From 9d2f3d53d67f8f10a155456142a1f800fab15c51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonathan White Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2022 17:37:47 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update translations --- share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts | 933 ++- share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts | 525 +- share/translations/keepassxc_da.ts | 343 +- share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts | 341 +- share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts | 275 +- share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts | 274 +- share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts | 274 +- share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts | 436 +- share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts | 315 +- share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts | 292 +- share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts | 587 +- share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts | 359 +- share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts | 550 +- share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts | 277 +- share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts | 1065 +-- share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts | 504 +- share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts | 345 +- share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts | 276 +- share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts | 9087 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts | 529 +- share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts | 329 +- share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts | 2013 +++--- share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts | 319 +- share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts | 561 +- share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts | 366 +- share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts | 272 +- share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts | 319 +- share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts | 9089 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts | 274 +- share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts | 272 +- share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts | 275 +- share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts | 625 +- share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts | 375 +- share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts | 1493 ++-- share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts | 285 +- share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts | 275 +- 36 files changed, 29676 insertions(+), 5053 deletions(-) create mode 100644 share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts create mode 100644 share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts index 0575461b9..759e084a8 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_bg.ts @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Contributors - Контрибутури + Сътрудници <a href="">See Contributions on GitHub</a> @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Copy to clipboard - Копиране в клипборда + Копиране в междинната памет @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - + Несъществуващ/недостъпен път към изпълнимия файл. Уверете се, че клиентът е достоверен. <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ PID - + PID Executable @@ -78,41 +78,41 @@ Details - + Подробности Remember - Запомни + Запомняне Allow Selected - Разреши избраните + Разрешаване избраните Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - + Решението ви ще бъде запомнено докато изискващият клиент и KeePassXC работят. Deny All && Future - + Забраняване на всички и за в бъдеще Allow All && &Future - + &Разрешаване на всички и за в бъдеще AccessControlDialog::DenyButton Deny for this program - + Забраняване за приложението AgentSettingsWidget Enable SSH Agent integration - Включване на интеграция на SSH Agent + Включване на съчетаване с агент за SSH Use Pageant @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ SSH_AUTH_SOCK override - SSH_AUTH_SOCK презаписване + Презаписване на SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AUTH_SOCK value - SSH_AUTH_SOCK стойност + Стойност на SSH_AUTH_SOCK (empty) @@ -140,19 +140,19 @@ SSH_SK_PROVIDER override - + Презаписване на SSH_SK_PROVIDER No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. - Няма SSH Agent сокет. Уверете, че съществува променлива на средата SSH_AUTH_SOCK или я презапишете. + Не е достъпен сокет на агент за SSH. Уверете, че съществува променлива на средата SSH_AUTH_SOCK или я презапишете. SSH Agent connection is working! - SSH Agent връзката работи! + Има връзка с агента за SSH! Use both agents - + Използване и на двата агента @@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ Text beside icon - Текст до иконата + Текст до иконите Text under icon - Текст под икона + Текст под иконите Follow style @@ -199,15 +199,15 @@ Monochrome (light) - Монохромен(светлъл) + Едноцветен (светлъл) Monochrome (dark) - Монохромен(тъмен) + Едноцветен (тъмен) Colorful - Цветни + Цветен You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now? @@ -215,15 +215,19 @@ Reset Settings? - Да се нулират настройките? + Да бъдат ли нулирани настройките? Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default? - Наистина ли искате да нулирате стойностите по подразбиране на всички общи настройки и настройки за защита? + Желаете ли основните настройки и настройките на сигурността да бъдат нулирани? Select backup storage directory - + Изберете папка за запазване на резервни копия + + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Настройката не може да бъде включена докато друга настройка - скриване при отключване е включена. @@ -238,19 +242,19 @@ Start only a single instance of KeePassXC - Започнете само една инстанция на KeePassXC + Поддържане на един екземпляр на KeePassXC Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup - Автоматично стартиране на KeePassXC при стартиране на системата + Стартиране на KeePassXC при стартиране на системата Minimize window at application startup - Минимизиране на прозореца при стартиране на приложението + Скриване на прозореца при отваряне на приложението Minimize window after unlocking database - Намаляване на прозореца след отключване на базата данни + Скриване на прозореца при отключване на банката от данни Remember previously used databases @@ -266,7 +270,7 @@ Check for updates at application startup once per week - Проверка за актуализации при стартиране на приложението веднъж седмично + Проверка за обновяване при стартиране на приложението веднъж седмично Include beta releases when checking for updates @@ -274,22 +278,22 @@ On database unlock, show entries that - + При отключване на базата с данни, покажи записи които have expired On database unlock, show entries that... - + с изтекла давност days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days - + дни will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... - + с изтичаща давност File Management @@ -313,35 +317,35 @@ Backup database file before saving - Архивиране на файла с базата данни преди записване + Резервно копие на файла с данни преди запазване Backup destination - + Път към резервно копие Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - + Указва местонахождението на файла, съдържащ резервното копие на базата данни. Случайте като "{DB_FILENAME}" се заменят с името на файла на съхранената база данни без разширение в края. {TIME:<format>} се заменя с времето на създаване на копието, повече на <format> връща формата на низа по подразбиране: "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx - + {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx Choose... - + Избиране... Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) - + Използвай алтернатишнич метод за съхраняване (при проблеми с услугите Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, и т.н.) Temporary file moved into place - + Временният файл бе преместен в Directly write to database file (dangerous) - + Директно писане в файла с базата данни Entry Management @@ -369,7 +373,7 @@ Favicon download timeout: - Таймаут за изтегляне на фавикон: + Време за изчакване на изтегляне на пиктограми: Website icon download timeout in seconds @@ -438,7 +442,7 @@ Auto-Type - Auto-Type + Автоматично въвеждане Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type @@ -450,7 +454,7 @@ Always ask before performing Auto-Type - Винаги питай преди да извършиш Auto-Type + Hide expired entries from Auto-Type @@ -491,6 +495,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + Запомни последно въведения запис за: + + + recent files + последни файлове + + + Show passwords in color @@ -536,7 +548,7 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - + Бързо отключване на база данни (Touch ID / Windows Hello) Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed @@ -572,7 +584,7 @@ Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns - + Двойно щракване за копиране на потребителско име/парола от колоните Privacy @@ -587,11 +599,11 @@ AutoType The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: - + Поисканата последователност за Auto-Type не може да бъде използвана поради възникнала грешка: Auto-Type Error - + Auto-Type грешка Permission Required @@ -607,41 +619,46 @@ Invalid entry provided - + Неправилен запис Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } - + Засечена прекомерна употреба на скоби, въведели сте излишни [ или ] Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 - + Засечено несъответстващо количество повторения, допускат се %1: %2 Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2 - + Засечено е твърде бавно натискане на клавиш, допуска се не повече от %1: %2 Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 - + Засечено е дълго забавяне, допуска се не повече от %1: %2 Invalid conversion type: %1 - + Недопустим тип на преобразуване: %1 Invalid conversion syntax: %1 - + Недопустим синтаксис на преобразуване: %1 Invalid regular expression syntax %1 %2 - + Недопустим синтаксис на редовното изражение %1 +%2 Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Записът няма атрибут за PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -685,19 +702,19 @@ AutoTypePlatformX11 Trying to send invalid keysym. - + Опит за изпращане на неправилен символ Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on - + Прекъсната поредица: режим Caps Lock е включен Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user - + Поредицата бе прекъсната: задържани клавиши-модификатори от потребителя Unable to get valid keycode for key: - + Неуспешно получаване на правилен код за клавишите: @@ -717,7 +734,12 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - + <p>За да намерите даден запис в отворените банки от данни, можете да използвате разширени заявки за търсене. Следните бързи клавиши са полезни:<br/> +Ctrl+F - Превключване на търсенето<br/> +Ctrl+1 - Въвеждане на потребителско име<br/> +Ctrl+2 - Въвеждане на парола<br/> +Ctrl+3 - Въвеждане на TOTP<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Използване на виртуална клавиатура (само за Windows)</p> Search all open databases @@ -725,11 +747,11 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Search… - + Търси... Type Sequence - + Въведете Поредица Cancel @@ -737,31 +759,31 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Type {USERNAME} - + Въведете {USERNAME} Type {PASSWORD} - + Въведете {PASSWORD} Type {TOTP} - + Въведете {TOTP} Copy Username - + Копиране на парола Copy Password - + Копирай паролата Copy TOTP - + Копирай TOTP Use Virtual Keyboard - + Използване на виртуална клавиатура @@ -788,11 +810,11 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Allow Selected - Разреши избраните + Разрешаване избраните Deny All - Забрани всички + Забраняване всички Disable for this site @@ -816,8 +838,8 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> You have multiple databases open. Please select the correct database for saving credentials. - Имате отворени няколко бази данни. -Изберете правилната база данни за записване на идентификационни данни. + Имате отворени няколко банки от данни. +Изберете правилната, в която да бъдат запазвани идентификационните данни. @@ -852,7 +874,7 @@ chrome-laptop. Save and allow access - Записване и разрешаване на достъп + Запазване и разрешаване на достъп KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? @@ -874,13 +896,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? KeePassXC: Delete entry - + KeePassXC: Изтрий записа A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. Do you want to delete the entry? - + Получено запитване за изтриване на запис "%1". +Изтриване на записа? + Converting attributes to custom data… @@ -994,11 +1018,11 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. - + Ще бъдат върнати само записи със съвпадащи протоколи (http://, https://, …) Match URL scheme (e.g., - + Проверяване за съвпадание на протоколи за URL-адрес ( Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. @@ -1050,7 +1074,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: " - + Връщане на допълнителни низови полета, започващи с "KPH:" Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings. @@ -1088,7 +1112,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Browse… Button for opening file dialog - + Избор… Use a custom browser configuration location: @@ -1167,7 +1191,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Append ' - Clone' to title - Добавяне на ' - Clone' към заглавието + Добавяне на „ - копие“ към заглавието Replace username and password with references @@ -1182,7 +1206,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? CsvImportWidget Import CSV fields - Импортиране на полета в CSV + Внасяне на полета от CSV filename @@ -1194,7 +1218,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Column Association - Асоциация на колоната + Password @@ -1214,7 +1238,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? URL - Url + Адрес Notes @@ -1286,7 +1310,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? CSV import preview - Визуализация на импортирането от CSV + Not Present @@ -1319,8 +1343,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? CSV import: writer has errors: %1 - CSV импортиране: при писане изникна грешка грешки: -%1 + @@ -1368,7 +1391,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Database save is already in progress. - Записването на базата данни вече е в ход. + Банката от данни в момента се запазва. Could not save, database has not been initialized! @@ -1397,14 +1420,14 @@ Backup database located at %2 DatabaseOpenDialog Unlock Database - KeePassXC - Отключване на база данни - KeePassXC + Отключване на банка от данни - KeePassXC DatabaseOpenWidget Unlock KeePassXC Database - Отключване на KeePassXC базата данни + Отключване на банката от данни на KeePassXC Enter Password: @@ -1422,10 +1445,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: Файл-ключ: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help Помощ за файл-ключове @@ -1438,11 +1457,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Хардуерен ключ: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Помощ за хардуерен ключ @@ -1457,7 +1471,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Browse… - + Избор… Refresh hardware tokens @@ -1469,7 +1483,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock Database - + Отключване на банката от данни Cancel @@ -1477,15 +1491,15 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock - + Отключване Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - + Моля добавете или натиснете върху своя YubiKey, за да продължите... Database Version Mismatch - + Несъвпадение на версията на базата данни The database you are trying to open was most likely @@ -1495,7 +1509,11 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - + Базата данни, която се опитвате да отворите, най-вероятно е създадена с по-нова версия на KeePassXC. + +Може все пак да опитате да я отворите, но тя може да бъде непълна и запазването на впоследствие направените промени може да доведе до загуба на данни. + +Препоръчително е да обновите KeePassXC. Open database anyway @@ -1503,7 +1521,7 @@ We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. Database unlock canceled. - + Отключването на банката от данни е прекъснато. Unlock failed and no password given @@ -1581,6 +1599,15 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… Избор на хардуерен ключ... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1669,8 +1696,8 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Do you really want to delete the selected key? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. - Наистина ли искате да изтриете избрания ключ? -Това може да попречи на свързването с приставката на браузъра. + Желаете ли избраният ключ да бъде премахнат? +Това може да попречи на свързването с добавката на мрежовия четец. Key @@ -1887,7 +1914,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? KDBX 4 (recommended) - + KDBX 4 (препоръчително) KDBX 3 @@ -2030,7 +2057,7 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at Enable compression (recommended) - Разрешаване на компресирането (препоръчително) + Компресиране (препоръчително) Delete Recycle Bin @@ -2039,8 +2066,8 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at Do you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents? This action is not reversible. - Искате ли да изтриете текущото кошче и цялото му съдържание? -Това действие е необратимо. + Желаете ли кошче и цялото му съдържание да бъде премахнато? +Действието е необратимо. (old) @@ -2194,7 +2221,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Export database to CSV file - Експортиране на база данни в CSV файл + Изнасяне на данните в CSV Writing the CSV file failed. @@ -2206,7 +2233,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Export Confirmation - Потвърждение на експортирането + Потвърждаване You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? @@ -2214,32 +2241,40 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. New Database - Нова база данни + Нова банка от данни %1 [New Database] Database tab name modifier - %1 [Нова база данни] + %1 [Нова банка от данни] %1 [Locked] Database tab name modifier - %1 [Заключен] + %1 [Заключена] + + + Export database to XML file + Изнасяне в XML + + + XML file + Файл на XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + Запазването на файла на XML е неуспешно. DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… - + Търсене… Shared group… - + Споделена група… Confirm Auto-Type @@ -2267,7 +2302,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? - Наистина ли искате да изтриете групата "%1" за добро? + Желаете ли групата „%1“ да бъде безвъзвратно премахната? Move group to recycle bin? @@ -2279,23 +2314,23 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Expired entries - + Записи с изтичаща давност No current database. - Няма текуща база данни. + Няма текуща банка от данни. No source database, nothing to do. - Няма база данни източник, нищо за правене. + Successfully merged the database files. - Успешно слети файловете на базата данни. + Файловете на банката от данни са успешно сляти. Database was not modified by merge operation. - Базата данни не е модифицирана от операция по сливане. + Банката от данни не е променяна от сливане. Search Results (%1) @@ -2307,7 +2342,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Lock Database? - Заключване на базата данни? + Заключване на банката от данни? You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? @@ -2322,8 +2357,8 @@ Save changes? Database was modified. Save changes? - Базата данни е променена. -Да се запишат ли промените? + Банката от данни е променена. +Промените да бъдат ли запазени? Save changes? @@ -2373,15 +2408,15 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Save database as - Записване на база данни като + Запазване на данните като KeePass 2 Database - KeePass 2 база данни + Банка от данни на KeePass 2 Save database backup - Записване на резервно копие на базата данни + Запазване на резервно копие на данните Empty recycle bin? @@ -2389,7 +2424,7 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? - Наистина ли искате да изтриете завинаги всичко от кошчето? + Желаете ли всичко от кошчето да бъде безвъзвратно премахнато? Could not find database file: %1 @@ -2397,7 +2432,23 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + Записи с изтичаща давност след %1 денЗаписи с изтичаща давност след %1 дни + + + Searches and Tags + Търсене и етикети + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Въведете друго име или презапишете съществуващо търсене от списъка: + + + Save + Запазване + + + Save Search + Запазване на търсенето @@ -2550,7 +2601,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? %n hour(s) - + %n час%n часа @@ -2573,7 +2624,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Add - Добавите + Добавяне Remove selected attribute @@ -2749,7 +2800,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Add - Добавите + Добавяне Remove @@ -2788,7 +2839,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Delete - Триене + Премахване Delete all history @@ -2796,7 +2847,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Delete all - Триене на всичко + Премахване на всичко @@ -2827,15 +2878,15 @@ Would you like to correct it? Expiration field - Поле за изтичане на срока + Поле за давност Expiration Presets - Предварителни настройки за изтичане на срока + Предварителни настройки за давност Expiration presets - Предварителни настройки за изтичане на срока + Предварителни настройки за давност Presets @@ -2847,11 +2898,11 @@ Would you like to correct it? URL: - URL: + Адрес: Url field - Поле за URL + Поле за адреса Download favicon for URL @@ -2875,19 +2926,19 @@ Would you like to correct it? Toggle expiration - Превключване на изтичането на срока + Превключване на давността Expires: - Изтича: + Давност: Tags: - + Етикети: Tags list - + Списък с етикети @@ -2940,7 +2991,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Browse… Button for opening file dialog - + Избор… Attachment @@ -3011,7 +3062,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Group has unsaved changes - + Групата има незапазени промени Enable @@ -3023,7 +3074,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Inherit from parent group (%1) - Наследяване от родителската група (% 1) + Наследяване от родителската група (%1) @@ -3068,6 +3119,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Пропускане на поддомейна WWW при съпоставяне: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Превключване на пропускането на поддомейна WWW при съпоставяне за тази група и подгрупите + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3101,7 +3160,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Browse… - + Избор… Clear fields @@ -3117,11 +3176,11 @@ Would you like to correct it? Import - Импортиране + Внасяне Export - Експортиране + Изнасяне Synchronize @@ -3148,15 +3207,15 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings. KeeShare is a proper noun - KeeShare е изключено в момента. Можете да разрешите импортиране/експортиране в настройките на приложението. + KeeShare е изключено в момента. Можете да разрешите внасяне/изнасяне в настройките на приложението. Database export is currently disabled by application settings. - Експортирането на база данни в момента е изключено от настройките на приложението. + Изнасянето на данни в момента е изключено от настройките на приложението. Database import is currently disabled by application settings. - Импортирането на база данни в момента е изключено от настройките на приложението. + Изнасянето на данни в момента е изключено от настройките на приложението. KeeShare container @@ -3168,15 +3227,15 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Select import source - Избор на източник за импортиране + Избор на източник Select export target - Изберете целта за експортиране + Избор на цел Select import/export file - Изберете файл за импортиране/експортиране + Изберете файл за внасяне/изнасяне @@ -3187,11 +3246,11 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Toggle expiration - Превключване на изтичането на срока + Превключване на давността Expires: - Изтича: + Давност: Name field @@ -3199,11 +3258,11 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Expiration field - Поле за изтичане на срока + Поле за давност Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group - Използвай Auto-Type последователността по подразбиране на родителската група + Използване на последователността за автоматично въвеждане по подразбиране от родителската група Auto-Type: @@ -3266,7 +3325,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Download favicon for URL - Изтегляне на фавикон за URL + Изтегляне на пиктограма за адрес Download favicon @@ -3410,7 +3469,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Entry %1 - Clone - %1 - Клониране + %1 - копие @@ -3447,7 +3506,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Add - Добавите + Добавяне Remove selected attachment @@ -3471,15 +3530,15 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Open - Отвори + Отваряне Save selected attachment to disk - Записване на избрания прикачен файл на диска + Запазване на избрания прикачен файл Save - Запази + Запазване Select files @@ -3509,7 +3568,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Confirm overwrite - Потвърждаване на презаписването + Потвърждаване на презаписване Unable to save attachments: @@ -3621,7 +3680,7 @@ Error: %1 URL - Url + Адрес Notes @@ -3641,7 +3700,7 @@ Error: %1 Expiration - Изтичане + Давност TOTP @@ -3661,7 +3720,7 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + Етикети @@ -3693,7 +3752,7 @@ Error: %1 URL - Url + Адрес Notes @@ -3701,7 +3760,7 @@ Error: %1 Expires - Изтича + Давност Created @@ -3741,7 +3800,7 @@ Error: %1 Entry expires at - Записа изтича на + Записът е с давност до Creation date @@ -3796,15 +3855,15 @@ Error: %1 Expiration - Изтичане + Давност Tags - + Етикети Tags list - + Списък с етикети Username @@ -3812,7 +3871,7 @@ Error: %1 URL - Url + Адрес Advanced @@ -3848,7 +3907,7 @@ Error: %1 Share - Сподели + Споделяне Search @@ -3870,12 +3929,16 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Изключено + + Double click to copy value + За да копирате стойността, щракнете два пъти. + EntryURLModel Invalid URL - Невалиден URL + Невалиден адрес @@ -3927,7 +3990,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Export database to HTML file - Експортиране на база данни в HTML файл + Изнасяне на данни в HTML HTML file @@ -4011,7 +4074,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - + Несъществуващ/недостъпен път към изпълнимия файл. Уверете се, че клиентът е достоверен. @@ -4048,7 +4111,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! %1 - Clone - %1 - Клониране + %1 - копие @@ -4080,7 +4143,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th URL - Url + Адрес Status @@ -4126,7 +4189,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - + Липсват заглавки на банката от данни Unable to calculate database key @@ -4152,7 +4215,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Недействителна дължина на полето за заглавка: поле %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found @@ -4213,7 +4276,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Недействителна дължина на полета за заглавка: поле %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found @@ -4373,7 +4436,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid inner random stream cipher - + Невалиден шифър на случаен вътрешен поток Failed to read database file. @@ -4388,7 +4451,7 @@ This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported databas Not a KeePass database. - Не е KeePass база данни. + Не е банка от данни на KeePass. Unsupported KeePass 2 database version. @@ -4427,11 +4490,11 @@ Line %2, column %3 Null group uuid - + Uuid на група Null Invalid group icon number - + Невалиден номер на икона за група Invalid EnableAutoType value @@ -4447,7 +4510,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Null DeleteObject uuid - + Uuid DeleteObject Null Missing DeletedObject uuid or time @@ -4455,11 +4518,11 @@ Line %2, column %3 Null entry uuid - + Uuid на запис Null Invalid entry icon number - + Невалиден номер на иконата на записа History element in history entry @@ -4546,11 +4609,11 @@ Line %2, column %3 KeePass1OpenWidget Import KeePass1 Database - Импортиране на KeePass1 база данни + Внасяна на банка от данни на KeePass1. Unable to open the database. - Базата данни не може да се отвори. + Банката от данни не може да бъде отворена. @@ -4561,7 +4624,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Not a KeePass database. - Не е KeePass база данни. + Не е банка от данни на KeePass. Unsupported encryption algorithm. @@ -4569,7 +4632,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Unsupported KeePass database version. - Неподдържана версия на KeePass базата данни. + Неподдържано издание на банката от данни на KeePass. Unable to read encryption IV @@ -4606,7 +4669,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Unable to calculate database key - Не може да се изчисли ключът на базата данни + Ключът на банката от данни не може да бъде изчислен unable to seek to content position @@ -4640,7 +4703,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Incorrect group creation time field size - + Неправилен размер на полето за време на създаване на групата Incorrect group modification time field size @@ -4648,11 +4711,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Incorrect group access time field size - + Невалиден размер на полето за време на последен достъп на групата Incorrect group expiry time field size - Неправилен размер на полето за изтичане на времето на група + Неправилен размер на полето за давност на група Incorrect group icon field size @@ -4660,15 +4723,15 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Incorrect group level field size - + Невалиден размер на полето за ниво на групата Invalid group field type - + Невалиден тип на полето за групата Missing group id or level - + Липсващ идентификатор или ниво на групата Missing entry field type number @@ -4688,7 +4751,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid entry group id field size - + Невалиден размер на полето за идентификатор на записа на групата Invalid entry icon field size @@ -4700,15 +4763,15 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid entry modification time field size - + Невалиден размер на полето за последна промяна на записа Invalid entry expiry time field size - + Невалиден размер на полето за давност на запис Invalid entry field type - + Невалиден тип на полето на записа @@ -4735,11 +4798,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Import is disabled in settings - Импортирането е забранено в настройките + Внасянето е забранено в настройките Export is disabled in settings - Експортирането е забранено в настройките + Изнасянето е забранено в настройките Inactive share @@ -4793,7 +4856,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. - + Забележка: НЕ използвайте файл, който може да бъде променен, защото ще бъде невъзможно да отключите банката от данни! Browse for key file @@ -4801,7 +4864,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Browse… - + Избор… Old key file format @@ -4905,7 +4968,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? MainWindow &Database - & База данни + &Банка от данни &Recent Databases @@ -4913,11 +4976,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Import - &Импортиране + &Внасяне &Export - &Експортиране + &Изнасяне &Help @@ -4961,31 +5024,31 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Check for Updates - &Проверка за актуализации + &Проверка за обновяване &Open Database… - &Отваряне на база данни + &Отваряне на банка от данни &Save Database - &Записване на базата данни + &Запазване на банката от данни &Close Database - &Затвори базата данни + &Затваряне на банката от данни &New Database… - &Нова база данни... + &Нова банка от данни… Create a new database - Създаване на нова база данни + Създаване на банка от данни &Merge From Database… - &Сливане от база данни... + &Сливане от банка от данни… Merge from another KDBX database @@ -5045,11 +5108,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Database &Security… - База данни &Защита... + &Защита на данните… Database &Reports… - + &Отчети за банката от данни… Statistics, health check, etc. @@ -5113,11 +5176,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Download &Favicon - Изтегляне &Фавикон + Изтегляне &пиктограма Open &URL - Отваряне на &URL + Отваряне на &адрес &Lock Database @@ -5137,11 +5200,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &URL - &URL + &Адрес Copy URL to clipboard - Копиране на URL в клипборда + Копиране на адреса &Notes @@ -5165,7 +5228,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Import a KeePass 1 database - Импортиране на KeePass 1 база данни + Внасяне на данни от KeePass 1 1Password Vault… @@ -5173,7 +5236,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Import a 1Password Vault - Импортиране на 1Password Vault + Внасяне на 1Password Vault CSV File… @@ -5181,7 +5244,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Import a CSV file - Импортиране на CSV файл + Внасяне от CSV Show TOTP @@ -5241,7 +5304,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Save Database Backup… - + Резервно копие на данните… Add key to SSH Agent @@ -5325,7 +5388,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Restore Entry(s) - + Възстановяване на записВъзстановяване на записи Settings @@ -5333,7 +5396,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Check for updates on startup? - Проверка за актуализации при стартиране? + Проверка за обновяване при стартиране? Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup? @@ -5353,7 +5416,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - + Моля добавете или натиснете върху своя YubiKey, за да продължите... Restart Application? @@ -5363,6 +5426,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Трябва да рестартирате приложението, за да приложите тази настройка. Желаете ли да рестартирате сега? + + Tags + Етикети + + + No Tags + Липсват етикети + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 запис%1 записа + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Копиране на паролата и TOTP + + + &XML File… + &Файл на XML… + + + XML File… + Файл на XML… + ManageDatabase @@ -5376,11 +5463,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unlock database - Отключване на базата данни + Отключване на банката от данни Unlock database to show more information - Отключване на базата данни за показване на повече информация + За да бъде показана повече информация отключете на банката от данни Lock database @@ -5399,11 +5486,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Reset - + Нулиране Reset any remembered decisions for this application - + Нулиране на запазените разрешения за приложението @@ -5426,7 +5513,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Adding backup for older target %1 [%2] - + Добавяне на резервно копие за старата цел %1 [%2] Adding backup for older source %1 [%2] @@ -5534,7 +5621,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaData General Database Information - Обща информация за база данни + Обща информация за банката от данни Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database: @@ -5734,29 +5821,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Неочаквано EOF при запис на частния ключ - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Паролите не съвпадат - - - Passwords match so far - Паролите съвпадат досега - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Превключване на парола (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Генериране на парола (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Предупреждение: Caps Lock активиран! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5935,10 +5999,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Също изберете от: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Изключени знаци: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Изключване на подобни знаци @@ -6088,6 +6148,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Отлично + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Изключени знаци: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Паролите не съвпадат + + + Passwords match so far + Паролите до тук съвпадат + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Превключване на парола (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Генериране на парола (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Предупреждение: Caps Lock е включен! + + + Quality: %1 + Качество: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Лошо + + + Weak + Password quality + Слабо + + + Good + Password quality + Добро + + + Excellent + Password quality + Отлично + PickcharsDialog @@ -6112,7 +6223,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Delete - Триене + Премахване Move @@ -6187,7 +6298,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? No URL provided - Не е предоставен URL + Не е предоставен адрес No logins found @@ -6231,11 +6342,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? URL for the entry. - URL за записа. + Адрес на записа. URL - Url + Адрес Notes for the entry. @@ -6343,7 +6454,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password for '%1' has been leaked! - Паролата за '%1' е изтекла! + Паролата за „%1“ е изтекла! Export an attachment of an entry. @@ -6359,7 +6470,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path to which the attachment should be exported. - + Пътят, където прикаченият файл да бъде записан. Could not find entry with path %1. @@ -6367,63 +6478,63 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Could not find attachment with name %1. - + Невъзможно откриване на прикачен файл с името %1. No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. - + Не е указана цел за износ. Моля, използвайте команда '--stdout' или посочете 'export-file'. Could not open output file %1. - + Невъзможно отваряне на файла %1 за записване. Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. - + Прикаченият файл %1 е успешно изнесен от запис %2 в %3 Overwrite existing attachments. - + Презаписване на съществуващите прикачени файлове. Imports an attachment to an entry. - + Внася прикачения файл в избран запис. Path of the entry. - + Пътят към записа. Name of the attachment to be added. - + Името на прикачения файл, който да бъде добавен. Path of the attachment to be imported. - + Пътят към прикачения файл, който да бъде внесен. Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. - + Прикаченият файл %1 вече е добавен в запис %2 Could not open attachment file %1. - + Невъзможно отваряне на прикачения файл %1. Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. - + Прикаченият файл %1 е добавен успешно като %2 в запис %3. Remove an attachment of an entry. - + Премахване на прикачен файл от избран запис. Name of the attachment to be removed. - + Името на прикачения файл, който да бъде премахнат. Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. - + Прикачения файл %1 от запис %2 бе премахнат успешно. Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. @@ -6436,7 +6547,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. - + Трябва да съвпада само с един запис, в противен случай се показва списък с вероятните съвпадения. Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. @@ -6445,11 +6556,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path of the entry to clip. clip = copy to clipboard - + Копиране на пътя към записа. Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). - + Периодът от време, преди паметта на клипборда да бъде изчистена (по подразбиране е %1 секунди, задайте на 0 за премахване на ограничението) Invalid timeout value %1. @@ -6497,7 +6608,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Close the currently opened database. - Затворяне на текущо отворената база данни. + Затваряне на отворената банка от данни. Display this help. @@ -6597,7 +6708,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Failed to save the database: %1. - Грешка при записване на базата данни: %1. + Грешка при запазване на банката от данни: %1. Successfully created new database. @@ -6763,7 +6874,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Type: Unknown (%1) - + Тип: неизвестен (%1) Entropy %1 (%2) @@ -6779,7 +6890,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'. - Формат при експортиране. Наличните възможности са "xml" и "csv". По подразбиране е "xml". + Формат при изнасяне. Наличните възможности са „xml“ и „csv“. По подразбиране е „xml“. Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format. @@ -6831,7 +6942,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Use custom character set - + Използване на потребителски набор от символи Exclude similar looking characters @@ -6863,11 +6974,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Import the contents of an XML database. - Импортиране на съдържанието на XML база данни. + Внасяне на съдържанието от XML. Path of the XML database export. - Път на експортирането на XML база данни. + Път на изнасяне в XML. Path of the new database. @@ -6919,7 +7030,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Database created - + Базата данни бе създадена Last saved @@ -6947,7 +7058,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Number of expired entries - Брой изтекли записи + Брой записи с изтекла давност Unique passwords @@ -6967,7 +7078,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Number of weak passwords - Брой на слабите пароли + Брой слаби пароли Entries excluded from reports @@ -7034,7 +7145,7 @@ Available commands: Deactivate password key for the database to merge from. - + Изключване на използваната парола-ключ за обединяването на базите данни Only print the changes detected by the merge operation. @@ -7176,11 +7287,11 @@ Available commands: No attachments present. - + Няма прикачени файлове. Attachments: - + Прикачени файлове: Failed to open database file %1: not found @@ -7258,19 +7369,19 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) - + За да използвате okon, трябва да заредите съответния файл (например, file.okon) Could not start okon process: %1 - + Невъзможно стартиране на процес за търсене чрез okon: %1 Error: okon process did not finish - + Грешка: търсенето чрез okon не успя да завърши Failed to load okon processed database: %1 - + Неуспешно зареждане на база данни чрез okon: %1 Very weak password @@ -7294,27 +7405,27 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Password has expired - Паролата е изтекъла + Паролата е с изтекла давност Password expiry was %1 - Изтичането на паролата беше на %1 + Давността на паролата е до %1 Password expires on %1 - Паролата изтича на %1 + Давността на паролата изтича на %1 Password is about to expire - Паролата скоро ще изтече + Давността на паролата скоро ще изтече Password expires in %1 day(s) - + Давността на паролата изтича след %1 денДавността на паролата изтича след %1 дни Password will expire soon - Паролата ще изтече скоро + Давността на паролата ще изтече скоро Version %1 @@ -7366,7 +7477,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Quick Unlock - + Бързо отключване Secret Service Integration @@ -7478,7 +7589,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ChaCha20 256-bit - + ChaCha20 256 разряда Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) @@ -7494,7 +7605,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 AES-KDF (KDBX 3) - + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. @@ -7700,6 +7811,63 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Всички атрибути на записа. + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -7709,15 +7877,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Error writing to underlying device: - + Грешка при писане към основното устройство: Error opening underlying device: - + Грешка при отваряне на основното устройство: Error reading data from underlying device: - + Грешка при прочитане на данни от основното устройство: Internal zlib error when decompressing: @@ -7739,7 +7907,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetBrowserStatistics Exclude expired entries from the report - + Докладът да не съдържа записи с изтекла давност Show only entries which have URL set @@ -7763,7 +7931,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Allowed URLs - + Разрешени адреси Entry has no Browser Integration settings @@ -7771,7 +7939,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Denied URLs - + Забранени адреси (Excluded) @@ -7799,7 +7967,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 URLs - + Адреси Edit Entry… @@ -7818,7 +7986,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetHealthcheck Exclude expired entries from the report - + Докладът да не съдържа записи с изтекла давност Also show entries that have been excluded from reports @@ -8027,7 +8195,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Database created - + Базата данни бе създадена Last saved @@ -8059,11 +8227,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Number of expired entries - Брой изтекли записи + Брой записи с изтекла давност The database contains entries that have expired. - Базата данни съдържа изтекли записи. + Банката от данни съдържа записи с изтекла давност. Unique passwords @@ -8075,7 +8243,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 More than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible. - Повече от 10% от паролите се преизползват. Използвайте уникални пароли, когато е възможно. + Повече от 10% от паролите се преизползват. Когато е възможно, използвайте уникални пароли. Maximum password reuse @@ -8083,7 +8251,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Some passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible. - Някои пароли се преизползват от три пъти. Използвайте уникални пароли, когато е възможно. + Някои пароли се преизползват повече от три пъти. Когато е възможно, използвайте уникални пароли. Number of short passwords @@ -8095,11 +8263,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Number of weak passwords - Брой на слабите пароли + Брой слаби пароли Recommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'. - Препоръчваме използването на дълги, произволни пароли с оценка на "добро" или "отлично". + Препоръчваме ви да използвате дълги, произволни пароли с оценка „добра“ или „отлична“. Entries excluded from reports @@ -8247,6 +8415,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Ограничаване на търсенето до избрана група + + Save Search + Запазване на търсенето + SettingsClientModel @@ -8256,7 +8428,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 PID - + PID DBus Address @@ -8361,19 +8533,19 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Allow KeeShare imports - Разреши KeeShare импортирането + Разрешаване на внасяне с KeeShare Allow import - Разреши импортиране + Разрешаване на внасяне Allow KeeShare exports - Разреши KeeShare експортирането + Разрешаване на изнасяне с KeeShare Allow export - Разреши експортиране + Разрешаване на изнасяне Only show warnings and errors @@ -8426,11 +8598,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ShareObserver Import from %1 failed (%2) - Импортирането от %1 е неуспешно (%2) + Внасянето в %1 е неуспешно (%2) Import from %1 successful (%2) - Импортиране от %1 успешно (%2) + Внасянето в %1 е успешно (%2) Imported from %1 @@ -8446,30 +8618,53 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Export to %1 failed (%2) - Експортирането в %1 е неуспешно (%2) + Изнасянето в %1 е неуспешно (%2) Export to %1 successful (%2) - Експортиране в %1 успешно (%2) + Изнасянето в %1 е успешно (%2) Export to %1 - Експортиране в %1 + Изнасяне в %1 TagModel - - All - - Expired - + Изтекла давност Weak Passwords - + Слаби пароли + + + All Entries + Всички записи + + + Clear Search + Изчистване на търсенето + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Премахване на търсенето + + + Remove Tag + Премахване на етикета + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Потвърждаване на премахването на етикета + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Премахване на етикет „%1“ от всички записи? @@ -8484,7 +8679,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Изтича след <b>%n</b> секундаИзтича след <b>%n</b> секунди + Давността изтича след <b>%n</b> секундаДавността изтича след <b>%n</b> секунди @@ -8531,11 +8726,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Steam® settings - + Настройки на Steam® Custom settings: - + Потребителски настройки: Custom Settings @@ -8589,18 +8784,18 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP URLEdit Invalid URL - Невалиден URL + Невалиден адрес UpdateCheckDialog Checking for updates - Проверка за актуализации + Проверка за обновяване Checking for updates… - + Проверка за обновяване… Close @@ -8620,7 +8815,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP You have the latest version of KeePassXC - + Използвате последното издание на KeePassXC @@ -8643,11 +8838,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Import from 1Password - Импортиране от 1Password + Внасяне от 1Password Import from CSV - Импортиране от CSV + Внасяне от CSV Recent databases @@ -8704,7 +8899,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP General: - + Основни: Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts index 059e43dc9..aa185735a 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_cs.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Vybrat složku pro ukládání záloh + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) - + Použít alternativní metodu ukládání (může vyřešit problémy s se službami Dropbox, Google Drive, vrstvami typu GVFS, atp.) Temporary file moved into place @@ -491,6 +495,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + Pamatovat si naposledy zadanou položku po dobu: + + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color @@ -536,7 +548,7 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - + Zapnout rychlé odemykání (Touch ID / Windows Hello) Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed @@ -572,7 +584,7 @@ Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns - + Zapnout kopírování dvojklikem na sloupce s uživatelským jménem / heslem Privacy @@ -587,7 +599,7 @@ AutoType The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: - + Požadovanou posloupnost automatického vyplňování není možné použít kvůli chybě: Auto-Type Error @@ -611,7 +623,7 @@ Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } - + Zjištěna neuzavřená složená závorka – nalezen znak „{ “nebo „} navíc Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Neplatná výplň: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Záznam nemá atribut pro PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -997,11 +1013,11 @@ Chcete přenést vaše stávající nastavení nyní? Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. - + Je odpovězeno pouze položkami stejného schématu (http://, https://, …). Match URL scheme (e.g., - + Hledat shodu ve schématu URL (např., Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. @@ -1389,7 +1405,7 @@ Záložní databáze se nachází v %2 Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers. - + Klíč nebyl přeměněn. Toto je chyba – prosím nahlaste to vývojářům. Recycle Bin @@ -1425,10 +1441,6 @@ Záložní databáze se nachází v %2 Key File: Soubor s klíčem: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help Nápověda k souboru s klíčem @@ -1441,11 +1453,6 @@ Záložní databáze se nachází v %2 Hardware Key: Hardwarový klíč: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Nápověda k hardwarovému klíči @@ -1498,7 +1505,11 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - + Databáze kterou se pokoušíte otevřít byla nejspíš vytvořena v novější verzi KeePassXC. + +Je možné se pokusit se ji otevřít i tak, ale může být neúplná a uložení jakýchkoli změn může vést ke ztrátě dat. + +Doporučujeme aktualizovat vaši instalaci KeePassXC. Open database anyway @@ -1584,6 +1595,15 @@ Pokud nemáte žádný soubor, který by se zaručeně neměnil (a byl tedy vhod Select hardware key… Vyberte hardwarový klíč… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1635,7 +1655,7 @@ Pokud nemáte žádný soubor, který by se zaručeně neměnil (a byl tedy vhod Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data - + Převést původní KeePassHTTP atributy do kompatibilních uživatelsky určených dat v KeePassXC-Browser Refresh database root group ID @@ -1834,11 +1854,11 @@ Opravdu chcete pokračovat bez hesla? Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features - + Formát není možné změnit: Vaše databáze používá funkce KDBX 4 Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. - + Pokud neplánujete otevírat svou databázi i jinými programy, vždy používejte nejnovější formát. Encryption Algorithm: @@ -1910,7 +1930,9 @@ Opravdu chcete pokračovat bez hesla? You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. - + Používáte velmi vysoký počet průchodů transformace klíče s Argnon2. + +Pokud tento počet ponecháte, otevírání databáze může trvat hodiny, dny, nebo dokonce déle! Understood, keep number @@ -1929,7 +1951,9 @@ If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to o You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. - + Používáte velmi nízký počet průchodů transformace funkcí pro odvození klíče (KDF) a šifrou AES. + +Pokud tento počet ponecháte, vaše databáze nebude chráněna před útoky zkoušením hesel. KDF unchanged @@ -2005,11 +2029,11 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at Maximum number of history items per entry - Nejvyšší umožněný počet historických záznamů pro jednotlivé záznamy + Nejvyšší umožněný počet položek historie pro jednotlivé záznamy Max. history items: - Omezit počet uchovávaných předchozích verzí záznamů na: + Omezit počet uchovávaných předchozích verzí položek na: Maximum size of history per entry @@ -2094,7 +2118,7 @@ Tuto akci nelze vzít zpět. Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group - + Smazat veškeré uživatelsky určené ikony nepoužívané pro žádnou položku či skupinu Purge unused icons @@ -2106,7 +2130,7 @@ Tuto akci nelze vzít zpět. At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? - + Přinejmenším jedna z vybraných ikon je v tuto chvíli používána přinejmenším jedním záznamem nebo skupinou. Ikony všech dotčených záznamů a skupin budou nahrazeny výchozí ikonou. Opravdu chcete smazat ikony, kterou jsou používány? Custom Icons Are In Use @@ -2230,13 +2254,21 @@ Toto je nepochybně chyba, nahlaste ji prosím vývojářům. Database tab name modifier %1 [uzamčeno] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Štítky databáze - Searching… Vyhledávání @@ -2403,6 +2435,22 @@ Vypnout bezpečné ukládání a zkusit to znovu? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Uložit + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -2476,7 +2524,7 @@ Vypnout bezpečné ukládání a zkusit to znovu? Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. - + Některá z nastavení napojení na prohlížeč jsou přebita nastavením skupiny. Invalid Entry @@ -2496,7 +2544,9 @@ Všechny provedené změny byly bohužel ztraceny. An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: %1 Would you like to correct it? - + Došlo k chybě při ověřování uživatelsky určené posloupnosti automatického vyplňování: +%1 +Chcete to opravit? An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": @@ -2617,7 +2667,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. - + Pokud zaškrtnuto, záznam se neobjeví ve výkazech jako jsou Kontrola zdraví a HIBP, i když nesplňují požadavky na kvalitu. Exclude from database reports @@ -3037,7 +3087,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. - + Tato nastavení ovlivní chování skupiny pro rozšíření pro webový prohlížeč. Hide entries from browser extension: @@ -3045,7 +3095,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups - + Vyp/zap. „Skrýt položky z rozšíření pro prohlížeč“ pro tuto a podřízené skupiny Skip Auto-Submit for entries: @@ -3057,7 +3107,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Používat položky pouze se základním HTTP ověřováním se: Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3065,12 +3115,20 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Nepoužívat položky se základním HTTP ověřováním se: Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Při hledání shody vynechat dílčí doménu WWW: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3572,7 +3630,8 @@ Opravdu chcete tento soubor přidat? The attachment '%1' was modified. Do you want to save the changes to your database? - + Příloha „%1“ byla změněna. +Opravdu chcete změny ve své databázi uložit? Saving attachment failed @@ -3581,7 +3640,8 @@ Do you want to save the changes to your database? Saving updated attachment failed. Error: %1 - + Ukládání aktualizované přílohy se nezdařilo. +Chyba: %1 @@ -3876,6 +3936,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Vypnuto + + Double click to copy value + Hodnotu zkopírujete dvojklikem + EntryURLModel @@ -3983,15 +4047,15 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' - + Nepodařilo se zaregistrovat relaci na DBus v umístění „%1 Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' - + Nepodařilo se zaregistrovat položku na DBus v umístění „%1 Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' - + Nepodařilo se zaregistrovat objekt výzvy na DBus v umístění „%1“ @@ -4094,7 +4158,7 @@ Můžete zapnout službu pro stahování ikon z DuckDuckGo v sekci zabezpečení Please wait, processing entry list… - + Čekejte, zpracovává se seznam položek… Downloading… @@ -4132,7 +4196,7 @@ Můžete zapnout službu pro stahování ikon z DuckDuckGo v sekci zabezpečení Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - + Chybí databázové hlavičky Unable to calculate database key @@ -4158,7 +4222,7 @@ Pokud se toto opakuje, pak je možné, že je váš soubor s databází poškoze Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Neplatná délka kolonky hlavičky: kolonka %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found @@ -4219,7 +4283,7 @@ Pokud se toto opakuje, pak je možné, že je váš soubor s databází poškoze Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Neplatná délka kolonky hlavičky: kolonka %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found @@ -4261,17 +4325,17 @@ Pokud se toto opakuje, pak je možné, že je váš soubor s databází poškoze Invalid variant map entry name length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Neplatná délka názvu položky mapy varianty + Neplatná délka názvu záznamu mapy varianty Invalid variant map entry name data Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Neplatná data názvu položky mapy varianty + Neplatná data názvu záznamu mapy varianty Invalid variant map entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Neplatná délka hodnoty položky mapy varianty + Neplatná délka hodnoty záznamu mapy varianty Invalid variant map entry value data @@ -4291,22 +4355,22 @@ Pokud se toto opakuje, pak je možné, že je váš soubor s databází poškoze Invalid variant map UInt32 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Neplatná délka 32 bitové kladné celočíselné hodnoty položky varianty + Neplatná délka 32 bitové kladné celočíselné hodnoty záznamu varianty Invalid variant map Int64 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Neplatná délka 64 bitové celočíselné hodnoty položky varianty + Neplatná délka 64 bitové celočíselné hodnoty záznamu varianty Invalid variant map UInt64 entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Neplatná délka 64 bitové kladné celočíselné hodnoty položky varianty + Neplatná délka 64 bitové kladné celočíselné hodnoty záznamu varianty Invalid variant map entry type Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Neplatný typ položky mapy varianty + Neplatný typ záznamu mapy varianty Invalid variant map field type size @@ -4461,7 +4525,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Null entry uuid - Prázdný neopakující se identifikátor + Prázdný neopakující se identifikátor záznamu Invalid entry icon number @@ -4473,7 +4537,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 No entry uuid found - Nebyl nalezen žádný neopakující se identifikátor položky + Nenalezen žádný neopakující se identifikátor záznamu History element with different uuid @@ -4485,11 +4549,11 @@ Line %2, column %3 Entry string key or value missing - Chybí klíč nebo hodnota řetězce položky + Chybí klíč nebo hodnota řetězce záznamu Entry binary key or value missing - Chybí binární klíč nebo hodnota položky + Chybí binární klíč nebo hodnota daného záznamu Auto-type association window or sequence missing @@ -4690,7 +4754,7 @@ Pokud se toto opakuje, pak je možné, že je váš soubor s databází poškoze Invalid entry UUID field size - + Neplatná velikost kolonky UUID položky Invalid entry group id field size @@ -4795,11 +4859,11 @@ Pokud se toto opakuje, pak je možné, že je váš soubor s databází poškoze Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database. - + Vytvořte nový klíč nebo zvolte existující pro ochranu databáze. Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. - + Pozn.: NEpoužívejte soubor, který se může změnit, protože by to znemožnilo odemčení databáze! Browse for key file @@ -4845,7 +4909,7 @@ Zpráva: %2 <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> - + <p>Jako další úroveň zabezpečení je možné přidat soubor s klíčem obsahujícím náhodné bajty.</p><p>Je třeba ho uchovávat v bezpečí a nikdy ho neztratit, jinak budete uzamčeni.</p> Key files @@ -5315,21 +5379,25 @@ Opravdu chcete tento soubor použít? WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC. There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. This version is not meant for production use. - + VAROVÁNÍ: Používáte vývojové sestavení KeePassXC. +Je zde vysoké riziko poškození dat, proto udržujte zálohu svých databází. +Tato verze není určena pro produkční použití. NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC. Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes. - + UPOZORNĚNÍ: Používáte vývojové sestavení KeePassXC.0 +Očekávejte chyby a drobné problémy, tato verze je určena pouze pro účely testování. WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. - + VAROVÁNÍ: Vámi používaná verze Qt může způsobovat, že při použití klávesnice na obrazovce KeePassXC zhavaruje. +Doporučujeme použít AppImage, které je k dispozici v sekci stahování našich stránek. Restore Entry(s) - + Obnovit záznamObnovit záznamyObnovit záznamyObnovit záznamy Settings @@ -5367,6 +5435,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Chcete-li toto nastavení použít, musíte restartovat aplikaci. Chcete nyní restartovat? + + Tags + Štítky + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5403,11 +5495,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Reset - + Reset Reset any remembered decisions for this application - + Vrátit jakákoli zapamatovaná rozhodnutí pro tuto aplikaci na výchozí hodnoty @@ -5738,29 +5830,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Neočekávaný konec souboru při zápisu soukromé části klíče - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Zadání hesla se neshodují - - - Passwords match so far - Zadání hesla jsou zatím shodná - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Zobrazit/skrýt heslo (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Vytvořit heslo (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Varování: je zapnutý Caps Lock! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5939,10 +6008,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Také zvolte z: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Vynechané znaky: „0“, „1“, „l“, „I“, „O“, „|“, „ . “ - Exclude look-alike characters Vynechat podobně vypadající znaky (předejití záměně) @@ -6054,7 +6119,8 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? - + Slovník „%1“ už existuje jako uživatelsky určený. +Chcete ho přepsat? Failed to add wordlist @@ -6092,6 +6158,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Výborná + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Vynechané znaky: „0“, „1“, „l“, „I“, „O“, „|“, „ . “ + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Zadání hesla se neshodují + + + Passwords match so far + Zadání hesla jsou zatím shodná + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Zobrazit/skrýt heslo (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Vytvořit heslo (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Varování: je zapnutý Caps Lock! + + + Quality: %1 + Kvalita: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Velmi slabá + + + Weak + Password quality + Slabá + + + Good + Password quality + Dobrá + + + Excellent + Password quality + Výborná + PickcharsDialog @@ -6101,7 +6218,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. - + Vyberte znaky, které napsat, pro pohyb použijte šipky na klávesnici, Ctrl+S odešlete. Press &Tab between characters @@ -6235,7 +6352,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? URL for the entry. - URL adresa pro položku. + URL adresa pro záznam. URL @@ -6267,7 +6384,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. - + Není možné vytvořit a dotázat se na heslo naráz. Could not create entry with path %1. @@ -6315,7 +6432,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP file - + Popis umístění nástroje okon-cli pro prohledávání formátovaného HIBP souboru okon-cli @@ -6339,7 +6456,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… - + Vyhodnocování databázových záznamů vůči HIBP souboru – chvíli potrvá… Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! @@ -6347,7 +6464,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password for '%1' has been leaked! - + Otisk z hesla pro „%1“ je znám! Export an attachment of an entry. @@ -6375,7 +6492,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. - + Nezadán žádný cíl pro export. Buď použijte „--stdout“ nebo zadejte „export-file“. Could not open output file %1. @@ -6440,7 +6557,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. - + Je třeba, aby se shodovalo pouze s jedním záznamem – jinak je zobrazen seznam možných shod. Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. @@ -6453,7 +6570,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). - + Časový limit, po kterém dojde k vyčištění schránky (výchozí je %1 sekund, pokud nemá být mazáno, nastavte na 0 (nula)). Invalid timeout value %1. @@ -6632,11 +6749,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? The word list is too small (< 1000 items) - Seznam slov je příliš malý (< 1000 položek) + Seznam slov je příliš krátký (< 1000 položek) Title for the entry. - Titulek pro položku. + Titulek pro záznam. title @@ -6644,11 +6761,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Edit an entry. - Upravit položku. + Upravit záznam. Path of the entry to edit. - Popis umístění položky kterou upravit. + Popis umístění záznamu, který upravit. Not changing any field for entry %1. @@ -7172,7 +7289,7 @@ Příkazy k dispozici: Show an entry's information. - Zobrazit informace o položce. + Zobrazit informace o záznamu. Name of the entry to show. @@ -7267,19 +7384,19 @@ Zvažte prosím vytvoření nového souboru s klíčem. To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) - + Aby bylo možné použít okon, je třeba poskytnout poté zpracovaný soubor (např. soubor.okon) Could not start okon process: %1 - + Nepodařilo se spustit okon proces: %1 Error: okon process did not finish - + Chyba: proces okon nedokončen Failed to load okon processed database: %1 - + Nepodařilo se načíst okon zpracovanou databázi: %1 Very weak password @@ -7299,7 +7416,7 @@ Zvažte prosím vytvoření nového souboru s klíčem. Password is used %1 time(s) - + Heslo je použito %1 krátHeslo je použito %1 krátHeslo je použito %1 krátHeslo je použito %1 krát Password has expired @@ -7377,7 +7494,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Quick Unlock - + Rychlé odemykání Secret Service Integration @@ -7401,23 +7518,23 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 %1 week(s) - + %1 týden%1 týdny%n týdnů%1 týdny %1 day(s) - + %1 den%1 dny%1 dnů%1 dny %1 hour(s) - + %1 hodina%1 hodiny%1 hodin%1 hodiny %1 minute(s) - + %1 minuta%1 minuty%1 minut%1 minuty Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 - + Je třeba, aby knihovna botan byla ve verzi alespoň 2.11.x, v systému ale nalezena verze jen %1.%2.%3 Cryptographic libraries: @@ -7433,11 +7550,11 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode. - + SymmetricCipher::init: Neplatný režim šifry. SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2. - + SymmetricCipher::init: Neplatná IV velikost %1 pro %2. Cipher not initialized prior to use. @@ -7449,7 +7566,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 unknown executable (DBus address %1) - + neznámý spustitelný soubor (DBus adresa %1) %1 (invalid executable path) @@ -7489,7 +7606,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 ChaCha20 256-bit - + ChaCha20 256-bit Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) @@ -7505,7 +7622,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 AES-KDF (KDBX 3) - + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. @@ -7683,7 +7800,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Warning: Failed to prevent screenshots on a top level window! - + Varování: Nepodařilo se zabránit snímkům obrazovky na okn ě nejvyšší úrovně! Database password: @@ -7701,14 +7818,71 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Failed to create Windows Hello credential. - + Nepodařilo se vytvořit Windows Hello přihlašovací údaje Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. - + Nepodařilo se podepsat výzvu prostřednictvím Windows Hello. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + Pokud chcete pokračovat, připojte váš YubiKey nebo dotkněte se tlačítka na něm. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -7758,7 +7932,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data - + Zobrazit pouze ty položky, které mají v uživatelsky určených datech nastavení pro webový prohlížeč Double-click entries to edit. @@ -7794,7 +7968,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… - + Čekejte, probíhá výpočet statistik o prohlížeči… No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. @@ -7876,7 +8050,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Please wait, health data is being calculated… - + Čekejte, probíhá výpočet pro kontrolu stavu… Congratulations, everything is healthy! @@ -7900,11 +8074,11 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - Upravit položku… + Upravit záznam… Delete Entry(s)… - + Smazat záznam…Smazat záznamy…Smazat záznamy…Smazat záznamy… Exclude from reports @@ -7995,11 +8169,11 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - Upravit položku… + Upravit záznam… Delete Entry(s)… - + Smazat záznam…Smazat záznamy…Smazat záznamy…Smazat záznamy… Exclude from reports @@ -8022,7 +8196,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… - + Čekejte, probíhá výpočet statistik o databázi… Database name @@ -8169,7 +8343,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. - + Klíče zabezpečení nejsou podporovány agentem nebo není poskytovatel klíčů zabezpečení k dispozici. No agent running, cannot remove identity. @@ -8258,6 +8432,10 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Omezit hledání na označenou skupinu + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8309,15 +8487,15 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients - + Když jsou hesla použita klienty, zobrazit upozornění <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>Pokud zapnuto, jakýkoli pokus o čtení hesla je třeba potvrdit. V opačném případě, když je databáze odemčená, klienti mohou hesla číst bez potvrzování.</p><p>Tato volba pokrývá pouze přístup heslu záznamu. Klienti vždy mohou vyčíslit položky vystavené databáze a dotazovat se na jejich atributy.</p></body></html> Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients - + Potvrzovat když mají být hesla použita klienty <html><head/><body><p><span style=" @@ -8325,11 +8503,15 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">Toto nastavení nepřebije + vypnutí výzev ohledně koše</span></p></body></html> + Confirm when clients request entry deletion - + Potvrzovat, když si klienti vyžádají smazání položky <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications @@ -8341,7 +8523,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Prompt to unlock database before searching - + Před zahájením hledání se dotázat na odemknutí databáze Exposed database groups: @@ -8423,14 +8605,14 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 ShareExport Could not write export container. - + Nedaří se zapsat do exportního kontejneru. ShareImport Successful import - + Import úspěšný @@ -8470,10 +8652,6 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Vše - Expired Platnost skončila @@ -8482,6 +8660,33 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Slabá hesla + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog @@ -8538,7 +8743,7 @@ Jádro systému: %3 %4 Default settings (RFC 6238) - + Výchozí nastavení (norma RFC 6238) Steam® settings @@ -8623,11 +8828,11 @@ Příklad: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. - + Při pokusu o získání informací o aktualizaci došlo k chybě – zkuste to znovu později. <strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="">downloaded here</a>. - + <strong>Je k dispozici nová verze.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 je možné si <a href="">stáhnout zde</a>. You have the latest version of KeePassXC @@ -8692,19 +8897,19 @@ Příklad: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. - + Nepodařilo se inicializovat KeePassXC kryptografii Failed to encrypt key data. - + Nepodařilo se zašifrovat data klíče. Failed to get Windows Hello credential. - + Nepodařilo se získat Windows Hello přihlašovací údaje Failed to decrypt key data. - + Nepodařilo se rozšifrovat data klíče. @@ -8788,11 +8993,11 @@ Příklad: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP YubiKeyInterfacePCSC (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - + (PSCS) %1 [%2] Výzva-odpověď – Slot %3 The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. - + PSCS rozhraní YubiKey nebylo inicializováno. Hardware key is currently in use. @@ -8800,7 +9005,7 @@ Příklad: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. - + Nepodařilo se nalézt nebo přistoupit k hardwarovému klíči se sériovým číslem %1. Připojte ho, aby bylo možné pokračovat. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_da.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_da.ts index c0def1094..cd2bbff05 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_da.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_da.ts @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - + Din beslutning vil blive husket, så længe både den anmodende klient OG KeePassXC kører. Deny All && Future - + Afvis alle && Fremtid Allow All && &Future - + Tillad Alle && &Fremtid @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + Brug begge agenter @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Vælg mappe til lagring af sikkerhedskopier + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -274,22 +278,22 @@ On database unlock, show entries that - + Ved åbning af database, hvis punkter der have expired On database unlock, show entries that... - + er udløbet days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days - + dage will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... - + vil udløbe inden for File Management @@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - + Angiver placeringen af databasens sikkerhedskopi. Forekomster af "{DB_FILENAME}"  erstattes med filnavnet på den gemte database uden udvidelse. {TIME:<format>} erstattes med backuptidspunktet, se<format> angives til formatstrengen "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx @@ -491,6 +495,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + Gem sidste indtastede post for: + + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color @@ -536,7 +548,7 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - + Aktiver hurtigoplåsning af database (Touch ID / Windows Hello) Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed @@ -636,12 +648,17 @@ Invalid regular expression syntax %1 %2 - + Ugyldig syntaks for regulært udtryk %1 +%2 Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1415,16 +1432,12 @@ Backup database located at %2 Enter Additional Credentials (if any): - Indtast yderligere legitimationsoplysninger (hvis nogen): + Angiv yderligere legitimationsoplysninger (hvis nogen): Key File: Nøglefil: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help @@ -1437,11 +1450,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Sikkerhedsnøgle: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Hjælp til sikkerhedsnøgle @@ -1468,7 +1476,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock Database - + Lås database op Cancel @@ -1476,7 +1484,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock - + Lås op Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… @@ -1502,7 +1510,7 @@ We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. Database unlock canceled. - + Oplåsning af database annulleret Unlock failed and no password given @@ -1580,6 +1588,15 @@ Hvis du ikke har en nøglefil, bedes du lade feltet være tomt. Select hardware key… Vælg sikkerhedsnøgle... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1873,7 +1890,7 @@ Er du sikker på, du vil fortsætte uden en adgangskode? Memory usage - + Hukommelsesforbrug Parallelism: @@ -2224,13 +2241,21 @@ Det er helt sikkert en fejl. Rapportér det venligst til udviklerne.Database tab name modifier %1 [Låst] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… @@ -2277,7 +2302,7 @@ Det er helt sikkert en fejl. Rapportér det venligst til udviklerne. Expired entries - + Udløbne poster No current database. @@ -2397,6 +2422,22 @@ Så sikre gem fra og prøv igen? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Gem + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -3064,6 +3105,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3863,6 +3912,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Deaktiveret + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -5110,11 +5163,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Lock Database - + &Lås database Lock &All Databases - + Lås &Alle databaser &Title @@ -5282,7 +5335,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Clone Group... - + Klon gruppe... Clear history @@ -5352,6 +5405,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? + + Tags + + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5722,29 +5799,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Privat nøgle sluttede uventet under skrivning - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Adgangskoder matcher ikke - - - Passwords match so far - Adgangskoderne matcher indtil videre - - - Toggle Password (%1) - - - - Generate Password (%1) - - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Advarsel: Caps Lock aktiveret! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5923,10 +5977,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Udeluk tegnene: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Udeluk tegn som ligner hinanden @@ -5981,7 +6031,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Apply Password - + Anvend adgangskode Regenerate password (%1) @@ -6076,6 +6126,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Fremragende + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Udeluk tegnene: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Adgangskoder matcher ikke + + + Passwords match so far + Adgangskoderne matcher indtil videre + + + Toggle Password (%1) + + + + Generate Password (%1) + + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Advarsel: Caps Lock aktiveret! + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + Dårlig + + + Weak + Password quality + Svag + + + Good + Password quality + God + + + Excellent + Password quality + Fremragende + PickcharsDialog @@ -6307,7 +6408,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Analyze passwords for weaknesses and problems. - + Analyser adgangskoder for svagheder og problemer. Cannot find HIBP file: %1 @@ -6537,7 +6638,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Set a password for the database. - + Angiv en adgangskode for databasen. Create a new database. @@ -6924,7 +7025,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? no - + nej Number of groups @@ -6936,7 +7037,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Number of expired entries - + Antal udløbne poster Unique passwords @@ -6956,7 +7057,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Number of weak passwords - + Antal svage adgangskoder Entries excluded from reports @@ -7264,7 +7365,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Very weak password - + Meget svag adgangskode Password entropy is %1 bits @@ -7272,7 +7373,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Weak password - + Svag adgangskode Used in %1/%2 @@ -7284,7 +7385,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Password has expired - + Adgangskode er udløbet Password expiry was %1 @@ -7356,7 +7457,7 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 Quick Unlock - + Hurtig oplåsning Secret Service Integration @@ -7690,6 +7791,63 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -7843,7 +8001,7 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 Weak — consider changing the password - + Svag — overvej at ændre adgangskoden (Excluded) @@ -8033,7 +8191,7 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 no - + nej The database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk. @@ -8049,7 +8207,7 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 Number of expired entries - + Antal udløbne poster The database contains entries that have expired. @@ -8085,7 +8243,7 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 Number of weak passwords - + Antal svage adgangskoder Recommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'. @@ -8237,6 +8395,10 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Begræns søgning til den valgte gruppe + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8449,16 +8611,39 @@ Kerne: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - - Expired - + Udløbet Weak Passwords + Svage adgangskoder + + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts index 3cf2e5ea4..dd9b4a526 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_de.ts @@ -227,6 +227,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Verzeichnis für die Datensicherung auswählen + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Diese Einstellung kann nicht aktiviert werden, wenn Minimieren beim Entsperren aktiviert ist. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -331,7 +335,7 @@ Choose... - Auswählen … + Auswählen… Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) @@ -495,6 +499,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Merke den zuletzt eingegebenen Eintrag für: + + recent files + aktuelle Dateien + + + Show passwords in color + Passwörter farbig anzeigen + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -645,6 +657,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Ungültiger Platzhalter: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Eintrag hat kein Attribut für PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -733,7 +749,7 @@ Strg+4 - Virtuelle Tastatur verwenden (nur Windows)</p> Search… - Suchen … + Suchen… Type Sequence @@ -1097,7 +1113,7 @@ Möchten Sie Ihre bestehenden Einstellungen jetzt migrieren? Browse… Button for opening file dialog - Durchsuchen ... + Durchsuchen… Use a custom browser configuration location: @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Sicherungskopie der Datenbank ist in %2 Key File: Schlüsseldatei: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Zusätzlich zu einem Passwort können Sie eine geheime Datei verwenden, um die Sicherheit Ihrer Datenbank zu erhöhen. Diese Datei kann in den Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihrer Datenbank erzeugt werden.</p></p>Dies ist <strong>nicht</strong> Ihre *.kdbx-Datenbankdatei!<br>Wenn Sie keine Schlüsseldatei haben, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer.</p><p>Klicken Sie für weitere Informationen…</p> - Key file help Schlüsseldatei-Hilfe @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Sicherungskopie der Datenbank ist in %2 Hardware Key: Hardwareschlüssel: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Sie können einen Hardware-Sicherheitsschlüssel wie z. B. einen <strong>YubiKey</strong> oder <strong>OnlyKey</strong> mit für HMAC-SHA1 konfigurierten Steckplätzen verwenden.</p> -<p>Klicken Sie für weitere Informationen...</p> - Hardware key help Hilfe zu Hardwareschlüsseln @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ Wenn Sie keine Schlüsseldatei haben, lassen Sie das Feld bitte leer.Select hardware key… Hardwareschlüssel auswählen… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Zusätzlich zu einem Passwort können Sie eine geheime Datei verwenden, um die Sicherheit Ihrer Datenbank zu erhöhen. Diese Datei kann in den Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihrer Datenbank erzeugt werden.</p></p>Dies ist <strong>nicht</strong> Ihre *.kdbx-Datenbankdatei!<br>Wenn Sie keine Schlüsseldatei haben, lassen Sie dieses Feld leer.</p><p>Klicken Sie für weitere Informationen…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Sie können einen Hardware-Sicherheitsschlüssel wie z. B. einen <strong>YubiKey</strong> oder <strong>OnlyKey</strong> mit für HMAC-SHA1 konfigurierten Steckplätzen verwenden.</p> +<p>Klicken Sie für weitere Informationen…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1780,7 +1796,7 @@ Dies ist nur nötig, wenn Ihre Datenbank eine Kopie einer anderen ist und die Br DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey Add additional protection… - Zusätzlichen Schutz hinzufügen ... + Zusätzlichen Schutz hinzufügen… No password set @@ -2247,20 +2263,28 @@ Das ist definitiv ein Programmfehler, bitte benachrichtigen Sie die Entwickler.< Database tab name modifier %1 [Gesperrt] + + Export database to XML file + Datenbank in XML-Datei exportieren + + + XML file + XML-Datei + + + Writing the XML file failed + Fehler beim Schreiben der XML-Datei. + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Datenbank-Tags - Searching… - Suche … + Suche… Shared group… - Gemeinsam genutzte Gruppe ... + Gemeinsam genutzte Gruppe… Confirm Auto-Type @@ -2421,6 +2445,22 @@ Sicheres Speichern deaktivieren und erneut versuchen? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) Einträge, die innerhalb von %1 Tag ablaufenEinträge, die innerhalb von %1 Tagen ablaufen + + Searches and Tags + Suchen und Tags + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Geben Sie einen eindeutigen Namen ein oder überschreiben Sie eine bestehende Suche aus der Liste: + + + Save + Speichern + + + Save Search + Suche speichern + EditEntryWidget @@ -2965,7 +3005,7 @@ Korrigieren? Browse… Button for opening file dialog - Durchsuchen ... + Durchsuchen… Attachment @@ -3063,7 +3103,7 @@ Korrigieren? Hide entries from browser extension: - Einträge aus Browser-Erweiterung ausblenden: + Einträge vor der Browsererweiterung verstecken: Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3093,6 +3133,14 @@ Korrigieren? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Den HTTP-Authentifizierungs-Schalter nicht für diese und Untergruppen verwenden + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + WWW-Subdomain beim Abgleich weglassen: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + WWW-Subdomain aus dem entsprechenden Abgleich für diese und die Untergruppen weglassen + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3126,7 +3174,7 @@ Korrigieren? Browse… - Durchsuchen ... + Durchsuchen… Clear fields @@ -3303,7 +3351,7 @@ Unterstützte Erweiterungen sind: %1. Apply icon to… - Icon verwenden für ... + Icon verwenden für… Apply to this group only @@ -3898,6 +3946,10 @@ Fehler: %1 Disabled Deaktiviert + + Double click to copy value + Zum Kopieren des Wertes doppelklicken + EntryURLModel @@ -3929,7 +3981,7 @@ Fehler: %1 Sort entries by... - Einträge sortieren nach ... + Einträge sortieren nach… You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. @@ -4117,11 +4169,11 @@ Sie können den DuckDuckGo-Dienst im Abschnitt "Sicherheit" der Anwend Please wait, processing entry list… - Bitte warten, Eintragsliste wird verarbeitet ... + Bitte warten, Eintragsliste wird verarbeitet… Downloading… - Herunterladen ... + Herunterladen… Ok @@ -4137,7 +4189,7 @@ Sie können den DuckDuckGo-Dienst im Abschnitt "Sicherheit" der Anwend Downloading favicons (%1/%2)… - Favicons (%1/%2) werden heruntergeladen ... + Favicons (%1/%2) werden heruntergeladen… @@ -4833,7 +4885,7 @@ Falls dies wiederholt passiert, dann könnte Ihre Datenbank beschädigt sein. Browse… - Durchsuchen... + Durchsuchen… Old key file format @@ -4947,7 +4999,7 @@ Wollen Sie wirklich mit dieser Datei fortfahren? &Export - &Export + &Exportieren &Help @@ -5079,7 +5131,7 @@ Wollen Sie wirklich mit dieser Datei fortfahren? Database &Reports… - Datenbank-&Berichte … + Datenbank-&Berichte… Statistics, health check, etc. @@ -5271,7 +5323,7 @@ Wollen Sie wirklich mit dieser Datei fortfahren? Save Database Backup… - Datenbank-Backup speichern + Datenbank-Backup speichern… Add key to SSH Agent @@ -5323,7 +5375,7 @@ Wollen Sie wirklich mit dieser Datei fortfahren? Clone Group... - Gruppe klonen … + Gruppe klonen… Clear history @@ -5397,6 +5449,30 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Sie müssen die Anwendung neustarten, um diese Einstellung anzuwenden. Möchten Sie jetzt neustarten? + + Tags + Tags + + + No Tags + Keine Tags + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 Eintrag%1 Einträge + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Passwort und TOTP kopieren + + + &XML File… + &XML-Datei… + + + XML File… + XML-Datei… + ManageDatabase @@ -5511,7 +5587,7 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v NewDatabaseWizard Create a new KeePassXC database… - Neue KeePassXC-Datenbank erstellen … + Neue KeePassXC-Datenbank erstellen… Root @@ -5768,29 +5844,6 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v Unerwartetes Dateiende beim Schreiben des privaten Schlüssels - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Passwörter stimmen nicht überein - - - Passwords match so far - Passwörter stimmen überein - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Passwort umschalten (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Passwort erzeugen (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Warnung: Feststelltaste aktiviert! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5969,10 +6022,6 @@ Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das AppImage zu verwenden, das auf unserer Download-Seite v Also choose from: Auch wählen aus: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Ausgeschlossene Zeichen: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Gleichaussehende Zeichen ausschließen @@ -6123,6 +6172,57 @@ Möchten Sie diese überschreiben? Password quality Ausgezeichnet + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Ausgeschlossene Zeichen: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Passwörter stimmen nicht überein + + + Passwords match so far + Passwörter stimmen bisher überein + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Passwort umschalten (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Passwort erzeugen (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Warnung: Feststelltaste aktiviert! + + + Quality: %1 + Qualität: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Schlecht + + + Weak + Password quality + Schwach + + + Good + Password quality + Gut + + + Excellent + Password quality + Ausgezeichnet + PickcharsDialog @@ -6362,7 +6462,7 @@ Möchten Sie diese überschreiben? Evaluating database entries using okon… - Auswerten von Datenbankeinträgen mit okon ... + Auswerten von Datenbankeinträgen mit okon… Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2 @@ -6370,7 +6470,7 @@ Möchten Sie diese überschreiben? Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… - Datenbankeinträge gegen HIBP-Datei auswerten, das dauert eine Weile ... + Datenbankeinträge gegen HIBP-Datei auswerten, das dauert eine Weile… Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! @@ -7547,7 +7647,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - Zwischenablage wird in %1 Sekunde(n) gelöscht...Zwischenablage wird in %1 Sekunde(n) gelöscht ... + Zwischenablage wird in %1 Sekunde(n) gelöscht…Zwischenablage wird in %1 Sekunde(n) gelöscht… Group @@ -7741,6 +7841,64 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Bitte halten oder berühren Sie Ihren YubiKey, um fortzufahren. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Alle Eigenschaften des Eintrags anzeigen. + + + Edit a database. + Eine Datenbank bearbeiten. + + + Could not change the database key. + Datenbankschlüssel konnte nicht geändert werden. + + + Database was not modified. + Datenbank wurde nicht geändert. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Datenbank wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Laden der neuen Schlüsseldatei fehlgeschlagen: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Löscht das Passwort für die Datenbank. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Löscht die Schlüsseldatei für die Datenbank. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + %1 und %2 können nicht gleichzeitig verwendet werden. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Es können nicht alle Schlüssel aus einer Datenbank entfernt werden. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Passwort kann nicht entfernt werden: Die Datenbank hat kein Passwort. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Der Dateischlüssel kann nicht entfernt werden: Die Datenbank hat keinen Dateischlüssel. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Unerwarteter Schlüsseltyp %1 gefunden + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Legt die Schlüsseldatei für die Datenbank fest. +Diese Option ist veraltet, verwenden Sie stattdessen --set-key-file. + QtIOCompressor @@ -7824,7 +7982,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… - Bitte warten Sie, die Browser-Statistik wird gerade berechnet … + Bitte warten Sie, die Browserstatistik wird gerade berechnet… No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. @@ -7844,11 +8002,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - Eintrag bearbeiten ... + Eintrag bearbeiten… Delete Entry(s)… - Eintrag löschen...Einträge löschen ... + Eintrag löschen...Einträge löschen… Exclude from reports @@ -7930,11 +8088,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - Eintrag bearbeiten ... + Eintrag bearbeiten… Delete Entry(s)… - Eintrag löschen...Einträge löschen ... + Eintrag löschen...Einträge löschen… Exclude from reports @@ -8025,11 +8183,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - Eintrag bearbeiten ... + Eintrag bearbeiten… Delete Entry(s)… - Eintrag löschen...Einträge löschen ... + Eintrag löschen...Einträge löschen… Exclude from reports @@ -8052,7 +8210,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… - Bitte warten Sie, die Datenbankstatistik wird berechnet ... + Bitte warten Sie, die Datenbankstatistik wird berechnet… Database name @@ -8278,7 +8436,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Search (%1)… Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut - Suchen (%1) … + Suchen (%1)… Case sensitive @@ -8288,6 +8446,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Suche auf ausgewählte Gruppe beschränken + + Save Search + Suche speichern + SettingsClientModel @@ -8508,10 +8670,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Alle - Expired Abgelaufen @@ -8520,6 +8678,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Schwache Passwörter + + All Entries + Alle Einträge + + + Clear Search + Suche löschen + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Suche entfernen + + + Remove Tag + Tag entfernen + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Tag entfernen bestätigen + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Tag "%1" aus allen Einträgen in dieser Datenbank entfernen? + TotpDialog @@ -8648,7 +8833,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Checking for updates… - Nach Updates suchen ... + Nach Updates suchen… Close diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts index a1c454e62..7f8fefbc1 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_el.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Επιλογή καταλόγου αποθήκευσης αντιγράφων ασφαλείας + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Αυτή η ρύθμιση δεν μπορεί να ενεργοποιηθεί όταν είναι ενεργοποιημένη η ελαχιστοποίηση κατά το ξεκλείδωμα + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Να θυμάστε την τελευταία πληκτρολογημένη καταχώρηση για: + + recent files + πρόσφατα αρχεία + + + Show passwords in color + Εμφάνιση κωδικών πρόσβασης με χρώμα + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Μη έγκυρο σύμβολο υποκατάστασης: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Η καταχώρηση δεν έχει χαρακτηριστικό για PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: Αρχείο Κλειδί: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Εκτός από έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα μυστικό αρχείο για να βελτιώσετε την ασφάλεια της βάσης δεδομένων σας. Αυτό το αρχείο μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί στις ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας της βάσης δεδομένων σας.</p><p>Αυτό <strong>δεν</strong> είναι το αρχείο βάσης δεδομένων σας *.kdbx!<br>Εάν δεν έχετε αρχείο κλειδί, αφήστε αυτό το πεδίο κενό.</p><p>Κάντε κλικ για περισσότερες πληροφορίες...</p> - Key file help Βοήθεια για το αρχείο κλειδί @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Hardware Κλειδί: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα hardware κλειδί ασφαλείας, όπως ένα <strong>YubiKey</strong> ή <strong>OnlyKey</strong> με υποδοχές που έχουν ρυθμιστεί για HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Κάντε κλικ για περισσότερες πληροφορίες...</p> - Hardware key help Βοήθεια hardware κλειδιού @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… Επιλογή hardware κλειδιού... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Εκτός από έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα μυστικό αρχείο για να βελτιώσετε την ασφάλεια της βάσης δεδομένων σας. Αυτό το αρχείο μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί στις ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας της βάσης δεδομένων σας.</p><p>Αυτό <strong>δεν</strong> είναι το αρχείο βάσης δεδομένων σας *.kdbx!<br>Εάν δεν έχετε αρχείο κλειδί, αφήστε αυτό το πεδίο κενό.</p><p>Κάντε κλικ για περισσότερες πληροφορίες...</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα hardware κλειδί ασφαλείας, όπως ένα <strong>YubiKey</strong> ή <strong>OnlyKey</strong> με υποδοχές που έχουν ρυθμιστεί για HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Κάντε κλικ για περισσότερες πληροφορίες...</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [Κλειδωμένη] + + Export database to XML file + Εξαγωγή βάσης δεδομένων σε αρχείο XML + + + XML file + Αρχείο XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + Η εγγραφή του αρχείου XML απέτυχε + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Ετικέτες Βάσης δεδομένων - Searching… Αναζήτηση... @@ -2420,6 +2444,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) Καταχωρήσεις που λήγουν εντός %1 ημεράς(ών)Καταχωρήσεις που λήγουν εντός %1 ημεράς(ών) + + Searches and Tags + Αναζητήσεις και Ετικέτες + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Εισαγάγετε ένα μοναδικό όνομα ή αντικαταστήστε μια υπάρχουσα αναζήτηση από τη λίστα: + + + Save + Αποθήκευση + + + Save Search + Αποθήκευση Αναζήτησης + EditEntryWidget @@ -3092,6 +3132,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Μην χρησιμοποιείτε εναλλαγή HTTP Auth για αυτήν και υποομάδες + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Παράλειψη του υποτομέα WWW από την αντιστοίχιση: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Παραλείψτε τον υποτομέα WWW από την αντιστοίχιση εναλλαγής για αυτήν και τις υποομάδες + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3897,6 +3945,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Απενεργοποιημένη + + Double click to copy value + Κάντε διπλό κλικ για να αντιγράψετε την τιμή + EntryURLModel @@ -5396,6 +5448,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Πρέπει να επανεκκινήσετε την εφαρμογή για να εφαρμόσετε αυτήν τη ρύθμιση. Θέλετε να κάνετε επανεκκίνηση τώρα; + + Tags + Ετικέτες + + + No Tags + Χωρίς Ετικέτες + + + %1 Entry(s) + % 1 Καταχώρηση(εις)% 1 Καταχώρηση(εις) + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Αντιγραφή Κωδικού πρόσβασης και TOTP + + + &XML File… + &XML Αρχείο… + + + XML File… + Αρχείο XML... + ManageDatabase @@ -5767,29 +5843,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Μη αναμενόμενο EOF κατά τη σύνταξη ιδιωτικού κλειδιού - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν - - - Passwords match so far - Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης ταιριάζουν μέχρι στιγμής - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Εναλλαγή Κωδικού Πρόσβασης (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Δημιουργία Κωδικού Πρόσβασης (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Προειδοποίηση: Το Caps Lock είναι ενεργοποιημένο! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5968,10 +6021,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Επιλέξτε επίσης από: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Εξαιρούμενοι χαρακτήρες: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", ".". - Exclude look-alike characters Εξαίρεση παρόμοιων χαρακτήρων @@ -6122,6 +6171,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Εξαιρετική + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Εξαιρούμενοι χαρακτήρες: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", ".". + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν + + + Passwords match so far + Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης ταιριάζουν μέχρι στιγμής + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Εναλλαγή κωδικού πρόσβασης (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Δημιουργία Κωδικού Πρόσβασης (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Προειδοποίηση: Το Caps Lock είναι ενεργοποιημένο! + + + Quality: %1 + Ποιότητα: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Φτωχή + + + Weak + Password quality + Αδύναμη + + + Good + Password quality + Καλή + + + Excellent + Password quality + Εξαιρετική + PickcharsDialog @@ -7740,6 +7840,64 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Παρακαλώ παρουσιάστε ή αγγίξτε το YubiKey για να συνεχίσετε. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Εμφάνιση όλων των χαρακτηριστικών της καταχώρησης. + + + Edit a database. + Επεξεργαστείτε μια βάση δεδομένων. + + + Could not change the database key. + Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αλλαγή του κλειδιού βάσης δεδομένων. + + + Database was not modified. + Η βάση δεδομένων δεν τροποποιήθηκε. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Έγινε επιτυχής επεξεργασία της βάσης δεδομένων. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Η φόρτωση του νέου αρχείου κλειδιού απέτυχε: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Καταργήστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης για τη βάση δεδομένων. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Καταργήστε τη ρύθμιση του αρχείου κλειδιού για τη βάση δεδομένων. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Δεν είναι δυνατή η ταυτόχρονη χρήση %1 και %2. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Δεν είναι δυνατή η κατάργηση όλων των κλειδιών από μια βάση δεδομένων. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Δεν είναι δυνατή η αφαίρεση κωδικού πρόσβασης: Η βάση δεδομένων δεν έχει κωδικό πρόσβασης. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Δεν είναι δυνατή η αφαίρεση του κλειδιού αρχείου: Η βάση δεδομένων δεν διαθέτει κλειδί αρχείου. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Βρέθηκε μη αναμενόμενος τύπος κλειδιού %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Ορίστε το αρχείο κλειδιού για τη βάση δεδομένων. +Αυτή η επιλογή έχει καταργηθεί, χρησιμοποιήστε τον --ορισμό-αρχειού-κλειδιού. + QtIOCompressor @@ -8287,6 +8445,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Περιορισμός αναζήτησης στην επιλεγμένη ομάδα + + Save Search + Αποθήκευση Αναζήτησης + SettingsClientModel @@ -8507,10 +8669,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Όλες - Expired Έχουν λήξει @@ -8519,6 +8677,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Αδύναμοι Κωδικοί πρόσβασης + + All Entries + Όλες οι Καταχωρήσεις + + + Clear Search + Εκκαθάριση Αναζήτησης + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Κατάργηση Αναζήτησης + + + Remove Tag + Κατάργηση Ετικέτας + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Επιβεβαιώστε την Κατάργηση Ετικέτας + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Να καταργηθεί η ετικέτα "%1" από όλες τις καταχωρήσεις σε αυτήν τη βάση δεδομένων; + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts index f9edf4585..933762e96 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_GB.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Select backup storage directory + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Remember last typed entry for: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: Key File: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - Key file help Key file help @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Hardware Key: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - Hardware key help Hardware key help @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… Select hardware key… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [Locked] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Database Tags - Searching… Searching… @@ -2420,6 +2444,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) Entries expiring within %1 dayEntries expiring within %1 days + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Save + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -3092,6 +3132,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this group and subgroups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3897,6 +3945,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Disabled + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -5397,6 +5449,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? + + Tags + Tags + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5768,29 +5844,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unexpected EOF when writing private key - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Passwords do not match - - - Passwords match so far - Passwords match so far - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Toggle Password (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Generate Password (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5969,10 +6022,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Also choose from: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Exclude look-alike characters @@ -6123,6 +6172,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Excellent + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Passwords do not match + + + Passwords match so far + Passwords match so far + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Toggle Password (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Generate Password (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + Poor + + + Weak + Password quality + Weak + + + Good + Password quality + Good + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excellent + PickcharsDialog @@ -7739,6 +7839,63 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -8288,6 +8445,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limit search to selected group + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8508,10 +8669,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - All - Expired Expired @@ -8520,6 +8677,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Weak Passwords + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts index 2d0919bf9..ca8e349ab 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_en_US.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Select backup storage directory + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Remember last typed entry for: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: Key File: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - Key file help Key file help @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Hardware Key: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - Hardware key help Hardware key help @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… Select hardware key… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [Locked] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Database Tags - Searching… Searching… @@ -2420,6 +2444,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) Entries expiring within %1 dayEntries expiring within %1 days + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Save + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -3092,6 +3132,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3897,6 +3945,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Disabled + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -5397,6 +5449,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? + + Tags + Tags + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5768,29 +5844,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unexpected EOF when writing private key - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Passwords do not match - - - Passwords match so far - Passwords match so far - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Toggle Password (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Generate Password (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5969,10 +6022,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Also choose from: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Exclude look-alike characters @@ -6123,6 +6172,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Excellent + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Passwords do not match + + + Passwords match so far + Passwords match so far + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Toggle Password (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Generate Password (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + Poor + + + Weak + Password quality + Weak + + + Good + Password quality + Good + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excellent + PickcharsDialog @@ -7741,6 +7841,63 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -8288,6 +8445,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limit search to selected group + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8508,10 +8669,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - All - Expired Expired @@ -8520,6 +8677,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Weak Passwords + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts index 7d3c2689f..d541942f5 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_es.ts @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + Usar ambos agentes @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Seleccionar la carpeta de copia de seguridad + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Esta preferencia no puede ser habilitada cuando está habilitado minimizar al desbloquear. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Recordar último apunte para: + + recent files + archivos recientes + + + Show passwords in color + Mostrar contraseñas en color + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Marcador inválido: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + El apunte no tiene atributo para PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -910,7 +926,7 @@ Movidas %2 claves a datos personalizados. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - %n claves(s) movida(s) a datos propios correctamente.%n clave(s) movida(s) a datos propios correctamente. + %n claves(s) movida(s) a datos propios correctamente.%n clave(s) movida(s) a datos propios correctamente.%n clave(s) movida(s) a datos propios correctamente. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! @@ -1318,7 +1334,7 @@ Esto es necesario para conservar sus conexiones presentes del navegador. [%n more message(s) skipped] - [%n más mensaje(s) omitidos][%n más mensaje(s) descartado(s)] + [%n más mensaje(s) omitidos][%n más mensaje(s) descartado(s)][%n más mensaje(s) descartado(s)] Error @@ -1340,15 +1356,15 @@ Esto es necesario para conservar sus conexiones presentes del navegador. %n byte(s) - %n byte(s)%n byte(s) + %n byte(s)%n byte(s)%n byte(s) %n row(s) - %n fila(s)%n fila(s) + %n fila(s)%n fila(s)%n fila(s) %n column(s) - %n columna(s)%n columna(s) + %n columna(s)%n columna(s) %n columna(s) @@ -1428,41 +1444,31 @@ Respaldo de base de datos ubicado en %2 Key File: - Cerrojo: - - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Adicionalmente a la contraseña, puede usar un archivo secreto para mejorar la seguridad de su base de datos. Este archivo puede ser generado en su configuración de base de datos.</p><p>¡Este <strong>no</strong> es su archivo de base de datos *.kdbx! <br>Si no tiene un fichero clave, deje este campo vacío.</p><p>Haga clic para más información...</p> + Fichero clave: Key file help - Ayuda del cerrojo + Ayuda de fichero clave Hardware key slot selection - Selección de ranura de llave por hardware + Selección de ranura de clave hardware Hardware Key: - Llave por hardware: - - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Puede usar una llave de seguridad por hardware como <strong>YubiKey</strong> o <strong>OnlyKey</strong> con ranuras configuradas para HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Haga clic para más información...</p> + Clave hardware: Hardware key help - Ayuda de la llave por hardware + Ayuda de la clave hardware Key file to unlock the database - Cerrojo para desbloquear la base de datos + Fichero clave para desbloquear la base de datos Browse for key file - Solicitar cerrojo + Navegar para fichero clave Browse… @@ -1470,11 +1476,11 @@ Respaldo de base de datos ubicado en %2 Refresh hardware tokens - Recargar billetes por hardware + Actualizar clave hardware Refresh - Recargar + Actualizar Unlock Database @@ -1548,7 +1554,7 @@ Para prevenir que aparezca este error, debe ir a «Parámetros de base de datos Failed to open key file: %1 - Apertura del cerrojo errónea: %1 + Fallo al abrir fichero clave: %1 Old key file format @@ -1568,33 +1574,43 @@ Para prevenir que aparezca este error, debe ir a «Parámetros de base de datos Key files - Cerrojos + Ficheros clave Select key file - Seleccionar cerrojo + Seleccionar fichero clave Cannot use database file as key file - No se puede usar una base de datos como cerrojo + No se puede usar una base de datos como fichero clave You cannot use your database file as a key file. If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. - No puede usar una base de datos como cerrojo. -Si no tiene un cerrojo, deje el campo vacío. + No puede usar una base de datos como fichero clave. +Si no tiene un fichero clave, deje el campo vacío. Detecting hardware keys… - Detectando llaves por hardware… + Detectando claves hardware… No hardware keys detected - Ninguna llave por hardware detectada + Ninguna clave hardware detectada Select hardware key… - Seleccione llave por hardware… + Seleccione clave hardware… + + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Adicionalmente a la contraseña, puede usar un archivo secreto para mejorar la seguridad de su base de datos. Este archivo puede ser generado en su configuración de base de datos.</p><p>¡Este <strong>no</strong> es su archivo de base de datos *.kdbx! <br>Si no tiene un fichero clave, deje este campo vacío.</p><p>Haga clic para más información...</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Puede usar una clave de seguridad por hardware como <strong>YubiKey</strong> o <strong>OnlyKey</strong> con ranuras configuradas para HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Haga clic para más información...</p> @@ -1651,7 +1667,7 @@ Si no tiene un cerrojo, deje el campo vacío. Refresh database root group ID - Recargar la ID del grupo raíz de la base de datos + Actualizar el ID del grupo raíz de la base de datos Disconnect all browsers @@ -1723,7 +1739,7 @@ Esto puede impedir la conexión con el complemento de navegador. Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. - Correctamente borrada %n clave de cifrado de la configuración KeePassXC.Correctamente borrada %n claves de cifrado de los parámetros de KeePassXC. + Correctamente borrada %n clave de cifrado de la configuración KeePassXC.Correctamente borrada %n claves de cifrado de los parámetros de KeePassXC.Correctamente borrada %n claves de cifrado de los parámetros de KeePassXC. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? @@ -1745,7 +1761,7 @@ Los permisos para acceder a los apunte serán revocados. Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). - Permisos eliminados correctamente desde %n apunte.Permisos eliminados correctamente desde %n apuntes. + Permisos eliminados correctamente desde %n apunte.Permisos eliminados correctamente desde %n apuntes.Permisos eliminados correctamente desde %n apuntes. KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! @@ -1959,12 +1975,12 @@ Si mantiene este número, su base de datos no estará protegida de los ataques d MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) - MiB MiB + MiB MiB MiB thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) - hilohilo(s) + hilohilo(s)hilo(s) @@ -2139,7 +2155,7 @@ Esta acción no es reversible. Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - Purgado %n icono de la base de datos.Purgados %n íconos de la base de datos. + Purgado %n icono de la base de datos.Purgados %n íconos de la base de datos.Purgados %n íconos de la base de datos. @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ Esto es definitivamente un error, por favor infórmeselo a los desarrolladores.< Database tab name modifier %1 [Bloqueada] + + Export database to XML file + Exportar base de datos a archivo XML + + + XML file + Archivo XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + Escritura de archivo XML ha fallado + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Base de datos de etiquetas - Searching… Buscando… @@ -2417,7 +2441,23 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + Apuntes expirando en %1 díaApuntes expirando en %1 díasApuntes expirando en %1 días + + + Searches and Tags + Búsquedas y etiquetas + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Introduzca un nombre único o sobrescriba una búsqueda existente de la lista: + + + Save + Guardar + + + Save Search + Guardar búsqueda @@ -2562,19 +2602,19 @@ Would you like to correct it? %n week(s) - %n semana%n semanas + %n semana%n semanas%n semanas %n month(s) - %n mes%n meses + %n mes%n meses%n meses %n year(s) - %n año%n años + %n año%n años%n años %n hour(s) - + %n hora%n horas%n horas @@ -3091,6 +3131,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Interruptor para no usar Autenticación HTTP para éste y los subgrupos + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Omitir el dominio www de la coincidencia: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Omitir el dominio www de la coincidencia intercambiar para este y los subgrupos + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3345,7 +3393,7 @@ Las extensiones soportadas son: %1. Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - Cargado %1 de %n icono correctamenteCargado %1 de %n iconos correctamente + Cargado %1 de %n icono correctamenteCargado %1 de %n iconos correctamenteCargado %1 de %n iconos correctamente No icons were loaded @@ -3353,11 +3401,11 @@ Las extensiones soportadas son: %1. %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n icono ya existe en la base de datos%n iconos ya existen en la base de datos + %n icono ya existe en la base de datos%n iconos ya existen en la base de datos%n icono(s) ya existen en la base de datos The following icon(s) failed: - El siguiente icono falló:Los siguientes iconos fallaron: + El siguiente icono falló:Los siguientes iconos fallaron:Los siguientes iconos fallaron: @@ -3514,7 +3562,7 @@ Esto puede causar un mal funcionamiento de los complementos afectados. Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - ¿Desea eliminar %n dato adjunto?¿Desea eliminar %n datos adjuntos? + ¿Desea eliminar %n dato adjunto?¿Desea eliminar %n datos adjuntos?¿Desea eliminar %n datos adjuntos? Save attachments @@ -3557,6 +3605,7 @@ Esto puede causar un mal funcionamiento de los complementos afectados. No se puede abrir el fichero: %1No se pueden abrir los ficheros: +%1No se pueden abrir los ficheros: %1 @@ -3896,6 +3945,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Desactivado + + Double click to copy value + Doble clic para copiar valor + EntryURLModel @@ -4028,7 +4081,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application - %n apunte es usado por %1%n apuntes es usado por %1 + %n apunte es usado por %1%n apuntes es usado por %1%n apuntes es usado por %1 @@ -5270,7 +5323,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Save Database Backup… - Guardar Copia de Seguridad de la Base de Datos... + Guardar copia de seguridad de la base de datos... Add key to SSH Agent @@ -5358,7 +5411,7 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg Restore Entry(s) - + Restaurar apunteRestaurar apuntesRestaurar apuntes Settings @@ -5396,6 +5449,30 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Debe reiniciar la aplicación para aplicar esta configuración. ¿Desea reiniciar ahora? + + Tags + Etiquetas + + + No Tags + Sin etiquetas + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 apunte%1 apuntes%1 apuntes + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Copiar contraseña y TOTP + + + &XML File… + Archivo &XML... + + + XML File… + Archivo XML... + ManageDatabase @@ -5767,29 +5844,6 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg EOF inesperado al escribir la clave privada - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Contraseñas que no coinciden - - - Passwords match so far - Contraseñas coincidentes hasta el momento - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Intercambiar contraseña (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Generar contraseña (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Advertencia: ¡las mayúsculas están activadas! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5966,11 +6020,7 @@ Le recomendamos que utilice la AppImage disponible en nuestra página de descarg Also choose from: - También seleccionar de: - - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Caracteres excluidos: «0», «1», «l», «I», «O», «|», «﹒» + Seleccionar también de: Exclude look-alike characters @@ -6122,6 +6172,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Excelente + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Caracteres excluidos: «0», «1», «l», «I», «O», «|», «﹒» + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Contraseñas que no coinciden + + + Passwords match so far + Contraseñas coincidentes hasta el momento + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Intercambiar contraseña (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Generar contraseña (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Advertencia: ¡las mayúsculas están activadas! + + + Quality: %1 + Calidad: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Pobre + + + Weak + Password quality + Débil + + + Good + Password quality + Buena + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excelente + PickcharsDialog @@ -6373,7 +6474,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! - ¡Contraseña para «%1» ha sido filtrada %2 vez!¡Contraseña para «%1» ha sido filtrada %2 veces! + ¡Contraseña para «%1» ha sido filtrada %2 vez!¡Contraseña para «%1» ha sido filtrada %2 veces!¡Contraseña para «%1» ha sido filtrada %2 veces! Password for '%1' has been leaked! @@ -6523,7 +6624,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... - Limpiar el portapapeles en %1 segundo(s)...Limpiar el portapapeles en %1 segundo(s)... + Limpiar el portapapeles en %1 segundo(s)...Limpiar el portapapeles en %1 segundo(s)...Limpiar el portapapeles en %1 segundo(s)... Clipboard cleared! @@ -7330,7 +7431,7 @@ Considere generar un nuevo fichero clave. Password is used %1 time(s) - La contraseña es usada %1 vezLa contraseña es usada %1 veces + La contraseña es usada %1 vezLa contraseña es usada %1 vecesLa contraseña es usada %1 veces Password has expired @@ -7350,7 +7451,7 @@ Considere generar un nuevo fichero clave. Password expires in %1 day(s) - La contraseña expira en %1 díaLa contraseña expira en %1 días + La contraseña expira en %1 díaLa contraseña expira en %1 díasLa contraseña expira en %1 días Password will expire soon @@ -7422,27 +7523,27 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 over %1 year(s) - más de %1 añomás de %1 años + más de %1 añomás de %1 añosmás de %1 años about %1 month(s) - casi %1 mescasi %1 meses + casi %1 mescasi %1 mesescasi %1 meses %1 week(s) - %1 semana%1 semanas + %1 semana%1 semanas%1 semanas %1 day(s) - %1 día%1 días + %1 día%1 días%1 días %1 hour(s) - %1 hora%1 horas + %1 hora%1 horas%1 horas %1 minute(s) - %1 minuto%1 minutos + %1 minuto%1 minutos%1 minutos Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 @@ -7546,7 +7647,7 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - Limpiando el portapapeles en %1 segundo...Limpiando el portapapeles en %1 segundos... + Limpiando el portapapeles en %1 segundo...Limpiando el portapapeles en %1 segundos...Limpiando el portapapeles en %1 segundos... Group @@ -7587,12 +7688,12 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 %1 ms milliseconds - %1 ms%1 ms + %1 ms%1 ms%1 ms %1 s seconds - %1 s%1 s + %1 s%1 s%1 s Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? @@ -7600,11 +7701,11 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? - ¿Desea eliminar para siempre %n apunte?¿Desea eliminar para siempre %n apuntes? + ¿Desea eliminar para siempre %n apunte?¿Desea eliminar para siempre %n apuntes?¿Desea eliminar para siempre %n apuntes? Delete entry(s)? - ¿Eliminar apunte?¿Eliminar apuntes? + ¿Eliminar apunte?¿Eliminar apuntes?¿Eliminar apuntes? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? @@ -7612,11 +7713,11 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? - ¿Desea mover %n apunte a la papelera de reciclaje?¿Desea mover %n apuntes a la papelera de reciclaje? + ¿Desea mover %n apunte a la papelera de reciclaje?¿Desea mover %n apuntes a la papelera de reciclaje?¿Desea mover %n apuntes a la papelera de reciclaje? Move entry(s) to recycle bin? - ¿Mover el(los) apunte(s) a la papelera de reciclaje?¿Mover el(los) apunte(s) a la papelera de reciclaje? + ¿Mover el(los) apunte(s) a la papelera de reciclaje?¿Mover el(los) apunte(s) a la papelera de reciclaje?¿Mover el(los) apunte(s) a la papelera de reciclaje? Replace references to entry? @@ -7624,7 +7725,7 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - El apunte «%1» tiene %2 referencia. ¿Desea sobreescribir las referencia con valores, omitir este apunte o eliminar de todos modos?El apunte «%1» tiene %2 referencias. ¿Desea sobreescribir las referencias con valores, omitir este apunte o eliminar de todos modos? + El apunte «%1» tiene %2 referencia. ¿Desea sobreescribir las referencia con valores, omitir este apunte o eliminar de todos modos?El apunte «%1» tiene %2 referencias. ¿Desea sobreescribir las referencias con valores, omitir este apunte o eliminar de todos modos?El apunte «%1» tiene %2 referencias. ¿Desea sobreescribir las referencias con valores, omitir este apunte o eliminar de todos modos? User name @@ -7738,7 +7839,65 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. - + Conecte o toque su YubiKey para continuar. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Mostrar todos los atributos del apunte. + + + Edit a database. + Editar una base de datos. + + + Could not change the database key. + No se pudo cambiar la clave de la base de datos. + + + Database was not modified. + La base de datos no ha sido modificada. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Se ha editado correctamente la base de datos. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Carga de un nuevo archivo clave ha fallado: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Se ha quitado la contraseña de la base de datos. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Se ha quitado el archivo clave de la base de datos. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + No se puede usar %1 y %2 al mismo tiempo. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + No se puede eliminar todas las claves de la base de datos. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + No se puede eliminar la contraseña: la base de datos no tiene contraseña. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + No se puede eliminar el archivo clave: la base de datos no tiene archivo clave. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Encontrado tipo de clave inesperado %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Establece el archivo clave para la base de datos. +Estas opciones están obsoletas, use --set-key-file. @@ -7847,7 +8006,7 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)... + Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)... Exclude from reports @@ -7933,7 +8092,7 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)... + Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)... Exclude from reports @@ -8028,7 +8187,7 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)... + Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)...Eliminar apunte(s)... Exclude from reports @@ -8287,6 +8446,10 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limitar la búsqueda al grupo selecionado + + Save Search + Guardar búsqueda + SettingsClientModel @@ -8507,10 +8670,6 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Todos - Expired Expiradas @@ -8519,6 +8678,33 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Contraseñas débiles + + All Entries + Todos los apuntes + + + Clear Search + Limpiar búsqueda + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Eliminar búsqueda + + + Remove Tag + Eliminar etiqueta + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Confirmar eliminar etiqueta + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + ¿Eliminar etiqueta «%1» de todos los apuntes en esta base de datos? + TotpDialog @@ -8532,7 +8718,7 @@ Núcleo: %3 %4 Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Caduca en <b>%n</b> segundoCaduca en <b>%n</b> segundos + Caduca en <b>%n</b> segundoCaduca en <b>%n</b> segundosCaduca en <b>%n</b> segundos @@ -8756,7 +8942,7 @@ Ejemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. - No se puede encontrar la interfaz para la llave hardware con número de serie %1. Conéctela para continuar. + No se puede encontrar la interfaz para la clave hardware con número de serie %1. Conéctela para continuar. @@ -8771,15 +8957,15 @@ Ejemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Hardware key slot selection - Selección de ranura de llave por hardware + Selección de ranura de clave hardware Could not find any hardware keys! - ¡No se puede encontrar ninguna llave por hardware! + ¡No se puede encontrar ninguna clave hardware! Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! - ¡La ranura de la llave por hardware seleccionada no soporta reto-respuesta! + ¡La ranura de la clave hardware seleccionada no soporta reto-respuesta! Challenge-Response @@ -8807,11 +8993,11 @@ Ejemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Detecting hardware keys… - Detectando llaves por hardware... + Detectando claves hardware... No hardware keys detected - No se detectaron llaves por hardware + No se detectaron claves hardware @@ -8833,19 +9019,19 @@ Ejemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Hardware key is currently in use. - La llave por hardware está actualmente en uso. + La clave hardware está actualmente en uso. Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. - No se puede encontrar la interfaz para la llave hardware con número de serie %1. Conéctela para continuar. + No se puede encontrar la interfaz para la clave hardware con número de serie %1. Conéctela para continuar. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. - La llave hardware está bloqueada o expiró. Desbloque o vuelva a presentar para continuar. + La clave hardware está bloqueada o expiró. Desbloque o vuelva a presentar para continuar. Hardware key was not found or is not configured. - Llave hardware no encontrada o no configurada. + Clave hardware no encontrada o no configurada. Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 @@ -8882,19 +9068,19 @@ Ejemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Hardware key is currently in use. - La llave por hardware está actualmente en uso. + La clave por hardware está actualmente en uso. Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue. - No se puede encontrar llave por hardware con número de serie %1. Conéctelo para continuar. + No se puede encontrar clave hardware con número de serie %1. Conéctelo para continuar. Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction. - La llave por hardware expiró esperando interacción del usuario. + La clave hardware expiró esperando interacción del usuario. A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 - Ha ocurrido un error USB al acceder a la llave por hardware: %1 + Ha ocurrido un error USB al acceder a la clave hardware: %1 Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts index a151b4859..aff8404b9 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_et.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Varundamise sihtkataloogi valimine + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Kuna valitud on luku avamise järel akna minimeerimine, ei saa seda valikut sisse lülitada. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Viimati sisestatud kirjet mäletatakse: + + recent files + hiljutise faili piires + + + Show passwords in color + Paroole näidatakse värviliselt + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Vigane kohahoidja: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + PICKCHARS-automaatsisestuseks määratud atribuuti „%1” kirjes ei leidu. + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -690,7 +706,7 @@ Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on - Jada sisestamine katkestati: Caps Lock on sisse lülitatud + Jada sisestamine katkestati: suurtähelukk on sisse lülitatud Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Varuandmebaasi asukoht: %2 Key File: Võtmefail: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Lisaks paroolile saab andmebaasi turvalisuse suurendamiseks kasutada võtmefaili. Selle saab genereerida andmebaasi turvaseadetes.</p><p>See <strong>ei ole</strong> sinu *.kdbx andmebaasifail!<br>Kui andmebaasi avamiseks pole võtmefaili vaja, jäta see väli tühjaks.</p><p>Lisateabe saamiseks klõpsa.</p> - Key file help Abi võtmefailide kohta @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Varuandmebaasi asukoht: %2 Hardware Key: Riistvaraline võti: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Kasutada saab riistvaralist võtit nagu <strong>YubiKey</strong> või <strong>OnlyKey</strong>, millel on HMAC-SHA1 jaoks seadistatud pesa.</p> -<p>Lisateabe saamiseks klõpsa.</p> - Hardware key help Riistvaralise võtme abi @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ Kui andmebaasi avamiseks pole võtmefaili vaja, jäta see väli tühjaks.Select hardware key… vali riistvaraline võti… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Lisaks paroolile saab andmebaasi turvalisuse suurendamiseks kasutada võtmefaili. Selle saab genereerida andmebaasi turvaseadetes.</p><p>See <strong>ei ole</strong> sinu *.kdbx andmebaasifail!<br>Kui andmebaasi avamiseks pole võtmefaili vaja, jäta see väli tühjaks.</p><p>Lisateabe saamiseks klõpsa.</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Kasutada saab riistvaralist võtit nagu <strong>YubiKey</strong> või <strong>OnlyKey</strong>, millel on HMAC-SHA1 jaoks seadistatud pesa.</p> +<p>Lisateabe saamiseks klõpsa.</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ See on kahtlemata programmiviga – palun anna sellest arendajatele teada!Database tab name modifier %1 [lukus] + + Export database to XML file + Andmebaasi eksportimine XML-failiks + + + XML file + XML-fail + + + Writing the XML file failed + XML-faili kirjutamine ebaõnnestus. + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Andmebaasi sildid - Searching… Otsimine… @@ -2420,6 +2444,22 @@ Kas keelata turvaline salvestamine ja proovida seejärel uuesti? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) %1 päeva jooksul aeguvad kirjed%1 päeva jooksul aeguvad kirjed + + Searches and Tags + Otsingud ja sildid + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Sisesta ainukordne nimi või vali loendist ülekirjutatav otsing: + + + Save + Salvesta + + + Save Search + Otsingu salvestamine + EditEntryWidget @@ -3094,6 +3134,14 @@ isegi kui see ei vasta kvaliteedinõuetele. Märgi see ruut, kui parooli keeruku Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Lülitab HTTP lihtautentimise keelamist selle grupi ja alamgruppide jaoks. + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Vastendamisel eiratakse www-alamdomeeni: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Lülitab vastendamisel www-alamdomeeni eiramist selle grupi ja alamgruppide jaoks. + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3241,7 +3289,7 @@ Toetatud faililaiendid: %1 Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groups - Automaatsisestusfunktsiooni lülitamine selle grupi ja alamgruppide jaoks + Lülitab automaatsisestusfunktsiooni selle grupi ja alamgruppide jaoks. Notes: @@ -3265,7 +3313,7 @@ Toetatud faililaiendid: %1 Search toggle for this and sub groups - Otsingufunktsiooni lülitamine selle grupi ja alamgruppide jaoks + Lülitab otsingufunktsiooni selle grupi ja alamgruppide jaoks. @@ -3690,7 +3738,7 @@ Viga: %1 Tags - Sildid: + Sildid @@ -3899,6 +3947,10 @@ Viga: %1 Disabled keelatud + + Double click to copy value + Väärtuse kopeerimiseks tee topeltklõps + EntryURLModel @@ -5399,6 +5451,30 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Selle muudatuse rakendamiseks tuleb KeePassXC uuesti käivitada. Kas teha seda kohe? + + Tags + Sildid + + + No Tags + Silte pole + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 kirje%1 kirjet + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Kopeeri parool ja TOTP + + + &XML File… + &XML-failiks… + + + XML File… + XML-failiks… + ManageDatabase @@ -5770,29 +5846,6 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.Ootamatu faililõpp privaatvõtme kirjutamisel - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Paroolid ei kattu - - - Passwords match so far - Paroolid kattuvad - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Lülita parooli nähtavust (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Genereeri parool (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Hoiatus: suurtähelukk on sisse lülitatud! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5971,10 +6024,6 @@ Võiksid kaaluda KeePassXC allalaadimislehel oleva AppImage’i kasutamist.Also choose from: Lisamärgid: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Määrab, kas välistada märgid nagu „0”, „O”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „|”, „﹒” - Exclude look-alike characters Sarnase välimusega märgid jäetakse välja @@ -6125,6 +6174,57 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada? Password quality suurepärane + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Määrab, kas välistada märgid nagu „0”, „O”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „|”, „﹒” + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Paroolid ei kattu + + + Passwords match so far + Paroolid kattuvad + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Lülita parooli nähtavust (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Genereeri parool (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Hoiatus: suurtähelukk on sisse lülitatud! + + + Quality: %1 + Kvaliteet: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + kehv + + + Weak + Password quality + nõrk + + + Good + Password quality + hea + + + Excellent + Password quality + suurepärane + PickcharsDialog @@ -6134,11 +6234,11 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada? Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. - Vali sisestatavad märgid. Liikuda saab nooleklahvidega, Ctrl+S sisestab. + Vali vajalikud märgid. Liikuda saab nooleklahvidega, Ctrl+S sisestab. Press &Tab between characters - Märkide vahele sisestatakse &Tab + Märkide vahel „vajutatakse” &tabeldusklahvi @@ -6618,15 +6718,15 @@ Kas soovid selle üle kirjutada? Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay. - + Võtmetuletusfunktsiooni võrdlustesti läbiviimine %1 ms viivitusega. Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function. - + Võtmetuletusfunktsioonile määrati %1 teisendusraundi. error while setting database key derivation settings. - + viga andmebaasi võtmetuletusseadete määramisel. File %1 already exists. @@ -7741,7 +7841,65 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. - + Jätkamiseks viipa või puuduta oma YubiKey’d. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Kirje kõigi atribuutide näitamine. + + + Edit a database. + Andmebaasi muutmine. + + + Could not change the database key. + Andmebaasi võtme muutmine pole võimalik. + + + Database was not modified. + Andmebaasi ei muudetud. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Andmebaas edukalt muudetud. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Uue võtmefaili laadimine ebaõnnestus: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Andmebaasi parooli eemaldamine. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Andmebaasi võtmefaili eemaldamine. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Argumente "%1" ja "%2" ei saa korraga kasutada. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Andmebaasi kõiki võtmeid pole võimalik eemaldada. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Parooli pole võimalik eemaldada, kuna andmebaasile pole parooli määratud. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Võtmefaili pole võimalik eemaldada, kuna andmebaasile pole võtmefaili määratud. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Leiti ootamatu võtmetüüp: %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Andmebaasile võtmefaili määramine. +See argument on iganenud, kasuta parem "--set-key-file". @@ -8290,6 +8448,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Otsitakse ainult valitud grupist + + Save Search + Salvesta otsing + SettingsClientModel @@ -8345,7 +8507,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>Märkimisel küsitakse paroolide lugemiseks alati luba. Muul juhul pääsevad kliendid paroolidele ilma kinnituseta ligi, eeldusel, et andmebaasi lukk on avatud.</p><p>See valik puudutab üksnes ligipääsu kirjete parooliväljale ja ei piira klientide ligipääsu neile nähtavaks tehtud andmebaasides kirjete loendamiseks või kirjete muude atribuutide uurimiseks.</p></body></html> Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients @@ -8357,7 +8519,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">Selle ruudu märkimisel + pole mõju, kui prügikasti viskamisel kinnituse küsimine on välja lülitatud</span></p></body></html> + Confirm when clients request entry deletion @@ -8369,7 +8535,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>Märkimine parandab ühilduvust teatud rakendustega, + mis otsivad parooli ilma esmalt andmebaasi lukku avamata.</p><p>Samas võib see + põhjustada kliendi kokkujooksmise, kui andmebaasi lukku piisavalt kiiresti ei avata. + (Tavaline ajalimiit on 25 s, aga see võib eri rakenduste puhul erineda.)</p></body></html> + Prompt to unlock database before searching @@ -8473,7 +8643,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Import from %1 successful (%2) - Importimine asukohast %1 kenasti lõpetatud (%2) + Importimine asukohast „%1” kenasti lõpetatud (%2) Imported from %1 @@ -8481,11 +8651,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Multiple import source path to %1 in %2 - + importimise lähtekoht „%1” on määratud mitmes grupis: %2 Conflicting export target path %1 in %2 - + eksportimise sihtkoht „%1” on määratud mitmes grupis: %2 Export to %1 failed (%2) @@ -8502,10 +8672,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Kõik - Expired Aegunud @@ -8514,6 +8680,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Nõrgad paroolid + + All Entries + Kõik kirjed + + + Clear Search + Puhasta otsing + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Eemalda otsing + + + Remove Tag + Eemalda silt + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Sildi eemaldamise kinnitus + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Kas oled kindel, et tahad sildi „%1” kõigilt selle andmebaasi kirjetelt eemaldada? + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts index 181d32044..25fb2e601 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_fi.ts @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - + Valintasi muistetaan pyynnön esittäneen päätteen JA KeePassXC käyntiajan. Deny All && Future - + Estä kaikki && tulevat Allow All && &Future - + Salli kaikki && &tulevat @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + Käytä molempia agentteja @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Valitse varmuuskopion hakemistopolku + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Tätä asetusta ei voi ottaa käyttöön, kun ohjelman pienennys lukituksen avauksen jälkeen on otettu käyttöön. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Muista edellinen syötetty tietue: + + recent files + viimeisimmät tiedostot + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Virheellinen paikkamerkki: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1429,10 +1445,6 @@ Tietokannan varmuuskopio paikannettu: %2 Key File: Avaintiedosto: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Pääsalasanan lisäksi voit käyttää salaista tiedostoa tietokantasi tietoturvan vahvistamiseksi. Tämä tiedosto voidaan tarvittaessa luoda tietokantasi turvallisuusasetuksista.</p><p>Tämä salainen tiedosto <strong>ei</strong> ole *.kdbx -tietokantatiedosto!<br>Jos sinulla ei ole avaintiedostoa, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi.</p><p>Lisätietoja tästä...</p> - Key file help Avaintiedoston ohje @@ -1445,12 +1457,6 @@ Tietokannan varmuuskopio paikannettu: %2 Hardware Key: Laiteavain: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Voit käyttää laiteavainta, kuten <strong>Yubikey:tä</strong> tai <strong>Onlykey:tä</strong> HMAC-SHA1 -asetuksella olevan paikan kanssa.</p> -<p>Lisätietoja tästä...</p> - Hardware key help Laiteavaimen apu @@ -1595,6 +1601,16 @@ Jos sinulla ei ole avaintiedostoa, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi. Select hardware key… Valitse laiteavain... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Pääsalasanan lisäksi voit käyttää salaista tiedostoa tietokantasi tietoturvan vahvistamiseksi. Tämä tiedosto voidaan tarvittaessa luoda tietokantasi turvallisuusasetuksista.</p><p>Tämä salainen tiedosto <strong>ei</strong> ole *.kdbx -tietokantatiedosto!<br>Jos sinulla ei ole avaintiedostoa, jätä kenttä tyhjäksi.</p><p>Lisätietoja tästä...</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Voit käyttää laiteavainta, kuten <strong>Yubikey:tä</strong> tai <strong>Onlykey:tä</strong> HMAC-SHA1 -asetuksella olevan paikan kanssa.</p> +<p>Lisätietoja tästä...</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2245,13 +2261,21 @@ Tämä on selkeä virhe, joten ota yhteyttä kehittäjätiimiin. Database tab name modifier %1 [Lukittu] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Tietokannan tagit - Searching… Etsitään... @@ -2416,7 +2440,23 @@ Ota turvallinen tallennus pois käytöstä ja yritä uudelleen? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + %1 päivän kuluttua vanhentuva tietue%1 päivän kuluttua vanhentuva tietue + + + Searches and Tags + Haut ja tunnisteet + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Tallenna + + + Save Search + Tallenna haku @@ -2573,7 +2613,7 @@ Haluatko korjata sen? %n hour(s) - + %n tunti%n tuntia @@ -3090,6 +3130,14 @@ Haluatko korjata sen? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Älä käytä HTTP Basic -autentikaatiota tälle ryhmälle ja aliryhmille + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3895,6 +3943,10 @@ Virhe: %1 Disabled Pois käytöstä + + Double click to copy value + Tuplaklikkaa kopioidaksesi arvo + EntryURLModel @@ -5357,7 +5409,7 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme. Restore Entry(s) - + Palauta tietuePalauta tietueet Settings @@ -5395,6 +5447,30 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Ohjelma täytyy käynnistää uudelleen, jotta asetus voidaan ottaa käyttöön. Haluatko käynnistää uudelleen nyt? + + Tags + Tagit + + + No Tags + Tunnisteita ei ole + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 tietue%1 tietuetta + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Kopioi salasana ja TOTP + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5431,11 +5507,11 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme. Reset - + Nollaa Reset any remembered decisions for this application - + Nollaa tälle sovellukselle tallennetut valinnat @@ -5766,29 +5842,6 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.Odottamaton EOF yksityistä avainta kirjoittaessa - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Salasanat eivät täsmää - - - Passwords match so far - Salasanat jotka ovat tähän mennessä samoja - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Ota salasana käyttöön (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Luo salasana (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Varoitus: Caps Lock on päällä! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5967,10 +6020,6 @@ Suosittelemme, että käytät AppImagea, jonka voit hakea lataussivustoltamme.Also choose from: Valitse myös: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Poissuljetut kirjaimet: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Poissulje samannäköiset merkit @@ -6121,6 +6170,57 @@ Haluatko ylikirjoittaa sen? Password quality Erinomainen + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Poissuljetut kirjaimet: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Salasanat eivät täsmää + + + Passwords match so far + Salasanat jotka ovat tähän mennessä samoja + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Ota salasana käyttöön (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Luo salasana (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Varoitus: Caps Lock on päällä! + + + Quality: %1 + Laatu: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Huono + + + Weak + Password quality + Heikko + + + Good + Password quality + Hyvä + + + Excellent + Password quality + Erinomainen + PickcharsDialog @@ -7737,6 +7837,63 @@ Ydin: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + Jatka kytkemällä YubiKey-avaimesi tai koskettamalla sitä. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Näytä tietueen kaikki attribuutit. + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -8286,6 +8443,10 @@ Ydin: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Rajoita haku valittuun ryhmään + + Save Search + Tallenna haku + SettingsClientModel @@ -8506,10 +8667,6 @@ mutta arvo voi vaihdella ohjelmasta riippuen.)</p></body></html&g TagModel - - All - Kaikki - Expired Vanhentuneet @@ -8518,6 +8675,33 @@ mutta arvo voi vaihdella ohjelmasta riippuen.)</p></body></html&g Weak Passwords Heikot salasanat + + All Entries + Kaikki tietueet + + + Clear Search + Tyhjennä haku + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Poista haku + + + Remove Tag + Poista tunniste + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Vahvista tunnisteen poisto + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Poistetaanko tunniste "%1" tietokannan kaikilta tietueilta? + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts index ee37ee653..6d0902796 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr.ts @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ <a href="">See Contributions on GitHub</a> - <a href="">Voir Contributions sur GitHub</a> + <a href="">Voir les contributions sur GitHub</a> Debug Info @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ Deny All && Future - Tout refuser et dans le future + Tout refuser et dans le futur Allow All && &Future - Tout accepter et dans le futur + Tout accepter et dans le &futur @@ -211,20 +211,24 @@ You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now? - Pour appliquer la nouvelle langue, vous devez redémarrer l’application. Voulez-vous la démarrer maintenant ? + Pour appliquer la nouvelle langue, vous devez redémarrer l’application. Voulez-vous la démarrer maintenant ? Reset Settings? - Réinitialiser les paramètres ? + Réinitialiser les paramètres ? Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default? - Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser tous les paramètres généraux et de sécurité à leur valeur par défaut ? + Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser tous les paramètres généraux et de sécurité à leur valeur par défaut ? Select backup storage directory Sélectionner le dossier de sauvegarde + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Mémoriser la dernière entrée saisie pendant : + + recent files + fichiers récents + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 L’espace réservé est invalide : %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + L'entrée n'a pas d'attribut pour PICKCHARS : %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -838,7 +854,7 @@ Veuillez sélectionner la base de données souhaitée pour enregistrer les ident Do you want to create this group? Une demande de création d’un nouveau groupe « %1 » a été reçue. -Voulez-vous créer ce groupe ? +Voulez-vous créer ce groupe ? @@ -863,13 +879,13 @@ chrome-laptop KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? - KeePassXC : Remplacer la clé existante ? + KeePassXC : Remplacer la clé existante ? A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Une clé de chiffrement partagée nommée « %1 » existe déjà. -Voulez-vous la remplacer ? +Voulez-vous la remplacer ? KeePassXC: Update Entry @@ -877,7 +893,7 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? - Voulez-vous mettre à jour les renseignements dans %1 - %2 ? + Voulez-vous mettre à jour les renseignements dans %1 - %2 ? KeePassXC: Delete entry @@ -888,7 +904,7 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Do you want to delete the entry? Une requête pour supprimer l'entrée « %1 » a été reçue. -Voulez-vous la supprimer ? +Voulez-vous la supprimer ? @@ -911,7 +927,7 @@ Moved %2 keys to custom data. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - %n clé a été déplacée avec succès vers les données personnalisées.%n clés ont été déplacées avec succès vers les données personnalisées. + %n clé a été déplacée avec succès vers les données personnalisées.%n clés ont été déplacées avec succès vers les données personnalisées.%n clés ont été déplacées avec succès vers les données personnalisées. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! @@ -935,7 +951,7 @@ This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections. Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Vos paramètres KeePassXC-Browser doivent être intégrés aux paramètres de la base de données. Cela est nécessaire pour conserver les connexions actuelles de votre navigateur. -Voulez-vous migrer vos paramètres maintenant ? +Voulez-vous migrer vos paramètres maintenant ? @@ -1319,7 +1335,7 @@ Voulez-vous migrer vos paramètres maintenant ? [%n more message(s) skipped] - [%n autre message a été ignoré][%n autres messages ont été ignorés] + [%n autre message a été ignoré][%n autres messages ont été ignorés][%n autres messages ont été ignorés] Error @@ -1341,15 +1357,15 @@ Voulez-vous migrer vos paramètres maintenant ? %n byte(s) - %n octet%n octets + %n octet%n octets%n octets %n row(s) - %n ligne%n lignes + %n ligne%n lignes%n lignes %n column(s) - %n colonne%n colonnes + %n colonne%n colonnes%n colonnes @@ -1431,10 +1447,6 @@ La base de données de sauvegarde est située sur %2 Key File: Fichier clé : - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>En plus du mot de passe, vous pouvez utiliser un fichier secret pour améliorer la sécurité de votre base de données. Ce fichier peut être généré dans les paramètres de sécurité de votre base de données.</p><p>Il s'agit de <strong>et non</strong> de votre fichier de base de données *.kdbx !<br>Si vous n'avez pas de fichier clé, laissez ce champ vide.</p><p>Cliquez pour plus d'information…</p> - Key file help Aide fichier clé @@ -1447,12 +1459,6 @@ La base de données de sauvegarde est située sur %2 Hardware Key: Clé matérielle : - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Vous pouvez utiliser une clé de sécurité matérielle telle que <strong>YubiKey</strong> ou <strong>OnlyKey</strong> avec des emplacements configurés pour HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Cliquez pour plus information…</p> - Hardware key help Aide sur les clés matérielles @@ -1529,7 +1535,7 @@ Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead? To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password. Le déverrouillage de la base de données a échoué et vous n’avez pas saisi de mot de passe. -Voulez-vous plutôt réessayer sans mot de passe ? +Voulez-vous plutôt réessayer sans mot de passe ? Afin d’empêcher que cette erreur survienne, vous devez accéder à « Paramètres de la base de données » et réinitialiser votre mot de passe. @@ -1555,7 +1561,7 @@ Afin d’empêcher que cette erreur survienne, vous devez accéder à « Param You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database &gt; Database Security &gt; Change Key File.</strong><br> - Vous utilisez un ancien format de fichier clé que KeePassXC pourrait<br>ne plus prendre en charge à l'avenir.<br><br>Il vous est recommandé de générer un nouveau fichier clé en allant dans :<br><strong>Base de données &gt; Sécurité de la base de données &gt; Changer le fichier clé.</strong><br> + Vous utilisez un ancien format de fichier clé que KeePassXC pourrait<br>ne plus prendre en charge à l'avenir.<br><br>Veuillez envisager de générer un nouveau fichier clé en allant dans :<br><strong>Base de données &gt; Sécurité de la base de données &gt; Changer le fichier clé.</strong><br> Don't show this warning again @@ -1595,6 +1601,16 @@ Si vous n’avez pas de fichier clé, laissez le champ vide. Select hardware key… Sélectionner une clé matérielle… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>En plus d’un mot de passe, vous pouvez utiliser un fichier secret pour améliorer la sécurité de votre base de données. Ce fichier peut être généré dans les paramètres de sécurité de votre base de données.</p><p>Ce n’est <strong>pas</strong> votre fichier de base de données *.kdbx !<br>Si vous n’avez pas de fichier clé, laissez ce champ vide.</p><p>Cliquer pour plus de précisions…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Vous pouvez utiliser une clé de sécurité matérielle telle que <strong>YubiKey</strong> ou <strong>OnlyKey</strong> avec des emplacements configurés pour HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Cliquez pour plus information…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1678,12 +1694,12 @@ Si vous n’avez pas de fichier clé, laissez le champ vide. Delete the selected key? - Supprimer la clé sélectionnée ? + Supprimer la clé sélectionnée ? Do you really want to delete the selected key? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la clé sélectionnée ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la clé sélectionnée ? Cela pourrait empêcher la connexion l’extension pour navigateurs. @@ -1705,7 +1721,7 @@ Cela pourrait empêcher la connexion l’extension pour navigateurs. Do you really want to disconnect all browsers? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. - Voulez-vous vraiment déconnecter tous les navigateurs ? + Voulez-vous vraiment déconnecter tous les navigateurs ? Cela pourrait empêcher la connexion avec l’extension pour navigateurs. @@ -1722,12 +1738,12 @@ Cela pourrait empêcher la connexion avec l’extension pour navigateurs. Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. - %n clé de chiffrement a été supprimée avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC.%n clés de chiffrement ont été supprimées avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC. + %n clé de chiffrement a été supprimée avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC.%n clés de chiffrement ont été supprimées avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC.%n clés de chiffrement ont été supprimées avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? Permissions to access entries will be revoked. - Voulez-vous vraiment oublier tous les paramètres propres aux sites pour toutes les entrées ? Les autorisations d’accès aux entrées seront révoquées. + Voulez-vous vraiment oublier tous les paramètres propres aux sites pour toutes les entrées ? Les autorisations d’accès aux entrées seront révoquées. Removing stored permissions… @@ -1743,7 +1759,7 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked. Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). - Les autorisations d’%n entrée ont été supprimées avec succès.Les autorisations de ’%n entrées ont été supprimées avec succès. + Les autorisations d’%n entrée ont été supprimées avec succès.Les autorisations de ’%n entrées ont été supprimées avec succès.Les autorisations de ’%n entrées ont été supprimées avec succès. KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! @@ -1760,7 +1776,8 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked. Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. - Voulez-vous vraiment convertir toutes les données d'intégrations au navigateur au format actuel ? Ceci est nécessaire afin de préserver la compatibilité avec le module complémentaire du navigateur. + Voulez-vous vraiment convertir au format le plus récent toutes les données héritées d'intégration aux navigateurs? +Cela est nécessaire afin de préserver la compatibilité avec l’extension pour navigateurs. Refresh database ID @@ -1769,7 +1786,7 @@ This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. Do you really want refresh the database ID? This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect. - Voulez-vous vraiment actualiser l’ID de la base de données ? + Voulez-vous vraiment actualiser l’ID de la base de données ? Cela n’est nécessaire que si votre base de données est la copie d’une autre et que l’extension pour navigateurs ne peut pas se connecter. @@ -1789,7 +1806,7 @@ Cela n’est nécessaire que si votre base de données est la copie d’une autr Are you sure you want to continue without a password? AVERTISSEMENT : Vous n’avez pas défini de mot de passe. Il est fortement découragé d’utiliser une base de données sans mot de passe. -Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre sans mot de passe ? +Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre sans mot de passe ? Continue without password @@ -1844,7 +1861,7 @@ Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre sans mot de passe ? Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features - Le format ne peut être modifié : votre base de données utilise des fonctionnalités KDBX 4 + Le format ne peut être modifié : votre base de données utilise des fonctions KDBX 4 Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. @@ -1951,17 +1968,17 @@ En conservant cette valeur, votre base de données ne sera pas protégée des at Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. - Échec de transformation de la clé avec les nouveaux paramètres de fonction de dérivation de clé ; la fonction de dérivation de clé est inchangée. + Échec de transformation de la clé avec les nouveaux paramètres de fonction de dérivation de clé ; la fonction de dérivation de clé est inchangée. MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) - MioMio + MioMioMio thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) - fil d’exécutionfils d’exécution + fil d’exécutionfils d’exécutionfils d’exécution @@ -2056,7 +2073,7 @@ En conservant cette valeur, votre base de données ne sera pas protégée des at Do you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents? This action is not reversible. - Voulez-vous supprimer la corbeille actuelle et tout son contenu ? + Voulez-vous supprimer la corbeille actuelle et tout son contenu ? Cette action est irréversible. @@ -2120,7 +2137,7 @@ Cette action est irréversible. At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? - Au moins une icône de la sélection est utilisée actuellement par une entrée ou un groupe. Les icônes affectées aux entrées et aux groupes seront remplacées par l'icône par défaut. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les icônes actuellement utilisées ? + Au moins une icône de la sélection est utilisée actuellement par au moins une entrée ou un groupe. Les icônes de toutes les entrées et de tous les groupes concernés seront remplacées par l’icône par défaut. Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les icônes utilisées actuellement ? Custom Icons Are In Use @@ -2136,7 +2153,7 @@ Cette action est irréversible. Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - %n icône nettoyée de la base de données.%n icônes nettoyées de la base de données. + %n icône nettoyée de la base de données.%n icônes nettoyées de la base de données.%n icônes nettoyées de la base de données. @@ -2228,7 +2245,7 @@ C’est très certainement un bogue, veuillez le signaler aux développeurs. You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? - Vous êtes sur le point d’exporter votre base de données vers un fichier non chiffré. Vos mots de passe et renseignements délicats seront vulnérables. Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre ? + Vous êtes sur le point d’exporter votre base de données vers un fichier non chiffré. Vos mots de passe et renseignements délicats seront vulnérables. Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre ? New Database @@ -2244,13 +2261,21 @@ C’est très certainement un bogue, veuillez le signaler aux développeurs.Database tab name modifier %1 [verrouillé] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Mots-clefs de la base de données - Searching… Recherche... @@ -2265,15 +2290,15 @@ C’est très certainement un bogue, veuillez le signaler aux développeurs. Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? - Effectuer la saisie automatique dans la précédente fenêtre active ? + Effectuer la saisie automatique dans la fenêtre active précédemment ? Execute command? - Exécuter la commande ? + Exécuter la commande ? Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br> - Voulez-vous vraiment exécuter la commande suivante ?<br><br>%1<br> + Voulez-vous vraiment exécuter la commande suivante ?<br><br>%1<br> Remember my choice @@ -2285,15 +2310,15 @@ C’est très certainement un bogue, veuillez le signaler aux développeurs. Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer définitivement le groupe « %1 » ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer définitivement le groupe « %1 » ? Move group to recycle bin? - Déplacer le groupe vers la corbeille ? + Déplacer le groupe vers la corbeille ? Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin? - Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer le groupe « %1 » vers la corbeille ? + Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer le groupe « %1 » vers la corbeille ? Expired entries @@ -2325,27 +2350,27 @@ C’est très certainement un bogue, veuillez le signaler aux développeurs. Lock Database? - Verrouiller la base de données ? + Verrouiller la base de données ? You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? - Vous êtes en train de modifier une entrée. Abandonner les changements et la verrouiller quand même ? + Vous êtes en train de modifier une entrée. Abandonner les changements et la verrouiller quand même ? "%1" was modified. Save changes? « %1 » a été modifié. -Enregistrer les changements ? +Enregistrer les changements ? Database was modified. Save changes? La base de données a été modifiée. -Enregistrer les changements ? +Enregistrer les changements ? Save changes? - Enregistrer les changements ? + Enregistrer les changements ? File has changed @@ -2353,7 +2378,7 @@ Enregistrer les changements ? The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? - Le fichier de la base de données a été modifié. Voulez-vous le recharger ? + Le fichier de la base de données a été modifié. Voulez-vous le recharger ? Merge Request @@ -2363,7 +2388,7 @@ Enregistrer les changements ? The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. Do you want to merge your changes? Le fichier de la base de données a été modifié et vos changements ne sont pas enregistrés. -Voulez-vous fusionner vos changements ? +Voulez-vous fusionner vos changements ? Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload. @@ -2373,13 +2398,13 @@ Erreur : % 1 Disable safe saves? - Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés ? + Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés ? KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file. Disable safe saves and try again? KeePassXC n’a pas réussi à enregistrer la base de données à plusieurs reprises. Le fichier à enregistrer est probablement verrouillé par les services de synchronisation de fichiers. -Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ? +Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ? Writing the database failed: %1 @@ -2403,11 +2428,11 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ? Empty recycle bin? - Vider la corbeille ? + Vider la corbeille ? Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? - Voulez-vous vraiment vider définitivement la corbeille ? + Voulez-vous vraiment vider définitivement la corbeille ? Could not find database file: %1 @@ -2415,7 +2440,23 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - Entrées expirant dans %1 jourEntrées expirant dans %1 jours + Entrées expirant dans %1 jourEntrées expirant dans %1 joursEntrées expirant dans %1 jours + + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Enregistrer + + + Save Search + @@ -2450,7 +2491,7 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer ? Are you sure you want to remove this URL? - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette URL ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette URL ? Properties @@ -2512,15 +2553,15 @@ Malheureusement, les changements effectués ont été perdus. Would you like to correct it? Une erreur est survenue lors de la validation de la séquence personnalisée de saisie automatique : %1 -La corriger ? +Voulez-vous la corriger ? An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": %2 Would you like to correct it? - Une erreur est survenue lors de la validation de la séquence de saisie automatique pour « %1 » : + Une erreur est survenue lors de la validation de la séquence de saisie automatique pour « %1 » : %2 -La corriger ? +Voulez-vous la corriger ? Entry updated successfully. @@ -2532,7 +2573,7 @@ La corriger ? Would you like to save changes to this entry? - Voulez-vous enregistrer les changements de cette entrée ? + Voulez-vous enregistrer les changements de cette entrée ? New attribute @@ -2544,7 +2585,7 @@ La corriger ? Are you sure you want to remove this attribute? - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet attribut ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet attribut ? Reveal @@ -2560,19 +2601,19 @@ La corriger ? %n week(s) - %n semaine%n semaines + %n semaine%n semaines%n semaines %n month(s) - %n mois%n mois + %n mois%n mois%n mois %n year(s) - % an%n ans + %n an%n d’années%n ans %n hour(s) - %n heure%n heure + %n heure%n heure%n heure @@ -2905,11 +2946,11 @@ La corriger ? Tags: - Mots-clefs : + Étiquettes : Tags list - Liste de mots-clefs + Liste d’étiquettes @@ -3089,6 +3130,14 @@ La corriger ? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Ne pas utiliser l'authentification HTTP standard pour ce groupe et ses sous-groupes + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Ignorer le sous-domaine WWW dans la correspondance : + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Ignorer le sous-domaine WWW dans la correspondance pour celle-ci et ses sous-groupes + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3342,7 +3391,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - %1 icône d’un total de %n a été chargée avec succès%1 icônes d’un total de %n ont été chargées avec succès + %1 icône d’un total de %n a été chargée avec succès%1 icônes d’un total de %n ont été chargées avec succès%1 icônes d’un total de %n ont été chargées avec succès No icons were loaded @@ -3350,11 +3399,11 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n icône existe déjà dans la base de données%n icônes existent déjà dans la base de données + %n icône existe déjà dans la base de données%n icônes existent déjà dans la base de données%n icônes existent déjà dans la base de données The following icon(s) failed: - Échec de l’icône suivante :Échec des icônes suivantes : + Échec de l’icône suivante :Échec des icônes suivantes :Échec des icônes suivantes : @@ -3409,12 +3458,12 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Delete plugin data? - Supprimer les données de l’extension ? + Supprimer les données de l’extension ? Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data? This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les données d’extension sélectionnées ? Cela pourrait entraîner un mauvais fonctionnement des extensions touchées. + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les données d’extension sélectionnées ? Cela pourrait entraîner un mauvais fonctionnement des extensions concernées. Key @@ -3510,7 +3559,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichier joint ?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichiers joints ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichier joint ?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichiers joints ?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichiers joints ? Save attachments @@ -3524,7 +3573,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment? - Voulez-vous vraiment remplacer le fichier existant « %1 » par le fichier joint ? + Voulez-vous vraiment remplacer le fichier existant « %1 » par le fichier joint ? Confirm overwrite @@ -3553,17 +3602,18 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. %1 Impossible d’ouvrir le fichier : %1Impossible d’ouvrir les fichiers : +%1Impossible d’ouvrir les fichiers : %1 Confirm Overwrite Attachment - Confirmer l'écrasement de la pièce jointe + Confirmer l’écrasement du fichier joint Attachment "%1" already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? - La pièce jointe "%1" existe déjà. -Voulez-vous écraser la pièce jointe existante ? + Le fichier joint « %1 » existe déjà. +Voulez-vous écraser le fichier joint existant ? Confirm Attachment @@ -3577,26 +3627,26 @@ Are you sure to add this file? %1 est un gros fichier (%2 Mo). Votre base de données pourrait prendre de l’ampleur et réduire les performances. -Voulez-vous vraiment ajouter ce fichier ? +Voulez-vous vraiment ajouter ce fichier ? Attachment modified - Pièce jointe modifiée + La pièce jointe a été modifiée The attachment '%1' was modified. Do you want to save the changes to your database? - La pièce jointe « %1 » a été modifiée. -Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications dans votre base de données ? + Le fichier joint « %1 » a été modifié. +Voulez-vous enregistrer les changements dans votre base de données ? Saving attachment failed - Échec lors de l'enregistrement de la pièce jointe + Échec d'enregistrement du fichier joint Saving updated attachment failed. Error: %1 - Échec lors de l'enregistrement de la mise à jour de la pièce jointe. + Échec d’enregistrement du fichier joint mis à jour. Erreur : %1 @@ -3683,7 +3733,7 @@ Erreur : %1 Tags - Mots-clefs : + Étiquettes @@ -3822,11 +3872,11 @@ Erreur : %1 Tags - Mots-clefs : + Étiquettes Tags list - Liste de mots-clefs + Liste d’étiquettes Username @@ -3892,6 +3942,10 @@ Erreur : %1 Disabled Désactivé + + Double click to copy value + Double-cliquer pour copier la valeur + EntryURLModel @@ -3929,8 +3983,8 @@ Erreur : %1 You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! - Vous êtes sur le point d'exporter votre base de données vers un fichier non crypté. -Vos mots de passe de données sensibles seront vulnérables ! + Vous êtes sur le point d’exporter votre base de données vers un fichier non chiffré. +Cela rendra vos mots de passe et données sensibles vulnérables ! database order @@ -4023,7 +4077,7 @@ Vos mots de passe de données sensibles seront vulnérables ! %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application - %n entrée était utilisée par %1%n entrées étaient utilisées par %1 + %n entrée était utilisée par %1%n entrées étaient utilisées par %1%n entrées étaient utilisées par %1 @@ -4094,7 +4148,7 @@ Vos mots de passe de données sensibles seront vulnérables ! Having trouble downloading icons? You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings. - Des problèmes pour télécharger les icônes ? + Des problèmes pour télécharger les icônes ? Vous pouvez activer le service d’icônes de sites Web de DuckDuckGo dans la section sécurité des paramètres de l’application. @@ -4907,7 +4961,7 @@ Message : %2 The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever. Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Le fichier clé sélectionné semble être un fichier de base de données de mots de passe. Un fichier clé doit être un fichier statique qui ne change jamais ou vous perdrez irrémédiablement l’accès à votre base de données. -Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre avec ce fichier ? +Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre avec ce fichier ? @@ -5335,8 +5389,9 @@ Voulez-vous vraiment poursuivre avec ce fichier ? WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC. There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. This version is not meant for production use. - ATTENTION : vous utilisez une version instable de KeePassXC. -Il existe un risque important de dysfonctionnement. Effectuez régulièrement une copie de sécurité de vos bases de données. Cette version n'est pas destinée à une utilisation régulière. + AVERTISSEMENT : vous utilisez une version instable de KeePassXC. +Le risque de corruption est élevé. Conservez une sauvegarde de vos bases de données. +Cette version ne devrait pas être utilisée en production. NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC. @@ -5347,12 +5402,12 @@ Mise à part certains bogues et dysfonctionnements mineurs, cette version est de WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. - ATTENTION : votre version de Qt peut entraîner un plantage avec un clavier virtuel. -Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page de téléchargements. + AVERTISSEMENT : votre version de Qt pourrait entraîner le plantage de KeePassXC avec un clavier virtuel. +Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser l’AppImage proposée sur notre page de téléchargement. Restore Entry(s) - Restaurer l’entréeRestaurer les entrées + Restaurer l’entréeRestaurer les entréesRestaurer les entrées Settings @@ -5360,11 +5415,11 @@ Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page Check for updates on startup? - Vérifier la présence de mises à jour au démarrage ? + Vérifier la présence de mises à jour au démarrage ? Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup? - Voulez-vous que KeePassXC vérifie la présence de mises à jour au démarrage ? + Voulez-vous que KeePassXC vérifie la présence de mises à jour au démarrage ? You can always check for updates manually from the application menu. @@ -5384,11 +5439,35 @@ Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page Restart Application? - Redémarrer l’application ? + Redémarrer l’application ? You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? - Pour appliquer ce paramètre, vous devez redémarrer l’application. Voulez-vous la démarrer maintenant ? + Pour appliquer ce paramètre, vous devez redémarrer l’application. Voulez-vous la démarrer maintenant ? + + + Tags + Étiquettes + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + @@ -5722,7 +5801,7 @@ Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? - Échec de déchiffrement. La phrase de passe est-elle erronée ? + Échec de déchiffrement. La phrase de passe est-elle erronée ? Unexpected EOF while reading key @@ -5761,29 +5840,6 @@ Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page Fin de fichier inattendue lors de l’écriture de la clé privée - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas - - - Passwords match so far - Les mots de passe correspondent jusqu’à présent - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Activer ou désactiver le mot de passe (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Générer un mot de passe (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Avertissement: Les majuscules sont verrouillées - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5962,10 +6018,6 @@ Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page Also choose from: Choisir aussi parmi : - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Les caractères exclus sont : « 0 », « 1 », « l », « I », « O », « | », « . » - Exclude look-alike characters Exclure les caractères qui se ressemblent @@ -6052,7 +6104,7 @@ Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la liste de mots "%1"? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la liste de mots « %1 » ? Failed to delete wordlist @@ -6072,13 +6124,13 @@ Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser l'AppImage disponible sur notre page Overwrite Wordlist? - Écraser la liste de mots ? + Écraser la liste de mots ? Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? - La liste de mots "%1" existe déjà comme une liste personnalisée. -Voulez-vous la remplacer ? + La liste de mots « %1 » existe déjà en tant que liste personnalisée. +Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Failed to add wordlist @@ -6116,6 +6168,57 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Password quality Excellent + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Les caractères exclus sont : « 0 », « 1 », « l », « I », « O », « | », « . » + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas + + + Passwords match so far + Les mots de passe correspondent jusqu’à présent + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Activer ou désactiver le mot de passe (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Générer un mot de passe (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Avertissement : verrouillage majuscules activé ! + + + Quality: %1 + Qualité : %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Pauvre + + + Weak + Password quality + Faible + + + Good + Password quality + Bon + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excellent + PickcharsDialog @@ -6367,27 +6470,27 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! - Le mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 foisLe mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 fois + Le mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 foisLe mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 foisLe mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 fois Password for '%1' has been leaked! - Le mot de passe pour « %1 » a été compromis ! + Le mot de passe de « %1 » a été divulgué ! Export an attachment of an entry. - Exporter une pièce jointe d'une entrée + Exporter un fichier joint d’une entrée. Path of the entry with the target attachment. - Chemin d'accès d'une entrée avec la cible jointe. + Chemin de l’entrée avec le fichier joint cible. Name of the attachment to be exported. - Nom de la pièce jointe à exporter. + Nom du fichier joint à exporter. Path to which the attachment should be exported. - Chemin d'accès vers lequel la pièce jointe doit être exportée. + Chemin dans lequel le fichier joint devrait être exporté. Could not find entry with path %1. @@ -6395,7 +6498,7 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Could not find attachment with name %1. - Impossible de trouver la pièce jointe portant le nom %1. + Impossible de trouver le fichier joint nommé %1. No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. @@ -6407,15 +6510,15 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. - Export réussi la pièce jointe %1 de l'entrée %2 vers %3. + Le fichier joint %1 de l'entrée %2 a été exporté avec succès dans %3. Overwrite existing attachments. - Écraser les pièces jointes existantes. + Écraser les fichiers joints existants. Imports an attachment to an entry. - Importe une pièce jointe dans une entrée. + Importe un fichier joint dans une entrée. Path of the entry. @@ -6423,35 +6526,35 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Name of the attachment to be added. - Nom de la pièce jointe à ajouter. + Nom du fichier joint à ajouter. Path of the attachment to be imported. - Chemin d'accès de la pièce jointe à ajouter. + Chemin du fichier joint à importer. Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. - La pièce jointe %1 existe déjà pour l'entrée %2. + Le fichier joint %1 existe déjà pour l’entrée %2. Could not open attachment file %1. - Impossible d'ouvrir la pièce jointe %1. + Impossible d’ouvrir le fichier joint %1. Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. - Import réussi de la pièce jointe %1 comme %2 vers l'entrée %3. + Le fichier joint %1 a été importé avec succès en tant que %2 dans l’entrée %3. Remove an attachment of an entry. - Supprimer une pièce jointe d'une entrée. + Supprimer un fichier joint d’une entrée. Name of the attachment to be removed. - Nom de la pièce jointe à supprimer. + Nom du fichier joint à supprimer. Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. - Suppression réussie de la pièce jointe %1 de l'entrée %2. + Le fichier joint %1 a été supprimé avec succès de l’entrée %2. Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. @@ -6517,7 +6620,7 @@ Voulez-vous la remplacer ? Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... - Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 seconde…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes… + Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 seconde…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes… Clipboard cleared! @@ -7184,7 +7287,7 @@ Commandes proposées : Show the attachments of the entry. - Voir les pièces jointes d'une entrée. + Afficher les fichiers joints de l’entrée. Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. @@ -7208,11 +7311,11 @@ Commandes proposées : No attachments present. - Pas de pièces jointes présentes. + Il n’y a aucun fichier joint. Attachments: - Pièces jointes : + Fichiers joints : Failed to open database file %1: not found @@ -7257,7 +7360,7 @@ Veuillez envisager de générer un nouveau fichier clé. Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]: - Voulez-vous créer une base de données avec un mot de passe vide ? [o/N] : + Voulez-vous créer une base de données avec un mot de passe vide ? [o/N] : Repeat password: @@ -7323,7 +7426,7 @@ Veuillez envisager de générer un nouveau fichier clé. Password is used %1 time(s) - Le mot de passe est utilisé %1 foisLe mot de passe est utilisé %1 fois + Le mot de passe est utilisé %1 foisLe mot de passe est utilisé %1 foisLe mot de passe est utilisé %1 fois Password has expired @@ -7343,7 +7446,7 @@ Veuillez envisager de générer un nouveau fichier clé. Password expires in %1 day(s) - Le mot de passe expire dans %1 jourLe mot de passe expire dans %1 jours + Le mot de passe expire dans %1 jourLe mot de passe expire dans %1 joursLe mot de passe expire dans %1 jours Password will expire soon @@ -7415,27 +7518,27 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 over %1 year(s) - plus de %1 anplus de %1 ans + plus de %1 anplus de %1 ansplus de %1 ans about %1 month(s) - environ %1 moisenviron %1 mois + environ %1 moisenviron %1 moisenviron %1 mois %1 week(s) - %1 semaine%1 semaines + %1 semaine%1 semaines%1 semaines %1 day(s) - %1 jour%1 jours + %1 jour%1 jours%1 jours %1 hour(s) - %1 heure%1 heures + %1 heure%1 heures%1 heures %1 minute(s) - %1 minute%1 minutes + %1 minute%1 minutes%1 minutes Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 @@ -7539,7 +7642,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 seconde…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes… + Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 seconde…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes… Group @@ -7580,44 +7683,44 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 %1 ms milliseconds - %1 ms%1 ms + %1 ms%1 ms%1 ms %1 s seconds - %1 s%1 s + %1 s%1 s%1 s Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? - Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer définitivement l’entrée « %1 » ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l’entrée « %1 » définitivement ? Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? - Voulez-vous vraiment définitivement supprimer % entrée ?Voulez-vous vraiment définitivement supprimer % entrées ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n entrée définitivement ?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n d’entrées définitivement ?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n entrées définitivement ? Delete entry(s)? - Supprimer l’entrée ?Supprimer les entrées ? + Supprimer l’entrée ?Supprimer les entrées ?Supprimer les entrées ? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? - Souhaitez-vous vraiment déplacer l’entrée « %1 » vers la corbeille ? + Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer l’entrée « %1 » vers la corbeille ? Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? - Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer %n entrée à la corbeille ?Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer %n entrées à la corbeille ? + Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer %n entrée vers la corbeille ?Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer %n entrées vers la corbeille ?Voulez-vous vraiment déplacer %n entrées vers la corbeille ?1 Move entry(s) to recycle bin? - Déplacer l’entrée vers la corbeille ?Déplacer les entrées vers la corbeille ? + Déplacer l’entrée vers la corbeille ?Déplacer les entrées vers la corbeille ?Déplacer les entrées vers la corbeille ? Replace references to entry? - Remplacer les références vers l’entrée ? + Remplacer les références vers l’entrée ? Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - L’entrée « %1  » à %2 référence. Voulez-vous la remplacer par la valeur, ignorer cette entrée ou la supprimer quand même ?L’entrée « %1  » à %2 références. Voulez-vous les remplacer par les valeurs, ignorer cette entrée ou la supprimer quand même ? + L’entrée « %1  » à %2 référence. Voulez-vous la remplacer par la valeur, ignorer cette entrée ou la supprimer quand même ?L’entrée « %1  » à %2 références. Voulez-vous les remplacer par les valeurs, ignorer cette entrée ou la supprimer quand même ?L’entrée « %1  » à %2 références. Voulez-vous les remplacer par les valeurs, ignorer cette entrée ou la supprimer quand même ? User name @@ -7705,7 +7808,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Warning: Failed to prevent screenshots on a top level window! - Attention  : impossible d'empêcher les captures d'écran sur une fenêtre de niveau supérieur ! + Avertissement  : impossible d’empêcher les captures d’écran sur une fenêtre de niveau supérieur ! Database password: @@ -7731,6 +7834,63 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + Veuillez présenter ou toucher votre YubiKey pour continuer… + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -7840,7 +8000,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Supprimer l’entrée ?Supprimer les entrées ? + Supprimer l’entrée…Supprimer les entrées…Supprimer les entrées1… Exclude from reports @@ -7926,7 +8086,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Supprimer l’entrée ?Supprimer les entrées ? + Supprimer l’entrée…Supprimer les entrées…Supprimer les entrées… Exclude from reports @@ -8021,7 +8181,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Supprimer l’entrée ?Supprimer les entrées ? + Supprimer l’entrée…Supprimer les entrées…Supprimer les entrées… Exclude from reports @@ -8280,6 +8440,10 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limiter la recherche au groupe sélectionné + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8349,9 +8513,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color - Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">Ce paramètre - n'outrepasse pas la désactivation des invites de la corbeille</span></p></body></html> - + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">Ce paramètre ne remplace pas les invites de désactivation de la corbeille</span></p></body></html> Confirm when clients request entry deletion @@ -8391,7 +8553,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section. - Enregistrer les changements actuels pour activer le greffon et permettre la modification de cette section. + Enregistrer les changements actuels pour activer l’extension et permettre la modification de cette section. @@ -8500,10 +8662,6 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Tous - Expired Expirés @@ -8512,6 +8670,33 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Weak Passwords Mots de passe faibles + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog @@ -8525,7 +8710,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Expire dans <b>%n</b> secondeExpire dans <b>%n</b> secondes + Expire dans <b>%n</b> secondeExpire dans <b>%n</b> secondesExpire dans <b>%n</b> secondes @@ -8623,7 +8808,7 @@ Exemple : JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Are you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry? - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les paramètres TOTP pour cette entrée ? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les paramètres TOTP pour cette entrée ? diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts index 837eefc61..29a81c80d 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_fr_CA.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -642,6 +654,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -902,7 +918,7 @@ Moved %2 keys to custom data. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - %n clé a été déplacée avec succès vers les données personnalisées.%n clés ont été déplacées avec succès vers les données personnalisées. + %n clé a été déplacée avec succès vers les données personnalisées.%n clés ont été déplacées avec succès vers les données personnalisées.%n clés ont été déplacées avec succès vers les données personnalisées. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! @@ -1310,7 +1326,7 @@ Voulez-vous migrer vos paramètres maintenant ? [%n more message(s) skipped] - [%n autre message a été ignoré][%n autres messages ont été ignorés] + [%n autre message a été ignoré][%n autres messages ont été ignorés][%n autres messages ont été ignorés] Error @@ -1332,15 +1348,15 @@ Voulez-vous migrer vos paramètres maintenant ? %n byte(s) - %n octet%n octets + %n octet%n octets%n octets %n row(s) - %n ligne%n lignes + %n ligne%n lignes%n lignes %n column(s) - %n colonne%n colonnes + %n colonne%n colonnes%n colonnes @@ -1422,10 +1438,6 @@ La base de données de sauvegarde est située sur %2 Key File: Fichier clé : - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help Aide fichier clé @@ -1438,11 +1450,6 @@ La base de données de sauvegarde est située sur %2 Hardware Key: Clé matérielle : - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Aide sur les clés matérielles @@ -1581,6 +1588,15 @@ Si vous n’avez pas de fichier clé, laissez le champ vide. Select hardware key… Sélectionner une clé matérielle… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1708,7 +1724,7 @@ Cela pourrait empêcher la connexion avec l’extension pour navigateurs. Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. - %n clé de chiffrement a été supprimée avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC.%n clés de chiffrement ont été supprimées avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC. + %n clé de chiffrement a été supprimée avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC.%n clés de chiffrement ont été supprimées avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC.%n clés de chiffrement ont été supprimées avec succès des paramètres de KeePassXC. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? @@ -1729,7 +1745,7 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked. Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). - Les autorisations d’%n entrée ont été supprimées avec succès.Les autorisations de ’%n entrées ont été supprimées avec succès. + Les autorisations d’%n entrée ont été supprimées avec succès.Les autorisations de ’%n entrées ont été supprimées avec succès.Les autorisations de ’%n entrées ont été supprimées avec succès. KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! @@ -1938,12 +1954,12 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) - MioMio + MioMioMio thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) - fil d’exécutionfils d’exécution + fil d’exécutionfils d’exécutionfils d’exécution @@ -2118,7 +2134,7 @@ Cette action est irréversible. Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - + @@ -2226,13 +2242,21 @@ C’est très certainement un bogue, veuillez le signaler aux développeurs.Database tab name modifier %1 [verrouillé] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… @@ -2397,7 +2421,23 @@ Désactiver les enregistrements sécurisés et réessayer? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + + + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Enregistrer + + + Save Search + @@ -2538,19 +2578,19 @@ Would you like to correct it? %n week(s) - %n semaine%n semaine(s) + %n semaine%n semaine(s)%n semaine(s) %n month(s) - %n mois%n mois + %n mois%n mois%n mois %n year(s) - % an%n an(s) + % an%n an(s)%n an(s) %n hour(s) - + @@ -3067,6 +3107,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3320,7 +3368,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - %1 icône d’un total de %n a été chargée avec succès%1 icône(s) d’un total de %n ont été chargées avec succès + %1 icône d’un total de %n a été chargée avec succès%1 icône(s) d’un total de %n ont été chargées avec succès%1 icône(s) d’un total de %n ont été chargées avec succès No icons were loaded @@ -3328,11 +3376,11 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n icône existe déjà dans la base de données%n icônes existent déjà dans la base de données + %n icône existe déjà dans la base de données%n icônes existent déjà dans la base de données%n icônes existent déjà dans la base de données The following icon(s) failed: - Échec de l’icône suivante :Échec des icônes suivantes : + Échec de l’icône suivante :Échec des icônes suivantes :Échec des icônes suivantes : @@ -3488,7 +3536,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichier joint ?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichier(s) joint(s)? + Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichier joint ?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichier(s) joint(s)?Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %n fichier(s) joint(s)? Save attachments @@ -3531,6 +3579,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. %1 Impossible d’ouvrir le fichier : %1Impossible d’ouvrir les fichiers : +%1Impossible d’ouvrir les fichiers : %1 @@ -3867,6 +3916,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Désactivé + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -3997,7 +4050,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application - %n entrée était utilisée par %1%n entrées étaient utilisées par %1 + %n entrée était utilisée par %1%n entrées étaient utilisées par %1%n entrées étaient utilisées par %1 @@ -5320,7 +5373,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Restore Entry(s) - + Settings @@ -5358,6 +5411,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Pour appliquer ce paramètre, vous devez redémarrer l’application. Voulez-vous la démarrer maintenant ? + + Tags + + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5729,29 +5806,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Fin de fichier inattendue lors de l’écriture de la clé privée - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas - - - Passwords match so far - Les mots de passe correspondent jusqu’à présent - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Activer ou désactiver le mot de passe (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Générer un mot de passe (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Avertissement: Les majuscules sont verrouillées - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5930,10 +5984,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Choisir aussi parmi : - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - - Exclude look-alike characters Exclure les caractères qui se ressemblent @@ -6083,6 +6133,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Excellent + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas + + + Passwords match so far + Les mots de passe correspondent jusqu’à présent + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Activer ou désactiver le mot de passe (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Générer un mot de passe (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Avertissement: Les majuscules sont verrouillées + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + Plutôt mauvais + + + Weak + Password quality + Faible + + + Good + Password quality + Bon + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excellent + PickcharsDialog @@ -6334,7 +6435,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! - Le mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 foisLe mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 fois! + Le mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 foisLe mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 fois!Le mot de passe pour « %1 » a été divulgué %2 fois! Password for '%1' has been leaked! @@ -6484,7 +6585,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... - Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 seconde…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes… + Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 seconde…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes…Effacement du presse-papiers dans %1 secondes… Clipboard cleared! @@ -7290,7 +7391,7 @@ Veuillez envisager de générer un nouveau fichier clé. Password is used %1 time(s) - + Password has expired @@ -7310,7 +7411,7 @@ Veuillez envisager de générer un nouveau fichier clé. Password expires in %1 day(s) - + Password will expire soon @@ -7382,27 +7483,27 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 over %1 year(s) - + about %1 month(s) - + %1 week(s) - + %1 day(s) - + %1 hour(s) - + %1 minute(s) - + Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 @@ -7506,7 +7607,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - Effacement du Presse-papiers en %1 seconde(s)...Effacement du Presse-papiers dans %1 seconde(s)... + Effacement du Presse-papiers en %1 seconde(s)...Effacement du Presse-papiers dans %1 seconde(s)...Effacement du Presse-papiers dans %1 seconde(s)... Group @@ -7547,12 +7648,12 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 %1 ms milliseconds - %1 ms%1 ms + %1 ms%1 ms%1 ms %1 s seconds - %1 s%1 s + %1 s%1 s%1 s Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? @@ -7560,11 +7661,11 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? - + Delete entry(s)? - + Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? @@ -7572,11 +7673,11 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? - + Move entry(s) to recycle bin? - + Replace references to entry? @@ -7584,7 +7685,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - + User name @@ -7700,6 +7801,63 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -7807,7 +7965,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - + Exclude from reports @@ -7893,7 +8051,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - + Exclude from reports @@ -7988,7 +8146,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - + Exclude from reports @@ -8247,6 +8405,10 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limiter la recherche au groupe sélectionné + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8459,10 +8621,6 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 TagModel - - All - - Expired @@ -8471,6 +8629,33 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Weak Passwords + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog @@ -8484,7 +8669,7 @@ Noyau : %3 %4 Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Expire dans <b>%n</b> secondeExpire dans <b>%n</b> seconde(s) + Expire dans <b>%n</b> secondeExpire dans <b>%n</b> seconde(s)Expire dans <b>%n</b> seconde(s) diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts index 5e7260e2e..f5af88a10 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_he.ts @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Debug Info - מידע ניפוי תקלים + מידע ניפוי־תקלים Include the following information whenever you report a bug: @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + שימוש בשני הסוכנים @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory בחירת מחיצת אחסן גיבוי + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + לא ניתן לאפשר הגדרה זו כאשר האפשרות 'מזעור בעת שיחרור מנעילה' מאופשרת. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -250,7 +254,7 @@ Minimize window after unlocking database - מזעור חלון לאחר שחרור נעילת מסד הנתונים + מזעור חלון לאחר שחרור נעילת מסד־נתונים Remember previously used databases @@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ On database unlock, show entries that - על נעילת מסד הנתונים, הצד ערכים ש- + על נעילת מסד־נתונים, הצד ערכים ש- have expired @@ -309,11 +313,11 @@ Automatically reload the database when modified externally - טעינה חוזרת אוטומטית של מסד הנתונים בהסגלה חיצונית + טעינה חוזרת אוטומטית של מסד־נתונים בהסגלה חיצונית Backup database file before saving - נא לגבות את קובץ מסד הנתונים לפני השמירה + גיבוי קובץ מסד־נתונים לפני שמירה Backup destination @@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - ציון מיקום קובץ גיבוי מסד הנתונים. מופעים של "{DB_FILENAME}" יוחלפו בשם קובץ מסד הנתונים השמור, ללא הסיומת. {TIME:<format>} יוחלף במועד הגיבוי, למידע נוסף ברירת המחדל של <format> היא תבנית המחרוזת "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". + ציון מיקום קובץ גיבוי מסד־נתונים. מופעים של "{DB_FILENAME}" יוחלפו בשם קובץ מסד־נתונים השמור, ללא הסיומת. {TIME:<format>} יוחלף במועד הגיבוי, למידע נוסף ברירת המחדל של <format> היא תבנית המחרוזת "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx @@ -446,15 +450,15 @@ Use entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type - שימוש במען URL מהרשומה כדי להתאים חלונות להקלדה־אוטומטית כללית + שימוש במען URL רשומה להתאמת חלונות להקלדה־אוטומטית כללית Always ask before performing Auto-Type - לשאול תמיד לפני ביצוע הקלדה־אוטומטית + תמיד לשאול לפני ביצוע הקלדה־אוטומטית Hide expired entries from Auto-Type - הסתרת רשומות שפג תוקפם מהקלדה־האוטומטית + הסתרת רשומות שפג תוקפם מהקלדה־אוטומטית Re-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-Type @@ -491,7 +495,15 @@ Remember last typed entry for: - זכירת הרשומה האחרונה שהוקלדה עבור: + זכירת רשומה אחרונה שהוקלדה ל: + + + recent files + קבצים אחרונים + + + Show passwords in color + @@ -536,11 +548,11 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - אפשר לבטל נעילת מסד נתונים (Touch ID / Windows Hello) + אפשר לבטל נעילת מסד־נתונים (Touch ID / Windows Hello) Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed - נעילת מסדי־נתונים כאשר המופע נעול או המכסה סגור + נעילת מסדי־נתונים כאשר השיח נעול או המכסה סגור Lock databases after minimizing the window @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 מציין מיקום לא תקין: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + לרשומה אין תכונה עבור PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -705,7 +721,7 @@ AutoTypeSelectDialog Auto-Type - KeePassXC - הקלדה־אוטומטית - KeePassXC + הקלדה־אוטומטית – KeePassXC Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search: @@ -718,8 +734,8 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - <p>ניתן להשתמש בשאילתות חיפוש מתקדם למציאת כול ערך במסדי הנתונים הפתוחים. קיצורי הדרך הבאים שימושיים:<br/> -Ctrl+F - החלפת חיפוש מסד הנתונים<br/> + <p>ניתן להשתמש בשאילתות חיפוש מתקדם למציאת כל ערך במסדי־נתונים הפתוחים. קיצורי הדרך הבאים שימושיים:<br/> +Ctrl+F - החלפת חיפוש מסד־נתונים<br/> Ctrl+1 - הקלדת שם משתמש<br/> Ctrl+2 - הקלדת סיסמה<br/> Ctrl+3 - הקלדת TOTP<br/> @@ -727,7 +743,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - שימוש במקלדת מדומה (וינדוס בלבד)</p> Search all open databases - חיפוש בכל מסדי הנתונים הפתוחים + חיפוש בכל מסדי־נתונים הפתוחים Search… @@ -794,7 +810,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - שימוש במקלדת מדומה (וינדוס בלבד)</p> Allow Selected - איפשור נבחרים + איפשור פריטים שנבחרו Deny All @@ -823,7 +839,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - שימוש במקלדת מדומה (וינדוס בלבד)</p>You have multiple databases open. Please select the correct database for saving credentials. מספר מסדי־נתונים פתוחים. -נא לבחור במסד הנתונים הנכון לשמירת הרשאות. +נא לבחור במסד־נתונים הנכון לשמירת הרשאות. @@ -850,7 +866,7 @@ Do you want to create this group? Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example: chrome-laptop. - התקבלה בקשת שיוך מסד הנתונים הבא: + התקבלה בקשת שיוך מסד־נתונים הבא: %1 נא לתת לחיבור שם או מזהה ייחודיים, לדוגמה: @@ -916,7 +932,7 @@ Moved %2 keys to custom data. The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes. - מסד הנתונים הפעיל לא מכיל רשומה עם תכונות KeePassHTTP. + מסד־נתונים הפעיל לא מכיל רשומה עם תכונות KeePassHTTP. Don't show this warning again @@ -930,7 +946,7 @@ Moved %2 keys to custom data. Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings. This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections. Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? - יש להעביר את הגדרות KeePassXC־Browser להגדרות מסד הנתונים. + יש להעביר את הגדרות KeePassXC־Browser להגדרות מסד־נתונים. פעולה זו נחוצה כדי לשמור על חיבורי הדפדפן הנוכחיים. האם להעביר את ההגדרות הקיימות כעת? @@ -943,7 +959,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser - נדרש לגישה למסדי הנתונים באמצעות דפדפן-KeePassXC + נדרש על מנת לאפשר לדפדפן־KeePassXC גישה למסדי־נתונים שלך Enable browser integration @@ -996,7 +1012,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Request to unlock the database if it is locked - בקשת שחרר נעילת מסד הנתונים אם הוא נעול + בקשת שחרר נעילת מסד־נתונים אם הוא נעול Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. @@ -1024,12 +1040,12 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? All databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials. - כל מסדי הנתונים המחוברים להרחבה יחזירו אישורים תואמים. + כל מסדי־נתונים המחוברים להרחבה יחזירו אישורים תואמים. Search in all opened databases for matching credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension - חפוש הרשאות בכל מסדי הנתונים הפתוחים + חפוש הרשאות בכל מסדי־נתונים הפתוחים Advanced @@ -1038,12 +1054,12 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Never ask before accessing credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension - לא לשאול לעולם לפני הגישה לאישורים + לעולם לא לשאול לפני גישה לאישורים Never ask before updating credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension - לא לשאול לעולם לפני עדכון אישורים + לעולם לא לשאול לפני עדכון אישורים Do not ask permission for HTTP Basic Auth @@ -1370,7 +1386,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Could not save, database does not point to a valid file. - לא ניתן לשמור, מסד הנתונים לא מצביע על קובץ תקין. + לא ניתן לשמור, מסד־נתונים לא מצביע על קובץ תקין. Database save is already in progress. @@ -1378,11 +1394,11 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Could not save, database has not been initialized! - לא ניתן לשמור, מסד הנתונים לא אותחל! + לא ניתן לשמור, מסד־נתונים לא אותחל! Database file has unmerged changes. - בקובץ מסד הנתונים קיימים שינויים שלא מוזגו. + בקובץ מסד־נתונים קיימים שינויים שלא מוזגו. %1 @@ -1428,10 +1444,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: קובץ מפתח: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>בנוסף לססמה, אפשר להשתמש בקובץ סודי כדי לשפר את אבטחת מסד הנתונים. ניתן לחולל קובץ זה בהגדרות אבטחת מסד הנתונים.</p><p>זה <strong>לא</strong> קובץ מסד הנתונים *.kdbx !<br>אם קובץ מפתח ינו בנמצא, נא להשאיר שדה זה ריק.</p><p>הקשה לקבלת מידע נוסף...</p> - Key file help עזרת קובץ מפתח @@ -1444,19 +1456,13 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: מפתח חומרה: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>ניתן להשתמש במפתח אבטחת חומרה כגון <strong>YubiKey</strong> או <strong>OnlyKey</strong> עם חריצים שתצורתם נקבעה עבור HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>הקשה לקבלת מידע נוסף...</p> - Hardware key help עזרת מפתח חומרה Key file to unlock the database - קובץ מפתח לשחרור נעילת מסד הנתונים + קובץ מפתח לשחרור נעילת מסד־נתונים Browse for key file @@ -1476,7 +1482,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock Database - ביטול נעילת מסד הנתונים + ביטול נעילת מסד־נתונים Cancel @@ -1502,7 +1508,7 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - מסד הנתונים שאתה מנסה לפתוח היה קרוב לוודאי + מסד־נתונים שאתה מנסה לפתוח היה קרוב לוודאי נוצר על ידי גרסה חדשה יותר של Keepassxc. אתה יכול לנסות לפתוח אותו בכל מקרה, אבל זה עשוי להיות לא שלם @@ -1594,6 +1600,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… בחירת מפתח חומרה... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>בנוסף לססמה, אפשר להשתמש בקובץ סודי כדי לשפר את אבטחת מסד־נתונים. ניתן לחולל קובץ זה בהגדרות אבטחת מסד־נתונים.</p><p>זה <strong>לא</strong> קובץ מסד־נתונים *.kdbx !<br>אם קובץ מפתח ינו בנמצא, נא להשאיר שדה זה ריק.</p><p>הקשה לקבלת מידע נוסף...</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>ניתן להשתמש במפתח אבטחת חומרה כגון <strong>YubiKey</strong> או <strong>OnlyKey</strong> עם חריצים שתצורתם נקבעה עבור HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>הקשה לקבלת מידע נוסף...</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1717,7 +1733,7 @@ This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. KeePassXC: Removed keys from database - KeePassXC: מפתחות שהוסרו ממסד הנתונים + KeePassXC: מפתחות שהוסרו ממסד־נתונים Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. @@ -1751,7 +1767,7 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked. The active database does not contain an entry with permissions. - מסד הנתונים הפעיל לא מכיל רשומה עם הרשאות. + מסד־נתונים הפעיל לא מכיל רשומה עם הרשאות. Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom data @@ -1760,7 +1776,7 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked. Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. - האם להמיר את כול נתוני שילוב הדפדפן מדור קודם לתקן העדכני ביותר? + האם להמיר את כל נתוני שילוב הדפדפן מדור קודם לתקן העדכני ביותר? פעולה זו נחוצה כדי לשמור על תאימות עם מתקע הדפדפן. @@ -1770,7 +1786,7 @@ This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. Do you really want refresh the database ID? This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect. - האם לרענן את מזהה מסד הנתונים? נחוץ רק אם מסד הנתונים הוא עותק של מסד־נתונים אחר ומתקע הדפדפן לא מתחבר. + האם לרענן את מזהה מסד־נתונים? נחוץ רק אם מסד־נתונים הוא עותק של מסד־נתונים אחר ומתקע הדפדפן לא מתחבר. @@ -1787,7 +1803,7 @@ This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser ext WARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged! Are you sure you want to continue without a password? - אזהרה! לא הוגדרה ססמה. השימוש במסד נתונים ללא ססמה לא מומלץ! + אזהרה! לא הוגדרה ססמה. השימוש במסד־נתונים ללא ססמה לא מומלץ! האם להמשיך ללא ססמה? @@ -1801,7 +1817,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? You must add at least one encryption key to secure your database! - נא להוסיף לפחות מפתח הצפנה אחד לאבטחת מסד הנתונים! + נא להוסיף לפחות מפתח הצפנה אחד לאבטחת מסד־נתונים! Unknown error @@ -1832,7 +1848,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer. - ערכים גבוהים יותר מציעים הגנה טובה יותר, אך פתיחת מסד הנתונים תימשך זמן רב יותר. + ערכים גבוהים יותר מציעים הגנה טובה יותר, אך פתיחת מסד־נתונים תימשך זמן רב יותר. Database format: @@ -1844,11 +1860,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features - לא ניתן לשנות תבנית: מסד הנתונים משתמש בתכונות KDBX 4 + לא ניתן לשנות תבנית: מסד־נתונים משתמש בתכונות KDBX 4 Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. - אם את/ה צריכ/ה לפתוח את מסד הנתונים שלך עם תוכנות אחרות, תמיד תשתמש/י בפורמט האחרון (הכי עדכני). + אם את/ה צריכ/ה לפתוח את מסד־נתונים שלך עם תוכנות אחרות, תמיד תשתמש/י בפורמט האחרון (הכי עדכני). Encryption Algorithm: @@ -1922,7 +1938,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. נעשה שימוש במספר גבוה מאוד של סבבי המרת מפתח עם ארגון2. -אם מספר זה יישמר, פתיחת מסד הנתונים עשויה להימשך שעות או ימים או אפילו יותר. +אם מספר זה יישמר, פתיחת מסד־נתונים עשויה להימשך שעות או ימים או אפילו יותר. Understood, keep number @@ -1943,7 +1959,7 @@ If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to o If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. נעשה שימוש במספר נמוך מאוד של סבבי המרת מפתח עם AES-KDF. -אם מספר זה ישמר, מסד הנתונים לא יהיה מוגן מפני תְּקִיפָה כּוֹחָנִית. +אם מספר זה ישמר, מסד־נתונים לא יהיה מוגן מפני תְּקִיפָה כּוֹחָנִית. KDF unchanged @@ -1999,7 +2015,7 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at Database description: - תיאור מסד הנתונים: + תיאור מסד־נתונים: Database description field @@ -2108,7 +2124,7 @@ This action is not reversible. Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group - מחיקת כול הסמלים המותאמים אישית שאינם בשימוש על־ידי רשומה או קבוצה כלשהם + מחיקת כל הסמלים המותאמים אישית שאינם בשימוש על־ידי רשומה או קבוצה כלשהם Purge unused icons @@ -2120,7 +2136,7 @@ This action is not reversible. At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? - לפחות אחד מהסמלים שנבחרו נמצא כעת בשימוש רשומה או קבוצה אחת לפחות. סמלי כול הרשומות והקבוצות המושפעים יוחלפו בסמל ברירת המחדל. האם למחוק סמלים הנמצאים כעת בשימוש? + לפחות אחד מהסמלים שנבחרו נמצא כעת בשימוש רשומה או קבוצה אחת לפחות. סמלי כל הרשומות והקבוצות המושפעים יוחלפו בסמל ברירת המחדל. האם למחוק סמלים הנמצאים כעת בשימוש? Custom Icons Are In Use @@ -2136,7 +2152,7 @@ This action is not reversible. Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - סמל %n נמחק ממסד הנתונים.%n סמלים נמחקו ממסד הנתונים.%n סמלים נמחקו ממסד הנתונים.%n סמלים נמחקו ממסד הנתונים. + סמל %n נמחק ממסד־נתונים.%n סמלים נמחקו ממסד־נתונים.%n סמלים נמחקו ממסד־נתונים.%n סמלים נמחקו ממסד־נתונים. @@ -2167,7 +2183,7 @@ This action is not reversible. The created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it. This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. - למסד הנתונים שנוצר אין מפתח או KDF, והוא מסרב לשמור אותו. + למסד־נתונים שנוצר אין מפתח או KDF, והוא מסרב לשמור אותו. זה בהחלט תקל, נא דווח על כך לצוות הפתוח. @@ -2228,7 +2244,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? - מסד הנתונים עומד להיות מיוצא לקובץ לא מוצפן. פעולה זו תשאיר את ססמאות ומידע רגיש, פגיעים! האם להמשיך? + מסד־נתונים עומד להיות מיוצא לקובץ לא מוצפן. פעולה זו תשאיר את ססמאות ומידע רגיש, פגיעים! האם להמשיך? New Database @@ -2244,13 +2260,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [נעול] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - תגי מסד־נתונים - Searching… חיפוש... @@ -2309,11 +2333,11 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Successfully merged the database files. - קובצי מסד הנתונים מוזגו בהצלחה. + קובצי מסד־נתונים מוזגו בהצלחה. Database was not modified by merge operation. - מסד הנתונים לא הוסגל כתוצאה מפעולת המיזוג. + מסד־נתונים לא הוסגל כתוצאה מפעולת המיזוג. Search Results (%1) @@ -2329,7 +2353,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? - הרשומה בעריכה. האם לנטוש שינויים ולנעול בכל זאת? + הרשומה בשלבי עריכה. האם לנטוש שינויים ולנעול בכל זאת? "%1" was modified. @@ -2340,7 +2364,7 @@ Save changes? Database was modified. Save changes? - מסד הנתונים השתנה. + מסד־נתונים השתנה. האם לשמור שינויים? @@ -2353,7 +2377,7 @@ Save changes? The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? - קובץ מסד הנתונים השתנה. האם לטעון את השינויים? + קובץ מסד־נתונים השתנה. האם לטעון את השינויים? Merge Request @@ -2362,13 +2386,13 @@ Save changes? The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. Do you want to merge your changes? - קיימים שינויים בקובץ מסד הנתונים שלא נשמרו. + קיימים שינויים בקובץ מסד־נתונים שלא נשמרו. האם למזג את השינויים? Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload. Error: %1 - לא ניתן לפתוח את קובץ מסד הנתונים החדש בעת ניסיון אוטומטית טעינה מחדש . + לא ניתן לפתוח את קובץ מסד־נתונים החדש בעת ניסיון אוטומטית טעינה מחדש . שגיאה: %1 @@ -2378,12 +2402,12 @@ Error: %1 KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file. Disable safe saves and try again? - KeePassXC כשל בשמירת מסד הנתונים מספר פעמים. סביר להניח שהדבר נגרם על־ידי שירות סנכרון קבצים שנועל את קובץ היעד לשמירה. + KeePassXC כשל בשמירת מסד־נתונים מספר פעמים. סביר להניח שהדבר נגרם על־ידי שירות סנכרון קבצים שנועל את קובץ היעד לשמירה. האם להשבית שמירות בטוחות ולנסות שוב? Writing the database failed: %1 - כתיבת מסד הנתונים כשלה: %1 + כתיבת מסד־נתונים כשלה: %1 Passwords @@ -2417,6 +2441,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) רשומות שתוקפן יפוג בתוך יום %1רשומות שתוקפן יפוג בתוך %1 ימיםרשומות שתוקפן יפוג בתוך %1 ימיםרשומות שתוקפן יפוג בתוך %1 ימים + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + שמירה + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -2510,7 +2550,7 @@ Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: %1 Would you like to correct it? - אירעה שגיאה בעת אימות רצף הקלדה־האוטומטית מותאמת אישית: + אירעה שגיאה בעת אימות רצף הקלדה־אוטומטית מותאמת אישית: %1 האם לתקן זאת? @@ -2518,7 +2558,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": %2 Would you like to correct it? - אירעה שגיאה בעת אימות רצף הקלדה־האוטומטית ל־"%1": + אירעה שגיאה בעת אימות רצף הקלדה־אוטומטית ל־"%1": %2 האם לתקן זאת? @@ -2572,7 +2612,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? %n hour(s) - + שעה %1%1 שעות%1 שעות%1 שעות @@ -2662,23 +2702,23 @@ Would you like to correct it? EditEntryWidgetAutoType Enable Auto-Type for this entry - איפשור הקלדה־האוטומטית ברשומה זו + איפשור הקלדה־אוטומטית ברשומה זו Inherit default Auto-Type sequence from the group - ירושת רצף ברירת מחדל הקלדה־האוטומטית מהקבוצה + ירושת רצף ברירת מחדל הקלדה־אוטומטית מהקבוצה Use custom Auto-Type sequence: - שימוש ברצף הקלדה־האוטומטית ברירת מחדל + שימוש ברצף הקלדה־אוטומטית ברירת מחדל Custom Auto-Type sequence - רצף הקלדה־האוטומטית מותאם אישית + רצף הקלדה־אוטומטית מותאם אישית Open Auto-Type help webpage - פתיחת עמוד מרשתת עזרת הקלדה־האוטומטית + פתיחת עמוד מרשתת עזרת הקלדה־אוטומטית Window Associations @@ -2718,7 +2758,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Custom Auto-Type sequence for this window - רצף הקלדה־האוטומטית מותאם אישית לחלון זה + רצף הקלדה־אוטומטית מותאם אישית לחלון זה + @@ -2920,7 +2960,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Remove key from agent when database is closed/locked - הסרת מפתח מהסוכן כשמסד הנתונים סגור/נעול + הסרת מפתח מהסוכן כשמסד־נתונים סגור/נעול Comment @@ -3071,7 +3111,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups - דלוג על הקלדה־האוטומטית לזה ולקבוצות משנה + דלוג על הקלדה־אוטומטית לזה ולקבוצות משנה Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3089,6 +3129,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups לא להשתמש ב־HTTP Auth לזה ולקבוצות משנה + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + השמטת תת־תחום WWW מההתאמה: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + השמטת תת־תחום WWW ממחלף ההתאמה, לקבוצה זו ותתי־קבוצות + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3164,7 +3212,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. %1 is being imported and exported by different groups in this database. - %1 מיובא ומיוצא על־ידי קבוצות שונות במסד נתונים זה. + %1 מיובא ומיוצא על־ידי קבוצות שונות במסד־נתונים זה. KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings. @@ -3224,7 +3272,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group - שימוש ברצף הקלדה־האוטומטית ברירת מחדל של קבוצת אב + שימוש ברצף הקלדה־אוטומטית ברירת מחדל של קבוצת אב Auto-Type: @@ -3236,7 +3284,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groups - החלפת־מצב הקלדה־האוטומטית לקבוצות משנה אלו + החלפת־מצב הקלדה־אוטומטית לקבוצות משנה אלו Notes: @@ -3244,7 +3292,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Default auto-type sequence field - רצף הקלדה־האוטומטית ברירת מחדל כשל + רצף הקלדה־אוטומטית ברירת מחדל כשל Notes field @@ -3256,7 +3304,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Set default Auto-Type sequence - הגדרת רצף הקלדה־האוטומטית ברירת מחדל + הגדרת רצף הקלדה־אוטומטית ברירת מחדל Search toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3351,7 +3399,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. %n icon(s) already exist in the database - סמל %n כבר קיים במסד הנתונים%n סמלים כבר קיימים במסד הנתונים%n סמלים כבר קיימים במסד הנתונים%n סמלים כבר קיימים במסד הנתונים + סמל %n כבר קיים במסד־נתונים%n סמלים כבר קיימים במסד־נתונים%n סמלים כבר קיימים במסד־נתונים%n סמלים כבר קיימים במסד־נתונים The following icon(s) failed: @@ -3579,7 +3627,7 @@ Your database may get very large and reduce performance. Are you sure to add this file? %1 הוא קובץ גדול (%2 מב). -מסד הנתונים עשוי להיות גדול מאוד והביצועים יפגעו. +מסד־נתונים עשוי להיות גדול מאוד והביצועים יפגעו. האם להוסיף קובץ זה? @@ -3591,7 +3639,7 @@ Are you sure to add this file? The attachment '%1' was modified. Do you want to save the changes to your database? הקובץ המצורף '% 1' השתנה. -האם ברצונך לשמור את השינויים במסד הנתונים שלך? +האם ברצונך לשמור את השינויים במסד־נתונים שלך? Saving attachment failed @@ -3896,6 +3944,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled מושבת + + Double click to copy value + הקשה כפולה להעתקת ערך + EntryURLModel @@ -4006,7 +4058,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' - רישום המופע ב־DBus בנתיב '%1' כשל + רישום השיח ב־DBus בנתיב '%1' כשל Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' @@ -4021,7 +4073,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! FdoSecrets::Item Entry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3 - %3 עשה שימוש ברשומה "%1" ממסד נתונים "%2" + %3 עשה שימוש ברשומה "%1" ממסד־נתונים "%2" @@ -4169,7 +4221,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. סופקו אישורים לא תקינים, נא לנסות שוב. -אם פעולה זו חוזרת על עצמה, ייתכן שקובץ מסד הנתונים פגום. +אם פעולה זו חוזרת על עצמה, ייתכן שקובץ מסד־נתונים פגום. Header doesn't match hash @@ -4226,7 +4278,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. סופקו אישורים לא תקינים, נא לנסות שוב. -אם הודעה זו חוזרת על עצמה, ייתכן שקובץ מסד הנתונים פגום. +אם הודעה זו חוזרת על עצמה, ייתכן שקובץ מסד־נתונים פגום. (HMAC mismatch) @@ -4413,10 +4465,10 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. - הקובץ שנבחר הוא מסד נתונים ישן של KeePass 1 (.kdb). + הקובץ שנבחר הוא מסד־נתונים ישן של KeePass 1 (.kdb). -ניתן לייבא אותו על־ידי לחיצה על מסד נתונים -> 'ייבוא KeePass 1 מסד נתונים ...'. -זו הגירה חד־כיוונית. לא תתאפשר פתיחת מסד הנתונים המיובא עם גרסת KeePassX 0.4 הישנה. +ניתן לייבא אותו על־ידי לחיצה על מסד־נתונים -> 'ייבוא KeePass 1 מסד־נתונים ...'. +זו הגירה חד־כיוונית. לא תתאפשר פתיחת מסד־נתונים המיובא עם גרסת KeePassX 0.4 הישנה. Not a KeePass database. @@ -4519,7 +4571,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Auto-type association window or sequence missing - חסר חלון שיוך או רצף הקלדה־האוטומטית + חסר חלון שיוך או רצף הקלדה־אוטומטית Invalid bool value @@ -4648,7 +4700,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. סופקו אישורים לא תקינים, נא לנסות שוב. -אם פעולה זו חוזרת על עצמה, ייתכן שקובץ מסד הנתונים פגום. +אם פעולה זו חוזרת על עצמה, ייתכן שקובץ מסד־נתונים פגום. Key transformation failed @@ -4821,11 +4873,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database. - חילול קובץ מפתח חדש או בחירת קובץ מפתח קיים להגנה על מסד הנתונים. + חילול קובץ מפתח חדש או בחירת קובץ מפתח קיים להגנה על מסד־נתונים. Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. - הערה: נא לא להשתמש בקובץ שעשוי להשתנות כך שימנע את שחרור נעילת מסד הנתונים. + הערה: נא לא להשתמש בקובץ שעשוי להשתנות כך שימנע את שחרור נעילת מסד־נתונים. Browse for key file @@ -4903,7 +4955,7 @@ Message: %2 You cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file. - לא ניתן להשתמש במסד הנתונים הנוכחי כקובץ המפתח שלו. נא לבחור קובץ אחר או לחולל קובץ מפתח חדש. + לא ניתן להשתמש במסד־נתונים הנוכחי כקובץ המפתח שלו. נא לבחור קובץ אחר או לחולל קובץ מפתח חדש. Suspicious Key File @@ -4912,7 +4964,7 @@ Message: %2 The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever. Are you sure you want to continue with this file? - קובץ המפתח שנבחר נראה כמו קובץ מסד נתוני ססמאות. קובץ מפתח חייב להיות קובץ נייח שלעולם לא ישתנה או שהגישה למסד הנתונים תאבד לנצח. + קובץ המפתח שנבחר נראה כמו קובץ מסד נתוני ססמאות. קובץ מפתח חייב להיות קובץ נייח שלעולם לא ישתנה או שהגישה למסד־נתונים תאבד לנצח. האם להמשיך עם קובץ זה? @@ -5015,11 +5067,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Merge From Database… - &מיזוג ממסד נתונים... + &מיזוג ממסד־נתונים... Merge from another KDBX database - מיזוג ממסד נתונים KDBX אחר + מיזוג ממסד־נתונים KDBX אחר &New Entry… @@ -5139,7 +5191,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Perform &Auto-Type - ביצוע &הקלדה־האוטומטית + ביצוע &הקלדה־אוטומטית Download &Favicon @@ -5155,7 +5207,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Lock &All Databases - &נעילת כול מסדי־הנתונים + &נעילת כל מסדי־הנתונים &Title @@ -5342,7 +5394,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. This version is not meant for production use. אזהרה: נעשה שימוש בבניה לא יציבה של KeePassXC! -קיים סיכון גבוה להשחתה, נא לשמור גיבוי מסדי הנתונים. +קיים סיכון גבוה להשחתה, נא לשמור גיבוי מסדי־נתונים. גרסה זו אינה מיועדת לשימוש בייצור. @@ -5397,6 +5449,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? נא לאתחל את היישום להחלת הגדרה זו. האם לאתחל כעת? + + Tags + תגים + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5456,7 +5532,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. older entry merged from database "%1" - רשומות ישנות יותר מוזגו ממסד נתונים "%1" + רשומות ישנות יותר מוזגו ממסד־נתונים "%1" Adding backup for older target %1 [%2] @@ -5531,7 +5607,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. - כאן ניתן להתאים את הגדרות הצפנת מסד הנתונים. אל דאגה, אפשר יהיה לשנות אותם מאוחר יותר בהגדרות מסד הנתונים. + כאן ניתן להתאים את הגדרות הצפנת מסד־נתונים. אל דאגה, אפשר יהיה לשנות אותם מאוחר יותר בהגדרות מסד־נתונים. Advanced Settings @@ -5550,7 +5626,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database. - ערכת אישורים הידועה רק לך המגנה על מסד הנתונים. + ערכת אישורים הידועה רק לך המגנה על מסד־נתונים. @@ -5561,18 +5637,18 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. - אן ניתן להתאים את הגדרות הצפנת מסד הנתונים. אל דאגה, אפשר יהיה לשנות אותם מאוחר יותר בהגדרות מסד הנתונים. + אן ניתן להתאים את הגדרות הצפנת מסד־נתונים. אל דאגה, אפשר יהיה לשנות אותם מאוחר יותר בהגדרות מסד־נתונים. NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaData General Database Information - מידע כללי אודות מסד הנתונים + מידע כללי אודות מסד־נתונים Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database: - נא להזין את שם המצג ותיאור חלופי למסד הנתונים החדש: + נא להזין את שם המצג ותיאור חלופי למסד־נתונים החדש: @@ -5768,29 +5844,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. EOF לא צפוי בעת כתיבת מפתח פרטי - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - ססמאות לא תואמות - - - Passwords match so far - ססמאות תואמות עד כה - - - Toggle Password (%1) - החלפת־מצב ססמה (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - חילול ססמה (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - אזהרה: אופשרה נעילת רישיות! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5969,10 +6022,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: נא לבחור גם מבין: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - תווים שהוחרגו: "0", "O", "1", "l", "I", "|", "G", "6", "B", "8", "." - Exclude look-alike characters החרגת תווים דומים @@ -6123,6 +6172,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality מצוין + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + תווים שהוחרגו: "0", "O", "1", "l", "I", "|", "G", "6", "B", "8", "." + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + ססמאות לא תואמות + + + Passwords match so far + ססמאות תואמות עד כה + + + Toggle Password (%1) + החלפת־מצב ססמה (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + חילול ססמה (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + אזהרה: אופשרה נעילת רישיות! + + + Quality: %1 + איכות: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + עלוב + + + Weak + Password quality + חלש + + + Good + Password quality + טוב + + + Excellent + Password quality + מצוין + PickcharsDialog @@ -6290,7 +6390,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Add a new entry to a database. - הוספת רשומה חדשה למסד הנתונים. + הוספת רשומה חדשה למסד־נתונים. Path of the entry to add. @@ -6310,7 +6410,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Writing the database failed %1. - כתיבת מסד הנתונים כשלה %1. + כתיבת מסד־נתונים כשלה %1. Successfully added entry %1. @@ -6318,7 +6418,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Adds a new group to a database. - הוספת קבוצה חדשה למסד נתונים. + הוספת קבוצה חדשה למסד־נתונים. Path of the group to add. @@ -6532,7 +6632,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Close the currently opened database. - סגירת מסד הנתונים הנוכחי + סגירת מסד־נתונים הנוכחי Display this help. @@ -6552,11 +6652,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Deactivate password key for the database. - השבתת הפעלת מפתח ססמה עבור מסד הנתונים. + השבתת הפעלת מפתח ססמה עבור מסד־נתונים. Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). - חריץ Yubikey וסדרה חלופית המשמשת לגישה למסד הנתונים (למשל, 1:7370001). + חריץ Yubikey וסדרה חלופית המשמשת לגישה למסד־נתונים (למשל, 1:7370001). slot[:serial] @@ -6572,7 +6672,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Target decryption time in MS for the database. - זמן פענוח יעד מסד הנתונים במילי־שניות. + זמן פענוח יעד מסד־נתונים במילי־שניות. time @@ -6580,11 +6680,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Set the key file for the database. - הגדרת קובץ המפתח עבור מסד הנתונים. + הגדרת קובץ המפתח עבור מסד־נתונים. Set a password for the database. - הגדרת ססמה למסד הנתונים. + הגדרת ססמה למסד־נתונים. Create a new database. @@ -6592,7 +6692,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path of the database. - הנתיב למסד הנתונים. + הנתיב למסד־נתונים. Invalid decryption time %1. @@ -6691,7 +6791,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Writing the database failed: %1 - כתיבת מסד הנתונים כשלה: %1 + כתיבת מסד־נתונים כשלה: %1 Successfully edited entry %1. @@ -6903,11 +7003,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path of the XML database export. - נתיב ייצוא מסד הנתונים XML. + נתיב ייצוא מסד־נתונים XML. Path of the new database. - הנתיב של מסד הנתונים החדש. + הנתיב של מסד־נתונים החדש. Unable to import XML database: %1 @@ -6915,7 +7015,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Successfully imported database. - מסד הנתונים יובא בהצלחה. + מסד־נתונים יובא בהצלחה. Show a database's information. @@ -7065,15 +7165,15 @@ Available commands: Use the same credentials for both database files. - נא להשתמש באותם אישורים עבור שני קבצי מסדי הנתונים. + נא להשתמש באותם אישורים עבור שני קבצי מסדי־נתונים. Key file of the database to merge from. - קובץ מפתח של מסד הנתונים למיזוג. + קובץ מפתח של מסד־נתונים למיזוג. Deactivate password key for the database to merge from. - השבתת מפתח ססמת מסד הנתונים שימוזג. + השבתת מפתח ססמת מסד־נתונים שימוזג. Only print the changes detected by the merge operation. @@ -7081,7 +7181,7 @@ Available commands: Yubikey slot for the second database. - חריץ Yubikey למסד הנתונים השני. + חריץ Yubikey למסד־נתונים השני. slot @@ -7093,7 +7193,7 @@ Available commands: Path of the database to merge from. - הנתיב למסד הנתונים שימוזג. + הנתיב למסד־נתונים שימוזג. Error reading merge file: @@ -7111,7 +7211,7 @@ Available commands: Database was not modified by merge operation. - מסד הנתונים לא הוסגל כתוצאה מפעולת המיזוג. + מסד־נתונים לא הוסגל כתוצאה מפעולת המיזוג. Moves an entry to a new group. @@ -7163,7 +7263,7 @@ Available commands: Cannot remove root group from database. - לא ניתן להסיר קבוצת שורש ממסד הנתונים. + לא ניתן להסיר קבוצת שורש ממסד־נתונים. Successfully recycled group %1. @@ -7310,7 +7410,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Failed to load okon processed database: %1 - טעינת מסד הנתונים מעובד okon כשלה: %1 + טעינת מסד־נתונים מעובד okon כשלה: %1 Very weak password @@ -7676,15 +7776,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 lock all open databases - נעילת כל מסדי הנתונים הפתוחים + נעילת כל מסדי־נתונים הפתוחים key file of the database - קובץ המפתח של מסד הנתונים + קובץ המפתח של מסד־נתונים read password of the database from stdin - קריאת ססמה של מסד הנתונים מ־stdin + קריאת ססמה של מסד־נתונים מ־stdin allow app screen recordering and screenshots @@ -7696,7 +7796,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Database failed to lock. - נעילת מסד הנתונים כשלה. + נעילת מסד־נתונים כשלה. Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. @@ -7738,6 +7838,63 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + נא להציג או לגעת ב־YubiKey על מנת להמשך... + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + הצגת כל מאפייני הרשומה. + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -7795,7 +7952,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 List of entry URLs - רשימת כול מעני URL ברשומות + רשימת כל מעני URL ברשומות Entry has no URLs set @@ -7944,7 +8101,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetHibp CAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service ( If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service. - התראה: דוח זה מחייב שליחת מידע לשירות המקוון של 'האם השתלטו עלי' ( אם תמשיכו, ססמאות מסד הנתונים יוצפנו וחמשת התווים הראשונים של הגיבוב יישלחו באופן מאובטח לשירות זה. מסד הנתונים יישאר מאובטח ולא יהיה ניתן לבנות אותו מחדש מהמידע שיתקבל. עם זאת, מספר הססמאות שיתקבלו וכתובת ה־IP ייחשפו לשירות זה. + התראה: דוח זה מחייב שליחת מידע לשירות המקוון של 'האם השתלטו עלי' ( אם תמשיכו, ססמאות מסד־נתונים יוצפנו וחמשת התווים הראשונים של הגיבוב יישלחו באופן מאובטח לשירות זה. מסד־נתונים יישאר מאובטח ולא יהיה ניתן לבנות אותו מחדש מהמידע שיתקבל. עם זאת, מספר הססמאות שיתקבלו וכתובת ה־IP ייחשפו לשירות זה. Perform Online Analysis @@ -8087,7 +8244,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 The database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk. - מסד הנתונים השתנה, אך השינויים עדיין לא נשמרו לכונן הקשיח. + מסד־נתונים השתנה, אך השינויים עדיין לא נשמרו לכונן הקשיח. Number of groups @@ -8103,7 +8260,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 The database contains entries that have expired. - מסד הנתונים מכיל רשומות פגי תוקף. + מסד־נתונים מכיל רשומות פגי תוקף. Unique passwords @@ -8213,7 +8370,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 SearchHelpWidget Search Help - עזרה עבור חיפוש + עזרה בחיפוש Search terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["] @@ -8272,7 +8429,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Search Help - עזרה עבור חיפוש + עזרה בחיפוש Search (%1)… @@ -8287,6 +8444,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group הגבלת חיפוש לקבוצה שנבחרה + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8342,7 +8503,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p>אם אופשר, כל ניסיון לקרוא ססמה תחויב באישור. אחרת, לקוחות יוכלו לקרוא ססמאות ללא אישור כאשר מסד הנתונים לא נעול.</p><p>אפשרות זו מכסה רק את הגישה לססמה של רשומה. לקוחות יכולו תמיד לספרר את פריטי מסדי־נתונים החשופים ולתשאל את התכונות שלהם.</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p>אם אופשר, כל ניסיון לקרוא ססמה תחויב באישור. אחרת, לקוחות יוכלו לקרוא ססמאות ללא אישור כאשר מסד־נתונים לא נעול.</p><p>אפשרות זו מכסה רק את הגישה לססמה של רשומה. לקוחות יכולו תמיד לספרר את פריטי מסדי־נתונים החשופים ולתשאל את התכונות שלהם.</p></body></html> Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients @@ -8370,8 +8531,8 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>שיפור תאימות עם יישומוניםים מסוימים -שמחפשים ססמה, מבלי לשחרר תחילה את נעילת מסד הנתונים.</p><p>אך אפשור תכונה זו עשויה לגרום -לקריסת ה'לקוח' במידה ונעילת מסד הנתונים לא תשוחרר בתוך פרק־זמן קצוב מסוים. (בדרך כלל 25 שניות, אך ייתכן שהוגדר +שמחפשים ססמה, מבלי לשחרר תחילה את נעילת מסד־נתונים.</p><p>אך אפשור תכונה זו עשויה לגרום +לקריסת ה'לקוח' במידה ונעילת מסד־נתונים לא תשוחרר בתוך פרק־זמן קצוב מסוים. (בדרך כלל 25 שניות, אך ייתכן שהוגדר ערך שונה ביישומונים עצמם.)</p></body></html> @@ -8505,10 +8666,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - הכול - Expired תפוגה @@ -8517,6 +8674,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords ססמאות חלשות + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts index a67b2ee30..9b77473a5 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_hu.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Válassza ki a biztonsági mentés könyvtárát. + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható be, ha a minimalizálás feloldáskor be van kapcsolva. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -337,7 +341,7 @@ Temporary file moved into place - Ideiglenes fájl a helyére került + Ideiglenes fájl a helyére mozgatása Directly write to database file (dangerous) @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Utolsó beírt bejegyzés megjegyzése ehhez: + + recent files + nemrég használt fájlok + + + Show passwords in color + Jelszavak színes megjelenítése + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Érvénytelen helykitöltő: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + A bejegyzés nem rendelkezik PICKCHARS attribútummal: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1429,10 +1445,6 @@ Az adatbázis biztonsági másolata: %2 Key File: Kulcsfájl: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>A mesterkulcs mellett egy titkos fájlt is használhat, hogy javítsa az adatbázisa biztonságát. Ez a fájl az adatbázis biztonsági beállításaiban állítható elő.</p><p>Ez <strong>nem</strong> a *.kdbx adatbázisfájlja!<br>Ha nincs kulcsfájlja, akkor hagyja üresen ezt a mezőt.</p><p>Kattintson a további információkért…</p> - Key file help Kulcsfájlok súgója @@ -1445,12 +1457,6 @@ Az adatbázis biztonsági másolata: %2 Hardware Key: Hardverkulcs: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>A <strong>YubiKey</strong> vagy az <strong>OnlyKey</strong> biztonsági hardverkulcsok alkalmazhatóak a HMAC-SHA1-re konfigurált foglalattal.</p> -<p>További információk…</p> - Hardware key help Hardverkulcs súgó @@ -1594,6 +1600,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… Hardverkulcs kijelölése… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>A mesterkulcs mellett egy titkos fájlt is használhat, hogy javítsa az adatbázisa biztonságát. Ez a fájl az adatbázis biztonsági beállításaiban állítható elő.</p><p>Ez <strong>nem</strong> a *.kdbx adatbázisfájlja!<br>Ha nincs kulcsfájlja, akkor hagyja üresen ezt a mezőt.</p><p>Kattintson a további információkért…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>A <strong>YubiKey</strong> vagy az <strong>OnlyKey</strong> biztonsági hardverkulcsok alkalmazhatóak a HMAC-SHA1-re konfigurált foglalattal.</p> +<p>További információk…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2245,13 +2261,21 @@ Ez határozottan hiba, jelentse a fejlesztőknek. Database tab name modifier %1 [Zárolva] + + Export database to XML file + Adatbázis exportálása XML-fájlba + + + XML file + XML-fájl + + + Writing the XML file failed + Az XML-fájl írása sikertelen + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Adatbázis címkék - Searching… Keresés… @@ -2418,6 +2442,22 @@ Letiltható a biztonságos mentés és úgy megkísérelhető a mentés?Entries expiring within %1 day(s) %1 napon belül lejáró bejegyzések%1 napon belül lejáró bejegyzések + + Searches and Tags + Keresések és címkék + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Adjon meg egy egyedi nevet, vagy írjon felül egy meglévő keresést a listából: + + + Save + Mentés + + + Save Search + Keresés mentése + EditEntryWidget @@ -3090,6 +3130,14 @@ Szeretné kijavítani? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups HTTP Auth kapcsoló tiltása ennél a csoportnál és alcsoportjainál + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + A WWW altartomány kihagyása a megfeleltetésből: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + A WWW altartomány kihagyása a megfeleltetésből átkapcsolása ennél a csoportnál és alcsoportjainál + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3895,6 +3943,10 @@ Hiba: %1 Disabled Tiltott + + Double click to copy value + Dupla kattintás az érték másolásához + EntryURLModel @@ -5393,6 +5445,30 @@ Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.< You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Ennek a beállításnak az érvényre kerüléséhez újra kell indítani az alkalmazást. Legyen azonnal újraindítva? + + Tags + Címkék + + + No Tags + Nincsenek címkék + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 bejegyzés%1 bejegyzés + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Jelszó és TOTP másolása + + + &XML File… + &XML-fájl… + + + XML File… + XML-fájl… + ManageDatabase @@ -5764,29 +5840,6 @@ Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.< Nem várt EOF a személyes kulcs írásakor - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - A jelszavak nem egyeznek - - - Passwords match so far - A jelszavak eddig megegyeznek - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Jelszó átváltása (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Jelszó előállítása (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Figyelem: a Caps Lock be van kapcsolva! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5965,10 +6018,6 @@ Javasoljuk az AppImage alkalmazását, amely elérhető a letöltések oldalon.< Also choose from: Tartalmazhat ezekből is: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Kihagyott karakterek: „0”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „O”, „|”, „﹒” - Exclude look-alike characters Hasonlóan kinéző karakterek kizárása @@ -6119,6 +6168,57 @@ Valóban felülírja? Password quality Kiváló + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Kihagyott karakterek: „0”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „O”, „|”, „﹒” + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + A jelszavak nem egyeznek + + + Passwords match so far + A jelszavak eddig megegyeznek + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Jelszó átváltása (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Jelszó előállítása (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Figyelem: a Caps Lock be van kapcsolva! + + + Quality: %1 + Minőség: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Silány + + + Weak + Password quality + Gyenge + + + Good + Password quality + + + + Excellent + Password quality + Kiváló + PickcharsDialog @@ -7737,6 +7837,64 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Tegye elérhetővé vagy érintse meg a YubiKeyt a folytatáshoz. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Bejegyzés összes attribútumának megjelenítése. + + + Edit a database. + Adatbázis szerkesztése. + + + Could not change the database key. + Nem sikerült az adatbázis kulcsának módosítása. + + + Database was not modified. + Az adatbázis nem lett módosítva. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Az adatbázis szerkesztése sikeres. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Az új kulcsfájl betöltése sikertelen: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Az adatbázis jelszavának visszavonása. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Az adatbázis kulcsfájljának visszavonása + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Nem használható %1 és %2 egyidejűleg. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Nem távolítható el az összes kulcs az adatbázisból + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + A jelszó nem távolítható el: Az adatbázisnak nincs jelszava. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + A kulcsfájl nem távolítható el. Az adatbázisnak nincs kulcsfájlja. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Váratlan kulcstípus található: %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + A kulcsfájl beállítása az adatbázishoz. +Ez a kapcsoló elavult, használja helyette a --set-key-file kapcsolót. + QtIOCompressor @@ -8284,6 +8442,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Keresés korlátozása a kijelölt csoportra + + Save Search + Keresés mentése + SettingsClientModel @@ -8504,10 +8666,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Mind - Expired Lejártak @@ -8516,6 +8674,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Gyenge jelszavak + + All Entries + Összes bejegyzés + + + Clear Search + Keresés törlése + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Keresés eltávolítása + + + Remove Tag + Címke eltávolítása + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Címkeeltávolítás megerősítése + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Valóban eltávolítható minden „%1” címke ennek az adatbázisnak az összes bejegyzéséből? + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts index 3ad055485..02650a7ba 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_id.ts @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - + Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Executable - + Executable Command Line @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - + Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. Deny All && Future - + Deny All && Future Allow All && &Future - + Izinkan semua && & Ke Depannya @@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ SSH_SK_PROVIDER value - + Nilai SSH_SK_PROVIDER SSH_SK_PROVIDER override - + Timpaan SSH_SK_PROVIDER No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + Gunakan kedua agen @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Pilih direktori penyimpanan cadangan + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -284,12 +288,12 @@ days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days - + hari will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... - + akan kedaluwarsa dalam masa File Management @@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - + Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx @@ -337,7 +341,7 @@ Temporary file moved into place - + Berkas temporer dipindah ke tempatnya Directly write to database file (dangerous) @@ -491,6 +495,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + Ingat entri yang terakhir diketikkan untuk: + + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color @@ -587,11 +599,11 @@ AutoType The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: - + The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: Auto-Type Error - + Galat Auto-Type Permission Required @@ -607,11 +619,11 @@ Invalid entry provided - + Entri yang diberikan tidak sah Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } - + Terdeteksi kurung kurawal yang tak seimbang, ditemukan { atau } ekstra Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 @@ -619,27 +631,32 @@ Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2 - + Terdeteksi penekanan tombol yang sangat lambat, maks adalah %1: %2 Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 - + Terdeteksi tundaan sangat lama, maks adalah %1: %2 Invalid conversion type: %1 - + Tipe konversi tidak valid: %1 Invalid conversion syntax: %1 - + Sintaks konversi tidak valid: %1 Invalid regular expression syntax %1 %2 - + Sintaks ekspresi reguler %1 tidak valid +%2 Invalid placeholder: %1 + Invalid placeholder: %1 + + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 @@ -685,19 +702,19 @@ AutoTypePlatformX11 Trying to send invalid keysym. - + Mencoba mengirim keysym yang tidak valid. Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on - + Urutan digugurkan: Caps Lock menyala Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user - + Urutan digugurkan: Tombol pengubah ditahan oleh pengguna Unable to get valid keycode for key: - + Tidak bisa memperoleh kode tombol yang valid untuk tombol: @@ -708,7 +725,7 @@ Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search: - + Klik ganda suatu baris untuk melakukan Ketik-Otomatis atau mencari suatu entri memakai pencarian: <p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/> @@ -717,7 +734,12 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - + <p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/> +Ctrl+F - Toggle database search<br/> +Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> +Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> +Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Search all open databases @@ -725,11 +747,11 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Search… - + Cari… Type Sequence - + Ketikkan Urutan Cancel @@ -737,31 +759,31 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Type {USERNAME} - + Ketikkan {NAMA PENGGUNA} Type {PASSWORD} - + Ketikkan {KATA SANDI} Type {TOTP} - + Ketikkan {TOTP} Copy Username - + Salinkan Nama Pengguna Copy Password - + Salinkan Kata Sandi Copy TOTP - + Salin TOTP Use Virtual Keyboard - + Gunakan Papan Ketik Virtual @@ -874,13 +896,15 @@ Apakah Anda ingin menimpanya ulang? KeePassXC: Delete entry - + KeePassXC: Hapus entri A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. Do you want to delete the entry? - + A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. +Do you want to delete the entry? + Converting attributes to custom data… @@ -994,11 +1018,11 @@ Apakah Anda ingin memindahkan pengaturan yang ada sekarang? Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. - + Hanya entri dengan skema yang sama (http://, https://, ...) dikembalikan. Match URL scheme (e.g., - + Match URL scheme (e.g., Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. @@ -1163,7 +1187,7 @@ Apakah Anda ingin memindahkan pengaturan yang ada sekarang? CloneDialog Clone Entry Options - + Clone Entry Options Append ' - Clone' to title @@ -1386,7 +1410,7 @@ Lokasi cadangan basisdata ada di %2 Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers. - + Kunci tidak berubah. Ini adalah bug, harap laporkan ke developer. Recycle Bin @@ -1422,10 +1446,6 @@ Lokasi cadangan basisdata ada di %2 Key File: Berkas Kunci: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help Bantuan berkas kunci @@ -1438,11 +1458,6 @@ Lokasi cadangan basisdata ada di %2 Hardware Key: Kunci Perangkat Keras: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Bantuan kunci perangkat keras @@ -1481,11 +1496,11 @@ Lokasi cadangan basisdata ada di %2 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… Database Version Mismatch - + Versi Basis Data Tidak Cocok The database you are trying to open was most likely @@ -1495,11 +1510,17 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - + The database you are trying to open was most likely +created by a newer version of KeePassXC. + +You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete +and saving any changes may incur data loss. + +We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. Open database anyway - + Tetap buka pangkalan data Database unlock canceled. @@ -1524,11 +1545,11 @@ Untuk mencegah munculnya kesalahan ini, Anda harus ke "Pengaturan Basisdata Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello - + Gagal mengautentikasi dengan Windows Hello Failed to authenticate with Touch ID - + Gagal mengautentikasi dengan Touch ID Failed to open key file: %1 @@ -1580,6 +1601,16 @@ Jika Anda tidak memiliki berkas kunci, biarkan ruas tetap kosong. Select hardware key… Pilih kunci perangkat keras… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1627,11 +1658,11 @@ Jika Anda tidak memiliki berkas kunci, biarkan ruas tetap kosong. Convert KeePassHTTP data - + Konversi data KeePassHTTP Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data - + Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data Refresh database root group ID @@ -1746,7 +1777,8 @@ Izin untuk mengakses entri akan dicabut. Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. - + Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? +This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. Refresh database ID @@ -1763,7 +1795,7 @@ Ini hanya diperlukan jika basisdata Anda adalah salinan dari basisdata yang lain DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey Add additional protection… - + Tambahkan proteksi lain... No password set @@ -1830,11 +1862,11 @@ Apakah Anda tetap ingin melanjutkan tanpa mengatur sandi? Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features - + Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. - + Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. Encryption Algorithm: @@ -1866,7 +1898,7 @@ Apakah Anda tetap ingin melanjutkan tanpa mengatur sandi? Transform rounds - + Transform rounds Memory Usage: @@ -1886,11 +1918,11 @@ Apakah Anda tetap ingin melanjutkan tanpa mengatur sandi? KDBX 4 (recommended) - + KDBX 4 (direkomendasikan) KDBX 3 - + KDBX 3 unchanged @@ -1906,7 +1938,9 @@ Apakah Anda tetap ingin melanjutkan tanpa mengatur sandi? You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. - + You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. + +If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. Understood, keep number @@ -1925,7 +1959,9 @@ If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to o You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. - + You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. + +If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. KDF unchanged @@ -2054,7 +2090,7 @@ Tidakan ini tidak bisa diurungkan. Breadcrumb - + Breadcrumb Type @@ -2082,19 +2118,19 @@ Tidakan ini tidak bisa diurungkan. DatabaseSettingsWidgetMaintenance Manage Custom Icons - + Manage Custom Icons Delete selected icon(s) - + Delete selected icon(s) Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group - + Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group Purge unused icons - + Purge unused icons Confirm Deletion @@ -2102,19 +2138,19 @@ Tidakan ini tidak bisa diurungkan. At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? - + At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? Custom Icons Are In Use - + Custom Icons Are In Use All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group. - + All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group. Purged Unused Icons - + Purged Unused Icons Purged %n icon(s) from the database. @@ -2226,28 +2262,36 @@ Masalah ini jelas sebuah bug, silakan laporkan ke pengembang. Database tab name modifier %1 [Dikunci] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Tanda Basisdata - Searching… - + Sedang mencari… Shared group… - + Grup bersama… Confirm Auto-Type - + Confirm Auto-Type Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? - + Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? Execute command? @@ -2399,6 +2443,22 @@ Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman dan coba lagi? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Simpan + + + Save Search + Simpan pencarian + EditEntryWidget @@ -2472,7 +2532,7 @@ Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman dan coba lagi? Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. - + Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. Invalid Entry @@ -2481,23 +2541,28 @@ Nonaktifkan penyimpanan aman dan coba lagi? An external merge operation has invalidated this entry. Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. - + An external merge operation has invalidated this entry. +Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. Auto-Type Validation Error - + Auto-Type Validation Error An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: %1 Would you like to correct it? - + An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: +%1 +Would you like to correct it? An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": %2 Would you like to correct it? - + An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": +%2 +Would you like to correct it? Entry updated successfully. @@ -2612,7 +2677,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. - + If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. Exclude from database reports @@ -2736,7 +2801,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. - + Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth @@ -2882,11 +2947,11 @@ Would you like to correct it? Tags: - + Tag: Tags list - + Daftar tag @@ -3009,7 +3074,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Group has unsaved changes - + Grup memiliki perubahan yang belum disimpan Enable @@ -3032,38 +3097,46 @@ Would you like to correct it? These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. - + These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. Hide entries from browser extension: - + Hide entries from browser extension: Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups - + Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups Skip Auto-Submit for entries: - + Skip Auto-Submit for entries: Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups - + Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - + Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3158,7 +3231,7 @@ Ekstensi yang didukung adalah: %1. KeeShare container - + KeeShare container KeeShare signed container @@ -3252,15 +3325,15 @@ Ekstensi yang didukung adalah: %1. Choose icon… - + Pilih ikon Set the URL to use to search for a favicon - + Mengatur URL yang dipakai untuk mencari favicon Favicon URL - + URL Favicon Download favicon for URL @@ -3276,7 +3349,7 @@ Ekstensi yang didukung adalah: %1. Apply icon to… - + Terapkan ikon ke... Apply to this group only @@ -3415,7 +3488,7 @@ Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan pengaya menjadi tidak berfungsi. EntryAttachments Cannot open file "%1" - + Tidak bisa membuka berkas "%1" @@ -3457,11 +3530,11 @@ Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan pengaya menjadi tidak berfungsi. Rename selected attachment - + Gantikan nama lampiran terpilih Rename - + Ganti namanya Open selected attachment @@ -3535,12 +3608,13 @@ Ini mungkin akan menyebabkan pengaya menjadi tidak berfungsi. Confirm Overwrite Attachment - + Confirm Overwrite Attachment Attachment "%1" already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? - + Attachment "%1" already exists. +Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? Confirm Attachment @@ -3558,21 +3632,23 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin menambahkan berkas ini? Attachment modified - + Attachment modified The attachment '%1' was modified. Do you want to save the changes to your database? - + The attachment '%1' was modified. +Do you want to save the changes to your database? Saving attachment failed - + Saving attachment failed Saving updated attachment failed. Error: %1 - + Saving updated attachment failed. +Error: %1 @@ -3586,7 +3662,7 @@ Error: %1 EntryHistoryModel Current (%1) - + Current (%1) Last modified @@ -3594,11 +3670,11 @@ Error: %1 Age - + Usia Difference - + Perbedaan Size @@ -3626,7 +3702,7 @@ Error: %1 Custom Attributes - + Atribut Ubahan Icon @@ -3634,7 +3710,7 @@ Error: %1 Color - + Warna Expiration @@ -3646,7 +3722,7 @@ Error: %1 Custom Data - + Data Ubahan Attachments @@ -3658,7 +3734,7 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + Tag @@ -3730,7 +3806,7 @@ Error: %1 Password Strength - + Kekuatan Kata Sandi Entry notes @@ -3797,11 +3873,11 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + Tag Tags list - + Daftar tag Username @@ -3867,6 +3943,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Dinonaktifkan + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -3894,33 +3974,35 @@ Error: %1 ExportDialog Export options - + Opsi ekspor Sort entries by... - + Sort entries by... You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! - + You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. +This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! + database order - + database order name (ascending) - + nama (urut naik) name (descending) - + nama (urut turun) unknown - + unknown Export database to HTML file @@ -3935,11 +4017,11 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! FdoSecrets::DBusMgr Failed to deliver message - + Gagal mengirim pesan Failed to send reply on DBus - + Gagal mengirim jawaban pada DBus Unknown @@ -3954,7 +4036,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! <i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i> <i>PID: 1234, Executable: /path/to/exe</i> - + <i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i> Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration. @@ -3966,23 +4048,23 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1' - + Gagal mendaftarkan layanan pada DBus di path '%1' Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1' - + Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1' Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' - + Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' - + Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' - + Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' @@ -4008,7 +4090,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - + Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. @@ -4026,7 +4108,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! FdoSecrets::UnlockPrompt %1 (PID: %2) - + %1 (PID: %2) @@ -4085,11 +4167,11 @@ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dal Please wait, processing entry list… - + Please wait, processing entry list… Downloading… - + Mengunduh... Ok @@ -4105,7 +4187,7 @@ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dal Downloading favicons (%1/%2)… - + Mengunduh favicon (%1/%2)... @@ -4123,7 +4205,7 @@ Anda dapat mengaktifkan layanan ikon situs web DuckDuckGo di bagian keamanan dal Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - + Missing database headers Unable to calculate database key @@ -4149,11 +4231,11 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Invalid header field length: field %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found @@ -4210,11 +4292,11 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Invalid header field length: field %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header @@ -4230,19 +4312,19 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Invalid inner header id size - + Invalid inner header id size Invalid inner header field length: field %1 - + Invalid inner header field length: field %1 Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found Invalid inner header binary size - + Invalid inner header binary size Unsupported KeePass variant map version. @@ -4330,7 +4412,7 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. KdbxReader Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2) - + Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2) Unable to parse UUID: %1 @@ -4342,7 +4424,7 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Invalid compression flags length - + Invalid compression flags length Unsupported compression algorithm @@ -4350,15 +4432,15 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Invalid master seed size - + Invalid master seed size Invalid transform seed size - + Invalid transform seed size Invalid transform rounds size - + Invalid transform rounds size Invalid start bytes size @@ -4370,7 +4452,7 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Invalid inner random stream cipher - + Invalid inner random stream cipher Failed to read database file. @@ -4381,7 +4463,10 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. - + The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb). + +You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. +This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. Not a KeePass database. @@ -4520,7 +4605,7 @@ Baris %2, kolom %3 KeeAgentSettings Invalid KeeAgent settings file structure. - + Invalid KeeAgent settings file structure. Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided. @@ -4587,15 +4672,15 @@ Baris %2, kolom %3 Invalid transform seed size - + Invalid transform seed size Invalid number of transform rounds - + Invalid number of transform rounds Unable to construct group tree - + Unable to construct group tree Root @@ -4607,7 +4692,7 @@ Baris %2, kolom %3 unable to seek to content position - + unable to seek to content position Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. @@ -4681,7 +4766,7 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Invalid entry UUID field size - + Invalid entry UUID field size Invalid entry group id field size @@ -4740,7 +4825,7 @@ Jika terus berulang, maka basisdata Anda mungkin rusak. Inactive share - + Inactive share Imported from @@ -4820,23 +4905,23 @@ Pesan: %2 Add Key File - + Tambah Berkas Kunci Change Key File - + Ubah Berkas Kunci Remove Key File - + Hapus Berkas Kunci Key File set, click to change or remove - + Berkas Kunci telah diatur, klik untuk mengubah atau menghapus <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> - + <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> Key files @@ -4848,7 +4933,7 @@ Pesan: %2 Create Key File… - + Buat Berkas Kunci... Error creating key file @@ -4885,15 +4970,15 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan dengan berkas ini? MacUtils Invalid key code - + Invalid key code Global shortcut already registered to %1 - + Pintasan global telah didaftarkan ke %1 Could not register global shortcut - + Tidak bisa mendaftar pintasan global @@ -5044,7 +5129,7 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan dengan berkas ini? Database &Reports… - + Database &Reports… Statistics, health check, etc. @@ -5116,7 +5201,7 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan dengan berkas ini? &Lock Database - + &Kunci Pangkalan Data Lock &All Databases @@ -5288,7 +5373,7 @@ Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan dengan berkas ini? Clone Group... - + Clone Group... Clear history @@ -5319,7 +5404,8 @@ Ada beberapa kutu dan masalah-masalah kecil, versi ini ditujukan untuk penggunaa WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. - + WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. +We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Restore Entry(s) @@ -5351,7 +5437,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… Restart Application? @@ -5361,6 +5447,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Anda harus memulai ulang aplikasi untuk menerapkan pengaturan ini. Apakah Anda ingin memulai ulang sekarang? + + Tags + Tag + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Salin Sandi dan TOTP + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5397,18 +5507,18 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Reset - + Reset Reset any remembered decisions for this application - + Reset any remembered decisions for this application Merger Creating missing %1 [%2] - + Creating missing %1 [%2] Relocating %1 [%2] @@ -5432,11 +5542,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2] - + Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2] Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2] - + Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2] Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2] @@ -5448,11 +5558,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Deleting child %1 [%2] - + Deleting child %1 [%2] Deleting orphan %1 [%2] - + Deleting orphan %1 [%2] Changed deleted objects @@ -5475,7 +5585,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. NewDatabaseWizard Create a new KeePassXC database… - + Create a new KeePassXC database… Root @@ -5547,18 +5657,18 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Global shortcut already registered to %1 - + Pintasan global telah didaftarkan ke %1 Could not register global shortcut - + Tidak bisa mendaftar pintasan global OpData01 Invalid OpData01, does not contain header - + Invalid OpData01, does not contain header Unable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1 @@ -5566,7 +5676,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1 - + Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1 Unable to read all HMAC signature bytes @@ -5578,11 +5688,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unable to process clearText in place - + Unable to process clearText in place Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2 - + Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2 @@ -5590,7 +5700,8 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Read Database did not produce an instance %1 - + Read Database did not produce an instance +%1 @@ -5617,7 +5728,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unable to derive master key: %1 - + Unable to derive master key: %1 @@ -5640,7 +5751,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Key file magic header id invalid - + Key file magic header id invalid Found zero keys @@ -5684,7 +5795,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Failed to initialize cipher: %1 - + Failed to initialize cipher: %1 Decryption failed: %1 @@ -5696,11 +5807,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unexpected EOF while reading key - + Unexpected EOF while reading key Unsupported key part - + Unsupported key part Unexpected EOF while reading public key @@ -5731,29 +5842,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. EOF yang tidak terduga saat menulis kunci privat - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Sandi tidak sama - - - Passwords match so far - Kata sandi cocok sejauh ini - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Aktif/Nonaktifkan Sandi (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Buat Sandi (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Peringatan: Caps Lock aktif! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5778,19 +5866,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Add Password - + Tambahkan Kata Sandi Change Password - + Change Password Remove Password - + Remove Password Password set, click to change or remove - + Password set, click to change or remove <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> @@ -5932,10 +6020,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Juga pilih dari: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Karakter yang dikecualikan: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Kecualikan karakter mirip @@ -5962,7 +6046,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Character Count: - + Cacah Karakter: Word Case: @@ -5970,15 +6054,15 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Delete selected wordlist - + Delete selected wordlist Add custom wordlist - + Add custom wordlist character - + karakter Close @@ -6010,7 +6094,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. (SYSTEM) - + (SYSTEM) Entropy: %1 bit @@ -6018,19 +6102,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Confirm Delete Wordlist - + Confirm Delete Wordlist Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? - + Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? Failed to delete wordlist - + Failed to delete wordlist Wordlists - + Wordlists All files @@ -6038,20 +6122,21 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Select Custom Wordlist - + Select Custom Wordlist Overwrite Wordlist? - + Overwrite Wordlist? Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? - + Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. +Do you want to overwrite it? Failed to add wordlist - + Failed to add wordlist Logograms @@ -6085,20 +6170,71 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Sempurna + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Karakter yang dikecualikan: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Sandi tidak sama + + + Passwords match so far + Kata sandi cocok sejauh ini + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Aktif/Nonaktifkan Sandi (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Buat Sandi (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Peringatan: Caps Lock aktif! + + + Quality: %1 + Kualitas: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Buruk + + + Weak + Password quality + Lemah + + + Good + Password quality + Baik + + + Excellent + Password quality + Sempurna + PickcharsDialog KeePassXC - Pick Characters - + KeePassXC - Pick Characters Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. - + Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. Press &Tab between characters - + Press &Tab between characters @@ -6200,7 +6336,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? No valid UUID provided - + No valid UUID provided Unknown error @@ -6216,7 +6352,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Could not save the native messaging script file for %1. - + Could not save the native messaging script file for %1. Username for the entry. @@ -6236,7 +6372,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Notes for the entry. - + Notes for the entry. Notes @@ -6260,7 +6396,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. - + Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. Could not create entry with path %1. @@ -6308,11 +6444,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP file - + Path to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP file okon-cli - + okon-cli Analyze passwords for weaknesses and problems. @@ -6320,11 +6456,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Cannot find HIBP file: %1 - + Cannot find HIBP file: %1 Evaluating database entries using okon… - + Evaluating database entries using okon… Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2 @@ -6332,7 +6468,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… - + Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! @@ -6340,23 +6476,23 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password for '%1' has been leaked! - + Password for '%1' has been leaked! Export an attachment of an entry. - + Export an attachment of an entry. Path of the entry with the target attachment. - + Path of the entry with the target attachment. Name of the attachment to be exported. - + Name of the attachment to be exported. Path to which the attachment should be exported. - + Path to which the attachment should be exported. Could not find entry with path %1. @@ -6364,68 +6500,68 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Could not find attachment with name %1. - + Could not find attachment with name %1. No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. - + No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. Could not open output file %1. - + Could not open output file %1. Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. - + Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. Overwrite existing attachments. - + Overwrite existing attachments. Imports an attachment to an entry. - + Imports an attachment to an entry. Path of the entry. - + Path of the entry. Name of the attachment to be added. - + Name of the attachment to be added. Path of the attachment to be imported. - + Path of the attachment to be imported. Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. - + Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. Could not open attachment file %1. - + Could not open attachment file %1. Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. - + Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. Remove an attachment of an entry. - + Remove an attachment of an entry. Name of the attachment to be removed. - + Name of the attachment to be removed. Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. - + Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. Don't translate "password", it refers to the attribute. - + Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp"). @@ -6433,7 +6569,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. - + Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. @@ -6446,7 +6582,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). - + Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). Invalid timeout value %1. @@ -6454,11 +6590,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Multiple entries matching: - + Multiple entries matching: Using matching entry: %1 - + Using matching entry: %1 Entry %1 not found. @@ -6474,7 +6610,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2. - + ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2. Attribute "%1" not found. @@ -6482,7 +6618,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard! - + Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard! Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... @@ -6518,19 +6654,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). - + Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). slot[:serial] - + slot[:serial] Missing positional argument(s). - + Missing positional argument(s). Too many arguments provided. - + Too many arguments provided. Target decryption time in MS for the database. @@ -6578,11 +6714,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay. - + Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay. Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function. - + Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function. error while setting database key derivation settings. @@ -6645,7 +6781,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Not changing any field for entry %1. - + Not changing any field for entry %1. Enter new password for entry: @@ -6685,7 +6821,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Multi-word extra bits %1 - + Multi-word extra bits %1 Type: Bruteforce @@ -6725,43 +6861,43 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Type: Bruteforce(Rep) - + Type: Bruteforce(Rep) Type: Dictionary(Rep) - + Type: Dictionary(Rep) Type: Dict+Leet(Rep) - + Type: Dict+Leet(Rep) Type: User Words(Rep) - + Type: User Words(Rep) Type: User+Leet(Rep) - + Type: User+Leet(Rep) Type: Repeated(Rep) - + Type: Repeated(Rep) Type: Sequence(Rep) - + Type: Sequence(Rep) Type: Spatial(Rep) - + Type: Spatial(Rep) Type: Date(Rep) - + Type: Date(Rep) Type: Unknown (%1) - + Type: Unknown (%1) Entropy %1 (%2) @@ -6829,7 +6965,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Use custom character set - + Use custom character set Exclude similar looking characters @@ -6849,7 +6985,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Invalid password generator after applying all options - + Invalid password generator after applying all options Display command help. @@ -6917,7 +7053,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Database created - + Database created Last saved @@ -7153,7 +7289,7 @@ Perintah yang tersedia: Show the attachments of the entry. - + Show the attachments of the entry. Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. @@ -7177,11 +7313,11 @@ Perintah yang tersedia: No attachments present. - + No attachments present. Attachments: - + Attachments: Failed to open database file %1: not found @@ -7244,7 +7380,8 @@ Mohon buat berkas kunci yang baru saja. All clipping programs failed. Tried %1 - + All clipping programs failed. Tried %1 + Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2 @@ -7260,19 +7397,19 @@ Mohon buat berkas kunci yang baru saja. To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) - + To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) Could not start okon process: %1 - + Could not start okon process: %1 Error: okon process did not finish - + Error: okon process did not finish Failed to load okon processed database: %1 - + Failed to load okon processed database: %1 Very weak password @@ -7408,7 +7545,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 - + Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 Cryptographic libraries: @@ -7424,27 +7561,27 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode. - + SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode. SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2. - + SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2. Cipher not initialized prior to use. - + Cipher not initialized prior to use. Cannot process 0 length data. - + Cannot process 0 length data. unknown executable (DBus address %1) - + unknown executable (DBus address %1) %1 (invalid executable path) - + %1 (invalid executable path) NULL device @@ -7496,11 +7633,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 AES-KDF (KDBX 3) - + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. - + Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled. @@ -7544,7 +7681,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Benchmark %1 delay - + Benchmark %1 delay %1 ms @@ -7594,7 +7731,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Browser Statistics - + Statistik Peramban Health Check @@ -7650,7 +7787,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 allow app screen recordering and screenshots - + allow app screen recordering and screenshots Locked databases. @@ -7692,14 +7829,71 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Failed to create Windows Hello credential. - + Failed to create Windows Hello credential. Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. - + Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -7741,39 +7935,39 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetBrowserStatistics Exclude expired entries from the report - + Kecualikan entri kedaluwarsa dari laporan Show only entries which have URL set - + Show only entries which have URL set Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data - + Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data Double-click entries to edit. - + Double-click entries to edit. List of entry URLs - + List of entry URLs Entry has no URLs set - + Entry has no URLs set Allowed URLs - + Allowed URLs Entry has no Browser Integration settings - + Entry has no Browser Integration settings Denied URLs - + Denied URLs (Excluded) @@ -7785,11 +7979,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… - + Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. - + No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. Title @@ -7801,11 +7995,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 URLs - + URLs Edit Entry… - + Edit Entry… Delete Entry(s)… @@ -7820,7 +8014,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetHealthcheck Exclude expired entries from the report - + Kecualikan entri kedaluwarsa dari laporan Also show entries that have been excluded from reports @@ -7867,7 +8061,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, health data is being calculated… - + Please wait, health data is being calculated… Congratulations, everything is healthy! @@ -7891,7 +8085,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - + Edit Entry… Delete Entry(s)… @@ -7986,7 +8180,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - + Edit Entry… Delete Entry(s)… @@ -8013,7 +8207,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… - + Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… Database name @@ -8029,7 +8223,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Database created - + Database created Last saved @@ -8140,7 +8334,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add. - + Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add. Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include: @@ -8152,15 +8346,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options). - + Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options). A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options). - + A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options). Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. - + Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. No agent running, cannot remove identity. @@ -8183,11 +8377,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Every search term must match (ie, logical AND) - + Every search term must match (ie, logical AND) Modifiers - + Modifiers exclude term from results @@ -8195,11 +8389,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 match term exactly - + match term exactly use regex in term - + use regex in term Fields @@ -8207,19 +8401,19 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Term Wildcards - + Term Wildcards match anything - + match anything match one - + match one logical OR - + logical OR Examples @@ -8239,7 +8433,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Search (%1)… Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut - + Cari (%1)... Case sensitive @@ -8249,6 +8443,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Batasi pencarian ke grup yang dipilih + + Save Search + Simpan pencarian + SettingsClientModel @@ -8262,7 +8460,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 DBus Address - + DBus Address Manage @@ -8300,15 +8498,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients - + Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients - + Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients <html><head/><body><p><span style=" @@ -8316,11 +8514,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does + not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> + Confirm when clients request entry deletion - + Confirm when clients request entry deletion <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications @@ -8328,7 +8530,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications + which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also + crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a + different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> + Prompt to unlock database before searching @@ -8352,7 +8558,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section. - + Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section. @@ -8387,7 +8593,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Signer: - + Signer: Generate new certificate @@ -8414,14 +8620,14 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ShareExport Could not write export container. - + Could not write export container. ShareImport Successful import - + Successful import @@ -8440,11 +8646,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Multiple import source path to %1 in %2 - + Multiple import source path to %1 in %2 Conflicting export target path %1 in %2 - + Conflicting export target path %1 in %2 Export to %1 failed (%2) @@ -8461,16 +8667,39 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Semua - Expired Kedaluwarsa Weak Passwords + Kata Sandi Lemah + + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? @@ -8529,15 +8758,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Default settings (RFC 6238) - + Default settings (RFC 6238) Steam® settings - + Steam® settings Custom settings: - + Custom settings: Custom Settings @@ -8553,7 +8782,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Time step field - + Time step field sec @@ -8602,7 +8831,7 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Checking for updates… - + Checking for updates… Close @@ -8614,7 +8843,7 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. - + An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. <strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="">downloaded here</a>. @@ -8622,7 +8851,7 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP You have the latest version of KeePassXC - + You have the latest version of KeePassXC @@ -8668,49 +8897,49 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP WinUtils Invalid key code - + Invalid key code Global shortcut already registered to %1 - + Pintasan global telah didaftarkan ke %1 Could not register global shortcut - + Tidak bisa mendaftar pintasan global WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. - + Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. Failed to encrypt key data. - + Failed to encrypt key data. Failed to get Windows Hello credential. - + Failed to get Windows Hello credential. Failed to decrypt key data. - + Failed to decrypt key data. YubiKey %1 No interface, slot %2 - + %1 No interface, slot %2 General: - + Umum: Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. - + Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. @@ -8733,31 +8962,31 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! - + Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! Challenge-Response - + Challenge-Response Add Challenge-Response - + Add Challenge-Response Change Challenge-Response - + Change Challenge-Response Remove Challenge-Response - + Remove Challenge-Response Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove - + Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> - + <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> Detecting hardware keys… @@ -8772,26 +9001,26 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP YubiKeyInterface %1 Invalid slot specified - %2 - + %1 Invalid slot specified - %2 YubiKeyInterfacePCSC (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - + (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. - + The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. Hardware key is currently in use. - + Kunci perangkat keras sedang digunakan saat ini. Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. - + Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. @@ -8799,11 +9028,11 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Hardware key was not found or is not configured. - + Hardware key was not found or is not configured. Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 - + Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 @@ -8814,11 +9043,11 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3 - + (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3 (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 - + (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 Press @@ -8832,27 +9061,27 @@ Contoh: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized. - + The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized. Hardware key is currently in use. - + Kunci perangkat keras sedang digunakan saat ini. Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue. - + Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue. Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction. - + Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction. A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 - + A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 - + Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts index 271ac2a9a..8140c7b5e 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_it.ts @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ Deny All && Future - Nega tutto && futuri + Nega tutto e futuri Allow All && &Future - Consenti tutto && &futuri + Consenti tutto e &futuri @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Seleziona cartella salvataggio backup + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Questa impostazione non può essere abilitata quando è abilitata la riduzione a icona con lo sblocco. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -266,7 +270,7 @@ Check for updates at application startup once per week - Verificare la disponibilità di aggiornamenti all'avvio dell'applicazione una volta alla settimana + Verifica la disponibilità di aggiornamenti all'avvio dell'applicazione una volta alla settimana Include beta releases when checking for updates @@ -410,11 +414,11 @@ Use monospaced font for notes - Utilizzare un tipo di carattere monospazio per le note + Usa un carattere a larghezza fissa per le note Minimize instead of app exit - Minimizzare invece di uscire dall'app + Minimizza invece di uscire dall'applicazione Show a system tray icon @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Ricorda l'ultima voce digitata per: + + recent files + file recenti + + + Show passwords in color + Mostra le password a colori + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Segnaposto non valido: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + La voce non ha l'attributo per PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -845,7 +861,7 @@ Si desidera creare questo gruppo? Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example: chrome-laptop. - Hai ricevuto una richiesta di associazione per il segguente database: + Hai ricevuto una richiesta di associazione per il seguente database: %1 Assegnagli un nome univoco o un ID, per esempio: @@ -862,7 +878,7 @@ laptop-chrome A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? - Esiste già una chiave crittografica condivisa con il nome "%1"- Vuoi sovrascriverla? + Esiste già una chiave di cifratura condivisa con il nome "%1"- Vuoi sovrascriverla? KeePassXC: Update Entry @@ -904,7 +920,7 @@ Sono stati spostati %2 chiavi nei dati personalizzati. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - Sono stati spostati %n chiavi in dati personalizzati.Sono state spostate %n chiavi in dati personalizzati. + Sono stati spostati %n chiavi in dati personalizzati.Sono state spostate %n chiavi in dati personalizzati.Sono state spostate %n chiavi in dati personalizzati. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! @@ -920,7 +936,7 @@ Sono stati spostati %2 chiavi nei dati personalizzati. KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected - KeePassXC: rilevate le impostazioni di integrazione del browser legacy + KeePassXC: rilevate impostazioni obsolete di integrazione del browser Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings. @@ -1000,11 +1016,11 @@ Si desidera eseguire ora la migrazione delle impostazioni esistenti? Match URL scheme (e.g., - Corrispondenza dello schema URL (ad esempio, + Corrispondenza dello schema URL (ad es., Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. - Restituisci solo le corrispondenze migliori per un'URL specifica invece di tutte le voci per l'intero dominio. + Restituisci solo le corrispondenze migliori per un URL specifica invece di tutte le voci per l'intero dominio. Return only best-matching credentials @@ -1044,7 +1060,7 @@ Si desidera eseguire ora la migrazione delle impostazioni esistenti? Do not ask permission for HTTP Basic Auth An extra HTTP Basic Auth setting - Non chiedere l'autorizzazione per l'autenticazione HTTP e basic + Non chiedere l'autorizzazione per l'autenticazione semplice HTTP Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported. @@ -1056,7 +1072,7 @@ Si desidera eseguire ora la migrazione delle impostazioni esistenti? Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings. - Non visualizzare il popup che suggerisce la migrazione delle impostazioni KeePassHTTP legacy. + Non visualizzare la finestra a comparsa che suggerisce la migrazione delle impostazioni KeePassHTTP obsolete. Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration. @@ -1138,7 +1154,7 @@ Si desidera eseguire ora la migrazione delle impostazioni esistenti? <b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location cannot be found!<br/>Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application. - <b>Errore:</b> Il percorso personalizzato per il proxy non può essere trovato!<br/>L'estensione del browser NON PUO' LAVORARE senza l'utilizzo di un proxy. + <b>Errore:</b> Il percorso personalizzato per il proxy non può essere trovato!<br/>L'estensione del browser NON PUÒ FUNZIONARE senza l'utilizzo di un proxy. <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! @@ -1312,7 +1328,7 @@ Si desidera eseguire ora la migrazione delle impostazioni esistenti? [%n more message(s) skipped] - [%n altro messaggio saltato][altri %n messaggi saltati] + [%n altro messaggio saltato][altri %n messaggi saltati][altri %n messaggi saltati] Error @@ -1334,15 +1350,15 @@ Si desidera eseguire ora la migrazione delle impostazioni esistenti? %n byte(s) - %n byte (s)%n byte(s) + %n byte (s)%n byte(s)%n byte(s) %n row(s) - righe: %n%n riga(e) + righe: %n%n riga(e)%n riga(e) %n column(s) - %n colonna%n colonne + %n colonna%n colonne%n colonne @@ -1424,10 +1440,6 @@ Database di backup che si trova in %2 Key File: File chiave: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Oltre a una password, è possibile utilizzare un file segreto per migliorare la sicurezza del database. Questo file può essere generato nelle impostazioni di sicurezza del database.</p><p>Questo non <strong>è il</strong> tuo file di database *.kdbx!<br>Se non si dispone di un file di chiave, lasciare vuoto questo campo.</p><p>Clicca per maggiori informazioni...</p> - Key file help Aiuto relativo al file chiave @@ -1440,12 +1452,6 @@ Database di backup che si trova in %2 Hardware Key: Chiave hardware: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>È possibile utilizzare una chiave di protezione hardware, ad esempio <strong>YubiKey</strong> o <strong>OnlyKey</strong> con slot configurati per HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Clicca per maggiori informazioni...</p> - Hardware key help Guida alla chiave hardware @@ -1590,6 +1596,16 @@ Se non possiedi un file chiave, lascia vuoto questo campo. Select hardware key… Seleziona chiave hardware… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Oltre a una password, è possibile utilizzare un file segreto per migliorare la sicurezza del database. Questo file può essere generato nelle impostazioni di sicurezza del database.</p><p>Questo non <strong>è il</strong> tuo file di database *.kdbx!<br>Se non si dispone di un file di chiave, lasciare vuoto questo campo.</p><p>Fai clic per maggiori informazioni...</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>È possibile utilizzare una chiave di protezione hardware, ad esempio <strong>YubiKey</strong> o <strong>OnlyKey</strong> con slot configurati per HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Fai clic per maggiori informazioni...</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1618,7 +1634,7 @@ Se non possiedi un file chiave, lascia vuoto questo campo. Encryption Settings - Impostazioni di crittografia + Impostazioni di cifratura Browser Integration @@ -1641,7 +1657,7 @@ Se non possiedi un file chiave, lascia vuoto questo campo. Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data - Convertire gli attributi KeePassHTTP legacy in dati personalizzati compatibili con KeePassXC-Browser + Convertire gli attributi KeePassHTTP obsoleti in dati personalizzati compatibili con KeePassXC-Browser Refresh database root group ID @@ -1709,7 +1725,7 @@ Ciò potrebbe impedire la connessione al plug-in del browser. No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings. - Nessuna chiave di crittografia condivisa trovata nelle impostazioni KeePassXC. + Nessuna chiave di cifratura condivisa trovata nelle impostazioni KeePassXC. KeePassXC: Removed keys from database @@ -1717,7 +1733,7 @@ Ciò potrebbe impedire la connessione al plug-in del browser. Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. - Rimossa con successo %n chiave di cifratura dalle impostazioni di KeePassXC. Rimosse con successo %n chiavi di cifratura dalle impostazioni di KeePassXC. + Rimossa con successo %n chiave di cifratura dalle impostazioni di KeePassXC. Rimosse con successo %n chiavi di cifratura dalle impostazioni di KeePassXC. Rimosse con successo %n chiavi di cifratura dalle impostazioni di KeePassXC. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? @@ -1739,7 +1755,7 @@ Le autorizzazioni per accedere alle voci verranno revocate. Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). - Permessi rimossi con successo da %n voce.Permessi rimossi con successo da %n voci. + Permessi rimossi con successo da %n voce.Permessi rimossi con successo da %n voci.Permessi rimossi con successo da %n voci. KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! @@ -1756,7 +1772,7 @@ Le autorizzazioni per accedere alle voci verranno revocate. Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. - Vuoi davvero convertire tutti i dati di integrazione del browser legacy allo standard più recente? + Vuoi davvero convertire tutti i dati di integrazione del browser obsoleti allo standard più recente? Questo è necessario per mantenere la compatibilità con il plug-in del browser. @@ -1794,7 +1810,7 @@ Siete sicuri di voler continuare senza password? No encryption key added - Nessuna chiave di crittografia aggiunta + Nessuna chiave di cifratura aggiunta You must add at least one encryption key to secure your database! @@ -1813,11 +1829,11 @@ Siete sicuri di voler continuare senza password? DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryption Decryption Time: - Tempo di de-crittografia: + Tempo di decifratura: Change existing decryption time - Modificare il tempo di decrittografia esistente + Modificare il tempo di decifratura esistente Change @@ -1825,7 +1841,7 @@ Siete sicuri di voler continuare senza password? Decryption time in seconds - Tempo di decrittografia in secondi + Tempo di decifratura in secondi Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer. @@ -1853,11 +1869,11 @@ Siete sicuri di voler continuare senza password? Encryption algorithm - Algoritmo di crittografia + Algoritmo di cifratura AES: 256 Bit (default) - AES: 256 Bit (impostazione predefinita) + AES: 256 Bit (predefinito) Twofish: 256 Bit @@ -1948,17 +1964,17 @@ Se si mantiene questo numero, il database non sarà protetto da attacchi di forz Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. - La trasformazione della chiave con i nuovi parametri KDF e' fallita; KDF immutato + La trasformazione della chiave con i nuovi parametri KDF non è riuscita; KDF immutato MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) - MiB MiB + MiB MiB MiB thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) - iscritto (i)thread(s) + threadthreadthread @@ -2133,7 +2149,7 @@ Questa azione non è reversibile. Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - Eliminata %n icona dal database.Eliminate %n icone dal database. + Eliminata %n icona dal database.Eliminate %n icone dal database.Eliminate %n icone dal database. @@ -2225,7 +2241,7 @@ Questo è sicuramente un bug, si prega di segnalarlo agli sviluppatori. You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? - Si sta per esportare il database in un file non crittografato. Questo lascerà le password e le informazioni sensibili vulnerabili! Sei sicuro di voler continuare? + Stai per esportare il database in un file non cifrato. Questo lascerà le password e le informazioni sensibili vulnerabili! Sei sicuro di voler continuare? New Database @@ -2241,13 +2257,21 @@ Questo è sicuramente un bug, si prega di segnalarlo agli sviluppatori.Database tab name modifier %1 [bloccato] + + Export database to XML file + Esportare il database in un file XML + + + XML file + File XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + Scrittura del file XML non riuscita + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Etichette del database - Searching… Ricerca... @@ -2359,7 +2383,7 @@ Salvare le modifiche? The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. Do you want to merge your changes? - Il file del database e' stato cambiato e ci sono cambiamenti non salvati + Il file del database è stato cambiato e ci sono cambiamenti non salvati Vuoi fondere i cambiamenti? @@ -2412,7 +2436,23 @@ Disabilitare i salvataggi sicuri e riprovare? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - Voci che scadono entro %1 giorno(i)Voci che scadono entro %1 giorno(i) + Voci che scadono entro %1 giorno(i)Voci che scadono entro %1 giorno(i)Voci che scadono entro %1 giorno(i) + + + Searches and Tags + Ricerche e tag + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Inserisci un nome univoco o sovrascrivi una ricerca esistente dall'elenco: + + + Save + Salva + + + Save Search + Salva ricerca @@ -2557,19 +2597,19 @@ Vuoi correggerla? %n week(s) - %n settimana%n settimane + %n settimana%n settimane%n settimane %n month(s) - %n mese%n mesi + %n mese%n mesi%n mesi %n year(s) - anno (i) %n%n anno(i) + anno (i) %n%n anno(i)%n anno(i) %n hour(s) - %n ora(e)%n ora(e) + %n ora(e)%n ora(e)%n ora(e) @@ -2752,7 +2792,7 @@ Vuoi correggerla? Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth - Utilizza questa voce solo con l'autenticazione HTTP Basic + Utilizza questa voce solo con l'autenticazione semplice HTTP Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. @@ -2760,7 +2800,7 @@ Vuoi correggerla? Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth - Non utilizzare questa voce con l'autenticazione di base HTTP + Non utilizzare questa voce con l'autenticazione semplice HTTP Additional URL's @@ -3072,7 +3112,7 @@ Vuoi correggerla? Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: - Utilizzare le voci solo con l'autenticazione di base HTTP: + Utilizzare le voci solo con l'autenticazione semplice HTTP: Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3080,12 +3120,20 @@ Vuoi correggerla? Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: - Non utilizzare voci con autenticazione di base HTTP: + Non utilizzare voci con autenticazione semplice HTTP: Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Non utilizzare l'interruttore di autenticazione HTTP per questo e sottogruppi + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Ometti il sottodominio WWW dalla corrispondenza: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Omettere il sottodominio WWW dal selettore corrispondente per questo e sottogruppi + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3340,7 +3388,7 @@ Le estensioni supportate sono: %1. Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - Caricate con successo %1 di %n icona.Caricate con successo %1 di %n icone. + Caricate con successo %1 di %n icona.Caricate con successo %1 di %n icone.Caricate con successo %1 di %n icone. No icons were loaded @@ -3348,11 +3396,11 @@ Le estensioni supportate sono: %1. %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n icona esiste già nel database%n icone esistono già nel database + %n icona esiste già nel database%n icone esistono già nel database%n icone esistono già nel database The following icon(s) failed: - La seguente icona presenta degli errori:Le seguenti icone presentano degli errori: + La seguente icona presenta degli errori:Le seguenti icone presentano degli errori:Le seguenti icone presentano degli errori: @@ -3509,7 +3557,7 @@ Ciò potrebbe causare malfunzionamenti ai plugin interessati. Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere %n allegato?Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere %n allegati? + Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere %n allegato?Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere %n allegati?Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere %n allegati? Save attachments @@ -3552,6 +3600,7 @@ Ciò potrebbe causare malfunzionamenti ai plugin interessati. %1 Impossibile aprire il file: %1Impossibile aprire i file: +%1Impossibile aprire i file: %1 @@ -3573,10 +3622,10 @@ Si desidera sovrascrivere l'allegato esistente? Your database may get very large and reduce performance. Are you sure to add this file? - %1 Ha dimensioni elevate (%2 MB). -Il database potrebbe occupare più spazio e ridurre le sue performance. + %1 ha dimensioni elevate (%2 MB). +Il database potrebbe occupare più spazio e ridurre le sue prestazioni. -Siete sicuri di voler aggiungere questo file? +Sei sicuro di voler aggiungere questo file? Attachment modified @@ -3595,7 +3644,7 @@ Vuoi salvare le modifiche nel tuo database? Saving updated attachment failed. Error: %1 - Salvataggio allegato aggiornato fallito. + Salvataggio allegato aggiornato non riuscito. Errore: %1 @@ -3891,6 +3940,10 @@ Errore: %1 Disabled Disabilitato + + Double click to copy value + Fare doppio clic per copiare il valore + EntryURLModel @@ -3928,7 +3981,7 @@ Errore: %1 You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! - Si sta per esportare il database in un file non crittografato. + Si sta per esportare il database in un file non cifrato. Ciò lascerà vulnerabili le tue password e le tue informazioni sensibili! @@ -4023,7 +4076,7 @@ Ciò lascerà vulnerabili le tue password e le tue informazioni sensibili! %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application - %n Voce utilizzata da %1%n Voci utilizzate da %1 + %n Voce utilizzata da %1%n Voci utilizzate da %1%n Voci utilizzate da %1 @@ -4078,7 +4131,7 @@ Ciò lascerà vulnerabili le tue password e le tue informazioni sensibili! HibpDownloader Online password validation failed - Validazione online della password fallita + Convalida online della password non riuscita @@ -4244,7 +4297,7 @@ Se ciò si ripresenta, il file di database potrebbe essere danneggiato. Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header - Fallimento dell'apertura del buffer per i parametri KDF nell'header + Apertura del buffer per i parametri KDF nell'intestazione non riuscita Unsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parameters @@ -4252,7 +4305,7 @@ Se ciò si ripresenta, il file di database potrebbe essere danneggiato. Legacy header fields found in KDBX4 file. - Sono stati trovati dei campi obsloleti nell'header del file KDBX4 + Campi di intestazione obsoleti trovati nel file KDBX4. Invalid inner header id size @@ -4349,7 +4402,7 @@ Se ciò si ripresenta, il file di database potrebbe essere danneggiato. Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant map Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Fallita serializzazione della mappa di variazione dei parametri per la funzione di derivazione della chiave di cifratura (KDF) + Serializzazione della mappa di variazione dei parametri KDF non riuscita @@ -4612,7 +4665,7 @@ Riga %2, colonna %3 Invalid content hash size - DImensione dell'hash non valida per questo contenuto + Dimensione dell'hash non valida per questo contenuto Invalid transform seed size @@ -4706,7 +4759,7 @@ Se ciò si ripresenta, il file di database potrebbe essere danneggiato. Read entry field data doesn't match size - I dati letti per la voce corrente non coincidono con la dimensione + I dati letti per la voce corrente non coincidono con la dimensione Invalid entry UUID field size @@ -4861,7 +4914,7 @@ Messaggio: %2 Key File set, click to change or remove - File chiave impostato, clicca per cambiare o rimuovere + File chiave impostato, fai clic per cambiare o rimuovere <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> @@ -5093,7 +5146,7 @@ Sei sicuro di voler continuare con questo file? Move u&p - Sposta in s&ù + Sposta in s&u Move entry one step up @@ -5353,7 +5406,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Restore Entry(s) - Ripristina voce(i)Ripristina voce(i) + Ripristina voce(i)Ripristina voce(i)Ripristina voce(i) Settings @@ -5391,6 +5444,30 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? È necessario riavviare l'applicazione per applicare questa impostazione. Vuoi riavviare ora? + + Tags + Etichette + + + No Tags + Nessun tag + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 Voce(e)%1 Voce(e)%1 Voce(i) + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Copia password e TOTP + + + &XML File… + File &XML... + + + XML File… + File XML... + ManageDatabase @@ -5442,7 +5519,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Relocating %1 [%2] - Rilocazione di %1 [%2] + Trasferimento di %1 [%2] Overwriting %1 [%2] @@ -5521,7 +5598,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Encryption Settings - Impostazioni di crittografia + Impostazioni di cifratura Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. @@ -5551,7 +5628,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryption Encryption Settings - Impostazioni di crittografia + Impostazioni di cifratura Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. @@ -5596,7 +5673,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1 - Impossibile inizializzare la crittografia per opdata01: %1 + Impossibile inizializzare la cifratura per opdata01: %1 Unable to read all HMAC signature bytes @@ -5612,7 +5689,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2 - Previsto %1 byte di testo non crittografato, trovato %2 + Previsto %1 byte di testo non cifrato, trovato %2 @@ -5636,11 +5713,11 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Directory .opvault/default must exist - Directory .opvault/default deve esistere + La cartella .opvault/default deve esistere Directory .opvault/default must be readable - Directory .opvault/default deve essere leggibile + La cartella .opvault/default deve essere leggibile Unable to decode masterKey: %1 @@ -5659,7 +5736,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow PEM boundary mismatch - Mancata corrispondenza del marigne PEM + Mancata corrispondenza del margine PEM Base64 decoding failed @@ -5707,7 +5784,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf - Il vettore di inizializzazione del cifrario è troppo corto per la derivazione della chiave crittografica tramite MD5 + Il vettore di inizializzazione del cifrario è troppo corto per la derivazione della chiave di cifratura tramite MD5 Unknown KDF: %1 @@ -5719,7 +5796,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Decryption failed: %1 - Decrittografia non riuscita: %1 + Decifratura non riuscita: %1 Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? @@ -5762,29 +5839,6 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow EOF imprevisto durante la scrittura di una chiave privata - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Le password non corrispondono - - - Passwords match so far - Le password corrispondono finora - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Attiva/disattiva password (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Genera password (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Attenzione: Caps Lock abilitato! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5821,7 +5875,7 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Password set, click to change or remove - Password impostata, clicca per cambiare o rimuovere + Password impostata, fai clic per cambiare o rimuovere <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> @@ -5963,10 +6017,6 @@ Ti consigliamo di utilizzare l'AppImage disponibile sulla nostra pagina dow Also choose from: Scegli anche tra: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Escludere i caratteri: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Escludi caratteri simili @@ -6117,6 +6167,57 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo? Password quality Eccellente + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Escludere i caratteri: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Le password non corrispondono + + + Passwords match so far + Le password corrispondono finora + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Attiva/disattiva password (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Genera password (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Attenzione: Caps Lock abilitato! + + + Quality: %1 + Qualità: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Debole + + + Weak + Password quality + Intermedia + + + Good + Password quality + Buona + + + Excellent + Password quality + Eccellente + PickcharsDialog @@ -6130,7 +6231,7 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo? Press &Tab between characters - Premere &TAB tra i caratteri + Premi &Tab tra i caratteri @@ -6188,7 +6289,7 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo? Cannot decrypt message - Impossibile decrittografare il messaggio + Impossibile decifrare il messaggio Action cancelled or denied @@ -6196,15 +6297,15 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo? Message encryption failed. - Crittografia del messaggio non riuscita. + Cifratura del messaggio non riuscita. KeePassXC association failed, try again - Associazione KeePassXC fallita, riprova + Associazione KeePassXC non riuscita, riprova Encryption key is not recognized - Chiave di crittografia non riconosciuta + Chiave di cifratura non riconosciuta Incorrect action @@ -6368,7 +6469,7 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo? Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! - La password per '%1' è trapelata %2 volta!La password per '%1' è trapelata %2 volte! + La password per '%1' è trapelata %2 volta!La password per '%1' è trapelata %2 volte!La password per '%1' è trapelata %2 volte! Password for '%1' has been leaked! @@ -6479,7 +6580,7 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'. Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). - Timeout prima di cancellare gli Appunti (l'impostazione predefinita è %1 secondi, impostata su 0 per senza limite). + Timeout prima di cancellare gli appunti (l'impostazione predefinita è %1 secondi, impostata su 0 per senza limite). Invalid timeout value %1. @@ -6499,7 +6600,7 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'. ERROR: Please specify one of --attribute or --totp, not both. - ERRORE: Specificare uno solo tra attributo o TOTOP, non entrambi. + ERRORE: Specifica uno solo tra --attribute o --totp, non entrambi. Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up. @@ -6519,7 +6620,7 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'. Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... - Cancellazione degli Appunti in %1 secondi...Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondo(i)... + Cancellazione degli Appunti in %1 secondi...Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondo(i)...Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondo(i)... Clipboard cleared! @@ -6603,7 +6704,7 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'. Loading the key file failed - Caricamento del key-file fallito. + Caricamento del key-file non riuscito. No key is set. Aborting database creation. @@ -6810,7 +6911,7 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'. Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'. - Formati utilizzabile per l'esportazione. E' possibile scegliere tra 'xml' e 'csv'. L'impostazione predefinita è 'xml'. + Formati utilizzabile per l'esportazione. È possibile scegliere tra 'xml' e 'csv'. L'impostazione predefinita è 'xml'. Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format. @@ -6934,7 +7035,7 @@ Usa '--stdout' o specifica un 'file-esportazione'. KDF: - Kdf: + KDF: Recycle bin is enabled. @@ -7256,7 +7357,7 @@ Prendere in considerazione la possibilità di generare un nuovo file di chiave.< Enter password to encrypt database (optional): - Immettere la password per crittografare il database (facoltativo): + Immetti la password per cifrare il database (facoltativo): Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]: @@ -7326,7 +7427,7 @@ Prendere in considerazione la possibilità di generare un nuovo file di chiave.< Password is used %1 time(s) - La password è stata utilizzata %1 voltaLa password è stata utilizzata %1 volte + La password è stata utilizzata %1 voltaLa password è stata utilizzata %1 volteLa password è stata utilizzata %1 volte Password has expired @@ -7346,7 +7447,7 @@ Prendere in considerazione la possibilità di generare un nuovo file di chiave.< Password expires in %1 day(s) - La password scade tra %1 giornoLa password scade tra %1 giorni + La password scade tra %1 giornoLa password scade tra %1 giorniLa password scade tra %1 giorni Password will expire soon @@ -7418,27 +7519,27 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 over %1 year(s) - oltre %1 anno(i)oltre %1 anno(i) + oltre %1 anno(i)oltre %1 anno(i)oltre %1 anno(i) about %1 month(s) - circa %1 mese(i)circa %1 mese(i) + circa %1 mese(i)circa %1 mese(i)circa %1 mese(i) %1 week(s) - %1 settimana(e)%1 settimana(e) + %1 settimana(e)%1 settimana(e)%1 settimana(e) %1 day(s) - %1 giorno(i)%1 giorno(i) + %1 giorno(i)%1 giorno(i)%1 giorno(i) %1 hour(s) - %1 ora(e)%1 ora(e) + %1 ora(e)%1 ora(e)%1 ora(e) %1 minute(s) - %1 minuto(i)%1 minuto(i) + %1 minuto(i)%1 minuto(i)%1 minuto(i) Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 @@ -7542,7 +7643,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondo…Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondi… + Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondo…Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondi…Cancellazione degli appunti in %1 secondi… Group @@ -7583,12 +7684,12 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 %1 ms milliseconds - %1 ms%1 ms + %1 ms%1 ms%1 ms %1 s seconds - %1 s%1 s + %1 s%1 s%1 s Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? @@ -7596,11 +7697,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? - Vuoi davvero eliminare %n voce per sempre?Vuoi davvero eliminare %n voci per sempre? + Vuoi davvero eliminare %n voce per sempre?Vuoi davvero eliminare %n voci per sempre?Vuoi davvero eliminare %n voci per sempre? Delete entry(s)? - Eliminare voce?Eliminare voci? + Eliminare voce?Eliminare voci?Eliminare voci? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? @@ -7608,11 +7709,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? - Vuoi davvero spostare %n voce nel cestino?Vuoi davvero spostare %n voci nel cestino? + Vuoi davvero spostare %n voce nel cestino?Vuoi davvero spostare %n voci nel cestino?Vuoi davvero spostare %n voci nel cestino? Move entry(s) to recycle bin? - Spostare voce nel cestino?Spostare voci nel cestino? + Spostare voce nel cestino?Spostare voci nel cestino?Spostare voci nel cestino? Replace references to entry? @@ -7620,7 +7721,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - La voce "%1" ha %2 riferimento. Sovrascrivere i riferimenti con i valori, ignorare questa voce o eliminare comunque?La voce "%1" ha %2 riferimenti. Sovrascrivere i riferimenti con i valori, ignorare questa voce o eliminare comunque? + La voce "%1" ha %2 riferimento. Sovrascrivere i riferimenti con i valori, ignorare questa voce o eliminare comunque?La voce "%1" ha %2 riferimenti. Sovrascrivere i riferimenti con i valori, ignorare questa voce o eliminare comunque?La voce "%1" ha %2 riferimenti. Sovrascrivere i riferimenti con i valori, ignorare questa voce o eliminare comunque? User name @@ -7700,7 +7801,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions. - Errore fatale durante il test delle funzioni di crittografia. + Errore fatale durante il test delle funzioni crittografiche. KeePassXC - Error @@ -7736,6 +7837,64 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Per favore presenta o tocca la tua YubiKey per continuare. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Mostra tutti gli attributi della voce. + + + Edit a database. + Modificare un database. + + + Could not change the database key. + Impossibile modificare la chiave del database. + + + Database was not modified. + Il database non è stato modificato. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Il database è stato modificato correttamente. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Caricamento del nuovo file chiave non riuscito: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Annullare l'impostazione della password per il database. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Annullare l'impostazione del file chiave per il database. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Non è possibile utilizzare %1 e %2 contemporaneamente. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Impossibile rimuovere tutte le chiavi da un database. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Impossibile rimuovere la password: il database non dispone di una password. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Impossibile rimuovere il file chiave: il database non dispone di un file chiave. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Trovato un tipo di chiave %1 inaspettato  + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Impostare il file chiave per il database. +Questa opzione è deprecata, utilizzare invece --set-key-file. + QtIOCompressor @@ -7843,7 +8002,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Elimina voce…Elimina voci… + Elimina voce…Elimina voci…Elimina voci… Exclude from reports @@ -7929,7 +8088,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Elimina voce…Elimina voci… + Elimina voce…Elimina voci…Elimina voci… Exclude from reports @@ -7940,7 +8099,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetHibp CAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service ( If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service. - ATTENZIONE: Questo rapporto richiede l'invio di informazioni al servizio online Have I Been Pwned ( Se si procede le password verranno crittografate e i primi cinque caratteri verranno inviati in modo sicuro al servizio. Il tuo database rimane sicuro e non può essere ricostruito da queste informazioni. Tuttavia il numero di password inviate sarà esposto a questo servizio. + ATTENZIONE: Questo rapporto richiede l'invio di informazioni al servizio online Have I Been Pwned ( Se si procede, alle password del database sarà applicato un hash crittografico e i primi cinque caratteri saranno inviati in modo sicuro al servizio. Il tuo database rimane sicuro e non può essere ricostruito da queste informazioni. Tuttavia il numero di password inviate sarà esposto a questo servizio. Perform Online Analysis @@ -8024,7 +8183,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Elimina voce…Elimina voci… + Elimina voce…Elimina voci…Elimina voci… Exclude from reports @@ -8283,6 +8442,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limita la ricerca al gruppo selezionato + + Save Search + Salva ricerca + SettingsClientModel @@ -8503,10 +8666,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Tutto - Expired Scaduto @@ -8515,6 +8674,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Password deboli + + All Entries + Tutte le voci + + + Clear Search + Cancella ricerca + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Rimuovi ricerca + + + Remove Tag + Rimuovi tag + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Conferma rimuovi tag + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Rimuovere il tag "%1" da tutte le voci in questo database? + TotpDialog @@ -8528,7 +8714,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Scadenza tra <b>%n</b> secondiScadenza tra <b>%n</b> secondo(i) + Scadenza tra <b>%n</b> secondiScadenza tra <b>%n</b> secondo(i)Scadenza tra <b>%n</b> secondo(i) @@ -8725,11 +8911,11 @@ Esempio: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. - Impossibile inizializare la crittografia KeePassXC. + Impossibile inizializzare la cifratura KeePassXC. Failed to encrypt key data. - Impossibile crittografare i dati chiave. + Impossibile cifrare i dati chiave. Failed to get Windows Hello credential. @@ -8737,7 +8923,7 @@ Esempio: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Failed to decrypt key data. - Impossibile decrittografare i dati chiave. + Impossibile decifrare i dati chiave. @@ -8799,7 +8985,7 @@ Esempio: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> - <p>Se si possiede una <a href="">YubiKey</a> o <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, è possibile utilizzarla per una protezione aggiuntiva.</p><p>La chiave richiede che uno dei suoi slot sia programmato come <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Risposta di verifica</a>.</p> + <p>Se si possiede una <a href="">YubiKey</a> o <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, è possibile utilizzarla per una protezione aggiuntiva.</p><p>La chiave richiede che uno dei suoi slot sia programmato come <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Risposta di verifica</a>.</p> Detecting hardware keys… diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts index 1e7cbb622..9ebc5d172 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ja.ts @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + 両方のエージェントを使用する @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory バックアップディレクトリを選択 + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -274,22 +278,22 @@ On database unlock, show entries that - + データベースのロック解除時に次のエントリーを表示する have expired On database unlock, show entries that... - + 期限切れを含む days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days - + will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... - + 期限切れまであと File Management @@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - + データベースのバックアップファイルの場所を指定してください。"{DB_FILENAME}" は保存されたデータベースのファイル名から拡張子を取り除いたものに置き換えられます。{TIME:<format>} はバックアップした時刻に置き換えられます。 を確認してください。<format> 既定のフォーマットは "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss" です。 {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx @@ -491,6 +495,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + 最後に入力したエントリーの記憶: + + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 無効なプレースホルダーです: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -718,7 +734,12 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - + <p>高度な検索クエリを使用して、開いているデータベースから任意のエントリーを検索できます。以下のショートカットが便利です:<br/> +Ctrl+F - データベース検索切り替え<br/> +Ctrl+1 - ユーザー名を入力<br/> +Ctrl+2 - パスワードを入力<br/> +Ctrl+3 - TOTP を入力<br/> +Ctrl+4 - 仮想キーボードを使用 (Windows のみ)</p> Search all open databases @@ -762,7 +783,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Use Virtual Keyboard - + 仮想キーボードを使用する @@ -1425,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: キーファイル: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>パスワードだけでなくシークレットファイルを使用することで、データベースのセキュリティを向上させることができます。シークレットファイルはデータベースのセキュリティ設定で生成できます。</p><p>*.kdbx データベースファイルはシークレットファイル<strong>ではありません</strong>!<br>キーファイルがない場合、このフィールドは空のままにしてください。</p><p>詳細についてはクリックしてください…</p> - Key file help キーファイルのヘルプ @@ -1441,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: ハードウェアキー: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>スロットを HMAC-SHA1 用に設定した <strong>YubiKey</strong> や <strong>OnlyKey</strong> をハードウェアセキュリティキーとして使用できます。</p> -<p>詳細についてはクリックしてください…</p> - Hardware key help ハードウェアキーのヘルプ @@ -1473,7 +1484,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock Database - + データベースのロックを解除 Cancel @@ -1590,6 +1601,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… ハードウェアキーを選択… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>パスワードだけでなくシークレットファイルを使用することで、データベースのセキュリティを向上させることができます。シークレットファイルはデータベースのセキュリティ設定で生成できます。</p><p>*.kdbx データベースファイルはシークレットファイル<strong>ではありません</strong>!<br>キーファイルがない場合、このフィールドは空のままにしてください。</p><p>詳細についてはクリックしてください…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>スロットを HMAC-SHA1 用に設定した <strong>YubiKey</strong> や <strong>OnlyKey</strong> をハードウェアセキュリティキーとして使用できます。</p> +<p>詳細についてはクリックしてください…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1897,7 +1918,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? KDBX 4 (recommended) - + KDBX 4 (推奨) KDBX 3 @@ -2241,13 +2262,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [ロック] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - データベースのタグ - Searching… 検索中… @@ -2294,7 +2323,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Expired entries - + 期限切れのエントリー No current database. @@ -2412,7 +2441,23 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + %1 日以内に期限切れとなるエントリー + + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + 保存 + + + Save Search + @@ -2569,7 +2614,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? %n hour(s) - + %n 時間 @@ -2906,7 +2951,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Tags list - + タグ一覧 @@ -3060,7 +3105,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups - + これとサブグループのエントリーをブラウザー拡張機能から隠すかどうかを切り替える Skip Auto-Submit for entries: @@ -3068,7 +3113,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups - + これとサブグループの自動送信をスキップするかどうかを切り替える Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3076,7 +3121,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - + これとサブグループを HTTP 認証のみにするかどうかを切り替える Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3084,6 +3129,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + これとサブグループで HTTP 認証を使用しないかどうかを切り替える + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3657,7 +3710,7 @@ Error: %1 Color - + カラー Expiration @@ -3669,7 +3722,7 @@ Error: %1 Custom Data - + カスタムデータ Attachments @@ -3824,7 +3877,7 @@ Error: %1 Tags list - + タグ一覧 Username @@ -3890,6 +3943,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled 無効 + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -4148,7 +4205,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - + データベースのヘッダーがありません Unable to calculate database key @@ -5390,6 +5447,30 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? 設定を適用するには、このアプリケーションを再起動する必要があります。今すぐ再起動しますか? + + Tags + タグ + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5426,7 +5507,7 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す Reset - + リセット Reset any remembered decisions for this application @@ -5761,29 +5842,6 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す 秘密鍵の書き込み時に予期しない EOF がありました - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - パスワードが一致しません - - - Passwords match so far - 今の所パスワードは一致しています - - - Toggle Password (%1) - パスワードを切り替え (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - パスワードを生成 (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - 警告: Caps Lock が有効になっています! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5962,10 +6020,6 @@ KeePassXC の配布ページから AppImage をダウンロードして使用す Also choose from: 次からも選択: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - 除外される文字: "0"、"1"、"l"、"I"、"O"、"|"、"﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters よく似た文字を除外する @@ -6116,6 +6170,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality すばらしい + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + 除外される文字: "0"、"1"、"l"、"I"、"O"、"|"、"﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + パスワードが一致しません + + + Passwords match so far + 今の所パスワードは一致しています + + + Toggle Password (%1) + パスワードを切り替え (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + パスワードを生成 (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + 警告: Caps Lock が有効になっています! + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + 貧弱 + + + Weak + Password quality + 弱い + + + Good + Password quality + 良い + + + Excellent + Password quality + すばらしい + PickcharsDialog @@ -7513,7 +7618,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 ChaCha20 256-bit - + ChaCha20 256 ビット Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) @@ -7529,7 +7634,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 AES-KDF (KDBX 3) - + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. @@ -7627,7 +7732,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 Browser Statistics - + ブラウザーの統計 Health Check @@ -7735,6 +7840,63 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -7790,7 +7952,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 List of entry URLs - + エントリーのURLの一覧 Entry has no URLs set @@ -7798,7 +7960,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 Allowed URLs - + 許可されたURL Entry has no Browser Integration settings @@ -7806,7 +7968,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 Denied URLs - + 拒否されたURL (Excluded) @@ -8272,7 +8434,7 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 Search (%1)… Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut - (%1) を検索… + 検索 (%1)… Case sensitive @@ -8282,6 +8444,10 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 Limit search to selected group 選択したグループに検索対象を制限 + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8499,10 +8665,6 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 TagModel - - All - 全て - Expired 期限切れ @@ -8511,6 +8673,33 @@ CPU アーキテクチャー: %2 Weak Passwords 弱いパスワード + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog @@ -8721,19 +8910,19 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. - + KeePassXCの暗号の初期化に失敗しました。 Failed to encrypt key data. - + 鍵データの暗号化に失敗しました。 Failed to get Windows Hello credential. - + Windows Hello の認証情報の取得に失敗しました。 Failed to decrypt key data. - + 鍵データの復号に失敗しました。 diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts index 0034d5c11..86f9413c8 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ko.ts @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + 에이전트 둘 다 사용 @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory 백업 저장 디렉터리 선택 + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: 마지막으로 입력한 항목 기억 시간: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 잘못된 자리 비움자: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + 항목에 PICKCHARS 속성이 없음: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: 키 파일: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>암호 외에도 비밀 파일을 사용하여 데이터베이스 보안을 강화할 수 있습니다. 이 파일은 데이터베이스 보안 설정에서 생성할 수 있습니다.</p><p>이 파일은 *.kdbx 데이터베이스 파일과 <strong>별개의 파일</strong>입니다!<br>키 파일이 없다면 이 필드를 비워 두십시오.</p><p>자세한 정보를 보려면 클릭하십시오…</p> - Key file help 키 파일 도움말 @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: 하드웨어 키: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p><strong>YubiKey</strong>나 <strong>OnlyKey</strong>와 같은 하드웨어 키의 슬롯을 HMAC-SHA1로 설정 시 사용할 수 있습니다.</p> -<p>더 많은 정보를 보려면 클릭하십시오…</p> - Hardware key help 하드웨어 키 도움말 @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… 하드웨어 키 선택... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>암호 외에도 비밀 파일을 사용하여 데이터베이스 보안을 강화할 수 있습니다. 이 파일은 데이터베이스 보안 설정에서 생성할 수 있습니다.</p><p>이 파일은 *.kdbx 데이터베이스 파일과 <strong>별개의 파일</strong>입니다!<br>키 파일이 없다면 이 필드를 비워 두십시오.</p><p>자세한 정보를 보려면 클릭하십시오…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p><strong>YubiKey</strong>나 <strong>OnlyKey</strong>와 같은 하드웨어 키의 슬롯을 HMAC-SHA1로 설정 시 사용할 수 있습니다.</p> +<p>더 많은 정보를 보려면 클릭하십시오…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [잠김] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - 데이터베이스 태그 - Searching… 검색 중... @@ -2419,6 +2443,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) %1일 내에 만료되는 항목 + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + 저장 + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -3091,6 +3131,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups 이 그룹과 하위 그룹의 항목을 HTTP 인증에 사용하지 않기 + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + 일치할 때 WWW 하위 도메인 제외: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + 이 그룹과 하위 그룹 항목을 일치할 때 WWW 하위 도메인 제외 + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3895,6 +3943,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled 사용 안함 + + Double click to copy value + 두 번 클릭하여 값 복사 + EntryURLModel @@ -5395,6 +5447,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? 이 설정을 적용하려면 프로그램을 다시 시작해야 합니다. 지금 다시 시작하시겠습니까? + + Tags + 태그 + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5766,29 +5842,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. 비밀 키를 기록하는 중 예상하지 못한 곳에서 파일이 끝남 - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - 암호가 일치하지 않음 - - - Passwords match so far - 암호가 일치함 - - - Toggle Password (%1) - 암호 표시/숨기기(%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - 암호 생성(%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - 경고: Caps Lock이 켜져 있습니다 - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5967,10 +6020,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: 다음에서도 선택: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - 제외할 글자: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters 비슷하게 생긴 문자 제외 @@ -6121,6 +6170,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality 매우 좋음 + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + 제외할 글자: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + 암호가 일치하지 않음 + + + Passwords match so far + 암호가 일치함 + + + Toggle Password (%1) + 암호 표시/숨기기(%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + 암호 생성(%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + 경고: Caps Lock이 켜져 있습니다 + + + Quality: %1 + 품질: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + 매우 약함 + + + Weak + Password quality + 약함 + + + Good + Password quality + 좋음 + + + Excellent + Password quality + 매우 좋음 + PickcharsDialog @@ -7737,6 +7837,63 @@ CPU 아키텍처: %2 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + 계속 진행하려면 YubiKey를 연결하거나 버튼을 누르십시오... + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -8286,6 +8443,10 @@ CPU 아키텍처: %2 Limit search to selected group 지정한 그룹에서만 찾기 + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8506,10 +8667,6 @@ CPU 아키텍처: %2 TagModel - - All - 모두 - Expired 만료됨 @@ -8518,6 +8675,33 @@ CPU 아키텍처: %2 Weak Passwords 약한 암호 + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a58e2d32 --- /dev/null +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_lt.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9087 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + About KeePassXC + Apie KeePassXC + + + About + Apie + + + Report bugs at: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> + Praneškite apie klaidas adresu: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> + + + KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3. + KeePassXC platinamas pagal GNU bendrosios viešosios licencijos (GPL) 2 versijos arba (jūsų pasirinkimu) 3 versijos sąlygas. + + + Project Maintainers: + Projekto prižiūrėtojai: + + + Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX. + Ypatinga "KeePassXC" komandos padėka debfx už originalaus "KeePassX" sukūrimą. + + + Contributors + Autoriai + + + <a href="">See Contributions on GitHub</a> + <a href="">Peržiūrėkite "GitHub" indėlį</a> + + + Debug Info + Derinimo informacija + + + Include the following information whenever you report a bug: + Kai pranešate apie klaidą, įtraukite šią informaciją: + + + Copy to clipboard + Kopijuoti į mainų sritį + + + + AccessControlDialog + + KeePassXC - Access Request + "KeePassXC" - prieigos užklausa + + + Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. + Neegzistuojantis / neprieinamas vykdomosios programos kelias. Dukart patikrinkite, ar klientas yra tinkamas. + + + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>prašo prieigos prie šių įrašų:</p></body></html> + + + Name + Pavadinimas + + + PID + PID + + + Executable + Paleidėjas + + + Command Line + Komandinė Eilutė + + + Details + Išsamiau + + + Remember + Prisiminti + + + Allow Selected + Leisti Pasirinktą + + + Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. + Jūsų sprendimas bus įsimintas tol, kol užklausą pateikęs klientas IR KeePassXC yra paleisti. + + + Deny All && Future + Neleisti visiems && ateityje + + + Allow All && &Future + Leisti visiems && &Ateityje + + + + AccessControlDialog::DenyButton + + Deny for this program + Neleisti šiai programai + + + + AgentSettingsWidget + + Enable SSH Agent integration + Įjungti SSH agento integraciją + + + Use Pageant + Naudokite "Pageant" + + + Use OpenSSH + Naudoti OpenSSH + + + SSH_AUTH_SOCK override + Nepaisyti SSH_AUTH_SOCK + + + SSH_AUTH_SOCK value + SSH_AUTH_SOCK vertė + + + (empty) + (tuščia) + + + SSH_SK_PROVIDER value + SSH_SK_PROVIDER vertė + + + SSH_SK_PROVIDER override + Nepaisyti SSH_SK_PROVIDER + + + No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. + Nėra SSH Agento lizdo. Įsitikinkite, kad SSH_AUTH_SOCK aplinkos kintamasis egzistuoja, arba nustatykite jį pakeičiantį kintamąjį. + + + SSH Agent connection is working! + SSH Agento ryšys veikia! + + + Use both agents + Naudoti abu agentus + + + + ApplicationSettingsWidget + + Application Settings + Programos nustatymai + + + General + Bendra + + + Security + Saugumas + + + Access error for config file %1 + Konfigūracijos failo %1 prieigos klaida + + + Icon only + Tik piktograma + + + Text only + Tik tekstas + + + Text beside icon + Tekstas šalia piktogramos + + + Text under icon + Tekstas po piktograma + + + Follow style + Sekti stiliumi + + + Monochrome + Vienspalvis + + + Monochrome (light) + Monochrominis (šviesus) + + + Monochrome (dark) + Monochrominis (tamsus) + + + Colorful + Spalvotas + + + You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now? + Norėdami nustatyti naują kalbą, turite iš naujo paleisti programą. Ar norite iš naujo paleisti programą dabar? + + + Reset Settings? + Atstatyti nustatymus? + + + Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default? + Ar tikrai norite atstatyti kaip buvo visus bendruosius ir saugumo nustatymus? + + + Select backup storage directory + Pasirinkite atsarginių kopijų saugojimo katalogą + + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + + + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral + + Basic Settings + Pagrindiniai nustatymai + + + Startup + Įjungimo + + + Start only a single instance of KeePassXC + Paleisti tik vieną KeePassXC egzempliorių + + + Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup + Automatiškai paleisti KeePassXC paleidžiant sistemą + + + Minimize window at application startup + Paleidus programą, suskleisti langą + + + Minimize window after unlocking database + Minimizuoti langą po duomenų bazės atrakinimo + + + Remember previously used databases + Prisiminti anksčiau naudotas duomenų bazes + + + Load previously open databases on startup + Įkelti anksčiau atidarytas duomenų bazes paleidimo metu + + + Remember database key files and security dongles + Prisiminti duomenų bazės raktų failus ir saugumo raktus + + + Check for updates at application startup once per week + Kartą per savaitę tikrinti, ar yra atnaujinimų paleidžiant programą + + + Include beta releases when checking for updates + Įtraukti beta versijas, kai tikrinami atnaujinimai + + + On database unlock, show entries that + Duomenų bazės atrakinimo metu rodyti įrašus, kurie + + + have expired + On database unlock, show entries that... + nustojo galioti + + + days + On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days + dienos + + + will expire within + On database unlock, show entries that... + nustos galioti per + + + File Management + Failų tvarkymas + + + Automatically save after every change + Automatiškai įrašyti po kiekvieno pakeitimo + + + Automatically save when locking database + Automatiškai išsaugoti, kai užrakinama duomenų bazė + + + Automatically save non-data changes when locking database + Automatiškai išsaugoti ne duomenų pakeitimus, kai užrakinama duomenų bazė + + + Automatically reload the database when modified externally + Išoriškai modifikavus duomenų bazę, automatiškai įkelti ją iš naujo + + + Backup database file before saving + Išsaugoti duomenų bazę prieš išsaugant + + + Backup destination + Atsarginės kopijos darymo vieta + + + Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". + Nurodo duomenų bazės atsarginės kopijos failo vietą. Vietoj "{DB_FILENAME}" įrašomas išsaugotos duomenų bazės failo pavadinimas be plėtinio. {TIME:<format>} pakeičiamas atsarginės kopijos darymo laiku, žr. <format> Pagal numatytuosius nustatymus naudojama formato eilutė "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". + + + {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx + {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx + + + Choose... + Pasirinkti... + + + Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) + Naudoti alternatyvų išsaugojimo būdą (gali išspręsti Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS ir kt. problemas). + + + Temporary file moved into place + Laikinasis failas perkeltas į vietą + + + Directly write to database file (dangerous) + Tiesioginis įrašymas į duomenų bazės failą (pavojinga) + + + Entry Management + Įrašų tvarkymas + + + Use group icon on entry creation + Kuriant įrašus, naudoti grupės piktogramą + + + Minimize when opening a URL + Sumažinti atidarant URL adresą + + + Hide window when copying to clipboard + Paslėpti langą kopijuojant į iškarpinę + + + Minimize + Sumažinti + + + Drop to background + Nueikite į foną + + + Favicon download timeout: + "Favicon" atsisiuntimo skirtasis laikas: + + + Website icon download timeout in seconds + Svetainės piktogramos atsisiuntimo laiko limitas sekundėmis + + + sec + Seconds + sek. + + + User Interface + Naudotojo sąsaja + + + Toolbar button style + Įrankių juostos mygtukų stilius + + + Movable toolbar + Perkeliama įrankių juosta + + + Language selection + Kalbos pasirinkimas + + + Language: + Kalba: + + + (restart program to activate) + (paleiskite programą iš naujo, kad aktyvuotumėte) + + + Toolbar button style: + Užduotinės mygtukų stilius + + + Use monospaced font for notes + Užrašams naudoti vienodo pločio šriftą + + + Minimize instead of app exit + Sumažinimas vietoj programėlės išėjimo + + + Show a system tray icon + Rodyti sistemos dėklo piktogramą + + + Tray icon type + Dėtuvės piktogramos tipas + + + Tray icon type: + Dėtuvės piktogramos tipas: + + + Hide window to system tray when minimized + Suskleidus langą, slėpti jį į sistemos dėklą + + + Reset settings to default… + Nustatyti nustatymus atgal į numatytuosius + + + Auto-Type + Automatinis rinkimas + + + Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type + Naudoti įrašo antraštę, norint sutapatinti langus visuotiniam Automatiniam rinkimui + + + Use entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type + Naudoti įrašo URL, norint sutapatinti langus visuotiniam Automatiniam rinkimui + + + Always ask before performing Auto-Type + Visada klausti prieš atliekant automatinį rinkimą + + + Hide expired entries from Auto-Type + Paslėpti nebegaliojančius įrašus nuo Auto-Įvedimo + + + Re-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-Type + Iš naujo užrakinti anksčiau užrakintą duomenų bazę atlikus automatinį rinkimą + + + Auto-Type start delay: + Auto-Įvedimo paleidimo uždelsimas: + + + Global Auto-Type shortcut: + Visuotinio automatinio rinkimo spartieji klavišai: + + + Auto-type start delay milliseconds + Auto-įvedimo paleidimo uždelsimas milisekundėmis + + + ms + Milliseconds + ms + + + Auto-Type typing delay: + Auto-Įvedimo delsa + + + Global auto-type shortcut + Visuotinio automatinio rinkimo spartieji klavišai + + + Auto-type character typing delay milliseconds + Automatinio rinkimo simbolių įvedimo vėlavimas milisekundėmis + + + Remember last typed entry for: + Prisiminti paskutinį įvestą įrašą: + + + recent files + naujausi failai + + + Show passwords in color + + + + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity + + Timeouts + Laiko limitai + + + Database lock timeout seconds + Duomenų bazės užrakinimo laiko limitas sekundėmis + + + sec + Seconds + sek. + + + Clear clipboard after + Išvalyti iškarpinę po + + + Clear search query after + Išvalyti paieškos užklausą po + + + min + Minutes + min. + + + Clipboard clear seconds + Sekundės iki iškarpinės išvalymo + + + Lock databases after inactivity of + Užrakinti duomenų bazes, kai kompiuteris neaktyvus + + + Convenience + Patogumas + + + Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) + Naudoti greitąjį duomenų bazės atrakinimą (Touch ID / Windows Hello) + + + Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed + Užrakinti duomenų bazes, kai yra užrakinamas seansas ar uždaromas nešiojamojo kompiuterio dangtis + + + Lock databases after minimizing the window + Suskleidus langą, užrakinti duomenų bazes + + + Require password repeat when it is visible + Reikalauti pakartoti slaptažodį, kai jis yra matomas + + + Hide passwords when editing them + Slėpti slaptažodžius juos redaguojant + + + Use placeholder for empty password fields + Naudoti žymeklį tuštiems slaptažodžių laukeliams + + + Hide passwords in the entry preview panel + Paslėpti slaptažodžius įrašo peržiūros skydelyje + + + Hide entry notes by default + Pagal numatymą, slėpti įrašo pastabas + + + Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation + Perkelti įrašus į šiukšliadėžę be patvirtinimo + + + Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns + Įgalinkite dvigubą paspaudimą, kad nukopijuotumėte slapyvardžio ir slaptažodžio įrašų stulpelius + + + Privacy + Privatumas + + + Use DuckDuckGo service to download website icons + Naudoti DuckDuckGo paslaugą svetainių piktogramoms atsisiųsti + + + + AutoType + + The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: + Prašomos automatinio rinkimo sekos negalima naudoti dėl klaidos: + + + Auto-Type Error + Auto-Įvedimo Klaida + + + Permission Required + Būtinas leidimas + + + KeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. + Kad KeePassXC galėtų atlikti pradinio lygio automatinį rinkimą, reikia prieigos leidimo. Jei leidimas jau suteiktas, gali tekti iš naujo paleisti KeePassXC. + + + KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. + Kad KeePassXC galėtų atlikti visuotinį automatinį rinkimą, reikia prieigos ir ekrano įrašymo leidimo. Ekrano įrašymas būtinas, kad būtų galima naudoti lango pavadinimą įrašams rasti. Jei leidimas jau suteiktas, gali tekti iš naujo paleisti KeePassXC. + + + Invalid entry provided + Pateiktas netinkamas įrašas + + + Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } + Aptiktas skliaustų disbalansas, rasta papildomų { arba } + + + Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 + Aptikta per daug pasikartojimų, maksimalus skaičius yra %1: %2 + + + Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2 + Aptiktas labai lėtas klavišo paspaudimas, maksimali trukmė %1: %2 + + + Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 + Aptiktas labai ilgas vėlavimas, maksimali trukmė %1: %2 + + + Invalid conversion type: %1 + Netinkamas vertimo tipas: %1 + + + Invalid conversion syntax: %1 + Netinkama vertimo sintaksė: %1 + + + Invalid regular expression syntax %1 +%2 + Netinkama regexp sintaksė + + + Invalid placeholder: %1 + Netinkamas žymeklis: %1 + + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Įrašas neturi PICKCHARS atributo: %1 + + + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel + + Window + Langas + + + Sequence + Seka + + + (empty) + (tuščia) + + + Default sequence + Numatytoji seka + + + + AutoTypeMatchModel + + Group + Grupė + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Username + Naudotojo vardas + + + Sequence + Seka + + + + AutoTypePlatformX11 + + Trying to send invalid keysym. + Keysym netinkamas + + + Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on + Seka nutraukta: įjungtas Caps Lock + + + Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user + Seka nutraukta: modifikatorių raktai priklauso naudotojui + + + Unable to get valid keycode for key: + Nepavyksta gauti galiojančio rakto kodo + + + + AutoTypeSelectDialog + + Auto-Type - KeePassXC + Automatinis rinkimas - KeePassXC + + + Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search: + Dukart spustelėkite eilutę, kad atliktumėte automatinį rinkimą arba raskite įrašą naudodami paiešką: + + + <p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/> +Ctrl+F - Toggle database search<br/> +Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> +Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> +Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> + Galite naudoti išplėstines paieškos užklausas, kad rastumėte bet kokį įrašą atvirose duomenų bazėse. Naudingi šie trumpieji klavišai: +Ctrl+F - perjungti paiešką duomenų bazėje +Ctrl+1 - įveskite vartotojo vardą +Ctrl+2 - įveskite slaptažodį +Ctrl+3 - Įveskite TOTP +Ctrl+4 - naudoti virtualią klaviatūrą (tik Windows) + + + Search all open databases + Paieška visose atvirose duomenų bazėse + + + Search… + Ieškoti... + + + Type Sequence + Rašymo Seka + + + Cancel + Atsisakyti + + + Type {USERNAME} + Rašyti {USERNAME} + + + Type {PASSWORD} + Įvesti {PASSWORD} + + + Type {TOTP} + Įvesti {TOTP} + + + Copy Username + Kopijuoti naudotojo vardą + + + Copy Password + Kopijuoti Slaptažodį + + + Copy TOTP + Kopijuoti TOTP + + + Use Virtual Keyboard + Naudoti Virtualią Klaviatūrą + + + + BrowserAccessControlDialog + + KeePassXC - Browser Access Request + KeePassXC - Naršyklės prieigos užklausa + + + %1 is requesting access to the following entries: + %1 prašo prieigos prie šių įrašų: + + + Remember access to checked entries + Prisiminti prieigą prie pasirinktų įrašų + + + Remember + Prisiminti + + + Allow access to entries + Leisti prieigą prie įrašų + + + Allow Selected + Leisti Pasirinktą + + + Deny All + Atmesti Visus + + + Disable for this site + Išjungti šiai svetainei + + + + BrowserEntrySaveDialog + + KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry + KeePassXC-Browser Išsaugoti įrašą + + + Ok + Gerai + + + Cancel + Atsisakyti + + + You have multiple databases open. +Please select the correct database for saving credentials. + Turite atvertas kelias duomenų bazes. +Prisijungimo duomenų įrašymui, pasirinkite teisingą duomenų bazę. + + + + BrowserService + + KeePassXC: Create a new group + KeePassXC: Sukurti naują grupę + + + A request for creating a new group "%1" has been received. +Do you want to create this group? + + Gauta užklausa sukurti naują grupę "%1". +Ar norite sukurti šią grupę? + + + + KeePassXC: New key association request + KeePassXC: Naujo rakto susiejimo užklausa + + + You have received an association request for the following database: +%1 + +Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example: +chrome-laptop. + Gavote asociacijos užklausą dėl šios duomenų bazės: +%1 + +Suteikite ryšiui unikalų pavadinimą arba ID, pvz: +chrome-laptop. + + + Save and allow access + Įrašyti ir leisti prieigą + + + KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? + KeePassXC: Perrašyti esamą raktą? + + + A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. +Do you want to overwrite it? + Bendrinamas šifravimo raktas, pavadinimu "%1" jau yra. +Ar norite jį perrašyti? + + + KeePassXC: Update Entry + KeePassXC: Atnaujinti įrašą + + + Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? + Ar norite atnaujinti informaciją ties %1 - %2? + + + KeePassXC: Delete entry + KeePassXC: Ištrinti įrašą + + + A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. +Do you want to delete the entry? + + Gauta užklausa ištrinti įrašą "%1". +Ar norite ištrinti įrašą? + + + Converting attributes to custom data… + Konvertuojami požymiai į tinkintus duomenis… + + + Abort + Nutraukti + + + KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributes + KeePassXC: Konvertuoti KeePassHTTP požymiai + + + Successfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s). +Moved %2 keys to custom data. + Sėkmingai konvertuoti požymiai iš %1 įrašo(-ų). +Perkelta %2 raktų į tinkintus duomenis. + + + Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. + Sėkmingai perkėlė %n raktus į pasirinktinius duomenis.Sėkmingai perkėlė %n raktus į pasirinktinius duomenis.Sėkmingai perkėlė %n raktus į pasirinktinius duomenis.Sėkmingai perkėlė %n raktus į pasirinktinius duomenis. + + + KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! + KeePassXC: Nerasta jokio įrašo su KeePassHTTP požymiais! + + + The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes. + Aktyvioje duomenų bazėje nėra įrašo su KeePassHTTP požymiais. + + + Don't show this warning again + Daugiau neberodyti šio įspėjimo + + + KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected + KeePassXC: aptikti senieji naršyklės integracijos nustatymai + + + Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings. +This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections. +Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? + KeePassXC-Browser nustatymus reikia perkelti į duomenų bazės nustatymus. +Tai būtina, kad išliktų dabartiniai naršyklės ryšiai. +Ar norėtumėte perkelti esamus nustatymus dabar? + + + + BrowserSettingsWidget + + Dialog + Dialogas + + + This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser + Tai būtina norint pasiekti duomenų bazes naudojant KeePassXC-Browser + + + Enable browser integration + Įjungti naršyklės integraciją + + + General + Bendra + + + Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported. + Šiuo metu nepalaikomos naršyklės, įdiegtos kaip snapai. + + + Enable integration for these browsers: + Įjungti integraciją šioms naršyklėms: + + + Vivaldi + Vivaldi + + + &Edge + &Edge + + + Firefox + Firefox + + + Tor Browser + Tor Naršyklė + + + Brave + Brave + + + Google Chrome + Google Chrome + + + Chromium + Chromium + + + Show a notification when credentials are requested + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + Rodyti pranešimą, kai prašoma pateikti įgaliojimus + + + Request to unlock the database if it is locked + Prašyti atrakinti duomenų bazę, jei ji užrakinta + + + Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. + Grąžinami tik tos pačios schemos (http://, https://, ...) įrašai. + + + Match URL scheme (e.g., + Atitikti URL schemą (pvz., + + + Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. + Vietoj visos srities visų įrašų, grąžina tik geriausiai tam tikrą URL atitinkančius įrašus. + + + Return only best-matching credentials + Grąžinti tik geriausiai atitinkančius įgaliojimus + + + Returns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title. + Grąžina įgaliojimus, kurių galiojimo laikas pasibaigęs. Prie pavadinimo pridedama eilutė [pasibaigęs]. + + + Allow returning expired credentials + Leisti grąžinti pasibaigusius įgaliojimus + + + All databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials. + Visos prie plėtinio prijungtos duomenų bazės grąžins atitinkamus prisijungimo duomenis. + + + Search in all opened databases for matching credentials + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + Ieškoti visose atidarytose duomenų bazėse tinkamų prisijungimo duomenų + + + Advanced + Išplėstiniai + + + Never ask before accessing credentials + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + Niekada neklausti prieš prieinant prie įgaliojimų + + + Never ask before updating credentials + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + Niekada neklausti prieš atnaujinant įgaliojimus + + + Do not ask permission for HTTP Basic Auth + An extra HTTP Basic Auth setting + Neprašykite leidimo HTTP Basic Auth + + + Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported. + Automatinis eilutės laukų kūrimas ar atnaujinimas nėra palaikomas. + + + Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: " + Pateikite išplėstinius eilučių laukus, kurie prasideda "KPH: " + + + Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings. + Nerodykite iššokančiojo lango, siūlančio perkelti senus KeePassHTTP parametrus. + + + Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration. + Neraginkite perkelti KeePassHTTP parametrų. + + + Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup. + Paleidžiant automatiškai atnaujina KeePassXC arba keepassxc-proxy dvejetainį kelią į vietinius pranešimų scenarijus. + + + Update native messaging manifest files at startup + Vietinių pranešimų aprašo failų naujinimas paleidžiant + + + Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually. + Naudokite pasirinktinę tarpinio serverio vietą, jei tarpinį serverį įdiegėte rankiniu būdu. + + + Use a custom proxy location: + Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-Browser + Naudokite pasirinktinę tarpinio serverio vietą: + + + Custom proxy location field + Pasirinktinis tarpinio serverio vietos laukas + + + Browser for custom proxy file + Pasirinktinio tarpinio serverio failo naršyklė + + + Browse… + Button for opening file dialog + Naršyti... + + + Use a custom browser configuration location: + Naudokite pasirinktinę naršyklės konfigūracijos vietą: + + + Browser type: + Naršyklės tipas: + + + Toolbar button style + Įrankių juostos mygtukų stilius + + + Config Location: + Konfigūracijos vieta: + + + Custom browser location field + Pasirinktinis naršyklės vietos laukas + + + Browse for custom browser path + Naršykite pasirinktinį naršyklės kelią + + + Custom extension ID: + Pasirinktinio plėtinio ID: + + + Custom extension ID + Pasirinktinis plėtinio ID + + + Due to Snap sandboxing, you must run a script to enable browser integration.<br />You can obtain this script from %1 + Dėl Snap smėlio dėžės reikia paleisti skriptą, kad būtų įjungti naršyklės integraciją.<br />Šį skriptą galite gauti iš %1 + + + KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3. %4 + KeePassXC-Browser reikalinga, kad naršyklės integracija veiktų. <br />Atsisiųskite jį %1, %2 ir %3. %4 + + + Please see special instructions for browser extension use below + Toliau skaitykite specialius naršyklės plėtinio naudojimo nurodymus + + + <b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location cannot be found!<br/>Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application. + <b>Klaida:</b> Negalima rasti pasirinktinės tarpinio serverio vietos!<br/>Naršyklės integracija NEVEIKS be tarpinio serverio programos. + + + <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! + <b>Įspėjimas:</b> Šie parametrai gali būti pavojingi! + + + Executable Files + Vykdomieji failai + + + All Files + Visi failai + + + Select custom proxy location + Pasirinkite pasirinktinę tarpinio serverio vietą + + + Select native messaging host folder location + Pasirinkite vietinę pranešimų pagrindinio kompiuterio aplanko vietą + + + + CloneDialog + + Clone Entry Options + Klonuoti įrašo parinktis + + + Append ' - Clone' to title + Pridėti prie pavadinimo " - Dublikatas" + + + Replace username and password with references + Pakeisti naudotojo vardą ir slaptažodį nuorodomis + + + Copy history + Kopijuoti istoriją + + + + CsvImportWidget + + Import CSV fields + Importuoti CSV laukus + + + filename + failo pavadinimas + + + size, rows, columns + dydis, eilučių, stulpelių + + + Column Association + Stulpelio asociacija + + + Password + Slaptažodis + + + Username + Naudotojo vardas + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Group + Grupė + + + URL + URL + + + Notes + Pastabos + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + Created + Sukurta + + + Last Modified + Paskutinis keitimas + + + Icon + Piktograma + + + Encoding + Koduotė + + + Codec + Kodekas + + + Text is qualified by + Tekstas yra parengtas pagal + + + Text qualification + Teksto kvalifikacija + + + Fields are separated by + Laukai yra atskirti + + + Field separation + Lauko atskyrimas + + + Comments start with + Komentarai prasideda su + + + Header lines skipped + Antraštės eilutės praleistos + + + Number of header lines to discard + Atmestinų antraščių eilučių skaičius + + + First line has field names + Pirmoje eilutėje yra laukų pavadinimai + + + Consider '\' an escape character + Laikyti "\" kaitos ženklu + + + Preview + Peržiūra + + + CSV import preview + CSV importo peržiūra + + + Not Present + Nėra + + + Column %1 + Stulpelis %1 + + + Imported from CSV file + Importuota iš CSV failo + + + Original data: + Pradiniai duomenys: + + + Error(s) detected in CSV file! + CSV faile aptikta klaida(-os)! + + + [%n more message(s) skipped] + [%n daugiau praleistų pranešimų][%n daugiau praleistų pranešimų][%n daugiau praleistų pranešimų][%n daugiau praleistų pranešimų] + + + Error + Klaida + + + CSV import: writer has errors: +%1 + CSV importas: rašytojas turi klaidų: +%1 + + + + CsvParserModel + + %1, %2, %3 + file info: bytes, rows, columns + %1, %2, %3 + + + %n byte(s) + %n baitų%n baitų%n baitų%n baitų + + + %n row(s) + %n eilutė (-ės)%n eilutė (-ės)%n eilutė (-ės)%n eilutė (-ės) + + + %n column(s) + %n stulpelis%n stulpeliai%n stulpelių%n stulpelių + + + + Database + + Passwords + Root group name + Slaptažodžiai + + + File %1 does not exist. + Failo %1 nėra. + + + Unable to open file %1. + Nepavyko atverti failą %1. + + + Error while reading the database: %1 + Klaida skaitant duomenų bazę: %1 + + + Could not save, database does not point to a valid file. + Nepavyko išsaugoti, duomenų bazė nenurodo į tinkamą failą. + + + Database save is already in progress. + Duomenų bazės išsaugojimas jau vyksta. + + + Could not save, database has not been initialized! + Nepavyko išsaugoti, duomenų bazė nebuvo inicializuota! + + + Database file has unmerged changes. + Duomenų bazės faile yra neįtrauktų pakeitimų. + + + %1 +Backup database located at %2 + %1 +Atsarginė duomenų bazė, esanti %2 + + + Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers. + Raktas nepakeistas. Tai klaida, praneškite apie ją kūrėjams. + + + Recycle Bin + Šiukšlinė + + + + DatabaseOpenDialog + + Unlock Database - KeePassXC + Atrakinti duomenų bazę - KeePassXC + + + + DatabaseOpenWidget + + Unlock KeePassXC Database + Atrakinti KeePassXC duomenų bazę + + + Enter Password: + Įrašykite Slaptažodį: + + + Password field + Slaptažodžio laukas + + + Enter Additional Credentials (if any): + Įveskite papildomus įgaliojimus (jei yra): + + + Key File: + Rakto failas: + + + Key file help + Rakto failo pagalba + + + Hardware key slot selection + Aparatūros rakto lizdo pasirinkimas + + + Hardware Key: + Aparatūros raktas: + + + Hardware key help + Aparatūros rakto pagalba + + + Key file to unlock the database + Duomenų bazės atrakinimo rakto failas + + + Browse for key file + Ieškoti rakto failo + + + Browse… + Naršyti... + + + Refresh hardware tokens + Atnaujinti aparatinės įrangos žetonus + + + Refresh + Įkelti iš naujo + + + Unlock Database + Atrakinti Duomenų bazę + + + Cancel + Atsisakyti + + + Unlock + Atrakinti + + + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… + Norėdami tęsti, pateikite arba palieskite savo YubiKey raktą... + + + Database Version Mismatch + Duomenų bazės versijos neatitikimas + + + The database you are trying to open was most likely +created by a newer version of KeePassXC. + +You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete +and saving any changes may incur data loss. + +We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. + Duomenų bazė, kurią bandote atidaryti, greičiausiai buvo +sukurta su naujesne KeePassXC versija. + +Vis tiek galite pabandyti ją atidaryti, tačiau ji gali būti neišbaigta +ir išsaugant bet kokius pakeitimus gali būti prarasti duomenys. + +Rekomenduojame atnaujinti KeePassXC diegimą. + + + Open database anyway + Vis tiek atidaryti duomenų bazę + + + Database unlock canceled. + Duomenų bazės atrakinimas atšauktas. + + + Unlock failed and no password given + Atrakinimas nepavyko ir slaptažodis nebuvo pateiktas + + + Unlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password. +Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead? + +To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password. + Nepavyko atrakinti duomenų bazės ir jūs neįvedėte slaptažodžio. +Ar norite dar kartą pakartoti naudodami "tuščią" slaptažodį? + +Kad ši klaida nepasirodytų, turite eiti į "Duomenų bazės nustatymai / saugumas" ir iš naujo nustatyti slaptažodį. + + + Retry with empty password + Bandyti vėl su tuščiu slaptažodžiu + + + Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello + Nepavyko autentifikuoti naudojant "Windows Hello" + + + Failed to authenticate with Touch ID + Nepavyko autentifikuoti naudojant "Touch ID" + + + Failed to open key file: %1 + Nepavyko atidaryti rakto failo: %1 + + + Old key file format + Senas rakto failo formatas + + + You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database &gt; Database Security &gt; Change Key File.</strong><br> + Jūs naudojate seną rakto failo formatą, kurį keePassXC gali<br>nustokite remti ateityje.<br><br>Apsvarstykite galimybę sugeneruoti naują rakto failą apsilankę:<br><strong>Duomenų bazės &gt; duomenų bazės saugos &gt; keisti rakto failą.</strong><br> + + + Don't show this warning again + Daugiau neberodyti šio įspėjimo + + + All files + Visi failai + + + Key files + Rakto failai + + + Select key file + Pasirinkite rakto failą + + + Cannot use database file as key file + Negalima naudoti duomenų bazės failo kaip rakto failo + + + You cannot use your database file as a key file. +If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. + Duomenų bazės failo negalima naudoti kaip rakto failo. +Jei rakto failos neturite, palikite šį lauką tuščią. + + + Detecting hardware keys… + Aptinkame aparatūros raktus... + + + No hardware keys detected + Neaptikti jokie aparatūros raktai + + + Select hardware key… + Pasirinkti aparatūros raktą... + + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Prie slaptažodžio, duomenų bazės saugumui padidinti galite naudoti slaptąjį failą. Šį failą galima sukurti duomenų bazės saugumo nustatymuose.</p><p>Tai <strong>nėra</strong> jūsų *.kdbx duomenų bazės failas!<br>Jei neturite rakto failo, palikite šį lauką tuščią.</p><p>Spustelėkite, jei norite gauti daugiau informacijos...</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Galite naudoti aparatūros saugos raktą, pvz. <strong>, "YubiKey"</strong> arba <strong>"OnlyKey"</strong> , su HMAC-SHA1 sukonfigūruotais lizdais.</p> +<p>Spustelėkite, jei norite gauti daugiau informacijos...</p> + + + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData + + Passwords + Slaptažodžiai + + + + DatabaseSettingsDialog + + Advanced Settings + Išplėstiniai nustatymai + + + General + Bendra + + + Security + Saugumas + + + Database Credentials + Duomenų bazės Įgaliojimai + + + Encryption Settings + Šifravimo nustatymai + + + Browser Integration + Naršyklės integracija + + + Maintenance + Priežiūra + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser + + KeePassXC-Browser settings + KeePassXC-Browser nustatymai + + + Convert KeePassHTTP data + Konvertuoti KeePassHTTP duomenis + + + Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data + Konvertuokite senus "KeePassHTTP" atributus į su "KeePassXC-Browser" suderinamus pasirinktinius duomenis + + + Refresh database root group ID + Duomenų bazės šakninės grupės ID atnaujinimas + + + Disconnect all browsers + Atjungti visas naršykles + + + Forget all site-specific settings on entries + Pamiršti visus su konkrečia svetaine susijusius įrašų nustatymus + + + Stored keys + Saugomi raktai + + + Stored browser keys + Išsaugoti naršyklės raktai + + + Remove selected key + Pašalinti pasirinktą raktą + + + Remove + Šalinti + + + Delete the selected key? + Ištrinti pasirinktą raktą? + + + Do you really want to delete the selected key? +This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. + Ar tikrai norite ištrinti pasirinktą raktą? +Tai gali sutrukdyti prisijungti prie naršyklės priedo. + + + Key + Raktas + + + Value + Reikšmė + + + Created + Sukurta + + + Enable Browser Integration to access these settings. + Jei norite pasiekti šiuos nustatymus, įjunkite naršyklės integraciją. + + + Do you really want to disconnect all browsers? +This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. + Ar tikrai norite atjungti visas naršykles? +Tai gali nebeleisti prisijungti prie naršyklės plėtinio. + + + KeePassXC: No keys found + KeePassXC: Raktų nerasta + + + No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings. + KeePassXC nustatymuose nerasta bendrų šifravimo raktų. + + + KeePassXC: Removed keys from database + KeePassXC: Pašalinti raktai iš duomenų bazės + + + Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. + Sėkmingai pašalintas (-i) %n šifravimo raktas (-ai) iš KeePassXC nustatymų.Sėkmingai pašalintas (-i) %n šifravimo raktas (-ai) iš KeePassXC nustatymų.Sėkmingai pašalintas (-i) %n šifravimo raktas (-ai) iš KeePassXC nustatymų.Sėkmingai pašalintas (-i) %n šifravimo raktas (-ai) iš KeePassXC nustatymų. + + + Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? +Permissions to access entries will be revoked. + Ar tikrai norite pamiršti visus su konkrečia svetaine susijusius nustatymus kiekviename įraše? +Bus panaikinti prieigos prie įrašų leidimai. + + + Removing stored permissions… + Šalinami saugomi leidimai… + + + Abort + Nutraukti + + + KeePassXC: Removed permissions + KeePassXC: Pašalinti leidimai + + + Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). + Sėkmingai pašalinti leidimai iš %n įrašo (-ų).Sėkmingai pašalinti leidimai iš %n įrašo (-ų).Sėkmingai pašalinti leidimai iš %n įrašo (-ų).Sėkmingai pašalinti leidimai iš %n įrašo (-ų). + + + KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! + KeePassXC: Nerasta jokių įrašų su leidimais! + + + The active database does not contain an entry with permissions. + Aktyvioje duomenų bazėje nėra įrašo su leidimais. + + + Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom data + Perkelti KeePassHTTP požymius į tinkintus duomenis + + + Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? +This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. + Ar tikrai norite konvertuoti visus senus naršyklės integracijos duomenis į naujausią standartą? +Tai būtina norint išlaikyti suderinamumą su naršyklės plėtiniu. + + + Refresh database ID + Atnaujinti duomenų bazės ID + + + Do you really want refresh the database ID? +This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect. + Ar tikrai norite atnaujinti duomenų bazės ID? +Tai būtina tik tuo atveju, jei jūsų duomenų bazė yra kito kopija ir naršyklės plėtinys negali prisijungti. + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey + + Add additional protection… + Pridėti papildomą apsaugą... + + + No password set + Nenustatytas joks slaptažodis + + + WARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged! + +Are you sure you want to continue without a password? + ĮSPĖJIMAS! Jūs nenustatėte slaptažodžio. Naudotis duomenų baze be slaptažodžio griežtai nerekomenduojama! + +Ar tikrai norite tęsti darbą be slaptažodžio? + + + Continue without password + Tęsti be slaptažodžio + + + No encryption key added + Nepridėtas joks šifravimo raktas + + + You must add at least one encryption key to secure your database! + Norėdami apsaugoti savo duomenų bazę, privalote pridėti bent vieną šifravimo raktą! + + + Unknown error + Nežinoma klaida + + + Failed to change database credentials + Nepavyko pakeisti duomenų bazės prisijungimo duomenų + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryption + + Decryption Time: + Iššifravimo laikas: + + + Change existing decryption time + Pakeisti esamą iššifravimo laiką + + + Change + Keisti + + + Decryption time in seconds + Iššifravimo laikas sekundėmis + + + Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer. + Didesni skaičiai užtikrina didesnę apsaugą, tačiau duomenų bazės atidarymas užtruks ilgiau. + + + Database format: + Duomenų bazės formatas: + + + Database format + Duomenų bazės formatas + + + Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features + Formatas negali būti pakeistas: Jūsų duomenų bazė naudoja KDBX 4 funkcijas + + + Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. + Jei duomenų bazės nereikia atidaryti kitomis programomis, visada naudokite naujausią formatą. + + + Encryption Algorithm: + Šifravimo algoritmas: + + + Encryption algorithm + Šifravimo algoritmas + + + AES: 256 Bit (default) + AES: 256 Bitų (numatytasis) + + + Twofish: 256 Bit + Twofish: 256 Bitų + + + Key Derivation Function: + Rakto išvedimo funkcija: + + + Key derivation function + Rakto išvedimo funkcija + + + Transform rounds: + Pasikeitimo ciklų: + + + Transform rounds + Transformuokite raundus + + + Memory Usage: + Atminties naudojimas: + + + Memory usage + Atminties naudojimas + + + Parallelism: + Lygiagretumas: + + + Parallelism + Lygiagretumas + + + KDBX 4 (recommended) + KDBX 4 (rekomenduojama) + + + KDBX 3 + KDBX 3 + + + unchanged + Database decryption time is unchanged + nepakeistas + + + Number of rounds too high + Key transformation rounds + Per didelis raundų skaičius + + + You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. + +If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. + Su "Argon2" naudojate labai daug pagrindinių transformacijų. + +Jei išsaugosite šį numerį, duomenų bazės atidarymas gali užtrukti valandas, dienas ar net ilgiau. + + + Understood, keep number + Suprask, išlaikyk numerį + + + Cancel + Atsisakyti + + + Number of rounds too low + Key transformation rounds + Per mažas raundų skaičius + + + You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. + +If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. + Jūs naudojate labai mažą skaičių pagrindinių transformacijos raundų su AES-KDF. + +Jei išlaikysite šį numerį, jūsų duomenų bazė nebus apsaugota nuo brutalios jėgos atakų. + + + KDF unchanged + KDF nepakitęs + + + Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. + Nepavyko transformuoti rakto su naujais KDF parametrais; KDF nepakitęs. + + + MiB + Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) + MiB MiB MiB MiB + + + thread(s) + Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) + gija gijos gijų gija + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetFdoSecrets + + Exposed Entries + Atskleisti įrašai + + + Don't expose this database + Neatskleisti šios duomenų bazės + + + Expose entries under this group: + Atskleisti šios grupės įrašus: + + + Enable Secret Service to access these settings. + Įgalinkite slaptąją tarnybą, kad galėtumėte pasiekti šiuos nustatymus. + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneral + + Database Metadata + Duomenų bazės metaduomenys + + + Database name: + Duomenų bazės pavadinimas: + + + Database name field + Duomenų bazės pavadinimo laukas + + + Database description: + Duomenų bazės aprašas: + + + Database description field + Duomenų bazės aprašymo laukas + + + Default username: + Numatytasis naudotojo vardas: + + + Default username field + Numatytas naudotojo vardo laukas + + + History Settings + Istorijos nustatymai + + + Maximum number of history items per entry + Didžiausias istorijos elementų skaičius viename įraše + + + Max. history items: + Daugiausia istorijos elementų: + + + Maximum size of history per entry + Didžiausias vieno įrašo istorijos dydis + + + Max. history size: + Didžiausias istorijos dydis: + + + MiB + MiB + + + Use recycle bin + Naudoti šiukšlinę + + + Additional Database Settings + Papildomi duomenų bazės nustatymai + + + Enable compression (recommended) + Įjungti suspaudimą (rekomenduojama) + + + Delete Recycle Bin + Ištrinti šiukšliadėžę + + + Do you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents? +This action is not reversible. + Ar norite ištrinti dabartinę šiukšliadėžę ir visą jos turinį? +Šis veiksmas negrįžtamas. + + + (old) + (senas) + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare + + Sharing + Dalijimasis + + + Breadcrumb + Duonos krumpliaratis + + + Type + Tipas + + + Path + Kelias + + + Last Signer + Paskutinis pasirašytojas + + + Certificates + Liudijimai + + + > + Breadcrumb separator + > + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetMaintenance + + Manage Custom Icons + Pasirinktinių piktogramų tvarkymas + + + Delete selected icon(s) + Ištrinti pasirinktą (-as) piktogramą (-as) + + + Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group + Ištrinti visas pasirinktines piktogramas, nenaudojamas jokiame įraše ar grupėje + + + Purge unused icons + Išvalyti nenaudojamas piktogramas + + + Confirm Deletion + Patvirtinkite Ištrynimą + + + At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? + Bent viena iš pasirinktų piktogramų šiuo metu naudojama bent viename įraše arba grupėje. Visų paveiktų įrašų ir grupių piktogramos bus pakeistos numatytąja piktograma. Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šiuo metu naudojamas piktogramas? + + + Custom Icons Are In Use + Naudojamos pasirinktinės piktogramos + + + All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group. + Visos pasirinktinės piktogramos yra naudojamos bent viename įraše arba grupėje. + + + Purged Unused Icons + Išvalyti nenaudojamas piktogramas + + + Purged %n icon(s) from the database. + Išvalyta %n piktograma (-os) iš duomenų bazės.Išvalyta %n piktograma (-os) iš duomenų bazės.Išvalyta %n piktograma (-os) iš duomenų bazės.Išvalyta %n piktograma (-os) iš duomenų bazės. + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimple + + Database Name: + Duomenų bazės pavadinimas: + + + Database name field + Duomenų bazės pavadinimo laukas + + + Description: + Aprašas: + + + Database description field + Duomenų bazės aprašymo laukas + + + + DatabaseTabWidget + + Database creation error + Duomenų bazės sukūrimo klaida + + + The created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it. +This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. + Sukurtoje duomenų bazėje nėra rakto ar KDF, atsisakant jį išsaugoti. +Tai tikrai klaida, praneškite apie tai kūrėjams. + + + KeePass 2 Database + KeePass 2 duomenų bazė + + + All files + Visi failai + + + Open database + Atverti duomenų bazę + + + Failed to open %1. It either does not exist or is not accessible. + Nepavyko atidaryti %1. Jis arba neegzistuoja, arba yra nepasiekiamas. + + + CSV file + CSV failas + + + Select CSV file + Pasirinkti CSV failą + + + Merge database + Sulieti duomenų bazę + + + KeePass 1 database + KeePass 1 duomenų bazė + + + Open KeePass 1 database + Atverkite KeePass 1 duomenų bazę + + + Open OPVault + Atidarykite "OPVault" + + + Export database to CSV file + Eksportuoti duomenų bazę į CSV failą + + + Writing the CSV file failed. + CSV failo įrašymas nepavyko. + + + Writing the HTML file failed. + Nepavyko įrašyti HTML failo. + + + Export Confirmation + Eksporto Patvirtinimas + + + You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? + Ketinate eksportuoti duomenų bazę į neužšifruotą failą. Dėl to jūsų slaptažodžiai ir slapta informacija gali tapti pažeidžiami! Ar tikrai norite tęsti? + + + New Database + Nauja duomenų bazė + + + %1 [New Database] + Database tab name modifier + %1 [Nauja duomenų bazė] + + + %1 [Locked] + Database tab name modifier + %1 [Užrakinta] + + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + + + + DatabaseWidget + + Searching… + Ieškoma... + + + Shared group… + Bendra grupė... + + + Confirm Auto-Type + Patvirtinti Auto-Įvedimą + + + Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? + Atlikti Auto-Rašymą į anksčiau aktyvų langą? + + + Execute command? + Vykdyti komandą? + + + Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br> + Ar tikrai norite vykdyti šią komandą?<br><br>%1<br> + + + Remember my choice + Prisiminti mano pasirinkimą + + + Delete group + Ištrinti grupę + + + Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? + Ar tikrai norite ištrinti grupę "%1"? + + + Move group to recycle bin? + Perkelti grupę į šiukšlinę? + + + Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin? + Ar tikrai norite perkelti grupę "%1" į šiukšlinę? + + + Expired entries + Nebegaliojantys įrašai + + + No current database. + Nėra esamos duomenų bazės. + + + No source database, nothing to do. + Nėra šaltinio duomenų bazės, nėra ką atlikti. + + + Successfully merged the database files. + Duomenų bazės failai sėkmingai sulieti. + + + Database was not modified by merge operation. + Duomenų bazė nebuvo pakeista atliekant sujungimo operaciją. + + + Search Results (%1) + Paieškos rezultatai (%1) + + + No Results + Nėra rezultatų + + + Lock Database? + Užrakinti duomenų bazę? + + + You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? + Jūs redaguojate įrašą. Atmesti pakeitimus ir vis tiek užrakinti? + + + "%1" was modified. +Save changes? + "%1" buvo pakeista. +Įrašyti pakeitimus? + + + Database was modified. +Save changes? + Duomenų bazė buvo pakeista. +Išsaugoti pakeitimus? + + + Save changes? + Įrašyti pakeitimus? + + + File has changed + Failas pasikeitė + + + The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? + Duomenų bazės failas pasikeitė. Ar norite įkelti pakeitimus? + + + Merge Request + Suliejimo užklausa + + + The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. +Do you want to merge your changes? + Duomenų bazės failas pasikeitė ir jūs turite neįrašytų pakeitimų. +Ar norite sulieti savo pakeitimus? + + + Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload. +Error: %1 + Nepavyko atidaryti naujos duomenų bazės failo bandant automatiškai įkelti. +Klaida: %1 + + + Disable safe saves? + Išjungti saugų išsaugojimą? + + + KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file. +Disable safe saves and try again? + KeePassXC nepavyko išsaugoti duomenų bazės kelis kartus. Tikėtina, kad taip atsitiko dėl to, kad failų sinchronizavimo paslaugos užrakino išsaugojimo failą. +Išjunkite saugų išsaugojimą ir bandykite dar kartą? + + + Writing the database failed: %1 + Nepavyko įrašyti duomenų bazės: %1 + + + Passwords + Slaptažodžiai + + + Save database as + Įrašyti duomenų bazę kaip + + + KeePass 2 Database + KeePass 2 duomenų bazė + + + Save database backup + Išsaugoti atsarginę duomenų bazės kopiją + + + Empty recycle bin? + Išvalyti šiukšlinę? + + + Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? + Ar tikrai norite negrįžtamai viską ištrinti iš savo šiukšlinės? + + + Could not find database file: %1 + Nepavyko rasti duomenų bazės failo: %1 + + + Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + Įrašai, kurių galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as)Įrašai, kurių galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as)Įrašai, kurių galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as)Įrašai, kurių galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as) + + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Įrašyti + + + Save Search + + + + + EditEntryWidget + + Entry + Įrašas + + + Advanced + Išplėstiniai + + + Icon + Piktograma + + + Auto-Type + Automatinis rinkimas + + + Browser Integration + Naršyklės integracija + + + <empty URL> + <empty URL> + + + Confirm Removal + Patvirtinti pašalinimą + + + Are you sure you want to remove this URL? + Ar tikrai norite pašalinti šį URL adresą? + + + Properties + Savybės + + + History + Istorija + + + SSH Agent + SSH agentas + + + n/a + nėra + + + (encrypted) + (šifruota) + + + Select private key + Pasirinkti privatųjį raktą + + + Entry history + Įrašo istorija + + + Add entry + Pridėti įrašą + + + Edit entry + Keisti įrašą + + + Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. + Kai kurių naršyklės integravimo parametrų nepaiso grupės parametrai. + + + Invalid Entry + Netinkamas įrašas + + + An external merge operation has invalidated this entry. +Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. + Išorinė suliejimo operacija anuliavo šį įrašą. +Deja, bet kokie padaryti pakeitimai buvo prarasti. + + + Auto-Type Validation Error + Automatinio rinkimo patvirtinimo klaida + + + An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: +%1 +Would you like to correct it? + Patvirtinant pasirinktinę automatinio rinkimo seką įvyko klaida: +%1 +Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti? + + + An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": +%2 +Would you like to correct it? + Patvirtinant "%1" automatinio rinkimo seką įvyko klaida: +%2 +Ar norėtumėte ją ištaisyti? + + + Entry updated successfully. + Įrašas sėkmingai atnaujintas. + + + Unsaved Changes + Neišsaugoti pakeitimai + + + Would you like to save changes to this entry? + Ar norite išsaugoti šio įrašo pakeitimus? + + + New attribute + Naujas požymis + + + New attribute %1 + Naujas požymis %1 + + + Are you sure you want to remove this attribute? + Ar tikrai norite pašalinti šį požymi? + + + Reveal + Atskleisti + + + [PROTECTED] Press Reveal to view or edit + [APSAUGOTAS] Paspauskite Atskleisti, jei norite peržiūrėti arba redaguoti + + + Hide + Slėpti + + + %n week(s) + %n savaitė%n savaitės%n savaičių%n savaičių + + + %n month(s) + %n mėnesis%n mėnesiai%n mėnesių%n mėnesių + + + %n year(s) + %n metai (-ai)%n metai (-ai)%n metai (-ai)%n metai (-ai) + + + %n hour(s) + %n val.%n val.%n val.%n val. + + + + EditEntryWidgetAdvanced + + Additional attributes + Papildomi požymiai + + + Attribute selection + Atributo pasirinkimas + + + Attribute value + Attribute value + + + Add a new attribute + Pridėti naują atributą + + + Add + Pridėti + + + Remove selected attribute + Pašalinti pasirinktą atributą + + + Remove + Šalinti + + + Edit attribute name + Redaguoti atributo pavadinimą + + + Edit Name + Taisyti pavadinimą + + + Toggle attribute protection + Perjungti atributų apsaugą + + + Protect + Apsaugoti + + + Show a protected attribute + Rodyti apsaugotą atributą + + + Reveal + Atskleisti + + + Attachments + Priedai + + + If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. + Jei pažymėta, įrašas nebus rodomas ataskaitose, pvz., būklės patikrinimas ir HIBP, net jei jis neatitinka kokybės reikalavimų. + + + Exclude from database reports + Neįtraukti į duomenų bazės ataskaitas + + + Foreground Color: + Priekinio plano spalva: + + + Foreground color selection + Priekinio plano spalvų pasirinkimas + + + Background Color: + Fono spalva: + + + Background color selection + Fono spalvos pasirinkimas + + + + EditEntryWidgetAutoType + + Enable Auto-Type for this entry + Įjungti šiam įrašui automatinį rinkimą + + + Inherit default Auto-Type sequence from the group + Paveldėti numatytąją automatinio rinkimo seką iš grupės + + + Use custom Auto-Type sequence: + Naudoti tinkintą automatinio rinkimo seka: + + + Custom Auto-Type sequence + Pasirinktinė automatinio tipo seka + + + Open Auto-Type help webpage + Atidaryti automatinio rinkimo pagalbos tinklalapį + + + Window Associations + Lango asociacijos + + + Existing window associations + Esamos langų sąsajos + + + Add new window association + Pridėti naują langų susiejimą + + + Remove selected window association + Pašalinti pasirinktą langų susiejimą + + + Window title: + Lango antraštė: + + + You can use an asterisk (*) to match everything + Galite naudoti žvaigždutę (*), kad viskas atitiktų + + + Set the window association title + Lango susiejimo pavadinimo nustatymas + + + You can use an asterisk to match everything + Galite naudoti žvaigždutę, kad viskas atitiktų + + + Use a specific sequence for this association: + Šiam susiejimui naudokite konkrečią seką: + + + Custom Auto-Type sequence for this window + Pasirinktinė šio lango automatinio rinkimo seka + + + + + Add item + + + + + - + Remove item + - + + + + EditEntryWidgetBrowser + + These settings affect to the entry's behaviour with the browser extension. + Šie nustatymai turi įtakos įrašo elgsenai su naršyklės plėtiniu. + + + General + Bendra + + + Hide this entry from the browser extension + Paslėpti šį įrašą nuo naršyklės plėtinio + + + Skip Auto-Submit for this entry + Praleisti šio įrašo automatinį pateikimą + + + Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection. + Siųskite šį parametrą tik į naršyklę HTTP Auth dialogo langams. Jei įjungta, įprastose prisijungimo formose šis pasirinkimo įrašas nebus rodomas. + + + Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth + Naudokite šį įrašą tik su HTTP Basic Auth + + + Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. + Nesiųskite šio parametro į naršyklę HTTP Auth dialogams. Jei įjungta, HTTP Auth dialogo languose šis pasirinkimo įrašas nebus rodomas. + + + Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth + Nenaudokite šio įrašo su HTTP Basic Auth + + + Additional URL's + Papildomi URL adresai + + + Add + Pridėti + + + Remove + Šalinti + + + Edit + Keisti + + + + EditEntryWidgetHistory + + Entry history selection + Įrašo istorijos pasirinkimas + + + Show entry at selected history state + Rodyti pasirinktos istorijos padėties įrašą + + + Show + Rodyti + + + Restore entry to selected history state + Atkurti įrašą į pasirinktą istorijos padėtį + + + Restore + Atkurti + + + Delete selected history state + Ištrinti pasirinktą istorijos padėtį + + + Delete + Ištrinti + + + Delete all history + Ištrinti visą istoriją + + + Delete all + Ištrinti visus + + + + EditEntryWidgetMain + + Edit Entry + Redaguoti Įrašą + + + Notes field + Pastabų laukas + + + Toggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section. + Norėdami atskleisti pastabų sekciją, perjunkite žymimąjį langelį. + + + Username field + Naudojo vardo laukas + + + Toggle notes visible + Perjungti pastabų matomumą + + + Notes: + Pastabos: + + + Expiration field + Galiojimo laukas + + + Expiration Presets + Išankstiniai galiojimo pabaigos nustatymai + + + Expiration presets + Išankstiniai galiojimo pabaigos nustatymai + + + Presets + Parinktys + + + Password: + Slaptažodis: + + + URL: + URL: + + + Url field + Url adreso laukas + + + Download favicon for URL + Atsisiųsti piktogramą URL adresui + + + Title: + Antraštė: + + + Title field + Pavadinimo laukas + + + Username: + Naudotojo vardas: + + + Password field + Slaptažodžio laukas + + + Toggle expiration + Perjungti galiojimo terminą + + + Expires: + Baigiasi: + + + Tags: + Žymos: + + + Tags list + Žymų sąrašas + + + + EditEntryWidgetSSHAgent + + Form + Forma + + + Remove key from agent when database is closed/locked + Užvėrus/užrakinus duomenų bazę, šalinti raktą iš agento + + + Comment + Komentaras + + + Add key to agent when database is opened/unlocked + Atvėrus/atrakinus duomenų bazę, pridėti raktą į agentą + + + Decrypt + Iššifruoti + + + Fingerprint + Kontrolinis kodas + + + Copy to clipboard + Kopijuoti į iškarpinę + + + Public key + Viešasis raktas + + + Private key + Privatusis raktas + + + External file + Išorinis failas + + + Browser for key file + Rakto failo naršyklė + + + Browse… + Button for opening file dialog + Naršyti... + + + Attachment + Priedas + + + External key file + Išorinis rakto failas + + + Add to agent + Pridėti į agentą + + + Remove from agent + Šalinti iš agento + + + Select attachment file + Pasirinkti priedo failą + + + Require user confirmation when this key is used + Naudojant šį raktą, reikalauti naudotojo patvirtinimo + + + n/a + nėra + + + Remove key from agent after + Šalinti raktą iš agento po + + + Remove key from agent after specified seconds + Pašalinkite raktą iš agento po nurodytų sekundžių + + + seconds + sekundžių + + + + EditGroupWidget + + Group + Grupė + + + Icon + Piktograma + + + Browser Integration + Naršyklės integracija + + + Properties + Savybės + + + Add group + Pridėti grupę + + + Edit group + Keisti grupę + + + Group has unsaved changes + Grupė turi neišsaugotų pakeitimų + + + Enable + Įjungti + + + Disable + Išjungti + + + Inherit from parent group (%1) + Paveldėti iš pirminės grupės (%1) + + + + EditGroupWidgetBrowser + + Edit Group + Redaguoti Grupę + + + These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. + Šie nustatymai turi įtakos grupės elgesiui su naršyklės plėtiniu. + + + Hide entries from browser extension: + Slėpti įrašus nuo naršyklės plėtinio: + + + Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups + Slėpti įrašus iš naršyklės plėtinių perjungimo šiam ir pogrupiams + + + Skip Auto-Submit for entries: + Praleisti automatinį pateikimą įrašams: + + + Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups + Šio ir pogrupių perjungti jungiklį Praleisti automatinį pateikimą + + + Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: + Naudokite įrašus tik su HTTP Basic Auth: + + + Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + Tik HTTP Auth perjungimas šiam ir pogrupiams + + + Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: + Nenaudokite įrašų su HTTP Basic Auth: + + + Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + Nenaudokite HTTP Auth perjungimo šiam ir pogrupiams + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Praleiskite WWW padomenį nuo atitikimo: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Praleiskite WWW padomenį nuo šio ir pogrupių atitikimo perjungimo + + + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare + + Sharing mode field + Bendrinimo režimo laukas + + + Password field + Slaptažodžio laukas + + + Type: + Tipas: + + + Password: + Slaptažodis: + + + Path: + Kelias: + + + Path to share file field + Failo bendrinimo lauko kelias + + + Browse for share file + Bendrinimo failo naršymas + + + Browse… + Naršyti... + + + Clear fields + Išvalyti laukus + + + Clear + Išvalyti + + + Inactive + Neaktyvus + + + Import + Importuoti + + + Export + Eksportuoti + + + Synchronize + Sinchronizuoti + + + Your KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type. +Supported extensions are: %1. + Jūsų "KeePassXC" versija nepalaiko šio konteinerio tipo bendrinimo. +Palaikomi pratęsimai yra: %1. + + + %1 is already being exported by this database. + %1 jau eksportuojamas iš šios duomenų bazės. + + + %1 is already being imported by this database. + %1 jau importuojamas į šią duomenų bazę. + + + %1 is being imported and exported by different groups in this database. + %1 šioje duomenų bazėje importuoja ir eksportuoja įvairios grupės. + + + KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings. + KeeShare is a proper noun + KeeShare šiuo metu yra išjungtas. Galite įjungti importavimą / eksportavimą programos nustatymuose. + + + Database export is currently disabled by application settings. + Duomenų bazės eksportas šiuo metu išjungtas pagal programos nustatymus. + + + Database import is currently disabled by application settings. + Duomenų bazės importas šiuo metu išjungtas pagal programos nustatymus. + + + KeeShare container + KeeShare konteineris + + + KeeShare signed container + KeeShare pasirašytas konteineris + + + Select import source + Pasirinkti importo šaltinį + + + Select export target + Pasirinkti eksporto tikslą + + + Select import/export file + Pasirinkti importo / eksporto failą + + + + EditGroupWidgetMain + + Edit Group + Redaguoti Grupę + + + Toggle expiration + Perjungti galiojimo terminą + + + Expires: + Baigiasi: + + + Name field + Pavadinimo laukas + + + Expiration field + Galiojimo laukas + + + Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group + Naudoti numatytąją pagrindinės grupės automatinio rinkimo seką + + + Auto-Type: + Auto-Įvedimas: + + + Search: + Ieškoti: + + + Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groups + Automatinio rinkimo perjungimas šiai ir pagalbinėms grupėms + + + Notes: + Pastabos: + + + Default auto-type sequence field + Numatytos automatinio rinkimo sekos laukas + + + Notes field + Pastabų laukas + + + Name: + Pavadinimas: + + + Set default Auto-Type sequence + Nustatyti numatytąją Auto-Įvedimo seką + + + Search toggle for this and sub groups + Ieškos perjungiklis šiam ir pogrupiams + + + + EditWidgetIcons + + Use default icon + Naudoti numatytąją piktogramą + + + Use custom icon + Naudoti tinkintą piktogramą + + + Choose icon… + Pasirinkti piktogramą... + + + Set the URL to use to search for a favicon + Nustatykite URL, kurį norite naudoti ieškodami favicon + + + Favicon URL + Piktogramos URL adresas + + + Download favicon for URL + Atsisiųsti piktogramą URL adresui + + + Download favicon + Atsisiųsti svetainės piktogramą + + + Apply selected icon to subgroups and entries + Taikyti pasirinktą piktogramą pogrupiams ir įrašams + + + Apply icon to… + Taikyti piktogramą... + + + Apply to this group only + Taikyti tik šiai grupei + + + Also apply to child groups + Taip pat taikoma vaikų grupėms + + + Also apply to child entries + Taip pat taikoma antriniams įrašams + + + Also apply to all children + Taip pat taikoma visiems vaikams + + + Unable to fetch favicon. + Nepavyko gauti svetainės piktogramos. + + + You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Tools -> Settings -> Security + DuckDuckGo svetainių piktogramų paslaugą galite įjungti skiltyje Įrankiai -> Nustatymai -> Saugumas + + + Existing icon selected. + Pasirinkta esama piktograma. + + + Images + Paveikslai + + + All files + Visi failai + + + Select Image(s) + Pasirinkite paveikslėlį (-ius) + + + Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) + Sėkmingai įkelta %1 iš %n piktogramos (-ių)Sėkmingai įkelta %1 iš %n piktogramos (-ių)Sėkmingai įkelta %1 iš %n piktogramos (-ių)Sėkmingai įkelta %1 iš %n piktogramos (-ių) + + + No icons were loaded + Neįkelta jokių piktogramų + + + %n icon(s) already exist in the database + %n piktograma (-os) jau yra duomenų bazėje%n piktograma (-os) jau yra duomenų bazėje%n piktograma (-os) jau yra duomenų bazėje%n piktograma (-os) jau yra duomenų bazėje + + + The following icon(s) failed: + Ši piktograma patyrė nesėkmę:Šios piktogramos patyrė nesėkmę:Šios piktogramos patyrė nesėkmę:Šios piktogramos patyrė nesėkmę: + + + + EditWidgetProperties + + Created: + Sukurta: + + + Datetime created + Sukurtas datetime + + + Modified: + Keista: + + + Datetime modified + Datos laikas modifikuotas + + + Accessed: + Prieiga: + + + Datetime accessed + Datos laikas pasiekiamas + + + Uuid: + Uuid: + + + Unique ID + Unikalus ID + + + Plugin Data + Papildinių duomenys + + + Plugin data + Papildinių duomenys + + + Remove selected plugin data + Pašalinti pasirinktus papildinių duomenis + + + Remove + Šalinti + + + Delete plugin data? + Ištrinti papildinių duomenis? + + + Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data? +This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. + Ar tikrai norite ištrinti pasirinktus papildinių duomenis? +Dėl to gali sutrikti paveiktų papildinių veikimas. + + + Key + Raktas + + + Value + Reikšmė + + + + Entry + + %1 - Clone + %1 - Klonas + + + + EntryAttachments + + Cannot open file "%1" + Nepavyko atidaryti failo "%1" + + + + EntryAttachmentsModel + + Name + Pavadinimas + + + Size + Dydis + + + + EntryAttachmentsWidget + + Form + Forma + + + Attachments + Priedai + + + Add new attachment + Pridėti naują priedą + + + Add + Pridėti + + + Remove selected attachment + Pašalinti pasirinktą priedą + + + Remove + Šalinti + + + Rename selected attachment + Pervadinti pasirinktą priedą + + + Rename + Pervadinti + + + Open selected attachment + Atverti pasirinktą priedą + + + Open + Atverti + + + Save selected attachment to disk + Įrašyti pasirinktą priedą į diską + + + Save + Įrašyti + + + Select files + Pasirinkti failus + + + Confirm remove + Patvirtinti pašalinimą + + + Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? + Ar tikrai norite pašalinti %n priedą?Ar tikrai norite pašalinti %n priedus?Ar tikrai norite pašalinti %n priedų?Ar tikrai norite pašalinti %n priedų? + + + Save attachments + Įrašyti priedus + + + Unable to create directory: +%1 + Nepavyko sukurti katalogą: +%1 + + + Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment? + Ar tikrai norite perrašyti failą "%1" priedu? + + + Confirm overwrite + Patvirtinti perrašymą + + + Unable to save attachments: +%1 + Nepavyko įrašyti priedus: +%1 + + + Unable to open attachment: +%1 + Nepavyko atverti priedą: +%1 + + + Unable to open attachments: +%1 + Nepavyko atverti priedus: +%1 + + + Unable to open file(s): +%1 + Nepavyksta atidaryti failo (-ų): +%1Nepavyksta atidaryti failo (-ų): +%1Nepavyksta atidaryti failo (-ų): +%1Nepavyksta atidaryti failo (-ų): +%1 + + + Confirm Overwrite Attachment + Patvirtinti priedo perrašymą + + + Attachment "%1" already exists. +Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? + Priedas "%1" jau egzistuoja. +Ar norite perrašyti esamą priedą? + + + Confirm Attachment + Patvirtinti priedą + + + %1 is a big file (%2 MB). +Your database may get very large and reduce performance. + +Are you sure to add this file? + %1 yra didelis failas (%2 MB). +Jūsų duomenų bazė gali tapti labai didelė ir gali sumažėti našumas. + +Ar tikrai norite pridėti šį failą? + + + Attachment modified + Priedas pakeistas + + + The attachment '%1' was modified. +Do you want to save the changes to your database? + Priedas '%1' buvo pakeistas. +Ar norite išsaugoti pakeitimus savo duomenų bazėje? + + + Saving attachment failed + Nepavyko išsaugoti priedo + + + Saving updated attachment failed. +Error: %1 + Nepavyko išsaugoti atnaujinto priedo. +Klaida: %1 + + + + EntryAttributesModel + + Name + Pavadinimas + + + + EntryHistoryModel + + Current (%1) + Dabartinis (%1) + + + Last modified + Paskutinis keitimas + + + Age + Amžius + + + Difference + Skirtumas + + + Size + Dydis + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Username + Naudotojo vardas + + + Password + Slaptažodis + + + URL + URL + + + Notes + Pastabos + + + Custom Attributes + Pasirinktiniai atributai + + + Icon + Piktograma + + + Color + Spalva + + + Expiration + Galiojimas + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + Custom Data + Pasirinktiniai duomenys + + + Attachments + Priedai + + + Auto-Type + Automatinis rinkimas + + + Tags + Žymos + + + + EntryModel + + Ref: + Reference abbreviation + Nuoroda: + + + Never + Niekada + + + Group + Grupė + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Username + Naudotojo vardas + + + Password + Slaptažodis + + + URL + URL + + + Notes + Pastabos + + + Expires + Baigia galioti + + + Created + Sukurta + + + Modified + Keista + + + Accessed + Prieiga + + + Attachments + Priedai + + + Size + Dydis + + + Group name + Grupės pavadinimas + + + Entry title + Įrašo pavadinimas + + + Password Strength + Slaptažodžio Stiprumas + + + Entry notes + Įrašo pastabos + + + Entry expires at + Įrašas galioja iki + + + Creation date + Sukūrimo data + + + Last modification date + Paskutinio pakeitimo data + + + Last access date + Paskutinės prieigos data + + + Attached files + Pridėti failai + + + Entry size + Įrašo dydis + + + Has attachments + Turi priedų + + + Has TOTP + Turi TOTP + + + + EntryPreviewWidget + + Display current TOTP value + Rodyti dabartinę TOTP reikšmę + + + Close + Užverti + + + General + Bendra + + + Password + Slaptažodis + + + Notes + Pastabos + + + Expiration + Galiojimas + + + Tags + Žymos + + + Tags list + Žymų sąrašas + + + Username + Naudotojo vardas + + + URL + URL + + + Advanced + Išplėstiniai + + + Attachments + Priedai + + + Attributes + Požymiai + + + Autotype + Automatinis rinkimas + + + Default Sequence + Numatytoji seka + + + Window + Langas + + + Sequence + Seka + + + Searching + Paieška + + + Share + Dalintis + + + Search + Paieška + + + Clear + Išvalyti + + + Never + Niekada + + + Enabled + Įjungta + + + Disabled + Išjungta + + + Double click to copy value + Dukart spustelėkite, kad nukopijuotumėte reikšmę + + + + EntryURLModel + + Invalid URL + Netinkamas URL + + + + EntryView + + Fit to window + Priderinti prie lango + + + Fit to contents + Priderinti prie turinio + + + Reset to defaults + Atstatyti į numatytuosius + + + + ExportDialog + + Export options + Eksporto parinktys + + + Sort entries by... + Rikiuoti įrašus pagal... + + + You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. +This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! + + Ketinate eksportuoti duomenų bazę į neužšifruotą failą. +Dėl to jūsų slaptažodžiai ir slapta informacija bus pažeidžiami! + + + database order + duomenų bazės tvarka + + + name (ascending) + pavadinimas (didėjimo tvarka) + + + name (descending) + pavadinimas (mažėjimo tvarka) + + + unknown + nežinomas + + + Export database to HTML file + Eksportuoti duomenų bazę į HTML failą + + + HTML file + HTML failas + + + + FdoSecrets::DBusMgr + + Failed to deliver message + Nepavyko pristatyti pranešimo + + + Failed to send reply on DBus + Nepavyko išsiųsti atsakymo per "DBus" + + + Unknown + Unknown PID + Nežinoma + + + Unknown + Unknown executable path + Nežinoma + + + <i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i> + <i>PID: 1234, Executable: /path/to/exe</i> + <i>PID: %1, vykdomasis failas: %2</i> + + + Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration. + Veikia dar viena slaptoji tarnyba (%1).<br/>Prieš iš naujo įjungdami Slaptosios tarnybos integraciją, jį sustabdykite / pašalinkite. + + + Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/> + Nepavyko užregistruoti DBus paslaugos %1.<br/> + + + Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1' + Nepavyko užregistruoti paslaugos "DBus" kelyje "%1" + + + Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1' + Nepavyko užregistruoti duomenų bazės DBus pavadinimu "%1" + + + Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' + Nepavyko užsiregistruoti "DBus" kelyje "%1" + + + Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' + Nepavyko užregistruoti prekės DBus kelyje '%1' + + + Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' + Nepavyko užregistruoti greito objekto DBus kelyje '%1' + + + + FdoSecrets::Item + + Entry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3 + Įrašą "%1" iš duomenų bazės "%2" naudojo %3 + + + + FdoSecrets::Service + + %n Entry(s) was used by %1 + %1 is the name of an application + %n Įrašas (-ai) buvo naudojamas (-i) %1%n Įrašas (-ai) buvo naudojamas (-i) %1%n Įrašas (-ai) buvo naudojamas (-i) %1%n Įrašas (-ai) buvo naudojamas (-i) %1 + + + + FdoSecrets::SettingsClientModel + + Unknown + Nežinoma + + + Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. + Neegzistuojantis / neprieinamas vykdomosios programos kelias. Dukart patikrinkite, ar klientas yra tinkamas. + + + + FdoSecrets::SettingsDatabaseModel + + Unlock to show + Atrakinkite, kad peržiūrėti + + + None + Nėra + + + + FdoSecrets::UnlockPrompt + + %1 (PID: %2) + %1 (PID: %2) + + + + FdoSecretsPlugin + + <b>Fdo Secret Service:</b> %1 + <b>Fdo slaptoji tarnyba:</b> %1 + + + + Group + + [empty] + group has no children + [tuščia] + + + %1 - Clone + %1 - Klonas + + + + HibpDownloader + + Online password validation failed + Nepavyko patvirtinti slaptažodžio internete + + + + IconDownloaderDialog + + Download Favicons + Atsisiųsti Piktogramas + + + Cancel + Atsisakyti + + + Having trouble downloading icons? +You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings. + Susiduriate su sunkumais atsisiunčiant piktogramas? +DuckDuckGo svetainės piktogramų paslaugą galite įjungti programos nustatymų saugumo skyriuje. + + + Close + Užverti + + + URL + URL + + + Status + Būsena + + + Please wait, processing entry list… + Palaukite, apdorojamas įrašų sąrašas... + + + Downloading… + Atsisiunčiama... + + + Ok + Gerai + + + Already Exists + Jau Egzistuoja + + + Download Failed + Atsisiųsti Nepavyko + + + Downloading favicons (%1/%2)… + Atsisiunčiamos piktogramos (%1/%2)... + + + + KMessageWidget + + &Close + &Užverti + + + Close message + Užverti žinutę + + + + Kdbx3Reader + + Missing database headers + Trūksta duomenų bazės antraščių + + + Unable to calculate database key + Nepavyko apskaičiuoti duomenų bazės rakto + + + Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 + Nepavyko pateikti atsakymo į iššūkius: %1 + + + Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. +If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. + Pateikti neteisingi prisijungimo duomenys, bandykite dar kartą. +Jei tai kartojasi, jūsų duomenų bazės failas gali būti sugadintas. + + + Header doesn't match hash + Antraštė neatitinka maišą + + + Invalid header id size + Neteisingas antraštės id dydis + + + Invalid header field length: field %1 + Neteisingas antraštės lauko ilgis: laukas %1 + + + Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found + Neteisingas antraštės duomenų ilgis: laukas %1, %2 laukiamas, %3 rastas + + + + Kdbx3Writer + + Invalid symmetric cipher IV size. + IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher + Neteisingas simetriškas šifro IV dydis. + + + Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 + Nepavyko pateikti atsakymo į iššūkius: %1 + + + Unable to calculate database key + Nepavyko apskaičiuoti duomenų bazės rakto + + + + Kdbx4Reader + + missing database headers + trūksta duomenų bazės antraščių + + + Unable to calculate database key: %1 + Nepavyko apskaičiuoti duomenų bazės rakto: %1 + + + Invalid header checksum size + Neteisingas antraštės kontrolinės sumos dydis + + + Header SHA256 mismatch + Antraštės SHA256 neatitikimas + + + Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. +If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. + Pateikti neteisingi prisijungimo duomenys, bandykite dar kartą. +Jei tai kartojasi, jūsų duomenų bazės failas gali būti sugadintas. + + + (HMAC mismatch) + (HMAC nesutampa) + + + Unknown cipher + Nežinomas šifras + + + Invalid header id size + Neteisingas antraštės id dydis + + + Invalid header field length: field %1 + Neteisingas antraštės lauko ilgis: laukas %1 + + + Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found + Neteisingas antraštės duomenų ilgis: laukas %1, %2 laukiamas, %3 rastas + + + Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header + Nepavyko atidaryti KDF parametrų buferio antraštėje + + + Unsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parameters + Nepalaikoma rakto išvedimo funkcija (KDF) arba negaliojantys parametrai + + + Legacy header fields found in KDBX4 file. + Senstelėję antraštės laukai, rasti KDBX4 faile. + + + Invalid inner header id size + Neteisingas vidinės antraštės id dydis + + + Invalid inner header field length: field %1 + Neteisingas vidinio antraštės lauko ilgis: laukas %1 + + + Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found + Neteisingas vidinis antraštės duomenų ilgis: laukas %1, %2 laukiamas, %3 rastas + + + Invalid inner header binary size + Neteisingas vidinės antraštės dvejetainis dydis + + + Unsupported KeePass variant map version. + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Nepalaikoma KeePass varianto žemėlapio versija. + + + Invalid variant map entry name length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Netinkamas varianto žemėlapio įrašo pavadinimo ilgis + + + Invalid variant map entry name data + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Negaliojantys varianto žemėlapio įvesties pavadinimo duomenys + + + Invalid variant map entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Neteisingas varianto žemėlapio įvesties reikšmės ilgis + + + Invalid variant map entry value data + Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Neleistini variantų žemėlapio įvesties reikšmės duomenys + + + Invalid variant map Bool entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Netinkamas varianto žemėlapis "Bool" įvesties reikšmės ilgis + + + Invalid variant map Int32 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Neteisingas varianto žemėlapis Int32 įvesties reikšmės ilgis + + + Invalid variant map UInt32 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Neteisingas varianto žemėlapis UInt32 įėjimo vertės ilgis + + + Invalid variant map Int64 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Neteisingas varianto žemėlapis Int64 įrašo reikšmės ilgis + + + Invalid variant map UInt64 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Neteisingas varianto žemėlapis UInt64 įėjimo reikšmės ilgis + + + Invalid variant map entry type + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Netinkamas varianto žemėlapio įrašo tipas + + + Invalid variant map field type size + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Netinkamas varianto žemėlapio lauko tipo dydis + + + + Kdbx4Writer + + Invalid symmetric cipher algorithm. + Neteisingas simetriškas šifro algoritmas. + + + Invalid symmetric cipher IV size. + IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher + Neteisingas simetriškas šifro IV dydis. + + + Unable to calculate database key: %1 + Nepavyko apskaičiuoti duomenų bazės rakto: %1 + + + Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant map + Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + Nepavyko serializuoti KDF parametrų varianto žemėlapio + + + + KdbxReader + + Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2) + Neteisingas šifro ilgis: %1 (ilgis=%2) + + + Unable to parse UUID: %1 + Nepavyko išanalizuoti UUID: %1 + + + Unsupported cipher + Nepalaikomas šifras + + + Invalid compression flags length + Netinkamas glaudinimo vėliavėlių ilgis + + + Unsupported compression algorithm + Nepalaikomas glaudinimo algoritmas + + + Invalid master seed size + Netinkamas pagrindinės sėklos dydis + + + Invalid transform seed size + Netinkamas transformacijos sėklos dydis + + + Invalid transform rounds size + Netinkamas transformacijos raundų dydis + + + Invalid start bytes size + Netinkamas pradžios baitų dydis + + + Invalid random stream id size + Neteisingas atsitiktinio srauto ID dydis + + + Invalid inner random stream cipher + Neteisingas vidinis atsitiktinio srauto šifras + + + Failed to read database file. + Nepavyko nuskaityti duomenų bazės failo. + + + The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb). + +You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. +This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. + Pasirinktas failas yra sena KeePass 1 duomenų bazė (.kdb). + +Jį galite importuoti spustelėję Duomenų bazės > "Importuoti KeePass 1 duomenų bazę...". +Tai vienpusė migracija. Negalėsite atidaryti importuotos duomenų bazės naudodami seną KeePassX 0.4 versiją. + + + Not a KeePass database. + Ne KeePass duomenų bazė. + + + Unsupported KeePass 2 database version. + Nepalaikoma KeePass 2 duomenų bazės versija. + + + + KdbxXmlReader + + XML parsing failure: %1 + XML nagrinėjimo nesėkmė: %1 + + + No root group + Nėra šakninės grupės + + + XML error: +%1 +Line %2, column %3 + XML klaida: +%1 +%2 eilutė, %3 stulpelis + + + Missing icon uuid or data + Trūksta piktogramos uuid ar duomenų + + + Missing custom data key or value + Trūksta pasirinktinio duomenų rakto arba reikšmės + + + Multiple group elements + Keletas grupės elementų + + + Null group uuid + Neapibrėžta grupė uuid + + + Invalid group icon number + Neteisingas grupės piktogramos numeris + + + Invalid EnableAutoType value + Neteisinga EnableAutoType reikšmė + + + Invalid EnableSearching value + Neteisinga įgalinti ieškos reikšmę + + + No group uuid found + Nerastas grupės uuid + + + Null DeleteObject uuid + Null DeleteObject uuid + + + Missing DeletedObject uuid or time + Trūksta DeletedObject uuid arba laiko + + + Null entry uuid + Nulinis įrašas uuid + + + Invalid entry icon number + Neteisingas įrašo piktogramos numeris + + + History element in history entry + Istorijos elementas istorijos įraše + + + No entry uuid found + Nerastas įrašo uuid + + + History element with different uuid + Istorijos elementas su skirtingu uuid + + + Duplicate custom attribute found + Rastas dubliuotas tinkintas požymis + + + Entry string key or value missing + Trūksta įrašo eilutės rakto arba reikšmės + + + Entry binary key or value missing + Trūksta įrašo dvejetainio rakto arba reikšmės + + + Auto-type association window or sequence missing + Trūksta automatinio rinkimo susiejimo lango arba sekos + + + Invalid bool value + Neteisinga buliaus reikšmė + + + Invalid date time value + Neteisinga datos laiko reikšmė + + + Invalid color value + Neteisinga spalvos reikšmė + + + Invalid color rgb part + Neteisinga spalvos rgb dalis + + + Invalid number value + Neteisinga skaitmeninė reikšmė + + + Invalid uuid value + Neteisinga uuid reikšmė + + + Unable to decompress binary + Translator meant is a binary data inside an entry + Nepavyksta dekompresuoti dvejetainio režimo + + + + KeeAgentSettings + + Invalid KeeAgent settings file structure. + Neteisinga "KeeAgent" nustatymų failų struktūra. + + + Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided. + Privatus raktas yra priedas, bet jokių priedų nepateikta. + + + Private key is empty + Privatus raktas yra tuščias + + + File too large to be a private key + Failas per didelis, kad būtų privatusis raktas + + + Failed to open private key + Nepavyko atverti privačiojo rakto + + + + KeePass1OpenWidget + + Import KeePass1 Database + Importuoti KeePass1 duomenų bazę + + + Unable to open the database. + Nepavyko atverti duomenų bazės. + + + + KeePass1Reader + + Unable to read keyfile. + Nepavyko perskaityti rakto failo. + + + Not a KeePass database. + Ne KeePass duomenų bazė. + + + Unsupported encryption algorithm. + Nepalaikomas šifravimo algoritmas. + + + Unsupported KeePass database version. + Nepalaikoma KeePass duomenų bazės versija. + + + Unable to read encryption IV + IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher + Nepavyko perskaityti šifravimo IV + + + Invalid number of groups + Neteisingas grupių skaičius + + + Invalid number of entries + Neteisingas įrašų skaičius + + + Invalid content hash size + Neteisingas turinio maišos dydis + + + Invalid transform seed size + Netinkamas transformacijos sėklos dydis + + + Invalid number of transform rounds + Neteisingas transformacijos raundų skaičius + + + Unable to construct group tree + Nepavyko sukurti grupės medžio + + + Root + Šaknis + + + Unable to calculate database key + Nepavyko apskaičiuoti duomenų bazės rakto + + + unable to seek to content position + negali siekti turinio pozicijos + + + Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. +If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. + Pateikti neteisingi prisijungimo duomenys, bandykite dar kartą. +Jei tai kartojasi, jūsų duomenų bazės failas gali būti sugadintas. + + + Key transformation failed + Rakto transformacija nepavyko + + + Invalid group field type number + Neteisingas grupės lauko tipo numeris + + + Invalid group field size + Netinkamas grupės lauko dydis + + + Read group field data doesn't match size + Skaitymo grupės lauko duomenys neatitinka dydžio + + + Incorrect group id field size + Neteisingas grupės ID lauko dydis + + + Incorrect group creation time field size + Neteisingas grupės kūrimo laiko lauko dydis + + + Incorrect group modification time field size + Neteisingas grupės modifikavimo laiko lauko dydis + + + Incorrect group access time field size + Neteisingas grupės prieigos laiko lauko dydis + + + Incorrect group expiry time field size + Neteisingas grupės galiojimo pabaigos laiko lauko dydis + + + Incorrect group icon field size + Neteisingas grupės piktogramos lauko dydis + + + Incorrect group level field size + Neteisingas grupės lygio lauko dydis + + + Invalid group field type + Neteisingas grupės lauko tipas + + + Missing group id or level + Trūksta grupės ID arba lygio + + + Missing entry field type number + Trūksta įrašo lauko tipo numerio + + + Invalid entry field size + Neteisingas įrašo lauko dydis + + + Read entry field data doesn't match size + Skaitymo įvedimo lauko duomenys neatitinka dydžio + + + Invalid entry UUID field size + Netinkamas įrašo UUID lauko dydis + + + Invalid entry group id field size + Netinkamas įrašo grupės ID lauko dydis + + + Invalid entry icon field size + Netinkamas įrašo piktogramos lauko dydis + + + Invalid entry creation time field size + Netinkamas įrašo kūrimo laiko lauko dydis + + + Invalid entry modification time field size + Netinkamas įrašo modifikavimo laiko lauko dydis + + + Invalid entry expiry time field size + Negaliojantis įrašo galiojimo laikas lauko dydis + + + Invalid entry field type + Neteisingas įrašo lauko tipas + + + + KeeShare + + Invalid sharing reference + Neteisinga bendrinimo nuoroda + + + Inactive share %1 + Neaktyvi dalis %1 + + + Imported from %1 + Importuota iš %1 + + + Exported to %1 + Eksportuota į %1 + + + Synchronized with %1 + Sinchronizuota su %1 + + + Import is disabled in settings + Importas išjungtas nustatymuose + + + Export is disabled in settings + Eksportas išjungtas nustatymuose + + + Inactive share + Neaktyvus bendrinimas + + + Imported from + Importuota iš + + + Exported to + Eksportuota į + + + Synchronized with + Sinchronizuota su + + + + KeyComponentWidget + + Key Component + Pagrindinis komponentas + + + Key Component Description + Pagrindinio komponento aprašymas + + + Cancel + Atsisakyti + + + Key Component set, click to change or remove + Pagrindinių komponentų rinkinys, spustelėkite, kad pakeistumėte arba pašalintumėte + + + + KeyFileEditWidget + + Generate a new key file + Generuoti naują rakto failą + + + Generate + Generuoti + + + Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database. + Sukurti naują rakto failą arba pasirinkti esamą, kad apsaugoti duomenų bazę. + + + Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. + astaba: NENAUDOKITE failo, kuris gali pasikeisti, nes dėl to nebegalėsite atrakinti duomenų bazės. + + + Browse for key file + Ieškoti rakto failo + + + Browse… + Naršyti... + + + Old key file format + Senas rakto failo formatas + + + You selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead. + Pasirinkote seno formato rakto failą, kurio KeePassXC<br>ateityje gali nebepalaikyti.<br><br>Apsvarstykite galimybę vietoj jo sukurti naują rakto failą. + + + Error loading the key file '%1' +Message: %2 + Klaida įkeliant rakto failą '%1' +Žinutė: %2 + + + Key File + Rakto failas + + + Add Key File + Pridėti Rakto Failą + + + Change Key File + Keisti Rakto Failą + + + Remove Key File + Pašalinti Rakto Failą + + + Key File set, click to change or remove + Rakto Failas nustatytas, spustelėkite, jei norite pakeisti arba pašalinti + + + <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> + <p>Galite pridėti rakto failą su atsitiktiniais baitais, kad užtikrintumėte papildomą saugumą.</p><p>Turite jį laikyti paslaptyje ir niekada neprarasti, antraip būsite užblokuoti.</p> + + + Key files + Rakto failai + + + All files + Visi failai + + + Create Key File… + Sukurti Rakto Failą... + + + Error creating key file + Klaida kuriant rakto failą + + + Unable to create key file: %1 + Nepavyko sukurti rakto failo: %1 + + + Select a key file + Pasirinkite rakto failą + + + Invalid Key File + Neteisingas Rakto Failas + + + You cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file. + Dabartinės duomenų bazės negalima naudoti kaip rakto failo. Pasirinkite kitą failą arba sukurkite naują rakto failą. + + + Suspicious Key File + įtartinas raktų failas + + + The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever. +Are you sure you want to continue with this file? + Pasirinktas rakto failas atrodo kaip slaptažodžių duomenų bazės failas. Rakto failas turi būti statinis failas, kuris niekada nesikeičia, nes priešingu atveju visiems laikams prarasite prieigą prie savo duomenų bazės. +Ar tikrai norite tęsti darbą su šiuo failu? + + + + MacUtils + + Invalid key code + Netinkamas rakto kodas + + + Global shortcut already registered to %1 + Visuotinis spartusis klavišas jau užregistruotas į %1 + + + Could not register global shortcut + Nepavyko užregistruoti visuotinio sparčiojo klavišo + + + + MainWindow + + &Database + &Duomenų bazė + + + &Recent Databases + &Neseniai naudotos duomenų bazės + + + &Import + &Importuoti + + + &Export + &Eksportuoti + + + &Help + Ž&inynas + + + &Entries + &Įrašai + + + Copy Att&ribute + Kopijuoti atr&ibutą + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + &Groups + &Grupės + + + &Tools + Į&rankiai + + + View + Rodinys + + + Theme + Tema + + + &Quit + &Baigti + + + &About + &Apie + + + &Check for Updates + &Tikrinti ar yra atnaujinimų + + + &Open Database… + &Atidaryti duomenų bazę... + + + &Save Database + &Išsaugoti duomenų bazę + + + &Close Database + &Uždaryti duomenų bazę + + + &New Database… + &Nauja duomenų bazė... + + + Create a new database + Sukurti naują duomenų bazę + + + &Merge From Database… + &Įtraukti iš duomenų bazės... + + + Merge from another KDBX database + Sulieti iš kitos KDBX duomenų bazės + + + &New Entry… + &Naujas įrašas… + + + Add a new entry + Pridėti naują įrašą + + + &Edit Entry… + &Redaguoti įrašą... + + + View or edit entry + Rodyti ar taisyti įrašą + + + &Delete Entry… + &Ištrinti įrašą... + + + &New Group… + &Nauja grupė... + + + Add a new group + Pridėti naują grupę + + + &Edit Group… + &Redaguoti grupę... + + + &Delete Group… + &Ištrinti grupę... + + + Download All &Favicons… + Atsisiųsti visas piktogramas... + + + Sort &A-Z + Rušiuoti nuo &A-Z + + + Sort &Z-A + Rušiuoti nuo &Z-A + + + Sa&ve Database As… + Iš&saugoti duomenų bazę kaip... + + + Database &Security… + &Duomenų bazės saugumas... + + + Database &Reports… + Duomenu bazės &ataskaitos... + + + Statistics, health check, etc. + Statistika, sveikatos patikrinimas ir kt. + + + &Database Settings… + &Duomenų bazės nustatymai... + + + Database settings + Duomenų bazės nustatymai + + + &Clone Entry… + &Klonuoti įrašą... + + + Move u&p + Perkelti a&ukštyn + + + Move entry one step up + Perkelti įrašą vienu laipteliu aukščiau + + + Move do&wn + Perkelti že&miau + + + Move entry one step down + Perkelti įrašą vienu laipteliu žemiau + + + Copy &Username + Kopijuoti &slapyvardį + + + Copy username to clipboard + Kopijuoti naudotojo vardą į iškarpinę + + + Copy &Password + Kopijuoti &slaptažodį + + + Copy password to clipboard + Kopijuoti slaptažodį į iškarpinę + + + &Settings + &Nustatymai + + + &Password Generator + &Slaptažodžių generatorius + + + Perform &Auto-Type + Atlikti &automatinį rinkimą + + + Download &Favicon + Atsisiųsti &piktogramą + + + Open &URL + Atverti &URL + + + &Lock Database + &Užrakinti duomenų bazę + + + Lock &All Databases + Užrakinti &visas duomenų bazes + + + &Title + &Antraštė + + + Copy title to clipboard + Kopijuoti pavadinimą į iškarpinę + + + &URL + &URL + + + Copy URL to clipboard + Kopijuoti URL į iškarpinę + + + &Notes + &Pastabos + + + Copy notes to clipboard + Kopijuoti pastabas į iškarpinę + + + &CSV File… + &CSV failas... + + + &HTML File… + &HTML failas... + + + KeePass 1 Database… + KeePass 1 Duomenų bazė... + + + Import a KeePass 1 database + Importuoti KeePass 1 duomenų bazę + + + 1Password Vault… + 1Password saugykla... + + + Import a 1Password Vault + Importuoti 1Password saugyklą + + + CSV File… + CSV Failas... + + + Import a CSV file + Importuoti CSV failą + + + Show TOTP + Rodyti NTVS + + + Show QR Code + Rodyti QR Kodą + + + Set up TOTP… + Nustatyti TOTP... + + + Copy &TOTP + Kopijuoti &NTVS + + + E&mpty recycle bin + Iš&valyti šiukšlinę + + + &Donate + &Paaukoti + + + Report a &Bug + Pranešti apie &klaidą + + + &Getting Started + &Kaip pradėti + + + Open Getting Started Guide + Atidaryti pradžios vadovą + + + &Online Help + &Internetinė pagalba + + + Go to online documentation + Eiti į internetinę dokumentaciją + + + &User Guide + &Naudotojo vadovas + + + Open User Guide + Atidaryti naudotojo vadovą + + + &Keyboard Shortcuts + &Klaviatūros spartieji klavišai + + + Save Database Backup… + Išsaugoti duomenų bazės atsarginę kopiją... + + + Add key to SSH Agent + Pridėti raktą prie SSH agento + + + Remove key from SSH Agent + Pašalinti raktą iš SSH agento + + + Compact Mode + Kompaktiškas režimas + + + Automatic + Automatinis + + + Light + Šviesi + + + Dark + Tamsi + + + Classic (Platform-native) + Klasikinis (platformos gimtoji) + + + Show Toolbar + Rodyti įrankių juostą + + + Show Preview Panel + Rodyti Peržiūros Skydelį + + + Always on Top + Visada ant Viršaus + + + Hide Usernames + Slėpti naudotojo vardus + + + Hide Passwords + Slėpti slaptažodžius + + + Clone Group... + Klonuoti Grupę... + + + Clear history + Išvalyti istoriją + + + Access error for config file %1 + Konfigūracijos failo %1 prieigos klaida + + + Don't show again for this version + Daugiau nerodyti šioje versijoje + + + WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC. +There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. +This version is not meant for production use. + ĮSPĖJIMAS: Jūs naudojate nestabilią KeePassXC versiją. +Egzistuoja didelė pažeidimų rizika, turėkite atsarginę duomenų bazių kopiją. +Ši versija neskirta naudoti darbui. + + + NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC. +Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes. + PASTABA: Jūs naudojate ankstyvąją KeePassXC versiją. +Tikėkitės klaidų ir nedidelių problemų, ši versija skirta testavimo tikslams. + + + WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. +We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. + ĮSPĖJIMAS: Dėl jūsų Qt versijos "KeePassXC" gali sugesti naudojant ekrano klaviatūrą. +Rekomenduojame naudoti "AppImage", pasiekiamą mūsų atsisiuntimų puslapyje. + + + Restore Entry(s) + Atkurti įrašą (-us)Atkurti įrašą (-us)Atkurti įrašą (-us)Atkurti įrašą (-us) + + + Settings + Nustatymai + + + Check for updates on startup? + Tikrinti ar yra atnaujinimų paleidimo metu? + + + Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup? + Ar norite, kad KeePassXC patikrintų, ar yra atnaujinimų paleidimo metu? + + + You can always check for updates manually from the application menu. + Ar yra atnaujinimų visada galite patikrinti rankiniu būdu iš programos meniu. + + + Toggle window + Perjungti langą + + + Quit KeePassXC + Išeiti iš KeePassXC + + + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… + Norėdami tęsti, pateikite arba palieskite savo YubiKey raktą... + + + Restart Application? + Perleisti Programą? + + + You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? + Norėdami pritaikyti šį nustatymą, turite iš naujo paleisti programą. Ar norite iš naujo paleisti programą dabar? + + + Tags + Žymos + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + + + + ManageDatabase + + Database settings + Duomenų bazės nustatymai + + + Edit database settings + Keisti duomenų bazės nustatymus + + + Unlock database + Atrakinti duomenų bazę + + + Unlock database to show more information + Atrakinkite duomenų bazę, kad būtų rodoma daugiau informacijos + + + Lock database + Užrakinti duomenų bazę + + + + ManageSession + + Disconnect + Atsijungti + + + Disconnect this application + Atjungti šią programą + + + Reset + Atstatyti + + + Reset any remembered decisions for this application + Iš naujo nustatyti visus įsimintus šios programos pasirinkimus + + + + Merger + + Creating missing %1 [%2] + Kuriamas trūkstamas %1 [%2] + + + Relocating %1 [%2] + Perkėlimas į kitą vietą %1 [%2] + + + Overwriting %1 [%2] + Perrašymas %1 [%2] + + + older entry merged from database "%1" + senesnis įrašas prijungtas iš duomenų bazės "%1" + + + Adding backup for older target %1 [%2] + Senesnio tikslo %1 atsarginės kopijos pridėjimas [%2] + + + Adding backup for older source %1 [%2] + Senesnio šaltinio %1 atsarginės kopijos pridėjimas [%2] + + + Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2] + Senesnio tikslinio įrašo pakartotinis taikymas naujesniame šaltinyje %1 [%2] + + + Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2] + Senesnio šaltinio įrašo pakartotinis taikymas ant naujesnio tikslinio %1 [%2] + + + Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2] + Sinchronizuojama iš naujesnio šaltinio %1 [%2] + + + Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2] + Sinchronizuojama iš senesnio šaltinio %1 [%2] + + + Deleting child %1 [%2] + Vaiko %1 trynimas [%2] + + + Deleting orphan %1 [%2] + Našlaičio %1 [%2] išbraukimas + + + Changed deleted objects + Pakeisti ištrinti objektai + + + Adding missing icon %1 + Pridedama trūkstama piktograma %1 + + + Removed custom data %1 [%2] + Pašalinti pasirinktiniai duomenys %1 [%2] + + + Adding custom data %1 [%2] + Pasirinktinių duomenų %1 pridėjimas [%2] + + + + NewDatabaseWizard + + Create a new KeePassXC database… + Sukurti naują KeePassXC duomenų bazę... + + + Root + Root group + Šaknis + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPage + + WizardPage + WizardPage + + + Encryption Settings + Šifravimo nustatymai + + + Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. + Čia galite derinti duomenų bazės šifravimo nustatymus. Nesijaudinkite, vėliau galėsite juos keisti duomenų bazės nustatymuose. + + + Advanced Settings + Išplėstiniai nustatymai + + + Simple Settings + Paprasti nustatymai + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPageDatabaseKey + + Database Credentials + Duomenų bazės Įgaliojimai + + + A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database. + Tik jums žinomas įgaliojimų rinkinys, kuriuo apsaugoma jūsų duomenų bazė. + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryption + + Encryption Settings + Šifravimo nustatymai + + + Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. + Čia galite derinti duomenų bazės šifravimo nustatymus. Nesijaudinkite, vėliau galėsite juos keisti duomenų bazės nustatymuose. + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaData + + General Database Information + Bendra duomenų bazės informacija + + + Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database: + Užpildykite rodomą pavadinimą ir pasirinktinį naujos duomenų bazės aprašymą: + + + + NixUtils + + Password Manager + Slaptažodžių Tvarkyklė + + + Global shortcut already registered to %1 + Visuotinis spartusis klavišas jau užregistruotas į %1 + + + Could not register global shortcut + Nepavyko užregistruoti visuotinio sparčiojo klavišo + + + + OpData01 + + Invalid OpData01, does not contain header + Negalioja opData01, nėra antraštės + + + Unable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1 + Negalėdamas perskaityti visų IV baitų, norėjo 16, bet gavo %1 + + + Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1 + Nepavyko init šifro opdata01: %1 + + + Unable to read all HMAC signature bytes + Nepavyko nuskaityti visų HMAC parašo baitų + + + Malformed OpData01 due to a failed HMAC + Netinkamai suformuotas OpData01 dėl nepavykusio HMAC + + + Unable to process clearText in place + Nepavyko apdoroti clearText vietoje + + + Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2 + Numatomas %1 baitas skaidraus teksto, nustatytas %2 + + + + OpVaultOpenWidget + + Read Database did not produce an instance +%1 + "Read Database" nesukūrė egzemplioriaus +%1 + + + + OpVaultReader + + Directory .opvault must exist + Katalogas .opvault turi egzistuoti + + + Directory .opvault must be readable + Katalogas .opvault turi būti skaitomas + + + Directory .opvault/default must exist + Katalogas .opvault/default turi egzistuoti + + + Directory .opvault/default must be readable + Katalogas .opvault/default turi būti skaitomas + + + Unable to decode masterKey: %1 + Nepavyksta iššifruoti "masterKey": %1 + + + Unable to derive master key: %1 + Nepavyko išvesti pagrindinio rakto: %1 + + + + OpenSSHKey + + Invalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key + Neteisingas rakto failas, tikimasi OpenSSH rakto + + + PEM boundary mismatch + PEM ribos neatitikimas + + + Base64 decoding failed + Base64 dekodavimas patyrė nesėkmę + + + Key file way too small. + Rakto failas buvo per mažas. + + + Key file magic header id invalid + Neteisingas rakto failo magiškosios antraštės id + + + Found zero keys + Rasta nulis raktų + + + Failed to read public key. + Nepavyko perskaityti viešojo rakto. + + + Corrupted key file, reading private key failed + Sugadintas rakto failas, privačiojo rakto skaitymas nepavyko + + + Unsupported key type: %1 + Nepalaikomas rakto tipas: %1 + + + No private key payload to decrypt + Nėra jokios privačiojo rakto naudingosios apkrovos, kurią iššifruoti + + + Unknown cipher: %1 + Nežinomas šifras: %1 + + + Passphrase is required to decrypt this key + Norint iššifruoti šį raktą, reikalinga slaptafrazė + + + Key derivation failed: %1 + Rakto išvedimas nepavyko: %1 + + + Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf + Iv šifras yra per trumpas MD5 kdf + + + Unknown KDF: %1 + Nežinomas KDF: %1 + + + Failed to initialize cipher: %1 + Nepavyko inicializuoti šifro: %1 + + + Decryption failed: %1 + Nepavyko iššifruoti: %1 + + + Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? + Iššifravimas nepavyko, neteisinga slaptafrazė? + + + Unexpected EOF while reading key + Netikėtas EOF skaitymo klavišas + + + Unsupported key part + Nepalaikoma rakto dalis + + + Unexpected EOF while reading public key + Netikėta failo pabaiga, skaitant viešąjį raktą + + + Unknown key type: %1 + Nežinomas rakto tipas: %1 + + + Unexpected EOF while reading private key + Netikėta failo pabaiga, skaitant privatųjį raktą + + + Can't write public key as it is empty + Nepavyksta rašyti viešojo rakto, nes jis tuščias + + + Unexpected EOF when writing public key + Netikėta failo pabaiga, rašant viešąjį raktą + + + Can't write private key as it is empty + Nepavyksta rašyti privačiojo rakto, nes jis tuščias + + + Unexpected EOF when writing private key + Netikėta failo pabaiga, rašant privatųjį raktą + + + + PasswordEditWidget + + Enter password: + Įrašykite slaptažodį: + + + Password field + Slaptažodžio laukas + + + Confirm password: + Patvirtinkite slaptažodį: + + + Repeat password field + Slaptažodžio pakartojimo laukas + + + Password + Slaptažodis + + + Add Password + Pridėti Slaptažodį + + + Change Password + Keisti Slaptažodį + + + Remove Password + Pašalinti Slaptažodį + + + Password set, click to change or remove + Slaptažodis nustatytas, spustelėkite, jei norite pakeisti arba pašalinti + + + <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> + <p>Slaptažodis yra pagrindinis būdas apsaugoti jūsų duomenų bazę.</p><p>Geri slaptažodžiai yra ilgi ir unikalūs. KeePassXC gali jį sugeneruoti už jus.</p> + + + Passwords do not match. + Slaptažodžiai nesutampa. + + + + PasswordGeneratorWidget + + Generate Password + Generuoti Slaptažodį + + + strength + Password strength + stiprumas + + + entropy + entropija + + + Generated password + Sugeneruotas slaptažodis + + + %p% + %p% + + + Regenerate password + Regeneruoti slaptažodį + + + Copy password + Kopijuoti slaptažodį + + + Password + Slaptažodis + + + &Length: + &Ilgis: + + + Password length + Slaptažodžio ilgis + + + Switch to advanced mode + Perjungti į išplėstinę veikseną + + + Advanced + Išplėstiniai + + + Character Types + Simbolių tipai + + + Special characters + Specialieji simboliai + + + Quotes + Kabutės + + + Punctuation + Skyryba + + + Dashes and Slashes + Brūkšneliai ir pasvirieji brūkšniai + + + Upper-case letters + Didžiosios raidės + + + Numbers + Skaičiai + + + Lower-case letters + Mažosios raidės + + + Math Symbols + Matematikos Simboliai + + + Extended ASCII + Papildomi ASCII + + + Braces + Petnešos + + + Do not include: + Neįtraukti: + + + Additional characters to use for the generated password + Papildomi simboliai, kuriuos naudoti sugeneruotam slaptažodžiui + + + Additional characters + Papildomi simboliai + + + Add non-hex letters to "do not include" list + Pridėkite ne šešiakampes raides į sąrašą "neįtraukti" + + + Hex Passwords + Šešiakampiai slaptažodžiai + + + Hex + Hex + + + Character set to exclude from generated password + Simbolių rinkinys, kurį reikia išskirti iš sugeneruoto slaptažodžio + + + Excluded characters + Neįtraukti simboliai + + + Also choose from: + Taip pat pasirinkti iš: + + + Exclude look-alike characters + Pašalinti panašiai atrodančius simbolius + + + Pick characters from every group + Parinkti simbolius iš kiekvienos grupės + + + Passphrase + Slaptafrazė + + + Word Separator: + Žodžių skirtukas: + + + Wordlist: + Žodžių sąrašas: + + + Word Count: + Žodžių skaičius: + + + Character Count: + Simbolių skaičius: + + + Word Case: + Žodžio atvejis: + + + Delete selected wordlist + Ištrinti pasirinktą žodžių sąrašą + + + Add custom wordlist + Pridėti pasirinktinį žodžių sąrašą + + + character + simbolis + + + Close + Užverti + + + Esc + Esc + + + Apply Password + Taikyti slaptažodį + + + Regenerate password (%1) + Regeneruoti slaptažodį (%1) + + + lower case + mažosios raidės + + + UPPER CASE + DIDŽIOSIOS RAIDĖS + + + Title Case + Pavadinimo atvejis + + + (SYSTEM) + (SISTEMA) + + + Entropy: %1 bit + Entropija: %1 bitų + + + Confirm Delete Wordlist + Patvirtinti žodžių sąrašo ištrinimą + + + Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? + Ar tikrai norite ištrinti žodžių sąrašą "%1"? + + + Failed to delete wordlist + Nepavyko ištrinti žodžių sąrašo + + + Wordlists + Žodžių sąrašai + + + All files + Visi failai + + + Select Custom Wordlist + Pasirinkite pasirinktinį žodžių sąrašą + + + Overwrite Wordlist? + Perrašyti žodžių sąrašą? + + + Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. +Do you want to overwrite it? + "Wordlist" "%1" jau egzistuoja kaip pasirinktinis žodžių sąrašas. +Ar norite jį perrašyti? + + + Failed to add wordlist + Nepavyko pridėti žodžių sąrašo + + + Logograms + Logogramos + + + Special Characters + Specialūs simboliai + + + Password Quality: %1 + Slaptažodžio kokybė: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Blogas + + + Weak + Password quality + Silpnas + + + Good + Password quality + Geras + + + Excellent + Password quality + Puikus + + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Neįtraukti simboliai: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒". + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Slaptažodžiai nesutampa + + + Passwords match so far + Kol kas slaptažodžiai sutampa + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Perjungti slaptažodį (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Generuoti Slaptažodį (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Įspėjimas: įjungtas "Caps Lock"! + + + Quality: %1 + Kokybė: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Blogas + + + Weak + Password quality + Silpnas + + + Good + Password quality + Geras + + + Excellent + Password quality + Puikus + + + + PickcharsDialog + + KeePassXC - Pick Characters + KeePassXC - Rinkitės simbolius + + + Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. + Pasirinkite simbolius, kuriuos norite įvesti, naršykite rodyklių klavišais, pateikia Ctrl + S. + + + Press &Tab between characters + Paspauskite ir tabuliuokite tarp simbolių + + + + QMessageBox + + Overwrite + Perrašyti + + + Delete + Ištrinti + + + Move + Perkelti + + + Empty + Tuščia + + + Remove + Šalinti + + + Skip + Praleisti + + + Disable + Išjungti + + + Merge + Sujungti + + + Continue + Tęsti + + + + QObject + + Database not opened + Duomenų bazė neatverta + + + Database hash not available + Duomenų bazės maiša yra neprieinama + + + Client public key not received + Kliento viešasis raktas negautas + + + Cannot decrypt message + Nepavyksta iššifruoti žinutės + + + Action cancelled or denied + Veiksmo atsisakyta arba jis atmestas + + + Message encryption failed. + Nepavyko užšifruoti žinutės. + + + KeePassXC association failed, try again + KeePassXC asociacija nepavyko, bandykite dar kartą + + + Encryption key is not recognized + Šifravimo raktas yra neatpažintas + + + Incorrect action + Neteisingas veiksmas + + + Empty message received + Gauta tuščia žinutė + + + No URL provided + Nepateiktas URL + + + No logins found + Nerasta prisijungimų + + + No groups found + Nerasta jokių grupių + + + Cannot create new group + Negalima sukurti naujos grupės + + + No valid UUID provided + Nepateikiamas galiojantis UUID + + + Unknown error + Nežinoma klaida + + + Browser Integration + Naršyklės integracija + + + Browser Plugin Failure + Naršyklės plėtinio gedimas + + + Could not save the native messaging script file for %1. + Nepavyko įrašyti vietinio pranešimų scenarijaus failo % 1. + + + Username for the entry. + Įrašo naudotojo vardas. + + + username + naudotojo vardas + + + URL for the entry. + Įrašo URL. + + + URL + URL + + + Notes for the entry. + Įrašo pastabos. + + + Notes + Pastabos + + + Prompt for the entry's password. + Klausti įrašo slaptažodžio. + + + Generate a password for the entry. + Generuoti įrašui slaptažodį. + + + Add a new entry to a database. + Pridėti naują įrašą į duomenų bazę. + + + Path of the entry to add. + Įrašo, kurį pridėti, kelias. + + + Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. + Negalima generuoti slaptažodžio ir užklausos tuo pačiu metu. + + + Could not create entry with path %1. + Nepavyko sukurti įrašo su keliu %1. + + + Enter password for new entry: + Įveskite naujo įrašo slaptažodį: + + + Writing the database failed %1. + Rašymas į duomenų bazę patyrė nesėkmę %1. + + + Successfully added entry %1. + Sėkmingai pridėtas įrašas %1. + + + Adds a new group to a database. + Į duomenų bazę įtraukia naują grupę. + + + Path of the group to add. + Pridedamos grupės kelias. + + + Group %1 already exists! + Grupė %1 jau egzistuoja! + + + Group %1 not found. + Grupė %1 nerasta. + + + Successfully added group %1. + Sėkmingai pridėta grupė %1. + + + Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from + Patikrinkite, ar kokie nors slaptažodžiai nebuvo viešai nutekinti. FILENAME turi būti failo, kuriame sha-1 pateikiamos nutekėjusių slaptažodžių maišos HIBP formatu, kelias, kaip galima iš + + + FILENAME + FILENAME + + + Path to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP file + Kelias į okon-cli ieškoti suformatuoto HIBP failo + + + okon-cli + okon-cli + + + Analyze passwords for weaknesses and problems. + Analizuoti slaptažodžius, ieškant trūkumų ir problemų. + + + Cannot find HIBP file: %1 + Nepavyko rasti HIBP failo: %1 + + + Evaluating database entries using okon… + Vertiname duomenų bazės įrašus naudojant okon... + + + Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2 + Nepavyko atidaryti HIBP failo %1: %2 + + + Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… + Vertiname duomenų bazės įrašus pagal HIBP failą, tai užtruks... + + + Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! + "%1" slaptažodis buvo nutekintas %2 kartus per (-ius)!"%1" slaptažodis buvo nutekintas %2 kartus per (-ius)!"%1" slaptažodis buvo nutekintas %2 kartus per (-ius)!"%1" slaptažodis buvo nutekintas %2 kartus per (-ius)! + + + Password for '%1' has been leaked! + '%1' slaptažodis buvo nutekintas! + + + Export an attachment of an entry. + Eksportuoti įrašo priedą. + + + Path of the entry with the target attachment. + Įrašo su numatytu priedu kelias. + + + Name of the attachment to be exported. + Eksportuojamo priedo pavadinimas. + + + Path to which the attachment should be exported. + Kelias, į kurį turėtų būti eksportuojamas priedas. + + + Could not find entry with path %1. + Nepavyko rasti įrašo su keliu %1. + + + Could not find attachment with name %1. + Nepavyko rasti priedo su pavadinimu %1. + + + No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. + Eksporto tikslas nenurodytas. Naudokite '--stdout' arba nurodykite 'export-file'. + + + Could not open output file %1. + Nepavyko atidaryti išvesties failo %1. + + + Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. + Sėkmingai eksportuotas %1 įrašo %2 priedas į %3. + + + Overwrite existing attachments. + Perrašyti esamus priedus. + + + Imports an attachment to an entry. + Importuoja priedą į įrašą. + + + Path of the entry. + Įrašo kelias. + + + Name of the attachment to be added. + Pridedamo priedo pavadinimas. + + + Path of the attachment to be imported. + Importuojamo priedo kelias. + + + Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. + Įraše %2 jau egzistuoja priedas %1. + + + Could not open attachment file %1. + Nepavyko atidaryti priedo failo %1. + + + Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. + Sėkmingai importuotas priedas %1 kaip %2 į įrašą %3. + + + Remove an attachment of an entry. + Pašalinti įrašo priedą. + + + Name of the attachment to be removed. + Šalinamo priedo pavadinimas. + + + Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. + Sėkmingai pašalintas priedas %1 iš įrašo %2. + + + Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. + Don't translate "password", it refers to the attribute. + Kopijuoti nurodytą atributą į iškarpinę. Jei nenurodyta, numatytoji reikšmė yra "slaptažodis". + + + Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp"). + Kopijuoti dabartinį TOTP į iškarpinę (atitinka "-a totp"). + + + Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. + Turi atitikti tik vieną įrašą, priešingu atveju rodomas galimų atitikmenų sąrašas. + + + Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. + Kopijuoti įrašo atributą į iškarpinę. + + + Path of the entry to clip. + clip = copy to clipboard + Įrašo, kurį iškirpti, kelias. + + + Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). + Laiko tarpas prieš išvalant iškarpinę (numatytoji reikšmė %1 sekundės, jei norite neriboto laiko, nustatykite 0). + + + Invalid timeout value %1. + Netinkama laiko tarpo reikšmė %1. + + + Multiple entries matching: + Keli įrašai atitinka: + + + Using matching entry: %1 + Naudojamas atitinkantis įrašas: %1 + + + Entry %1 not found. + Įrašas %1 nerastas. + + + ERROR: Please specify one of --attribute or --totp, not both. + KLAIDA: Prašome nurodyti vieną iš --attribute arba --totp, bet ne abu. + + + Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up. + Įraše, kurio kelias %1, nenustatytas TOTP. + + + ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2. + KLAIDA: atributas %1 yra dviprasmiškas, jis atitinka %2. + + + Attribute "%1" not found. + Atributas "%1" nerastas. + + + Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard! + Įrašo atributas "%1" nukopijuotas į iškarpinę! + + + Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... + Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)...Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)...Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)...Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)... + + + Clipboard cleared! + Iškarpinė išvalyta! + + + Close the currently opened database. + Uždaryti šiuo metu atidarytą duomenų bazę. + + + Display this help. + Rodyti šią pagalbą. + + + Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs. + Tylėkite slaptažodžio raginimą ir kitus antrinius išėjimus. + + + Key file of the database. + Duomenų bazės rakto failas. + + + path + kelias + + + Deactivate password key for the database. + Deaktyvuoti duomenų bazės slaptažodžio raktą. + + + Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). + Yubikey lizdas ir neprivalomas serialas, naudojamas prieigai prie duomenų bazės (pvz., 1:7370001). + + + slot[:serial] + lizdas[:serija] + + + Missing positional argument(s). + Trūksta pozicinio (-ių) argumento (-ų). + + + Too many arguments provided. + Pateikta per daug argumentų. + + + Target decryption time in MS for the database. + Norimas duomenų bazės iššifravimo laikas ms. + + + time + laikas + + + Set the key file for the database. + Nustatyti duomenų bazės raktų failą. + + + Set a password for the database. + Nustatyti duomenų bazės slaptažodį. + + + Create a new database. + Sukurti naują duomenų bazę. + + + Path of the database. + Duomenų bazės kelias. + + + Invalid decryption time %1. + Netinkamas iššifravimo laikas %1. + + + Target decryption time must be between %1 and %2. + Norimas iššifravimo laikas turi būti nuo %1 iki %2. + + + Failed to set database password. + Nepavyko nustatyti duomenų bazės slaptažodžio. + + + Loading the key file failed + Rakto failo įkėlimas nepavyko + + + No key is set. Aborting database creation. + Nenustatytas joks raktas. Duomenų bazės sukūrimas nutraukiamas. + + + Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay. + Lyginamosios analizės rakto išvedimo funkcija % 1 ms delsai. + + + Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function. + Klavišo išvedimo funkcijos %1 raundų nustatymas. + + + error while setting database key derivation settings. + klaida nustatant duomenų bazės rakto išvesties parametrus. + + + File %1 already exists. + Failas %1 jau yra. + + + Failed to save the database: %1. + Nepavyko įrašyti duomenų bazės: %1. + + + Successfully created new database. + Nauja duomenų bazė sėkmingai sukurta. + + + Word count for the diceware passphrase. + Žodžių skaičius kauliukų slaptafrazei. + + + count + CLI parameter + kiekis + + + Wordlist for the diceware generator. +[Default: EFF English] + Kauliukų generatorius Wordlist. +[Numatytasis nustatymas: EŽF anglų k.] + + + Generate a new random diceware passphrase. + Sukurkite naują atsitiktinę kauliukų programų slaptafrazę. + + + Invalid word count %1 + Neteisingas žodžių skaičius %1 + + + The word list is too small (< 1000 items) + Žodžių sąrašas per mažas (< 1000 items) + + + Title for the entry. + Įrašo pavadinimas. + + + title + antraštė + + + Edit an entry. + Taisyti įrašą. + + + Path of the entry to edit. + Įrašo, kurį taisyti, kelias. + + + Not changing any field for entry %1. + Nekeisti jokio įrašo %1 lauko. + + + Enter new password for entry: + Įveskite naują slaptažodį įrašui: + + + Writing the database failed: %1 + Nepavyko įrašyti duomenų bazės: %1 + + + Successfully edited entry %1. + Sėkmingai redaguotas įrašas %1. + + + Perform advanced analysis on the password. + Atlikti išplėstinę slaptažodžio analizę + + + Password for which to estimate the entropy. + Slaptažodis, kurio entropiją apskaičiuoti + + + Estimate the entropy of a password. + Apskaičiuoti slaptažodžio entropiją. + + + Length %1 + Ilgis %1 + + + Entropy %1 + Entropija %1 + + + Log10 %1 + Log10 %1 + + + Multi-word extra bits %1 + Kelių žodžių papildomi bitai %1 + + + Type: Bruteforce + Tipas: Bruteforce + + + Type: Dictionary + Tipas: Žodynas + + + Type: Dict+Leet + Tipas: Diktas + Leetas + + + Type: User Words + Tipas: Vartotojo žodžiai + + + Type: User+Leet + Tipas: Naudotojas + Leet + + + Type: Repeated + Tipas:Kartotinis + + + Type: Sequence + Tipas: Seka + + + Type: Spatial + Tipas: Erdvinis + + + Type: Date + Tipas: Data + + + Type: Bruteforce(Rep) + Tipas: Bruteforce(Rep) + + + Type: Dictionary(Rep) + Tipas: Žodynas(Rep) + + + Type: Dict+Leet(Rep) + Tipas: Dict + Leet (Rep) + + + Type: User Words(Rep) + Tipas: Vartotojo žodžiai (Rep) + + + Type: User+Leet(Rep) + Tipas: User+Leet(Rep) + + + Type: Repeated(Rep) + Tipas:Kartotinis(Rep) + + + Type: Sequence(Rep) + Tipas: Seka(Rep) + + + Type: Spatial(Rep) + Tipas:Erdvinis(Rep) + + + Type: Date(Rep) + Tipas: Data (Rep) + + + Type: Unknown (%1) + Tipas: Nežinomas (%1) + + + Entropy %1 (%2) + Entropija %1 (%2) + + + *** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) *** + Slaptažodžio ilgis (%1) != dalių ilgio suma (%2) *** + + + Exit interactive mode. + Išeikite iš interaktyvaus režimo. + + + Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'. + Formatas, kurį naudoti eksportuojant. Galima pasirinkti 'xml' arba 'csv'. Numatytasis yra 'xml'. + + + Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format. + Eksportuoja duomenų bazės turinį į standartinę išvestį nurodytu formatu. + + + Unable to export database to XML: %1 + Nepavyko eksportuoti duomenų bazės į XML: %1 + + + Unsupported format %1 + Nepalaikomas formatas %1 + + + Length of the generated password + Sugeneruoto slaptažodžio ilgis + + + length + ilgis + + + Use lowercase characters + Naudoti mažąsias raides + + + Use uppercase characters + Naudoti didžiąsias raides + + + Use numbers + Naudoti skaičius + + + Use special characters + Naudoti specialius simbolius + + + Use extended ASCII + Naudoti išplėstinį ASCII + + + Exclude character set + Neįtraukti simbolių rinkinio + + + chars + ženklai + + + Use custom character set + Naudoti pasirinktinį simbolių rinkinį + + + Exclude similar looking characters + Neįtraukti panašiai atrodančių simbolių + + + Include characters from every selected group + Įtraukti kiekvienos pasirinktos grupės simbolius + + + Generate a new random password. + Generuoti naują atsitiktinį slaptažodį. + + + Invalid password length %1 + Netinkamas slaptažodžio ilgis %1 + + + Invalid password generator after applying all options + Netinkamas slaptažodžių generatorius pritaikius visas parinktis + + + Display command help. + Rodyti komandų pagalbą. + + + Available commands: + Galimos komandos: + + + Import the contents of an XML database. + Importuoti XML duomenų bazės turinį. + + + Path of the XML database export. + XML duomenų bazės eksporto kelias. + + + Path of the new database. + Naujos duomenų bazės kelias. + + + Unable to import XML database: %1 + Nepavyko importuoti XML duomenų bazės: %1 + + + Successfully imported database. + Sėkmingai importuota duomenų bazė. + + + Show a database's information. + Rodyti duomenų bazės informaciją. + + + UUID: + UUID: + + + Name: + Pavadinimas: + + + Description: + Aprašymas: + + + Cipher: + Šifras: + + + KDF: + KDF: + + + Recycle bin is enabled. + Šiukšliadėžė yra įjungta. + + + Recycle bin is not enabled. + Šiukšliadėžė nėra įjungta. + + + Location + Vieta + + + Database created + Duomenų bazė sukurta + + + Last saved + Paskutinį kartą išsaugota + + + Unsaved changes + Neišsaugoti pakeitimai + + + yes + taip + + + no + ne + + + Number of groups + Grupių skaičius + + + Number of entries + Įrašų skaičius + + + Number of expired entries + Nebegaliojančių įrašų skaičius + + + Unique passwords + Unikalūs slaptažodžiai + + + Non-unique passwords + Pasikartojantys slaptažodžiai + + + Maximum password reuse + Maksimalus pakartotinis slaptažodžio naudojimas + + + Number of short passwords + Trumpų slaptažodžių skaičius + + + Number of weak passwords + Silpnų slaptažodžių skaičius + + + Entries excluded from reports + Įrašai, neįtraukti į ataskaitas + + + Average password length + Vidutinis slaptažodžio ilgis + + + %1 characters + %1 simboliai + + + Unknown command %1 + Nežinoma komanda %1 + + + + +Available commands: + + + +Prieinamos komandos: + + + + Name of the command to execute. + Komandos, kurią vykdyti, pavadinimas. + + + Displays debugging information. + Rodo derinimo informaciją. + + + Invalid command %1. + Netinkama komanda %1. + + + Recursively list the elements of the group. + Rekursyviai išvardyti grupės elementus. + + + Flattens the output to single lines. + Sulygina išvestį iki vienų eilučių. + + + List database entries. + Išvardyti duomenų bazės įrašus. + + + Path of the group to list. Default is / + Grupės, kurią išvardyti, kelias. Numatytasis yra / + + + Cannot find group %1. + Nepavyksta rasti grupės %1. + + + Use the same credentials for both database files. + Abiems duomenų bazių failams naudoti tuos pačius prisijungimo duomenis. + + + Key file of the database to merge from. + Duomenų bazės, iš kurios sulieti, rakto failas. + + + Deactivate password key for the database to merge from. + Deaktyvuokite duomenų bazės slaptažodžio raktą, iš kurio bus atliekamas sujungimas. + + + Only print the changes detected by the merge operation. + Rašyti tik tuos pakeitimus, kurie buvo aptikti atliekant sujungimo operaciją. + + + Yubikey slot for the second database. + Yubikey lizdas antrajai duomenų bazei. + + + slot + Lizdas + + + Merge two databases. + Sulieti dvi duomenų bazes. + + + Path of the database to merge from. + Duomenų bazės, iš kurios sulieti, kelias. + + + Error reading merge file: +%1 + Klaida skaitant sujungimo failą: +%1 + + + Unable to save database to file : %1 + Nepavyko įrašyti duomenų bazę į failą : %1 + + + Successfully merged %1 into %2. + Sėkmingai prijungtas %1 prie %2. + + + Database was not modified by merge operation. + Duomenų bazė nebuvo pakeista atliekant sujungimo operaciją. + + + Moves an entry to a new group. + Perkelia įrašą į naują grupę. + + + Path of the entry to move. + Perkeliamo įrašo kelias. + + + Path of the destination group. + Paskirtos grupės kelias. + + + Could not find group with path %1. + Nepavyko rasti grupės su keliu %1. + + + Entry is already in group %1. + Įrašas jau yra grupėje %1. + + + Successfully moved entry %1 to group %2. + Įrašas %1 sėkmingai perkeltas į grupę %2. + + + Open a database. + Atidaryti duomenų bazę. + + + Path of the entry to remove. + Įrašo, kurį šalinti, kelias. + + + Unable to save database to file: %1 + Nepavyko įrašyti duomenų bazę į failą: %1 + + + Successfully recycled entry %1. + Sėkmingai perdirbtas įvežimas %1. + + + Successfully deleted entry %1. + Sėkmingai ištrintas įrašas %1. + + + Path of the group to remove. + Šalinamos grupės kelias. + + + Cannot remove root group from database. + Negalima pašalinti šakninės grupės iš duomenų bazės. + + + Successfully recycled group %1. + Sėkmingai perdirbta grupė %1. + + + Successfully deleted group %1. + Sėkmingai pašalinta grupė %1. + + + Find entries quickly. + Greitai rasti įrašus. + + + Search term. + Paieškos žodis. + + + Show the entry's current TOTP. + Rodyti dabartinį įrašo TOTP. + + + Show the protected attributes in clear text. + Rodyti saugomus atributus atviru tekstu. + + + Show the attachments of the entry. + Rodyti įrašo priedus. + + + Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. + Požymių, kuriuos rodyti, pavadinimai. Ši parinktis gali būti nurodyta daugiau nei vieną kartą, kiekvienoje eilutėje nurodyta tvarka rodant po atskirą požymį. Jei nėra nurodyti jokie požymiai, bus nurodyta numatytųjų požymių santrauka. + + + attribute + požymis + + + Show an entry's information. + Rodyti įrašo informaciją. + + + Name of the entry to show. + Įrašo, kurį rodyti, pavadinimas. + + + ERROR: unknown attribute %1. + KLAIDA: nežinomas požymis %1. + + + No attachments present. + Nėra jokių priedų. + + + Attachments: + Priedai: + + + Failed to open database file %1: not found + Nepavyko atidaryti duomenų bazės failo %1: nerastas + + + Failed to open database file %1: not a plain file + Nepavyko atidaryti duomenų bazės failo %1: ne paprastas failas + + + Failed to open database file %1: not readable + Nepavyko atidaryti duomenų bazės failo %1: neperskaitomas + + + Enter password to unlock %1: + Įveskite slaptažodį, kad atrakintumėte %1: + + + Failed to load key file %1: %2 + Nepavyko įkelti rakto failo %1: %2 + + + WARNING: You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may +stop supporting in the future. + +Please consider generating a new key file. + ĮSPĖJIMAS: Jūs naudojate seną rakto failo formatą, kurio KeePassXC gali +ateityje nebepalaikyti. + +Apsvarstykite galimybę sukurti naują rakto failą. + + + Invalid YubiKey slot %1 + Neteisingas YubiKey lizdas %1 + + + Invalid YubiKey serial %1 + Neteisingas YubiKey serijos %1 + + + Enter password to encrypt database (optional): + Įveskite slaptažodį duomenų bazei šifruoti (neprivaloma): + + + Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]: + Ar norite sukurti duomenų bazę su tuščiu slaptažodžiu? [y/N]: + + + Repeat password: + Pakartokite slaptažodį: + + + Error: Passwords do not match. + Klaida: slaptažodžiai nesutampa. + + + No program defined for clipboard manipulation + Nėra nustatytos programos, skirtos darbui su iškarpine + + + All clipping programs failed. Tried %1 + + Visos iškarpų programos nepavyko. Bandė %1 + + + Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2 + Nepavyko sukurti rakto failo %1: %2 + + + Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2 + Nepavyko įkelti raktų failo %1: %2 + + + HIBP file, line %1: parse error + HIBP failas, eilutė %1: analizės klaida + + + To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) + Norėdami naudoti okon, turite pateikti failą po apdorojimo (pvz., file.okon) + + + Could not start okon process: %1 + Nepavyko pradėti okono proceso: %1 + + + Error: okon process did not finish + Klaida: okono procesas nebaigė + + + Failed to load okon processed database: %1 + Nepavyko įkelti okon apdorotos duomenų bazės: %1 + + + Very weak password + Labai silpnas slaptažodis + + + Password entropy is %1 bits + Slaptažodžio entropija yra %1 bitų + + + Weak password + Silpnas slaptažodis + + + Used in %1/%2 + Naudojamas %1/%2 + + + Password is used %1 time(s) + Slaptažodis naudojamas %1 kartą (-ius)Slaptažodis naudojamas %1 kartą (-ius)Slaptažodis naudojamas %1 kartą (-ius)Slaptažodis naudojamas %1 kartą (-ius) + + + Password has expired + Slaptažodis nebegalioja + + + Password expiry was %1 + Slaptažodžio galiojimo laikas buvo %1 + + + Password expires on %1 + Slaptažodžio galiojimo laikas baigiasi %1 + + + Password is about to expire + Netrukus baigsis slaptažodžio galiojimo laikas + + + Password expires in %1 day(s) + Slaptažodžio galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as)Slaptažodžio galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as)Slaptažodžio galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as)Slaptažodžio galiojimas baigiasi per %1 dieną (-as) + + + Password will expire soon + Slaptažodis netrukus nustos galioti + + + Version %1 + Versija %1 + + + Build Type: %1 + Darinio tipas: %1 + + + Revision: %1 + Revizija: %1 + + + Distribution: %1 + Platinimas: %1 + + + Debugging mode is disabled. + Derinimo režimas yra išjungtas. + + + Debugging mode is enabled. + Įjungtas derinimo režimas. + + + Operating system: %1 +CPU architecture: %2 +Kernel: %3 %4 + Operacinė sistema: %1 +Procesoriaus architektūra: %2 +Branduolys: %3 %4 + + + Auto-Type + Automatinis rinkimas + + + SSH Agent + SSH agentas + + + KeeShare + KeeShare + + + YubiKey + YubiKey + + + Quick Unlock + Greitas atrakinimas + + + Secret Service Integration + Slaptosios tarnybos integracija + + + None + Nėra + + + Enabled extensions: + Įjungti plėtiniai: + + + over %1 year(s) + per %1 metus (-us)per %1 metus (-us)per %1 metus (-us)per %1 metus (-us) + + + about %1 month(s) + apie %1 mėnesį (-ius)apie %1 mėnesį (-ius)apie %1 mėnesį (-ius)apie %1 mėnesį (-ius) + + + %1 week(s) + %1 savaitė (-ės)%1 savaitė (-ės)%1 savaitė (-ės)%1 savaitė (-ės) + + + %1 day(s) + %1 diena (-os)%1 diena (-os)%1 diena (-os)%1 diena (-os) + + + %1 hour(s) + %1 val.%1 val.%1 val.%1 val. + + + %1 minute(s) + %1 minutė (-os)%1 minutė (-os)%1 minutė (-os)%1 minutė (-os) + + + Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 + Botanikos biblioteka turi būti bent 2.11.x, randama %1.%2.%3 + + + Cryptographic libraries: + Kriptografinės bibliotekos: + + + AES (%1 rounds) + AES (%1 raundai) + + + Argon2%1 (%2 rounds, %3 KB) + Argon2%1 (%2 raundai, %3 KB) + + + SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode. + SymmetricCipher::init: Neteisingas šifro režimas. + + + SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2. + SymmetricCipher::init: Negaliojantis IV dydis %1, kai %2. + + + Cipher not initialized prior to use. + Šifras prieš naudojimą nebuvo inicijuotas. + + + Cannot process 0 length data. + Negalima apdoroti 0 ilgio duomenų. + + + unknown executable (DBus address %1) + nežinomas vykdomasis failas (DBus adresas %1) + + + %1 (invalid executable path) + %1 (neteisingas vykdomasis kelias) + + + NULL device + NIEKINIS įrenginys + + + error reading from device + klaida skaitant iš įrenginio + + + file empty + failas tuščias + + + malformed string + netaisyklinga eilutė + + + missing closing quote + trūksta užveriamosios kabutės + + + %1: (row, col) %2,%3 + %1: (eil., stulp.) %2,%3 + + + AES 256-bit + AES 256 bitų + + + Twofish 256-bit + Dvi žuvys 256 bitų + + + ChaCha20 256-bit + ChaCha20 256 bitų + + + Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) + Argon2d (KDBX 4 – rekomenduojama) + + + Argon2id (KDBX 4) + Argon2id (KDBX 4) + + + AES-KDF (KDBX 4) + AES-KDF (KDBX 4) + + + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) + + + Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. + Esamas vieno egzemplioriaus užrakto failas yra neteisingas. Paleidžiamas naujas egzempliorius. + + + The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled. + Nepavyko sukurti užrakto. Vieno egzemplioriaus veiksena išjungta. + + + Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… + Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)...Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)...Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)...Iškarpinės išvalymas per %1 sekundę (-as)... + + + Group + Grupė + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Username + Naudotojo vardas + + + Password + Slaptažodis + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + Icon + Piktograma + + + Last Modified + Paskutinis keitimas + + + Created + Sukurta + + + Benchmark %1 delay + Palyginti %1 vėlavimą + + + %1 ms + milliseconds + %1 ms%1 ms%1 ms%1 ms + + + %1 s + seconds + %1 s%1 s%1 s%1 s + + + Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? + Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti įrašą "%1"? + + + Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? + Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti %n įrašą (-us)?Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti %n įrašą (-us)?Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti %n įrašą (-us)?Ar tikrai norite visam laikui ištrinti %n įrašą (-us)? + + + Delete entry(s)? + Ištrinti įrašą (-us)?Ištrinti įrašą (-us)?Ištrinti įrašą (-us)?Ištrinti įrašą (-us)? + + + Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? + Ar tikrai norite perkelti įrašą "%1" į šiukšliadėžę? + + + Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? + Ar tikrai norite perkelti %n įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę?Ar tikrai norite perkelti %n įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę?Ar tikrai norite perkelti %n įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę?Ar tikrai norite perkelti %n įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę? + + + Move entry(s) to recycle bin? + Perkelti įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę?Perkelti įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę?Perkelti įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę?Perkelti įrašą (-us) į šiukšliadėžę? + + + Replace references to entry? + Pakeisti nuorodas į įrašą? + + + Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? + Įrašas "%1" turi %2 nuorodą (-as). Ar norite perrašyti nuorodas reikšmėmis, praleisti šį įrašą ar vis tiek ištrinti?Įrašas "%1" turi %2 nuorodą (-as). Ar norite perrašyti nuorodas reikšmėmis, praleisti šį įrašą ar vis tiek ištrinti?Įrašas "%1" turi %2 nuorodą (-as). Ar norite perrašyti nuorodas reikšmėmis, praleisti šį įrašą ar vis tiek ištrinti?Įrašas "%1" turi %2 nuorodą (-as). Ar norite perrašyti nuorodas reikšmėmis, praleisti šį įrašą ar vis tiek ištrinti? + + + User name + Naudotojo vardas + + + Browser Statistics + Naršyklės statistika + + + Health Check + Būklės patikrinimas + + + HIBP + HIBP (angl. + + + Statistics + Statistika + + + Unsupported key file version: %1 + Nepalaikoma rakto failo versija: %1 + + + Checksum mismatch! Key file may be corrupt. + Kontrolinės sumos nesutapimas! Rakto failas gali būti sugadintas. + + + Unexpected key file data! Key file may be corrupt. + Netikėti rakto failo duomenys! Rakto failas gali būti sugadintas. + + + KeePassXC - cross-platform password manager + KeePassXC - daugiaplatformė slaptažodžių tvarkytuvė + + + filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx) + norimų atverti slaptažodžių duomenų bazių failų pavadinimai (*.kdbx) + + + path to a custom config file + kelias į tinkintą konfigūracijos failą + + + path to a custom local config file + kelias į pasirinktinį vietinį konfigūracijos failą + + + lock all open databases + užrakinti visas atidarytas duomenų bazes + + + key file of the database + duomenų bazės rakto failas + + + read password of the database from stdin + nuskaityti duomenų bazės slaptažodį iš stdin + + + allow app screen recordering and screenshots + leisti programėlės ekrano įrašymą ir ekrano nuotraukų darymą + + + Locked databases. + Užrakintos duomenų bazės. + + + Database failed to lock. + Duomenų bazės nepavyko užrakinti. + + + Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. + Jau yra paleistas kitas KeePassXC egzempliorius. + + + Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions. + Lemtingoji klaida, testuojant šifravimo funkcijas. + + + KeePassXC - Error + KeePassXC - Klaida + + + Warning: Failed to prevent screenshots on a top level window! + Įspėjimas: Nepavyko išvengti ekrano nuotraukų viršutiniame lange! + + + Database password: + Duomenų bazės slaptažodis: + + + Invalid Settings + TOTP + Neteisingi nustatymai + + + Invalid Key + TOTP + Neteisingas raktas + + + Failed to create Windows Hello credential. + Nepavyko sukurti "Windows Hello" kredencialų. + + + Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. + Nepavyko pasirašyti iššūkio naudojant "Windows Hello". + + + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + Norėdami tęsti, pristatykite arba palieskite savo YubiKey. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + + + + QtIOCompressor + + Internal zlib error when compressing: + Vidinė zlib klaida, glaudinant: + + + Error writing to underlying device: + Klaida, įrašant į bazinį įrenginį: + + + Error opening underlying device: + Klaida, atveriant bazinį įrenginį: + + + Error reading data from underlying device: + Klaida, skaitant iš bazinio įrenginio: + + + Internal zlib error when decompressing: + Vidinė zlib klaida, išskleidžiant: + + + + QtIOCompressor::open + + The gzip format not supported in this version of zlib. + Šioje zlib versijoje gzip formatas yra nepalaikomas. + + + Internal zlib error: + Vidinė zlib klaida: + + + + ReportsWidgetBrowserStatistics + + Exclude expired entries from the report + Į ataskaitą neįtraukti įrašų, kurių galiojimo laikas pasibaigęs + + + Show only entries which have URL set + Rodyti tik tuos įrašus, kurių URL nustatytas + + + Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data + Rodyti tik tuos įrašus, kurių naršyklės parametrai yra pasirinktiniuose duomenyse + + + Double-click entries to edit. + Norint redaguoti įrašus, dukart spustelėkite juos. + + + List of entry URLs + Įrašų URL adresų sąrašas + + + Entry has no URLs set + Įraše nėra nustatytų URL adresų + + + Allowed URLs + Leidžiami URL adresai + + + Entry has no Browser Integration settings + Įraše nėra naršyklės integracijos nustatymų + + + Denied URLs + Uždrausti URL adresai + + + (Excluded) + (Išskirtas) + + + This entry is being excluded from reports + Šis įrašas neįtraukiamas į ataskaitas + + + Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… + Prašome palaukti, skaičiuojama naršyklės statistika... + + + No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. + Nėra įrašų su URL adresu arba nė viename iš jų nėra išsaugotų naršyklės plėtinio nustatymų. + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Path + Kelias + + + URLs + URL adresai + + + Edit Entry… + Redaguoti Įrašą... + + + Delete Entry(s)… + Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)... + + + Exclude from reports + Neįtraukti į ataskaitas + + + + ReportsWidgetHealthcheck + + Exclude expired entries from the report + Į ataskaitą neįtraukti įrašų, kurių galiojimo laikas pasibaigęs + + + Also show entries that have been excluded from reports + Taip pat rodyti įrašus, kurie nebuvo įtraukti į ataskaitas + + + Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit. + Užveskite pelės žymeklį virš priežasties, kad parodytumėte papildomą informaciją. Dukart spustelėkite įrašus, kuriuos norite redaguoti. + + + Bad + Password quality + Blogas + + + Bad — password must be changed + Blogas - slaptažodis turi būti pakeistas + + + Poor + Password quality + Blogas + + + Poor — password should be changed + Prastas — slaptažodis turėtų būti pakeistas + + + Weak + Password quality + Silpnas + + + Weak — consider changing the password + Silpnas — apsvarstykite galimybę pakeisti slaptažodį + + + (Excluded) + (Išskirtas) + + + This entry is being excluded from reports + Šis įrašas neįtraukiamas į ataskaitas + + + Please wait, health data is being calculated… + Palaukite, sveikatos duomenys skaičiuojami... + + + Congratulations, everything is healthy! + Sveikiname, viskas sveika! + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Path + Kelias + + + Score + Vertinimas pagal + + + Reason + Priežastis + + + Edit Entry… + Redaguoti Įrašą... + + + Delete Entry(s)… + Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)... + + + Exclude from reports + Neįtraukti į ataskaitas + + + + ReportsWidgetHibp + + CAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service ( If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service. + ATSARGIAI: Šioje ataskaitoje reikalaujama siųsti informaciją į internetinę paslaugą "Have I Been Pwned" ( Jei tęsite, jūsų duomenų bazės slaptažodžiai bus kriptografiškai maišomi, o pirmieji penki šių maišų simboliai bus saugiai išsiųsti į šią paslaugą. Jūsų duomenų bazė išlieka saugi ir jos negalima atkurti iš šios informacijos. Tačiau ši paslauga bus taikoma jūsų siunčiamų slaptažodžių skaičiui ir jūsų IP adresui. + + + Perform Online Analysis + Atlikite internetinę analizę + + + Also show entries that have been excluded from reports + Taip pat rodyti įrašus, kurie nebuvo įtraukti į ataskaitas + + + This build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases. + Ši "KeePassXC" versija neturi tinklo funkcijų. Norint patikrinti savo slaptažodžius pagal "Have I Been Pwned" duomenų bazes, reikalingas tinklas. + + + Congratulations, no exposed passwords! + Sveikiname, nėra atskleistų slaptažodžių! + + + Title + Antraštė + + + Path + Kelias + + + Password exposed… + Slaptažodis atskleistas... + + + (Excluded) + (Išskirtas) + + + This entry is being excluded from reports + Šis įrašas neįtraukiamas į ataskaitas + + + once + Password exposure amount + kartą + + + up to 10 times + Password exposure amount + iki 10 kartų + + + up to 100 times + Password exposure amount + iki 100 kartų + + + up to 1000 times + Password exposure amount + iki 1000 kartų + + + up to 10,000 times + Password exposure amount + iki 10,000 kartų + + + up to 100,000 times + Password exposure amount + iki 100,000 kartų + + + up to a million times + Password exposure amount + iki milijono kartų + + + millions of times + Password exposure amount + milijonus kartų + + + Edit Entry… + Redaguoti Įrašą... + + + Delete Entry(s)… + Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)...Ištrinti įrašą (-us)... + + + Exclude from reports + Neįtraukti į ataskaitas + + + + ReportsWidgetStatistics + + Hover over lines with error icons for further information. + Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, užveskite pelės žymeklį ant eilučių su klaidų piktogramomis. + + + Name + Pavadinimas + + + Value + Reikšmė + + + Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… + Palaukite, skaičiuojami duomenų bazės statistiniai duomenys... + + + Database name + Duomenų bazės pavadinimas + + + Description + Aprašymas + + + Location + Vieta + + + Database created + Duomenų bazė sukurta + + + Last saved + Paskutinį kartą išsaugota + + + Unsaved changes + Neišsaugoti pakeitimai + + + yes + taip + + + no + ne + + + The database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk. + Duomenų bazė buvo pakeista, tačiau pakeitimai dar neįrašyti į diską. + + + Number of groups + Grupių skaičius + + + Number of entries + Įrašų skaičius + + + Number of expired entries + Nebegaliojančių įrašų skaičius + + + The database contains entries that have expired. + Duomenų bazėje yra įrašų, kurių galiojimo laikas pasibaigęs. + + + Unique passwords + Unikalūs slaptažodžiai + + + Non-unique passwords + Pasikartojantys slaptažodžiai + + + More than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible. + Daugiau nei 10% slaptažodžių naudojami pakartotinai. Jei įmanoma, naudokite unikalius slaptažodžius. + + + Maximum password reuse + Maksimalus pakartotinis slaptažodžio naudojimas + + + Some passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible. + Kai kurie slaptažodžiai naudojami daugiau nei tris kartus. Jei įmanoma, naudokite unikalius slaptažodžius. + + + Number of short passwords + Trumpų slaptažodžių skaičius + + + Recommended minimum password length is at least 8 characters. + Rekomenduojamas mažiausias slaptažodžio ilgis - bent 8 simboliai. + + + Number of weak passwords + Silpnų slaptažodžių skaičius + + + Recommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'. + Rekomenduojame naudoti ilgus, atsitiktine tvarka sukurtus slaptažodžius, įvertintus "gerai" arba "puikiai". + + + Entries excluded from reports + Įrašai, neįtraukti į ataskaitas + + + Excluding entries from reports, e. g. because they are known to have a poor password, isn't necessarily a problem but you should keep an eye on them. + Įrašų neįtraukimas į ataskaitas, pvz., dėl to, kad žinoma, jog jų slaptažodis prastas, nebūtinai yra problema, tačiau turėtumėte juos stebėti. + + + Average password length + Vidutinis slaptažodžio ilgis + + + %1 characters + %1 simboliai + + + Average password length is less than ten characters. Longer passwords provide more security. + Vidutinis slaptažodžio ilgis - mažiau nei dešimt simbolių. Ilgesni slaptažodžiai užtikrina didesnį saugumą. + + + + SSHAgent + + Agent connection failed. + Agento ryšys nepavyko. + + + Agent protocol error. + Agento protokolo klaida. + + + No agent running, cannot add identity. + Joks agentas neveikia, negali pridėti tapatybės. + + + Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add. + Pagrindinės tapatybės nuosavybės konfliktas. Atsisakymas pridėti. + + + Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include: + Agentas atsisakė šios tapatybės. Galimos priežastys: + + + The key has already been added. + Raktas jau buvo pridėtas. + + + Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options). + Agentas nepalaiko apriboto naudojimo trukmės (patikrinkite parinktis). + + + A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options). + Patvirtinimo užklausos agentas nepalaiko (patikrinkite parinktis). + + + Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. + Agentas nepalaiko saugos raktų arba saugos raktų teikėjas nepasiekiamas. + + + No agent running, cannot remove identity. + Joks agentas neveikia, negali pašalinti tapatybės. + + + No agent running, cannot list identities. + Joks agentas neveikia, negali išvardyti tapatybių. + + + + SearchHelpWidget + + Search Help + Paieškos pagalba + + + Search terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["] + Paieškos terminai yra tokie: [modifikatoriai][laukas:]["]terminas["] + + + Every search term must match (ie, logical AND) + Kiekvienas paieškos terminas turi atitikti (ty loginis IR) + + + Modifiers + Modifikatoriai + + + exclude term from results + neįtraukti termino į rezultatus + + + match term exactly + rungtynių terminas tiksliai + + + use regex in term + naudoti regex terminą + + + Fields + Laukai + + + Term Wildcards + Terminas Pakaitos simboliai + + + match anything + prilygti bet kam + + + match one + suderinti vieną + + + logical OR + loginis ARBA + + + Examples + Pavyzdžiai + + + + SearchWidget + + Search + Paieška + + + Search Help + Paieškos pagalba + + + Search (%1)… + Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut + Ieškoti (%1)... + + + Case sensitive + Skiriant raidžių registrą + + + Limit search to selected group + Riboti paiešką iki pasirinktos grupės + + + Save Search + + + + + SettingsClientModel + + Application + Programa + + + PID + PID + + + DBus Address + DBus adresas + + + Manage + Tvarkyti + + + + SettingsDatabaseModel + + File Name + Failo vardas + + + Group + Grupė + + + Manage + Tvarkyti + + + + SettingsWidgetFdoSecrets + + Options + Parinktys + + + Enable KeepassXC Secret Service integration + Įgalinti "KeepassXC" slaptosios tarnybos integraciją + + + General + Bendra + + + Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients + Rodyti pranešimą, kai klientai gauna slaptažodžius + + + <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p>Jei įjungta, bet koks bandymas perskaityti slaptažodį turi būti patvirtintas. Priešingu atveju klientai gali skaityti slaptažodžius be patvirtinimo, kai duomenų bazė atrakinta.</p><p>Ši parinktis taikoma tik prieigai prie įrašo slaptažodžio. Klientai visada gali išvardyti atidarytų duomenų bazių elementus ir užklausti jų atributų. + + + Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients + Patvirtinti, kai klientai gauna slaptažodžius + + + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does + not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">Šis parametras veikia + nepaisykite šiukšlinės raginimų išjungimo</span></p></body></html> + + + + Confirm when clients request entry deletion + Patvirtinti, kai klientai prašo ištrinti įrašą + + + <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications + which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also + crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a + different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p>Tai pagerina suderinamumą su tam tikromis programomis + kurie ieško slaptažodžio prieš tai neatrakindami duomenų bazės.</p><p>Tačiau tai taip pat gali būti įgalinimas + sugesti klientą, jei duomenų bazės negalima atrakinti per tam tikrą skirtąjį laiką. (Paprastai 25-eri, bet gali būti + skirtingos vertės, nustatytos programose.)</p></body></html> + + + + Prompt to unlock database before searching + Prašyti atrakinti duomenų bazę prieš pradedant paiešką + + + Exposed database groups: + Atskleistos duomenų bazės grupės: + + + Authorization + Leidimas + + + These applications are currently connected: + Šiuo metu šios programos yra prijungtos: + + + <b>Warning:</b> + <b>Įspėjimas:</b> + + + Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section. + Išsaugoti esamus pakeitimus, kad papildinys būtų įjungtas ir būtų galima redaguoti šį skyrių. + + + + SettingsWidgetKeeShare + + Active + Aktyvus + + + Allow KeeShare imports + Leisti "KeeShare" importą + + + Allow import + Leisti importuoti + + + Allow KeeShare exports + Leisti "KeeShare" eksportuoti + + + Allow export + Leisti eksportuoti + + + Only show warnings and errors + Rodyti tik įspėjimus ir klaidas + + + Own certificate + Nuosavas sertifikatas + + + Signer: + Pasirašančiojo: + + + Generate new certificate + Sukurkite naują sertifikatą + + + Generate + Generuoti + + + Fingerprint: + Kontrolinis kodas: + + + Signer name field + Pasirašančiojo vardo laukas + + + Fingerprint + Kontrolinis kodas + + + + ShareExport + + Could not write export container. + Nepavyko parašyti eksporto konteinerio. + + + + ShareImport + + Successful import + Sėkmingas importavimas + + + + ShareObserver + + Import from %1 failed (%2) + Importavimas iš %1 nepavyko (%2) + + + Import from %1 successful (%2) + Importavimas iš %1 sėkmingas (%2) + + + Imported from %1 + Importuota iš %1 + + + Multiple import source path to %1 in %2 + Kelių importo šaltinių kelias iki %1 in %2 + + + Conflicting export target path %1 in %2 + Prieštaringas eksporto tikslinis planas %1 ,,2% + + + Export to %1 failed (%2) + Eksportavimas į %1 nepavyko (%2) + + + Export to %1 successful (%2) + Eksportavimas į %1 sėkmingas (%2) + + + Export to %1 + Eksportas į %1 + + + + TagModel + + Expired + Pasibaigęs + + + Weak Passwords + Silpni slaptažodžiai + + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + + + + TotpDialog + + Timed Password + Numatytosios trukmės slaptažodis + + + Copy + Kopijuoti + + + Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) + Nustoja galioti <b>%n</b> sekunde (-ose)Nustoja galioti <b>%n</b> sekunde (-ose)Nustoja galioti <b>%n</b> sekunde (-ose)Nustoja galioti <b>%n</b> sekunde (-ose) + + + + TotpExportSettingsDialog + + Copy + Kopijuoti + + + NOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators. + TOTP QR code dialog warning + PASTABA: Šie TOTP nustatymai yra pasirinktiniai ir gali neveikti su kitais autentifikatoriais. + + + There was an error creating the QR code. + Buvo klaida kuriant QR kodą. + + + Closing in %1 seconds. + Užveriama po %1 sekundžių. + + + + TotpSetupDialog + + Setup TOTP + Nustatyti NTVS + + + Secret Key: + Slaptas raktas: + + + Secret key must be in Base32 format + Slaptas raktas turi būti "Base32" formato + + + Secret key field + Slapto rakto laukas + + + Default settings (RFC 6238) + Numatytieji nustatymai (RFC 6238) + + + Steam® settings + Garo® nustatymai + + + Custom settings: + Pasirinktiniai nustatymai: + + + Custom Settings + Pasirinktiniai nustatymai + + + Algorithm: + Algoritmas: + + + Time step: + Laiko žingsnis: + + + Time step field + Laiko žingsnio laukas + + + sec + Seconds + sek. + + + Code size: + Kodo dydis: + + + digits + Skaitmenų + + + Invalid TOTP Secret + Negaliojanti TOTP paslaptis + + + You have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format. +Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP + Įvedėte netinkamą slaptą raktą. Raktas turi būti "Base32" formatu. +Pavyzdys: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP + + + Confirm Remove TOTP Settings + Patvirtinkite pašalinti TOTP nustatymus + + + Are you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry? + Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šio įrašo TOTP nustatymus? + + + + URLEdit + + Invalid URL + Netinkamas URL + + + + UpdateCheckDialog + + Checking for updates + Tikriname ar yra atnaujinimų + + + Checking for updates… + Tikriname ar yra atnaujinimų... + + + Close + Užverti + + + Software Update + Programinės įrangos atnaujinimas + + + An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. + Bandant gauti atnaujinimo informaciją įvyko klaida, bandykite dar kartą vėliau. + + + <strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="">downloaded here</a>. + <strong>Yra nauja versija.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 galima <a href="">atsisiųsti čia</a>. + + + You have the latest version of KeePassXC + Jūs turite naujausią KeePassXC versiją + + + + WelcomeWidget + + Start storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC database + Pradėkite saugiai laikyti savo slaptažodžius KeePassXC duomenų bazėje + + + Create new database + Sukurti naują duomenų bazę + + + Open existing database + Atverti esamą duomenų bazę + + + Import from KeePass 1 + Importuoti iš KeePass + + + Import from 1Password + Importuoti iš 1Password + + + Import from CSV + Importuoti iš CSV + + + Recent databases + Paskiausios duomenų bazės + + + Open a recent database + Atidaryti neseniai naudotą duomenų bazę + + + Welcome to KeePassXC %1 + Sveiki atvykę į KeePassXC %1 + + + + WinUtils + + Invalid key code + Netinkamas rakto kodas + + + Global shortcut already registered to %1 + Visuotinis spartusis klavišas jau užregistruotas į %1 + + + Could not register global shortcut + Nepavyko užregistruoti visuotinio sparčiojo klavišo + + + + WindowsHello + + Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. + Nepavyko init KeePassXC kriptografiškai. + + + Failed to encrypt key data. + Nepavyko užšifruoti rakto duomenų. + + + Failed to get Windows Hello credential. + Nepavyko gauti "Windows Hello" kredencialų. + + + Failed to decrypt key data. + Nepavyko iššifruoti rakto duomenų. + + + + YubiKey + + %1 No interface, slot %2 + %1 Nėra sąsajos, laiko tarpsnis %2 + + + General: + Bendra: + + + Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. + Nepavyko rasti aparatinės įrangos rakto sąsajos su serijos numeriu %1. Norėdami tęsti, prijunkite jį prie jo. + + + + YubiKeyEditWidget + + Refresh hardware tokens + Atnaujinti aparatinės įrangos žetonus + + + Refresh + Įkelti iš naujo + + + Hardware key slot selection + Aparatūros rakto lizdo pasirinkimas + + + Could not find any hardware keys! + Nepavyko rasti jokių aparatūros raktų! + + + Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! + Pasirinktas aparatinės įrangos raktų lizdas nepalaiko atsako į iššūkius! + + + Challenge-Response + Iššūkis-atsakas + + + Add Challenge-Response + Pridėti atsaką į iššūkį + + + Change Challenge-Response + Pakeiskite iššūkį-atsaką + + + Remove Challenge-Response + Pašalinkite atsaką į iššūkį + + + Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove + Iššūkio atsakymo rinkinys, spustelėkite, kad pakeistumėte arba pašalintumėte + + + <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> + <p>Jei turite <a href="">"YubiKey"</a> arba <a href="">"OnlyKey"</a>, galite jį naudoti papildomam saugumui užtikrinti.</p><p>Raktas reikalauja, kad vienas iš jo lizdų būtų užprogramuotas kaip <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 iššūkis-atsakas</a>.</p> + + + Detecting hardware keys… + Aptinkame aparatūros raktus... + + + No hardware keys detected + Neaptikti jokie aparatūros raktai + + + + YubiKeyInterface + + %1 Invalid slot specified - %2 + %1 Nurodytas netinkamas laiko tarpsnis – %2 + + + + YubiKeyInterfacePCSC + + (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 + (PCSC) %1 [%2] Atsakas į iššūkius – laiko tarpsnis %3 + + + The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. + YubiKey PCSC sąsaja nebuvo inicijuota. + + + Hardware key is currently in use. + Šiuo metu naudojamas aparatūros raktas. + + + Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. + Nepavyko rasti arba pasiekti aparatūros rakto su serijos numeriu %1. Prašome jį pristatyti, kad tęstumėte. + + + Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. + Aparatūros raktas užrakintas arba nustatytas nustatytas laiku. Atrakinkite arba iš naujo pateikite jį, kad tęstumėte. + + + Hardware key was not found or is not configured. + Aparatūros raktas nerastas arba nėra sukonfigūruotas. + + + Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 + Nepavyko užbaigti iššūkio atsakymo, PCSC klaidos kodas buvo: %1 + + + + YubiKeyInterfaceUSB + + Unknown + Nežinoma + + + (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3 + (USB) %1 [%2] Sukonfigūruotas lizdas – %3 + + + (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 + (USB) %1 [%2] Atsakas į iššūkį - lizdas %3 - %4 + + + Press + USB Challenge-Response Key interaction request + Paspausti + + + Passive + USB Challenge-Response Key no interaction required + Pasyvus + + + The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized. + YubiKey USB sąsaja nebuvo inicijuota. + + + Hardware key is currently in use. + Šiuo metu naudojamas aparatūros raktas. + + + Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue. + Nepavyko rasti aparatūros rakto su serijos numeriu %1. Norėdami tęsti, prijunkite jį prie jo. + + + Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction. + Aparatinės įrangos rakto laikas baigėsi laukiant vartotojo sąveikos. + + + A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 + Prisijungus prie aparatūros rakto įvyko USB klaida: %1 + + + Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 + Nepavykus užbaigti iššūkio atsakymo, konkreti klaida buvo tokia: %1 + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts index e4fd98317..c752cb29a 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_my.ts @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - + KeePassXC နှင့် ဖွင့်ရန်တောင်းဆိုထားသော အခြား Client နှစ်ခုစလုံး အလုပ်လုပ်နေချိန်တွင် သင့်ဆုံးဖြတ်ချက်များအား မှတ်သားထားမည်ဖြစ်သည်။ Deny All && Future - + အားလုံးကို ယခုရော နောင်ရော ငြင်းဆိုမည်။ Allow All && &Future - + အားလုံးကို ယခုရော နောင်ရော ခွင့်ပြုမည်။ @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + အေးဂျင့် နှစ်ခုလုံးကို အသုံးပြုပါ @@ -223,6 +223,10 @@ Select backup storage directory + အရံသိမ်းဖိုင်ကို သိမ်းမည့် နေရာရွေးပါ။ + + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. @@ -274,22 +278,22 @@ On database unlock, show entries that - + ဒေတာဘေ့စ် ပွင့်နေလျင်, ........... သော ထည့်ပြီးသားအချက်အလက်များကို ပြပါ။ have expired On database unlock, show entries that... - + သက်တမ်းကုန်သွား days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days - + ရက်များ will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... - + အတွင်းမှာ သက်တမ်းကုန်မည် File Management @@ -317,19 +321,19 @@ Backup destination - + အရံသိမ်းဖိုင် သိမ်းဆည်းရာနေရာ Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - + ဒေတာဘေ့စ် အရံသိမ်းဖိုင်ကို သိမ်းရန်နေရာ သတ်မှတ်ပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ "{DB_FILENAME}" များကို တွေ့ရှိပါက ၄င်းတို့ကို ဖိုင်နာမည်ဖြင့် အစားထိုးသွားမည်ဖြစ်သည်။ {TIME: 1} ကို အရံသိမ်းဖိုင် သိမ်းရန်ကြာချိန် ဖြင့် အစားထိုးမည်။ တွင်ကြည့်ပါ။ ရက်စွဲ နဂိုထည့်သွင်းပြီး ဖောမတ်မှာ "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss" ဖြစ်သည်။ {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx - + [DB_FILENAME].old.kdbx Choose... - + ရွေးချယ်ပါ Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) @@ -491,6 +495,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + နောက်ဆုံးရိုက်ထည့်ခဲ့သော ထည့်သွင်းချက်ကိုမှတ်ထားပါ + + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color @@ -536,7 +548,7 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - + ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ကိုအလျင်အမြန်ပွင့်စနစ်ကို ဖွင့်ပါ Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 placeholder မမှန်ကန်ပါ - %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -718,7 +734,12 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - + အသုံးပြုနိုင်သော ‌ဒေတာဘေ့စ်များတွင် မည်သည့်ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်ကိုမဆို အဆင့်မြင့် ရှာဖွေမှု မေးမြန်းချက်များကို အသုံးပြုပြီးရှာဖွေ နိုင်သည်။ အောက်ပါရှော့(တ်)ကတ်များသည် အသုံးဝင်သည် +Ctrl+F - ဒေတာဘေ့စ် ရှာဖွေမှုကို အဖွင့်အပိတ်လုပ်ရန် +Ctrl+1 - အသုံးပြုသူအမည် ရိုက်ရန် +Ctrl+2 - စကားဝှက် ရိုက်ရန် +Ctrl+3 - TOTP ရိုက်ရန် +Ctrl+4 - ကီးဘုတ်ကိုအသုံးပြုမည်(ဝင်းဒိုးတွင်သာ) Search all open databases @@ -762,7 +783,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Use Virtual Keyboard - + virtual ကီးဘုတ်ကို အသုံးပြုပါ @@ -1425,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: စကားဝှက်သော့ ဖိုင် - - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>သင့်ဒေတာဘေ့စ်၏ လုံခြုံရေးကို တိုးမြှင့်ရန် စကားဝှက်အပြင် လျှို့ဝှက်ဖိုင်ကို အသုံးပြုနိုင်သည်။ ဤဖိုင်ကို သင့်ဒေတာဘေ့စ်၏ လုံခြုံရေးဆက်တင်များတွင် ထုတ်လုပ်နိုင်သည်။</p><p>၎င်းသည် သင်၏ *.kdbx ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ဖိုင် <strong>မဟုတ်ပါ</strong>။<br>သင့်တွင် စကားဝှက်သော့ဖိုင် မရှိပါက ဤအကွက်ကို အလွတ်ထားပါ။</p><p>အချက်အလက် ပိုသိရန် နှိပ်ပါ…</p> - Key file help စကားဝှက်သော့ဖိုင် အကူအညီ @@ -1441,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: ဟာ့ဝဲ စကားဝှက်သော့ - - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>သင်သည် <strong>YubiKey</strong> သို့မဟုတ် <strong>OnlyKey</strong> ကဲ့သို့ ဟာ့ဝဲ လုံခြုံရေး စကားဝှက်သော့တစ်ခုကို အသုံးပြုနိုင်ပြီး ၎င်းတို့တွင် HMAC-SHA1 အတွက် ချိန်ညှိထားသော အပေါက်များ ပါသည်။</p> -<p>နောက်ထပ် အချက်အလက်များအတွက် နှိပ်ပါ…</p>‌ - Hardware key help ဟာ့ဝဲ စကားဝှက်သော့ အကူအညီ @@ -1473,7 +1484,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock Database - + ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ကို လော့ဖြည်ရန် Cancel @@ -1481,7 +1492,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock - + လော့ဖြည်ခြင်း Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… @@ -1489,7 +1500,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Database Version Mismatch - + မကိုက်ညီသော ဒေတာဘေ့စ် ဗားရှင်း The database you are trying to open was most likely @@ -1499,15 +1510,15 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - + KeePassXC ရဲ့ Version အသစ်ဖြစ်နိုင်သည့် ဒေတာဘေ့စ် ကို သင်ဖွင့်ရန် လုပ်ဆောင်နေသည်။ ဘယ်လိုနည်းနှင့်မဆို ဖွင့်လိုက်နိုင်ပေမယ့် ဒေတာပျောက်ဆုံးခြင်း၊ မပြည့်စုံခြင်း၊ မသိမ်းစည်းလိုက်မိခြင်းများ ဖြစ်စေနိုင်သည်။ ထိုကြောင့် KeePassXC ကို Update လုပ်ဆောင်ရန် အကြံပြုပါသည်။ Open database anyway - + မည်သည့်နည်းနှင့်မဆိုဒေတာဘေ့စ်အားဖွင့်ခြင်း Database unlock canceled. - + ဒေတာဘေ့စ်လော့ဖြည့်ခြင်းကို ပယ်ဖျက်ခဲ့သည် ။ Unlock failed and no password given @@ -1529,11 +1540,11 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello - + Windows Hello ဖြင့်ဖွင့်၍မရနိုင်ပါ Failed to authenticate with Touch ID - + Touch ID ဖြင့် ဖွင့်၍မရနိုင်ပါ Failed to open key file: %1 @@ -1585,6 +1596,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… ဟာ့ဝဲ စကားဝှက်သော့ ရွေးရန်… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>သင့်ဒေတာဘေ့စ်၏ လုံခြုံရေးကို တိုးမြှင့်ရန် စကားဝှက်အပြင် လျှို့ဝှက်ဖိုင်ကို အသုံးပြုနိုင်သည်။ ဤဖိုင်ကို သင့်ဒေတာဘေ့စ်၏ လုံခြုံရေးဆက်တင်များတွင် ထုတ်လုပ်နိုင်သည်။</p><p>၎င်းသည် သင်၏ *.kdbx ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ဖိုင် <strong>မဟုတ်ပါ</strong>။<br>သင့်တွင် စကားဝှက်သော့ဖိုင် မရှိပါက ဤအကွက်ကို အလွတ်ထားပါ။</p><p>အချက်အလက် ပိုသိရန် နှိပ်ပါ…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>သင်သည် <strong>YubiKey</strong> သို့မဟုတ် <strong>OnlyKey</strong> ကဲ့သို့ ဟာ့ဝဲ လုံခြုံရေး စကားဝှက်သော့တစ်ခုကို အသုံးပြုနိုင်ပြီး ၎င်းတို့တွင် HMAC-SHA1 အတွက် ချိန်ညှိထားသော အပေါက်များ ပါသည်။</p> +<p>နောက်ထပ် အချက်အလက်များအတွက် နှိပ်ပါ…</p>‌ + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1632,11 +1653,11 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Convert KeePassHTTP data - + KeePassHTTP data သို့ပြောင်းပါ Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data - + legacy KeePassHTTP လက္ခဏာရပ် ကို KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data သို့ပြောင်းပါ Refresh database root group ID @@ -1836,11 +1857,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features - + ပုံစံကို ပြောင်းလဲ၍မရနိုင်ပါ - သင်၏ဒေတာဘေ့စ်သည် KDBX 4ကို အသုံးပြုထားခြင်းဖြစ်သည် Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. - + သင်၏ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ကိုအခြားသောပရိုဂရမ်ဖြင့်ဖွင့်ရန်မလိုအပ်လျှင်, နောက်ဆုံးပုံစံကိုသာအမြဲတမ်းအသုံးပြုပါ Encryption Algorithm: @@ -1892,11 +1913,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? KDBX 4 (recommended) - + KBDX 4 KDBX 3 - + KBDX 3 unchanged @@ -2236,13 +2257,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [လော့ချထားသည်] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… ရှာဖွေနေသည်… @@ -2289,7 +2318,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Expired entries - + သက်တမ်းကုန်ဆုံးသွားသော ထည့်သွင်းမှုများ No current database. @@ -2409,6 +2438,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + သိမ်းရန် + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -2897,11 +2942,11 @@ Would you like to correct it? Tags: - + ပူးတွဲမှုများ Tags list - + ပူးတွဲမှုစာရင်း @@ -3081,6 +3126,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups ဤအုပ်စုနှင့် အုပ်စုခွဲများအတွက် HTTP Auth ဖွင့်/ပိတ်ခလုတ်ကို မသုံးပါနှင့် + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3173,7 +3226,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. KeeShare container - + KeeShare ထည့်သွင်းထားသောနေရာ  KeeShare signed container @@ -3267,15 +3320,15 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Choose icon… - + icon ‌‌‌ရွေးချယ်ပါ  Set the URL to use to search for a favicon - + Favicon ကိုရှာရန်အတွက် URL ကို နေရာချထား Favicon URL - + Favicon URL Download favicon for URL @@ -3550,12 +3603,13 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Confirm Overwrite Attachment - + ထပ်ပေါင်းရေးထားသောဖိုင်တွဲကို အတည်ပြု Attachment "%1" already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? - + ဖိုင်တွဲ"%1" ရှိနေပါပြီ။ +သင်လက်ရှိဖိုင်တွဲပေါ်တွင် ထပ်ရေးချင်ပါသလား? Confirm Attachment @@ -3603,7 +3657,7 @@ Error: %1 EntryHistoryModel Current (%1) - + လက်ရှိ (%1) Last modified @@ -3611,11 +3665,11 @@ Error: %1 Age - + အသက် Difference - + ကွဲပြားခြားနားမှု Size @@ -3643,7 +3697,7 @@ Error: %1 Custom Attributes - + စိတ်ကြိုက်‌လက္ခဏာရပ် Icon @@ -3651,7 +3705,7 @@ Error: %1 Color - + အရောင် Expiration @@ -3663,7 +3717,7 @@ Error: %1 Custom Data - + စိတ်ကြိုက်‌အချက်အလက် Attachments @@ -3675,7 +3729,7 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + ပူးတွဲမှုများ @@ -3814,11 +3868,11 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + ပူးတွဲမှုများ Tags list - + ပူးတွဲမှုစာရင်း Username @@ -3884,6 +3938,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled ပယ်ဖျက်ထားသည် + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -3911,33 +3969,33 @@ Error: %1 ExportDialog Export options - + တင်ပို့မှု ရွေးချယ်မှုများ Sort entries by... - + ဝင်ရောက်မှုများကို စီစဉ်ပါ You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! - + သင်သည် သင့်ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ကို ကုဒ်ဖြင့်မပြောင်းရသေးသောဖိုင်သို့ ပို့တော့မည်ဖြစ်သည်။ ဤသို့ပို့ခြင်းဖြင့် သင့်စကားဝှက်များနှင့် ထိခိုက်လွယ်သော အချက်အလက်တို့တွင် အန္တရာယ်ရှိသည်။ database order - + စီစဉ်ထားသော ဒေတာဘေ့စ် name (ascending) - + နာမည် (ascending) name (descending) - + နာမည် (descending) unknown - + အမည်မသိ Export database to HTML file @@ -4140,7 +4198,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - + ဒေတာဘေ့စ် ခေါင်းစီးများ လိုနေသည် Unable to calculate database key @@ -4166,11 +4224,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + မမှန်ကန်သော ခေါင်းစီးပိုင်း အရှည်: အပိုင်း %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + မမှန်ကန်သော ခေါင်းစီး အချက်အလက် အရှည်: အပိုင်း %1, %2 မျော်လင့်ထားသည့် %3 တွေ့ရှိခဲ့သည်။ @@ -4227,11 +4285,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + မမှန်ကန်သော ခေါင်းစီးပိုင်း အရှည်: အပိုင်း %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + မမှန်ကန်သော ခေါင်းစီး အချက်အလက် အရှည်: အပိုင်း %1, %2 မျော်လင့်ထားသည့် %3 တွေ့ရှိခဲ့သည်။ Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header @@ -4251,11 +4309,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid inner header field length: field %1 - + မမှန်ကန်သော အတွင်းခေါင်းစီးပိုင်း အရှည်: အပိုင်း %1 Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + မမှန်ကန်သော အတွင်းပိုင်း ခေါင်းစီး အချက်အလက် အရှည်: အပိုင်း %1, %2 မျော်လင့်ထားသည့် %3 တွေ့ရှိခဲ့သည်။ Invalid inner header binary size @@ -5136,11 +5194,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Lock Database - + &ဒေတာဘေစ့်များကို လော့ချရန် Lock &All Databases - + လော့ချခြင်း &ဒေတာဘေ့စ် အားလုံး &Title @@ -5382,6 +5440,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? သင်သည် ဤဆက်တင်ကို သုံးရန် အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းကို ပြန်လည်စတင်ရမည်။ ယခု ပြန်လည်စတင်လိုပါသလား။ + + Tags + ပူးတွဲမှုများ + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5418,11 +5500,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Reset - + မူလအတိုင်းပြန်လည်စတင်ခြင်း Reset any remembered decisions for this application - + ယခုအက်ပ်ပလီကေးရှင်းအတွက်သိမ်းဆည်းထားသောမှတ်တမ်းများအားမူလအတိုင်းပြန်လည်သတ်မှတ်ပါ @@ -5753,29 +5835,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. သီးသန့်စကားဝှက်သော့ ရေးစဉ် မထင်မှတ်သော EOF ဖြစ်ခဲ့သည် - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - စကားဝှက်သော့များ မကိုက်ညီပါ - - - Passwords match so far - ယခုချိန်ထိ စကားဝှက်သော့များ ကိုက်ညီသည် - - - Toggle Password (%1) - စကားဝှက်ကို ဝှက်ရန်/ပြရန် (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - စကားဝှက် ထုတ်လုပ်ရန် (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - သတိပေးချက် - Caps Lock ဖွင့်ထားသည်။ - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5954,10 +6013,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: ၎င်းတို့မှလည်း ရွေးပါ - - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - ဖယ်ထားသော စာလုံးများ - "0"၊ "1"၊ "l"၊ "I"၊ "O"၊ "|"၊ "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters ဆင်တူစာလုံးများကို ဖယ်ရန် @@ -5992,11 +6047,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Delete selected wordlist - + ရွေးခြယ်ထားသောစာလုံးများအားဖျက်ပါ Add custom wordlist - + စိတ်ကြိုက်ပြုလုပ်ထားသောစာလုံးစာရင်းအားထည့်သွင်းပါ character @@ -6032,7 +6087,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. (SYSTEM) - + စနစ် Entropy: %1 bit @@ -6040,19 +6095,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Confirm Delete Wordlist - + စာလုံးစာရင်းအားဖျက်ရန်အတည်ပြုပါသည် Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? - + သင့်အနေနှင့်စာလုံးစာရင်း"%1"အားဖျက်ရန်သေချာပါသလား? Failed to delete wordlist - + စာလုံးစာရင်းအားဖျက်ရန်မအောင်မြင်ပါ Wordlists - + စာလုံးစာရင်း All files @@ -6060,20 +6115,21 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Select Custom Wordlist - + စိတ်ကြိုက်ပြုလုပ်ထားသောစာလုံးစာရင်းအားရွေးခြယ်ပါ Overwrite Wordlist? - + စာလုံးစာရင်း ထပ်ရေးရန် Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? - + စာလုံးစာရင်း ၁ ရာခို်င်နှုန်းသည် စိတ်ကြိုက်ပြုလုပ်နိုင်သော စာလုံးစာရင်းတွင် ပါရှိပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ +သင် ထပ်ရေးချင်ပါသလား ? Failed to add wordlist - + စာလုံးစာရင်းတွင် ထပ်ဖြည့်ရန် မအောင်မြင်ပါ ။ Logograms @@ -6107,6 +6163,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality အလွန်ကောင်း + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + ဖယ်ထားသော စာလုံးများ - "0"၊ "1"၊ "l"၊ "I"၊ "O"၊ "|"၊ "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + စကားဝှက်များ မကိုက်ညီပါ + + + Passwords match so far + ယခုချိန်ထိ စကားဝှက်များ ကိုက်ညီသည် + + + Toggle Password (%1) + စကားဝှက်ကို ဝှက်ရန်/ပြရန် (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + စကားဝှက် ထုတ်လုပ်ရန် (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + သတိပေးချက် - Caps Lock ဖွင့်ထားသည်။ + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + ညံ့ + + + Weak + Password quality + အားနည်း + + + Good + Password quality + ကောင်း + + + Excellent + Password quality + အလွန်ကောင်း + PickcharsDialog @@ -6366,19 +6473,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Export an attachment of an entry. - + ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်တစ်ခုအတွက် ပူးတွဲဖိုင်အား တင်ပို့ပါ ။ Path of the entry with the target attachment. - + ရည်ရွယ်ထားသော ပူးတွဲဖိုင်နှင့်အတူ ဖြည့်သွင်းရမည့် လမ်းကြောင်း Name of the attachment to be exported. - + တင်ပို့ရမည့် ပူးတွဲဖိုင်နာမည် Path to which the attachment should be exported. - + ပူးတွဲဖိုင်တင်ပို့သင့်သည့် လမ်းကြောင်း Could not find entry with path %1. @@ -6386,63 +6493,63 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Could not find attachment with name %1. - + %1 နာမည်နှင့် ပူးတွဲဖိုင်အား ရှာမတွေ့ပါ ။ No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. - + တင်ပို့ရမည့် ပစ်မှတ်နေရာ ပေးထားခြင်းမရှိ ။ ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ '--stdout' ကိုသုံးပါ သို့မဟုတ် 'export-file' ကို သတ်မှတ်ပေးပါ။ Could not open output file %1. - + %1 ရလဒ်ဖိုင်ကို ဖွင့်၍မရပါ ။ Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. - + ဖြည့်သွင်းချက် ၂% မှ ၃ % ၏ ၁ % သော ပူးတွဲဖိုင်များကို အောင်မြင်စွာထုပ်ယူပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ Overwrite existing attachments. - + ရှိရင်းစွဲ ပူးတွဲဖိုင်များအပေါ် ထပ်ရေးပါ။ Imports an attachment to an entry. - + ပူးတွဲဖိုင်အား ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်သို့ ထည့်သွင်းပါ။ Path of the entry. - + ဖြည့်သွင်းရန် လမ်းကြောင်း Name of the attachment to be added. - + ထည့်ရမည့် ပူးတွဲဖိုင်၏အမည် Path of the attachment to be imported. - + ပူးတွဲဖိုင်၏ လမ်းကြောင်းကို တင်သွင်းသည့် Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. - + ဖြည့်သွင်းချက် ၂% အတွက် ပူးတွဲဖိုင် ၁% ရှိပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ Could not open attachment file %1. - + %1 ပူးတွဲဖိုင်ကို ဖွင့်၍မရပါ ။ Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. - + ဖြည့်သွင်းချက် ၂% မှ ၃ % ၏ ၁ % သော ပူးတွဲဖိုင်များကို အောင်မြင်ထည့်သွင်းပြီးဖြစ်သည်။ Remove an attachment of an entry. - + ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်၏ ပူးတွဲဖိုင်အား ဖယ်ရှားသည်။ Name of the attachment to be removed. - + ဖယ်ရှားရမည့် ပူးတွဲဖိုင်အမည် Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. - + ထည့်သွင်းပြီး %2 မှ ပူးတွဲဖိုင် %1 အား အောင်မြင်စွာဖယ်ရှားပြီး Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. @@ -6851,7 +6958,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Use custom character set - + စိတ်ကြိုက် စာလုံး အစု အားအသုံးပြုမည် Exclude similar looking characters @@ -7175,7 +7282,7 @@ Available commands: Show the attachments of the entry. - + ဖြည့်သွင်းချက်၏ ပူးတွဲဖိုင် များအားပြပါ။ Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. @@ -7199,11 +7306,11 @@ Available commands: No attachments present. - + မည်သည့် ပူးတွဲဖိုင်မျှ မပါရှိပါ။ Attachments: - + ပူးတွဲဖိုင်များ Failed to open database file %1: not found @@ -7382,7 +7489,7 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 KeeShare - + KeeShare YubiKey @@ -7390,7 +7497,7 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 Quick Unlock - + အမြန်ပွင့် Secret Service Integration @@ -7502,7 +7609,7 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 ChaCha20 256-bit - + ChaCha20 256-bit Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) @@ -7518,7 +7625,7 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 AES-KDF (KDBX 3) - + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. @@ -7616,7 +7723,7 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 Browser Statistics - + ဘရောင်ဇာ စာရင်းအင်းများ Health Check @@ -7714,14 +7821,71 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 Failed to create Windows Hello credential. - + Windows Hello အထောက်အထားကို ဖန်တီး၍ မရနိုင်ပါ Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. - + Windows Hello ကိုအသုံးပြုပြီး လက်မှတ်ထိုးဝင်၍ မရပါ Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ ဆက်လုပ်ရန် သင့် YubiKey ကို တင်ပြပါ သို့မဟုတ် နှိပ်ပါ + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -7767,35 +7931,35 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 Show only entries which have URL set - + URL set ရှိသော ထည့်သွင်းမှုများသာပြသမည် Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data - + ဒေတာပြင်ဆင်မှုတွင် ‌‌ဘရောင်ဇာပြင်ဆင်မှုများရှိသော ထည့်သွင်းမှုများသာပြသရန် Double-click entries to edit. - + ထည့်သွင်းမှုများကိုပြင်ဆင်ရန် ကလစ် ၂ ချက်နှိပ်ပါ List of entry URLs - + URL ထည့်သွင်းမှုများစာရင်း Entry has no URLs set - + ထည့်သွင်းမှုတွင် URL set များမပါဝင်ပါ Allowed URLs - + ခွင့်ပြုထားသော URL များ Entry has no Browser Integration settings - + ထည့်သွင်းမှုတွင် Browser Intigration ပြင်ဆင်ချက်များ မရှိပါ Denied URLs - + ငြင်းပယ်ထားသော URLများ (Excluded) @@ -7807,11 +7971,11 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… - + ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ စောင့်ပါ၊ ဒေတာဘေ့စ် အချက်အလက်များကို တွက်ချက်နေသည် No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. - + URL ပါသောထည့်သွင်းမှုများမရှိပါ၊ သို့မဟုတ် ဘရောင်ဇာအပိုလုပ်ဆောင်မှုပြင်ဆင်ချက်များ သိမ်းဆည်ထားခြင်းမရှိပါ း Title @@ -7823,7 +7987,7 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 URLs - + URL များ Edit Entry… @@ -8271,6 +8435,10 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 Limit search to selected group ရွေးချယ်ထားသော အုပ်စုတွင်သာ ကန့်သတ်ရှာဖွေပါ + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8444,14 +8612,14 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 ShareExport Could not write export container. - + တင်ပို့မှုဒေတာထည့်သွင်းထားရာနေရာတွင် ရေးသွင်းခြင်းမရနိုင်ပါ ShareImport Successful import - + အောင်မြင်စွာတင်သွင်းသည် @@ -8491,16 +8659,39 @@ CPU တည်ဆောက်ပုံ - %2 TagModel - - All - - Expired - + ကုန်ဆုံးသွားသည် Weak Passwords + အားနည်းသောစကားဝှက်များ + + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? @@ -8713,19 +8904,19 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. - + KeePassXC crypto စတင်ရန် မအောင်မြင်ခဲ့ပါ Failed to encrypt key data. - + အချက်အလက်များကို ကုဒ်ဖြင့်ပြောင်းရန် မအောင်မြင်ခဲ့ပါ Failed to get Windows Hello credential. - + Window Hello အထောက်အထားရရန် မအောင်မြင်ခဲ့ပါ Failed to decrypt key data. - + အချက်အလက်များကို ကုဒ်ပြန်ဖြည်ခြင်း မအောင်မြင်ခဲ့ပါ diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts index 1f6142cf3..dc98572ef 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_nb.ts @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ Deny All && Future - + Nekt alle & fremtidige Allow All && &Future - + Tillat alle &fremtidige @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + Bruk begge agentene @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Velg lagringsmappe for sikkerhetskopiering + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Denne innstillingen kan ikke aktiveres når minimering ved opplåsing er aktivert. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Husk siste inntasta oppføring i: + + recent files + siste filer + + + Show passwords in color + Vis passord i farger + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -560,7 +572,7 @@ Hide passwords in the entry preview panel - Skjul passord i oppføring panelet + Skjul passord i oppføringspanelet Hide entry notes by default @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Ugyldig posisjonsmerke: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Oppføringen har ikke attributt for PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -719,7 +735,7 @@ Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> <p>Du kan bruke avanserte søkespørringer til å finne en hvilken som helst oppføring i de åpne databasene. Følgende snarveier er nyttige:<br/> -CTRL+F – Aktiver/deaktiver databasesøk<br/> +CTRL+F – Vis/skjul databasesøk<br/> Ctrl+1 – Skriv brukernavn<br/> Ctrl+2 – Skriv passord<br/> CTRL+3 – Skriv TOTP<br/> @@ -1428,10 +1444,6 @@ Sikkerhetskopi av database lokalisert på %2 Key File: Nøkkelfil: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>I tillegg til et passord kan du bruke en nøkkelfil til å forbedre sikkerheten i databasen. Denne filen kan opprettes i databasens sikkerhetsinnstillinger.</p><p>Dette er <strong>ikke</strong> *.kdbx-databasefilen din!<br>Hvis du ikke har en nøkkelfil, lar du dette feltet stå tomt.</p><p>Klikk hvis du vil ha mer informasjon…</p> - Key file help Hjelp for nøkkelfil @@ -1444,12 +1456,6 @@ Sikkerhetskopi av database lokalisert på %2 Hardware Key: Maskinvarenøkkel: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Du kan bruke en maskinvare-autentiseringsenhet, for eksempel en <strong>YubiKey</strong> eller <strong>OnlyKey,</strong> med spor som er konfigurert for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Klikk hvis du vil ha mer informasjon...</p> - Hardware key help Hjelp for maskinvarenøkkel @@ -1594,6 +1600,16 @@ Hvis du ikke har en nøkkelfil, lar du feltet stå tomt. Select hardware key… Velge maskinvarenøkkel... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>I tillegg til et passord kan du bruke en nøkkelfil til å forbedre sikkerheten i databasen. Denne filen kan opprettes i databasens sikkerhetsinnstillinger.</p><p>Dette er <strong>ikke</strong> *.kdbx-databasefilen din!<br>Hvis du ikke har en nøkkelfil, lar du dette feltet stå tomt.</p><p>Klikk hvis du vil ha mer informasjon…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Du kan bruke en maskinvare-autentiseringsenhet, for eksempel en <strong>YubiKey</strong> eller <strong>OnlyKey,</strong> med spor som er konfigurert for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Klikk hvis du vil ha mer informasjon...</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2245,13 +2261,21 @@ Dette er definitivt en feil, rapporter det til utviklerne. Database tab name modifier %1 [Låst] + + Export database to XML file + Eksporter databasen til XML-fil + + + XML file + XML-fil + + + Writing the XML file failed + Skriving av XML-filen mislyktes + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Databasetagger - Searching… Søker... @@ -2404,7 +2428,7 @@ Deaktivere sikker lagring og prøve igjen? Empty recycle bin? - Tom papirkurv? + Tøm papirkurv? Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? @@ -2416,7 +2440,23 @@ Deaktivere sikker lagring og prøve igjen? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + Oppføringer som utløper innen %1 dagOppføringer som utløper innen %1 dager + + + Searches and Tags + Søk og tagger + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Skriv inn et unikt navn, eller erstatt et eksisterende søk fra listen: + + + Save + Lagre + + + Save Search + Lagre søk @@ -2573,7 +2613,7 @@ Vil du rette den? %n hour(s) - + %n time%n timer @@ -2616,7 +2656,7 @@ Vil du rette den? Toggle attribute protection - Attributtbeskyttelse på/av + Vis/skjul attributtbeskyttelse Protect @@ -2748,7 +2788,7 @@ Vil du rette den? Skip Auto-Submit for this entry - Hopp over auto-sending for denne oppføringen + Hopp over automatisk utførelse for denne oppføringen Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection. @@ -2834,7 +2874,7 @@ Vil du rette den? Toggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section. - Veksle avkrysningsboksen for å vise notatdelen. + Vis/skjul notatdelen. Username field @@ -2842,7 +2882,7 @@ Vil du rette den? Toggle notes visible - Synlige merknader av/på + Vis/skjul synlige merknader Notes: @@ -2898,7 +2938,7 @@ Vil du rette den? Toggle expiration - Utløp av/på + Vis/skjul utløp Expires: @@ -3064,15 +3104,15 @@ Vil du rette den? Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups - Skjul oppføringer fra nettleserutvidelse for denne og undergrupper + Vis/skjul oppføringer fra nettleserutvidelse for denne og undergrupper Skip Auto-Submit for entries: - Hopp over automatisk sending for oppføringer: + Hopp over automatisk utførelse for oppføringer: Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups - Veksleknapp for hopp over automatisk sending for denne og undergrupper + Aktiver/deaktiver automatisk utførelse for denne og undergrupper Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3080,7 +3120,7 @@ Vil du rette den? Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - Veksleknapp for bare HTTP Auth for denne og undergrupper + Vis/skjul bare HTTP Auth for denne og undergrupper Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3088,7 +3128,15 @@ Vil du rette den? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - Veksleknapp for ikke bruk "HTTP Auth" for denne og undergrupper + Vis/skjul ikke bruk HTTP Auth for denne og undergrupper + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Utelat www-underdomene fra matching: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Vis/skjul utelat www-underdomene fra matching for denne og undergrupper @@ -3209,7 +3257,7 @@ Støttede utvidelser er: %1. Toggle expiration - Utløp av/på + Vis/skjul utløp Expires: @@ -3237,7 +3285,7 @@ Støttede utvidelser er: %1. Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groups - Veksle mellom autoskriv for denne og undergrupper + Vis/skjul autoskriv for denne og undergrupper Notes: @@ -3261,7 +3309,7 @@ Støttede utvidelser er: %1. Search toggle for this and sub groups - Søkeknapp for denne og undergrupper + Vis/skjul søk for denne og undergrupper @@ -3895,6 +3943,10 @@ Feil: %1 Disabled Deaktivert + + Double click to copy value + Dobbeltklikk for å kopiere verdi + EntryURLModel @@ -4973,7 +5025,7 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette med denne filen? View - Se + Vis Theme @@ -5033,7 +5085,7 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette med denne filen? View or edit entry - Vis eller endring oppføring + Vis eller endre oppføring &Delete Entry… @@ -5305,7 +5357,7 @@ Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette med denne filen? Show Preview Panel - Vis Forhåndsvisning-panelet + Vis forhåndsvisningspanelet Always on Top @@ -5357,7 +5409,7 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene Restore Entry(s) - + Gjenopprett oppføringGjenopprett oppføringer Settings @@ -5377,7 +5429,7 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene Toggle window - Vis vinduet + Vis/skjul vinduet Quit KeePassXC @@ -5395,6 +5447,30 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Du må starte programmet på nytt for å bruke denne innstillingen. Vil du starte på nytt nå? + + Tags + Tagger + + + No Tags + Ingen tagger + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 Oppføring%1 Oppføringer + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Kopier passord og TOTP + + + &XML File… + &XML-fil… + + + XML File… + XML-fil… + ManageDatabase @@ -5766,29 +5842,6 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene Uventet EOF ved skriving av privat nøkkel - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Passordene er ikke like - - - Passwords match so far - Passordmatch så langt - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Veksle passord (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Opprette passord (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Advarsel: Store bokstaver aktivert! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5967,10 +6020,6 @@ Vi anbefaler at du bruker det AppImage som er tilgjengelig på nedlastingssidene Also choose from: Velg også mellom: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Ekskluderte tegn: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Ekskluder tegn som er nesten makne @@ -6121,6 +6170,57 @@ Vil du erstatte den? Password quality Utmerket + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Ekskluderte tegn: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Passordene er ikke like + + + Passwords match so far + Passordmatch så langt + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Vis/skjul passord (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Opprette passord (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Advarsel: Store bokstaver aktivert! + + + Quality: %1 + Kvalitet: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Dårlig + + + Weak + Password quality + Svak + + + Good + Password quality + Bra + + + Excellent + Password quality + Utmerket + PickcharsDialog @@ -7737,7 +7837,65 @@ Kjerne: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. - + Kobl til og/eller berør YubiKey for å fortsette. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Vis alle attributtene for oppføringen. + + + Edit a database. + Redigere en database. + + + Could not change the database key. + Kunne ikke endre databasenøkkelen. + + + Database was not modified. + Databasen ble ikke endret. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Vellykket redigering av databasen. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Lasting av den nye nøkkelfilen mislyktes: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Slett passordet for databasen. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Slett nøkkelfilen for databasen. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Kan ikke bruke %1 og %2 samtidig. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Kan ikke fjerne alle nøklene fra en database. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Kan ikke fjerne passordet: Databasen har ikke passord. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Kan ikke fjerne nøkkelfilen: Databasen har ikke en nøkkelfil. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Fant uventet nøkkeltype %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Angi nøkkelfilen for databasen. +Disse alternativene er utdatert, bruk --set-key-file i stedet. @@ -8286,6 +8444,10 @@ Kjerne: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Avgrens søket til valgt gruppe + + Save Search + Lagre søk + SettingsClientModel @@ -8506,10 +8668,6 @@ Kjerne: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Alt - Expired Utløpt @@ -8518,6 +8676,33 @@ Kjerne: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Svake passord + + All Entries + Alle oppføringer + + + Clear Search + Tøm søk + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Fjern søk + + + Remove Tag + Fjern taggen + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Bekreft fjerning av taggen + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Fjern taggen "% 1" fra alle oppføringer i denne databasen? + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts index 171bee2e0..41e9808e0 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_nl.ts @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ Report bugs at: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> - Meld problemen op: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> + Meld problemen op <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3. - KeePassXC wordt verspreid onder de voorwaarden van de GNU General Public License (GPL) versie 2 of (desgewenst) versie 3. + KeePassXC wordt uitgebracht onder de voorwaarden van de GNU General Public License (GPL) versie 2 of (desgewenst) versie 3. Project Maintainers: @@ -23,42 +23,42 @@ Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX. - Bijzondere dank van het KeePassXC-team gaat uit naar debfx voor het creëren van het oorspronkelijke KeePassX. + Met heel veel dank vanuit het KeePassXC-team aan debfx voor het creëren van het oorspronkelijke project ‘KeePassX’. Contributors - Bijdragen van + Bijdragers <a href="">See Contributions on GitHub</a> - <a href="">Toon bijdragen op GitHub</a> + <a href="">Bijdragen bekijken op GitHub</a> Debug Info - Foutinformatie + Foutopsporingsinformatie Include the following information whenever you report a bug: - Voeg de volgende informatie bij de foutrapportage: + Voeg de volgende informatie toe aan de bugmelding: Copy to clipboard - Naar klembord kopiëren + Kopiëren naar klembord AccessControlDialog KeePassXC - Access Request - KeePassXC - Verzoek om toegang + KeePassXC - Toegangsverzoek Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - Niet-bestaand/ontoegankelijk uitvoerbaar pad. Controleer nogmaals of de client legitiem is. + Niet-bestaande/Ontoegankelijke locatie van het uitvoerbare bestand. Controleer of de client legitiem is. <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>vraagt om toegang tot de volgende items:</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>verzoekt toegang tot de volgende items:</p></body></html> Name @@ -90,22 +90,22 @@ Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - Jouw beslissing wordt onthouden voor de duur dat zowel de aanvragende client ALS KeePassXC actief zijn. + Jouw beslissing wordt onthouden zolang zowel de aanvragende client als KeePassXC BEIDE actief zijn. Deny All && Future - Alles afwijzen, nu && toekomst + Alles afwijzen, nu en in de toekomst Allow All && &Future - Alles toestaan, nu && toekomst + Alles toestaan, nu en in de toekomst AccessControlDialog::DenyButton Deny for this program - Weigeren voor dit programma + Programma weigeren @@ -116,19 +116,19 @@ Use Pageant - Gebruik Pageant + Pageant gebruiken Use OpenSSH - Gebruik OpenSSH + OpenSSH gebruiken SSH_AUTH_SOCK override - SSH_AUTH_SOCK overschrijven + SSH_AUTH_SOCK-voorrangsregel SSH_AUTH_SOCK value - SSH_AUTH_SOCK waarde + SSH_AUTH_SOCK-waarde (empty) @@ -136,23 +136,23 @@ SSH_SK_PROVIDER value - SSH_SK_PROVIDER waarde + SSH_SK_PROVIDER-waarde SSH_SK_PROVIDER override - SSH_SK_PROVIDER override + SSH_SK_PROVIDER-voorrangsregel No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. - Geen SSH Agent-socket beschikbaar. Zorg ervoor dat de omgevingsvariabele SSH_AUTH_SOCK bestaat of stel een overschrijving in. + Er is geen SSH Agent-socket beschikbaar. Zorg er voor dat de omgevingsvariabele SSH_AUTH_SOCK bestaat of stel een voorrangsregel in. SSH Agent connection is working! - SSH Agent-verbinding werkt! + De SSH Agent-verbinding is actief! Use both agents - + Beide agenten gebruiken @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Access error for config file %1 - Geen toegang tot configuratiebestand %1 + Er is geen toegang tot het configuratiebestand ‘%1’ Icon only @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Follow style - Volg stijl + Themastijl volgen Monochrome @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now? - Je moet de toepassing opnieuw starten om de nieuwe taal in te stellen. Wil je dat nu doen? + Om de nieuwe taal in te stellen, dient KeePassXC te worden herstart. Wil je dat nu doen? Reset Settings? @@ -223,14 +223,18 @@ Select backup storage directory - Selecteer map voor opslag back-up + Kies een reservekopiemap + + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Deze instelling kan niet worden ingeschakeld als minimaliseren na ontgrendelen is ingeschakeld. ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral Basic Settings - Basisinstellingen + Algemene instellingen Startup @@ -238,15 +242,15 @@ Start only a single instance of KeePassXC - Start niet meer dan één instantie van KeePassXC + KeePassXC-proces slechts één keer starten Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup - KeePassXC automatisch opstarten met het systeem + KeePassXC automatisch opstarten Minimize window at application startup - Scherm minimaliseren bij het opstarten + Venster minimaliseren na opstarten Minimize window after unlocking database @@ -262,19 +266,19 @@ Remember database key files and security dongles - Laatstgebruikte sleutelbestanden en beveiligingssticks onthouden + Onlangs gebruikte sleutelbestanden en beveiligingsdongles onthouden Check for updates at application startup once per week - Controleer eens per week op updates bij het opstarten van het programma + Eenmaal per week controleren op updates na opstarten Include beta releases when checking for updates - Zoek ook naar bèta-releases bij het controleren op updates + Ook zoeken naar bètaversies On database unlock, show entries that - Bij het ontgrendelen van databases, toon items die + Na het ontgrendelen van een database: items tonen die have expired @@ -305,43 +309,43 @@ Automatically save non-data changes when locking database - Automatisch niet-gegevens wijzigingen opslaan bij het vergrendelen van de database + Automatisch niet-gegevenswijzigingen opslaan na vergrendelen van database Automatically reload the database when modified externally - Database automatisch opnieuw laden als deze van buitenaf is gewijzigd + Database automatisch opnieuw laden indien deze door een andere applicatie gewijzigd werd Backup database file before saving - Back-up databasebestand voor het opslaan + Reservekopie van database maken alvorens op te slaan Backup destination - Back-upbestemming + Reservekopiebestemming Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - Hiermee geeft u de locatie van het back-upbestand van de database op. Exemplaren van "{DB_FILENAME}" worden vervangen door de bestandsnaam van de opgeslagen database zonder extensie. {TIME:<format>} wordt vervangen door de back-uptijd, zie <format> standaard tekenreeks "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". + Hier kun je de locatie van het reservekopiebestand van de database opgeven. Items met ‘{DB_FILENAME}’ worden vervangen door de bestandsnaam van de opgeslagen database, zonder de extensie. {TIME:<format>} wordt vervangen door de reservekopietijd (zie <format> is de standaard tekenreeks ‘dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss’. {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx - {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx + {DB_FILENAME}.oud.kdbx Choose... - Kiezen... + Kiezen… Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) - Gebruik een alternatieve opslagmethode (kan problemen oplossen met Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, enz.) + Alternatieve opslagmethode gebruiken (kan problemen oplossen met Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) Temporary file moved into place - Tijdelijk bestand op zijn plaats verplaatst + Het tijdelijke bestand is op zijn plek gezet Directly write to database file (dangerous) - Direct naar databasebestand schrijven (gevaarlijk) + Direct wegschrijven naar databasebestand (gevaarlijk) Entry Management @@ -349,15 +353,15 @@ Use group icon on entry creation - Groepspictogram toepassen bij nieuwe items + Groepspictogram van nieuwe items tonen Minimize when opening a URL - Minimaliseren bij het openen van een URL + Minimaliseren na openen van url Hide window when copying to clipboard - Venster verbergen bij kopiëren naar klembord + Venster verbergen na kopiëren naar klembord Minimize @@ -369,28 +373,28 @@ Favicon download timeout: - Favicon download time-out: + Favicon-downloadtime-out: Website icon download timeout in seconds - Websitepictogram download time-out in seconden + Websitepictogram-downloadtime-out (in seconden) sec Seconds - sec + sec. User Interface - Gebruikersomgeving + Vormgeving Toolbar button style - Knopstijl van de werkbalk + Werkbalkknopstijl Movable toolbar - Verplaatsbare werkbalk + Werkbalk verplaatsbaar maken Language selection @@ -402,31 +406,31 @@ (restart program to activate) - (programma opnieuw starten om te activeren) + (herstart om de wijziging toe te passen) Toolbar button style: - Knopstijl van de werkbalk: + Werkbalkknopstijl: Use monospaced font for notes - Mono-lettertype gebruiken voor notities + Lettertype met vaste breedte gebruiken in notities Minimize instead of app exit - Minimaliseren in plaats van app afsluiten + KeePassXC minimaliseren in plaats van afsluiten Show a system tray icon - Pictogram in het systeemvak weergeven + Pictogram tonen in systeemvak Tray icon type - Systeemvak-pictogram + Systeemvakpictogram Tray icon type: - Systeemvak-pictogram: + Systeemvakpictogram: Hide window to system tray when minimized @@ -434,43 +438,43 @@ Reset settings to default… - Standaardinstellingen terugzetten... + Standaardwaarden herstellen… Auto-Type - Auto-type + Automatisch invullen Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type - Gebruik naam van item als vensternaam voor Auto-type + Itemnaam gebruiken om het juiste venster te bepalen bij gebruik van automatisch invullen Use entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type - Laat URL overeenkomen met item bij Auto-type + Url gebruiken om het juiste venster te bepalen bij gebruik van automatisch invullen Always ask before performing Auto-Type - Altijd vragen voor toepassen Auto-type + Altijd vragen alvorens automatisch in te vullen Hide expired entries from Auto-Type - Verlopen items verbergen voor Auto-Type + Verlopen items verbergen bij gebruik van automatisch invullen Re-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-Type - Vergrendelde database na Auto-type weer vergrendelen + Vergrendelde database na automatisch invullen opnieuw vergrendelen Auto-Type start delay: - Auto-type startvertraging: + Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen: Global Auto-Type shortcut: - Algemene Auto-type sneltoets: + Sneltoets van automatisch invullen: Auto-type start delay milliseconds - Auto-type startvertraging milliseconden + Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen (in milliseconden) ms @@ -479,19 +483,27 @@ Auto-Type typing delay: - Auto-type typevertraging: + Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen: Global auto-type shortcut - Globale sneltoets voor Auto-type + Sneltoets van automatisch invullen Auto-type character typing delay milliseconds - Auto-typevertraging milliseconden + Wachttijd alvorens automatisch in te vullen (in milliseconden) Remember last typed entry for: - Onthoud de laatst getypte vermelding voor: + Laatstgebruikt item gebruiken voor: + + + recent files + onlangs geopende bestanden + + + Show passwords in color + Wachtwoorden voorzien van kleur @@ -502,12 +514,12 @@ Database lock timeout seconds - Database vergrendeling wachttijd seconden + Wachttijd alvorens database te vergrendelen (in seconden) sec Seconds - sec + sec. Clear clipboard after @@ -520,11 +532,11 @@ min Minutes - min + min. Clipboard clear seconds - Klembord wissen in seconden + Klembord wissen na (in seconden) Lock databases after inactivity of @@ -536,19 +548,19 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - Snel ontgrendelen van databases inschakelen (Touch ID / Windows Hello) + Snel ontgrendelen inschakelen (Touch ID/Windows Hello) Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed - Databases vergrendelen als de gebruikerssessie wordt vergrendeld of bij het sluiten van het deksel + Databases vergrendelen als de gebruikerssessie wordt vergrendeld of na het sluiten van het laptopscherm Lock databases after minimizing the window - Databases vergrendelen bij het minimaliseren van het venster + Databases vergrendelen na minimaliseren van venster Require password repeat when it is visible - Herhaling vereisen wanneer het wachtwoord zichtbaar is + Herhaling vereisen als wachtwoord zichtbaar is Hide passwords when editing them @@ -556,7 +568,7 @@ Use placeholder for empty password fields - Tijdelijke aanduiding gebruiken voor lege wachtwoordvelden + Tijdelijke aanduidingen tonen in lege wachtwoordvelden Hide passwords in the entry preview panel @@ -564,15 +576,15 @@ Hide entry notes by default - Notities standaard verbergen + Notities verbergen Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation - Items zonder bevestiging naar de prullenbak verplaatsen + Items zonder bevestiging naar prullenbak verplaatsen Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns - Dubbelklikken inschakelen om de kolommen voor gebruikersnaam/wachtwoordinvoer te kopiëren + Dubbelklikken op gebruikersnamen en wachtwoorden in kolommen om ze te kopiëren Privacy @@ -580,18 +592,18 @@ Use DuckDuckGo service to download website icons - DuckDuckGo gebruiken om websitepictogrammen te downloaden + Websitepictogrammen ophalen van DuckDuckGo AutoType The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: - De gevraagde automatische reeks kan niet worden gebruikt vanwege een fout: + De gevraagde invulreeks kan niet worden gebruikt wegens een foutmelding: Auto-Type Error - Fout bij Auto-type + Fout tijdens automatisch invullen Permission Required @@ -599,31 +611,31 @@ KeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. - KeePassXC heeft de Toegankelijkheid-machtiging nodig om invoerniveau Auto-type te kunnen uitvoeren. Als je de machtiging al gegeven hebt, is het mogelijk dat je KeePassXC opnieuw moet opstarten. + KeePassXC vereist de toegankelijkheidsmachtiging om items automatisch te kunnen invullen. Als je de machtiging al heeft verleend, probeer dan om KeePassXC opnieuw te starten. KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. - KeePassXC heeft de Toegankelijkheid- en Schermopname-machtiging nodig om globale Auto-type te kunnen uitvoeren. Schermopname is benodigd om het venster te gebruiken om invoer te kunnen vinden. Als je de machtiging al gegeven hebt, is het mogelijk dat je KeePassXC opnieuw moet opstarten. + KeePassXC vereist de toegankelijkheids- en schermopnamemachtigingen om items automatisch te kunnen invullen. Schermopname is vereist om bijbehorende vensters te detecteren. Als je de machtigingen al hebt verleend, probeer dan om KeePassXC opnieuw te starten. Invalid entry provided - Ongeldige vermelding opgegeven + Ongeldig item opgegeven Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } - Ongelijk aantal haakjes gedetecteerd, extra { of } gevonden + Ongelijk aantal haakjes gedetecteerd: extra { of } aangetroffen Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 - Te veel herhalingen gedetecteerd, max is %1: %2 + Teveel herhalingen gedetecteerd (%2). Maximaal toegestaan: %1. Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2 - Zeer trage toetsaanslag gedetecteerd, max is %1: %2 + Zeer trage toetsaanslag gedetecteerd (%2). Maximaal toegestaan: %1. Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 - Zeer lange vertraging gedetecteerd, max is %1: %2 + Zeer lange toetsaanslag gedetecteerd (%2). Maximaal toegestaan: %1. Invalid conversion type: %1 @@ -636,13 +648,17 @@ Invalid regular expression syntax %1 %2 - Ongeldige syntaxis voor reguliere expressie %1 + Ongeldige syntaxis in reguliere uitdrukking ‘%1’ %2 Invalid placeholder: %1 Ongeldige tijdelijke aanduiding: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Het item bevat geen kenmerk voor PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -686,30 +702,30 @@ AutoTypePlatformX11 Trying to send invalid keysym. - Poging om ongeldig keysym te verzenden. + Poging om ongeldige keysym te verzenden. Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on - Volgorde afgebroken: Caps Lock is ingeschakeld + Reeks afgebroken: Caps Lock is ingeschakeld Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user - Reeks afgebroken: Modifier-toetsen ingedrukt door de gebruiker + Reeks afgebroken: speciale toetsen ingedrukt door de gebruiker Unable to get valid keycode for key: - Kan geen geldige code krijgen voor toets: + De geldige toetscode van de volgende toets kan niet worden opgevraagd: AutoTypeSelectDialog Auto-Type - KeePassXC - Auto-type - KeePassXC + Automatisch invullen - KeePassXC Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search: - Dubbelklik op een rij om Automatisch typen uit te voeren of zoek een item met de zoekopdracht: + Dubbelklik op een rij om automatisch invullen te activeren of zoek een item met behulp van het zoekvak: <p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/> @@ -718,12 +734,12 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - <p>Gebruik geavanceerde zoekopdrachten om items in de geopende databases te vinden. De volgende sneltoetsen zijn handig:<br/> -Ctrl+F - Zoeken in database in-/uitschakelen<br/> -Ctrl+1 - Typ gebruikersnaam<br/> -Ctrl+2 - Typ wachtwoord<br/> -Ctrl+3 - Typ TOTP<br/> -Ctrl+4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen Windows)</p> + <p>Je kunt uitgebreide zoekopdrachten uitvoeren om items in de geopende databases te vinden. De volgende sneltoetsen zijn handig:<br/> +Ctrl+F - Zoeken in database tonen/verbergen<br/> +Ctrl+1 - Gebruikersnaam invoeren<br/> +Ctrl+2 - Wachtwoord invoeren<br/> +Ctrl+3 - TOTP invoeren<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen op Windows)</p> Search all open databases @@ -731,7 +747,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen Windows)</p> Search… - Zoeken... + Zoeken… Type Sequence @@ -778,11 +794,11 @@ Ctrl+4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen Windows)</p> %1 is requesting access to the following entries: - %1 vraagt toegang tot de volgende vermeldingen: + %1 vraagt toegang tot de volgende items: Remember access to checked entries - Onthoud de toegang tot aangevinkte vermeldingen + Toegang tot aangevinkte items onthouden Remember @@ -790,7 +806,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen Windows)</p> Allow access to entries - Toegang tot vermeldingen toestaan + Itemtoegang toestaan Allow Selected @@ -802,14 +818,14 @@ Ctrl+4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen Windows)</p> Disable for this site - Uitschakelen voor deze website + Uitschakelen op deze website BrowserEntrySaveDialog KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry - KeePassXC-Browser: Item opslaan + KeePassXC-Browser - Item opslaan Ok @@ -823,26 +839,26 @@ Ctrl+4 - Virtueel toetsenbord gebruiken (alleen Windows)</p> You have multiple databases open. Please select the correct database for saving credentials. Er zijn meerdere databases geopend. -Selecteer de database voor het opslaan van de inloggegevens. +Kies de database waarin de inloggegevens dienen te worden opgeslagen. BrowserService KeePassXC: Create a new group - KeePassXC: Een nieuwe groep aanmaken + KeePassXC - Nieuwe groep aanmaken A request for creating a new group "%1" has been received. Do you want to create this group? - Een aanvraag voor het aanmaken van een nieuwe groep '%1' werd ontvangen. + Er is een aanvraag gedaan voor het aanmaken van een nieuwe groep genaamd ‘%1’. Wil je deze groep aanmaken? KeePassXC: New key association request - KeePassXC: Nieuw verzoek voor sleutelkoppeling + KeePassXC - Verzoek tot sleutelkoppeling You have received an association request for the following database: @@ -850,10 +866,10 @@ Wil je deze groep aanmaken? Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example: chrome-laptop. - Je hebt een associatieverzoek ontvangen voor de volgende database: + Er is toegang gevraagd tot de volgende database: %1 -Geef de verbinding een unieke naam of ID, voorbeeld: +Geef de koppeling een unieke naam of id. Voorbeeld: chrome-laptop @@ -862,17 +878,17 @@ chrome-laptop KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? - KeePassXC: Bestaande sleutel overschrijven? + KeePassXC - Bestaande sleutel overschrijven? A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? - Een gedeelde coderingssleutel met de naam "%1" bestaat al. + Er is al een gedeelde beveiligingssleutel genaamd ‘%1’. Wil je deze overschrijven? KeePassXC: Update Entry - KeePassXC: Item bijwerken + KeePassXC - Item bijwerken Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? @@ -880,19 +896,19 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? KeePassXC: Delete entry - KeePassXC: Item verwijderen + KeePassXC - Item verwijderen A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. Do you want to delete the entry? - Er is een verzoek ontvangen om item "%1" te verwijderen. + Er is een verzoek gedaan om ‘%1’ te verwijderen. Wil je dit item verwijderen? Converting attributes to custom data… - Kenmerken worden omgezet in aangepaste gegevens... + Bezig met omzetten van kenmerken naar aangepaste gegevens… Abort @@ -900,21 +916,21 @@ Wil je dit item verwijderen? KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributes - KeePassXC: Omgezette KeePassHTTP-kenmerken + KeePassXC - Omgezette KeePassHTTP-kenmerken Successfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s). Moved %2 keys to custom data. - Kenmerken van %1 item(s) is/zijn omgezet. -%2 sleutels naar aangepaste gegevens verplaatst. + De kenmerken van %1 item(s) is/zijn omgezet. +Er zijn %2 sleutels naar aangepaste gegevens verplaatst. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - Sleutel is verplaats naar speciale data.%n Sleutels zijn verplaatst naar aangepaste gegevens. + Er is %n sleutel verplaatst naar aangepaste gegevens.Er zijn %n sleutels verplaatst naar aangepaste gegevens. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! - KeePassXC: Geen item met KeePassHTTP-kenmerken gevonden! + KeePassXC - Geen item met KeePassHTTP-kenmerken aangetroffen! The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes. @@ -922,18 +938,18 @@ Moved %2 keys to custom data. Don't show this warning again - Deze waarschuwing niet meer geven + Waarschuwing niet meer tonen KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected - KeePassXC: instellingen voor oudere browserintegratie gedetecteerd + KeePassXC - Instellingen van verouderde browserintegratie gedetecteerd Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings. This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections. Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? - De KeePassXC-Browser instellingen moeten worden verplaatst naar de instellingen-database. -Dit is nodig om de huidige browserverbindingen te behouden. + De KeePassXC-Browser-instellingen dienen te worden verplaatst naar de databaseinstellingen. +Dit is nodig om de huidige browserkoppelingen te behouden. Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? @@ -941,11 +957,11 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? BrowserSettingsWidget Dialog - Dialoog + Dialoogvenster This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser - Dit is vereist voor toegang tot jouw databases met KeePassXC-Browser + Dit is vereist als je toegang wil tot jouw databases vanuit KeePassXC-Browser Enable browser integration @@ -957,11 +973,11 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported. - Browsers die als snaps zijn geïnstalleerd, worden momenteel niet ondersteund. + Er is momenteel geen ondersteuning voor als ‘snap’ geïnstalleerde browsers. Enable integration for these browsers: - Activeer integratie voor deze browsers: + Integratie in de volgende browsers inschakelen: Vivaldi @@ -994,31 +1010,31 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Show a notification when credentials are requested Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension - Toon een melding wanneer om referenties wordt gevraagd + Melding tonen als er om inloggegevens wordt gevraagd Request to unlock the database if it is locked - Verzoek om ontgrendeling van de database als deze is vergrendeld + Verzoeken om database te ontgrendelen indien vergrendeld Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. - Alleen items met hetzelfde schema (http://, https://, ...) worden gegeven. + Er worden alleen items met hetzelfde schema (http://, https://, ...) getoond. Match URL scheme (e.g., - Overeenkomstig URL-schema (bijv. + Overeenkomstig url-schema (bijv. Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. - Geeft alleen de beste overeenkomsten terug voor een specifieke URL in plaats van alle items voor het hele domein. + Toont alleen de beste overeenkomsten bij een specifieke url in plaats van alle items op het domein. Return only best-matching credentials - Geef alleen best overeenkomende inloggegevens + Alleen beste overeenkomsten tonen Returns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title. - Geeft verlopen inloggegevens. Woord [expired] is aan de titel toegevoegd. + Toont verlopen inloggegevens. De tekst ‘[verlopen]’ wordt aan de titel toegevoegd. Allow returning expired credentials @@ -1026,12 +1042,12 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? All databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials. - Alle databases verbonden met de extensie kunnen overeenkomende inloggegevens geven. + Alle databases die aan de extensie gekoppeld zijn kunnen overeenkomende inloggegevens opleveren. Search in all opened databases for matching credentials Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension - Zoek in alle geopende databases naar overeenkomende inloggegevens + Alle geopende databases doorzoeken Advanced @@ -1050,23 +1066,23 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Do not ask permission for HTTP Basic Auth An extra HTTP Basic Auth setting - Vraag geen toestemming voor HTTP Basic Auth + Geen toestemming vragen bij gebruik van HTTP Basic Auth Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported. - Het automatisch aanmaken of wijzigen van tekenreeks-velden wordt niet ondersteund. + Het automatisch aanmaken of wijzigen van tekenreeksvelden wordt niet ondersteund. Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: " - Lever geavanceerde tekenreeksvelden die beginnen met "KPH:" + Geavanceerde tekenreeksvelden die beginnen met ‘KPH:’ tonen Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings. - Laat de pop-up die de migratie van KeePassHTTP naar KeePassXC-Browser aanbiedt, niet meer zien. + Toon de pop-up die de migratie van KeePassHTTP naar KeePassXC-Browser aanbiedt nooit meer. Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration. - Vraag niet om migratie van KeePassHTTP-instellingen. + Niet vragen om migratie van KeePassHTTP-instellingen. Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup. @@ -1074,45 +1090,45 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Update native messaging manifest files at startup - Native messaging-manifestbestanden bij het opstarten bijwerken + Native messaging-manifestbestanden automatisch bijwerken na opstarten Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually. - Gebruik een aangepaste proxy-locatie als je zelf een proxy hebt geïnstalleerd. + Gebruik een aangepaste proxylocatie als je gebruik maakt van een eigen proxy. Use a custom proxy location: Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-Browser - Aangepaste proxy-locatie toepassen: + Aangepaste proxylocatie: Custom proxy location field - Handmatig Proxy invulveld + Invulveld eigen proxy Browser for custom proxy file - Blader naar eigen Proxy configuratiebestand + Kies een eigen proxyconfiguratiebestand Browse… Button for opening file dialog - Bladeren… + Kiezen… Use a custom browser configuration location: - Aangepaste locatie voor de browserconfiguratie gebruiken: + Aangepaste browserconfiguratielocatie gebruiken: Browser type: - Browser-type: + Webbrowser: Toolbar button style - Knopstijl van de werkbalk + Werkbalkknopstijl Config Location: - Locatie configuratiebestand: + Locatie van configuratiebestand: Custom browser location field @@ -1120,35 +1136,35 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Browse for custom browser path - Blader naar een aangepast browserpad + Kies een aangepaste browserlocatie Custom extension ID: - Aangepast extensie-ID: + Aangepaste extensie-id: Custom extension ID - Aangepast extensie-ID + Aangepaste extensie-id Due to Snap sandboxing, you must run a script to enable browser integration.<br />You can obtain this script from %1 - Vanwege de Snap-sandboxing moet je een script uitvoeren waarmee browserintegratie mogelijk wordt. <br /> Je kunt dit script vinden op %1 + Door de Snap-sandboxing moet je een script uitvoeren om browserintegratie mogelijk te maken. <br /> Dit script is te vinden op %1 KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3. %4 - KeePassXC-Browser is nodig om de integratie met de browser te laten werken. <br /> Download het voor %1 en %2 en %3. %4 + KeePassXC-Browser is nodig om de integratie met de browser te laten werken. <br /> Download de extensie voor %1 en %2 en %3. %4 Please see special instructions for browser extension use below - Raadpleeg onderstaande speciale instructies voor gebruik van browserextensie + Raadpleeg onderstaande instructies omtrent het gebruik van de browserextensie <b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location cannot be found!<br/>Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application. - Fout:</b> De aangepaste proxy-locatie is niet gevonden!<br/>Browserintegratie WERKT NIET zonder de proxy-applicatie. + Foutmelding:</b> de aangepaste proxylocatie is niet aangetroffen!<br/>Browserintegratie WERKT NIET zonder de proxy-applicatie. <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! - <b>Waarschuwing:</b> De volgende opties kunnen gevaarlijk zijn! + <b>Waarschuwing:</b> de volgende opties kunnen gevaarlijk zijn! Executable Files @@ -1160,22 +1176,22 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Select custom proxy location - Selecteer aangepaste proxy-locatie + Kies een aangepaste proxylocatie Select native messaging host folder location - Selecteer de locatie van de native messaging-hostmap + Kies de locatie van de native messaging-hostmap CloneDialog Clone Entry Options - Opties voor items dupliceren + Opties omtrent itemkloning Append ' - Clone' to title - Voeg ' - Duplicaat' toe aan naam + ' (gekloond)' toevoegen aan titel Replace username and password with references @@ -1183,14 +1199,14 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Copy history - Historie kopiëren + Geschiedenis kopiëren CsvImportWidget Import CSV fields - CSV-velden importeren + Csv-velden importeren filename @@ -1202,7 +1218,7 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Column Association - Kolomverwijzing + Kolomtoewijzing Password @@ -1222,7 +1238,7 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? URL - URL + Url Notes @@ -1270,7 +1286,7 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Comments start with - Commentaar start met + Opmerkingen beginnen met Header lines skipped @@ -1286,7 +1302,7 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Consider '\' an escape character - Beschouw '\' als escape-teken + ‘\’ beschouwen als escapeteken Preview @@ -1294,7 +1310,7 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? CSV import preview - CSV import voorbeeld + Csv-import - Voorvertoning Not Present @@ -1306,7 +1322,7 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Imported from CSV file - Geïmporteerd uit CSV-bestand + Geïmporteerd uit csv-bestand Original data: @@ -1314,20 +1330,20 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? Error(s) detected in CSV file! - Fout(en) gevonden in CSV-bestand! + Er is/zijn fout(en) aangetroffen in het csv-bestand! [%n more message(s) skipped] - [%n meer bericht(en) overgeslagen][%n bericht(en) overgeslagen] + [%n bericht overgeslagen][%n berichten overgeslagen] Error - Fout + Foutmelding CSV import: writer has errors: %1 - CSV importeren: schrijver heeft fouten: + Csv-import - Fouten tijdens wegschrijven: %1 @@ -1340,15 +1356,15 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? %n byte(s) - %n byte (s)%n byte(s) + %n byte%n bytes %n row(s) - %n rij(en)%n rij(en) + %n rij%n rijen %n column(s) - %n kolom%n kolom(men) + %n kolom%n kolommen @@ -1360,41 +1376,41 @@ Wil je de bestaande instellingen nu migreren? File %1 does not exist. - Bestand %1 bestaat niet. + ‘%1’ bestaat niet. Unable to open file %1. - Kan bestand %1 niet openen. + ‘%1’ kan niet worden geopend. Error while reading the database: %1 - Fout bij het lezen van de database: %1 + ‘%1’ kan niet worden uitgelezen. Could not save, database does not point to a valid file. - Kan niet opslaan. Database verwijst niet naar een geldig bestand. + Het opslaan is mislukt omdat de database niet verwijst naar een geldig bestand. Database save is already in progress. - Database wordt opgeslagen. + De database wordt opgeslagen. Could not save, database has not been initialized! - Niet opgeslagen, database is niet geïnitialiseerd! + Het opslaan is mislukt - de database is niet geïnitialiseerd! Database file has unmerged changes. - Databasebestand heeft niet opgeslagen gegevens. + De database heeft niet-opgeslagen gegevens. %1 Backup database located at %2 %1 -Back-up databestand op %2 +reservekopie van databestand in %2 Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers. - Sleutel is niet getransformeerd. Dit is een fout, rapporteer deze alsjeblieft aan de ontwikkelaars! + De sleutel is niet omgezet. Dit is een bug die gemeld dient te worden aan de ontwikkelaars! Recycle Bin @@ -1416,11 +1432,11 @@ Back-up databestand op %2 Enter Password: - Geef wachtwoord: + Voer het wachtwoord in: Password field - Wachtwoord invulveld + Wachtwoordveld Enter Additional Credentials (if any): @@ -1430,28 +1446,18 @@ Back-up databestand op %2 Key File: Sleutelbestand: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Naast een wachtwoord kan je een geheim bestand gebruiken om de beveiliging van je database te verbeteren. Dit bestand kan worden gegenereerd in de beveiligingsinstellingen van je database.</p><p>Dit is <strong>niet</strong> jouw *.kdbx database-bestand!<br>Laat dit veld leeg als je geen sleutelbestand gebruikt.</p><p>Klik hier voor meer informatie...</p> - Key file help Sleutelbestandhulp Hardware key slot selection - Hardwaresleutel positie selectie + Hardwaresleutel-positieselectie Hardware Key: Hardwaresleutel: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Je kunt een hardwarebeveiligingssleutel gebruiken, zoals een <strong>YubiKey</strong> of <strong>OnlyKey</strong> met posities (slots) geconfigureerd voor HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Klik voor meer informatie...</p> - Hardware key help Hardwaresleutelhulp @@ -1462,15 +1468,15 @@ Back-up databestand op %2 Browse for key file - Blader naar sleutelbestand + Kies een sleutelbestand Browse… - Bladeren… + Kiezen… Refresh hardware tokens - Hardwaretoken verversen + Hardwarematige sleutels vernieuwen Refresh @@ -1490,7 +1496,7 @@ Back-up databestand op %2 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - Presenteer je YubiKey of druk er op om door te gaan... + Koppel je YubiKey aan of druk er op om door te gaan… Database Version Mismatch @@ -1504,63 +1510,63 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - De database die je probeert te openen, was waarschijnlijk + De database die je probeert te openen is waarschijnlijk gemaakt door een nieuwere versie van KeePassXC. -Je kunt toch proberen het te openen, maar het kan onvolledig zijn -en het opslaan van eventuele wijzigingen kan gegevensverlies veroorzaken. +Je kunt proberen om de database alsnog te openen, maar deze kan onvolledig zijn +en het opslaan van eventuele aanpassingen kan tot gegevensverlies leiden. -We raden je aan jouw KeePassXC-installatie bij te werken. +We raden je aan om KeePassXC bij te werken. Open database anyway - Open database toch + Database openen Database unlock canceled. - Database ontgrendelen geannuleerd. + Het openen van de database is afgebroken. Unlock failed and no password given - Ontgrendeling mislukt en geen wachtwoord ingevoerd + Ontgrendelen mislukt: geen wachtwoord ingevoerd Unlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password. Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead? To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password. - Het ontgrendelen van de database is mislukt en je hebt geen wachtwoord ingevoerd. -Wil je het opnieuw proberen met een "leeg" wachtwoord? + Het ontgrendelen van de database is mislukt omdat je geen wachtwoord heeft ingevoerd. +Wil je het opnieuw proberen met een ‘leeg’ wachtwoord? -Om deze fout te voorkomen ga je naar "Database instellingen.../Beveiliging" en herstel daar het wachtwoord. +Als je deze foutmelding niet meer wilt zien, ga dan naar ‘Databaseinstellingen… → Beveiliging’ en herstel het wachtwoord. Retry with empty password - Probeer opnieuw met leeg wachtwoord + Opnieuw proberen met leeg wachtwoord Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello - Kan niet worden geverifieerd met Windows Hello + De Windows Hello-verificatie is mislukt Failed to authenticate with Touch ID - Kan niet worden geverifieerd met Touch ID + De Touch ID-verificatie is mislukt Failed to open key file: %1 - Kon sleutelbestand niet openen: %1 + Het sleutelbestand kan niet worden geopend: %1 Old key file format - Oud sleutelbestandsformaat + Verouderd sleutelbestandsformaat You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database &gt; Database Security &gt; Change Key File.</strong><br> - Je gebruikt een oude sleutelbestandsindeling die KeePassXC<br>in de toekomst mogelijk niet meer ondersteunt.<br><br>Overweeg om een nieuw sleutelbestand te genereren bij:<br><strong>Database > Databasebeveiliging > Sleutelbestand wijzigen.</strong><br> + Je maakt gebruik van een verouderde sleutelbestandsindeling die <br>in de toekomst mogelijk niet meer ondersteund wordt.<br><br>Overweeg om een nieuw sleutelbestand te genereren via <br><strong>Database → Databasebeveiliging → Sleutelbestand wijzigen</strong>.<br> Don't show this warning again - Deze waarschuwing niet meer geven + Waarschuwing niet meer tonen All files @@ -1572,29 +1578,39 @@ Om deze fout te voorkomen ga je naar "Database instellingen.../Beveiliging& Select key file - Kies sleutelbestand + Kies een sleutelbestand Cannot use database file as key file - Kan database niet als sleutelbestand gebruiken + Kan database niet gebruiken als sleutelbestand You cannot use your database file as a key file. If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. - Je kunt je database niet als sleutelbestand gebruiken. -Als je geen sleutelbestand hebt laat je het veld leeg. + Je kunt de database niet als sleutelbestand gebruiken. +Als je geen sleutelbestand hebt, laat het veld dan leeg. Detecting hardware keys… - Hardwaresleutels detecteren... + Bezig met zoeken naar hardwaresleutels… No hardware keys detected - Geen hardwaresleutels gedetecteerd + Er zijn geen hardwaresleutels aangetroffen Select hardware key… - Selecteer hardwaresleutel... + Kies een hardwaresleutel… + + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Naast een wachtwoord kun je een geheim bestand gebruiken om de beveiliging van uw database te verbeteren. Dit bestand kan worden gegenereerd in de beveiligingsinstellingen van uw database.</p><p>Let op: dit is <strong>niet</strong> jouw *.kdbx-databasebestand!<br>Laat dit veld leeg als je geen sleutelbestand gebruikt.</p><p>Klik hier voor meer informatie…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Je kunt een hardwarematige beveiligingssleutel gebruiken, zoals een <strong>YubiKey</strong> of <strong>OnlyKey</strong>, met posities (slots) die ingesteld zijn voor gebruik van HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Klik hier voor meer informatie…</p> @@ -1620,11 +1636,11 @@ Als je geen sleutelbestand hebt laat je het veld leeg. Database Credentials - Databasegegevens + Database inloggegevens Encryption Settings - Versleutelingsinstellingen + Beveiligingsinstellingen Browser Integration @@ -1639,7 +1655,7 @@ Als je geen sleutelbestand hebt laat je het veld leeg. DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser KeePassXC-Browser settings - KeePassXC-Browser instellingen + KeePassXC-Browser-instellingen Convert KeePassHTTP data @@ -1651,15 +1667,15 @@ Als je geen sleutelbestand hebt laat je het veld leeg. Refresh database root group ID - Database-rootgroep-ID vernieuwen + Database-hoofdgroep-id vernieuwen Disconnect all browsers - Verbreek de verbinding met alle browsers + Alle browsers vergeten Forget all site-specific settings on entries - Vergeet alle site-specifieke instellingen bij items + Alle website-specifieke instellingen van items vergeten Stored keys @@ -1671,7 +1687,7 @@ Als je geen sleutelbestand hebt laat je het veld leeg. Remove selected key - Geselecteerde sleutel verwijderen + Gekozen sleutel verwijderen Remove @@ -1679,13 +1695,13 @@ Als je geen sleutelbestand hebt laat je het veld leeg. Delete the selected key? - Geselecteerde sleutel verwijderen? + Gekozen sleutel verwijderen? Do you really want to delete the selected key? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. - Wil je de geselecteerde sleutel echt verwijderen? -Hierdoor werkt de verbinding met de browserextensie mogelijk niet meer. + Weet je zeker dat je de gekozen sleutel wil verwijderen? +Hierdoor wordt de koppeling met de browserextensie mogelijk verbroken. Key @@ -1701,38 +1717,38 @@ Hierdoor werkt de verbinding met de browserextensie mogelijk niet meer. Enable Browser Integration to access these settings. - Activeer browserintegratie om deze instellingen te kunnen wijzigen. + Schakel browserintegratie in om deze instellingen te kunnen wijzigen. Do you really want to disconnect all browsers? This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. - Wil je echt de verbinding met alle browsers verbreken? -Hierdoor werkt de verbinding met de browserextensie mogelijk niet meer. + Weet je zeker dat je alle browsers wilt vergeten? +Hierdoor wordt de koppeling met de browserextensie mogelijk verbroken. KeePassXC: No keys found - KeePassXC: Geen sleutels gevonden + KeePassXC: geen sleutels aangetroffen No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings. - Geen gedeelde coderingssleutels gevonden in KeePassXC instellingen. + Er zijn geen gedeelde beveiligingssleutels aangetroffen in de KeePassXC-instellingen. KeePassXC: Removed keys from database - KeePassXC: Sleutels uit database verwijderd + KeePassXC: sleutels uit database verwijderd Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. - %n coderingssleutel uit KeePassXC instellingen verwijderd.Er zijn %n coderingssleutel(s) uit KeePassXC-instellingen verwijderd. + Er is %n beveiligingssleutel verwijderd uit de KeePassXC-instellingen.Er zijn %n beveiligingssleutels verwijderd uit de KeePassXC-instellingen. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? Permissions to access entries will be revoked. - Wil je echt alle site-specifieke instellingen bij items vergeten? Machtigingen voor toegang zullen worden ingetrokken. + Weet je zeker dat je alle website-specifieke instellingen van items wilt vergeten? Hierdoor worden alle toegangsrechten ingetrokken. Removing stored permissions… - Opgeslagen machtigingen verwijderen… + Bezig met verwijderen van opgeslagen toegangsrechten… Abort @@ -1740,46 +1756,46 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked. KeePassXC: Removed permissions - KeePassXC: machtigingen verwijderd + KeePassXC: toegangsrechten verwijderd Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). - Machtigingen zijn verwijderd uit %n item(s).Machtigingen zijn verwijderd uit %n item(s). + Er zijn toegangsrechten verwijderd uit %n item.Er zijn toegangsrechten verwijderd uit %n items. KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! - KeePassXC: Geen item met machtigingen gevonden! + KeePassXC: geen item met toegangsrechten gevonden! The active database does not contain an entry with permissions. - De actieve database bevat geen items met machtigingen. + De actieve database bevat geen items met toegangsrechten. Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom data - KeePassHTTP-kenmerken naar aangepaste gegevens verplaasen + KeePassHTTP-kenmerken naar aangepaste gegevens verplaatsen Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. - Wil je echt alle instellingen voor de oudere browserintegratie veranderen naar de nieuwste standaard? + Weet je zeker dat je alle instellingen van de oudere browserintegratie wilt migreren naar de nieuwste standaard? Dit is nodig om compatibiliteit met de browserextensie te behouden. Refresh database ID - Database-ID vernieuwen + Database-id vernieuwen Do you really want refresh the database ID? This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect. - Wilt je echt de database-ID vernieuwen? -Dit is alleen nodig als je database een kopie is van een andere en de browserextensie geen verbinding kan maken. + Weet je zeker dat je de database-id wilt vernieuwen? +Dit is alleen nodig als jouw database een kopie is van een andere en de browserextensie geen verbinding kan maken. DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey Add additional protection… - Aanvullende beveiliging toevoegen... + Aanvullende beveiliging toevoegen… No password set @@ -1789,9 +1805,9 @@ Dit is alleen nodig als je database een kopie is van een andere en de browserext WARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged! Are you sure you want to continue without a password? - WAARSCHUWING! Je hebt geen wachtwoord ingesteld. Een database gebruiken zonder wachtwoord wordt sterk afgeraden! + WAARSCHUWING! Je hebt geen wachtwoord ingesteld. Het gebruik van een database zonder wachtwoord wordt sterk afgeraden! -Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan zonder een wachtwoord? +Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan zonder wachtwoord? Continue without password @@ -1799,11 +1815,11 @@ Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan zonder een wachtwoord? No encryption key added - Geen coderingssleutel toegevoegd + Geen beveiligingssleutel toegevoegd You must add at least one encryption key to secure your database! - Je moet minstens één coderingssleutel aan je database toevoegen om deze te beveiligen! + Je moet ten minste één beveiligingssleutel aan de database toevoegen om deze te beveiligen! Unknown error @@ -1811,18 +1827,18 @@ Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan zonder een wachtwoord? Failed to change database credentials - Veranderen van databasereferenties is mislukt + De database-inloggegevens kunnen niet worden gewijzigd DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryption Decryption Time: - Decoderingstijd: + Ontcijferingstijd: Change existing decryption time - Huidige decoderingstijd wijzigen + Huidige ontcijferingstijd wijzigen Change @@ -1830,47 +1846,47 @@ Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan zonder een wachtwoord? Decryption time in seconds - Decoderingstijd in seconden + De ontcijferingstijd, in seconden Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer. - Hogere waarden bieden meer bescherming, maar laten het openen van de database langer duren. + Hogere waarden bieden meer bescherming, maar zorgen voor een langere wachttijd bij het openen. Database format: - Database-indeling: + Databaseindeling: Database format - Database-indeling + Databaseindeling Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features - Indeling kan niet worden gewijzigd: de database maakt gebruik van KDBX 4-functies + De indeling kan niet worden gewijzigd omdat de database gebruik maakt van KDBX 4-functies Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. - Tenzij je de database met andere programma's wil openen, gebruik je altijd de nieuwste indeling. + Kies altijd de nieuwste indeling, tenzij je de database wilt openen in andere programma's. Encryption Algorithm: - Versleutelingsalgoritme: + Beveiligingsalgoritme: Encryption algorithm - Versleutelingsalgoritme + Beveiligingsalgoritme AES: 256 Bit (default) - AES: 256 bit (standaard) + AES: 256-bit (standaard) Twofish: 256 Bit - Twofish: 256 bit + Twofish: 256-bit Key Derivation Function: - Sleutel-afleidingsfunctie: + Sleutelafleidingsfunctie: Key derivation function @@ -1878,11 +1894,11 @@ Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan zonder een wachtwoord? Transform rounds: - Transformatie-iteraties: + Aantal transformaties: Transform rounds - Transformatierondes + Aantal transformaties Memory Usage: @@ -1916,19 +1932,19 @@ Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan zonder een wachtwoord? Number of rounds too high Key transformation rounds - Aantal iteraties te hoog + Het aantal transformaties is te hoog You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. - Je gebruikt een zeer groot aantal sleuteltransformatie-iteraties met Argon2. + Je maakt gebruik van een zeer hoog aantal sleuteltransformaties met Argon2. Als je dit aantal aanhoudt, kan het uren, dagen of zelfs langer duren om de database te openen! Understood, keep number - Begrepen, aantal aanhouden + Begrepen - aantal aanhouden Cancel @@ -1937,15 +1953,15 @@ Als je dit aantal aanhoudt, kan het uren, dagen of zelfs langer duren om de data Number of rounds too low Key transformation rounds - Aantal iteraties te laag + Het aantal transformaties is te laag You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. - Je gebruikt een zeer laag aantal sleuteltransformatie-iteraties met AES-KDF. + Je maakt gebruik van een zeer laag aantal sleuteltransformaties met AES-KDF. -Als je dit aantal aanhoudt is je database niet bestand tegen aanvallen met brute kracht! +Als je dit aantal aanhoudt, dan is de database niet bestand tegen directe aanvallen! KDF unchanged @@ -1953,7 +1969,7 @@ Als je dit aantal aanhoudt is je database niet bestand tegen aanvallen met brute Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. - Het transformeren van de sleutel met de nieuwe KDF-parameters is mislukt; KDF is ongewijzigd. + Het transformeren van de sleutel met de nieuwe KDF-opties is mislukt. De KDF is ongewijzigd. MiB @@ -1963,7 +1979,7 @@ Als je dit aantal aanhoudt is je database niet bestand tegen aanvallen met brute thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) - thread(s)thread(s) + procesprocessen @@ -1974,38 +1990,38 @@ Als je dit aantal aanhoudt is je database niet bestand tegen aanvallen met brute Don't expose this database - Deze database niet blootstellen + Database niet openbaren Expose entries under this group: - Items onder deze groep blootstellen: + Items uit de volgende groep openbaren: Enable Secret Service to access these settings. - Schakel Secret Service in om toegang te krijgen tot deze instellingen. + Schakel ‘Geheime diensten’ in om toegang te krijgen tot deze instellingen. DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneral Database Metadata - Database meta-gegevens + Database-metagegevens Database name: - Naam van de database: + Databasenaam: Database name field - Databasenaamveld + Database-naamveld Database description: - Beschrijving van de database: + Databasebeschrijving: Database description field - Databaseomschrijvingveld + Database-beschrijvingveld Default username: @@ -2017,23 +2033,23 @@ Als je dit aantal aanhoudt is je database niet bestand tegen aanvallen met brute History Settings - Geschiedenis-instellingen + Geschiedenisinstellingen Maximum number of history items per entry - Maximum aantal vorige versies per item + Maximumaantal vorige versies per item Max. history items: - Max. geschiedenisitems: + Max. aantal items in geschiedenis: Maximum size of history per entry - Maximale grootte van vorige versies per item + Maximale omvang van vorige versies per item Max. history size: - Max. geschiedenisgrootte: + Max. geschiedenisomvang: MiB @@ -2045,7 +2061,7 @@ Als je dit aantal aanhoudt is je database niet bestand tegen aanvallen met brute Additional Database Settings - Aanvullende database-instellingen + Aanvullende databaseinstellingen Enable compression (recommended) @@ -2053,13 +2069,13 @@ Als je dit aantal aanhoudt is je database niet bestand tegen aanvallen met brute Delete Recycle Bin - Verwijder prullenbak + Prullenbak verwijderen Do you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents? This action is not reversible. - Wil je de huidige prullenbak en al zijn inhoud verwijderen? -Deze actie is onomkeerbaar. + Weet je zeker dat je de huidige prullenbak en alle inhoud ervan wilt verwijderen? +Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt. (old) @@ -2082,11 +2098,11 @@ Deze actie is onomkeerbaar. Path - Pad + Locatie Last Signer - Laatste Ondertekenaar + Laatst ondertekend door Certificates @@ -2106,50 +2122,50 @@ Deze actie is onomkeerbaar. Delete selected icon(s) - Geselecteerde pictogram(en) verwijderen + Geselecteerd(e) pictogram(men) verwijderen Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group - Alle aangepaste pictogrammen verwijderen die niet door een vermelding of groep worden gebruikt + Verwijder alle ongebruikte aangepaste pictogrammen Purge unused icons - Ongebruikte pictogrammen opschonen + Ongebruikte pictogrammen verwijderen Confirm Deletion - Verwijdering bevestigen + Verwijderen bevestigen At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? - Tenminste één van de geselecteerde pictogrammen wordt momenteel gebruikt door tenminste één item of groep. De pictogrammen van alle betrokken vermeldingen en groepen worden vervangen door het standaardpictogram. Weet je zeker dat je pictogrammen wilt verwijderen die momenteel in gebruik zijn? + Ten minste één van de geselecteerde pictogrammen wordt momenteel gebruikt door een item of groep. De pictogrammen van alle betrokken items en groepen worden vervangen door het standaardpictogram. Weet je zeker dat je de in gebruik zijnde pictogrammen wilt verwijderen? Custom Icons Are In Use - Aangepaste pictogrammen zijn in gebruik + Aangepaste pictogrammen in gebruik All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group. - Alle aangepaste pictogrammen worden gebruikt door tenminste één item of groep. + Alle aangepaste pictogrammen zijn in gebruik door ten minste één item of groep. Purged Unused Icons - Ongebruikte pictogrammen gewist + De ongebruikte pictogrammen zijn gewist Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - Wist %n-pictogram(en) uit de database.%n Pictogram(en) uit de database gewist. + Er is %n pictogram verwijderd.Er zijn %n pictogrammen verwijderd. DatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimple Database Name: - Database naam: + Databasenaam: Database name field - Databasenaamveld + Database-naamveld Description: @@ -2157,20 +2173,20 @@ Deze actie is onomkeerbaar. Database description field - Databaseomschrijvingveld + Database-omschrijvingveld DatabaseTabWidget Database creation error - Fout bij het aanmaken van de database: + De database kan niet worden aangemaakt The created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it. This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. - De aangemaakte database heeft geen sleutel of KDF en kan daarom niet worden opgeslagen. -Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. + De aangemaakte database bevat geen sleutel of KDF en kan daarom niet worden opgeslagen. +Dit is een bug die aan de ontwikkelaars gemeld dient te worden. KeePass 2 Database @@ -2186,15 +2202,15 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. Failed to open %1. It either does not exist or is not accessible. - Kon %1 niet openen. Het bestaat niet of is niet toegankelijk. + ‘%1’ kan niet worden geopend. De database bestaat niet of is ontoegankelijk. CSV file - CSV-bestand + Csv-bestand Select CSV file - Selecteer CSV-bestand + Kies een csv-bestand Merge database @@ -2214,23 +2230,23 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. Export database to CSV file - Database exporteren naar CSV-bestand + Database exporteren naar csv-bestand Writing the CSV file failed. - Schrijven van het CSV-bestand mislukt. + Het csv-bestand kan niet worden weggeschreven. Writing the HTML file failed. - Schrijven van het HTML-bestand is mislukt. + Het html-bestand kan niet worden weggeschreven. Export Confirmation - Exporteerbevestiging + Exporteren bevestigen You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? - Je gaat je database naar een niet-versleuteld bestand exporteren. Dit maakt je wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! Weet je zeker dat je door wil gaan? + Je staat op het punt om de database naar een onbeveiligd bestand te exporteren. Hierdoor worden de wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! Weet je zeker dat je door wil door? New Database @@ -2246,28 +2262,36 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. Database tab name modifier %1 [vergrendeld] + + Export database to XML file + Database exporteren naar xml-bestand + + + XML file + Xml-bestand + + + Writing the XML file failed + Het xml-bestand kan niet worden weggeschreven. + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Database-labels - Searching… Bezig met zoeken… Shared group… - Gedeelde groep... + Gedeelde groep… Confirm Auto-Type - Auto-type bevestigen + Automatisch invullen bevestigen Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? - Auto-type uitvoeren in het venster dat zojuist actief was? + Wilt u automatisch invullen gebruiken in het onlangs actieve venster? Execute command? @@ -2279,7 +2303,7 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. Remember my choice - Mijn keuze onthouden + Keuze onthouden Delete group @@ -2287,7 +2311,7 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? - Weet je zeker dat je de groep "%1" wil verwijderen? + Weet je zeker dat je ‘%1’ wilt verwijderen? Move group to recycle bin? @@ -2295,7 +2319,7 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin? - Weet je zeker dat je de groep '%1' naar de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen? + Weet je zeker dat je ‘%1’ naar de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen? Expired entries @@ -2315,7 +2339,7 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. Database was not modified by merge operation. - Database werd niet gewijzigd door het samenvoegen. + De database is niet aangepast door het samenvoegen. Search Results (%1) @@ -2323,7 +2347,7 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. No Results - Geen resultaten + Er zijn geen zoekresultaten Lock Database? @@ -2336,14 +2360,14 @@ Dit is zeker een fout, rapporteer dit aan de ontwikkelaars. "%1" was modified. Save changes? - "%1" is aangepast. -Wijzigingen opslaan? + ‘%1’ is bewerkt. +Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan? Database was modified. Save changes? - Database is gewijzigd. -Wijzigingen opslaan? + De database is bewerkt. +Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan? Save changes? @@ -2351,27 +2375,27 @@ Wijzigingen opslaan? File has changed - Bestand is gewijzigd + Bestand is bewerkt The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? - Het database-bestand is gewijzigd. Wil je de aanpassingen inlezen? + Het databasebestand is bewerkt. Wil je de aanpassingen inlezen? Merge Request - Samenvoegingsverzoek + Samenvoegverzoek The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. Do you want to merge your changes? - Het databasebestand is veranderd en er zijn niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen. + Het databasebestand is bewerkt en er zijn niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen. Wil je de wijzigingen samenvoegen? Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload. Error: %1 - Kan het nieuwe databasebestand niet openen tijdens het automatisch opnieuw laden. -Fout: %1 + Het nieuwe databasebestand kan niet worden geopend tijdens het automatisch opnieuw laden. +Foutmelding: %1 Disable safe saves? @@ -2380,12 +2404,12 @@ Fout: %1 KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file. Disable safe saves and try again? - KeePassXC heeft de database meerdere keren niet kunnen opslaan. Dit wordt waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt doordat een synchronisatie-dienst het bestand vergrendeld houdt. -Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? + KeePassXC heeft de database meerdere keren niet kunnen opslaan. Dit wordt waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt doordat een synchronisatiedienst het bestand vergrendeld houdt. +Wilt u veilig opslaan uitschakelen en het opnieuw proberen? Writing the database failed: %1 - Het schrijven van de database is mislukt: %1 + De database kan niet worden weggeschreven: %1 Passwords @@ -2401,7 +2425,7 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? Save database backup - Database-backup opslaan + Reservekopie opslaan Empty recycle bin? @@ -2409,15 +2433,31 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? - Weet je zeker dat je alles definitief uit de prullenbak wil verwijderen? + Weet je zeker dat je alles definitief uit de prullenbak wilt verwijderen? Could not find database file: %1 - Databasebestand is niet aangetroffen: %1 + Het databasebestand is niet aangetroffen: %1 Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - Items die binnen %1 dag aflopenItems die binnen %1 dag(en) aflopen + Items die binnen %1 dag verlopenItems die binnen %1 dagen verlopen + + + Searches and Tags + Zoekopdrachten en labels + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Voer een unieke naam in of overschrijf een bestaande zoekopdracht op de lijst: + + + Save + Opslaan + + + Save Search + Zoekopdracht opslaan @@ -2436,7 +2476,7 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? Auto-Type - Auto-type + Automatisch invullen Browser Integration @@ -2448,11 +2488,11 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? Confirm Removal - Verwijdering bevestigen + Verwijderen bevestigen Are you sure you want to remove this URL? - Weet je zeker dat je dit URL wil verwijderen? + Weet je zeker dat je deze url wil verwijderen? Properties @@ -2464,7 +2504,7 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? SSH Agent - SSH-agent + Ssh-agent n/a @@ -2472,15 +2512,15 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? (encrypted) - (versleuteld) + (beveiligd) Select private key - Kies persoonlijke sleutel + Kies een privésleutel Entry history - Item geschiedenis + Itemgeschiedenis Add entry @@ -2492,27 +2532,27 @@ Veilig opslaan uitschakelen en opnieuw proberen? Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. - Sommige instellingen voor browserintegratie worden overschreven door groepsinstellingen. + Sommige instellingen omtrent de browserintegratie worden overschreven door de groepsinstellingen. Invalid Entry - Ongeldige invoer + Ongeldig item An external merge operation has invalidated this entry. Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. - Een externe samenvoegbewerking heeft dit item ongeldig gemaakt. -Helaas zijn alle aangebrachte wijzigingen verloren gegaan. + Door een externe samenvoeging is dit item beschadigd. +Helaas zijn alle aangebrachte wijzigingen hierdoor verloren gegaan. Auto-Type Validation Error - Validatiefout bij Auto-type + Goedkeuringsfout tijdens automatisch invullen An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: %1 Would you like to correct it? - Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het valideren van de aangepaste Auto-type reeks: + Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het goedkeuren van de aangepaste invulreeks: %1 Wil je dit corrigeren? @@ -2520,7 +2560,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": %2 Would you like to correct it? - Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het valideren van de Auto-type reeks voor %1: + Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het goedkeuren van de aangepaste invulreeks ‘%1’: %2 Wil je dit corrigeren? @@ -2534,7 +2574,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Would you like to save changes to this entry? - Wil je de wijzigingen in dit item opslaan? + Wil je de wijzigingen aan dit item opslaan? New attribute @@ -2546,15 +2586,15 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Are you sure you want to remove this attribute? - Weet je zeker dat je dit kenmerk wil verwijderen? + Weet je zeker dat je dit kenmerk wilt verwijderen? Reveal - Onthullen + Tonen [PROTECTED] Press Reveal to view or edit - [BESCHERMD] Druk op Onthullen om te bekijken of te bewerken + [BEVEILIGD] Klik op ‘Tonen’ om te bekijken of bewerken Hide @@ -2570,11 +2610,11 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? %n year(s) - %n jaar%n jaren + %n jaar%n jaar %n hour(s) - + %n uur%n uur @@ -2593,7 +2633,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Add a new attribute - Een nieuw kenmerk toevoegen + Kenmerk toevoegen Add @@ -2617,7 +2657,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Toggle attribute protection - Kenmerkbescherming aan/uit + Kenmerkbeveiliging aan/uit Protect @@ -2625,11 +2665,11 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Show a protected attribute - Een beschermd kenmerk weergeven + Beschermd kenmerk tonen Reveal - Onthullen + Tonen Attachments @@ -2637,7 +2677,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. - Als deze optie is ingeschakeld, wordt de vermelding niet weergegeven in rapporten zoals Health Check en HIBP, zelfs niet als deze niet voldoet aan de kwaliteitseisen. + Als u deze optie inschakelt, dan wordt het item niet opgenomen in rapportages als Health Check en HIBP, zelfs niet indien voldaan aan de kwaliteitseisen. Exclude from database reports @@ -2649,7 +2689,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Foreground color selection - Voorgrondkleurselectie + Voorgrondkleurkeuze Background Color: @@ -2657,46 +2697,46 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Background color selection - Achtergrondkleurselectie + Achtergrondkleurkeuze EditEntryWidgetAutoType Enable Auto-Type for this entry - Auto-type inschakelen voor dit item + Automatisch invullen inschakelen voor dit item Inherit default Auto-Type sequence from the group - Standaard auto-typevolgorde van de groep overnemen + Standaard invulreeks van de groep gebruiken Use custom Auto-Type sequence: - Gebruik aangepaste Auto-typevolgorde: + Aangepaste invulreeks gebruiken: Custom Auto-Type sequence - Aangepaste Auto-type tekenreeks + Aangepaste invulreeks Open Auto-Type help webpage - Open Auto-type help-webpagina + Hulppagina omtrent automatisch invullen openen Window Associations - Scherm-koppelingen + Venstertoewijzingen Existing window associations - Bestaande venster koppelingen + Bestaande venstertoewijzingen Add new window association - Voeg venster koppeling toe + Venstertoewijzing toevoegen Remove selected window association - Verwijder scherm koppeling + Venstertoewijzing verwijderen Window title: @@ -2704,23 +2744,23 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? You can use an asterisk (*) to match everything - Je kunt een ster (*) gebruiken om alles te vinden + Gebruik een sterretje (*) om alles overeen te laten komen Set the window association title - Stel de venster koppeling titel in + Vensternaam instellen You can use an asterisk to match everything - Je kunt een sterretje gebruiken om alles te vinden + Gebruik een sterretje (*) om alles overeen te laten komen Use a specific sequence for this association: - Gebruik een specifieke tekenreeks voor deze associatie. + Specifieke tekenreeks gebruiken bij deze toewijzing: Custom Auto-Type sequence for this window - Aangepaste Auto-type tekenreeks voor dit venster + Aangepaste invulreeks voor dit venster + @@ -2745,7 +2785,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Hide this entry from the browser extension - Verberg dit item in de browserextensie + Item verbergen in browserextensie Skip Auto-Submit for this entry @@ -2753,23 +2793,23 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection. - Stuur deze instelling alleen naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialogen. Indien ingeschakeld, tonen normale aanmeldingsformulieren dit item niet voor selectie. + Stuur deze instelling alleen naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters. Schakel in om dit item niet in normale aanmeldingsformulieren als keuze te tonen. Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth - Gebruik dit item alleen met HTTP Basic Auth + Item alleen gebruiken i.c.m. HTTP Basic Auth Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. - Stuur deze instelling niet naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters. Indien ingeschakeld, zullen HTTP-authenticatiedialogen dit item niet tonen voor selectie. + Stuur deze instelling niet naar de browser voor HTTP Auth-dialoogvensters. Schakel uit om dit item niet in zulke dialoogvensters als keuze te tonen. Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth - Gebruik dit item niet met HTTP Basic Auth + Item niet gebruiken i.c.m. HTTP Basic Auth Additional URL's - Aanvullende URLs + Aanvullende url's Add @@ -2788,11 +2828,11 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? EditEntryWidgetHistory Entry history selection - Item geschiedenis selectie + Itemgeschiedeniskeuze Show entry at selected history state - Toon het item zoals in geselecteerde vorige versie + Vorige itemversie tonen Show @@ -2800,7 +2840,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Restore entry to selected history state - Herstel het item naar de geselecteerde vorige versie + Vorige itemversie herstellen Restore @@ -2808,7 +2848,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Delete selected history state - Verwijder geselecteerde vorige versie + Geselecteerde vorige versie verwijderen Delete @@ -2816,7 +2856,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Delete all history - Verwijder alle vorige versies + Alle vorige versies verwijderen Delete all @@ -2827,43 +2867,43 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? EditEntryWidgetMain Edit Entry - Invoer bewerken + Item bewerken Notes field - Notities veld + Notitieveld Toggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section. - Inschakelen om de notities weer te geven. + Schakel in om de notities te tonen of verbergen. Username field - Gebruikersnaam veld + Gebruikersnaamveld Toggle notes visible - Laat notities wel/niet zien. + Notities tonen/verbergen Notes: - Opmerkingen: + Notities: Expiration field - Vervaldatum veld + Vervaldatumveld Expiration Presets - Vervaldatum voorinstellingen + Vervaldatum-voorinstellingen Expiration presets - Vervaldatum voorinstellingen + Vervaldatum-voorinstellingen Presets - Voorkeuze + Voorinstellingen Password: @@ -2871,15 +2911,15 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? URL: - URL: + Url: Url field - URL veld + Url-veld Download favicon for URL - Favicon downloaden voor URL + Favicon van url ophalen Title: @@ -2887,7 +2927,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Title field - Titel veld + Naamveld Username: @@ -2895,15 +2935,15 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Password field - Wachtwoord invulveld + Wachtwoordveld Toggle expiration - Vervaldatum wel/niet tonen + Vervaldatum tonen/verbergen Expires: - Verloopt: + Verloopt op Tags: @@ -2911,7 +2951,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Tags list - Lijst met labels + Labellijst @@ -2922,7 +2962,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Remove key from agent when database is closed/locked - Sleutel bij agent wegnemen als de database wordt gesloten/vergrendeld + Sleutel van agent verwijderen als de database wordt gesloten of vergrendeld Comment @@ -2930,11 +2970,11 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Add key to agent when database is opened/unlocked - Sleutel aan agent toevoegen wanneer de database wordt geopend/ontgrendeld + Sleutel aan agent toevoegen als de database wordt geopend of ontgrendeld Decrypt - Decoderen + Ontcijferen Fingerprint @@ -2942,7 +2982,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Copy to clipboard - Naar klembord kopiëren + Kopiëren naar klembord Public key @@ -2958,12 +2998,12 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Browser for key file - Blader naar sleutelbestand + Kies een sleutelbestand Browse… Button for opening file dialog - Bladeren… + Kiezen… Attachment @@ -2975,19 +3015,19 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Add to agent - Aan agent toevoegen + Toevoegen aan agent Remove from agent - Van agent verwijderen + Verwijderen van agent Select attachment file - Selecteer bijlage bestand + Kies een bijlagebestand Require user confirmation when this key is used - Bevestiging van de gebruiker vragen als deze sleutel wordt gebruikt + Bevestiging vragen bij gebruik van deze sleutel n/a @@ -2995,7 +3035,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Remove key from agent after - Sleutel bij agent wegnemen na + Sleutel bij agent verwijderen na Remove key from agent after specified seconds @@ -3034,11 +3074,11 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Group has unsaved changes - Groep heeft niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen + De groep bevat niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen Enable - Activeren + Inschakelen Disable @@ -3046,7 +3086,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Inherit from parent group (%1) - Overnemen van bovenliggende groep (%1) + Overnemen uit bovenliggende groep (%1) @@ -3057,11 +3097,11 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. - Deze instellingen zijn van invloed op het gedrag van de groep met de browserextensie. + Deze instellingen zijn van invloed op het gedrag van de groep i.c.m. de browserextensie. Hide entries from browser extension: - Verberg vermeldingen van browserextensie: + Items verbergen in browserextensie: Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3069,7 +3109,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Skip Auto-Submit for entries: - Automatisch indienen overslaan voor inzendingen: + De volgende items niet automatisch indienen: Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3077,7 +3117,7 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: - Gebruik alleen vermeldingen met HTTP Basic Auth: + Alleen items met HTTP Basic Auth: Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3085,22 +3125,30 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: - Gebruik deze items niet met HTTP Basic Auth: + Items niet gebruik i.c.m. HTTP Basic Auth: Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - Gebruik geen HTTP Auth aan/iut voor deze en subgroepen + Geen HTTP Auth gebruiken aan/uit voor deze en subgroepen + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + WWW-subdomein negeren in overeenkomsten: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + WWW-subdomein negeren in overeenkomsten in deze en onderliggende groepen EditGroupWidgetKeeShare Sharing mode field - Delen modus veld + Deelmodusveld Password field - Wachtwoord invulveld + Wachtwoordveld Type: @@ -3112,27 +3160,27 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Path: - Pad: + Locatie: Path to share file field - Pad naar te delen bestand veld + De locatie van het bestandsdeelveld Browse for share file - Blader naar deelbestand + Kies een deelbestand Browse… - Bladeren… + Kiezen… Clear fields - Wis velden + Velden leegmaken Clear - Wissen + Leegmaken Inactive @@ -3148,13 +3196,13 @@ Wil je dit corrigeren? Synchronize - Synchroniseer + Synchroniseren Your KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type. Supported extensions are: %1. - Deze KeePassXC-versie biedt geen ondersteuning voor het delen van dit container type. -Ondersteund zijn: %1. + Deze KeePassXC-versie biedt geen ondersteuning voor het delen van dit containertype. +Ondersteunde extensies: %1. %1 is already being exported by this database. @@ -3171,15 +3219,15 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings. KeeShare is a proper noun - KeeShare is momenteel uitgeschakeld. Je kunt importeren/exporteren inschakelen in de instellingen. + KeeShare is momenteel uitgeschakeld. Je kunt importeren en exporteren inschakelen in de instellingen. Database export is currently disabled by application settings. - Database export is momenteel uitgeschakeld in de programma instellingen. + Databaseexport is momenteel uitgeschakeld in de programma-instellingen. Database import is currently disabled by application settings. - Database import is momenteel uitgeschakeld in de programma instellingen. + Databaseimport is momenteel uitgeschakeld in de programma-instellingen. KeeShare container @@ -3187,19 +3235,19 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. KeeShare signed container - KeeShare ondertekende container + KeeShare-container (ondertekend) Select import source - Selecteer bron voor import + Kies een te importeren bron Select export target - Selecteer doel voor export + Kies een exportlocatie Select import/export file - Selecteer import-/exportbestand + Kies een im-/exportbestand @@ -3210,27 +3258,27 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Toggle expiration - Vervaldatum wel/niet tonen + Vervaldatum tonen/verbergen Expires: - Verloopt: + Verloopt op Name field - Naam veld + Naamveld Expiration field - Vervaldatum veld + Vervaldatumveld Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group - Gebruik standaard Auto-type volgorde van bovenliggende groep + Standaard de invulreeks van de groep gebruiken Auto-Type: - Auto-type: + Automatisch invullen: Search: @@ -3238,19 +3286,19 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groups - Auto-type aan/uit voor deze en onderliggende groepen + Automatisch invullen aan/uit voor deze en onderliggende groepen Notes: - Opmerkingen: + Notities: Default auto-type sequence field - Standaard Auto-type tekenreeks veld + Standaard invulreeks Notes field - Notities veld + Notitiesveld Name: @@ -3258,7 +3306,7 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Set default Auto-Type sequence - Standaard Auto-type tekenreeks instellen + Standaard invulreeks instellen Search toggle for this and sub groups @@ -3277,31 +3325,31 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Choose icon… - Kies pictogram... + Kies een pictogram… Set the URL to use to search for a favicon - Stel de URL in om naar een favicon te zoeken + Stel de url in om te zoeken naar een favicon Favicon URL - Favicon-URL + Favicon-url Download favicon for URL - Favicon downloaden voor URL + Favicon van url ophalen Download favicon - Favicon downloaden + Favicon ophalen Apply selected icon to subgroups and entries - Gebruik het geselecteerde pictogram voor onderliggende groepen en items + Gekozen pictogram gebruiken bij onderliggende groepen en items Apply icon to… - Pictogram toepassen op... + Pictogram gebruiken bij… Apply to this group only @@ -3317,19 +3365,19 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Also apply to all children - Ook toepassen op alle onderliggenden + Ook toepassen op al het onderliggende Unable to fetch favicon. - Kan favicon niet ophalen. + De favicon kan niet worden opgehaald. You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Tools -> Settings -> Security - Je kunt de DuckDuckGo website pictogram dienst inschakelen onder Extra>Instellingen>Beveiliging + Je kunt de DuckDuckGo-websitepictogramdienst inschakelen via Extra → Instellingen → Beveiliging Existing icon selected. - Bestaand pictogram geselecteerd. + U heeft een bestaand pictogram gekozen. Images @@ -3341,50 +3389,50 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Select Image(s) - Selecteer afbeelding(en) + Afbeelding(en) selecteren Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - %1 van %n pictogram(men) geladen%1 van %n pictogram(men) geladen + %1 van %n pictogram geladen%1 van %n pictogrammen geladen No icons were loaded - Geen pictogrammen geladen + Er zijn geen pictogrammen geladen %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n pictogram(men) al aanwezig in de database%n pictogram(men) al aanwezig in de database + %n pictogram reeds aanwezig in databank%n pictogrammen reeds aanwezig in de database The following icon(s) failed: - De volgende pictogram(men) mislukten:De volgende pictogram(men) mislukten: + Het volgende pictogram kan niet worden gebruikt:De volgende pictogrammen kunnen niet worden gebruikt: EditWidgetProperties Created: - Aangemaakt: + Aangemaakt op Datetime created - Datum tijd gemaakt + Datum/Tijdstip van aanmaken Modified: - Gewijzigd: + Gewijzigd op Datetime modified - Datum tijd gewijzigd + Datum/Tijdstip van wijziging Accessed: - Toegang: + Geopend op Datetime accessed - Datum tijd laatste toegang + Datum/Tijdstip van vorige opening Uuid: @@ -3392,19 +3440,19 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Unique ID - Uniek ID + Unieke id Plugin Data - Plugin-gegevens: + Plug-ingegevens Plugin data - Plugin-gegevens + Plug-ingegevens Remove selected plugin data - Geselecteerde plugin-gegevens verwijderen + Geselecteerde plug-ingegevens verwijderen Remove @@ -3412,13 +3460,13 @@ Ondersteund zijn: %1. Delete plugin data? - Plugin-gegevens verwijderen? + Plug-ingegevens verwijderen? Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data? This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. - Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde plugin-gegevens wilt verwijderen? -Hierdoor werken de plugins mogelijk niet meer goed. + Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde plug-ingegevens wil verwijderen? +Hierdoor werken de plug-ins mogelijk niet (goed) meer. Key @@ -3440,7 +3488,7 @@ Hierdoor werken de plugins mogelijk niet meer goed. EntryAttachments Cannot open file "%1" - Kan bestand "%1" niet openen + ‘%1’ kan niet worden geopend @@ -3466,7 +3514,7 @@ Hierdoor werken de plugins mogelijk niet meer goed. Add new attachment - Nieuwe bijlage toevoegen + Bijlage toevoegen Add @@ -3482,11 +3530,11 @@ Hierdoor werken de plugins mogelijk niet meer goed. Rename selected attachment - Geselecteerde bijlage hernoemen + Naam van geselecteerde bijlage wijzigen Rename - Hernoemen + Naam wijzigen Open selected attachment @@ -3506,15 +3554,15 @@ Hierdoor werken de plugins mogelijk niet meer goed. Select files - Kies bestanden + Selecteer bestanden Confirm remove - Verwijdering bevestigen + Verwijderen bevestigen Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - Weet je zeker dat je %n bijlage wil verwijderen?Weet je zeker dat je %n bijlagen wil verwijderen? + Weet u zeker dat u %n bijlage wilt verwijderen?Weet je zeker dat je %n bijlagen wil verwijderen? Save attachments @@ -3523,39 +3571,41 @@ Hierdoor werken de plugins mogelijk niet meer goed. Unable to create directory: %1 - Kan de map niet maken: + De map kan niet worden aangemaakt: %1 Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment? - Weet je zeker dat je het bestaande bestand "%1" met de bijlage wil overschrijven? + Weet je zeker dat je het bestaande bestand ‘%1’ tezamen met de bijlage wil overschrijven? Confirm overwrite - Overschrijving bevestigen + Overschrijven bevestigen Unable to save attachments: %1 - Kan de bijlagen niet opslaan: + De bijlagen kunnen niet worden opgeslagen: %1 Unable to open attachment: %1 - Kan de bijlage niet openen: + De bijlage kan niet worden geopend: %1 Unable to open attachments: %1 - Kan de bijlagen niet openen: + De bijlagen kunnen niet worden geopend: %1 Unable to open file(s): %1 - Kan bestand niet openen: %1Kan bestand(en) niet openen: %1 + Het bestand kan niet worden geopend: +%1De bestanden kunnen niet worden geopend: +%1 Confirm Overwrite Attachment @@ -3564,8 +3614,8 @@ Hierdoor werken de plugins mogelijk niet meer goed. Attachment "%1" already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? - Bijlage "%1" bestaat al. -Bestaande bijlage overschrijven? + De bijlage ‘%1’ bestaat al. +Weet je zeker dat je de bestaande bijlage wil overschrijven? Confirm Attachment @@ -3577,9 +3627,9 @@ Your database may get very large and reduce performance. Are you sure to add this file? %1 is een groot bestand (%2 MB). -De database kan erg groot worden en de prestaties verminderen. +De database kan hierdoor erg groot worden en trager worden. -Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt toevoegen? +Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wil toevoegen? Attachment modified @@ -3588,7 +3638,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt toevoegen? The attachment '%1' was modified. Do you want to save the changes to your database? - De bijlage '%1' is gewijzigd. + De bijlage ‘%1’ is gewijzigd. Wil je de wijzigingen opslaan in de database? @@ -3598,8 +3648,8 @@ Wil je de wijzigingen opslaan in de database? Saving updated attachment failed. Error: %1 - Opslaan van bijgewerkte bijlage is mislukt. -Fout: %1 + De bijgewerkte bijlage kan niet worden opgeslagen. +Foutmelding: %1 @@ -3621,7 +3671,7 @@ Fout: %1 Age - Leeftijd + Ouderdom Difference @@ -3645,7 +3695,7 @@ Fout: %1 URL - URL + Url Notes @@ -3681,7 +3731,7 @@ Fout: %1 Auto-Type - Auto-type + Automatisch invullen Tags @@ -3693,7 +3743,7 @@ Fout: %1 Ref: Reference abbreviation - Ref: + Ref.: Never @@ -3717,7 +3767,7 @@ Fout: %1 URL - URL + Url Notes @@ -3725,19 +3775,19 @@ Fout: %1 Expires - Verloopt + Verloopt op Created - Aangemaakt + Aangemaakt op Modified - Gewijzigd + Gewijzigd op Accessed - Toegang + Geopend op Attachments @@ -3749,11 +3799,11 @@ Fout: %1 Group name - Groepnaam + Groepsnaam Entry title - Titel van het item + Itemnaam Password Strength @@ -3761,7 +3811,7 @@ Fout: %1 Entry notes - Notities bij het item + Itemnotities Entry expires at @@ -3773,19 +3823,19 @@ Fout: %1 Last modification date - Datum laatste wijziging + Datum van laatste wijziging Last access date - Datum laatste toegang + Datum van laatste opening Attached files - Bijgevoegde bestanden + Bijlagen Entry size - Grootte van het item + Itemomvang Has attachments @@ -3800,7 +3850,7 @@ Fout: %1 EntryPreviewWidget Display current TOTP value - Toon huidige TOTP-waarde + Huidige TOTP-waarde tonen Close @@ -3828,7 +3878,7 @@ Fout: %1 Tags list - Lijst met labels + Labellijst Username @@ -3836,7 +3886,7 @@ Fout: %1 URL - URL + Url Advanced @@ -3852,7 +3902,7 @@ Fout: %1 Autotype - Auto-type + Automatisch invullen Default Sequence @@ -3888,18 +3938,22 @@ Fout: %1 Enabled - Geactiveerd + Ingeschakeld Disabled Uitgeschakeld + + Double click to copy value + Dubbelklik om de waarde te kopiëren + EntryURLModel Invalid URL - Ongeldige URL + Ongeldige url @@ -3914,29 +3968,29 @@ Fout: %1 Reset to defaults - Standaardwaarden opnieuw instellen + Standaardwaarden herstellen ExportDialog Export options - Exporteer opties + Exportopties Sort entries by... - Items sorteren op... + Items sorteren op… You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! - Je staat op het punt de database te exporteren naar een niet-versleuteld bestand. -Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! + Je staat op het punt om de database naar een onbeveiligd bestand te exporteren. +Hierdoor zijn de wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! database order - database volgorde + databasevolgorde name (ascending) @@ -3952,22 +4006,22 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! Export database to HTML file - Database exporteren naar HTML-bestand + Database exporteren naar html-bestand HTML file - HTML-bestand + Html-bestand FdoSecrets::DBusMgr Failed to deliver message - Kan bericht niet afleveren + Het bericht kan niet worden afgeleverd Failed to send reply on DBus - Kan antwoord niet verzenden op DBus + Het antwoord kan niet worden verzonden naar DBus Unknown @@ -3986,38 +4040,38 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration. - Een andere secret service is actief (%1).<br/>Stop/verwijder deze en probeer de Secret Service-integratie opnieuw te activeren. + Er is al een andere geheime dienst actief (%1).<br/>Stop/Verwijder deze en probeer de geheimedienstintegratie opnieuw in te schakelen. Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/> - Kan DBus-service niet registreren op %1.<br/> + De DBus-dienst kan niet worden geregistreerd op %1.<br/> Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1' - Kan service niet registreren op DBus op pad '%1' + De dienst kan niet worden geregistreerd op de DBus-locatie ‘%1’ Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1' - Registratie van database op DBus onder de naam '%1' mislukt + De database kan niet op DBus geregistreerd worden met de naam ‘%1’ Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' - Kan sessie niet registreren op DBus op pad '%1' + De sessie kan niet worden geregistreerd op de DBus-locatie ‘%1’ Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' - Kan item niet registreren op DBus op pad '%1' + Het item kan niet worden geregistreerd op de DBus-locatie ‘%1’ Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' - Kan object niet registreren op DBus op pad '%1' + Het object kan niet worden geregistreerd op de DBus-locatie ‘%1’ FdoSecrets::Item Entry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3 - Het item "%1" van de database "%2" werd gebruikt door %3 + ‘%1’ uit de database ‘%2’ werd gebruikt door %3 @@ -4025,7 +4079,7 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application - %n Item is gebruikt door %1%n Items zijn gebruikt door %1 + Er is %n item gebruikt door %1Er zijn %n items gebruikt door %1 @@ -4036,14 +4090,14 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - Niet-bestaand/ontoegankelijk uitvoerbaar pad. Controleer nogmaals of de client legitiem is. + Niet-bestaand/Ontoegankelijk uitvoerbare locatie. Controleer of de client legitiem is. FdoSecrets::SettingsDatabaseModel Unlock to show - Ontgrendel voor deze informatie + Ontgrendelen om te bekijken None @@ -4061,7 +4115,7 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! FdoSecretsPlugin <b>Fdo Secret Service:</b> %1 - <b>Fdo Secret Service:</b> %1 + <b>Fdo geheime dienst:</b> %1 @@ -4080,14 +4134,14 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! HibpDownloader Online password validation failed - Online validatie van wachtwoord is mislukt + Het wachtwoord kan niet online worden geverifieerd IconDownloaderDialog Download Favicons - Favicons downloaden + Favicons ophalen Cancel @@ -4096,8 +4150,8 @@ Dit maakt jouw wachtwoorden en gevoelige informatie kwetsbaar! Having trouble downloading icons? You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings. - Problemen met het downloaden van pictogrammen? -Je kunt de DuckDuckGo website pictogram dienst inschakelen in de sectie 'Beveiliging' in de instellingen. + Ervaar je problemen met het ophalen van pictogrammen? +Dan kun je de DuckDuckGo-websitepictogramdienst inschakelen in de sectie ‘Beveiliging’ van de instellingen. Close @@ -4105,7 +4159,7 @@ Je kunt de DuckDuckGo website pictogram dienst inschakelen in de sectie 'Be URL - URL + Url Status @@ -4113,11 +4167,11 @@ Je kunt de DuckDuckGo website pictogram dienst inschakelen in de sectie 'Be Please wait, processing entry list… - Even wachten, de items worden verwerkt... + Bezig met verwerken van itemlijst… Downloading… - Downloaden... + Bezig met ophalen… Ok @@ -4129,11 +4183,11 @@ Je kunt de DuckDuckGo website pictogram dienst inschakelen in de sectie 'Be Download Failed - Download is mislukt + Het ophalen is mislukt Downloading favicons (%1/%2)… - Favicons downloaden (%1/%2)... + Bezig met ophalen van favicons (%1/%2)… @@ -4151,37 +4205,37 @@ Je kunt de DuckDuckGo website pictogram dienst inschakelen in de sectie 'Be Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - Ontbrekende databaseheaders + Ontbrekende databasekoppen Unable to calculate database key - Kan databasesleutel niet berekenen + De databasesleutel kan niet worden berekend Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 - Kan challenge-antwoord niet uitgeven: %1 + Het challenge-antwoord kan niet worden verstrekt: %1 Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. - Ongeldige inloggegevens, probeer het opnieuw. -Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. + Er zijn ongeldige inloggegevens opgegeven - probeer het opnieuw. +Als dit vaker gebeurt, dan is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Header doesn't match hash - Header komt niet overeen met hash + Kop komt niet overeen met controlesom Invalid header id size - Ongeldige grootte van header-ID + Ongeldige grootte van kop-id Invalid header field length: field %1 - Ongeldige headerlengte: veld %1 + Ongeldige koplengte: veld %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - Ongeldige lengte van hearder-gegevens: veld %1, %2 verwacht, %3 aangetroffen + Ongeldige lengte van kopgegevens: veld %1. Verwacht: %2 verwacht - Aangetroffen: %3. @@ -4193,26 +4247,26 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 - Kan challenge-antwoord niet uitgeven: %1 + Het challenge-antwoord kan niet worden verstrekt: %1 Unable to calculate database key - Kan databasesleutel niet berekenen + De databasesleutel kan niet worden berekend Kdbx4Reader missing database headers - ontbrekende database-koppen + ontbrekende databasekoppen Unable to calculate database key: %1 - Kan databasesleutel niet berekenen: %1 + De databasesleutel kan niet worden berekend: %1 Invalid header checksum size - Ongeldige grootte van header-controlecijfer + Ongeldige grootte van kopcontrolecijfer Header SHA256 mismatch @@ -4221,8 +4275,8 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. - Ongeldige inloggegevens, probeer het opnieuw. -Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. + Er zijn ongeldige inloggegevens opgegeven - probeer het opnieuw. +Als dit nog een keer gebeurt, dan is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. (HMAC mismatch) @@ -4234,68 +4288,68 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Invalid header id size - Ongeldige grootte van header-ID + Ongeldige grootte van kop-id Invalid header field length: field %1 - Ongeldige headerlengte: veld %1 + Ongeldige koplengte: veld %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - Ongeldige lengte van hearder-gegevens: veld %1, %2 verwacht, %3 aangetroffen + Ongeldige lengte van kopgegevens: veld %1. Verwacht: %2 verwacht - Aangetroffen: %3. Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header - Fout bij het openen van de buffer voor KDF-parameters in header + Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het openen van de buffer voor KDF-opties in de kop Unsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parameters - Niet-ondersteunde sleutel-afleidingsfunctie (KDF) of ongeldige parameters + Niet-ondersteunde sleutel-afleidingsfunctie (KDF) of ongeldige opties Legacy header fields found in KDBX4 file. - Verouderde header-velden gevonden in KDBX4 bestand. + Er zijn verouderde kopvelden aangetroffen in het KDBX4-bestand. Invalid inner header id size - Ongeldige grootte van inner header-id + Ongeldige grootte van binnenste kop-id Invalid inner header field length: field %1 - Ongeldige lengte van het binnenste headerveld: veld %1 + Ongeldige lengte van het binnenste kopveld: veld %1 Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - Ongeldige gegevenslengte binnenste headertekst: veld %1, %2 verwacht, %3 aangetroffen + Ongeldige lengte van binnenste kopgegevens: veld %1. Verwacht: %2 verwacht - Aangetroffen: %3. Invalid inner header binary size - Ongeldige binaire grootte van inner header + Ongeldige binaire grootte van binnenste kop Unsupported KeePass variant map version. Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Niet-ondersteunde versie van KeePass variant map. + Niet-ondersteunde versie van de KeePass-variantmap. Invalid variant map entry name length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Ongeldige lengte van een variant map item naam + Ongeldige lengte van een variant-itemnaam Invalid variant map entry name data Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Ongeldige data in een variant map item naam + Ongeldige gegevens in een variant-itemnaam Invalid variant map entry value length Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Ongeldige lengte van een variant map waarde + Ongeldige lengte van een variantwaarde Invalid variant map entry value data Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data - Ongeldige data in een variant map waarde + Ongeldige gegevens in een variant-waarde Invalid variant map Bool entry value length @@ -4346,7 +4400,7 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Unable to calculate database key: %1 - Kan databasesleutel niet berekenen: %1 + De databasesleutel kan niet worden berekend: %1 Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant map @@ -4358,7 +4412,7 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. KdbxReader Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2) - Ongeldige versleuteling uuid lengte: %1 (lengte=%2) + Ongeldige versleutelingsuuid-lengte: %1 (lengte=%2) Unable to parse UUID: %1 @@ -4402,17 +4456,17 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Failed to read database file. - Lezen van databasebestand is mislukt. + Het databasebestand kan niet worden uitgelezen. The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb). You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. - Het gekozen bestand is een oude KeePass 1 database (.kdb). + Het gekozen bestand is een oude KeePass 1-database (.kdb). -Je kunt het importeren door te klikken op Database > 'KeePass 1 database importeren'. -Deze actie is niet omkeerbaar. De geïmporteerde database kan niet meer worden geopend met de oude KeePassX versie 0.4. +Je kan de database importeren via Database → ‘KeePass 1-database importeren’. +Let op: deze actie is onomkeerbaar. De geïmporteerde database kan niet meer worden geopend met de oude KeePassX-versie 0.4. Not a KeePass database. @@ -4427,7 +4481,7 @@ Deze actie is niet omkeerbaar. De geïmporteerde database kan niet meer worden g KdbxXmlReader XML parsing failure: %1 - XML leesfout: %1 + Xml-verwerkingsfout: %1 No root group @@ -4437,9 +4491,9 @@ Deze actie is niet omkeerbaar. De geïmporteerde database kan niet meer worden g XML error: %1 Line %2, column %3 - XML fout: + Xml-fout: %1 -Lijn %2, kolom %3 +Regel %2, kolom %3 Missing icon uuid or data @@ -4447,7 +4501,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Missing custom data key or value - Ontbrekende aangepaste datasleutel of -waarde + Ontbrekende aangepaste gegevenssleutel of -waarde Multiple group elements @@ -4455,7 +4509,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Null group uuid - Null groep uuid + Null groep-uuid Invalid group icon number @@ -4491,7 +4545,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 History element in history entry - Geschiedenis element in geschiedenis item + Geschiedeniselement in geschiedenisitem No entry uuid found @@ -4499,7 +4553,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 History element with different uuid - Geschiedenis element met ander uuid + Geschiedeniselement met andere uuid Duplicate custom attribute found @@ -4515,7 +4569,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Auto-type association window or sequence missing - Auto-type vensterkoppeling of tekenreeks ontbreekt + Vensterkoppeling of tekenreeks ontbreekt voor automatisch invullen Invalid bool value @@ -4555,7 +4609,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided. - Privésleutel is een bijlage maar er is geen bijlage verstrekt. + De privésleutel is een bijlage, maar er is geen bijlage verstrekt. Private key is empty @@ -4563,37 +4617,37 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 File too large to be a private key - Bestand te groot voor een persoonlijke sleutel + Dit bestand is te groot voor een privésleutel Failed to open private key - Persoonlijk sleutelbestand niet kunnen openen + Het privésleutelbestand kan niet worden geopend KeePass1OpenWidget Import KeePass1 Database - Importeer KeePass1 database + KeePass1-database importeren Unable to open the database. - Kan database niet openen. + De database kan niet worden geopend. KeePass1Reader Unable to read keyfile. - Kan sleutelbestand niet lezen. + Het sleutelbestand kan niet worden uitgelezen. Not a KeePass database. - Geen KeePass-database + Dit is geen KeePass-database. Unsupported encryption algorithm. - Niet-ondersteund versleutelings-algoritme + Niet-ondersteund versleutelingsalgoritme Unsupported KeePass database version. @@ -4602,7 +4656,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Unable to read encryption IV IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher - Kan versleuteling IV niet lezen + De versleuteling IV kan niet worden uitgelezen Invalid number of groups @@ -4614,7 +4668,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Invalid content hash size - Ongeldige grootte van inhoud-hash + Ongeldige grootte van inhoudscontrolesom Invalid transform seed size @@ -4626,7 +4680,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Unable to construct group tree - Kan groepsstructuur niet opbouwen + De groepsstructuur kan niet worden opgebouwd Root @@ -4634,7 +4688,7 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Unable to calculate database key - Kan databasesleutel niet berekenen + De databasesleutel kan niet worden berekend unable to seek to content position @@ -4643,8 +4697,8 @@ Lijn %2, kolom %3 Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. - Ongeldige inloggegevens, probeer het opnieuw. -Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. + Er zijn ongeldige inloggegevens opgegeven - probeer het opnieuw. +Als dit nog een keer gebeurt, dan is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Key transformation failed @@ -4747,11 +4801,11 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Inactive share %1 - Niet actieve gedaalde database %1 + Inactieve gedeelde database %1 Imported from %1 - Geïmporteerd vanuit %1 + Geïmporteerd uit %1 Exported to %1 @@ -4763,15 +4817,15 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Import is disabled in settings - Importeren is uitgeschakeld in instellingen + Importeren is uitgeschakeld in de instellingen Export is disabled in settings - Exporteren is uitgeschakeld in instellingen + Exporteren is uitgeschakeld in de instellingen Inactive share - Niet actieve gedeelde database + Inactieve gedeelde database Imported from @@ -4790,11 +4844,11 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. KeyComponentWidget Key Component - Sleutelcomponent + Sleutelonderdeel Key Component Description - Sleutelcomponent beschrijving + Sleutelonderdeelbeschrijving Cancel @@ -4802,14 +4856,14 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Key Component set, click to change or remove - Sleutelcomponent verzameling, klik om te wijzigen of verwijderen + Sleutelonderdeelverzameling - klik om te wijzigen of verwijderen KeyFileEditWidget Generate a new key file - Een nieuw sleutelbestand genereren + Nieuw sleutelbestand genereren Generate @@ -4817,19 +4871,19 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database. - Genereer een nieuw sleutelbestand of kies een bestaand bestand om de database te beschermen. + Genereer een nieuw sleutelbestand of kies een bestaand bestand om de database te beveiligen. Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. - Opmerking: gebruik GEEN bestand dat kan veranderen, omdat ertoe kan leiden dat de database niet ontgrendeld kan worden. + Let op: gebruik GEEN bestand dat gewijzigd kan worden, anders kan de database niet worden ontgrendeld! Browse for key file - Blader naar sleutelbestand + Kies een sleutelbestand Browse… - Bladeren… + Kiezen… Old key file format @@ -4837,12 +4891,12 @@ Als dit vaker gebeurt, is het databasebestand mogelijk beschadigd. You selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead. - Je hebt een sleutelbestand in een oud formaat geselecteerd dat KeePassXC in de toekomst mogelijk niet meer ondersteunt.<br><br>Overweeg in plaats daarvan een nieuw sleutelbestand te genereren. + Je hebt een sleutelbestand in een oud formaat gekozen dat KeePassXC in de toekomst mogelijk niet meer ondersteunt.<br><br>Overweeg in plaats daarvan een nieuw sleutelbestand te genereren. Error loading the key file '%1' Message: %2 - Er ging iets fout bij het laden van het sleutelbestand '%1' + Het sleutelbestand ‘%1’ kan niet worden geladen Bericht: %2 @@ -4851,23 +4905,23 @@ Bericht: %2 Add Key File - Voeg sleutelbestand toe + Sleutelbestand toevoegen Change Key File - Wijzig sleutelbestand + Sleutelbestand wijzigen Remove Key File - Verwijder sleutelbestand + Sleutelbestand verwijderen Key File set, click to change or remove - Sleutelbestand ingesteld, klik om te wijzigen of te verwijderen + Sleutelbestand ingesteld - klik om te wijzigen of te verwijderen <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> - <p>Je kunt een sleutelbestand met willekeurige bytes toevoegen voor extra veiligheid.</p> <p>Je moet het sleutelbestand geheim houden en nooit verliezen anders wordt je buitengesloten!</p> + <p>Je kunt, voor extra beveiliging, een sleutelbestand met willekeurige bytes toevoegen.</p> <p>Je moet het sleutelbestand geheim te houden en nooit te verliezen, anders word je buitengesloten!</p> Key files @@ -4883,11 +4937,11 @@ Bericht: %2 Error creating key file - Er ging iets fout bij het maken van het sleutelbestand + Het sleutelbestand kan niet worden aangemaakt Unable to create key file: %1 - Kan sleutelbestand niet maken: %1 + Het sleutelbestand kan niet worden aangemaakt: %1 Select a key file @@ -4899,7 +4953,7 @@ Bericht: %2 You cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file. - Je kunt de huidige database niet gebruiken als zijn eigen sleutelbestand. Kies een ander bestand of genereer een nieuw sleutelbestand. + Je kunt de huidige database niet gebruiken als eigen sleutelbestand. Kies een ander bestand of genereer een nieuw sleutelbestand. Suspicious Key File @@ -4908,8 +4962,8 @@ Bericht: %2 The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever. Are you sure you want to continue with this file? - Het gekozen sleutelbestand ziet eruit als een wachtwoord databasebestand. Een sleutelbestand moet een statisch bestand zijn dat nooit wijzigt ander verlies je voor altijd toegang tot de database. -Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? + Het gekozen sleutelbestand ziet er uit als een wachtwoord-databasebestand. Een sleutelbestand dient een statisch bestand te zijn dat nooit wijzigt, anders word je permanent buitengesloten. +Weet je zeker dat je dit bestand wilt gebruiken? @@ -4920,11 +4974,11 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Global shortcut already registered to %1 - Globale snelkoppeling is al geregistreerd bij %1 + Deze globale sneltoets is al toegekend aan %1 Could not register global shortcut - Kan algemene snelkoppeling niet registreren + De globale sneltoets kan niet worden vastgelegd @@ -4935,7 +4989,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? &Recent Databases - &Recente databases + Onlangs &geopend &Import @@ -4947,15 +5001,15 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? &Help - &Help + &Hulp &Entries - &Items + It&ems Copy Att&ribute - Ken&merk kopiëren + Kenme&rk kopiëren TOTP @@ -4987,15 +5041,15 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? &Check for Updates - &Controleer op updates + &Controleren op updates &Open Database… - Database &openen... + Database &openen… &Save Database - Database op&slaan... + Database op&slaan… &Close Database @@ -5003,19 +5057,19 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? &New Database… - &Nieuwe database... + &Nieuwe database… Create a new database - Een nieuwe database maken + Maak een nieuwe database aan &Merge From Database… - Database sa&menvoegen... + Database sa&menvoegen… Merge from another KDBX database - Samenvoegen uit een andere KDBX database + Samenvoegen uit andere KDBX-database &New Entry… @@ -5023,39 +5077,39 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Add a new entry - Nieuw item toevoegen + Voeg een nieuw item toe &Edit Entry… - Item &bewerken… + Item b&ewerken… View or edit entry - Item bekijken/bewerken + Bekijk/Bewerk item &Delete Entry… - Item &verwijderen… + Item verwij&deren… &New Group… - &Nieuwe Groep… + &Nieuwe groep… Add a new group - Een nieuwe groep toevoegen + Voeg een nieuwe groep toe &Edit Group… - Groep &bewerken… + Groep b&ewerken… &Delete Group… - &Verwijder Groep… + Groep verwij&deren… Download All &Favicons… - Alle &favicons downloaden... + Alle &favicons ophalen… Sort &A-Z @@ -5067,31 +5121,31 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Sa&ve Database As… - Database opslaan &als... + Databas&e opslaan als… Database &Security… - Database-be&veiliging... + Databasebe&veiliging… Database &Reports… - Database-&rapportage... + Databaseve&rslagen… Statistics, health check, etc. - Statistieken, gezondheidscontrole, etc. + Statistieken, integriteitscontrole, etc. &Database Settings… - &Database-instellingen + &Databaseinstellingen… Database settings - Database-instellingen + Databaseinstellingen &Clone Entry… - Item &dupliceren... + Item &klonen… Move u&p @@ -5099,7 +5153,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Move entry one step up - Hiermee verplaats je een item een positie omhoog. + Hiermee verplaatst u een item één positie omhoog. Move do&wn @@ -5107,43 +5161,43 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Move entry one step down - Hiermee verplaats je een item een positie omlaag. + Hiermee verplaatst u een item één positie omlaag. Copy &Username - &Gebruikersnaam kopiëren + Gebr&uikersnaam kopiëren Copy username to clipboard - Gebruikersnaam naar klembord kopiëren + Kopieer de gebruikersnaam naar het klembord Copy &Password - &Wachtwoord kopiëren + Wachtwoord ko&piëren Copy password to clipboard - Wachtwoord naar klembord kopiëren + Kopieer het wachtwoord naar het klembord &Settings - &Instellingen + In&stellingen &Password Generator - &Wachtwoordgenerator + &Wachtwoord genereren Perform &Auto-Type - &Auto-type uitvoeren + &Automatisch invullen Download &Favicon - &Favicon downloaden + &Favicon ophalen Open &URL - &URL openen + &Url openen &Lock Database @@ -5159,15 +5213,15 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Copy title to clipboard - Naam naar klembord kopiëren + Kopieer de naam naar het klembord &URL - &URL + &Url Copy URL to clipboard - URL naar klembord kopiëren + Kopieer de url naar het klembord &Notes @@ -5175,43 +5229,43 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Copy notes to clipboard - Notities naar klembord kopiëren + Kopieer de notities naar het klembord &CSV File… - &CSV-bestand... + &Csv-bestand… &HTML File… - &HTML-bestand... + &Html-bestand… KeePass 1 Database… - KeePass 1 database... + KeePass 1-database… Import a KeePass 1 database - Een KeePass 1-database importeren + Importeer een KeePass 1-database 1Password Vault… - 1Password kluis... + 1Password-kluis… Import a 1Password Vault - Een 1Password kluis importeren + Importeer een 1Password-kluis CSV File… - CSV-bestand... + Csv-bestand… Import a CSV file - Een CSV-bestand importeren + Importeer een csv-bestand Show TOTP - TOTP weergeven + TOTP tonen Show QR Code @@ -5227,7 +5281,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? E&mpty recycle bin - Prullenbak leegmaken + Prullenbak le&gen &Donate @@ -5235,27 +5289,27 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Report a &Bug - Meld een &fout + &Bug/Fout melden &Getting Started - &Aan de slag + Aan de sla&g Open Getting Started Guide - Open de handleiding Aan de slag + Open de snelstartgids &Online Help - &Online hulp + &Online-hulp Go to online documentation - Online documentatie + Open de online-documentatie &User Guide - &Gebruikershandleiding + Gebr&uikershandleiding Open User Guide @@ -5267,15 +5321,15 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Save Database Backup… - Database-backup opslaan... + Databasereservekopie opslaan… Add key to SSH Agent - Sleutel toevoegen aan SSH-agent + Sleutel toevoegen aan ssh-agent Remove key from SSH Agent - Sleutel wegnemen van SSH-agent + Sleutel verwijderen van ssh-agent Compact Mode @@ -5299,11 +5353,11 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Show Toolbar - Werkbalk weergeven + Werkbalk tonen Show Preview Panel - Voorbeeldvenster weergeven + Voorvertoningspaneel tonen Always on Top @@ -5319,7 +5373,7 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Clone Group... - Groep dupliceren... + Groep klonen… Clear history @@ -5331,31 +5385,31 @@ Weet je zeker dat je wilt doorgaan met dit bestand? Don't show again for this version - Niet meer weergeven voor deze versie + Niet meer tonen in deze versie WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC. There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. This version is not meant for production use. - WAARSCHUWING: Je gebruikt een niet-stabiele versie van KeePassXC! -Deze versie is niet bedoeld voor dagelijks gebruik. -Er is een verhoogd risico op beschadiging. Bewaar een back-up van jouw databases. + WAARSCHUWING: je maakt gebruik van een instabiele versie van KeePassXC! +Er is een verhoogd risico op beschadiging. Bewaar een reservekopie van jouw databases. +Deze versie is niet bedoeld voor dagelijks gebruik. NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC. Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes. - Opmerking: Je gebruikt een pre-release versie van KeePassXC! + Opmerking: je maakt gebruik van een vooraf vrijgegeven versie van KeePassXC! Houd rekening met fouten en kleine problemen. Deze versie is bedoeld voor testdoeleinden. WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. - WAARSCHUWING: Jouw Qt-versie kan KeePassXC laten crashen bij gebruik van een schermtoetsenbord! -Wij raden je aan om de AppImage te gebruiken welke beschikbaar is op onze downloadpagina. + WAARSCHUWING: jouw Qt-versie kan KeePassXC laten crashen bij gebruik van een schermtoetsenbord! +Wij raden je aan om de AppImage te gebruiken. Je kun dit bestand downloaden van onze website. Restore Entry(s) - Vermelding(en) herstellenItem(s) herstellen + Item herstellenItems herstellen Settings @@ -5363,19 +5417,19 @@ Wij raden je aan om de AppImage te gebruiken welke beschikbaar is op onze downlo Check for updates on startup? - Controleren op updates bij het opstarten? + Controleren op updates na opstarten Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup? - Wil je dat KeePassXC bij het opstarten controleert op updates? + Wil je dat KeePassXC na het opstarten controleert op updates? You can always check for updates manually from the application menu. - Je kunt altijd handmatig controleren of er updates zijn vanuit het programmamenu. + Je kunt altijd handmatig controleren of er updates zijn via het programmamenu. Toggle window - Venster openen + Venster tonen/verbergen Quit KeePassXC @@ -5383,7 +5437,7 @@ Wij raden je aan om de AppImage te gebruiken welke beschikbaar is op onze downlo Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - Presenteer je YubiKey of druk er op om door te gaan... + Koppel je YubiKey aan of druk er op om door te gaan… Restart Application? @@ -5391,19 +5445,43 @@ Wij raden je aan om de AppImage te gebruiken welke beschikbaar is op onze downlo You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? - Je moet de applicatie opnieuw opstarten om deze instelling toe te passen. -Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? + Om deze instelling toe te passen, dient KeePassXC te worden herstart. +Wil je dat nu doen? + + + Tags + Labels + + + No Tags + Geen labels + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 item%1 items + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Wachtwoord en TOTP kopiëren + + + &XML File… + &Xml-bestand… + + + XML File… + Xml-bestand… ManageDatabase Database settings - Database-instellingen + Databaseinstellingen Edit database settings - Database instellingen bewerken + Databaseinstellingen aanpassen Unlock database @@ -5411,7 +5489,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Unlock database to show more information - Ontgrendel de database voor meer informatie + Ontgrendel de database om meer informatie te tonen Lock database @@ -5422,93 +5500,93 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? ManageSession Disconnect - Verbreken + Koppeling verbreken Disconnect this application - Deze applicatie loskoppelen + Verbreek de koppeling met dit programma Reset - Opnieuw instellen + Standaardwaarden Reset any remembered decisions for this application - Alle onthouden beslissingen voor deze toepassing opnieuw instellen + Herstel alle standaardinstellingen van dit programma Merger Creating missing %1 [%2] - Ontbrekende %1 [%2] aanmaken + Bezig met aanmaken van ontbrekende %1 [%2]… Relocating %1 [%2] - %1 [%2] verplaatsen + Bezig met verplaatsen van %1 [%2]… Overwriting %1 [%2] - %1 [%2] overschrijven + Bezig met overschrijven van %1 [%2]… older entry merged from database "%1" - ouder item samengevoegd uit database '%1' + ouder item samengevoegd uit database ‘%1’ Adding backup for older target %1 [%2] - Back-up toevoegen voor ouder doel %1 [%2] + Bezig met toevoegen van reservekopie voor ouder doel %1 [%2]… Adding backup for older source %1 [%2] - Back-up toevoegen voor oudere bron %1 [%2] + Bezig met toevoegen van reservekopie voor oudere bron %1 [%2]… Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2] - Ouder doel item is opnieuw toegepast over nieuwer bron item %1 [%2] + Bezig met opnieuw toepassen van ouder doel over nieuwere bron %1 [%2]… Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2] - Ouder bron item is opnieuw toegepast over nieuwer doel item %1 [%2] + Bezig met opnieuw toepassen van oudere bron over nieuwer doel %1 [%2]… Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2] - Synchroniseren van nieuwere bron %1 [%2] + Bezig met synchroniseren van nieuwere bron %1 [%2]… Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2] - Synchroniseren van oudere bron %1 [%2] + Bezig met synchroniseren van oudere bron %1 [%2]… Deleting child %1 [%2] - Verwijderen van kind %1 [%2] + Bezig met verwijderen van onderliggende %1 [%2]… Deleting orphan %1 [%2] - Verwijderen wees %1 [%2] + Bezig met verwijderen van verouderde %1 [%2]… Changed deleted objects - Verwijderde objecten gewijzigd + De verwijderde objecten zijn gewijzigd Adding missing icon %1 - Toevoegen van ontbrekend pictogram %1 + Bezig met toevoegen van ontbrekend pictogram %1… Removed custom data %1 [%2] - Gebruikersinstellingen verwijderd %1 [%2] + De gebruikersinstellingen zijn verwijderd %1 [%2] Adding custom data %1 [%2] - Gebruikersinstellingen toegevoegd %1 [%2] + Bezig met toevoegen van gebruikersinstellingen %1 [%2]… NewDatabaseWizard Create a new KeePassXC database… - Nieuwe KeePassXC database aanmaken... + Bezig met aanmaken van nieuwe KeePassXC-database… Root @@ -5520,19 +5598,19 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? NewDatabaseWizardPage WizardPage - Assistent + Instelhulp Encryption Settings - Versleutelingsinstellingen + Beveiligingsinstellingen Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. - Hier kun je de versleutelingsinstellingen van de database aanpassen. Maak je geen zorgen, je kunt dit later in de database-instellingen wijzigen. + Hier kun je de beveiligingsinstellingen van de database aanpassen. Dit kan echter ook op een later moment via de databaseinstellingen. Advanced Settings - Geavanceerde instellingen + Uitgebreide instellingen Simple Settings @@ -5543,33 +5621,33 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? NewDatabaseWizardPageDatabaseKey Database Credentials - Databasegegevens + Database inloggegevens A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database. - Een verzameling referenties die jij alleen kent en die je database beschermt. + Inloggegevens die alleen jij kent en die de database beschermt. NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryption Encryption Settings - Versleutelingsinstellingen + Beveiligingsinstellingen Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. - Hier kun je de versleutelingsinstellingen van de database aanpassen. Maak je geen zorgen, je kunt dit later in de database-instellingen wijzigen. + Hier kun je de beveiligingsinstellingen van de database aanpassen. Dit kan echter ook op een later moment via de databaseinstellingen. NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaData General Database Information - Algemene database-informatie + Algemene databaseinformatie Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database: - Geef de weergavenaam en een optionele beschrijving voor de nieuwe database: + Geef de nieuwe database een weergavenaam en eventueel een beschrijving: @@ -5580,18 +5658,18 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Global shortcut already registered to %1 - Globale snelkoppeling is al geregistreerd bij %1 + Deze globale sneltoets is al toegekend aan %1 Could not register global shortcut - Kan algemene snelkoppeling niet registreren + De globale sneltoets kan niet worden vastgelegd OpData01 Invalid OpData01, does not contain header - Ongeldige OpData01, bevat geen header + Ongeldige OpData01: geen kop aanwezig Unable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1 @@ -5647,18 +5725,18 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Unable to decode masterKey: %1 - Kan hoofdsleutel niet decoderen: %1 + De hoofdsleutel kan niet worden ontcijferd: %1 Unable to derive master key: %1 - Kan hoofdsleutel niet afleiden: %1 + De hoofdsleutel kan niet worden afgeleid: %1 OpenSSHKey Invalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key - Ongeldig sleutelbestand, er werd een OpenSSH-sleutel verwacht + Ongeldig sleutelbestand; er werd een OpenSSH-sleutel verwacht PEM boundary mismatch @@ -5670,7 +5748,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Key file way too small. - Sleutelbestand veel te klein. + Het sleutelbestand is veel te klein. Key file magic header id invalid @@ -5678,23 +5756,23 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Found zero keys - Geen sleutels gevonden + Er zijn geen sleutels aangetroffen Failed to read public key. - Lezen publieke sleutel mislukt. + De publieke sleutel kan niet worden uitgelezen. Corrupted key file, reading private key failed - Beschadigd sleutelbestand, lezen persoonlijke sleutel mislukt + De privésleutel kan niet worden uitgelezen omdat het bestand beschadigd is Unsupported key type: %1 - Niet ondersteund sleuteltype: %1 + Niet-ondersteund sleuteltype: %1 No private key payload to decrypt - Geen inhoud persoonlijke sleutel om te decoderen + De privésleutel bevat geen te ontcijferen inhoud Unknown cipher: %1 @@ -5702,11 +5780,11 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Passphrase is required to decrypt this key - Wachtwoord(-zin) nodig om deze sleutel te ontcijferen + Er is een wachtwoordzin vereist om deze sleutel te ontcijferen Key derivation failed: %1 - Sleutelafleiding is mislukt: %1 + De sleutel kan niet worden afgeleid: %1 Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf @@ -5714,19 +5792,19 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Unknown KDF: %1 - Onbekende sleutelafleidings-functie: %1 + Onbekende sleutelafleidingsfunctie: %1 Failed to initialize cipher: %1 - Kan codering niet initialiseren: %1 + De vercijfering kan niet worden geïnitialiseerd: %1 Decryption failed: %1 - Decodering is mislukt: %1 + Het ontcijferen is mislukt: %1 Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? - Decodering mislukt, verkeerd wachtwoord(-zin)? + Het ontcijferen is mislukt. Controleer de wachtwoordzin. Unexpected EOF while reading key @@ -5734,7 +5812,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Unsupported key part - Niet ondersteund sleutelonderdeel + Niet-ondersteund sleutelonderdeel Unexpected EOF while reading public key @@ -5750,7 +5828,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Can't write public key as it is empty - Kan publieke sleutel niet opslaan, aangezien deze leeg is + De publieke sleutel kan niet worden opgeslagen aangezien deze leeg is Unexpected EOF when writing public key @@ -5758,53 +5836,30 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Can't write private key as it is empty - Kan persoonlijke sleutel niet opslaan, aangezien deze leeg is + De privésleutel kan niet worden opgeslagen aangezien deze leeg is Unexpected EOF when writing private key Onverwacht bestandseinde bij schrijven persoonlijke sleutel - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen - - - Passwords match so far - Wachtwoorden overeenkomst tot nu toe - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Wachtwoord schakelen (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Wachtwoord genereren (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Let op: Caps Lock geactiveerd! - - PasswordEditWidget Enter password: - Wachtwoord invoeren: + Voer een wachtwoord in: Password field - Wachtwoord invulveld + Wachtwoordveld Confirm password: - Wachtwoord bevestigen: + Bevestig het wachtwoord: Repeat password field - Wachtwoord herhaling veld + Wachtwoordherhaalveld Password @@ -5824,7 +5879,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Password set, click to change or remove - Wachtwoord ingesteld, klik om te wijzigen of verwijderen + Wachtwoord ingesteld - klik om te wijzigen of te verwijderen <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> @@ -5832,7 +5887,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Passwords do not match. - Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen. + De wachtwoorden komen niet overeen. @@ -5880,15 +5935,15 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Switch to advanced mode - Overschakelen naar de geavanceerde modus + Overschakelen naar uitgebreide weergave Advanced - Geavanceerd + Uitgebreid Character Types - Tekens + Tekensoorten Special characters @@ -5896,7 +5951,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Quotes - Aanhalingstekens + Dubbele aanhalingstekens Punctuation @@ -5904,7 +5959,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Dashes and Slashes - Streepjes en schuine streepjes + Streepjes en schuine strepen Upper-case letters @@ -5920,7 +5975,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Math Symbols - Wiskunde tekens + Wiskundige tekens Extended ASCII @@ -5944,11 +5999,11 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Add non-hex letters to "do not include" list - Voeg niet-hex karakters toe aan de "niet gebruiken" lijst + Voeg niet-hextekens toe aan de ‘niet gebruiken’-lijst Hex Passwords - Hex wachtwoord + Hex-wachtwoorden Hex @@ -5956,7 +6011,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Character set to exclude from generated password - Tekenset die niet gebruikt mag worden in het gegenereerde wachtwoord + De tekenset die niet gebruikt mag worden in het gegenereerde wachtwoord Excluded characters @@ -5966,17 +6021,13 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Also choose from: Kies ook uit: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Niet te gebruiken karakters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters - Op elkaar lijkende tekens niet gebruiken + Geen op elkaar lijkende tekens gebruiken Pick characters from every group - Gebruik tekens uit iedere groep + Tekens uit iedere groep gebruiken Passphrase @@ -6000,7 +6051,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Word Case: - Teken grootte + Hoofdlettergebruik: Delete selected wordlist @@ -6028,7 +6079,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Regenerate password (%1) - Òpnieuw genereren (%1) + Opnieuw genereren (%1) lower case @@ -6040,7 +6091,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Title Case - Eerste Letter Als Hoofdletter + Alles Met Beginhoofdletter (SYSTEM) @@ -6052,15 +6103,15 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Confirm Delete Wordlist - Verwijdering woordenlijst bevestigen + Verwijderen van woordenlijst bevestigen Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? - Wil je de woordenlijst "%1" echt verwijderen? + Weet je zeker dat je de woordenlijst “%1” wilt verwijderen? Failed to delete wordlist - Woordenlijst is niet verwijderd + De woordenlijst kan niet worden verwijderd Wordlists @@ -6072,7 +6123,7 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Select Custom Wordlist - Aangepaste woordenlijst selecteren + Kies een aangepaste woordenlijst Overwrite Wordlist? @@ -6081,16 +6132,16 @@ Wil je KeePassXC nu opnieuw opstarten? Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? - Woordenlijst "%1" bestaat al als een aangepaste woordenlijst. + De woordenlijst “%1” bestaat al als aangepaste woordenlijst. Wil je deze overschrijven? Failed to add wordlist - Woordenlijst is niet toegevoegd + De woordenlijst kan niet worden toegevoegd Logograms - Special tekens + Logografisch schrift Special Characters @@ -6098,7 +6149,58 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Password Quality: %1 - Kwaliteit: %1 + Wachtwoordsterkte: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Slecht + + + Weak + Password quality + Zwak + + + Good + Password quality + Goed + + + Excellent + Password quality + Uitstekend + + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Niet te gebruiken tekens: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + De wachtwoorden komen niet overeen + + + Passwords match so far + Wachtwoordovereenkomst tot dusver + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Wachtwoord schakelen (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Wachtwoord genereren (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Let op: CapsLock is ingeschakeld! + + + Quality: %1 + Sterkte: %1 Poor @@ -6129,11 +6231,11 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. - Selecteer tekens om te typen, navigeer met pijltoetsen, Ctrl + S verzendt. + Selecteer tekens om te typen, navigeer met de pijltjestoetsen, verstuur met Ctrl + S. Press &Tab between characters - Druk &Tab tussen de tekens + Druk op &Tab tussen de tekens @@ -6152,7 +6254,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Empty - Leeg + Legen Remove @@ -6179,35 +6281,35 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? QObject Database not opened - Database niet geopend + De database is niet geopend Database hash not available - Database-hashwaarde is niet beschikbaar + De database-controlesomwaarde is niet beschikbaar Client public key not received - Openbare sleutel niet ontvangen + De publieke sleutel is niet ontvangen Cannot decrypt message - Kan bericht niet decoderen + Het bericht kan niet worden ontcijferd Action cancelled or denied - Actie afgebroken of geweigerd + De actie is afgebroken of geweigerd Message encryption failed. - Berichtcodering is mislukt. + Het bericht kan niet worden vercijferd. KeePassXC association failed, try again - KeePassXC-koppeling is mislukt, probeer het opnieuw + De KeePassXC-koppeling is mislukt - probeer het opnieuw Encryption key is not recognized - De coderingssleutel is niet herkend + De vercijferingssleutel is niet herkend Incorrect action @@ -6219,7 +6321,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? No URL provided - Geen URL opgegeven + Geen url opgegeven No logins found @@ -6231,7 +6333,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Cannot create new group - Kan geen nieuwe groep aanmaken + Er kan geen nieuwe groep worden aangemaakt No valid UUID provided @@ -6239,7 +6341,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Unknown error - Onbekende fout + Onbekende foutmelding Browser Integration @@ -6247,15 +6349,15 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Browser Plugin Failure - Fout met browser-extensie + Browserextensie-foutmelding Could not save the native messaging script file for %1. - Kan het native messaging scriptbestand voor %1 niet opslaan. + Het native messaging-scriptbestand van %1 kan niet worden opgeslagen. Username for the entry. - Gebruikersnaam voor het item. + De gebruikersnaam van het item. username @@ -6263,15 +6365,15 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? URL for the entry. - URL voor het item. + De url van het item. URL - URL + Url Notes for the entry. - Notities bij het item. + De notities bij het item. Notes @@ -6279,7 +6381,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Prompt for the entry's password. - Vraag om het item's wachtwoord. + Vraag om het itemwachtwoord. Generate a password for the entry. @@ -6287,31 +6389,31 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Add a new entry to a database. - Nieuw item toevoegen aan een database. + Voeg een nieuw item toe aan een database. Path of the entry to add. - Pad van toe te voegen item. + De locatie van het toe te voegen item. Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. - Kan geen wachtwoord en prompt op hetzelfde moment genereren! + Er kan geen wachtwoord en bevestiging op hetzelfde moment worden gegenereerd! Could not create entry with path %1. - Kan geen item maken met pad %1. + Er kan geen item worden aangemaakt met de locatie ‘%1’. Enter password for new entry: - Voer wachtwoord in voor nieuw item: + Voer het wachtwoord in van het nieuwe item: Writing the database failed %1. - Het schrijven van de database is mislukt %1. + De database kan niet worden weggeschreven %1. Successfully added entry %1. - Item %1 toegevoegd. + ‘%1’ is toegevoegd. Adds a new group to a database. @@ -6319,23 +6421,23 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Path of the group to add. - Pad van de toe te voegen groep. + Locatie van de toe te voegen groep. Group %1 already exists! - Groep %1 bestaat al! + ‘%1’ bestaat al! Group %1 not found. - Groep %1 niet gevonden. + ‘%1’ kan niet worden gevonden. Successfully added group %1. - Groep %1 toegevoegd. + ‘%1’ is toegevoegd. Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from - Controleer of er wachtwoorden zijn gelekt en openbaar zijn gemaakt. BESTANDSNAAM moet het pad zijn van een bestand met SHA-1-hashes van gelekte wachtwoorden in HIBP-indeling, zoals beschikbaar op + Controleer of er wachtwoorden zijn gelekt en openbaar zijn gemaakt. BESTANDSNAAM dient de locatie te zijn van een bestand met SHA-1-controlesommen van gelekte wachtwoorden in HIBP-indeling, zoals beschikbaar op FILENAME @@ -6367,7 +6469,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… - Database items evalueren t.o.v. HIBP-bestand, dit kan even duren... + Database items evalueren met behulp van het HIBP-bestand, dit kan even duren... Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! @@ -6553,7 +6655,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). - Yubikey-positie en optioneel serienummer dat wordt gebruikt om toegang te krijgen tot de database (bijv. 1: 7370001). + Yubikey-positie en optioneel serienummer dat wordt gebruikt om toegang te krijgen tot de database (bijv. 1:7370001). slot[:serial] @@ -6569,7 +6671,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Target decryption time in MS for the database. - Beoogde decoderingstijd voor de database [ms]. + Beoogde decoderingstijd voor de database in ms. time @@ -6601,7 +6703,7 @@ Wil je deze overschrijven? Failed to set database password. - Kan databasewachtwoord niet instellen. + Databasewachtwoord instellen niet gelukt. Loading the key file failed @@ -7062,7 +7164,7 @@ Beschikbare opdrachten: Use the same credentials for both database files. - Gebruik dezelfde gegevens voor beide gegevensbestanden. + Gebruik dezelfde inloggegevens voor beide databasebestanden. Key file of the database to merge from. @@ -7388,7 +7490,7 @@ Kernelversie: %3 %4 Auto-Type - Auto-type + Automatisch invullen SSH Agent @@ -7622,7 +7724,7 @@ Kernelversie: %3 %4 Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - Vermelding "%1" heeft %2 referentie(s). Wilt u verwijzingen overschrijven met waarden, dit item overslaan of toch verwijderen?Vermelding "%1" heeft %2 referentie(s). Wilt je deze overschrijven met waarden, dit item overslaan of toch verwijderen? + Vermelding "%1" heeft %2 referentie(s). Wilt u verwijzingen overschrijven met waarden, dit item overslaan of toch verwijderen?Vermelding "%1" heeft %2 referentie(s). Wil je deze overschrijven met waarden, dit item overslaan of toch verwijderen? User name @@ -7736,7 +7838,65 @@ Kernelversie: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. - + Koppel je YubiKey aan of druk er op om door te gaan. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Toon de attributen van het item. + + + Edit a database. + Bewerk een databank. + + + Could not change the database key. + De databanksleutel kan niet worden gewijzigd. + + + Database was not modified. + De databank is niet bewerkt. + + + Successfully edited the database. + De databank is bewerkt. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Het nieuwe sleutelbestand kan niet worden geladen: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Wis het databankwachtwoord. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Wis het databanksleutelbestand. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + %1 en %2 kunnen niet tegelijkertijd worden gebruikt. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Niet alle sleutels kunnen worden gewist. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Het wachtwoord kan niet worden gewist omdat er geen wachtwoord is. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Het sleutelbestand kan niet worden gewist omdat er geen wachtwoord is. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Onverwacht sleuteltype aangetroffen: ‘%1’ + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Stel het sleutelbestand van de databank in. +Let op: deze optie is verouderd - gebruik --set-key-file @@ -8285,6 +8445,10 @@ Kernelversie: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Beperk het zoeken tot de geselecteerde groep + + Save Search + Zoekopdracht opslaan + SettingsClientModel @@ -8502,10 +8666,6 @@ Kernelversie: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Alle - Expired Verlopen @@ -8514,6 +8674,33 @@ Kernelversie: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Zwakke wachtwoorden + + All Entries + Alle items + + + Clear Search + Zoekopdracht wissen + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Zoekopdracht verwijderen + + + Remove Tag + Label verwijderen + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Verwijderen bevestigen + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Weet u zeker dat u het label “%1” van alle items wilt verwijderen? + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts index 5d25aeb95..a6a366918 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_pl.ts @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ AgentSettingsWidget Enable SSH Agent integration - Włącz integrację agenta SSH + Włącz integrację z agentem SSH Use Pageant @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Wybierz katalog przechowywania kopii zapasowych + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + To ustawienie nie może być włączone, gdy włączona jest opcja minimalizacji przy odblokowaniu. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Pamiętaj ostatnio wpisany wpis przez: + + recent files + ostatnie pliki + + + Show passwords in color + Pokaż hasła w kolorze + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Nieprawidłowy symbol zastępczy: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Wpis nie ma atrybutu dla PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1132,11 +1148,11 @@ Czy chcesz teraz migrować istniejące ustawienia? Due to Snap sandboxing, you must run a script to enable browser integration.<br />You can obtain this script from %1 - Ze względu na sandboxing Snap należy uruchomić skrypt, aby umożliwić integrację przeglądarki.<br />Możesz uzyskać ten skrypt z %1 + Ze względu na sandboxing Snap należy uruchomić skrypt, aby umożliwić integrację z przeglądarką.<br />Możesz uzyskać ten skrypt z %1 KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3. %4 - KeePassXC-Browser jest niezbędny do integracji przeglądarki. <br />Pobierz go dla %1 oraz %2 i %3. %4 + KeePassXC-Browser jest niezbędny do integracji z przeglądarką. <br />Pobierz go dla %1 oraz %2 i %3. %4 Please see special instructions for browser extension use below @@ -1144,7 +1160,7 @@ Czy chcesz teraz migrować istniejące ustawienia? <b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location cannot be found!<br/>Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application. - <b>Błąd:</b> Nie można znaleźć niestandardowej lokalizacji proxy! Integracja przeglądarki NIE DZIAŁA bez aplikacji proxy. + <b>Błąd:</b> Nie można znaleźć niestandardowej lokalizacji proxy! Integracja z przeglądarką NIE DZIAŁA bez aplikacji proxy. <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Zapasowa baza danych znajduje się w %2 Key File: Plik klucza: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Oprócz hasła głównego można użyć pliku sekretnego w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa bazy danych. Ten plik można wygenerować w ustawieniach zabezpieczeń bazy danych.</p><p>To <strong>nie</strong> jest plik bazy danych *. kdbx!<br>Jeśli nie masz pliku klucza, pozostaw to pole puste.</p><p>Kliknij, aby uzyskać więcej informacji…</p> - Key file help Pomoc dotycząca pliku klucza @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Zapasowa baza danych znajduje się w %2 Hardware Key: Klucz sprzętowy: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Możesz użyć sprzętowego klucza bezpieczeństwa, takiego jak <strong>YubiKey</strong> albo <strong>OnlyKey</strong> z gniazdami skonfigurowanymi dla HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Kliknij, aby uzyskać więcej informacji…</p> - Hardware key help Pomoc klucza sprzętowego @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ Jeśli nie masz pliku klucza, pozostaw puste pole. Select hardware key… Wybierz klucz sprzętowy… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Oprócz hasła głównego można użyć pliku sekretnego w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa bazy danych. Ten plik można wygenerować w ustawieniach zabezpieczeń bazy danych.</p><p>To <strong>nie</strong> jest plik bazy danych *. kdbx!<br>Jeśli nie masz pliku klucza, pozostaw to pole puste.</p><p>Kliknij, aby uzyskać więcej informacji…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Możesz użyć sprzętowego klucza bezpieczeństwa, takiego jak <strong>YubiKey</strong> albo <strong>OnlyKey</strong> z gniazdami skonfigurowanymi dla HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Kliknij, aby uzyskać więcej informacji…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ Jest to z pewnością błąd, zgłoś go programistom. Database tab name modifier %1 [Zablokowana] + + Export database to XML file + Eksportuj bazę danych do pliku XML + + + XML file + Plik XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + Nie udało się zapisać pliku XML + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Tagi bazy danych - Searching… Wyszukiwanie… @@ -2420,6 +2444,22 @@ Wyłączyć bezpieczne zapisywanie i spróbować ponownie? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) Wpisy wygasają w ciągu %1 dniaWpisy wygasają w ciągu %1 dniWpisy wygasają w ciągu %1 dniWpisy wygasają w ciągu %1 dni + + Searches and Tags + Wyszukiwania i tagi + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Wprowadź unikalną nazwę lub zastąp istniejące wyszukiwanie z listy: + + + Save + Zapisz + + + Save Search + Zapisz wyszukiwanie + EditEntryWidget @@ -3066,7 +3106,7 @@ Czy chcesz go poprawić? Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups - Ukryj wpisy przed przełączeniem rozszerzenia przeglądarki dla tej i podgrup + Przełączenie ukrywania wpisów przed rozszerzeniem przeglądarki dla tej i podgrup Skip Auto-Submit for entries: @@ -3074,7 +3114,7 @@ Czy chcesz go poprawić? Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups - Pomiń przełączenie autoprzesyłania dla tej i podgrup + Przełączenie pomijania autoprzesyłania dla tej i podgrup Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3082,7 +3122,7 @@ Czy chcesz go poprawić? Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - Tylko przełączenie uwierzytelniania HTTP dla tej i podgrup + Przełączenie tylko uwierzytelniania HTTP dla tej i podgrup Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3090,7 +3130,15 @@ Czy chcesz go poprawić? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - Nie używaj przełączenia uwierzytelniania HTTP dla tej i podgrup + Przełączenie nieużywania uwierzytelniania HTTP dla tej i podgrup + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Pomiń subdomenę WWW w dopasowaniu: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Przełączenie pomijania subdomeny WWW w dopasowaniu dla tej i podgrup @@ -3899,6 +3947,10 @@ Błąd: %1 Disabled Wyłączone + + Double click to copy value + Kliknij dwukrotnie, aby skopiować wartość + EntryURLModel @@ -3992,7 +4044,7 @@ To narazi Twoje hasła i poufne informacje na niebezpieczeństwo! Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration. - Uruchomiona jest inna usługa sekretna (%1). Zatrzymaj ją/usuń przed ponownym włączeniem Integracji usługi sekretnej. + Uruchomiona jest inna usługa sekretna (%1). Zatrzymaj ją/usuń przed ponownym włączeniem integracji z usługą sekretną. Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/> @@ -4930,7 +4982,7 @@ Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować z tym plikiem? Could not register global shortcut - Nie udało się zarejestrować skrótu globalnego + Nie można zarejestrować skrótu globalnego @@ -5399,6 +5451,30 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Musisz uruchomić ponownie aplikację, aby zastosować to ustawienie. Czy chcesz teraz to zrobić? + + Tags + Tagi + + + No Tags + Bez tagów + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 wpis%1 wpisy%1 wpisów%1 wpisów + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Skopiuj hasło i TOTP + + + &XML File… + Plik &XML… + + + XML File… + Plik XML… + ManageDatabase @@ -5589,7 +5665,7 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania. Could not register global shortcut - Nie udało się zarejestrować skrótu globalnego + Nie można zarejestrować skrótu globalnego @@ -5770,29 +5846,6 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.Nieoczekiwany koniec pliku (EOF) podczas zapisu klucza prywatnego - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Hasła nie są zgodne - - - Passwords match so far - Hasła są do tej pory zgodne - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Przełącz hasło (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Wygeneruj hasło (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Ostrzeżenie: włączony Caps Lock! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5971,10 +6024,6 @@ Zalecamy korzystanie z AppImage dostępnego na naszej stronie pobierania.Also choose from: Wybierz także: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Wykluczone znaki: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Wyklucz podobnie wyglądające znaki @@ -6125,6 +6174,57 @@ Czy chcesz ją nadpisać? Password quality Znakomita + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Wykluczone znaki: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Hasła nie są zgodne + + + Passwords match so far + Hasła są do tej pory zgodne + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Przełącz hasło (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Wygeneruj hasło (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Ostrzeżenie: włączony Caps Lock! + + + Quality: %1 + Jakość: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Uboga + + + Weak + Password quality + Słaba + + + Good + Password quality + Dobra + + + Excellent + Password quality + Znakomita + PickcharsDialog @@ -6157,7 +6257,7 @@ Czy chcesz ją nadpisać? Empty - Pusty + Opróżnij Remove @@ -6228,7 +6328,7 @@ Czy chcesz ją nadpisać? No logins found - Nie znaleziono danych do logowania + Nie znaleziono danych logowania No groups found @@ -6288,7 +6388,7 @@ Czy chcesz ją nadpisać? Generate a password for the entry. - Wygeneruj hasło dla wpisu. + Wygeneruj hasło do wpisu. Add a new entry to a database. @@ -6554,7 +6654,7 @@ Czy chcesz ją nadpisać? Deactivate password key for the database. - Dezaktywuj klucz hasła dla bazy danych. + Dezaktywuj klucz hasła do bazy danych. Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). @@ -6582,11 +6682,11 @@ Czy chcesz ją nadpisać? Set the key file for the database. - Ustaw plik klucza dla bazy danych. + Ustaw plik klucza do bazy danych. Set a password for the database. - Ustaw hasło bazy danych. + Ustaw hasło do bazy danych. Create a new database. @@ -7413,7 +7513,7 @@ Jądro: %3 %4 Secret Service Integration - Integracja usługi sekretnej + Integracja z usługą sekretną None @@ -7743,6 +7843,64 @@ Jądro: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Proszę okazać lub dotknąć YubiKey, aby kontynuować. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Pokaż atrybuty wpisu. + + + Edit a database. + Edytuj bazę danych. + + + Could not change the database key. + Nie można zmienić klucza bazy danych. + + + Database was not modified. + Baza danych nie została zmodyfikowana. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Pomyślnie edytowano bazę danych. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Ładowanie nowego pliku klucza nie powiodło się: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Usuń hasło do bazy danych. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Usuń plik klucza do bazy danych. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Nie można jednocześnie używać %1 i %2. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Nie można usunąć wszystkich kluczy z bazy danych. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Nie można usunąć hasła: baza danych nie ma hasła. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Nie można usunąć pliku klucza: baza danych nie ma pliku klucza. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Znaleziono nieoczekiwany typ %1 klucza + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Ustaw plik klucza do bazy danych. +Ta opcja jest przestarzała, zamiast jej użyj --set-key-file. + QtIOCompressor @@ -8290,6 +8448,10 @@ Jądro: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Ogranicz wyszukiwanie do wybranych grup + + Save Search + Zapisz wyszukiwanie + SettingsClientModel @@ -8416,7 +8578,7 @@ Jądro: %3 %4 Allow import - Zezwól importować + Zezwól na import Allow KeeShare exports @@ -8463,7 +8625,7 @@ Jądro: %3 %4 ShareExport Could not write export container. - Nie udało się zapisać kontenera eksportu. + Nie można zapisać kontenera eksportu. @@ -8510,10 +8672,6 @@ Jądro: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Wszystkie - Expired Wygasłe @@ -8522,6 +8680,33 @@ Jądro: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Słabe hasła + + All Entries + Wszystkie wpisy + + + Clear Search + Wyczyść wyszukiwanie + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Usuń wyszukiwanie + + + Remove Tag + Usuń tag + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Potwierdź usunięcie tagu + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Usunąć tag "%1" ze wszystkich wpisów w tej bazie danych? + TotpDialog @@ -8702,7 +8887,7 @@ Przykład: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Recent databases - Niedawne bazy danych + Ostatnie bazy danych Open a recent database @@ -8725,7 +8910,7 @@ Przykład: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not register global shortcut - Nie udało się zarejestrować skrótu globalnego + Nie można zarejestrować skrótu globalnego diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts index 49d616e44..1d8d78782 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_BR.ts @@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ <a href="">See Contributions on GitHub</a> - <a href="">Ver Colaborações no GitHub</a> + <a href="">Consulte as colaborações no GitHub</a> Debug Info - Informações de Depuração + Informações de depuração Include the following information whenever you report a bug: @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Copy to clipboard - Copiar para a área de transferência + Copia para a área de transferência @@ -86,19 +86,19 @@ Allow Selected - Permitir Selecionados + Permita os selecionados Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - + A sua escolha será memorizada enquanto o cliente e o KeePassXC estiverem em execução. Deny All && Future - + Recusar agora e futuramente Allow All && &Future - + Permitir agora && &futuramente @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ Use both agents - + Utilize ambos os agentes ApplicationSettingsWidget Application Settings - Configurações do Aplicativo + Configurações do aplicativo General @@ -215,22 +215,26 @@ Reset Settings? - Restaurar Configurações? + Restaurar as configurações? Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default? - Você tem certeza que deseja restaurar todas as configurações gerais e de segurança para o padrão? + Tem certeza que deseja restaurar todas as configurações gerais e as configurações de segurança para o padrão? Select backup storage directory - Selecione diretório para armazenar o backup + Selecione o diretório onde o backup será armazenado + + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Esta configuração não pode ser habilitada quando minimizar ao desbloquear está habilitado. ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral Basic Settings - Configurações Básicas + Configurações básicas Startup @@ -279,7 +283,7 @@ have expired On database unlock, show entries that... - + Caducou days @@ -293,19 +297,19 @@ File Management - Gerenciamento de Arquivo + Gerenciador de arquivo Automatically save after every change - Salvar automaticamente depois de cada alteração + Salva automaticamente depois de cada alteração Automatically save when locking database - Salvar automaticamente ao bloquear banco de dados + Salva automaticamente ao bloquear banco de dados Automatically save non-data changes when locking database - Salvar automaticamente alterações que não são de dados ao bloquear banco de dados + Salva automaticamente as alterações que não sejam dados ao bloquear o banco de dados Automatically reload the database when modified externally @@ -317,7 +321,7 @@ Backup destination - Destinação do backup + Destino do backup Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". @@ -382,7 +386,7 @@ User Interface - Interface do Usuário + Interface do usuário Toolbar button style @@ -390,7 +394,7 @@ Movable toolbar - Barra de Ferramentas Móvel + Barra de ferramentas móvel Language selection @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Lembrar última entrada digitada para: + + recent files + arquivos recentes + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Marcador de posição inválido: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + A entrada não tem o atributo para PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -718,7 +734,12 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - + <p>Pode utilizar a pesquisa avançada para localizar as entradas nas suas base de dados abertas. Os atalhos abaixo podem ser úteis:<br/> +Ctrl+F - Alterna a pesquisa nas bases de dados<br/> +Ctrl+1 - Escreve o nome do utilizador<br/> +Ctrl+2 - Escreve a senha +Ctrl+3 - Escreve o TOTP<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Utiliza o teclado virtual (apenas no Windows)</p> Search all open databases @@ -762,7 +783,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Use Virtual Keyboard - + Utilize o teclado virtual @@ -905,7 +926,7 @@ Movido %2 chaves para dados personalizados. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - Movido com sucesso %n chaves para dados personalizados.Movido com sucesso %n chaves para dados personalizados. + Movido com sucesso %n chaves para dados personalizados.Movido com sucesso %n chaves para dados personalizados.Movido com sucesso %n chaves para dados personalizados. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! @@ -1313,7 +1334,7 @@ Gostaria de migrar suas configurações existentes agora? [%n more message(s) skipped] - [%n mais mensagem(ns) ignoradas][%n mais mensagem(ns) ignoradas] + [%n mais mensagem(ns) ignoradas][%n mais mensagem(ns) ignoradas][%n mais mensagem(ns) ignoradas] Error @@ -1335,15 +1356,15 @@ Gostaria de migrar suas configurações existentes agora? %n byte(s) - %n byte%n bytes + %n byte%n bytes%n bytes %n row(s) - %n linha%n linhas + %n linha%n linhas%n linhas %n column(s) - %n coluna(s)%n coluna(s) + %n coluna(s)%n coluna(s)%n coluna(s) @@ -1425,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup do banco de dados alocado em %2 Key File: Arquivo-Chave: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Para além da palavra-passe, pode utilizar um ficheiro-chave para aumentar a segurança da sua base de dados. Este ficheiro pode ser gerado nas definições de segurança da sua base de dados..</p><p><strong>Não</strong> pode utilizar ficheiros *.kdbx como ficheiro-chave!<br>Se não quiser utilizar um ficheiro-chave, deixe este campo em branco.</p><p>Clique aqui para mais informação.</p> - Key file help Ajuda do arquivo-chave @@ -1441,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup do banco de dados alocado em %2 Hardware Key: Chave de hardware: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Pode utilizar uma chave de segurança como, por exemplo, os dispositivos <strong>YubiKey</strong> ou <strong>OnlyKey</strong> com 'slots' configuradas para HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Clique aqui para mais informações.</p> - Hardware key help Ajuda da chave física @@ -1499,7 +1510,13 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - + O banco de dados que está tentando abrir deve ter sido +criado por uma versão mais recente do KeePassXC. + +Você pode tentar abrir o banco de dados mesmo assim, mas, esta poderá não +ser lido corretamente e, possivelmente, irá perder dados. + +Recomendamos que você atualize o KeePassXC para uma versão mais recente. Open database anyway @@ -1585,6 +1602,16 @@ Se você não tem um arquivo-chave, por favor deixe o campo vazio. Select hardware key… Selecionar chave física... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Para além da palavra-passe, pode utilizar um ficheiro-chave para aumentar a segurança da sua base de dados. Este ficheiro pode ser gerado nas definições de segurança da sua base de dados..</p><p><strong>Não</strong> pode utilizar ficheiros *.kdbx como ficheiro-chave!<br>Se não quiser utilizar um ficheiro-chave, deixe este campo em branco.</p><p>Clique aqui para mais informação.</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Pode utilizar uma chave de segurança como, por exemplo, os dispositivos <strong>YubiKey</strong> ou <strong>OnlyKey</strong> com 'slots' configuradas para HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Clique aqui para mais informações.</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1636,7 +1663,7 @@ Se você não tem um arquivo-chave, por favor deixe o campo vazio. Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data - + Converta os atributos legados do KeePassHTTP para os dados compatíveis com o KeePassXC-Browser Refresh database root group ID @@ -1712,7 +1739,7 @@ Isso pode impedir a conexão com o plugin do navegador. Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. - Removido com sucesso% n chave (s) criptográficas das configurações do KeePassXC.Removido com sucesso% n chave (s) criptográficas das configurações do KeePassXC. + Removido com sucesso% n chave (s) criptográficas das configurações do KeePassXC.Removido com sucesso% n chave (s) criptográficas das configurações do KeePassXC.Removido com sucesso% n chave (s) criptográficas das configurações do KeePassXC. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? @@ -1734,7 +1761,7 @@ Permissões para acessar entradas serão revogadas. Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). - Permissões removidas com sucesso de %n entrada(s).Permissões removidas com sucesso de %n entrada(s). + Permissões removidas com sucesso de %n entrada(s).Permissões removidas com sucesso de %n entrada(s).Permissões removidas com sucesso de %n entrada(s). KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! @@ -1892,7 +1919,7 @@ Tem certeza de que deseja continuar sem uma senha? KDBX 4 (recommended) - + KDBX 4 (recomendado) KDBX 3 @@ -1948,12 +1975,12 @@ Se você manter este número, seu banco de dados não estará protegido de ataqu MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) - MiB MiB + MiB MiB MiB thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) - processo(s)processo(s) + processo(s)processo(s)processo(s) @@ -2128,7 +2155,7 @@ Esta ação não é reversível. Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - %n ícones removidos da base de dados.%n ícones removidos da base de dados. + %n ícones removidos da base de dados.%n ícones removidos da base de dados.%n ícones removidos da base de dados. @@ -2236,13 +2263,21 @@ Este é definitivamente um bug, por favor denuncie para os desenvolvedores.Database tab name modifier %1 [Bloqueada] + + Export database to XML file + Exportar o banco de dados para um arquivo XML + + + XML file + Arquivo XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Etiquetas do banco de dados - Searching… Pesquisando... @@ -2407,7 +2442,23 @@ Deseja desabilitar salvamento seguro e tentar novamente? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + A entradas que vai caducar dentro de %1 diaAs entradas que vão caducar dentro de %1 diasAs entradas que vão caducar dentro de %1 dia(s) + + + Searches and Tags + Buscas e Etiquetas + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Digite um nome único ou sobrescreva uma busca existente da lista: + + + Save + Salvar + + + Save Search + Salvar Busca @@ -2552,19 +2603,19 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir? %n week(s) - %n semana(s)%n semana(s) + %n semana(s)%n semana(s)%n semana(s) %n month(s) - %n mese(s)%n mese(s) + %n mese(s)%n mese(s)%n mese(s) %n year(s) - %n ano%n anos + %n ano%n anos%n anos %n hour(s) - + %n hora%n horas%n hora(s) @@ -3055,31 +3106,39 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir? Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups - + Oculta as entradas deste grupo (e dos subgrupos) da extensão do navegador Skip Auto-Submit for entries: - + Ignora o envio automático para as entradas: Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups - + Ignora o envio automático para este e para os subgrupos Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Utilize as entradas apenas com o HTTP Basic Auth: Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - + Apenas o HTTP Basic Auth para este grupo e para os subgrupos Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Não utilize as entradas com o HTTP Basic Auth: Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - + Não utilize o HTTP Basic Auth para este grupo e para os subgrupos + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Omita o subdomínio WWW da correspondência: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Omita o subdomínio WWW da correspondência alternada: para este grupo e para os subgrupos @@ -3173,7 +3232,7 @@ Extensões suportadas são: %1 KeeShare container - + Contêiner KeeShare KeeShare signed container @@ -3271,7 +3330,7 @@ Extensões suportadas são: %1 Set the URL to use to search for a favicon - + Defina a URL que será utilizada para procurar pelos 'favicons' Favicon URL @@ -3335,7 +3394,7 @@ Extensões suportadas são: %1 Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - Carregado com sucesso %1 de %n ícone(s)Carregado com sucesso %1 de %n ícone(s) + Carregado com sucesso %1 de %n ícone(s)Carregado com sucesso %1 de %n ícone(s)Carregado com sucesso %1 de %n ícone(s) No icons were loaded @@ -3343,11 +3402,11 @@ Extensões suportadas são: %1 %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n ícone(s) já existe no banco de dados%n ícone(s) já existe no banco de dados + %n ícone(s) já existe no banco de dados%n ícone(s) já existe no banco de dados%n ícone(s) já existe no banco de dados The following icon(s) failed: - O seguinte ícone falhou:O(s) ícone(s) a seguir falharam: + O seguinte ícone falhou:O(s) ícone(s) a seguir falharam:O(s) ícone(s) a seguir falharam: @@ -3504,7 +3563,7 @@ Isto pode causar mal funcionamento dos plugins afetados. Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - Tem certeza que deseja remover anexos de %n?Tem certeza que deseja remover os %n anexo(s)? + Tem certeza que deseja remover anexos de %n?Tem certeza que deseja remover os %n anexo(s)?Tem certeza que deseja remover os %n anexo(s)? Save attachments @@ -3547,6 +3606,7 @@ Isto pode causar mal funcionamento dos plugins afetados. %1 Incapaz de abrir o arquivo (s): %1Não foi possível abrir arquivo(s): +%1Não foi possível abrir arquivo(s): %1 @@ -3556,7 +3616,8 @@ Isto pode causar mal funcionamento dos plugins afetados. Attachment "%1" already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? - + O anexo "%1" já existe. +Deseja fazer a substituição do anexo já existente? Confirm Attachment @@ -3885,6 +3946,10 @@ Erro: %1 Disabled Desabilitado + + Double click to copy value + Faça dois cliques para copiar o valor + EntryURLModel @@ -3922,7 +3987,8 @@ Erro: %1 You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! - + Você está prestes a exportar o seu banco de dados para um arquivo não criptografado. +Isso vai deixar as suas senhas e as suas informações confidenciais vulneráveis! database order @@ -4015,7 +4081,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application - %n entrada foi usada por %1%n entradas foram usadas por %1 + %n entrada foi usada por %1%n entradas foram usadas por %1%n entradas foram usadas por %1 @@ -4141,7 +4207,7 @@ Você pode habilitar o serviço de ícones do DuckDuckGo na seção de seguranç Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - + Falta os cabeçalhos dos bancos de dados Unable to calculate database key @@ -4167,11 +4233,11 @@ Se este erro ocorrer novamente, seu banco de dados pode estar corrompido. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + O comprimento do campo do cabeçalho é inválido: campo %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + O comprimento do campo de dados do cabeçalho é inválido: campo %1, esperado %2 e foi encontrado %3 @@ -4228,11 +4294,11 @@ Se este erro ocorrer novamente, seu banco de dados pode estar corrompido. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + O comprimento do campo do cabeçalho é inválido: campo %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + O comprimento do campo de dados do cabeçalho é inválido: campo %1, esperado %2 e foi encontrado %3 Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header @@ -4252,11 +4318,11 @@ Se este erro ocorrer novamente, seu banco de dados pode estar corrompido. Invalid inner header field length: field %1 - + O comprimento do campo interno é inválido: campo %1 Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + O comprimento do campo de dados interno é inválido: campo %1, esperado %2 e foi encontrado %3 Invalid inner header binary size @@ -5345,7 +5411,7 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. Restore Entry(s) - + Restaura a entradaRestaura as entradasRestaura as entrada(s) Settings @@ -5383,6 +5449,30 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Você precisa reiniciar o aplicativo para aplicar esta configuração. Você gostaria de reiniciar agora? + + Tags + Etiquetas + + + No Tags + Sem Etiquetas + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 Entradas(s)%1 Entradas(s)%1 Entradas(s) + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Copiar Senha e TOTP + + + &XML File… + Arquivo &XML... + + + XML File… + Arquivo XML... + ManageDatabase @@ -5419,11 +5509,11 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. Reset - + Redefine Reset any remembered decisions for this application - + Redefine quaisquer decisões armazenadas para esta aplicação @@ -5719,11 +5809,11 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. Unexpected EOF while reading key - + Foi encontrado um EOF inesperado ao ler a chave Unsupported key part - + Parte da chave não compatível Unexpected EOF while reading public key @@ -5754,29 +5844,6 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. EOF inesperado enquanto escrevendp a chave privada. - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Senhas não coicidem - - - Passwords match so far - Senhas não coincidem até agora - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Alternar Senha (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Gerar Senha (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Alerta: Caps Lock habilitado! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5955,10 +6022,6 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. Also choose from: Escolher também de: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Caracteres excluídos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Excluir caracteres semelhantes @@ -6045,7 +6108,7 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? - + Tem a certeza que deseja excluir a lista de palavras "%1"? Failed to delete wordlist @@ -6065,12 +6128,13 @@ Recomendamos que você use o AppImage disponível em nossa página de downloads. Overwrite Wordlist? - + Substituir lista de palavras? Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? - + A lista de palavras "%1" já existe como uma lista personalizada. +Tem certeza que deseja substitui-la? Failed to add wordlist @@ -6108,6 +6172,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Excelente + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Caracteres excluídos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Senhas não coicidem + + + Passwords match so far + Senhas não coincidem até agora + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Alternar Senha (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Gerar Senha (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Alerta: Caps Lock habilitado! + + + Quality: %1 + Qualidade: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Pobre + + + Weak + Password quality + Fraco + + + Good + Password quality + Bom + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excelente + PickcharsDialog @@ -6359,7 +6474,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! - A senha para '%1' foi vazada %2 vez(es)!A senha para '%1' foi vazada %2 vez(es)! + A senha para '%1' foi vazada %2 vez(es)!A senha para '%1' foi vazada %2 vez(es)!A senha para '%1' foi vazada %2 vez(es)! Password for '%1' has been leaked! @@ -6371,7 +6486,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path of the entry with the target attachment. - + Caminho da entrada com o destino do anexo Name of the attachment to be exported. @@ -6379,7 +6494,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path to which the attachment should be exported. - + O caminho para onde o anexo que deve ser exportado. Could not find entry with path %1. @@ -6387,27 +6502,27 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Could not find attachment with name %1. - + Não foi possível encontrar o anexo com o nome %1. No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. - + Nenhum destino foi informado. Utilize '--stdout' ou especifique um 'arquivo-de-exportação'. Could not open output file %1. - + Não foi possível abrir o arquivo gerado %1. Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. - + O anexo %1 da entrada %2 foi exportado com sucesso para %3. Overwrite existing attachments. - + Substitui os anexos já existentes Imports an attachment to an entry. - + Importa um anexo para uma entrada. Path of the entry. @@ -6415,35 +6530,35 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Name of the attachment to be added. - + Nome do anexo que será adicionado. Path of the attachment to be imported. - + O caminho do anexo que será importado. Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. - + O anexo %1 já existe na entrada %2. Could not open attachment file %1. - + Não foi possível abrir o anexo %1. Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. - + O anexo %1 foi importado com sucesso como %2 para a entrada %3. Remove an attachment of an entry. - + Remove um anexo de uma entrada. Name of the attachment to be removed. - + O nome do anexo que será excluído. Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. - + O anexo %1 foi excluído da entrada %2. Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. @@ -6509,7 +6624,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... - Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)...Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)... + Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)...Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)...Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)... Clipboard cleared! @@ -7176,7 +7291,7 @@ Comandos disponíveis: Show the attachments of the entry. - + Mostra os anexos de uma entrada. Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. @@ -7315,7 +7430,7 @@ Por favor, considere gerar um novo arquivo-chave. Password is used %1 time(s) - A senha foi usada %1 vezesA senha foi usada %1 vezes + A senha foi usada %1 vezesA senha foi usada %1 vezesA senha foi usada %1 vezes Password has expired @@ -7335,7 +7450,7 @@ Por favor, considere gerar um novo arquivo-chave. Password expires in %1 day(s) - A senha expira em %1 diasA senha expira em %1 dias + A senha expira em %1 diasA senha expira em %1 diasA senha expira em %1 dias Password will expire soon @@ -7407,27 +7522,27 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 over %1 year(s) - mais de %1 ano(s)mais de %1 ano(s) + mais de %1 ano(s)mais de %1 ano(s)mais de %1 ano(s) about %1 month(s) - Cerca de %1 mês(es)Cerca de %1 mês(es) + Cerca de %1 mês(es)Cerca de %1 mês(es)Cerca de %1 mês(es) %1 week(s) - %1 semana(s)%1 semana(s) + %1 semana(s)%1 semana(s)%1 semana(s) %1 day(s) - %1 dia(s)%1 dia(s) + %1 dia(s)%1 dia(s)%1 dia(s) %1 hour(s) - %1 hora(s)%1 hora(s) + %1 hora(s)%1 hora(s)%1 hora(s) %1 minute(s) - %1 minuto(s)%1 minuto(s) + %1 minuto(s)%1 minuto(s)%1 minuto(s) Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 @@ -7463,11 +7578,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 unknown executable (DBus address %1) - + executável desconhecido (endereço DBus %1) %1 (invalid executable path) - + %1 (o caminho do executável é inválido) NULL device @@ -7503,7 +7618,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ChaCha20 256-bit - + ChaCha20 256-bit Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) @@ -7519,7 +7634,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 AES-KDF (KDBX 3) - + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. @@ -7531,7 +7646,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)...Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)... + Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)...Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)...Limpando a área de transferência em %1 segundo(s)... Group @@ -7572,12 +7687,12 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 %1 ms milliseconds - %1 ms%1 ms + %1 ms%1 ms%1 ms %1 s seconds - %1 s%1 s + %1 s%1 s%1 s Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? @@ -7585,11 +7700,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? - Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar %n entradas?Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar %n entradas? + Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar %n entradas?Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar %n entradas?Tem a certeza de que deseja apagar %n entradas? Delete entry(s)? - Apagar entrada?Apagar entradas? + Apagar entrada?Apagar entradas?Apagar entradas? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? @@ -7597,11 +7712,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? - Você deseja realmente mover %n entrada para a lixeira?Você deseja realmente mover %n entrada(s) para a lixeira? + Você deseja realmente mover %n entrada para a lixeira?Você deseja realmente mover %n entrada(s) para a lixeira?Você deseja realmente mover %n entrada(s) para a lixeira? Move entry(s) to recycle bin? - Mover entrada para a lixeira?Mover entradas para a lixeira? + Mover entrada para a lixeira?Mover entradas para a lixeira?Mover entradas para a lixeira? Replace references to entry? @@ -7609,7 +7724,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência(s). Deseja substituir referências por valores, ignorar essa entrada ou excluir mesmo assim?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência(s). Deseja substituir referências por valores, ignorar essa entrada ou excluir mesmo assim? + A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência(s). Deseja substituir referências por valores, ignorar essa entrada ou excluir mesmo assim?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência(s). Deseja substituir referências por valores, ignorar essa entrada ou excluir mesmo assim?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência(s). Deseja substituir referências por valores, ignorar essa entrada ou excluir mesmo assim? User name @@ -7719,10 +7834,67 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. - + Houve uma falha no desafio de autenticação usando o Windows Hello. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + Introduza ou toque na sua YubiKey para continuar. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Mostrar todos os atributos da entrada. + + + Edit a database. + Editar um banco de dados. + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + O banco de dados não foi modificado. + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. @@ -7768,15 +7940,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Show only entries which have URL set - + Mostre apenas as entradas que tenham uma URL definida Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data - + Mostre apenas as entradas que possuam as definições do navegador nos dados personalizados Double-click entries to edit. - + Faça um clique nas entradas para alterar List of entry URLs @@ -7792,7 +7964,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Entry has no Browser Integration settings - + A entrada não possui definições de integração com o navegador Denied URLs @@ -7808,11 +7980,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… - + Aguarde enquanto as estatísticas estão sendo calculadas... No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. - + Não existem entradas com a URL definida ou com as definições de integração com navegador salvas. Title @@ -7832,7 +8004,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Excluir entrada...Excluir entradas... + Excluir entrada...Excluir entradas...Excluir entradas... Exclude from reports @@ -7918,7 +8090,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Excluir entrada...Excluir entradas... + Excluir entrada...Excluir entradas...Excluir entradas... Exclude from reports @@ -8013,7 +8185,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Excluir entrada...Excluir entradas... + Excluir entrada...Excluir entradas...Excluir entradas... Exclude from reports @@ -8183,7 +8355,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. - + O agente não é compatível com as chaves de segurança ou o fornecedor da chave de segurança não está disponível. No agent running, cannot remove identity. @@ -8272,6 +8444,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limitar busca ao grupo selecionado + + Save Search + Salvar Busca + SettingsClientModel @@ -8339,7 +8515,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">Esta definição não substitui + a desativação das solicitações da lixeira</span></p></body></html> + Confirm when clients request entry deletion @@ -8351,11 +8531,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>Melhora a compatibilidade com certas aplicações + que procuram por senhas, mas sem desbloquear o banco de dados.</p><p> Porém, ao ativar esta opção + também é possível travar o cliente se o banco de dados não puder ser desbloqueado dentro de um certo limite de tempo. (normalmente 25 seg., embora + outro valor possa ser definido em aplicações).</p></body></html> + Prompt to unlock database before searching - + Peça o desbloqueio do banco de dados antes de pesquisar Exposed database groups: @@ -8437,7 +8621,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ShareExport Could not write export container. - + Não foi possível escrever no contêiner de exportação @@ -8484,10 +8668,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Tudo - Expired Expirado @@ -8496,6 +8676,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Senhas Fracas + + All Entries + Todas as Entradas + + + Clear Search + Limpar Busca + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Remover Busca + + + Remove Tag + Remover Etiqueta + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Confirmar Remoção da Etiqueta + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Remover etiqueta "%1" de todas as entradas neste banco de dados? + TotpDialog @@ -8509,7 +8716,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Expira em <b>%n</b> segundo(s)Expira em <b>%n</b> segundo(s) + Expira em <b>%n</b> segundo(s)Expira em <b>%n</b> segundo(s)Expira em <b>%n</b> segundo(s) @@ -8710,7 +8917,7 @@ Exemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Failed to encrypt key data. - + Não foi possível cifrar os dados da chave Failed to get Windows Hello credential. @@ -8718,7 +8925,7 @@ Exemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Failed to decrypt key data. - + Não foi possível decifrar os dados da chave. @@ -8733,7 +8940,7 @@ Exemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. - + Não foi possível localizar a interface para o dispositivo com o número de série %1. Introduza o seu dispositivo para continuar. @@ -8814,7 +9021,7 @@ Exemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. - + Não foi possível localizar ou acessar a interface para o dispositivo com o número de série %1. Introduza o seu dispositivo para continuar. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. @@ -8826,7 +9033,7 @@ Exemplo: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 - + Houve uma falha ao tentar concluir a pergunta de segurança. O código de erro do PSCSC foi: %1 diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts index a3177c723..c3af18ee3 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_pt_PT.ts @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ Deny All && Future - + Recusar agora e futuramente Allow All && &Future - + Permitir agora e futuramente @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Selecione o diretório para o backup + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Esta definição não pode ser ativada se a opção "Minimizar janela após desbloquear a base de dados" estiver ativa. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Memorizar última entrada digitada durante: + + recent files + ficheiros recentes + + + Show passwords in color + Mostrar palavras-passe a cor + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Marcador de posição inválido: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + A entrada não tem o atributo para PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -910,7 +926,7 @@ Moved %2 keys to custom data. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - %n chave movida para dados personalizados.%n chaves movidas para dados personalizados. + %n chave movida para dados personalizados.%n chaves movidas para dados personalizados.%n chaves movidas para dados personalizados. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! @@ -1318,7 +1334,7 @@ Gostaria de migrar agora as definições? [%n more message(s) skipped] - [%n mensagem ignorada][%n mensagens ignoradas] + [%n mensagem ignorada][%n mensagens ignoradas][%n mensagens ignoradas] Error @@ -1340,15 +1356,15 @@ Gostaria de migrar agora as definições? %n byte(s) - %n byte%n bytes + %n byte%n bytes%n bytes %n row(s) - %n linha%n linhas + %n linha%n linhas%n linhas %n column(s) - %n coluna%n colunas + %n coluna%n colunas%n colunas @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup localizado em %2 Key File: Ficheiro-chave: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Para além da palavra-passe, pode utilizar um ficheiro-chave para aumentar a segurança da sua base de dados. Este ficheiro pode ser gerado nas definições de segurança da sua base de dados..</p><p><strong>Não</strong> pode utilizar ficheiros *.kdbx como ficheiro-chave!<br>Se não quiser utilizar um ficheiro-chave, deixe este campo em branco.</p><p>Clique aqui para mais informação.</p> - Key file help Ajuda para ficheiros-chave @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup localizado em %2 Hardware Key: Chave de hardware: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Pode utilizar um dispositivo de segurança tais como <strong>YubiKey</strong> ou <strong>OnlyKey</strong> com ranhuras configuradas para HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Clique aqui para mais informações.</p> - Hardware key help Ajuda para chaves de hardware @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ Se não quiser utilizar um ficheiro-chave, deixe este campo em branco.Select hardware key… Selecione a chave de hardware... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Para além da palavra-passe, pode utilizar um ficheiro-chave para aumentar a segurança da sua base de dados. Este ficheiro pode ser gerado nas definições de segurança da sua base de dados..</p><p><strong>Não</strong> pode utilizar ficheiros *.kdbx como ficheiro-chave!<br>Se não quiser utilizar um ficheiro-chave, deixe este campo em branco.</p><p>Clique aqui para mais informação.</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Pode utilizar um dispositivo de segurança tais como <strong>YubiKey</strong> ou <strong>OnlyKey</strong> com ranhuras configuradas para HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Clique aqui para mais informações.</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1723,7 +1739,7 @@ Esta ação pode interferir com a ligação ao suplemento. Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. - %n chave de cifra removida das definições do KeePassXC.%n chaves de cifra removidas das definições do KeePassXC. + %n chave de cifra removida das definições do KeePassXC.%n chaves de cifra removidas das definições do KeePassXC.%n chaves de cifra removidas das definições do KeePassXC. Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? @@ -1745,7 +1761,7 @@ Serão removidas todas as permissões para aceder às entradas. Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). - Removidas com sucesso as permissões de %n entrada.Removidas com sucesso as permissões de %n entradas. + Removidas com sucesso as permissões de %n entrada.Removidas com sucesso as permissões de %n entradas.Removidas com sucesso as permissões de %n entradas. KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! @@ -1959,12 +1975,12 @@ Se mantiver este número, a sua base de dados pode ser desbloqueada muito facilm MiB Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) - MiB MiB + MiB MiB MiB thread(s) Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) - processo processos + processo processos processos @@ -2139,7 +2155,7 @@ Esta ação é irreversível. Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - %n ícone removido da base de dados.%n ícones removidos da base de dados. + %n ícone removido da base de dados.%n ícones removidos da base de dados.%n ícones removidos da base de dados. @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ Existe aqui um erro que deve ser reportado aos programadores. Database tab name modifier %1 [Bloqueada] + + Export database to XML file + Exportar base de dados para ficheiro XML + + + XML file + Ficheiro XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + Não foi possível escrever o ficheiro XML + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Etiquetas da base de dados - Searching… A pesquisar... @@ -2418,7 +2442,23 @@ Desativar salvaguardas e tentar novamente? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - Entradas a caducar dentro de %1 diaEntradas a caducar dentro de %1 dias + Entradas a caducar dentro de %1 diaEntradas a caducar dentro de %1 diasEntradas a caducar dentro de %1 dias + + + Searches and Tags + Pesquisa e etiquetas + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Introduza um nome exclusivo ou substitua uma pesquisa da lista: + + + Save + Guardar + + + Save Search + Guardar pesquisa @@ -2563,19 +2603,19 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir? %n week(s) - %n semana%n semanas + %n semana%n semanas%n semanas %n month(s) - %n mês%n meses + %n mês%n meses%n meses %n year(s) - %n ano%n anos + %n ano%n anos%n anos %n hour(s) - %n hora%n horas + %n hora%n horas%n horas @@ -3092,6 +3132,14 @@ Gostaria de a corrigir? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Não utilizar HTTP Basic Auth para este grupo (e subgrupos) + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Omitir subdomínio WWW da correspondência: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Omitir subdomínio WWW do alternador de correspondência: para isto e subgrupos + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3346,7 +3394,7 @@ As extensões suportadas são: %1. Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - %1 de %n ícone carregados com sucesso%1 de %n ícones carregados com sucesso + %1 de %n ícone carregados com sucesso%1 de %n ícones carregados com sucesso%1 de %n ícones carregados com sucesso No icons were loaded @@ -3354,11 +3402,11 @@ As extensões suportadas são: %1. %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n ícone já existe na sua base de dados%n ícones já existem na sua base de dados + %n ícone já existe na sua base de dados%n ícones já existem na sua base de dados%n ícones já existem na sua base de dados The following icon(s) failed: - Falha no seguinte ícone:Falha nos seguintes ícones: + Falha no seguinte ícone:Falha nos seguintes ícones:Falha nos seguintes ícones: @@ -3515,7 +3563,7 @@ Esta ação pode implicar um funcionamento errático. Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - Tem a certeza de que deseja remover %n anexo?Tem a certeza de que deseja remover %n anexos? + Tem a certeza de que deseja remover %n anexo?Tem a certeza de que deseja remover %n anexos?Tem a certeza de que deseja remover %n anexos? Save attachments @@ -3558,6 +3606,7 @@ Esta ação pode implicar um funcionamento errático. %1 Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro: %1Não foi possível abrir os ficheiros: +%1Não foi possível abrir os ficheiros: %1 @@ -3897,6 +3946,10 @@ Erro: %1 Disabled Desativada + + Double click to copy value + Duplo clique para copiar o valor + EntryURLModel @@ -4029,7 +4082,7 @@ As suas palavras-passe e informações pessoais ficarão vulneráveis! %n Entry(s) was used by %1 %1 is the name of an application - %n entrada foi utilizada por %1%n entradas foram utilizadas por %1 + %n entrada foi utilizada por %1%n entradas foram utilizadas por %1%n entradas foram utilizadas por %1 @@ -5359,7 +5412,7 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site. Restore Entry(s) - Restaurar entradaRestaurar entradas + Restaurar entradaRestaurar entradasRestaurar entradas Settings @@ -5397,6 +5450,30 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Tem que reiniciar a aplicação para aplicar as alterações. Gostaria de o fazer agora? + + Tags + Etiquetas + + + No Tags + Sem etiquetas + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 entrada%1 entradas%1 entradas + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Copiar palavra-passe e TOTP + + + &XML File… + Ficheiro &XML... + + + XML File… + Ficheiro XML... + ManageDatabase @@ -5768,29 +5845,6 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.EOF inesperado ao escrever a chave privada - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Disparidade nas palavras-passe - - - Passwords match so far - Correspondências até agora - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Alternar palavra-passe (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Gerar palavra-passe (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Aviso: Caps Lock ativado! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5969,10 +6023,6 @@ Recomendamos que utilize a versão AppImage disponível no nosso site.Also choose from: Escolher também de: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Caracteres excluídos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Excluir caracteres semelhantes @@ -6123,6 +6173,57 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir? Password quality Excelente + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Caracteres excluídos: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Disparidade nas palavras-passe + + + Passwords match so far + Correspondências até agora + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Alternar palavra-passe (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Gerar palavra-passe (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Aviso: Caps Lock ativado + + + Quality: %1 + Qualidade: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + + + + Weak + Password quality + Fraca + + + Good + Password quality + Boa + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excelente + PickcharsDialog @@ -6374,7 +6475,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir? Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! - A palavra-passe para '%1' foi exposta %2 vez!A palavra-passe para '%1' foi exposta %2 vezes! + A palavra-passe para '%1' foi exposta %2 vez!A palavra-passe para '%1' foi exposta %2 vezes!A palavra-passe para '%1' foi exposta %2 vezes! Password for '%1' has been leaked! @@ -6524,7 +6625,7 @@ Tem a certeza de que a deseja substituir? Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... - A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundo...A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundos... + A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundo...A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundos...A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundos... Clipboard cleared! @@ -7331,7 +7432,7 @@ Deve considerar a geração de um novo ficheiro-chave. Password is used %1 time(s) - Palavra-passe utilizada %1 vezePalavra-passe utilizada %1 vezes + Palavra-passe utilizada %1 vezePalavra-passe utilizada %1 vezesPalavra-passe utilizada %1 vezes Password has expired @@ -7351,7 +7452,7 @@ Deve considerar a geração de um novo ficheiro-chave. Password expires in %1 day(s) - Palavra-passe caduca dentro de %1 diaPalavra-passe caduca dentro de %1 dias + Palavra-passe caduca dentro de %1 diaPalavra-passe caduca dentro de %1 diasPalavra-passe caduca dentro de %1 dias Password will expire soon @@ -7423,27 +7524,27 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 over %1 year(s) - %1 ano%1 anos + %1 ano%1 anos%1 anos about %1 month(s) - aproximadamente há %1 mês%1 meses + aproximadamente há %1 mês%1 meses%1 meses %1 week(s) - %1 semana%1 semanas + %1 semana%1 semanas%1 semanas %1 day(s) - %1 dia%1 dias + %1 dia%1 dias%1 dias %1 hour(s) - %1 horas1 hora + %1 horas1 hora1 hora %1 minute(s) - %1 minuto%1 minutos + %1 minuto%1 minutos%1 minutos Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 @@ -7547,7 +7648,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundo...A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundos... + A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundo...A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundos...A área de transferência será limpa dentro de %1 segundos... Group @@ -7588,12 +7689,12 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 %1 ms milliseconds - %1 ms%1 ms + %1 ms%1 ms%1 ms %1 s seconds - %1 s%1 s + %1 s%1 s%1 s Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? @@ -7601,11 +7702,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? - Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar %n entrada?Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar %n entradas? + Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar %n entrada?Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar %n entradas?Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar %n entradas? Delete entry(s)? - Eliminar entrada?Eliminar entradas? + Eliminar entrada?Eliminar entradas?Eliminar entradas? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? @@ -7613,11 +7714,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? - Tem a certeza de que deseja mover %n entrada para a reciclagem?Tem a certeza de que deseja mover %n entradas para a reciclagem? + Tem a certeza de que deseja mover %n entrada para a reciclagem?Tem a certeza de que deseja mover %n entradas para a reciclagem?Tem a certeza de que deseja mover %n entradas para a reciclagem? Move entry(s) to recycle bin? - Mover entrada para a reciclagem?Mover entradas para a reciclagem? + Mover entrada para a reciclagem?Mover entradas para a reciclagem?Mover entradas para a reciclagem? Replace references to entry? @@ -7625,7 +7726,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência. Deseja substituir a referência com valores, ignorar ou apagar a entrada?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referências. Deseja substituir as referências com valores, ignorar a entrada ou eliminar? + A entrada "%1" tem %2 referência. Deseja substituir a referência com valores, ignorar ou apagar a entrada?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referências. Deseja substituir as referências com valores, ignorar a entrada ou eliminar?A entrada "%1" tem %2 referências. Deseja substituir as referências com valores, ignorar a entrada ou eliminar? User name @@ -7741,6 +7842,64 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Introduza ou toque na sua YubiKey para continuar. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Mostrar todos os atributos da entrada. + + + Edit a database. + Editar base de dados + + + Could not change the database key. + Não foi possível alterar a chave da base de dados. + + + Database was not modified. + A base de dados não foi modificada. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Base de dados editada com sucesso. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Falha ao carregar a nova chave do ficheiro: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Não definir palavra-passe para a base de dados. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Não definir ficheiro-chave para a base de dados. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Não pode usar %1 e %2 em simultâneo. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Não pode remover todas as chaves de uma base de dados. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Não pode remover a palavra-passe: a base de dados não a tem. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Não pode remover o ficheiro-chave: a base de dados não o tem. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Encontrado um tipo de chave inesperado: %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Definir ficheiro-chave para a base de dados. +Esta opção foi descontinuada, utilize '--set-key-file'. + QtIOCompressor @@ -7848,7 +8007,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Eliminar entrada...Eliminar entradas... + Eliminar entrada...Eliminar entradas...Eliminar entradas... Exclude from reports @@ -7934,7 +8093,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Eliminar entrada...Eliminar entradas... + Eliminar entrada...Eliminar entradas...Eliminar entradas... Exclude from reports @@ -8029,7 +8188,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Delete Entry(s)… - Eliminar entrada...Eliminar entradas... + Eliminar entrada...Eliminar entradas...Eliminar entradas... Exclude from reports @@ -8288,6 +8447,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limitar pesquisa ao grupo selecionado + + Save Search + Guardar pesquisa + SettingsClientModel @@ -8504,10 +8667,6 @@ Mas esta ativação também pode implicar o encerramento da aplicação se a bas TagModel - - All - Tudo - Expired Caducada @@ -8516,6 +8675,33 @@ Mas esta ativação também pode implicar o encerramento da aplicação se a bas Weak Passwords Palavras-passe fracas + + All Entries + Todas as entradas + + + Clear Search + Limpar pesquisa + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Remover pesquisa + + + Remove Tag + Remover etiqueta + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Confirmação de remoção + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Tem a certeza de que deseja remover a etiqueta "%1" de todas as entradas desta base de dados? + TotpDialog @@ -8529,7 +8715,7 @@ Mas esta ativação também pode implicar o encerramento da aplicação se a bas Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Caduca dentro de <b>%n</b> segundoCaduca dentro de <b>%n</b> segundos + Caduca dentro de <b>%n</b> segundoCaduca dentro de <b>%n</b> segundosCaduca dentro de <b>%n</b> segundos diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts index eb4fc2f9c..6e7bdcf67 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ro.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -642,6 +654,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1421,10 +1437,6 @@ Baza de date de rezervă localizată la %2 Key File: Fișier cheie: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help Ajutor de fișiere cheie @@ -1437,11 +1449,6 @@ Baza de date de rezervă localizată la %2 Hardware Key: Cheie hardware: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Ajutor cheie hardware @@ -1580,6 +1587,15 @@ Dacă nu aveți un fișier cheie, lăsați câmpul gol. Select hardware key… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2225,13 +2241,21 @@ Acest lucru este cu siguranta un bug, vă rugăm să raporteze la dezvoltatori.< Database tab name modifier %1 [blocat] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… @@ -2398,6 +2422,22 @@ Dezactivați salvarea sigură și încercați din nou? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Salvează + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -3065,6 +3105,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3865,6 +3913,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Dezactivat + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -5356,6 +5408,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? + + Tags + + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5727,29 +5803,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. EOF neașteptate atunci când scrierea cheie privată - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - parolele nu se potrivesc - - - Passwords match so far - Parolele se potrivesc până acum - - - Toggle Password (%1) - - - - Generate Password (%1) - - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5928,10 +5981,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Caractere excluse: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "." - Exclude look-alike characters Exclude caractere asemănătoare @@ -6081,6 +6130,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Excelent + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Caractere excluse: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "." + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + parolele nu se potrivesc + + + Passwords match so far + Parolele se potrivesc până acum + + + Toggle Password (%1) + + + + Generate Password (%1) + + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + Inacceptabil + + + Weak + Password quality + Slab + + + Good + Password quality + Bun + + + Excellent + Password quality + Excelent + PickcharsDialog @@ -7695,6 +7795,63 @@ Nucleu (Kernel): %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -8242,6 +8399,10 @@ Nucleu (Kernel): %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Limitați căutarea la grupul selectat + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8454,10 +8615,6 @@ Nucleu (Kernel): %3 %4 TagModel - - All - - Expired @@ -8466,6 +8623,33 @@ Nucleu (Kernel): %3 %4 Weak Passwords + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts index 603f7bec8..3e9bcb0e2 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_ru.ts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Report bugs at: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> - Сообщить об <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;">ошибках</a> по + Сообщить об ошибках: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3. @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - Предоставьте этому получателю возможность выдавать пользователям доступ к отчетам + Несуществующий/недоступный путь к исполняемому файлу. Перепроверьте подлинность клиента. <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ SSH_AUTH_SOCK override - переопределить SSH_AUTH_SOCK + Переопределить SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AUTH_SOCK value - значение SSH_AUTH_SOCK + Значение SSH_AUTH_SOCK (empty) @@ -140,15 +140,15 @@ SSH_SK_PROVIDER override - SSH_SK_PROVIDER переопределить + Переопределить SSH_SK_PROVIDER No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. - Отсутствуют сокеты агента SSH. Убедитесь, что переменная окружения SSL_AUTH_SOCK определена или переопределите её значение. + Отсутствуют сокеты SSH-агента. Убедитесь, что переменная SSL_AUTH_SOCK определена или переопределите её значение. SSH Agent connection is working! - Соединение с агентом SSH активно. + Соединение с SSH-агентом активно! Use both agents @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Выбрать папку для резервной копии + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Эту настройку нельзя включить, если включена функция сворачивания при разблокировке. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup - Автоматически запуск KeePassXC при запуске системы + Автоматически запускать KeePassXC при загрузке системы Minimize window at application startup @@ -250,7 +254,7 @@ Minimize window after unlocking database - Минимизировать окно после разблокирования базы данных + Сворачивать окно после разблокировки базы данных Remember previously used databases @@ -262,7 +266,7 @@ Remember database key files and security dongles - Запоминать для баз данных файлы-ключи и аппаратные ключи безопасности + Запоминать файлы-ключи баз данных и аппаратные ключи безопасности Check for updates at application startup once per week @@ -270,11 +274,11 @@ Include beta releases when checking for updates - Включать в проверку обновлений бета-релизы + Включить в проверку обновлений бета-релизы On database unlock, show entries that - При разблокировке базы данных показать записи, которые + При разблокировке базы данных показывать записи, которые have expired @@ -284,12 +288,12 @@ days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days - дни + дней will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... - истекает в течение + истекают в течение File Management @@ -301,11 +305,11 @@ Automatically save when locking database - Автоматическое сохранение при блокировке базы данных + Автоматически сохранять при блокировке базы данных Automatically save non-data changes when locking database - Автоматическое сохранение изменений, не связанных с данными, при блокировке базы данных. + Автоматически сохранять изменения, не связанные с данными, при блокировке базы данных. Automatically reload the database when modified externally @@ -321,7 +325,7 @@ Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - Указывает местоположение файла резервной копии базы данных. Встречающиеся "{DB_FILENAME}" заменяются именем файла сохранённой базы данных без расширения. {TIME:} заменяется временем резервного копирования, см. По умолчанию используется строка формата "дд_ММ_ггг_чч-мм-сс". + Указывает местоположение файла резервной копии базы данных. Встречающиеся "{DB_FILENAME}" заменяются именем файла сохранённой базы данных без расширения. {TIME:<format>} заменяется временем резервного копирования, см. <format> использует строку формата "дд_ММ_ггг_чч-мм-сс". {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx @@ -357,7 +361,7 @@ Hide window when copying to clipboard - Скрывать окно после копирования в буфер обмена: + Скрывать окно после копирования в буфер обмена Minimize @@ -373,7 +377,7 @@ Website icon download timeout in seconds - Тайм-аут получения значков веб-сайтов, задаётся в секундах + Тайм-аут получения значков веб-сайтов в секундах sec @@ -418,7 +422,7 @@ Show a system tray icon - Значок в области уведомлений + Показывать значок в области уведомлений Tray icon type @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Запомнить последнюю введенную запись для: + + recent files + недавние файлы + + + Show passwords in color + Показывать пароли в цвете + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Недопустимый заполнитель: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Запись не имеет атрибута PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1428,10 +1444,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: Файл-ключ: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Для усиления защиты базы данных в дополнение к основному паролю возможно использовать секретный файл. Такой файл может быть создан в разделе «Безопасность» диалога параметров базы данных.</p><p>Файл-ключ <strong>не является</strong> файлом базы данных в формате *.kdbx!<br>Если файл-ключ не используется, оставьте это поле пустым.</p><p>Нажмите для получения дополнительных сведений…</p> - Key file help Справка о файле-ключе @@ -1444,12 +1456,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Аппаратный ключ: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Возможно использовать аппаратные ключи безопасности, такие как <strong>Yubikey</strong> или <strong>OneKey</strong> со слотами, настроенными в режиме HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Нажмите здесь для получения дополнительных сведений…</p> - Hardware key help Помощь по аппаратному ключу @@ -1593,6 +1599,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… Выберите аппаратный ключ... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Для усиления защиты базы данных в дополнение к основному паролю возможно использовать секретный файл. Такой файл может быть создан в разделе «Безопасность» диалога параметров базы данных.</p><p>Файл-ключ <strong>не является</strong> файлом базы данных в формате *.kdbx!<br>Если файл-ключ не используется, оставьте это поле пустым.</p><p>Нажмите для получения дополнительных сведений…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Возможно использовать аппаратные ключи безопасности, такие как <strong>Yubikey</strong> или <strong>OneKey</strong> со слотами, настроенными в режиме HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Нажмите здесь для получения дополнительных сведений…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2244,13 +2260,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [заблокировано] + + Export database to XML file + Экспорт базы данных в файл XML + + + XML file + XML-файл + + + Writing the XML file failed + Ошибка записи XML-файла + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Теги базы данных - Searching… Поиск... @@ -2329,7 +2353,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? - Вы сейчас редактируете запись. Отменить изменения и всё равно заблокировать? + Вы редактируете запись. Заблокировать базу и не сохранять внесённые изменения? "%1" was modified. @@ -2417,6 +2441,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) Записи, истекающие в течение %1 дняЗаписи, истекающие в течение %1 днейЗаписи, истекающие в течение %1 днейЗаписи, истекающие в течение %1 дней + + Searches and Tags + Поиск и теги + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Введите уникальное имя или замените существующую поисковую строку из списка: + + + Save + Сохранить + + + Save Search + Сохранить поиск + EditEntryWidget @@ -3088,6 +3128,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Не использовать HTTP Auth для этой группы и её подгрупп + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Исключить субдомен WWW из сопоставления: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Исключить субдомен WWW из переключателя соответствия для этой и подгруппgargar + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3894,6 +3942,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Отключено + + Double click to copy value + Дважды щелкните, чтобы скопировать значение + EntryURLModel @@ -5393,6 +5445,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Требуется перезапуск приложения для применения этого параметра. Выполнить перезапуск сейчас? + + Tags + Теги + + + No Tags + Нет тегов + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 запись%1 записи%1 записей%1 запись(и) + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Скопировать пароль и TOTP + + + &XML File… + Файл &XML… + + + XML File… + XML-файл… + ManageDatabase @@ -5764,29 +5840,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Неожиданный конец файла при записи закрытого (личного) ключа - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Пароли не совпадают - - - Passwords match so far - Количество совпавших паролей - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Скрыть или показать пароль (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Сгенерировать пароль (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Внимание: включен режим CAPS LOCK. - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5965,10 +6018,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Дополнительные символы: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Исключить символы: «0», «1», «l», «I», «O», «|», «﹒» - Exclude look-alike characters Не использовать визуально схожие символы @@ -6119,6 +6168,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Отличный + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Исключить символы: «0», «1», «l», «I», «O», «|», «﹒» + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Пароли не совпадают + + + Passwords match so far + Количество совпавших паролей + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Скрыть или показать пароль (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Сгенерировать пароль (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Внимание: включен режим CAPS LOCK. + + + Quality: %1 + Качество: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Плохой + + + Weak + Password quality + Слабый + + + Good + Password quality + Хороший + + + Excellent + Password quality + Отличный + PickcharsDialog @@ -7734,7 +7834,65 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. - + Подключите или коснитесь YubiKey для продолжения. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Показать все атрибуты записи. + + + Edit a database. + Редактировать базу данных. + + + Could not change the database key. + Не удалось изменить ключ базы данных. + + + Database was not modified. + База данных не была изменена. + + + Successfully edited the database. + База данных успешно изменена + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Загрузка нового файла ключа не удалась: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Сбросить пароль для базы данных. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Сбросить файл ключа для базы данных. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Невозможно использовать %1 и %2 одновременно. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Невозможно удалить все ключи из базы данных. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Невозможно удалить пароль: у базы данных нет пароля. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Невозможно удалить файл ключа: в базе данных нет файла ключа. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Обнаружен неожиданный тип ключа %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Установить файл ключа для базы данных. +Эта опция устарела, вместо нее используйте --set-key-file. @@ -8283,6 +8441,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Поиск только в выбранной группе + + Save Search + Сохранить поиск + SettingsClientModel @@ -8498,10 +8660,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Все - Expired Просроченный @@ -8510,6 +8668,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Слабые пароли + + All Entries + Все записи + + + Clear Search + Очистить поиск + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Удалить поиск + + + Remove Tag + Удалить тег + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Подтвердить удаление тега + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Удалить тег "%1" из всех записей в этой базе данных? + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b46d2bb3e --- /dev/null +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_si.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9089 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + About KeePassXC + KeePassXC ගැන + + + About + පිළිබඳව + + + Report bugs at: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> + දෝෂ වාර්තාව: <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline;"></a> + + + KeePassXC is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or (at your option) version 3. + KeePassXC GNU General Public License (GPL) අනුවාදය 2 හෝ (ඔබේ අභිමතය පරිදි) අනුවාදය 3 හි කොන්දේසි යටතේ බෙදා හරිනු ලැබේ. + + + Project Maintainers: + ව්යාපෘති නඩත්තු කරන්නන්: + + + Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX. + KeePassXC කණ්ඩායමේ විශේෂ ස්තුතිය මුල් KeePassX නිර්මාණය කිරීම සඳහා debfx වෙත යන්න. + + + Contributors + දායකයින් + + + <a href="">See Contributions on GitHub</a> + <a href="">GitHub</a>හි දායකත්ව බලන්න + + + Debug Info + දෝශ නිරාකරණ තොරතුරු + + + Include the following information whenever you report a bug: + ඔබ දෝෂයක් වාර්තා කරන සෑම විටම පහත තොරතුරු ඇතුළත් කරන්න: + + + Copy to clipboard + පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න + + + + AccessControlDialog + + KeePassXC - Access Request + KeePassXC - ප්‍රවේශ ඉල්ලීම + + + Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. + නොපවතින / ප්‍රවේශ විය නොහැකි ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ හැකි මාර්ගය. කරුණාකර සේවාදායකයා නීත්‍යානුකූල දැයි දෙවරක් පරීක්ෂා කරන්න. + + + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>පහත ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඳහා ප්‍රවේශය ඉල්ලා සිටී:</p></body></html> + + + Name + නම + + + PID + PID + + + Executable + ක්රියාත්මක කළ හැකි + + + Command Line + විධාන රේඛාව + + + Details + විස්තර + + + Remember + මතක තියාගන්න + + + Allow Selected + තෝරාගත් අයට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. + ඉල්ලන සේවාලාභියා සහ KeePassXC යන දෙකම ක්‍රියාත්මක වන කාලය සඳහා ඔබේ තීරණය මතක තබා ගනු ඇත. + + + Deny All && Future + සියල්ල && අනාගතය ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරන්න + + + Allow All && &Future + සියලු && &අනාගතයට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + + AccessControlDialog::DenyButton + + Deny for this program + මෙම වැඩසටහන සඳහා ප්රතික්ෂේප කරන්න + + + + AgentSettingsWidget + + Enable SSH Agent integration + SSH නියෝජිත අනුකලනය සබල කරන්න + + + Use Pageant + Pageant භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Use OpenSSH + OpenSSH භාවිතා කරන්න + + + SSH_AUTH_SOCK override + SSH_AUTH_SOCK අභිබවා යාම + + + SSH_AUTH_SOCK value + SSH_AUTH_SOCK අගය + + + (empty) + (හිස්) + + + SSH_SK_PROVIDER value + SSH_SK_PROVIDER අගය + + + SSH_SK_PROVIDER override + SSH_SK_PROVIDER අභිබවා යයි + + + No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. + SSH නියෝජිත සොකට් නොමැත. SSH_AUTH_SOCK පරිසර විචල්‍යයක් පවතින බව සහතික කර ගන්න හෝ ප්‍රතික්‍ෂේප කිරීමක් සකසන්න. + + + SSH Agent connection is working! + SSH නියෝජිත සම්බන්ධතාවය ක්‍රියා කරයි! + + + Use both agents + නියෝජිතයන් දෙකම භාවිතා කරන්න + + + + ApplicationSettingsWidget + + Application Settings + යෙදුමේ සැකසුම් + + + General + ජනරාල් + + + Security + ආරක්‍ෂාව + + + Access error for config file %1 + වින්‍යාස ගොනුව %1සඳහා ප්‍රවේශ දෝෂයකි + + + Icon only + නිරූපකය පමණි + + + Text only + පෙළ පමණි + + + Text beside icon + නිරූපකය අසල පෙළ + + + Text under icon + නිරූපකය යටතේ පෙළ + + + Follow style + ශෛලිය අනුගමනය කරන්න + + + Monochrome + ඒකවර්ණ + + + Monochrome (light) + ඒකවර්ණ (ආලෝකය) + + + Monochrome (dark) + ඒකවර්ණ (අඳුරු) + + + Colorful + වර්ණවත් + + + You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now? + නව භාෂාව සැකසීමට ඔබ යෙදුම නැවත ආරම්භ කළ යුතුය. ඔබ දැන් නැවත ආරම්භ කිරීමට කැමතිද? + + + Reset Settings? + සැකසුම් නැවත සකස්? + + + Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default? + ඔබට සියලු සාමාන්‍ය සහ ආරක්‍ෂක සැකසුම් පෙරනිමියට යළි පිහිටුවීමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + Select backup storage directory + උපස්ථ ගබඩා නාමාවලිය තෝරන්න + + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + + + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral + + Basic Settings + මූලික සැකසුම් + + + Startup + පණ ගන්වන්න + + + Start only a single instance of KeePassXC + KeePassXC හි එක් අවස්ථාවක් පමණක් ආරම්භ කරන්න + + + Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup + පද්ධති ආරම්භයේදී KeePassXC ස්වයංක්‍රීයව දියත් කරන්න + + + Minimize window at application startup + යෙදුම් ආරම්භයේදී කවුළුව අවම කරන්න + + + Minimize window after unlocking database + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හැරීමෙන් පසු කවුළුව අවම කරන්න + + + Remember previously used databases + කලින් භාවිතා කළ දත්ත සමුදායන් මතක තබා ගන්න + + + Load previously open databases on startup + ආරම්භයේදී පෙර විවෘත දත්ත සමුදායන් පූරණය කරන්න + + + Remember database key files and security dongles + දත්ත සමුදා යතුරු ගොනු සහ ආරක්ෂක ඩොංගල් මතක තබා ගන්න + + + Check for updates at application startup once per week + සතියකට වරක් යෙදුම් ආරම්භයේදී යාවත්කාලීන සඳහා පරීක්ෂා කරන්න + + + Include beta releases when checking for updates + යාවත්කාලීන සඳහා පරීක්ෂා කිරීමේදී බීටා නිකුතු ඇතුළත් කරන්න + + + On database unlock, show entries that + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හැරීමේදී, එම ඇතුළත් කිරීම් පෙන්වන්න + + + have expired + On database unlock, show entries that... + කල් ඉකුත් වී ඇත + + + days + On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days + දින + + + will expire within + On database unlock, show entries that... + ඇතුළත කල් ඉකුත් වනු ඇත + + + File Management + ගොනු කළමනාකරණය + + + Automatically save after every change + සෑම වෙනස්කමකටම පසු ස්වයංක්‍රීයව සුරකින්න + + + Automatically save when locking database + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුලු දැමීමේදී ස්වයංක්‍රීයව සුරකින්න + + + Automatically save non-data changes when locking database + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුලු දැමීමේදී දත්ත නොවන වෙනස්කම් ස්වයංක්‍රීයව සුරකින්න + + + Automatically reload the database when modified externally + බාහිරව වෙනස් කළ විට දත්ත සමුදාය ස්වයංක්‍රීයව නැවත පූරණය කරන්න + + + Backup database file before saving + සුරැකීමට පෙර දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව උපස්ථ කරන්න + + + Backup destination + උපස්ථ ගමනාන්තය + + + Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". + දත්ත සමුදා උපස්ථ ගොනු ස්ථානය සඳහන් කරයි. "{DB_FILENAME}" සිදුවීම් දිගුවකින් තොරව සුරකින ලද දත්ත සමුදායේ ගොනු නාමයෙන් ප්‍රතිස්ථාපනය වේ. {TIME:<format>} උපස්ථ කාලය සමඟ ප්‍රතිස්ථාපනය වේ, බලන්න. පෙළ "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss"ආකෘතිකරණය කිරීමට පෙරනිමි <format> ක්. + + + {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx + {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx + + + Choose... + තෝරා... + + + Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) + විකල්ප ඉතිරි කිරීමේ ක්‍රමයක් භාවිතා කරන්න (ඩ්‍රොප්බොක්ස්, ගූගල් ඩ්‍රයිව්, ජීවීඑෆ්එස්, ආදිය සමඟ ගැටලු විසඳා ගත හැක) + + + Temporary file moved into place + තාවකාලික ගොනුව ස්ථානයට ගෙන යන ලදී + + + Directly write to database file (dangerous) + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුවට කෙලින්ම ලියන්න (භයානක) + + + Entry Management + ඇතුල්වීමේ කළමනාකරණය + + + Use group icon on entry creation + ඇතුල්වීම නිර්මාණය කිරීමේදී කණ්ඩායම් නිරූපකය භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Minimize when opening a URL + URL එකක් විවෘත කිරීමේදී අවම කරන්න + + + Hide window when copying to clipboard + පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කිරීමේදී කවුළුව සඟවන්න + + + Minimize + අවම කරන්න + + + Drop to background + පසුබිමට ඇද දමන්න + + + Favicon download timeout: + Favicon බාගැනීමේ කල් ඉකුත්වීම: + + + Website icon download timeout in seconds + වෙබ් අඩවි නිරූපකය බාගත කිරීමේ කාලය තත්පර කිහිපයකින් අවසන් වේ + + + sec + Seconds + තත්. + + + User Interface + පරිශීලක අතුරුමුහුණත + + + Toolbar button style + මෙවලම් තීරු බොත්තම් විලාසය + + + Movable toolbar + චංචල මෙවලම් තීරුව + + + Language selection + භාෂාව තේරීම + + + Language: + භාෂාව: + + + (restart program to activate) + (සක්රිය කිරීමට වැඩසටහන නැවත ආරම්භ කරන්න) + + + Toolbar button style: + මෙවලම් තීරු බොත්තම් විලාසය: + + + Use monospaced font for notes + සටහන් සඳහා ඒකපුද්ගල අකුරු භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Minimize instead of app exit + යෙදුම් පිටවීම වෙනුවට අවම කරන්න + + + Show a system tray icon + පද්ධති තැටි නිරූපකයක් පෙන්වන්න + + + Tray icon type + තැටි නිරූපක වර්ගය + + + Tray icon type: + තැටි නිරූපක වර්ගය: + + + Hide window to system tray when minimized + අවම කළ විට පද්ධති තැටියට කවුළුව සඟවන්න + + + Reset settings to default… + සැකසුම් පෙරනිමි…වෙත නැවත සකසන්න + + + Auto-Type + ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය + + + Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type + ගෝලීය ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය සඳහා කවුළු ගැලපීමට ඇතුල් වීමේ මාතෘකාව භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Use entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type + ගෝලීය ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය සඳහා කවුළු ගැලපීමට ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ URL භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Always ask before performing Auto-Type + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් කිරීමට පෙර සෑම විටම අසන්න + + + Hide expired entries from Auto-Type + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් වෙතින් කල් ඉකුත් වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඟවන්න + + + Re-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-Type + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් කිරීමෙන් පසු කලින් අගුලු දැමූ දත්ත සමුදාය නැවත අගුළු දමන්න + + + Auto-Type start delay: + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් ආරම්භක ප්‍රමාදය: + + + Global Auto-Type shortcut: + ගෝලීය ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගයේ කෙටි මග: + + + Auto-type start delay milliseconds + ස්වයංක්‍රීය-වර්ගය ආරම්භය ප්‍රමාදය මිලි තත්පර + + + ms + Milliseconds + මෙනෙවිය + + + Auto-Type typing delay: + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් කිරීමේ ප්‍රමාදය: + + + Global auto-type shortcut + ගෝලීය ස්වයංක්‍රීය ආකාරයේ කෙටි මග + + + Auto-type character typing delay milliseconds + ස්වයංක්‍රීය අක්ෂර ටයිප් කිරීම මිලි තත්පර ප්‍රමාදය + + + Remember last typed entry for: + අවසන් වරට ටයිප් කළ ප්‍රවේශය මතක තබා ගන්න: + + + recent files + මෑත ගොනු + + + Show passwords in color + + + + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity + + Timeouts + කල් ඉකුත්වීම් + + + Database lock timeout seconds + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුලු දැමීමේ කාලය අවසන් තත්පර + + + sec + Seconds + තත්පර + + + Clear clipboard after + පසු පුවරුව හිස් කරන්න + + + Clear search query after + පසුව සෙවුම් විමසුම ඉවත් කරන්න + + + min + Minutes + මිනි + + + Clipboard clear seconds + ක්ලිප්බෝඩ් පැහැදිලි තත්පර + + + Lock databases after inactivity of + අක්‍රිය වීමෙන් පසු දත්ත සමුදායන් අගුළු දමන්න + + + Convenience + පහසුව + + + Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) + දත්ත සමුදාය ඉක්මන් අගුලු හැරීම සබල කරන්න (ස්පර්ශ හැඳුනුම්පත / වින්ඩෝස් හෙලෝ) + + + Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed + සැසිය අගුලු දමා ඇති විට හෝ පියන වසා ඇති විට දත්ත සමුදායන් අගුළු දමන්න + + + Lock databases after minimizing the window + කවුළුව අවම කිරීමෙන් පසු දත්ත සමුදායන් අගුළු දමන්න + + + Require password repeat when it is visible + එය දෘශ්‍යමාන වන විට මුරපද පුනරාවර්තනය අවශ්‍ය වේ + + + Hide passwords when editing them + මුරපද සංස්කරණය කිරීමේදී ඒවා සඟවන්න + + + Use placeholder for empty password fields + හිස් මුරපද ක්ෂේත්‍ර සඳහා ස්ථාන දරණ භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Hide passwords in the entry preview panel + ඇතුල්වීමේ පෙරදසුන් පැනලයේ මුරපද සඟවන්න + + + Hide entry notes by default + ප්‍රවේශ සටහන් පෙරනිමියෙන් සඟවන්න + + + Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation + තහවුරු කිරීමකින් තොරව ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ගෙන යන්න + + + Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns + පරිශීලක නාමය/මුරපද ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ තීරු පිටපත් කිරීමට ද්විත්ව ක්ලික් කිරීම සබල කරන්න + + + Privacy + රහස්‍යතාව + + + Use DuckDuckGo service to download website icons + වෙබ් අඩවි අයිකන බාගැනීමට DuckDuckGo සේවාව භාවිතා කරන්න + + + + AutoType + + The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: + දෝෂයක් හේතුවෙන් ඉල්ලා ඇති ස්වයංක්‍රීය-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල භාවිතා කළ නොහැක: + + + Auto-Type Error + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් දෝෂය + + + Permission Required + අවසරය අවශ්‍යයි + + + KeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. + ප්‍රවේශ මට්ටමේ ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය සිදු කිරීම සඳහා KeePassXC හට ප්‍රවේශ්‍යතා අවසරය අවශ්‍ය වේ. ඔබ දැනටමත් අවසර ලබා දී ඇත්නම්, ඔබට KeePassXC නැවත ආරම්භ කිරීමට සිදු විය හැක. + + + KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. + ගෝලීය ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය සිදු කිරීම සඳහා KeePassXC හට ප්‍රවේශ්‍යතා සහ තිර රෙකෝඩර අවසරය අවශ්‍ය වේ. ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සොයා ගැනීමට කවුළු මාතෘකාව භාවිතා කිරීමට තිර පටිගත කිරීම අවශ්‍ය වේ. ඔබ දැනටමත් අවසර ලබා දී ඇත්නම්, ඔබට KeePassXC නැවත ආරම්භ කිරීමට සිදු විය හැක. + + + Invalid entry provided + වලංගු නොවන ඇතුළත් කිරීමක් සපයා ඇත + + + Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } + වරහන් අසමතුලිතතාව අනාවරණය විය, අමතර { or }ක් සොයා ගන්නා ලදී + + + Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 + බොහෝ පුනරාවර්තන අනාවරණය වී ඇත, උපරිමය %1: %2වේ + + + Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2 + ඉතා මන්දගාමී යතුරු එබීම අනාවරණය විය, උපරිමය %1: %2වේ + + + Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 + ඉතා දිගු ප්‍රමාදයක් අනාවරණය විය, උපරිමය %1: %2වේ + + + Invalid conversion type: %1 + වලංගු නොවන පරිවර්තන වර්ගය: %1 + + + Invalid conversion syntax: %1 + අවලංගු පරිවර්තන වාක්‍ය ඛණ්ඩය: %1 + + + Invalid regular expression syntax %1 +%2 + වලංගු නොවන නිත්‍ය ප්‍රකාශන වාක්‍ය ඛණ්ඩ %1 +%2 + + + Invalid placeholder: %1 + වලංගු නොවන ස්ථාන දරණ: %1 + + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + ප්‍රවේශයට PICKCHARS සඳහා ගුණාංග නොමැත: %1 + + + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel + + Window + කවුළුව + + + Sequence + අනුපිළිවෙල + + + (empty) + (හිස්) + + + Default sequence + පෙරනිමි අනුපිළිවෙල + + + + AutoTypeMatchModel + + Group + සමූහය + + + Title + සිරැසිය + + + Username + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + Sequence + අනුපිළිවෙල + + + + AutoTypePlatformX11 + + Trying to send invalid keysym. + වලංගු නොවන යතුරු පදයක් යැවීමට උත්සාහ කරමින්. + + + Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on + අනුපිළිවෙල ගබ්සා විය: Caps Lock ක්‍රියාත්මකයි + + + Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user + අනුපිළිවෙල ගබ්සා කරන ලදී: පරිශීලකයා සතුව ඇති විකරණයක යතුරු + + + Unable to get valid keycode for key: + යතුර සඳහා වලංගු යතුරු කේතය ලබා ගත නොහැක: + + + + AutoTypeSelectDialog + + Auto-Type - KeePassXC + ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය - KeePassXC + + + Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search: + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් කිරීමට හෝ සෙවුම භාවිතයෙන් ප්‍රවේශයක් සොයා ගැනීමට පේළියක් දෙවරක් ක්ලික් කරන්න: + + + <p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/> +Ctrl+F - Toggle database search<br/> +Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> +Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> +Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> + <p>ඔබට ඔබගේ විවෘත දත්ත සමුදායේ ඇති ඕනෑම ප්‍රවේශයක් සොයා ගැනීමට උසස් සෙවුම් විමසුම් භාවිතා කළ හැක. පහත කෙටිමං ප්‍රයෝජනවත් වේ:<br/> +Ctrl+F - දත්ත සමුදා සෙවීම ටොගල් කරන්න<br/> +Ctrl+1 - පරිශීලක නාමය ටයිප් කරන්න<br/> +Ctrl+2 - මුරපදය ටයිප් කරන්න<br/> +Ctrl+3 - ටයිප් කරන්න TOTP<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Virtual Keyboard භාවිතා කරන්න (Wind පමණි)</p> + + + Search all open databases + සියලුම විවෘත දත්ත සමුදායන් සොයන්න + + + Search… + සොයන්න… + + + Type Sequence + අනුපිළිවෙල ටයිප් කරන්න + + + Cancel + අවලංගු + + + Type {USERNAME} + {USERNAME}වර්ගය + + + Type {PASSWORD} + {PASSWORD}වර්ගය + + + Type {TOTP} + {TOTP}වර්ගය + + + Copy Username + පරිශීලක නාමයේ පිටපතක් + + + Copy Password + මුරපදයේ පිටපතක් + + + Copy TOTP + TOTP පිටපත් කරන්න + + + Use Virtual Keyboard + අතථ්‍ය යතුරුපුවරුව භාවිතා කරන්න + + + + BrowserAccessControlDialog + + KeePassXC - Browser Access Request + KeePassXC - බ්‍රව්සර් ප්‍රවේශ ඉල්ලීම + + + %1 is requesting access to the following entries: + %1 පහත ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඳහා ප්‍රවේශය ඉල්ලා සිටී: + + + Remember access to checked entries + පරීක්ෂා කළ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් වෙත ප්‍රවේශය මතක තබා ගන්න + + + Remember + මතක තියාගන්න + + + Allow access to entries + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් වලට ප්‍රවේශ වීමට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Allow Selected + තෝරාගත් අයට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Deny All + සියල්ල ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරන්න + + + Disable for this site + මෙම අඩවිය සඳහා අබල කරන්න + + + + BrowserEntrySaveDialog + + KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry + KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry + + + Ok + හරි + + + Cancel + අවලංගු + + + You have multiple databases open. +Please select the correct database for saving credentials. + ඔබට බහු දත්ත සමුදායන් විවෘතව ඇත. +කරුණාකර අක්තපත්‍ර සුරැකීමට නිවැරදි දත්ත සමුදාය තෝරන්න. + + + + BrowserService + + KeePassXC: Create a new group + KeePassXC: නව කණ්ඩායමක් සාදන්න + + + A request for creating a new group "%1" has been received. +Do you want to create this group? + + නව කණ්ඩායමක් "%1" නිර්මාණය කිරීම සඳහා ඉල්ලීමක් ලැබී ඇත. +ඔබට මෙම කණ්ඩායම නිර්මාණය කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + + KeePassXC: New key association request + KeePassXC: නව යතුරු සංගම් ඉල්ලීම + + + You have received an association request for the following database: +%1 + +Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example: +chrome-laptop. + ඔබට පහත දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා සංගම් ඉල්ලීමක් ලැබී ඇත: +%1 + +සම්බන්ධතාවයට අනන්‍ය නමක් හෝ හැඳුනුම්පතක් දෙන්න, උදාහරණයක් ලෙස: +chrome-laptop. + + + Save and allow access + සුරකින්න සහ ප්‍රවේශයට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? + KeePassXC: පවතින යතුර උඩින් ලියන්නද? + + + A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. +Do you want to overwrite it? + "%1" නම සහිත හවුල් සංකේතාංකන යතුරක් දැනටමත් පවතී. +ඔබට එය උඩින් ලිවීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + KeePassXC: Update Entry + KeePassXC: ප්‍රවේශය යාවත්කාලීන කරන්න + + + Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? + ඔබට %1 - %2තුළ තොරතුරු යාවත්කාලීන කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + KeePassXC: Delete entry + KeePassXC: ඇතුළත් කිරීම මකන්න + + + A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. +Do you want to delete the entry? + + "%1" ප්‍රවේශය මකා දැමීම සඳහා ඉල්ලීමක් ලැබී ඇත. +ඔබට ප්‍රවේශය මකා දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + + Converting attributes to custom data… + අභිරුචි දත්ත…වෙත ගුණාංග පරිවර්තනය කිරීම + + + Abort + ගබ්සා කරන්න + + + KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributes + KeePassXC: පරිවර්තනය කරන ලද KeePassHTTP ගුණාංග + + + Successfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s). +Moved %2 keys to custom data. + %1 ඇතුළත් කිරීම්(ය) වෙතින් උපලක්ෂණ සාර්ථකව පරිවර්තනය කරන ලදී. +යතුරු %2 අභිරුචි දත්ත වෙත ගෙන යන ලදී. + + + Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. + අභිරුචි දත්ත වෙත යතුරු %n ක් සාර්ථකව ගෙන යන ලදී.අභිරුචි දත්ත වෙත යතුරු %n ක් සාර්ථකව ගෙන යන ලදී. + + + KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! + KeePassXC: KeePassHTTP ගුණාංග සහිත ප්‍රවේශයක් හමු නොවීය! + + + The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes. + සක්‍රිය දත්ත ගබඩාවේ KeePassHTTP ගුණාංග සහිත ප්‍රවේශයක් අඩංගු නොවේ. + + + Don't show this warning again + මෙම අනතුරු'නැවත පෙන්වන්න එපා + + + KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected + KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings අනාවරණය විය + + + Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings. +This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections. +Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? + ඔබගේ KeePassXC-Browser සැකසුම් දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් වෙත ගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍ය වේ. +ඔබගේ වත්මන් බ්‍රවුසර සම්බන්ධතා පවත්වා ගැනීමට මෙය අවශ්‍ය වේ. +ඔබ දැන් ඔබගේ පවතින සැකසුම් සංක්‍රමණය කිරීමට කැමතිද? + + + + BrowserSettingsWidget + + Dialog + ඩයලොග් + + + This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser + KeePassXC-Browser සමඟින් ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදායන් වෙත ප්‍රවේශ වීමට මෙය අවශ්‍ය වේ + + + Enable browser integration + බ්රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සක්රිය කරන්න + + + General + ජනරාල් + + + Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported. + ස්නැප් ලෙස ස්ථාපනය කර ඇති බ්‍රව්සර් දැනට සහය නොදක්වයි. + + + Enable integration for these browsers: + මෙම බ්‍රව්සර් සඳහා ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සබල කරන්න: + + + Vivaldi + විවාල්ඩි + + + &Edge + &එඩ්ගේ + + + Firefox + ෆයර්ෆොක්ස් + + + Tor Browser + ටෝර් අතිරික්සුව + + + Brave + නිර්භීත + + + Google Chrome + ගූගල් ක්‍රෝම් + + + Chromium + ක්‍රෝමියම් + + + Show a notification when credentials are requested + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + අක්තපත්‍ර ඉල්ලා සිටින විට දැනුම්දීමක් පෙන්වන්න + + + Request to unlock the database if it is locked + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුලු දමා ඇත්නම් එය අගුළු ඇරීමට ඉල්ලීම + + + Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. + එකම යෝජනා ක්‍රමය සහිත ඇතුළත් කිරීම් පමණක් (http://, https://, …) ආපසු ලබා දෙනු ලැබේ. + + + Match URL scheme (e.g., + ගැලපෙන URL යෝජනා ක්‍රමය (උදා, + + + Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. + සම්පූර්ණ වසම සඳහා සියලුම ඇතුළත් කිරීම් වෙනුවට නිශ්චිත URL සඳහා හොඳම ගැලපීම් පමණක් ලබා දෙයි. + + + Return only best-matching credentials + හොඳම ගැලපෙන අක්තපත්‍ර පමණක් ආපසු දෙන්න + + + Returns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title. + කල් ඉකුත් වූ අක්තපත්‍ර ආපසු ලබා දෙයි. මාතෘකාවට [expired] String එකතු කර ඇත. + + + Allow returning expired credentials + කල් ඉකුත් වූ අක්තපත්‍ර ආපසු ලබා දීමට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + All databases connected to the extension will return matching credentials. + දිගුවට සම්බන්ධ සියලුම දත්ත සමුදායන් ගැලපෙන අක්තපත්‍ර ලබා දෙනු ඇත. + + + Search in all opened databases for matching credentials + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + ගැලපෙන අක්තපත්‍ර සඳහා විවෘත කර ඇති සියලුම දත්ත සමුදායන් තුළ සොයන්න + + + Advanced + උසස් + + + Never ask before accessing credentials + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + අක්තපත්‍රවලට ප්‍රවේශ වීමට පෙර කිසිවිටෙක අසන්න එපා + + + Never ask before updating credentials + Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension + අක්තපත්‍ර යාවත්කාලීන කිරීමට පෙර කිසි විටෙකත් අසන්න එපා + + + Do not ask permission for HTTP Basic Auth + An extra HTTP Basic Auth setting + HTTP Basic Auth සඳහා අවසර ඉල්ලන්න එපා + + + Automatically creating or updating string fields is not supported. + තන්තු ක්ෂේත්‍ර ස්වයංක්‍රීයව සෑදීම හෝ යාවත්කාලීන කිරීම සඳහා සහය නොදක්වයි. + + + Return advanced string fields which start with "KPH: " + "KPH: "න් ආරම්භ වන උසස් පෙළ ක්ෂේත්‍ර ආපසු දෙන්න + + + Don't display the popup suggesting migration of legacy KeePassHTTP settings. + පැරණි'සැකසුම් සංක්‍රමණය යෝජනා කරන උත්පතන සංදර්ශනය නොකරන්න. + + + Do not prompt for KeePassHTTP settings migration. + KeePassHTTP සැකසුම් සංක්‍රමණය සඳහා විමසන්න එපා. + + + Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup. + KeePassXC හෝ Keepassxc-proxy ද්විමය මාර්ගය ස්වයංක්‍රීයව ස්වදේශීය පණිවිඩ යැවීමේ ස්ක්‍රිප්ට් වෙත ආරම්භයේදී යාවත්කාලීන කරයි. + + + Update native messaging manifest files at startup + ආරම්භයේදී ස්වදේශීය පණිවිඩකරණ මැනිෆෙස්ට් ගොනු යාවත්කාලීන කරන්න + + + Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually. + ඔබ අතින් ප්‍රොක්සියක් ස්ථාපනය කර ඇත්නම් අභිරුචි ප්‍රොක්සි ස්ථානයක් භාවිතා කරන්න. + + + Use a custom proxy location: + Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-Browser + අභිරුචි ප්‍රොක්සි ස්ථානයක් භාවිතා කරන්න: + + + Custom proxy location field + අභිරුචි ප්‍රොක්සි ස්ථාන ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Browser for custom proxy file + අභිරුචි ප්‍රොක්සි ගොනුව සඳහා බ්‍රව්සරය + + + Browse… + Button for opening file dialog + පිරික්සන්න... + + + Use a custom browser configuration location: + අභිරුචි බ්‍රවුසර වින්‍යාස කිරීමේ ස්ථානයක් භාවිතා කරන්න: + + + Browser type: + බ්‍රවුසර වර්ගය: + + + Toolbar button style + මෙවලම් තීරු බොත්තම් විලාසය + + + Config Location: + මානකරන ස්ථානය: + + + Custom browser location field + අභිරුචි බ්‍රවුසර ස්ථාන ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Browse for custom browser path + අභිරුචි බ්‍රව්සර් මාර්ගය සඳහා බ්‍රවුස් කරන්න + + + Custom extension ID: + අභිරුචි දිගු ID: + + + Custom extension ID + අභිරුචි දිගු ID + + + Due to Snap sandboxing, you must run a script to enable browser integration.<br />You can obtain this script from %1 + Snap sandboxing හේතුවෙන්, ඔබ බ්‍රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සබල කිරීමට ස්ක්‍රිප්ට් එකක් ධාවනය කළ යුතුය.<br />ඔබට මෙම ස්ක්‍රිප්ට් එක %1වෙතින් ලබාගත හැක + + + KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3. %4 + KeePassXC-Browser ක්‍රියා කිරීමට බ්‍රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සඳහා අවශ්‍ය වේ. <br />එය %1 සහ %2 සහ %3සඳහා බාගන්න. %4 + + + Please see special instructions for browser extension use below + කරුණාකර පහත බ්‍රවුසර දිගු භාවිතය සඳහා විශේෂ උපදෙස් බලන්න + + + <b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location cannot be found!<br/>Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application. + <b>දෝෂය:</b> අභිරුචි ප්‍රොක්සි ස්ථානය සොයාගත නොහැක!<br/>ප්‍රොක්සි යෙදුම නොමැතිව බ්‍රව්සර් ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම ක්‍රියා නොකරයි. + + + <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! + <b>අවවාදයයි:</b> පහත විකල්ප අනතුරුදායක විය හැක! + + + Executable Files + ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ හැකි ගොනු + + + All Files + සියලුම ගොනු + + + Select custom proxy location + අභිරුචි ප්‍රොක්සි ස්ථානය තෝරන්න + + + Select native messaging host folder location + ස්වදේශීය පණිවිඩ ධාරක ෆෝල්ඩර ස්ථානය තෝරන්න + + + + CloneDialog + + Clone Entry Options + ක්ලෝන ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ විකල්ප + + + Append ' - Clone' to title + මාතෘකාවට ' - ක්ලෝන' එකතු කරන්න + + + Replace username and password with references + පරිශීලක නාමය සහ මුරපදය යොමු සමඟ ප්‍රතිස්ථාපනය කරන්න + + + Copy history + ඉතිහාසය පිටපත් කරන්න + + + + CsvImportWidget + + Import CSV fields + CSV ක්ෂේත්‍ර ආයාත කරන්න + + + filename + ගොනුවේ නම + + + size, rows, columns + ප්‍රමාණය, පේළි, තීරු + + + Column Association + තීරු සංගමය + + + Password + මුරපදය + + + Username + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + Title + සිරැසිය + + + Group + සමූහය + + + URL + ඒ.ස.නි. + + + Notes + සටහන් + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + Created + නිර්මාණය කළා + + + Last Modified + අවසන් වරට වෙනස් කරන ලදී + + + Icon + නිරූපකය + + + Encoding + කේතනය + + + Codec + කෝඩෙක් + + + Text is qualified by + පෙළ සුදුසුකම් ලබා ඇත + + + Text qualification + පෙළ සුදුසුකම් + + + Fields are separated by + ක්ෂේත්ර වෙන් කරනු ලැබේ + + + Field separation + ක්ෂේත්ර වෙන් කිරීම + + + Comments start with + අදහස් ආරම්භ වේ + + + Header lines skipped + ශීර්ෂ රේඛා මඟ හැරිණි + + + Number of header lines to discard + ඉවත දැමිය යුතු ශීර්ෂ රේඛා ගණන + + + First line has field names + පළමු පේළියේ ක්ෂේත්‍ර නාම ඇත + + + Consider '\' an escape character + '\' ගැලවීමේ අක්ෂරයක් ලෙස සලකන්න + + + Preview + පෙරදසුන + + + CSV import preview + CSV ආයාත පෙරදසුන + + + Not Present + පැමිණ නැත + + + Column %1 + තීරුව %1 + + + Imported from CSV file + CSV ගොනුවෙන් ආයාත කර ඇත + + + Original data: + මුල් දත්ත: + + + Error(s) detected in CSV file! + CSV ගොනුවේ දෝෂ(ය) අනාවරණය විය! + + + [%n more message(s) skipped] + [තව පණිවිඩ%n ක් මඟ හැරිණි][තව පණිවිඩ%n ක් මඟ හැරිණි] + + + Error + දෝෂයකි + + + CSV import: writer has errors: +%1 + CSV ආයාත: ලේඛකයාට දෝෂ ඇත: +%1 + + + + CsvParserModel + + %1, %2, %3 + file info: bytes, rows, columns + %1, %2, %3 + + + %n byte(s) + %n බයිට්(ය)%n බයිට්(ය) + + + %n row(s) + පේළි %n (ය)පේළි %n (ය) + + + %n column(s) + %n තීරු(ය)%n තීරු(ය) + + + + Database + + Passwords + Root group name + මුරපද + + + File %1 does not exist. + %1 ගොනුව නොපවතී. + + + Unable to open file %1. + %1ගොනුව විවෘත කළ නොහැක. + + + Error while reading the database: %1 + දත්ත සමුදාය කියවීමේදී දෝෂයකි: %1 + + + Could not save, database does not point to a valid file. + සුරැකීමට නොහැකි විය, දත්ත සමුදාය වලංගු ගොනුවකට යොමු නොවේ. + + + Database save is already in progress. + දත්ත සමුදාය සුරැකීම දැනටමත් සිදු වෙමින් පවතී. + + + Could not save, database has not been initialized! + සුරැකීමට නොහැකි විය, දත්ත සමුදාය ආරම්භ කර නොමැත! + + + Database file has unmerged changes. + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව ඒකාබද්ධ නොකළ වෙනස්කම් ඇත. + + + %1 +Backup database located at %2 + %1 +උපස්ථ දත්ත සමුදාය %2හි පිහිටා ඇත + + + Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers. + යතුර පරිවර්තනය කර නැත. මෙය දෝෂයකි, කරුණාකර එය සංවර්ධකයන්ට වාර්තා කරන්න. + + + Recycle Bin + ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන + + + + DatabaseOpenDialog + + Unlock Database - KeePassXC + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හරින්න - KeePassXC + + + + DatabaseOpenWidget + + Unlock KeePassXC Database + KeePassXC දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හරින්න + + + Enter Password: + මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කරන්න: + + + Password field + මුරපද ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Enter Additional Credentials (if any): + අමතර අක්තපත්‍ර ඇතුළත් කරන්න (ඇත්නම්): + + + Key File: + ප්රධාන ගොනුව: + + + Key file help + ප්රධාන ගොනු උපකාරය + + + Hardware key slot selection + දෘඪාංග යතුරු තව් තෝරාගැනීම + + + Hardware Key: + දෘඪාංග යතුර: + + + Hardware key help + දෘඪාංග යතුරු උපකාරය + + + Key file to unlock the database + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු ඇරීමට යතුරු ගොනුව + + + Browse for key file + යතුරු ගොනුව සඳහා බ්‍රවුස් කරන්න + + + Browse… + පිරික්සන්න... + + + Refresh hardware tokens + දෘඪාංග ටෝකන නැවුම් කරන්න + + + Refresh + නැවුම් කරන්න + + + Unlock Database + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හරින්න + + + Cancel + අවලංගු + + + Unlock + අගුළු හරින්න + + + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… + …ඉදිරියට යාමට කරුණාකර ඔබේ YubiKey ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න හෝ ස්පර්ශ කරන්න + + + Database Version Mismatch + දත්ත සමුදාය අනුවාද නොගැලපීම + + + The database you are trying to open was most likely +created by a newer version of KeePassXC. + +You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete +and saving any changes may incur data loss. + +We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. + ඔබ විවෘත කිරීමට උත්සාහ කරන දත්ත සමුදාය බොහෝ විට KeePassXC හි නව අනුවාදයක් විසින් නිර්මාණය කරන ලද +විය හැකිය. + +ඔබට එය කෙසේ හෝ විවෘත කිරීමට උත්සාහ කළ හැක, නමුත් එය අසම්පූර්ණ +විය හැකි අතර යම් වෙනස්කම් සුරැකීමෙන් දත්ත අහිමි විය හැක. + +ඔබගේ KeePassXC ස්ථාපනය යාවත්කාලීන කිරීමට අපි නිර්දේශ කරමු. + + + Open database anyway + කෙසේ හෝ දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කරන්න + + + Database unlock canceled. + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුලු හැරීම අවලංගු කරන ලදී. + + + Unlock failed and no password given + අගුලු හැරීම අසාර්ථක වූ අතර මුරපදයක් ලබා දී නොමැත + + + Unlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password. +Do you want to retry with an "empty" password instead? + +To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / Security" and reset your password. + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හැරීම අසාර්ථක වූ අතර ඔබ මුරපදයක් ඇතුළත් නොකළේය. +ඔබට ඒ වෙනුවට හිස් "මුරපදයක් සමඟ නැවත උත්සාහ කිරීමට" ? + +මෙම දෝෂය දිස්වීම වැළැක්වීම සඳහා, ඔබ "දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් / ආරක්ෂාව" වෙත ගොස් ඔබගේ මුරපදය යළි සැකසිය යුතුය. + + + Retry with empty password + හිස් මුරපදය සමඟ නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න + + + Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello + Windows Hello සමඟ සත්‍යාපනය කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + Failed to authenticate with Touch ID + ස්පර්ශ හැඳුනුම්පත සමඟ සත්‍යාපනය කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + Failed to open key file: %1 + යතුරු ගොනුව විවෘත කිරීමට අසමත් විය: %1 + + + Old key file format + පැරණි යතුරු ගොනු ආකෘතිය + + + You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database &gt; Database Security &gt; Change Key File.</strong><br> + ඔබ භාවිතා කරන්නේ පැරණි යතුරු ගොනු ආකෘතියක් වන අතර අනාගතයේදී KeePassXC<br>සහාය දීම නතර කළ හැක.<br><br>කරුණාකර නව යතුරු ගොනුවක් ජනනය කිරීම සලකා බලන්න:<br><strong>දත්ත සමුදාය &gt; දත්ත සමුදා ආරක්ෂාව &gt; යතුරු ගොනුව වෙනස් කරන්න.</strong><br> + + + Don't show this warning again + මෙම අනතුරු'නැවත පෙන්වන්න එපා + + + All files + සියලුම ගොනු + + + Key files + ප්රධාන ගොනු + + + Select key file + යතුරු ගොනුව තෝරන්න + + + Cannot use database file as key file + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව යතුරු ගොනුවක් ලෙස භාවිතා කළ නොහැක + + + You cannot use your database file as a key file. +If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. + ඔබට ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව ප්‍රධාන ගොනුවක් ලෙස භාවිතා කළ නොහැක. +ඔබ සතුව යතුරු ගොනුවක් නොමැති නම්, කරුණාකර ක්ෂේත්‍රය හිස්ව තබන්න. + + + Detecting hardware keys… + දෘඪාංග යතුරු හඳුනාගැනීම… + + + No hardware keys detected + දෘඪාංග යතුරු අනාවරණය කර නොමැත + + + Select hardware key… + දෘඪාංග යතුර…තෝරන්න + + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>මුරපදයකට අමතරව, ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදායේ ආරක්ෂාව වැඩි කිරීමට ඔබට රහස් ගොනුවක් භාවිතා කළ හැකිය. මෙම ගොනුව ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදායේ'ආරක්ෂක සැකසුම් තුළ ජනනය කළ හැක.</p><p>මෙය ඔබගේ *.kdbx දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව <strong>නොවේ</strong> !<br>ඔබ සතුව යතුරු ගොනුවක් නොමැති නම්, මෙම ක්ෂේත්‍රය හිස්ව තබන්න.</p><p>වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා ක්ලික් කරන්න…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>ඔබට HMAC-SHA1 සඳහා වින්‍යාස කර ඇති තව් සහිත <strong>YubiKey</strong> හෝ <strong>OnlyKey</strong> වැනි දෘඪාංග ආරක්ෂණ යතුරක් භාවිත කළ හැක.</p> +<p>වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා ක්ලික් කරන්න…</p> + + + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData + + Passwords + මුරපද + + + + DatabaseSettingsDialog + + Advanced Settings + උසස් සැකසුම් + + + General + ජනරාල් + + + Security + ආරක්‍ෂාව + + + Database Credentials + දත්ත සමුදා අක්තපත්ර + + + Encryption Settings + සංකේතන සැකසුම් + + + Browser Integration + බ්රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම + + + Maintenance + නඩත්තු + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetBrowser + + KeePassXC-Browser settings + KeePassXC-Browser සැකසුම් + + + Convert KeePassHTTP data + KeePassHTTP දත්ත පරිවර්තනය කරන්න + + + Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data + පැරණි KeePassHTTP ගුණාංග KeePassXC-බ්‍රවුසරයට ගැළපෙන අභිරුචි දත්ත බවට පරිවර්තනය කරන්න + + + Refresh database root group ID + දත්ත සමුදා මූල කණ්ඩායම් හැඳුනුම්පත නැවුම් කරන්න + + + Disconnect all browsers + සියලුම බ්‍රව්සර් විසන්ධි කරන්න + + + Forget all site-specific settings on entries + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් වල සියලුම අඩවි-විශේෂිත සැකසුම් අමතක කරන්න + + + Stored keys + ගබඩා කළ යතුරු + + + Stored browser keys + ගබඩා කර ඇති බ්‍රව්සර් යතුරු + + + Remove selected key + තෝරාගත් යතුර ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Remove + ඉවතලන්න + + + Delete the selected key? + තෝරාගත් යතුර මකන්නද? + + + Do you really want to delete the selected key? +This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. + ඔබට ඇත්තටම තෝරාගත් යතුර මැකීමට අවශ්‍යද? +මෙය බ්‍රවුසර ප්ලගිනයට සම්බන්ධ වීම වැළැක්විය හැක. + + + Key + යතුර + + + Value + අගය + + + Created + නිර්මාණය කළා + + + Enable Browser Integration to access these settings. + මෙම සිටුවම් වෙත ප්‍රවේශ වීමට බ්‍රවුසර අනුකලනය සක්‍රීය කරන්න. + + + Do you really want to disconnect all browsers? +This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. + ඔබට සැබවින්ම සියලුම බ්‍රව්සර් විසන්ධි කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? +මෙය බ්‍රවුසර ප්ලගිනයට සම්බන්ධ වීම වැළැක්විය හැක. + + + KeePassXC: No keys found + KeePassXC: යතුරු කිසිවක් හමු නොවීය + + + No shared encryption keys found in KeePassXC settings. + KeePassXC සැකසීම් තුළ හවුල් සංකේතාංකන යතුරු හමු නොවීය. + + + KeePassXC: Removed keys from database + KeePassXC: දත්ත සමුදායෙන් යතුරු ඉවත් කරන ලදී + + + Successfully removed %n encryption key(s) from KeePassXC settings. + KeePassXC සිටුවම් වලින් %n සංකේතාංකන යතුර(ය) සාර්ථකව ඉවත් කරන ලදී.KeePassXC සිටුවම් වලින් %n සංකේතාංකන යතුර(ය) සාර්ථකව ඉවත් කරන ලදී. + + + Do you really want forget all site-specific settings on every entry? +Permissions to access entries will be revoked. + ඔබට සැබවින්ම සෑම ප්‍රවේශයකම සියලුම අඩවි-විශේෂිත සැකසුම් අමතක කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? +ඇතුළත් කිරීම්වලට ප්‍රවේශ වීමට ඇති අවසර අවලංගු කෙරේ. + + + Removing stored permissions… + ගබඩා කළ අවසර ඉවත් කිරීම… + + + Abort + ගබ්සා කරන්න + + + KeePassXC: Removed permissions + KeePassXC: අවසර ඉවත් කරන ලදී + + + Successfully removed permissions from %n entry(s). + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් %n කින් අවසර සාර්ථකව ඉවත් කරන ලදී.ඇතුළත් කිරීම් %n කින් අවසර සාර්ථකව ඉවත් කරන ලදී. + + + KeePassXC: No entry with permissions found! + KeePassXC: අවසර සහිත ප්‍රවේශයක් හමු නොවීය! + + + The active database does not contain an entry with permissions. + සක්‍රිය දත්ත ගබඩාවේ අවසර සහිත ප්‍රවේශයක් අඩංගු නොවේ. + + + Move KeePassHTTP attributes to custom data + අභිරුචි දත්ත වෙත KeePassHTTP උපලක්ෂණ ගෙන යන්න + + + Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? +This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. + ඔබට සැබවින්ම සියලුම පැරණි බ්‍රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමේ දත්ත නවතම ප්‍රමිතියට පරිවර්තනය කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? +බ්‍රව්සර් ප්ලගිනය සමඟ ගැළපුම පවත්වා ගැනීමට මෙය අවශ්‍ය වේ. + + + Refresh database ID + දත්ත සමුදා හැඳුනුම්පත නැවුම් කරන්න + + + Do you really want refresh the database ID? +This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect. + ඔබට ඇත්තටම දත්ත සමුදා හැඳුනුම්පත නැවුම් කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? +මෙය අවශ්‍ය වන්නේ ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය වෙනත් පිටපතක් නම් සහ බ්‍රවුසර දිගුව සම්බන්ධ කළ නොහැකි නම් පමණි. + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey + + Add additional protection… + අමතර ආරක්ෂාවක් එක් කරන්න… + + + No password set + මුරපදයක් සකසා නැත + + + WARNING! You have not set a password. Using a database without a password is strongly discouraged! + +Are you sure you want to continue without a password? + අවවාදයයි! ඔබ මුරපදයක් සකසා නැත. මුරපදයක් නොමැතිව දත්ත සමුදායක් භාවිතා කිරීම දැඩි ලෙස අධෛර්යමත් වේ! + +ඔබට මුරපදයක් නොමැතිව ඉදිරියට යාමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + Continue without password + මුරපදය නොමැතිව ඉදිරියට යන්න + + + No encryption key added + සංකේතාංකන යතුරක් එක් කර නැත + + + You must add at least one encryption key to secure your database! + ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය සුරක්ෂිත කිරීමට ඔබ අවම වශයෙන් එක් සංකේතාංකන යතුරක් එක් කළ යුතුය! + + + Unknown error + නොදන්නා දෝෂයකි + + + Failed to change database credentials + දත්ත සමුදා අක්තපත්‍ර වෙනස් කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetEncryption + + Decryption Time: + විසංකේතන කාලය: + + + Change existing decryption time + පවතින විකේතන කාලය වෙනස් කරන්න + + + Change + වෙනස් කරන්න + + + Decryption time in seconds + තත්පර වලින් විකේතන කාලය + + + Higher values offer more protection, but opening the database will take longer. + ඉහළ අගයන් වැඩි ආරක්ෂාවක් ලබා දෙයි, නමුත් දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කිරීමට වැඩි කාලයක් ගතවනු ඇත. + + + Database format: + දත්ත සමුදා ආකෘතිය: + + + Database format + දත්ත සමුදා ආකෘතිය + + + Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features + ආකෘතිය වෙනස් කළ නොහැක: ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය KDBX 4 විශේෂාංග භාවිතා කරයි + + + Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. + ඔබට වෙනත් වැඩසටහන් සමඟ ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය නම් මිස, සෑම විටම නවතම ආකෘතිය භාවිතා කරන්න. + + + Encryption Algorithm: + සංකේතාංකන ඇල්ගොරිතම: + + + Encryption algorithm + සංකේතාංකන ඇල්ගොරිතම + + + AES: 256 Bit (default) + AES: 256 Bit (පෙරනිමිය) + + + Twofish: 256 Bit + මාළු දෙක: 256 බිට් + + + Key Derivation Function: + ප්රධාන ව්යුත්පන්න කාර්යය: + + + Key derivation function + ප්රධාන ව්යුත්පන්න කාර්යය + + + Transform rounds: + පරිවර්තන වට: + + + Transform rounds + වටකුරු පරිවර්තනය කරන්න + + + Memory Usage: + මතකය භාවිතය: + + + Memory usage + මතකය භාවිතය + + + Parallelism: + සමාන්තරකරණය: + + + Parallelism + සමාන්තරවාදය + + + KDBX 4 (recommended) + KDBX 4 (නිර්දේශිත) + + + KDBX 3 + KDBX 3 + + + unchanged + Database decryption time is unchanged + නොවෙනස්ව + + + Number of rounds too high + Key transformation rounds + වට ගණන වැඩියි + + + You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. + +If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. + ඔබ Argon2 සමඟ යතුරු පරිවර්තන වට ඉතා ඉහළ සංඛ්‍යාවක් භාවිතා කරයි. + +ඔබ මෙම අංකය තබා ගන්නේ නම්, ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කිරීමට පැය, දින හෝ ඊටත් වඩා වැඩි කාලයක් ගතවනු ඇත. + + + Understood, keep number + තේරුණා, අංකය තබා ගන්න + + + Cancel + අවලංගු + + + Number of rounds too low + Key transformation rounds + වට ගණන ඉතා අඩුය + + + You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. + +If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. + ඔබ AES-KDF සමඟ යතුරු පරිවර්තන වට ඉතා අඩු සංඛ්‍යාවක් භාවිතා කරයි. + +ඔබ මෙම අංකය තබා ගන්නේ නම්, ඔබේ දත්ත ගබඩාව බෲට් බල ප්‍රහාර වලින් ආරක්ෂා නොවනු ඇත. + + + KDF unchanged + KDF නොවෙනස්ව ඇත + + + Failed to transform key with new KDF parameters; KDF unchanged. + නව KDF පරාමිති සමඟ යතුර පරිවර්තනය කිරීමට අසමත් විය; KDF නොවෙනස්ව ඇත. + + + MiB + Abbreviation for Mebibytes (KDF settings) + MiB MiB + + + thread(s) + Threads for parallel execution (KDF settings) + නූල්(ය) නූල්(ය) + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetFdoSecrets + + Exposed Entries + නිරාවරණය වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් + + + Don't expose this database + මෙම දත්ත'හෙළිදරව් නොකරන්න + + + Expose entries under this group: + මෙම කණ්ඩායම යටතේ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් හෙළි කරන්න: + + + Enable Secret Service to access these settings. + මෙම සැකසීම් වෙත ප්‍රවේශ වීමට රහස් සේවාව සබල කරන්න. + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneral + + Database Metadata + දත්ත සමුදා පාරදත්ත + + + Database name: + දත්ත සමුදායේ නම: + + + Database name field + දත්ත සමුදා නාම ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Database description: + දත්ත සමුදා විස්තරය: + + + Database description field + දත්ත සමුදා විස්තර ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Default username: + පෙරනිමි පරිශීලක නාමය: + + + Default username field + පෙරනිමි පරිශීලක නාම ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + History Settings + ඉතිහාස සැකසුම් + + + Maximum number of history items per entry + එක් ප්‍රවේශයකට ඉතිහාස අයිතම උපරිම සංඛ්‍යාව + + + Max. history items: + උපරිම. ඉතිහාස අයිතම: + + + Maximum size of history per entry + එක් ප්‍රවේශයකට ඉතිහාසයේ උපරිම ප්‍රමාණය + + + Max. history size: + උපරිම. ඉතිහාස ප්රමාණය: + + + MiB + MiB + + + Use recycle bin + ප්රතිචක්රීකරණ බඳුනක් භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Additional Database Settings + අතිරේක දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් + + + Enable compression (recommended) + සම්පීඩනය සබල කරන්න (නිර්දේශිත) + + + Delete Recycle Bin + ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන මකන්න + + + Do you want to delete the current recycle bin and all its contents? +This action is not reversible. + ඔබට වත්මන් ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන සහ එහි සියලුම අන්තර්ගතයන් මැකීමට අවශ්‍යද? +මෙම ක්‍රියාව ආපසු හැරවිය නොහැක. + + + (old) + (පරණ) + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetKeeShare + + Sharing + බෙදාගැනීම + + + Breadcrumb + පාන් කුඩු + + + Type + ලියන්න + + + Path + මාර්ගය + + + Last Signer + අවසාන අත්සන් කරන්නා + + + Certificates + සහතික + + + > + Breadcrumb separator + > + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetMaintenance + + Manage Custom Icons + අභිරුචි අයිකන කළමනාකරණය කරන්න + + + Delete selected icon(s) + තෝරාගත් නිරූපක(ය) මකන්න + + + Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group + කිසිදු ප්‍රවේශයක් හෝ කණ්ඩායමක් භාවිතා නොකරන සියලුම අභිරුචි අයිකන මකන්න + + + Purge unused icons + භාවිතයට නොගත් අයිකන ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Confirm Deletion + මකාදැමීම තහවුරු කරන්න + + + At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? + අවම වශයෙන් තෝරාගත් අයිකනවලින් එකක් වත් දැනට අවම වශයෙන් එක් ප්‍රවේශයක් හෝ කණ්ඩායමක් විසින් භාවිතා කරයි. බලපෑමට ලක් වූ සියලුම ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සහ කණ්ඩායම්වල අයිකන පෙරනිමි නිරූපකය මගින් ප්‍රතිස්ථාපනය වේ. දැනට භාවිතයේ පවතින අයිකන මැකීමට අවශ්‍ය බව ඔබට විශ්වාසද? + + + Custom Icons Are In Use + අභිරුචි අයිකන භාවිතයේ පවතී + + + All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group. + සියලුම අභිරුචි අයිකන අවම වශයෙන් එක් ප්‍රවේශයක් හෝ කණ්ඩායමක් විසින් භාවිත කෙරේ. + + + Purged Unused Icons + භාවිතයට නොගත් අයිකන ඉවත් කර ඇත + + + Purged %n icon(s) from the database. + දත්ත සමුදායෙන් %n නිරූපක(ය) ඉවත් කරන ලදී.දත්ත සමුදායෙන් %n නිරූපක(ය) ඉවත් කරන ලදී. + + + + DatabaseSettingsWidgetMetaDataSimple + + Database Name: + දත්ත සමුදායේ නම: + + + Database name field + දත්ත සමුදා නාම ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Description: + විස්තර: + + + Database description field + දත්ත සමුදා විස්තර ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + + DatabaseTabWidget + + Database creation error + දත්ත සමුදාය සෑදීමේ දෝෂයකි + + + The created database has no key or KDF, refusing to save it. +This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. + සාදන ලද දත්ත ගබඩාවේ යතුරක් හෝ KDF එකක් නොමැත, එය සුරැකීම ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරයි. +මෙය නියත වශයෙන්ම දෝෂයකි, කරුණාකර එය සංවර්ධකයන්ට වාර්තා කරන්න. + + + KeePass 2 Database + KeePass 2 දත්ත සමුදාය + + + All files + සියලුම ගොනු + + + Open database + දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කරන්න + + + Failed to open %1. It either does not exist or is not accessible. + %1විවෘත කිරීමට අසමත් විය. එය නොපවතී හෝ ප්රවේශ විය නොහැක. + + + CSV file + CSV ගොනුව + + + Select CSV file + CSV ගොනුව තෝරන්න + + + Merge database + දත්ත සමුදාය ඒකාබද්ධ කරන්න + + + KeePass 1 database + KeePass 1 දත්ත සමුදාය + + + Open KeePass 1 database + KeePass 1 දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කරන්න + + + Open OPVault + OPVault විවෘත කරන්න + + + Export database to CSV file + දත්ත සමුදාය CSV ගොනුවට අපනයනය කරන්න + + + Writing the CSV file failed. + CSV ගොනුව ලිවීම අසාර්ථක විය. + + + Writing the HTML file failed. + HTML ගොනුව ලිවීම අසාර්ථක විය. + + + Export Confirmation + අපනයන තහවුරු කිරීම + + + You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Are you sure you want to continue? + ඔබ ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදාය සංකේතනය නොකළ ගොනුවකට අපනයනය කිරීමට සූදානම් වේ. මෙය ඔබගේ මුරපද සහ සංවේදී තොරතුරු අවදානමට ලක් කරයි! ඔබට දිගටම කරගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + New Database + නව දත්ත සමුදාය + + + %1 [New Database] + Database tab name modifier + %1 [නව දත්ත සමුදාය] + + + %1 [Locked] + Database tab name modifier + %1 [Locked] + + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + + + + DatabaseWidget + + Searching… + සොයමින්… + + + Shared group… + බෙදාගත් කණ්ඩායම… + + + Confirm Auto-Type + ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය තහවුරු කරන්න + + + Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? + කලින් සක්‍රිය කවුළුවට ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් කරන්නද? + + + Execute command? + විධානය ක්‍රියාත්මක කරන්නද? + + + Do you really want to execute the following command?<br><br>%1<br> + ඔබට ඇත්තටම පහත විධානය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද?<br><br>%1<br> + + + Remember my choice + මගේ තේරීම මතක තබා ගන්න + + + Delete group + සමූහය මකන්න + + + Do you really want to delete the group "%1" for good? + ඔබට සැබවින්ම "%1" කණ්ඩායම යහපත සඳහා මකා දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Move group to recycle bin? + කණ්ඩායම ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ගෙන යන්නද? + + + Do you really want to move the group "%1" to the recycle bin? + ඔබට ඇත්තටම "%1" කණ්ඩායම ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Expired entries + කල් ඉකුත් වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් + + + No current database. + වත්මන් දත්ත සමුදාය නැත. + + + No source database, nothing to do. + මූලාශ්‍ර දත්ත ගබඩාවක් නැත, කිරීමට කිසිවක් නැත. + + + Successfully merged the database files. + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනු සාර්ථකව ඒකාබද්ධ කරන ලදී. + + + Database was not modified by merge operation. + දත්ත සමුදාය ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමේ මෙහෙයුම මගින් වෙනස් කර නැත. + + + Search Results (%1) + සෙවුම් ප්‍රතිඵල (%1) + + + No Results + ප්‍රතිපල නැත + + + Lock Database? + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු දමන්නද? + + + You are editing an entry. Discard changes and lock anyway? + ඔබ ප්‍රවේශයක් සංස්කරණය කරමින් සිටී. කෙසේ වෙතත් වෙනස්කම් ඉවත දමා අගුලු දමන්නද? + + + "%1" was modified. +Save changes? + "%1" වෙනස් කරන ලදී. +වෙනස්කම් සුරකින්නද? + + + Database was modified. +Save changes? + දත්ත සමුදාය වෙනස් කරන ලදී. +වෙනස්කම් සුරකින්නද? + + + Save changes? + වෙනස්කම් සුරකින්නද? + + + File has changed + ගොනුව වෙනස් වී ඇත + + + The database file has changed. Do you want to load the changes? + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව වෙනස් වී ඇත. ඔබට වෙනස්කම් පූරණය කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Merge Request + ඒකාබද්ධ ඉල්ලීම + + + The database file has changed and you have unsaved changes. +Do you want to merge your changes? + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව වෙනස් වී ඇති අතර ඔබට නොසුරකින ලද වෙනස්කම් ඇත. +ඔබට ඔබගේ වෙනස්කම් ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Could not open the new database file while attempting to autoreload. +Error: %1 + ස්වයංක්‍රීයව පූරණය කිරීමට උත්සාහ කරන අතරතුර නව දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව විවෘත කිරීමට නොහැකි විය. +දෝෂය: %1 + + + Disable safe saves? + ආරක්ෂිත සුරැකුම් අබල කරන්නද? + + + KeePassXC has failed to save the database multiple times. This is likely caused by file sync services holding a lock on the save file. +Disable safe saves and try again? + KeePassXC දත්ත සමුදාය කිහිප වතාවක් සුරැකීමට අසමත් විය. ගොනු සමමුහුර්ත සේවා සුරැකීමේ ගොනුවේ අගුලක් තබා ගැනීම නිසා මෙය සිදු විය හැකිය. +ආරක්ෂිත සුරැකුම් අබල කර නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්නද? + + + Writing the database failed: %1 + දත්ත සමුදාය ලිවීම අසාර්ථක විය: %1 + + + Passwords + මුරපද + + + Save database as + ලෙස දත්තසමුදාය සුරකින්න + + + KeePass 2 Database + KeePass 2 දත්ත සමුදාය + + + Save database backup + දත්ත සමුදා උපස්ථය සුරකින්න + + + Empty recycle bin? + ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන හිස්ද? + + + Are you sure you want to permanently delete everything from your recycle bin? + ඔබේ ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනෙන් සියල්ල ස්ථිරවම මැකීමට අවශ්‍ය බව ඔබට විශ්වාසද? + + + Could not find database file: %1 + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව සොයා ගැනීමට නොහැකි විය: %1 + + + Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් දින %1 ක් ඇතුළත කල් ඉකුත් වේඇතුළත් කිරීම් දින %1 ක් ඇතුළත කල් ඉකුත් වේ + + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + සුරකින්න + + + Save Search + + + + + EditEntryWidget + + Entry + ඇතුල්වීම + + + Advanced + උසස් + + + Icon + නිරූපකය + + + Auto-Type + ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය + + + Browser Integration + බ්රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම + + + <empty URL> + <empty URL> + + + Confirm Removal + ඉවත් කිරීම තහවුරු කරන්න + + + Are you sure you want to remove this URL? + ඔබට මෙම URL ඉවත් කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + Properties + දේපළ + + + History + ඉතිහාසය + + + SSH Agent + SSH නියෝජිතයා + + + n/a + අ/නොවේ + + + (encrypted) + (සංකේතනය කළ) + + + Select private key + පුද්ගලික යතුර තෝරන්න + + + Entry history + ඇතුල්වීමේ ඉතිහාසය + + + Add entry + ඇතුළත් කිරීම එකතු කරන්න + + + Edit entry + ඇතුළත් කිරීම සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. + සමහර Browser Integration සැකසුම් කණ්ඩායම් සිටුවම් මගින් ප්‍රතික්‍ෂේප කර ඇත. + + + Invalid Entry + වලංගු නොවන ඇතුල්වීමක් + + + An external merge operation has invalidated this entry. +Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. + බාහිර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමේ මෙහෙයුමක් මෙම ප්‍රවේශය අවලංගු කර ඇත. +අවාසනාවන්ත ලෙස, කරන ලද ඕනෑම වෙනස්කමක් නැති වී ඇත. + + + Auto-Type Validation Error + ස්වයං-වර්ගය වලංගු කිරීමේ දෝෂය + + + An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: +%1 +Would you like to correct it? + අභිරුචි ස්වයං-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල වලංගු කිරීමේදී දෝෂයක් ඇති විය: +%1 +ඔබ එය නිවැරදි කිරීමට කැමතිද? + + + An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": +%2 +Would you like to correct it? + "%1": +%2 +සඳහා ස්වයංක්‍රීය-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල වලංගු කිරීමේදී දෝෂයක් ඇති විය ඔබ එය නිවැරදි කිරීමට කැමතිද? + + + Entry updated successfully. + ඇතුල්වීම සාර්ථකව යාවත්කාලීන කරන ලදී. + + + Unsaved Changes + නොසුරකින ලද වෙනස්කම් + + + Would you like to save changes to this entry? + ඔබ මෙම ප්‍රවේශයට වෙනස්කම් සුරැකීමට කැමතිද? + + + New attribute + නව ගුණාංගය + + + New attribute %1 + නව ගුණාංගය %1 + + + Are you sure you want to remove this attribute? + ඔබට මෙම ගුණාංගය ඉවත් කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + Reveal + හෙළි කරන්න + + + [PROTECTED] Press Reveal to view or edit + [PROTECTED] බැලීමට හෝ සංස්කරණය කිරීමට Reveal ඔබන්න + + + Hide + සඟවන්න + + + %n week(s) + සති %nසති %n + + + %n month(s) + මාස %nමාස %n + + + %n year(s) + වසර %n (ය)වසර %n (ය) + + + %n hour(s) + පැය %nපැය %n + + + + EditEntryWidgetAdvanced + + Additional attributes + අමතර ගුණාංග + + + Attribute selection + ගුණාංග තේරීම + + + Attribute value + ගුණාංග අගය + + + Add a new attribute + නව ගුණාංගයක් එක් කරන්න + + + Add + එකතු + + + Remove selected attribute + තෝරාගත් උපලක්ෂණ ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Remove + ඉවතලන්න + + + Edit attribute name + ගුණාංග නාමය සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Edit Name + නම සංස්කරණය + + + Toggle attribute protection + ගුණාංග ආරක්ෂාව ටොගල් කරන්න + + + Protect + ආරක්ෂා කරන්න + + + Show a protected attribute + ආරක්ෂිත ගුණාංගයක් පෙන්වන්න + + + Reveal + හෙළි කරන්න + + + Attachments + ඇමුණුම් + + + If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. + පරීක්ෂා කළහොත්, ප්‍රවේශය තත්ත්ව අවශ්‍යතා සමඟ't නොගැලපේ වුවද සෞඛ්‍ය පරීක්‍ෂණය සහ HIBP වැනි වාර්තාවල දිස් නොවේ. + + + Exclude from database reports + දත්ත සමුදා වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කරන්න + + + Foreground Color: + පෙරබිම් වර්ණය: + + + Foreground color selection + පෙරබිම වර්ණ තේරීම + + + Background Color: + පසුබිම් වර්ණය: + + + Background color selection + පසුබිම් වර්ණ තේරීම + + + + EditEntryWidgetAutoType + + Enable Auto-Type for this entry + මෙම ප්‍රවේශය සඳහා ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය සබල කරන්න + + + Inherit default Auto-Type sequence from the group + සමූහයෙන් පෙරනිමි ස්වයංක්‍රීය-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල උරුම කර ගන්න + + + Use custom Auto-Type sequence: + අභිරුචි ස්වයං-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල භාවිතා කරන්න: + + + Custom Auto-Type sequence + අභිරුචි ස්වයං-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල + + + Open Auto-Type help webpage + ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් උදවු වෙබ් පිටුව විවෘත කරන්න + + + Window Associations + කවුළු සංගම් + + + Existing window associations + පවතින කවුළු සංගම් + + + Add new window association + නව කවුළු ඇසුරක් එක් කරන්න + + + Remove selected window association + තෝරාගත් කවුළු සම්බන්ධය ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Window title: + කවුළු මාතෘකාව: + + + You can use an asterisk (*) to match everything + සෑම දෙයක්ම ගැලපීමට ඔබට තරු ලකුණ (*) භාවිතා කළ හැකිය + + + Set the window association title + කවුළු සංගම් මාතෘකාව සකසන්න + + + You can use an asterisk to match everything + සෑම දෙයක්ම ගැලපීමට ඔබට තරු ලකුණක් භාවිතා කළ හැකිය + + + Use a specific sequence for this association: + මෙම සංගමය සඳහා නිශ්චිත අනුපිළිවෙලක් භාවිතා කරන්න: + + + Custom Auto-Type sequence for this window + මෙම කවුළුව සඳහා අභිරුචි ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් අනුපිළිවෙල + + + + + Add item + + + + + - + Remove item + - + + + + EditEntryWidgetBrowser + + These settings affect to the entry's behaviour with the browser extension. + මෙම සිටුවම් බ්‍රවුසර දිගුව සමඟ ඇතුල් වීමේ's හැසිරීමට බලපායි. + + + General + ජනරාල් + + + Hide this entry from the browser extension + බ්‍රවුසර දිගුවෙන් මෙම ප්‍රවේශය සඟවන්න + + + Skip Auto-Submit for this entry + මෙම ප්‍රවේශය සඳහා ස්වයංක්‍රීය ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම මඟ හරින්න + + + Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection. + HTTP Auth සංවාද සඳහා පමණක් මෙම සැකසුම බ්‍රවුසරයට යවන්න. සබල කර ඇත්නම්, සාමාන්‍ය පිවිසුම් පෝරම තේරීම සඳහා මෙම ප්‍රවේශය නොපෙන්වයි. + + + Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth + මෙම ප්‍රවේශය HTTP Basic Auth සමඟ පමණක් භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. + HTTP Auth සංවාද සඳහා මෙම සැකසුම බ්‍රවුසරයට නොයවන්න. සබල කර ඇත්නම්, HTTP Auth සංවාද තේරීම සඳහා මෙම ප්‍රවේශය නොපෙන්වයි. + + + Do not use this entry with HTTP Basic Auth + HTTP Basic Auth සමඟ මෙම ප්‍රවේශය භාවිතා නොකරන්න + + + Additional URL's + අමතර URL'තත් + + + Add + එකතු + + + Remove + ඉවතලන්න + + + Edit + සංස්කරණය + + + + EditEntryWidgetHistory + + Entry history selection + ඇතුළත් වීමේ ඉතිහාසය තේරීම + + + Show entry at selected history state + තෝරාගත් ඉතිහාස තත්වයේ ප්‍රවේශය පෙන්වන්න + + + Show + පෙන්වන්න + + + Restore entry to selected history state + තෝරාගත් ඉතිහාස තත්ත්වයට ප්‍රවේශය ප්‍රතිසාධනය කරන්න + + + Restore + ප්‍රත්‍යර්පණය + + + Delete selected history state + තෝරාගත් ඉතිහාස තත්ත්වය මකන්න + + + Delete + මකන්න + + + Delete all history + සියලුම ඉතිහාසය මකන්න + + + Delete all + සියල්ල මකන්න + + + + EditEntryWidgetMain + + Edit Entry + ඇතුළත් කිරීම සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Notes field + සටහන් ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Toggle the checkbox to reveal the notes section. + සටහන් කොටස හෙළි කිරීමට තේරීම් කොටුව ටොගල් කරන්න. + + + Username field + පරිශීලක නාම ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Toggle notes visible + ටොගල් සටහන් දෘශ්‍යමාන වේ + + + Notes: + සටහන්: + + + Expiration field + කල් ඉකුත් වීමේ ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Expiration Presets + කල් ඉකුත් වීමේ පෙරසිටුවීම් + + + Expiration presets + කල් ඉකුත් වීමේ පෙරසිටුවීම් + + + Presets + පෙරසිටුවීම් + + + Password: + මුරපදය: + + + URL: + ඒ.ස.නි.: + + + Url field + Url ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Download favicon for URL + URL සඳහා favicon බාගන්න + + + Title: + සිරැසිය: + + + Title field + මාතෘකා ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Username: + පරිශීලක නාමය: + + + Password field + මුරපද ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Toggle expiration + කල් ඉකුත්වීම ටොගල් කරන්න + + + Expires: + කල් ඉකුත් වේ: + + + Tags: + Tags: + + + Tags list + ටැග් ලැයිස්තුව + + + + EditEntryWidgetSSHAgent + + Form + පෝරමය + + + Remove key from agent when database is closed/locked + දත්ත සමුදාය වසා ඇති විට / අගුලු දමා ඇති විට නියෝජිතයාගෙන් යතුර ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Comment + අදහස් දක්වන්න + + + Add key to agent when database is opened/unlocked + දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කරන විට / අගුලු හරින විට නියෝජිතයාට යතුර එක් කරන්න + + + Decrypt + විකේතනය කරන්න + + + Fingerprint + ඇඟිලි සලකුණ + + + Copy to clipboard + පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න + + + Public key + පොදු යතුර + + + Private key + පුද්ගලික යතුර + + + External file + බාහිර ගොනුව + + + Browser for key file + යතුරු ගොනුව සඳහා බ්‍රව්සරය + + + Browse… + Button for opening file dialog + පිරික්සන්න... + + + Attachment + ඇමුණුම + + + External key file + බාහිර යතුරු ගොනුව + + + Add to agent + නියෝජිතයාට එකතු කරන්න + + + Remove from agent + නියෝජිතයාගෙන් ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Select attachment file + ඇමුණුම් ගොනුව තෝරන්න + + + Require user confirmation when this key is used + මෙම යතුර භාවිතා කරන විට පරිශීලක තහවුරු කිරීම අවශ්‍ය වේ + + + n/a + අ/නොවේ + + + Remove key from agent after + පසුව නියෝජිතයාගෙන් යතුර ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Remove key from agent after specified seconds + නිශ්චිත තත්පර වලින් පසුව නියෝජිතයාගෙන් යතුර ඉවත් කරන්න + + + seconds + තත්පර + + + + EditGroupWidget + + Group + සමූහය + + + Icon + නිරූපකය + + + Browser Integration + බ්රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම + + + Properties + දේපළ + + + Add group + කණ්ඩායම එකතු කරන්න + + + Edit group + කණ්ඩායම සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Group has unsaved changes + සමූහයට නොසුරැකි වෙනස්කම් ඇත + + + Enable + සබල කරන්න + + + Disable + අක්රිය කරන්න + + + Inherit from parent group (%1) + මාපිය කණ්ඩායමෙන් උරුමය (%1) + + + + EditGroupWidgetBrowser + + Edit Group + කණ්ඩායම සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. + මෙම සැකසීම් බ්‍රවුසර දිගුව සමඟ'කණ්ඩායමේ හැසිරීමට බලපායි. + + + Hide entries from browser extension: + බ්‍රවුසර දිගුවෙන් ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඟවන්න: + + + Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups + මෙම සහ උප කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා බ්‍රවුසර දිගු ටොගලයෙන් ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඟවන්න + + + Skip Auto-Submit for entries: + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඳහා ස්වයංක්‍රීයව ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම මඟ හරින්න: + + + Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups + මෙය සහ උප කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා ස්වයංක්‍රීය ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම ටොගලය මඟ හරින්න + + + Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: + HTTP මූලික Auth සමඟ පමණක් ඇතුළත් කිරීම් භාවිතා කරන්න: + + + Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + මෙම සහ උප කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා HTTP Auth පමණක් ටොගල කරන්න + + + Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: + HTTP මූලික Auth සමඟ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් භාවිතා නොකරන්න: + + + Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + මෙය සහ උප කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා HTTP Auth ටොගල් භාවිතා නොකරන්න + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + WWW උප වසම ගැලපීමෙන් ඉවත් කරන්න: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + මෙය සහ උප කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා ගැළපෙන ටොගල් වලින් WWW උප වසම ඉවත් කරන්න + + + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare + + Sharing mode field + බෙදාගැනීමේ මාදිලියේ ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Password field + මුරපද ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Type: + වර්ගය: + + + Password: + මුරපදය: + + + Path: + මාර්ගය: + + + Path to share file field + ගොනු ක්ෂේත්‍රය බෙදා ගැනීමට මාර්ගය + + + Browse for share file + ගොනු බෙදාගැනීම සඳහා බ්‍රවුස් කරන්න + + + Browse… + පිරික්සන්න... + + + Clear fields + හිස් ක්ෂේත්ර + + + Clear + පැහැදිලිව + + + Inactive + අක්රියයි + + + Import + ආනයන + + + Export + අපනයන + + + Synchronize + සමමුහුර්ත කරන්න + + + Your KeePassXC version does not support sharing this container type. +Supported extensions are: %1. + ඔබගේ KeePassXC අනුවාදය මෙම බහාලුම් වර්ගය බෙදා ගැනීමට සහාය නොදක්වයි. +සහාය දක්වන දිගු වන්නේ: %1. + + + %1 is already being exported by this database. + %1 දැනටමත් මෙම දත්ත සමුදාය මගින් අපනයනය කෙරේ. + + + %1 is already being imported by this database. + %1 දැනටමත් මෙම දත්ත සමුදාය මගින් ආයාත කෙරේ. + + + %1 is being imported and exported by different groups in this database. + %1 මෙම දත්ත ගබඩාවේ විවිධ කණ්ඩායම් විසින් ආනයනය සහ අපනයනය කරනු ලැබේ. + + + KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings. + KeeShare is a proper noun + KeeShare දැනට අබල කර ඇත. යෙදුම් සැකසීම් තුළ ඔබට ආයාත/අපනයනය සබල කළ හැක. + + + Database export is currently disabled by application settings. + යෙදුම් සැකසීම් මගින් දත්ත සමුදාය අපනයනය දැනට අබල කර ඇත. + + + Database import is currently disabled by application settings. + යෙදුම් සැකසීම් මගින් දත්ත සමුදා ආයාත කිරීම දැනට අබල කර ඇත. + + + KeeShare container + KeeShare කන්ටේනරය + + + KeeShare signed container + KeeShare අත්සන් කළ බහාලුම + + + Select import source + ආනයන මූලාශ්‍රය තෝරන්න + + + Select export target + අපනයන ඉලක්කය තෝරන්න + + + Select import/export file + ආයාත/අපනයන ගොනුව තෝරන්න + + + + EditGroupWidgetMain + + Edit Group + කණ්ඩායම සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Toggle expiration + කල් ඉකුත්වීම ටොගල් කරන්න + + + Expires: + කල් ඉකුත් වේ: + + + Name field + ක්ෂේත්‍රය නම් කරන්න + + + Expiration field + කල් ඉකුත් වීමේ ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group + මාපිය කණ්ඩායමේ පෙරනිමි ස්වයං-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Auto-Type: + ස්වයං-වර්ගය: + + + Search: + සොයන්න: + + + Auto-Type toggle for this and sub groups + මෙය සහ උප කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා ස්වයංක්‍රීය ටයිප් ටොගල කරන්න + + + Notes: + සටහන්: + + + Default auto-type sequence field + පෙරනිමි ස්වයං-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Notes field + සටහන් ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Name: + නම: + + + Set default Auto-Type sequence + පෙරනිමි ස්වයං-වර්ග අනුපිළිවෙල සකසන්න + + + Search toggle for this and sub groups + මෙය සහ උප කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා සෙවුම් ටොගල් කරන්න + + + + EditWidgetIcons + + Use default icon + පෙරනිමි නිරූපකය භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Use custom icon + අභිරුචි නිරූපකය භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Choose icon… + අයිකනය…තෝරන්න + + + Set the URL to use to search for a favicon + ෆේවිකොන් සෙවීමට භාවිතා කිරීමට URL එක සකසන්න + + + Favicon URL + Favicon URL + + + Download favicon for URL + URL සඳහා favicon බාගන්න + + + Download favicon + Favicon බාගන්න + + + Apply selected icon to subgroups and entries + තෝරාගත් නිරූපකය උප සමූහ සහ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඳහා යොදන්න + + + Apply icon to… + නිරූපකය…වෙත යොදන්න + + + Apply to this group only + මෙම සමූහයට පමණක් අයදුම් කරන්න + + + Also apply to child groups + ළමා කණ්ඩායම් සඳහා ද අදාළ වේ + + + Also apply to child entries + ළමා ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සඳහා ද අදාළ වේ + + + Also apply to all children + සියලුම දරුවන්ටද අදාළ වේ + + + Unable to fetch favicon. + ෆේවිකොන් ලබා ගැනීමට නොහැකි විය. + + + You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Tools -> Settings -> Security + ඔබට මෙවලම් -> සිටුවම් -> ආරක්ෂාව යටතේ DuckDuckGo වෙබ් අඩවිය අයිකන සේවාව සබල කළ හැක + + + Existing icon selected. + පවතින නිරූපකය තෝරා ඇත. + + + Images + රූප + + + All files + සියලුම ගොනු + + + Select Image(s) + රූප(ය) තෝරන්න + + + Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) + අයිකන(ය) %n කින් %1 ක් සාර්ථකව පූරණය කරන ලදීඅයිකන(ය) %n කින් %1 ක් සාර්ථකව පූරණය කරන ලදී + + + No icons were loaded + අයිකන කිසිවක් පූරණය කර නැත + + + %n icon(s) already exist in the database + %n නිරූපක(ය) දැනටමත් දත්ත ගබඩාවේ පවතී%n නිරූපක(ය) දැනටමත් දත්ත ගබඩාවේ පවතී + + + The following icon(s) failed: + පහත නිරූපකය(ය) අසාර්ථක විය:පහත නිරූපකය(ය) අසාර්ථක විය: + + + + EditWidgetProperties + + Created: + සාදන ලදී: + + + Datetime created + දින වේලාව නිර්මාණය කරන ලදී + + + Modified: + වෙනස් කරන ලද: + + + Datetime modified + දිනය වෙනස් කරන ලදී + + + Accessed: + ප්රවේශ විය: + + + Datetime accessed + දින වේලාව ප්‍රවේශ විය + + + Uuid: + Uuid: + + + Unique ID + අද්විතීය හැඳුනුම්පත + + + Plugin Data + ප්ලගින දත්ත + + + Plugin data + ප්ලගින දත්ත + + + Remove selected plugin data + තෝරාගත් ප්ලගින දත්ත ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Remove + ඉවතලන්න + + + Delete plugin data? + ප්ලගින දත්ත මකන්නද? + + + Do you really want to delete the selected plugin data? +This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. + ඔබට ඇත්තටම තෝරාගත් ප්ලගින දත්ත මැකීමට අවශ්‍යද? +මෙය බලපෑමට ලක් වූ ප්ලගීන අක්‍රිය වීමට හේතු විය හැක. + + + Key + යතුර + + + Value + අගය + + + + Entry + + %1 - Clone + %1 - ක්ලෝනය + + + + EntryAttachments + + Cannot open file "%1" + "%1"ගොනුව විවෘත කළ නොහැක + + + + EntryAttachmentsModel + + Name + නම + + + Size + ප්රමාණය + + + + EntryAttachmentsWidget + + Form + පෝරමය + + + Attachments + ඇමුණුම් + + + Add new attachment + නව ඇමුණුමක් එක් කරන්න + + + Add + එකතු + + + Remove selected attachment + තෝරාගත් ඇමුණුම ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Remove + ඉවතලන්න + + + Rename selected attachment + තෝරාගත් ඇමුණුම නැවත නම් කරන්න + + + Rename + නැවත නම් කරන්න + + + Open selected attachment + තෝරාගත් ඇමුණුම විවෘත කරන්න + + + Open + විවෘත + + + Save selected attachment to disk + තෝරාගත් ඇමුණුම තැටියට සුරකින්න + + + Save + සුරකින්න + + + Select files + ගොනු තෝරන්න + + + Confirm remove + ඉවත් කිරීම තහවුරු කරන්න + + + Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? + ඔබට ඇමුණුම්(ය) %n ක් ඉවත් කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද?ඔබට ඇමුණුම්(ය) %n ක් ඉවත් කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + Save attachments + ඇමුණුම් සුරකින්න + + + Unable to create directory: +%1 + නාමාවලිය සෑදිය නොහැක: +%1 + + + Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file "%1" with the attachment? + ඇමුණුම සමඟ පවතින ගොනු "%1" උඩින් ලිවීමට අවශ්‍ය බව ඔබට විශ්වාසද? + + + Confirm overwrite + උඩින් ලිවීම තහවුරු කරන්න + + + Unable to save attachments: +%1 + ඇමුණුම් සුරැකීමට නොහැක: +%1 + + + Unable to open attachment: +%1 + ඇමුණුම විවෘත කළ නොහැක: +%1 + + + Unable to open attachments: +%1 + ඇමුණුම් විවෘත කළ නොහැක: +%1 + + + Unable to open file(s): +%1 + ගොනු (ය) විවෘත කළ නොහැක: +%1ගොනු (ය) විවෘත කළ නොහැක: +%1 + + + Confirm Overwrite Attachment + උඩින් ලිවීමේ ඇමුණුම තහවුරු කරන්න + + + Attachment "%1" already exists. +Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? + ඇමුණුම "%1" දැනටමත් පවතී. +පවතින ඇමුණුම උඩින් ලිවීමට ඔබ කැමතිද? + + + Confirm Attachment + ඇමුණුම තහවුරු කරන්න + + + %1 is a big file (%2 MB). +Your database may get very large and reduce performance. + +Are you sure to add this file? + %1 යනු විශාල ගොනුවකි (%2 MB). +ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදාය ඉතා විශාල වී කාර්ය සාධනය අඩු විය හැක. + +ඔබට මෙම ගොනුව එක් කිරීමට විශ්වාසද? + + + Attachment modified + ඇමුණුම වෙනස් කරන ලදී + + + The attachment '%1' was modified. +Do you want to save the changes to your database? + ඇමුණුම '%1' වෙනස් කරන ලදී. +ඔබගේ දත්ත ගබඩාවේ වෙනස්කම් සුරැකීමට ඔබට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Saving attachment failed + ඇමුණුම සුරැකීම අසාර්ථක විය + + + Saving updated attachment failed. +Error: %1 + යාවත්කාලීන ඇමුණුම සුරැකීම අසාර්ථක විය. +දෝෂය: %1 + + + + EntryAttributesModel + + Name + නම + + + + EntryHistoryModel + + Current (%1) + වත්මන් (%1) + + + Last modified + අවසන් වරට වෙනස් කරන ලදී + + + Age + වයස + + + Difference + වෙනස + + + Size + ප්රමාණය + + + Title + ශීර්ෂය + + + Username + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + Password + මුරපදය + + + URL + ඒ.ස.නි. + + + Notes + සටහන් + + + Custom Attributes + අභිරුචි ගුණාංග + + + Icon + නිරූපකය + + + Color + වර්ණ + + + Expiration + කල් ඉකුත්වීම + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + Custom Data + අභිරුචි දත්ත + + + Attachments + ඇමුණුම් + + + Auto-Type + ස්වයං ලිවීම + + + Tags + අනන්‍යන + + + + EntryModel + + Ref: + Reference abbreviation + යොමු: + + + Never + කවදාවත් + + + Group + සමූහය + + + Title + සිරැසිය + + + Username + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + Password + මුරපදය + + + URL + ඒ.ස.නි. + + + Notes + සටහන් + + + Expires + ඉකුත් වීම + + + Created + සාදන ලදි + + + Modified + සංශෝධිතයි + + + Accessed + ප්‍රවේශ විය + + + Attachments + ඇමුණුම් + + + Size + ප්‍රමාණය + + + Group name + සමූහයේ නම + + + Entry title + ඇතුල්වීමේ මාතෘකාව + + + Password Strength + මුරපදයේ ශක්තිය + + + Entry notes + ඇතුල්වීමේ සටහන් + + + Entry expires at + ඇතුල්වීම කල් ඉකුත් වේ + + + Creation date + සෑදූ දිනය + + + Last modification date + අවසාන සංශෝධිත දිනය + + + Last access date + අවසාන ප්‍රවේශ දිනය + + + Attached files + අමුණා ඇති ගොනු + + + Entry size + ඇතුල්වීමේ ප්රමාණය + + + Has attachments + ඇමුණුම් ඇත + + + Has TOTP + TOTP ඇත + + + + EntryPreviewWidget + + Display current TOTP value + වත්මන් TOTP අගය පෙන්වන්න + + + Close + වසන්න + + + General + ජනරාල් + + + Password + මුරපදය + + + Notes + සටහන් + + + Expiration + ඉකුත් වීම + + + Tags + අනන්‍යන + + + Tags list + අනන්‍යන ලේඛනය + + + Username + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + URL + ඒ.ස.නි. + + + Advanced + වැඩිදුර + + + Attachments + ඇමුණුම් + + + Attributes + ගුණාංග + + + Autotype + ස්වයං ලිවීම + + + Default Sequence + පෙරනිමි අනුපිළිවෙල + + + Window + කවුළුව + + + Sequence + අනුපිළිවෙල + + + Searching + සොයමින් + + + Share + බෙදාගන්න + + + Search + සොයන්න + + + Clear + පැහැදිලිව + + + Never + කවදාවත් + + + Enabled + සබල කර ඇත + + + Disabled + ආබාධිතයි + + + Double click to copy value + අගය පිටපත් කිරීමට දෙවරක් ක්ලික් කරන්න + + + + EntryURLModel + + Invalid URL + වලංගු නැති URL + + + + EntryView + + Fit to window + කවුළුවට ගැලපේ + + + Fit to contents + අන්තර්ගතයට ගැලපේ + + + Reset to defaults + පෙරනිමියට යළි පිහිටුවන්න + + + + ExportDialog + + Export options + අපනයන විකල්ප + + + Sort entries by... + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් අනුපිළිවෙළට සකසන්න... + + + You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. +This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! + + ඔබ ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදාය සංකේතනය නොකළ ගොනුවකට අපනයනය කිරීමට සූදානම් වේ. +මෙය ඔබගේ මුරපද සහ සංවේදී තොරතුරු අවදානමට ලක් කරයි! + + + + database order + දත්ත සමුදා අනුපිළිවෙල + + + name (ascending) + නම (ආරෝහණ) + + + name (descending) + නම (බැසීම) + + + unknown + නොදන්නා + + + Export database to HTML file + දත්ත සමුදාය HTML ගොනුවට අපනයනය කරන්න + + + HTML file + HTML ගොනුව + + + + FdoSecrets::DBusMgr + + Failed to deliver message + පණිවිඩය ලබා දීමට අසමත් විය + + + Failed to send reply on DBus + DBus හි පිළිතුරු යැවීමට අසමත් විය + + + Unknown + Unknown PID + නොදන්නා + + + Unknown + Unknown executable path + නොදන්නා + + + <i>PID: %1, Executable: %2</i> + <i>PID: 1234, Executable: /path/to/exe</i> + <i>PID: %1, ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ හැකි: %2</i> + + + Another secret service is running (%1).<br/>Please stop/remove it before re-enabling the Secret Service Integration. + තවත් රහස් සේවාවක් ක්‍රියාත්මක වේ (%1).<br/>කරුණාකර රහස් සේවා ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම නැවත සක්‍රිය කිරීමට පෙර එය නවත්වන්න/ඉවත් කරන්න. + + + Failed to register DBus service at %1.<br/> + %1ට DBus සේවාව ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට අසමත් විය.<br/> + + + Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1' + '%1'මාර්ගයේ DBus හි සේවාව ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට අපොහොසත් විය + + + Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1' + '%1'නමින් DBus හි දත්ත සමුදාය ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට අපොහොසත් විය + + + Failed to register session on DBus at path '%1' + '%1'මාර්ගයේදී DBus හි සැසිය ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට අපොහොසත් විය + + + Failed to register item on DBus at path '%1' + '%1'මාර්ගයේ DBus හි අයිතමය ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' + '%1'මාර්ගයේ DBus හි ඉක්මන් වස්තුව ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + + FdoSecrets::Item + + Entry "%1" from database "%2" was used by %3 + දත්ත සමුදාය "%2" වෙතින් "%1" ඇතුළත් කිරීම %3විසින් භාවිතා කරන ලදී + + + + FdoSecrets::Service + + %n Entry(s) was used by %1 + %1 is the name of an application + %n ඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය) %1විසින් භාවිතා කරන ලදී%n ඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය) %1විසින් භාවිතා කරන ලදී + + + + FdoSecrets::SettingsClientModel + + Unknown + නොදන්නා + + + Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. + නොපවතින / ප්‍රවේශ විය නොහැකි ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ හැකි මාර්ගය. කරුණාකර සේවාදායකයා නීත්‍යානුකූල දැයි දෙවරක් පරීක්ෂා කරන්න. + + + + FdoSecrets::SettingsDatabaseModel + + Unlock to show + පෙන්වීමට අගුලු හරින්න + + + None + කිසිවක් නැත + + + + FdoSecrets::UnlockPrompt + + %1 (PID: %2) + %1 (PID: %2) + + + + FdoSecretsPlugin + + <b>Fdo Secret Service:</b> %1 + <b>Fdo රහස් සේවාව:</b> %1 + + + + Group + + [empty] + group has no children + [empty] + + + %1 - Clone + %1 - ක්ලෝනය + + + + HibpDownloader + + Online password validation failed + සබැඳි මුරපදය වලංගු කිරීම අසාර්ථක විය + + + + IconDownloaderDialog + + Download Favicons + Favicons බාගන්න + + + Cancel + අවලංගු + + + Having trouble downloading icons? +You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings. + අයිකන බාගැනීමේ ගැටලුවක් තිබේද? +ඔබට යෙදුම් සැකසුම් වල ආරක්ෂක අංශයේ DuckDuckGo වෙබ් අඩවි අයිකන සේවාව සබල කළ හැක. + + + Close + වසන්න + + + URL + ඒ.ස.නි. + + + Status + තත්‍වය + + + Please wait, processing entry list… + කරුණාකර රැඳී සිටින්න, ප්‍රවේශ ලැයිස්තුව…සකසමින් + + + Downloading… + බාගැනෙමින්… + + + Ok + හරි + + + Already Exists + දැනටමත් පවතී + + + Download Failed + බාගැනීමට අසමත් විය + + + Downloading favicons (%1/%2)… + …බාගත කිරීම (%2)%1 + + + + KMessageWidget + + &Close + &වසන්න + + + Close message + පණිවිඩය වසන්න + + + + Kdbx3Reader + + Missing database headers + දත්ත සමුදා ශීර්ෂ අස්ථානගත වී ඇත + + + Unable to calculate database key + දත්ත සමුදා යතුර ගණනය කළ නොහැක + + + Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාරය නිකුත් කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. +If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. + වලංගු නොවන අක්තපත්‍ර සපයා ඇත, කරුණාකර නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න. +මෙය නැවත සිදු වුවහොත්, ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව දූෂිත විය හැක. + + + Header doesn't match hash + 'හැෂ් සමඟ නොගැලපේ + + + Invalid header id size + වලංගු නොවන ශීර්ෂ ID ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid header field length: field %1 + වලංගු නොවන ශීර්ෂ ක්ෂේත්‍ර දිග: ක්ෂේත්‍ර %1 + + + Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found + වලංගු නොවන ශීර්ෂ දත්ත දිග: ක්ෂේත්‍ර %1, %2 අපේක්ෂිත, %3 හමු විය + + + + Kdbx3Writer + + Invalid symmetric cipher IV size. + IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher + වලංගු නොවන සමමිතික කේතාංක IV ප්‍රමාණය. + + + Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාරය නිකුත් කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Unable to calculate database key + දත්ත සමුදා යතුර ගණනය කළ නොහැක + + + + Kdbx4Reader + + missing database headers + දත්ත සමුදා ශීර්ෂ අතුරුදහන් + + + Unable to calculate database key: %1 + දත්ත සමුදා යතුර ගණනය කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Invalid header checksum size + වලංගු නොවන ශීර්ෂ චෙක්සම් ප්‍රමාණය + + + Header SHA256 mismatch + ශීර්ෂය SHA256 නොගැලපීම + + + Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. +If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. + වලංගු නොවන අක්තපත්‍ර සපයා ඇත, කරුණාකර නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න. +මෙය නැවත සිදු වුවහොත්, ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව දූෂිත විය හැක. + + + (HMAC mismatch) + (HMAC නොගැලපීම) + + + Unknown cipher + නොදන්නා කේතාංකය + + + Invalid header id size + වලංගු නොවන ශීර්ෂ ID ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid header field length: field %1 + වලංගු නොවන ශීර්ෂ ක්ෂේත්‍ර දිග: ක්ෂේත්‍ර %1 + + + Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found + වලංගු නොවන ශීර්ෂ දත්ත දිග: ක්ෂේත්‍ර %1, %2 අපේක්ෂිත, %3 හමු විය + + + Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header + ශීර්ෂයේ KDF පරාමිති සඳහා බෆරය විවෘත කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + Unsupported key derivation function (KDF) or invalid parameters + සහාය නොදක්වන යතුරු ව්‍යුත්පන්න ශ්‍රිතය (KDF) හෝ වලංගු නොවන පරාමිති + + + Legacy header fields found in KDBX4 file. + KDBX4 ගොනුවේ පැරණි ශීර්ෂ ක්ෂේත්‍ර හමු විය. + + + Invalid inner header id size + වලංගු නොවන අභ්‍යන්තර ශීර්ෂ ID ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid inner header field length: field %1 + අවලංගු අභ්‍යන්තර ශීර්ෂ ක්ෂේත්‍ර දිග: ක්ෂේත්‍ර %1 + + + Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found + වලංගු නොවන අභ්‍යන්තර ශීර්ෂ දත්ත දිග: ක්ෂේත්‍ර %1, %2 අපේක්ෂිත, %3 හමු විය + + + Invalid inner header binary size + අවලංගු අභ්‍යන්තර ශීර්ෂ ද්විමය ප්‍රමාණය + + + Unsupported KeePass variant map version. + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + සහාය නොදක්වන KeePass ප්‍රභේද සිතියම් අනුවාදය. + + + Invalid variant map entry name length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම් ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ නම දිග + + + Invalid variant map entry name data + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම් ඇතුළත් නාම දත්ත + + + Invalid variant map entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම් ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ අගය දිග + + + Invalid variant map entry value data + Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම් ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ අගය දත්ත + + + Invalid variant map Bool entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියමක් Bool ඇතුල් වීමේ අගය දිග + + + Invalid variant map Int32 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම Int32 ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ අගය දිග + + + Invalid variant map UInt32 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම UInt32 ප්‍රවේශ අගය දිග + + + Invalid variant map Int64 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම Int64 ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ අගය දිග + + + Invalid variant map UInt64 entry value length + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම UInt64 ප්‍රවේශ අගය දිග + + + Invalid variant map entry type + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම් ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ වර්ගය + + + Invalid variant map field type size + Translation: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රභේද සිතියම් ක්ෂේත්‍ර වර්ග ප්‍රමාණය + + + + Kdbx4Writer + + Invalid symmetric cipher algorithm. + වලංගු නොවන සමමිතික කේතාංක ඇල්ගොරිතම. + + + Invalid symmetric cipher IV size. + IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher + වලංගු නොවන සමමිතික කේතාංක IV ප්‍රමාණය. + + + Unable to calculate database key: %1 + දත්ත සමුදා යතුර ගණනය කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Failed to serialize KDF parameters variant map + Translation comment: variant map = data structure for storing meta data + KDF පරාමිති ප්‍රභේද සිතියම අනුක්‍රමික කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + + KdbxReader + + Invalid cipher uuid length: %1 (length=%2) + වලංගු නොවන කේතාංක uuid දිග: %1 (දිග=%2) + + + Unable to parse UUID: %1 + UUID විග්‍රහ කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Unsupported cipher + සහාය නොදක්වන කේතාංකය + + + Invalid compression flags length + වලංගු නොවන සම්පීඩන කොඩි දිග + + + Unsupported compression algorithm + සහාය නොදක්වන සම්පීඩන ඇල්ගොරිතම + + + Invalid master seed size + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රධාන බීජ ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid transform seed size + වලංගු නොවන පරිවර්තන බීජ ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid transform rounds size + අවලංගු පරිවර්තන වට ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid start bytes size + වලංගු නොවන ආරම්භක බයිට් ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid random stream id size + අවලංගු අහඹු ප්‍රවාහ හැඳුනුම්පත ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid inner random stream cipher + අවලංගු අභ්‍යන්තර අහඹු ප්‍රවාහ කේතාංකය + + + Failed to read database file. + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව කියවීමට අසමත් විය. + + + The selected file is an old KeePass 1 database (.kdb). + +You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. +This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. + තෝරාගත් ගොනුව පැරණි KeePass 1 දත්ත ගබඩාවකි (.kdb). + +Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…' මත ක්ලික් කිරීමෙන් ඔබට එය ආයාත කළ හැක. +මෙය එක්-මාර්ග සංක්‍රමණයකි. පැරණි KeePassX 0.4 අනුවාදය සමඟ ආනයනය කරන ලද දත්ත ගබඩාව විවෘත කිරීමට ඔබට't නොහැකි විය. + + + Not a KeePass database. + KeePass දත්ත ගබඩාවක් නොවේ. + + + Unsupported KeePass 2 database version. + සහාය නොදක්වන KeePass 2 දත්ත සමුදා අනුවාදය. + + + + KdbxXmlReader + + XML parsing failure: %1 + XML විග්‍රහ කිරීමේ අසාර්ථකත්වය: %1 + + + No root group + මූල කණ්ඩායමක් නොමැත + + + XML error: +%1 +Line %2, column %3 + XML දෝෂය: +%1 +පේළිය %2, තීරුව %3 + + + Missing icon uuid or data + අයිකනය uuid හෝ දත්ත අතුරුදහන් + + + Missing custom data key or value + අභිරුචි දත්ත යතුර හෝ අගය අස්ථානගත වී ඇත + + + Multiple group elements + බහු කණ්ඩායම් අංග + + + Null group uuid + Null group uuid + + + Invalid group icon number + වලංගු නොවන කණ්ඩායම් අයිකන අංකය + + + Invalid EnableAutoType value + වලංගු නොවන EnableAutoType අගය + + + Invalid EnableSearching value + වලංගු නොවන EnableSearching අගය + + + No group uuid found + uuid සමූහයක් හමු නොවිණි + + + Null DeleteObject uuid + ශුන්‍ය DeleteObject uuid + + + Missing DeletedObject uuid or time + DeletedObject uuid හෝ වේලාව අස්ථානගත වී ඇත + + + Null entry uuid + ශුන්‍ය ප්‍රවේශය uuid + + + Invalid entry icon number + වලංගු නොවන ඇතුළත් කිරීම් නිරූපක අංකයක් + + + History element in history entry + ඉතිහාසය ඇතුළත් කිරීමේදී ඉතිහාස අංගය + + + No entry uuid found + ඇතුල්වීම් uuid හමු නොවිණි + + + History element with different uuid + විවිධ uuid සහිත ඉතිහාස අංගය + + + Duplicate custom attribute found + අනුපිටපත් අභිරුචි උපලක්ෂණයක් හමු විය + + + Entry string key or value missing + ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ තන්තු යතුර හෝ අගය අස්ථානගත වී ඇත + + + Entry binary key or value missing + ඇතුල්වීමේ ද්විමය යතුර හෝ අගය අස්ථානගත වී ඇත + + + Auto-type association window or sequence missing + ස්වයංක්‍රීය-වර්ග ආශ්‍රිත කවුළුව හෝ අනුපිළිවෙල අතුරුදහන් + + + Invalid bool value + වලංගු නොවන bool අගය + + + Invalid date time value + වලංගු නොවන දින කාල අගය + + + Invalid color value + වලංගු නොවන වර්ණ අගය + + + Invalid color rgb part + වලංගු නොවන වර්ණ rgb කොටස + + + Invalid number value + වලංගු නොවන අංක අගය + + + Invalid uuid value + වලංගු නොවන uuid අගයක් + + + Unable to decompress binary + Translator meant is a binary data inside an entry + ද්විමය විසංයෝජනය කළ නොහැක + + + + KeeAgentSettings + + Invalid KeeAgent settings file structure. + වලංගු නොවන KeeAgent සැකසුම් ගොනු ව්‍යුහය. + + + Private key is an attachment but no attachments provided. + පුද්ගලික යතුර ඇමුණුමක් වන නමුත් ඇමුණුම් සපයා නැත. + + + Private key is empty + පුද්ගලික යතුර හිස් ය + + + File too large to be a private key + පුද්ගලික යතුරක් වීමට ගොනුව විශාල වැඩිය + + + Failed to open private key + පුද්ගලික යතුර විවෘත කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + + KeePass1OpenWidget + + Import KeePass1 Database + KeePass1 දත්ත සමුදාය ආයාත කරන්න + + + Unable to open the database. + දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කළ නොහැක. + + + + KeePass1Reader + + Unable to read keyfile. + යතුරු ගොනුව කියවීමට නොහැක. + + + Not a KeePass database. + KeePass දත්ත ගබඩාවක් නොවේ. + + + Unsupported encryption algorithm. + සහාය නොදක්වන සංකේතාංකන ඇල්ගොරිතම. + + + Unsupported KeePass database version. + සහාය නොදක්වන KeePass දත්ත සමුදා අනුවාදය. + + + Unable to read encryption IV + IV = Initialization Vector for symmetric cipher + IV සංකේතනය කියවීමට නොහැක + + + Invalid number of groups + වලංගු නොවන කණ්ඩායම් ගණන + + + Invalid number of entries + වලංගු නොවන ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ගණන + + + Invalid content hash size + අවලංගු අන්තර්ගත හැෂ් ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid transform seed size + වලංගු නොවන පරිවර්තන බීජ ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid number of transform rounds + අවලංගු පරිවර්තන වට ගණන + + + Unable to construct group tree + කණ්ඩායම් ගසක් තැනීමට නොහැක + + + Root + මූල + + + Unable to calculate database key + දත්ත සමුදා යතුර ගණනය කළ නොහැක + + + unable to seek to content position + අන්තර්ගත ස්ථානය සෙවීමට නොහැක + + + Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. +If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. + වලංගු නොවන අක්තපත්‍ර සපයා ඇත, කරුණාකර නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න. +මෙය නැවත සිදු වුවහොත්, ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව දූෂිත විය හැක. + + + Key transformation failed + ප්රධාන පරිවර්තනය අසාර්ථක විය + + + Invalid group field type number + වලංගු නොවන කණ්ඩායම් ක්ෂේත්‍ර වර්ග අංකය + + + Invalid group field size + වලංගු නොවන කණ්ඩායම් ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Read group field data doesn't match size + කණ්ඩායම් ක්ෂේත්‍ර දත්ත කියවන්න't ප්‍රමාණයට නොගැලපේ + + + Incorrect group id field size + වැරදි කණ්ඩායම් id ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Incorrect group creation time field size + වැරදි කණ්ඩායම් නිර්මාණ කාල ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Incorrect group modification time field size + වැරදි කණ්ඩායම් වෙනස් කිරීමේ කාල ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Incorrect group access time field size + වැරදි කණ්ඩායම් ප්‍රවේශ කාල ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Incorrect group expiry time field size + වැරදි කණ්ඩායම් කල් ඉකුත්වන කාල ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Incorrect group icon field size + වැරදි කණ්ඩායම් නිරූපක ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Incorrect group level field size + වැරදි කණ්ඩායම් මට්ටමේ ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid group field type + වලංගු නොවන කණ්ඩායම් ක්ෂේත්‍ර වර්ගය + + + Missing group id or level + කණ්ඩායම් හැඳුනුම්පත හෝ මට්ටම අස්ථානගත වී ඇත + + + Missing entry field type number + ප්‍රවේශ ක්ෂේත්‍ර වර්ග අංකය අස්ථානගත වී ඇත + + + Invalid entry field size + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රවේශ ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Read entry field data doesn't match size + ප්‍රවේශ ක්ෂේත්‍ර දත්ත කියවන්න't ප්‍රමාණයට නොගැලපේ + + + Invalid entry UUID field size + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රවේශයක් UUID ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid entry group id field size + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රවේශ කණ්ඩායම් id ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid entry icon field size + වලංගු නොවන ඇතුළත් කිරීම් නිරූපක ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid entry creation time field size + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රවේශ නිර්මාණ කාල ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid entry modification time field size + වලංගු නොවන ඇතුළත් කිරීම් වෙනස් කිරීමේ කාල ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid entry expiry time field size + වලංගු නොවන ඇතුළත් කිරීම් කල් ඉකුත්වන කාල ක්ෂේත්‍ර ප්‍රමාණය + + + Invalid entry field type + වලංගු නොවන ප්‍රවේශ ක්ෂේත්‍ර වර්ගය + + + + KeeShare + + Invalid sharing reference + වලංගු නොවන බෙදාගැනීමේ යොමුව + + + Inactive share %1 + අක්‍රිය බෙදාගැනීම %1 + + + Imported from %1 + %1සිට ආනයනය කරන ලදී + + + Exported to %1 + %1වෙත අපනයනය කරන ලදී + + + Synchronized with %1 + %1සමඟ සමමුහුර්ත කර ඇත + + + Import is disabled in settings + සැකසීම් තුළ ආයාත කිරීම අබල කර ඇත + + + Export is disabled in settings + සැකසුම් තුළ අපනයනය අක්‍රිය කර ඇත + + + Inactive share + අක්රිය කොටස + + + Imported from + වෙතින් ආනයනය කරන ලදී + + + Exported to + වෙත අපනයනය කරන ලදී + + + Synchronized with + සමග සමමුහුර්ත කර ඇත + + + + KeyComponentWidget + + Key Component + ප්රධාන සංරචකය + + + Key Component Description + ප්රධාන සංරචක විස්තරය + + + Cancel + අවලංගු කරන්න + + + Key Component set, click to change or remove + ප්රධාන සංරචක කට්ටලය, වෙනස් කිරීමට හෝ ඉවත් කිරීමට ක්ලික් කරන්න + + + + KeyFileEditWidget + + Generate a new key file + නව යතුරු ගොනුවක් ජනනය කරන්න + + + Generate + උත්පාදනය කරන්න + + + Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database. + ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය ආරක්ෂා කිරීම සඳහා නව යතුරු ගොනුවක් උත්පාදනය කරන්න හෝ පවතින එකක් තෝරන්න. + + + Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. + සටහන: ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හැරීමෙන් ඔබව වළක්වන බැවින් වෙනස් විය හැකි ගොනුවක් භාවිතා නොකරන්න. + + + Browse for key file + යතුරු ගොනුව සඳහා බ්‍රවුස් කරන්න + + + Browse… + …බ්‍රවුස් කරන්න + + + Old key file format + පැරණි යතුරු ගොනු ආකෘතිය + + + You selected a key file in an old format which KeePassXC<br>may stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file instead. + ඔබ KeePassXC<br>අනාගතයේදී සහාය දීම නතර කළ හැකි පැරණි ආකෘතියකින් යතුරු ගොනුවක් තෝරාගෙන ඇත.<br><br>කරුණාකර ඒ වෙනුවට නව යතුරු ගොනුවක් ජනනය කිරීම සලකා බලන්න. + + + Error loading the key file '%1' +Message: %2 + යතුරු ගොනුව '%1' පූරණය කිරීමේ දෝෂයකි +පණිවිඩය: %2 + + + Key File + යතුරු ගොනුව + + + Add Key File + යතුරු ගොනුව එක් කරන්න + + + Change Key File + යතුරු ගොනුව වෙනස් කරන්න + + + Remove Key File + යතුරු ගොනුව ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Key File set, click to change or remove + යතුරු ගොනු කට්ටලය, වෙනස් කිරීමට හෝ ඉවත් කිරීමට ක්ලික් කරන්න + + + <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> + <p>අමතර ආරක්ෂාව සඳහා ඔබට අහඹු බයිට් අඩංගු යතුරු ගොනුවක් එක් කළ හැක.</p><p>ඔබ එය රහසිගතව තබා ගත යුතු අතර කිසි විටෙකත් එය නැති කර නොගත යුතුය, නැතහොත් ඔබව අගුලු දමනු ඇත.</p> + + + Key files + ප්රධාන ගොනු + + + All files + සියලුම ගොනු + + + Create Key File… + …යතුරු ගොනුව සාදන්න + + + Error creating key file + යතුරු ගොනුව සෑදීමේ දෝෂයකි + + + Unable to create key file: %1 + යතුරු ගොනුව සෑදිය නොහැක: %1 + + + Select a key file + යතුරු ගොනුවක් තෝරන්න + + + Invalid Key File + වලංගු නොවන යතුරු ගොනුව + + + You cannot use the current database as its own keyfile. Please choose a different file or generate a new key file. + ඔබට වත්මන් දත්ත සමුදාය එහිම යතුරු ගොනුවක් ලෙස භාවිතා කළ නොහැක. කරුණාකර වෙනත් ගොනුවක් තෝරන්න හෝ නව යතුරු ගොනුවක් ජනනය කරන්න. + + + Suspicious Key File + සැක සහිත යතුරු ගොනුව + + + The chosen key file looks like a password database file. A key file must be a static file that never changes or you will lose access to your database forever. +Are you sure you want to continue with this file? + තෝරාගත් යතුරු ගොනුව මුරපද දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුවක් ලෙස පෙනේ. ප්‍රධාන ගොනුවක් කිසිදා වෙනස් නොවන ස්ථිතික ගොනුවක් විය යුතුය නැතහොත් ඔබට සදහටම ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදායට ප්‍රවේශය අහිමි වනු ඇත. +ඔබට මෙම ගොනුව දිගටම කරගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + + MacUtils + + Invalid key code + වලංගු නොවන යතුරු කේතය + + + Global shortcut already registered to %1 + ගෝලීය කෙටිමඟ දැනටමත් %1වෙත ලියාපදිංචි කර ඇත + + + Could not register global shortcut + ගෝලීය කෙටිමං ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට නොහැකි විය + + + + MainWindow + + &Database + &දත්ත සමුදාය + + + &Recent Databases + &මෑත දත්ත සමුදායන් + + + &Import + &ආනයන + + + &Export + &අපනයන + + + &Help + &උදව් + + + &Entries + &ඇතුල්වීම් + + + Copy Att&ribute + උපහාරය පිටපත් කරන්න + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + &Groups + &කණ්ඩායම් + + + &Tools + &මෙවලම් + + + View + දැක්ම + + + Theme + තේමාව + + + &Quit + &ඉවත් + + + &About + &ගැන + + + &Check for Updates + යාවත්කාලීන සඳහා &පරීක්ෂා කරන්න + + + &Open Database… + &දත්ත සමුදාය…විවෘත කරන්න + + + &Save Database + &දත්ත සමුදාය සුරකින්න + + + &Close Database + &දත්ත සමුදාය වසන්න + + + &New Database… + &නව දත්ත සමුදාය… + + + Create a new database + නව දත්ත සමුදායක් සාදන්න + + + &Merge From Database… + දත්ත සමුදාය…වෙතින් & ඒකාබද්ධ කරන්න + + + Merge from another KDBX database + වෙනත් KDBX දත්ත සමුදායකින් ඒකාබද්ධ කරන්න + + + &New Entry… + &නව ප්‍රවේශය… + + + Add a new entry + නව ප්‍රවේශයක් එක් කරන්න + + + &Edit Entry… + ප්‍රවේශය &සංස්කරණය කරන්න… + + + View or edit entry + ඇතුල්වීම බලන්න හෝ සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + &Delete Entry… + &මකන්න ඇතුල්වීම… + + + &New Group… + &නව කණ්ඩායම… + + + Add a new group + නව කණ්ඩායමක් එක් කරන්න + + + &Edit Group… + …කණ්ඩායම සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + &Delete Group… + …කණ්ඩායම මකන්න + + + Download All &Favicons… + සියලුම &Favicons…බාගන්න + + + Sort &A-Z + &A-Z වර්ග කරන්න + + + Sort &Z-A + &Z-A වර්ග කරන්න + + + Sa&ve Database As… + දත්ත සමුදාය…ලෙස සුරකින්න + + + Database &Security… + දත්ත සමුදාය සහ ආරක්ෂාව… + + + Database &Reports… + දත්ත සමුදාය සහ වාර්තා… + + + Statistics, health check, etc. + සංඛ්යා ලේඛන, සෞඛ්ය පරීක්ෂාව, ආදිය. + + + &Database Settings… + &දත්ත සමුදාය සැකසීම්… + + + Database settings + දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් + + + &Clone Entry… + &ක්ලෝන ප්‍රවේශය… + + + Move u&p + u&p ගෙනයන්න + + + Move entry one step up + ප්‍රවේශය එක් පියවරක් ඉහළට ගෙන යන්න + + + Move do&wn + පහළට ගෙන යන්න + + + Move entry one step down + ප්‍රවේශය එක් පියවරක් පහළට ගෙන යන්න + + + Copy &Username + &පරිශීලක නාමය පිටපත් කරන්න + + + Copy username to clipboard + පරිශීලක නාමය පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න + + + Copy &Password + & මුරපදය පිටපත් කරන්න + + + Copy password to clipboard + මුරපදය පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න + + + &Settings + &සැකසුම් + + + &Password Generator + &මුරපද උත්පාදක යන්ත්රය + + + Perform &Auto-Type + &ස්වයං-වර්ගය ඉටු කරන්න + + + Download &Favicon + &Favicon බාගන්න + + + Open &URL + &URL විවෘත කරන්න + + + &Lock Database + &දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු දමන්න + + + Lock &All Databases + සියලුම දත්ත සමුදායන් අගුළු දමන්න + + + &Title + &ශීර්ෂය + + + Copy title to clipboard + මාතෘකාව පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න + + + &URL + &URL + + + Copy URL to clipboard + URL එක පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න + + + &Notes + &සටහන් + + + Copy notes to clipboard + සටහන් පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න + + + &CSV File… + &CSV ගොනුව… + + + &HTML File… + &HTML ගොනුව… + + + KeePass 1 Database… + KeePass 1 දත්ත සමුදාය… + + + Import a KeePass 1 database + KeePass 1 දත්ත සමුදායක් ආයාත කරන්න + + + 1Password Vault… + 1මුරපද සුරක්ෂිතාගාරය… + + + Import a 1Password Vault + 1 මුරපද සුරක්ෂිතාගාරයක් ආනයනය කරන්න + + + CSV File… + CSV ගොනුව… + + + Import a CSV file + CSV ගොනුවක් ආයාත කරන්න + + + Show TOTP + TOTP පෙන්වන්න + + + Show QR Code + QR කේතය පෙන්වන්න + + + Set up TOTP… + TOTP…සකසන්න + + + Copy &TOTP + &TOTP පිටපත් කරන්න + + + E&mpty recycle bin + හිස්&ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන + + + &Donate + පරිත්‍යාග කරන්න + + + Report a &Bug + දෝෂය වාර්තා + + + &Getting Started + &ඇරඹේ + + + Open Getting Started Guide + ආරම්භක මාර්ගෝපදේශය විවෘත කරන්න + + + &Online Help + &ඔන්ලයින් උදව් + + + Go to online documentation + සබැඳි ලේඛන වෙත යන්න + + + &User Guide + &පරිශීලක මාර්ගෝපදේශය + + + Open User Guide + පරිශීලක මාර්ගෝපදේශය විවෘත කරන්න + + + &Keyboard Shortcuts + &යතුරු පුවරු කෙටිමං + + + Save Database Backup… + දත්ත සමුදා උපස්ථ…සුරකින්න + + + Add key to SSH Agent + SSH නියෝජිතයා වෙත යතුර එක් කරන්න + + + Remove key from SSH Agent + SSH නියෝජිතයාගෙන් යතුර ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Compact Mode + සංයුක්ත මාදිලිය + + + Automatic + ස්වයංක්රීය + + + Light + ආලෝකය + + + Dark + අඳුරු + + + Classic (Platform-native) + සම්භාව්‍ය (වේදිකාව-දේශීය) + + + Show Toolbar + මෙවලම් තීරුව පෙන්වන්න + + + Show Preview Panel + පෙරදසුන් පැනලය පෙන්වන්න + + + Always on Top + සෑම විටම ඉහළින් + + + Hide Usernames + පරිශීලක නාම සඟවන්න + + + Hide Passwords + මුරපද සඟවන්න + + + Clone Group... + ක්ලෝන සමූහය... + + + Clear history + ඉතිහාසය පැහැදිලි කරන්න + + + Access error for config file %1 + වින්‍යාස ගොනුව %1සඳහා ප්‍රවේශ දෝෂයකි + + + Don't show again for this version + මෙම'සඳහා නැවත පෙන්වන්න එපා + + + WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC. +There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. +This version is not meant for production use. + අවවාදයයි: ඔබ KeePassXC හි අස්ථායී ගොඩනැගීමක් භාවිතා කරයි. +දූෂණය වීමේ ඉහළ අවදානමක් ඇත, ඔබේ දත්ත සමුදායේ උපස්ථයක් පවත්වා ගන්න. +මෙම අනුවාදය නිෂ්පාදන භාවිතය සඳහා නොවේ. + + + NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC. +Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes. + සටහන: ඔබ KeePassXC හි පූර්ව නිකුතුවක් භාවිතා කරයි. +සමහර දෝෂ සහ සුළු ගැටළු බලාපොරොත්තු වන්න, මෙම අනුවාදය පරීක්ෂණ අරමුණු සඳහා අදහස් කෙරේ. + + + WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. +We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. + අවවාදයයි: ඔබේ Qt අනුවාදය KeePassXC තිරයේ යතුරු පුවරුවක් සමඟ බිඳ වැටීමට හේතු විය හැක. +අපගේ බාගැනීම් පිටුවේ ඇති AppImage භාවිතා කිරීමට අපි ඔබට නිර්දේශ කරමු. + + + Restore Entry(s) + ප්‍රවේශ(යන්) ප්‍රතිසාධනය කරන්නප්‍රවේශ(යන්) ප්‍රතිසාධනය කරන්න + + + Settings + සැකසුම් + + + Check for updates on startup? + ආරම්භය පිළිබඳ යාවත්කාලීන සඳහා පරීක්ෂා කරන්නද? + + + Would you like KeePassXC to check for updates on startup? + ඔබ KeePassXC ආරම්භයේ යාවත්කාලීන සඳහා පරීක්ෂා කිරීමට කැමතිද? + + + You can always check for updates manually from the application menu. + යෙදුම් මෙනුවෙන් ඔබට සැම විටම යාවත්කාලීනයන් අතින් පරීක්ෂා කළ හැක. + + + Toggle window + කවුළුව ටොගල් කරන්න + + + Quit KeePassXC + KeePassXC වලින් ඉවත් වන්න + + + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… + …ඉදිරියට යාමට කරුණාකර ඔබේ YubiKey ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න හෝ ස්පර්ශ කරන්න + + + Restart Application? + යෙදුම නැවත ආරම්භ කරන්නද? + + + You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? + මෙම සැකසුම යෙදීමට ඔබ යෙදුම නැවත ආරම්භ කළ යුතුය. ඔබ දැන් නැවත ආරම්භ කිරීමට කැමතිද? + + + Tags + අනන්‍යන + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + + + + ManageDatabase + + Database settings + දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් + + + Edit database settings + දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Unlock database + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හරින්න + + + Unlock database to show more information + වැඩි විස්තර පෙන්වීමට දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හරින්න + + + Lock database + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු දමන්න + + + + ManageSession + + Disconnect + විසන්ධි කරන්න + + + Disconnect this application + මෙම යෙදුම විසන්ධි කරන්න + + + Reset + යළි පිහිටුවන්න + + + Reset any remembered decisions for this application + මෙම යෙදුම සඳහා මතක තබා ගත් තීරණ නැවත සකසන්න + + + + Merger + + Creating missing %1 [%2] + අතුරුදහන් %1 [%2]නිර්මාණය කිරීම + + + Relocating %1 [%2] + %1 [%2]නැවත ස්ථානගත කිරීම + + + Overwriting %1 [%2] + උඩින් ලිවීම %1 [%2] + + + older entry merged from database "%1" + පැරණි ප්‍රවේශය "%1"දත්ත සමුදායෙන් ඒකාබද්ධ කරන ලදී + + + Adding backup for older target %1 [%2] + පැරණි ඉලක්කය සඳහා උපස්ථ එකතු කිරීම %1 [%2] + + + Adding backup for older source %1 [%2] + පැරණි මූලාශ්‍රය සඳහා උපස්ථ එකතු කිරීම %1 [%2] + + + Reapplying older target entry on top of newer source %1 [%2] + නව මූලාශ්‍ර %1 [%2]මත පැරණි ඉලක්ක ප්‍රවේශය නැවත යෙදීම + + + Reapplying older source entry on top of newer target %1 [%2] + නව ඉලක්කය %1 [%2]මත පැරණි මූලාශ්‍ර ප්‍රවේශය නැවත යෙදීම + + + Synchronizing from newer source %1 [%2] + නව මූලාශ්‍ර %1 [%2]වෙතින් සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම + + + Synchronizing from older source %1 [%2] + පැරණි මූලාශ්‍ර %1 [%2]වෙතින් සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම + + + Deleting child %1 [%2] + දරුවා %1 [%2]මකා දැමීම + + + Deleting orphan %1 [%2] + අනාථ %1 [%2]මකා දැමීම + + + Changed deleted objects + මකා දැමූ වස්තූන් වෙනස් කරන ලදී + + + Adding missing icon %1 + නැතිවූ නිරූපකය %1එකතු කිරීම + + + Removed custom data %1 [%2] + අභිරුචි දත්ත ඉවත් කරන ලදී %1 [%2] + + + Adding custom data %1 [%2] + අභිරුචි දත්ත එකතු කිරීම %1 [%2] + + + + NewDatabaseWizard + + Create a new KeePassXC database… + නව KeePassXC දත්ත සමුදායක් සාදන්න… + + + Root + Root group + මූල + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPage + + WizardPage + විශාරද පිටුව + + + Encryption Settings + සංකේතාංකන සැකසුම් + + + Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. + මෙහිදී ඔබට දත්ත සමුදා සංකේතාංකන සැකසුම් සකස් කළ හැක.'නොවන්න, ඔබට ඒවා පසුව දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් තුළ වෙනස් කළ හැක. + + + Advanced Settings + උසස් සැකසුම් + + + Simple Settings + සරල සැකසුම් + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPageDatabaseKey + + Database Credentials + දත්ත සමුදා අක්තපත්ර + + + A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database. + ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය ආරක්ෂා කරන ඔබ පමණක් දන්නා අක්තපත්‍ර කට්ටලයක්. + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPageEncryption + + Encryption Settings + සංකේතාංකන සැකසුම් + + + Here you can adjust the database encryption settings. Don't worry, you can change them later in the database settings. + මෙහිදී ඔබට දත්ත සමුදා සංකේතාංකන සැකසුම් සකස් කළ හැක.'නොවන්න, ඔබට ඒවා පසුව දත්ත සමුදා සැකසුම් තුළ වෙනස් කළ හැක. + + + + NewDatabaseWizardPageMetaData + + General Database Information + සාමාන්ය දත්ත සමුදා තොරතුරු + + + Please fill in the display name and an optional description for your new database: + කරුණාකර ඔබගේ නව දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා සංදර්ශක නාමය සහ විකල්ප විස්තරයක් පුරවන්න: + + + + NixUtils + + Password Manager + මුරපද කළමනාකරු + + + Global shortcut already registered to %1 + ගෝලීය කෙටිමඟ දැනටමත් %1වෙත ලියාපදිංචි කර ඇත + + + Could not register global shortcut + ගෝලීය කෙටිමං ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට නොහැකි විය + + + + OpData01 + + Invalid OpData01, does not contain header + වලංගු නොවන OpData01, ශීර්ෂකය අඩංගු නොවේ + + + Unable to read all IV bytes, wanted 16 but got %1 + සියලුම IV බයිට් කියවීමට නොහැකි විය, 16 අවශ්‍ය නමුත් %1ලැබුණි + + + Unable to init cipher for opdata01: %1 + opdata01: %1සඳහා කේතාංකය ආරම්භ කළ නොහැක + + + Unable to read all HMAC signature bytes + සියලුම HMAC අත්සන් බයිට් කියවීමට නොහැක + + + Malformed OpData01 due to a failed HMAC + අසාර්ථක HMAC නිසා OpData01 විකෘති වී ඇත + + + Unable to process clearText in place + තැන තැන clearText සැකසීමට නොහැක + + + Expected %1 bytes of clear-text, found %2 + පැහැදිලි-පෙළ බයිට් %1 ක් බලාපොරොත්තු විය, %2හමු විය + + + + OpVaultOpenWidget + + Read Database did not produce an instance +%1 + කියවීමේ දත්ත සමුදාය +%1නිදර්ශනයක් නිපදවා නැත + + + + OpVaultReader + + Directory .opvault must exist + නාමාවලිය .opvault පැවතිය යුතුය + + + Directory .opvault must be readable + නාමාවලිය .opvault කියවිය හැකි විය යුතුය + + + Directory .opvault/default must exist + නාමාවලිය .opvault/default පැවතිය යුතුය + + + Directory .opvault/default must be readable + නාමාවලිය .opvault/default කියවිය හැකි විය යුතුය + + + Unable to decode masterKey: %1 + masterKey විකේතනය කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Unable to derive master key: %1 + ප්‍රධාන යතුර ව්‍යුත්පන්න කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + + OpenSSHKey + + Invalid key file, expecting an OpenSSH key + වලංගු නොවන යතුරු ගොනුවක්, OpenSSH යතුරක් අපේක්ෂා කරයි + + + PEM boundary mismatch + PEM මායිම් නොගැලපීම + + + Base64 decoding failed + Base64 විකේතනය අසාර්ථක විය + + + Key file way too small. + යතුරු ගොනු මාර්ගය කුඩා වැඩිය. + + + Key file magic header id invalid + යතුරු ගොනු මැජික් ශීර්ෂ id වලංගු නොවේ + + + Found zero keys + බිංදු යතුරු හමු විය + + + Failed to read public key. + පොදු යතුර කියවීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Corrupted key file, reading private key failed + දූෂිත යතුරු ගොනුව, පුද්ගලික යතුර කියවීම අසාර්ථක විය + + + Unsupported key type: %1 + සහාය නොදක්වන යතුරු වර්ගය: %1 + + + No private key payload to decrypt + විකේතනය කිරීමට පුද්ගලික යතුරු ගෙවීමක් නොමැත + + + Unknown cipher: %1 + නොදන්නා කේතාංකය: %1 + + + Passphrase is required to decrypt this key + මෙම යතුර විකේතනය කිරීමට මුරපදය අවශ්‍ය වේ + + + Key derivation failed: %1 + ප්‍රධාන ව්‍යුත්පන්නය අසාර්ථක විය: %1 + + + Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf + කේතාංක IV MD5 kdf සඳහා කෙටි වැඩිය + + + Unknown KDF: %1 + නොදන්නා KDF: %1 + + + Failed to initialize cipher: %1 + කේතාංකය ආරම්භ කිරීමට අසමත් විය: %1 + + + Decryption failed: %1 + විකේතනය අසාර්ථක විය: %1 + + + Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? + විකේතනය අසාර්ථකයි, වැරදි මුර-වැකිකඩද? + + + Unexpected EOF while reading key + යතුර කියවන අතරතුර අනපේක්ෂිත EOF + + + Unsupported key part + සහාය නොදක්වන ප්රධාන කොටස + + + Unexpected EOF while reading public key + පොදු යතුර කියවන අතරතුර අනපේක්ෂිත EOF + + + Unknown key type: %1 + නොදන්නා යතුරු වර්ගය: %1 + + + Unexpected EOF while reading private key + පුද්ගලික යතුර කියවන අතරතුර අනපේක්ෂිත EOF + + + Can't write public key as it is empty + පොදු යතුර හිස් බැවින් එය'නොහැක + + + Unexpected EOF when writing public key + පොදු යතුර ලිවීමේදී අනපේක්ෂිත EOF + + + Can't write private key as it is empty + පුද්ගලික යතුර හිස් බැවින් එය'නොහැක + + + Unexpected EOF when writing private key + පුද්ගලික යතුර ලියන විට අනපේක්ෂිත EOF + + + + PasswordEditWidget + + Enter password: + මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කරන්න: + + + Password field + මුරපද ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Confirm password: + මුරපදය තහවුරු කරන්න: + + + Repeat password field + මුරපද ක්ෂේත්‍රය නැවත කරන්න + + + Password + මුරපදය + + + Add Password + මුරපදය එක් කරන්න + + + Change Password + මුරපදය වෙනස් කරන්න + + + Remove Password + මුරපදය ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Password set, click to change or remove + මුරපදය සකසා, වෙනස් කිරීමට හෝ ඉවත් කිරීමට ක්ලික් කරන්න + + + <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> + <p>මුරපදයක් යනු ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය සුරක්ෂිත කිරීමේ මූලික ක්‍රමයයි.</p><p>හොඳ මුරපද දිගු සහ අද්විතීය වේ. KeePassXC ඔබ වෙනුවෙන් එකක් ජනනය කළ හැක.</p> + + + Passwords do not match. + මුරපද නොගැලපේ. + + + + PasswordGeneratorWidget + + Generate Password + මුරපදය ජනනය කරන්න + + + strength + Password strength + ශක්තිය + + + entropy + එන්ට්රොපිය + + + Generated password + ජනනය කළ මුරපදය + + + %p% + %p% + + + Regenerate password + මුරපදය නැවත උත්පාදනය කරන්න + + + Copy password + මුරපදය පිටපත් කරන්න + + + Password + මුරපදය + + + &Length: + &දිග: + + + Password length + මුරපද දිග + + + Switch to advanced mode + උසස් මාදිලියට මාරු වන්න + + + Advanced + උසස් + + + Character Types + චරිත වර්ග + + + Special characters + විශේෂ චරිත + + + Quotes + උපුටා දැක්වීම් + + + Punctuation + විරාම ලකුණු + + + Dashes and Slashes + ඩෑෂ් සහ ස්ලැෂ් + + + Upper-case letters + ලොකු අකුරු + + + Numbers + අංක + + + Lower-case letters + සිම්පල් අකුරු + + + Math Symbols + ගණිත සංකේත + + + Extended ASCII + විස්තීරණ ASCII + + + Braces + වරහන් + + + Do not include: + ඇතුළත් නොකරන්න: + + + Additional characters to use for the generated password + උත්පාදනය කරන ලද මුරපදය සඳහා භාවිතා කිරීමට අමතර අක්ෂර + + + Additional characters + අමතර චරිත + + + Add non-hex letters to "do not include" list + "ට හෙක්ස් නොවන අකුරු එකතු කරන්න" ලැයිස්තුවක් ඇතුළත් නොකරන්න + + + Hex Passwords + Hex මුරපද + + + Hex + හෙක්ස් + + + Character set to exclude from generated password + උත්පාදනය කරන ලද මුරපදයෙන් බැහැර කිරීමට අක්ෂර කට්ටලය + + + Excluded characters + බැහැර කළ චරිත + + + Also choose from: + මේවායින් ද තෝරන්න: + + + Exclude look-alike characters + පෙනුමට සමාන අක්ෂර බැහැර කරන්න + + + Pick characters from every group + සෑම කණ්ඩායමකින්ම චරිත තෝරන්න + + + Passphrase + මුරපදය + + + Word Separator: + වචන බෙදුම්කරු: + + + Wordlist: + වචන ලැයිස්තුව: + + + Word Count: + වචන ගණන: + + + Character Count: + අක්ෂර ගණන: + + + Word Case: + වචන නඩුව: + + + Delete selected wordlist + තෝරාගත් වචන ලැයිස්තුව මකන්න + + + Add custom wordlist + අභිරුචි වචන ලැයිස්තුව එක් කරන්න + + + character + ස්වභාවය + + + Close + වසන්න + + + Esc + පිට වීම + + + Apply Password + මුරපදය යොදන්න + + + Regenerate password (%1) + මුරපදය නැවත උත්පාදනය කරන්න (%1) + + + lower case + කුඩා නඩුව + + + UPPER CASE + ඉහළ නඩුව + + + Title Case + මාතෘකා නඩුව + + + (SYSTEM) + (පද්ධතියක්) + + + Entropy: %1 bit + එන්ට්රොපි: %1 බිට් + + + Confirm Delete Wordlist + Wordlist මකන්න තහවුරු කරන්න + + + Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? + ඔබට ඇත්තටම වචන ලැයිස්තුව "%1"මකා දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Failed to delete wordlist + වචන ලැයිස්තුව මැකීමට අසමත් විය + + + Wordlists + වචන ලැයිස්තු + + + All files + සියලුම ගොනු + + + Select Custom Wordlist + අභිරුචි වචන ලැයිස්තුව තෝරන්න + + + Overwrite Wordlist? + Wordlist උඩින් ලියන්නද? + + + Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. +Do you want to overwrite it? + Wordlist "%1" දැනටමත් අභිරුචි වචන ලැයිස්තුවක් ලෙස පවතී. +ඔබට එය උඩින් ලිවීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Failed to add wordlist + වචන ලැයිස්තුව එක් කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + Logograms + ලාංඡන + + + Special Characters + විශේෂ චරිත + + + Password Quality: %1 + මුරපදයේ ගුණාත්මකභාවය: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + දුප්පත් + + + Weak + Password quality + දුර්වල + + + Good + Password quality + යහපත + + + Excellent + Password quality + විශිෂ්ටයි + + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + බැහැර කළ අක්ෂර: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "-" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + මුරපද නොගැලපේ + + + Passwords match so far + මුරපද මෙතෙක් ගැලපේ + + + Toggle Password (%1) + මුරපදය ටොගල් කරන්න (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + මුරපදය ජනනය කරන්න (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + අවවාදයයි: Caps Lock සබලයි! + + + Quality: %1 + ගුණාත්මකභාවය: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + දුප්පත් + + + Weak + Password quality + දුර්වල + + + Good + Password quality + යහපත + + + Excellent + Password quality + විශිෂ්ටයි + + + + PickcharsDialog + + KeePassXC - Pick Characters + KeePassXC - අක්ෂර තෝරන්න + + + Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. + ටයිප් කිරීමට අක්ෂර තෝරන්න, ඊතල යතුරු සමඟ සැරිසැරීමට, Ctrl + S ඉදිරිපත් කරයි. + + + Press &Tab between characters + අක්ෂර අතර ටැබ් ඔබන්න + + + + QMessageBox + + Overwrite + උඩින් ලියන්න + + + Delete + මකන්න + + + Move + චලනය කරන්න + + + Empty + හිස් + + + Remove + ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Skip + මඟ හරින්න + + + Disable + අක්රිය කරන්න + + + Merge + ඒකාබද්ධ කරන්න + + + Continue + දිගටම කරගෙන යන්න + + + + QObject + + Database not opened + දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කර නැත + + + Database hash not available + දත්ත සමුදාය හැෂ් නොමැත + + + Client public key not received + සේවාලාභී පොදු යතුර ලැබී නැත + + + Cannot decrypt message + පණිවිඩය විකේතනය කළ නොහැක + + + Action cancelled or denied + ක්‍රියාව අවලංගු කර හෝ ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරන ලදී + + + Message encryption failed. + පණිවිඩ සංකේතනය අසාර්ථක විය. + + + KeePassXC association failed, try again + KeePassXC සංගමය අසාර්ථක විය, නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න + + + Encryption key is not recognized + සංකේතාංකන යතුර හඳුනාගෙන නොමැත + + + Incorrect action + වැරදි ක්‍රියාවක් + + + Empty message received + හිස් පණිවිඩයක් ලැබී ඇත + + + No URL provided + URL සපයා නැත + + + No logins found + පිවිසුම් කිසිවක් හමු නොවිණි + + + No groups found + කණ්ඩායම් කිසිවක් හමු නොවීය + + + Cannot create new group + නව කණ්ඩායමක් සෑදිය නොහැක + + + No valid UUID provided + වලංගු UUID සපයා නැත + + + Unknown error + නොදන්නා දෝෂයකි + + + Browser Integration + බ්රවුසර ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම + + + Browser Plugin Failure + බ්‍රව්සර් ප්ලගින අසමත් වීම + + + Could not save the native messaging script file for %1. + ස්වදේශීය පණිවිඩ යැවීමේ ස්ක්‍රිප්ට් ගොනුව %1සඳහා සුරැකීමට නොහැකි විය. + + + Username for the entry. + ඇතුල්වීම සඳහා පරිශීලක නාමය. + + + username + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + URL for the entry. + ඇතුළත් කිරීම සඳහා URL. + + + URL + URL + + + Notes for the entry. + ඇතුල්වීම සඳහා සටහන්. + + + Notes + සටහන් + + + Prompt for the entry's password. + 's මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කිරීම සඳහා විමසන්න. + + + Generate a password for the entry. + ඇතුල්වීම සඳහා මුරපදයක් සාදන්න. + + + Add a new entry to a database. + දත්ත සමුදායකට නව ප්‍රවේශයක් එක් කරන්න. + + + Path of the entry to add. + එකතු කිරීමට ඇතුල් වීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. + මුරපදයක් සහ එකවර විමසීමක් ජනනය කළ නොහැක. + + + Could not create entry with path %1. + මාර්ගය %1සමඟ ප්‍රවේශය නිර්මාණය කළ නොහැක. + + + Enter password for new entry: + නව ප්‍රවේශය සඳහා මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කරන්න: + + + Writing the database failed %1. + දත්ත සමුදාය ලිවීම අසාර්ථක විය %1. + + + Successfully added entry %1. + ප්‍රවේශය %1සාර්ථකව එකතු කරන ලදී. + + + Adds a new group to a database. + දත්ත සමුදායකට නව කණ්ඩායමක් එක් කරයි. + + + Path of the group to add. + එකතු කිරීමට සමූහයේ මාර්ගය. + + + Group %1 already exists! + %1 කණ්ඩායම දැනටමත් පවතී! + + + Group %1 not found. + %1 කණ්ඩායම හමු නොවීය. + + + Successfully added group %1. + %1කණ්ඩායම සාර්ථකව එකතු කරන ලදී. + + + Check if any passwords have been publicly leaked. FILENAME must be the path of a file listing SHA-1 hashes of leaked passwords in HIBP format, as available from + මුරපද ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ කාන්දු වී ඇත්දැයි පරීක්ෂා කරන්න. වෙතින් ලබා ගත හැකි පරිදි, HIBP ආකෘතියෙන් කාන්දු වූ මුරපද වල SHA-1 හැෂ් ලැයිස්තුගත කරන ගොනුවක මාර්ගය FILENAME විය යුතුය. + + + FILENAME + ගොනුවේ නම + + + Path to okon-cli to search a formatted HIBP file + ආකෘතිගත HIBP ගොනුවක් සෙවීමට okon-cli වෙත මාර්ගය + + + okon-cli + okon-cli + + + Analyze passwords for weaknesses and problems. + දුර්වලතා සහ ගැටළු සඳහා මුරපද විශ්ලේෂණය කරන්න. + + + Cannot find HIBP file: %1 + HIBP ගොනුව සොයාගත නොහැක: %1 + + + Evaluating database entries using okon… + okon…භාවිතයෙන් දත්ත සමුදා ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ඇගයීම + + + Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2 + HIBP ගොනුව %1: %2විවෘත කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… + HIBP ගොනුවට එරෙහිව දත්ත සමුදා ප්‍රවේශයන් ඇගයීම, මෙයට…කාලයක් ගතවනු ඇත + + + Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! + '%1' සඳහා මුරපදය %2 වතාවක් (ය) කාන්දු වී ඇත!'%1' සඳහා මුරපදය %2 වතාවක් (ය) කාන්දු වී ඇත! + + + Password for '%1' has been leaked! + '%1' සඳහා මුරපදය කාන්දු වී ඇත! + + + Export an attachment of an entry. + ප්‍රවේශයක ඇමුණුමක් අපනයනය කරන්න. + + + Path of the entry with the target attachment. + ඉලක්ක ඇමුණුම සමඟ ඇතුල් වීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Name of the attachment to be exported. + අපනයනය කළ යුතු ඇමුණුමේ නම. + + + Path to which the attachment should be exported. + ඇමුණුම අපනයනය කළ යුතු මාර්ගය. + + + Could not find entry with path %1. + මාර්ගය %1සමඟ ප්රවේශය සොයාගත නොහැකි විය. + + + Could not find attachment with name %1. + නම %1සමඟ ඇමුණුමක් සොයාගත නොහැකි විය. + + + No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. + අපනයන ඉලක්කයක් ලබා දී නොමැත. කරුණාකර '--stdout' භාවිතා කරන්න හෝ 'අපනයන-ගොනු'සඳහන් කරන්න. + + + Could not open output file %1. + ප්‍රතිදාන ගොනුව %1විවෘත කිරීමට නොහැකි විය. + + + Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. + ප්‍රවේශ %2 සිට %3දක්වා ඇමුණුම %1 සාර්ථකව අපනයනය කරන ලදී. + + + Overwrite existing attachments. + පවතින ඇමුණුම් උඩින් ලියන්න. + + + Imports an attachment to an entry. + ප්‍රවේශයකට ඇමුණුමක් ආයාත කරයි. + + + Path of the entry. + ඇතුල්වීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Name of the attachment to be added. + එකතු කළ යුතු ඇමුණුමේ නම. + + + Path of the attachment to be imported. + ආනයනය කළ යුතු ඇමුණුමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. + ඇමුණුම %1 ප්‍රවේශ %2සඳහා දැනටමත් පවතී. + + + Could not open attachment file %1. + ඇමුණුම් ගොනුව %1විවෘත කිරීමට නොහැකි විය. + + + Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. + ඇමුණුම %1 %2 ලෙස ප්‍රවේශ %3වෙත සාර්ථකව ආයාත කරන ලදී. + + + Remove an attachment of an entry. + ප්‍රවේශයක ඇමුණුමක් ඉවත් කරන්න. + + + Name of the attachment to be removed. + ඉවත් කළ යුතු ඇමුණුමේ නම. + + + Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. + ප්‍රවේශය %2වෙතින් ඇමුණුම %1 සාර්ථකව ඉවත් කරන ලදී. + + + Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. + Don't translate "password", it refers to the attribute. + ලබා දී ඇති ගුණාංගය පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න. නිශ්චිතව දක්වා නොමැති නම් "මුරපදය" වෙත පෙරනිමි. + + + Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp"). + වත්මන් TOTP පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න ( "-a totp"ට සමාන). + + + Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. + එක් ප්‍රවේශයක් පමණක් ගැළපිය යුතුය, එසේ නොමැති නම් හැකි ගැළපීම් ලැයිස්තුවක් පෙන්වනු ලැබේ. + + + Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. + ප්‍රවේශ's ගුණාංගයක් පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන්න. + + + Path of the entry to clip. + clip = copy to clipboard + ක්ලිප් වෙත පිවිසීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). + පසුරු පුවරුව හිස් කිරීමට පෙර කල් ඉකුත්වීම (පෙරනිමිය තත්පර %1 , අසීමිත සඳහා 0 ලෙස සකසා ඇත). + + + Invalid timeout value %1. + වලංගු නොවන කල් ඉකුත්වීමේ අගය %1. + + + Multiple entries matching: + බහු ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ගැලපීම: + + + Using matching entry: %1 + ගැළපෙන ප්‍රවේශය භාවිතා කරමින්: %1 + + + Entry %1 not found. + ඇතුල්වීම %1 හමු නොවීය. + + + ERROR: Please specify one of --attribute or --totp, not both. + දෝෂය: කරුණාකර --attribute හෝ --totp වලින් එකක් සඳහන් කරන්න, දෙකම නොවේ. + + + Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up. + %1 මාර්ගය සමඟින් ඇතුල් වීමට TOTP පිහිටුවීමක් නොමැත. + + + ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2. + දෝෂය: ගුණාංගය %1 අපැහැදිලි ය, එය %2ට ගැලපේ. + + + Attribute "%1" not found. + "%1" ගුණාංගය හමු නොවීය. + + + Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard! + ඇතුල්වීම's "%1" ගුණාංගය පසුරු පුවරුවට පිටපත් කරන ලදී! + + + Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... + පසුරු පුවරුව තත්පර %1 කින් හිස් කරමින්...පසුරු පුවරුව තත්පර %1 කින් හිස් කරමින්... + + + Clipboard cleared! + පසුරු පුවරුව හිස් කරන ලදී! + + + Close the currently opened database. + දැනට විවෘත කර ඇති දත්ත සමුදාය වසන්න. + + + Display this help. + මෙම උපකාරය පෙන්වන්න. + + + Silence password prompt and other secondary outputs. + මුරපද විමසුම සහ අනෙකුත් ද්විතියික ප්‍රතිදානයන් නිහඬ කරන්න. + + + Key file of the database. + දත්ත සමුදායේ ප්රධාන ගොනුව. + + + path + මාර්ගය + + + Deactivate password key for the database. + දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා මුරපද යතුර අක්රිය කරන්න. + + + Yubikey slot and optional serial used to access the database (e.g., 1:7370001). + දත්ත සමුදායට ප්‍රවේශ වීමට භාවිතා කරන Yubikey slot සහ විකල්ප අනුක්‍රමික (උදා, 1:7370001). + + + slot[:serial] + තව්[:serial] + + + Missing positional argument(s). + ස්ථානීය තර්ක(ය) මග හැරී ඇත. + + + Too many arguments provided. + බොහෝ තර්ක සපයා ඇත. + + + Target decryption time in MS for the database. + දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා MS හි ඉලක්කගත විකේතන කාලය. + + + time + කාලය + + + Set the key file for the database. + දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා යතුරු ගොනුව සකසන්න. + + + Set a password for the database. + දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා මුරපදයක් සකසන්න. + + + Create a new database. + නව දත්ත සමුදායක් සාදන්න. + + + Path of the database. + දත්ත සමුදායේ මාර්ගය. + + + Invalid decryption time %1. + වලංගු නොවන විකේතන කාලය %1. + + + Target decryption time must be between %1 and %2. + ඉලක්ක විකේතන කාලය %1 සහ %2අතර විය යුතුය. + + + Failed to set database password. + දත්ත සමුදා මුරපදය සැකසීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Loading the key file failed + යතුරු ගොනුව පූරණය කිරීම අසාර්ථක විය + + + No key is set. Aborting database creation. + යතුරක් සකසා නැත. දත්ත සමුදාය නිර්මාණය කිරීම නවතා දැමීම. + + + Benchmarking key derivation function for %1ms delay. + %1ms ප්‍රමාදය සඳහා යතුර ව්‍යුත්පන්න ශ්‍රිතය මිණුම් සලකුණු කිරීම. + + + Setting %1 rounds for key derivation function. + යතුරු ව්‍යුත්පන්න ශ්‍රිතය සඳහා වට %1 ක් සැකසීම. + + + error while setting database key derivation settings. + දත්ත සමුදා යතුරු ව්‍යුත්පන්න සැකසුම් සැකසීමේදී දෝෂයකි. + + + File %1 already exists. + ගොනුව %1 දැනටමත් පවතී. + + + Failed to save the database: %1. + දත්ත සමුදාය සුරැකීමට අසමත් විය: %1. + + + Successfully created new database. + නව දත්ත සමුදාය සාර්ථකව නිර්මාණය කරන ලදී. + + + Word count for the diceware passphrase. + ඩයිස්වෙයාර් මුර-වැකිකඩ සඳහා වචන ගණන. + + + count + CLI parameter + ගණන් කරන්න + + + Wordlist for the diceware generator. +[Default: EFF English] + ඩයිස්වෙයාර් උත්පාදක සඳහා වචන ලැයිස්තුව. +[පෙරනිමිය: EFF ඉංග්‍රීසි] + + + Generate a new random diceware passphrase. + නව සසම්භාවී ඩයිස්වෙයාර් මුරපදයක් ජනනය කරන්න. + + + Invalid word count %1 + වලංගු නොවන වචන ගණන %1 + + + The word list is too small (< 1000 items) + වචන ලැයිස්තුව කුඩා වැඩියි (අයිතම< 1000) + + + Title for the entry. + ඇතුල්වීම සඳහා මාතෘකාව. + + + title + ශීර්ෂය + + + Edit an entry. + ප්‍රවේශයක් සංස්කරණය කරන්න. + + + Path of the entry to edit. + සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ඇතුල්වීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Not changing any field for entry %1. + ඇතුල්වීම %1සඳහා කිසිදු ක්ෂේත්‍රයක් වෙනස් නොකරයි. + + + Enter new password for entry: + ඇතුල්වීම සඳහා නව මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කරන්න: + + + Writing the database failed: %1 + දත්ත සමුදාය ලිවීම අසාර්ථක විය: %1 + + + Successfully edited entry %1. + ප්‍රවේශය %1සාර්ථකව සංස්කරණය කරන ලදී. + + + Perform advanced analysis on the password. + මුරපදය මත උසස් විශ්ලේෂණයක් සිදු කරන්න. + + + Password for which to estimate the entropy. + එන්ට්රොපිය තක්සේරු කිරීමට මුරපදය. + + + Estimate the entropy of a password. + මුරපදයක එන්ට්‍රොපිය ඇස්තමේන්තු කරන්න. + + + Length %1 + දිග %1 + + + Entropy %1 + එන්ට්රොපි %1 + + + Log10 %1 + ලොගය 10 %1 + + + Multi-word extra bits %1 + බහු වචන අමතර බිටු %1 + + + Type: Bruteforce + වර්ගය: Bruteforce + + + Type: Dictionary + වර්ගය: ශබ්දකෝෂය + + + Type: Dict+Leet + වර්ගය: Dict+Leet + + + Type: User Words + වර්ගය: පරිශීලක වචන + + + Type: User+Leet + වර්ගය: User+Leet + + + Type: Repeated + වර්ගය: නැවත නැවතත් + + + Type: Sequence + වර්ගය: අනුපිළිවෙල + + + Type: Spatial + වර්ගය: අවකාශීය + + + Type: Date + වර්ගය: දිනය + + + Type: Bruteforce(Rep) + වර්ගය: Bruteforce(නියෝජිත) + + + Type: Dictionary(Rep) + වර්ගය: ශබ්දකෝෂය(නියෝජිත) + + + Type: Dict+Leet(Rep) + වර්ගය: Dict+Leet(Rep) + + + Type: User Words(Rep) + වර්ගය: පරිශීලක වචන (Rep) + + + Type: User+Leet(Rep) + වර්ගය: User+Leet(Rep) + + + Type: Repeated(Rep) + වර්ගය: නැවත නැවතත් (Rep) + + + Type: Sequence(Rep) + වර්ගය: අනුපිළිවෙල (නියෝජිත) + + + Type: Spatial(Rep) + වර්ගය: අවකාශීය (නියෝජිත) + + + Type: Date(Rep) + වර්ගය: දිනය (නියෝජිත) + + + Type: Unknown (%1) + වර්ගය: නොදන්නා (%1) + + + Entropy %1 (%2) + එන්ට්රොපි %1 (%2) + + + *** Password length (%1) != sum of length of parts (%2) *** + *** මුරපද දිග (%1) != කොටස්වල දිග එකතුව (%2) *** + + + Exit interactive mode. + අන්තර්ක්‍රියාකාරී මාදිලියෙන් පිටවන්න. + + + Format to use when exporting. Available choices are 'xml' or 'csv'. Defaults to 'xml'. + අපනයනය කිරීමේදී භාවිතා කළ යුතු ආකෘතිය. පවතින තේරීම් 'xml' හෝ 'csv'වේ. පෙරනිමිය 'xml'. + + + Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format. + දත්ත සමුදායක අන්තර්ගතය නියමිත ආකෘතියේ සම්මත ප්‍රතිදානයට අපනයනය කරයි. + + + Unable to export database to XML: %1 + XML වෙත දත්ත සමුදාය අපනයනය කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Unsupported format %1 + සහාය නොදක්වන ආකෘතිය %1 + + + Length of the generated password + ජනනය කරන ලද මුරපදයේ දිග + + + length + දිග + + + Use lowercase characters + කුඩා අකුරු භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Use uppercase characters + ලොකු අකුරු භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Use numbers + අංක භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Use special characters + විශේෂ අක්ෂර භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Use extended ASCII + දිගු ASCII භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Exclude character set + අක්ෂර කට්ටලය බැහැර කරන්න + + + chars + අක්ෂර + + + Use custom character set + අභිරුචි අක්ෂර කට්ටලය භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Exclude similar looking characters + සමාන පෙනුමක් ඇති අක්ෂර බැහැර කරන්න + + + Include characters from every selected group + තෝරාගත් සෑම කණ්ඩායමකින්ම අක්ෂර ඇතුළත් කරන්න + + + Generate a new random password. + නව අහඹු මුරපදයක් ජනනය කරන්න. + + + Invalid password length %1 + වලංගු නොවන මුරපද දිග %1 + + + Invalid password generator after applying all options + සියලුම විකල්ප යෙදීමෙන් පසු වලංගු නොවන මුරපද උත්පාදක යන්ත්රය + + + Display command help. + විධාන උපකාරය පෙන්වන්න. + + + Available commands: + පවතින විධාන: + + + Import the contents of an XML database. + XML දත්ත සමුදායක අන්තර්ගතය ආයාත කරන්න. + + + Path of the XML database export. + XML දත්ත සමුදාය අපනයනය කිරීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Path of the new database. + නව දත්ත සමුදායේ මාර්ගය. + + + Unable to import XML database: %1 + XML දත්ත සමුදාය ආයාත කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Successfully imported database. + දත්ත සමුදාය සාර්ථකව ආනයනය කරන ලදී. + + + Show a database's information. + දත්ත සමුදාය's තොරතුරු පෙන්වන්න. + + + UUID: + UUID: + + + Name: + නම: + + + Description: + විස්තර: + + + Cipher: + කේතාංකය: + + + KDF: + KDF: + + + Recycle bin is enabled. + ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන සක්‍රීය කර ඇත. + + + Recycle bin is not enabled. + ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන සක්‍රීය කර නැත. + + + Location + ස්ථානය + + + Database created + දත්ත සමුදාය නිර්මාණය කරන ලදී + + + Last saved + අවසන් වරට සුරකින ලදී + + + Unsaved changes + නොසුරකින ලද වෙනස්කම් + + + yes + ඔව් + + + no + නැත + + + Number of groups + කණ්ඩායම් ගණන + + + Number of entries + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ගණන + + + Number of expired entries + කල් ඉකුත් වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ගණන + + + Unique passwords + අද්විතීය මුරපද + + + Non-unique passwords + අද්විතීය නොවන මුරපද + + + Maximum password reuse + උපරිම මුරපදය නැවත භාවිතා කිරීම + + + Number of short passwords + කෙටි මුරපද ගණන + + + Number of weak passwords + දුර්වල මුරපද ගණන + + + Entries excluded from reports + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කර ඇත + + + Average password length + සාමාන්ය මුරපද දිග + + + %1 characters + අක්ෂර %1 යි + + + Unknown command %1 + නොදන්නා විධානය %1 + + + + +Available commands: + + + +පවතින විධාන: + + + + Name of the command to execute. + ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ යුතු විධානයේ නම. + + + Displays debugging information. + දෝශ නිරාකරණ තොරතුරු පෙන්වයි. + + + Invalid command %1. + වලංගු නොවන විධාන %1. + + + Recursively list the elements of the group. + සමූහයේ මූලද්‍රව්‍ය පුනරාවර්තන ලෙස ලැයිස්තුගත කරන්න. + + + Flattens the output to single lines. + ප්‍රතිදානය තනි පේළියකට සමතලා කරයි. + + + List database entries. + දත්ත සමුදා ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ලැයිස්තුගත කරන්න. + + + Path of the group to list. Default is / + ලැයිස්තුගත කිරීමට සමූහයේ මාර්ගය. පෙරනිමිය වන්නේ / + + + Cannot find group %1. + %1කණ්ඩායම සොයාගත නොහැක. + + + Use the same credentials for both database files. + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනු දෙකම සඳහා එකම අක්තපත්‍ර භාවිතා කරන්න. + + + Key file of the database to merge from. + ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමට දත්ත සමුදායේ යතුරු ගොනුව. + + + Deactivate password key for the database to merge from. + දත්ත සමුදාය ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සඳහා මුරපද යතුර අක්‍රිය කරන්න. + + + Only print the changes detected by the merge operation. + ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමේ මෙහෙයුමෙන් අනාවරණය කරගත් වෙනස්කම් පමණක් මුද්‍රණය කරන්න. + + + Yubikey slot for the second database. + දෙවන දත්ත සමුදාය සඳහා Yubikey තව්. + + + slot + තව් + + + Merge two databases. + දත්ත සමුදායන් දෙකක් ඒකාබද්ධ කරන්න. + + + Path of the database to merge from. + ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමට දත්ත සමුදායේ මාර්ගය. + + + Error reading merge file: +%1 + ඒකාබද්ධ ගොනුව කියවීමේ දෝෂයකි: +%1 + + + Unable to save database to file : %1 + ගොනුව වෙත දත්ත සමුදාය සුරැකිය නොහැක: %1 + + + Successfully merged %1 into %2. + %1 %2සාර්ථකව ඒකාබද්ධ කරන ලදී. + + + Database was not modified by merge operation. + දත්ත සමුදාය ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමේ මෙහෙයුම මගින් වෙනස් කර නැත. + + + Moves an entry to a new group. + නව කණ්ඩායමකට ප්‍රවේශයක් ගෙන යයි. + + + Path of the entry to move. + චලනය කිරීමට ඇතුල් වීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Path of the destination group. + ගමනාන්ත සමූහයේ මාර්ගය. + + + Could not find group with path %1. + %1මාර්ගය සහිත කණ්ඩායමක් සොයා ගැනීමට නොහැකි විය. + + + Entry is already in group %1. + ඇතුල්වීම දැනටමත් %1කාණ්ඩයේ ඇත. + + + Successfully moved entry %1 to group %2. + ප්‍රවේශය %1 %2කණ්ඩායමට සාර්ථකව ගෙන යන ලදී. + + + Open a database. + දත්ත සමුදායක් විවෘත කරන්න. + + + Path of the entry to remove. + ඉවත් කිරීමට ඇතුල් වීමේ මාර්ගය. + + + Unable to save database to file: %1 + ගොනුව වෙත දත්ත සමුදාය සුරැකිය නොහැක: %1 + + + Successfully recycled entry %1. + ප්‍රවේශය %1සාර්ථකව ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණය කරන ලදී. + + + Successfully deleted entry %1. + ප්‍රවේශය %1සාර්ථකව මකා දමන ලදී. + + + Path of the group to remove. + ඉවත් කිරීමට සමූහයේ මාර්ගය. + + + Cannot remove root group from database. + දත්ත සමුදායෙන් root කණ්ඩායම ඉවත් කළ නොහැක. + + + Successfully recycled group %1. + %1කාණ්ඩය සාර්ථකව ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණය කරන ලදී. + + + Successfully deleted group %1. + %1කණ්ඩායම සාර්ථකව මකා දමන ලදී. + + + Find entries quickly. + ඉක්මනින් ඇතුළත් කිරීම් සොයන්න. + + + Search term. + සොයන්න කාලීන. + + + Show the entry's current TOTP. + 's වත්මන් TOTP ප්‍රවේශය පෙන්වන්න. + + + Show the protected attributes in clear text. + ආරක්ෂිත ගුණාංග පැහැදිලි පෙළකින් පෙන්වන්න. + + + Show the attachments of the entry. + ප්‍රවේශයේ ඇමුණුම් පෙන්වන්න. + + + Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. + පෙන්විය යුතු ගුණාංගවල නම්. මෙම විකල්පය එක් වරකට වඩා සඳහන් කළ හැක, එක් එක් ගුණාංගය ලබා දී ඇති අනුපිළිවෙලෙහි පේළියකට එක බැගින් පෙන්වයි. ගුණාංග කිසිවක් සඳහන් කර නොමැති නම්, පෙරනිමි ගුණාංගවල සාරාංශයක් ලබා දෙනු ලැබේ. + + + attribute + ගුණාංගය + + + Show an entry's information. + 's තොරතුරු ඇතුළත් කිරීමක් පෙන්වන්න. + + + Name of the entry to show. + පෙන්වීමට ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ නම. + + + ERROR: unknown attribute %1. + දෝෂය: නොදන්නා ගුණාංගය %1. + + + No attachments present. + ඇමුණුම් නොමැත. + + + Attachments: + ඇමුණුම්: + + + Failed to open database file %1: not found + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව %1විවෘත කිරීමට අපොහොසත් විය : හමු නොවීය + + + Failed to open database file %1: not a plain file + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව විවෘත කිරීමට අසමත් විය %1: සරල ගොනුවක් නොවේ + + + Failed to open database file %1: not readable + දත්ත සමුදා ගොනුව %1විවෘත කිරීමට අසමත් විය : කියවිය නොහැක + + + Enter password to unlock %1: + %1අගුළු ඇරීමට මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කරන්න: + + + Failed to load key file %1: %2 + යතුරු ගොනුව %1: %2පූරණය කිරීමට අසමත් විය + + + WARNING: You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may +stop supporting in the future. + +Please consider generating a new key file. + අවවාදයයි: ඔබ භාවිතා කරන්නේ පැරණි යතුරු ගොනු ආකෘතියක් වන අතර එය අනාගතයේදී KeePassXC +සහාය දීම නැවැත්විය හැකිය. + +කරුණාකර නව යතුරු ගොනුවක් උත්පාදනය කිරීම සලකා බලන්න. + + + Invalid YubiKey slot %1 + වලංගු නොවන YubiKey තව් %1 + + + Invalid YubiKey serial %1 + වලංගු නොවන YubiKey අනුක්‍රමික %1 + + + Enter password to encrypt database (optional): + දත්ත සමුදාය සංකේතනය කිරීමට මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කරන්න (විකල්ප): + + + Do you want to create a database with an empty password? [y/N]: + ඔබට හිස් මුරපදයකින් දත්ත සමුදායක් සෑදීමට අවශ්‍යද? [y/N]: + + + Repeat password: + මුරපදය නැවත කරන්න: + + + Error: Passwords do not match. + දෝෂය: මුරපද නොගැලපේ. + + + No program defined for clipboard manipulation + ක්ලිප්බෝඩ් හැසිරවීම සඳහා කිසිදු වැඩසටහනක් අර්ථ දක්වා නොමැත + + + All clipping programs failed. Tried %1 + + සියලුම ක්ලිපින් වැඩසටහන් අසාර්ථක විය. +උත්සාහ %1 + + + Creating KeyFile %1 failed: %2 + KeyFile %1 නිර්මාණය කිරීම අසාර්ථක විය: %2 + + + Loading KeyFile %1 failed: %2 + KeyFile %1 පූරණය කිරීම අසාර්ථක විය: %2 + + + HIBP file, line %1: parse error + HIBP ගොනුව, පේළිය %1: විග්‍රහ කිරීමේ දෝෂය + + + To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) + okon භාවිතා කිරීමට, ඔබ පසු-සකසන ලද ගොනුවක් සැපයිය යුතුය (උදා: file.okon) + + + Could not start okon process: %1 + okon ක්‍රියාවලිය ආරම්භ කළ නොහැක: %1 + + + Error: okon process did not finish + දෝෂය: okon ක්‍රියාවලිය අවසන් නොවීය + + + Failed to load okon processed database: %1 + okon සැකසූ දත්ත සමුදාය පූරණය කිරීමට අසමත් විය: %1 + + + Very weak password + ඉතා දුර්වල මුරපදය + + + Password entropy is %1 bits + මුරපද එන්ට්‍රොපිය බිටු %1 කි + + + Weak password + දුර්වල මුරපදය + + + Used in %1/%2 + %1හි භාවිතා%2 + + + Password is used %1 time(s) + මුරපදය %1 වරක් (ය) භාවිතා වේමුරපදය %1 වරක් (ය) භාවිතා වේ + + + Password has expired + මුරපදය කල් ඉකුත් වී ඇත + + + Password expiry was %1 + මුරපද කල් ඉකුත්වීම %1විය + + + Password expires on %1 + මුරපදය %1දිනෙන් කල් ඉකුත් වේ + + + Password is about to expire + මුරපදය කල් ඉකුත් වීමට ආසන්නයි + + + Password expires in %1 day(s) + මුරපදය දින %1 කින් කල් ඉකුත් වේමුරපදය දින %1 කින් කල් ඉකුත් වේ + + + Password will expire soon + මුරපදය ඉක්මනින් කල් ඉකුත් වේ + + + Version %1 + අනුවාදය %1 + + + Build Type: %1 + ගොඩනැගීමේ වර්ගය: %1 + + + Revision: %1 + සංශෝධනය: %1 + + + Distribution: %1 + බෙදා හැරීම: %1 + + + Debugging mode is disabled. + නිදොස් කිරීමේ මාදිලිය අබල කර ඇත. + + + Debugging mode is enabled. + නිදොස් කිරීමේ මාදිලිය සබල කර ඇත. + + + Operating system: %1 +CPU architecture: %2 +Kernel: %3 %4 + මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතිය: %1 +CPU ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පය: %2 +කර්නලය: %3 %4 + + + Auto-Type + ස්වයංක්‍රීය වර්ගය + + + SSH Agent + SSH නියෝජිතයා + + + KeeShare + KeeShare + + + YubiKey + යූබිකේ + + + Quick Unlock + ඉක්මන් අගුලු හැරීම + + + Secret Service Integration + රහස් සේවා ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම + + + None + කිසිවක් නැත + + + Enabled extensions: + සබල කළ දිගු: + + + over %1 year(s) + වසර %1 කට වැඩි (ය)වසර %1 කට වැඩි (ය) + + + about %1 month(s) + මාස %1 (ය) පමණමාස %1 (ය) පමණ + + + %1 week(s) + සති %1 (ය)සති %1 (ය) + + + %1 day(s) + දින %1 (ය)දින %1 (ය) + + + %1 hour(s) + පැය %1 (ය)පැය %1 (ය) + + + %1 minute(s) + මිනිත්තු %1 (ය)මිනිත්තු %1 (ය) + + + Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 + උද්භිද පුස්තකාලය අවම වශයෙන් 2.11.x විය යුතුය, %1සොයා ගත යුතුය.%2.%3 + + + Cryptographic libraries: + ගුප්ත ලේඛන පුස්තකාල: + + + AES (%1 rounds) + AES (වට%1) + + + Argon2%1 (%2 rounds, %3 KB) + Argon2%1 ( වට%2 , %3 KB) + + + SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode. + SymmetricCipher::init: වලංගු නොවන කේතාංක මාදිලිය. + + + SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2. + සමමිතික කේතාංකය::init: වලංගු නොවන IV ප්‍රමාණය %1 සඳහා %2. + + + Cipher not initialized prior to use. + කේතාංකය භාවිතයට පෙර ආරම්භ කර නැත. + + + Cannot process 0 length data. + 0 දිග දත්ත සැකසීමට නොහැක. + + + unknown executable (DBus address %1) + නොදන්නා ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ හැකි (DBus ලිපිනය %1) + + + %1 (invalid executable path) + %1 (වලංගු නොවන ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ හැකි මාර්ගය) + + + NULL device + NULL උපාංගය + + + error reading from device + උපාංගයෙන් කියවීමේ දෝෂයකි + + + file empty + ගොනුව හිස් + + + malformed string + විකෘති තන්තුව + + + missing closing quote + අවසන් උපුටා දැක්වීම අතුරුදහන් + + + %1: (row, col) %2,%3 + %1: (පේළිය, කොල්) %2,%3 + + + AES 256-bit + AES 256-bit + + + Twofish 256-bit + Twofish 256-bit + + + ChaCha20 256-bit + ChaCha20 256-bit + + + Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) + Argon2d (KDBX 4 - නිර්දේශිත) + + + Argon2id (KDBX 4) + Argon2id (KDBX 4) + + + AES-KDF (KDBX 4) + AES-KDF (KDBX 4) + + + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) + + + Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. + පවතින තනි-උදාහරණ අගුළු ගොනුව වලංගු නොවේ. නව අවස්ථාවක් දියත් කිරීම. + + + The lock file could not be created. Single-instance mode disabled. + අගුළු ගොනුව සෑදිය නොහැක. තනි අවස්ථා මාදිලිය අබල කර ඇත. + + + Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… + තත්පර %1 කින් පසුරු පුවරුව හිස් කිරීම…තත්පර %1 කින් පසුරු පුවරුව හිස් කිරීම… + + + Group + සමූහය + + + Title + ශීර්ෂය + + + Username + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + Password + මුරපදය + + + TOTP + TOTP + + + Icon + නිරූපකය + + + Last Modified + අවසන් වරට වෙනස් කරන ලදී + + + Created + නිර්මාණය කළා + + + Benchmark %1 delay + මිණුම් ලකුණ %1 ප්‍රමාදය + + + %1 ms + milliseconds + %1 ms%1 ms + + + %1 s + seconds + %1 තත්%1 තත් + + + Do you really want to delete the entry "%1" for good? + ඔබට ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම "%1" ප්‍රවේශය යහපත සඳහා මකා දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? + ඔබට ඇත්තටම හොඳ සඳහා %n ඇතුළත් කිරීම්(ය) මැකීමට අවශ්‍යද?ඔබට ඇත්තටම හොඳ සඳහා %n ඇතුළත් කිරීම්(ය) මැකීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Delete entry(s)? + ඇතුළත් කිරීම්(න්) මකන්නද?ඇතුළත් කිරීම්(න්) මකන්නද? + + + Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? + ඔබට ඇත්තටම ප්‍රවේශ "%1" ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? + ඔබට ඇත්තටම ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ඇතුල්වීම්(ය) %n ක් ගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍යද?ඔබට ඇත්තටම ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ඇතුල්වීම්(ය) %n ක් ගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + Move entry(s) to recycle bin? + ප්‍රවේශය(ය) ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ගෙන යන්නද?ඇතුළත් කිරීම්(ය) ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුනට ගෙන යන්නද? + + + Replace references to entry? + ප්‍රවේශයට යොමු ප්‍රතිස්ථාපනය කරන්නද? + + + Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? + "%1" ප්‍රවේශයට යොමු(ය) %2 ඇත. ඔබට අගයන් සමඟ යොමු නැවත ලිවීමට, මෙම ප්‍රවේශය මඟ හැරීමට හෝ කෙසේ හෝ මකා දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද?"%1" ප්‍රවේශයට යොමු(ය) %2 ඇත. ඔබට අගයන් සමඟ යොමු නැවත ලිවීමට, මෙම ප්‍රවේශය මඟ හැරීමට හෝ කෙසේ හෝ මකා දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද? + + + User name + පරිශීලක නාමය + + + Browser Statistics + බ්රවුසර සංඛ්යා ලේඛන + + + Health Check + සෞඛ්ය පරීක්ෂාව + + + HIBP + HIBP + + + Statistics + සංඛ්යාලේඛන + + + Unsupported key file version: %1 + සහාය නොදක්වන යතුරු ගොනු අනුවාදය: %1 + + + Checksum mismatch! Key file may be corrupt. + චෙක්සම් නොගැලපීම! යතුරු ගොනුව දූෂිත විය හැක. + + + Unexpected key file data! Key file may be corrupt. + අනපේක්ෂිත යතුරු ගොනු දත්ත! යතුරු ගොනුව දූෂිත විය හැක. + + + KeePassXC - cross-platform password manager + KeePassXC - හරස් වේදිකා මුරපද කළමනාකරු + + + filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx) + විවෘත කිරීමට මුරපද දත්ත සමුදායේ ගොනු නාම (*.kdbx) + + + path to a custom config file + අභිරුචි වින්‍යාස ගොනුවකට මාර්ගය + + + path to a custom local config file + අභිරුචි දේශීය වින්‍යාස ගොනුවකට මාර්ගය + + + lock all open databases + සියලුම විවෘත දත්ත සමුදායන් අගුළු දමන්න + + + key file of the database + දත්ත සමුදායේ ප්රධාන ගොනුව + + + read password of the database from stdin + stdin වෙතින් දත්ත සමුදායේ මුරපදය කියවන්න + + + allow app screen recordering and screenshots + යෙදුම් තිර පටිගත කිරීම සහ තිරපිටපත් වලට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Locked databases. + අගුලු දැමූ දත්ත සමුදායන්. + + + Database failed to lock. + දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු දැමීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. + KeePassXC හි තවත් අවස්ථාවක් දැනටමත් ක්‍රියාත්මක වේ. + + + Fatal error while testing the cryptographic functions. + ගුප්ත ලේඛන කාර්යයන් පරීක්ෂා කිරීමේදී මාරාන්තික දෝෂයක්. + + + KeePassXC - Error + KeePassXC - දෝෂයකි + + + Warning: Failed to prevent screenshots on a top level window! + අවවාදයයි: ඉහළ මට්ටමේ කවුළුවක තිරපිටපත් වැළැක්වීමට අසමත් විය! + + + Database password: + දත්ත සමුදා මුරපදය: + + + Invalid Settings + TOTP + වලංගු නොවන සැකසුම් + + + Invalid Key + TOTP + වලංගු නොවන යතුර + + + Failed to create Windows Hello credential. + Windows Hello අක්තපත්‍රය සෑදීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. + Windows Hello භාවිතයෙන් අභියෝගයට අත්සන් කිරීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + ඉදිරියට යාමට ඔබගේ YubiKey ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න හෝ ස්පර්ශ කරන්න. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + + + + QtIOCompressor + + Internal zlib error when compressing: + සම්පීඩනය කිරීමේදී අභ්‍යන්තර zlib දෝෂය: + + + Error writing to underlying device: + යටින් පවතින උපාංගයට ලිවීමේ දෝෂයකි: + + + Error opening underlying device: + යටින් පවතින උපාංගය විවෘත කිරීමේ දෝෂයකි: + + + Error reading data from underlying device: + යටින් පවතින උපාංගයෙන් දත්ත කියවීමේ දෝෂයකි: + + + Internal zlib error when decompressing: + විසංයෝජනය කිරීමේදී අභ්‍යන්තර zlib දෝෂය: + + + + QtIOCompressor::open + + The gzip format not supported in this version of zlib. + zlib හි මෙම අනුවාදයේ gzip ආකෘතිය සහාය නොදක්වයි. + + + Internal zlib error: + අභ්‍යන්තර zlib දෝෂය: + + + + ReportsWidgetBrowserStatistics + + Exclude expired entries from the report + වාර්තාවෙන් කල් ඉකුත් වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් බැහැර කරන්න + + + Show only entries which have URL set + URL සකසා ඇති ඇතුළත් කිරීම් පමණක් පෙන්වන්න + + + Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data + අභිරුචි දත්තවල බ්‍රවුසර සැකසුම් ඇති ඇතුළත් කිරීම් පමණක් පෙන්වන්න + + + Double-click entries to edit. + සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ද්විත්ව ක්ලික් කරන්න. + + + List of entry URLs + ඇතුල්වීමේ URL ලැයිස්තුව + + + Entry has no URLs set + ප්‍රවේශයට URL සකසා නැත + + + Allowed URLs + අවසර ලත් URL + + + Entry has no Browser Integration settings + ප්‍රවේශයට බ්‍රවුසර් ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීමේ සැකසුම් නොමැත + + + Denied URLs + ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කළ URL + + + (Excluded) + (බැහැර) + + + This entry is being excluded from reports + මෙම ප්‍රවේශය වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කෙරේ + + + Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… + කරුණාකර රැඳී සිටින්න, බ්‍රවුසර සංඛ්‍යාලේඛන ගණනය කෙරේ… + + + No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. + URL එකක් සහිත ඇතුළත් කිරීම් නැත, නැතහොත් කිසිවකට බ්‍රවුසර දිගු සැකසුම් සුරැකී නැත. + + + Title + ශීර්ෂය + + + Path + මාර්ගය + + + URLs + URLs + + + Edit Entry… + ප්‍රවේශය…සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Delete Entry(s)… + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය)…මකන්නඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය)…මකන්න + + + Exclude from reports + වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කරන්න + + + + ReportsWidgetHealthcheck + + Exclude expired entries from the report + වාර්තාවෙන් කල් ඉකුත් වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් බැහැර කරන්න + + + Also show entries that have been excluded from reports + වාර්තාවලින් බැහැර කර ඇති ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ද පෙන්වන්න + + + Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit. + අමතර විස්තර පෙන්වීමට හේතුව මත සැරිසරන්න. සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ද්විත්ව ක්ලික් කරන්න. + + + Bad + Password quality + නරක + + + Bad — password must be changed + නරකයි - මුරපදය වෙනස් කළ යුතුය + + + Poor + Password quality + දුප්පත් + + + Poor — password should be changed + දුර්වල - මුරපදය වෙනස් කළ යුතුය + + + Weak + Password quality + දුර්වල + + + Weak — consider changing the password + දුර්වලයි - මුරපදය වෙනස් කිරීම සලකා බලන්න + + + (Excluded) + (බැහැර) + + + This entry is being excluded from reports + මෙම ප්‍රවේශය වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කෙරේ + + + Please wait, health data is being calculated… + කරුණාකර රැඳී සිටින්න, සෞඛ්‍ය දත්ත ගණනය කෙරේ… + + + Congratulations, everything is healthy! + සුභ පැතුම්, හැම දෙයක්ම සෞඛ්ය සම්පන්නයි! + + + Title + ශීර්ෂය + + + Path + මාර්ගය + + + Score + ලකුණු + + + Reason + හේතුව + + + Edit Entry… + ප්‍රවේශය…සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Delete Entry(s)… + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය)…මකන්නඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය)…මකන්න + + + Exclude from reports + වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කරන්න + + + + ReportsWidgetHibp + + CAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service ( If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service. + අවවාදයයි: මෙම වාර්තාවට Have I Been Pwned online සේවාව ( වෙත තොරතුරු යැවීම අවශ්‍ය වේ. ඔබ ඉදිරියට ගියහොත්, ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදා මුරපද ගුප්ත ලේඛනගතව හැෂ් කරනු ලබන අතර එම හැෂ් වල පළමු අක්ෂර පහ මෙම සේවාව වෙත ආරක්ෂිතව යවනු ලැබේ. ඔබගේ දත්ත සමුදාය ආරක්ෂිතව පවතින අතර මෙම තොරතුරු වලින් නැවත සකස් කළ නොහැක. කෙසේ වෙතත්, ඔබ යවන මුරපද ගණන සහ ඔබගේ IP ලිපිනය මෙම සේවාවට නිරාවරණය වේ. + + + Perform Online Analysis + මාර්ගගත විශ්ලේෂණය සිදු කරන්න + + + Also show entries that have been excluded from reports + වාර්තාවලින් බැහැර කර ඇති ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ද පෙන්වන්න + + + This build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases. + KeePassXC හි මෙම ගොඩනැගීමට ජාල ක්‍රියාකාරකම් නොමැත. Have I Been Pwned දත්ත සමුදායට එරෙහිව ඔබගේ මුරපද පරීක්ෂා කිරීමට ජාලකරණය අවශ්‍ය වේ. + + + Congratulations, no exposed passwords! + සුභ පැතුම්, නිරාවරණය වූ මුරපද නැත! + + + Title + ශීර්ෂය + + + Path + මාර්ගය + + + Password exposed… + මුරපදය නිරාවරණය… + + + (Excluded) + (බැහැර) + + + This entry is being excluded from reports + මෙම ප්‍රවේශය වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කෙරේ + + + once + Password exposure amount + වරක් + + + up to 10 times + Password exposure amount + 10 වතාවක් දක්වා + + + up to 100 times + Password exposure amount + 100 වතාවක් දක්වා + + + up to 1000 times + Password exposure amount + 1000 වාරයක් දක්වා + + + up to 10,000 times + Password exposure amount + 10,000 වාරයක් දක්වා + + + up to 100,000 times + Password exposure amount + 100,000 වාරයක් දක්වා + + + up to a million times + Password exposure amount + මිලියන වාරයක් දක්වා + + + millions of times + Password exposure amount + මිලියන වාරයක් + + + Edit Entry… + ප්‍රවේශය…සංස්කරණය කරන්න + + + Delete Entry(s)… + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය)…මකන්නඇතුළත් කිරීම් (ය)…මකන්න + + + Exclude from reports + වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කරන්න + + + + ReportsWidgetStatistics + + Hover over lines with error icons for further information. + වැඩිදුර තොරතුරු සඳහා දෝෂ නිරූපක සහිත රේඛා මත සැරිසරන්න. + + + Name + නම + + + Value + වටිනාකම + + + Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… + කරුණාකර රැඳී සිටින්න, දත්ත සමුදා සංඛ්‍යාලේඛන ගණනය කෙරේ… + + + Database name + දත්ත සමුදායේ නම + + + Description + විස්තර + + + Location + ස්ථානය + + + Database created + දත්ත සමුදාය නිර්මාණය කරන ලදී + + + Last saved + අවසන් වරට සුරකින ලදී + + + Unsaved changes + නොසුරකින ලද වෙනස්කම් + + + yes + ඔව් + + + no + නැත + + + The database was modified, but the changes have not yet been saved to disk. + දත්ත සමුදාය වෙනස් කර ඇත, නමුත් වෙනස්කම් තවමත් තැටියට සුරැකී නැත. + + + Number of groups + කණ්ඩායම් ගණන + + + Number of entries + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ගණන + + + Number of expired entries + කල් ඉකුත් වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් ගණන + + + The database contains entries that have expired. + දත්ත සමුදායේ කල් ඉකුත් වූ ඇතුළත් කිරීම් අඩංගු වේ. + + + Unique passwords + අද්විතීය මුරපද + + + Non-unique passwords + අද්විතීය නොවන මුරපද + + + More than 10% of passwords are reused. Use unique passwords when possible. + මුරපද වලින් 10% කට වඩා නැවත භාවිතා වේ. හැකි විට අද්විතීය මුරපද භාවිතා කරන්න. + + + Maximum password reuse + උපරිම මුරපදය නැවත භාවිතා කිරීම + + + Some passwords are used more than three times. Use unique passwords when possible. + සමහර මුරපද තුන් වතාවකට වඩා භාවිතා වේ. හැකි විට අද්විතීය මුරපද භාවිතා කරන්න. + + + Number of short passwords + කෙටි මුරපද ගණන + + + Recommended minimum password length is at least 8 characters. + නිර්දේශිත අවම මුරපද දිග අවම වශයෙන් අක්ෂර 8 කි. + + + Number of weak passwords + දුර්වල මුරපද ගණන + + + Recommend using long, randomized passwords with a rating of 'good' or 'excellent'. + 'හොඳ' හෝ 'විශිෂ්ට'ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීමක් සහිත දිගු, සසම්භාවී මුරපද භාවිතා කිරීම නිර්දේශ කරන්න. + + + Entries excluded from reports + ඇතුළත් කිරීම් වාර්තා වලින් බැහැර කර ඇත + + + Excluding entries from reports, e. g. because they are known to have a poor password, isn't necessarily a problem but you should keep an eye on them. + වාර්තා වලින් ඇතුළත් කිරීම් හැර, උදා: ඒවායේ දුර්වල මුරපදයක් ඇති බව දන්නා නිසා,'t අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම ගැටලුවක් නොවන නමුත් ඔබ ඒවා ගැන අවධානයෙන් සිටිය යුතුය. + + + Average password length + සාමාන්ය මුරපද දිග + + + %1 characters + අක්ෂර %1 යි + + + Average password length is less than ten characters. Longer passwords provide more security. + සාමාන්‍ය මුරපද දිග අක්ෂර දහයකට වඩා අඩුය. දිගු මුරපද වැඩි ආරක්ෂාවක් සපයයි. + + + + SSHAgent + + Agent connection failed. + නියෝජිත සම්බන්ධතාවය අසාර්ථක විය. + + + Agent protocol error. + නියෝජිත ප්‍රොටෝකෝල දෝෂයකි. + + + No agent running, cannot add identity. + කිසිදු නියෝජිතයෙකු ක්‍රියාත්මක නොවේ, අනන්‍යතාවය එක් කළ නොහැක. + + + Key identity ownership conflict. Refusing to add. + ප්‍රධාන අනන්‍යතා හිමිකාරිත්ව ගැටුම. එකතු කිරීම ප්රතික්ෂේප කිරීම. + + + Agent refused this identity. Possible reasons include: + නියෝජිතයා මෙම අනන්‍යතාවය ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කළේය. විය හැකි හේතු ඇතුළත් වේ: + + + The key has already been added. + යතුර දැනටමත් එකතු කර ඇත. + + + Restricted lifetime is not supported by the agent (check options). + සීමිත ආයු කාලය නියෝජිතයා විසින් සහාය නොදක්වයි (විකල්ප පරීක්ෂා කරන්න). + + + A confirmation request is not supported by the agent (check options). + තහවුරු කිරීමේ ඉල්ලීමක් නියෝජිතයා විසින් සහාය නොදක්වයි (විකල්ප පරීක්ෂා කරන්න). + + + Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. + ආරක්ෂක යතුරු නියෝජිතයා විසින් සහාය නොදක්වයි හෝ ආරක්ෂක යතුරු සපයන්නා නොමැත. + + + No agent running, cannot remove identity. + කිසිදු නියෝජිතයෙකු ක්‍රියාත්මක නොවේ, අනන්‍යතාවය ඉවත් කළ නොහැක. + + + No agent running, cannot list identities. + කිසිදු නියෝජිතයෙකු ක්‍රියාත්මක නොවේ, අනන්‍යතා ලැයිස්තුගත කළ නොහැක. + + + + SearchHelpWidget + + Search Help + උදව් සොයන්න + + + Search terms are as follows: [modifiers][field:]["]term["] + සෙවුම් පද පහත පරිදි වේ: [modifiers][ක්ෂේත්‍රය:]["]කාලීන["] + + + Every search term must match (ie, logical AND) + සෑම සෙවුම් පදයක්ම ගැලපිය යුතුය (එනම් තාර්කික සහ) + + + Modifiers + වෙනස් කරන්නන් + + + exclude term from results + ප්‍රතිඵල වලින් වාරය බැහැර කරන්න + + + match term exactly + පදය හරියටම ගලපන්න + + + use regex in term + regex භාවිතා කරන්න + + + Fields + ක්ෂේත්ර + + + Term Wildcards + කාලීන Wildcards + + + match anything + ඕනෑම දෙයක් ගැලපේ + + + match one + එකක් ගැලපෙනවා + + + logical OR + තාර්කික OR + + + Examples + උදාහරණ + + + + SearchWidget + + Search + සොයන්න + + + Search Help + උදව් සොයන්න + + + Search (%1)… + Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut + සොයන්න (%1)… + + + Case sensitive + විෂය සංවේදී + + + Limit search to selected group + තෝරාගත් කණ්ඩායමකට සෙවීම සීමා කරන්න + + + Save Search + + + + + SettingsClientModel + + Application + අයදුම්පත + + + PID + PID + + + DBus Address + DBus ලිපිනය + + + Manage + කළමනාකරණය කරන්න + + + + SettingsDatabaseModel + + File Name + ගොනුවේ නම + + + Group + සමූහය + + + Manage + කළමනාකරණය කරන්න + + + + SettingsWidgetFdoSecrets + + Options + විකල්ප + + + Enable KeepassXC Secret Service integration + KeepassXC රහස් සේවා ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සබල කරන්න + + + General + ජනරාල් + + + Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients + ගනුදෙනුකරුවන් විසින් මුරපද ලබා ගන්නා විට දැනුම්දීම පෙන්වන්න + + + <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p>සබල කර ඇත්නම්, මුරපදයක් කියවීමට ගන්නා ඕනෑම උත්සාහයක් තහවුරු කළ යුතුය. එසේ නොමැති නම්, දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු හරින විට සේවාදායකයින්ට තහවුරු කිරීමකින් තොරව මුරපද කියවිය හැක.</p><p>මෙම විකල්පය ප්‍රවේශයක මුරපදයට ප්‍රවේශය පමණක් ආවරණය කරයි. සේවාදායකයින්ට සෑම විටම නිරාවරණය වන දත්ත සමුදායේ අයිතම ගණන් කළ හැකි අතර ඒවායේ ගුණාංග විමසිය හැකිය.</p></body></html> + + + Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients + ගනුදෙනුකරුවන් විසින් මුරපද ලබා ගන්නා විට තහවුරු කරන්න + + + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does + not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">මෙම සැකසුම + ප්‍රතිචක්‍රීකරණ බඳුන් ප්‍රේරක අක්‍රිය කිරීම ප්‍රතික්ෂේප නොකරයි</span></p></body></html> + + + + Confirm when clients request entry deletion + සේවාලාභීන් ප්‍රවේශ මකාදැමීම ඉල්ලා සිටින විට තහවුරු කරන්න + + + <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications + which search for password without unlocking the database first.</p><p>But enabling this may also + crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a + different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p>මෙය දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු + තොරව මුරපදය සොයන ඇතැම් යෙදුම් සමඟ ගැළපීම වැඩි දියුණු කරයි.</p><p>නමුත් මෙය සක්‍රීය කිරීමෙන් + යම් කාල සීමාවක් ඇතුළත දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු ඇරීමට නොහැකි වුවහොත් සේවාලාභියා බිඳ වැටිය හැක. (සාමාන්‍යයෙන් තත්පර 25, නමුත් යෙදුම්වල වෙනස් අගයන් + ක් විය හැක.)</p></body></html> + + + + Prompt to unlock database before searching + සෙවීමට පෙර දත්ත සමුදාය අගුළු ඇරීමට විමසන්න + + + Exposed database groups: + නිරාවරණය වූ දත්ත සමුදා කණ්ඩායම්: + + + Authorization + අවසර දීම + + + These applications are currently connected: + මෙම යෙදුම් දැනට සම්බන්ධ වී ඇත: + + + <b>Warning:</b> + <b>අවවාදයයි:</b> + + + Save current changes to activate the plugin and enable editing of this section. + ප්ලගිනය සක්‍රිය කිරීමට වත්මන් වෙනස්කම් සුරකින්න සහ මෙම කොටස සංස්කරණය කිරීම සබල කරන්න. + + + + SettingsWidgetKeeShare + + Active + ක්රියාකාරී + + + Allow KeeShare imports + KeeShare ආයාත කිරීමට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Allow import + ආනයනයට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Allow KeeShare exports + KeeShare අපනයනයට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Allow export + අපනයනයට ඉඩ දෙන්න + + + Only show warnings and errors + අනතුරු ඇඟවීම් සහ දෝෂ පමණක් පෙන්වන්න + + + Own certificate + තමන්ගේම සහතිකය + + + Signer: + අත්සන් කරන්නා: + + + Generate new certificate + නව සහතිකයක් සාදන්න + + + Generate + උත්පාදනය කරන්න + + + Fingerprint: + ඇඟිලි සලකුණ: + + + Signer name field + අත්සන් කරන්නාගේ නම් ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + Fingerprint + ඇඟිලි සලකුණ + + + + ShareExport + + Could not write export container. + අපනයන බහාලුම් ලිවීමට නොහැකි විය. + + + + ShareImport + + Successful import + සාර්ථක ආනයනය + + + + ShareObserver + + Import from %1 failed (%2) + %1 සිට ආයාත කිරීම අසාර්ථක විය (%2) + + + Import from %1 successful (%2) + %1 සිට ආයාත කිරීම සාර්ථකයි (%2) + + + Imported from %1 + %1සිට ආනයනය කරන ලදී + + + Multiple import source path to %1 in %2 + %2න් %1 වෙත බහු ආයාත මූලාශ්‍ර මාර්ගය + + + Conflicting export target path %1 in %2 + ගැටුම්කාරී අපනයන ඉලක්ක මාර්ගය %1 න් %2 + + + Export to %1 failed (%2) + %1 ට අපනයනය අසාර්ථක විය (%2) + + + Export to %1 successful (%2) + %1 ට අපනයනය සාර්ථකයි (%2) + + + Export to %1 + %1වෙත අපනයනය කරන්න + + + + TagModel + + Expired + කල් ඉකුත් වී ඇත + + + Weak Passwords + දුර්වල මුරපද + + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + + + + TotpDialog + + Timed Password + කාලානුරූපී මුරපදය + + + Copy + පිටපත් කරන්න + + + Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) + තත්පර <b>%n</b> (තත්පර) කින් කල් ඉකුත් වේතත්පර <b>%n</b> (තත්පර) කින් කල් ඉකුත් වේ + + + + TotpExportSettingsDialog + + Copy + පිටපත් කරන්න + + + NOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators. + TOTP QR code dialog warning + සටහන: මෙම TOTP සැකසීම් අභිරුචි වන අතර වෙනත් සත්‍යාපනය කරන්නන් සමඟ ක්‍රියා නොකරනු ඇත. + + + There was an error creating the QR code. + QR කේතය සෑදීමේදී දෝෂයක් ඇති විය. + + + Closing in %1 seconds. + තත්පර %1 කින් වසා දමයි. + + + + TotpSetupDialog + + Setup TOTP + TOTP සකසන්න + + + Secret Key: + රහස් යතුර: + + + Secret key must be in Base32 format + රහස් යතුර Base32 ආකෘතියෙන් විය යුතුය + + + Secret key field + රහස් යතුරු ක්ෂේත්රය + + + Default settings (RFC 6238) + පෙරනිමි සැකසුම් (RFC 6238) + + + Steam® settings + Steam® සැකසුම් + + + Custom settings: + අභිරුචි සැකසුම්: + + + Custom Settings + අභිරුචි සැකසුම් + + + Algorithm: + ඇල්ගොරිතම: + + + Time step: + කාල පියවර: + + + Time step field + කාල පියවර ක්ෂේත්‍රය + + + sec + Seconds + තත්පර + + + Code size: + කේත ප්රමාණය: + + + digits + ඉලක්කම් + + + Invalid TOTP Secret + වලංගු නොවන TOTP රහස + + + You have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format. +Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP + ඔබ අවලංගු රහස් යතුරක් ඇතුළත් කර ඇත. යතුර Base32 ආකෘතියෙන් විය යුතුය. +උදාහරණය: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP + + + Confirm Remove TOTP Settings + TOTP සැකසීම් ඉවත් කිරීම තහවුරු කරන්න + + + Are you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry? + ඔබට මෙම ප්‍රවේශය සඳහා TOTP සැකසීම් මැකීමට අවශ්‍ය බව විශ්වාසද? + + + + URLEdit + + Invalid URL + වලංගු නැති URL + + + + UpdateCheckDialog + + Checking for updates + යාවත්කාලීන සඳහා පරීක්ෂා කරමින් + + + Checking for updates… + යාවත්කාලීන සඳහා පරීක්ෂා කිරීම… + + + Close + වසන්න + + + Software Update + මෘදුකාංග යාවත්කාලීන කිරීම + + + An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. + යාවත්කාලීන තොරතුරු ලබා ගැනීමට උත්සාහ කිරීමේදී දෝෂයක් ඇති විය, කරුණාකර පසුව නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න. + + + <strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="">downloaded here</a>. + <strong>නව අනුවාදයක් තිබේ.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 <a href="">මෙතැනින් බාගත හැකිය</a>. + + + You have the latest version of KeePassXC + ඔබට KeePassXC හි නවතම අනුවාදය ඇත + + + + WelcomeWidget + + Start storing your passwords securely in a KeePassXC database + ඔබගේ මුරපද KeePassXC දත්ත ගබඩාවක ආරක්ෂිතව ගබඩා කිරීම අරඹන්න + + + Create new database + නව දත්ත සමුදායක් සාදන්න + + + Open existing database + පවතින දත්ත සමුදාය විවෘත කරන්න + + + Import from KeePass 1 + KeePass 1 වෙතින් ආනයනය කරන්න + + + Import from 1Password + 1 මුරපදයෙන් ආයාත කරන්න + + + Import from CSV + CSV වෙතින් ආයාත කරන්න + + + Recent databases + මෑත දත්ත සමුදායන් + + + Open a recent database + මෑත දත්ත සමුදායක් විවෘත කරන්න + + + Welcome to KeePassXC %1 + KeePassXC %1වෙත සාදරයෙන් පිළිගනිමු + + + + WinUtils + + Invalid key code + වලංගු නොවන යතුරු කේතය + + + Global shortcut already registered to %1 + ගෝලීය කෙටිමඟ දැනටමත් %1වෙත ලියාපදිංචි කර ඇත + + + Could not register global shortcut + ගෝලීය කෙටිමං ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට නොහැකි විය + + + + WindowsHello + + Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. + KeePassXC crypto ආරම්භ කිරීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Failed to encrypt key data. + ප්රධාන දත්ත සංකේතනය කිරීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Failed to get Windows Hello credential. + Windows Hello අක්තපත්‍ර ලබා ගැනීමට අසමත් විය. + + + Failed to decrypt key data. + ප්රධාන දත්ත විකේතනය කිරීමට අසමත් විය. + + + + YubiKey + + %1 No interface, slot %2 + %1 අතුරු මුහුණතක් නැත, තව් %2 + + + General: + ජනරාල්: + + + Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. + අනුක්‍රමික අංක %1සහිත දෘඪාංග යතුර සඳහා අතුරු මුහුණත සොයා ගැනීමට නොහැකි විය. ඉදිරියට යාමට කරුණාකර එය සම්බන්ධ කරන්න. + + + + YubiKeyEditWidget + + Refresh hardware tokens + දෘඪාංග ටෝකන නැවුම් කරන්න + + + Refresh + නැවුම් කරන්න + + + Hardware key slot selection + දෘඪාංග යතුරු තව් තෝරාගැනීම + + + Could not find any hardware keys! + දෘඪාංග යතුරු කිසිවක් සොයා ගැනීමට නොහැකි විය! + + + Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! + තෝරාගත් දෘඪාංග යතුරු ස්ලට් අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාර සඳහා සහය නොදක්වයි! + + + Challenge-Response + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාරය + + + Add Challenge-Response + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාර එක් කරන්න + + + Change Challenge-Response + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාරය වෙනස් කරන්න + + + Remove Challenge-Response + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාර ඉවත් කරන්න + + + Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාර කට්ටලය, වෙනස් කිරීමට හෝ ඉවත් කිරීමට ක්ලික් කරන්න + + + <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> + <p>ඔබ සතුව <a href="">YubiKey</a> හෝ <a href="">OnlyKey</a>තිබේ නම්, ඔබට එය අමතර ආරක්ෂාව සඳහා භාවිතා කළ හැක.</p><p>යතුරට එහි එක් තව් එකක් <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>ලෙස වැඩසටහන්ගත කිරීම අවශ්‍ය වේ.</p> + + + Detecting hardware keys… + දෘඪාංග යතුරු හඳුනාගැනීම… + + + No hardware keys detected + දෘඩාංග යතුරු අනාවරණය කර නොමැත + + + + YubiKeyInterface + + %1 Invalid slot specified - %2 + %1 අවලංගු තව් නිශ්චිතව දක්වා ඇත - %2 + + + + YubiKeyInterfacePCSC + + (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 + (PCSC) %1 [%2] අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාරය - තව් %3 + + + The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. + YubiKey PCSC අතුරුමුහුණත ආරම්භ කර නොමැත. + + + Hardware key is currently in use. + දෘඪාංග යතුර දැනට භාවිතා වේ. + + + Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. + අනුක්‍රමික අංක %1සහිත දෘඪාංග යතුර සොයා ගැනීමට හෝ ප්‍රවේශ වීමට නොහැකි විය. ඉදිරියට යාමට කරුණාකර එය ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න. + + + Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. + දෘඪාංග යතුර අගුලු දමා හෝ කල් ඉකුත් වී ඇත. දිගටම කරගෙන යාමට එය අගුළු හරින්න හෝ නැවත ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න. + + + Hardware key was not found or is not configured. + දෘඪාංග යතුර හමු නොවීය හෝ වින්‍යාස කර නොමැත. + + + Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 + අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාරයක් සම්පූර්ණ කිරීමට අපොහොසත් විය, PCSC දෝෂ කේතය: %1 + + + + YubiKeyInterfaceUSB + + Unknown + නොදන්නා + + + (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3 + (USB) %1 [%2] වින්‍යාස කළ තව් - %3 + + + (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 + (USB) %1 [%2] අභියෝග-ප්‍රතිචාරය - තව් %3 - %4 + + + Press + USB Challenge-Response Key interaction request + ඔබන්න + + + Passive + USB Challenge-Response Key no interaction required + නිෂ්ක්රීය + + + The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized. + YubiKey USB අතුරුමුහුණත ආරම්භ කර නොමැත. + + + Hardware key is currently in use. + දෘඪාංග යතුර දැනට භාවිතා වේ. + + + Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue. + අනුක්‍රමික අංක %1සහිත දෘඪාංග යතුර සොයා ගැනීමට නොහැකි විය. ඉදිරියට යාමට කරුණාකර එය පේනුගත කරන්න. + + + Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction. + දෘඪාංග යතුර පරිශීලක අන්තර්ක්‍රියා සඳහා රැඳී සිටීමේ කාලය අවසන් විය. + + + A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 + දෘඪාංග යතුරට පිවිසීමේදී USB දෝෂයක් ඇති විය: %1 + + + Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 + අභියෝග ප්‍රතිචාරයක් සම්පූර්ණ කිරීමට අපොහොසත් විය, නිශ්චිත දෝෂය වූයේ: %1 + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts index 26c0412fa..9816c4b35 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_sk.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Vyberte priečinok pre uloženie zálohy + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1425,10 +1441,6 @@ Zálohovať databázu nachádzajúcu sa na %2 Key File: Súbor kľúča: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Ako doplnok hesla môžete, na zvýšenie bezpečnosti databázy, použiť tajný súbor. Tento súbor môže byť vygenerovaný v nastaveniach bezpečnosti databázy.</p><p>Tento súbor <strong>nie je</strong> súbor vašej databázy *.kdbx!<br>Ak nemáte súbor kľúča, nechajte toto pole prázdne.</p><p>Kliknite na ďalšie informácie…</p> - Key file help Pomocník súbora kľúčov @@ -1441,12 +1453,6 @@ Zálohovať databázu nachádzajúcu sa na %2 Hardware Key: Hardvérový kľúč: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Môžete použiť hardvérový bezpečnostný kľúč ako <strong>Yubikey</strong> alebo <strong>OnlyKey</strong> so slotmi nakonfigurovanými pre HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Kliknite pre viac informácií...</p> - Hardware key help Pomocník pre hardvérový kľúč @@ -1585,6 +1591,16 @@ Ak nemáte súbor kľúča, prosím nechajte toto pole prázdne. Select hardware key… Zvoľte hardvérový kľúč… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Ako doplnok hesla môžete, na zvýšenie bezpečnosti databázy, použiť tajný súbor. Tento súbor môže byť vygenerovaný v nastaveniach bezpečnosti databázy.</p><p>Tento súbor <strong>nie je</strong> súbor vašej databázy *.kdbx!<br>Ak nemáte súbor kľúča, nechajte toto pole prázdne.</p><p>Kliknite na ďalšie informácie…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Môžete použiť hardvérový bezpečnostný kľúč ako <strong>Yubikey</strong> alebo <strong>OnlyKey</strong> so slotmi nakonfigurovanými pre HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Kliknite pre viac informácií...</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2236,13 +2252,21 @@ Toto je určite chyba, prosím nahláste ju vývojárom. Database tab name modifier %1 [Zamknutá] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… Hľadanie… @@ -2409,6 +2433,22 @@ Vypnúť bezpečné ukladanie a skúsiť znova? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Uložiť + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -3080,6 +3120,14 @@ Chcete to opraviť? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Nepoužívať HTTP Auth pre túto a podriadené skupiny + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3887,6 +3935,10 @@ Chyba: %1 Disabled Vypnuté + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -5388,6 +5440,30 @@ Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Musíte reštartovať aplikáciu, aby sa tieto zmeny prejavili. Chcete ju reštartovať teraz? + + Tags + + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5759,29 +5835,6 @@ Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.Neočakávaný koniec súboru pri zápise súkromného kľúča - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Heslá sa nezhodujú. - - - Passwords match so far - Heslá sa zhodujú až potiaľ - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Prepnúť heslo (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Generovať heslo (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Upozornenie: Caps Lock zapnutý! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5960,10 +6013,6 @@ Odporúčame použiť AppImage dostupný na našej stránke sťahovaní.Also choose from: Tiež vybrať z: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Vynechané znaky: „0”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „O”, „|”, „﹒” - Exclude look-alike characters Vynechať podobne vyzerajúce znaky @@ -6113,6 +6162,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Výbroné + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Vynechané znaky: „0”, „1”, „l”, „I”, „O”, „|”, „﹒” + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Heslá sa nezhodujú. + + + Passwords match so far + Heslá sa zhodujú až potiaľ + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Prepnúť heslo (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Generovať heslo (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Upozornenie: Caps Lock zapnutý! + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + Slabé + + + Weak + Password quality + Slabé + + + Good + Password quality + Dobré + + + Excellent + Password quality + Výbroné + PickcharsDialog @@ -7730,6 +7830,63 @@ Jadro: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -8277,6 +8434,10 @@ Jadro: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Obmedziť hľadanie na zvolenú skupinu + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8489,10 +8650,6 @@ Jadro: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - - Expired @@ -8501,6 +8658,33 @@ Jadro: %3 %4 Weak Passwords + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts index 5ffacc18a..a3187ba2e 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_sr.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -642,6 +654,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1422,10 +1438,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: Кључ-Датотека: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help Помоћ за Кључ-Датотеку @@ -1438,11 +1450,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Кључ хардвера: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Помоћ кључ хардвера @@ -1581,6 +1588,15 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… одабирање хардверских кључева… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2227,13 +2243,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [Блокирано] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… @@ -2400,6 +2424,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + Сними + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -3068,6 +3108,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3871,6 +3919,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Онемогућено + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -5362,6 +5414,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Морате поново покренути апликацију да бисте применили ово подешавање. Да ли желите да се поново покренете сада? + + Tags + + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5733,29 +5809,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Неочекиван крај датотеке приликом уписивања приватног кључа - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Лозинке се не поклапају - - - Passwords match so far - Лозинке се до сада подударају - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Пребаци лозинку (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Генериши лозинку (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Упозорење: Тастер за велика слова је упаљен! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5934,10 +5987,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Такође бирати између: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Изузети знакови: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Изостави сличне карактере @@ -6087,6 +6136,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Одличан + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Изузети знакови: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Лозинке се не поклапају + + + Passwords match so far + Лозинке се до сада подударају + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Пребаци лозинку (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Генериши лозинку (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Упозорење: Тастер за велика слова је упаљен! + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + Бедан + + + Weak + Password quality + Слаб + + + Good + Password quality + Добар + + + Excellent + Password quality + Одличан + PickcharsDialog @@ -7703,6 +7803,63 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -8250,6 +8407,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Ограничите претрагу на изабрану групу + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8462,10 +8623,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - - Expired @@ -8474,6 +8631,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts index 120ab2ca8..73242a5fb 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_sv.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Välj lagringsplats för säkerhetskopior + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Denna inställning kan inte aktiveras om minimering vid upplåsning är aktiverad. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Kom ihåg senast inmatade post för: + + recent files + tidigare filer + + + Show passwords in color + Visa lösenord i färg + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Ogiltig platshållare: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Posten har inget attribut för PICKCHARS: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Säkerhetskopierad databas hittad i %2 Key File: Nyckelfil: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Som tillägg till ett lösenord, kan du använda en hemlig fil för att förbättra säkerheten i din databas. En sådan fil kan genereras i databasens säkerhetsinställningar.</p><p>Detta är <strong>inte</strong> din *.kdbx-databasfil!<br>Om du inte har någon nyckelfil, lämnar du fältet tomt.</p><p>Klicka för mer information...</p> - Key file help Nyckelfilshjälp @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Säkerhetskopierad databas hittad i %2 Hardware Key: Hårdvarunyckel: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Du kan använda en hårdvarunyckel såsom <strong>YubiKey</strong> eller <strong>OnlyKey</strong> med anslutningsplatser konfigurerade för HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Klicka för mer information...</p> - Hardware key help Hjälp med hårdvarunyckel @@ -1597,6 +1603,16 @@ Om du inte har någon nyckelfil, lämnar du fältet tomt. Select hardware key… Välj hårdvarunyckel... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Som tillägg till ett lösenord, kan du använda en hemlig fil för att förbättra säkerheten i din databas. En sådan fil kan genereras i databasens säkerhetsinställningar.</p><p>Detta är <strong>inte</strong> din *.kdbx-databasfil!<br>Om du inte har någon nyckelfil, lämnar du fältet tomt.</p><p>Klicka för mer information...</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Du kan använda en hårdvarunyckel såsom <strong>YubiKey</strong> eller <strong>OnlyKey</strong> med anslutningsplatser konfigurerade för HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Klicka för mer information...</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2248,13 +2264,21 @@ Detta är definitivt ett programfel, rapportera det till utvecklarna.Database tab name modifier %1 [Låst] + + Export database to XML file + Exportera databas till XML-fil + + + XML file + XML-fil + + + Writing the XML file failed + Kunde inte skriva XML-filen + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Databastaggar - Searching… Söker… @@ -2421,6 +2445,22 @@ Vill du inaktivera "Spara säkert" och försöka igen? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) Poster som löper ut inom %1 dagPoster som löper ut inom %1 dagar + + Searches and Tags + Sök och taggar + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Ange ett unikt namn eller skriv över en befintlig sökning från listan: + + + Save + Spara + + + Save Search + Spara sökning + EditEntryWidget @@ -3093,6 +3133,14 @@ Vill du korrigera det? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Använd inte HTTP Auth-växlingsknappen för denna och undergrupper + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Utelämna WWW-underdomänen från matchning: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Utelämna WWW-underdomän från matchningväxling för denna och undergrupper + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3897,6 +3945,10 @@ Fel: %1 Disabled Inaktiverad + + Double click to copy value + Dubbelklick för att kopiera värde + EntryURLModel @@ -5396,6 +5448,30 @@ Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssi You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Du måste starta om programmet för att tillämpa den här inställningen. Vill du starta om nu? + + Tags + Taggar + + + No Tags + Inga taggar + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 post%1 poster + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Kopiera lösenord och TOTP + + + &XML File… + &XML-fil... + + + XML File… + XML-fil + ManageDatabase @@ -5767,29 +5843,6 @@ Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssi Oväntad EOF, vid skrivning av privat nyckel - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Lösenorden stämmer inte överens - - - Passwords match so far - Lösenorden stämmer så långt - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Växla lösenord (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Generera lösenord (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Varning! Caps Lock aktiverat! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5968,10 +6021,6 @@ Vi rekommenderar att du använder den AppImage som finns på vår nerladdningssi Also choose from: Välj också från: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Undanta tecknen: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Undanta tecken som liknar varandra @@ -6122,6 +6171,57 @@ Vill du skriva över den? Password quality Utmärkt + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Undanta tecknen: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Lösenorden stämmer inte överens + + + Passwords match so far + Lösenorden stämmer så långt + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Växla lösenord (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Generera lösenord (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Varning! Caps Lock aktiverat! + + + Quality: %1 + Kvalitet: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Dålig + + + Weak + Password quality + Svag + + + Good + Password quality + Bra + + + Excellent + Password quality + Utmärkt + PickcharsDialog @@ -7740,6 +7840,64 @@ Kärna: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Anslut eller tryck på din YubiKey för att fortsätta. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Visa alla attribut för posten. + + + Edit a database. + Redigera en databas. + + + Could not change the database key. + Kunde inte ändra databasnyckeln. + + + Database was not modified. + Databasen är inte ändrad. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Databasen redigerades korrekt. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Inläsning av den nya nyckeln misslyckades: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Ta bort lösenordet för databasen. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Ta bort nyckelfilen för databasen. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Kan inte använda %1 och %2 på samma gång. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Kan inte ta bort alla nycklarna från en databas. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Kan inte ta bort lösenordet. Databasen har inget lösenord. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Kan inte ta bort nyckelfilen. Databasen har ingen nyckelfil. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Identifierade oväntad nyckeltyp %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Ange nyckelfil för databasen. +Det här alternativet är inaktuellt, använd --set-key-file istället. + QtIOCompressor @@ -8287,6 +8445,10 @@ Kärna: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Begränsa sökningen till vald grupp + + Save Search + Spara sökning + SettingsClientModel @@ -8506,10 +8668,6 @@ inte kan låsas upp inom en viss tidsgräns (Vanligen 25s, men kan vara ett anna TagModel - - All - Alla - Expired Förfallen @@ -8518,6 +8676,33 @@ inte kan låsas upp inom en viss tidsgräns (Vanligen 25s, men kan vara ett anna Weak Passwords Svaga lösenord + + All Entries + Alla poster + + + Clear Search + Rensa sökning + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Ta bort sökning + + + Remove Tag + Ta bort tagg + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Bekräfta borttagning av tagg + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Vill di ta bort taggen "%1" från alla poster i databasen? + TotpDialog diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts index f142dda43..3195a0f9a 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_th.ts @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use both agents - + ใช้ทั้งสองตัวเลือก @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory เลือกไดเรกทอรีจัดเก็บข้อมูลสำรอง + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -279,7 +283,7 @@ have expired On database unlock, show entries that... - + หมดระยะเวลาในการใช้งาน days @@ -337,7 +341,7 @@ Temporary file moved into place - + ไฟล์ชั่วคราวได้รับการย้ายไปยังอีกที่นึง Directly write to database file (dangerous) @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: จำรายการที่พิมพ์ล่าสุดสำหรับ: + + recent files + + + + Show passwords in color + + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -536,7 +548,7 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - + เปิดใช้งานระบบการปลดล็อกฐานข้อมูลที่รวดเร็ว Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed @@ -556,7 +568,7 @@ Use placeholder for empty password fields - + ใช้ข้อความตัวอย่างในช่องรหัสผ่านที่ว่างไว้ Hide passwords in the entry preview panel @@ -587,11 +599,11 @@ AutoType The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: - + การใช้งานการพิมพ์โดยอัตโนมัติ ไม่สามารถดำเนินการได้เนื่องจากมีข้อผิดพลาด Auto-Type Error - + การพิมพ์อัตโนมัติมีข้อผิดพลาด Permission Required @@ -607,7 +619,7 @@ Invalid entry provided - + ข้อมูลที่นำเข้าในระบบไม่ถูกต้อง Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } @@ -623,7 +635,7 @@ Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 - + ตรวจพบความล่าช้า มากสุด 1%: 2% Invalid conversion type: %1 @@ -640,6 +652,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 + ข้อความตัวอย่างไม่ถูกต้อง: 1% + + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 @@ -689,7 +705,7 @@ Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on - + การใส่ข้อมูลตามลำดับถูกยกเลิก: ปุ่ม Caps Lock อยู่ระหว่างการเปิดใช้งาน Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user @@ -721,7 +737,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Search all open databases - + ค้นหาจากฐานข้อมูลเปิดทั้งหมด Search… @@ -729,7 +745,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Type Sequence - + พิมพ์ ลำดับ Cancel @@ -737,31 +753,31 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Type {USERNAME} - + พิมพ์ [ชื่อผู้ใช้] Type {PASSWORD} - + พิมพ์ {รหัสผ่าน} Type {TOTP} - + พิมพ์ {รหัสผ่านแบบใช้ครั้งเดียวตามเวลา} Copy Username - + คัดลอก ชื่อผู้ใช้ Copy Password - + คัดลอก รหัสผ่าน Copy TOTP - + คัดลอก {รหัสผ่านแบบใช้ครั้งเดียวตามเวลา} Use Virtual Keyboard - + ใช้แป้นพิมพ์เสมือน @@ -986,7 +1002,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Request to unlock the database if it is locked - + ร้องขอการปลดล็อค หากฐานข้อมูลยังล็อคอยู่ Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. @@ -1368,7 +1384,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Could not save, database has not been initialized! - + ไม่สามารถบันทึกข้อมูลได้ ฐานข้อมูลไม่ได้รับการเริ่ม Database file has unmerged changes. @@ -1418,27 +1434,18 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: แฟ้มกุญแจ: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help ช่วยเหลือเรื่องแฟ้มกุญแจ Hardware key slot selection - + การเลือกช่องคีย์ฮาร์ดแวร์ Hardware Key: กุญแจฮาร์ดแวร์: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help @@ -1457,7 +1464,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Refresh hardware tokens - + รีเฟรชฮาร์ดแวร์โทเค็น Refresh @@ -1465,7 +1472,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock Database - + ปลดล็อค ฐานข้อมูล Cancel @@ -1473,7 +1480,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock - + ปลดล็อค Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… @@ -1481,7 +1488,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Database Version Mismatch - + ฐานข้อมูลแต่ละเวอร์ชั่นไม่ตรงกัน The database you are trying to open was most likely @@ -1495,15 +1502,15 @@ We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. Open database anyway - + ยืนยันในการเปิดฐานข้อมูล Database unlock canceled. - + การปลดล็อคฐานข้อมูลถูกยกเลิก Unlock failed and no password given - + การปลดล็อคไม่สำเร็จ ไม่มีการใส่รหัสผ่าน Unlocking the database failed and you did not enter a password. @@ -1518,11 +1525,11 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello - + การยืนยันกับ Windows Hello ไม่สำเร็จ Failed to authenticate with Touch ID - + การยืนยันกับ Touch ID ไม่สำเร็จ Failed to open key file: %1 @@ -1573,6 +1580,15 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… เลือกกุญแจฮาร์ดแวร์... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1609,7 +1625,7 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Maintenance - + ซ่อมบำรุง @@ -1743,7 +1759,7 @@ This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. Refresh database ID - + รีเฟรช ฐานข้อมูลการยืนยันตัวตน Do you really want refresh the database ID? @@ -1755,7 +1771,7 @@ This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser ext DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey Add additional protection… - + เพิ่มการป้องกันอีกขั้น No password set @@ -2077,7 +2093,7 @@ This action is not reversible. Delete selected icon(s) - + ลบไอคอนที่เลือกไว้ Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group @@ -2089,7 +2105,7 @@ This action is not reversible. Confirm Deletion - + ยืนยันการลบ At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? @@ -2217,13 +2233,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [ถูกล็อก] + + Export database to XML file + + + + XML file + + + + Writing the XML file failed + + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… กำลังค้นหา... @@ -2270,7 +2294,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Expired entries - + ข้อมูลที่นำเข้าสู่ระบบที่หมดอายุแล้ว No current database. @@ -2390,6 +2414,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) + + Searches and Tags + + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + + + + Save + บันทึก + + + Save Search + + EditEntryWidget @@ -2873,11 +2913,11 @@ Would you like to correct it? Tags: - + แท็ก: Tags list - + รายชื่อแท็กต่างๆ: @@ -3057,6 +3097,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3549,7 +3597,7 @@ Are you sure to add this file? Attachment modified - + เอกสารแนบได้รับการแก้ไขแล้ว The attachment '%1' was modified. @@ -3558,7 +3606,7 @@ Do you want to save the changes to your database? Saving attachment failed - + การบันทึกเอกสารแนบล้มเหลว Saving updated attachment failed. @@ -3649,7 +3697,7 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + แท็ก @@ -3721,7 +3769,7 @@ Error: %1 Password Strength - + ความแข็งแรงของรหัสผ่าน Entry notes @@ -3757,7 +3805,7 @@ Error: %1 Has TOTP - + มีรหัสผ่านแบบใช้ครั้งเดียวตามเวลา @@ -3788,11 +3836,11 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + แท็ก Tags list - + รายชื่อแท็กต่างๆ: Username @@ -3858,6 +3906,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled ปิดใช้ + + Double click to copy value + + EntryURLModel @@ -3899,15 +3951,15 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! database order - + ลำดับฐานข้อมูล name (ascending) - + ชื่อ (จากล่างสุดไปบนสุด) name (descending) - + ชื่อ (จากบนสุดไปล่างสุด) unknown @@ -3926,7 +3978,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! FdoSecrets::DBusMgr Failed to deliver message - + การส่งข้อความไม่สำเร็จ Failed to send reply on DBus @@ -4807,15 +4859,15 @@ Message: %2 Add Key File - + เพิ่มไฟล์คีย์ Change Key File - + เปลี่ยนไฟล์คีย์ Remove Key File - + ลบไฟล์คีย์ Key File set, click to change or remove @@ -4835,7 +4887,7 @@ Message: %2 Create Key File… - + สร้างไฟล์คีย์ Error creating key file @@ -4871,15 +4923,15 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? MacUtils Invalid key code - + แฟ้มกุญแจไม่ถูกต้อง Global shortcut already registered to %1 - + ทางลัดส่วนกลางได้ลงทะเบียน %1 . แล้ว Could not register global shortcut - + ไม่สามารถลงทะเบียนทางลัดของส่วนกลาง @@ -4930,7 +4982,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Theme - + หัวข้อ &Quit @@ -5038,7 +5090,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Database Settings… - + &การตั้งค่าฐานข้อมูล Database settings @@ -5102,7 +5154,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Lock Database - + &ล็อคฐานข้อมูล Lock &All Databases @@ -5344,6 +5396,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? คุณจะต้องเริ่มแอปใหม่เพื่อใช้การตั้งค่านี้ คุณต้องการจะเริ่มแอปใหม่ตอนนี้หรือไม่? + + Tags + แท็ก + + + No Tags + + + + %1 Entry(s) + + + + Copy Password and TOTP + + + + &XML File… + + + + XML File… + + ManageDatabase @@ -5376,11 +5452,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Disconnect this application - + หยุดการเชื่อมต่อกับแอปพลิเคชันนี้ Reset - + รีเซ็ท Reset any remembered decisions for this application @@ -5530,11 +5606,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Global shortcut already registered to %1 - + ทางลัดส่วนกลางได้ลงทะเบียน %1 . แล้ว Could not register global shortcut - + ไม่สามารถลงทะเบียนทางลัดของส่วนกลาง @@ -5671,7 +5747,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Decryption failed: %1 - + การปลดรหัสล้มเหลว: %1 Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? @@ -5714,29 +5790,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. เกิด EOF ที่ไม่คาดคิดขณะเขียนกุญแจส่วนตัว - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน - - - Passwords match so far - รหัสผ่านยังตรงกันอยู่ - - - Toggle Password (%1) - สลับรหัสผ่าน (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - สร้างรหัสผ่าน (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5761,19 +5814,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Add Password - + ใส่รหัสผ่าน Change Password - + เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน Remove Password - + ลบรหัสผ่าน Password set, click to change or remove - + รหัสผ่านได้รับการติดตั้ง กดเพื่อเปลี่ยน หรือลบ <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> @@ -5890,7 +5943,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Additional characters - + ตัวอักษรเพิ่มเติม Add non-hex letters to "do not include" list @@ -5916,10 +5969,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - อักขระที่ยกเว้น: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters ไม่ใช้อักขระที่หน้าตาคล้ายกัน @@ -5946,7 +5995,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Character Count: - + จำนวนตัวอักษร Word Case: @@ -5962,7 +6011,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. character - + ตัวอักษร Close @@ -5982,11 +6031,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. lower case - + ตัวพิมพ์เล็ก UPPER CASE - + ตัวพิมพ์ใหญ่ Title Case @@ -5994,7 +6043,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. (SYSTEM) - + (ระบบ) Entropy: %1 bit @@ -6069,6 +6118,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality ดีมาก + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + อักขระที่ยกเว้น: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน + + + Passwords match so far + รหัสผ่านยังตรงกันอยู่ + + + Toggle Password (%1) + สลับรหัสผ่าน (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + สร้างรหัสผ่าน (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + + + + Quality: %1 + + + + Poor + Password quality + แย่ + + + Weak + Password quality + อ่อนแอ + + + Good + Password quality + ดี + + + Excellent + Password quality + ดีมาก + PickcharsDialog @@ -6530,7 +6630,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Set a password for the database. - + สร้างรหัสผ่านสำหรับรายการ Create a new database. @@ -6550,7 +6650,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Failed to set database password. - + การตั้งรหัสผ่านสำหรับฐานข้อมูลล้มเหลว Loading the key file failed @@ -6853,7 +6953,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Path of the new database. - + เส้นทางของฐานข้อมูลใหม่ Unable to import XML database: %1 @@ -6861,11 +6961,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Successfully imported database. - + การสร้างฐานข้อมูลใหม่ประสบความสำเร็จ Show a database's information. - + แสดงฐานข้อมูลของรายการ UUID: @@ -6873,11 +6973,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Name: - + ชื่อ: Description: - + คำอธิบาย Cipher: @@ -6901,7 +7001,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Database created - + ฐานข้อมูลได้รับการสร้าง Last saved @@ -6957,7 +7057,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Average password length - + ความยาวของรหัสผ่านโดยสังเขป %1 characters @@ -7161,11 +7261,11 @@ Available commands: No attachments present. - + ไม่พบเอกสารแนบ Attachments: - + เอกสารที่แนบมาด้วย Failed to open database file %1: not found @@ -7257,7 +7357,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Very weak password - + รหัสผ่านอ่อนแอมาก Password entropy is %1 bits @@ -7265,7 +7365,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Weak password - + รหัสผ่านอ่อนแอ Used in %1/%2 @@ -7277,7 +7377,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Password has expired - + รหัสผ่านหมดอายุแล้ว Password expiry was %1 @@ -7289,7 +7389,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Password is about to expire - + รหัสผ่านกำลังจะหมดอายุ Password expires in %1 day(s) @@ -7297,7 +7397,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Password will expire soon - + รหัสผ่านกำลังจะหมดอายุเร็วๆนี้ Version %1 @@ -7563,7 +7663,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Replace references to entry? - + เปลี่ยนแหล่งอ้างอิงของรายการหรือไม่ Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? @@ -7571,15 +7671,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 User name - + ชื่อผู้ใช้ Browser Statistics - + สถิติของเบราว์เซอร์ Health Check - + ตรวจสุขภาพ HIBP @@ -7587,7 +7687,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Statistics - + สถิติ Unsupported key file version: %1 @@ -7619,7 +7719,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 lock all open databases - + ล็อคฐานข้อมูลเปิดทั้งหมด key file of the database @@ -7635,11 +7735,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Locked databases. - + ฐานข้อมูลที่ถูกล็อค Database failed to lock. - + การล็อคฐานข้อมูลไม่สำเร็จ Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. @@ -7683,6 +7783,63 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + + + + Edit a database. + + + + Could not change the database key. + + + + Database was not modified. + + + + Successfully edited the database. + + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + + + + Unset the password for the database. + + + + Unset the key file for the database. + + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + + QtIOCompressor @@ -7722,11 +7879,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetBrowserStatistics Exclude expired entries from the report - + ซ่อนรายการที่หมดอายุแล้วจากรายงาน Show only entries which have URL set - + แสดงรายการที่มีที่อยู่เว็ปเท่านั้น Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data @@ -7734,19 +7891,19 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Double-click entries to edit. - + คลิก 2 ครั้ง ที่รายการเพื่อแก้ไข List of entry URLs - + ที่อยู่เว็ปของการนำข้อมูลเข้าสู่ระบบ Entry has no URLs set - + รายการไม่มีที่อยู่เว็ป Allowed URLs - + ที่อยู่เว็ปที่ได้รับการอนุญาต Entry has no Browser Integration settings @@ -7754,7 +7911,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Denied URLs - + ที่อยู่เว็ปที่ถูกปฏิเสธ (Excluded) @@ -7782,11 +7939,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 URLs - + ที่อยู่เว็ป Edit Entry… - + แก้ไขการนำข้อมูลเข้าสู่ระบบ Delete Entry(s)… @@ -7801,11 +7958,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetHealthcheck Exclude expired entries from the report - + ซ่อนรายการที่หมดอายุแล้วจากรายงาน Also show entries that have been excluded from reports - + แสดงรายการที่ถูกกันออกไปจากรายงาน Hover over reason to show additional details. Double-click entries to edit. @@ -7848,7 +8005,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, health data is being calculated… - + โปรดรอ ระหว่างที่การตรวจสุขภาพกำลังดำเนินการ Congratulations, everything is healthy! @@ -7872,7 +8029,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - + แก้ไขการนำข้อมูลเข้าสู่ระบบ Delete Entry(s)… @@ -7891,11 +8048,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Perform Online Analysis - + แสดงการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลออนไลน์ Also show entries that have been excluded from reports - + แสดงรายการที่ถูกกันออกไปจากรายงาน This build of KeePassXC does not have network functions. Networking is required to check your passwords against Have I Been Pwned databases. @@ -7928,46 +8085,46 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 once Password exposure amount - + ครั้งหนึ่ง up to 10 times Password exposure amount - + จนถึง 10 ครั้ง up to 100 times Password exposure amount - + ได้ถึง 100 ครั้ง up to 1000 times Password exposure amount - + ได้ถึง 1000 ครั้ง up to 10,000 times Password exposure amount - + ได้ถึง 10,000 ครั้ง up to 100,000 times Password exposure amount - + ได้ถึง 100,000 ครั้ง up to a million times Password exposure amount - + ได้ถึง 1,000,000 ครั้ง millions of times Password exposure amount - + ได้หลายล้านเท่า Edit Entry… - + แก้ไขการนำข้อมูลเข้าสู่ระบบ Delete Entry(s)… @@ -8010,7 +8167,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Database created - + ฐานข้อมูลได้รับการสร้าง Last saved @@ -8074,7 +8231,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Recommended minimum password length is at least 8 characters. - + ความยาวของรหัสผ่านที่แนะนำคือ 8 ตัวอักษรเป็นอย่างตํ่า Number of weak passwords @@ -8094,7 +8251,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Average password length - + ความยาวของรหัสผ่านโดยสังเขป %1 characters @@ -8230,6 +8387,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group จำกัดการค้นไว้สำหรับเฉพาะกลุ่มที่เลือก + + Save Search + + SettingsClientModel @@ -8289,7 +8450,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients - + ยืนยันเมื่อลูกค้านำรหัสผ่านกลับมาได้สำเร็จ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" @@ -8301,7 +8462,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Confirm when clients request entry deletion - + ยืนยันเมื่อลูกค้าร้องขอการลบรายการ <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications @@ -8325,7 +8486,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 These applications are currently connected: - + แอปพลิเคชันเหล่านี้กำลังอยู่ระหว่างการเชื่อมต่อ <b>Warning:</b> @@ -8360,7 +8521,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Only show warnings and errors - + แสดงผลแค่การเตือนและข้อผิดพลาด Own certificate @@ -8402,7 +8563,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ShareImport Successful import - + การนำข้อมูลเข้าสู่ระบบสำเร็จ @@ -8442,16 +8603,39 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - - Expired - + หมดอายุแล้ว Weak Passwords + รหัสผ่านอ่อนแอ + + + All Entries + + + + Clear Search + + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + + + + Remove Tag + + + + Confirm Remove Tag + + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? @@ -8506,19 +8690,19 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Secret key field - + ช่องคีย์ลับ Default settings (RFC 6238) - + การตั้งค่าเริ่มต้น Steam® settings - + การตั้งค่าสตีม Custom settings: - + การตั้งค่าแบบปรับแต่งเอง Custom Settings @@ -8534,7 +8718,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Time step field - + ช่องหัวเรื่อง sec @@ -8551,12 +8735,13 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Invalid TOTP Secret - + ข้อมูลลับของ TOTP ไม่ถูกต้อง You have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format. Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP - + คุณป้อนรหัสลับที่ไม่ถูกต้อง รหัสต้องอยู่ในรูปแบบเลขฐาน 32 +ตัวอย่าง: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Confirm Remove TOTP Settings @@ -8582,7 +8767,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Checking for updates… - + กำลังตรวจสอบการอัปเดต Close @@ -8594,15 +8779,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. - + เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะพยายามดึงข้อมูลอัปเดต โปรดลองอีกครั้งในภายหลัง <strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="">downloaded here</a>. - + <strong>เวอร์ชันใหม่พร้อมแล้ว</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 <a href="">สามารถดาวน์โหลด ได้ที่นี่</a> You have the latest version of KeePassXC - + คุณมี KeePassXC เวอร์ชันล่าสุด @@ -8648,56 +8833,56 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP WinUtils Invalid key code - + แฟ้มกุญแจไม่ถูกต้อง Global shortcut already registered to %1 - + ทางลัดส่วนกลางได้ลงทะเบียน %1 . แล้ว Could not register global shortcut - + ไม่สามารถลงทะเบียนทางลัดของส่วนกลาง WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. - + ไม่สามารถเริ่มต้นการเข้ารหัสใน KeePassXC Failed to encrypt key data. - + เข้ารหัสกุญแจข้อมูลไม่สำเร็จ Failed to get Windows Hello credential. - + ไม่สามารถรับข้อมูลประจำตัวของบริการ Windows Hello Failed to decrypt key data. - + ถอดรหัสกุญแจข้อมูลไม่สำเร็จ YubiKey %1 No interface, slot %2 - + %1 ไม่มีช่องของส่วนติดต่อ %2 General: - + ทั่วไป: Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. - + ไม่พบส่วนติดต่อสำหรับรหัสฮาร์ดแวร์ที่มีหมายเลขซีเรียล %1 โปรดเชื่อมต่อเพื่อดำเนินการต่อ YubiKeyEditWidget Refresh hardware tokens - + รีเฟรชฮาร์ดแวร์โทเค็น Refresh @@ -8705,39 +8890,39 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Hardware key slot selection - + การเลือกช่องคีย์ฮาร์ดแวร์ Could not find any hardware keys! - + ไม่พบคีย์ฮาร์ดแวร์ใดๆ! Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! - + ช่องของคีย์ฮาร์ดแวร์ที่เลือก ไม่สนับสนุนรหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ Challenge-Response - + รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ Add Challenge-Response - + เพิ่ม รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ Change Challenge-Response - + เปลี่ยน รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ Remove Challenge-Response - + ลบ รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove - + รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ ได้ตั้งค่า คลิกเพื่อเปลี่ยนหรือลบ <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> - + หากคุณเป็นเจ้าของ YubiKey หรือ OnlyKey คุณสามารถใช้มันเพื่อรักษาความปลอดภัยเพิ่มเติมได้ คีย์นี้ต้องใช้สล็อตใดช่องหนึ่งเพื่อตั้งโปรแกรมเป็น HMAC-SHA1 เช่นรหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ Detecting hardware keys… @@ -8759,11 +8944,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP YubiKeyInterfacePCSC (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - + (PCSC) %1 [%2] รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับของช่องใส่ %3 The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. - + ส่วนติดต่อของ YubiKey PCSC ยังไม่ได้เริ่มต้น Hardware key is currently in use. @@ -8771,19 +8956,19 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. - + ไม่พบหรือเข้าถึงรหัสฮาร์ดแวร์ที่มีหมายเลขซีเรียล %1 โปรดแสดงมันเพื่อดำเนินการต่อ Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. - + กุญแจฮาร์ดแวร์ถูกล็อคหรือหมดเวลา กรุณาปลดล็อกหรือดำเนินการใหม่เพื่อดำเนินการต่อ Hardware key was not found or is not configured. - + ไม่พบกุญแจของฮาร์ดแวร์ หรือไม่ได้กำหนดค่าไว้ Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 - + ดำเนินการไม่สำเร็จ รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ, ข้อผิดพลาดของ PCSC: %1 @@ -8794,11 +8979,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3 - + (USB) %1 [%2] Slot mujdeหนดค่า %3 (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 - + (USB) %1 [%2]ร หัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ - Slot %3 - %4 Press @@ -8812,7 +8997,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized. - + ส่วนติดต่อของ USB YubiKey ยังไม่ได้เริ่มต้น Hardware key is currently in use. @@ -8820,19 +9005,19 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not find hardware key with serial number %1. Please plug it in to continue. - + ไม่สามารถค้นหา กุญแจฮาร์ดแวร์ ด้วยหมายเลขซีเรียลที่มี %1 กรุณาเสียบปลั๊กเพื่อดำเนินการต่อ Hardware key timed out waiting for user interaction. - + กุญแจฮาร์ดแวร์ได้หมดเวลารอการโต้ตอบกับผู้ใช้ A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 - + เกิดข้อผิดพลาด USB เมื่อมีการเข้าถึงกุญแจฮาร์ดแวร์ : 1% Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 - + ข้อผิดพลาด รหัสสอบถาม-รหัสตอบกลับ ข้อผิดพลาดเฉพาะที่: 1 % \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts index f1d37bb06..d435b3176 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_tr.ts @@ -175,11 +175,11 @@ Icon only - Yalnız simge + Yalnızca simge Text only - Yalnız yazı + Yalnızca yazı Text beside icon @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory Yedek kayıt klasörünü seçin + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Kilit açıldığında küçültülsün seçeneği etkinken bu seçenek etkinleştirilemez. + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -262,7 +266,7 @@ Remember database key files and security dongles - Veritabanı anahtar dosyaları ve güvenlik donanımları hatırlansın + Veritabanı anahtar dosyaları ve e-anahtarlar hatırlansın Check for updates at application startup once per week @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: Son yazılmış kaydın hatırlanma süresi: + + recent files + son kullanılan dosyalar + + + Show passwords in color + Parolalar renkli görüntülensin + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 Yer belirteci geçersiz: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Kayıtta PICKCHARS için öznitelik yok: %1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -686,7 +702,7 @@ AutoTypePlatformX11 Trying to send invalid keysym. - Geçersiz tuş simgesi gönderilmeye çalışıldı. + Geçersiz keysym değeri gönderilmeye çalışıldı. Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on @@ -723,7 +739,7 @@ Ctrl+F - Veritabanı aramasını değşitir<br/> Ctrl+1 - Kullanıcı adını yaz<br/> Ctrl+2 - Parolayı yaz<br/> Ctrl+3 - Tek kullanımlık parolayı yaz<br/> -Ctrl+4 - Sanal tuş takımını kullan (yalnız Windows)</p> +Ctrl+4 - Sanal klavyeyi kullan (yalnızca Windows)</p> Search all open databases @@ -767,7 +783,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Sanal tuş takımını kullan (yalnız Windows)</p> Use Virtual Keyboard - Sanal tuş takımını kullan + Sanal klavyeyi kullan @@ -1002,7 +1018,7 @@ Bu işlem, var olan tarayıcı bağlantılarınızın korunması için gereklidi Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. - Yalnız aynı bağlantıya uygun (http://, https://, …) sonuçlar döndürülür. + Yalnızca aynı bağlantıya uygun (http://, https://, …) sonuçlar döndürülür. Match URL scheme (e.g., @@ -1010,11 +1026,11 @@ Bu işlem, var olan tarayıcı bağlantılarınızın korunması için gereklidi Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. - Etki alanındaki tüm kayıtlar yerine yalnız belirli bir adrese uygun olan kayıtları döndürür. + Etki alanındaki tüm kayıtlar yerine yalnızca belirli bir adrese uygun olan kayıtları döndürür. Return only best-matching credentials - Yalnız en uygun kimlik bilgileri döndürülsün + Yalnızca en uygun kimlik bilgileri döndürülsün Returns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title. @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Yedek veritabanının konumu %2 Key File: Anahtar dosyası: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>Veritabanınızın güvenliğini artırmak için parolaya ek olarak gizli bir dosya kullanabilirsiniz. Bu dosyayı veritabanınızın güvenlik ayarları bölümünden oluşturulabilirsiniz.</p><p>Bu dosya, *.kdbx veritabanı dosyanızdan <strong>farklıdır</strong>. Bir anahtar dosyanız yoksa bu alanı boş bırakın.<p>Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için tıklayın…</p> - Key file help Anahtar dosyası yardımı @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Yedek veritabanının konumu %2 Hardware Key: Donanımsal anahtar: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p> <strong>YubiKey</strong> ya da <strong>OnlyKey</strong> gibi donanımsal güvenlik anahtarlarını HMAC-SHA1 için ayarlanmış yuvalarda kullanabilirsiniz.</p> -<p>Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için tıklayın…</p> - Hardware key help Donanımsal anahtar yardımı @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ Bir anahtar dosyanız yoksa, lütfen alanı boş bırakın. Select hardware key… Donanımsal anahtarı seçin… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Veritabanınızın güvenliğini artırmak için parolaya ek olarak gizli bir dosya kullanabilirsiniz. Bu dosyayı veritabanınızın güvenlik ayarları bölümünden oluşturulabilirsiniz.</p><p>Bu dosya, *.kdbx veritabanı dosyanızdan <strong>farklıdır</strong>. Bir anahtar dosyanız yoksa bu alanı boş bırakın.<p>Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için tıklayın…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p> <strong>YubiKey</strong> ya da <strong>OnlyKey</strong> gibi donanımsal güvenlik anahtarlarını HMAC-SHA1 için ayarlanmış yuvalarda kullanabilirsiniz.</p> +<p>Ayrıntılı bilgi almak için tıklayın…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1773,7 +1789,7 @@ Bu işlem tarayıcı uzantısıyla uyumluluğu korumak için gereklidir.Do you really want refresh the database ID? This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser extension cannot connect. Veritabanı kimliğini yenilemek istediğiniz emin misiniz? -Bu işlem yalnız veritabanınız başka bir veritabanının kopyası ise ve tarayıcı uzantısı bağlanmtı kuramıyorsa gerekir. +Bu işlem yalnızca veritabanınız başka bir veritabanının kopyası ise ve tarayıcı uzantısı bağlanmtı kuramıyorsa gerekir. @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ Bu kesinlikle bir uygulama hatasıdır. Lütfen geliştiricilere bildirin.Database tab name modifier %1 [Kilitli] + + Export database to XML file + Veritabanını XML dosyasına aktar + + + XML file + XML dosyası + + + Writing the XML file failed + XML dosyası yazılamadı + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - Veritabanı etiketleri - Searching… Aranıyor… @@ -2420,6 +2444,22 @@ Güvenli kaydetme devre dışı bırakılarak yeniden denensin mi? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) %1 gün içinde süresi geçecek kayıtlar%1 gün içinde süresi geçecek kayıtlar + + Searches and Tags + Aramalar ve etiketler + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Eşsiz bir ad yazın ya da listede var olan bir aramayı değiştirin: + + + Save + Kaydet + + + Save Search + Aramayı kaydet + EditEntryWidget @@ -2754,11 +2794,11 @@ Düzeltmek ister misiniz? Only send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, normal login forms will not show this entry for selection. - Bu ayar tarayıcıya yalnız HRRP Auth pencereleri için gönderilir. Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, bu kayıt normal oturum açma formlarında seçilmek üzere görüntülenmez. + Bu ayar tarayıcıya yalnızca HRRP Auth pencereleri için gönderilir. Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, bu kayıt normal oturum açma formlarında seçilmek üzere görüntülenmez. Use this entry only with HTTP Basic Auth - Bu kayıt yalnız HTTP temel kimlik doğrulaması ile kullanılsın + Bu kayıt yalnızca HTTP temel kimlik doğrulaması ile kullanılsın Do not send this setting to the browser for HTTP Auth dialogs. If enabled, HTTP Auth dialogs will not show this entry for selection. @@ -3082,7 +3122,7 @@ Düzeltmek ister misiniz? Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - Bu grup ve alt gruplarında yalnız HTTP kimlik doğrulaması kullanılır + Bu grup ve alt gruplarında yalnızca HTTP kimlik doğrulaması kullanılır Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: @@ -3092,12 +3132,20 @@ Düzeltmek ister misiniz? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups Bu grup ve alt gruplarında HTTP kimlik doğrulaması kullanılmaz + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + WWW alt etki alanı eşleşmeye katılmasın: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Bu alt grupları için WWW alt etki alanının eşleşmeye katılma durumunu değiştirir + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare Sharing mode field - Paylaşma kipi alanı + Paylaşım kipi alanı Password field @@ -3306,7 +3354,7 @@ Desteklenen uzantılar: %1. Apply to this group only - Yalnız bu gruba uygula + Yalnızca bu gruba uygula Also apply to child groups @@ -3897,6 +3945,10 @@ Hata: %1 Disabled Devre dışı + + Double click to copy value + Değeri kopyalamak için çift tıklayın + EntryURLModel @@ -4163,7 +4215,7 @@ Uygulama ayarlarındaki güvenlik bölümünden DuckDuckGo web sitesi simge hizm Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 - Soru-yanıt gönderilemedi: %1 + Soru/yanıt gönderilemedi: %1 Invalid credentials were provided, please try again. @@ -4197,7 +4249,7 @@ Bu sorunla yeniden karşılaşırsanız, veritabanı dosyası bozulmuş olabilir Unable to issue challenge-response: %1 - Soru-yanıt gönderilemedi: %1 + Soru/yanıt gönderilemedi: %1 Unable to calculate database key @@ -4656,7 +4708,7 @@ Bu sorunla yeniden karşılaşırsanız, veritabanı dosyası bozulmuş olabilir Invalid group field type number - Grup alanı türünün numarası geçersiz + Grup alanı türü numarası geçersiz Invalid group field size @@ -4668,31 +4720,31 @@ Bu sorunla yeniden karşılaşırsanız, veritabanı dosyası bozulmuş olabilir Incorrect group id field size - Grup kodu alanının boyutu hatalı + Grup kodu alanının boyutu uygunsuz Incorrect group creation time field size - Grup oluşturulma zamanı alanının boyutu hatalı + Grup oluşturulma zamanı alanının boyutu uygunsuz Incorrect group modification time field size - Grup değiştirilme zamanı alanının boyutu hatalı + Grup değiştirilme zamanı alanının boyutu uygunsuz Incorrect group access time field size - Grup erişilme zamanı alanının boyutu hatalı + Grup erişilme zamanı alanının boyutu uygunsuz Incorrect group expiry time field size - Grup geçerlilik sonu alanının boyutu hatalı + Grup geçerlilik sonu alanının boyutu uygunsuz Incorrect group icon field size - Grup simge alanının boyutu geçersiz + Grup simge alanının boyutu uygunsuz Incorrect group level field size - Grup düzey alanının boyutu geçersiz + Grup düzey alanının boyutu uygunsuz Invalid group field type @@ -4704,7 +4756,7 @@ Bu sorunla yeniden karşılaşırsanız, veritabanı dosyası bozulmuş olabilir Missing entry field type number - Kayıt alanının türü numarası eksik + Kayıt alanı türü numarası eksik Invalid entry field size @@ -5267,7 +5319,7 @@ Bu dosyayı kullanarak ilerlemek istediğinize emin misiniz? &Keyboard Shortcuts - &Tuş takımı kısayolları + &Klavye kısayolları Save Database Backup… @@ -5354,7 +5406,7 @@ Bazı hatalar ve küçük sorunlarla karşılaşabilirsiniz. Bu sürüm deneme a WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. - UYARI: Kullandığınız Qt sürümü KeePassXC ekran tuş takımının çökmesine neden olabilir. + UYARI: Kullandığınız Qt sürümü KeePassXC ekran klavyesinin çökmesine neden olabilir. KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir. @@ -5397,6 +5449,30 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.< You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Bu ayarın etkin olması için uygulamayı yeniden başlatmalısınız. Şimdi yeniden başlatmak ister misiniz ? + + Tags + Etiketler + + + No Tags + Herhangi bir etiket yok + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 kayıt%1 kayıt + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Parola ve tek kullanımlık parolayı kopyala + + + &XML File… + &XML dosyası… + + + XML File… + XML dosyası… + ManageDatabase @@ -5550,7 +5626,7 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.< A set of credentials known only to you that protects your database. - Veritabanınızı koruyan, yalnız sizin bildiğiniz kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kümesi + Veritabanınızı koruyan, yalnızca sizin bildiğiniz kimlik doğrulama bilgileri kümesi @@ -5768,29 +5844,6 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.< Kişisel anahtar yazılırken dosya beklenmedik şekilde sonlandı - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Parola ile onayı aynı değil - - - Passwords match so far - Parola ile onayı şimdilik aynı - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Parolayı görüntüle/gizle (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Parola oluştur (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Uyarı: Büyük harf kilidine basılmış! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5969,10 +6022,6 @@ KeePassXC indirme sayfasında bulunan AppImage paketini kullanmanız önerilir.< Also choose from: Aynı şuradan seçilsin: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Katılmayacak karakterler: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Benzer görünen karakterler katılmasın @@ -6123,6 +6172,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Çok zor + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Katılmayacak karakterler: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Parola ile onayı aynı değil + + + Passwords match so far + Parola ile onayı şimdilik aynı + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Parolayı görüntüle/gizle (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Parola oluştur (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Uyarı: Büyük harf kilidine basılmış! + + + Quality: %1 + Kalite: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Çok kolay + + + Weak + Password quality + Kolay + + + Good + Password quality + Zor + + + Excellent + Password quality + Çok zor + PickcharsDialog @@ -6214,7 +6314,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Incorrect action - Hatalı işlem + Uygunsuz işlem Empty message received @@ -6471,7 +6571,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. - Yalnız bir kayıt ile eşleşmelidir. Yoksa olası eşleşmelerin listesi görüntülenir. + Yalnızca bir kayıt ile eşleşmelidir. Yoksa olası eşleşmelerin listesi görüntülenir. Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. @@ -6650,12 +6750,12 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Wordlist for the diceware generator. [Default: EFF English] - Diceware oluşturucu için sözcük listesi. + Diceware üreteci için sözcük listesi. [Varsayılan: EFF İngilizce] Generate a new random diceware passphrase. - Yeni bir rastgele diceware parolası oluştur. + Yeni bir rastgele Diceware parolası oluştur. Invalid word count %1 @@ -7471,7 +7571,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Cipher not initialized prior to use. - Şifre kullanmadan önce hazırlanmadı. + Şifre kullanılmadan önce hazırlanamadı. Cannot process 0 length data. @@ -7741,6 +7841,64 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. Lütfen, ilerlemek için YubiKey anahtarını takın ya da üzerindeki düğmeye dokunun. + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Kaydın tüm özniteliklerini görüntüler. + + + Edit a database. + Bir veritabanını düzenle. + + + Could not change the database key. + Veritabanı anahtarı değiştirilemedi. + + + Database was not modified. + Veritabanı değiştirilmedi. + + + Successfully edited the database. + Veritabanı düzenlendi. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Yeni anahtar dosyası yüklenemedi: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Veritabanının parolasını kaldır. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Veritabanının anahtar dosyasını kaldır. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + %1 ve %2 aynı anda kullanılamaz. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Bir veritabanındaki tüm anahtarlar kaldırılamaz. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Parola kaldırılamadı. Veritabanının bir parolası yok. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Dosya anahtarı kaldırılamadı. Veritabanının bir dosya anahtarı yok. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Beklenmeyen %1 anahtar türü bulundu + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Veritabanının anahtar dosyasını ayarla. +Bu seçenekler kullanımdan kaldırıldı. yerine --set-key-file kullanın. + QtIOCompressor @@ -7784,11 +7942,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Show only entries which have URL set - Yalnız adresi olan kayıtlar görüntülensin + Yalnızca adresi olan kayıtlar görüntülensin Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data - Yalnız özel verilerinde tarayıcı ayarları olan kayıtlar görüntülensin + Yalnızca özel verilerinde tarayıcı ayarları olan kayıtlar görüntülensin Double-click entries to edit. @@ -7945,7 +8103,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetHibp CAUTION: This report requires sending information to the Have I Been Pwned online service ( If you proceed, your database passwords will be cryptographically hashed and the first five characters of those hashes will be sent securely to this service. Your database remains secure and cannot be reconstituted from this information. However, the number of passwords you send and your IP address will be exposed to this service. - UYARI: Bu rapor için "Have I Been Pwned" çevrimiçi hizmetine ( bilgi gönderilmesi gerekir. İlerlediğinizde, veritabanı parolalarınız şifreli olarak karıştırılır ve bu karmanın ilk beş karakteri güvenli olarak bu hizmete gönderilir. Veritabanınız güvende kalır ve gönderilen bilgiler ile yeniden oluşturulamaz. Yalnız, gönderdiğiniz parolaların sayısı ve IP adresiniz bu hizmete bildirilir. + UYARI: Bu rapor için "Have I Been Pwned" çevrimiçi hizmetine ( bilgi gönderilmesi gerekir. İlerlediğinizde, veritabanı parolalarınız şifreli olarak karıştırılır ve bu karmanın ilk beş karakteri güvenli olarak bu hizmete gönderilir. Veritabanınız güvende kalır ve gönderilen bilgiler ile yeniden oluşturulamaz. Yalnızca, gönderdiğiniz parolaların sayısı ve IP adresiniz bu hizmete bildirilir. Perform Online Analysis @@ -8288,6 +8446,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Arama seçilmiş grupla sınırlansın + + Save Search + Aramayı kaydet + SettingsClientModel @@ -8343,7 +8505,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p>Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, herhangi bir parola okuma girişimi onaylanmalıdır. Yoksa, veritabanı kilidi açıldığında uygulamalar parolaları onay almadan okuyabilir.</p><p>Bu seçenek yalnız bir kaydın parolasına erişim iznini kapsar. Uygualamalar her zaman açıkta kalan veritabanlarının ögelerini öğrenebilir ve özniteliklerini sorgulayabilir.</p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p>Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, herhangi bir parola okuma girişimi onaylanmalıdır. Yoksa, veritabanı kilidi açıldığında uygulamalar parolaları onay almadan okuyabilir.</p><p>Bu seçenek yalnızca bir kaydın parolasına erişim iznini kapsar. Uygualamalar her zaman açıkta kalan veritabanlarının ögelerini öğrenebilir ve özniteliklerini sorgulayabilir.</p></body></html> Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients @@ -8426,7 +8588,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Only show warnings and errors - Yalnız uyarılar ve hatalar görüntülensin + Yalnızca uyarılar ve hatalar görüntülensin Own certificate @@ -8508,10 +8670,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - Tümü - Expired Süresi geçmiş @@ -8520,6 +8678,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords Kolay parolalar + + All Entries + Tüm kayıtlar + + + Clear Search + Aramayı temizle + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Aramayı sil + + + Remove Tag + Etiketi sil + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Etiketi silmeyi onayla + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + "%1" etiketini bu veritabanındaki tüm kayıtlardan silmek istediğinize emin misiniz? + TotpDialog @@ -8780,31 +8965,31 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Selected hardware key slot does not support challenge-response! - Seçilmiş donanımsal anahtar yuvası soru-yanıt özelliğini desteklemiyor! + Seçilmiş donanımsal anahtar yuvası soru/yanıt özelliğini desteklemiyor! Challenge-Response - Soru-yanıt + Soru/yanıt Add Challenge-Response - Soru-yanıt ekle + Soru/yanıt ekle Change Challenge-Response - Soru-yanıtı değiştir + Soru/yanıtı değiştir Remove Challenge-Response - Soru-yanıtı kaldır + Soru/yanıtı kaldır Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove - Soru-yanıt ayarlandı. Değiştirmek ya da kaldırmak için tıklayın + Soru/yanıt ayarlandı. Değiştirmek ya da kaldırmak için tıklayın <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> - <p>Bir <a href="">YubiKey</a> ya da <a href="">OnlyKey</a> aygıtınız varsa, ek güvenlik sağlamak için kullanabilirsiniz.</p><p>Anahtar yuvalarından birinin <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Soru-Yanıt</a> olarak programlanması gerekir.</p> + <p>Bir <a href="">YubiKey</a> ya da <a href="">OnlyKey</a> aygıtınız varsa, ek güvenlik sağlamak için kullanabilirsiniz.</p><p>Anahtar yuvalarından birinin <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 soru/yanıt</a> olarak programlanması gerekir.</p> Detecting hardware keys… @@ -8826,7 +9011,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP YubiKeyInterfacePCSC (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - (PCSC) %1 [%2] soru-yanıt - %3. yuva + (PCSC) %1 [%2] soru/yanıt - %3. yuva The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. @@ -8850,7 +9035,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 - Bir soru-yanıt tamamlanamadı. PCSC hata kodu: %1 + Bir soru/yanıt tamamlanamadı. PCSC hata kodu: %1 @@ -8865,7 +9050,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 - (USB) %1 [%2] soru-yanıt - %3. yuva - %4 + (USB) %1 [%2] soru/yanıt - %3. yuva - %4 Press @@ -8899,7 +9084,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 - Soru-yanıt tamamlanamadı. Oluşan hata: %1 + Soru/yanıt tamamlanamadı. Oluşan hata: %1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts index 2f39cb5a3..b90e8741b 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_uk.ts @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ Project Maintainers: - Супровідники проекту: + Супровідники проєкту: Special thanks from the KeePassXC team go to debfx for creating the original KeePassX. - Команда KeePassXC щиро дякує debfx за створення первісної версії KeePassX. + Команда KeePassXC щиро дякує debfx за створення оригінальної версії KeePassX. Contributors - Спільнота + Помічники <a href="">See Contributions on GitHub</a> @@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ Copy to clipboard - Скопіювати в кишеню + Копіювати в буфер обміну AccessControlDialog KeePassXC - Access Request - KeePassXC - Запит Доступу + KeePassXC - Запит доступу Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - + Відсутній або недоступний шлях до виконуваного файлу. Переконайтеся, що ви користуєтеся оригінальним клієнтом. <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">%1 </span>is requesting access to the following entries:</p></body></html> @@ -67,19 +67,19 @@ PID - + PID Executable - + Виконуваний файл Command Line - Командна строка + Командний рядок Details - Деталі + Подробиці Remember @@ -87,26 +87,26 @@ Allow Selected - Дозволити обрані + Дозволити вибрані Your decision will be remembered for the duration while both the requesting client AND KeePassXC are running. - + Ваше рішення зберігатиметься поки клієнт, що виконує запит і KeePassXC запущені. Deny All && Future - + Заборонити всі && майбутні Allow All && &Future - + Дозволити всі && &майбутні AccessControlDialog::DenyButton Deny for this program - Відхилити для цієї програми + Заборонити для цієї програми @@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ Use Pageant - + Використовувати Pageant Use OpenSSH - + Використовувати OpenSSH SSH_AUTH_SOCK override @@ -141,30 +141,30 @@ SSH_SK_PROVIDER override - + перевизначення SSH_SK_PROVIDER No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. - Немає доступних гнізд для SSH Agent. Або переконайтеся, що змінна оточення SSH_AUTH_SOCK існує, або вкажіть перевизначення для неї. + Немає доступних сокетів для SSH Agent. Або переконайтеся, що змінна оточення SSH_AUTH_SOCK існує, або вкажіть перевизначення для неї. SSH Agent connection is working! - З'єднання з SSH Agent працює! + З'єднання з SSH Agent активне! Use both agents - + Використовувати обидва агенти ApplicationSettingsWidget Application Settings - Налаштування застосунку + Налаштування програми General - Загальне + Загальні Security @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Icon only - Лише значок + Лише піктограма Text only @@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ Text beside icon - Текст поруч із значком + Текст поруч із піктограмою Text under icon - Текст під значком + Текст під піктограмою Follow style @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ You must restart the application to set the new language. Would you like to restart now? - Ви мусите перезапустити програму, щоб встановити іншу мову. Бажаєте перезапустити зараз? + Для встановлення нової мови необхідно перезапустити програму. Бажаєте перезапустити зараз? Reset Settings? @@ -220,18 +220,22 @@ Are you sure you want to reset all general and security settings to default? - Ви дійсно бажаєте повністю скинути налаштування і повернутись до стандартних параметрів? + Ви дійсно хочете відновити всі типові налаштування програми? Select backup storage directory - + Виберіть каталог для резервного копіювання + + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + Це налаштування не можна увімкнути, якщо увімкнено згортання чи розблокування. ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral Basic Settings - Базове налаштування + Загальні налаштування Startup @@ -243,31 +247,31 @@ Automatically launch KeePassXC at system startup - Автоматично запускати KeePassXC під час завантаженні системи + Автоматично запускати KeePassXC під час запуску системи Minimize window at application startup - Згортати вікно після запуску застосунку + Згортати вікно після запуску програми Minimize window after unlocking database - Згортати вікно після розблокування сховища + Згортати вікно після розблокування бази даних Remember previously used databases - Пам'ятати раніше використані сховища + Пам'ятати попередні бази даних Load previously open databases on startup - Завантажувати попередньо відкриті сховища під час запуску + Завантажувати раніше відкриті бази даних під час запуску Remember database key files and security dongles - Пам'ятати файлові ключі та апаратні ключі для сховища + Пам'ятати ключові файли та апаратні ключі бази даних Check for updates at application startup once per week - Перевіряти наявність оновлень щотижня під час запуску застосунку + Перевіряти наявність оновлень щотижня під час запуску програми Include beta releases when checking for updates @@ -275,22 +279,22 @@ On database unlock, show entries that - + При розблокуванні бази даних показати записи, які have expired On database unlock, show entries that... - + протерміновані days On database unlock, show entries that will expire within %1 days - + дні will expire within On database unlock, show entries that... - + термін дії завершиться через File Management @@ -302,47 +306,47 @@ Automatically save when locking database - Автоматично зберігати сховище перед блокуванням + Автоматично зберігати під час блокування бази даних Automatically save non-data changes when locking database - Автоматично зберігати зміни, що не стосуються даних, перед блокуванням сховища + Автоматично зберігати зміни, що не стосуються даних, перед блокуванням бази даних Automatically reload the database when modified externally - Автоматично перезавантажувати сховище після зовнішніх змін + Автоматично перезавантажувати базу даних після зовнішніх змін Backup database file before saving - Створювати резервну копію сховища перед збереженням + Створювати резервну копію бази даних перед збереженням Backup destination - + Шлях резервного копіювання Specifies the database backup file location. Occurrences of "{DB_FILENAME}" are replaced with the filename of the saved database without extension. {TIME:<format>} is replaced with the backup time, see <format> defaults to format string "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". - + Вказує розташування файлу резервної копії бази даних. Входження "{DB_FILENAME}" замінюються назвою файлу збереженої бази даних без розширення файлу. {TIME:<format>} замінюється часом резервної копії. Перегляньте <format> типові значення рядка формату "dd_MM_yyyy_hh-mm-ss". {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx - + {DB_FILENAME}.old.kdbx Choose... - + Обрати... Use alternative saving method (may solve problems with Dropbox, Google Drive, GVFS, etc.) - + Використовувати альтернативний спосіб збереження (може розв'язати проблеми з Dropbox, Google Диском, GVFS та ін.) Temporary file moved into place - + Тимчасовий файл переміщено на місце Directly write to database file (dangerous) - + Прямий запис у файл бази даних (небезпечно) Entry Management @@ -350,7 +354,7 @@ Use group icon on entry creation - Використовувати для нових записів значок групи + Використовувати для нових записів піктограму групи Minimize when opening a URL @@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ Hide window when copying to clipboard - Ховати вікно після копіювання у кишеню + Ховати вікно після копіювання в буфер обміну Minimize @@ -366,7 +370,7 @@ Drop to background - Пересунути на задній план + Перемістити на задній план Favicon download timeout: @@ -374,12 +378,12 @@ Website icon download timeout in seconds - Ліміт часу в секундах для завантаження значка сайту + Ліміт часу в секундах для завантаження піктограми сайту sec Seconds - сек + с User Interface @@ -387,7 +391,7 @@ Toolbar button style - Стиль кнопки для панелі інструментів + Стиль кнопок панелі інструментів Movable toolbar @@ -415,27 +419,27 @@ Minimize instead of app exit - Згортати вікно замість закриття + Згортати вікно замість виходу з програми Show a system tray icon - Показувати значок у системному лотку + Показувати піктограму в системному лотку Tray icon type - Варіант значка в лотку + Варіант піктограми в лотку Tray icon type: - Варіант значка в лотку: + Варіант пікограми в лотку: Hide window to system tray when minimized - Після згортання ховати вікно в системний лоток + Ховати вікно в системний лоток після згортання Reset settings to default… - Скинути параметри до типових... + Скинути налаштування до типових… Auto-Type @@ -443,23 +447,23 @@ Use entry title to match windows for global Auto-Type - Використовувати заголовок запису для знаходження відповідного вікна у глобальному автозаповненні + Використовувати заголовок запису для знаходження відповідного вікна під час глобального автозаповнення Use entry URL to match windows for global Auto-Type - Використовувати URL запису для знаходження відповідного вікна у глобальному автозаповненні + Використовувати URL-адресу запису для знаходження відповідного вікна під час глобального автозаповнення Always ask before performing Auto-Type - Завжди питати перед автозаповненням + Завжди запитувати перед застосуванням автозаповнення Hide expired entries from Auto-Type - Не використовувати знечинені записи для автозаповнення + Приховати протерміновані записи для автозаповнення Re-lock previously locked database after performing Auto-Type - Блокувати попередньо заблоковане сховище після завершення автозаповнення + Блокувати попередньо заблоковану базу даних після виконання автозаповнення Auto-Type start delay: @@ -467,7 +471,7 @@ Global Auto-Type shortcut: - Глобальне сполучення клавіш для автозаповнення: + Глобальна комбінація клавіш для автозаповнення: Auto-type start delay milliseconds @@ -480,19 +484,27 @@ Auto-Type typing delay: - Затримка вводження символів під час автозаповнення: + Затримка введення під час автозаповнення: Global auto-type shortcut - Глобальне сполучення клавіш для автозаповнення + Глобальна комбінація клавіш для автозаповнення Auto-type character typing delay milliseconds - Затримка в мілісекундах перед вводженням символів під час автозаповнення + Затримка в мілісекундах перед введенням символів під час автозаповнення Remember last typed entry for: - + Пам'ятати останній введений запис для: + + + recent files + недавні файли + + + Show passwords in color + Кольорові символи паролів @@ -503,16 +515,16 @@ Database lock timeout seconds - Блокування сховища за часом в секундах + Час очікування блокування бази даних у секундах sec Seconds - сек + с Clear clipboard after - Очищати кишеню через + Очищати буфер обміну через Clear search query after @@ -521,15 +533,15 @@ min Minutes - хвилин + хв Clipboard clear seconds - Очищати кишеню через стільки секунд + Очищати буфер обміну через стільки секунд Lock databases after inactivity of - Блокувати сховища, неактивні протягом + Блокувати бази даних за неактивності Convenience @@ -537,15 +549,15 @@ Enable database quick unlock (Touch ID / Windows Hello) - + Увімкнути швидке розблокування бази даних (Touch ID / Windows Hello) Lock databases when session is locked or lid is closed - Блокувати сховища після блокування сесії або закриття кришки пристрою + Блокувати бази даних під час блокування системи Lock databases after minimizing the window - Блокувати сховища після згортання вікна + Блокувати бази даних після згортання вікна Require password repeat when it is visible @@ -557,23 +569,23 @@ Use placeholder for empty password fields - Показувати текст-заповнювач для порожніх полів паролів + Використовувати текст-заповнювач для порожніх полів паролів Hide passwords in the entry preview panel - Приховувати паролі у панелі передперегляду запису + Приховувати паролі на панелі перегляду запису Hide entry notes by default - Типово приховувати нотатки до запису + Типово приховувати нотатки запису Move entries to recycle bin without confirmation - Переміщати записи в смітник без підтвердження + Переміщати записи до смітника без підтвердження Enable double click to copy the username/password entry columns - + Увімкнути подвійний клік, щоб скопіювати імʼя користувача/пароль Privacy @@ -581,18 +593,18 @@ Use DuckDuckGo service to download website icons - Використовувати сервіс DuckDuckGo для завантаження значків сайтів + Використовувати DuckDuckGo для завантаження піктограм сайтів AutoType The requested Auto-Type sequence cannot be used due to an error: - + Неможливо використати запитану послідовність автозаповнення, у зв'язку з помилкою: Auto-Type Error - + Помилка автозаповнення Permission Required @@ -600,48 +612,53 @@ KeePassXC requires the Accessibility permission in order to perform entry level Auto-Type. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. - KeePassXC потребує дозволу на доступність для виконання автозаповнення на рівні записів. Якщо Ви вже надали цей дозвіл, можливо Вам необхідно перезапустити KeePassXC. + Для виконання автозаповнення на рівні запису KeePassXC потребує дозволу на доступність. Якщо ви вже надали цей дозвіл, можливо, необхідно перезапустити KeePassXC. KeePassXC requires the Accessibility and Screen Recorder permission in order to perform global Auto-Type. Screen Recording is necessary to use the window title to find entries. If you already granted permission, you may have to restart KeePassXC. - KeePassXC потребує дозволу на доступність і запис екрану для виконання глобального автозаповнення. Запис екрану необхідний, щоб виявити зоголовок вікна для пошуку записів. Якщо Ви вже надали цей дозвіл, можливо Вам необхідно перезапустити KeePassXC. + Для виконання глобального автозаповнення KeePassXC потребує дозволу на доступність і запис екрана. Запис екрана необхідний, щоб використовувати заголовок вікна для пошуку записів. Якщо ви вже надали ці дозволи, можливо, необхідно перезапустити KeePassXC. Invalid entry provided - + Надано недійсний запис Bracket imbalance detected, found extra { or } - + Виявлено невідповідність дужок: зайва { or } Too many repetitions detected, max is %1: %2 - + Виявлено забагато повторень. Максимум %1: %2 Very slow key press detected, max is %1: %2 - + Виявлено надто повільне натискання клавіш. Максимум %1: %2 Very long delay detected, max is %1: %2 - + Виявлено надто довгу затримку. Максимум %1: %2 Invalid conversion type: %1 - + Неприпустимий тип перетворення: %1 Invalid conversion syntax: %1 - + Неприпустимий синтаксис перетворення: %1 Invalid regular expression syntax %1 %2 - + Неприпустимий синтаксис регулярного виразу %1 +%2 Invalid placeholder: %1 - + Неприпустимий заповнювач: %1 + + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + Запис не має атрибуту для PICKCHARS: %1 @@ -686,19 +703,19 @@ AutoTypePlatformX11 Trying to send invalid keysym. - + Спроба відправити недійсний keysym. Sequence aborted: Caps Lock is on - + Послідовність перервано: Caps Lock увімкнено Sequence aborted: Modifier keys held by user - + Послідовність перервано: Функціональні клавіші утримуються користувачем Unable to get valid keycode for key: - + Не вдається отримати дійсний код ключа: @@ -709,7 +726,7 @@ Double click a row to perform Auto-Type or find an entry using the search: - + Двічі натисніть на рядок, щоб виконати автозаповнення, або знайдіть запис, скориставшись пошуком: <p>You can use advanced search queries to find any entry in your open databases. The following shortcuts are useful:<br/> @@ -718,19 +735,24 @@ Ctrl+1 - Type username<br/> Ctrl+2 - Type password<br/> Ctrl+3 - Type TOTP<br/> Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> - + <p>Можна користуватися розширеними можливостями пошуку для знаходження будь-якого запису відкритих баз даних. Для цього корисні такі комбінації клавіш:<br/> +Ctrl+F - Перемкнути пошук бази даних<br/> +Ctrl+1 - Ввести ім'я користувача<br/> +Ctrl+2 - Ввести пароль<br/> +Ctrl+3 - Ввести TOTP<br/> +Ctrl+4 - Використати віртуальну клавіатуру (тільки Windows)</p> Search all open databases - + Шукати в усіх відкритих базах даних Search… - + Пошук… Type Sequence - + Послідовність заповнення Cancel @@ -738,31 +760,31 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Type {USERNAME} - + Заповнити {USERNAME} Type {PASSWORD} - + Заповнити {PASSWORD} Type {TOTP} - + Заповнити {TOTP} Copy Username - + Копіювати ім'я користувача Copy Password - + Копіювати пароль Copy TOTP - + Копіювати TOTP Use Virtual Keyboard - + Віртуальна клавіатура @@ -789,11 +811,11 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> Allow Selected - Дозволити обрані + Дозволити вибране Deny All - Заборонити всі + Заборонити все Disable for this site @@ -804,7 +826,7 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> BrowserEntrySaveDialog KeePassXC-Browser Save Entry - KeePassXC-Browser Збереження запису + Зберегти запис KeePassXC-Browser Ok @@ -817,8 +839,8 @@ Ctrl+4 - Use Virtual Keyboard (Windows Only)</p> You have multiple databases open. Please select the correct database for saving credentials. - У вас відкрито декілька сховищ. -Будь ласка, оберіть правильне сховище для збереження реєстраційних даних. + У вас відкрито декілька баз даних. +Оберіть правильну базу даних для збереження облікових даних. @@ -831,13 +853,13 @@ Please select the correct database for saving credentials. A request for creating a new group "%1" has been received. Do you want to create this group? - Отримано запит для створення нової групи "%1". + Отримано запит на створення нової групи "%1". Ви хочете створити цю групу? KeePassXC: New key association request - KeePassXC: новий запит на прив'язку ключа + KeePassXC: новий запит на асоціацію ключа You have received an association request for the following database: @@ -845,47 +867,49 @@ Do you want to create this group? Give the connection a unique name or ID, for example: chrome-laptop. - Ви одержали запит на сполучення з таким сховищем: + Ви отримали запит асоціації для такої бази даних: %1 -Надайте сполученню унікальну назву або ідентифікатор, наприклад: -chrome-на-ноутбуці. +Надайте асоціації унікальну назву або ідентифікатор, наприклад: +chrome-ноутбук. Save and allow access - Зберегти і дозволити доступ + Зберегти та дозволити доступ KeePassXC: Overwrite existing key? - KeePassXC: перезаписати наявний ключ? + KeePassXC: Перезаписати наявний ключ? A shared encryption key with the name "%1" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? - Спільний ключ шифрування з назвою «%1» вже існує. -Перезаписати його? + Спільний ключ шифрування з назвою "%1" вже існує. +Хочете його перезаписати? KeePassXC: Update Entry - KeePassXC: оновити запис + KeePassXC: Оновити запис Do you want to update the information in %1 - %2? - Бажаєте оновити інформацію у %1 – %2? + Хочете оновити інформацію в %1 - %2? KeePassXC: Delete entry - + KeePassXC: Видалити запис A request for deleting entry "%1" has been received. Do you want to delete the entry? - + Отримано запит на видалення запису "%1". +Ви хочете видалити запис? + Converting attributes to custom data… - Перетворення ознак на користувацькі дані… + Конвертування атрибутів на користувацькі дані… Abort @@ -893,25 +917,25 @@ Do you want to delete the entry? KeePassXC: Converted KeePassHTTP attributes - KeePassXC: Ознаки KeePassHTTP перетворено + KeePassXC: Атрибути KeePassHTTP конвертовано Successfully converted attributes from %1 entry(s). Moved %2 keys to custom data. - Ознаки %1 запису(-ів) успішно перетворено. + Атрибути %1 запису(-ів) успішно конвертовано. %2 ключів переміщено до користувацьких даних. Successfully moved %n keys to custom data. - %n ключ успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних.%n ключа успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних.%n ключів успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних.%n ключів успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних. + %n ключ успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних.%n ключі успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних.%n ключів успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних.%n ключів успішно переміщено до користувацьких даних. KeePassXC: No entry with KeePassHTTP attributes found! - KeePassXC: Записів з ознаками KeePassHTTP не знайдено! + KeePassXC: Записів з атрибутами KeePassHTTP не знайдено! The active database does not contain an entry with KeePassHTTP attributes. - Поточне сховище не містить запису з ознаками KeePassHTTP. + Активна база даних не містить запису з атрибутами KeePassHTTP. Don't show this warning again @@ -919,15 +943,15 @@ Moved %2 keys to custom data. KeePassXC: Legacy browser integration settings detected - KeePassXC: знайдено застарілі параметри сполучення з переглядачами + KeePassXC: виявлено застарілі налаштування інтеграції з браузером Your KeePassXC-Browser settings need to be moved into the database settings. This is necessary to maintain your current browser connections. Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? - Потрібно перемістити Ваші параметри для KeePassXC-Browser до параметрів сховища. -Це необхідно для підтримання сполучень з Вашим поточним переглядачем. -Бажаєте перемістити параметри зараз? + Необхідно перемістити параметри для KeePassXC-Browser до налаштувань бази даних. +Це необхідно для підтримання активного зв'язку з вашим браузером. +Бажаєте перемістити наявні налаштування? @@ -938,11 +962,11 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? This is required for accessing your databases with KeePassXC-Browser - Це необхідно для надання KeePassXC-Browser доступу до Ваших сховищ + Це необхідно для надання KeePassXC-Browser доступу до ваших баз даних Enable browser integration - Увімкнути сполучення з переглядачами + Увімкнути інтеграцію з браузером General @@ -950,11 +974,11 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Browsers installed as snaps are currently not supported. - Підтримка переглядачів, встановлених через Snap, наразі не втілена. + Наразі не підтримуються браузери, встановлені як Snap. Enable integration for these browsers: - Увімкнути сполучення з такими переглядачами: + Увімкнути інтеграцію з такими браузерами: Vivaldi @@ -987,19 +1011,19 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Show a notification when credentials are requested Credentials mean login data requested via browser extension - Показувати повідомлення, коли надходить запит на реєстраційні дані + Показувати сповіщення під час отримання запиту облікових даних Request to unlock the database if it is locked - Запитувати щодо розблокування сховища, якщо воно заблоковане + Запитувати розблокування бази даних, якщо вона заблокована Only entries with the same scheme (http://, https://, …) are returned. - + Повертаються лише записи з однаковою схемою (http://, https://, …). Match URL scheme (e.g., - + Відповідність схеми URL (наприклад, Only returns the best matches for a specific URL instead of all entries for the whole domain. @@ -1011,7 +1035,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Returns expired credentials. String [expired] is added to the title. - Показує знечинені реєстраційні дані. Заголовок міститимить позначку [знечинені]. + Показує застарілі облікові дані. Заголовок міститиме позначку [протерміновано]. Allow returning expired credentials @@ -1063,7 +1087,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Updates KeePassXC or keepassxc-proxy binary path automatically to native messaging scripts on startup. - Автоматично оновлює шлях до сценаріїв власного обміну повідомленнями для KeePassXC або двійкового посередника KeePassXC під час запуску. + Автоматично оновлює шлях до сценаріїв власного обміну повідомленнями для KeePassXC або двійкового keepassxc-proxy під час запуску. Update native messaging manifest files at startup @@ -1071,25 +1095,25 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Use a custom proxy location if you installed a proxy manually. - Використовувати власне розташування посередника, якщо Ви встановили посередника вручну. + Використовувати власне розташування проксі, якщо ви встановили його вручну. Use a custom proxy location: Meant is the proxy for KeePassXC-Browser - Використовувати власне розташування посередника: + Використовувати власне розташування проксі: Custom proxy location field - Поле власного розташування посередника + Поле власного розташування проксі Browser for custom proxy file - Переглядач для файлу власного посередника + Браузер для файлу власного проксі Browse… Button for opening file dialog - + Огляд… Use a custom browser configuration location: @@ -1129,15 +1153,15 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? KeePassXC-Browser is needed for the browser integration to work. <br />Download it for %1 and %2 and %3. %4 - Для сполучення з переглядачем потрібен KeePassXC-Browser. <br />Заватнажити для %1 і %2 та %3. %4 + Щоб запрацювала інтеграція з браузером, необхідне розширення KeePassXC-Browser. <br />Завантажте його для %1, %2 та %3. %4 Please see special instructions for browser extension use below - Нижче Ви можете знайти довідку з використання для розширення переглядача + Нижче ви можете переглянути інструкцію для користування розширенням браузера <b>Error:</b> The custom proxy location cannot be found!<br/>Browser integration WILL NOT WORK without the proxy application. - <b>Помилка:</b> Не можливо знайти власного посередника за вказаним шляхом!<br/>Сполучення з переглядачем <b>не працюватиме</b> без посередницького застосунку. + <b>Помилка:</b> Неможливо знайти розташування власного проксі!<br/>Інтеграція з браузером НЕ ПРАЦЮВАТИМЕ без програми проксі. <b>Warning:</b> The following options can be dangerous! @@ -1153,7 +1177,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Select custom proxy location - Вибрати власне розташування посередника + Вибрати власне розташування проксі Select native messaging host folder location @@ -1164,7 +1188,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? CloneDialog Clone Entry Options - + Параметри клонування запису Append ' - Clone' to title @@ -1215,7 +1239,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? URL - URL + URL-адреса Notes @@ -1223,7 +1247,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? TOTP - ТОП + TOTP Created @@ -1235,7 +1259,7 @@ Would you like to migrate your existing settings now? Icon - Значок + Піктограма Encoding @@ -1387,7 +1411,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key not transformed. This is a bug, please report it to the developers. - + Ключ не перетворено. Це помилка. Будь ласка, повідомте про це розробників. Recycle Bin @@ -1423,10 +1447,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: Файловий ключ: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - - Key file help Довідка щодо файлового ключа @@ -1439,11 +1459,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: Апаратний ключ: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - - Hardware key help Довідка щодо апаратних ключів @@ -1458,7 +1473,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Browse… - + Огляд… Refresh hardware tokens @@ -1470,7 +1485,7 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock Database - + Розблокувати базу даних Cancel @@ -1478,15 +1493,15 @@ Backup database located at %2 Unlock - + Розблокувати Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - + Надайте свій YubiKey або торкніться до нього для продовження… Database Version Mismatch - + Версії бази даних відрізняються The database you are trying to open was most likely @@ -1496,15 +1511,21 @@ You can try to open it anyway, but it may be incomplete and saving any changes may incur data loss. We recommend you update your KeePassXC installation. - + База даних, яку ви намагаєтеся відкрити, ймовірно +створена новішою версією KeePassXC. + +Ви все одно можете спробувати відкрити її, але вона може бути +неповною, а збереження змін може спричинити втрату даних. + +Рекомендовано оновити встановлену версію KeePassXC. Open database anyway - + Все одно відкрити Database unlock canceled. - + Розблокування бази даних скасовано. Unlock failed and no password given @@ -1526,11 +1547,11 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S Failed to authenticate with Windows Hello - + Не вдалось авторизуватися з Windows Hello Failed to authenticate with Touch ID - + Не вдалось авторизуватися з Touch ID Failed to open key file: %1 @@ -1542,7 +1563,7 @@ To prevent this error from appearing, you must go to "Database Settings / S You are using an old key file format which KeePassXC may<br>stop supporting in the future.<br><br>Please consider generating a new key file by going to:<br><strong>Database &gt; Database Security &gt; Change Key File.</strong><br> - + Ви користуєтеся застарілим форматом ключового файлу, який KeePassXC може<br>припинити підтримувати в майбутньому.<br><br>Розгляньте можливість генерування нового ключового файлу в меню:<br><strong>База даних &gt; Безпека бази даних &gt; Змінити ключовий файл.</strong><br> Don't show this warning again @@ -1582,6 +1603,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… Вибрати ключ апаратного захисту... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Щоб вдосконалити безпеку бази даних, на додачу до пароля ви можете використовувати секретний файл. Такий файл можна згенерувати в налаштуваннях безпеки бази даних.</p><p>Це <strong>not</strong> ваш файл бази даних *.kdbx!<br>Якщо у вас немає ключового файлу, залиште це поле порожнім.</p><p>Натисніть для докладнішої інформації…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>Можна використовувати апаратний ключ безпеки, як-от <strong>YubiKey</strong> або <strong>OnlyKey</strong>, з налаштованими роз'ємами для HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Натисніть для докладнішої інформації…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -1614,11 +1645,11 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Browser Integration - Сполучення з переглядачем + Інтеграція з браузером Maintenance - + Обслуговування @@ -1629,11 +1660,11 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Convert KeePassHTTP data - + Конвертувати дані KeePassHTTP Convert legacy KeePassHTTP attributes to KeePassXC-Browser compatible custom data - + Конвертувати застарілі атрибути KeePassHTTP у користувацькі дані, сумісні з KeePassXC-Browser Refresh database root group ID @@ -1641,7 +1672,7 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Disconnect all browsers - Від'єднати від усіх переглядачів + Від'єднати всі браузери Forget all site-specific settings on entries @@ -1653,7 +1684,7 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Stored browser keys - Збережені ключі переглядачів + Збережені ключі браузерів Remove selected key @@ -1687,7 +1718,7 @@ This may prevent connection to the browser plugin. Enable Browser Integration to access these settings. - Увімкніть сполучення з переглядачем, щоб дістати доступ до цих параметрів. + Щоб отримати доступ до цих налаштувань, увімкніть інтеграцію з браузером. Do you really want to disconnect all browsers? @@ -1748,7 +1779,8 @@ Permissions to access entries will be revoked. Do you really want to convert all legacy browser integration data to the latest standard? This is necessary to maintain compatibility with the browser plugin. - + Ви дійсно хочете конвертувати всі застарілі дані інтеграції з браузером у найновіший стандарт? +Це необхідно для підтримки сумісності з плагіном браузера. Refresh database ID @@ -1765,7 +1797,7 @@ This is only necessary if your database is a copy of another and the browser ext DatabaseSettingsWidgetDatabaseKey Add additional protection… - + Додати розширений захист… No password set @@ -1832,11 +1864,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? Format cannot be changed: Your database uses KDBX 4 features - + Неможливо змінити формат: У вашій базі даних використовуються функції KDBX 4 Unless you need to open your database with other programs, always use the latest format. - + Якщо вам потрібно відкрити свою базу даних з використанням інших програм, завжди користуйтеся найновішим форматом. Encryption Algorithm: @@ -1888,11 +1920,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? KDBX 4 (recommended) - + KDBX 4 (рекомендовано) KDBX 3 - + KDBX 3 unchanged @@ -1908,7 +1940,9 @@ Are you sure you want to continue without a password? You are using a very high number of key transform rounds with Argon2. If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to open. - + Ви використовуєте дуже високе значення циклів перетворення ключа з Argon2. + +Якщо ви збережете це значення, відкриття вашої бази даних може тривати години, дні, чи навіть більше. Understood, keep number @@ -1927,7 +1961,9 @@ If you keep this number, your database may take hours, days, or even longer to o You are using a very low number of key transform rounds with AES-KDF. If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force attacks. - + Ви використовуєте дуже низьке значення циклів перетворення ключа з AES-KDF. + +Якщо ви збережете це значення, ваша база даних не буде захищена від атак грубого зламу. KDF unchanged @@ -1971,7 +2007,7 @@ If you keep this number, your database will not be protected from brute force at DatabaseSettingsWidgetGeneral Database Metadata - + Метадані бази даних Database name: @@ -2084,43 +2120,43 @@ This action is not reversible. DatabaseSettingsWidgetMaintenance Manage Custom Icons - + Керувати власними піктограмами Delete selected icon(s) - + Видалити вибрані піктограми Delete all custom icons not in use by any entry or group - + Видалити всі власні піктограми не використовувані жодним записом або групою Purge unused icons - + Вилучити невикористані піктограми Confirm Deletion - + Підтвердити видалення At least one of the selected icons is currently in use by at least one entry or group. The icons of all affected entries and groups will be replaced by the default icon. Are you sure you want to delete icons that are currently in use? - + Принаймні одна з вибраних піктограм використовується щонайменше одним записом або групою. Піктограми всіх пов'язаних записів і груп будуть замінені типовою піктограмою. Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити використовувані піктограми? Custom Icons Are In Use - + Власні піктограми використовуються All custom icons are in use by at least one entry or group. - + Усі власні піктограми використовуються принаймні в одному записі чи групі. Purged Unused Icons - + Невикористані піктограми вилучено Purged %n icon(s) from the database. - + З бази даних вилучено %n піктограму.З бази даних вилучено %n піктограми.З бази даних вилучено %n піктограм.З бази даних вилучено %n піктограм. @@ -2228,28 +2264,36 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [Заблоковане] + + Export database to XML file + Експортувати сховище до файлу XML + + + XML file + Файл XML + + + Writing the XML file failed + Не вдалося записати у файл XML + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - - Searching… - + Триває пошук… Shared group… - + Спільна група… Confirm Auto-Type - + Підтвердити автозаповнення Perform Auto-Type into the previously active window? - + Виконати автозаповнення в попередньому активному вікні? Execute command? @@ -2281,7 +2325,7 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Expired entries - + Протерміновані записи No current database. @@ -2399,7 +2443,23 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - + Термін дії запису завершується через %1 деньТермін дії запису завершується через %1 дніТермін дії запису завершується через %1 днівТермін дії запису завершується через %1 дні + + + Searches and Tags + Пошук та мітки + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + Введіть унікальну назву або перезапишіть наявний пошук зі списку: + + + Save + Зберегти + + + Save Search + Зберегти пошук @@ -2414,7 +2474,7 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Icon - Значок + Піктограма Auto-Type @@ -2422,7 +2482,7 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Browser Integration - Сполучення з переглядачем + Інтеграція з браузером <empty URL> @@ -2474,7 +2534,7 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Some Browser Integration settings are overridden by group settings. - + Деякі налаштування інтеграції з браузером перевизначені налаштуваннями групи. Invalid Entry @@ -2483,24 +2543,28 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? An external merge operation has invalidated this entry. Unfortunately, any changes made have been lost. - Зовнішня операція об'єднання знечинила цей запис. -На жаль, всі зміни загублено. + Зовнішня операція об'єднання зробила цей запис недійсним. +На жаль, будь-які зміни було втрачено. Auto-Type Validation Error - + Помилка перевірки автозаповнення An error occurred while validating the custom Auto-Type sequence: %1 Would you like to correct it? - + Під час перевірки власної послідовності автозаповнення виникла помилка: +%1 +Бажаєте виправити? An error occurred while validating the Auto-Type sequence for "%1": %2 Would you like to correct it? - + Під час перевірки послідовності автозаповнення для "%1" виникла помилка: +%2 +Бажаєте виправити? Entry updated successfully. @@ -2552,7 +2616,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? %n hour(s) - + %n година%n години%n годин%n години @@ -2615,7 +2679,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? If checked, the entry will not appear in reports like Health Check and HIBP even if it doesn't match the quality requirements. - + Якщо позначено, запис не з'являтиметься у звітах перевірки здоров'я та HIBP, навіть якщо він не задовольняє вимог якості. Exclude from database reports @@ -2723,7 +2787,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Hide this entry from the browser extension - Сховати цей запис від розширення переглядача + Сховати цей запис від розширення браузера Skip Auto-Submit for this entry @@ -2829,15 +2893,15 @@ Would you like to correct it? Expiration field - Поле знечинення + Поле терміну дії Expiration Presets - Типове налаштування знечинення + Налаштування терміну дії Expiration presets - Типове налаштування знечинення + Налаштування терміну дії Presets @@ -2849,7 +2913,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? URL: - URL: + URL-адреса: Url field @@ -2877,19 +2941,19 @@ Would you like to correct it? Toggle expiration - Перемкнути знечинення + Перемкнути термін дії Expires: - Знечинюється: + Термін дії: Tags: - + Мітки: Tags list - + Список міток @@ -2920,7 +2984,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Copy to clipboard - Скопіювати в кишеню + Копіювати в буфер обміну Public key @@ -2941,7 +3005,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Browse… Button for opening file dialog - + Огляд… Attachment @@ -2992,11 +3056,11 @@ Would you like to correct it? Icon - Значок + Піктограма Browser Integration - Сполучення з переглядачем + Інтеграція з браузером Properties @@ -3012,7 +3076,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Group has unsaved changes - + У групі є незбережені зміни Enable @@ -3035,39 +3099,47 @@ Would you like to correct it? These settings affect to the group's behaviour with the browser extension. - + Ці налаштування впливають на поведінку групи з розширенням браузера. Hide entries from browser extension: - + Сховати записи від розширення браузера: Hide entries from browser extension toggle for this and sub groups - + Перемикач прихованих записів від розширення браузера для цієї групи та підгруп Skip Auto-Submit for entries: - + Вимкнути автовідправлення для записів: Skip Auto-Submit toggle for this and sub groups - + Перемикач вимкнення автовідправлення для цієї групи та підгруп Use entries only with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Використовувати записи лише з HTTP Basic Auth: Only HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - + Перемкнути використання лише HTTP Auth для цієї групи та підгруп Do not use entries with HTTP Basic Auth: - + Не використовувати записи з HTTP Basic Auth: Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups - + Перемкнути використання HTTP Auth для цієї групи та підгруп + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + Ігнорувати WWW у збігах піддоменів: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + Перемкнути ігнорування WWW у збігах піддоменів для цієї групи та підгруп @@ -3102,7 +3174,7 @@ Would you like to correct it? Browse… - + Огляд… Clear fields @@ -3149,19 +3221,19 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. KeeShare is currently disabled. You can enable import/export in the application settings. KeeShare is a proper noun - KeeShare наразі вимкнено. Ви можете ввімкнути імпортування та експортування у параметрах застосунку. + KeeShare зараз вимкнено. Можна увімкнути імпорт/експорт у налаштуваннях програми. Database export is currently disabled by application settings. - Експортування сховища наразі вимкнено в параметрах застосунку. + Експортування бази даних зараз вимкнено в налаштуваннях програми. Database import is currently disabled by application settings. - Імпортування сховища наразі вимкнено в параметрах застосунку. + Імпортування бази даних зараз вимкнено в налаштуваннях програми. KeeShare container - + Контейнер KeeShare KeeShare signed container @@ -3188,11 +3260,11 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Toggle expiration - Перемкнути знечинення + Перемкнути термін дії Expires: - Знечинюється: + Термін дії: Name field @@ -3200,7 +3272,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Expiration field - Поле знечинення + Поле терміну дії Use default Auto-Type sequence of parent group @@ -3247,23 +3319,23 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. EditWidgetIcons Use default icon - Використовувати типовий значок + Використовувати типову піктограму Use custom icon - Використовувати свій значок + Використовувати власну піктограму Choose icon… - + Вибрати піктограму… Set the URL to use to search for a favicon - + Установити URL для пошуку фавіконів сайтів Favicon URL - + URL фавікону Download favicon for URL @@ -3275,11 +3347,11 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Apply selected icon to subgroups and entries - Застосувати вибраній значок для дочерніх груп і записів + Застосувати вибрану піктограму для підгруп і записів Apply icon to… - + Застосувати піктограму для… Apply to this group only @@ -3287,15 +3359,15 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Also apply to child groups - Також застосувати до дочерніх груп + Також застосувати до вкладених груп Also apply to child entries - Також застосувати до дочерніх записів + Також застосувати до вкладених записів Also apply to all children - Також застосувати до всіх дочерніх елементів + Також застосувати до всіх вкладених елементів Unable to fetch favicon. @@ -3303,11 +3375,11 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service under Tools -> Settings -> Security - Ви можете ввімкнути службу значків DuckDuckGo в меню Інструменти -> Налаштування -> Безпека + Ви можете ввімкнути службу піктограм DuckDuckGo в меню Інструменти -> Налаштування -> Безпека Existing icon selected. - Вибрано наявний значок. + Вибрано наявну піктограму. Images @@ -3315,7 +3387,7 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. All files - Всі файли + Усі файли Select Image(s) @@ -3323,15 +3395,15 @@ Supported extensions are: %1. Successfully loaded %1 of %n icon(s) - Успішно завантажено %1 з %n значкаУспішно завантажено %1 з %n значківУспішно завантажено %1 з %n значківУспішно завантажено %1 з %n значків + Успішно завантажено %1 з %n піктограмиУспішно завантажено %1 з %n піктограмУспішно завантажено %1 з %n піктограмУспішно завантажено %1 з %n піктограм No icons were loaded - Жодного значка не завантажено + Жодної піктограми не завантажено %n icon(s) already exist in the database - %n значок вже існує у сховищі%n значки вже існують у сховищі%n значків вже існують у сховищі%n значків вже існують у сховищі + %n піктограма вже існує у базі даних%n піктограми вже існують у базі даних%n піктограм вже існують у базі даних%n піктограм вже існують у базі даних The following icon(s) failed: @@ -3418,7 +3490,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. EntryAttachments Cannot open file "%1" - + Неможливо відкрити файл "%1" @@ -3541,12 +3613,13 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Confirm Overwrite Attachment - + Підтвердити перезапис вкладення Attachment "%1" already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing attachment? - + Вкладення "%1" вже існує. +Хочете перезаписати наявне вкладення? Confirm Attachment @@ -3564,21 +3637,23 @@ Are you sure to add this file? Attachment modified - + Вкладення змінено The attachment '%1' was modified. Do you want to save the changes to your database? - + Вкладення '%1' було змінено. +Ви хочете зберегти зміни в базі даних? Saving attachment failed - + Помилка збереження вкладення Saving updated attachment failed. Error: %1 - + Не вдалося зберегти оновлене вкладення. +Помилка: %1 @@ -3592,7 +3667,7 @@ Error: %1 EntryHistoryModel Current (%1) - + Поточний (%1) Last modified @@ -3600,11 +3675,11 @@ Error: %1 Age - + Вік Difference - + Відмінності Size @@ -3624,7 +3699,7 @@ Error: %1 URL - URL + URL-адреса Notes @@ -3632,27 +3707,27 @@ Error: %1 Custom Attributes - + Власні атрибути Icon - Значок + Піктограма Color - + Колір Expiration - Знечинюється + Термін дії TOTP - ТОП + TOTP Custom Data - + Користувацькі дані Attachments @@ -3664,7 +3739,7 @@ Error: %1 Tags - + Мітки @@ -3696,7 +3771,7 @@ Error: %1 URL - URL + URL-адреса Notes @@ -3704,7 +3779,7 @@ Error: %1 Expires - Знечинюється + Термін дії Created @@ -3736,7 +3811,7 @@ Error: %1 Password Strength - + Надійність пароля Entry notes @@ -3772,14 +3847,14 @@ Error: %1 Has TOTP - Містить ТОП + Має TOTP EntryPreviewWidget Display current TOTP value - Показати значення поточного ТОП + Показати поточне значення TOTP Close @@ -3799,15 +3874,15 @@ Error: %1 Expiration - Знечинюється + Термін дії Tags - + Мітки Tags list - + Список міток Username @@ -3815,7 +3890,7 @@ Error: %1 URL - URL + URL-адреса Advanced @@ -3873,6 +3948,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled Вимкнено + + Double click to copy value + Клацніть двічі, щоб скопіювати значення + EntryURLModel @@ -3900,33 +3979,35 @@ Error: %1 ExportDialog Export options - + Параметри експорту Sort entries by... - + Сортувати записи за... You are about to export your database to an unencrypted file. This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! - + Ви збираєтеся експортувати базу даних у незашифрований файл. +Ця дія зробить ваші паролі та важливу інформацію вразливими! + database order - + порядок бази даних name (ascending) - + назва (за зростанням) name (descending) - + назва (за спаданням) unknown - + невідомо Export database to HTML file @@ -3941,11 +4022,11 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! FdoSecrets::DBusMgr Failed to deliver message - + Не вдалося доставити повідомлення Failed to send reply on DBus - + Не вдалося надіслати відповідь на DBus Unknown @@ -3972,7 +4053,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Failed to register service on DBus at path '%1' - + Не вдалося зареєструвати сервіс на DBus у шляху '%1' Failed to register database on DBus under the name '%1' @@ -3988,7 +4069,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Failed to register prompt object on DBus at path '%1' - + Не вдалося зареєструвати запит на DBus у шляху '%1' @@ -4014,7 +4095,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Non-existing/inaccessible executable path. Please double-check the client is legit. - + Відсутній або недоступний шлях до виконуваного файлу. Переконайтеся, що ви користуєтеся оригінальним клієнтом. @@ -4032,7 +4113,7 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! FdoSecrets::UnlockPrompt %1 (PID: %2) - + %1 (PID: %2) @@ -4074,8 +4155,8 @@ This will leave your passwords and sensitive information vulnerable! Having trouble downloading icons? You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of the application settings. - Маєте проблеми з завантаженням значків? -Ви можете ввімкнути службу значків DuckDuckGo в налаштуванні застосунку в розділі безпеки. + Виникли проблеми із завантаженням піктограм? +Можна увімкнути службу піктограм DuckDuckGo для вебсайтів у розділі безпеки в налаштуваннях програми. Close @@ -4083,7 +4164,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th URL - URL + URL-адреса Status @@ -4091,11 +4172,11 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th Please wait, processing entry list… - + Будь ласка, зачекайте, обробка списку записів… Downloading… - + Завантаження… Ok @@ -4103,15 +4184,15 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th Already Exists - Вже існує + Уже існує Download Failed - Завантаження зазнало невдачі + Не вдалося завантажити Downloading favicons (%1/%2)… - + Завантаження фавіконів (%1/%2)… @@ -4129,7 +4210,7 @@ You can enable the DuckDuckGo website icon service in the security section of th Kdbx3Reader Missing database headers - + Відсутні заголовки бази даних Unable to calculate database key @@ -4155,11 +4236,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Неприпустима довжина поля заголовка: поле %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + Недопустима довжина даних заголовка: поле %1, очікується %2, знайдено %3 @@ -4216,11 +4297,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid header field length: field %1 - + Неприпустима довжина поля заголовка: поле %1 Invalid header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + Недопустима довжина даних заголовка: поле %1, очікується %2, знайдено %3 Failed to open buffer for KDF parameters in header @@ -4240,11 +4321,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid inner header field length: field %1 - + Неприпустима довжина внутрішнього поля заголовка: поле %1 Invalid inner header data length: field %1, %2 expected, %3 found - + Недопустима довжина даних внутрішнього заголовка: поле %1, очікується %2, знайдено %3 Invalid inner header binary size @@ -4387,7 +4468,10 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. You can import it by clicking on Database > 'Import KeePass 1 database…'. This is a one-way migration. You won't be able to open the imported database with the old KeePassX 0.4 version. - + Обраний файл є застарілою версією бази даних KeePass 1 (.kdb). + +Ви можете імпортувати його, натиснувши меню База даних > 'Імпортувати базу даних KeePass 1…'. +Це одностороння міграція. Ви не зможете відкрити імпортовану базу даних у KeePassX версії 0.4. Not a KeePass database. @@ -4418,7 +4502,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Missing icon uuid or data - Бракує uuid або даних значка + Бракує uuid або даних піктограми Missing custom data key or value @@ -4434,15 +4518,15 @@ Line %2, column %3 Invalid group icon number - Непридатна кількість значків групи + Недійсна кількість піктограм групи Invalid EnableAutoType value - Непридатне значення параметру ввімкнення автозаповнення + Недійсне значення EnableAutoType Invalid EnableSearching value - Непридатне значення параметру ввімкнення пошуку + Недійсне значення EnableSearching No group uuid found @@ -4462,7 +4546,7 @@ Line %2, column %3 Invalid entry icon number - Непридатна кількість значків запису + Недійсна кількість піктограм запису History element in history entry @@ -4494,15 +4578,15 @@ Line %2, column %3 Invalid bool value - Непридатне логічне значення + Недійсне логічне значення Invalid date time value - Непридатне часове значення + Недійсне значення дати й часу Invalid color value - Непридатне значення кольору + Недійсне значення кольору Invalid color rgb part @@ -4510,11 +4594,11 @@ Line %2, column %3 Invalid number value - Непридатне числове значення + Недійсне числове значення Invalid uuid value - Непридатне значення uuid + Недійсне значення uuid Unable to decompress binary @@ -4659,7 +4743,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Incorrect group icon field size - Хибний розмір поля значка групи + Хибний розмір поля піктограми групи Incorrect group level field size @@ -4687,7 +4771,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid entry UUID field size - + Неприпустимий розмір поля UUID запису Invalid entry group id field size @@ -4695,7 +4779,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid entry icon field size - Непридатний розмір поля для значка запису + Недійсний розмір поля піктограми запису Invalid entry creation time field size @@ -4703,7 +4787,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Invalid entry modification time field size - Непридатний розмір значення у полі останньої зміни запису + Недійсний розмір значення у полі останньої зміни запису Invalid entry expiry time field size @@ -4792,11 +4876,11 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Generate a new key file or choose an existing one to protect your database. - + Згенеруйте новий ключовий файл, або виберіть наявний, щоб захистити базу даних. Note: Do NOT use a file that may change as that will prevent you from unlocking your database. - + Примітка: Не використовуйте файл, який може змінитися, тому що ви не зможете розблокувати свою базу даних. Browse for key file @@ -4804,7 +4888,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Browse… - + Огляд… Old key file format @@ -4817,7 +4901,7 @@ If this reoccurs, then your database file may be corrupt. Error loading the key file '%1' Message: %2 - Помилка завантаження файлового ключа '%1' + Помилка завантаження ключового файлу '%1' Повідомлення: %2 @@ -4826,23 +4910,23 @@ Message: %2 Add Key File - + Додати ключовий файл Change Key File - + Змінити ключовий файл Remove Key File - + Вилучити ключовий файл Key File set, click to change or remove - + Ключовий файл встановлено. Натисніть для зміни чи вилучення <p>You can add a key file containing random bytes for additional security.</p><p>You must keep it secret and never lose it or you will be locked out.</p> - + <p>Для додаткової безпеки можна додати ключовий файл, що містить випадкові байти.</p><p>Його необхідно надійно зберігати, оскільки у випадку втрати ви не зможете отримати доступ до своєї бази даних.</p> Key files @@ -4854,7 +4938,7 @@ Message: %2 Create Key File… - + Створити ключовий файл… Error creating key file @@ -4895,11 +4979,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Global shortcut already registered to %1 - Глобальне сполучення клавіш вже зареєстровано для %1 + Глобальну комбінацію клавіш уже зареєстровано для %1 Could not register global shortcut - Реєстрація глобального сполучення клавіш зазнало невдачі + Не вдалося зареєструвати глобальну комбінацію клавіш @@ -4934,7 +5018,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? TOTP - ТОП + TOTP &Groups @@ -5030,7 +5114,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Download All &Favicons… - Завантажити всі фавікони... + Завантажити всі фавікони… Sort &A-Z @@ -5050,7 +5134,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Database &Reports… - + &Звіти бази даних… Statistics, health check, etc. @@ -5090,7 +5174,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Copy username to clipboard - Скопіювати ім’я користувача до кишені + Копіювати ім’я користувача в буфер обміну Copy &Password @@ -5098,7 +5182,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Copy password to clipboard - Скопіювати пароль до кишені + Копіювати пароль у буфер обміну &Settings @@ -5114,7 +5198,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Download &Favicon - Завантажити &Favicon + Завантажити &фавікон Open &URL @@ -5122,11 +5206,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &Lock Database - + Заблокувати &базу даних Lock &All Databases - + Заблокувати &усі бази даних &Title @@ -5134,15 +5218,15 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Copy title to clipboard - Скопіювати заголовок до кишені + Копіювати заголовок у буфер обміну &URL - &URL + &URL-адреса Copy URL to clipboard - Скопіювати URL до кишені + Копіювати URL-адресу в буфер обміну &Notes @@ -5150,7 +5234,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Copy notes to clipboard - Скопіювати примітки в кишеню + Копіювати примітки в буфер обміну &CSV File… @@ -5186,7 +5270,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Show TOTP - Показати ТОП + Показати TOTP Show QR Code @@ -5194,11 +5278,11 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Set up TOTP… - Встановити ТОП… + Встановити TOTP… Copy &TOTP - Скопіювати ТОП + Копіювати TOTP E&mpty recycle bin @@ -5218,7 +5302,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Open Getting Started Guide - Відкрити вступний довідник + Відкрити посібник про початок роботи &Online Help @@ -5230,19 +5314,19 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? &User Guide - Довідник &користувача + Посібник &користувача Open User Guide - Відкрити довідник користувача + Відкрити посібник користувача &Keyboard Shortcuts - &Сполучення клавіш + &Комбінації клавіш Save Database Backup… - + Резервна копія бази даних… Add key to SSH Agent @@ -5294,7 +5378,7 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? Clone Group... - + Клонувати групу... Clear history @@ -5312,21 +5396,25 @@ Are you sure you want to continue with this file? WARNING: You are using an unstable build of KeePassXC. There is a high risk of corruption, maintain a backup of your databases. This version is not meant for production use. - + УВАГА: Ви користуєтеся нестабільною версією KeePassXC. +Є високий ризик пошкодження даних, тому створіть резервну копію баз даних. +Ця версія призначена лише для тестування. NOTE: You are using a pre-release version of KeePassXC. Expect some bugs and minor issues, this version is meant for testing purposes. - + ПРИМІТКА: Ви користуєтеся бета-версією KeePassXC. +Можна помітити помилки чи незначні проблеми. Ця версія призначена лише для тестування. WARNING: Your Qt version may cause KeePassXC to crash with an On-Screen Keyboard. We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. - + УВАГА: Ваша версія Qt можи спричиняти аварійне завершення роботи KeePassXC під час роботи з екранною клавіатурою. +Ми рекомендуємо використовувати AppImage, який ви можете отримати на нашій сторінці завантажень. Restore Entry(s) - + Відновити записВідновити записиВідновити записиВідновити записи Settings @@ -5342,7 +5430,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You can always check for updates manually from the application menu. - Ви завжди можете перевірити наявність оновлень з меню застосунку. + Ви завжди можете вручну перевірити наявність оновлень з меню програми. Toggle window @@ -5354,7 +5442,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue… - + Надайте свій YubiKey або торкніться до нього для продовження… Restart Application? @@ -5364,6 +5452,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? Ви мусите перезапустити програму, щоб застосувати цей параметр. Бажаєте перезапустити зараз? + + Tags + Мітки + + + No Tags + Без міток + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 запис%1 записи%1 записів%1 записів + + + Copy Password and TOTP + Копіювати пароль і TOTP + + + &XML File… + Файл &XML… + + + XML File… + Файл XML… + ManageDatabase @@ -5396,15 +5508,15 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Disconnect this application - Від'єднати цей застосунок + Від'єднати цю програму Reset - + Скинути Reset any remembered decisions for this application - + Скинути будь-які збережені рішення для цієї програми @@ -5463,7 +5575,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Adding missing icon %1 - Додавання відсутнього значка %1 + Додавання відсутньої піктограми %1 Removed custom data %1 [%2] @@ -5478,7 +5590,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. NewDatabaseWizard Create a new KeePassXC database… - + Створити нову базу даних KeePassXC… Root @@ -5550,11 +5662,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Global shortcut already registered to %1 - Глобальне сполучення клавіш вже зареєстровано для %1 + Глобальну комбінацію клавіш вже зареєстровано для %1 Could not register global shortcut - Реєстрація глобального сполучення клавіш зазнало невдачі + Не вдалося зареєструвати глобальну комбінацію клавіш @@ -5676,7 +5788,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Key derivation failed: %1 - + Не вдалося сформувати ключ: %1 Cipher IV is too short for MD5 kdf @@ -5688,11 +5800,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Failed to initialize cipher: %1 - + Не вдалося ініціалізувати шифр: %1 Decryption failed: %1 - + Не вдалося зашифрувати: %1 Decryption failed, wrong passphrase? @@ -5700,11 +5812,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Unexpected EOF while reading key - + Неочікуваний кінець файлу під час читання ключа Unsupported key part - + Частина ключа не підтримується Unexpected EOF while reading public key @@ -5735,29 +5847,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Несподіваний кінець файлу під час запису таємного ключа - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - Паролі не співпадають - - - Passwords match so far - Паролі поки що співпадають - - - Toggle Password (%1) - Перемкнути пароль (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - Створити пароль (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - Увага: Caps Lock увімкнено! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5782,19 +5871,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Add Password - + Додати пароль Change Password - + Змінити пароль Remove Password - + Вилучити пароль Password set, click to change or remove - + Пароль встановлено Клацніть, щоб змінити або вилучити. <p>A password is the primary method for securing your database.</p><p>Good passwords are long and unique. KeePassXC can generate one for you.</p> @@ -5809,7 +5898,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. PasswordGeneratorWidget Generate Password - Створити пароль + Генерувати пароль strength @@ -5830,7 +5919,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Regenerate password - Створити пароль знову + Повторно генерувати пароль Copy password @@ -5936,10 +6025,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: Також вибирати з: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Виключені знаки: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters Виключити неоднозначні символи @@ -5974,11 +6059,11 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Delete selected wordlist - + Видалити вибраний список слів Add custom wordlist - + Додати власний список слів character @@ -5998,7 +6083,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Regenerate password (%1) - Створити пароль знову (%1) + Повторно генерувати пароль (%1) lower case @@ -6014,7 +6099,7 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. (SYSTEM) - + (СИСТЕМА) Entropy: %1 bit @@ -6022,19 +6107,19 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Confirm Delete Wordlist - + Підтвердити видалення списку слів Do you really want to delete the wordlist "%1"? - + Ви дійсно хочете видалити список слів "%1"? Failed to delete wordlist - + Не вдалося видалити список слів Wordlists - + Списки слів All files @@ -6042,20 +6127,21 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Select Custom Wordlist - + Вибрати власний список слів Overwrite Wordlist? - + Перезаписати список слів? Wordlist "%1" already exists as a custom wordlist. Do you want to overwrite it? - + Список слів "%1" вже наявний як власний список. +Хочете його перезаписати? Failed to add wordlist - + Не вдалося додати список слів Logograms @@ -6089,20 +6175,71 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality Відмінна + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + Виключені знаки: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + Паролі відрізняються + + + Passwords match so far + Наразі паролі збігаються + + + Toggle Password (%1) + Перемкнути пароль (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + Генерувати пароль (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + Увага: Caps Lock увімкнено! + + + Quality: %1 + Якість: %1 + + + Poor + Password quality + Погана + + + Weak + Password quality + Низька + + + Good + Password quality + Добра + + + Excellent + Password quality + Відмінна + PickcharsDialog KeePassXC - Pick Characters - + KeePassXC - Вибір символів Select characters to type, navigate with arrow keys, Ctrl + S submits. - + Оберіть символи для введення. Навігація клавішами стрілок. Ctrl + S для збереження. Press &Tab between characters - + Натискайте &Tab між символами @@ -6204,7 +6341,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? No valid UUID provided - + Не вказано дійсного UUID Unknown error @@ -6212,7 +6349,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Browser Integration - Сполучення з переглядачем + Інтеграція з браузером Browser Plugin Failure @@ -6236,7 +6373,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? URL - URL + URL-адреса Notes for the entry. @@ -6252,7 +6389,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Generate a password for the entry. - Створити пароль для запису. + Генерувати пароль для запису. Add a new entry to a database. @@ -6264,7 +6401,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Cannot generate a password and prompt at the same time. - + Неможливо генерувати пароль і запит одночасно. Could not create entry with path %1. @@ -6328,7 +6465,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Evaluating database entries using okon… - + Оцінка записів бази даних за допомогою okon… Failed to open HIBP file %1: %2 @@ -6336,7 +6473,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Evaluating database entries against HIBP file, this will take a while… - + Оцінка записів бази даних на основі файлу HIBP. Це триватиме довше… Password for '%1' has been leaked %2 time(s)! @@ -6348,19 +6485,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Export an attachment of an entry. - + Експортувати вкладення запису. Path of the entry with the target attachment. - + Шлях запису з цільовим вкладенням. Name of the attachment to be exported. - + Назва вкладення для експортування. Path to which the attachment should be exported. - + Шлях, за яким потрібно експортувати вкладення. Could not find entry with path %1. @@ -6368,80 +6505,80 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Could not find attachment with name %1. - + Не вдалося знайти вкладення з назвою %1. No export target given. Please use '--stdout' or specify an 'export-file'. - + Не зазначено цільовий шлях експорту. Скористайтеся '--stdout' або вкажіть 'export-file'. Could not open output file %1. - + Не вдалося відкрити вихідний файл %1. Successfully exported attachment %1 of entry %2 to %3. - + Вкладення %1 запису %2 успішно імпортовано до %3. Overwrite existing attachments. - + Перезаписати наявні вкладення. Imports an attachment to an entry. - + Імпортує вкладення до запису. Path of the entry. - + Шлях до запису. Name of the attachment to be added. - + Назва вкладення для додавання. Path of the attachment to be imported. - + Шлях до вкладення для імпортування. Attachment %1 already exists for entry %2. - + Вкладення %1 вже наявне у записі %2. Could not open attachment file %1. - + Не вдається відкрити файл вкладення %1. Successfully imported attachment %1 as %2 to entry %3. - + Вкладення %1 успішно імпортовано як %2 до запису %3. Remove an attachment of an entry. - + Вилучити вкладення запису. Name of the attachment to be removed. - + Назва вкладення для вилучення. Successfully removed attachment %1 from entry %2. - + Вкладення %1 успішно вилучено із запису %2. Copy the given attribute to the clipboard. Defaults to "password" if not specified. Don't translate "password", it refers to the attribute. - Скопіювати надану ознаку в кишеню. Якщо не вказано, типовим значенням буде «password» + Копіювати заданий атрибут до буфера обміну. Якщо не вказано, типовим значенням буде "password". Copy the current TOTP to the clipboard (equivalent to "-a totp"). - Скопіювати поточний ТОП до кишені (відповідає «-a top»). + Копіювати поточний код TOTP у буфер обміну (відповідає "-a totp"). Must match only one entry, otherwise a list of possible matches is shown. - + Має відповідати лише одному запису, в іншому випадку показується список можливих збігів. Copy an entry's attribute to the clipboard. - Скопіювати ознаку запису в кишеню. + Копіювати атрибут запису в буфер обміну. Path of the entry to clip. @@ -6450,7 +6587,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Timeout before clearing the clipboard (default is %1 seconds, set to 0 for unlimited). - + Час очікування до очищення буфера обміну. (Типово %1 секунд. Щоб прибрати обмеження, встановіть 0.) Invalid timeout value %1. @@ -6462,7 +6599,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Using matching entry: %1 - + Використання відповідного запису: %1 Entry %1 not found. @@ -6470,15 +6607,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? ERROR: Please specify one of --attribute or --totp, not both. - ПОМИЛКА: вкажіть, будь ласка, або --attribute, або --totp, а не обидва разом. + ПОМИЛКА: вкажіть, або --attribute, або --totp, а не обидва разом. Entry with path %1 has no TOTP set up. - Запис із шляхом %1 не має налаштованого ТОП. + Запис зі шляхом %1 не має налаштованого TOTP. ERROR: attribute %1 is ambiguous, it matches %2. - ПОМИЛКА: ознака %1 неоднозначна, вона збігається з %2. + ПОМИЛКА: атрибут %1 неоднозначний, він збігається з %2. Attribute "%1" not found. @@ -6486,15 +6623,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Entry's "%1" attribute copied to the clipboard! - Ознаку запису "%1" скопійовано до кишені! + Атрибут запису "%1" скопійовано в буфер обміну! Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)... - Очищення кишені через %1 секунду...Очищення кишені через %1 секунди...Очищення кишені через %1 секунд...Очищення кишені через %1 секунд... + Буфер обміну очиститься через %1 секунду...Буфер обміну очиститься через %1 секунди...Буфер обміну очиститься через %1 секунд...Буфер обміну очиститься через %1 секунди... Clipboard cleared! - Кишеню очищено! + Буфер обміну очищено! Close the currently opened database. @@ -6530,11 +6667,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Missing positional argument(s). - + Відсутні позиційні аргументи. Too many arguments provided. - + Надано забагато аргументів. Target decryption time in MS for the database. @@ -6765,7 +6902,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Type: Unknown (%1) - + Тип: Невідомий (%1) Entropy %1 (%2) @@ -6785,7 +6922,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format. - Надсилає вміст сховища до стандартного виходу в зазначеному форматі. + Експортує вміст бази даних до стандартного виводу в зазначеному форматі. Unable to export database to XML: %1 @@ -6833,7 +6970,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Use custom character set - + Використовувати власний набір символів Exclude similar looking characters @@ -6845,7 +6982,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Generate a new random password. - Створити новий випадковий пароль. + Генерувати новий випадковий пароль. Invalid password length %1 @@ -6921,7 +7058,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Database created - + Базу даних створено Last saved @@ -6949,7 +7086,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Number of expired entries - Кількість знечинених записів + Кількість протермінованих записів Unique passwords @@ -7149,7 +7286,7 @@ Available commands: Show the entry's current TOTP. - Показати поточний ТОП запису. + Показати поточний TOTP запису. Show the protected attributes in clear text. @@ -7157,7 +7294,7 @@ Available commands: Show the attachments of the entry. - + Показати вкладення запису. Names of the attributes to show. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified, a summary of the default attributes is given. @@ -7181,11 +7318,11 @@ Available commands: No attachments present. - + Не знайдено жодного вкладення. Attachments: - + Вкладення: Failed to open database file %1: not found @@ -7243,7 +7380,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. No program defined for clipboard manipulation - Програму для роботи з кишенею не визначено + Програму для роботи з буфером обміну не визначено All clipping programs failed. Tried %1 @@ -7265,7 +7402,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. To use okon, you must provide a post-processed file (e.g. file.okon) - + Для використання okon необхідно надати оброблений файл (наприклад, file.okon) Could not start okon process: %1 @@ -7297,7 +7434,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Password is used %1 time(s) - + Пароль використано %1 разПароль використано %1 разиПароль використано %1 разівПароль використано %1 разів Password has expired @@ -7317,7 +7454,7 @@ Please consider generating a new key file. Password expires in %1 day(s) - + Термін дії пароля завершується через %1 деньТермін дії пароля завершується через %1 дніТермін дії пароля завершується через %1 днівТермін дії пароля завершується через %1 днів Password will expire soon @@ -7373,7 +7510,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Quick Unlock - + Швидке розблокування Secret Service Integration @@ -7389,31 +7526,31 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 over %1 year(s) - + через %1 рікчерез %1 рокичерез %1 роківчерез %1 роки about %1 month(s) - + близько %1 місяцяблизько %1 місяцівблизько %1 місяцівблизько %1 місяців %1 week(s) - + %1 тиждень%1 тижні%1 тижнів%1 тижні %1 day(s) - + %1 день%1 дні%1 днів%1 днів %1 hour(s) - + %1 година%1 години%1 годин%1 годин %1 minute(s) - + %1 хвилина%1 хвилини%1 хвилин%1 хвилин Botan library must be at least 2.11.x, found %1.%2.%3 - + Версія бібліотеки Botan повинна бути не нижчою за 2.11.x, знайдена %1.%2.%3 Cryptographic libraries: @@ -7429,27 +7566,27 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid cipher mode. - + SymmetricCipher::init: Неправильний режим шифру. SymmetricCipher::init: Invalid IV size of %1 for %2. - + SymmetricCipher::init: Неправильний розмір IV %1 для %2. Cipher not initialized prior to use. - + Шифр не ініціалізований перед використанням. Cannot process 0 length data. - + Неможливо обробити дані довжини 0. unknown executable (DBus address %1) - + невідомий виконуваний файл (DBus адреса %1) %1 (invalid executable path) - + %1 (неприпустимий шлях для виконання) NULL device @@ -7485,7 +7622,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ChaCha20 256-bit - + ChaCha20 256-bit Argon2d (KDBX 4 – recommended) @@ -7501,7 +7638,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 AES-KDF (KDBX 3) - + AES-KDF (KDBX 3) Existing single-instance lock file is invalid. Launching new instance. @@ -7513,7 +7650,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Clearing the clipboard in %1 second(s)… - + Очищення буфера обміну через %1 секунду…Очищення буфера обміну через %1 секунди…Очищення буфера обміну через %1 секунд…Очищення буфера обміну через %1 секунд… Group @@ -7533,11 +7670,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TOTP - ТОП + TOTP Icon - Значок + Піктограма Last Modified @@ -7567,11 +7704,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to delete %n entry(s) for good? - + Ви дійсно хочете видалити %n запис?Ви дійсно хочете видалити %n записи?Ви дійсно хочете видалити %n записів?Ви дійсно хочете видалити %n записів? Delete entry(s)? - + Видалити запис?Видалити записи?Видалити записи?Видалити записи? Do you really want to move entry "%1" to the recycle bin? @@ -7579,11 +7716,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Do you really want to move %n entry(s) to the recycle bin? - + Ви дійсно хочете перемістити %n запис до смітника?Ви дійсно хочете перемістити %n записи до смітника?Ви дійсно хочете перемістити %n записів до смітника?Ви дійсно хочете перемістити %n записів до смітника? Move entry(s) to recycle bin? - + Перемістити запис до смітника?Перемістити записи до смітника?Перемістити записи до смітника?Перемістити записи до смітника? Replace references to entry? @@ -7591,7 +7728,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Entry "%1" has %2 reference(s). Do you want to overwrite references with values, skip this entry, or delete anyway? - + Запис "%1" має %2 посилання. Ви дійсно хочете перезаписати посилання зі значеннями, пропустити цей запис, або видали в будь-якому разі?Запис "%1" має %2 посилання. Ви дійсно хочете перезаписати посилання зі значеннями, пропустити цей запис, або видали в будь-якому разі?Запис "%1" має %2 посилань. Ви дійсно хочете перезаписати посилання зі значеннями, пропустити цей запис, або видали в будь-якому разі?Запис "%1" має %2 посилань. Ви дійсно хочете перезаписати посилання зі значеннями, пропустити цей запис, або видали в будь-якому разі? User name @@ -7599,7 +7736,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Browser Statistics - + Статистика браузера Health Check @@ -7643,7 +7780,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 lock all open databases - + заблокувати всі відкриті бази даних key file of the database @@ -7655,15 +7792,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 allow app screen recordering and screenshots - + дозволити запис та знімки екрану програми Locked databases. - + Заблоковані бази даних. Database failed to lock. - + Не вдалося заблокувати базу даних. Another instance of KeePassXC is already running. @@ -7679,7 +7816,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Warning: Failed to prevent screenshots on a top level window! - + Попередження: Не вдалося запобігти знімкам екрана у вікні верхнього рівня! Database password: @@ -7688,24 +7825,82 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Invalid Settings TOTP - Непридатні параметри + Неприпустимі налаштування Invalid Key TOTP - Непридатний ключ + Недійсний ключ Failed to create Windows Hello credential. - + Не вдалося створити облікові дані Windows Hello. Failed to sign challenge using Windows Hello. - + Не вдалося підписати завдання за допомогою Windows Hello. Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. - + Надайте свій YubiKey або торкніться його для продовження. + + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + Показати всі атрибути запису. + + + Edit a database. + Редагувати базу даних. + + + Could not change the database key. + Не вдалося змінити ключ бази даних. + + + Database was not modified. + База даних не була змінена. + + + Successfully edited the database. + База даних успішно редагована. + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + Не вдалося завантажити новий ключовий файл: %1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + Вилучити пароль для бази даних. + + + Unset the key file for the database. + Вилучити ключовий файл для бази даних. + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + Неможливо використовувати %1 і %2 одночасно. + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + Неможливо вилучити всі ключі з бази даних. + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + Неможливо вилучити пароль: База даних не має пароля. + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + Не вдалося вилучити ключовий файл: База даних не має ключового файлу. + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + Знайдено неочікуваний тип ключа %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + Налаштуйте ключовий файл для бази даних. +Ці параметри застарілі, використовуйте натомість --set-key-file. @@ -7746,39 +7941,39 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetBrowserStatistics Exclude expired entries from the report - + Виключити протерміновані записи зі звіту Show only entries which have URL set - + Показувати лише записи з URL-адресою Show only entries which have browser settings in custom data - + Показувати лише записи, що мають параметри браузера у користувацьких даних Double-click entries to edit. - + Редагування записів подвійним кліком. List of entry URLs - + Список URL-адрес записів Entry has no URLs set - + Запис не має налаштованих URL Allowed URLs - + Дозволені URL-адреси Entry has no Browser Integration settings - + Запис не має параметрів інтеграції з браузером Denied URLs - + Заборонені URL-адреси (Excluded) @@ -7790,11 +7985,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, browser statistics is being calculated… - + Будь ласка, зачекайте. Триває розрахунок статистики браузера… No entries with a URL, or none has browser extension settings saved. - + Немає записів з URL-адресами чи збереженими параметрами розширення браузера. Title @@ -7806,15 +8001,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 URLs - + URL-адреси Edit Entry… - + Редагувати запис… Delete Entry(s)… - + Видалити запис…Видалити записи…Видалити записи…Видалити записи… Exclude from reports @@ -7825,7 +8020,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetHealthcheck Exclude expired entries from the report - + Виключити протерміновані записи зі звіту Also show entries that have been excluded from reports @@ -7872,7 +8067,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, health data is being calculated… - + Будь ласка, зачекайте. Триває розрахунок даних про здоров'я… Congratulations, everything is healthy! @@ -7896,11 +8091,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - + Редагувати запис… Delete Entry(s)… - + Видалити запис…Видалити записи…Видалити записи…Видалити записи… Exclude from reports @@ -7991,11 +8186,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Edit Entry… - + Редагувати запис… Delete Entry(s)… - + Видалити запис…Видалити записи…Видалити записи…Видалити записи… Exclude from reports @@ -8006,7 +8201,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ReportsWidgetStatistics Hover over lines with error icons for further information. - Наведіть мишкою на рядки зі значком помилки для додаткової інформації. + Для отримання подробиць наведіть курсор на рядки з піктограмами помилки. Name @@ -8018,7 +8213,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please wait, database statistics are being calculated… - + Будь ласка, зачекайте. Триває розрахунок статистики бази даних… Database name @@ -8034,7 +8229,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Database created - + Базу даних створено Last saved @@ -8066,11 +8261,11 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Number of expired entries - Кількість знечинених записів + Кількість протермінованих записів The database contains entries that have expired. - Сховище містить знечинені записи. + Сховище містить протерміновані записи. Unique passwords @@ -8165,7 +8360,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Security keys are not supported by the agent or the security key provider is unavailable. - + Ключі безпеки не підтримуються агентом або провайдер ключів безпеки недоступний. No agent running, cannot remove identity. @@ -8244,7 +8439,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Search (%1)… Search placeholder text, %1 is the keyboard shortcut - + Пошук (%1)… Case sensitive @@ -8254,20 +8449,24 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group Обмежити пошук вибраною групою + + Save Search + Зберегти пошук + SettingsClientModel Application - Застосунок + Програма PID - + PID DBus Address - + Адреса DBus Manage @@ -8305,15 +8504,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Show notification when passwords are retrieved by clients - + Показувати сповіщення під час отримання паролів клієнтами <html><head/><body><p>If enabled, any attempt to read a password must be confirmed. Otherwise, clients can read passwords without confirmation when the database is unlocked.</p><p>This option only covers the access to the password of an entry. Clients can always enumerate the items of exposed databases and query their attributes.</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>Якщо увімкнено, будь-яка спроба читання пароля має бути підтверджена. В іншому випадку, клієнти можуть читати паролі без підтвердження, якщо база даних розблокована.</p><p>Цей параметр впливає лише на доступ до пароля запису. Клієнти завжди можуть бачити записи баз даних і запитувати їхні атрибути.</p></body></html> Confirm when passwords are retrieved by clients - + Підтверджувати отримання паролів клієнтами <html><head/><body><p><span style=" @@ -8321,11 +8520,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">This setting does not override disabling recycle bin prompts</span></p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" + font-family:'-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','Segoe UI','Helvetica','Arial','sans-serif','Apple Color + Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji'; font-size:14px; color:#24292e; background-color:#ffffff;">Це налаштування + не перевизначає вимкнення запитів переміщення до смітника</span></p></body></html> + Confirm when clients request entry deletion - + Підтверджувати видалення записів клієнтами <html><head/><body><p>This improves compatibility with certain applications @@ -8333,11 +8536,15 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 crash the client if the database can not be unlocked within a certain timeout. (Usually 25s, but may be a different value set in applications.)</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>Це вдосконалює сумісність із певними програмами, + які шукають пароль без попереднього розблокування бази даних..</p><p>Але увімкнення цього параметра також може + спричинити збій клієнта, якщо базу даних неможливо розблокувати впродовж певного періоду. (Зазвичай 25 секунд, але значення може + відрізнятися в різних програмах.)</p></body></html> + Prompt to unlock database before searching - + Запитувати про розблокування бази даних перед пошуком Exposed database groups: @@ -8349,7 +8556,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 These applications are currently connected: - Такі застосунки зараз сполучені: + Зараз під'єднано такі програми: <b>Warning:</b> @@ -8419,14 +8626,14 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 ShareExport Could not write export container. - + Не вдалося записати контейнер експорту. ShareImport Successful import - + Успішно імпортовано @@ -8466,17 +8673,40 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - - Expired - + Протерміновано Weak Passwords - + Ненадійні паролі + + + All Entries + Усі записи + + + Clear Search + Очистити пошук + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + Вилучити пошук + + + Remove Tag + Вилучити мітку + + + Confirm Remove Tag + Підтвердити вилучення мітки + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + Вилучити мітку "%1" з усіх записів у цій базі даних? @@ -8487,27 +8717,27 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Copy - Cкопіювати + Копіювати Expires in <b>%n</b> second(s) - Втрачає чинність через <b>%n</b> секундуВтрачає чинність через <b>%n</b> секундиВтрачає чинність через <b>%n</b> секундВтрачає чинність через <b>%n</b> секунд + Термін дії завершується через <b>%n</b> секундуТермін дії завершується через <b>%n</b> секундиТермін дії завершується через <b>%n</b> секундТермін дії завершується через <b>%n</b> секунди TotpExportSettingsDialog Copy - Cкопіювати + Копіювати NOTE: These TOTP settings are custom and may not work with other authenticators. TOTP QR code dialog warning - УВАГА: Таке налаштування ТОП є нестандартним і може не працювати з іншими автентифікаторами. + ПРИМІТКА: Таке налаштування TOTP є нестандартним і може не працювати з іншими автентифікаторами. There was an error creating the QR code. - Не вдалося створити QR-код. + Під час створення QR-коду виникла помилка. Closing in %1 seconds. @@ -8518,7 +8748,7 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TotpSetupDialog Setup TOTP - Налаштування ТОП + Налаштувати TOTP Secret Key: @@ -8534,19 +8764,19 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Default settings (RFC 6238) - + Типові налаштування (RFC 6238) Steam® settings - + Налаштування Steam® Custom settings: - + Власні налаштування: Custom Settings - Власне налаштування + Власні налаштування Algorithm: @@ -8575,20 +8805,21 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Invalid TOTP Secret - Непридатний таємний ТОП + Недійсний ключ TOTP You have entered an invalid secret key. The key must be in Base32 format. Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP - Ви ввели непридатний таємний ключ. Ключ мусить бути в форматі Base32. Наприклад: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP + Ви ввели недійсний ключ. Ключ мусить бути в форматі Base32. +Наприклад: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Confirm Remove TOTP Settings - Схвалити видалення параметрів ТОП + Підтвердити вилучення налаштувань TOTP Are you sure you want to delete TOTP settings for this entry? - Ви дійсно хочете видалити параметри ТОП для цього запису? + Ви дійсно хочете видалити налаштування TOTP для цього запису? @@ -8606,7 +8837,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Checking for updates… - + Перевірка наявності оновлень… Close @@ -8618,15 +8849,15 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP An error occurred when trying to retrieve update information, please try again later. - + Під час отримання інформації про оновлення сталася помилка. Спробуйте знову пізніше. <strong>A new version is available.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 can be <a href="">downloaded here</a>. - + <strong>Доступна нова версія.</strong><br/>KeePassXC %1 можна <a href="">завантажити тут</a>. You have the latest version of KeePassXC - + У вас найновіша версія KeePassXC @@ -8676,52 +8907,52 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Global shortcut already registered to %1 - Глобальне сполучення клавіш вже зареєстровано для %1 + Глобальну комбінацію клавіш уже зареєстровано для %1 Could not register global shortcut - Реєстрація глобального сполучення клавіш зазнало невдачі + Не вдалося зареєструвати глобальну комбінацію клавіш WindowsHello Failed to init KeePassXC crypto. - + Не вдалося ініціювати KeePassXC crypto. Failed to encrypt key data. - + Не вдалося зашифрувати дані ключа. Failed to get Windows Hello credential. - + Не вдалося отримати облікові дані Windows Hello. Failed to decrypt key data. - + Не вдалося розшифрувати дані ключа. YubiKey %1 No interface, slot %2 - + %1 без інтерфейсу, слот %2 General: - + Загальні: Could not find interface for hardware key with serial number %1. Please connect it to continue. - + Не вдалося знайти інтерфейс для апаратного ключа з серійним номером %1. Під'єднайте його, щоб продовжити. YubiKeyEditWidget Refresh hardware tokens - Оновити апаратні позначки + Оновити апаратні токени Refresh @@ -8741,27 +8972,27 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Challenge-Response - + Виклик-відповідь Add Challenge-Response - + Додати виклик-відповідь Change Challenge-Response - + Змінити виклик-відповідь Remove Challenge-Response - + Вилучити виклик-відповідь Challenge-Response set, click to change or remove - + Виклик-відповідь встановлено. Натисніть, щоб змінити або вилучити <p>If you own a <a href="">YubiKey</a> or <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, you can use it for additional security.</p><p>The key requires one of its slots to be programmed as <a href="">HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response</a>.</p> - + <p>Якщо ви володієте <a href="">YubiKey</a> або <a href="">OnlyKey</a>, ви можете користуватися ним для розширеної безпеки.</p><p>Ключ вимагає програмування одного з його слотів як <a href="">виклик-відповідь HMAC-SHA1</a>.</p> Detecting hardware keys… @@ -8783,11 +9014,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP YubiKeyInterfacePCSC (PCSC) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - + (PCSC) %1 [%2] Виклик-відповідь - Слот %3 The YubiKey PCSC interface has not been initialized. - + Інтерфейс YubiKey PCSC не було ініціалізовано. Hardware key is currently in use. @@ -8795,19 +9026,19 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP Could not find or access hardware key with serial number %1. Please present it to continue. - + Не вдалося знайти або отримати доступ до апаратного ключа з серійним номером %1. Будь ласка, надайте його, щоб продовжити. Hardware key is locked or timed out. Unlock or re-present it to continue. - + Апаратний ключ заблоковано або завершився час очікування. Розблокуйте його, або надайте повторно, щоб продовжити. Hardware key was not found or is not configured. - + Апаратний ключ не знайдено або не налаштовано. Failed to complete a challenge-response, the PCSC error code was: %1 - + Не вдалося завершити виклик-відповідь. Код помилки PCSC: %1 @@ -8818,11 +9049,11 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP (USB) %1 [%2] Configured Slot - %3 - + (USB) %1 [%2] Налаштований слот - %3 (USB) %1 [%2] Challenge-Response - Slot %3 - %4 - + (USB) %1 [%2] Виклик-відповідь - Слот %3 - %4 Press @@ -8836,7 +9067,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP The YubiKey USB interface has not been initialized. - + USB-інтерфейс для YubiKey не було ініціалізовано. Hardware key is currently in use. @@ -8852,7 +9083,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP A USB error occurred when accessing the hardware key: %1 - + Виникла помилка з USB під час доступу до апаратного ключа: %1 Failed to complete a challenge-response, the specific error was: %1 diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts index 03e908a05..990a35205 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_CN.ts @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ SSH_AUTH_SOCK override - SSH_AUTH_SOCK 重写 + SSH_AUTH_SOCK 覆写 SSH_AUTH_SOCK value @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ No SSH Agent socket available. Either make sure SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable exists or set an override. - 没有可用的 SSH 代理套接字。确保环境变量 SSH_AUTH_SOCK 存在或已设置重写。 + 没有可用的 SSH 代理套接字。确保环境变量 SSH_AUTH_SOCK 存在或已设置覆写。 SSH Agent connection is working! @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory 选择备份存储文件夹 + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + 如果启用解锁时最小化,则无法启用此设置。 + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: 记住上次输入的条目: + + recent files + 最近的文件 + + + Show passwords in color + 密码以彩色显示 + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 无效的占位符:%1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + 条目不包含用于 PICKCHARS 的属性:%1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: 密钥文件: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>除了密码之外,您还可以使用机密文件来增强数据库的安全性。此文件可以在数据库的安全设置中生成。</p><p>这<strong>不是</strong>您的 *.kdbx 数据库文件!<br>如果没有密钥文件,请将此字段留空。</p><p>点击获取更多信息…</p> - Key file help 密钥文件帮助 @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: 硬件密钥: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>您可以使用像 <strong>YubiKey</strong> 或 <strong>OnlyKey</strong> 这种带有 HMAC-SHA1 配置插槽的硬件安全密钥。</p> -<p>点击获取更多信息…</p> - Hardware key help 硬件密钥帮助 @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… 选择硬件密钥... + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>除了密码之外,您还可以使用机密文件来增强数据库的安全性。此文件可以在数据库的安全设置中生成。</p><p>这<strong>不是</strong>您的 *.kdbx 数据库文件!<br>如果没有密钥文件,请将此字段留空。</p><p>点击获取更多信息…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>您可以使用像 <strong>YubiKey</strong> 或 <strong>OnlyKey</strong> 这种带有 HMAC-SHA1 配置插槽的硬件安全密钥。</p> +<p>点击获取更多信息…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [锁定] + + Export database to XML file + 导出数据库到 XML 文件 + + + XML file + XML 文件 + + + Writing the XML file failed + 写入 XML 文件失败 + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - 数据库标签 - Searching… 正在搜索… @@ -2418,7 +2442,23 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) - 将在 %1 天内过期的条目 + 将在 %1 天内过期的条目 + + + Searches and Tags + 搜索与标签 + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + 输入唯一名称或者覆盖列表中已存在的搜索: + + + Save + 保存 + + + Save Search + 保存搜索 @@ -3092,6 +3132,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups 切换当前群组与子群组是否不用于 HTTP 认证 + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + 匹配时省略 WWW 子域名: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + 切换当前群组与子群组是否在匹配时省略 WWW 子域名 + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3515,7 +3563,7 @@ This may cause the affected plugins to malfunction. Are you sure you want to remove %n attachment(s)? - 您确定要删除 %n 个附件吗? + 您确定要删除 %n 个附件吗? Save attachments @@ -3895,6 +3943,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled 禁用 + + Double click to copy value + 双击复制值 + EntryURLModel @@ -5393,6 +5445,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? 您必须重新启动应用才能应用此设置。要现在重新启动吗? + + Tags + 标签 + + + No Tags + 无标签 + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 项条目 + + + Copy Password and TOTP + 复制密码和 TOTP + + + &XML File… + &XML 文件… + + + XML File… + XML 文件… + ManageDatabase @@ -5764,29 +5840,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. 写入私钥时遇到意外的 EOF - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - 密码不匹配 - - - Passwords match so far - 密码目前匹配 - - - Toggle Password (%1) - 切换密码显示(%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - 生成密码(%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - 警告:已启用大写锁定! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5965,10 +6018,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: 也在此选择: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - 排除字符:“0”、“1”、“l”、“I”、“O”、“|”、“﹒” - Exclude look-alike characters 排除相似的字符 @@ -6119,6 +6168,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality 优秀 + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + 排除字符:“0”、“1”、“l”、“I”、“O”、“|”、“﹒” + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + 密码不匹配 + + + Passwords match so far + 密码目前匹配 + + + Toggle Password (%1) + 切换密码显示(%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + 生成密码(%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + 警告:已启用大写锁定! + + + Quality: %1 + 质量:%1 + + + Poor + Password quality + 差劲 + + + Weak + Password quality + 较弱 + + + Good + Password quality + 良好 + + + Excellent + Password quality + 优秀 + PickcharsDialog @@ -7735,6 +7835,64 @@ CPU 架构:%2 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. 请感应或触摸您的 YubiKey 以继续。 + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + 显示条目的所有属性。 + + + Edit a database. + 编辑一个数据库。 + + + Could not change the database key. + 无法更改数据库密钥。 + + + Database was not modified. + 数据库未被修改。 + + + Successfully edited the database. + 已成功编辑数据库。 + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + 加载新密钥文件失败:%1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + 删除数据库的密码。 + + + Unset the key file for the database. + 删除数据库的密钥文件。 + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + 无法同时使用 %1 和 %2。 + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + 无法从数据库中删除所有密钥 。 + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + 无法删除密码:数据库不含密码。 + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + 无法删除文件密钥:数据库不含文件密钥。 + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + 发现意料之外的密钥类型 %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + 设置数据库的密钥文件。 +此选项已弃用,请用 --set-key-file 代替。 + QtIOCompressor @@ -8282,6 +8440,10 @@ CPU 架构:%2 Limit search to selected group 仅搜索选中的群组 + + Save Search + 保存搜索 + SettingsClientModel @@ -8502,10 +8664,6 @@ CPU 架构:%2 TagModel - - All - 所有 - Expired 已过期 @@ -8514,6 +8672,33 @@ CPU 架构:%2 Weak Passwords 弱密码 + + All Entries + 所有条目 + + + Clear Search + 清除搜索 + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + 删除搜索 + + + Remove Tag + 删除标签 + + + Confirm Remove Tag + 确认删除标签 + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + 要删除数据库中所有条目包含的“%1”标签吗? + TotpDialog @@ -8663,7 +8848,7 @@ Example: JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP You have the latest version of KeePassXC - 您的 KeePassXC 已经是最版本 + 您的 KeePassXC 已经是最新版本 diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts index 73d3f5f51..4b1ed35ee 100644 --- a/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts +++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_zh_TW.ts @@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ Select backup storage directory 選擇備份存放目錄 + + This setting cannot be enabled when minimize on unlock is enabled. + 如果啟用解鎖時最小化,則無法啟用此設置。 + ApplicationSettingsWidgetGeneral @@ -493,6 +497,14 @@ Remember last typed entry for: 記住上次輸入的項目: + + recent files + 最近的檔案 + + + Show passwords in color + 密碼以彩色顯示 + ApplicationSettingsWidgetSecurity @@ -643,6 +655,10 @@ Invalid placeholder: %1 無效的佔位符: %1 + + Entry does not have attribute for PICKCHARS: %1 + 項目不包含用於 PICKCHARS 的屬性:%1 + AutoTypeAssociationsModel @@ -1430,10 +1446,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Key File: 金鑰檔: - - <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>除了密碼,您還可以使用一份袐密檔案來加強資料庫的安全性。使用資料庫的安全設定可以產生該檔案。</p><p>這個<strong>並不是</strong>您的 *.kdbx 資料庫檔案!<br>若您沒有金鑰檔案,則留空欄位。</p><p>點擊獲得更多資訊…</p> - Key file help 金鑰檔案幫助 @@ -1446,12 +1458,6 @@ Backup database located at %2 Hardware Key: 硬體金鑰: - - <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> -<p>Click for more information…</p> - <p>您可以使用諸如 <strong>YubiKey</strong> 或 <strong>OnlyKey</strong> 等實體安全金鑰,只要它們擁有可設置 HMAC-SHA1 的槽位。</p> -<p>點擊獲得更多資訊…</p> - Hardware key help 硬體金鑰幫助 @@ -1596,6 +1602,16 @@ If you do not have a key file, please leave the field empty. Select hardware key… 選擇硬體金鑰… + + <p>In addition to a password, you can use a secret file to enhance the security of your database. This file can be generated in your database's security settings.</p><p>This is <strong>not</strong> your *.kdbx database file!<br>If you do not have a key file, leave this field empty.</p><p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>除了密碼,您還可以使用一份袐密檔案來加強資料庫的安全性。使用資料庫的安全設定可以產生該檔案。</p><p>這個<strong>並不是</strong>您的 *.kdbx 資料庫檔案!<br>若您沒有金鑰檔案,則留空欄位。</p><p>點擊獲得更多資訊…</p> + + + <p>You can use a hardware security key such as a <strong>YubiKey</strong> or <strong>OnlyKey</strong> with slots configured for HMAC-SHA1.</p> +<p>Click for more information…</p> + <p>您可以使用諸如 <strong>YubiKey</strong> 或 <strong>OnlyKey</strong> 等實體安全金鑰,只要它們擁有可設置 HMAC-SHA1 的槽位。</p> +<p>點擊獲得更多資訊…</p> + DatabaseSettingWidgetMetaData @@ -2247,13 +2263,21 @@ This is definitely a bug, please report it to the developers. Database tab name modifier %1 [已鎖定] + + Export database to XML file + 匯出資料庫至 XML 檔 + + + XML file + XML 檔 + + + Writing the XML file failed + 寫入 XML 檔失敗 + DatabaseWidget - - Database Tags - 資料庫標籤 - Searching… 搜尋中… @@ -2420,6 +2444,22 @@ Disable safe saves and try again? Entries expiring within %1 day(s) 將在 %1 天內過期的項目 + + Searches and Tags + 搜索與標籤 + + + Enter a unique name or overwrite an existing search from the list: + 輸入唯一名稱,或是覆寫清單中已存在的搜索: + + + Save + 儲存 + + + Save Search + 儲存搜索 + EditEntryWidget @@ -3092,6 +3132,14 @@ Would you like to correct it? Do not use HTTP Auth toggle for this and sub groups 切換目前群組與其子群組是否不使用 HTTP 認證 + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching: + 匹配時省略 WWW 子域名: + + + Omit WWW subdomain from matching toggle for this and sub groups + 切換目前群組與其子群組是否在匹配時省略 WWW 子域名 + EditGroupWidgetKeeShare @@ -3895,6 +3943,10 @@ Error: %1 Disabled 停用 + + Double click to copy value + 雙擊可複製值 + EntryURLModel @@ -5395,6 +5447,30 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. You must restart the application to apply this setting. Would you like to restart now? 必須重啟應用程式來套用此設定。您是否要現在重新啟動? + + Tags + 標籤 + + + No Tags + 無標籤 + + + %1 Entry(s) + %1 個項目 + + + Copy Password and TOTP + 複製密碼與 TOTP + + + &XML File… + &XML 檔… + + + XML File… + XML 檔… + ManageDatabase @@ -5766,29 +5842,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. 寫入私密金鑰時出現意外的檔案結尾 - - PasswordEdit - - Passwords do not match - 不符合的密碼 - - - Passwords match so far - 目前符合的密碼 - - - Toggle Password (%1) - 切換密碼 (%1) - - - Generate Password (%1) - 生成密碼 (%1) - - - Warning: Caps Lock enabled! - 警告:Caps Lock 已啟用! - - PasswordEditWidget @@ -5967,10 +6020,6 @@ We recommend you use the AppImage available on our downloads page. Also choose from: 也從此選擇: - - Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - 排除以下字元:"0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" - Exclude look-alike characters 去除相似的字元 @@ -6121,6 +6170,57 @@ Do you want to overwrite it? Password quality 極好 + + Excluded characters: "0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + 排除以下字元:"0", "1", "l", "I", "O", "|", "﹒" + + + + PasswordWidget + + Passwords do not match + 不符合的密碼 + + + Passwords match so far + 目前符合的密碼 + + + Toggle Password (%1) + 切換密碼 (%1) + + + Generate Password (%1) + 生成密碼 (%1) + + + Warning: Caps Lock enabled! + 警告:Caps Lock 已啟用! + + + Quality: %1 + 密碼品質:%1 + + + Poor + Password quality + 極弱 + + + Weak + Password quality + 較弱 + + + Good + Password quality + 較好 + + + Excellent + Password quality + 極好 + PickcharsDialog @@ -7739,6 +7839,64 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Please present or touch your YubiKey to continue. 請感應或接觸您的 YubiKey 以繼續。 + + Show all the attributes of the entry. + 顯示項目的所有屬性。 + + + Edit a database. + 編輯資料庫。 + + + Could not change the database key. + 無法更改資料庫金鑰。 + + + Database was not modified. + 資料庫未被修改。 + + + Successfully edited the database. + 已成功編輯資料庫。 + + + Loading the new key file failed: %1 + 載入新金鑰檔案失敗:%1 + + + Unset the password for the database. + 刪除資料庫的密碼。 + + + Unset the key file for the database. + 刪除資料庫的金鑰檔案。 + + + Cannot use %1 and %2 at the same time. + 無法同時使用 %1 和 %2。 + + + Cannot remove all the keys from a database. + 無法從資料庫移除所有金鑰。 + + + Cannot remove password: The database does not have a password. + 無法刪除密碼:資料庫不含密碼。 + + + Cannot remove file key: The database does not have a file key. + 無法刪除檔案金鑰:資料庫不含檔案金鑰。 + + + Found unexpected Key type %1 + 發現未預期的金鑰類型 %1 + + + Set the key file for the database. +This options is deprecated, use --set-key-file instead. + 設定資料庫的金鑰檔案。 +此選項已經棄用,請用 --set-key-file 代替。 + QtIOCompressor @@ -8286,6 +8444,10 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Limit search to selected group 限制只搜尋選定的群組 + + Save Search + 儲存搜索 + SettingsClientModel @@ -8506,10 +8668,6 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 TagModel - - All - 所有 - Expired 已過期 @@ -8518,6 +8676,33 @@ Kernel: %3 %4 Weak Passwords 弱密碼 + + All Entries + 所有項目 + + + Clear Search + 清除搜索 + + + + TagView + + Remove Search + 移除搜索 + + + Remove Tag + 移除標籤 + + + Confirm Remove Tag + 確認移除標籤 + + + Remove tag "%1" from all entries in this database? + 要移除資料庫中所有項目包含的「%1」標籤嗎? + TotpDialog