diff --git a/share/translations/keepassxc_en.ts b/share/translations/keepassxc_en.ts
index 301d888ff..81895f9ea 100644
--- a/share/translations/keepassxc_en.ts
+++ b/share/translations/keepassxc_en.ts
@@ -2825,6 +2825,10 @@ Disable safe saves and try again?
Database file on disk cannot be unlocked with current credentials.<br>Enter new credentials and/or present hardware key to continue.
+ Failed to save backup database: %1
diff --git a/src/gui/DatabaseWidget.cpp b/src/gui/DatabaseWidget.cpp
index 465df1367..7b8f9e5cc 100644
--- a/src/gui/DatabaseWidget.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/DatabaseWidget.cpp
@@ -2615,45 +2615,45 @@ bool DatabaseWidget::performSave(QString& errorMessage, const QString& fileName)
bool DatabaseWidget::saveBackup()
- while (true) {
- QString oldFilePath = m_db->filePath();
- if (!QFileInfo::exists(oldFilePath)) {
- QString defaultFileName = config()->get(Config::DefaultDatabaseFileName).toString();
- oldFilePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(
- FileDialog::getLastDir("db") + "/"
- + (defaultFileName.isEmpty() ? tr("Passwords").append(".kdbx") : defaultFileName));
- }
+ QString oldFilePath = m_db->filePath();
+ if (!QFileInfo::exists(oldFilePath)) {
+ QString defaultFileName = config()->get(Config::DefaultDatabaseFileName).toString();
+ oldFilePath =
+ QDir::toNativeSeparators(FileDialog::getLastDir("db") + "/"
+ + (defaultFileName.isEmpty() ? tr("Passwords").append(".kdbx") : defaultFileName));
+ }
- const QString newFilePath = fileDialog()->getSaveFileName(this,
- tr("Save database backup"),
- FileDialog::getLastDir("backup", oldFilePath),
- tr("KeePass 2 Database").append(" (*.kdbx)"));
+ const QString newFilePath = fileDialog()->getSaveFileName(this,
+ tr("Save database backup"),
+ FileDialog::getLastDir("backup", oldFilePath),
+ tr("KeePass 2 Database").append(" (*.kdbx)"));
- if (!newFilePath.isEmpty()) {
- // Ensure we don't recurse back into this function
- m_db->setFilePath(newFilePath);
- m_saveAttempts = 0;
- bool modified = m_db->isModified();
- if (!save()) {
- // Failed to save, try again
- m_db->setFilePath(oldFilePath);
- continue;
- }
- m_db->setFilePath(oldFilePath);
- if (modified) {
- // Source database is marked as clean when copy is saved, even if source has unsaved changes
- m_db->markAsModified();
- }
- FileDialog::saveLastDir("backup", newFilePath, true);
- return true;
- }
- // Canceled file selection
+ // Early out if we canceled the file selection
+ if (newFilePath.isEmpty()) {
return false;
+ // Record modified state so we can restore after save
+ bool modified = m_db->isModified();
+ QString error;
+ bool ok = m_db->saveAs(newFilePath, Database::DirectWrite, {}, &error);
+ // Restore database to original state
+ m_db->setFilePath(oldFilePath);
+ if (modified) {
+ // Source database is marked as clean when copy is saved, even if source has unsaved changes
+ m_db->markAsModified();
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ // Failed to save backup, post the error
+ showErrorMessage(tr("Failed to save backup database: %1").arg(error));
+ return false;
+ }
+ FileDialog::saveLastDir("backup", newFilePath, true);
+ return true;
void DatabaseWidget::showMessage(const QString& text,