2017-11-26 16:36:46 -05:00
# Quick Start for KeePassXC
This procedure gets KeePassXC running on your computer with browser integration,
using the pre-built binaries available for [download ](https://keepassxc.org/download )
from [KeePassXC site ](https://keepassxc.org ).
**TL;DR** KeePassXC saves your passwords securely.
When you double-click a URL in KeePassXC, it launches your default browser to that URL.
With browser integration configured, KeePassXC automatically enters
username/password credentials into web page fields.
## Installing and Starting KeePassXC
* [Download the native installer ](https://keepassxc.org/download ) and install
KeePassXC for your Windows, macOS, or Linux computer in the usual way for your platform.
* Open the KeePassXC application.
* Create a new database and give it a master key that's used to unlock the database file.
This database holds entries (usernames, passwords, account numbers, notes)
for all your websites, programs, etc.
* Create a few entries - enter the username, password, URL, and optionally notes about the entry.
* KeePassXC securely stores those entries in the database.
## Setting up Browser Integration with KeePassXC
* *Within KeePassXC*, go to **Tools->Settings** (on macOS, go to **KeePassXC->Preferences** .)
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* In **Browser Integration** , check **Enable KeePassXC browser integration**
* Right below that, click the checkbox for the browser(s) you use
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Leave the other options at their defaults.
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* *In your default web browser,* install the KeePassXC Browser extension/add-on. Instructions for [Firefox or Tor Browser ](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keepassxc-browser/ ) or [Chrome ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keepassxc-browser/oboonakemofpalcgghocfoadofidjkkk )
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* Click the KeePassXC icon in the upper-right corner. You'll see the dialog below.
* Click the blue Connect button to make the browser extension connect to the KeePassXC application.
< img src = "./KeePassXC-Connect.png" height = "200" alt = "KeePassXC Connect dialog" >
* *Switch back to KeePassXC.* You'll see a dialog (below) indicating that a request to connect has arrived.
* Give the connection a name (perhaps *Keepass-Browsername* , any unique name will suffice) and click OK to accept it.
* This one-time operation connects KeePassXC and your browser.
< img src = "./KeePassXC-Accept-Button.png" height = "200" alt = "KeePassXC accept connection dialog" >
## Using Browser Integration
* *Within KeePassXC,* double-click the URL of an entry,
or select it and type Ctrl+U (Cmd+U on macOS).
* Your browser opens to that URL.
* If there are username/password fields on that page, you will see the dialog below.
Click *Allow* to confirm that KeePassXC may access the credentials to auto-fill the fields.
* Check *Remember this decision* to allow this each time you visit the page.
< img src = "./KeePassXC-Confirm.png" height = "200" alt = "KeePassCX Confirm Access dialog" >