi
+ Copy Password
+ Kopjo Fjalëkalimin
+ Show Application Settings
+ Shfaq Rregullime Aplikacioni
+ Show Password Generator
+ Shfaq Prodhues Fjalëkalimesh
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Hiq Kyçkalim Nga Zëri
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
+ Kryej Vetë-shtypje: {USERNAME}
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}
+ Kryej Vetë-shtypje: {USERNAME}{ENTER}
+ Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}
+ Kryej Vetë-shtypje: {PASSWORD}
+ Perform Auto-Type: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
+ Kryej Vetë-shtypje: {PASSWORD}{ENTER}
+ Perform Auto-Type: {TOTP}
+ Kryej Vetë-shtypje: {TOTP}
+ Copy Title
+ Kopjo Titullin
+ Copy URL
+ Kopjo URL-në
+ Copy Notes
+ Kopjo Shënime
+ Export to CSV
+ Eksportoje si CSV
+ Export to HTML
+ Eksportoje si HTML
+ Import KeePass1 Database
+ Importo Bazë të Dhënash Keepass 1
+ Import 1Password Vault
+ Importo Kasafortë 1Password
+ Import CSV File
+ Importo Kartelë CSV
+ Show TOTP QR Code
+ Shfaq Kod QR TOTP
+ Set up TOTP
+ Ujdisni TOTP
+ Empty Recycle Bin
+ Zbraz Koshin e Riciklimeve
+ Open Donation Website
+ Hap Sajt Dhurimesh
+ Open Bug Report
+ Hap Njoftim të Metash
+ Open Online Documentation
+ Hap Dokumentin Në Internet
+ Open Keyboard Shortcuts Guide
+ Hap Udhërrëfyes Shkurtoresh Tastiere
+ Save Database Backup
+ Ruani Kopjeruajtje Baze të Dhënash
+ SSH Agent: Add Key
+ Agjent SSH: Shtoni Kyç
+ SSH Agent: Remove Key
+ Agjent SSH: Hiqni Kyç
+ Toggle Compact Mode
+ Aktivizo/Çaktivizo Mënyrën Kompakte
+ Set Theme: Automatic
+ Caktoni Temë: Automatikisht
+ Set Theme: Light
+ Caktoni Temë: E çelët
+ Set Theme: Dark
+ Caktoni Temë: E errët
+ Set Theme: Classic
+ Caktoni Temë: Klasike
+ Toggle Show Menubar
+ Shfaq/Fshih Shtyllë menush
+ Toggle Show Toolbar
+ Shfaq/Fshih Panel
+ Toggle Show Preview Panel
+ Shfaq/Fshih Panel Paraparjesh
+ Toggle Always on Top
+ Shfaq/Fshih “Përherë Sipër”
+ Toggle Hide Usernames
+ Shfaq/Fshih “Fshihi Emrat e Përdoruesve”
+ Toggle Hide Passwords
+ Shfaq/Fshih “Fshihi Fjalëkalimet”
+ Export to XML
+ Eksportoje si XML
+ Toggle Allow Screen Capture
+ Aktivizo/Çaktivizo “Lejo Regjistrim Ekrani”
+ Show Group Panel
+ Shfaq Panel Grupesh
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Shfaq/Fshih Panel Grupesh
+ Setup Remote Sync…
+ Ujdisni Njëkohësim të Largët…
+ Password Generator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
@@ -5495,78 +6367,58 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ Riktheje te parazgjedhjaReset any remembered decisions for this application
+ Rikthe te parazgjedhje cilindo vendim të mbajtur mend për këtë aplikacionMergerCreating missing %1 [%2]
+ Po krijohet %1 [%2] që mungonRelocating %1 [%2]
+ Po zhvendoset %1 [%2]Overwriting %1 [%2]Po mbishkruhet %1 [%2]
- older entry merged from database "%1"
- Adding backup for older target %1 [%2]
- Adding backup for older source %1 [%2]
- Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2]
- Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2]
- Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2]
+ Po njëkohësohet prej burimi më të ri %1 [%2]Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2]
+ Po njëkohësohet prej burimi më të vjetër %1 [%2]Deleting child %1 [%2]
+ Po fshihet pjella %1 [%2]Deleting orphan %1 [%2]
+ Po fshihet %1 jetim [%2]Changed deleted objects
+ U ndryshuan objekte të fshirëAdding missing icon %1
+ Po shtohet ikonë %1 që mungonRemoved custom data %1 [%2]
+ U hoqën të dhëna vetjake %1 [%2]Adding custom data %1 [%2]
+ U shtuan të dhëna vetjake %1 [%2]
@@ -5578,14 +6430,14 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
RootRoot group
+ RrënjëNewDatabaseWizardPageWizardPage
+ Faqe NdihmësiEncryption Settings
@@ -5593,15 +6445,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.
- Advanced Settings
- Rregullime të Mëtejshme
- Simple Settings
- Rregullime Bazë
+ Këtu mund të përimtoni rregullime fshehtëzimi bazash të dhënash. Mos u merakosni, mund t’i ndryshoni më vonë te rregullimet e bazës së të dhënave.
@@ -5612,7 +6456,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database.
+ Një grup kredencialesh që i dini vetëm ju, që mbrojnë bazën tuaj të të dhënave.
@@ -5623,7 +6467,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings.
+ Këtu mund të përimtoni rregullime fshehtëzimi bazash të dhënash. Mos u merakosni, mun t’i ndryshoni më vonë te rregullimet e bazës së të dhënave.
@@ -5634,6 +6478,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database:
+ Ju lutemi, plotësoni emrin për në ekran dhe një përshkrim opsional për bazën tuaj të re të të dhënave:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -5656,23 +6519,23 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
OpData01Invalid OpData01, does not contain header
+ OpData01 të pavlefshme, s’përmban kryeUnable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1
+ S’arrihet të lexohen krejt bajtet e Gatitjes së Vektorit, duheshin 16, por u morën %1Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1
+ S’arrihet të gatitet shifër për opdata01: %1Unable to read all HMAC signature bytes
+ S’arrihet të lexohen krejt bajtet e nënshkrimit HMACMalformed OpData01 due to a failed HMAC
+ OpData01 të keqformuara, për shkak të një HMAC-u të dështuarUnable to process clearText in place
@@ -5680,15 +6543,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2
- OpVaultOpenWidget
- Read Database did not produce an instance
+ Priteshin %1 bajte teksti të lexueshëm, u morën %2
@@ -5707,22 +6562,22 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Directory .opvault/default must be readable
+ Drejtoria .opvault/default duhet të jetë e lexueshmeUnable to decode masterKey: %1
+ S’arrihet të shkodohet masterKey: %1Unable to derive master key: %1
+ S’arrihet të derivohet kyç i përgjithshëm: %1OpenSSHKeyInvalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key
+ Kartelë e pavlefshme kyçesh, pritej një kyç OpenSSHPEM boundary mismatch
@@ -5730,7 +6585,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Base64 decoding failed
+ Dështoi shkodim Base64Key file way too small.
@@ -5742,15 +6597,15 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Found zero keys
+ U gjetën zero kyçeFailed to read public key.
+ S’u arrit të lexohej kyç publik.Corrupted key file, reading private key failed
+ Kartelë kyçi e dëmtuar, leximi i kyçit privat dështoiUnsupported key type: %1
@@ -5764,13 +6619,17 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Unknown cipher: %1Shifër e panjohur: %1
+ AES-256/GCM is currently not supported
+ AES-256/GCM hëpërhë s’mbulohet
+ Passphrase is required to decrypt this key
+ Që të shfshehtëzohet ky kyç, lypset frazëkalimKey derivation failed: %1
+ Derivimi i kyçit dështoi: %1Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf
@@ -5814,23 +6673,198 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Can't write public key as it is empty
+ S’shkruhet dot kyç publik, ngaqë është i zbrazëtUnexpected EOF when writing public key
+ EOF i papritur, kur shkruhej kyç publikCan't write private key as it is empty
+ S’shkruhet dot kyç privat, ngaqë është i zbrazëtUnexpected EOF when writing private key
+ EOF i papritur, kur shkruhej kyç privat
+ (encrypted)
+ (i fshehtëzuar)
+ OpenSSHKeyGenDialog
+ SSH Key Generator
+ Prodhues Kyçi SSH
+ Type
+ Lloj
+ Bits
+ Bite
+ Comment
+ Koment
+ PasskeyExportDialog
+ KeePassXC - Passkey Export
+ KeePassXC - Eksportim Kyçkalimi
+ Filenames will be generated with title and .passkey file extension.
+ Emrat e kartelave do të prodhohen me titull dhe zgjatim .passkey për kartelat.
+ Export entries
+ Eksporto zëra
+ Export Selected
+ U përzgjodh Eksport
+ Cancel
+ Anuloje
+ Export to folder
+ Eksportoje në dosje
+ Export the following passkey entries.
+ Eksporto zërat vijues të kyçkalimeve.
+ PasskeyExporter
+ KeePassXC: Passkey Export
+ KeePassXC: Eksportim Kyçkalimi
+ File "%1.passkey" already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ Ka tashmë një kartelë “%1.passkey”.
+Doni të mbishkruhet?
+ Cannot open file
+ S’hapet dot kartela
+ Cannot open file "%1" for writing.
+ S’hapet dot kartela “%1” për shkrim.
+ Cannot write to file
+ S’shkruhet dot te kartela
+ PasskeyImportDialog
+ KeePassXC - Passkey Import
+ KeePassXC - Importim Kyçkalimi
+ Username: %1
+ Emër Përdoruesi: %1
+ Group
+ Grup
+ Database
+ Bazë të dhënash
+ Import Passkey
+ Importoni Kyçkalim
+ Import
+ Importo
+ Cancel
+ Anuloje
+ Entry
+ Zë
+ Create new entry
+ Krijoni zë të ri
+ Relying Party: %1
- AES-256/GCM is currently not supported
- AES-256/GCM hëpërhë s’mbulohet
+ Import the following passkey:
+ Importo kyçkalimin vijues:
+ Import the following passkey to this entry:
+ Importo kyçkalimin vijues te ky zë:
+ Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
+ Grup parazgjedhje kyçkalimesh (Kyçkalime të Importuar)
+ PasskeyImporter
+ Passkey file
+ Kartelë kyçi
+ All files
+ Krejt kartelat
+ Cannot open file
+ S’hapet dot kartela
+ Cannot open file "%1" for reading.
+ S’hapet dot kartela “%1” për lexim.
+ Open passkey file
+ Hap kartelë kyçi
+ Cannot import passkey
+ S’importohet dot kyçkalim
+ Cannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
+ S’importohet dot kartelë kyçkalimi “%1”. Mungojnë të dhëna.
+ Cannot import passkey file "%1".
+The following data is missing:
+ S’importohet dot kartelë kyçkalimi “%1”.
+Mungojnë të dhënat vijues:
+ Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
+ S’importohet dot kartelë kyçkalimi “%1”. Mungon, ose është i keqformuar kyçi privat.
@@ -5873,7 +6907,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
<p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p>
+ <p>Një fjalëkalim përbën metodën parësore për sigurimin e bazës suaj të të dhënave.</p><p>Fjalëkalimet e mirë janë të gjatë dhe unikë. KeePassXC-ja mund të prodhojë një të tillë për ju.</p>Passwords do not match.
@@ -5969,7 +7003,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Extended ASCII
- ASCII e Zzgjeruar
+ ASCII e zgjeruarBraces
@@ -5981,7 +7015,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Additional characters to use for the generated password
+ Shenja shtesë për tu përdorur për fjalëkalimin e prodhuarAdditional characters
@@ -5989,7 +7023,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Add non-hex letters to "do not include" list
+ Shto shkronja jo gjashtëmbëdhjetëshe te listë “mos përfshi”Hex Passwords
@@ -6001,7 +7035,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Character set to exclude from generated password
+ Shenja për t’u përjashtuar nga fjalëkalimi i prodhuarExcluded characters
@@ -6017,7 +7051,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Pick characters from every group
+ Merr shenja nga çdo grupPassphrase
@@ -6029,19 +7063,15 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ Listë fjalësh:Word Count:Numër Fjalësh:
- Character Count:
- Numër Shenjash:
- Word Case:
+ Shkronja për Fjalën:Delete selected wordlist
@@ -6051,10 +7081,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Add custom wordlistShtoni listë vetjake fjalësh
- character
- shenjë
- CloseMbylle
@@ -6081,7 +7107,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Title Case
+ Shkronja për Titullin:(SYSTEM)
@@ -6091,6 +7117,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Entropy: %1 bitEntropi: %1 bit
+ Password Quality: %1
+ Cilësi Fjalëkalimesh: %1
+ Poor
+ Password quality
+ Shumë i dobët
+ Weak
+ Password quality
+ I dobët
+ Good
+ Password quality
+ I mirë
+ Excellent
+ Password quality
+ I shkëlqyer
+ Confirm Delete WordlistRipohoni Fshirje Liste Fjalësh
@@ -6117,12 +7167,13 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Overwrite Wordlist?
- Të mbishkruhet Listë Fjalësh?
+ Të mbishkruhet Listë Fjalësh?Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist.
Do you want to overwrite it?
+ Lista e fjalëve “%1”ekziston si një listë vetjake fjalësh.
+Doni të mbishkruhet?Failed to add wordlist
@@ -6130,39 +7181,27 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ LogogrameSpecial CharactersShenja Speciale
- Password Quality: %1
- Cilësi Fjalëkalimesh: %1
- Poor
- Password quality
- Shumë i dobët
- Weak
- Password quality
- I dobët
- Good
- Password quality
+ passwordLength
- Excellent
- Password quality
+ Characters: %1
+ Shenja: %1
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
+ MIXED case
+ Shkronja TË PËRZIERA
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Shenja të përjashtuara: “0”, “1”, “l”, “I”, “O”, “|”, “﹒”, “B”, “8”, “G”, “6”
@@ -6177,7 +7216,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Toggle Password (%1)
+ Shfaq/Fshih Fjalëkalim (%1)Generate Password (%1)
@@ -6204,16 +7243,16 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
GoodPassword quality
+ I mirëExcellentPassword quality
+ I shkëlqyer
- Toggle password visibilty using Control + H. Open the password generator using Control + G.
+ Toggle password visibility using Control + H. Open the password generator using Control + G.
+ Ndryshoni dukshmërinë e fjalëkalimit duke përdorur Ctrl + H. Hapni prodhuesin e fjalëkalimeve duke përdorur Ctrl + G.
@@ -6224,13 +7263,28 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits.
+ Përzgjidhni shenja për shtypje, lëvizni me tastet shigjetë, Ctrl + S bën parashtrimin.Press &Tab between charactersShtypni tastin &Tab mes shenjave
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -6269,6 +7323,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ Continue with weak password
+ Vazhdo me fjalëkalim të dobët
+ QObject
@@ -6298,7 +7356,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
KeePassXC association failed, try again
+ Përshoqërimi i KeePassXC-së dështoi, riprovoniEncryption key is not recognized
@@ -6350,7 +7408,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Username for the entry.
- Emër përdoruesi për zërin.Zë
+ Emër përdoruesi për zërin.username
@@ -6406,11 +7464,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Successfully added entry %1.
+ U shtua me sukses zëri %1.Adds a new group to a database.
+ Shton një grup të ri te një bazë të dhënash.Path of the group to add.
@@ -6430,7 +7488,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.
+ Kontrolloni nëse ka rrjedhur publikisht çfarëdo fjalëkalimi. EMËRKARTELE duhet të jetë shtegu i një kartele që radhit hashe SHA-1 të fjalëkalimeve që janë komprometuar, në format, si gjenden te https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.FILENAME
@@ -6438,7 +7496,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Path to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP file
+ Shteg për te okon-cli për të kërkuar një kartelë të formatuar si HIBPokon-cli
@@ -6446,7 +7504,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Analyze passwords for weaknesses and problems.
+ Analizoni fjalëkalime për dobësi dhe probleme.Cannot find HIBP file: %1
@@ -6454,7 +7512,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Evaluating database entries using okon…
+ Po peshohen zëra baze të dhënash duke përdorur okon…Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2
@@ -6462,15 +7520,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while…
+ Po peshohen zëra baze të dhënash kundrejt kartele HIBP, kjo do të zgjasë ca…Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)!
+ Fjalëkalimi për “%1” ka rrjedhur %2 herë!Fjalëkalimi për “%1” ka rrjedhur %2 herë!Password for '%1' has been leaked!
+ Fjalëkalimi për “%1” ka rrjedhur!Export an attachment of an entry.
@@ -6486,11 +7544,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Path to which the attachment should be exported.
+ Shteg te i cili duhet eksportuar bashkëngjitja.Could not find entry with path %1.
+ S’u gjet dot zë me shtegun %1.Could not find attachment with name %1.
@@ -6498,15 +7556,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'.
+ S’u dha objektiv eksportimi. Ju lutemi, përdorni “--stdout”, ose specifikoni një “kartelë-eksportimi”.Could not open output file %1.
+ S’u hap dot kartela output %1.Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3.
+ U eksportua me sukses bashkëngjitja %1 e zërit %2 te %3.Overwrite existing attachments.
@@ -6538,7 +7596,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3.
+ U importua me sukses bashkëngjitja %1 e zërit %2 te %3.Remove an attachment of an entry.
@@ -6550,20 +7608,20 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2.
+ U hoq me sukses bashkëngjitja %1 nga zëri %2.Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified.Don't translate "password", it refers to the attribute.
+ Kopjoje në të papastër atributin e dhënë. Si parazgjedhje merr vlerën “password”, nëse nuk specifikohet.Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp").
+ Kopjo në të papastër TOTP e tanishëm (e njëvlershme me “-a totp”).Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown.
+ Duhet të gjejë përkim vetëm me një zë, përndryshe shfaqet një listë përkimesh të mundshëm.Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard.
@@ -6572,11 +7630,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Path of the entry to clip.clip = copy to clipboard
+ Shteg zëri për t’u kopjuar në të papastër.Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited).
+ Mbarim kohe para se të pastrohet e papastra (parazgjedhja është %1 sekonda, vëreni 0 për të qenë e pakufizuar).Invalid timeout value %1.
@@ -6596,15 +7654,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
ERROR: Please specify one of --attribute or --totp, not both.
+ GABIM: Ju lutemi, specifikoni një nga --attribute ose --totp, jo që të dy.Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up.
+ Zëri me shtegun %1 s’ka TOTP të ujdisur.ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2.
+ GABIM: atributi %1 është i dykuptimtë, përkon me %2.Attribute "%1" not found.
@@ -6648,7 +7706,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001).
+ Vend për Yubikey dhe serial opsional të përdorur për të hyrë te baza e të dhënave (p.sh., 1:7370001).slot[:serial]
@@ -6662,9 +7720,13 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Too many arguments provided.U dhanë shumë argumente.
+ Path of the database.
+ Shteg i bazës së të dhënave.
+ Target decryption time in MS for the database.
+ Kohë shfshehtëzimi e synuar, në MS, për bazën e të dhënave.time
@@ -6682,17 +7744,13 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Create a new database.Krijoni bazë të re të dhënash.
- Path of the database.
- Shteg i bazës së të dhënave.
- Invalid decryption time %1.Kohë e pavlefshme shfshehtëzimi %1.Target decryption time must be between %1 and %2.
+ Koha e synuar për shfshehtëzimin duhet të jetë mes %1 dhe %2.Failed to set database password.
@@ -6704,19 +7762,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
No key is set. Aborting database creation.
+ S’është ujdisur ndonjë kyç. Po ndërpritet krijimi i bazës së të dhënave.Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay.
+ Po vlerësohet funksioni i derivimit të kyçit për vonesë %1ms.Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function.
+ Po caktohen %1 raunde për funksion derivimi kyçesh.error while setting database key derivation settings.
+ gabim teksa ujdiseshin rregullime derivimi kyçi baze të dhënash.File %1 already exists.
@@ -6730,9 +7788,161 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Successfully created new database.U krijua me sukses bazë e re të dhënash.
+ Unset the password for the database.
+ Hiqe fjalëkalimin për bazën e të dhënave.
+ Unset the key file for the database.
+ Hiqe kartelën e kyçit për bazën e të dhënave.
+ Edit a database.
+ Përpunoni një bazë të dhënash.
+ Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time.
+ S’mund të përdoret %1 dhe %2 në të njëjtën kohë.
+ Could not change the database key.
+ S’u ndryshua dot kyçi i bazës së të dhënave.
+ Database was not modified.
+ Baza e të dhënave s’u ndryshua.
+ Writing the database failed: %1
+ Shkrimi te baza e të dhënave dështoi: %1
+ Successfully edited the database.
+ Baza e të dhënave u përpunua me sukses.
+ Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password.
+ S’hiqet dot fjalëkalim: Baza e të dhënave s’ka fjalëkalim.
+ Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key.
+ S’hiqet dot kyç kartele: Baza e të dhënave s’ka kyç kartele.
+ Loading the new key file failed: %1
+ Dështoi ngarkimi i kartelës së re të kyçit: %1
+ Found unexpected Key type %1
+ U gjet lloj i papritur %1 Kyçi
+ Cannot remove all the keys from a database.
+ S’mund të hiqen krejt kyçet nga një bazë të dhënash.
+ Show a database's information.
+ Shfaq hollësi të një baze të dhënash.
+ Name:
+ Emër:
+ Description:
+ Përshkrim:
+ Cipher:
+ Shifër:
+ KDF:
+ FDK:
+ Recycle bin is enabled.
+ Koshi i hedhurinave është aktivizuar.
+ Recycle bin is not enabled.
+ Koshi i hedhurinave s’është aktivizuar.
+ Location
+ Vendndodhje
+ Database created
+ Baza e të dhënave u krijua
+ Last saved
+ Ruajtur së fundi më
+ Unsaved changes
+ Ndryshime të paruajtura
+ yes
+ po
+ no
+ jo
+ Number of groups
+ Numër grupesh
+ Number of entries
+ Numër zërash
+ Number of expired entries
+ Numër zërash të skaduar
+ Unique passwords
+ Fjalëkalime unikë
+ Non-unique passwords
+ Fjalëkalime jo unikë
+ Maximum password reuse
+ Maksimum ripërdorimi fjalëkalimi
+ Number of short passwords
+ Numër fjalëkalimesh të shkurtër
+ Number of weak passwords
+ Numër fjalëkalimet të dobët
+ Entries excluded from reports
+ Zëra të përjashtuar nga raporte
+ Average password length
+ Gjatësi mesatare fjalëkalimesh
+ %1 characters
+ %1 shenja
+ Word count for the diceware passphrase.
+ Numër fjalësh për frazëkalim Diceware.count
@@ -6742,20 +7952,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Wordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]
+ Listë fjalësh për prodhuesin Diceware.
+[Parazgjedhje: EFF English]Generate a new random diceware passphrase.
+ Prodho një frazëkalim të ri kuturu Diceware.Invalid word count %1Numër i pavlefshëm fjalësh %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Title for the entry.Titull për zërin.
@@ -6774,16 +7981,12 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Not changing any field for entry %1.
+ S’po ndryshohet ndonjë fushë për zërin %1.Enter new password for entry: Jepni fjalëkalim të ri për zërin:
- Writing the database failed: %1
- Shkrimi te baza e të dhënave dështoi: %1
- Successfully edited entry %1.Zëri %1 u përpunua me sukses.
@@ -6794,7 +7997,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Password for which to estimate the entropy.
+ Fjalëkalim për të cilin të vlerësohet entropia.Estimate the entropy of a password.
@@ -6818,7 +8021,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Type: Bruteforce
+ Lloj: Hyrje me zorType: Dictionary
@@ -6898,19 +8101,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
*** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) ***
+ *** Gjatësi fjalëkalimi (%1) != shuma e gjatësisë së pjesëve (%2) ***Exit interactive mode.
- Dil nga mënyra me ndërveprim
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Dil nga mënyra me ndërveprim.Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.
+ Eksportoje lëndën e një bazë të dhënash te output-i standard në formatin e treguar.Unable to export database to XML: %1
@@ -6930,11 +8129,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Use lowercase characters
- Përdorni shenja me të vogla
+ Përdor shenja me të voglaUse uppercase characters
- Përdorni shenja me të mëdhaja
+ Përdor shenja me të mëdhaUse numbers
@@ -6950,7 +8149,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exclude character set
+ Përjashto grup shenjashchars
@@ -6966,7 +8165,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Include characters from every selected group
+ Përfshi shenja nga çdo grup i përzgjedhurGenerate a new random password.
@@ -6978,7 +8177,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid password generator after applying all options
+ Prodhues i pavlefshëm fjalëkalimi, pas aplikimit të tërë mundësiveDisplay command help.
@@ -6990,11 +8189,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Import the contents of an XML database.
+ Importo lëndën e një baze të dhënash XML.Path of the XML database export.
+ Shteg eksportimi baze të dhënash XML.Path of the new database.
@@ -7008,106 +8207,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Successfully imported database.U importua me sukses bazë të dhënash.
- Show a database's information.
- Shfaq hollësi të një baze të dhënash
- Name:
- Emër:
- Description:
- Përshkrim:
- Cipher:
- Shifër:
- KDF:
- FDK:
- Recycle bin is enabled.
- Koshi i hedhurinave është aktivizuar.
- Recycle bin is not enabled.
- Koshi i hedhurinave s’është aktivizuar.
- Location
- Vendndodhje
- Database created
- Baza e të dhënave u krijua
- Last saved
- Unsaved changes
- Ndryshime të paruajtura
- yes
- po
- no
- jo
- Number of groups
- Numër grupesh
- Number of entries
- Numër zërash
- Number of expired entries
- Numër zërash të skaduar
- Unique passwords
- Fjalëkalime unikë
- Non-unique passwords
- Fjalëkalime jo unikë
- Maximum password reuse
- Maksimum ripërdorimi fjalëkalimi
- Number of short passwords
- Numër fjalëkalimesh të shkurtër
- Number of weak passwords
- Numër fjalëkalimet të dobët
- Entries excluded from reports
- Zëra të përjashtuar nga raporte
- Average password length
- Gjatësi mesatare fjalëkalimesh
- %1 characters
- %1 shenja
- Unknown command %1Urdhër %1 i panjohur
@@ -7156,23 +8255,23 @@ Urdhra të gatshëm:
Use the same credentials for both database files.
+ Përdor të njëjtat kredenciale për të dyja kartelat e bazës së të dhënave.Key file of the database to merge from.
- Kartelë kyçesh i bazës së të dhënave prej nga të bëhet përzierja.
+ Kartelë kyç i bazës së të dhënave prej nga të bëhet përzierja.Deactivate password key for the database to merge from.
+ Çaktivizoje kyçin e fjalëkalimit për bazën e të dhënave prej nga bëhet përzierje.Only print the changes detected by the merge operation.
+ Shtyp vetëm ndryshimet e pikasura nga veprimi i përzierjes.Yubikey slot for the second database.
+ Vend Yubikey për bazën e dytë të të dhënave.slot
@@ -7254,7 +8353,7 @@ Urdhra të gatshëm:
Cannot remove root group from database.
+ S’hiqet dot grupi rrënjë nga baza e të dhënave.Successfully recycled group %1.
@@ -7278,7 +8377,11 @@ Urdhra të gatshëm:
Show the protected attributes in clear text.
+ Atributet e mbrojtura shfaqi si tekst i lexueshëm.
+ Show all the attributes of the entry.
+ Shfaq krejt atributet e zërit.Show the attachments of the entry.
@@ -7286,7 +8389,7 @@ Urdhra të gatshëm:
Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.
+ Emrat e atributeve për t’u shfaqur. Kjo mundësi mund të jepet më shumë se një herë, me çdo atribut të shfaqur një për rresht sipas rendit të dhënë. Nëse nuk specifikohen atribute, jepet një përmbledhje e atributeve parazgjedhje.attribute
@@ -7337,14 +8440,21 @@ Urdhra të gatshëm:
stop supporting in the future.
Please consider generating a new key file.
+ KUJDES: po përdorni një format të vjetër kartelash kyçi, të cilin KeePassXC-ja mund
+të reshtë së mbuluari në të ardhmen.
+Ju lutemi, shihni mundësinë e prodhimit të një kartele të re kyçi.Invalid YubiKey slot %1
+ Vend i pavlefshëm për YubiKey %1Invalid YubiKey serial %1
+ Serial i pavlefshëm për YubiKey %1
+ Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue.
@@ -7353,7 +8463,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]:
+ Doni të krijohet një bazë të dhënash me një fjalëkalim të zbrazët? [y/N]: Repeat password:
@@ -7365,28 +8475,29 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
No program defined for clipboard manipulation
+ S’ka të përcaktuar program për manipulim të papastreAll clipping programs failed. Tried %1
+ Dështuan krejt programet e kopjimit në të papastër. U provuan %1
+Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2
+ Krijimi i Kartelës së kyçit %1 dështoi: %2Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2
+ Ngarkimi Kartelës së kyçit %1 dështoi: %2HIBP file, line %1: parse error
+ Kartelë HIBP, rreshti %1: gabim analizimiTo use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon)
+ Që të përdorni okon, duhet të jepni një kartelë të pas-përpunuar (p.sh. kartelë.okon)Could not start okon process: %1
@@ -7394,11 +8505,11 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Error: okon process did not finish
+ Gabim: procesi okon s’përfundoiFailed to load okon processed database: %1
+ S’u arrit të ngarkohet bazë të dhënash e përpunuar me okon: %1Very weak password
@@ -7414,7 +8525,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Used in %1/%2
+ Përdorur te %1/%2Password is used %1 time(s)
@@ -7438,7 +8549,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Password expires in %1 day(s)
- Fjalëkalim skadon pas %1 ditëFjalëkalim skadon pas %1 ditë
+ Fjalëkalim skadon pas %1 diteFjalëkalim skadon pas %1 ditëshPassword will expire soon
@@ -7450,7 +8561,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Build Type: %1
+ Lloj Montimi: %1Revision: %1
@@ -7458,7 +8569,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Distribution: %1
+ Shpërndarje: %1Debugging mode is disabled.
@@ -7472,7 +8583,9 @@ Please consider generating a new key file.
Operating system: %1
CPU architecture: %2
Kernel: %3 %4
+ Sistem operativ: %1
+Arkitekturë CPU-je: %2
+Kernel: %3 %4Auto-Type
@@ -7484,7 +8597,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
+ KeeShareYubiKey
@@ -7532,7 +8645,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Botan library must be at least %1, found %2.%3.%4
+ Bilbioteka Botan duhet të jetë të paktën %1, u gjet %2.%3.%4Cryptographic libraries:
@@ -7544,15 +8657,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Argon2%1 (%2 rounds, %3 KB)
+ Argon2%1 (%2 raunde, %3 KB)SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode.
+ SymmetricCipher::init: Mënyrë shifre e pavlefshme.SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2.
+ SymmetricCipher::init: Madhësi e pavlefshme IV prej %1 për %2.Cipher not initialized prior to use.
@@ -7560,11 +8673,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Cannot process 0 length data.
+ S’mund të përpunohen të dhëna me gjatësi 0.unknown executable (DBus address %1)
+ i ekzekutueshëm i panjohur (adresë DBus %1)%1 (invalid executable path)
@@ -7582,18 +8695,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptykartelë e zbrazët
- malformed string
- varg i keqformuar
- missing closing quote
- mungon kllapë mbyllëse
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -7624,15 +8725,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance.
+ Kartela e kyçjes për instancë njëshe ekzistuese është e pavlefshme. Po niset instancë e re.The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled.
+ S’u krijua dot kartela e kyçjes. U çaktivizua mënyra instancë njëshe.Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)…
+ Po spastrohet e papastra pas %1 sekonde…Po spastrohet e papastra pas %1 sekondash…Group
@@ -7668,17 +8769,17 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Benchmark %1 delay
+ Vlerëso vonesë %1%1 msmilliseconds
+ %1 ms%1 ms%1 sseconds
+ %1 s%1 sDo you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good?
@@ -7686,7 +8787,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good?
- Doni vërtet të fshihet përgjithmonë %n zë(ra)?Doni vërtet të fshihet përgjithmonë %n zë(ra)?
+ Doni vërtet të fshihet përgjithmonë %n zë?Doni vërtet të fshihet përgjithmonë %n zëra?Delete entry(s)?
@@ -7694,11 +8795,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin?
+ Doni vërtet të shpihet zëri “%1” te koshi i riciklimeve?Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin?
+ Doni vërtet të shpihet %n zë te koshi i riciklimeve?Doni vërtet të shpihet %n zëra te koshi i riciklimeve?Move entry(s) to recycle bin?
@@ -7710,7 +8811,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway?
+ Zëri “%1” ka %2 referencë(a). Doni të mbishkruhen referencat me vlera, të anashkalohet ky zë, apo të fshihet sido qoftë?Zëri “%1” ka %2 referenca. Doni të mbishkruhen referencat me vlera, të anashkalohet ky zë, apo të fshihet sido qoftë?User name
@@ -7738,19 +8839,19 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Checksum mismatch! Key file may be corrupt.
+ Mospërputhje checksum-i! Kartela e kyçit mund të jetë e dëmtuar.Unexpected key file data! Key file may be corrupt.
+ Të dhëna të papritura kartele kyçi! Kartela e kyçit mund të jetë e dëmtuar.KeePassXC - cross-platform password manager
+ KeePassXC - përgjegjës ndërplatformësh fjalëkalimeshfilenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)
+ emrat e kartelave të bazës së të dhënave të fjalëkalimeve për t’u hapur (*.kdbx)path to a custom config file
@@ -7772,18 +8873,18 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
read password of the database from stdinfjalëkalimin e bazës së të dhënave lexoje prej stdin-it
- Locked databases.
- Database failed to lock.
- S’u arrit të kyçej bazë të dhënash
+ S’u arrit të kyçej bazë të dhënash.Another instance of KeePassXC is already running.Ka tashmë në xhirim e sipër një instancë të KeePassXC-së.
+ KeePassXC is not running. No open database to lock
+ KeePassXC-ja s’po xhiron. S’ka të hapur bazë të dhënash, që të kyçet
+ Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions.Gabim fatal teksa testoheshin funksione kriptografike.
@@ -7808,15 +8909,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Failed to create Windows Hello credential.
+ S’u arrit të krijohet kredencial Windows Hello.Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello.
+ S’u arrit të nënshkruhet sfidë duke përdorur Windows Hello.Warning: Failed to block screenshot capture on a top-level window.
+ Kujdes: S’u arrit të bllokohet bërje fotoje ekrani në një dritare të nivelit të epërm.Invalid Cipher
@@ -7827,74 +8928,301 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
FDK i Pavlefshëm
- Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue.
- Show all the attributes of the entry.
- Shfaq krejt atributet e zërit.
- Edit a database.
- Përpunoni një bazë të dhënash.
- Could not change the database key.
- S’u ndryshua dot kyçi i bazës së të dhënave.
- Database was not modified.
- Baza e të dhënave s’u ndryshua.
- Successfully edited the database.
- Baza e të dhënave u përpunua me sukses.
- Loading the new key file failed: %1
- Dështoi ngarkimi i kartelës së re të kyçit: %1
- Unset the password for the database.
- Hiqe fjalëkalimin për bazën e të dhënave.
- Unset the key file for the database.
- Hiqe kartelën e kyçit për bazën e të dhënave.
- Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time.
- S’mund të përdoret %1 dhe %2 në të njëjtën kohë.
- Cannot remove all the keys from a database.
- Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password.
- Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key.
- Found unexpected Key type %1
- U gjet lloj i papritur %1 Kyçi
- Set the key file for the database.
-This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- KeePassXC is not running. No open database to lock
+ Access to all entries is denied
+ Është mohuar hyrja te krejt zëratallow screenshots and app recording (Windows/macOS)
+ lejo foto ekrani dhe regjistrim nga aplikacione (Windows/macOS)
+ Set the key file for the database.
+This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Ujdisni kartelën kyç për bazën e të dhënave.
+Kjo mundësi është nxjerrë nga përdorimi, në vend të saj përdorni --set-key-file.
+ Databases have been locked.
+ Bazat e të Dhënave janë kyçur.
+ Attestation not supported
+ Credential is excluded
+ Kredenciali është përjashtuar
+ Passkeys request canceled
+ Kërkesa për kyçkalime u anulua
+ Invalid user verification
+ Verifikim i pavlefshëm përdoruesi
+ Empty public key
+ Kyç publik i zbrazët
+ Invalid URL provided
+ U dha URL e pavlefshme
+ Passkeys
+ Kyçkalime
+ AES initialization failed
+ Dështoi gatitja AES
+ AES encrypt failed
+ Fshehtëzimi AES dështoi
+ Failed to store in Linux Keyring
+ S’u arrit të depozitohej në Varg Kyçesh Linux
+ Polkit returned an error: %1
+ Polkit u përgjigj me një gabim: %1
+ Could not locate key in keyring
+ S’u lokalizua dot kyç te varg kyçesh
+ Could not read key in keyring
+ S’u lexua dot kyç te varg kyçesh
+ AES decrypt failed
+ Shfshehtëzimi AES dështoi
+ No Polkit authentication agent was available
+ S’ka agjent mirëfilltësimesh Polkit
+ Polkit authorization failed
+ Autorizimi Polkit dështoi
+ No Quick Unlock provider is available
+ Failed to init KeePassXC crypto.
+ S’u arrit të gatitet kriptografi KeePassXC-je.
+ Failed to encrypt key data.
+ S’u arrit të fshehtëzohen të dhëna kyçi.
+ Failed to get Windows Hello credential.
+ S’u arrit të merret kredencial Windows Hello.
+ Failed to decrypt key data.
+ S’u arrit të shfshehtëzohen të dhëna kyçi.
+ Origin is empty or not allowed
+ Origjina është e zbrazët, ose nuk lejohet
+ Effective domain is not a valid domain
+ Përkatësia efektive s’është përkatësi e vlefshme
+ Origin and RP ID do not match
+ ID-të origjinës dhe RP s’përputhen
+ No supported algorithms were provided
+ S’u dhanë algoritme të mbuluar
+ Wait for timer to expire
+ Prisni të skadojë kohëmatësi
+ Challenge is shorter than required minimum length
+ Sfida është më e shkurtër se gjatësi minimum e domosdoshme
+ user.id does not match the required length
+ user.id nuk plotëson gjatësinë e domosdoshme
+ Favorite
+ Tag for favorite entries
+ Të parapëlqyer
+ File does not exist.
+ Kartela s’ekziston.
+ Cannot open file: %1
+ S’hapet dot kartelë: %1
+ Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
+ S’analizohet dot kartelë: %1 në pozicionin %2
+ Failed to decrypt json file: %1
+ S’u arrit të shfshehtëzohet kartelë json: %1
+ Invalid encKeyValidation field
+ Fushë encKeyValidation e pavlefshme
+ Invalid cipher list within encKeyValidation field
+ Listë e pavlefshme shifre brenda fushës encKeyValidation
+ Wrong password
+ Fjalëkalim i gabuar
+ Invalid encrypted data field
+ Fushë e pavlefshme të dhënash të fshehtëzuara
+ Invalid cipher list within encrypted data field
+ Listë e pavlefshme shifre brenda fushe të dhënash të fshehtëzuara
+ Cannot initialize cipher
+ S’gatitet dot shifër
+ Cannot decrypt data
+ S’shfshehtëzohen dot të dhëna
+ Bitwarden Import
+ Importim Bitwarden
+ Archived
+ Tag for archived entries
+ Të arkivuar
+ Invalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.
+ Format i pavlefshëm kartele 1PUX: S’është kartelë ZIP e vlefshme.
+ Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data
+ Format i pavlefshëm kartele 1PUX: Mungojnë export.data
+ 1Password Import
+ Importim 1Password
+ Enter Shortcut
+ Jepni Shkurtore
+ Action
+ Veprim
+ Shortcuts
+ Shkurtore
+ Unknown passkeys error
+ Gabim i panjohur kyçkalimesh
+ Invalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Numër përsëritjesh KDF i pavlefshëm, s’mund të shfshehtëzohet kartelë json
+ Unsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Format i pambuluar, sigurohuni se eksportimi juaj Bitwarden është i mbrojtur me fjalëkalim
+ Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Mbulohen vetëm PBKDF dhe Argon2, s’mund të shfshehtëzohet kartelë json
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Riktheji Shkurtoret te Parazgjedhjet
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Që t’i ndryshoni shkurtoren, dyklikoni mbi një veprim
+ Filter...
+ Filtrojini…
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Përplasje Shkurtoresh
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Shkurtorja %1 përplaset me “%2”. Të mbishkruhet shkurtorja?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ S’prodhohen dot frazëkalime të vlefshëm, ngaqë lista e fjalëve është shumë e shkurtër
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Të fshihen të dhëna shtojce?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Të fshihen të dhëna shtojce nga Zëri?Të fshihen të dhëna shtojce nga Zërat?
+ Passkey
+ Kyçkalim
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Etiketa
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -7930,20 +9258,39 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Gabim i brendshëm zlib-i:
+ RemoteHandler
+ Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Urdhri `%1` s’përfundoi në kohë. Procesi u asgjësua.
+ Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ S’u arrit të ngarkohej bazë të dhënash. Urdhri `%1` s’përfundoi në kohë. Procesi u asgjësua.
+ Invalid download parameters provided.
+ U dhanë parametra të pavlefshëm shkarkimi.
+ Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ Urdhri `%1` s’arriti të shkarkojë bazën e të dhënave.
+ Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ U dha shteg naze të dhënash, ose parametra ngarkimi të pavlefshëm.
+ Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Urdhri `%1` mbaroi me kod gjendjeje: %2
+ Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ S’u arritën të ngarkohet baza e të dhënave e përzierë. Urdhri `%1` mbaroi me kod gjendjeje: %2
- Exclude expired entries from the report
- Show only entries which have URL set
- Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data
- Double-click entries to edit.Që t’i përpunoni, dyklikoni mbi zëra.
@@ -7970,19 +9317,19 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- (Përjashtuar)
+ (Përjashtuar)This entry is being excluded from reports
+ Ky zë po përjashtohet nga raportePlease wait, browser statistics is being calculated…
+ Ju lutemi, prisni, statistikat po llogariten…No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved.
+ S’ka zëra me URL, ose asnjë prej tyre s’ka të ruajtura rregullime zgjerimi shfletuesi.Title
@@ -8008,59 +9355,68 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsPërjashto nga raporte
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
+ Shfaq vetëm zëra që kanë një URL
+ Only show entries that have been explicitly allowed or denied
+ Shfaq vetëm zëra që janë lejuar, ose mohuar shprehimisht
+ Show expired entries
+ Shfaq zëra të skaduar
+ (Expired)
+ (Skaduar)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Fshini të dhëna shtojce nga Zëri…Fshini të dhëna shtojce nga Zëra…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Exclude expired entries from the report
+ Show expired entries
+ Shfaq zëra të skaduar
- Also show entries that have been excluded from reports
+ (Expired)
+ (Skaduar)Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Bad
- Password quality
- I keq
+ Për hollësi shtesë, kalojeni kursorin sipër arsyeje. Për t’i përpunuar, dyklikoni mbi zëra.Bad — password must be changedI keq — fjalëkalimi duhet ndryshuar
- Poor
- Password quality
- Shumë i dobët
- Poor — password should be changedShumë i dobët — fjalëkalimi duhet ndryshuar
- Weak
- Password quality
- I dobët
- Weak — consider changing the passwordI dobët — shihni mundësinë e ndryshimit të fjalëkalimit (Excluded)
- (Përjashtuar)
+ (Përjashtuar)This entry is being excluded from reports
+ Ky zë po përjashtohet nga raportePlease wait, health data is being calculated…
+ Ju lutemi, prisni, të dhënat mbi shëndetin po llogariten…Congratulations, everything is healthy!
@@ -8094,12 +9450,20 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsPërjashto nga raporte
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
+ Shfaq zëra që janë përjashtuar nga raporte
+ ReportsWidgetHibpCAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service (https://haveibeenpwned.com). If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service.
+ HAPNI SYTË: Ky raport lyp dërgim informacioni te shërbimi internetor “Have I Been Pwned” (https://haveibeenpwned.com). Nëse vazhdoni, për fjalëkalimet e bazës suaj të të dhënave do të prodhohen hashe kriptografikë dhe pesë shenjat e para të këtyre hasheve do t’i dërgohen në mënyrë të siguruar këtij shërbimi. Baza juaj e të dhënave mbetet e siguruar dhe s’mund të rindërtohet nisur nga ky informacion. Por, numri i fjalëkalimeve që dërgoni dhe adresa juaj IP do t’i ekspozohen këtij shërbimi.Perform Online Analysis
@@ -8107,11 +9471,11 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Also show entries that have been excluded from reports
+ Shfaq gjithashtu zëra që janë përjashtuar nga raporteThis build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases.
+ Ky montim i KeePassXC-së s’ka funksione rrjeti. Punimi në rrjet është i domosdoshëm për të kontrolluar fjalëkalimet tuaj me bazat e të dhënave të shërbimit “I Been Pwned”.Congratulations, no exposed passwords!
@@ -8131,11 +9495,11 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- (Përjashtuar)
+ (Përjashtuar)This entry is being excluded from reports
+ Ky zë po përjashtohet nga raporteonce
@@ -8189,12 +9553,83 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsPërjashto nga raporte
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
+ Export
+ Eksporto
+ Import
+ Importo
+ List of entry URLs
+ Listë URL-sh zëri
+ Title
+ Titull
+ Path
+ Shteg
+ Username
+ Emër përdoruesi
+ URLs
+ URL-ra
+ Edit Entry…
+ Përpunoni Zë…
+ Delete Entry(s)…
+ Fshini Zë…Fshini Zëra…
+ Relying Party
+ Show expired entries
+ Shfaq zëra të skaduar
+ (Expired)
+ (Skaduar)
+ Export Confirmation
+ Ripohim Eksportimi
+ The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
+ Kartela e kyçkalimit do të jetë e cenueshme përballë vjedhjesh dhe përdorimi të paautorizuar. Jeni i sigurt se doni të vazhdohet?
+ Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
+ Ju lutemi, prisni, lista e zërave me kyçkalime po përditësohet…
+ No entries with passkeys.
+ S’ka zëra me kyçkalime.
+ ReportsWidgetStatisticsHover over lines with error icons for further information.
+ Për informacion të mëtejshëm, kaloni kursorin përsipër rreshta me ikona gabimesh.Name
@@ -8206,7 +9641,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Please wait, database statistics are being calculated…
+ Ju lutemi, prisni, statistikat për bazë të dhënash po llogariten…Database name
@@ -8226,7 +9661,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Last saved
+ Ruajtur së fundi mëUnsaved changes
@@ -8242,7 +9677,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
The database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk.
+ Baza e të dhënave qe ndryshuar, por ndryshimet s’janë ruajtur ende në disk.Number of groups
@@ -8258,7 +9693,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
The database contains entries that have expired.
+ Baza e të dhënave përmban zëra që kanë skaduar.Unique passwords
@@ -8270,7 +9705,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
More than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible.
+ Më shumë se 10% e fjalëkalimeve janë ripërdorur. Përdorni fjalëkalime unikë, kur do të mundet.Maximum password reuse
@@ -8278,7 +9713,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Some passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible.
+ Disa fjalëkalime janë përdorur më shumë se tre herë. Përdorni fjalëkalime unikë, kur do të mundet.Number of short passwords
@@ -8294,7 +9729,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Recommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'.
+ Rekomando përdorimin e fjalëkalimeve të gjatë, kuturu, me vlerësim “i mirë”, ose “i shkëlqyer”.Entries excluded from reports
@@ -8302,7 +9737,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Excluding entries from reports, e. g. because they are known to have a poor password, isn't necessarily a problem but you should keep an eye on them.
+ Po përjashtohen zëra nga raporte, p.sh., ngaqë dihet se kanë fjalëkalim të dobët, s’është doemos një problem, por duhet t’i vëzhgoni.Average password length
@@ -8314,7 +9749,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Average password length is less than ten characters. Longer passwords provide more security.
+ Gjatësia mesatare e fjalëkalimeve është më pak se dhjetë shenja. Fjalëkalimet më të gjatë japin më tepër siguri.
@@ -8329,15 +9764,15 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot add identity.
+ S’ka agjent në punë, s’shtohet dot identitet.Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add.
+ Përplasje pronësie identiteti kyçi. S’po pranohet shtim.Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include:
+ Agjenti nuk e pranoi këtë identitet. Në arsyet e mundshme përfshihen:The key has already been added.
@@ -8345,22 +9780,30 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options).
+ Jetëgjatësi e kufizuar nuk mbulohet nga agjenti (shihni mundësitë).A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options).
+ Një kërkesë ripohimi s’mbulohet nga agjenti (shihni mundësitë).Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable.
+ Kyçet e sigurisë nuk mbulohen nga agjenti, ose shërbimi i kyçeve të sigurisë s’është i kapshëm.No agent running, cannot remove identity.
+ S’ka agjent në punë, s’hiqet dot identitet.No agent running, cannot list identities.
+ S’ka agjent në punë, s’paraqiten dot identitete.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
@@ -8372,11 +9815,11 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Search terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["]
+ Termat e kërkimit janë si vijon: [ndryshues][fushë:]["]term["]Every search term must match (ie, logical AND)
+ Duhet të ketë përkim për krejt termat e kërkimit (d.m.th., DHE logjike)Modifiers
@@ -8408,7 +9851,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
match one
+ përputhje me njëlogical OR
@@ -8429,6 +9872,10 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Search HelpNdihmë Kërkimi
+ Save Search
+ Ruaje Kërkimin
+ Search (%1)…Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut
@@ -8436,16 +9883,12 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Case sensitive
+ Siç është shkruarLimit search to selected groupKufizoje kërkimin te grupi i përzgjedhur
- Save Search
- Ruaje Kërkimin
- SettingsClientModel
@@ -8489,7 +9932,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Enable KeepassXC Freedesktop.org Secret Service integration
+ Aktivizo integrimin me Shërbimin e Fshehtë KeepassXC të Freedesktop.orgGeneral
@@ -8497,39 +9940,23 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients
+ Shfaq njoftim, kur merren fjalëkalime nga klientë<html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Në u aktivizoftë, çdo përpjekje për të lexuar një fjalëkalim duhet ripohuar. Përndryshe, klientë mund të lexojnë fjalëkalime pa u ripohuar, kur baza e të dhënave është e shkyçur.</p><p>Kjo mundësi mbulon vetëm hyrjen te fjalëkalimi i një zëri. Klientët munden përherë t’i numërtojnë objektet e bazave të ekspozuara të të dhënave dhe të bëjnë kërkim te atributet e tyre.</p></body></html>Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients
- <html><head/><body><p><span style="
- font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color
- Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does
- not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html>
+ Kërko për ripohim, kur merren fjalëkalime nga klientëConfirm when clients request entry deletion
- <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications
- which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also
- crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a
- different value set in applications.)</p></body></html>
+ Kërko për ripohim, kur klientë kërkojnë fshirje zëriPrompt to unlock database before searching
+ Shfaq hap shkyçjeje baze të dhënash para kërkimiExposed database groups:
@@ -8549,7 +9976,15 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section.
+ Që të aktivizohet shtojca dhe të aktivizohet përpunimi i kësaj pjese, ruani ndryshimet e tanishme.
+ <html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Ky zë s’anashkalon çaktivizim dialogësh koshi riciklimi </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Kjo përmirëson përputhjen me disa aplikacione të cilët kërkojnë për fjalëkalime pa shkyçur së pari bazën e të dhënave.</p><p>Por aktivizimi i kësaj mund të sjellë vithisjen e klientit, nëse baza e të dhënave s’mund të shkyçet brenda një afati të caktuar mbarimi kohe. (Zakonisht 25s, por mund të jetë vlerë e vendosur ndryshe te aplikacionet.) </p></body></html>
@@ -8637,11 +10072,11 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Multiple import source path to %1 in %2
+ Shteg burimesh të shumtë importimi te %1 në %2Conflicting export target path %1 in %2
+ Shteg objektivi eksportimi me përplasje %1 në %2Export to %1 failed (%2)
@@ -8659,20 +10094,20 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- Expired
- Ka skaduar
- Weak Passwords
- Fjalëkalim i Dobët
+ Clear Search
+ Spastro KërkiminAll EntriesKrejt Zërat
- Clear Search
- Spastro Kërkimin
+ Expired
+ Ka skaduar
+ Weak Passwords
+ Fjalëkalim i Dobët
@@ -8691,7 +10126,7 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database?
+ Të hiqet etiketa “%1” prej krejt zërave te kjo bazë të dhënash?
@@ -8702,23 +10137,23 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ KopjojeExpires in <b>%n</b> second(s)
- Skadon pas <b>%n</b> sekonde(ash)Skadon pas <b>%n</b> sekonde(ash)
+ Skadon pas <b>%n</b> sekondeSkadon pas <b>%n</b> sekondashTotpExportSettingsDialogCopy
+ KopjojeNOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators.TOTP QR code dialog warning
+ SHËNIM: Këto rregullime TOTP janë vetjake dhe mund të mos punojnë me mirëfilltësues të tjerë.There was an error creating the QR code.
@@ -8778,11 +10213,11 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
- sek
+ sekCode size:
- Madhësi kodi
+ Madhësi kodi: digits
@@ -8795,7 +10230,8 @@ This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
You have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format.
+ Keni dhënë një kyç të fshehtë të pavlefshëm. Kyçi duhet të jetë në formatin Base32.
+Shembull: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXPConfirm Remove TOTP Settings
@@ -8833,11 +10269,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later.
+ Ndodhi një gabim, kur provohej të përditësohej informacion, ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë.<strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="https://keepassxc.org/download/">downloaded here</a>.
+ <strong>Ka të gatshëm një version të ri.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 mund të <a href="https://keepassxc.org/download/">shkarkohet këtu</a>.You have the latest version of KeePassXC
@@ -8848,27 +10284,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
WelcomeWidgetStart storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC database
- Create new database
- Krijoni bazë të re të dhënash
- Open existing database
- Hap bazë ekzistuese të dhënash
- Import from KeePass 1
- Importo prej Keepass 1
- Import from 1Password
- Importo prej 1Password
- Import from CSV
- Importo prej CSV
+ Filloni t’i depozitoni fjalëkalimet tuaj në mënyrë të siguruar te një bazë të dhënash KeePassXCRecent databases
@@ -8882,6 +10298,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Welcome to KeePassXC %1Mirë se vini te KeePassXC %1
+ Create Database
+ Krijo Bazë të Dhënash
+ Open Database
+ Hap Bazë të Dhënash
+ Import File
+ Importo Kartelë
+ WinUtils
@@ -8898,53 +10326,22 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
S’u regjistrua dot shkurtore globale
- WindowsHello
- Failed to init KeePassXC crypto.
- S’u arrit të gatitet kriptografi KeePassXC-je
- Failed to encrypt key data.
- S’u arrit të fshehtësohen të dhëna kyçi.
- Failed to get Windows Hello credential.
- Failed to decrypt key data.
- S’u arrit të shfshehtësohen të dhëna kyçi.
- %1 No interface, slot %2
- General: Të përgjithshme: Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue.
+ S’u gjet dot ndërfaqe për kyçin hardware me numrin serial %1. Ju lutemi, që të vazhdohet, lidheni.YubiKeyEditWidget
- Refresh hardware tokens
- Refresh
- Rifreskoje
- Hardware key slot selection
+ Përzgjedhje vendi kyçi hardwareCould not find any hardware keys!
@@ -8952,7 +10349,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response!
+ Kanali i përzgjedhur për kyç hardware nuk mbulon sfidë-përgjigje!Challenge-Response
@@ -8974,10 +10371,6 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Challenge-Response set, click to change or removePyetje-Përgjigje u ujdis, klikoni që ta ndryshoni, ose hiqni
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://www.yubico.com/products/services-software/challenge-response/">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Detecting hardware keys…Po pikasen kyçe hardware…
@@ -8986,35 +10379,32 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedS’u pikasën kyçe hardware
- YubiKeyInterface
- %1 Invalid slot specified - %2
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ Rifresko kyçe hardware
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Nëse keni një <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ose <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, mund ta përdorni për siguri të mëtejshme.</p><p>Kyçi lyp që një nga kanalet e tij të programohet me <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configuredYubiKeyInterfacePCSC
- (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3
- The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized.Ndërfaqja PCSC YubiKey s’është gatitur.
- Hardware key is currently in use.
- Kyçi hardware është aktualisht në përdorim.
- Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue.
+ S’u gjet dot, ose s’u përdor dot kyç hardware me numër serial %1. Që të vazhdohet, ju lutemi, silleni. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue.
+ Kyçi hardware është i kyçur, ose mbaroi koha. Që të vazhdohet, shkyçeni, ose riparaqiteni.Hardware key was not found or is not configured.
@@ -9022,27 +10412,34 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1
+ S’u arrit të plotësohet një hap sfidë-përgjigje, kodi i gabimit PCSC qe: %1
+ (NFC) %1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4
+ YubiKey display fields
+ (NFC) %1 [%2] - Kanali %3, %4
+ Press
+ USB Challenge-Response Key interaction request
+ Shtypeni
+ Passive
+ USB Challenge-Response Key no interaction required
+ PasivYubiKeyInterfaceUSBUnknown
- (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3
- (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4
+ E panjohurPressUSB Challenge-Response Key interaction request
+ ShtypeniPassive
@@ -9053,17 +10450,13 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized.Ndërfaqja USB YubiKey s’është gatitur.
- Hardware key is currently in use.
- Kyçi hardware është aktualisht në përdorim.
- Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue.
+ S’u gjet dot kyç hardware me numër serial %1. Që të vazhdohet, ju lutemi, vendoseni.Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction.
+ Kyçit hardware i mbaroi koha në pritje të ndërveprimit nga përdorues.A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1
@@ -9071,7 +10464,17 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1
+ S’u arrit të plotësohet një hap sfidë-përgjigje, kodi specifik qe: %1
+ %1 [%2] - Slot %3
+ YubiKey NEO display fields
+ %1 [%2] - Vendi %3
+ %1 [%2] - Slot %3, %4
+ YubiKey display fields
+ %1 [%2] - Vendi %3, %4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts
index 9a73e9c66..36384a200 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Морате поново покренути апликацију да бисте поставили нови језик. Поново покренути сада?
- Reset Settings?
- Ресетовати подешавања?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Да ли сте сигурни да желите да вратите све опште и безбедносне поставке на подразумеване?
- Select backup storage directory
+ Confirm Reset
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesУкључити бета издања приликом провере ажурирања
- On database unlock, show entries that
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- File ManagementУправљање датотекама
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingНаправити резервну копију базе података пре сачувавања
- Backup destination
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ Destination format:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ Export settings…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelСакриј лозинке на табли за преглед уноса
- Hide entry notes by default
- Подразумевано сакриј белешке о уносу
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Премести ставке у корпу за отпатке без потрвде
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- PrivacyПриватност
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,19 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1
@@ -1014,10 +1067,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Прегледници инсталирани као брзи тренутно нису подржани.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Омогућите интеграцију ових прегледача:
@@ -1241,6 +1290,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1392,6 +1445,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1455,6 +1512,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle BinКорпа за отпатке
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1597,14 +1662,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]
@@ -1637,6 +1694,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1671,10 +1740,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Интеграција тајног сервиса
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2141,6 +2222,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ Очисти
+ Display icon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2350,6 +2475,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ секунди
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2552,26 +2685,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedДатотека је промењена
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Датотека базе података је измењена. Да ли желите да учитате измене?
- Merge Request
- Споји захтев
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Датотека базе података се променила, а ви имате насачуване промене.
-Да ли желите да спојите своје промене?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Није било могуће отворити нову датотеку базе података приликом аутоматског учитавања.
-Грешка: %1
- Disable safe saves?Онемогућити сигурна сачувавања?
@@ -2659,6 +2772,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -2983,18 +3140,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryПрескочи аутоматско слање за овај унос
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Пошаљи ово подешавање у прегледач само за HTTP Auth дијалоге. Ако је омогућено, уобичајени обрасци за пријаву неће приказивати овај унос за избор.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthКористите овај унос само уз HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Не шаљи ову поставку претраживачу за HTTP Auth дијалоге. Ако је омогућено, HTTP Auth дијалози неће приказати овај унос за избор.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthНе користите овај унос са HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3019,6 +3168,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3241,6 +3398,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3687,6 +3848,19 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3695,6 +3869,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Форма
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3732,14 +3921,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Преименуј одабрни прилог
- Rename
- Преименуј
- Open selected attachmentОтворити одабрани прилог
@@ -3853,6 +4034,18 @@ Error: %1
Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Преглед
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4051,6 +4244,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4444,6 +4641,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4547,6 +4752,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5682,11 +5925,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- No Tags
@@ -5759,6 +5997,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5863,6 +6105,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6008,17 +6254,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ Генератор Лозинки
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6169,6 +6431,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Унесите име за приказ и опциони опис за вашу нову базу података:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Сними прилог
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6710,10 +6991,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Такође бирати између:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Изузети знакови: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersИзостави сличне карактере
@@ -6738,10 +7015,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Број Фраза:
- Character Count:
- Број карактера:
- Word Case:Слово реченица:
@@ -6754,10 +7027,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlist
- character
- карактера
- CloseЗатвори
@@ -6863,6 +7132,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersПосебни карактери
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6930,6 +7215,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7607,10 +7907,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Неважеће бројање речи %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Листа речи је премала (<1000 предмета)
- Title for the entry.Наслов уноса.
@@ -7755,10 +8051,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Изађите из интерактивног режима.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Извози садржај базе података на стандардни излаз у наведеном формату.
@@ -8346,18 +8638,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyдатотека је празна
- malformed string
- неисправна ниска
- missing closing quote
- недостаје завршни наводник
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (линије, колоне) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-бит
@@ -8817,6 +9097,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Обрисати податке о додатку?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8949,6 +9297,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИзузети из извештаја
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -8965,36 +9317,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Пређите преко разлога да бисте приказали додатне детаље. Двапут кликните на уносе за уређивање.
+ Show expired entries
- Bad
- Password quality
- Баш лоше
+ (Expired)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Пређите преко разлога да бисте приказали додатне детаље. Двапут кликните на уносе за уређивање.Bad — password must be changedБаш лоше — лозинка мора бити промењена
- Poor
- Password quality
- Бедан
- Poor — password should be changedЛоше — лозинку треба променити
- Weak
- Password quality
- Слаб
- Weak — consider changing the passwordСлабо — размислите о промени лозинке
@@ -9043,18 +9392,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИзузети из извештаја
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9150,6 +9495,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsИзузети из извештаја
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9391,6 +9740,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Ниједан агент није покренут, не може да наведе идентитете.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9676,29 +10033,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Извоз у %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -9988,11 +10322,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Нема хардверских кључева
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts
index 712158abe..341ae3813 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Du måste starta om programmet för att tillämpa det nya språket. Vill du starta om nu?
- Reset Settings?
- Vill du återställa inställningarna?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Vill du verkligen återställa alla allmäna och säkerhetsinställningar till standardinställning?
- Select backup storage directoryVälj lagringsplats för säkerhetskopior
+ Confirm Reset
+ Bekräfta återställning
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Vill du verkligen återställa alla inställningar till standardinställning?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Importera KeePassXC-inställningar
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Kunde inte importera inställningar från %1, ingen giltig inställningsfil.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Exportera KeePassXC-inställningar
+ Small
+ Liten
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Stor
+ Custom
+ Anpassad
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesInkludera betaversioner vid sökning efter uppdateringar
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Vid databasupplåsning, visa poster som
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- har upphört att gälla
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- dagar
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- löper ut inom
- File ManagementFilhantering
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingSäkerhetskopiera databasfilen innan den sparas
- Backup destination
- Säkerhetskopieringsmål
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Anger platsen för databasens säkerhetskopia. Förekomster av {DB_FILENAME}" ersätts med filnamnet för den sparade databasen utan filtillägg. {TIME:<format>} ersätts med säkerhetskopieringstiden, se https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> standard för att formatera strängen "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Välj...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Använd alternativ lagringsmetod (Kan lösa problem med Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Kom ihåg senast inmatade post för:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Vid databasupplåsning, visa poster som förfaller inom
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Vid databasupplåsning, visa poster som förfaller inom
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ dagar
+ Destination format:
+ Målformat:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> är ersatt av filnamnet för den sparade database utan filnamnstillägg.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> år ersatt av specificerat tidsformat (standard: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss).</p><p>Se användarmanualen för fler detaljer.</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Välj mapp...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Visa bekräftelse innan poster flyttas till papperskorgen
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Kopiera data vid dubbelklick på fält i postvyn
+ Show toolbar
+ Visa verktygsfält
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Visa menyfältet genom att trycka på Alt-tangenten
+ Show menubar
+ Visa menyfält
+ Import settings…
+ Importera inställningar...
+ Export settings…
+ Exportera inställningar...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Öppna webbläsare vid dubbelklick på URL i postvyn
+ Font size:
+ Teckenstorlek:
+ Font size selection
+ Teckenstorleksval
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelDölj lösenord i förhandsgranskningsrutan
- Hide entry notes by default
- Dölj posters anteckningar som standard
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Flytta poster till papperskorgen utan bekräftelse
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Aktivera dubbelklick för att kopiera kolumnerna för användarnamn/lösenord
- PrivacyIntegritet
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelDölj TOTP i förhandsgranskningspanelen
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lås databaserna vid byte av användare
+ Lock Options
+ Låsningsalternativ
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Dölj anteckningar posters förhandgranskningspanel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Posten har inget attribut för PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Ogiltig konverteringstyp: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Ogiltig konverteringssyntax: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Ogiltig regular expression-syntax: %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Ogiltig platshållare: %1
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Vill du skriva över passnyckeln i %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Webbläsare installerade via Snap, stöds för närvarande inte.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Aktivera integrering i dessa webbläsare:
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Vill du skriva över passnyckeln i %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser behövs för att webbläsarintegrationen ska fungera. <br />Ladda ner det för %1 och %2 och %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Webbläsare som är installerade via Snap eller Flatpak stöds inte, med Firefox via Snap som enda undantag.
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
Ingen titelkolumn valdes, Posterna kommer att bli svåra att särskilja.
Vill du verkligen importera?
+ Tags
+ Taggar
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ Säkerhetskopierad databas hittad i %2
Recycle BinPapperskorg
+ Database file read error.
+ Kunde inte läsa databasfilen.
+ No file path was provided.
+ Ingen filsökväg angavs.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1615,14 +1679,6 @@ För att förhindra att detta fel uppstår igen, måste du gå till "Databa
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Som tillägg till ett lösenord, kan du använda en hemlig fil för att förbättra säkerheten i din databas. En sådan fil kan genereras i databasens säkerhetsinställningar.</p><p>Detta är <strong>inte</strong> din *.kdbx-databasfil!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Klicka för att lägga till en nyckelfil.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Jag har en nyckelfil</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Använd hårdvarunyckel [Serienummer: %1]
@@ -1659,6 +1715,18 @@ Vill du verkligen fortsätta med den här filen?
Refresh Hardware KeysUppdatera hårdvarunycklar
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Klicka för att lägga till en nyckelfil.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Jag har en nyckelfil</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Hårdvarunycklar hittades, men inga anslutningsplatser är konfigurerade.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1693,10 +1761,22 @@ Vill du verkligen fortsätta med den här filen?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Secret Service-integration
+ Remote SyncFjärrsynkronisering
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Databasinställningar: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2176,6 +2256,50 @@ tas också bort från databasen.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxKryssruta för fördröjning av automatiskt sparande sedan senaste ändring
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Offentlig databas metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Varning! Följande inställningar är inte krypterade.
+ Display name:
+ Visningsnamn:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Offentligt synligt visningsnamn i upplåsningsdialogen.
+ Database public display name
+ Databasens offentliga visningsnamn
+ Display color:
+ Visningsfärg:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Offentligt synlig visningsfärg i upplåsningsdialogen.
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Databasens offentliga visningsfärgsväljare
+ Clear
+ Rensa
+ Display icon:
+ Visningsikon:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Välj databasikon
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2397,6 +2521,14 @@ exit
Kommandot måste avslutas. Om "sftp" är det sista kommandot måste "exit" sändas
+ Timeout:
+ Tidsgräns:
+ seconds
+ sekunder
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2599,26 +2731,6 @@ Vill du spara ändringarna?
File has changedFilen har ändrats
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Databasfilen har ändrats. Vill du läsa in ändringarna?
- Merge Request
- Slå samman begäran
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Databasfilen har ändrats och du har osparade ändringar.
-Vill du slå samman dina ändringar?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Kunde inte öppna den nya databasen vid försök att läsa in automatisk.
-Fel: %1
- Disable safe saves?Vill du inaktivera "Spara säkert"?
@@ -2706,6 +2818,50 @@ Vill du inaktivera "Spara säkert" och försöka igen?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Vill du ta bort passnyckeln från den här posten?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Databasfilen "%1" har ändrats externt
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Vill du läsa in ändringarna?
+ Reload database
+ Uppdatera databasen
+ Reloading database…
+ Uppdaterar databasen...
+ Reload canceled
+ Uppdateringen avbröts
+ Reload successful
+ Uppdatering slutförd
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Uppdatera väntande åtgärd...
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Databasfilen "%1" har ändrats externt.<br>Hur vill du fortsätta?<br><br>Vill du slå samman alla ändringar?<br>Ignorera ändringar på disk tills du sparar?<br>Ignorera ändringar som inte har sparats?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Databasfilen "%1" har ändrats externt.<br>Hur vill du fortsätta?<br><br>Vill du slå samman alla ändringar och spara?<br>Skriva över ändringar på disk?<br>Skippa osparade ändringar?
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Databasfilen har skrivits över.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Databasfilen på disk kan inte låsas upp med aktuella inloggningsuppgifter. <br>Ange nya uppgifter och/eller hårdvarunyckel för att fortsätta.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3034,18 +3190,10 @@ Vill du korrigera det?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryUndanta autoskriv för den här posten
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Skicka bara den här inställningen till webbläsaren för HTTP-autentisering. Vid aktivering visas inte den här posten i normala inloggningsformulär.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthAnvänd den här posten endast med HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Skicka inte den här inställningen till webbläsaren för HTTP-autentisering. Vid aktivering visas inte den här posten för markering.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthAnvänd inte här posten med HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3070,6 +3218,14 @@ Vill du korrigera det?
Additional URLsYtterligare URL:er
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Skicka bara den här inställningen till webbläsaren för HTTP-autentisering. Vid aktivering visas inte den här posten i normala inloggningsformulär.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Skicka inte denna post till webbläsaren för HTTP-autentisering. Vid aktivering visas inte den här posten för markering.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3292,6 +3448,10 @@ Vill du korrigera det?
seconds sekunder
+ Clear agent
+ Rensa agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3738,6 +3898,20 @@ Det kan medföra att de berörda tilläggen inte fungerar.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Ogiltig konverteringstyp: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Ogiltig konverteringssyntax: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Ogiltig regular expression-syntax: %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3746,6 +3920,21 @@ Det kan medföra att de berörda tilläggen inte fungerar.
Kan inte öppna filen "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Formulär
+ File name
+ Filnamn
+ File contents...
+ Filinnehåll
@@ -3783,14 +3972,6 @@ Det kan medföra att de berörda tilläggen inte fungerar.
RemoveTa bort
- Rename selected attachment
- Byt namn på markerad bilaga
- Rename
- Byt namn
- Open selected attachmentÖppna markerad bilaga
@@ -3905,6 +4086,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Bilagan "%1" finns redan.
Vill du skriva över den befintliga bilagan?
+ New
+ Nytt
+ Preview
+ Förhandsgranska
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Kunde inte förhandsgranska en bilaga: Bilagan hittades inte
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4103,6 +4296,10 @@ Vill du skriva över den befintliga bilagan?
Background ColorBakgrundsfärg
+ Group Path
+ Gruppsökväg
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4497,6 +4694,14 @@ Du kan aktivera ikontjänsten från DuckDuckGo, i säkerhetssektionen av program
+ Could not load key file.
+ Kunde inte läsa in nyckelfil.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Kunde inte öppna fjärrdatabas. Lösenord eller nyckelfil kan vara felaktig.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4600,6 +4805,50 @@ Du kan aktivera ikontjänsten från DuckDuckGo, i säkerhetssektionen av program
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass 1-databas
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON-export
+ Temporary Database
+ Temporär databas
+ Command:
+ Kommando:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ t.ex.: "sftp user@hostname" eller "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Indata:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ t.ex.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} används som platshållare för att lagra databasen på en tillfällig plats
+Kommandot måste avslutas. Om "sftp" är sista kommentar måste "exit" sändas
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Fjärrdatabas (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -4691,7 +4940,7 @@ Om detta upprepas, kan din databasfil vara skadad.
(HMAC mismatch)
- (HMAC matchningsfel)
+ (HMAC-matchningsfel)Unknown cipher
@@ -4745,57 +4994,57 @@ Om detta upprepas, kan din databasfil vara skadad.
Invalid variant map entry name lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig inmatningsnamnslängd för variantkartaInvalid variant map entry name dataTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig inmatningsnamnsdata för variantkartaInvalid variant map entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig inmatningsvärdeslängd för variantkartaInvalid variant map entry value dataTranslation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig inmatningsvärdesdata för variantkartaInvalid variant map Bool entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig Bool-inmatningsvärdeslängd för variantkartaInvalid variant map Int32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig Int32-inmatningsvärdeslängd för variantkartaInvalid variant map UInt32 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig UInt32-inmatningsvärdeslängd för variantkartaInvalid variant map Int64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig Int64-inmatningsvärdeslängd för variantkartaInvalid variant map UInt64 entry value lengthTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig UInt64-inmatningsvärdeslängd för variantkartaInvalid variant map entry typeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig inmatningstyp för variantkartaInvalid variant map field type sizeTranslation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data
+ Ogiltig fälttypstorlek för variantkarta
@@ -5122,19 +5371,19 @@ Om detta upprepas, kan din databasfil vara skadad.
Incorrect group creation time field size
+ Felaktig fältstorlek för gruppskapandetidIncorrect group modification time field size
+ Felaktig fältstorlek för gruppändringstidIncorrect group access time field size
+ Felaktig fältstorlek för gruppåtkomsttidIncorrect group expiry time field size
+ Felaktig fältstorlek för grupputgångstidIncorrect group icon field size
@@ -5166,7 +5415,7 @@ Om detta upprepas, kan din databasfil vara skadad.
Invalid entry UUID field size
+ Ogiltig fältstorlek för inmatnings-UUIDInvalid entry group id field size
@@ -5740,12 +5989,6 @@ Den här versionen är inte avsedd för produktionsanvändning.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
Du använder en förhandsversion av KeePassXC.
Förvänta dig några fel och mindre problem, den här versionen är avsedd för teständamål.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- VARNING! Din Qt-version kan orsaka att KeePassXC kraschar med ett skärmtangentbord.
-Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssida.No Tags
@@ -5819,6 +6062,10 @@ Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssi
Import PasskeyImportera passnyckel
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Fjärrs&ynkronisering...
+ Quit ApplicationAvsluta programmet
@@ -5923,6 +6170,10 @@ Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssi
Show Password GeneratorVisa lösenordsgenerator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Ta bort passnyckeln från posten
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Utför autoskriv: {ANVÄNDARNAMN}
@@ -6068,17 +6319,33 @@ Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssi
Tillåt/Neka skärmklipp
- Remote S&ync…
- Fjärrs&ynkronisering...
+ Show Group Panel
+ Visa gruppanel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Ta bort passnyckeln från posten
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Visa/Dölj gruppanelSetup Remote Sync…Ställ in fjärrsynkronisering...
+ Password Generator
+ Lösenordsgenerator
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Post &utgår...
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Rensa SSH-agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ Ta bort alla identiteter i SSH-agenten
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6229,6 +6496,25 @@ Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssi
Fyll i visningsnamnet och en frivillig beskrivning för din nya databas:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Bilagans namn kan inte vara tomt
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Det finns redan en bilaga med samma namn
+ Save attachment
+ Spara bifogad fil
+ New entry attachment
+ Ny postbilaga
@@ -6774,10 +7060,6 @@ Följande data saknas:
Also choose from:Välj också från:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Undanta tecknen: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersUndanta tecken som liknar varandra
@@ -6802,10 +7084,6 @@ Följande data saknas:
Word Count:Antal ord:
- Character Count:
- Antal tecken:
- Word Case:Skiftläge:
@@ -6818,10 +7096,6 @@ Följande data saknas:
Add custom wordlistLägg till anpassad ordlista
- character
- tecken
- CloseStäng
@@ -6928,6 +7202,22 @@ Vill du skriva över den?
Special CharactersSpecialtecken
+ passwordLength
+ Lösenordslängd
+ Characters: %1
+ Tecken: %1
+ MIXED case
+ BLANDAT fall
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Undantagna tecken: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6995,6 +7285,21 @@ Vill du skriva över den?
Tryck &TAB mellen tecken
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Förhandsgranska postbilaga
+ No preview available
+ Ingen förhandsgranskning tillgänglig
+ Image format not supported
+ Bildformatet stöds inte
@@ -7673,10 +7978,6 @@ Vill du skriva över den?
Invalid word count %1Ogiltigt antal ord %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Ordlistan är för liten (<1000 objekt)
- Title for the entry.Titel för posten.
@@ -7821,10 +8122,6 @@ Vill du skriva över den?
Exit interactive mode.Avsluta interaktivt läge.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Format att använda vid export. Tillgängliga alternativ är "xml" eller "csv". Standardvärdet är "xml".
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Exporterar innehållet i en databas till standardutdata i angivet format.
@@ -8413,18 +8710,6 @@ Kärna: %3 %4
file emptyfilen är tom
- malformed string
- felaktigt uppbyggd sträng
- missing closing quote
- saknar avslutande citationstecken
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (rad, kolumn) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8885,6 +9170,74 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället.Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
Endast PBKDF och Argon2 stöds, kan inte avkryptera json-filen.
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Återställ genvägar
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Dubbelklicka på åtgärden för att ändra genväg
+ Filter...
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Genvägskonflikt
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Genväg %1 står i konflikt med "%2". Vill du skriva över genvägen??
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Kan inte generera giltiga lösenordsfraser för att ordlistan är för kort
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Krypterade filer stöds inte.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass-import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Vill du ta bort tilläggsdata?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Vill du ta bort insticksdata från post?Vill du ta bort insticksdata från poster?
+ Passkey
+ Passnyckel
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Format att använda vid export. Tillgängliga alternativ är "xml", "csv" eller "html". Standardvärdet är "xml".
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ starta minimerad i systemfältet
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ felaktig sträng, möjligen ej utkommenterad avgränsare
+ missing closing delimiter
+ saknar avslutande avgränsare
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1, rad: %2, kolumn: %3
+ Tags
+ Taggar
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9017,6 +9370,10 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället.Exclude from reports
Undanta från rapporter
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Post utgår...Poster utgår...
+ Only show entries that have a URLVisa endast poster som har en URL
@@ -9033,36 +9390,33 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället. (Expired)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Tar bort insticksdata från post…Tar bort insticksdata från poster…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Håll muspekaren över anledning, för att visa fler detaljer. Dubbelklicka på posten för att redigera.
+ Show expired entries
+ Visa förfallna poster
- Bad
- Password quality
- Usel
+ (Expired)
+ (Förfallen)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Håll muspekaren över anledning, för att visa fler detaljer. Dubbelklicka på posten för att redigera.Bad — password must be changedUsel — Lösenordet måste ändras
- Poor
- Password quality
- Dålig
- Poor — password should be changedDålig — Lösenordet måste ändras
- Weak
- Password quality
- Svag
- Weak — consider changing the passwordSvag — Överväg att ändra lösenordet
@@ -9111,18 +9465,14 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället.Exclude from reports
Undanta från rapporter
- Show expired entries
- Visa förfallna poster
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Post utgår...Poster utgår...Show entries that have been excluded from reportsVisa poster som har undantagits från rapporter
- (Expired)
- (Förfallen)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9218,6 +9568,10 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället.Exclude from reports
Undanta från rapporter
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Post utgår...Poster utgår...
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9459,6 +9813,14 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället.No agent running, cannot list identities.
Tjänsten körs inte, kan inte lista identiteter.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Kunde inte ta bort alla SSH-identiteter från agenten.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Alla SSH-identiteter borttagna från agenten.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9637,7 +9999,7 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället.
<html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Detta förbättrar kompatibiliteten med vissa program som söker efter lösenord utan att först låsa upp databasen.</p></p>Men aktivering av detta kan också få klienten att krascha om databasen inte kan låsas upp inom en viss tidsgräns (Vanligen 25s, men kan vara ett annat värde, angivet i programmet.)</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Detta förbättrar kompatibiliteten med vissa program som söker efter lösenord utan att först låsa upp databasen.</p><p>Men aktivering av detta kan också få klienten att krascha om databasen inte kan låsas upp inom en viss tidsgräns (Vanligen 25s, men kan vara ett annat värde, angivet i programmet.) </p></body></html>
@@ -9744,29 +10106,6 @@ Det här alternativet är föråldrat, använd --set-key-file istället.Exportera till %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Dubbelklicka på åtgärden för att ändra genväg
- Shortcut Conflict
- Genvägskonflikt
- Filter...
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Genväg %1 står i konflikt med "%2". Vill du skriva över genvägen??
- Reset Shortcuts
- Återställ genvägar
@@ -10055,14 +10394,18 @@ Exempel: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedInga hårdvarunycklar identifierade
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Om du äger en <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> eller en <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, kan du använda den för ytterligare säkerhet.</p><p>Nyckeln kräver att en av dess anslutningsplatser programmeras som <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysUppdatera hårdvarunycklar
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Om du äger en <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> eller en <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, kan du använda den för ytterligare säkerhet.</p><p>Nyckeln kräver att en av dess anslutningsplatser programmeras som <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Hårdvarunycklar hittades, men inga anslutningsplatser är konfigurerade.
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts
index 4d49e1977..9d97be0a9 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?คุณจะต้องเริ่มแอปใหม่เพื่อตั้งภาษาใหม่ คุณต้องการจะเริ่มแอปใหม่ตอนนี้หรือไม่?
- Reset Settings?
- ล้างการตั้งค่าหรือไม่?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการคืนค่าทั่วไปและค่าความปลอดภัยสู่ค่าเริ่มต้น
- Select backup storage directoryเลือกไดเรกทอรีจัดเก็บข้อมูลสำรอง
+ Confirm Reset
+ ยืนยันการล้างค่า
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ที่จะล้างการตั้งค่าทั้งหมดไปเป็นค่าปริยาย?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ นำเข้าการตั้งค่า KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ ส่งออกการตั้งค่า KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesให้ตรวจหารุ่นทดสอบเบตาด้วย ขณะตรวจหาการปรับรุ่น
- On database unlock, show entries that
- ในการปลดล็อกฐานข้อมูล ให้แสดงรายการที่
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- หมดอายุแล้ว
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- วัน
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- จะหมดอายุภายใน
- File Managementการจัดการแฟ้ม
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingสำรองแฟ้มฐานข้อมูลก่อนการบันทึก
- Backup destination
- ปลายทางข้อมูลสํารอง
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- ระบุตำแหน่งแฟ้มฐานข้อมูลสำรอง รายการที่แสดงเป็น "{DB_FILENAME}" จะถูกแทนด้วยชื่อแฟ้มของฐานข้อมูลที่บันทึกไว้โดยไม่มีส่วนขยาย {TIME:<format>} จะถูกแทนด้วยเวลาที่ทำการสำรอง โปรดดู https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString <format> ค่าปริยายในการจัดรูปแบบสตริง "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss"
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- เลือก...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)ใช้วิธีการบันทึกแบบอื่น (อาจแก้ปัญหากับ Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS เป็นต้น)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:จำรายการที่พิมพ์ล่าสุดสำหรับ:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ วัน
+ Destination format:
+ รูปแบบปลายทาง:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ เลือกโฟลเดอร์...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Show toolbar
+ แสดงแถบเครื่องมือ
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Show menubar
+ Import settings…
+ นำเข้าการตั้งค่า...
+ Export settings…
+ ส่งออกการตั้งค่า...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelซ่อนรหัสผ่านในแผงแสดงตัวอย่างรายการ
- Hide entry notes by default
- ซ่อนบันทึกรายการเป็นค่าตั้งต้น
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- ย้ายรายการไปยังถังขยะโดยไม่ต้องยืนยัน
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- เปิดใช้งานดับเบิลคลิกเพื่อคัดลอกคอลัมน์ชื่อผู้ใช้/รหัสผ่าน
- Privacyความเป็นส่วนตัว
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Lock Options
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1รายการไม่มีแอตทริบิวต์สำหรับ PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- ประเภทคอนเวอร์ชันไม่ถูกต้อง: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- ลักษณะคอนเวอร์ชันไม่ถูกต้อง: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- ลักษณะการถ่ายทอดทั่วไปไม่ถูกต้อง %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1ข้อความตัวอย่างไม่ถูกต้อง: 1%
@@ -828,7 +880,7 @@ Ctrl + 4 - ใช้แป้นพิมพ์เสมือน (Windows เ
+ เลิกทำ
@@ -848,7 +900,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
KeePassXC - Select Database
+ KeePassXC - เลือกฐานข้อมูล
@@ -859,7 +911,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
+ ปรับปรุงAuthenticate
@@ -867,15 +919,15 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Register new
+ ลงทะเบียนใหม่Register
+ ลงทะเบียนTimeout in <b>%n</b> seconds...
+ หมดเวลาใน <b>%n</b> วินาที...Relying Party: %1
@@ -883,7 +935,7 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Username: %1
+ ชื่อผู้ใช้: %1KeePassXC - Passkey credentials
@@ -960,7 +1012,7 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
KeePassXC - Create a new group
+ KeePassXC - สร้างกลุ่มใหม่Disable
@@ -1005,7 +1057,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ ลงทะเบียน
@@ -1026,10 +1078,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- ยังไม่รองรับเบราว์เซอร์ที่ถูกติดตั้งจาก Snap
- Enable integration for these browsers:เปิดการใช้เบราว์เซอร์เหล่านี้ร่วมกับ
@@ -1253,6 +1301,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ CloneDialog
@@ -1404,6 +1456,10 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ แท็ก
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1467,6 +1523,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Binถังขยะ
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1610,27 +1674,19 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
Select Key File:
+ เลือกแฟ้มกุญแจ:<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Use hardware key
+ ใช้กุญแจฮาร์ดแวร์Your database file is NOT a key file!
@@ -1656,6 +1712,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.Refresh Hardware Keys
+ Click to add a key file.
+ คลิกเพื่อเพิ่มแฟ้มกุญแจ
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">ฉันมีแฟ้มกุญแจ</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1690,10 +1758,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ การผสานรวมบริการลับ
+ Remote Sync
+ Database Settings: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -1807,7 +1887,7 @@ This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser ext
No keys found
+ ไม่พบกุญแจRemoved keys from database
@@ -2015,7 +2095,7 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at
+ พื้นฐานAdvanced
@@ -2170,6 +2250,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Display name:
+ ชื่อแสดง:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display name
+ Display color:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Clear
+ ล้าง
+ Display icon:
+ ไอคอนแสดง:
+ Select Database Icon
+ เลือกไอคอนฐานข้อมูล
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2379,6 +2503,14 @@ The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Timeout:
+ seconds
+ วินาที
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2581,26 +2713,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedแฟ้มเปลี่ยนไปแล้ว
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- แฟ้มฐานข้อมูลเปลี่ยนไปแล้ว คุณต้องการโหลดการเปลี่ยนแปลงหรือไม่?
- Merge Request
- คำร้องเพื่อผสาน
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- แฟ้มฐานข้อมูลเปลี่ยนไปแล้ว และคุณมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ยังไม่ได้บันทึก
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- ไม่สามารถเปิดแฟ้มฐานข้อมูลใหม่ขณะพยายามโหลดใหม่โดยอัตโนมัติ
-ข้อผิดพลาด: %1
- Disable safe saves?ปิดการบันทึกแบบปลอดภัยหรือไม่
@@ -2688,6 +2800,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3016,18 +3172,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryข้ามการส่งอัตโนมัติสำหรับรายการนี้
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- ส่งการตั้งค่านี้ไปยังเบราว์เซอร์สำหรับกล่องโต้ตอบ HTTP Auth เท่านั้น หากเปิดใช้งาน แบบฟอร์มการเข้าสู่ระบบปกติจะไม่แสดงรายการนี้สำหรับการเลือก
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Authใช้รายการกับ HTTP Basic Auth เท่านั้น:
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- อย่าส่งการตั้งค่านี้ไปยังเบราว์เซอร์สำหรับกล่องโต้ตอบ HTTP Auth หากเปิดใช้งาน กล่องโต้ตอบ HTTP Auth จะไม่แสดงรายการนี้สำหรับการเลือก
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Authอย่าใช้รายการนี้กับ HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3050,6 +3198,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs
+ URL เพิ่มเติม
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
@@ -3274,6 +3430,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3720,6 +3880,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ ประเภทคอนเวอร์ชันไม่ถูกต้อง: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ ลักษณะคอนเวอร์ชันไม่ถูกต้อง: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ ลักษณะการถ่ายทอดทั่วไปไม่ถูกต้อง %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3728,6 +3902,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
เปิดแฟ้ม "%1" ไม่ได้
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ จาก
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3765,14 +3954,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- เปลี่ยนชื่อเอกสารแนบที่เลือก
- Rename
- เปลี่ยนชื่อ
- Open selected attachmentเปิดแฟ้มแนบที่เลือก
@@ -3887,6 +4068,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
มีเอกสารแนบ "%1" อยู่แล้ว
+ New
+ Preview
+ ดูตัวอย่าง
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4085,6 +4278,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4477,6 +4674,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
@@ -4504,7 +4709,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Import Into:
+ ส่งออกไปยัง:New Database
@@ -4520,7 +4725,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
Import File:
+ นำเข้าแฟ้ม:Comma Separated Values (.csv)
@@ -4532,11 +4737,11 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
1Password Vault (.opvault)
+ 1Password Vault (.opvault)Bitwarden (.json)
+ Bitwarden (.json)KeePass 1 Database (.kdb)
@@ -4582,6 +4787,44 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 Database
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Command:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5722,12 +5965,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
หมายเหตุ: คุณกำลังใช้ KeePassXC รุ่นก่อนเผยแพร่
คาดว่าจะมีจุดบกพร่องและปัญหาเล็กน้อย เวอร์ชันนี้มีไว้เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ในการทดสอบ
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- คำเตือน: เวอร์ชัน Qt ของคุณอาจทำให้ KeePassXC หยุดทำงานด้วยแป้นพิมพ์บนหน้าจอ
-เราขอแนะนำให้คุณใช้ AppImage ที่มีอยู่ในหน้าดาวน์โหลดของเราNo Tags
@@ -5791,7 +6028,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ นำเข้า...Passkeys…
@@ -5801,6 +6038,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Quit Application
@@ -5811,11 +6052,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Open Database
+ เปิดฐานข้อมูลCreate Database
+ สร้างฐานข้อมูลMerge From Database
@@ -5905,6 +6146,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}
@@ -6050,17 +6295,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group PanelSetup Remote Sync…
+ Password Generator
+ ตัวสร้างรหัสผ่าน
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6211,6 +6472,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
กรุณากรอกชื่อที่แสดง และคำอธิบายเพิ่มเติมสำหรับ ฐานข้อมูล ใหม่ของคุณ
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6486,7 +6766,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Username: %1
+ ชื่อผู้ใช้: %1Group
@@ -6494,7 +6774,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
+ ฐานข้อมูลImport Passkey
@@ -6753,10 +7033,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:เลือกจาก:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- อักขระที่ยกเว้น: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersไม่ใช้อักขระที่หน้าตาคล้ายกัน
@@ -6781,10 +7057,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:จำนวนคำ:
- Character Count:
- จำนวนตัวอักษร
- Word Case:กรณีคำศัพท์:
@@ -6797,10 +7069,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistเพิ่มรายการคําที่กําหนดเอง
- character
- ตัวอักษร
- Closeปิด
@@ -6907,6 +7175,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Charactersอักขระพิเศษ
+ passwordLength
+ Characters: %1
+ ตัวอักขระ: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6974,6 +7258,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
กด &Tab ระหว่างอักขระ
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7652,10 +7951,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1จำนวนคำไม่ถูกรูปแบบ %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- รายการคำศัพท์น้อยเกินไป (< 1,000 รายการ)
- Title for the entry.หัวเรื่องสำหรับรายการ
@@ -7800,10 +8095,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.ออกจากโหมดโต้ตอบ
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- รูปแบบที่จะใช้เมื่อส่งออก ตัวเลือกที่ใช้ได้คือ 'xml' หรือ 'csv' ค่าเริ่มต้นคือ 'xml'
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.ส่งออกเนื้อหาของฐานข้อมูลไปยังเอาต์พุตมาตรฐานในรูปแบบที่ระบุ
@@ -8392,18 +8683,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyแฟ้มว่างเปล่า
- malformed string
- รูปแบบสตริงไม่ถูกต้อง
- missing closing quote
- เครื่องหมายปิดคำพูดหายไป
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 บิต
@@ -8772,11 +9051,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
File does not exist.
+ ไม่มีแฟ้มCannot open file: %1
+ เปิดแฟ้มไม่ได้: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
@@ -8796,7 +9075,7 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Wrong password
+ รหัสผ่านผิดInvalid encrypted data field
@@ -8863,6 +9142,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Filter...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ ลบข้อมูลโปรแกรมเสริมหรือไม่
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ แท็ก
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8995,6 +9342,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsไม่นับรวมในรายงาน
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URL
@@ -9005,42 +9356,39 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Show expired entries
+ แสดงรายการที่หมดอายุ (Expired)
+ (หมดอายุ)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- วางเมาส์เหนือเหตุผลเพื่อแสดงรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม ดับเบิลคลิกที่รายการเพื่อแก้ไข
+ Show expired entries
+ แสดงรายการที่หมดอายุ
- Bad
- Password quality
- เลวร้าย
+ (Expired)
+ (หมดอายุ)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ วางเมาส์เหนือเหตุผลเพื่อแสดงรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม ดับเบิลคลิกที่รายการเพื่อแก้ไขBad — password must be changedเลวร้าย — ต้องเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน
- Poor
- Password quality
- แย่
- Poor — password should be changedแย่ — ควรเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน
- Weak
- Password quality
- อ่อนแอ
- Weak — consider changing the passwordอ่อนแอ — ควรพิจารณารหัสผ่านใหม่
@@ -9089,18 +9437,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsไม่นับรวมในรายงาน
- Show expired entries
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reports
- (Expired)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9196,6 +9540,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsไม่นับรวมในรายงาน
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9241,11 +9589,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Show expired entries
+ แสดงรายการที่หมดอายุ (Expired)
+ (หมดอายุ)Export Confirmation
@@ -9437,6 +9785,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.ไม่มีตัวแทนทำงาน ไม่สามารถระบุตัวตนได้
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9722,29 +10078,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
ส่งออกไป %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Shortcut Conflict
- Filter...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Reset Shortcuts
@@ -9954,15 +10287,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Create Database
+ สร้างฐานข้อมูลOpen Database
+ เปิดฐานข้อมูลImport File
+ นำเข้าแฟ้ม
@@ -10034,11 +10367,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts
index 35a13ae5b..4975ec369 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Yeni dilin kullanıma alınması için uygulamayı yeniden başlatmalısınız. Şimdi yeniden başlatılsın mı?
- Reset Settings?
- Ayarlar sıfırlansın mı?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Tüm genel ve güvenlik ayarlarını varsayılan değerlerine döndürmek istediğinize emin misiniz?
- Select backup storage directoryYedek kayıt klasörünü seçin
+ Confirm Reset
+ Sıfırlamayı onayla
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Tüm ayarları varsayılan değerlerine döndürmek istediğinize emin misiniz?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC ayarlarını içe aktar
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Ayarlar %1 üzerinden içe aktarılamadı. Dosya geçerli bir ayar dosyası değil.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ KeePassXC ayarlarını dışa aktar
+ Small
+ Küçük
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Orta
+ Large
+ Büyük
+ Custom
+ Özel
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesGüncelleme denetimine beta sürümleri de katılsın
- On database unlock, show entries that
- Veri tabanının kilidi açıldığında, şu kayıtlar görüntülensin
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- süresi geçmiş
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- gün
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- Süresinin geçmesine
- File ManagementDosya yönetimi
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingKaydetmeden önce veri tabanı dosyası yedeklensin
- Backup destination
- Yedek hedefi
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Veri tabanı yedek dosyasının konumunu belirtir. "{DB_FILENAME}" kodu, kayıtlı veri tabanının uzantısı olmayan dosya adı, {TIME:<format>} kodu, yedekleme zamanı ile değiştirilir. https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString adresine bakabilirsiniz.<format> Varsayılan biçem dizgesi "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Seçin…
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Alternatif kayıt yöntemi kullanılsın (Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, vb ile yaşanan sorunları çözebilir)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Son yazılmış kaydın hatırlanma süresi:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Veri tabanının kilidi açıldığında, şu zaman içinde süresi dolacak kayıtlar görüntülensin
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ Veri tabanının kilidi açıldığında, şu zaman içinde süresi dolacak kayıtlar görüntülensin
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ gün
+ Destination format:
+ Hedef biçimi:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> yerinde uzantısı olmadan kaydedilmiş veri tabanının dosya adı görüntülenir </p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> yerinde belirtilen saat biçimi görüntülenir (varsayılan değer: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için kullanıcı rehberine bakın</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Klasör seçin...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Kayıtlar geri dönüşüm kutusuna taşınmadan önce onay istensin
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Kayıt görünümünde alana çift tıklandığında veriler kopyalansın
+ Show toolbar
+ Araç çubuğunu görüntüle
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Alt tuşuna basıldığında menü çubuğu görüntülensin
+ Show menubar
+ Araç çubuğu görüntülensin
+ Import settings…
+ Ayarları içe aktar…
+ Export settings…
+ Ayarları dışa aktar…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Kayıt görünümünde adres alanına çift tıklandığında tarayıcı açılsın
+ Font size:
+ Yazı boyutu:
+ Font size selection
+ Yazı boyutu seçimi
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelKayıt ön izleme panosunda parolalar gizlensin
- Hide entry notes by default
- Kayıt notları varsayılan olarak gizlensin
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Kayıtlar çöp kutusuna atılırken onay istenmesin
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Kullanıcı adı/parola kaydı sütunlarını kopyalamak için çift tıklama kullanılsın
- PrivacyGizlilik
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelTek kullanımlık parola kayıt ön izleme panosunda gizlensin
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Kullanıcı değiştirildiğinde veri tabanları kilitlensin
+ Lock Options
+ Seçenekleri kilitle
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Notlar kayıt ön izleme panosunda gizlensin
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Kayıtta PICKCHARS için öznitelik yok: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Dönüşüm türü geçersiz: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Dönüşüm söz dizimi geçersiz: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Kurallı ifade sözdizimi geçersiz %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Yer belirteci geçersiz: %1
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Anlık olarak kurulan tarayıcılar henüz desteklenmiyor.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Şu tarayıcılar için bütünleşme kullanılsın:
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ Tarayıcı bütünleşmesinin çalışması için KeePassXC-Browser gereklidir. <br />%1, %2 ve %3 tarayıcıları için indirebilirsiniz.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ Snap veya Flatpak ile kurulan tarayıcılar, Snap ile kurulan Firefox dışında, desteklenmiyor.
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
Herhangi bir başlık sütunu seçilmemiş. Kayıtları ayırmak zor olacak.
İçe aktarmak istediğinize emin misiniz?
+ Tags
+ Etiketler
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ Yedek veri tabanının konumu %2
Recycle BinÇöp kutusu
+ Database file read error.
+ Veri tabanı dosyası okunurken sorun çıktı
+ No file path was provided.
+ Herhangi bir dosya yolu belirtilmemiş.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1614,14 +1678,6 @@ Bu sorunu engellemek için, "Veri tabanı ayarları / Güvenlik" böl
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>Veri tabanınızın güvenliğini artırmak için parolaya ek olarak gizli bir dosya kullanabilirsiniz. Bu dosyayı veri tabanınızın güvenlik ayarları bölümünden oluşturabilirsiniz.</p><p>Bu dosya, *.kdbx veri tabanı dosyanız <strong>değildir</strong>.
- Click to add a key file.
- Bir anahtar dosyası eklemek için tıklayın.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Bir anahtar dosyam var</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Donanımsal anahtar kullanılsın [Seri: %1]
@@ -1658,6 +1714,18 @@ Bu dosya ile ilerlemek istediğinize emin misiniz?
Refresh Hardware KeysDonanımsal anahtarları yenile
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Bir anahtar dosyası eklemek için tıklayın.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">Bir anahtar dosyam var</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Donanımsal anahtar bulundu. Ancak herhangi bir yuva yapılandırılmamış.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1692,10 +1760,22 @@ Bu dosya ile ilerlemek istediğinize emin misiniz?
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Gizli hizmet bütünleşmesi
+ Remote SyncUzak eşitleme
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Veri tabanı ayarları: %1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2175,6 +2255,50 @@ veri tabanından kaldırılır.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxSon değişiklikten sonraki otomatik kaydetme gecikmesi işaret kutusu
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Herkese açık veri tabanı üst verileri
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Uyarı: Şu ayarlar şifrelenmez.
+ Display name:
+ Görüntülenecek ad:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Kilit açma penceresinde herkese açık olarak görüntülenen ad
+ Database public display name
+ Veri tabanının herkese açık görüntülenecek adı
+ Display color:
+ Görüntülenme rengi:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Kilit açma penceresinde herkese açık olarak görüntülenecek renk
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Veri tabanının herkese açık görüntülenecek renginin seçicisi
+ Clear
+ Temizle
+ Display icon:
+ Görüntülenecek simge:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Veri tabanı simgesini seçin
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2372,7 +2496,13 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Örnek:
+get UzakVeriTabani.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} veri tabanını geçici bir konuma kaydetmek için yer belirtci olarak kullanılır
+`sftp` kullanıldığında son komutun `exit` olması gerektiğinden, komutta exit bulunmalıdır.
+ e.g.:
@@ -2382,7 +2512,21 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Örnek:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} UzakVeriTabani.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} veri tabanını geçici bir konuma kaydetmek için yer belirtci olarak kullanılır
+`sftp` kullanıldığında son komutun `exit` olması gerektiğinden, komutta exit bulunmalıdır.
+ Timeout:
+ Zaman aşımı:
+ seconds
+ saniye
@@ -2461,7 +2605,7 @@ Bu kesinlikle bir uygulama hatasıdır. Lütfen geliştiricilere bildirin.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Temporary]
@@ -2586,26 +2730,6 @@ Değişiklikler kaydedilsin mi?
File has changedDosya değişmiş
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Veri tabanı dosyası değiştirilmiş. Değişiklikleri yüklemek ister misiniz?
- Merge Request
- Birleştirme isteği
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Veri tabanı dosyası değiştirilmiş ve kaydedilmemiş değişiklikleriniz var.
-Değişikliklerinizi birleştirmek ister misiniz?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Otomatik yüklenmeye çalışılırken yeni veri tabanı dosyası açılamadı.
-Hata: %1
- Disable safe saves?Güvenli kaydetme kapatılsın mı?
@@ -2659,19 +2783,19 @@ Güvenli kaydetme kapatılarak yeniden denensin mi?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Uzak eşitlemede herhangi bir indirme ya da yükleme komutu bulunmuyor.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ '%1' uzak eşitlemesi tamamlandı!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ '%1' uzak eşitlemesi tamamlanamadı: %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ %1 veri tabanı kaydedilirken sorun çıktı: %2Downloading...
@@ -2679,11 +2803,11 @@ Güvenli kaydetme kapatılarak yeniden denensin mi?
+ Yükleniyor...Syncing...
+ Eşitleniyor...Remove passkey from entry
@@ -2693,6 +2817,50 @@ Güvenli kaydetme kapatılarak yeniden denensin mi?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?Geçiş anahtarını bu kayıttan kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ "%1" veri tabanı dosyası dışarıdan değiştirilmiş
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Değişiklikleri yüklemek ister misiniz?
+ Reload database
+ Veri tabanını yeniden yükle
+ Reloading database…
+ Veri tabanı yeniden yükleniyor…
+ Reload canceled
+ Yeniden yükleme iptal edildi
+ Reload successful
+ Yeniden yüklendi
+ Reload pending user action…
+ Yeniden yükleme için kullanıcı işlemi bekleniyor…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ "%1" veri tabanı dosyası dışarıdan değiştirilmiş.<br>Nasıl ilerlemek istersiniz?<br><br>Tüm değişiklikler birleştirilsin<br>Kaydedilinceye kadar diskteki değişiklikler yok sayılsın<br>Kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler silinsin
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ "%1" veri tabanı dosyası dışarıdan değiştirilmiş.<br>Nasıl ilerlemek istersiniz?<br><br>Tüm değişiklikler birleştirilsin ve kaydedilsin<br>Diskteki değişikliklerin üzerine yazılsın<br>Kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler silinsin
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Veri tabanı dosyasının üzerine yazıldı.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Diskteki veri tabanı dosyası geçerli kimlik doğrulama bilgileriyle açılamadı.<br>İlerlemek için yeni kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini yazın ve/veya geçerli donanım anahtarını kullanın.
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3021,18 +3189,10 @@ Düzeltmek ister misiniz?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryBu kayıt için otomatik gönderim yapılmasın
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Bu ayar tarayıcıya yalnızca HRRP Auth pencereleri için gönderilir. Bu seçenek açıldığında, bu kayıt normal oturum açma formlarında seçilmek üzere görüntülenmez.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthBu kayıt yalnızca HTTP temel kimlik doğrulaması ile kullanılsın
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Bu ayar tarayıcıya HTTP kimlik doğrulama pencereleri için gönderilmez. Bu seçenek açıldığında, bu kayıt HTTP kimlik doğrulama pencerelerinde seçilmek üzere görüntülenmez.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthBu kayıt HTTP temel kimlik doğrulaması ile kullanılmasın
@@ -3057,6 +3217,14 @@ Düzeltmek ister misiniz?
Additional URLsEk adresler
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Bu kayıt tarayıcıya yalnızca HRRP Auth pencereleri için gönderilir. Bu seçenek açıldığında, bu kayıt normal oturum açma formlarında seçilmek üzere görüntülenmez.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Bu kayıt tarayıcıya HTTP kimlik doğrulama pencereleri için gönderilmez. Bu seçenek açıldığında, bu kayıt HTTP kimlik doğrulama pencerelerinde seçilmek üzere görüntülenmez.
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3279,6 +3447,10 @@ Düzeltmek ister misiniz?
+ Clear agent
+ Uygulamayı temizle
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3725,6 +3897,20 @@ Bu işlem etkilenecek eklentilerin bozulmasına neden olabilir.
PasskeyGeçiş anahtarı
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Dönüşüm türü geçersiz: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Dönüşüm söz dizimi geçersiz: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Kurallı ifade sözdizimi geçersiz %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3733,6 +3919,21 @@ Bu işlem etkilenecek eklentilerin bozulmasına neden olabilir.
"%1" dosyası açılamadı
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Form
+ File name
+ Dosya adı
+ File contents...
+ Dosya içerikleri...
@@ -3770,14 +3971,6 @@ Bu işlem etkilenecek eklentilerin bozulmasına neden olabilir.
- Rename selected attachment
- Seçilmiş ek dosyayı yeniden adlandır
- Rename
- Yeniden adlandır
- Open selected attachmentSeçilmiş ek dosyayı aç
@@ -3893,6 +4086,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
"%1" ek dosyası zaten var.
Var olan ek dosyanın üzerine yazılmasını ister misiniz?
+ New
+ Yeni
+ Preview
+ Ön izleme
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ Bir ek dosya ön izlemesi görüntülenemedi: Ek dosya bulunamadı
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4091,6 +4296,10 @@ Var olan ek dosyanın üzerine yazılmasını ister misiniz?
Background ColorArka plan rengi
+ Group Path
+ Grup yolu
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4486,6 +4695,14 @@ Uygulama ayarlarındaki güvenlik bölümünden DuckDuckGo site simge hizmetini
+ Could not load key file.
+ Anahtar dosyası yüklenemedi.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Uzak veri tabanı açılamadı. Parola ya da anahtar dosyası doğru olmayabilir.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4589,6 +4806,49 @@ Uygulama ayarlarındaki güvenlik bölümünden DuckDuckGo site simge hizmetini
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1 veri tabanı
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON dışa aktarımı
+ Temporary Database
+ Geçici veri tabanı
+ Command:
+ Komut:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Örnek: "sftp kullaniciadi@sunucu" ya da "scp kullaniciadi@sunucu:UzakVeriTabanı.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Giriş:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Örnek:
+get UzakVeriTabanı.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE}, veri tabanını geçici bir konumda depolamak için yer belirtici olarak kullanılır
+Komuttan çıkılması gerekir. `sftp` durumunda son komut olarak `exit` gönderilmelidir
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Uzak veri tabanı (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5729,12 +5989,6 @@ Bu sürüm, günlük kullanım için uygun değildir.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
NOT: Yayın öncesi bir KeePassXC sürümü kullanıyorsunuz!
Bazı hatalar ve küçük sorunlarla karşılaşabilirsiniz. Bu sürüm deneme amacıyla yayınlanmıştır.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- UYARI: Kullandığınız Qt sürümü KeePassXC ekran klavyesinin çökmesine neden olabilir.
-KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.No Tags
@@ -5808,6 +6062,10 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.<
Import PasskeyGeçiş anahtarı içe aktar
+ Remote S&ync…
+ &Uzak eşitleme…
+ Quit ApplicationUygulamadan çık
@@ -5912,6 +6170,10 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.<
Show Password GeneratorParola oluşturucuyu görüntüle
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Kaydın geçiş anahtarını kaldır
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Otomatik yaz: {USERNAME}
@@ -6057,16 +6319,32 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.<
Ekran görüntüsü almayı aç/kapat
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Grup panosu görüntülensin
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- Kaydın geçiş anahtarını kaldır
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Grup panosunu görüntüle/gizleSetup Remote Sync…
+ Uzak eşitlemeyi kur...
+ Password Generator
+ Parola oluşturucu
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Kayıt &geçerlilik süresi…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ SSH uygulamasını temizle
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ SSH uygulamasındaki tüm kimlikleri temizle
@@ -6218,6 +6496,25 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.<
Lütfen yeni veri tabanı için görüntülenecek bir ad ve isteğe bağlı bir açıklama yazın:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Ek dosya adı boş olamaz
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Aynı adlı bir ek dosya zaten var
+ Save attachment
+ Ek dosyayı kaydet
+ New entry attachment
+ Yeni kayıt ek dosyası
@@ -6763,10 +7060,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Aynı şuradan seçilsin:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Katılmayacak karakterler: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersBenzer görünen karakterler katılmasın
@@ -6791,10 +7084,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Sözcük sayısı:
- Character Count:
- Karakter sayısı:
- Word Case:Sözcük biçimi:
@@ -6807,10 +7096,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistÖzel sözcük listesi ekle
- character
- karakter
- CloseKapat
@@ -6917,6 +7202,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersÖzel karakterler
+ passwordLength
+ parolaUzunluğu
+ Characters: %1
+ Karakter sayısı: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Büyük/küçük karışık
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Katılmayacak karakterler: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6984,6 +7285,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Karakterler arasında &Sekme gönderilsin
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ Kayıt ek dosyaları ön izlemesi
+ No preview available
+ Ön izleme yok
+ Image format not supported
+ Görsel biçimi desteklenmiyor
@@ -7662,10 +7978,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Geçersiz sözcük sayısı %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Sözcük listesi çok küçük (< 1000 öge)
- Title for the entry.Kaydın başlığı.
@@ -7810,10 +8122,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Etkileşimli kipten çık.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Dışa aktarmada kullanılacak biçim. Kullanılabilecek seçenekler 'xml' ya da 'csv'. Varsayılan biçim: 'xml'.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Bir veri tabanının içeriğini belirtilen biçimde standart çıkışa aktarır.
@@ -8402,18 +8710,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptydosya boş
- malformed string
- dizge bozuk
- missing closing quote
- tırnak kapatma eksik
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (satır, sütun) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8874,6 +9170,74 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın.Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
Yalnızca PBKDF ve Argon2 desteklenir. JSON dosyasının şifresi çözülemedi
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Kısayolları sıfırla
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Kısayolunu değiştirmek istediğiniz işleme çift tıklayın
+ Filter...
+ Süz...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Kısayol çakışması
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ %1 kısayolu '%2' ile çakışıyor. Kısayol değiştirilsin mi?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Sözcük listesi çok kısa olduğundan geçerli parola ifadeleri oluşturulamıyor
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Şifrelenmiş dosyalar desteklenmez.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass içe aktarma
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Eklenti verileri silinsin mi?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Kayıtlardan eklenti verileri silinsin mi?Kayıtlardan eklenti verileri silinsin mi?
+ Passkey
+ Geçiş anahtarı
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ Dışa aktarmada kullanılacak biçim. Kullanılabilecek seçenekler 'xml', 'csv' ya da 'html'. Varsayılan biçim: 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ sistem tepsisine küçültülmüş olarak başlatılsın
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Etiketler
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8913,31 +9277,31 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın.RemoteHandler
Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ `%1` komutu zamanında tamamlanamadı. İşlem sonlandırıldı.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Birleştirilen veri tabanı yüklenemedi. `%1` komutu zamanında tamamlanamadı. İşlem sonlandırıldı.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Belirtilen indirme parametreleri geçersiz.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ `%1` komutu veri tabanını indiremedi.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ Veri tabanı göstergesi ya da belirtilen yükleme parametreleri geçersiz.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ `%1` komutundan şu durum kodu ile çıkıldı: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Birleştirilen veri tabanı yüklenemedi. `%1` komutundan şu durum kodu ile çıkıldı: %2
@@ -9006,6 +9370,10 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın.Exclude from reports
Raporlara katılmasın
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Kayıt geçerlilik süresi…Kayıtların geçerlilik süresi…
+ Only show entries that have a URLYalnızca adresi olan kayıtlar görüntülensin
@@ -9022,36 +9390,33 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın. (Expired)
(Süresi geçmiş)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Kayıtlardan eklenti verileri silinsin…Kayıtlardan eklenti verileri silinsin…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Ayrıntıları görüntülemek için fareyi neden üzerinde gezdirin. Kaydı düzenlemek için çift tıklayın.
+ Show expired entries
+ Süresi geçmiş kayıtlar görüntülensin
- Bad
- Password quality
- Kötü
+ (Expired)
+ (Süresi geçmiş)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Ayrıntıları görüntülemek için fareyi neden üzerinde gezdirin. Kaydı düzenlemek için çift tıklayın.Bad — password must be changedKötü — Parola mutlaka değiştirilmeli
- Poor
- Password quality
- Çok kolay
- Poor — password should be changedÇok kolay — Parola değiştirilmeli
- Weak
- Password quality
- Kolay
- Weak — consider changing the passwordKolay — Parolayı değiştirmeyi değerlendirin
@@ -9100,18 +9465,14 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın.Exclude from reports
Raporlara katılmasın
- Show expired entries
- Süresi geçmiş kayıtlar görüntülensin
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Kayıt geçerlilik süresi…Kayıtların geçerlilik süresi…Show entries that have been excluded from reportsRaporlara katılmayan kayıtlar görüntülensin
- (Expired)
- (Süresi geçmiş)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9207,6 +9568,10 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın.Exclude from reports
Raporlara katılmasın
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Kayıt geçerlilik süresi…Kayıtların geçerlilik süresi…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9448,6 +9813,14 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın.No agent running, cannot list identities.
Çalışan bir uygulama yok. Kimlikler listelenemedi.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ Uygulamadaki tüm SSH kimlikleri silinemedi.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ Uygulamadaki tüm SSH kimlikleri silindi.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9733,29 +10106,6 @@ Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın.%1 üzerine dışa aktar
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Kısayolunu değiştirmek istediğiniz işleme çift tıklayın
- Shortcut Conflict
- Kısayol çakışması
- Filter...
- Süz...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- %1 kısayolu '%2' ile çakışıyor. Kısayol değiştirilsin mi?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Kısayolları sıfırla
@@ -10044,14 +10394,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detectedHerhangi bir donanımsal anahtar algılanamadı
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>Bir <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ya da <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> aygıtınız varsa, ek güvenlik sağlamak için kullanabilirsiniz.</p><p>Anahtar yuvalarından birinin <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 soru/yanıt</a> olarak programlanması gerekir.</p>
- Refresh hardware keysDonanımsal anahtarları yenile
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Bir <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> ya da <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a> aygıtınız varsa, ek güvenlik sağlamak için kullanabilirsiniz.</p><p>Anahtar yuvalarından birinin <a href="https://www.yubico.com/products/services-software/challenge-response/">soru/yanıt</a> olarak programlanması gerekir.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Donanımsal anahtar bulundu. Ancak herhangi bir yuva yapılandırılmamış
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts
index 74e182ad2..8c34fa432 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?Для встановлення нової мови потрібно перезапустити програму. Бажаєте перезапустити зараз?
- Reset Settings?
- Скинути налаштування?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- Ви дійсно хочете відновити всі типові налаштування програми?
- Select backup storage directoryВиберіть каталог для резервного копіювання
+ Confirm Reset
+ Підтвердити скидання
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ Впевнені, що хочете відновити всі налаштування за замовчуванням?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ Імпортувати налаштування KeePassXC
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ Не вдалося імпортувати налаштування з %1, неправильний файл налаштувань.
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ Експортувати налаштування KeePassXC
+ Small
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ Large
+ Custom
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updatesПропонувати бета-версії для оновлення
- On database unlock, show entries that
- При розблокуванні бази даних показати записи, які
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- протерміновані
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- дні
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- термін дії завершиться через
- File ManagementКерування файлами
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before savingСтворювати резервну копію бази даних перед збереженням
- Backup destination
- Шлях резервного копіювання
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- Вказує розташування файлу резервної копії бази даних. Входження "{DB_FILENAME}" замінюються назвою файлу збереженої бази даних без розширення файлу. {TIME:<format>} замінюється часом резервної копії. Перегляньте https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> типові значення рядка формату "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- Обрати...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)Використовувати альтернативний спосіб збереження (може розв'язати проблеми з Dropbox, Google Диском, GVFS та ін.)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:Пам'ятати останній введений запис для:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ При розблокуванні бази даних показувати записи, термін дії яких закінчується протягом
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ При розблокуванні бази даних показувати записи, термін дії яких закінчується протягом
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ дні
+ Destination format:
+ Формат призначення:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> замінюється на ім'я файла збереженої бази даних без розширення</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> замінюється на вказаний формат часу (за замовчуванням: дд_ММ_рррр_чч-хх-сс)</p><p>Дивіться Посібник користувача для більш детальної інформації</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ Вибрати папку...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ Показувати підтвердження перед переміщенням записів до кошика
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ Копіювати дані подвійним кліком по полю перегляду записів
+ Show toolbar
+ Показати панель инструментів
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ Показати рядок меню при натисканні клавіші Alt
+ Show menubar
+ Показати меню
+ Import settings…
+ Імпорт налаштувань...
+ Export settings…
+ Експорт налаштувань...
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ Відкрити Браузер подвійним кліком на полі URL-адреси при перегляді записів
+ Font size:
+ Font size selection
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panelПриховувати паролі на панелі перегляду запису
- Hide entry notes by default
- Типово приховувати нотатки запису
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- Переміщувати записи до смітника без підтвердження
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- Увімкнути подвійний клік, щоб скопіювати імʼя користувача/пароль
- PrivacyПриватність
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panelПриховувати TOTP на панелі перегляду запису
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ Блокування баз даних при зміні користувача
+ Lock Options
+ Параметри блокування
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ Приховати нотатки на панелі попереднього перегляду
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1Запис не має атрибуту для PICKCHARS: %1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- Неприпустимий тип перетворення: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- Неприпустимий синтаксис перетворення: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- Неприпустимий синтаксис регулярного виразу %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1Неприпустимий заповнювач: %1
@@ -714,7 +766,7 @@
Trying to send invalid keyboard symbol.
+ Спроба надіслати недійсний символ клавіатури.
@@ -886,24 +938,25 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials.
Add to existing entry
+ Додати до існуючого записуExisting passkey found.
Do you want to register a new passkey for:
+ Знайдено існуючий пароль.
+Ви хочете зареєструвати новий пароль для:Select the existing passkey and press Update to replace it.
+ Виберіть існуючий пароль і натисніть "Оновити", щоб замінити його.Authenticate passkey credentials for:
+ Аутентифікувати облікові дані пароля для:Do you want to register a passkey for:
+ Ви хочете зареєструвати пароль для:
@@ -988,16 +1041,17 @@ Do you want to delete the entry?
Register a new passkey to this entry:
+ Зареєструвати новий пароль для цього запису:KeePassXC - Update passkey
+ KeePassXC - Оновити парольEntry already has a passkey.
Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
+ Запис уже має пароль.
+Ви хочете перезаписати пароль у %1 - %2?Register
@@ -1022,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- Наразі не підтримуються браузери, встановлені як Snap.
- Enable integration for these browsers:Увімкнути інтеграцію з такими браузерами:
@@ -1239,14 +1289,18 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
Allows using insecure http://localhost with passkeys for testing purposes.
+ Дозволяє використовувати небезпечний http://localhost з паролями для тестування.Allow using localhost with passkeys
+ Дозволити використовувати localhost з паролямиKeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ KeePassXC-Browser потрібен для роботи інтеграції з браузером. <br />Завантажте його для %1 та %2 і %3.
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
@@ -1393,12 +1447,17 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
No Title Selected
+ Назва не вибранаNo title column was selected, entries will be hard to tell apart.
Are you sure you want to import?
+ Не вибрано стовпець з назвою, записи буде важко розрізнити.
+Ви впевнені, що хочете імпортувати?
+ Tags
+ Мітки
@@ -1463,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle BinСмітник
+ Database file read error.
+ No file path was provided.
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1611,14 +1678,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>На додачу до пароля, ви можете використовувати секретний файл, щоб підвищити безпеку вашої бази даних. Цей файл можна створити у налаштуваннях безпеки вашої бази даних.</p><p>Це <strong>не</strong> ваш файл бази даних *.kdbx!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- Натисніть, щоб додати файл ключа.
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">У мене є файл ключа</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]Використовувати апаратний ключ [Серійний номер: %1]
@@ -1655,6 +1714,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware KeysОновити апаратні ключі
+ Click to add a key file.
+ Натисніть, щоб додати файл ключа.
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">У мене є файл ключа</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ Апаратні ключі знайдено, але жоден слот не налаштовано.
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1689,9 +1760,21 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ Сполучення зі «Службою таємниць».
+ Remote Sync
+ Віддалена синхронізація
+ Database Settings: %1
+ Параметри бази даних: %1
@@ -1869,7 +1952,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password?
The provided password does not meet the minimum quality requirement.
+ Наданий пароль не відповідає мінімальним вимогам до якості.
@@ -2172,6 +2255,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkboxПрапорець затримки автозбереження з моменту останньої зміни
+ Public Database Metadata
+ Публічні метадані бази даних
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ Увага: наступні налаштування не зашифровані.
+ Display name:
+ Відображуване ім'я:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ Публічне ім'я, що використовується в діалоговому вікні розблокування
+ Database public display name
+ Публічне ім'я бази даних
+ Display color:
+ Відображуваний колір:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ Публічний колір, що використовується в діалоговому вікні розблокування
+ Database public display color chooser
+ Публічний колір бази даних
+ Clear
+ Очистити
+ Display icon:
+ Піктограма:
+ Select Database Icon
+ Вибрати піктограму бази даних
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2271,7 +2398,7 @@ removed from the database.
DatabaseSettingsWidgetRemoteSync Commands
+ Синхронізація командRemove
@@ -2279,7 +2406,7 @@ removed from the database.
Command Settings
+ Налаштування командName
@@ -2291,75 +2418,75 @@ removed from the database.
+ ЗавантажитиCommand:
+ Команда:Download command field
+ Поле команди завантаженняe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ наприклад: "sftp user@hostname" або "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"Input:
+ Введення:Download input field
+ Поле введення завантаженняUpload
+ ЗавантажитиUpload command field
+ Поле команди завантаженняe.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"
+ наприклад: "sftp user@hostname" або "scp {TEMP_DATABASE} user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx"Upload input field
+ Поле команди вивантаженняName cannot be empty.
+ Ім'я не може бути порожнім.Test
+ ТестDownload command cannot be empty.
+ Команда завантаження не може бути порожньою.Download failed with error: %1
+ Помилка завантаження: %1Download finished, but file %1 could not be found.
+ Завантаження завершено, але файл %1 не вдалося знайти.Download successful.
+ Успішне завантаження.Save Remote Settings
+ Зберегти віддалені налаштуванняYou have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?
+ У вас незбережені зміни. Хочете їх зберегти?e.g.:
@@ -2369,7 +2496,12 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Наприклад:
+отримати DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} використовується як заповнювач для зберігання бази даних у тимчасовому місці
+Команда має вихід. У випадку з 'sftp' останньою командою має бути надіслано 'exit' e.g.:
@@ -2379,7 +2511,20 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
+ Наприклад:
+put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
+{TEMP_DATABASE} використовується як заповнювач для зберігання бази даних у тимчасовому місці
+Команда має вихід. У випадку з 'sftp' останньою командою має бути надіслано 'exit'
+ Timeout:
+ Таймаут:
+ seconds
+ секунд
@@ -2458,7 +2603,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers.
%1 [Temporary]Database tab name modifier
+ %1 [Тимчасово]
@@ -2583,26 +2728,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changedФайл було змінено
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- Файл бази даних змінився. Завантажити зміни?
- Merge Request
- Запит на об'єднання
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- Файл бази даних було змінено, у вас також є незбережені зміни.
-Хочете об'єднати зміни?
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- Не вдалося відкрити новий файл бази даних під час автоматичного перезавантаження.
-Помилка: %1
- Disable safe saves?Вимкнути безпечне збереження?
@@ -2656,19 +2781,19 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Remote Sync did not contain any download or upload commands.
+ Віддалена синхронізація не містила жодних команд завантаження або вивантаження.Remote sync '%1' completed successfully!
+ Віддалена синхронізація '%1' успішно завершена!Remote sync '%1' failed: %2
+ Не вдалося виконати віддалену синхронізацію '%1': %2Error while saving database %1: %2
+ Помилка під час збереження бази даних %1: %2Downloading...
@@ -2676,18 +2801,62 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
+ Вивантаження...Syncing...
+ Синхронізація...Remove passkey from entry
+ Видалити пароль з записуDo you want to remove the passkey from this entry?
+ Бажаєте видалити ключ доступу з цього запис?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ Reload database
+ Reloading database…
+ Reload canceled
+ Reload successful
+ Reload pending user action…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ Database file overwritten.
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
@@ -2845,7 +3014,7 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Failed to decrypt SSH key, ensure password is correct.
+ Не вдалося розшифрувати SSH-ключ, перевірте правильність пароля.
@@ -3018,18 +3187,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entryНе надсилати автоматично дані цього запису
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- Надсилати цей параметр до браузера лише в діалогах автентифікації HTTP. Якщо увімкнено, цей запис не пропонуватиметься для звичайних форм входу.
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic AuthВикористовувати цей запис лише з HTTP Basic Auth
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- Не надсилати цей параметр до браузера в діалогах автентифікації HTTP. Якщо увімкнено, цей запис не пропонуватиметься для діалогів автентифікації HTTP.
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthНе використовувати цей запис для HTTP Basic Auth
@@ -3048,11 +3209,19 @@ Would you like to correct it?
These settings affect the entry's behaviour with the browser extension.
+ Ці налаштування впливають на поведінку запису в розширенні браузера.Additional URLs
+ Додаткові URL-адреси
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ Надсилайте цей запис браузеру лише для діалогів HTTP-аутентифікації. Якщо увімкнено, звичайні форми входу не показуватимуть цей запис для вибору.
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ Не надсилайте цей параметр браузеру для діалогів HTTP-авторизації. Якщо увімкнено, діалоги HTTP-автентифікації не показуватимуть цей пункт для вибору.
@@ -3276,6 +3445,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds секунд
+ Clear agent
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3722,6 +3895,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ Неприпустимий тип перетворення: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ Неприпустимий синтаксис перетворення: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ Неприпустимий синтаксис регулярного виразу %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3730,6 +3917,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
Неможливо відкрити файл "%1"
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ Форма
+ File name
+ File contents...
@@ -3767,14 +3969,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- Перейменувати вибраний додаток
- Rename
- Перейменувати
- Open selected attachmentВідкрити вибраний додаток
@@ -3892,6 +4086,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Вкладення "%1" вже існує.
Хочете перезаписати наявне вкладення?
+ New
+ Preview
+ Попередній перегляд
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4090,6 +4296,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background ColorКолір тла
+ Group Path
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4485,6 +4695,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ Не вдалося завантажити файл ключа.
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ Не вдалося відкрити віддалену базу даних. пароль або ключовий файл можуть бути неправильними.
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4588,6 +4806,50 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseБаза даних KeePass1
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Temporary Database
+ Тимчасова база даних
+ Command:
+ Команда:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ наприклад: "sftp user@hostname" або "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ Введення:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ Наприклад:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} використовується як заповнювач для зберігання бази даних у тимчасовому місці
+Команда має завершитися. У випадку з 'sftp' останньою командою має бути надіслано 'exit'
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ Віддалена база даних (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5673,7 +5935,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?
Show Menubar
+ Показати рядок менюShow Toolbar
@@ -5728,12 +5990,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
ПРИМІТКА: ви користуєтеся бета-версією KeePassXC.
Можна помітити помилки чи незначні проблеми. Ця версія призначена лише для тестування.
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- УВАГА: ваша версія Qt може спричиняти аварійне завершення роботи KeePassXC під час роботи з екранною клавіатурою.
-Ми рекомендуємо використовувати AppImage, який ви можете отримати на нашій сторінці завантажень.No Tags
@@ -5807,6 +6063,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import PasskeyІмпорт Passkey
+ Remote S&ync…
+ Віддалена с&инхронізація...
+ Quit ApplicationВийти з програми
@@ -5911,6 +6171,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password GeneratorГенератор паролів
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Видалити пароль з запису
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}Виконати автозаповнення: {USERNAME}
@@ -6025,7 +6289,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Toggle Show Menubar
+ Перемикати показ рядка менюToggle Show Toolbar
@@ -6056,15 +6320,31 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Дозволити знімки екрану
- Remote S&ync…
+ Show Group Panel
+ Показати панель груп
- Remove Passkey From Entry
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ Відображати панель групSetup Remote Sync…
+ Налаштувати віддалену синхронізацію...
+ Password Generator
+ Генератор паролів
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
@@ -6217,6 +6497,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Введіть назву та опис для своєї нової бази даних:
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ Save attachment
+ Зберегти вкладення
+ New entry attachment
@@ -6456,7 +6755,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Export the following passkey entries.
+ Експортувати наступні записи паролів.
@@ -6529,15 +6828,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Import the following passkey:
+ Імпортувати наступний пароль:Import the following passkey to this entry:
+ Імпортувати наступний пароль до цього запису:Default passkeys group (Imported Passkeys)
+ Група паролів за замовчуванням (Імпортовані паролі)
@@ -6560,25 +6859,27 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Open passkey file
+ Відкрити файл пароляCannot import passkey
+ Не вдалося імпортувати парольCannot import passkey file "%1". Data is missing.
+ Не вдалося імпортувати файл пароля "%1". Дані відсутні.Cannot import passkey file "%1".
The following data is missing:
+ Не вдалося імпортувати файл пароля "%1".
+Відсутні такі дані:
+%2Cannot import passkey file "%1". Private key is missing or malformed.
+ Не вдалося імпортувати файл пароля "%1". Відсутній або пошкоджений приватний ключ.
@@ -6759,10 +7060,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:Також вибирати з:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Виключені знаки: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike charactersВиключити неоднозначні символи
@@ -6787,10 +7084,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:Кількість слів:
- Character Count:
- Кількість символів:
- Word Case:Регістр слів:
@@ -6803,10 +7096,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlistДодати власний список слів
- character
- символ
- CloseЗакрити
@@ -6913,6 +7202,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special CharactersСпеціальні символи
+ passwordLength
+ Довжина пароля
+ Characters: %1
+ Символи: %1
+ MIXED case
+ Змішаний варіант
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ Виключити символи: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", ".", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6980,6 +7285,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Натискайте &Tab між символами
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ No preview available
+ Image format not supported
@@ -7658,10 +7978,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1Непридатна кількість слів %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- Список слів надто малий (< 1000 одиниць)
- Title for the entry.Заголовок запису.
@@ -7806,10 +8122,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.Вийти з діалогового режиму.
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- Формат для експортування. Можливі формати: xml або csv. Типовий формат – xml.
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.Експортує вміст бази даних до стандартного виводу в зазначеному форматі.
@@ -8398,18 +8710,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file emptyпорожній файл
- malformed string
- хибне рядкове значення
- missing closing quote
- бракує закривальних лапок
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (рядок, позиція) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-біт
@@ -8653,11 +8953,12 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
Set the key file for the database.
This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Встановіть файл ключа для бази даних.
+Цю опцію застаріло, використовуйте замість цього --set-key-file.Databases have been locked.
+ Бази даних були заблоковані.Attestation not supported
@@ -8745,80 +9046,80 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Origin is empty or not allowed
+ Походження порожнє або не дозволенеEffective domain is not a valid domain
+ Діючий домен є недійсним доменомOrigin and RP ID do not match
+ Походження та RP ID не збігаютьсяNo supported algorithms were provided
+ Не було надано підтримуваних алгоритмівWait for timer to expire
+ Зачекайте, поки таймер завершитьсяChallenge is shorter than required minimum length
+ Виклик коротший за необхідну мінімальну довжину.user.id does not match the required length
+ user.id не відповідає необхідній довжині.FavoriteTag for favorite entries
+ ВибранеFile does not exist.
+ Файлу не існує.Cannot open file: %1
+ Не вдається відкрити файл: %1Cannot parse file: %1 at position %2
+ Не вдалося розібрати файл: %1 на позиції %2Failed to decrypt json file: %1
+ Не вдалося розшифрувати JSON-файл: %1Invalid encKeyValidation field
+ Недійсне поле encKeyValidationInvalid cipher list within encKeyValidation field
+ Недійсний список шифрів у полі encKeyValidationWrong password
+ Неправильний парольInvalid encrypted data field
+ Недійсне зашифроване поле данихInvalid cipher list within encrypted data field
+ Недійсний список шифрів у полі зашифрованих данихCannot initialize cipher
+ Не вдалося ініціалізувати шифрCannot decrypt data
+ Не вдалося розшифрувати даніBitwarden Import
@@ -8827,15 +9128,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
ArchivedTag for archived entries
+ АрхівованоInvalid 1PUX file format: Not a valid ZIP file.
+ Недійсний формат файлу 1PUX: не є дійсним ZIP-файлом.Invalid 1PUX file format: Missing export.data
+ Недійсний формат файлу 1PUX: відсутній файл export.data1Password Import
@@ -8855,20 +9156,88 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Unknown passkeys error
+ Невідома помилка паролівInvalid KDF iterations, cannot decrypt json file
+ Недійсна кількість ітерацій KDF, не вдалося розшифрувати JSON-файлUnsupported format, ensure your Bitwarden export is password-protected
+ Непідтримуваний формат, переконайтеся, що ваш експорт з Bitwarden захищений паролем.Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file
+ Підтримуються лише PBKDF та Argon2, не вдалося розшифрувати файл JSON.
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ Скинути ярлики
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ Подвійний клік на дії, щоб змінити ярлик
+ Filter...
+ Фільтр...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ Конфлікт ярликів
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ Скорочення %1 конфліктує з '%2'. Перезаписати скорочення?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ Не вдається згенерувати правильні парольні фрази, оскільки список слів занадто короткий
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Delete plugin data?
+ Видалити дані модуля?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ Видалити дані плагіна з запису?Видалити дані плагіна із записів?Видалити дані плагіна із запиів?Видалити дані плагіна із запису(ів)?
+ Passkey
+ Passkey
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ missing closing delimiter
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ Tags
+ Мітки
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -8908,31 +9277,31 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
RemoteHandlerCommand `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Команда «%1» не виконала вчасно. Процес було завершено.Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` did not finish in time. Process was killed.
+ Не вдалося завантажити об'єднану базу даних. Команда `%1` не встигла виконатись. Процес було завершено.Invalid download parameters provided.
+ Вказано неприпустимі параметри завантаження.Command `%1` failed to download database.
+ Команді '%1' не вдалося завантажити базу даних.Invalid database pointer or upload parameters provided.
+ Хибний вказівник на базу даних або параметри завантаження.Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Команду '%1' завершено з кодом стану: %2Failed to upload merged database. Command `%1` exited with status code: %2
+ Не вдалося завантажити об'єднану базу даних. Команда `%1` завершилася з кодом стану: %2
@@ -9001,6 +9370,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsВиключити зі звітів
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Only show entries that have a URLПоказати тільки записи, що містять URL
@@ -9017,36 +9390,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
(Expired) (Протерміновано)
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ Видалити дані плагіна з запису?Видалити дані плагіна з записів?Видалити дані плагіна з записів?Видалити дані плагіна із запису(ів)?
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- Наведіть курсор на причину, щоб переглянути додаткові відомості. Клацніть двічі по запису для його редагування.
+ Show expired entries
+ Показати прострочені записи
- Bad
- Password quality
- Погана
+ (Expired)
+ (Протерміновано)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ Наведіть курсор на причину, щоб переглянути додаткові відомості. Клацніть двічі по запису для його редагування.Bad — password must be changedПогана – пароль необхідно змінити
- Poor
- Password quality
- Погана
- Poor — password should be changedПогана – пароль слід змінити
- Weak
- Password quality
- Слабка
- Weak — consider changing the passwordСлабка – розгляньте можливість змінити пароль
@@ -9095,18 +9465,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsВиключити зі звітів
- Show expired entries
- Показати прострочені записи
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ Show entries that have been excluded from reportsПоказати записи, які було виключено зі звітів
- (Expired)
- (Протерміновано)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9202,6 +9568,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reportsВиключити зі звітів
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9259,15 +9629,15 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
The passkey file will be vulnerable to theft and unauthorized use, if left unsecured. Are you sure you want to continue?
+ Файл пароля буде вразливим до крадіжки та несанкціонованого використання, якщо залишити його незахищеним. Ви впевнені, що хочете продовжити?Please wait, list of entries with passkeys is being updated…
+ Будь ласка, зачекайте, список записів з паролями оновлюється…No entries with passkeys.
+ Немає записів з паролями.
@@ -9443,6 +9813,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.Немає запущеного посередника, неможливо відобразити перелік ключів.
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9617,11 +9995,11 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
<html><head/><body><p>This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Це налаштування не перекриває вимкнення підказок кошика для сміття </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.) </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Це покращує сумісність з певними додатками, які шукають пароль без попереднього розблокування бази даних.</p><p>Але увімкнення цього може також призвести до збою клієнта, якщо базу даних не вдалося розблокувати протягом певного часу (зазвичай 25 секунд, але може бути інше значення, встановлене в додатках)</p></body></html>
@@ -9728,29 +10106,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Експортування до %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- Подвійний клік на дії, щоб змінити ярлик
- Shortcut Conflict
- Конфлікт ярликів
- Filter...
- Фільтр...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- Скорочення %1 конфліктує з '%2'. Перезаписати скорочення?
- Reset Shortcuts
- Скинути ярлики
@@ -9968,7 +10323,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Import File
+ Імпортувати файл
@@ -10040,12 +10395,16 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
Апаратних ключів не виявлено
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ Refresh hardware keys
+ Оновити апаратні ключі
- Refresh hardware keys
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>Якщо у вас є <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> або <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, ви можете використовувати його для додаткової безпеки.</p><p>Для ключа потрібно, щоб один із його слотів був запрограмований на <a href="https://KeePassXC.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">виклик-відповідь</a>.</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ Апаратні ключі знайдено, але жоден слот не налаштовано.
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts
index e3d7cdacb..bc457df0a 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?您必须重新启动应用才能应用新语言。要现在重新启动吗?
- Reset Settings?
- 重置选项?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- 您确定要将所有常规和安全设置重置为默认值吗?
- Select backup storage directory选择备份存储文件夹
+ Confirm Reset
+ 确认重置
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ 您确定要将所有设置重置为默认值吗?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ 导入 KeePassXC 设置
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ 从 %1 导入设置失败,不是有效的设置文件。
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ 导出 KeePassXC 设置
+ Small
+ 小
+ Normal
+ 正常
+ Medium
+ 中
+ Large
+ 大
+ Custom
+ 自定义
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updates检查更新时包含 Beta 版本
- On database unlock, show entries that
- 解锁数据库时,显示符合条件的条目
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- 已过期
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- 天内过期
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- 将在
- File Management文件管理
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before saving保存前备份数据库文件
- Backup destination
- 备份目的地
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- 指定数据库备份文件位置,其中 "{DB_FILENAME}" 会被替换为保存的数据库文件名,不包含扩展名。{TIME:<format>} 会被替换为备份时间,详见 https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString 。<format> 默认为格式字符串 "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss"。
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- 选择...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)使用替代保存方式(可能会解决 Dropbox、Google Drive、GVFS 等问题)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:记住上次输入的条目:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ 解锁数据库时,显示即将过期的条目
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ 解锁数据库时,显示即将过期的条目
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ 天内过期
+ Destination format:
+ 目标格式:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> 将被替换为保存数据库的文件名,不含扩展名</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> 将被替换为指定的时间格式(默认:dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>查看用户指南了解详情</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ 选择文件夹...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ 删除条目到回收站之前提示确认
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ 在条目视图中,双击字段复制数据
+ Show toolbar
+ 显示工具栏
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ 按下 Alt 键显示菜单栏
+ Show menubar
+ 显示菜单栏
+ Import settings…
+ 导入设置…
+ Export settings…
+ 导出设置…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ 在条目视图中,双击 URL 字段打开浏览器
+ Font size:
+ 字体大小:
+ Font size selection
+ 字体大小选择
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panel在条目预览面板中隐藏密码
- Hide entry notes by default
- 默认情况下隐藏条目备注
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- 删除到回收站无需确认
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- 启用双击复制条目的用户名/密码列
- Privacy隐私
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel在条目预览面板隐藏 TOTP
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ 切换用户时锁定数据库
+ Lock Options
+ 锁定选项
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ 在条目预览面板隐藏备注
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1条目不包含用于 PICKCHARS 的属性:%1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- 无效的转换类型:%1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- 无效的转换语法:%1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- 无效的正则表达式语法 %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1无效的占位符:%1
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- 以 Snap 软件包形式安装的浏览器目前不受支持。
- Enable integration for these browsers:为这些浏览器开启集成:
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ 要启用浏览器集成,您必须安装 KeePassXC-Browser。<br />下载适用于 %1、%2 和 %3 的版本。
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ 通过 Snap 或 Flatpak 安装的浏览器不受支持,但通过 Snap 安装的 Firefox 除外。
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ 标签
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Bin回收站
+ Database file read error.
+ 数据库文件读取错误。
+ No file path was provided.
+ 未提供文件路径。
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1614,14 +1678,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>除了密码之外,您还可以使用机密文件来增强数据库的安全性。此文件可以在数据库的安全设置中生成。</p><p>这<strong>不是</strong>您的 *.kdbx 数据库文件!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- 点击以添加密钥文件。
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">我有一份密钥文件</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]使用硬件密钥 [序号:%1]
@@ -1658,6 +1714,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys刷新硬件密钥
+ Click to add a key file.
+ 点击以添加密钥文件。
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">我有一份密钥文件</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ 硬件密钥已找到,但未配置任何插槽。
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1692,10 +1760,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ 保密服务集成
+ Remote Sync远程同步
+ Database Settings: %1
+ 数据库设置:%1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2175,6 +2255,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox修改后自动保存延迟复选框
+ Public Database Metadata
+ 公开数据库元数据
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ 警告:下列设置未被加密。
+ Display name:
+ 显示名称:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ 在解锁对话框中公开显示的名称
+ Database public display name
+ 数据库公开显示名称
+ Display color:
+ 显示颜色:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ 在解锁对话框中公开可见的颜色
+ Database public display color chooser
+ 数据库公开显示颜色选择器
+ Clear
+ 清空
+ Display icon:
+ 显示图标:
+ Select Database Icon
+ 选择数据库图标
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2396,6 +2520,14 @@ exit
命令必须可以退出。如果最后一个命令是 `sftp` 则必须发送 `exit` 命令
+ Timeout:
+ 超时:
+ seconds
+ 秒
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2598,26 +2730,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changed文件已变更
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- 数据库文件已发生变化。是否重新载入?
- Merge Request
- 合并请求
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- 数据库文件已发生变化,并且您有未保存的更改。
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- 尝试自动重载时无法打开新的数据库文件。
- Disable safe saves?禁用安全保存?
@@ -2705,6 +2817,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?是否从此条目中移除通行密钥?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ 数据库文件“%1”被外部修改
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ 您要加载这些变更吗?
+ Reload database
+ 重新加载数据库
+ Reloading database…
+ 正在重新加载数据库…
+ Reload canceled
+ 重新加载已取消
+ Reload successful
+ 重新加载成功
+ Reload pending user action…
+ 重新加载正在等待用户操作…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ 数据库文件“%1”被外部修改。<br>您想要怎样操作?<br><br>合并所有变更<br>在保存之前忽略磁盘上的变更<br>放弃未保存的变更
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ 数据库文件“%1”被外部修改。<br>您想要怎样操作?<br><br>合并所有变更并保存<br>覆盖磁盘上的变更<br>放弃未保存的变更
+ Database file overwritten.
+ 数据库文件已覆盖。
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ 磁盘上的数据库文件无法被当前凭据解锁。<br>输入新凭据并/或提供硬件密钥以继续。
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3033,18 +3189,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entry跳过此条目的自动提交
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- 仅将此设置发送到浏览器的 HTTP 认证对话框。启用后,普通登录表单不会再显示此条目供选择。
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth此条目仅用于 HTTP Basic 认证
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- 不要将此设置发送到浏览器的 HTTP 认证对话框。启用后,HTTP 认证对话框不会再显示此条目供选择。
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth此条目不用于 HTTP Basic 认证
@@ -3069,6 +3217,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs附加 URL
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ 仅将此条目发送到浏览器的 HTTP 认证对话框。启用后,普通登录表单不会再显示此条目供选择。
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ 不要将此条目发送到浏览器的 HTTP 认证对话框。启用后,HTTP 认证对话框不会再显示此条目供选择。
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3291,6 +3447,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds 秒
+ Clear agent
+ 清除代理
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3737,6 +3897,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ 无效的转换类型:%1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ 无效的转换语法:%1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ 无效的正则表达式语法 %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3745,6 +3919,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ 表单
+ File name
+ 文件名
+ File contents...
+ 文件内容…
@@ -3782,14 +3971,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- 重命名所选附件
- Rename
- 重命名
- Open selected attachment打开所选附件
@@ -3903,6 +4084,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ 新建
+ Preview
+ 预览
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ 预览附件失败:未找到附件
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4101,6 +4294,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color背景色
+ Group Path
+ 群组路径
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4496,6 +4693,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ 无法加载密钥文件。
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ 无法打开远程数据库。密码或密钥文件可能不正确。
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4599,6 +4804,50 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1 数据库
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON 导出
+ Temporary Database
+ 临时数据库
+ Command:
+ 命令:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ 示例:“sftp user@hostname”或“scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}”
+ Input:
+ 输入:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ 示例:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} 作为占位符,表示存储数据库的临时位置
+命令必须可以退出。如果最后一个命令是 `sftp` 则必须发送 `exit` 命令
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ 远程数据库(.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5739,11 +5988,6 @@ Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
注意:您使用的是 KeePassXC 的预发布版本。
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- 警告:您的 Qt 版本可能会导致 KeePassXC 在使用屏幕键盘时崩溃。我们建议您使用我们的下载页面上提供的 AppImage。
- No Tags无标签
@@ -5816,6 +6060,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey导入通行密钥
+ Remote S&ync…
+ 远程同步(&Y)…
+ Quit Application退出应用
@@ -5920,6 +6168,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator显示密码生成器
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ 从条目内移除通行密钥
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}执行自动输入:{USERNAME}
@@ -6065,17 +6317,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
- 远程同步(&Y)…
+ Show Group Panel
+ 显示群组面板
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- 从条目内移除通行密钥
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ 切换显示群组面板Setup Remote Sync…设置远程同步…
+ Password Generator
+ 密码生成器
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ 过期条目(&X)…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ 清除 SSH 代理
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ 清除 ssh-agent 内的所有身份
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6226,6 +6494,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ 附件名称不能为空
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ 同名附件已存在
+ Save attachment
+ 保存附件
+ New entry attachment
+ 新建条目附件
@@ -6771,10 +7058,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:也在此选择:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- 排除字符:“0”、“1”、“l”、“I”、“O”、“|”、“﹒”
- Exclude look-alike characters排除相似的字符
@@ -6799,10 +7082,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:词数:
- Character Count:
- 字符数:
- Word Case:字符大小写:
@@ -6815,10 +7094,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlist添加自定义词表
- character
- 字符
- Close关闭
@@ -6925,6 +7200,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Characters特殊字符
+ passwordLength
+ 密码长度
+ Characters: %1
+ 字符:%1
+ MIXED case
+ 大小写混合
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ 排除字符:“0”、“1”、“l”、“I”、“O”、“|”、“﹒”、“B”、“8”、“G”、“6”
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6992,6 +7283,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
在字符之间按 &Tab 键
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ 预览条目附件
+ No preview available
+ 预览不可用
+ Image format not supported
+ 图像格式不支持
@@ -7670,10 +7976,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1无效的词数 %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- 词表太小(少于 1000 项)
- Title for the entry.条目的标题。
@@ -7818,10 +8120,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.退出交互模式。
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- 导出时使用的格式。可用的选项是“xml”或“csv”。默认值为“xml”。
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.将数据库内容按照指定的格式输出至标准输出。
@@ -8408,18 +8706,6 @@ CPU 架构:%2
file empty文件为空
- malformed string
- 格式异常字符串
- missing closing quote
- 缺少闭合引号
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1:(行,列)%2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256 位
@@ -8880,6 +9166,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file仅有 PBKDF 和 Argon2 受支持,无法解密 JSON 文件
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ 重置快捷键
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ 双击一个动作以修改其快捷键
+ Filter...
+ 过滤…
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ 快捷键冲突
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ 快捷键 %1 与 '%2' 冲突。是否覆盖快捷键?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ 因为词表太短,无法生成有效的口令
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ 加密文件不支持。
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass 导入
+ Delete plugin data?
+ 是否删除插件数据?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ 是否从条目中删除插件数据?
+ Passkey
+ 通行密钥
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ 导出时使用的格式。可用的选项是“xml”、“csv”或“html”。默认值为“xml”。
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ 启动时最小化到系统托盘
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ 不合法的字符串,可能存在未转义的分隔符
+ missing closing delimiter
+ 缺少闭合分隔符
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1,行:%2,列:%3
+ Tags
+ 标签
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9012,6 +9366,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports从报告中排除
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ 过期条目…
+ Only show entries that have a URL仅显示含有 URL 的条目
@@ -9028,36 +9386,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ 从条目中删除插件数据…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- 将鼠标指针悬停在原因上以显示其他详细信息。双击条目以编辑。
+ Show expired entries
+ 显示过期的条目
- Bad
- Password quality
- 极差
+ (Expired)
+ (已过期)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ 将鼠标指针悬停在原因上以显示其他详细信息。双击条目以编辑。Bad — password must be changed极差 — 必须更改密码
- Poor
- Password quality
- 差劲
- Poor — password should be changed差劲 — 应该更改密码
- Weak
- Password quality
- 较弱
- Weak — consider changing the password较弱 — 可考虑更改密码
@@ -9106,18 +9461,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports从报告中排除
- Show expired entries
- 显示过期的条目
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ 过期条目…Show entries that have been excluded from reports显示已从报告中排除的条目
- (Expired)
- (已过期)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9213,6 +9564,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports从报告中排除
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ 过期条目…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9454,6 +9809,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.代理未在运行,无法列出身份。
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ 从代理中删除所有 SSH 身份失败。
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ 已从代理中删除所有 SSH 身份。
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9739,29 +10102,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
已导出到 %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- 双击一个动作以修改其快捷键
- Shortcut Conflict
- 快捷键冲突
- Filter...
- 过滤…
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- 快捷键 %1 与 '%2' 冲突。是否覆盖快捷键?
- Reset Shortcuts
- 重置快捷键
@@ -10050,14 +10390,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detected未检测到硬件密钥
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>如果您拥有 <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> 或 <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>,则可以使用它来提高安全性。</p><p>硬件密钥要求将其中一个插槽编程为 HMAC-SHA1 质询响应<a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">。</p>
- Refresh hardware keys刷新硬件密钥
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>如果您拥有 <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> 或 <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>,则可以使用它来提高安全性。</p><p>硬件密钥要求将其中一个插槽以<a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">质询响应</a>编程。</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ 硬件密钥已找到,但未配置任何插槽
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC
diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts
index aff8b83cc..228bfec93 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts
@@ -217,18 +217,50 @@
You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now?必須重啟應用程式以使用新語言。您是否要現在重新啟動?
- Reset Settings?
- 重置設定?
- Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default?
- 您確定要重置所有通用和安全設定回預設值?
- Select backup storage directory選擇備份存放目錄
+ Confirm Reset
+ 確認重置
+ Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?
+ 您確定要重置所有設定回預設值?
+ Import KeePassXC Settings
+ 匯入 KeePassXC 設定
+ Failed to import settings from %1, not a valid settings file.
+ 從 %1 匯入設定失敗,並非有效的設定檔案。
+ Export KeePassXC Settings
+ 匯出 KeePassXC 設定
+ Small
+ 小
+ Normal
+ 正常
+ Medium
+ 中
+ Large
+ 大
+ Custom
+ 自定義
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral
@@ -280,25 +312,6 @@
Include beta releases when checking for updates檢查更新時包括 beta 版本
- On database unlock, show entries that
- 解鎖資料庫時,顯示符合條件的項目
- have expired
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- 已過期
- days
- On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days
- 天
- will expire within
- On database unlock, show entries that...
- 將過期於
- File Management檔案管理
@@ -323,22 +336,10 @@
Backup database file before saving儲存資料庫檔案前先備份
- Backup destination
- 備份目的地
- Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString. <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss".
- 指定資料庫備份檔案位置。其中 "{DB_FILENAME}" 會被替換為保存資料庫的檔案名稱,不包含副檔名。{TIME:<format>} 會被替換為備份時間,詳見 https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toString 。<format> 預設為格式字符串 "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss"。
- {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx{DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx
- Choose...
- 選擇...
- Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.)使用替代儲存方案(或許能解決諸如 Dropbox、Google Drive、GVFS 的相關問題)
@@ -505,6 +506,71 @@
Remember last typed entry for:記住上次輸入的項目:
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ 解鎖資料庫時,顯示即將過期的項目
+ On database unlock, show entries that will expire within
+ 解鎖資料庫時,顯示即將過期的項目
+ days
+ number of days warning for password expiration
+ 天
+ Destination format:
+ 目標格式:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> is replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> is replaced with the specified time format (default: dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>See the User Guide for more details</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{DB_FILENAME}</span> 將被替換爲儲存資料庫的檔案名稱,不含副檔名</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">{TIME:<format>}</span> 將被替換爲指定的時間格式 (預設:dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss)</p><p>查看使用者指南了解詳情</p></body></html>
+ Choose folder...
+ 選擇資料夾...
+ Show confirmation before moving entries to recycle bin
+ 移動項目至回收桶前提示確認
+ Copy data on double clicking field in entry view
+ 在項目視區中,雙擊欄位複製資料
+ Show toolbar
+ 顯示工具列
+ Show the menu bar by pressing the Alt key
+ 按下 Alt 鍵顯示選單列
+ Show menubar
+ 顯示選單列
+ Import settings…
+ 匯入設定…
+ Export settings…
+ 匯出設定…
+ Open browser on double clicking URL field in entry view
+ 在項目視區中,雙擊 URL 打開瀏覽器
+ Font size:
+ 字型:
+ Font size selection
+ 字型大小選擇
+ ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity
@@ -570,18 +636,6 @@
Hide passwords in the entry preview panel隱藏項目預覽面板內的密碼
- Hide entry notes by default
- 預設隱藏項目備註
- Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation
- 無需確認就移動項目到回收桶
- Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns
- 啟用滑鼠雙擊複製「使用者名稱/密碼」項目欄位
- Privacy隱私
@@ -594,6 +648,18 @@
Hide TOTP in the entry preview panel隱藏項目預覽面板上的 TOTP
+ Lock databases when switching user
+ 切換使用者時鎖定資料庫
+ Lock Options
+ 鎖定選項
+ Hide notes in the entry preview panel
+ 隱藏項目預覽面板內的備註
+ AutoType
@@ -641,20 +707,6 @@
Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1項目不包含用於 PICKCHARS 的屬性:%1
- Invalid conversion type: %1
- 無效的轉換類型: %1
- Invalid conversion syntax: %1
- 無效的轉換語法: %1
- Invalid regular expression syntax %1
- 無效的正規表示式語法 %1
- Invalid placeholder: %1無效的佔位符: %1
@@ -1024,10 +1076,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
- Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported.
- 目前並不支援以 Snap 套件安裝的瀏覽器。
- Enable integration for these browsers:為以下瀏覽器啟用整合功能:
@@ -1249,7 +1297,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite the passkey in %1 - %2?
KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3.
+ 需要 KeePassXC 瀏覽器擴充才能使用整合功能。<br />可供 %1 和 %2 和 %3 下載。
+ Browsers installed using Snap or Flatpak are not supported with exception to Firefox installed using Snap.
+ 不支援用 Snap 或 Flatpak 安裝的瀏覽器;Snap 安裝的 Firefox 為例外。
@@ -1403,6 +1455,10 @@ Are you sure you want to import?
+ Tags
+ 標籤
+ CsvParserModel
@@ -1466,6 +1522,14 @@ Backup database located at %2
Recycle Bin回收桶
+ Database file read error.
+ 資料庫檔案讀取錯誤。
+ No file path was provided.
+ 未提供檔案路徑。
+ DatabaseOpenDialog
@@ -1614,14 +1678,6 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S
<p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!</p><p>除了密碼,您還可以使用一份袐密檔案來加強資料庫的安全性。此檔案可以透過資料庫的安全設定中生成。</p><p>這<strong>不是</strong>您的 *.kdbx 資料庫檔案!</p>
- Click to add a key file.
- 點擊以加入金鑰檔案。
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
- <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">我有一份金鑰檔案</a>
- Use hardware key [Serial: %1]使用硬體金鑰 [序號: %1]
@@ -1658,6 +1714,18 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
Refresh Hardware Keys刷新硬體金鑰
+ Click to add a key file.
+ 點擊以加入金鑰檔案。
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">I have a key file</a>
+ <a href="#" style="text-decoration: underline">我有一份金鑰檔案</a>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured.
+ 硬體金鑰已找到,但未配置任何槽位。
+ DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData
@@ -1692,10 +1760,22 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file?.
+ KeeShare
+ KeeShare
+ Secret Service Integration
+ 保密服務整合
+ Remote Sync遠端同步
+ Database Settings: %1
+ 資料庫設定:%1
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser
@@ -2175,6 +2255,50 @@ removed from the database.
Autosave delay since last change checkbox自動儲存延遲勾選框
+ Public Database Metadata
+ 公開資料庫詮釋資料
+ Warning: the following settings are not encrypted.
+ 警告:以下設定並未被加密。
+ Display name:
+ 顯示名稱:
+ Publically visible display name used on the unlock dialog
+ 公開可見的顯示名稱,於解鎖對話框
+ Database public display name
+ 資料庫的公開顯示名稱
+ Display color:
+ 顯示顏色:
+ Publically visible color used on the unlock dialog
+ 公開可見的顏色,於解鎖對話框
+ Database public display color chooser
+ 資料庫的公開顯示顏色選擇器
+ Clear
+ 清除
+ Display icon:
+ 顯示圖示:
+ Select Database Icon
+ 選擇資料庫圖示
+ DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare
@@ -2372,7 +2496,7 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
- 示例:
+ 範例:
get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
@@ -2388,7 +2512,7 @@ exit
{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last command `exit` has to be sent
- 示例:
+ 範例:
put {TEMP_DATABASE} DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx
@@ -2396,6 +2520,14 @@ exit
命令必須可以退出。如果最後一個指令爲 `sftp` 則必須發送 `exit` 指令
+ Timeout:
+ 超時:
+ seconds
+ 秒
+ DatabaseTabWidget
@@ -2598,26 +2730,6 @@ Save changes?
File has changed檔案已變更
- The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes?
- 資料庫檔案已被修改。是否要載入變更?
- Merge Request
- 合併要求
- The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes.
-Do you want to merge your changes?
- 資料庫檔案已被修改,且您有尚未儲存的變更。
- Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload.
-Error: %1
- 嘗試自動重新載入,無法開啓新的資料庫檔案。
- Disable safe saves?停用安全存檔?
@@ -2705,6 +2817,50 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Do you want to remove the passkey from this entry?是否要從此項目移除通行密鑰?
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally
+ 資料庫檔案「%1」被外部更動
+ Do you want to load the changes?
+ 是否要載入變更?
+ Reload database
+ 重載資料庫
+ Reloading database…
+ 正在重載資料庫…
+ Reload canceled
+ 重載取消
+ Reload successful
+ 重載成功
+ Reload pending user action…
+ 重載等待使用者行動…
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes<br>Ignore the changes on disk until save<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ 資料庫檔案「%1」曾被外部修改過 。<br>您希望如何進行?<br><br>合併所有變更<br>儲存前先忽略磁碟上的變更<br>丟棄未儲存的變更
+ The database file "%1" was modified externally.<br>How would you like to proceed?<br><br>Merge all changes then save<br>Overwrite the changes on disk<br>Discard unsaved changes
+ 資料庫檔案「%1」曾被外部修改過 。<br>您希望如何進行?<br><br>合併所有變更並儲存<br>覆寫磁碟上的變更<br>丟棄未儲存的變更
+ Database file overwritten.
+ 資料庫檔案被覆寫。
+ Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ 磁碟上的資料庫檔案無法被現有憑證解鎖。<br>輸入新的憑證並/或出示硬體金鑰以繼續。
+ EditEntryWidget
@@ -3033,18 +3189,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Skip Auto-Submit for this entry為此項目跳過自動送出
- Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
- 只有出現 HTTP 基本認證對話框才會傳送此設定至瀏覽器。啟用之後,將不會在一般的登入表格顯示此項目的選項。
- Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth對此項目只使用 HTTP 基本認證
- Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
- 對 HTTP 基本認證對話框,不要傳送此設定至瀏覽器。啟用之後,HTTP 基本認證對話框將不會在選項中顯示此項目。
- Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic AuthHTTP 基本認證不要使用此項目
@@ -3069,6 +3217,14 @@ Would you like to correct it?
Additional URLs其他 URL
+ Only send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection.
+ 僅將此項目傳送到瀏覽器的 HTTP 認證對話框。啟用後,普通登入表格將不再顯示此項目供選擇。
+ Do not send this entry to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection.
+ 不要將此項目傳送到瀏覽器的 HTTP 認證對話框。啟用後,HTTP 認證對話框將不再顯示此項目供選擇。
+ EditEntryWidgetHistory
@@ -3291,6 +3447,10 @@ Would you like to correct it?
seconds 秒
+ Clear agent
+ 清除代理
+ EditGroupWidget
@@ -3737,6 +3897,20 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ Invalid conversion type: %1
+ 無效的轉換類型: %1
+ Invalid conversion syntax: %1
+ 無效的轉換語法: %1
+ Invalid regular expression syntax %1
+ 無效的正規表示式語法 %1
+ EntryAttachments
@@ -3745,6 +3919,21 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
+ EntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Form
+ 表單
+ File name
+ 檔案名稱
+ File contents...
+ 檔案內容...
@@ -3782,14 +3971,6 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction.
- Rename selected attachment
- 重新命名所選附件
- Rename
- 重新命名
- Open selected attachment開啟所選附件
@@ -3903,6 +4084,18 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
+ New
+ 新
+ Preview
+ 預覽
+ Failed to preview an attachment: Attachment not found
+ 預覽附件失敗:找不到附件
+ EntryAttributesModel
@@ -4101,6 +4294,10 @@ Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment?
Background Color背景顏色
+ Group Path
+ 群組路徑
+ EntryPreviewWidget
@@ -4496,6 +4693,14 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
+ Could not load key file.
+ 無法載入金鑰檔。
+ Could not open remote database. Password or key file may be incorrect.
+ 無法開啟遠端資料庫。密碼或金鑰檔可能不正確。
+ ImportWizardPageSelect
@@ -4599,6 +4804,50 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th
KeePass1 DatabaseKeePass1 資料庫
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass (.json)
+ Proton Pass JSON Export
+ Proton Pass JSON 匯出
+ Temporary Database
+ 臨時資料庫
+ Command:
+ 指令:
+ e.g.: "sftp user@hostname" or "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ 範例:"sftp user@hostname" 或者 "scp user@hostname:DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}"
+ Input:
+ 輸入:
+ e.g.:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} is used as placeholder to store the database in a temporary location
+The command has to exit. In case of `sftp` as last commend `exit` has to be sent
+ 範例:
+get DatabaseOnRemote.kdbx {TEMP_DATABASE}
+{TEMP_DATABASE} 作為占位符,表示保存資料庫的臨時位置
+命令必須可以退出。如果最後一個指令爲 `sftp` 則必須發送 `exit` 指令
+ Remote Database (.kdbx)
+ 遠端資料庫 (.kdbx)
+ KMessageWidget
@@ -5739,12 +5988,6 @@ This version is not meant for production use.
Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes.
注意:您正在使用 KeePassXC 的預先發行版本。
- WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard.
-We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- 警告:您的 Qt 版本可能會導致 KeePassXC 與螢幕鍵盤崩潰。
-建議您使用我們下載頁面上提供的 AppImage。No Tags
@@ -5818,6 +6061,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Import Passkey匯入通行密鑰
+ Remote S&ync…
+ 遠端同步(&Y)…
+ Quit Application退出應用程式
@@ -5922,6 +6169,10 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
Show Password Generator顯示密碼產生器
+ Remove Passkey From Entry
+ 從項目移除通行密鑰
+ Perform Auto-Type: {USERNAME}執行自動輸入:{USERNAME}
@@ -6067,17 +6318,33 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
- Remote S&ync…
- 遠端同步(&Y)…
+ Show Group Panel
+ 顯示群組面板
- Remove Passkey From Entry
- 從項目移除通行密鑰
+ Toggle Show Group Panel
+ 切換顯示群組面板Setup Remote Sync…設定遠端同步…
+ Password Generator
+ 密碼產生器
+ E&xpire Entry…
+ 過期項目(&X)…
+ Clear SSH Agent
+ 清楚 SSH 代理
+ Clear all identities in ssh-agent
+ 清楚 ssh-agent 內所有身份
+ ManageDatabase
@@ -6228,6 +6495,25 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page.
+ NewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Attachment name cannot be empty
+ 附件名稱不能為空
+ Attachment with the same name already exists
+ 已存在相同名稱的附件
+ Save attachment
+ 儲存附件
+ New entry attachment
+ 新項目附件
@@ -6773,10 +7059,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Also choose from:也從此選擇:
- Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- 排除以下字元:"0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒"
- Exclude look-alike characters去除相似的字元
@@ -6801,10 +7083,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Word Count:詞彙數:
- Character Count:
- 字元數:
- Word Case:字母大小寫:
@@ -6817,10 +7095,6 @@ The following data is missing:
Add custom wordlist加入自定義詞彙表
- character
- 字元
- Close關閉
@@ -6927,6 +7201,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Special Characters特殊字元
+ passwordLength
+ 密碼長度
+ Characters: %1
+ 字元:%1
+ MIXED case
+ 大小寫混合
+ Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ 排除字元:"0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒", "B", "8", "G", "6"
+ PasswordWidget
@@ -6994,6 +7284,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
字元間按 &Tab
+ PreviewEntryAttachmentsDialog
+ Preview entry attachment
+ 預覽項目附件
+ No preview available
+ 無適用的預覽
+ Image format not supported
+ 圖像格式不受支援
@@ -7661,7 +7966,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Wordlist for the diceware generator.
[Default: EFF English]
- Diceware 產生器使用的字詞表。
+ Diceware 產生器使用的詞彙表。
[預設:EFF English]
@@ -7672,10 +7977,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Invalid word count %1無效的字數統計 %1
- The word list is too small (< 1000 items)
- 字詞清單過小(< 1000 個項目)
- Title for the entry.項目標題。
@@ -7820,10 +8121,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?
Exit interactive mode.離開互動模式。
- Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'.
- 匯出所用的格式。可用選項為 'xml' 或 'csv'。預設為 'xml'。
- Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format.以指定格式匯出資料庫內容至標準輸出。
@@ -8412,18 +8709,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4
file empty檔案為空
- malformed string
- 格式不正確的字串
- missing closing quote
- 缺少右引號
- %1: (row, col) %2,%3
- %1: (列, 行) %2,%3
- AES 256-bitAES 256-bit
@@ -8884,6 +9169,74 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Only PBKDF and Argon2 are supported, cannot decrypt json file只支援 PBKDF 與 Argon2,無法解密 JSON 檔案
+ Reset Shortcuts
+ 重置快捷鍵
+ Double click an action to change its shortcut
+ 雙擊一個動作以修改其快捷鍵
+ Filter...
+ 過濾...
+ Shortcut Conflict
+ 快捷鍵衝突
+ Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
+ 快捷鍵 %1 與 '%2' 衝突。是否覆蓋快捷鍵?
+ Cannot generate valid passphrases because the wordlist is too short
+ 因為詞彙表過短,無法生成有效的密碼短語
+ Encrypted files are not supported.
+ 尚未支援加密檔案。
+ Proton Pass Import
+ Proton Pass 匯入
+ Delete plugin data?
+ 刪除插件資料?
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)?
+ 是否從項目刪除插件資料?
+ Passkey
+ 通行密鑰
+ Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml', 'csv' or 'html'. Defaults to 'xml'.
+ 匯出所用的格式。可用選項為 'xml', 'csv' 或 'html'。預設為 'xml'。
+ start minimized to the system tray
+ 啟動後最小化至系統列
+ malformed string, possible unescaped delimiter
+ 不合規的字串,可能有未跳脫的分隔符
+ missing closing delimiter
+ 缺少閉合分隔符
+ %1, row: %2, column: %3
+ %1,列:%2,欄:%3
+ Tags
+ 標籤
+ QtIOCompressor
@@ -9016,6 +9369,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports從報告排除
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ 過期項目…
+ Only show entries that have a URL只顯示含有 URL 的項目
@@ -9032,36 +9389,33 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
+ Delete plugin data from Entry(s)…
+ 從項目刪除插件資料…
+ ReportsWidgetHealthcheck
- Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
- 將游標懸浮於原因以顯示額外詳情。雙擊項目可編輯。
+ Show expired entries
+ 顯示過期項目
- Bad
- Password quality
- 糟糕
+ (Expired)
+ (過期)
+ Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit.
+ 將游標懸浮於原因以顯示額外詳情。雙擊項目可編輯。Bad — password must be changed糟糕 — 密碼必須更改
- Poor
- Password quality
- 極弱
- Poor — password should be changed極弱 — 密碼應該更改
- Weak
- Password quality
- 較弱
- Weak — consider changing the password較弱 — 可考慮更改密碼
@@ -9110,18 +9464,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports從報告排除
- Show expired entries
- 顯示過期項目
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ 過期項目…Show entries that have been excluded from reports顯示已從報告中排除的項目
- (Expired)
- (過期)
- ReportsWidgetHibp
@@ -9217,6 +9567,10 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
Exclude from reports從報告排除
+ Expire Entry(s)…
+ 過期項目…
+ ReportsWidgetPasskeys
@@ -9458,6 +9812,14 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
No agent running, cannot list identities.代理尚未執行,無法列舉身份。
+ Failed to remove all SSH identities from agent.
+ 從代理移除所有 SSH 身份失敗。
+ All SSH identities removed from agent.
+ 所有 SSH 身份已從代理移除。
+ SearchHelpWidget
@@ -9743,29 +10105,6 @@ This option is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead.
匯出至 %1
- ShortcutSettingsWidget
- Double click an action to change its shortcut
- 雙擊一個動作以修改其快捷鍵
- Shortcut Conflict
- 快捷鍵衝突
- Filter...
- 過濾...
- Shortcut %1 conflicts with '%2'. Overwrite shortcut?
- 快捷鍵 %1 與 '%2' 衝突。是否覆蓋快捷鍵?
- Reset Shortcuts
- 重設快捷鍵
@@ -10054,14 +10393,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
No hardware keys detected未偵測到硬體金鑰
- <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
- <p>若您擁有 <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> 或 <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>,可以用它獲得額外保護。</p><p>需要將鑰匙其中一個槽位設置為 <a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-otp/challenge-response.html">HMAC-SHA1 挑戰應答</a>。</p>
- Refresh hardware keys刷新硬體金鑰
+ <p>If you own a <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> or <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed with <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">Challenge-Response</a>.</p>
+ <p>若您擁有 <a href="https://www.yubico.com/">YubiKey</a> 或 <a href="https://onlykey.io">OnlyKey</a>,可以用它獲得額外保護。</p><p>實體金鑰要求將其中一個槽位以 <a href="https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-yubikey-howto">挑戰應答</a>編程。</p>
+ Hardware keys found, but no slots are configured
+ 硬體金鑰已找到,但未配置任何槽位
+ YubiKeyInterfacePCSC