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Build and Install KeePassXC
This document will guide you through the steps to build and install KeePassXC from source.
You can visit the online version of this document at the following link:
2017-12-12 10:15:23 +02:00
The [KeePassXC QuickStart](./docs/ gets you started using KeePassXC on your
Windows, Mac, or Linux computer using the pre-built binaries.
Build Dependencies
The following tools must exist within your PATH:
* make
* cmake (>= 2.8.12)
* g++ (>= 4.7) or clang++ (>= 3.0)
The following libraries are required:
* Qt 5 (>= 5.2): qtbase and qttools5
* libgcrypt (>= 1.6)
* zlib
* libmicrohttpd
* libxi, libxtst, qtx11extras (optional for auto-type on X11)
* libsodium (>= 1.0.12)
* libargon2
Prepare the Building Environment
* [Building Environment on Linux](
* [Building Environment on Windows](
* [Building Environment on MacOS](
Build Steps
We recommend using the release tool to perform builds, please read up-to-date instructions [on our wiki](
To compile from source, open a **Terminal (on Linux/MacOS)** or a **MSYS2-MinGW shell (on Windows)**<br/>
**Note:** on Windows make sure you are using a **MINGW shell** by checking the label before the current path
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First, download the KeePassXC [source tarball](
or check out the latest version from our [Git repository](
To clone the project from Git, `cd` to a suitable location and run
git clone
This will clone the entire contents of the repository and check out the current `develop` branch.
To update the project from within the project's folder, you can run the following command:
git pull
2018-03-18 01:10:00 +01:00
For a stable build, it is recommended to checkout the master branch.
git checkout master
Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded KeePassXC and type these commands:
cd directory-where-sources-live
mkdir build
cd build
2018-03-18 01:10:00 +01:00
cmake -DWITH_XC_ALL=ON ..
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If you are on Windows, you may have to add ```-G "MSYS Makefiles"``` to the beginning of the cmake command. See the [Windows Build Instructions]( for more information.
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These steps place the compiled KeePassXC binary inside the `./build/src/` directory.
(Note the cmake notes/options below.)
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**Cmake Notes:**
* Common cmake parameters
* cmake accepts the following options:
-DWITH_XC_AUTOTYPE=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable Auto-Type (default: ON)
-DWITH_XC_YUBIKEY=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable YubiKey HMAC-SHA1 authentication support (default: OFF)
2018-01-17 14:55:13 +02:00
-DWITH_XC_BROWSER=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable KeePassXC-Browser extension support (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_NETWORKING=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable Networking support (e.g., favicon downloading) (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_SSHAGENT=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable SSHAgent support (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_TOUCHID=[ON|OFF] (macOS Only) Enable/Disable Touch ID unlock (default:OFF)
-DWITH_XC_KEESHARE=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable KeeShare group synchronization extension (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_KEESHARE_SECURE=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable KeeShare signed containers, requires libquazip5 (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_ALL=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable compiling all plugins above (default: OFF)
-DWITH_XC_UPDATECHECK=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable automatic updating checking (requires WITH_XC_NETWORKING) (default: ON)
-DWITH_TESTS=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable building of unit tests (default: ON)
-DWITH_GUI_TESTS=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable building of GUI tests (default: OFF)
-DWITH_DEV_BUILD=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable deprecated method warnings (default: OFF)
-DWITH_ASAN=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable address sanitizer checks (Linux / macOS only) (default: OFF)
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-DWITH_COVERAGE=[ON|OFF] Enable/Disable coverage tests (GCC only) (default: OFF)
-DWITH_APP_BUNDLE=[ON|OFF] Enable Application Bundle for macOS (default: ON)
-DKEEPASSXC_BUILD_TYPE=[Snapshot|PreRelease|Release] Set the build type to show/hide stability warnings (default: "Snapshot")
-DKEEPASSXC_DIST_TYPE=[Snap|AppImage|Other] Specify the distribution method (default: "Other")
-DOVERRIDE_VERSION=[X.X.X] Specify a version number when building. Used with snapshot builds (default: "")
-DGIT_HEAD_OVERRIDE=[XXXXXXX] Specify the 7 digit git commit ref for this build. Used with distribution builds (default: "")
* If you are on MacOS you must add this parameter to **Cmake**, with the Qt version you have installed<br/> `-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.6.2/lib/cmake/`
2012-04-25 20:22:44 +02:00
:exclamation: When building with ASan support on macOS, you need to use `export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0` before running the tests (no LSan support in macOS).
After you have successfully built KeePassXC, install the binary by executing the following:
sudo make install
You can specify the destination dir with
You can create a package to redistribute KeePassXC (zip, deb, rpm, dmg, etc..)
make package
You can perform test on the executable
make test
Common parameters:
ARGS+="-E testgui"