The KeePassXC interface is designed for simplicity and easy access to your information. The main database view is split into four main partitions detailed below. You can open multiple databases at the same time, they will appear in tabs.
*(A) Groups* – Organize your entries into discrete groups to bring order to all of your sensitive information. Groups can be nested under each other to create a hierarchy. Settings from parent groups get applied to their children. You can hide this panel on the View menu.
*(B) Tags* – Dynamic groups of entries that can be quickly displayed with one click. Any number of custom tags can be added when editing an entry. This panel also includes useful pre-defined searches, such as finding expired and weak passwords.
*\(C) Entries* – Entries contain all the information you want to store for a website or application you are storing in KeePassXC. This view shows all the entries in the selected group. Each column can be resized, reordered, and shown or hidden based on your preference. Right-click the header row to see all available options.
*(D) Preview* – Shows a preview of the selected group or entry. You can temporarily hide this preview using the close button on the right hand side or completely disabled in the application settings.
TIP: You can enable double-click copying of entry username and password in the Application Security Settings. This is turned off by default starting with version 2.7.0.
The toolbar provides a quick way to perform common tasks with your database. Some entries in the toolbar are dynamically disabled based on the information contained in the selected entry. Every common action in KeePassXC can be controlled with a keyboard shortcut as well.
Users can configure KeePassXC to their personal tastes with a wide variety of general and security settings that apply to the whole application. These settings are accessible from _Tools_ -> _Settings_ or the cog wheel icon from the toolbar. Settings include: startup options, file management, entry management, user interface, language, security timeouts, and convenience.
==== Setting the Theme
KeePassXC ships with light and dark themes specifically designed to meet accessibility standards. In most cases, the appropriate theme for your system will be determined automatically, but you can always set a specific theme by using the _View_ menu. When a new theme is selected you will be prompted to restart KeePassXC to apply the theme immediately.
.Setting the theme
==== Compact Mode
For users with smaller screens or those who desire seeing more entries at once, KeePassXC offers a compact view mode. This mode shows smaller toolbar, group, and entry icons. The effect of compact mode (left side) can be seen below.
By default, KeePassXC prevents recordings and screenshots of the application window on Windows and macOS. This prevents inadvertent spillage of information during meetings and disallows other applications to capture the window contents. If you would like to enable screen capture, you must start the application with the `--allow-screencapture` command line flag.
filename(s) filenames of the password databases to open (*.kdbx)
Additionally, the following environment variables may be useful when running the application:
[grid=rows, frame=none, width=75%]
|Env Var | Description
|KPXC_CONFIG | Override default path to roaming configuration file
|KPXC_CONFIG_LOCAL | Override default path to local configuration file
|SSH_AUTH_SOCKET | Path of the unix file socket that the agent uses for communication with other processes (SSH Agent)
|QT_SCALE_FACTOR [numeric] | Defines a global scale factor for the whole application, including point-sized fonts.
|QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS [list] | Specifies scale factors for each screen. See
|QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY | Control device pixel ratio rounding to the nearest integer. See